05 10 21 Engineering Geology CET 202 Syllabus
05 10 21 Engineering Geology CET 202 Syllabus
05 10 21 Engineering Geology CET 202 Syllabus
Year of
Category L T P Credits
CET202 Engineering Geology Introduction
PCC 3 0 1 4 2020
Preamble: Goal of this course is to introduce to the students the basics of earth processes,
materials, groundwater and the geological characteristics of such processes and materials
which are relevant to the Civil Engineering applications.
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course the student will be able to:
CO1 Recall the fundamental concepts of surface processes, subsurface process, minerals,
rocks, groundwater and geological factors in civil engineering constructions.
CO2 Identify and describe the surface processes, subsurface process, earth materials,
groundwater and geological factors in civil engineering constructions.
CO3 Apply the basic concepts of surface and subsurface processes, minerals, rocks,
groundwater and geological characteristics in civil engineering constructions.
CO4 Analyze and classify geological processes, earth materials and groundwater.
CO5 Evaluation of geological factors in civil engineering constructions.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 1 2
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3 2
CO5 3 1 3 3 3 2 2
Assessment pattern
Continuous Assessment Tests End Semester
Category Test 1 (Marks) Test 2 (Marks)
9 (3 marks for each
Remember question in which one
6 15
question from third
9 (3 marks for each
Understand question in which one
6 15
question from third
14 +14 + 7 (Question for 7 14 +14 + 7 (Question for 7
marks is from third marks is from third 70
module) module)
Mark distribution
Total Marks CIE ESE Test 1 &2 ESE Duration
marks marks Duration
150 50 100 1.5 hours 3 hours
Attendance: 10marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers): 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Courseproject: 15 marks
End Semester ExaminationPattern:
There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10 questions with 2 questions
from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should answer all questions.
Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer any one. Each
question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14marks.
Course Level Assessment Questions:
Part A
Course Outcome 1 (CO1): (One question from each module to meet the course objective 1:
To recall the fundamental concepts of surface processes, subsurface process, minerals, rocks,
groundwater and geological factors in civil engineeringconstructions).
14. Discuss the various types of seismic waves and their relevance in the study of internal
structure of earth. (14marks)
Module -3
15. Discuss the vertical distribution of groundwater. Give an account of the water bearing
properties of rocks and hydrological cycle with neat diagrams. (14marks)
16. a) Elucidate application of electrical resistivity survey in ground water exploration. (8
b) Give a brief account on different ground water recharge methods (6 marks)
Module -4
17. Distinguish between metamorphic and sedimentary rocks with respect to their
structure with diagrams (14marks)
18. a) Elucidate various physical properties of minerals for their identification. (9marks)
b) Give an account on hardness of minerals with Moh’s hardness scale (5 marks)
Module -5
19. a) Enumerate the geological factors to be considered for selecting a dam site (9
b) Discuss the geological conditions suitable and unsuitable for construction of
tunnels (5marks)
20. Distinguish between folds and faults. Give an account on classification of folds with
neat diagrams (14 marks)
Module Contents Hours
Module Relevance of Geology in Civil Engineering, Surface Processes of
1 the earth- a) Weathering of rocks-Types of weathering, Processes
External of Origin of Products of weathering like sand, clay, laterite and
Earth soil, soil profile, Soil erosion and soil conservation measures.
Processes Engineering significance of weathering. b) Geological processes by 9
rivers. c) Landslides-types, causes and controlling measures,
Coastal Processes-Geological work by waves and currents and
coastal protectionmeasures
Module Internal Processes of the earth- a) Earthquakes- Plate Tectonics,
2 Origin of earthquakes, Seismic waves, Rating of earthquakes, types
Internal of earthquakes, Seismic zones of India. Basics of seismic safety 9
Earth factor, Interior of the earth as revealed by propagation of seismic
Processes waves.
Hydrogeology-Occurrence of groundwater, aquifers and types of
Module aquifers, confining beds, porosity and vertical distribution of
3 groundwater. Darcy's Law.Permeability/hydraulic conductivity.
Groundwater Problems created by groundwater to civil engineering structures, 9
Methods to control groundwater problems, Electrical resistivity
survey for groundwater exploration. Seawater intrusion in Coastal
area.Ghyben Herzberg relation.
Mineralogy-Physical properties of minerals, physical properties
and chemical composition of minerals like quartz, orthoclase,
Module plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, hornblende, augite, hypersthene,
4 calcite, gypsum.
Earth Petrology-Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, Igneous 9
Materials rocks-Chemical and mineralogical classification and structure.
Sedimentary rocks-types based on mode of formation and
structures Metamorphic rocks-structures only. Megascopic study of
granite, dolerite, basalt, sandstone, limestone, shale, gneiss, marble
and charnockite. Rock types of Kerala. Rockcycle
Module Structural Geology– Attitude of rocks – Dip and Strike.
5 Terminology, brief classification and engineering significance of
Secondary folds, faults and joints. Geological part of site investigation for the 9
Structures of construction of dams, reservoirs and tunnels.
Rocks Toposheet.Structuralmapping.Clinometer compass and Brunton
1. Duggal S.K, Pandey H.K and Rawat N (2014) Engineering Geology, Mcgraw Hill
Education NewDelhi
2. Gokhale KVGK (2015) Principles of Engineering Geology, BS Publications,
3. Singh P (2014) Engineering and General Geology, SK Kataria and sons, NewDelhi
4. SubinoyGangopadhyay (2017) Engineering Geology, OxfordUniversity
1. David K Todd & Larry W Mays (2011) Groundwater Hydrogeology, Wiley India Pvt
2. Gokhale N.W. (2015) Manual of Geological Maps, CBS Publishers, NewDelhi
3. Gribble CD (2005) Rutleys Elements of Mineralogy,Springer
4. Marland P Billings (2016), Structural Geology, Pearson education