Ec8691 MPMC Question Bank

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1. Define Microprocessor. K1 CO1
Microprocssor can be defined as Multipurpose,
Prorammable Electronic Device that reads binary
information from a storage device, accepts binary data as
input and processes the data according to those instruction
and provides results as output.
2. List out the basic units in a Microprocessor? K1 CO1
(i) ALU (ii) An array of registers (iii)
control unit

3. Recall the salient features of 8086 Microprocessor. K1 CO1

(i) It is a 16 bit Microprocessor
(ii) It has 16 bit data bus
(iii) It has 20 bit address bus
(iv) The memory addressing capacity is 1 MB.
(v) Its clock frequency is 5 MHz.
4. How the 20 bit effective address is calculated in 8086 K1 CO1
The address of the segment register is shifted left four
times and then the instruction pointer register is added to it.
Thus the 20 bit physical address is calculated.
Eg: SS=3000h
The top of the stack is 30000h
Physical address=30000+8434=38434h
5. Outline the advantages of memory segmentation. K2 CO1
(i) It facilitates use of separate memory areas for
program, data and stack.
(ii) It allows the memory capacity to be 1Mbyte,
although the actual addresses to be handled are of
16-bit size.
It permits a program and/or its data to be put into different
areas of memory, each times program is executed i.e.,
provision for relocation may be done.
6. Define pipelining. K1 CO1
Fetching of next instruction while the current
instruction is in execution is called pipelining.
7. Illustrate about machine language, assembly language and K2 CO1
high level language.
Machine Language: Machine language is the lowest
level programming language. In this language, every
instruction is described by binary patterns. This is the
form in which instructions are stored in memory. This is
the only form that the microprocessor understands.
Assembly Language: In this language, English like
words are devised to represent the binary instructions of
the machine and hence the assembly language programs
are not transferable from one machine to another. This
is the language partially understandable by the
programmer and partially understandable by the
High level language: Programming languages that are
machine independent are high level languages. This is
the language understandable by the programmer only.
8. Explain about assembler and compiler. K2 CO1
Assembler: Assemblers are software programs that
convert Assembly language into machine language.
Compiler:Compilers are software programs that convert
high level language into machine language.
9. What is a bus? K1 CO1
Bus is a group of conducting lines that carries
information such as data, address and control signals.
10. Define bit, nibble, byte and word. K1 CO1
Bit: A digit of the binary number or code is called bit.
Nibble: Group of 4 bits.
Byte: Group of 8 bits.
Word: Group of 16 bits0
11. Define Instruction, Opcode and operand. K1 CO1
Instruction: an instruction is a binary pattern designed
inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function.
Opcode: It stands for operational code. It specifies the
type of operation to be performed by CPU.
Operand: Data on which operation should act.
12. Outline about ALP (Assembly Language Programming). K2 CO1
ALP is a sequence of assembly language statements.
Each statement contains a mnemonic. A mnemonic consists
of letters that suggest the operation to be performed.
13. Define Addressing mode. K1 CO1
The way in which an operand is specified is called its
addressing modes.
14. What are assembler directives? K1 CO1
Assemblers are software programs that convert
Assembly language into machine language. Assembler
directives help the assembler to correctly generate the
machine codes for the assembly language programs.
Eg: MASM (Microsoft assembler directive)
15. Criticize about modular programming? K4 CO1
The complex programming task should be divided into
independent modules, each of which performs a well-
defined task. Such formation of computer code is called
modular programming.
16. List the characteristics of modular programming. K4 CO1
(i) Each module is independent of other module
(ii) Each module has one input and one output.
(iii) A module is small in size.
(iv) Programming a single function per module is the
17. List the advantages and disadvantages of modular K4 CO1
(i) It is easy to write, test and debug a module.
(ii) Modules are easier to comprehend.
(iii) Different modules can be assigned to different
(iv) Debugging and testing can be done in a more
orderly fashion.
(i) The combining of modules together is a difficult
(ii) It needs careful documentation as it may affect
the other parts of the program.
(iii) It requires extra time and memory.
18. Compare and contrast about linker, loader and locator. K2 CO1
Linker: A linker is a program used to join several object
files into one large object file.
Loader: A loader is a program which loads object code
into system memory. It can accept programs in absolute
or relocatable format.
Locator: Locator is a program used to assign the specific
addresses of where the segments of object code are to be
loaded into memory.
19. Define stack. Mention the instructions used in stack. K1 CO1
Stack: It is used to store data temporarily and the data
can be returned whenever required.
Instructions Used: PUSH, POP, PUSHF, POPF
20. Define stack pointer. K1 CO1
A stack pointer is a 16 bit register that stores the address
of the last program request in a stack. The most recently
request always resides at the top of the stack.
21. Distinguish between interrupt and ISR? K4 CO1
Interrupt is a mechanism by which the processor made
to transfer control from its program execution to another
program of higher priority.
Interrupt Service Routine(ISR) – the subroutine that is
executed upon interrupt is called ISR.
The processor on receiving the interrupt stops its current
task executes ISR and then it returns back to the
interrupted program.
22. What is an IVT? CO1
The 8086 can handle 256 interrupts. Each 8086 interrupt
has an interrupt vector address. All the addresses are
determined form a table called “Interrupt Vector Table”
(IVT) stored in locations 0000 to 003FF. it is 1Kb in size
consisting of 256 4byte entries.
23. List the classification of interrupts. K1 CO1
(i) Predefined interrupts/ Dedicated Interrupts
Type 0 : Division by zero
Type 1: Single step
Type 2: Non maskable Interrupt
Type 3: Breakpoint Interrupt
Type 4: Interrupt on overflow
(ii) Software Interrupts
(iii) Hardware Interrupts
24. Outline about the procedure? K2 CO1
Whenever a group of instructions needed to be used
several times throughout the program, to avoid writing the
sequence of instructions in the program each time, the
sequence can be written as a separate sub program called
25. What is recursive procedure? K1 CO1
When a procedure is called within another procedure is
called recursive procedure.
26. List the advantages and disadvantages of procedure. K4 CO1
(i) They save memory and programming time by
allowing the code to be reused.
(ii) Easy to debug and modify a program
(i) The linkage is associated with time.
(ii) It requires more code to program the linkage than
is needed to perform the task, thereby increasing
the execution time and the memory area required.
27. Write short notes on Macro? K1 CO1
Macro is a segment of code that needs to be written only
once. The macro assembler generates the code in the
program each time where the macro is “called”
28. Distinguish between intrasegment and intersegment branch K4 CO1
If the destination is in the same code segment as the
instruction, then it is intrasegment branch instruction
If the destination is in a segment different from that of
the segment containing the instruction then it is called
intersegment instruction.
29. What is nested macro? K1 CO1
A macro call can appear within a macro definition. This
is called Macro Nesting.
30. List the difference between Hardware and software K4 CO1
The software interrupt is initiated by the main program,
but the hardware interrupt is initiated by an external
device. In 8086, software interrupt cannot be masked or
disabled but hardware interrupt can be disabled or
31. What is vectored and non vectored interrupt? K1 CO1
When an interrupt is accepted, if the processor control
branches to a specific address defined by the
manufacturer then the interrupt is called vectored
interrupt. In non vectored interrupt, there is no specific
address for storing the interrupt service routine. Hence
the interrupted device should give the address of the
interrupt service routine.
32. Compare procedure and Macro. K4 CO1
Procedure Marco
Accessed by CALL & Accessed during
RET instruction during assembly with name
program execution given to macro when
Machine code for Machine code is
instruction is put only generated for instruction
once in the memory each time when macro is
With procedure less With macro more
memory is required memory is required
Parameters can be Parameters passed as part
passed in registers, of statement which calls
memory locations or macro
1. Illustrate about Bus and mention its types. K2 CO2
A set of wires used for transferring information between
the components in a computer system is called Bus.
(i) Internal Bus – if a bus connects two minor
components within a major component (or IC),
such that the connection between the control unit
and internal registers of the microprocessor.
(ii) External Bus – when a bus connects two major
components such as a Microprocessor and an
interface, it is called an external bus.
2. Distinguish minimum mode and maximum mode. K4 CO2
Minimum Mode Maximum Mode

There is a single There may be more than

microprocessor one microprocessor

A processor is in A processor is in
minimum mode when maximum mode when
MN/MX is connected to MN/MX is grounded
+5V power supply
All the control signals All the control signals are
are generated by generated by bus controller
microprocessor chip 8288.
3. Define Machine cycle. K1 CO2
Machine cycle is defined as the time required to
complete one operation of accessing memory, I/O or
acknowledging an external request. This cycle may consist
of three to six T-states.

4. Define T-state. K1 CO2

T-state is defined as one subdivision of the operation
performed in one clock period. These subdivisions are
internal states synchronized with the system clock, and
each T-state is precisely equal to one clock period.

5. Discuss about Instruction cycle? K6 CO2

The sequence of operation that a processor has to carry
out while executing the instruction is called Instruction
cycle. Each instruction cycle of a processor consists of a
number of machine cycles.

6. Infer about DMA and list out its advantages. K2 CO2

DMA – Direct Memory Access.
The direct data transfer between I/O device and memory
without involving CPU is called DMA.
(i) Using DMA, bulk data transfer can take
between the memory and the I/O device by
passing the Microprocessor.
(ii) Supports large volumes of data transmission
increases the speed of data transmission.

7. List the modes in which 8086 can operate? K1 CO2

The 8086 can operate in two modes.
(i) Minimum mode (Uniprocessor)
(ii) Maximum mode(Multiprocessor)

8. List out the difference between CPU bus and system bus? K4 CO2
The CPU bus has multiplexed lines but the system bus
has separate lines for each signal. (The multiplexed CPU
lines are demultiplexed by the CPU interface circuit to
form system bus).

9. Justify the use of status lines in Microprocessor? K5 CO2

The status signals can be used by the system designer to
track the internal operations of the processor. Also, it can
be used for memory expansion (by providing separate
memory banks for program & data and selecting the banks
using status signals). The IO/M is used to differentiate
memory access and I/O access.

10. Summarize the function of ALE signal. K2 CO2

Address Latch Enable – it is an output signal from the
8086 and it is used to demultiplex AD0 – AD15 lines into A0
– A15 address lines and D0 – D15 data lines. Demultiplex
occurs at the falling edge of ALE signal. ALE is active
high during the first clock cycle of any bus cycle.

11. Show the function of BHE signal? K2 CO2

The active low Bus High Enable signal; indicate
thetansfer of data over the higher order D15 – D8 data bus.

12. Classify the function of LOCK signal? K4 CO2

It is an output signal from the 8086. When the LOCK
signal is made low, other bus masters are prevented from
gaining the control of the system bus. LOCK signal is
activated by the lock instruction and remains active until
the completion of the next instruction.

13. Inspect about the clock signal generation in 8086? K4 CO2

Clock signal is generated using IC 8284 to which a
stable crystal oscillator is connected, it also synchronizes
8086 with external hardware. 8086 operates with 5 MHz
clock frequency.

14. List out the interrupt signals available in 8086? K4 CO2

INTR: it is a level triggered maskable interrupt request.
It is an active high signal which must be held high until
it is recognized. It is a vectored interrupt (through an
interrupt vector table). It can be internally masked by
resetting the interrupt enable bit through software.
NMI: it is an edge triggered non maskable interrupt. The
interrupt is activated by the leading edge of a signal and
it causes a type 2 interrupt.
15. Write the Importance of TEST pin in 8086. K5 CO2
This input signal to the 8086 is used only by WAIT
instruction. The processor enters into wait state after
execution of the WAIT instruction until TEST pin is low.
Thisinput is synchronized internally during each clock on
the leading edge of CLK signal.

16. Demonstrate the happenings when reset pin is enabled. K2 CO2

(i) DS, SS, ES and IP registers are initialized to 0000
(ii) Instruction queue and flag registers are cleared.
(iii) CS register is initialized to FFFF.

17. Examine about the function of ready signal. K4 CO2

It is an input signal sent by slow external devices to the
processor for synchronization. When ready input is low, it
indicates that the external device is not ready for operation
& the processor enters into wait state until ready input
becomes high.

18. Compare and contrast the function of HOLD and HLDA K4 CO2
HOLD : it is an active input signal requesting for DMA
operation. It informs the processor that another master is
requesting to take over the system bus.
HLDA: it is an output signal sent by the 8086 on
receiving the HOLD request signal. This signal informs
the external device that the processor has accepted the
DMA request and the system bus are tristated.

19. List the minimum mode signals and maximum mode K1 CO2
Minimum mode signals : M/IO, INTA, ALE, DT/R,
Maximum mode signals: S2,S1,S0, LOCK, QS1, QS0,

20. What is multiprocessor configuration? K1 CO2

A multiprocessor system is a system with two or more
processors that can execute instructions or perform
operations simultaneously.
21. Criticize the need for multiprocessor system? K5 CO2
(i) Due to the limited data width of the 8086
microprocessor and lack of the floating point
arithmetic instructions, it requires many
instructions to perform a single floating point
operation for a system requiring several floating
point computations, it is desirable to perform such
computations with a supporting numeric co
processor such as 8087. The 8087 is specially
designed to quickly operate on floating point
(ii) An I/O processor such as 8089 can perform string
manipulations, character searching and bit testing

22. List the advantages and disadvantages of multiprocessor K1 CO2

(i) High level performance can be obtained by
parallel processing.
(ii) Robustness can be improved by isolating
system function.
(i) Bus contention
(ii) Inter process communication
(iii) Resource sharing

23. What is the basic multiprocessor system? K1 CO2

(i) Co processor configuration
(ii) Closely coupled configuration
(iii) Loosely coupled configuration

24. What is co processor? Mention its advantages. K1 CO2

A co processor is a processor specially designed to work
under the control of a microprocessor such as 8086 to
support additional numeric processing capabilities. Eg:
8087 Numeric Data Processor
(i)NDP is specially designed to perform
arithmetic operations efficiently.
(ii)It can operate on data of the integer, decimal
and real types with the length ranging from 2
to 10 bytes.
(iii)The instruction set not only includes various
forms of addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division but also provides many useful
functions such as taking the square root,
exponentiation, taking the tangent and so on.

25. What is an I/O processor? K1 CO2

I/O processor is a processor designed to work with any
microprocessor such as 8086 to perform all the I/O
operations and relieve the microprocessor so that it can
perform some other function at the time of I/O transfer.
This increases the system speed. Eg: 8089 used with 8086.

26. Justify how main processor distinguish its instructions from K5 CO2
the co processor instructions when it fetches the
instructions from memory?
CPU differentiates 8087 instruction with the ESC
instruction. When ESC instruction is decoded bus control is
given to 8087 and then CPU deactivates TEST pin and
does the process.

27. List the advantages of loosely coupled system over tightly K1 CO2
coupled system.
(i) More number of CPUs can be added in a loosely
coupled system to improve the system
(ii) The system structure is modular and hence easy
to maintain and troubleshot.
(iii) A fault in a single module does not lead to a
complete system breakdown.

28. Define bus arbitration. Mention its functions K1 CO2

The mechanism that decides the selection of current
master to access bus is known as bus arbitration.
(i) Capability to request for a bus access.
(ii) Recognizes bus allotted to itself and all the other
processor in the system.
29. What are the bus allocation schemes? K1 CO2
(i) Daisy chaining
(ii) Polling
(iii) Independent bus requesting

30. List the features of 8087 Numeric Data Processor. K4 CO2

(i) 8087 is a high performance data co processor.
(ii) It is designed to specially work with 8086
(iii) It has a built-in exception handling functions.
(iv) It supports 16,32,64 bit integers, 32,64,80 bit
floating point and 16 digit BCD datatypes.

31. List the data types available in 8087 co processor? K1 CO2

(i) Binary Integers
Word integer (16 bits)
Short integer (32 bits)
Long integer (64 bits)
(ii) Packed BCD (80 bits)
(iii) Floating point/real numbers
Short real (32 bits)
Long real (64 bits)
Temporary real (80 bits)

32. List the features of 8089 IOP. K4 CO2

(i) The IOP can fetch and execute its own
(ii) It can perform arithmetic and logic operations,
branching, searching and translation.
(iii) It supports multiprocessing environment (i.e) IOP
and the microprocessor can do processing
(iv) It does all the work involved in I/O transfer such
as device set up, programmed I/O and DMA

33. What is the function of CCP in 8089? K1 CO2

Channel control pointer: This pointer is 20 bit wide and
not under the control of the user. It stores the address of the
memory block user. It stores the address of the memory
block for channel 1 during the initialization sequence. The
address of the block for channel 2 is the content of CCP+8.
34. What is multiprogramming? K1 CO2
A system is said to be multiprogramming system, if it
executes processes in a time multiplexed fashion.
35. What are the states of a process in multiprogramming? K1 CO2
(i) Running
(ii) Blocked
(iii) Ready

36. Define semaphore. K1 CO2

In multiprogramming systems, processes are allowed to
share common software and data resources as well as
hardware resources. These resources are said to be
protected by getting modified simultaneously by two or
more processors. A flag is used to reserve a shared resource
called as semaphore and operations of requesting and
releasing the resources are commonly known as the P and
V semaphore operations.

37. Show some example for advance microprocessors. K1 CO2

80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium Processor.

38. Define cycle stealing. K1 CO2

Taking control of the bus without the knowledge of
CPU is called as cycle stealing.

39. What are the I/O data transfer schemes? K1 CO2

(i) Programmed I/O
(ii) Interrupt I/O
(iii) DMA

40. Compare closely coupled and loosely coupled K4 CO2

multiprocessor configurations.
Closely Coupled Loosely Coupled

Single CPU is used Multiple CPU modules

are used

It has only local bus It has local and system


No system memory or I/O It has a shared system

memory and I/O

No bus arbitration logic is Bus arbitration logic is

required required

It is also called shared It is also called

memory multiprocessor distributed memory

More expensive Less expensive


1. Define port. Mention the need for port. K1 CO3
The port is a buffered I/O, which is used to hold the data
transmission from the microprocessor to I/O device or vice-
Need for Port:
The I/O devices are generally slow devices and their
timing characteristics do not match with processor timings.
Hence the I/O devices are connected to system bus through
the ports.

2. Define interfacing. K1 CO3

An interface is a shared boundary between the devices
which involves sharing information. Interfacing is the
process of making two different systems communicate with
each other.

3. Define interfacing. K1 CO3

An interface is a shared boundary between the devices
which involves sharing information. Interfacing is the
process of making two different systems communicate with
each other.

4. List out some programmable peripheral devices used with K1 CO3

8255 – Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)
8251 – Programmable serial communication Interface
8253/8254 – Programmable Timer/Counter
8279 – Programmable Keyboard/Display Controller
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
8237 – Programmable DMA controller
5. Justify the necessity of memory interfacing. K5 CO3
To store large amount of data to match processor speed
with peripheral speed. The interfacing circuit aids in
accessing the memory.

6. Show the methods in which I/O devices can be interfaced K1 CO3

with 8086. (or) what are the different peripheral interfacing
used with 8086?
Memory mapped I/O – the assignment of addresses to
various memory chip.
I/O mapped I/O (Peripheral I/O) – the assignment of
addresses to various I/O devices.

7. Distinguish Memory mapped Interfacing and I/O mapped K4 CO3

Memory Mapped I/O I/O mapped I/O

It requires 20 address It requires 16 address

lines lines

Microprocessor can It requires special

access I/O devices by instructions to access I/O
memory instructions like devices like IN and OUT
special instructions are
Microprocessor can Microprocessor can
access 1 MB memory access 64 KB I/O ports.
locations or I/O ports.
Memory mapped I/O is I/O mapped I/O is not
treated as memory treated as memory
location location

MEMR, MEMW signals IOR, IOW signals are

can be used to access used
I/O devices
It is suitable for a small It is suitable for a large
system system

Decoding circuit is Decoder circuit is

complex since there are comparatively simpler
20 address lines
8. List some examples for peripheral devices. K1 CO3
Keyboard, Monitor, Printer, Scanner.

9. List the advantages and disadvantages of memory mapped K4 CO3

(i) Many CPU registers can exchange data with I/O
(ii) The port addresses are 16 bit wide, thereby it
provides more input and output ports.
(iii) Speed is high
(iv) Reduction in CPU control lines
(i) The number of I/O ports connected is limited by
number of available memory locations.
(ii) The length of program is increased.
(iii) Because of wider port address, the interface
hardware is also increased.

10. List the advantages and disadvantages of I/O mapped I/O. K4 CO3
(i) Program is simple.
(ii) The I/O instructions isolate memory and I/O so
that memory address is not affected by I/O
(iii) The I/O type instructions are usually less than
memory type instructions used in memory
mapped I/O.
(iv) The complexity of the device address decoder
depends only on the length of the device address
field in the I/O type instructions.
(i) Less powerful
(ii) Less flexible
(iii) Two additional control lines are needed for
issuing IOR and IOW signals.

11. How many address lines and data lines are necessary for K1 CO3
accessing 32Kx8 memory?
15 address lines.
12. List out the features of 8255. K4 CO3
(i) The 8255 has 24 I/O pins that are grouped into
three 8 bit ports namely port A,B,C.
(ii) The 8 bits of port C are grouped into 4 bit ports:
Cupper (Cu) and Clower(Cl). port A and port Cu are
grouped as group A and port B and port Cl are
grouped as group B.
(iii) The operation of the 8255 is classified into two:
I/O mode and BSR(Bit Set & Reset) mode.
(iv) The BST mode is used to set or reset the bits in
port C individually.
(v) The I/O mode is further divided into three:
Mode0, Mode1 and Mode2.

13. What is the need for 8255? K1 CO3

Intel 8255 is a widely used general purpose
programmable I/O device compatible with any
Microprocessor. It is versatile parallel I/O device that can
be programmed to transfer data under various conditions
from simple I/O to interrupt I/O.

14. What are the operating modes of 8255? K1 CO3

(i) I/O mode:
Mode 0: Basic I/O
Mode 1: handshake or strobed I/O
Mode 2: Bidirectional I/O
(ii) BSR mode(Bit Set & Reset)

15. What is meant by handshaking? K1 CO3

Prior to actual process or transmission control signals
are mutually transmitted between data terminal equipment
and data communication equipment. These signals are
called as handshaking signals.

16. Compare serial and parallel data transfer. K4 CO3

In serial communication interface one bit is transferred
at a time over a single line.
In parallel communication two or more data bits are
transferred simultaneously on the separate lines.

17. What is the need for 8251? K1 CO3

This chip converts the parallel data into serial stream of
bits suitable for serial transmission and vice-versa.
18. List the types of serial communication K4 CO3
Asynchronous serial communication – in this mode,
data is sent in blocks at a constant rate (i.e) the frequencies
of transmission and reception. Transmission and reception
takes place simultaneously. The starting and end of a block
are identified with specific bytes or bit patterns.
Synchronous transmission is used for high speed of more
than 20 KB/second
Synchronous serial communication–in this mode, each
data character has a bit to identify its start and one or two
bits to identify its end. The characters can be sent at any
time without checking the receiver. Reception and
transmission are not synchronized.

19. Define baudrate. K1 CO3

It is the rate at which the serial data is being transmitted.
It is measured in bits/second.
Baudrate = 1/Time between signal transmission
Common baudrates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
and 19200.

20. List the features of 8251. K1 CO3

(i) It supports both synchronous and asynchronous
(ii) It allows full duplex communication
(iii) It has a built in baud rate generator.
(iv) It provides error detection logic which detects
parity, over run and framing errors.

21. What are the serial transmission modes? K1 CO3

(i) Simplex: Data is transferred only in one direction.
Eg: Radio, Television
(ii) Half Duplex: Communication takes place in
either direction between the two systems, but in
one direction at a time. Eg: Walky-Talky
(iii) Full Duplex: Both the receiver and transmitter
can send and receive data at the same time. Eg:

22. What is an USART? K1 CO3

Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter. It is a programmable communication
interface that can communicate by using either
synchronous or asynchronous serial data.

23. List out the features of 8279 keyboard/Display controller. K4 CO3

(i) It supports keyboard of size up to 64 key matrix
with 2-key lockout and n-key rollover options.
(ii) It supports display interface of up to 16 digits
with many options.
(iii) It has a built in hardware for key debouncing
(iv) It supports simultaneous keyboard and display

24. Discuss about 2 key lock out mode. K6 CO3

In this mode, if two keys are pressed almost
simultaneously, only the first key is recognized.

25. Discuss about n-key roll over mode. K6 CO3

In this mode, simultaneous keys are recognized and
their codes are stored in the internal buffer. It can also be
set up so that no key is recognized until one key remains

26. What are the tasks involved in keyboard interface? (or) K1 CO3
Mention the need for 8279.
The tasks involved in keyboard interfacing are sensing
key actuation, debouncing the key and generating key code
(Decoding the key). These tasks are performed software if
the keyboard is interfaced through ports and they are
performed by hardware if the keyboard is interfaced
through 8279.

27. How a keyboard matrix is formed in keyboard interface K1 CO3

using 8279?
The return lines RL0 toRL7 of 8279 are used to form
the columns of keyboard matrix. In decode scan, the scan
lines SL0 to SL3 of 8279 are used to form the rows of
keyboard matrix. In encoded scan, the output lines of
external decoder are used as rows of keyboard matrix.

28. What is scanning in keyboard and what is scan time? K1 CO3

The process of sending a zero to each row of a keyboard
matrix and reading the columns for key actuation is called
scanning. The scan time is the time taken by the processor
to scan all the rows one by one starting from first row and
coming back to the first row again.

29. What is scanning in display and what is scan time? K1 CO3

In display devices, the process of sending display codes
to 7 segment LEDs to display the LEDs one by one is
called scanning. The scan time is the time taken to display
all the 7 segment LEDs one by one starting from first LED
and coming back to the first LED again.

30. Infer about the key debouncing? K2 CO3

When push button keys are pressed, bounces a few
times, closing and opening the contacts before providing a
steady reading. Reading taken during bouncing period may
be faulty. Therefore microprocessor must wait until the key
reach to a steady state. This is known as key debouncing.

31. List down the modes of operation of 8279. K1 CO3

Input (Keyboard) modes:
(i) Scanned keyboard mode
(ii) Scanned sensor matrix
(iii) Strobed input
Output (Display) mode:
(i) Display scan
(ii) Display entry

32. What is the need for 8253 Timer? K1 CO3

In 8086, a delay subroutine is used to introduce a
predefined time delay. The drawback of this software
approach is that the processor is locked in the delay loop
and processor time is lost in counting. So Intel 8253/8254
devices are used to generate different types of delay signals
and to count external signals.

33. List the features of 8253/54. K1 CO3

(i) Generation of accurate time delay
(ii) Timer or counter operation
(iii) Counting in binary or BCD
(iv) Capability to interrupt the processor

34. List the modes of operation of 8254 timer. K1 CO3

Mode 0: Interrupt on terminal count
Mode 1: Hardware retriggerable one shot
Mode 2: Rate generator
Mode 3: Square wave generator
Mode 4: Software triggered strobe
Mode 5: Hardware triggered strobe

35. List the need for 8259 Programmable Interrupt controller. K1 CO3
Programmable Interrupt controller is employed to
expand the interrupt inputs. It can handle the interrupt
request from various devices and allow one by one to the

36. List out the features of 8259. K4 CO3

(i) It supports eight interrupts from the peripherals
and issues a single interrupt signal to the
(ii) It resolves eight levels of interrupt priorities in a
variety of modes such as fully nested mode,
automatic rotation mode and specific rotation
(iii) It can mask the interrupt sources individually and
set the priorities for the interrupts.
(iv) It supports cascading of eight 8259 ICs and
multiplexes 64 interrupt sources into one.

37. Elaborate about the need for DMA controller (8237)? K6 CO3
The process of transferring data from memory to
peripheral device or peripheral to memory without
disturbing the MPU with the help of external hardware is
known as Direct Memory Access.
DMA controller generates address and control signals
required to control data transfer and allows peripheral
device to directly access memory.

38. List the features of 8237 DMA controller. K4 CO3

(i) It has four independent DMA channels with each
channel capable of transferring 64 KB.
(ii) It can be cascaded to expand to any number of
DMA channels.
(iii) Memory to memory transfer is possible
(iv) The memory address can be incremented or
39. List down the modes of operation of 8237. K1 CO3
(i) Single transfer mode
(ii) Block transfer mode
(iii) Demand transfer mode
(iv) Cascade mode

40. Show how DMA is initiated? K2 CO3

DMA is initiated by sending Hold request (HOLD)
signal to the CPU. CPU accepts the DMA request then it
will send the hold acknowledgement (HLDA) signal to the
interrupted device.

41. Differenctiate LED and LCD display. K4 CO3


Less power consumption More power


Faster response rate time Slower response rate


Color accuracy is less Color accuracy is more

Cannot be extremely slim Can be extremely slim

42. Evaluate a 16 bit delay program in 8086. K5 CO3
MOV CX, count

43. What are the different types of ADC & DAC? K1 CO3
Types of ADC: Successive Approximation type, Flash
type, Counter type, Single slope and Dual slope
Types of DAC: Weighted Resistor type, R-2R ladder type,
Inverted R-2R ladder type.

44. Define resolution in ADC. K1 CO3

It is defined as the ratio of a change in value of input
voltage Vi needed to change the digital output by 1 LSB.
Resolution = ViFS / 2n – 1, VIfs – full scale input voltage

45. Define conversion time in ADC. K1 CO3

It is defined as the total time required to convert an
analog signal to digital output.
46. Define resolution in DAC. K1 CO3
It is defined as the ratio of a change in output voltage
resulting from a change of 1 LSB at the digital inputs.
Resolution = VoFS / 2n – 1, Vofs – full scale output

47. Define settling time on DAC. K1 CO3

This is the time required for the output of the DAC to
settle within ±1/2 LSB of the final value for a given digital
input (i.e) zero full scale.

48. Define conversion time in DAC. K1 CO3

It is the time required for the conversion of analog
signal into its digital equivalent.

49. Define monotonocity. K1 CO3

A converter is said to have good monotonocity if it does
not miss any step backward when stepped through its entire
range by a counter.

1. Define Microcontroller K1 CO4
A Microcontroller is a device which integrates a number
of the components of a microprocessor system onto a single
microchip and optimized to interact with the outside world
through on-board interfaces.
It contains Microprocessor with integrated peripherals
like memory, serial ports, parallel ports, timer/counter,
interrupt controller, data acquisition interfaces such as
ADC, DAC etc.

2. Compare Microprocessor and Microcontroller. K5 CO4

Microprocessor Microcontroller

Microprocessor Microcontroller contains

contains ALU, general the circuitry of
purpose registers, stack microprocessor and in
pointer, program addition it has built-in
counter, and clock RAM, ROM, I/O devices,
timing circuit and timers and counters
interrupt circuit.
It has many instructions It has only one or two
to move data between instructions to move data
memory and CPU between memory and

It has one or two bit It has many bit handling

handling instructions instructions

Access time for Less access time for built-

memory and I/O in memory and I/O
devices are more devices.

Microprocessor based Microcontroller based

system requires more system requires less
hardware hardware reducing PCB
size and increasing the

3. List the features of 8051 Microcontroller. K1 CO4

(i) It is an 8 bit Microcontroller, 8 bit ALU,
Accumulator and 8 bit registers.
(ii) It has 8 bit data bus
(iii) It has 16 bit address bus
(iv) 4 KB of on chip ROM and 128 bytes of on chip
(v) It can access 64 KB memory locations each of
ROM and RAM (External memory).
(vi) On chip clock generator.
(vii) It contains four byte bidirectional input/output
ports, UART (serial port), Two 16 bit
Counter/timer, and five interrupt sources.

4. What is the function of B register? K1 CO4

B register is used in the operations of multiplication and
division. For these operations, the B register holds one of
the two inputs and also retains a part of the result. For these
instructions, it is used as a general purpose registers.

5. Examine the selection procedure of register banks in 8051 K4 CO4

RS1 RS0 Bank selected
0 0 Bank 0

0 1 Bank 1

1 0 Bank 2

1 1 Bank 3

6. What is the function of program counter in 8051? K1 CO4

It is the 16 bit register used to hold the address of the
next instruction to be executed. The PC is automatically
incremented to point to the next instruction in the program
sequence after the execution of the current instruction, it is
the only register which does not have an internal address.

7. What is the function of stack pointer in 8051? K1 CO4

It is an 8 bit register and holds the topmost address of
the stack. Stack is an area on internal RAM which acts as
LIFO buffer. It stores the return address whenever a
subroutine is called. The SP is initialized to 07H after a
reset. This causes the stack to begin at 08H. The SP is
automatically incremented for PUSH and CALL
instructions and decremented for POP and RET

8. Show the function of DPTR in 8051? K2 CO4

Data Pointer - It is a 16 bit register which is used to fetch
data from the external memory. It can also be used as two 8
bit registers namely DPH and DPL to store data. DPTR
does not have a single address but two addresses one for
DPH(83H) and the other for DPL(82H).
9. Outline about an SFR? K2 CO4
The 8051 operations that do not use the internal 128
byte addresses from 00h to 7Fh are done by a group of
special function registers (SFR) which may be addressed
like internal RAM. They are implemented in the memory
with addresses 08H to FFH. All the access to the I/O ports,
timers, interrupt control register, UART and power control
are performed through these registers.

10. What is the size of program and data memory in 8051 K1 CO4
Program memory:
Internal:4 KB
External: 64 KB
Data memory:
Internal: 128 bytes
External: 64 KB

11. List the significance of EA pin in 8051. K1 CO4

EA stands for external access. When EA pin is low,
indicates that the 8051 can address external program
memory. When EA pin high, tehn the 8051 can address
internal memory.
When the EA pin is connected to Vcc, program fetches
to addresses 0000h through 0FFFh are directed to the
internal ROM and program fetches to address 1000h
through FFFFh are directed to external ROM/EPROM.
When the EA pin is grounded, all addresses fetched by
program are directed to the external ROM/EPROM.

12. Show the significance of PSEN pin in 8051. K2 CO4

Program Strobe Enable is an active low output signal
that acts as a strobe to read the external program memory.
This goes low during external program memory access.

13. List down the functions of I/O ports in 8051. K4 CO4

Port 0: it is usual as an I/O port and also as multiplexed
address/data bus (AD0 – AD7)
Port 1: It is used as an I/O port alone
Port 2: It is used as an I/O port and also as the higher
order address bus (A8 – A15).
Port 3: It is used as an I/O port. The individual lines of
port 3 have special functions such as interrupt lines,
timer inputs, read and write control lines and serial input
and output lines.

14. Show the alternate functions for the port pins of port3. K2 CO4
P3.0 – RXD – Serial data input
P3.1 – TXD – Serial data output
P3.2 – INT0 – External interrupt 0
P3.3 – INT1 – External interrupt 1
P3.4 – T0 – Timer 0 External Input
P3.5 – T1 - Timer 1 External Input
P3.6 – WR – External Memory Write pulse
P3.7 – RD - External Memory Read pulse
15. Recall the interrupt sources in 8051. K1 CO4
External interrupt 0 (INT0)
Timer interrupt 0 (TF0)
External interrupt 1 (INT1)
Timer interrupt 1 (TF1)
Serial interrupt (RI/TI)

16. Show the interrupt priorities of 8051. K2 CO4

External interrupt 0 (INT0)
Timer interrupt 0 (TF0)
External interrupt 1 (INT1)
Timer interrupt 1 (TF1)
Serial interrupt (RI/TI)

17. List the addressing modes of 8051. K1 CO4

Immediate addressing mode. Eg: MOV A, #08
Register direct addressing mode. Eg: MOV A, R0
Memory direct addressing mode. Eg: MOV A, 74
Memory indirect addressing mode. Eg: MOV @R1,A
Indexed addressing mode. Eg: MOVC A, @A+DPTR
18. What happens when 8051 resets? K1 CO4
All registers are reset.
Stack pointe is initialized to 07h.

19. Differentiate MOV and MOVX instructions. K4 CO4

MOV instruction moves data bytes between the two
specified operands. The byte specified by the second
operand is copied to the location specified by the
first operand. The source data byte is not
affected.Eg: MOV A, R0
MOVX instruction transfers data between the
accumulator and external data memory. External
memory may be addressed via 16-bits in the DPTR
register or via 8-bits in the R0 or R1 registers. When
using 8-bit addressing, Port 2 must contain the high-
order byte of the address.Eg: MOVX a, @DPTR

20. What are the jumps available in 8051? Mention their K1 CO4
Absolute jump: 2 KB(0000h to 07FFh)
Short jump: -127 to 128 bytes
Long jump: 64 KB (0000h to FFFFh)
21. Show the function performed by CJNE and DJNZ K2 CO4
instruction in 8051.
CJNE: Compare and jump if not equal. The
magnitudes of the two operands given in the
instruction are compared and branching to a new
address occurs if they are not equal. The branching
address is also given in the instruction.
Eg: CJNE A, #40h, 08h
DJNZ: Decrements the operand given in the
instruction by 1 and branches to new address if the
result is not zero.
Eg: DJNZ R4, 08h

22. Which port is used as a multifunction port? List the signals. K1 CO4
Port 3 is used as a multifunctional port. Signals are:
RXD, TXD, INT0, INT1, T0, T1, and WR & RD.

23. Show the procedure to set 8051 in idle mode? K2 CO4

RESET pin is high forces 8051 into an idle state and
remains idle state. When it is low, a new control word is
written into it.

24. What are bit manipulation instructions? Give two K1 CO4

Bit manipulation instructions are used to set or reset a
particular bit in a specified register. Eg: CLR, SETB,
CPL etc.

25. Draw the format of PSW in 8051. K1 CO4

26. Draw the format of TMOD in 8051. K1 CO4

27. Draw the format of TCON in 8051. K1 CO4

28. Draw the format of SCON in 8051. K1 CO4

29. Draw the format of PCON in 8051. K1 CO4

30. Draw the format of IPin 8051. K1 CO4

31. Draw the format of IE in 8051. K1 CO4

32. Draw the pin diagram of 8051. K1 CO4


1. List out the functions of 8051 timer. K4 CO5
(i) Producing a delay for a definite time and then
issuing an interrupt request.
(ii) Counting the transitions on an external pin.
(iii) Generating baud rates for the serial port.

2. Name the SFRs used for 8051 timer programming. K1 CO5

3. List the modes of operation of the 8051 timer. K1 CO5
Mode 0: 13-Bit Timer
Mode 1: 16-Bit Timer
Mode 2: 8- Bit Auto reload
Mode 3: Split timer mode

4. Write the features of 8051 serial port (UART). K1 CO5

UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver
(i) Full duplex operation
(ii) Receiver buffered
(iii) Access using single double buffered register
(iv) Options to use fixed or programmable baud rate

5. Name the SFRs used for 8051 serial programming. K1 CO5


6. List the modes of operation of 8051 serial programming. K1 CO5

Mode 0: 8 Bit shift register mode (Baud rate – fosc/12)
Mode 1: 8 Bit UART (Baud rate – variable)
Mode 2: 9 Bit UART (Baud rate – fosc/64 (or) Baud rate
– fosc/32)
Mode 3: 9 Bit UART (Baud rate – variable)

7. Define double buffering (or) Write the need for SBUF K1 CO5
A full duplex serial port can transmit and receive data
simultaneously. Transmission is initiated by writing a data
to the SBUF SFR which is a 8 bit register. Reception of
data is done by reading the data from the SBUF register,
the same address SBUF actually points to two different
registers, one for transmission and the other for reception.
This technique of having the same address for two different
registers is called double buffering.

8. What are the methods to double the baud rate? K1 CO5

(i) By using a higher frequency crystal.
(ii) By changing the SMOD bit in the PCON register.
State how baud rate is calculated for serial data transfer
in mode 1.
The 8051’s serial communication UART divides the
machine cycle frequency of 921.6 KHz by 32 once more
before it is used by timer 1 to set the baud rate.

9. What is the use of Vref/2 in ADC? K1 CO5

It is used for input reference voltage. If this pin is
open(not connected) the analog input voltage for the
ADC0804 is in the range of 0 to 5 volts (the same as the
Vcc pin). However, there are many applications where the
analog input applied to Vin needs to be other than the 0 to 5
V range. Vref/2 is used to implement analog input voltages
other than 0 to 5 V. For example, if the analog input range
needs to be 0 to 4 volts, Vref/2 is connected to 2 volts.

10. Define transducer. K1 CO5

Transducers convert physical data such as temperature,
light sensity, flow and speed to electrical signals.

11. Name some temperature sensors. K1 CO5

LM 34 & LM 35.

12. Define signal conditioning. K1 CO5

Signal conditioning is a widely used term in the world
of data acquisition. The most common transducers produce
an output in the form of voltage, current, charge,
capacitance and resistance. However it is needed to convert
these signals to voltage in order to send input to an ADC.
This conversion is commonly called signal conditioning.

13. What are the types of sensors used for interfacing? K1 CO5
Temperature sensor, Humidity sensor, Light sensor,
Acceleration sensor, Force sensor, Frequency sensor, Flow
sensor, Pressure sensor etc.

14. List out the instructions to access external ROM in 8051. K2 CO5

15. Mention the instructions to access external RAM in 8051. K1 CO5


16. Mention the applications of stepper motor. K1 CO5

Disk drivers, Dot matrix printers, Robotics, Washing
machine etc.

17. What are the different sequences available for the rotation K1 CO5
of stepper motor?
(i) Two phase 4 step sequence
(ii) Wave drive 4 step sequence
(iii) Half step 4 step sequence

18. Define step angle. K1 CO5

Step angel is the minimum degree associated with a
single step.

19. What are the types of stepper motor? K1 CO5

(i) Universal stepper motor: It has 8 leads and can be
configured in all the three modes.
(ii) Unipolar stepper motor: It has 6 leads and can be
configured in the unipolar or bipolar mode.
(iii) Bipolar stepper motor: It has 4 leads and cannot
be configured in anyother mode.

20. Write the difference between timer and counter. K1 CO5

Timers used to generate a time delay whereas counters
count the events happening outside the microcontroller.



1. Analyze about the 8080 Microprocessor architecture with neat block K4 CO1
Microprocessor – Definition
Block Diagram
Functional units:
BIU – Instruction queue, Segment Registers,
Instruction Pointer (physical address
EU – General Purpose Registers, Pointer and Index
Registers, Flag Register, ALU, Decoder,
Control unit

2. Explain about various addressing modes of 8086 Microprocessor. K2 CO1

Addressing modes – Definition
Immediate addressing mode – description & 1 example
Register addressing mode - description & 1 example
Memory direct addressing mode - description & 1 example
Memory indirect addressing mode - description & 1 example
Relative addressing mode - description & 1 example
Based indexed addressing mode - description & 1 example
Relative Based indexed addressing mode - description & 1 example
Intrasegment direct addressing mode - description & 1 example
Intrasegment indirect addressing mode - description & 1 example
Intersegment direct addressing mode - description & 1 example
Intersegment indirect addressing mode - description & 1 example
String addressing mode - description & 1 example

3. Discuss about the 8086 interrupts. K6 CO1

Interrupt – definition
Interrupt service routine – definition
Interrupt vector table – description
Response to an interrupt
Classification of interrupt – predefined(dedicated), software,
Interrupt priority

4. Organize the instruction set of 8086 K3 CO1

Data transfer instructions – (description, any one format, and any
one example)
I/O instructions - (description, any one format, any one example)
Flag manipulation instructions – (description alone)
Arithmetic instructions – (description, any one format, and any one
Logical instructions - (description, any one format, and any one
Shift and Rotate Instructions- (description, any one format, and any
one example)
String instructions - (description alone)
Machine or processor control instructions - (description alone)
Control transfer/ Branching Instructions
Unconditional branching
Jump instruction
Types of jump (intrasegment& intersegment)
JMP - description, any one format and any one
Call instruction
Types of call (intrasegment& intersegment)
Steps for near call and far call
CALL - description, any one format and any one
RET - description, any one format and any one
Conditional jump – any 5 instruction with format and
Interrupt instruction – (description and format)

5. Criticize about the various assembler directives of 8086. K5 CO1

Assembler directive – definition
Various assembler directive – (description, one format and one


1. Explain the 8086 pins and signals K2 CO2
8086 Pin diagram, explanation of each pin (

2. Outline the minimum mode operation of 8086 processor. K2 CO2

Definition, minimum mode signals, block diagram,
description of each block, read cycle, write cycle

3. Outline the maximum mode operation of 8086 processor. K2 CO2

Definition, maximum mode signals, block diagram,
description of each block, read cycle, write cycle
1. Explain about multiprocessor processor configuration of 8086
with suitable diagrams.
Multiprocessor – definition
Three types of configuration
(i) Co processor – (block diagram,
interaction between 8086 and co
processor and its explanation)
(ii) Closely coupled - (block diagram,
interaction between 8086 and co
processor and its explanation)
(iii) Loosely coupled – (block diagram and
explanation, bus arbitration definition
and its types – daisy chaining, polling,
independent priority)

4. Examine about 8087 numeric data processor with suitable diagrams K4 CO2
Block diagram
Functional units
Control unit – status word register, control
word register, data buffer, queue
Numeric data unit – stack, microcode control
unit, programmable shifter, exponent mudule,
arithmetic module, tag register
Data types

5. Explain about 8089 IOP with suitable diagrams. K2 CO2

Block diagram
Explanation of each blocks


1. Explain in detail the 8255 programmable peripheral Interface with its K2 CO3
operating modes.
Block diagram
Block descriptions
BSR control word format, I/O mode control word
Operating modes – BSR mode, I/O mode

2. Elaborate the 8251(USART) serial communication interface. K6 CO3

Block diagram
Block descriptions
Control word – mode word, command word, status

3. Explain in detail about 8279 keyboard/display interface controller. K5 CO3

Block diagram
Block descriptions
Modes of operation – input mode(3), output mode(2)
Keyboard/display mode set command

4. Organize the 8253/54 Timer/counter with neat schematic. K3 CO3

Block diagram
Block descriptions
Modes of operation – 6 modes and its timing

5. Explain in detail about 8259 programmable interrupt controller. K2 CO3

Block diagram
Block descriptions
Programming 8259 – ICW1,2,3,4, OCW1,2,3
Priority modes, end of interrupt

6. Discuss about the 8237 DMA controller. K6 CO3

Block diagram
Block descriptions

7. Explain how traffic light system is interfaced with 8086. K5 CO3

Road map diagram and sequence of steps
Interface diagram (
Assembly language program – from lab manual

8. Explain how ADC and DAC is interfaced with 8086. K5 CO3

Interface diagram (, 271, 272)
Assembly language program – from lab manual

9. Explain how keyboard/display unit is interfaced with 8086. K5

Interface diagram (, 334)
Assembly language program – from lab manual

10. Explain how LED unit is interfaced with 8086. K5

Interface diagram (, 325, 326)
Assembly language program – ( 329, 330)

11. Explain how alarm controller is interfaced with 8086. K5

Page. No: 3.106 – 3.10

1. Model the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller with neat diagram. K3 CO4
Block diagram
Description of each block

2. Explain about I/O port structure of 8051. K2 CO4

Port0 – diagram and explanation
Port1 – diagram and explanation
Port2 – diagram and explanation
Port3 – diagram and explanation

3. Examine about various addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller. K4 CO4

Addressing modes – definition
Immediate addressing modes – description and 1 example
Register direct addressing modes – description and 1 example
Memory direct addressing modes – description and 1 example
Memory indirect addressing modes – description and 1
Indexed addressing modes – description and 1 example

4. Discuss the various instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller K6 CO4

Data transfer instructions (description, any one format and
one example)
Arithmetic instructions (description, any one format and one
Logical instructions (description, any one format and one
Bit level logical instructions (description, any one format and
one example)
Rotate and swap instructions (description and example)
Branching instructions
Jump instructions
Jump – description and its types with relative
Unconditional jump – (description with
Conditional jump – (any 5 instructions with its
format and operation)
Call instructions – (description with example)
CJNE (description, format and example)
DJNZ (description, format and example)

5. Discuss about various Special Function Registers(SFR) in 8051 K6 CO4

SFR – definition
Accumulator, B register, PSW, SP, DPTR, P0, P1, P2,
P3 – (study from architecture)
TMOD, TCON, IP, IE, SCON, PCON – (study from
5th unit)


1. Explain about 8051 timer modes of operation. K5 CO5
SFR used
Timing and counting – description
TMOD – format and explanation
TCON - format and explanation
Modes of operation – (mode 0, 1, 2, 3)

2. Show the importance of 8051 serial communication interface. K5 CO5

Double buffering - defintion
SFR used
SCON – format and explantion
Modes of operation – (mode 0, 1, 2, 3)

3. Prioritize the use of 8051 interrupt programming. K5 CO5

Interrupt & ISR – definition
Execution of interrupt
Interrupt sources (5)
IE register format

4. Explain how stepper motor is interfaced with 8051 and write ALP to K5 CO5
run clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
Stepper motor interfacing – ( 5.59 – 5.63)

5. Justify how external ROM and external RAM is interfaced with K5 CO5
8051 program memory organization
Interfacing external ROM with 8051 & Explanation
Instructions to access external ROM

8051 data memory organization

Interfacing external RAM with 8051& Explanation
Instructions to access external RAM

6. Justify about ADC, DAC and sensor interface with 8051 K5 CO5
Definitions – (ADC, conversion time, step size)
Interface diagram of ADC0804 with 8051
Explanation of each signal in the diagram

Definitions – DAC &Iout expression.

Interface diagram of DAC808 with 8051
Converting Iout expression to voltage

Definitions – transducers, thermistor, thermistor

resistance vs temperature, signal conditioning
LM34 & LM35 temperature sensors
Interface diagram of ADC804 and temperature sensor
with 8051.

7. Justify how keyboard is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller. K5 CO5

Interface diagram (

8. Explain how LCD is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller. K5 CO5

Interface diagram ( – 435)
ALP ( 438, 439)
9. Write the comparison on Microprocessor, Microcontroller, PIC and K1 CO5
ARM processor. 5.67, 5.68

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