Loan Against Mutual Funds Loan Against Mutual Funds: Digital Solution For
Loan Against Mutual Funds Loan Against Mutual Funds: Digital Solution For
Loan Against Mutual Funds Loan Against Mutual Funds: Digital Solution For
to delight
your customer
by sanctioning
the loan within
minutes rather
than days?
Loan against Mutual Funds (LAMF) as with most other loans has traditionally been a
cumbersome process for both the borrower and financier involving extensive paper-work,
in-person submission by borrower, off-line evaluation process for setting loan limit and lien
marking of securities by moving documents to transfer agent.
The entire process runs into days, sometimes with unexpected delays due to document
deficiency leading to uncertainty for the borrower until loan is sanctioned.
CAMS has combined its rich domain The solution leverages the myCAMS portal
expertise in Mutual Funds and usage of to provide a seamless experience to your
technological platform to lower the customers who have invested in CAMS
cycle time of loan sanction and in serviced Mutual Funds. The solution brings
eliminating unnecessary paper work. access to schemes of 17 Mutual Funds clients
serviced by CAMS which includes nine of
A paper-less solution, LAMF streamlines loan fifteen largest Mutual Funds.
approval and lien marking processes as a
digital experience eliminating any need for
Zero Instant Loan Instant Lien Intuitive User Application
Paperwork Sanction Marking Interface Processing
Access to a wide range of Mutual Fund Schemes Downside risk protection and upside benefit
Enable marking of lien across schemes of Invoke or revoke lien units as per real-time
16 CAMS serviced mutual funds market fluctuations, with lien reset during falls
and enhancement during surge
Financier evaluates
Loan amount 1 and initiates loan 1
disbursed process
4 ã 3
CAMS marks u Smoothly navigates to
Lien marked Document is sent to LIEN and myCAMS and gets one
confirmation Mutual Fund RTA bank view of the MF holdings
sent from RTA to for lien marking approves
u Selects MF schemes for
Financier loan
the loan amount
Case Study
India’s leading Private Sector Banks get competitive advantage with CAMS digital solution
for Loans Against Mutual Funds. Saves cost and delights customers!
HDFC bank collaborated with CAMS to launch digital Loan Against Mutual Funds using myCAMS
portal for a seamless experience. The customers who seek loan against their MF units through
the bank site are seamlessly navigated to the myCAMS portal to select funds for lien marking
during the loan application process. Customers receive bank approval and an overdraft facility
gets created, all in one login session. Click this link to know more
ICICI bank and CAMS joined hands to launch a facility that enables customers to get loan up to
Rs.1 crore by pledging a borrower’s debt and/or equity mutual funds in a completely paper-less,
digital process. CAMS has provided a very convenient loan against MF solution that seamlessly
fits with the ICICI bank’s net banking platform, without a need for separate login. Customers’
ability to easily avail liquidity support especially in present time of COVID, without stepping out
of home is a welcome step. This partnership with ICICI received with media coverage for the
value it brought for the bank and its borrowers. Click this link to read one of the media reports
Multiple major banks and NFBCs have evinced interest and have commenced integration with
CAMS LAMF solution.
Do you want to transform your loan against Mutual Funds process by taking
it online?
About CAMS
CAMS is a technology-driven financial infrastructure and services CAMS also serves multiple Alternative Investment Funds and
CAMS LAMF Brochure_V6
provider to mutual funds and other financial institutions with over Insurance Companies (through its subsidiary, CAMS Insurance
two decades of experience. It is India’s largest registrar and transfer Repository Services Limited). It offers electronic payment services
agent of mutual funds with Rs.23 trillion assets and aggregate market (through its subsidiary, CAMS Payment Services Private Limited) KYC
share of 69% based on mutual fund Average Assets Under services (through its subsidiary, CAMS Investor Services Private
Management (AAUM) managed by its clients and serviced by it as of Limited) and its subsidiary CAMSfinserv is a registered Account
June 2021. CAMS’ clients include top five largest mutual funds and ten Aggregator.
of the 15 largest mutual funds based in AAUM as of June 2021.