4.2 Air Quality

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The project site is located within the City of Hermosa Beach, which is part of the South Coast Air Basin (Basin) and is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The air quality assessment for the proposed project includes estimating emissions associated with short-term construction and long-term operation of the proposed project. A number of air quality modeling tools are available to assess air quality impacts of projects. In addition, certain air districts, such as the SCAQMD, have created guidelines and requirements to conduct air quality analyses. The SCAQMDs current guidelines, included in its CEQA Air Quality Handbook (April 1993) were adhered to in the assessment of air quality impacts for the proposed project. Regional Air Quality

Both the State of California and the federal government have established health-based ambient air quality standards (AAQS) for six air pollutants. As shown in Table 4.2.A, these pollutants include ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (PM10), and lead (Pb). In July 1997, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted new standards for eight-hour ozone and for fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5). In addition, the State has set standards for sulfates, hydrogen sulfide, vinyl chloride, and visibility reducing particles. These standards are designed to protect the health and welfare of the populace with a reasonable margin of safety. In addition to setting out primary and secondary AAQS, the State of California has established a set of episode criteria for O3, CO, NO2, SO2, and PM10. These criteria refer to episode levels representing periods of short-term exposure to air pollutants that actually threaten public health. Health effects are progressively more severe as pollutant levels increase from Stage One to Stage Three. Table 4.2.B lists the health effects of these criteria pollutants and their potential sources. These health effects would not occur unless the standards are exceeded by a large margin or for a prolonged period of time. The State AAQS are more stringent than the federal AAQS. The California Clean Air Act (CCAA) provides the SCAQMD with the authority to manage transportation activities at indirect sources. Indirect sources of pollution are generated when minor sources collectively emit a substantial amount of pollution. Examples of this would be the motor vehicles at an intersection, a mall, and on highways. The SCAQMD also regulates stationary sources of pollution throughout its jurisdictional area. Direct emissions from motor vehicles are regulated by the California Air Resources Board (ARB).

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Table 4.2.A: Ambient Air Quality Standards

Pollutant Averaging Time 1-Hour Ozone (O3) 8-Hour Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 24-Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 24-Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 8-Hour Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1-Hour 8-Hour (Lake Tahoe) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual Arithmetic Mean 1-Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 24-Hour 3-Hour 1-Hour 30 Day Average Lead

California Standards1 Concentration3 0.09 ppm (180 g/m3) -50 g/m3 20 g/m3 Gravimetric or Beta Attenuation Method4 Ultraviolet Photometry Primary3,5 0.12 ppm (235 g/m3)8 0.08 ppm (157 g/m3)8 150 g/m3 50 g/m3 65 g/m3 15 g/m3 9 ppm (10 mg/m3) Non-Dispersive Infrared Photometry (NDIR) 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) -Gas Phase Chemiluminescenc e 0.053 ppm (100 g/m3) -0.030 ppm (80 g/m3) Ultraviolet Fluorescence 0.14 ppm (365 g/m3) ---Atomic Absorption 1.5 g/m3

Federal Standards2 Secondary3,6 Same as Primary Standard Method7 Ultraviolet Photometry

Same as Primary Standard

Inertial Separation and Gravimetric Analysis Inertial Separation and Gravimetric Analysis Non-Dispersive Infrared Photometry (NDIR) -Gas Phase Chemiluminescenc e

No Separate State Standard 12 g/m3 9.0 ppm (10 mg/m3) 20 ppm (23 mg/m3) 6 ppm (7 mg/m3) Gravimetric or Beta Attenuation

Same as Primary Standard


-Same as Primary Standard

-0.25 ppm (470 g/m3) -0.04 ppm (105 g/m3) -0.25 ppm (655 g/m3) 1.5 g/m3

-Spectrophotometry (Pararosaniline Method)

-0.5 ppm (1300 g/m3) --Same as Primary Standard

Calendar Quarter

-Extinction coefficient of 0.23 per kilometer visibility of ten miles or more (0.07-30 miles or more for Lake Tahoe) due to particles when relative humidity is less than 70 percent. Method: Beta Attenuation and Transmittance through Filter Tape. 25 g/m3 0.03 ppm (42 g/m ) 0.01 ppm (26 g/m3)

High Volume Sampler and Atomic Absorption

VisibilityReducing Particles


No Federal Standards

Sulfates Hydrogen Sulfide Vinyl Cloride9

24-Hour 1-Hour 24-Hour

Ion Chromatography Ultraviolet Fluorescence Gas Chromatography

Source: ARB (July 2003).

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California standards for ozone; carbon monoxide (except Lake Tahoe); sulfur dioxide (1 and 24 hour); nitrogen dioxide; suspended particulate matter, PM10; and visibility reducing particles are values that are not to be exceeded. All others are not to be equaled or exceeded. California ambient air quality standards are listed in the Table of Standards in Section 70200 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. National standards (other than ozone, particulate matter, and those based on annual averages or annual arithmetic mean) are not to be exceeded more than once a year. The ozone standard is attained when the fourth highest eight-hour concentration in a year, averaged over three years, is equal to or less than the standard. For PM10, the 24 hour standard is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with a 24-hour average concentration above 150 g/m3 is equal to or less than one. For PM2.5, the 24-hour standard is attained when 98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard. Contact U.S. EPA for further clarification and current federal policies. Concentration expressed first in units in which it was promulgated. Equivalent units given in parentheses are based upon a reference temperature of 25C and a reference pressure of 760 torr. Most measurements of air quality are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25C and a reference pressure of 760 torr; ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume, or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas. Any equivalent procedure that can be shown to the satisfaction of the ARB to give equivalent results at or near the level of the air quality standard may be used. National Primary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary, with an adequate margin of safety to protect the public health. National Secondary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects of a pollutant. Reference method as described by the EPA. An equivalent method of measurement may be used but must have a consistent relationship to the reference method and must be approved by the EPA. New federal eight-hour ozone and fine particulate matter standards were promulgated by U.S. EPA on July 18, 1997. Contact U.S. EPA for further clarification and current federal policies. The ARB has identified lead and vinyl chloride as toxic air contaminants with no threshold level of exposure for adverse health effects determined. These actions allow for the implementation of control measures at levels below the ambient concentrations specified for these pollutants.

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Table 4.2.B: Summary of Health Effects of the Major Criteria Air Pollutants
Pollutants Ozone (O3) Sources Atmospheric reaction of organic gases with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight. Primary Effects Aggravation of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Irritation of eyes. Impairment of cardiopulmonary function. Plant leaf injury. Aggravation of respiratory illness. Reduced visibility. Reduced plant growth. Formation of acid rain. Reduced tolerance for exercise. Impairment of mental function. Impairment of fetal development. Death at high levels of exposure. Aggravation of some heart diseases (angina). Reduced lung function. Aggravation of the effects of gaseous pollutants. Aggravation of respiratory and cardiorespiratory diseases. Increased cough and chest discomfort. Soiling. Reduced visibility. Aggravation of respiratory diseases (asthma, emphysema). Reduced lung function. Irritation of eyes. Reduced visibility. Plant injury. Deterioration of metals, textiles, leather, finishes, coatings, etc. Impairment of blood function and nerve construction. Behavioral and hearing problems in children.

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Motor vehicle exhaust. High temperature stationary combustion. Atmospheric reactions. By-products from incomplete combustion of fuels and other carbon containing substances, such as motor exhaust. Natural events, such as decomposition of organic matter. Stationary combustion of solid fuels. Construction activities. Industrial processes. Atmospheric chemical reactions.

Suspended Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels. Smelting of sulfur-bearing metal ores. Industrial processes.

Lead (Pb)

Contaminated soil (e.g., from leaded fuels and lead based paints).

Source: ARB 2001.

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Climate/Meteorology. Air quality in the Basin is not only affected by various emission sources (mobile, industry, etc.) but also by atmospheric conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, rainfall, etc. The combination of topography, low mixing height, abundant sunshine, and emissions from the second largest urban area in the United States gives the Basin the worst air pollution problem in the nation. Climate in the Basin is determined by its terrain and geographical location. The Basin is a coastal plain with connecting broad valleys and low hills. The Pacific Ocean forms the southwestern border, and high mountains surround the rest of the Basin. The Basin lies in the semi-permanent highpressure zone of the eastern Pacific; the resulting climate is mild and tempered by cool ocean breezes. This climatological pattern is rarely interrupted. However, periods of extremely hot weather, winter storms, or Santa Ana wind conditions do occur. The annual average temperature varies little throughout the Basin, ranging from the low 60s to the middle 60s, measured in degrees Fahrenheit. With a more pronounced oceanic influence, coastal areas show less variability in annual minimum and maximum temperatures than inland areas. The climatological station closest to the site is the Los Angeles WSO1 Airport Station.2 The monthly average maximum temperature recorded at this station from August 1944 to December 2003 ranged from 65.0F in January to 76.5F in August, with an annual average maximum of 70.2F. The monthly average minimum temperature recorded at this station ranged from 47.3F in January to 63.7F in August, with an annual average minimum of 55.2F. January is typically the coldest month, and August is typically the warmest month in this area of the Basin. The majority of annual rainfall in the Basin occurs between November and April. Summer rainfall is minimal and is generally limited to scattered thundershowers in coastal regions and slightly heavier showers in the eastern portion of the Basin and along the coastal side of the mountains. Los Angeles WSO Airport Station climatological station monitored precipitation from August 1944 to December 2003. Average monthly rainfall measured during that period varied from 2.71 inches in January to 0.30 inch or less between May and October, with an annual total of 12.07 inches. Patterns in monthly and yearly rainfall totals are unpredictable due to fluctuations in the weather. Although the Basin has a semiarid climate, air near the surface is generally moist because of the presence of a shallow marine layer. With very low average wind speeds, there is a limited capacity to disperse air contaminants horizontally. The dominant daily wind pattern is an onshore 8 to 12 miles per hour (mph) daytime breeze and an offshore 3 to 5 mph nighttime breeze. The typical wind flow pattern fluctuates only with occasional winter storms or strong northeasterly (Santa Ana) winds from the mountains and deserts northeast of the Basin. Summer wind flow patterns represent worst-case conditions, because this is the period of higher temperatures and more sunlight, which results in O3 formation. Winds in the project area are almost always driven by the dominant land/sea breeze circulation system. Regional wind patterns are dominated by daytime onshore sea breezes. At night, the wind generally slows and reverses direction, traveling toward the sea. Wind direction is altered by local
1 2

WSO: Weather Service Office Western Regional Climate Center, [email protected].

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canyons, with wind tending to flow parallel to the canyons. During the transition period from one wind pattern to another, the dominant wind direction rotates into the south and causes a minor wind direction maximum from the south. The frequency of calm winds (i.e., less than two miles per hour) is less than 10 percent. Therefore, there is little stagnation in the vicinity of the project, especially during busy daytime traffic hours. During spring and early summer, pollution produced during any one day is typically blown out of the Basin through mountain passes or lifted by warm, vertical currents adjacent to mountain slopes. Air contaminants can be transported 60 miles or more from the Basin by ocean air during the afternoons. From early fall to winter, the transport is less pronounced because of slower average wind speed and the appearance of drainage winds earlier in the day. During stagnant wind conditions, offshore drainage winds may begin by late afternoon. Pollutants remaining in the Basin are trapped and begin to accumulate during the night and the following morning. A low morning wind speed in pollutant source areas is an important indicator of air stagnation and the potential for buildup of primary air contaminants. Temperature normally decreases with altitude, and a reversal of this atmospheric state, where temperature increases with altitude, is called an inversion. The height from the Earth to the inversion base is known as the mixing height. Persistent low inversions and cool coastal air tend to create morning fog and low stratus clouds. Cloudy days are less likely in the eastern portions of the Basin and are about 25 percent more likely along the coast. The vertical dispersion of air pollutants in the Basin is limited by temperature inversions in the atmosphere close to the Earths surface. Inversions are generally lower in the nighttime, when the ground is cool, than during daylight hours when the sun warms the ground and, in turn, the surface air layer. As this heating process continues, the temperature of the surface air layer approaches the temperature of the inversion base, causing heating along its lower edge. If enough warming takes place, the inversion layer becomes weak and opens up to allow the surface air layers to mix upward. This can be seen in the middle to late afternoon on a hot summer day when the smog appears to clear up suddenly. Winter inversions typically break earlier in the day, preventing excessive contaminant buildup. The combination of stagnant wind conditions and low inversions produces the greatest pollutant concentrations. On days of no inversion or high wind speeds, ambient air pollutant concentrations are lowest. During periods of low inversions and low wind speeds, air pollutants generated in urbanized areas are transported predominantly onshore into Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. In the winter, the greatest pollution problem is accumulation of CO and NOX due to extremely low inversions and air stagnation during the night and early morning hours. In the summer, the longer daylight hours and the brighter sunshine combine to cause a reaction between hydrocarbons and NOX to form photochemical smog.

Air Pollution Constituents and Attainment Status. The ARB coordinates and oversees both State and federal air pollution control programs in California. The ARB oversees activities of local air quality management agencies and maintains air quality monitoring stations throughout the State in conjunction with the EPA and local air districts. The ARB has divided the State into 15 air basins based on meteorological and topographical factors of air pollution. Data collected at these stations are used by the ARB and EPA to classify air basins as attainment, nonattainment, nonattainment-

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transitional, or unclassified for each criteria pollutant based on air quality data for the most recent three calendar years compared with the AAQS. Nonattainment areas are imposed with additional restrictions as required by the EPA. The air quality data are also used to monitor progress in attaining air quality standards. ARB provided the EPA with Californias recommendations for eight-hour ozone area designations on July 15, 2003. The recommendations and supporting data were an update to a report submitted to the EPA in July 2000. On December 3, 2003, the EPA published its proposed designations. The EPAs proposal differs from the States recommendations primarily on the appropriate boundaries for several nonattainment areas. ARB responded to the EPAs proposal on February 4, 2004. The EPA issued final designations on April 15, 2004. Table 4.2.C lists the attainment status for the criteria pollutants in the Basin.

Table 4.2.C: Attainment Status of Criteria Pollutants in the South Coast Air Basin
Pollutant O3 1-hour O3 8-hour PM10 PM2.5 CO NO2 SO2 Lead All others State Nonattainment Not Applicable Nonattainment Nonattainment (preliminary) Nonattainment-transitional (only Los Angeles County) Attainment Attainment Attainment Federal Extreme Nonattainment Severe-17 Nonattainment Serious Nonattainment Not Established (Expected in 12/04) Attainment (Based on 2003 AQMP for the Basin) Attainment/Maintenance Attainment Attainment Attainment/Unclassified

Attainment/Unclassified Source: ARB (http://www.arb.ca.gov/desig/desig.htm) 2004.

Ozone. O3 (smog) is formed by photochemical reactions between NOX and reactive organic gases (ROG) rather than being directly emitted. O3 is a pungent, colorless gas typical of Southern California smog. Elevated O3 concentrations result in reduced lung function, particularly during vigorous physical activity. This health problem is particularly acute in sensitive receptors such as the sick, the elderly, and young children. O3 levels peak during summer and early fall. The entire Basin is designated as a nonattainment area for both federal and State one-hour O3 standards. The EPA has classified the Basin as an extreme nonattainment area for the one-hour O3 standard and has mandated that the Basin achieve attainment by 2010. The EPA has designated the Basin as Severe-17 for the eight-hour O3 standard and has mandated that the Basin achieve attainment by 2021. Carbon Monoxide. CO is formed by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, almost entirely from automobiles. It is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause dizziness, fatigue, and impairment to central

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nervous system functions. Although the Basin is designated as a serious nonattainment area for federal CO standards, the federal CO standards have not been exceeded in the past three years. The SCAQMD has not officially requested redesignation of the federal CO attainment status, but the 2003 AQMP shows that no violation has been recorded. The Los Angeles County portion of the SCAQMD district (this includes Hermosa Beach) has been designated by the ARB to be a nonattainmenttransitional area for State CO standards.

Nitrogen Oxides. NO2, a reddish brown gas, and nitric oxide (NO), a colorless, odorless gas, are formed from fuel combustion under high temperature or pressure. These compounds are referred to as nitrogen oxides, or NOX. NOX is a primary component of the photochemical smog reaction. It also contributes to other pollution problems, including a high concentration of fine particulate matter, poor visibility, and acid deposition (i.e., acid rain). NO2 decreases lung function and may reduce resistance to infection. The entire Basin has not exceeded both federal and State standards for NO2 in the past five years with published monitoring data. It is designated as a maintenance area under the federal standards and an attainment area under the State standards.

Sulfur Dioxide. SO2 is a colorless irritating gas formed primarily from incomplete combustion of fuels containing sulfur. Industrial facilities also contribute to gaseous SO2 levels. SO2 irritates the respiratory tract, can injure lung tissue when combined with fine particulate matter, and reduces visibility and the level of sunlight. The entire Basin is in attainment for both federal and State SO2 standards.

Lead. Lead is found in old paints and coatings, plumbing, and a variety of other materials. Once in the blood stream, lead can cause damage to the brain, nervous system, and other body systems. Children are highly susceptible to the effects of lead. The entire Basin is in attainment for the federal and State standards for lead.

Particulate Matter. Particulate matter is the term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Coarse particles, PM10, derive from a variety of sources, including windblown dust and grinding operations. Fuel combustion and resultant exhaust from power plants and diesel buses and trucks are primarily responsible for fine particle, PM2.5, levels. Fine particles can also be formed in the atmosphere through chemical reactions. PM10 can accumulate in the respiratory system and aggravate health problems such as asthma. The EPAs scientific review concluded that PM2.5, which penetrates deeply into the lungs, is more likely than PM10 to contribute to the health effects listed in a number of recently published community epidemiological studies at concentrations that extend well below those allowed by the current PM10 standards. These health effects include premature death and increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits (primarily the elderly and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease); increased respiratory symptoms and disease (children and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease such as asthma); decreased lung functions (particularly in children and individuals with asthma); and alterations in lung tissue and structure and in respiratory tract defense mechanisms. The entire Basin is a nonattainment area for the federal and State PM10 standards. The attainment status of PM2.5 in the Basin was not officially established by the EPA

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(expected in December 2004) or the ARB at the time that this analysis was prepared. However, based on the monitored data, the Basin is likely to be designated as a nonattainment area for PM2.5. Local Air Quality

The SCAQMD, together with the ARB, maintains ambient air quality monitoring stations in the Basin. The air quality monitoring station closest to the site is the Hawthorne Station, and its air quality trends are representative of the ambient air quality in the project area. The pollutants monitored at this station are CO, O3, PM10, NO2, and SO2.1 As PM2.5 is not monitored at this station, the data from the North Long Beach station was used. The ambient air quality data in Table 4.2.D shows that NO2, SO2, and CO levels are below the relevant State and federal standards. The State one-hour O3 standard was exceeded once in 2001 and twice in 2003. The federal one-hour and eight-hour O3 standards have not been exceeded within the past three years. The State 24-hour PM10 standard was exceeded from 2 to 12 days in each of the past three years. The federal PM10 standard was not exceeded within the past three years. The federal 24hour PM2.5 standard was exceeded once in 2001. Regulatory Settings

Federal Regulations/Standards. Pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1970, the EPA established national AAQS (NAAQS). The NAAQS were established for six major pollutants, termed criteria pollutants. Criteria pollutants are defined as those pollutants for which the federal and State governments have established AAQS, or criteria, for outdoor concentrations in order to protect public health. These standards are listed in Table 4.2.A. The EPA established new national air quality standards for ground-level O3 and PM2.5 matter in 1997. On May 14, 1999, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a decision ruling that the CAA, as applied in setting the new public health standards for O3 and particulate matter, was unconstitutional as an improper delegation of legislative authority to the EPA. On February 27, 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the way the government sets air quality standards under the CAA. The court unanimously rejected industry arguments that the EPA must consider financial cost as well as health benefits in writing standards. The justices also rejected arguments that the EPA took too much lawmaking power from Congress when it set tougher standards for O3 and soot in 1997. Nevertheless, the court threw out the EPAs policy for implementing new O3 rules, saying that the agency ignored a section of the law that restricts its authority to enforce such rules. In April 2003, the EPA was cleared by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to implement the eight-hour ground-level O3 standard. The EPA issued the proposed rule implementing the eight-hour O3 standard in April 2003. The EPA completed final eight-hour nonattainment status on April 15, 2004. The EPA plans to issue the final PM2.5 implementation rule in September 2004. The EPA is then expected to make final designations on December 15, 2004.

Air quality data, 20012003; EPA and ARB Web sites.

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Table 4.2.D: Ambient Air Quality at the Hawthorne Air Monitoring Station
Carbon Monoxide Max 1-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: State Federal Max 8-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: State Federal Ozone Max 1-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: State Federal Max 8-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: Federal Particulates (PM10) Max 24-hr concentration ( Fg/m3) No. days exceeded: State Federal Annual Arithmetic Average ( Fg/m3) Exceeded: State Federal Particulates (PM2.5)1 Max 24-hr concentration ( Fg/m3) No. days exceeded: Federal Annual Arithmetic Average ( Fg/m3) Exceeded: State Federal Nitrogen Dioxide Max 1-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: State Annual arithmetic average concentration (ppm) Exceeded: Federal Sulfur Dioxide Max 24-hr concentration (ppm) No. days exceeded: State Federal Annual arithmetic average concentration (ppm) Exceeded: Federal


6.5 0 0 5.0 0 0 0.110 2 0 0.077 0 58 2 0 30 Yes No 46.5 0 15.5 Yes Yes 0.120 0 0.023 No 0.004 0 0 0.001 No

6.8 0 0 6.0 0 0 0.087 0 0 0.072 0 121 12 0 37 Yes No 62.7 0 19.5 Yes Yes 0.099 0 0.023 No 0.007 0 0 0.001 No

7.3 0 0 5.2 0 0 0.098 1 0 0.079 0 75 8 0 37 Yes No 72.9 1 21.2 Yes Yes 0.110 0 0.024 No 0.009 0 0 0.004 No

> 20 ppm/1-hr > 35 ppm/1-hr $ 9.0 ppm/8-hr $ 9 ppm/8-hr

> 0.09 ppm/1-hr > 0.12 ppm/1-hr > 0.08 ppm/8-hr

> 50 Fg/m3/24-hr > 150 Fg/m3/24-hr > 20 Fg/m3 ann. arth. avg. > 50 Fg/m3 ann. arth. avg.

> 65 Fg/m3/24-hr > 12 Fg/m3 ann. arth. avg. > 15 Fg/m3 ann. arth. avg.

> 0.25 ppm/1-hr > 0.053 ppm ann. arth. avg.

> 0.04 ppm/24-hr > 0.14 ppm/24-hr > 0.030 ppm ann. arth. avg.

Source: EPA and ARB 2001 to 2003 ppm = parts per million Fg/m3 = microgram of pollutant per cubic meter of air

Monitored at the North Long Beach Station.

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State Regulations/Standards. The State of California began to set California AAQS (CAAQS) in 1969 under the mandate of the Mulford-Carrell Act. The CAAQS are generally more stringent than the NAAQS. In addition to the six criteria pollutants covered by the NAAQS, there are CAAQS for sulfates, hydrogen sulfide, vinyl chloride, and visibility reducing particles. These standards are also listed in Table 4.2.A. Originally, there were no attainment deadlines for CAAQS. However, the CCAA of 1988 provided a time frame and a planning structure to promote their attainment. The CCAA required nonattainment areas in the State to prepare attainment plans and proposed to classify each such area on the basis of the submitted plan, as follows: moderate, if CAAQS attainment could not occur before December 31, 1994; serious, if CAAQS attainment could not occur before December 31, 1997; and severe, if CAAQS attainment could not be conclusively demonstrated at all. The attainment plans are required to achieve a minimum 5 percent annual reduction in the emissions of nonattainment pollutants unless all feasible measures have been implemented. The EPA has designated the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the CAA for the Basin.

Regional Air Quality Planning Framework. The 1976 Lewis Air Quality Management Act established the SCAQMD and other air districts throughout the State. The federal CAA Amendments of 1977 required that each state adopt an implementation plan outlining pollution control measures to attain the federal standards in nonattainment areas of the state. The ARB coordinates and oversees both State and federal air pollution control programs in California. The ARB oversees activities of local air quality management agencies and is responsible for incorporating air quality management plans for local air basins into a State Implementation Plan (SIP) for EPA approval. The ARB maintains air quality monitoring stations throughout the State in conjunction with local air districts. Data collected at these stations are used by the ARB to classify air basins as attainment or nonattainment with respect to each pollutant and to monitor progress in attaining air quality standards. The ARB has divided the State into 15 air basins. Significant authority for air quality control within them has been given to local air districts that regulate stationary source emissions and develop local nonattainment plans.

Regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The SCAQMD and the SCAG are responsible for formulating and implementing the AQMP for the Basin. Every three years the SCAQMD prepares a new AQMP, updating the previous plan and having a 20-year horizon. The SCAQMD adopted the 2003 AQMP in August 2003 and forwarded it to ARB for review and approval. The ARB approved a modified version of the 2003 AQMP and forwarded it to the EPA in October 2003 for review and approval. The 2003 AQMP updates the attainment demonstration for the federal standards for O3 and PM10; replaces the 1997 attainment demonstration for the federal CO standard and provides a basis for a

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maintenance plan for CO for the future; and updates the maintenance plan for the federal NO2 standard that the Basin has met since 1992. This revision to the AQMP also addresses several State and federal planning requirements and incorporates significant new scientific data, primarily in the form of updated emissions inventories, ambient measurements, new meteorological episodes, and new air quality modeling tools. The 2003 AQMP is consistent with and builds upon the approaches taken in the 1997 AQMP and the 1999 Amendments to the Ozone SIP for the Basin for the attainment of the federal ozone air quality standard. However, this revision points to the urgent need for additional emission reductions (beyond those incorporated in the 1997/99 Plan) from all sources, specifically those under the jurisdiction of the ARB and the EPA, which account for approximately 80 percent of the ozone precursor emissions in the Basin.


A project would normally be considered to have a significant effect on air quality if the project would violate any AAQS, contribute substantially to an existing air quality violation, expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutants concentrations, or conflict with adopted environmental plans and goals of the community in which it is located. In addition to the federal and State AAQS, there are daily and quarterly emissions thresholds for construction and operation of a proposed project in the Basin. The Basin is administered by the SCAQMD, and guidelines and emissions thresholds established by the SCAQMD in its CEQA Air Quality Handbook (SCAQMD, April 1993) are used in this analysis. Thresholds for Construction Emissions

The following CEQA significance thresholds for construction emissions have been established for the Basin:

75 pounds per day of ROC 100 pounds per day of NOX 550 pounds per day of CO 150 pounds per day of PM10 150 pounds per day of SOX

Projects in the Basin with construction-related emissions that exceed any of the emission thresholds should be considered to be significant under CEQA. Thresholds for Operational Emissions

The daily operational emissions significance thresholds for the Basin are as follows.

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Emission Thresholds for Pollutants with Regional Effects. Projects with operation-related emissions that exceed any of the emission thresholds listed below are considered significant under the SCAQMD guidelines.

55 pounds per day of ROC 55 pounds per day of NOX 550 pounds per day of CO 150 pounds per day of PM10 150 pounds per day of SOX

Local Microscale Concentration Standards. The significance of localized project impacts under CEQA depends on whether ambient CO levels in the vicinity of the project are above or below State and federal CO standards. If ambient levels are below the standards, a project is considered to have a significant impact if project emissions result in an exceedance of one or more of these standards. If ambient levels already exceed a State or federal standard, project emissions are considered significant if they increase one-hour CO concentrations by 1.0 part per million (ppm) or more or eight-hour CO concentrations by 0.45 ppm or more. The following are applicable local emission concentration standards for CO:

California State one-hour CO standard of 20.0 ppm California State eight-hour CO standard of 9.0 ppm

Evaluation of air quality impacts associated with a proposed commercial project typically includes the following:

Determine the short-term construction air quality impacts on off-site air quality sensitive uses Determine the long-term air quality impacts, including vehicular traffic, on both on-site and offsite air quality sensitive uses Determine the required mitigation measures to reduce long-term air quality impacts from all project-related sources Construction Air Quality

Localized air quality impacts in the project area would be affected due to both heavy-duty construction equipment usage on-site as well as local traffic due to equipment delivery, construction worker commuting, and demolition material removal. The SCAQMD CEQA methodology was used to analyze the criteria pollutant emissions from these activities.

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Localized air quality in the project area would be affected due to long-term air emissions from stationary sources and mobile sources related to the proposed project. The URBEMIS 2002 model was used to predict long-term air quality. Localized air quality (i.e., CO concentrations [CO hot spots] in the project area) would be affected due to increased traffic flow due to the proposed project. Caltrans CALINE4 model was used to assess the projects impact on the local CO concentrations. Air quality model printouts are provided in Appendix B. There are currently no federal project-level requirements for air toxics analysis, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) only requires a consideration of the risks from toxics, but provides no guidance or quantitative analysis method. This air quality analysis discusses the risks from diesel particulate matter exhaust, which poses the greatest cancer risks among all identified air toxics and is also the area of highest public concern. The projects potential air toxics impact is also discussed.

4.2.4 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION Less Than Significant Impacts
Air Quality Management Plan Consistency. A consistency determination plays an essential role in local agency project review by linking local planning and unique individual projects to the air quality plans. It fulfills the CEQA goal of fully informing local agency decisionmakers of the environmental costs of the project under consideration at a stage early enough to ensure that air quality concerns are addressed. Only new or amended General Plan elements, Specific Plans, and significantly unique projects need to undergo a consistency review since the air quality plan strategy is based on projections from local General Plans. The proposed project consists of constructing school buildings and improving facilities to accommodate the population growth in the project vicinity and is not a growth-inducing project. Because the proposed project is an expansion of an existing school, it is consistent with the Citys General Plan. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the local air quality plans. Potentially Significant Impacts

Short-Term Construction Impacts. Air quality impacts would occur during construction of the proposed project from soil disturbance and equipment exhaust. Major sources of emissions during grading and site preparation include exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and equipment and fugitive dust generated by construction vehicles and equipment traveling over exposed surfaces as well as by soil disturbances from grading and backfilling. The SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook contains recommendations for exhaust emission reduction measures and dust suppression measures. These are incorporated in Mitigation Measures AQ-1 and AQ-2, respectively. The project is required to comply with regional rules that assist in reducing short-term air pollutant emissions. SCAQMD Rule 403 requires that fugitive dust be controlled with best available control measures so that the presence of such dust does not remain visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the emission source. In addition, SCAQMD Rule 402 requires implementation of dust

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suppression techniques to prevent fugitive dust from creating a nuisance off site. Applicable dust suppression techniques from Rule 403 are incorporated in Mitigation Measure AQ-3. Implementation of these dust suppression techniques can reduce the fugitive dust generation (and thus the PM10 and PM2.5 components). Finally, compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 on the use of architectural coatings should be implemented. These measures are incorporated as Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Compliance with these rules would reduce impacts on nearby sensitive receptors.

Construction Equipment Emissions. Grading and construction activities would cause combustion emissions from utility engines, heavy-duty construction vehicles, haul trucks, and vehicles transporting the construction crew. Exhaust emissions during grading and other construction activities envisioned on site vary daily as construction activity levels change. Peak grading days typically generate a larger amount of air pollutants than during other project construction days. Since the site is already developed, new grading will be minimal. Four existing relocatable classrooms will be removed and approximately 3,650 cubic yards of earth will be cut and exported from the site. Grading and construction of the building pad will take approximately one to two months. Equipment required would include one dozer working 10 hours per day during peak days, one scraper working 8 hours per day, haul trucks making a total of 10 trips per day traveling 30 miles each way, and one water truck traveling 5 miles on site per day (see Table 4.2.E). In addition, it is assumed there would be 20 workers, each traveling 40 miles per day to and from the site.

Table 4.2.E: Emissions from Construction Equipment ExhaustGrading/Excavation

Source Hours or Miles per Day Pollutants (lb/day) ROC NOX SOX 1.8 1.8 0.01 0.7 0.4 5.0 1.2 2.2 0.01 0.42 3.8 75 13 15 0.14 8.0 1.1 37 13 31 0.14 1.1 45 100 0.9 1.5 0.0 0.09 0.0 2.5 1.4 3.7 0.0 0.0 15.1 150

CO 36 4.6 0.1 5.8 8.8 55 3.5 10 0.1 8.8 22 550

PM10 1.4 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 3.0 1.1 3.3 0.0 0.0 4.4 150

Excavation 1 Dozer/Excavator 10 1 Loader 8 1 Water Truck 5 miles 10 Haul Trucks 30 miles each 20 Worker Trips 40 miles each Total Excavation Grading 1 Dozer 10 1 Scrapers 8 1 Water Truck 5 miles 20 Worker Trips 40 miles each Total Grading SCAQMD Construction Thresholds
Source: LSA Associates, Inc., 2004.

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Emissions during the building erection phase would be lower than the peak daily emissions presented in Table 4.2.E. Table 4.2.E shows that construction equipment/vehicle emissions during grading periods would not exceed the daily thresholds established by the SCAQMD. Construction of the buildings uses different types of equipment on site than during grading periods. Similarities do exist in terms of equipment exhaust emissions and fugitive dust emissions. However, it is anticipated that emissions during structure construction would be below peak grading day emissions. Although Table 4.2.E shows that emissions related to construction equipment exhaust will be below the SCAQMD daily thresholds, the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook recommends additional measures to reduce exhaust emissions (Mitigation Measure AQ-1).

Fugitive Dust. Fugitive dust emissions are generally associated with demolition, land clearing, exposure, and cut and fill operations. Dust generated daily during construction would vary substantially, depending on the level of activity, the specific operations, and weather conditions. Nearby sensitive receptors and on-site workers may be exposed to blowing dust, depending upon prevailing wind conditions. PM10 emissions from site preparation and grading operations during a peak construction day are based on assumptions and past experience on similar sized projects. The SCAQMD estimates that each acre of graded surface creates about 26.4 pounds of PM10 per work day during the construction phase of the project and 21.8 pounds of PM10 per hour from dirt/debris pushing per dozer. The entire site is not expected to be under construction at one time. It is assumed that up to one-half acre of land would be under construction or exposed on any one day. It is also assumed that one dozer would be used ten hours a day, together with other equipment. Therefore, a maximum of 231 pounds of PM10 per day would be generated from soil disturbance, without mitigation, during the construction phase. This level of dust emission would exceed the SCAQMD threshold of 150 pounds per day during construction. Table 4.2.F lists the fugitive dust emissions during the grading/excavation periods. With the implementation of mitigation required by SCAQMD Rule 403 (Mitigation Measure AQ-3) such as frequent watering (e.g., minimum twice a day), fugitive dust emissions from construction activities are expected to be reduced by 50 percent or more, which would reduce the total fugitive dust emissions to less than the SCQMD threshold. Implementation of SCAQMD CEQA Handbook measures (Mitigation Measure AQ-2) would further reduce fugitive dust emissions. Table 4.2.F also lists total construction emissions (fugitive dust emissions and construction equipment exhausts) during the grading periods. Table 4.2.F shows that even during peak grading days, daily total construction emissions would not exceed the daily thresholds established by the SCAQMD with Mitigation Measure AQ-3 implemented. Therefore, short-term construction impacts to air quality will be less than significant.

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Table 4.2.F: Peak Grading/Excavation DayTotal Emissions (lbs/day)

Category Vehicle/Equipment exhaust (Table 4.2.E) Fugitive dust from 10 hours of dozer soil disturbance: no mitigation Fugitive dust from 10 hours of dozer soil disturbance: with mitigation Total grading: no mitigation Total grading: with mitigation SCAQMD Threshold Exceeds SCAQMD Threshold?
Source: LSA Associates, Inc., May 2004.

CO 22 22 22 550 No

ROC 3.8 3.8 3.8 75 No

NOX 45 45 45 100 No

SOX 5.1 5.1 5.1 150 No

PM10 4.4 231 116 235 121 150 No

Architectural Coatings. Architectural coatings contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are similar to ROC and are part of the O3 precursors. At this stage of project planning, no detailed architectural coatings information is available. Due to the characteristics of the proposed educational uses, it is not expected that a large quantity of architectural coatings would be used. Therefore, compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1113 (Mitigation Measure AQ-4) on the use of architectural coatings should be considered sufficient. In addition, emissions associated with architectural coatings could be reduced by using precoated/natural colored building materials, water-based or low-VOC coating, and coating transfer or spray equipment with high transfer efficiency. For example, a high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) spray method is a coating application system operated at air pressure between 0.1 and 10 pounds per square inch gauge (psig), with 65 percent transfer efficiency. Manual applications such as paintbrush, hand roller, trowel, spatula, dauber, rag, or sponge have 100 percent transfer efficiency.

Long-Term Regional Air Quality Impacts. Long-term air emission impacts are those associated with stationary sources and mobile sources related to any changes due to the proposed project. The proposed educational expansion would result in both stationary and mobile source increases. The stationary source emissions would come from the consumption of natural gas. Based on the traffic analysis prepared for this project (Section 4.11), implementation of the proposed project would generate 157 daily trips based on a 2.6 percent student growth rate over five years (Table 4.11.E) based upon the growth projected in the Districts Master Plan Study. Long-term operational emissions associated with the proposed project, calculated with the URBEMIS 2002 model, are shown in Table 4.2.G and show the impact of the project. Emissions from the project-related mobile sources would not exceed any thresholds based on emission factors for 2004. However, the project is required to comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations established by the Energy Commission regarding energy conservation standards. These requirements are incorporated in Mitigation Measure AQ-5.

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Table 4.2.G: Operational Emissions

Pollutants, lbs/day CO 22 550 No No ROC 3.4 55 No No NOX 2.0 55 No No SO2 0.02 150 No No PM10 1.5 150 No No

Source Emissions increase from project SCAQMD Threshold Exceed SCAQMD Threshold? Significant Air Quality Impact?
Source: LSA Associates, Inc., August 2004.

Long-Term Microscale (CO Hot Spot) Analysis. Vehicular trips associated with the proposed project would contribute to the congestion at intersections and along roadway segments in the project vicinity. Localized air quality effects would occur when emissions from vehicular traffic increase in local areas as a result of the proposed project. The primary mobile source pollutant of local concern is CO, which is a direct function of vehicle idling time and, thus, traffic flow conditions. CO transport is extremely limited; it disperses rapidly with distance from the source under normal meteorological conditions. However, under certain extreme meteorological conditions, CO concentrations proximate to a congested roadway or intersection may reach unhealthful levels affecting local sensitive receptors (residents, school children, the elderly, hospital patients, etc.). Typically, high CO concentrations are associated with roadways or intersections operating at unacceptable levels of service or with extremely high traffic volumes. In areas with high ambient background CO concentrations, modeling is recommended to determine a projects effect on local CO levels.
An assessment of project-related impacts on localized ambient air quality requires that future ambient air quality levels be projected. Existing CO concentrations in the immediate project vicinity are not available. Ambient CO levels monitored at the 5234 W. 120th St., Hawthorne station, the closest station with monitored CO data, showed a highest recorded one-hour concentration of 7.3 ppm (State standard is 20 ppm) and a highest eight-hour concentration of 6.0 ppm (State standard is 9 ppm) during the past three years (see Table 4.2.D). The highest CO concentrations would occur during peak traffic hours; hence, CO impacts calculated under peak traffic conditions represent a worst-case analysis. Based on the traffic study (LSA, April 2004), CO hot spot analyses were conducted for existing and future cumulative conditions. The impact on local carbon monoxide levels was assessed with the ARB-approved CALINE4 air quality model, which allows microscale CO concentrations to be estimated along roadway corridors or near intersections. This model is designed to identify localized concentrations of carbon monoxide, often termed hot spots. A brief discussion of input to the CALINE4 model follows. The analysis was performed for the worst-case wind angle and wind speed condition and is based upon the following assumptions:

Selected modeling locations represent the intersections closest to the project site, with the highest project-related vehicle turning movements and the worst level of service deterioration;

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Twenty receptor locations with the possibility of extended outdoor exposure from 814 meters (m) (approximately 2646 feet [ft]) of the roadway centerline near intersections were modeled to determine carbon monoxide concentrations; The calculations assume a meteorological condition of almost no wind (0.5 m/second), a suburban topographical condition between the source and receptor, and a mixing height of 1,000 meters, representing a worst-case scenario for CO concentrations; CO concentrations are calculated for the one-hour averaging period and then compared to the one-hour standards. CO eight-hour averages are extrapolated using techniques outlined in the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook (October 1993) and compared to the eight-hour standards; a persistence factor of 0.7 was used to predict the eight-hour concentration in an attainment area; Concentrations are given in ppm at each of the receptor locations; The at-grade link option with speed adjusted based on average cruise speed and number of vehicles per lane per hour was used rather than the intersection link selection in the CALINE4 model. (Caltrans has suggested that the intersection link should not be used due to an inappropriate algorithm based on outdated vehicle distribution.) Emission factors from the EMFAC2002 model for all vehicles based on the adjusted speed for 2004 were used for the vehicle fleet; and The highest level of the second highest one-hour and eight-hour CO concentrations monitored at the Hawthorne station in the past three years were used as background concentrations; 7.2 ppm for the one-hour CO standard and 5.6 ppm for the eight-hour CO standard. The background concentrations are then added to the model results for the project with and without the proposed project conditions.

Traffic volumes projected for the current year with the project built were used, with 2004 emission factors for CO. Table 4.2.H shows that, with the project implemented, none of the five intersections analyzed would exceed either the one-hour or the eight-hour CO concentration federal and State standards. The proposed project would contribute at most a 0.1 ppm increase to the one-hour CO concentrations and 0.1 ppm increase to the eight-hour CO concentrations at these intersections. The proposed project would not have a significant impact on local air quality for CO, and no mitigation measures would be required.

Long-Term Diesel Toxics Analysis. The following discussion of diesel toxics evaluates two issues: first, the general health risks of air toxics and the current contribution of diesel trucks to those risks; second, the projects potential air toxics impact. Chemicals surround us all our lives. Some are beneficial, some are harmful. Some are necessary for good health in small amounts, but harmful in larger amounts. Determining how hazardous a substance is depends on many factors, including the amount, how it enters the body, how long the exposure is, and what organs in the body are affected. One major way these substances enter the body is through inhalation. The form can be either gas or particulate. While many gases are harmful, very small particles penetrate deep into the lungs, contributing to a range of health problems. Exhaust from diesel engines is a major source of these airborne particles. Californias Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has determined that long-term exposure to diesel exhaust

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Table 4.2.H: Existing (2004) CO Concentrations1

Receptor Distance to Road Centerline (meters) 14 / 14 14 / 14 14 / 14 14 / 14 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 14 / 14 14 / 14 14 / 14 13 / 13 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 ProjectRelated Increase 1-hr/8-hr (ppm) 0.0 / 0.0 0.1 / 0.1 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.1 / 0.1 0.1 / 0.1 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 Without/With Without/With Exceeds Project Project State 8-Hour CO Standards 1-Hour CO Concentration Concentration (ppm) 1-Hr 8-Hr (ppm) 8.0 / 8.0 6.2 / 6.2 No No 7.9 / 8.0 6.1 / 6.2 No No 7.9 / 7.9 6.1 / 6.1 No No 7.9 / 7.9 6.1 / 6.1 No No 7.8 / 7.8 6.0 / 6.0 No No 7.8 / 7.8 6.0 / 6.0 No No 7.8 / 7.8 6.0 / 6.0 No No 7.8 / 7.8 6.0 / 6.0 No No 7.2 / 7.3 5.6 / 5.7 No No 7.2 / 7.3 5.6 / 5.7 No No 7.2 / 7.2 5.6 / 5.6 No No 7.2 / 7.2 5.6 / 5.6 No No 8.4 / 8.4 6.4 / 6.4 No No 8.3 / 8.3 6.4 / 6.4 No No 8.3 / 8.3 6.4 / 6.4 No No 8.3 / 8.3 6.4 / 6.4 No No 8.2 / 8.2 6.3 / 6.3 No No 8.2 / 8.2 6.3 / 6.3 No No 8.2 / 8.2 6.3 / 6.3 No No 8.2 / 8.2 6.3 / 6.3 No No

Intersection Valley Drive & Gould Ave.

Valley Drive & 18th Street

Valley Park Ave. & 18th Street Valley Drive & Pier Ave.

Loma Drive & Pier Ave.

Source: LSA Associates, Inc., August 2004.

Includes ambient one-hour concentration of 7.2 ppm and ambient eight-hour concentration of 5.6 ppm. Measured at the 5234 W. 120th St., Hawthorne, Ca, AQ Station (Los Angeles County). 4.2-20

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particulate poses the highest cancer risk of any toxic air contaminant it has evaluated. Fortunately, improvements to diesel fuel and diesel engines have already reduced emissions of some of the pollutants associated with diesel exhaust. California's Air Resources Board has developed a Diesel Risk Reduction Plan which, when fully implemented, will result in a 75 percent reduction in particle emissions from diesel equipment by 2010 (compared to 2000 levels) and an 85 percent reduction by 2020. It is not expected that implementation of this project will cause a significant increase in toxic air constituents. While most of the construction equipment will be diesel-powered, the duration of the construction period is very brief relative to a health risk analysis period, which is 70 years for residential exposures. The percentage of vehicles traveling to or from the school that are diesel powered is very low, enough that the few that are will not be significant contributors to toxic air emissions.

Mitigation Measures
AQ-1 During construction, the District shall ensure that the Construction Contractor is adhering to the following measures to reduce construction equipment exhaust emissions.

The Construction Contractor shall select the construction equipment used on site based on low emission factors and high energy efficiency. The Construction Contractor shall ensure that construction grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. The Construction Contractor shall utilize electric or diesel-powered equipment in lieu of gasoline-powered engines where feasible. The Construction Contractor shall ensure that construction grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. During smog season (May through October), the overall length of the construction period will be extended, thereby decreasing the size of the area prepared each day, to minimize vehicles and equipment operating at the same time. The Construction Contractor shall time the construction activities so as to not interfere with peak-hour traffic and minimize obstruction of through traffic lanes adjacent to the site; if necessary, a flagperson shall be retained to maintain safety adjacent to existing roadways. The Construction Contractor shall support and encourage ridesharing and transit incentives for the construction crew. Revegetate disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. All streets shall be swept once per day if visible soil materials are carried to adjacent streets (recommend water sweepers with reclaimed water).

AQ-2 During construction, the District shall implement the following:

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Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash trucks and any equipment leaving the site each trip. Pave all on-site roads as soon as feasible, or water periodically, or chemically stabilize. Minimize the area disturbed by clearing, grading, earthmoving, or excavation operations at all times. Apply nontoxic chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers specifications to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for 10 days or more). Water active sites at least twice daily. (Locations where grading is to occur will be thoroughly watered prior to earthmoving). Cover over or maintain at least two feet of freeboard on trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials in accordance with the requirements of California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 23114 (freeboard means vertical space between the top of the load and top of the trailer). Pave construction access roads at least 100 feet onto the site from main road. Reduce traffic speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 mph or less. Use pre-coated/natural-colored building materials Use water-based or low-VOC coating Use coating transfer or spray equipment with high transfer efficiency. Trees shall be planted to provide shade and shadow to buildings. Energy-efficient low-pressure sodium parking lot lights shall be used. Solar or low-emission water heaters shall be used with combined space/water heater units. Double-paned glass or window treatment for energy conservation shall be used in all exterior windows. Buildings shall be oriented north/south where feasible.

AQ-3 During construction, the District shall implement the following:

AQ-4 During application of architectural coatings, the District shall:

AQ-5 The District shall incorporate the following into the project design as applicable: Level of Significance After Mitigation

No significant air quality impacts will remain after mitigation measures are implemented.


The project has the potential to contribute to cumulative air quality impacts during construction without mitigation. Short-term air quality impacts during construction of the project will not exceed the SCAQMD daily thresholds with Rule 203 compliance and additional required measures will

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further reduce these levels. The SCAQMD has established these thresholds with the understanding that there will be several concurrent construction projects in the Basin at one time and standard mitigation measures apply to all construction projects in the Basin. Since the construction of the project will not exceed these thresholds, its contribution to combined air quality impacts from concurrent, planned, or future projects will not be significant. Likewise, operation of the project will not exceed SCAQMD daily thresholds. The daily thresholds take into account all projects operating in the Basin. In addition, Title 24 CCR requirements will also result in a reduction of emissions. Since the project operation will not exceed daily thresholds, its contribution to combined air quality impacts from present, planned, or future projects will not be significant.


No significant unavoidable adverse impacts were identified.

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