Slacktivism - Legitimate Action or Just Lazy Liking
Slacktivism - Legitimate Action or Just Lazy Liking
Slacktivism - Legitimate Action or Just Lazy Liking
K1 73.9
ENG1010 English for Effective Communication K2 7.3
10 Of course, we do those things with the best intentions. But is this a valid Guess the meaning?
type of activism? Or is it just a way to appease our conscience without ___________________________
truly having to engage?
“Imagine no pandemic”
During the current coronavirus crisis, slacktivism has gained renewed —
and not always positive — attention. Merely six days into lockdown, 25
15 well-known celebrities, led by actress Gal Gadot, released a video montage
of themselves covering John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. “Imagine no
possessions,” they sang from the comfort of their luxurious homes.
35 Criticism arose that a lot of the people clapping for care workers
consistently vote for political parties that cut health care funding during
election times. It brought to the attention that those who are suddenly
deemed ‘essential workers’ have long been underpaid and undervalued.
Plus, the narrative of describing our medical workers as ‘heroes’ also sets
40 them up to be martyred: “by cheering martial metaphor without providing
protection and payment, we are asking for martyrdom, not heroism—
insensible, unnecessary martyrdom, a death caused by the miserliness of
capital, the dysfunction of government, the failure of a state so
comprehensive it staggers the mind.” The people risking their lives to care
45 for our sick and vulnerable or keep our supermarkets open don’t need an
applause: they need funding, protection and compensation.
In order to inspire true change, we’ll have to drop the ‘slack’ eventually. As
70 the ‘Imagine’ disaster has shown, it also serves us well to acknowledge our
privileges when addressing a certain topic. But that doesn’t mean that
slacktivism in itself has no value. Instead of viewing it as a replacement for
more straightforward types of action, we should see it as a first step.
It can be an easy, shareable way for people to talk about a cause they are
75 passionate about, or to get educated on new topics. After all, isn’t every
reasonable voice addressing an urgent topic inherently a good thing? Is
limited action not always better than no action at all?
1. Do you believe slacktivism encourages or discourages social engagement?
2. Slacktivism has often been used as a derogatory term.
a. Explain why that is.
b. Think of a more neutral replacement for the word “slacktivism”.