7 Best Practices For Emergency Preparedness and Response
7 Best Practices For Emergency Preparedness and Response
7 Best Practices For Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness
and Response
The Impact of Major
Crises and Events
The number of major crises and events this year have highlighted
the need for electric utilities to assess emergency preparedness and
response capabilities and discern whether current processes both
meet their needs for safety and continuity in the current climate, and
also meet industry compliance standards.
The number of wildfires has
continued to grow year over
year with 2020 more than
doubling the amount of total
acreage burned the prior year.
Reduce exposure to compliance violations with the mandatory NERC Reliability Standards and more
effectively safeguard against sanctions and directives related to the Violation Risk Factors and Violation
Severity Levels. Strong audit capabilities in a common platform for preparedness and response are
especially helpful in the compliance monitoring process. A common platform documents and offers
evidence for the utility to address any inquiries.
NERC Reliability Standards are revised frequently, so it is important to ensure your incident
management solution will be compliant to new standards from NERC, especially concerning
coordinated operations and resource planning and allocation.
NERC’s Reliability Standards outline strategies for risk-based solutions which suggest that
“a risk-based reliability requirement should be framed as: who, under what conditions (if any),
shall perform what action, to achieve what particular result or outcome that reduces a stated
risk to the reliability of the bulk power system?”
Consider a common incident management technology platform An effective incident management technology platform enables
that binds enterprise departments and functions for a structured faster recognition of enterprise actions and situational event status
and repeatable approach to preparedness and response, thus through coordinated management, following industry standards.
mitigating risk exposure.
3. COST MANAGEMENT An end-to-end incident management technology platform that
The incident management technology platform should provide incorporates the necessary internal departments and business
a scalable platform that allows for tracking and monitoring daily functions will increase the context around generation and
activities, yet is able to rapidly support a full enterprise call to action. transmission decisions and justifications.
The incident management technology platform should also allow Using an incident management technology platform supports
capabilities for data linking and situational awareness across and facilitates regular training exercises so the enterprise and
enterprise departments, which leads to a reduction of effort employees are more informed and familiar with how the utility
and heightened focus on reliability and risk mitigation. will respond in an event.