Classcode - Familyname - Firstname - Midterms: Red Italics
Classcode - Familyname - Firstname - Midterms: Red Italics
Classcode - Familyname - Firstname - Midterms: Red Italics
Read and carefully understand each question below. Answer each question substantially.
Refer to the attached rubric for the scoring.
1. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among
people has contributed to the growth of our economy? Explain how S & T played its
part in the history of human civilization. Give an example to justify your answer (20pts.)
2. A frontliner working on a vaccination site stole nearly expired COVID-19 vaccine and
injected them to his wife, family, and friends. Is his action justified? Why or why not?
Defend your answer. Include concept/s or principles learned from your module
3. There are many products out in the market. As a citizen, should labels be incorporated
in the packaging of consumer products containing nanoparticles? Why or why not?
What suggestions (at least 2) can you offer to manufacturers based on lessons learned
from your module? (20pts.)
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Distribution of Points
1. Content 10 7 4
Addresses each Question was The question
question and all its addressed but and its parts
parts thoroughly; the answer were not
incorporates does not addressed. No
relevant course totally suffice or very little
content into the information relevant
responses; uses required for course content
specific the is added.
information/keywor question.
ds from course
2. 7 5 3
Understanding/ Demonstrates Demonstrate Does not
Application/ deep understanding demonstrate
Originality understanding of of some understanding
course concepts, course of the course
theories and ideas concepts, concepts,
Answers written theories and or theories and or
using own words. ideas ideas
3. Structure/ 3 2 1
Grammar/ Response to each Some parts of Response is
mechanics question is well the response scattered.
organized and are
clearly written. unorganized. Grammatical
No grammatical Few errors weaken
and spelling grammatical the quality of
errors. and spelling communication.
errors but does
weaken the
quality of