Sarthaq Part 2

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Students’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement
Through Quality Education

Students’ and Teachers’
Holistic Advancement Through
Quality Education
1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning 04
2. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: An Urgent & Necessary 07
Pre-requisite to Learning
3. Curtailing Dropout Rates and Ensuring Universal Access to Education 12
at all Levels
4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Learning Should be Holistic, 17
Integrated, Inclusive, Enjoyable, and Engaging
5. Teachers 27
6. Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All 31
7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School 35
8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Education 36
9. Teacher Education 38
10. Reimagining Vocational Education 39
11. Adult Education 42
12. Promotion of Indian Languages, Arts, and Culture 44
13. Technology - Use and Integration 46
14. Online and Digital Education: Ensuring Equitable Use of Technology 47
15. Financing: Affordable and Quality Education for All 49
16. Implementation 50
1. Ministry of Education (MoE) 54
2. National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) 58
3. States & UTs 66
4. National Assessment Centre - PARAKH 83
5. Department of Higher Education, MOE 84
6. Higher Education Institutions & IGNOU 84
7. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) 84
8. Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD) 85
9. Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) 85
10. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE) 85
11. National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE) 86

12. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) 86
13. National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) 87
14. National Testing Agency (NTA) 82
15. BoA 88
16. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 94
17. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) 98
18. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) & Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV) 101
19. Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA) 104
20. Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) 106
21. Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 99
22. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) 107
23. District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) 115
(I) Year: 2020 118
(II) Year: 2021 118
(III) Year: 2022 124
(IV) Year: 2023 131
(V) Year: 2024 132
(VI) Year: 2025 132
(VII) To be decided 132

Chapter-wise Task Table

1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
1.3 & 1.4 Task 1 Development of National Curriculum and NCERT 2021-22 NCFECCE
pedagogical Framework for ECCE. This will
include focus on using indigenous toys and Toys-
indigenous toys and games, puppetry, art, based pedagogy
stories, poetry/songs, etc. for cognitive and guidelines
psychomotor development, and
mechanisms for bridging the gap between
language spoken by child and language
used in class/AW.
1.3 & 1.4 Task 2 SCERTs to adopt/adapt the curriculum SCERT 2022-24 SCFECCE
framework developed by NCERT for ECCE
with local contextualisation. The SCF will Guidelines for
also detail the use of locally produced/ bridging
indigenous toys and indigenous games, language gap
puppetry, art, stories, indigenous poetry/
songs, etc for ECCE and also specific Integration
mechanisms for bridging the gap between of local flavour in
language spoken by child and language education
used in class/AW
1.3 & 1.4 Task 3 (i) NCERT will prepare TLM for the NCERT 2022-24 (i)NCERT develops
Foundational stage including ECCE; TLM for ECCE
(ii) Learning outcomes will be defined for the 2021-22 (ii)LOs developed
Foundational stage to include a range of for foundational
knowledge, skills and aptitude, etc. areas. stage
1.3 & 1.4 Task 4 States and UTs will develop locally States/ 2022-24 SCERT develops
contextualised teaching learning materials UTs, TLM for ECCE
for ECCE with the help of SCERTs and DIETs. SCERTs,
Material may also be developed in DIETs
languages/dialects spoken in the region,
aside from the local/regional languages.
1.4 Task 5 Data Capture Format (DCF) will be MOE 2021-22 UDISE+ expands
developed for integrating ECCE for ECCE
in UDISE+ portal
1.4 Task 6 Data related to ECCE implementation will be MOE, 2021-23 Data captured on
collected from States and UTs in 2021. MOE States & ECCE status on
will issue detailed letter to States in UTs UDISE
this regard.
1.4 Task 7 Data analysis shall be undertaken by the States/UTs 2021-23 ECCE Data
States/UTs to identify gaps in access to ECCE analysis
and resource requirements, both in for identifying

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
Anganwadi systems and in Primary schools resource
for introducing 1 year of preparatory class. requirements
1.4 Task 8 From academic year 2021-22 itself, States/ States/UTs 2021-23 Rationalisation of
UTs will undertake rationalisation of existing existing resources
resources to immediately initiate 1 year of for 1-year
preparatory class in those areas where Preparatory class
classrooms and other resources are already
1.4 Task 9 Position paper will be developed by SCERTs SCERT 2021-23 SCERT Position
(and by NCERT as mentioned in Task 83) to Paper on ECCE
highlight the present status, issues,
challenges and enablers of ECCE in States/
UTs of India.
1.5 Task 10 For universal access to ECCE, Anganwadi MWCD To be Strengthened AWs
Centres will be strengthened by the Ministry decided Guidelines for AW
of Women and Child Development. by
1.5 Task 11 States/UTs to prepare guidelines for States/UTs in 2021-22 Guidelines for AW
integration or linking of Anganwadis into collaboration onwards integration with
school complexes/clusters in 2021-22 and with their primary schools
undertake the integration. Departments and AWs linking to
of WCD schools initiated
1.5 Task 12 Community sensitization, parental States/UTs From IEC for ECCE
advocacy and leveraging parents as a 2021-22
resource on ECCE will be taken up for ECCE
implementation by States/UTs
1.5 Task 13 Strengthening/Improvement/expansion of States/UTs 2021-22 Systematic
existing Infrastructure in Primary Schools to onwards inclusion of Pre-
accommodate pre-primary sections/classes primary sections in
Primary schools
1.6 Task 14 A long-term perspective plan for MWCD, 2022-23 10-year plan
next 10 years on ECCE will be developed States/UTs on ECCE
1.6 Task 15 Phase 1: Preparatory Class/Balavatika will States/UTs, 2022-25 Introduction of
be introduced in all pre/primary/elementary MOE, MWCD 1-year Preparatory
schools where support under Samagra Class in primary
Shiksha has already been given for pre- schools
primary classes; similarly, Balvatika will be Introduction of 1-
introduced by MWCD in those AWs where year Preparatory
trained AWWs are available. Class in

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
1.6 Task 16 Phase 2: States/UTs will introduce States/UTs, 2025-30 ntroduction of
preparatory class/Balavatika in the rest of MWCD I 1-year
the primary schools. State/UT DWCD will Preparatory Class
introduce Balvatika in rest of the in AWs
Anganwadis with a qualified AWW, under
guidance of MWCD
1.6 Task 17 The mid-day meal programme will be MOE 2021-22 Guidelines and
extended to the Preparatory Class in primary MDM extension to
schools. Guidelines in this regard will be Preparatory class
framed by MOE. in primary school
1.6 Task 18 Guidelines for Monitoring and Tracking of MOE, MWCD, 2021-22 Guidelines for
Health status of Children through periodic States/UTs tracking health of
health check–up will be finalised and children
adapted as needed by States/UTs within one
year. It will be implemented from 2022-23
academic session in schools.
1.7 Task 19 A six-month online certificate programme SCERT 2021-23 Designing of
for Anganwadi workers/teachers with online Diploma
qualifications of 10+2 and above, and a programme for
one-year online Diploma Programme in ECCE
ECCE with qualifications below 10+2 will Designing of
be designed. online Certificate
programme for
1.7 Task 20 Departments of WCD of States/UTs under States/UTs, 2021-23 Enrolment of
the guidance of the Ministry of WCD will MWCD AWWs in online
assess the educational qualification of programme
Anganwadi workers and will enrol them in
6 months/1-year diploma course.
1.7 Task 21 The States/UTs monitor and mentor the States/UTs, 2021-23 Completion of
acquisition of skills of AWWs through digital SCERT Certification/
/distance mode and/or using DTH channels Diploma by
as well as smartphones. AWWs
1.7 Task 22 SCERTs/DIETs/BRCs/CRCs will be SCERT 2022-30 Initial professional
strengthened to enable them to take up the preparation and
initial professional preparation of ECCE CPD of teachers
educators in primary schools and their for ECCE by SCERT
Continuous Professional Development /DIET/BRC/CRC
(CPD) for the implementation of ECCE.
1.7 Task 23 Preparation of cadres of professionally \ SCERT In phases Cadres of
qualified educators for early childhood care from professionally
and education in primary schools by 2030 2022-30 qualified

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
to cover all primary schools. educators for
ECCE in all pre
-primary schools
1.8 Task 24 Ministry of Tribal Affairs will prepare the plan Ministry of 2022-24 Action plan for
for introduction of ECCE in Ashramshalas Tribal Affairs ECCE by MoTA
and implementation in consultation with
Joint Task Force
1.8 Task 25 Capacity building of Master trainers for SCERT 2022-24 Master Trainers
teachers in schools under Ministry of Tribal training for schools
Affairs Areas under MoTA
1.9 Task 26 The Joint Task Force will be constituted by MOE 2020-21 Constitution of
the MOE for smooth integration of early Joint Task Force at
childhood education with the school national and state
education system. On the basis of the order levels
of formation of JTF by MOE (including
NCERT, NIOS, KVS, CBSE), States/UTs will
form similar JTF with the same objectives.

2. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: An Urgent & Necessary Pre-

requisite to Learning
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
2.2 Task 27 MOE to launch a National Mission MOE 2021-22 Launch of FLN
in 2020-21 to implement Foundational Mission
Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) program in all
States and UTs
2.2 Task 28 The Ministry will prepare and develop a MOE 2021-22 Framework for FLN
detailed framework/guideline for Mission
implementation of the FLN Mission.
2.2 Task 29 National FLN Mission will declare in MOE 2021-22 Year wise and state
2020-21 the overall National targets with wise targets for
year wise outcomes to be achieved by the achieving at least
year 2025-26. 75% grade level
2.2 Task 30 A Curriculum Framework focusing on FL&N NCERT 2021-22 FLN Curriculum
with learner-centric pedagogy will be framework
developed by NCERT as a part of NCFECCE
and NCFSE.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
2.2 Task 31 Extensive capacity building of teachers to be States/UTs 2021-22 Capacity building
undertaken by states/UTs for implementing onwards of teachers
FLN in mission mode for FLN
2.2 Task 32 NCERT, CBSE and KVS will develop online NCERT, CBSE, 2021-22 Online/blended
and blended teacher training modules and KVS onwards teacher training
content as exemplar. This content will be modules for FLN
used by KendriyaVidyalayas and CBSE by NCERT
affiliated schools for implementing the
mission objectives.
2.2 Task 33 At State level, SCERT will develop extensive SCERT, BOAs 2021-23 Online/blended
teacher training modules and other teacher training
resources for teachers in local language/s modules for FLN by
and ensure their appropriate integration for SCERT
teaching and learning by all their schools,
including those affiliated to state/UT/ BOAs.
2.2 Task 34 Aside from textbooks, NCERT and SCERT to NCERT, SCERT 2021-23 Additional learning
develop highly engaging, joyful and resources by
innovative additional learning resources/ NCERT and
material for grades 1 to 5. SCERT
2.2 Task 35 Assessment of progress and achievements NCERT, SCERT 2021-22 Holistic Progress
by students, schools and States/UTs in FL&N Card designed
will be at four levels (school-based
assessment, SAS, third party assessment and
NAS). For the first level, that is, school-
based assessments, a Holistic Progress Card
will be designed by NCERT (for KVS/JNV/
CBSE schools) and SCERTs will adopt/
adapt the same for students in states/UTs in
the foundational years.
2.2 Task 36 NCERT and SCERTs will continuously NCERT, SCERT 2021-22 Online criterion-
develop item banks, including criterion- onwards referenced Item
referenced item banks for classes 1 to 5 banks for FLN
related to the measurement or achievement
of each learning outcomes (at least 500
items per grade per subject).
2.2 Task 37 IEC material such as infographics, school to States/UTs 2021-22 IEC material for
parent communication material, state/UT to onwards FLN developed
teachers/school communication material, and dissemination
etc. will be designed in simple and regional initiated
languages by states/UTs.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
2.2 Task 38 A National level IT based monitoring tool MOE 2021-23 IT based
with dashboards will be developed by the monitoring tool
Ministry, which will have aggregated data for FLN
from national, state, district and block level.
2.2 Task 39 States/UTs will map and create database of States/UTs 2021-23 Mapping and
each child enrolled in foundational grades creating of
for individual tracking of progress of each database of all
child in achieving grade level proficiency in learners enrolled
learning outcomes and will be linked to in Foundational
national IT platform. years
2.2 Task 40 States will also provide anonymized States/UTs 2021-22 Aggregated
aggregated data on progress of the FL&N onwards progress data
mission within the periodicity specified on made available by
the national monitoring platform. states/UTs on
2.2 Task 41 The NAS sample survey of schools and NCERT, CBSE 2021-22 Database of grade
students in 2021 will create a data base of & States/UTs level proficiency
‘as is’ situation in grade level proficiency based on NAS
and will enable the baseline for tracking 2021
future progress.
2.2 Task 42 To plan and ensure availability of adequate States/UTs 2021-23 Ensuring trained
number of trained Teachers in each school teachers and PTR
at each grade from pre-primary to grade for FLN
5, to undertake the task of FLN mission
within targets set by the NEP.
2.2 Task 43 For ensuring delivery of text books and States/UTs 2021-22 Ensuring textbooks
uniforms to students in foundational years onwards and uniform
before the start of academic session, States/ before time
UT to review their processes and procedures
with a view to comply with timelines.
2.2 Task 44 States/UTs will identify on priority a pool of States/UTs 2021-25 Mentor pool for
mentors to render academic support FLN teachers
(offline/online/blended) to teachers who will
be delivering the FLN mission objectives.
(Reference Task 226)
2.2 Task 45 States/UTs will take up a concerted effort to States/UTs 2021-23 Planning and
map all requirements of each school and implementing
ensure basic facilities/amenities at all basic facilities at
primary schools. Mapping will be completed school

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
in 2021-22 and resourcing will be
completed by 2025
2.2 Task 46 An Implementation Framework consisting States/UTs 2021-22 Long-term
of roadmaps and annual action plans for Implementation
implementing of activities covering all the Framework by
focus areas of FL&N Mission will be States/UTs
prepared by each State/UT.
2.3 & 2.4 Task 47 In SEZ and Aspirational districts, States and States/UTs 2021-23 Assessment and
UTs will assess teachers’ vacancy specifically rationalisation of
and take up PTR rationalisation on priority teacher’s
for these areas. vacancies in SEZ
and Aspirational
2.3 & 2.4 Task 48 Teachers from SEZ and Aspirational districts States/UTs 2021-23 Teachers from
will be trained on priority, specifically on how SEDG areas, SEZ
to bridge the gaps in language spoken by and Aspirational
child and that used as medium of instruction. Districts trained.
2.3 & 2.4 Task 49 NCTE will design teacher education NCTE 2021-23 TEI curriculum
curriculum framework to put more emphasis framework
on foundational literacy and numeracy, designed
based on curriculum and pedagogical to include FLN
framework developed by NCERT for pre-
school to grade 3
2.5 Task 50 NCERT will develop the 3-months play NCERT 2021-22 3-months module
based school preparation module for grade for grade 1
1 students in order to make sure that all developed
students that are joining school in grade 1
are school-ready.
2.5 Task 51 SCERT to adopt/adapt in local language SCERT 2021-23 SCERT adopts/
and add local context to the above school adapts 3-month
preparation module for grade 1 students for module
implementation in states/UTs.
2.5 Task 52 States/UTs to ensure implementation of States/UTs 2022-23 Implementation of
3-months school readiness module from 3-months module
2022-23 academic session onwards in all
2.6 Task 53 E-content will be prepared and uploaded on NCERT, SCERT 2021-23 E-content for FLN
DIKSHA for Mathematics and Reading on DIKSHA
Literacy in English and Hindi for FLN by
NCERT (based on NCERT curriculum).
Similarly, e-content will be prepared and

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
uploaded on DIKSHA for Mathematics and
Reading Literacy for FLN in local languages
and context by SCERTs. E-content by
NCERT and SCERT will include standardized
(at least 500 items per grade and per
subject) to measure each Learning Outcome
of each subject of each grade.
2.7 Task 54 States/UTs shall prepare their own States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines and
guidelines for innovatively engaging peer connecting
groups and other local volunteers in volunteers, peer
contributing towards the goal of achieving group to achieve
Foundational literacy and Numeracy for all FLN Mission
grade 3 students. States/UTs will
particularly prepare guidelines for parent’s
engagement as mentors/resources/
volunteers in school to help the FLN mission.
2.8 Task 55 School/public libraries will be made States/UTs 2022-25 Functional libraries
integral part of teaching learning process in every school
and will be made available after school
hours to community, and particularly to
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be NCERT, 2022-23 National Book
developed by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure States/UTs, onwards Promotion policy
adoption of the same in state/UTs through SCERTs, KVS, ready
systematic inclusion in curriculum. Reading JNV
reader contests, etc. will be launched by
states/UTs for promoting joyful reading
amongst children.
2.9 Task 57 EFC, followed by CCEA note, for extension DoSEL 2021-22 Extension of MDM
of the Mid-Day Meal facility to preparatory facility preparatory
classes in primary schools and introducing classes in primary
breakfast in primary schools from 2022-23 schools and
academic session. Detailed guidelines in introducing
this regard will also be issued by MOE. breakfast in
primary schools
2.9 Task 58 States/UTs will be encouraged to provide a States/UTs 2021-23 Provision of
simple but nutritious breakfast, that is locally Breakfast in pre-
available, e.g., consisting of ground nuts/ primary schools
chana mixed with jaggery and/or local fruits,
etc. Detailed guidelines in this regard will
be issued by MOE.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
2.9 Task 59 States/UTs will devise systems for ensuring States/UTs 2021-23 Health cards for
that all school children (whether studying in school children
government/government-aided/municipal introduced
or private schools in the state/UT) shall
undergo regular health check-ups,
particularly for 100% immunisation. Health
cards will be prepared and maintained by
the school (either in offline, or preferably in
online mode).
School teachers will be trained on basic NCERT
health indicators to look out for and monitor
in children. NCERT will prepare a NISHTHA
module on this.

3. Curtailing Dropout Rates and Ensuring Universal Access to Education

at all Levels
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
3.1 Task 60 A Household survey to identify Out of School States/UTs 2021-23 Survey for
children can be coordinated as a part of identification of
2021 Census Survey exercise by states/UTs. OoSC as a part of
Only if that is not possible, a survey may be Census 2021
conducted by school teachers of each
cluster (CRC) in States/UTs to identify and
capture details in UDISE+ for Out of School
children. Cluster wise survey and its
monitoring to be undertaken by CRC/BRC.
3.1 Task 61 After identification of such children, age States/UTs 2021-22 Mainstreaming of
appropriate admission and mainstreaming onwards OoSC
them to the formal schooling system to be
undertaken. Guidelines regarding age-
appropriate mainstreaming shall be
developed by the States/UTs.
3.1 Task 62 The Data Capture Format of UDISE+ portal MOE 2021-23 Data of OoSC in
to be modified to include specific UDISE+
parameters that will reflect data of OoSC.
3.1 Task 63 Preparing school/block/district wise Fact States/UTs 2021-23 School wise Fact
Sheets to analyse the causative factors onwards Sheets of OoSC
leading to dropout and poor learning level, prepared
and take preventive and remedial action

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
3.1 Task 60 A Household survey to identify Out of School States/UTs 2021-23 Survey for
children can be coordinated as a part of identification of
2021 Census Survey exercise by states/UTs. OoSC as a part of
Only if that is not possible, a survey may be Census 2021
conducted by school teachers of each
cluster (CRC) in States/UTs to identify and
capture details in UDISE+ for Out of School
children. Cluster wise survey and its
monitoring to be undertaken by CRC/BRC.
3.1 Task 61 After identification of such children, age States/UTs 2021-22 Mainstreaming of
appropriate admission and mainstreaming onwards OoSC
them to the formal schooling system to be
undertaken. Guidelines regarding age-
appropriate mainstreaming shall be
developed by the States/UTs.
3.1 Task 62 The Data Capture Format of UDISE+ portal MOE 2021-23 Data of OoSC in
to be modified to include specific UDISE+
parameters that will reflect data of OoSC.
3.1 Task 63 Preparing school/block/district wise Fact States/UTs 2021-23 School wise Fact
Sheets to analyse the causative factors onwards Sheets of OoSC
leading to dropout and poor learning level, prepared
and take preventive and remedial action
3.1 Task 64 (a) State governments will undertake States/UTs 2021-22 Planned
multiple interventions for bringing Out of onwards interventions for
School Children back into the fold of school bringing back
education system – related to increasing OoSC
intake capacity, transport facilities, tracking
attendance, monitor students who may be
falling behind, enrolment drives, ensuring
physical safety & zero tolerance to breach
of child rights, tracking out of school
children involving well-trained social
workers, principals, community members
and SMCs, monitoring health of children,
zero drop out Panchayats, Blocks, Districts,
etc., advocacy and awareness campaigns.
(b) NCERT will support by preparation of NCERT 2022-23 Bridge courses for
Bridge courses for various levels of entry/ OoSC
3.2 Task 65 States/UTs to prepare a comprehensive ten- States/UTs 2021-23 10-years
years projection report or NEED ANALYSIS projection report
for the following:

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
• Upgrading and enlarging existing schools,
• Adding infrastructure,
• Building new schools
• Transportation facility
3.2 Task 66 (a) Comprehensive and innovative school- States/UTs 2021-23 Comprehensive
wise plans will be prepared by states/UTs and innovative
as a part of Task 65, to resource all schools school-wise plans
adequately, including infrastructure and for resourcing all
other resources for children with disabilities, school adequately
through efficient sharing of available for children with
school resources. disabilities
(b) To assess the implementation, an DoSEL 2022-23 To assessment the
evaluation through inspection named implementation
SHAGUNOTSAV would be conducted by
the DoSE&L which would include different
parameters of UDISE, Samagra Shiksha
and PGI.
3.2 Task 67 Implementation of the comprehensive and States/UTs 2022-30 Implementation of
innovative plans of States/UTs for resourcing 10-year resourcing
all schools adequately. plan initiated
3.2 Task 68 Alternative and innovative education centres States/UTs 2024-25 Alternative
will be put in place by States/UTs (after the education centers
amendment in Section 2(n) of the RTE Act) in for children of
cooperation with community, civil society, migrant labourers,
etc. to ensure that children of migrant etc.
laborers and other children who are
dropping out of school due to various
circumstances are brought back into
mainstream education.
3.2 Task 69 As a part of Task 65, States/UTs will also plan States/UTs 2021-30 10-year Plan for
for universalisation of access by expanding expanding
the scope and reach of residential schools residential
and hostels over a ten-year periodfor schools/hostels
children, especially girls.
3.3 & 3.4 Task 70 The States will review/develop plans for States/UTs 2022-23 Plan developed for
engaging/connecting Counsellors to connecting/
schools, or preferably to a group or cluster engagement of
of schools/school complexes and Counsellors by
implement from 2022-23 onwards. states/UTs
3.3 & 3.4 Task 71 Department of Social Justice and States/UTs 2022-23 Connecting of
Empowerment to prepare a broad trained social
framework for connecting trained social workers to schools

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
workers in the district or states/UTs may
connect volunteer social workers to schools.
States to develop guidelines regarding
their role.
3.3 & 3.4 Task 72 For Foundational grades a child-wise States/UTs 2022-23 Learner tracking
tracking system is to be developed. Similarly, system developed
a robust student tracking system, which can for FLN Mission
be an extension of the system in
Foundational grades (classes 1 to 3) will be
developed by states/UTs to assess the
learning levels in all grades upto grade 12.
3.3 & 3.4 Task 73 States/UTs will develop their own guidelines States/UTs 2025 State/UT
regarding incentives to be given to teachers guidelines for
by the State/UT governments to teach in teacher incentives
remote rural areas, especially areas which
require the teacher to learn the local dialect.
3.3 & 3.4 Task 74 States/UTs through SCERT to undertake States/UTs 2022-25 Orientation of
orientation of SMCs to prepare them for an SMCs for
enhanced role. contributing to FLN
3.5 Task 75 Special emphasis will be given to SEDGs in States/UTs 2022-23 Plans with
order to ensure access to quality education. onwards innovative
For this, states/UTs will prepare their own mechanisms,
plans with innovative mechanisms, targets targets and goals
and goals to be achieved in collaboration prepared for
with the departments of Social Justice and SEDG education
Empowerment, Tribal affairs, Women and
Child Development. These plans will be
implemented from 2022-23 onwards to
ensure full inclusion by 2030.
3.5 Task 76 The scope of NIOS and SIOS will be NIOS 2025 Inclusive resources
expanded and strengthened. Syllabus and developed by
learning material will be inclusively NIOS
designed keeping in mind the specific needs
of students who take benefit of the NIOS
process e.g. Students with disabilities,
students in vulnerable circumstances,
students who have dropped-out and wish to
complete their school education.
3.5 Task 77 In States where an open school exists, NIOS 2021-23 Courses will be
courses designed and developed by the offered
NIOS can also be offered by State/UT in
collaboration with the NIOS.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
3.5 Task 78 The NIOS will translate and make courses NIOS 2025 Resources in
(OBE - i.e. for Levels 3, 5 and 8 and different
Secondary and Sr. Secondary) available in languages for
more languages as per need assessment. classes 3/5/8/10/
12 will be ready
3.5 Task 79 All NIOS teaching learning content shall be NIOS 2021-22 NIOS resources on
uploaded on DIKSHA for wider DIKSHA
3.5 Task 80 States/UTs will take up the establishing/ States/UTs 2024-25 SIOS development
strengthening of existing State Institutes of in States/UTs
Open Schooling (SIOS). Since this area
is not funded by the central government, the
states/UTs may consider a self-reliant
revenue model for establishing or
strengthening the State Open Schools.
3.6 & 3.7 Task 81 States/UTs will need to prepare guidelines States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
for developing their own models for engaging with
encouraging involvement of Government philanthropic
and Non-Government philanthropic organisations
organisations to build schools keeping in
mind the local variations, and to engage in
volunteer activities such as one-on-one
tutoring in schools, holding of extra-help
sessions at schools, etc.
(Reference Tasks 224 and 298)
3.6 & 3.7 Task 82 A database of alumni, retired scientists, States/UTs 2022-23 Development of
retired teachers, subject experts and Database of
volunteers will be created by states/UTs and volunteers from
mapped to each school for ease of multiple sectors
access by teachers, students, parents, SMC,
etc. States/UTs will prepare online
orientation modules for these volunteers to
engage them in helping schools identify
OoSC, mainstreaming them, remedial
classes, contributing in FLN, etc.

4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Learning Should be Holistic,
Integrated, Inclusive, Enjoyable, and Engaging
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
4.1 to 4.8 Task 83 NCERT will develop position papers with the NCERT 2022-23 28 Position Papers
help of 28 Focus groups for formulating the related to various
new National Curricular Framework on aspects of NCF
School Education (NCFSE). Of these 12 and NEP 2020
Position Papers will be related directly to developed by
curriculum and Pedagogy, 6 Position Papers NCERT to feed into
will be related to cross-cutting themes, and the final National
10 Position Papers will be related to various Curriculum
other important areas in NEP, 2020. Framework for
School education
and ECCE
4.1 to 4.8 Task 84 NCFSE will clearly define the modalities NCERT 2022-23 Modalities for
for implementing the new curricular and Implementing the
pedagogical structure of 5+3+3+4 new structure
4.1 to 4.8 Task 85 CBSE, KVS, JNV and CTSA will prepare their CBSE, KVS, 2023-24 CBSE, KVS and
own action plans to implement NCFSE, after JNV, CTSA JNV Action Plan for
the release of NCFSE by NCERT. NCFSE
4.1 to 4.8 Task 86 Based on the NCFSE, NCERT will prepare NCERT 2022-24 Textbooks
textbooks with curriculum reduced to its core developed by
essentials in each subject. NCERT will reducing them to
ensure that Knowledge of India is their core
incorporated wherever relevant in an essentials
accurate and scientific manner. Stories,
toys of India, arts, games, sports, examples,
problems, etc. in textbooks will be chosen
such that they are as much as possible
rooted in the Indian context.
4.9 & 4.10 Task 87 While preparing the State Curricular SCERTs, States 2022-23 SCFSE will include
Framework (SCF), the SCERTs of States/UTs /UTs innovative
may look into innovative methods ways of methods/semester
offering flexibility in choice of subjects to system
students and/ incorporating semester system
that allows the inclusion of shorter modules,
or courses that are taught on alternate days,
4.11 to Task 88 States/UTs will develop guidelines, States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines and
4.22 resources, and support material for teachers resources for
on multilingualism, in order to harness the teachers on

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
power of language. Following material will multilingualism
be specifically developed by states/UTs:
• Guidelines for preparing courses and
syllabi on Indian Languages
• Textbooks in various languages as
subjects (in three phases)
• Teachers’ handbooks and material for
teachers' professional development about
how to use home language/mother
tongue as link language and as medium
of instruction in oral domain to teach
language and other subjects.
4.11 to Task 89 SCERTs with the help of NCERT will also NCERT, SCERT 2022-25 KRPs training for
4.22 conduct face-to-face and on-line training teaching Indian
for building the capacity of Key Resource Languages
Persons teaching Indian Languages.
4.11 to Task 90 • For introducing home language/mother- States/UTs and 2022-25 Key actions for
tongue/local language/regional BOAs introducing home
language as the medium of instruction, language/ mother
States/UTs and BOAs to undertake several tongue/ local
key actions in a systematic manner. language/
The key actions would include the regional language
(i) Step 1:
o General assessment and listing of
mother tongue/local/regional
language through linguistic
(ii) Step 2:
o 8-10-hour online course for
education administrators (State to
block level) and BRC/CRC on basic
orientation for including children's
home languages in teaching-
learning process in primary
(iii) Step 3:
o SCERTs to create State Resource
Groups and a multilingual
education cell. Initial orientation of
SCERT/DIET faculty will be required.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
o Multilingual awareness for
teachers through 8-10 hours online
course to create awareness about
how children can have the ability
for Multilingual Education or MLE,
by adopting scientific methods.
(iv) Step 4:
o SCERTs will initiate creation of
children’s materials (stories, rhymes,
big books, charts and posters) in
local languages.
(v) Step 5:
o Identifying schools where teachers
are available who speak the
language predominantly spoken by
the school children in classes 1 to 5,
o Mapping and provisioning of
schools with these trained teachers
and language spoken by students.
(vi) Step 6:
o States/UTs to make efforts to slowly
introduce mother tongue/home
language based instruction in
schools wherever possible, upto
grade 5, including in private
schools, in a phased manner.
4.11 to Task 91 MoE in consultation with Ministry of Social MoE, MoSJ&E, 2022-25 Development of
4.22 justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E) will NCERT/SCERT/ curriculum
initiate the process to standardise Indian RCI/NIOS materials in
Sign Language (ISL) across the country for standardised
school education. National and State Indian Sign
curriculum materials will be developed, for Language (ISL)
use by students with hearing impairment by across the country
4.23 to Task 92 The vocational craft to be implemented in NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Handbook
4.29 different parts/schools of the state/UT will be containing
decided by States and local communities guidelines for
and as mapped by local skilling needs. bagless days, and
A Handbook will also be developed by both, details of fun
NCERT and SCERTs in collaboration with course including
concerned experts from different institutions, activities using
for conducting various fun activities in toys, games,

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
grades 1 to 12, including vocational crafts quizzes, etc.
and activities to be undertaken by using developed for
indigenous toys, quizzes, puzzles, grades 1 to 12
indigenous games, etc. interlinked with
This Handbook will also have guidelines for
implementing bagless days for students in
4.30 to Task 93 NCERT will set up National Focus Groups NCERT 2021 Setting up of
4.33 and Curriculum Committees National Focus
Groups and
4.30 to Task 94 NCERT will organise meetings, workshops, NCERT 2022-23 Workshops,
4.33 consultations with various stakeholders, etc. consultations with
for discussing various recommendations of various
the policy related to curriculum to be stakeholders for
incorporated in the curriculum framework. developing NCFSE
4.30 to Task 95 NCERT will develop and publish revised NCERT 2022-23 Revised NCFSE
4.33 National Curriculum Framework and and related
related documents by involving all documents
stakeholders in NCF revision including published
CBSE and other BOAs, NCTE, NIEPA, etc.
as NCF shall also incorporate assessment
patterns and evaluation procedures.
4.30 to Task 96 Meanwhile, SCERTs will initiate development SCERT 2021-22 Workshops,
4.33 of the curricular perspectives in the States/ consultations for
UTs, through consultations, workshops, and developing SCFSE
seminars with various stakeholders on
different aspects of curriculum, in
consultation with NCERT.
4.30 to Task 97 SCERTs to undertake development of State SCERT 2021-22 Development of
4.33 Curriculum Framework on the basis of SCFSE
template provided by the NCERT and wide
4.30 to Task 98 SCERT will setup Syllabus and Textbook SCERT 2022-25 Syllabus and
4.33 Development Teams. The team will start Textbook
work on ensuring the reduction of Development
Curriculum content in each subject to its Teams set up by
core essentials, to make space for critical States/UTs
thinking and more holistic, discovery-based,
discussion-based, and analysis-based

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
learning. Also, while the SCF is being
worked upon, this grade and subject wise
committee of textbook experts need to start
working on the new framework of textbooks.
SCERT will ensure that Knowledge of India is
incorporated wherever relevant in an
accurate and scientific manner. Stories,
indigenous toys, arts, games, sports,
examples, problems, etc. in textbooks will be
chosen such that they are as much as
possible rooted in the Indian context as well
as the local geographical context.
4.30 to Task 99 NCERT and SCERT will undertake NCERT, SCERT 2022-25 Teacher Support
4.33 development of Teacher Support Material Material along with
across classes and subject areas along with Syllabi, Textbooks
Syllabi, Textbooks (in three phases), both, in both in print as well
print as well as e-content form in case the as e-content to be
state chooses to develop its own textbooks. developed by
4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT NCERT, SCERT, 2023-30 Development of
4.33 and SCERTs should move towards CBSE, KVS, MOOCs for entire
developing MOOCs courses for each JNV and BOAs syllabus
module of the syllabus. These MOOCs
courses will be implemented in a phased
manner (when access and affordability are
taken care of) by integrating 40% MOOCs
courses in every grade in school education
from class 6 to 12, so that school has more
time to focus on arts, sports, vocational,
languages, 21st century skills, etc.
4.34 & Task 101 For CBSE schools, NCERT together with NCERT, CBSE, 2021-22 Framework of
4.35 CBSE and other important stakeholders KVS, JNV and assessment pattern
shall prepare framework/guidelines for the CTSA for elementary
assessment patterns for both formative as levels in CBSE
well as summative assessments and schools
evaluation procedures for elementary
education, such that it can be implemented
from the 2022-23 academic session in a
phased manner.
4.34 & Task 102 Similar exercise will be undertaken by SCERT, BOAs 2021-23 Framework of
4.35 SCERTs and State BOAs to prepare the assessment pattern
framework/guidelines for assessment for elementary
patterns for both formative as well as levels in State

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
summative assessments and evaluation BOAs
procedures for elementary education, such
that it can be implemented preferably from
the 2022-23 academic session in a
phased manner.
Focus will be on building a culture of
continuous formative and adaptive
assessments in schools so as to facilitate
learning as well as improvement in teaching
-learning processes. Identification of
students with singular interests and talents
will also be facilitated through formative
assessments guidelines and processes, as
well as building capacity within the system to
carry forward the new paradigm to be
planned by NCERT & SCERT.
4.34 & Task 103 For secondary education, CBSE, NIOS and CBSE, NIOS, 2021-23 Development of
4.35 all other BOAs of states/UTs will prepare KVS, JNV & Assessment pattern
assessment pattern and evaluation CTSA for secondary
procedures for its affiliated schools, so that levels by CBSE
it can be implemented from 2022-23 and other BOA
session onwards in a phased manner
including KVS and JNV. Once PARAKH is set
up, CBSE shall be systematically guided by it.
4.34 & Task 104 Professional training modules and manuals/ NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 Preparation of
4.35 handbooks shall be prepared by NCERT and SCERT Professional
SCERTs for building capacities of teachers training modules
to undertake “assessment as learning” and and manuals/
“assessment for learning” at elementary handbooks on
level. assessment pattern
for elementary
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other PARAKH, 2022-23 Capacity building
4.35 Boards of Assessment shall also take up NCERT, of stakeholders on
capacity building of paper setters, SCERT, CBSE the new norms and
evaluators, and moderators of school & BoAs guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, other state BOAs and NIOS NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 Question banks to
4.35 will prepare question banks for competency- BoAs, NIOS be developed for
based items that test higher-order skills for competency-based
all grades, such as analysis, critical thinking, items that test
and conceptual clarity for use by students higher-order skills
and teachers.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
4.34 & Task 107 NCERT will prepare the framework and NCERT & 2022-23 Framework &
4.35 guidelines for developing Holistic Progress SCERT guidelines for
Card for Middle and Secondary levels. This developing
will be in continuation of Task 35 that lays Holistic Progress
down a similar Task for grades 1 to 5. card for Middle
and Secondary
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV will NCERT/ 2022-23 IT based solutions
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions PARAKH, for implementing
for online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE, KVS, online HPC-in
CBSE schools. JNV CBSE schools
4.34 & Task 109 Based on NCERT framework and guidelines, SCERT 2022-23 IT based solutions
4.35 the HPC shall be designed for online use by for developing
SCERTs as well. HPC for online use
by States/UTs
4.36 to Task 110 PARAKH will set common norms, standards PARAKH 2022-23 Common
4.39 and guidelines for secondary education to be standards/norms
achieved by all BOAs in the country. for all BOAs
4.36 to Task 111 Based on standards, norms and guidelines CBSE, NIOS, 2022-23 Preparation of
4.39 developed by PARAKH for BOAs, CBSE and BoAs & roadmap based on
NIOS will prepare their roadmap to achieve PARAKH PARAKH standards
the standards, and begin implementation to be initiated by
from 2022-23 CBSE & NIOS
4.36 to Task 112 PARAKH will prepare national guidelines on PARAKH 2022-25 National
4.39 assessment patterns and standards to be guidelines on
achieved by all BOAs to cover multi- assessment
disciplinary, multi format assessments standards
leading to attainment of 21st century skills. developed for
4.36 to Task 113 State Boards of Assessment to be given NCERT, SCERT, 2022-23 Capacity building
4.39 orientation and capacity building by the BoAs & of BOAs of
SCERTs in consultation with NCERT and PARAKH States/UTs on
PARAKH on norms and standards of norms and
assessment. standards of
4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/CBSE/BOAs shall NCERT, SCERT, 2021-23 Development of
4.39 jointly develop a plan for ways and means to CBSE, BoAs Plan for reducing
reduce the burden of exams at all levels by & PARAKH burden of exams at
examining all policy recommendations. all levels.
Implementation of the same will begin from
the 2022-23 academic session

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
4.36 to Task 115 The NCERT will ensure that the NCF CBSE, NCERT 2021-22 Review of basket of
4.39 committee shall review the basket of subjects subjects offered by
offered at secondary and senior secondary CBSE/BOAs
levels by CBSE and other BOAs, and ensure
structured and relevant offering of academic
and skill subjects.
4.36 to Task 116 All subjects that do not fall within the CBSE & BoAs 2021-22 Discontinuation of
4.39 parameters recommended by the NCF will subjects not
be discontinued by CBSE and other BOAs. recommended by
4.36 to Task 117 NCERT will ensure that the NCF clarifies the NCERT and 2022-23 Mechanism for
4.39 strategy and timelines for offering subjects SCERTs offering subjects at
at two levels for class 10 and 12 Board two levels in NCFSE
exams. SCERTs shall do the same while
preparing its SCFs.
4.36 to Task 118 The CBSE, NIOS and state BOAs shall CBSE, NIOS 2022-25 Roadmap for
4.39 develop a roadmap for offering subjects at & BoAs offering subjects at
two levels. two levels for class
10 and 12 Board
4.36 to Task 119 The pattern of exams at secondary level will State BoAs 2022-23 Implementation of
4.39 be changed (Grades 9-12) to test primarily changed
core capacities based on framework assessment
developed at Tasks 100 and 101. Both patterns initiated at
CBSE and NIOS, and also all state secondary level
secondary school boards shall prepare a
roadmap, and begin implementation from
2022-23 academic session onwards.
4.36 to Task 120 CBSE shall rename its Compartment exams CBSE 2022-23 Introduction of
4.39 as "Improvement exams" and strengthen Improvement
these exams and make them low stakes. Exams
All other state BOAs shall also introduce
Improvement exams, from 2022-23
academic session
4.36 to Task 121 CBSE, NIOS, and all state BOAs shall shift to CBSE, NIOS, 2022-23 Two formats of
4.39 a system of holding two kinds of exams - one BoAs board exams –
objective-type and one subjective-type by subjective and
2022-23 academic session. objective – initiated
4.36 to Task 122 CBSE will examine the possibility of modular CBSE 2023-25 Modular Board
4.39 Board exams by dividing the subject topics exams piloted by
into modules. This change may be CBSE
introduced in a phased manner from

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
2024-25 onwards after the new pattern of
board exams have stabilised.
4.36 to Task 123 BOAs of states may also like to take up BoAs 2022-23 Modular exams
4.39 modular exams on CBSE or any other piloted by State/UT
pattern, as deemed fit from the academic BOAs
session 2025-26 onwards after the new
pattern of board exams have stabilised.
4.36 to Task 124 PARAKH shall assess the implementation of PARAKH 2022-23 Course correction
4.39 new patterns of assessment in school boards onwards exercises initiated
(including in CBSE and NIOS) from time to by PARAKH
time and suggest course correction or
interim changes.
4.40 Task 125 NCERT will fine tune learning outcomes LOs NCERT 2021-23 Learning
for all grades, from pre-primary to grade 12 Outcomes for
to meet the requirements of the NEP 2020. grades pre-primary
to 12 fine-tuned by
4.40 Task 126 SCERTs may choose to adapt or adopt these SCERT 2022-24 Learning
fine-tuned LOs Outcomes for
grades pre-primary
to 12 adapted/
adopted by SCERTs
4.40 Task 127 BoAs will adopt/adapt Learning Outcomes CBSE, BoAs, 2022-24 Fine-tuned
based on NCERT/SCERT. KVS, JNV Learning
Outcomes for all
grades pre-primary
to grade 12
adopted/ adapted
by BOAs.
4.40 Task 128 NCERT/SCERTs will also develop teacher NCERT, SCERT 2022-24 LO based teacher
resources for classroom transaction of these resources for
LOs for each grade and subject. classroom
4.40 Task 129 DIKSHA platform will be used by NCERT to NCERT 2022-24 LO demystification
demystify Learning Outcomes. resources
uploaded on
4.40 Task 130 The National Assessment Centre PARAKH/ PARAKH, 2021-23 Development of
NCERT/SCERT will develop framework and NCERT, SCERT Framework &
guidelines to assist the states/UTs for holding Guidelines for

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
the census exams in grades 3, 5 and 8. holding census
exams in grade 3, 5
and 8
4.40 Task 131 For the examinations in grades 3, 5 and 8 a SCERT, CBSE, 2021-23 System to analyse
system of analysing anonymised samples NCERT. anonymised
shall be developed by SCERTs. CBSE will samples of 3, 5, 8
also develop a system in consultation with assessments
NCERT for anonymised sample assessment. developed
4.40 Task 132 Dipstick exercise will be undertaken at States/UTs 2021-25 Dipsticks at
periodic intervals in small samples by states/ periodic intervals
UTs to know the hard spots among LOs, so for identifying hard
that teacher capacity building can be spots initiated
focused on these areas
4.40 Task 133 The data of overall achievement of learners States/UTs 2022-23 Teacher capacity
shall be used by States/UTs for filling in the building based on
gaps in teacher capacity building, public gaps in
disclosure by schools of their overall student achievement of
outcomes, etc. learning outcomes
4.41 Task 134 The PARAKH centre will be set up as an MOE 2021-22 PARAKH an
autonomous body by Department of School autonomous body
Education and Literacy, MOE by the end of is set up
4.42 Task 135 NTA shall form a committee for review of NTA 2021-22 Review of all
entrance exams for admissions to Higher onwards entrance exams by
Education Institutions (HEIs) and draw NTA
experts from NCERT, NIOS, CBSE, HEIs and
States/UTs among others for this committee.
NTA will design and then offer a standard
entrance exam as an option to HEIs.
This will not be a mandatory exam, however,
HEIs may decide to undertake it voluntarily.
4.43 to Task 136 (i) MOE to develop framework for MOE 2021-22 Guidelines for
4.45 identification and nurturing of Gifted Gifted and talented
Children at the Elementary and Secondary children
(ii) States/UTs in turn will develop similar States/UTs 2022-23
guidelines with local context and initiate
implementation from 2022-23 academic
4.43 to Task 137 States/UTs to undertake creating of States/UTs 2022-25 Awareness creation
4.45 awareness amongst different stakeholders for identifying and

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
with regard to talented children and their nurturing gifted/
identification and need for nurturance; it will talented children
be undertaken by first creating awareness
amongst teachers, and then developing
IEC resources and disseminating them
through online modes
4.43 to Task 138 NCTE and NCERT to develop teacher NCTE, NCERT 2022-23 NCFTE to include
4.45 education curriculum framework/guidelines specialization for
for including specialization in the education education of Gifted
of gifted children. Children
4.43 to Task 139 NCERT and SCERTs to undertake NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Design and
4.45 designing and implementing of short and implementation of
long-term programmes for integrating Nurturance
various nurturance activities like summer programmes for
residential programmes for secondary gifted/talented
school students in various subjects/domains. children

5. Teachers
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
5.2 to Task 140 Special housing allowances and other State/UTs 2022-23 onwards
5. 7 facilitation as the states/UTs deem fit, may be Facilitation
considered by states for teachers posted in guidelines for
identified remote and difficult areas. teaching in remote
5.2 to Task 141 Policy of recognising creative, dedicated State/UTs 2021-23 Policy for
5. 7 and achieving teachers, maybe prepared by recognition of
states for giving recognition to best teachers performing
on different occasions, and for different teachers by
purposes. states/UTs
5.2 to Task 142 Merit based scholarships, particularly for State/UTs 2022-23 Merit based
5. 7 students coming from remote areas for onwards Scholarships - for
studying 4 year integrated B.Ed programme. 4-year B.Ed
5.2 to Task 143 States/UTs/CBSE schools/BOA schools/ State/UTs/ 2022-23 Self-audit of
5. 7 KVS/JNV to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/ Schools schools regarding
SMC audit/student audit/social audit of all affiliated to environment and
their schools for the parameters decided by BOAs/CBSE/ safety
them regarding ensuring conducive, KVS/JNV
adequate and safe infrastructure in all
schools. Student audit by senior students
and PTA audit may particularly be
undertaken every year.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
5.2 to Task 144 An online transparent teacher transfer policy State/UTs, 2022-23 Development of
5. 7 will be put in place to meet the vacancies KVS, JNV transparent and
and needs of rural and remote areas by all online teachers
States and UTs/KVS/JNV by 2022-23. transfer policy by
5.2 to Task 145 (i) NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to NCTE, NCERT, 2022-23 TET extended to
5. 7 prepare action plan to extend TET to all MOE, CBSE, all levels
levels of school education. States/UTs/
(ii) States/UTs/KVS/JNV will notify three
stage process for teacher recruitment.
5.2 to Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV to State/UTs/ 2022-23 Preparation of
5. 7 prepare a long-term teacher recruitment BOAs/KVS/ long-term teacher
plan, such that, they adopt a system of JNV recruitment plan
annual recruitment of teachers as per a fixed
5.2 to Task 147 The States/UTs will work out system/ State/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
5. 7 guideline for schools/school complexes to engaging ‘master
engage local eminent persons or experts as instructors’
‘master instructors’ in various subjects.
5.8 to Task 148 States/UTs as mentioned in Task 65 will work State/UTs 2021-22 Planning for
5.14 out a plan from 2022-2030 to ensure that adequate and safe
adequate and safe infrastructure will be infrastructure
provided to all schools completed
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV will State/UTs, 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 undertake capacity building programmes NCERT, NIEPA/ programmes for
for teachers and Principals to create CBSE/BOAs/ creating conducive
conducive learning environment in schools. KVS/JNV/ learning
CTSA environment in
5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV will States/UTs/ 2022-24 IT based solutions
5.14 develop IT based solutions to reduce the CBSE/BOAs/ to automate the
education administration/planning/ KVS/JNV/ processes and
governance burden of teachers. CTSA reduce the burden
of administration
5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA States/UTs/ 2023-24 Framework for
5.19 will develop specific frameworks for role CBSE/BOAs/ teacher role
expectancy from Principals and Teachers KVS/JNV/ expectancy
based on the National Professional CTSA developed based
Standards for Teachers (NPST). on NPST

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
5.17 to Task 152 States/UTs to come up with a transparent States/UTs 2024-25 Development of
5.19 merit-based system for tenure, promotion transparent tenure,
and salary structure, etc. promotion and
salary structure,
etc. system
5.17 to Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training States/UTs/ 2022-23 Teacher training
5.19 policy and a plan based on it will be CBSE/BOAs/ policy developed
prepared by states/UTs /CBSE/BOAs/KVS/ KVS/JNV/
NV for conducting the mandatory 50 hours CTSA
of CPD and other training programmes.
5.17 to Task 154 SCERTs/DIETs/BOAs/CBSE to also develop SCERT, DIET, 2022-23 Induction
5.19 formal Induction Programmes for newly CBSE, BOAs Programmes
recruited teachers. initiated
5.20 Task 155 A common National Professional Standards NCTE, NCERT, 2022-23 National
for Teachers (NPST) will be developed for SCERT Professional
the country. Standards for
Teachers (NPST)
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for States/UTs/ 2023-24 Adoption of NPST
Teachers (NPST) will be adopted by all the CBSE/BOAs/ by States/UTs and
States/UTs and all BOAs. KVS/JNV/CTSA BOAs
5.20 Task 157 SCERTs will help states/UTs prepare a States/UTs, 2022-24 Increased
framework for giving more autonomy to SCERTs autonomy
teachers in choosing aspects of pedagogy, framework for
so that they may teach in the manner teachers for
they find most effective for the students in choosing
their classrooms. CBSE and BOAs will do a pedagogy by
similar exercise for their affiliated schools. States/UTs and
5.21 Task 158 Secondary specialisations/certificate Higher 2023-24 Specialised courses
courses will be developed in special Education developed in
education. Institutions special education
5.22 to Task 159 NCTE will prepare a detailed action plan NCTE 2022-23 NCTE action plan
5.29 for implementing movement of TEIs to for moving TEIs to
multidisciplinary colleges and universities multidisciplinary
and 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree by 2030 HEIs
5.22 to Task 160 NCTE/NHERC will come out with NCTE, NHERC 2021-22 Regulations for
5.29 regulations related to 4-year integrated various B.Ed
B.Ed. degree programmes, 2-year B.Ed. programmes
programmes and suitably adapted 1-year
B.Ed. programmes.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
5.22 to Task 161 NCTE regulations for all B.Ed. programmes NCTE 2022-25 Regulations for
5.29 to include training in time-tested as well as including modern
the most recent techniques in pedagogy, pedagogy
teaching children with disabilities, teaching techniques in all
children with special interests or talents/ B.Ed programmes
gifted children, use of educational
technology, etc.
5.22 to Task 162 NCTE/NHERC will prepare facilitative NCTE, NHERC 2022-23 Regulations for
regulations to enable special shorter local short programmes
teacher education programmes to be made at BITEs/DIETs
available at DIETs.
5.22 to Task 163 NCTE/NHERC will prepare regulations to NCTE, NHERC 2022-23 Regulations for
5.29 enable shorter post-B.Ed. certification shorter post-B.Ed.
courses at multidisciplinary colleges and courses
5.22 to Task 164 NCTE and NCERT will formulate a new and NCTE and 2021-22 NCFTE developed
5.29 comprehensive National Curriculum NCERT
Framework for Teacher Education, NCTFE.
All states/UTs, and concerned HEIs will
adopt the same from 2022-23.
5.22 to Task 165 NCERT will study, research, document, NCERT 2022-24 Compilation of
5.29 and compile the varied international international
pedagogical approaches for teaching pedagogical
different subjects, and appropriately practises
integrate and incorporate in teacher
training modules and TLM.
5.22 to Task 166 NCTE/NHERC will undertake a detailed NCTE, NHERC 2021-25 Action plan for
5.29 analysis of all the standalone TEIs in the standalone TEIs
country and phase out substandard
standalone Teacher Education Institutions
(TEIs) across the country.

6. Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
6.1 to 6.6 Task 167 States/UTs will undertake mapping of States/UTs 2021-23 SEDGs mapping
SEDGs in each cluster under CRC/BRC and initiated
preparation of database to analyse the kind,
intensity and level of interventions required
for each of the SEDGs.
6.1 to 6.6 Task 168 MOE will prepare broad Framework MOE 2022-23 Guidelines for
regarding minimum parameters for identification of
identifying Special Education Zones -SEZs. SEZs
6.1 to 6.6 Task 169 States/UTs to add their own specific criteria States/UTs 2022-23 Notification of
to the Task 168 to identify their Special SEZs by States/
Education Zones, and notify the same. UTs
Specific interventions such as scholarship,
conditional cash transfers for incentivising
parents, providing bicycle for transport etc.
will be designed by states/UTs to increase
access of SEDGs to schools.
6.1 to 6.6 Task 170 For providing support to the learning of States/UTs 2021-22 Teacher training at
children with disabilities, focus will be on onwards Foundational and
early identification and support. States/UTs Preparatory levels
will build specific capacities of teachers at for teaching
Foundational and Preparatory levels. children with
6.7 to 6.9 Task 171 MOE will prepare guidelines and make MOE 2022-23 Setting up of
provision for setting up a Gender Inclusion Gender Inclusion
Fund especially for girls and transgender Fund
6.7 to 6.9 Task 172 States/UTs will set up gender and equity cell States/UTs 2022-23 Setting up gender &
and special cell for inclusive education. equity cell and
special cell for
inclusive education
in States/UTs
6.7 to 6.9 Task 173 Interventions such as barrier free MOE, States/ 2021-22 Continuation of
infrastructure, installation of sanitary pad UTs onwards various provisions
vending machine and incinerators, etc. will for equity and
continue to be provided under Samagra inclusiveness under
Shiksha. Samagra Shiksha
6.7 to 6.9 Task 174 NCERT and SCERTs will undertake research NCERT and 2021-22 Documentation of
and development in innovative teaching- SCERTs onwards innovative
learning methodologies for teaching teaching-learning
children from SEDGs. methodologies for

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
6.7 to 6.9 Task 175 States/UTs will prepare their long-term plan States/UTs 2021-30 Long-term plan for
up to 2030 to ensure that all KGBVs are expanding KGBVs
strengthened and expanded up to class 12
(up to grade 12).
6.7 to 6.9 Task 176 States & UTs will prepare and implement States/UTs 2021-23 Safety and security
strict safety and security guidelines for girls guidelines for girls
in KGBVs.
6.7 to 6.9 Task 177 Additional JNVs and KVs will be set up JNV and KVS 2023-30 JNVs/KVs in
across the country, especially in aspirational aspirational
districts, SEZs and other disadvantaged districts
6.7 to 6.9 Task 178 Preschool sections will be added to Kendriya KVS 2022-30 Pre-school section
Vidyalaya in a planned and phased manner added to KVS
from 2022 to 2030.
6.10 & Task 179 All states/UTs will undertake a school-based States/UTs 2022-23 School-based
6.11 analysis/survey with regard to hindrances to survey on barriers
physical access for disabled children. to physical access
for disabled
6.10 & Task 180 While preparing NCF for school education NCERT 2021-22 Consultation with
6.11 and ECCE, NCERT will consult with expert National Institutes
bodies such as National Institutes of of DEPwD for
6.10 & Task 181 States/UTs will undertake mapping of States/UTs 2022-23 Mapping of needs
6.11 requirements of students with disabilities onwards of students with
for participating fully in school education. disabilities by
6.10 & Task 182 To assist teachers in catering to the needs of States/UTs 2022-30 Providing services
6.11 all learners more fully, States/UTs will of special
provide services of special educator/s with educators to
cross-disability training to groups/clusters schools/school
of schools or school complex. complex
6.10 & Task 183 NCERT and RCI to develop short term and NCERT and 2022-23 Short term and
6.11 long-term training modules on equity, RCI onwards long-term training
gender, and needs of children with modules on equity,
disabilities, etc. gender, and needs
of children with

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
6.10 & Task 184 States/UTs will strengthen BRCs with online/ States/UTs 2022-23 BRCs to act as
6.11 offline facilities of special educators, so that onwards Resource Centres
BRCs can also act as Resource centres for with Special
learners with severe or multiple disabilities. Educator services
6.10 & Task 185 NIOS will develop high-quality modules to NIOS 2022-23 High-quality
6.11 teach Indian Sign Language. teaching modules
for Indian Sign
6.12 to Task 186 Guidelines and standards for home-based States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
6.14 schooling shall be developed by the States/ home-based
UTs based. schooling
6.12 to Task 187 SCERTs will develop online orientation SCERTs 2022-23 Online orientation
6.14 modules for parents/caregivers. modules for
6.12 to Task 188 States/UTs will include guidelines for States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines
6.14 conducting summative assessments for conducting
home- based schooling at Task 198 summative
assessments for
6.12 to Task 189 NCTE will include awareness and NCTE 2022-23 NCFTE to include
6.14 knowledge of how to teach children with teaching children
specific disabilities (including learning with specific
disabilities) in TE curriculum framework. disabilities
6.15 to Task 190 States/UTs will identify, map and enlist all States/UTs 2022-30 Mapping of
6.20 alternative forms of schools, including alternative forms of
Ashramshalas in particular, with the help schools and
of the concerned departments in the state/ introduction of
UT. NCFSE will be introduced in a phased NCFSE
manner for Grades 1–12.
6.15 to Task 191 States/UTs will generate awareness among States/UTs 2022-25 Awareness creation
6.20 students in alternative forms of schools to among students for
appear for State board or open school open school exams
board examinations of NIOS/SIOS. in alternate schools
6.15 to Task 192 The NISHTHA modules adapted in the local SCERTs 2022-25 NISHTHA modules
6.20 languages by SCERT will be extended by in local languages
SCERTs to teachers of alternative forms of for alternate forms
schools. of schools

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
6.15 to Task 193 States/UTs will make available digital States/UTs 2022-25 Digital Libraries/
6.20 libraries, digital/virtual laboratories, online virtual laboratories
reading materials like books, journals, etc. made available for
alternate schools
6.15 to Task 194 States/UTs will prepare year-wise plan for States/UTs 2022-30 Provisioning
6.20 special focus on Scheduled Castes and hostels for SC/ST
Scheduled Tribes students by providing students
special hostels through Samagra Shiksha
and convergence of MSJE funds.
6.15 to Task 195 SCERTs of States/UTs will develop special SCERTs 2022-30 Online/ offline/
6.20 online/offline/blended bridge courses for blended bridge
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and courses for SEDG
other SEDG students. students
6.15 to Task 196 DoSEL along with MSJE and states/UTs will DoSEL, MSJE, 2022-30 Scholarships for
6.20 work out and also integrate with existing States/UTs SEDGs
schemes to provide financial assistance
through scholarships
6.15 to Task 197 States/UTs Governments will take up States/UTs 2022-30 NCC wings in tribal
6.20 opening of NCC wings, particularly in tribal dominated areas
dominated areas.
6.15 to Task 198 States/UTs will undertake webinars and States/UTs 2022-30 Modules for
6.20 online workshops for teachers, principals, sensitisation on
administrators, counsellors, and students to social issues and
sensitise them on social issues and stigmas stigmas
such as discrimination, segregation of
disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, etc.
6.15 to Task 199 While preparing the NCF, NCERT will NCERT 2021-22 NCFSE to include
6.20 include material on human values, such as integration of
respect for all persons, empathy, tolerance, human values
human rights, gender equality, non-violence,
global citizenship, inclusion, and equity.

7. Efcient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
7.1 to 7.6 Task 200 Unified administrative structure for States/UTs 2021-22 Unified structure
Elementary, secondary and senior under Samagra
secondary schools under Samagra Shiksha Shiksha
will be ensured by all States and UTs.
7.1 to 7.6 Task 201 States/UTs shall prepare a short-term (upto States/UTs 2022-23 Short term and
2025) and long-term (upto 2030) plan for long term roadmap
laying down the roadmap for grouping/ for grouping/
clustering schools into school complexes or clustering schools
any other format of grouping. into complexes
7.1 to 7.6 Task 202 Providing of infrastructure and resource States/UTs 2022-30 Planning for
requirements of this groups/clusters/ resourcing these
complex of schools shall also form a part of groups/ clusters/
the above plans. complex of schools
7.1 to 7.6 Task 203 States/UTs shall also develop robust States/UTs 2022-26 Guidelines/
guidelines/framework for governance of framework for
schools through this mechanism of grouping governance of
of schools into school groups/clusters/ schools into
complex. groups/clusters/
7.7 to 7.9 Task 204 State/UTs may conduct pilot studies to States/UTs 2023-24 Pilot studies on
analyse the effectiveness and implications groups/ clusters/
of grouping of schools through different complex
mechanisms. On the basis of the findings, a
report may be developed with detailed
roadmap and future plan of action to
achieve the targets and goals by schools
through efficient resource sharing.
7.10 to Task 205 All States partnering and UTs will prepare States/UTs 2021-23 Guidelines for
7.12 detailed guidelines for facilitating Twinning state/UT. Twinning/
between public and private schools in the partnering between
public and private
7.10 to Task 206 States and UTs will take up strengthening of States/UTs 2022-30 Strengthening of
7.12 existing Bal Bhavans to make them centres existing Bal
of joyful, cognitive/psychomotor/affective Bhavans
engagement venues for young learners.
For undertaking this task, states/UTs will
need to prepare a year-wise plan of action
and submit the same to DoSEL.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of NCERT, States/ 2022-23 Mapping/writing
7.12 history as a subject, and for getting a sense UTs/ SCERTs/ local area and
of how history is written, every school in CBSE/KVS/ school history by
every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/JNV/BOAs will JNV/BOAs students as an
undertake classroom activities with students experiential activity
of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of in grades 1 to 12
village/town/area they stay in to map and
write the history of the school, including its
foundation day, first Principal/teachers,
alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare the broad
framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall
prepare detailed guidelines.
7.10 to Task 208 Framework for using schools as Samajik NCERT 2022-23 Framework for
7.12 Chetna Kendra to promote social cohesion utilising schools as
by using the unutilised capacity of school Samajik Chetna
infrastructure in non-teaching/schooling Kendra to promote
hours, shall be prepared by NCERT. social cohesion
7.10 to Task 209 Based on this framework prepared by SCERT 2023-24 Innovative models
7.12 NCERT for using schools as Samajik for utilising schools
Chetna Kendra, SCERTs will develop their as Samajik
own innovative models for effective Chetna Kendra
utilisation of unused capacity of schools. by SCERT

8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Education

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
8.1 to 8.4 Task 210 States/UTs through SCERTs will prepare self- SCERT 2021-23 Regulations for
regulation system to ensure empowerment transparency and
of schools and enforcement of transparency online public
and online public disclosure. disclosure
8.1 to 8.4 Task 211 To encourage private/philanthropic school States/UTs 2022-24 EoDB for Tasks 81
sector to play a significant and beneficial and 287) private/
role in the school education sector, the philanthropic
sates/UTs will operationalize an IT based sector
engagement format including Ease Of
Doing Business for this sector.(Reference
8.5 Task 212 States/UTs will set up an independent, States/UTs 2021-23 SSSA set up
State-wide, body called the State School

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
tandards Authority (SSSA). All States/UTs to
have SSSA websites by 2023.
8.5 Task 213 The states/UTs will immediately begin States/UTs 2021-23 Action plan for
planning their strategy and timelines for separation of
separating the functions of policy-making functions/powers
(Department of School Education),
operations (Directorate of School Education),
academics (SCERTs) and regulation
(by setting up SSSA).
8.5 Task 214 SCERT will develop an overall strategic plan, SCERT 2021-24 Strategic planning
and an institution wise action plan for the and
reinvigoration of CRCs, BRCs, and DIETs implementation of
and complete implementation of plan by reinvigoration of
2023-24. CRCs, BRCs, and
8.5 Task 215 School Quality Assurance and Accreditation SCERT 2021-23 SQAAF developed
Framework (SQAAF) will be developed by
SCERT as per guidelines developed by
8.6 & 8.7 Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/aided by CBSE, JNV, 2021-23 Framework for
the Central government (that is, KVS and KVS, MOE online self-
JNV) the CBSE in consultation with the MOE disclosure for CBSE
shall prepare a framework for online self schools
disclosure on minimal set of standards
based on basic parameters and a School
Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Framework (SQAAF). CBSE can also lay
down few parameters for private/state
government schools affiliated to it for
examination registration, extension of
affiliation, etc.
8.8 Task 217 The states/UTs will prepare an all- States/UTs 2021-23 Development of
encompassing Strategic Implementation Strategic
Plan which will aim to ensure that all Implementation
students, shall have universal, free and Plan to ensure
compulsory access to high-quality and universal, free and
equitable schooling from early childhood compulsory access
care and education (age 3 onwards) through to schooling
higher secondary education (i.e., until
Grade 12).

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
8.10 Task 218 MOE/NCERT/NIEPA will prepare MOE, NCERT, 2022-23 Framework for the
framework/guidelines for the holistic NIEPA holistic assessment
assessment of the education governance of the education
system at state/district/block/cluster/school governance system
8.10 Task 219 SCERTs will conduct census-based SCERT 2022 SCERTs to conduct
achievement surveys and State Assessment onwards State Achievement
Survey (SAS) for continuous improvement Survey (SAS) for
of school education system in the year/s continuous
when National Achievement Survey is not improvement of
being held. school education
8.10 Task 220 For the conduct of NAS, CBSE/NCERT will CBSE, NCERT 2021-22 Expanded and
expand coverage and enhance reliability enhanced
check. reliability check for
NAS 2021
8.11 Task 221 A school safety framework will be designed DoSEL 2021-22 National level
by DoSEL at national level. All States/UTs School Safety
shall use this framework as the minimum Framework
requirements, and add to it as per local
requirements and ensure its implementation
8.11 Task 222 Online programmes for generating programmes for
awareness about child rights will be awareness on child
developed by SCERT and enforcement of rights
child rights in schools will be assured by the
regulatory system.

9. Teacher Education
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
15.1 to Task 223 National Testing Agency will design and NTA 2021-22 National common
15.7 conduct a national common entrance test entrance test
for entry to 4-year integrated B.Ed courses. designed by NTA
15.8 & Task 224 NCTE will coordinate with UGC for ensuring NCTE 2022-24 Credit-based
15.9 credit-based courses in teaching/education/ courses for Ph.D
pedagogy/writing are offered to all fresh programmes on
Ph.D. entrants during their doctoral school education
training period.
15.10 & Task 225 Areas specific to the capacities required by SCERT 2021-25 Annual in-service
15.11 teachers to implement the NEP 2020 will be teacher and
identified by SCERT in a comprehensive in- Principal training

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
service annual teacher training plan plan
prepared by SCERTs.
15.10 & Task 226 D/o Higher Education will set up a National DoHE, NCTE 2022-23 Setting up National
15.11 Mission for Mentoring; NCTE will also be Mission for
part of this mission to link and facilitate Mentoring
teacher educators. This mission will focus
on mentoring with a large pool of
outstanding senior/retired faculty (to teach
in Indian languages) to provide short and
long-term mentoring/professional support
to university/college teachers/teacher
educators/faculty of TEIs.

10. Reimagining Vocational Education

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
16.1 to Task 227 Strengthening of PSSCIVE will be undertaken PSSCIVE 2022-23 PSSCIVE
16.8 to build its capacity for developing curriculum strengthening plan
and learning resources, both offline and initiated
online for vocational courses and training of
16.1 to Task 228 States/UTs will organise awareness States/UTs 2022-23 Awareness
16.8 programmes to change the general attitude onwards programmes for
towards Vocational Education. vocational
16.1 to Task 229 NCERT will ensure inclusion of NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 NCFSE to include
16.8 vocationalisation of education from Class VI BoAs sub-framework for
to secondary level in NCFSE, with vocationalisation
introduction of skills training appropriate to
the age of the child.
16.1 to Task 230 States and UTs to also prepare detailed States/UTs 2022 SCFSE to include
16.8 curricular sub-framework for vocational sub-framework for
education in schools as a part of SCFSE. vocationalisation
States/UTs will also ensure that 50% students and roadmap for
at upper primary level are covered by implementation
vocationalisation by 2025 and 100% of
upper primary are covered by 2030.
A school-wise roadmap will be prepared
by States/UTs to implement this in 2022 for
implementation from 2022-30.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/ States/UTs/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
16.8 KVS/JNV/CTSA will prepare detailed CBSE/BOAs/ implementation of
guidelines to ensure implementing of KVS/JNV/ vocationalisation
vocationalisation in such a way that every CTSA by CBSE
child will be encouraged to develop a skill
during his/her school period.
16.1 to Task 232 Based on SCFSE, states/UTs/BOAs will States/UTs, 2023-24 Implementation of
16.8 prepare detailed guidelines to ensure CBSE, BoAs vocationalisation in
implementing of vocationalisation from schools by
2023-24 academic session onwards. State/UT
16.1 to Task 233 States/UTs will provide training modules, States/UTs 2022-25 Training modules
16.8 preferably in the online mode/blended mode on soft skills in
for courses in entrepreneurship, soft skills online mode as a
such as communication skills, etc. as a part part of all
of vocational education. States/UTs will also vocational subjects
set up Skill labs in a hub and spoke model in
school clusters/complexes.
16.1 to Task 234 After the finalisation of SCF, States/UTs will States/UTs/ 2022-23 Courses designed
16.8 independently take up encouragement of the SCERTs/CBSE/ on local art and
local arts and crafts among the school KVS/JNV craft by SCERTs
children by designing suitable courses
through SCERTs. CBSE/KV/JNV schools
shall be free to adopt/adapt these courses
as per local context of the student mix and
location of the school.
16.1 to Task 235 Problem based Learning approach will be NCERT, SCERT, 2022-23 Online resources
16.8 promoted in schools and colleges so that CBSE for Problem based
students are able to develop requisite skills Learning approach
for innovation and entrepreneurship.
NCERT and SCERTs will develop project-
based activities and online resources for
Teaching Learning Material (TLM) for this.
16.1 to Task 236 A suitable framework for assessment of NCIVE 2022-23 Framework for
16.8 vocational education will be created by the assessment of
NCIVE, working in conjunction with PSSCIVE vocationalisation
and with CBSE and State-level institutions progress
and BOA.
16.1 to Task 237 Short term training courses, preferably online SCERT, DIET 2022-25 Training modules
16.8 courses, will be designed for vocational for vocational
trainers as per the state curriculum and trainers
assessment framework by the SCERTs/DIETs.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
16.1 to Task 238 States/UTs/BOAs/CBSE will work out an States/UTs, 2022-23 Online/ offline
16.8 online/offline mechanism for providing CBSE, BoAs, mechanism for
career counselling and guidance to children KVS, JNV providing career
in Classes IX to XII counselling and
16.1 to Task 239 NCERT will develop Skill Based Aptitude NCERT 2022-25 Online Skill Based
16.8 Test (SBT) in online mode at end of Class VIII Aptitude Test (SBT)
and Class X, and states/UTs/BOAs/CBSE at end of Class VIII
may introduce it or prepare their own and Class X
version of SBT
16.1 to Task 240 NIOS will cater to the dropouts from the NIOS 2022-25 Dropouts
16.8 formal system through ODL courses designed assessment
and promoted for improving the mobility facilitation by
and employability of students. For this NIOS NIOS
will develop a mechanism of collaboration
with states/UTs.
16.1 to Task 241 Textbooks for the National Institute of Open NIOS 2022-25 NIOS textbooks
16.8 Schooling (NIOS) will be aligned with those aligned with
of NCERT. This will enable many students NCERT textbooks
to feel confident about their career choices, and incorporation
because any student who desires to exit at of stories, arts,
class10 to pursue a career in a vocational games, sports,
skill, will be able to smoothly transit from examples,
formal to open school education. NIOS will problems, etc.
ensure that Knowledge of India is
incorporated wherever relevant in an
accurate and scientific manner. Stories,
arts, games, sports, examples, problems,
etc. in textbooks will be incorporated in such
manner that they are as much as possible
rooted in the Indian context.
16.1 to Task 242 CBSE and other BOAs will explore offering CBSE, BoAs 2022-25 Vocational courses
16.8 stand-alone Vocational courses in affiliated in ODL mode
schools in ODL mode and develop suitable
assessment and certification mechanisms.

11. Adult Education
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
21.1 to Task 243 States/UTs will make efforts to undertake a States/UTs 2021-22 Survey of non-
21.4 survey of non-literate adults through the literates
census survey to be conducted in 2021.
Only if that is not possible, an app-based
survey to identify the non- literate members
of the community may be undertaken.
21.1 to Task 244 States/UTs will design systematic and States/UTs 2021-25 Awareness
21.4 intensive awareness drives/campaign for drives/campaign to
community involvement and volunteerism to promote adult
promote adult literacy. literacy
21.5 Task 245 NCERT will set up a constituent body NCERT 2021-22 Constituent body on
dedicated to Adult Education within the AE in NCERT
21.5 Task 246 The constituent body of NCERT on Adult NCERT 2021-22 NCFAE developed
Education will review and revise current
curricula for adult education and develop a
National Curriculum Framework for Adult
Education (NCFAE).
21.5 Task 247 The NIOS and Department of Adult NIOS and 2021-25 Online modules for
Education in HEIs will be the central and main Department of AE by NIOS
organisations of the DoSEL for undertaking Adult Education
Adult Education work. For this purpose, they in HEIs
shall prepare a detailed plan of
implementation to reach maximum non-
literate adults. As a part of its plan, they will
also develop methods of collaboration with
states/UTs and mechanisms for outreach
through them. They will undertake to develop
online modules for each of the five
components of Adult Education.
21.5 Task 248 SCERTs will use the framework developed by SCERTs 2021-23 Content
NCERT to prepare content for each aspect of development in
the framework (consisting of 5 components) local language by
in local language/s and integrate it with SCERT for AE
technology tools such as digital platforms,
mobile app, DTH etc. so that delivery of all
adult learning content is primarily through
using digital and online mode.
21.6 to Task 249 States and UTs will create a constituent body States/UTs, 2022-25 Constituent body on
21.8 within the SCERTs to look after SCERTs AE in SCERT

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
implementation of adult education, to
adopt/adapt the NCFAE, and to
prepare resources for implementing the
21.6 to Task 250 States/UTs will ensure that no additional States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
21.8 infrastructure is created for implementing utilizing available
this programme. Instead, States/UTs will infrastructure for AE
prepare detailed guidelines for schools/
school complexes after working hours and
on weekends for adult education courses.
The guidelines will ensure that all AE classes
are held virtually/online/through pre-loaded
material on computers/tablets, etc.
21.6 to Task 251 Adult Education Centres (AECs) will be DoSEL 2022-25 Framework for
21.8 systematically included within other public AECs
institutions such as HEIs, vocational training
centres, public libraries etc. For this, the
DoSEL will take up with the concerned
Ministries to develop broad guidelines/
21.6 to Task 252 States/UTs will draw out a schedule for States/UTs 2022-30 IT based solutions
21.8 covering all adult illiterates with adult and Planning for
education before 2030 in this manner. 100% coverage by
Teachers/tutors will be connected to the adult 2030
learners through IT based solutions.
21.6 to Task 253 To implement the schedule drawn out by DIETs 2022-23 Online/digital and
21.8 states, district level resource support learning activities at
institutions (mostly the DIETs) will organize Adult Education
online/digital and learning activities at Adult Centres
Education Centres, as well as coordinate with
volunteer instructors for the practical aspects
of learning.
21.9 & Task 254 States/UTs will take up the programme of States/UTs 2022-25 Adequate supply of
21.10 strengthening schools and public libraries to books/resources
ensure an adequate supply of books that ensured
cater to the needs and interests of all students,
including adult learners and persons with
disabilities and other differently-abled
21.9 & Task 255 National Digital Library (NDL) will be DoSEL and 2022-25 National Digital
21.10 strengthened with resources for adult States/UTs Library (NDL)
learning in multiple Indian languages. strengthened with
AE resources

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
21.9 & Task 256 High quality textbooks and workbooks will States/UTs 2023-30 Affordable
21.10 be produced and published by the states/UTs textbooks and
in the local language/s and may be sold, workbooks for AE
at the cost of printing, to interested adult
21.9 & Task 257 To develop multiple pathways to learning, States/UTs 2021-22 Multiple Pathways
21.10 States/UTs will enable and strengthen various of learning for AE
formal and non-formal education modes - will be established
including one-on-one tutoring (by volunteer
tutors/teachers as mentioned in Task 264),
Open Distance Learning through SIOS as
well as NIOS (as mentioned in Task 247),
smartphone apps, systematically leveraging
parents, volunteers as a resource etc.
21.9 & Task 258 The States/UTs will strengthen their SIOSs or States/UTs 2021-22 Strengthening of
21.10 establish new ones (in accordance with Task onwards SIOS and
80). These will develop programmes programmes in
analogous to those offered by NIOS (in Task regional language
247) in regional languages.

12. Promotion of Indian Languages, Arts, and Culture

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
22.1 to Task 259 NCERT will develop guidelines, textbooks NCERT, SCERT 2023-24 Position paper,
22.8 and other material to aid the promotion of guidelines,
Indian languages in the light of multilingualism textbooks and other
of India covering status of languages, material for
approaches to languages teaching-learning, promotion of Indian
language across the curriculum, learning languages
outcomes, mother tongue based multilingual
education, language assessment, etc.
NCERT will also develop guidelines for
SCERTs for preparing courses and syllabi on
Indian Languages.
22.1 to Task 260 SCERTs will take up the development of Indian NCERT 2022-25 Development of
22.8 language textbooks, along with teacher textbooks of Indian
handbooks and material for teacher languages and
professional development SCERTs will also supplementary
develop supplementary materials like: material in
Workbooks, Audio-Video, Novels, accordance with
Magazines, Dictionaries etc. for Indian SCFSE
Languages (Including Classical, Tribal and

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
other Minor languages) that are spoken/
written/understood in the state/UT.
22.1 to Task 261 NIOS has prepared several courses on Indian NIOS 2022-25 Development of
22.8 languages and ancient Indian literature. online courses on
For promoting these in India and abroad, Indian language
NIOS will develop them as individual online and ancient Indian
courses that can be offered in India and literature
22.1 to Task 262 Teachers shall use their own innovative SCERTs 2022-24 Supplementary
22.8 pedagogies in consonance with Task 157, to materials
teach languages in engaging and joyful development by
manners. Teachers will ensure that they link SCERT
the mother tongue/home language of the
child to the language being taught in the oral
domain in classroom transactions. The
framework being developed by SCERTs in
Task 157 shall include this aspect and it shall
be rolled out for the teaching of languages as
well from 2022-23 onwards.
22.1 to Task 263 Children will be encouraged to undertake States/ UTs 2023-30 Exposure of
22.8 excursion/ online or e-tourism, have pen pals children to the
in link states, learn the language of the link diversity, natural
states, etc. under EBSB to have exposure to resources and rich
the diversity, natural resources and rich cultural heritage
heritage of India. For this purpose, certain key of India
actions need to be undertaken.
22.1 to Task 264 Online repositories of the rich language, arts, SCERTs 2022-23 Online repositories
22.8 music, indigenous textiles/food/sports, of TLM by States/
culture and ethos, etc. shall be created by UTs cultural
SCERTs of each state/UT, so that link states heritage
are able to easily access this material.

13. Technology - Use and Integration
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
23.1 to Task 265 CIET in NCERT will be strengthened to NCERT 2021-22 CIET to become
23.13 become the central hub for promoting, central hub for
developing and expanding all initiatives education
related to education technology for school technology
education sector. Additional manpower and
other resources as per requirement will be
worked out and provided from 2021-22
23.1 to Task 266 States/UTs will undertake a similar exercise in States/UTs, 2021-22 SIETs to become
23.13 SCERTs for the SIETs (as mentioned in Task SCERTs central hub for
275) and prepare a roadmap to strengthen education
the SIETs by 2021-22. technology in
23.1 to Task 267 National Digital Library (NDL) will be linked to NCERT & 2021-25 Linking NDL with e-
23.13 the e-resources of NCERT and SCERTs for SCERTs resources in school
effective utilization of available contents. education
23.1 to Task 268 The ICT scheme under Samagra Shiksha will DoSEL 2021-23 Strengthening of
23.13 be strengthened giving greater flexibility for ICT scheme under
States on the type of technology to deploy Samagra Shiksha
and accommodate differential funding for
schools based on student enrolment.
23.1 to Task 269 UDISE+ will be further strengthened and DoSEL 2021-23 Expansion of
23.13 expanded by DoSEL to include parameters UDISE+ including
related to District level and School level District/school level
Performance Grading Indices. PGI
23.1 to Task 270 DoSEL will work with MEITy on preparing an DoSEL 2020-23 All-encompassing
23.13 all-encompassing school education digital school education
infrastructure. This work will be initiated by digital infrastructure
DoSEL on priority. for the country

14. Online and Digital Education: Ensuring Equitable Use of Technology
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
24.1 and Task 271 CIET/NCERT/SCERT will conduct pilot NCERT and 2023-25 Pilot studies to
24.4 a studies to evaluate the benefits of integrating SCERTs evaluate the
education with online education. benefits on ICT
integration in
24.2 and Task 272 DIKSHA will contain e-resources under six NCERT and 2021-22 E-content/
24.4 e component categories to begin with– NCERT SCERTs resources
textbook based, SCERT textbook based, for all grades on
Learning Outcome based Item banks, TPD, DIKSHA
Virtual Labs, and Vidyadaan content. These
categories will be expanded and diversified
as per need. In the backdrop of the pandemic,
it is essential that states/UTs ensure that
e-content for learners is uploaded on
DIKSHA by them as soon as possible, but not
later than 21-22 academic session.
24.2 and Task 273 For ensuring equity in educational States/UTs 2021-22 Coherence policy
24.4 e technology, it will be ensured that the same for ensuring
e-contents are available across all digital availability of all
modes (portals, Apps, TV, radio) for the same e-contents across
topic/s under the Coherence policy of all digital modes
DoSEL. States/UTs will prepare strict action
plans for achieving this not later than
2021-22 academic session.
24.2 and Task 274 One class, one channel through Swayam NCERT and 2021-22 One class, one
24.4 e Prabha will be activated with high quality SCERTs channel through
e-learning content by NCERT and SCERTs not Swayam Prabha for
later than 2021-22 academic session. high quality
e-learning content
24.2 and Task 275 The schools in the Special Education Zones States/UTs 2021-22 Integration of SEZ
24.4 e and Aspirational districts will be integrated onwards schools with digital
with digital devices on priority by states/UTs devices under ICT
under the strengthened ICT scheme. scheme
24.2 and Task 276 The Ministry will pursue with MEITy and MOE 2021-25 Make in India for an
24.4 e Commerce Ministries for the Make in India affordable and
scheme to be aligned to produce and market maintainable digital
a useful, affordable, maintainable device
digital device.
24.4 c Task 277 DoSEL will pursue with MEITy for facilitating DoSEL 2021-22 Development of
development of tools, such as, two-way video tools for online
and two-way-audio interface for holding classes and to track

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
online classes along with other tools to track & monitor progress
and monitor progress of learners. of learners
24.3 and Task 278 NCERT and SCERT will arrange for teachers NCERT and 2021-25 Online Teacher
24.4 g to undergo rigorous online training in learner- SCERTs training in learner-
centric pedagogy and on how to become centric pedagogy
high-quality online content creators and online content
themselves using online teaching platforms creation
and tools.
24.4 d Task 279 Digital repository of innovative content, NCERT and 2021-25 Creation of Digital
including creation of coursework, Learning SCERTs repository of
Games & Simulations, Augmented Reality innovative
and Virtual Reality, apps, gamification of contents, Apps,
Indian art and culture, in multiple languages, Games, AR, VR,
with clear operating instructions, will be etc. for learning
promoted by NCERT and SCERT in
collaboration with Commerce Ministry,
MEITY, etc. over a period of time.
24.4 f Task 280 NCERT and SCERTs will leverage existing NCERT and 2021-23 Virtual Labs created
e-learning platforms such as DIKSHA, SCERTs
SWAYAM and SWAYAMPRABHA for creating
virtual labs.
24.3 and Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre PARAKH, CBSE, 2025-30 Mechanisms for
24.4 h or PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will NIOS, BOAs, online summative/
design mechanisms for online assessment NTA formative
and examinations for both summative and assessment
formative assessment.
24.4 i Task 282 NCERT will recommend the approach and CBSE, KVS, 2022-23 Framework for
framework for the phased-manner of JNV, CTSA Blended mode of
introduction, percentage, manner, format, education through
etc. of blended education through NCFSE
discussions with experts in the National
Curriculum Framework. CBSE, KVS and JNV
will initiate implementation as soon as
NCFSE is launched by NCERT.
24.4 i Task 283 Based on the NCFSE recommendations for SCERTs 2022-24 Framework for
continuing blended learning, SCERTs will Blended mode of
suitably incorporate the same in their education through
curriculum, in a phased manner and initiate SCFSE
implementation immediately thereafter.
24.4 i Task 284 DoSEL will take up with NETF, setting DoSEL 2022-24 Setting up
standards of content, technology, and Standards for

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
pedagogy for online/digital teaching-learning online/digital
in school education. teaching-learning in
school education
24.5 Task 285 A dedicated unit will be created in the Ministry MoE 2021-22 Dedicated ICT unit
for school and higher education, consisting consisting of experts
of experts drawn from the field of in the Ministry
administration, education, educational
technology, digital pedagogy and
assessment, e-governance, etc. for the
purposes mentioned in NEP 2020.

15. Financing: Affordable and Quality Education for All

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
26.1 to Task 286 States/UTs will immediately prepare their NEP MOE 2021-22 NEP
26.7 implementation plan from 2021-2030, and Implementation
use it for all subsequent PABs for presenting Plan by states/UTs
annual projects for funding of school
education to DoSEL.
26.1 to Task 287 A robust online mechanism will be developed DoSEL 2021-22 Mechanism for fund
26.7 by DoSEL to monitor the timely fund flow and flow monitoring by
its proper utilisation by states/UTs. DoSEL
26.1 to Task 288 The Guidelines/framework for encouraging DoSEL 2022-23 Guidelines for
26.7 and incentivising Private and philanthropic incentivising Private
activity prepared by DoSEL will be utilised as and philanthropic
a model by states/UTs to prepare their own activity
guidelines and begin implementation.
(Reference Tasks 211)
26.1 to Task 289 DoSEL will form a joint committee of Joint DoSEL 2021-22 Setting up
26.7 secretaries with various ministries with a Committee of Joint
similar mandate (MoWCD, MoTribal Affairs, Secretaries on
MoRural Development, MoSkill convergence
Development, etc.), to systematically seek
greater convergence.
26.1 to Task 290 MOE/ Central Government will take up a DoSEL 2021-22 Delineation of
26.7 systematic exercise to delineate important onwards state/UT wise
outcomes related goals for each State/ UT for expected outcomes
quality, equity and access based on data
reported by state/UT in UDISE+. States/UTs
will be funded through Samagra Shiksha for
improving the quality of outcomes.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
26.1 to Task 291 DoSEL will create more incentives for States/ DoSEL 2022-23 Incentives for
26.7 UTs to improve their performance, such as improving District/
district and school level PGI and Readiness School level PGI
Index for Digital Education (RIDE), etc. and Reading
26.1 to Task 292 Each state/UT will develop its own PPP policy, States/UTs 2022-24 PPP policy of
26.7 if desired, for setting up new schools, states/UTs
providing selective infrastructural/logistics/
resource support to schools, etc.

16. Implementation
Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
27.1 to Task 293 DoSEL will set up subject-wise implementation DoSEL 2021-22 Subject/theme wise
27.3 committees. Implementation
committees in
27.1 to Task294 States/UTs will set-up similar subject-wise States/UTs 2021-22 Subject/theme wise
27.3 implementation committees. Implementation
committees in
27.1 to Task 295 The implementation plan for NEP would MOE 2021-23 Undertaking RTE
27.3 require amendments in certain sections of the Act amendment
RTE Act, 2009. This task will be undertaken
immediately by initiating consultations and
discussions, followed by finalising the draft
amendment and taking to the Legislature.
27.1 to Task 296 In order to ensure effective implementation of States/UTs 2021 Annual
27.3 major recommendations of the NEP, States onwards Documentation of
and UTs will prepare yearly reports on the progress made on
progress of following themes/subjects: important
i. Progress on Foundational Literacy and themes/subjects of
Numeracy the NEP
ii. Progress on Early Childhood Care and
Education (ECCE)
iii. Report on E-Governance and Digital
iv. Convergence initiatives with various
line ministries
v. Progress on Vocational Education.
vi. Progress on Teacher Education.

Relevant Task Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number
vii. State Innovations in Education report.
These reports will be submitted in the
month of June every year.
27.1 to Task 297 To generate awareness and wide MoE, States/ 2021-22 Organisation of
27.3 dissemination about innovative pedagogies, UTs hackathon at
puzzles, games etc. for students and national and state
teachers, hackathon may be organised at level.
national and state level.

Organisation-wise Tables

1. Ministry of Education (MoE)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

1.9 Task 26 The Joint Task Force will be constituted by the MOE for 2020-21 Constitution of Joint Task
smooth integration of early childhood education with Force at national and state
the school education system. levels
1.4 Task 5 Data Capture Format (DCF) will be developed for 2021-22 UDISE+ expands for ECCE
implementing ECCE in UDISE+ portal
2.2 Task 27 MOE to launch a National Mission in 2020-21 to 2021-22 Launch of FLN Mission
implement Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
(FLN) program in all States and UTs
2.2 Task 28 The Ministry will prepare and develop a detailed 2021-22 Framework for FLN Mission
framework/guideline for implementation of the FLN
2.2 Task 29 National FLN Mission will declare in 2020-21 the 2021-22 Year wise and state wise
overall target with year wise outcomes to be achieved targets
by the year 2025-26.
4.41 Task 134 The PARAKH centre will be set up as an autonomous 2021-22 PARAKH an autonomous
body by Department of School Education and Literacy, body is set up
MOE by the end of 2021.
4.43 to Task 136 (i) MOE to develop framework for identification and 2021-22 Guidelines for Gifted and
4.45 nurturing of Gifted Children at the Elementary and talented children
Secondary stages.
1.6 Task 17 The mid-day meal programme will be extended to the 2021-22 MDM extension to
Preparatory Class in primary schools along with other Preparatory class in primary
primary school children. Guidelines in this regard will school
be framed by MHRD.
1.6 Task 18 Guidelines for Monitoring and Tracking of Health 2021-22 Guidelines for tracking
status of Children through periodic health check–up health of children
will be finalised and adapted as needed by States/UTs
within one year
2.9 Task 57 EFC, followed by CCEA note, for extension of the 2021-22 Extension of MDM facility
Mid-Day Meal facility to preparatory classes in primary preparatory classes in
schools and introducing breakfast in primary schools. primary schools and
Detailed guidelines in this regard will be issued by introducing breakfast in
MOE. primary schools
8.11 Task 221 A school safety framework will be designed by DoSEL 2021-22 National level School safety
at national level. All States/UTs shall use this framework
framework as the minimum requirements, and add to
it as per local requirements and ensure its

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

24.5 Task 285 A dedicated unit will be created in the Ministry 2021-22 Dedicated ICT unit
consisting of experts drawn from the field of consisting of experts in the
administration, education, educational technology, Ministry
digital pedagogy and assessment, e-governance,
etc. for the purposes mentioned in NEP 2020.
26.1 to Task 286 States/UTs will immediately prepare their NEP 2021-22 NEP Implementation Plan
26.7 implementation plan from 2021-2030, and use it for by States/UTs
all subsequent PABs for presenting annual projects
for funding of school education to DoSEL.
26.1 to Task 287 A robust online mechanism will be developed by 2021-22 Mechanism for fund flow
26.7 DoSEL to monitor the timely fund flow and its proper
utilisation by states/UTs. monitoring by DoSEL
26.1 to Task 289 DoSEL will form a joint committee of Joint secretaries 2021-22 Setting up Committee of
26.7 with various ministries with a similar mandate Joint Secretaries on
(MoWCD, MoTribal Affairs, MoRural Development, convergence
MoSkill Development, etc.), to systematically seek
greater convergence.
27.1 to Task 293 DoSEL will set up subject-wise implementation 2021-22 Subject/theme wise
27.3 committee. Implementation
committees in Ministry
27.1 to Task 297 To generate awareness and wide dissemination about 2021-22 Organisation of hackathon
27.3 innovative pedagogies, puzzles, games etc. for at national and state level.
students and teachers, hackathon may be organised
at national and state level.
1.4 Task 6 Data related to ECCE implementation will be 2021-23 Data captured on ECCE
collected from States and UTs for the year 2020-21 in status on UDISE
April-June 2021. MOE will issue detailed letter to
States in this regard.
2.2 Task 38 National levels IT based monitoring tool with 2021-23 IT based monitoring tool for
dashboards will be developed by the Ministry, which FLN
will have aggregated data from national, state, district
and block level.
8.6 & Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/aided by the 2021-23 Framework for online self-
8.7 Central government (that is, KVS and JNV) the CBSE in disclosure for CBSE schools
consultation with the MOE shall prepare a framework
for online self-disclosure on minimal set of standards
based on basic parameters. CBSE can also lay
down few parameters for private/state government
schools affiliated to it for examination registration,
extension of affiliation, etc.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

23.1 to Task 268 The ICT scheme under Samagra Shiksha will be 2021-23 Strengthening of ICT
23.13 strengthened giving greater flexibility for States on the scheme under Samagra
type of technology to deploy and accommodate Shiksha
differential funding for schools based on student
3.1 Task 62 The Data Capture Format of UDISE+ portal to be 2021-23 Data of OoSC in UDISE+
modified to include data of OoSC.
23.1 to Task 269 UDISE+ will be further strengthened and expanded 2021-23 Expansion of UDISE+
23.13 by DoSEL to include District level and School level including District/school
Performance Grading Indices. level PGI
27.1 to Task 295 The implementation plan for NEP would require 2021-23 Undertaking RTE Act
27.3 amendments in certain sections of the RTE Act, 2009. amendment
This task will be undertaken immediately by initiating
consultations and discussions, followed by finalising
the draft amendment and taking to the Legislature.
24.2 to Task 276 The Ministry will pursue with MEITy and Commerce 2021-25 Make in India for an
24.4e Ministries for the Make in India scheme to be aligned affordable and
to produce and market a useful, affordable, maintainable digital device
maintainable digital device.
6.7 to 6.9 Task 173 Interventions such as barrier free infrastructure, 2021-22 Continuation of various
installation of sanitary pad vending machine and onwards provisions for equity and
incinerators, etc. will continue to be provided under inclusiveness under
Samagra Shiksha. Samagra Shiksha
26.1 to Task 290 MOE/ Central Government will take up a systematic 2021-22 Delineation of state/UT
26.7 exercise to delineate important outcomes related onwards wise expected outcomes
goals for each State/ UT for quality, equity and access
based on data reported by state/UT in UDISE+.
States/UTs will be funded through Samagra Shiksha
for improving the quality of outcomes.
3.2 Task 66 To assess the implementation, an evaluation through 2022-23 To assessment the
inspection named SHAGUNOTSAV would be implementation
conducted by the DoSE&L which would include
different parameters of UDISE, Samagra Shiksha and
5.2 to 5.7 Task 145 NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
States/UTs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will notify three stage
processes for teacher recruitment.
6.1 to 6.6 Task 168 MOE will prepare broad Framework regarding 2022-23 Guidelines for identification
minimum parameters for identifying Special Education of SEZs
Zones -SEZs.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

6.7 to 6.9 Task 171 MOE will prepare guidelines and make provision 2022-23 Setting up of Gender
for setting up a Gender Inclusion Fund especially for Inclusion Fund
girls and transgender students.
8.10 Task 218 MOE/NCERT/NIEPA will prepare framework/ 2022-23 Framework for the holistic
guidelines for the holistic assessment of the education assessment of the
governance system at state/district/block/cluster/ education governance
school levels. system
26.1 to Task 288 The Guidelines/framework for encouraging and 2022-23 Guidelines for incentivising
26.7 incentivising Private and philanthropic activity Private and philanthropic
prepared by DoSEL will be utilised as a model by activity
states/UTs to prepare their own guidelines and begin
implementation. (Reference Tasks 224 and 298)
26.1 to Task 291 DoSEL will create more incentives for States/ UTs to 2022-23 Incentives for improving
26.7 improve their performance, such as district and school District/School level PGI
level PGI and Readiness Index for Digital Education and Reading ranking
(RIDE), etc.
24.4j Task 284 DoSEL will take up with NETF, setting standards of 2022-24 Setting up Standards for
content, technology, and pedagogy for online/digital online/digital teaching-
teaching-learning in school education. learning in school
1.6 Task 15 Phase 1: Preparatory class/Balavatika will be 2022-25 Introduction of 1-year
introduced in all pre/primary/elementary schools Preparatory Class in
where support under Samagra Shiksha has already primary schools
been given for pre-primary classes; similarly, Balvatika
will be introduced in those AWs where trained AWWs
are available.
21.6 to Task 251 Adult Education Centres (AECs) will be systematically 2022-25 Framework for AECs
21.8 included within other public institutions such as HEIs,
vocational training centres, public libraries etc. For
this, the DoSEL will take up with the concerned
Ministries to develop broad guidelines/framework.
21.9 & Task 255 National Digital Library (NDL) will be strengthened 2022-25 National Digital Library
21.10 with resources for adult learning in multiple Indian (NDL) strengthened with AE
languages. resources
6.15 to Task 196 DoSEL along with MSJE and states/UTs will work out 2022-30 Scholarships for SEDGs
6.20 and also integrate with existing schemes to provide
financial assistance through scholarships

2. National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

4.30 to Task 93 NCERT will set up National Focus Groups and 2021 Setting up of National
4.33 Curriculum Committees Focus Groups and
Curriculum Committees
1.3 & 1.4 Task 1 Development of National Curriculum and 2021-22 NCFECCE developed
pedagogical Framework for ECCE. This will include
focus on using indigenous toys and indigenous
games, puppetry, art, stories, indigenous poetry/
songs, etc., for cognitive and psychomotor
development, and mechanisms for bridging the gap
between language spoken by child and language
used in class/AW.
2.2 Task 30 A Curriculum Framework focusing on FL&N with 2021-22 FLN Curriculum framework
learner-centric pedagogy will be developed by NCERT
as a part of NCFECCE and NCFSE.
2.2 Task 35 Assessment of progress and achievements by students, 2021-22 Holistic Progress Card
schools and states/UTs in FL&N will be at four levels. designed
For the first level, that is, school-based assessments, a
Holistic Progress Card will be designed by NCERT (for
KVS/JNV/CBSE schools) and SCERTs for students in
states/UTs in the foundational years.
2.2 Task 41 The NAS sample survey of schools and students in 2021-22 Database of grade level
2021 will create a data base of ‘as is’ situation in proficiency
grade level proficiency and enabling to track the
future progress.
2.5 Task 50 NCERT will develop the 3-months play based school 2021-22 3-months module for grade
preparation module for grade 1 students in order to 1 developed
make sure that all students that are joining school in
grade 1 are school-ready.
4.1 to 4.8 Task 83 NCERT will develop position papers with the help of 2022-23 28 Position Papers related
28 Focus groups for formulating the new National to various aspects of NCF
Curricular Framework on School Education (NCFSE). and NEP 2020 developed
Of these 12 Position Papers will be related directly by NCERT
to curriculum and Pedagogy, 6 Position Papers will be
related to cross-cutting themes, and 10 Position
Papers will be related to various other important
areas in NEP, 2020.
4.1 to 4.8 Task 84 NCFSE will clearly define the modalities for 2022-23 Modalities for
implementing the new curricular and pedagogical Implementing the new
structure of 5+3+3+4 structure

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

4.30 to Task 94 NCERT will organise meetings, workshops, 2022-23 Workshops, consultations
4.33 consultations with various stakeholders, etc. for with various stakeholders
discussing various recommendations of the policy for developing NCFSE
related to curriculum to be incorporated in the
curriculum framework.
4.30 to Task 95 NCERT will develop and publish revised National 2022-23 Revised NCFSE and related
4.33 Curriculum Framework and related documents by documents published
involving all stakeholders in NCF revision including
CBSE and other BOAs, NCTE, NIEPA, etc. as NCF
shall also incorporate assessment patterns and
evaluation procedure.
4.34 & Task 101 For CBSE schools, NCERT together with CBSE and 2021-22 Assessment pattern for
4.35 other important stakeholders shall prepare the elementary levels in CBSE
assessment patterns for both formative as well as schools
summative assessments and evaluation procedures
for elementary education, such that it can be
implemented from the 2022-23 academic session.
4.36 to Task 115 The NCERT will ensure that the NCF committee shall 2021-22 Review of basket of subjects
4.39 review the basket of subjects offered at secondary offered by CBSE/BOAs
and senior secondary levels by CBSE and other BOAs,
and ensure structured and relevant offering of
academic and skill subjects.
4.36 to Task 117 NCERT will ensure that the NCF clarifies the strategy 2022-23 Mechanism for offering
4.39 and timelines for offering subjects at two levels for subjects at two levels in
class 10 and 12 Board exams NCFSE
5.22 to Task 164 NCTE and NCERT will formulate a new and
5.29 comprehensive National Curriculum Framework for 2021-22 NCFTE developed
Teacher Education, NCTFE.
6.10 & Task 180 While preparing NCF for school education and 2021-22 Consultation with National
6.11 ECCE, NCERT will consult with expert bodies such as Institutes of DEPwD for
National Institutes of DEPwD, etc. NCFSE
6.15 to Task 199 While preparing the NCF, NCERT will include material 2021-22 NCFSE to include
6.20 on human values, such as respect for all persons, integration of human
empathy, tolerance, human rights, gender equality, values
non-violence, global citizenship, inclusion, and equity.
8.10 Task 220 For the conduct of NAS, CBSE/NCERT will expand 2021-22 Expanded and enhanced
coverage and enhance reliability check. reliability check for NAS
21.5 Task 245 NCERT will set up a constituent body dedicated to 2021-22 Constituent body on AE in
Adult Education within the organisation. NCERT

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Paras number

21.5 Task 246 The constituent body of NCERT on Adult Education 2021-22 NCFAE developed
will review and revise current curricula for adult
education and develop a National Curriculum
Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE).
23.1 to Task 265 CIET in NCERT will be strengthened to become the 2021-22 CIET to become central hub
23.13 central hub for promoting, developing and for education technology
expanding all initiatives related to education
technology for school education sector.
24.2 to Task 272 DIKSHA will contain e-resources under six component 2021-22 E-content/ resources for all
24.4e categories to begin with – NCERT textbook based, grades on DIKSHA
SCERT textbook based, Learning Outcome based
Item banks, TPD, Virtual Labs, and Vidyadaan content.
These categories will be expanded and diversified as
per need. In the backdrop of the pandemic, it is
essential that states/UTs ensure that e-content for
learners is uploaded on DIKSHA by them as soon
as possible, but not later than 21-22 academic session.
24.2 to Task 274 One class, one channel through Swayam Prabha will 2021-22 One class, one channel
24.4e be activated with high quality e-learning content by through Swayam Prabha
NCERT and SCERTs not later than 2021-22 academic for high quality e-learning
session. content
1.4 Task 9 Position paper will be developed by NCERT as 2021-23 NCERT/SCERT Position
mentioned in Task 83 and SCERTs to highlight the Paper on ECCE
present status, issues and challenges of ECCE in India
2.2 Task 34 Aside from textbooks, NCERT and SCERT to develop 2021-23 Additional learning
highly engaging, joyful and innovative additional resources by NCERT and
learning material for grades 1 to 5. SCERT
2.6 Task 53 E-content will be prepared and uploaded on DIKSHA 2021-23 E-content for FLN on
for Mathematics and Reading Literacy in English and DIKSHA
Hindi for FLN by NCERT (based on NCERT
curriculum). Similarly, e-content will be prepared and
uploaded on DIKSHA for Mathematics and Reading
Literacy for FLN in local languages and context by
SCERTs. E-content by NCERT and SCERT will include
standardized (at least 500 items per grade and per
subject) to measure each Learning Outcome of each
subject of each grade.
2.9 Task 59 School teachers will be trained on basic health 2021-23 NISHTHA module
indicators to look out for and monitor in children. prepared by NCERT
NCERT will prepare a NISHTHA module on this.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/BOAs shall jointly develop a 2021-23 Development of Plan for
4.39 plan for ways and means to reduce the burden of reducing burden of exams
exams at all levels by examining all policy at all levels.
recommendations. Implementation of the same will
begin from the 2022-23 academic session
4.40 Task 125 NCERT will fine tune learning outcomes LOs for all 2021-23 Learning Outcomes for
grades, from pre-primary to grade 12 to meet the grades pre-primary to 12
requirements of the NEP 2020. It will also develop fine-tuned by NCERT
infographics/posters/bite sized films separately on
each learning outcome to demystify them to the
4.40 Task 130 The National Assessment Centre PARAKH/NCERT/ 2021-23 Development of Framework
SCERT will develop framework and guidelines to assist & Guidelines for holding
the states/UTs for holding the census exams in grades census exams in grade 3, 5
3, 5 and 8. and 8
4.40 Task 131 For the examinations in grades 3, 5 and 8 a system of 2021-23 System to analyse
analysing anonymised samples shall be developed by anonymised samples of 3,
SCERTs. CBSE will also develop a system in 5, 8 assessments
consultation with NCERT for anonymised sample developed
24.4f Task 280 NCERT and SCERTs will leverage existing e-learning 2021-23 Virtual Labs created
platforms such as DIKSHA, SWAYAM and
SWAYAMPRABHA for creating virtual labs.
23.1 to Task 267 National Digital Library (NDL) will be linked to the 2021-25 Linking NDL with
23.13 e-resources of NCERT and SCERTs for effective e-resources in school
utilization of available contents. education
24.3 to Task 278 NCERT and SCERT will arrange for teachers to 2021-25 Online Teacher training in
undergo rigorous online training in learner-centric learner-centric pedagogy
pedagogy and on how to become high-quality online and online content creation
content creators themselves using online teaching
platforms and tools.
24.4d Task 279 Digital repository of innovative content, including 2021-25 Creation of Digital
creation of coursework, Learning Games & repository of innovative
Simulations, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, contents, Apps, Games,
apps, gamification of Indian art and culture, in AR, VR, etc. for learning
multiple languages, with clear operating instructions,
will be promoted by NCERT and SCERT in
collaboration with Commerce Ministry, MEITY, etc.
over a period of time.
2.2 Task 32 NCERT, CBSE and KVS will develop online and 2021-22 Online/ blended teacher
blended teacher training modules and content as onwards training modules for FLN by

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exemplar. This content will be used by Kendriya NCERT

Vidyalayas for implementing the mission objectives.
2.2 Task 36 NCERT and SCERTs will continuously develop item 2021-22 Online criterion-referenced
banks for classes 1 to 5 related to the measurement or onwards Item banks for FLN
achievement of each learning outcomes. (At least 500
items per grade, per subject).
6.7 to 6.9 Task 174 NCERT and SCERTs will undertake research and 2021-22 Research studies in
development in innovative teaching-learning onwards innovative teaching-
methodologies for teaching children from SEDGs. learning methodologies for
3.1 Task 64 NCERT will support by preparation of Bridge courses 2022-23 Bridge courses developed
for various levels of entry/mainstreaming. for various levels of
4.23 to Task 92 The vocational craft to be implemented in different 2022-23 Handbook containing
4.29 parts/schools of the state/UT will be decided by States guidelines for bagless days,
and local communities and as mapped by local and details of fun course
skilling needs. including activities using
A Handbook will also be developed by both, NCERT toys, games, quizzes, etc.
and SCERTs in collaboration with concerned experts developed for grades 1 to
from different institutions, for conducting various fun 12
activities in grades 1 to 12, including vocational crafts
and activities to be undertaken by using indigenous
toys, quizzes, puzzles, indigenous games, etc.
interlinked with curriculum.
This Handbook will also have guidelines for
implementing bagless days for students in schools.
4.34 & Task 104 Professional online training modules and manuals/ 2022-23 Preparation of Professional
4.35 handbooks (wherever required) shall be prepared by training modules and
NCERT, CBSE, BOAs and SCERTs for building manuals/ handbooks on
capacities of teachers to undertake “assessment as assessment pattern for
learning” and “assessment for learning” at elementary elementary levels
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other Boards of 2022-23 Capacity building of
4.35 Assessment shall also take up capacity building of stakeholders on the new
paper setters, evaluators, and moderators of school norms and guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, other state BOAs and NIOS will 2022-23 Question banks to be
4.35 prepare question banks for competency-based items developed for competency-
that test higher-order skills for all grades, such as based items that test higher-
analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity for order skills
use by students and teachers.

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4.34 & Task 107 NCERT will prepare the framework and guidelines for 2022-23 Framework & guidelines for
4.35 developing Holistic Progress Card for Middle and developing Holistic
Secondary levels and SCERTs will adapt/adopt it. Progress card for Middle
and Secondary levels
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -
online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE schools. in CBSE schools
4.36 to Task 113 State Boards of Assessment to be given orientation 2022-23 Capacity building of BOAs
4.39 and capacity building by the SCERTs in consultation of states/UTs on norms and
with NCERT and PARAKH on norms and standards of standards of Assessment
4.43 to Task 138 NCTE and NCERT to develop teacher education 2022-23 NCFTE to include
4.45 curriculum guidelines for including specialization in specialization for education
the education of gifted children. of Gifted Children
4.43 to Task 139 NCERT and SCERTs to undertake designing and 2022-23 Design and implementation
4.45 implementing of short and long-term programmes for of Nurturance
integrating various nurturance activities like summer programmes for gifted/
residential programmes for secondary school students talented children
in various subjects/domains.
5.2 to Task 145 NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
5.7 plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
5.20 Task 155 A common National Professional Standards for 2022-23 National Professional
Teachers (NPST) will be developed for the country. Standards for Teachers
(NPST) developed
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/ students as an experiential
KVS/JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities activity in grades 1 to 12
with students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare detailed
7.10 to Task 208 Framework for using schools as Samajik Chetna 2022-23 Framework for utilising
7.12 Kendra to promote social cohesion by using the schools as Samajik Chetna
unutilised capacity of school infrastructure in non- Kendra to promote social
teaching/schooling hours, shall be prepared by cohesion

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8.10 Task 218 MOE/NCERT/NIEPA will prepare framework/ 2022-23 Framework for the holistic
guidelines for the holistic assessment of the assessment of the
education governance system at state/district/block/ education governance
cluster/school levels. system
16.1 to Task 229 NCERT will ensure inclusion of vocationalisation of 2022-23 NCFSE to include
16.8 education from Class VI to secondary level in NCFSE, vocationalisation from
with introduction of skills training appropriate to the class 6
age of the child.
16.1 to Task 235 Problem based Learning approach will be promoted 2022-23 Online resources for
16.8 in schools and colleges so that students are able to Problem based Learning
develop requisite skills for innovation and approach
entrepreneurship. NCERT and SCERTs will develop
online resources for Teaching Learning Material
(TLM) for this.
1.3 & Task 3 NCERT will prepare TLM for the Foundational stage; 2022-24 NCERT develops TLM for
1.4 learning outcomes will be defined for the ECCE
Foundational stage.
4.1 to Task 86 Based on the NCFSE, NCERT will prepare 2022-24 Textbooks developed by
4.8 textbooks with curriculum reduced to its core essentials reducing them to their core
in each subject. NCERT will ensure that Knowledge of essentials
India is incorporated wherever relevant in an
accurate and scientific manner. Stories, arts, games,
sports, examples, problems, etc. in textbooks will be
chosen such that they are as much as possible rooted
in the Indian context.
4.40 Task 128 NCERT/SCERTs will also develop teacher resources 2022-24 LO based teacher
for classroom transaction of these LOs for each grade resources for classroom
and subject. transaction developed
4.40 Task 129 Diksha platform will be used by NCERT to demystify 2022-24 LO demystification
Learning Outcomes. resources uploaded on
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 capacity building programmes for teachers and programmes for creating
Principals to create conducive learning environment conducive learning
in schools. environment in schools
5.22 to Task 165 NCERT will study, research, document, and compile 2022-24 Compilation of
5.29 the varied international pedagogical approaches for international pedagogical
teaching different subjects. practises
4.11 to Task 89 SCERTs with the help of NCERT will also conduct face- 2022-25 KRPs training for teaching
4.22 to-face and on-line training for building the capacity Indian Languages
of Key Resource Persons teaching Indian Languages.

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4.11 to Task 91 MoE in consultation with Ministry of Social justice and 2022-25 Development of curriculum
4.22 Empowerment (MoSJ&E) will initiate the process to materials in standardised
standardise Indian Sign Language (ISL) across the Indian Sign Language (ISL)
country for school education. National and State across the country
curriculum materials will be developed, for use by
students with hearing impairment by NCERT/SCERT/RCI.
4.30 to Task 99 NCERT and SCERT will undertake development of 2022-25 Teacher Support Material
4.33 Teacher Support Material across classes and subject along with Syllabi,
areas along with Syllabi, Textbooks (in three phases), Textbooks both in print as
both, in print as well as e-content form in case the state well as e-content to be
chooses to develop its own textbooks. developed by NCERT
16.1 to Task 239 NCERT will develop Skill Based Aptitude Test (SBT) in 2022-25 Online Skill Based Aptitude
16.8 online mode at end of Class VIII and Class X, and Test (SBT) at end of Class
states/UTs/BOAs/CBSE may introduce it or prepare VIII and Class X
their own version of SBT
22.1 to Task 260 SCERTs will take up the development of Indian 2022-25 Guidelines for SCERTs for
22.8 language textbooks, teacher handbooks and material syllabi on Indian Languages
for teacher professional development SCERTs will also
develop supplementary materials like: Workbooks,
Audio-Video, Novels, Magazines, Dictionaries etc.
for Indian Languages (Including Classical, Tribal and
other Minor languages) that are spoken/written/
understood in the state/UT.
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be developed 2022-23 National Book Promotion
by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure adoption of the same in onwards policy ready
state/UTs through systematic inclusion in curriculum.
Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest
reader contests, etc. will be launched by states/UTs
for promoting joyful reading amongst children.
6.10 & Task 183 NCERT and RCI to develop short term and long-term 2022-23 Short term and long-term
6.11 training modules on equity, gender, and needs of onwards training modules on equity,
children with disabilities, etc. gender, and needs of
children with disabilities
22.1 to Task 259 NCERT will develop guidelines, textbooks and other 2023-24 Position paper, guidelines,
22.8 material to aid the promotion of Indian languages textbooks and other
in the light of multilingualism of India covering status material for promotion of
of languages, approaches to languages teaching- Indian languages
learning, language across the curriculum, learning
outcomes, mother tongue based multilingual
education, language assessment, etc. NCERT will
also develop guidelines for SCERTs for preparing
courses and syllabi on Indian Languages.

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24.1 to Task 271 CIET/NCERT/SCERT will conduct pilot studies to 2023-25 Pilot studies to evaluate the
24.4a evaluate the benefits of integrating education with benefits on ICT integration
online education. in education
4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT and SCERTs 2023-30 Development of MOOCs
4.33 should move towards developing MOOCs courses for entire syllabus
for each module of the entire syllabus by integrating
40% MOOCs courses in every grade in school
education from class 6 to 12, so that school has
more time to focus on arts, sports, vocational,
languages, 21st century skills, etc.

3. States & UTs

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1.6 Task 18 Guidelines for Monitoring and tracking of Health 2021-22 Guidelines for tracking
status of Children through periodic health check–up health of children
will be finalised and adapted as needed by States/UTs
within one year.
2.2 Task 41 The NAS sample survey of schools and students in 2021-22 Database of grade level
2021 will create a data base of ‘as is’ situation in proficiency
grade level proficiency and enabling to track the future
2.2 Task 46 (i) An Implementation Framework consisting of 2021-22 Long-term Implementation
roadmaps and annual action plans for implementing Framework by States/UTs
of activities covering all the focus areas of FL&N
Mission will be prepared by each State/UT.
5.8 to Task 148 States/UTs as mentioned in Task 65 will work out a 2021-22 Planning for adequate and
5.14 plan from 2022-2030 to ensure that adequate and safe infrastructure
safe infrastructure will be provided to all schools. completed
7.1 to Task 200 Unified administrative structure for primary, secondary 2021-22 Unified structure under
7.6 and senior secondary schools under Samagra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha
will be ensured by all States and UTs.
21.1 to Task 243 States/UTs will make efforts to undertake a survey of 2021-22 Survey of non-literates
21.4 non-literate adults through the census survey to be
conducted in 2021. Only if that is not possible,
an app-based survey to identify the non- literate
members of the community may be undertaken.
21.9 & Task 257 To develop multiple pathways to learning, States/UTs 2021-22 Multiple Pathways of
21.10 will enable and strengthen various formal and non- learning for AE will be

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formal education modes - including one-on-one established

tutoring (by volunteer tutors/teachers as mentioned
in Task 264), Open Distance Learning through SIOS
as well as NIOS (as mentioned in Task 247),
Smartphone Apps, systematically leveraging parents,
volunteers as a resource etc.
23.1 to Task 266 States/UTs will undertake a similar exercise in SCERTs 2021-22 SIETs to become central
23.13 for the SIETs (as mentioned in Task 275) and prepare hub for education
a roadmap to strengthen the SIETs by 2021-22. technology in States/UTs
24.2 to Task 273 For ensuring equity in educational technology, it will 2021-22 Coherence policy for
24.4e be ensured that the same e-contents are available ensuring availability of all
across all digital modes (portals, Apps, TV, radio) for e-contents across all digital
the same topic/s under the Coherence policy of modes
DoSEL. States/UTs will prepare strict action plans for
achieving this not later than 2021-22 academic
27.1 to Task 294 States/UTs will set-up similar subject-wise 2021-22 Subject/theme wise
27.3 implementation committees. Implementation
committees in states/UTs
27.1 to Task 297 To generate awareness and wide dissemination about 2021-22 Organisation of hackathon
27.3 innovative pedagogies, puzzles, games etc. for at national and state level.
students and teachers, hackathon may be organised
at national and state level.
1.4 Task 7 Data analysis shall be undertaken by the States/UTs 2021-23 ECCE Data analysis for
to identify gaps in access to ECCE and resource identifying resource
requirements for implementing one -year Balvatika/ requirements
Preparatory class and ECCE
1.4 Task 8 From academic year 2021-22 itself, States/UTs will 2021-23 Rationalisation for 1-year
undertake rationalisation of existing resources to Preparatory class initiated
initiate 1 year of preparatory class immediately in
those areas where resources are available.
1.7 Task 20 Departments of WCD of States/UTs under the 2021-23 Enrolment of AWWs in
guidance of the Ministry of WCD will assess the online programme
educational qualification of Anganwadi workers and
will enrol them in 6 months/1-year diploma course.
1.7 Task 21 The States/UTs monitor and mentor the acquisition of 2021-23 Initial professional
skills of AWWs through digital/distance mode preparation and CPD of
and/or using DTH channels as well as smartphones. teachers for ECCE by
2.2 Task 39 States/UTs will map and create database of each child 2021-23 Mapping and creating of
enrolled in foundational grades for individual tracking database of all learners

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of progress of each child in achieving grade level enrolled in Foundational

proficiency in learning outcomes and will be linked to years
national IT platform.
2.2 Task 42 To plan and ensure availability of adequate number of 2021-23 Ensuring PTR for FLN
Teachers in each school at each grade from pre-
primary to grade 5, to undertake the task of FLN
mission within targets set by the NEP.
2.2 Task 45 States/UTs will take up a concerted effort to map the 2021-23 Planning and implementing
requirements and ensure basic facilities at primary basic facilities at school
2.3 & 2.4 Task 47 In SEZ and Aspirational districts, States and UTs will 2021-23 Assessment of teacher’s
assess teachers’ vacancy specifically and take up PTR vacancies in SEZ and
rationalisation on priority for these areas. Aspirational districts
2.3 & 2.4 Task 48 Teachers from SEZ and Aspirational districts will be 2021-23 Teachers from SEDG areas,
trained on priority, specifically on how to bridge the SEZ and Aspirational
gaps in language spoken by child and that used as Districts trained.
medium of instruction.
2.9 Task 58 States/UTs will be encouraged to provide a simple 2021-23 Breakfast in pre-primary
but nutritious breakfast, e.g., consisting of ground schools
nuts/chana mixed with jaggery and/or local fruits, etc.
Detailed guidelines in this regard will be issued by
2.9 Task 59 States/UTs will devise systems for ensuring that all 2021-23 Health cards for school
school children (whether studying in government/ children introduced
government-aided or private schools in the state/UT)
shall undergo regular health check-ups, and health
cards will be prepared by the school (either in offline,
or preferably in online mode).
3.1 Task 60 A Household survey to identify Out of School 2021-23 Survey for identification of
children can be taken up as a part of 2021 Census OoSC as a part of Census
Survey exercise by states/UTs. Only if that is not 2021
possible, a survey may be conducted by school
teachers in states/UTs to identify and capture details in
UDISE+ of Out of School children.
3.2 Task 65 States/UTs to prepare a comprehensive ten-years 2021-23 10-years projection for
projection report on NEED ANALYSIS in terms of budget requirements
Budget requirement for the following:
• Upgrading and enlarging existing schools,
• Adding infrastructure,
• Building new schools
• Transportation facility and
Hostels for children especially girls

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3.2 Task 66 Comprehensive and innovative school-wise plans will 2021-23 10-years projection to
be prepared by states/UTs as a part of Task 65, to include resourcing all
resource all schools adequately, including school adequately
infrastructure and other resources for children with
disabilities, through efficient sharing of available
school resources.
5.2 to Task 141 Policy of recognising creative, dedicated and 2021-23 Policy for recognition of
5.7 achieving teachers, maybe prepared by states for performing teachers by
giving recognition to best teachers on different States/UTs
occasions, and for different purposes.
6.1 to Task 167 States/UTs will undertake mapping of SEDGs in each 2021-23 SEDGs mapping initiated
6.6 cluster under CRC/BRC and preparation of database
to analyse the kind, intensity and level of interventions
required for each of the SEDGs.
6.7 to Task 176 States & UTs will prepare and implement strict safety 2021-23 Safety and security
6.9 and security guidelines for girls in KGBVs. guidelines for girls
7.10 to Task 205 All States and UTs will prepare detailed guidelines for 2021-23 Guidelines for Twinning/
7.12 facilitating Twinning between public and private partnering between public
schools in the state/UT. and private schools
8.5 Task 212 States/UTs will set up an independent, State-wide, 2021-23 SSSA set up
body called the State School Standards Authority
(SSSA). All States/UTs to have SSSA websites by 2023
8.5 Task 213 The states/UTs will immediately begin planning their 2021-23 Action plan for separation
strategy and timelines for separating the functions of of functions/powers
policy-making (Department of School Education),
operations (Directorate of School Education),
academics (SCERTs) and regulation
(by setting up SSSA).
8.8 Task 217 The states/UTs will prepare an all-encompassing 2021-23 Development of Strategic
Strategic Implementation Plan which will aim to ensure Implementation Plan to
that all students, shall have universal, free and ensure universal, free and
compulsory access to high-quality and equitable compulsory access to
schooling from early childhood care and education schooling
(age 3 onwards) through higher secondary education
(i.e., until Grade 12).
2.2 Task 44 States/UTs will identify a pool of mentors to render 2021-25 Mentor pool for FLN
academic support to teachers who will be delivering teachers
the FLN mission objectives. (Reference Task 226)
4.40 Task 132 Dipstick exercise will be undertaken at periodic 2021-25 Dipsticks at periodic
intervals in small samples by states/UTs to know the intervals for identifying

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hard spots among LOs, so that teacher capacity hard spots initiated
building can be focused on these areas
21.1 to Task 244 States/UTs will design a systematic and intensive 2021-25 Awareness drives/
21.4 awareness drives/campaign for community campaign to promote
involvement and volunteerism to promote adult adult literacy
3.2 Task 69 As a part of Task 65, States/UTs will also plan for 2021-30 10-year Plan for expanding
universalisation of access by expanding the scope and residential schools
reach of residential schools and hostels over a ten-
year period for children, especially girls.
6.7 to Task 175 States/UTs will prepare their long-term plan up to 2021-30 Long-term plan for
6.9 2030 to ensure that all KGBVs are strengthened and expanding KGBVs up to
expanded (up to grade 12). class 12
27.1 to Task 296 In order to ensure effective implementation of major 2021 Annual Documentation of
27.3 recommendations of the NEP, States and UTs will onwards progress made on
prepare yearly reports on the progress of following important themes/subjects
themes/subjects: of the NEP
i. Progress on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
ii. Progress on Early Childhood Care and Education
iii. Report on E-Governance and Digital education
iv. Convergence initiatives with various line ministries
v. Progress on Vocational Education.
vi. Progress on Teacher Education.
vii. State Innovations in Education report.
These reports will be submitted in the month of June
every year.
1.5 Task 11 States/UTs to prepare guidelines for integration or 2021-22 Guidelines for AW
linking of Anganwadis into school complexes/clusters onwards integration with primary
1.5 Task 12 Community sensitization, parental advocacy and From IEC for ECCE
leveraging parents as a resource on ECCE will be 2021-22
taken up for ECCE implementation by States/UTs.
1.5 Task 13 Strengthening/Improvement/expansion of existing 2021-22 AWs linking to schools
Infrastructure in Primary Schools to accommodate onwards initiated
pre-primary sections/classes
2.2 Task 31 Extensive capacity building of teachers to be 2021-22 Capacity building of
undertaken by states/UTs for implementing FLN in onwards teachers for FLN
mission mode.

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2.2 Task 37 IEC material such as infographics, school to parent 2021-22 IEC material for FLN
communication material, state/UT to teachers/school onwards developed and
communication material, etc. will be designed in dissemination initiated
simple and regional languages by states/UTs.
2.2 Task 40 States will also provide in anonymized aggregated 2021-22 Aggregated progress data
data on progress of the FL&N mission within the onwards made available by
periodicity specified on the national monitoring states/UTs on national
platform. monitoring platform
2.2 Task 43 Ensuring delivery of text books and uniforms to 2021-22 Ensuring textbooks and
students before the start of academic session. onwards uniform before time
3.1 Task 61 After identification of such children, age appropriate 2021-22 Mainstreaming of OoSC
admission and mainstreaming them to the formal onwards
schooling system to be undertaken. Guidelines
regarding age-appropriate mainstreaming shall be
developed by the states/UTs.
3.1 Task 64 State governments will undertake multiple 2021-22 Planned interventions for
interventions for bringing Out of School Children onwards bringing back OoSC
back into the fold of school education system.
6.1 to Task 170 For providing support to the learning of children with 2021-22 Teacher training at
6.6 disabilities, focus will be on early identification and onwards Foundational and
support. States/UTs will build capacities of teachers Preparatory levels for
at Foundational and Preparatory levels. teaching children with
6.7 to Task 173 Interventions such as barrier free infrastructure, 2021-22 Continuation of various
6.9 installation of sanitary pad vending machine and onwards provisions for equity and
incinerators, etc. will continue to be provided under inclusiveness under
Samagra Shiksha. Samagra Shiksha
21.9 & Task 258 The states/UTs will strengthen their SIOS’s or establish 2021-22 Strengthening of SIOS and
21.10 new ones (in accordance with Task 80). These will onwards programmes in regional
develop programmes analogous to those offered by language
NIOS (in Task 247) in regional languages.
24.2 to Task 275 The schools in the Special Education Zones and 2021-22 Integration of SEZ schools
24.4e Aspirational districts will be integrated with digital onwards with digital devices under
devices on priority by states/UTs under the ICT scheme
strengthened ICT scheme.
3.1 Task 63 Preparing school/block/district wise Fact Sheets to 2021-23 School wise Fact sheets of
analyse the causative factors leading to dropout and onwards OoSC prepared
poor learning level, and take remedial action
16.1 to Task 230 States and UTs to also prepare detailed curricular sub- 2022 Increased coverage under
16.8 framework for vocational education in schools as a Vocational Edu

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part of SCFSE. States/UTs will also ensure that 50% cation at all levels
students at upper primary level are covered by
vocationalisation by 2025 and 100% of upper
primary are covered by 2030. A school-wise
roadmap will be prepared by States/UTs to
implement this in 2022 for implementation from
1.6 Task 14 A long-term perspective plan for next 10 years on 2022-23 10-year plan on ECCE
ECCE will be developed implementation
2.5 Task 52 States/UTs to ensure implementation from 2022-23 2022-23 Implementation of 3-
academic session onwards in all schools months module
3.3 & Task 70 The States will review/develop plans for engaging/ 2022-23 Plan developed for
3.4 connecting Counsellors to schools, or preferably to connecting/ engagement
a group or cluster of schools/school complexes and of Counsellors by
implement from 2022-23 onwards. States/UTs
3.3 & Task 71 Department of Social Justice and Empowerment to 2022-23 Connecting of trained
3.4 prepare a broad framework for using trained social social workers to schools
workers in the district or volunteer social workers
connected to schools. States to develop guidelines
regarding their role.
3.3 & Task 72 For Foundational grades a child-wise tracking 2022-23 Learner tracking system
3.4 system is to be developed. Similarly, a robust student developed for FLN Mission
tracking system, which can be an extension of the
system in Foundational grades (classes 1 to 3) will
be developed by states/UTs to assess the learning
levels in all grades upto grade 12
3.6 & 3.7 Task 81 States/UTs will need to prepare guidelines for 2022-23 Guidelines for engaging
developing their own models for encouraging with philanthropic
involvement of Government and Non-Government organisations
philanthropic organisations to build schools keeping
in mind the local variations, and to engage in
volunteer activities such as one-on-one tutoring in
schools, holding of extra-help sessions at schools, etc.
(Reference Tasks 224 and 298)
3.6 & Task 82 A database of alumni, retired scientists, retired 2022-23 Development of Database
3.7 teachers, subject experts and volunteers will be of volunteers from multiple
created by states/UTs sectors
4.9 & Task 87 While preparing the State Curricular Framework 2022-23 SCFSE will include
4.10 (SCF), the SCERTs of States/UTs may look into innovative methods/
innovative methods ways of offering flexibility in semester system
choice of subjects to students and/ incorporating

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semester system that allows the inclusion of shorter

modules, or courses that are taught on alternate
days, etc.
4.36 Task 119 The pattern of exams at secondary level will be 2022-23 Implementation of changed
changed (Grades 9-12) to test primarily core assessment patterns
capacities, both CBSE and NIOS, and also all state initiated
secondary school boards shall prepare a roadmap,
and begin implementation from 2022-23 academic
session onwards.
4.40 Task 133 The data of overall achievement of learners shall be 2022-23 Teacher capacity building
used by states/UTs for filling in the gaps in teacher based on gaps in
capacity building, public disclosure by schools of their achievement of learning
overall student outcomes, etc. outcomes
4.43 to Task 136 MOE to develop framework for identification and 2022-23 Guidelines for Gifted and
4.45 nurturing of Gifted Children at the Elementary and talented children
Secondary stages. States/UTs in turn will develop
similar guidelines with local context and initiate
implementation from 2022-23 academic session.
5.2 to Task 143 States/UTs/ CBSE schools/BOA schools/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools
5.7 CTSA to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/SMC audit/ regarding environment and
student audit/social audit of all their schools for the safety
parameters decided by them regarding ensuring
conducive, adequate and safe infrastructure in all
5.2 to Task 144 An online transparent teacher transfer policy will be 2022-23 Transparent and online
5.7 put in place to meet the vacancies and needs of rural teacher transfer policy by
and remote areas by all States and UTs/KVS/JNV/ States/UTs
CTSA by 2022-23.
5.2 to Task 145 NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
5.7 plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
States/UTs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will notify three stage
process for teacher recruitment.
5.2 to Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA to prepare 2022-23 Long-term teacher
5.7 a long-term teacher recruitment plan, such that, they recruitment plan ready
adopt a system of annual recruitment of teachers as
per a fixed calendar.
5.2 to Task 147 The states/UTs will work out system/guidelines for 2022-23 Guidelines for engaging
5.7 schools/school complexes to engage local eminent ‘master instructors’
persons or experts as ‘master instructors’ in various

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5.17 to Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training policy 2022-23 Teacher training policy
5.19 and a plan based on it will be prepared by states/ developed
UTs /CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA for conducting the
CPD and other training programmes.
6.1 to Task 169 States/UTs to add their own specific criteria to the Task 2022-23 Notification of SEZs by
6.6 168 to identify their Special Education Zones, and States/UTs
notify the same. Specific interventions such as
scholarship, conditional cash transfers for
incentivising parents, providing bicycle for transport
etc. will be designed by states/UTs to increase access
of SEDGs to schools.
6.7 to Task 172 States/UTs will set up gender and equity cell and 2022-23 Setting up gender & equity
6.9 special cell for inclusive education. cell and Special cell for
inclusive education in
6.10 & Task 179 All states/UTs will undertake a school-based analysis/ 2022-23 School-based survey on
6.11 survey with regard to hindrances to physical access for barriers to physical access
disabled children. for disabled children
6.12 to Task 186 Guidelines and standards for home-based 2022-23 Guidelines for home-based
6.14 schooling shall be developed by the states/UTs based. schooling
6.12 to Task 188 States/UTs will include guidelines for conducting 2022-23 Guidelines for conducting
6.14 summative assessments for home-based schooling assessments for home-
at Task 198 based schooling
7.1 to Task 201 State/UT shall prepare a short-term (upto 2025) and 2022-23 Short term and long term
7.6 long-term (upto 2030) plan for laying down the roadmap for grouping/
roadmap for grouping/clustering schools into school clustering schools into
complexes or any other format of grouping. complexes
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare
detailed guidelines.
16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
16.8 CTSA will prepare detailed guidelines to ensure vocationalisation
implementing of vocationalisation in such a way that

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every child will be encouraged to develop a skill

during his/her school period.
16.1 to Task 234 After the finalisation of SCF, States/UTs will 2022-23 Courses designed on local
16.8 independently take up encouragement of the local art and craft by SCERTs
arts and craft among the school children by designing
suitable courses through SCERTs.
16.1 to Task 238 States/UTs/BOAs/CBSE will work out an online/ 2022-23 Online/ offline mechanism
16.8 offline mechanism for providing career counselling for providing career
and guidance to children in Classes IX to XII counselling and guidance
21.6 to Task 250 States/UTs will ensure that no additional infrastructure 2022-23 Guidelines for utilizing
21.8 is created for implementing this programme. available infrastructure for
Instead, states/UTs will prepare detailed guidelines for AE
schools/school complexes after working hours and
on weekends for adult education courses. The
guidelines will ensure that all AE classes are held
virtually/online/through pre-loaded material on
computers/tablets, etc.
5.2 to 5.7 Task 140 Special housing allowances and other facilitation as 2022-23 Facilitation guidelines for
the states/UTs deem fit, may be considered by states onwards teaching in remote areas
for teachers posted in identified remote and
difficult areas.
16.1 to Task 228 States/UTs will organise awareness programmes to 2022-23 Awareness programmes for
16.8 change the general attitude towards Vocational onwards vocational education
1.3 & 1.4 Task 4 States and UTs will develop locally contextualised 2022-24 SCERT develops TLM for
teaching learning materials for ECCE with the help of ECCE
SCERTs and DIETs. Material may also be developed in
languages/dialects spoken in the region, aside from
the local/regional languages.
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Modules for creating
5.14 capacity building programmes for teachers and conducive learning
Principals to create conducive learning environment environment in schools
in schools.
5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-24 IT based solutions to
5.14 develop IT based solutions to reduce the education automate the processes
administration/planning/governance burden of and reduce the burden of
teachers. administration
5.20 Task 157 SCERTs will help states/UTs prepare a framework for 2022-24 Review of NPST once every
giving more autonomy to teachers in choosing aspects 10 years
of pedagogy, so that they may teach in the manner
they find most effective for the students in their

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8.1 to 8.4 Task 211 To encourage private/philanthropic school sector to 2022-24 EoDB for private/
play a significant and beneficial role in the school philanthropic sector
education sector, the sates/UTs will operationalize an
engagement IT based format including Ease Of
Doing Business for this sector. (Reference Tasks 81 and
26.1 to Task 292 Each state/UT will develop its own PPP policy, if 2022-24 PPP policy of States/UTs
26.7 desired, for setting up new schools, providing selective
infrastructural/logistics/resource support to schools,
1.6 Task 15 Phase 1: Preparatory class/Balavatika will be 2022-25 Introduction of 1-year
introduced in all pre/primary/elementary schools Preparatory Class in
where support under Samagra Shiksha has already primary schools
been given for pre-primary classes; similarly, Balvatika
will be introduced by MWCD in those AWs where
trained AWWs are available.
2.7 Task 54 States/UTs shall prepare their own guidelines for 2022-25 Guidelines for connecting
innovatively engaging peer groups and other local to volunteers for FLN
volunteers in contributing towards the goal of Mission
achieving Foundational literacy and Numeracy for
all grade 3 students. States/UTs will particularly
prepare guidelines for parent’s engagement as
mentors/resources/volunteers in school to help the
FLN mission.
2.8 Task 55 School/public libraries will be made integral part of 2022-25 School/ public libraries
teaching learning process and will be made available made available after school
after school hours to community, and particularly to hours to community
3.3 & 3.4 Task 74 States/UTs through SCERT to undertake orientation of 2022-25 Orientation of SMCs for
SMC to prepare them for an enhanced role. contributing to FLN Mission
4.11 to Task 88 States/UTs will develop guidelines, resources, and 2022-25 Guidelines and resources
4.22 support material for teachers on multilingualism, in for teachers on
order to harness the power of language. Following multilingualism
material will be specifically developed by states/UTs:
• Guidelines for preparing courses and syllabi on
Indian Languages
• Textbooks in various languages as subjects
(in three phases)
Teachers’ handbooks and material for teachers’
professional development (Print and E-content)
.11 to Task 90 • For introducing home language/mother tongue/ 2022-25 Key actions for introducing
local language/regional language as the home language/ mother

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medium of instruction, States/UTs and BOAs will tongue/ local language/

undertake several key actions in a systematic regional language
manner. The key actions would include the
(i) Step 1:
General assessment and listing of mother
tongue/ local/regional language of students of
selected areas through linguistic mapping.
(ii) Step 2:
o 8-10-hour online course for education
administrators (State to block level) and BRC/
CRC on basic orientation for including
children's home languages in teaching-learning
process in primary classrooms.
(iii) Step 3:
o SCERTs to create State Resource Groups and
a multilingual education cell. Initial orientation
of SCERT/DIET faculty will be required.
o Multilingual awareness for teachers
(addressing beliefs and attitudes about using
children’s spoken languages and how using
that language in class helps the children in
learning additional languages. This will be a
1-week initial course (8-10 hours online
course). Initial focus of this course would
be to sensitize teachers on using these
languages in the oral domain to begin with.
o Through these courses SCERT will also create
awareness about how children can have the
ability for Multilingual Education or MLE, by
adopting scientific methods.
(iv) Step 4:
o SCERTs will initiate creation of children’s
materials (stories, rhymes, big books, charts
and posters) in local languages. A guideline
will be prepared by NCERT and SCERT for
encouraging publishers for developing/
collecting such materials)
(v) Step 5:
o Availability of trained teachers for classes 1 to
5 available who can speak in the local
language of the area.
o Identifying schools where teachers are
available or can be made available in the

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
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language predominantly spoken by the school

children in classes 1 to 5,
o Mapping and provisioning of schools with
trained teachers and language spoken by
(vi) Step 6:
o States/UTs to make efforts to slowly introduce
mother tongue/home language based
instruction in schools wherever possible, upto
grade 5, including in private schools.
o To initiate this, though regional/state
language may continue to remain the MOI or
Medium of Instruction, however, L1 or the
language spoken by the child at home, maybe
used and developed by teachers at least
in the oral domain during classroom
transactions form pre-school onwards.
o Wherever possible, mother tongue may be
introduced as MOI in foundational years,
while state language may be introduced
slowly by class 3. In predominantly tribal areas,
teachers who belong to these areas should
be identified to ensure that their mother
tongue becomes the link for their education.
o The exit strategy from L1 or MOI should be
delayed as far as possible, and states/UTs may
not like to consider it before class 5, wherever
o Wherever the mother tongue of a larger area/
geography is unique, states/UTs may make
efforts to develop resources in that very
language and take up teaching and learning
in that language upto grade 5 as far as
o SCERTs will initiate development of training
modules after mapping the mother tongue
requirements of students of various areas.
All the above steps can be taken up in any
chronology as deemed fit by the state/UT.
4.43 to Task 137 States/UTs to undertake creating of awareness 2022-25 Awareness creation for
4.45 amongst different stakeholders with regard to talented identifying and nurturing
children and their identification and need for gifted/ talented children

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6.15 to Task 191 States/UTs will generate awareness among students in 2022-25 Awareness creation among
6.20 alternative forms of schools to appear for State students for Open school
board or open school board examinations of NIOs/ exams in alternate schools
6.15 to Task 193 States/UTs will make available digital libraries, 2022-25 Digital Libraries/virtual
6.20 digital/virtual laboratories, online reading materials laboratories made
like books, journals, etc. available for alternate
16.1 to Task 233 States/UTs will provide training modules, preferably 2022-25 Training modules on soft
16.8 in the online mode/blended mode for courses skills in online mode
in entrepreneurship, soft skills such as communication
skills. States/UTs will also set up Skill labs in a hub and
spoke model in school clusters/complexes.
21.6 to Task 249 States and UTs will create a constituent body within the 2022-25 Constituent body on AE in
21.8 SCERTs to look after implementation of adult SCERT
education, to adopt/adapt the NCFAE, and to prepare
resources for implementing the programme.
21.9 & Task 254 States/UTs will take up the programme of 2022-25 Adequate supply of
21.10 strengthening schools and public libraries to ensure books/resources ensured
an adequate supply of books that cater to the needs
and interests of all students, including adult learners
and persons with disabilities and other differently-
abled persons.
21.9 & Task 255 National Digital Library (NDL) will be strengthened 2022-25 National Digital Library
21.10 with resources for adult learning in multiple Indian (NDL) strengthened with AE
languages. resources
7.1 to Task 203 States/UTs shall also develop robust guidelines/ 2022-26 Guidelines/ framework for
7.6 framework for governance of schools through this governance of schools into
mechanism of grouping of schools into school groups/ clusters/ complex
3.2 Task 67 Implementation of the comprehensive plans of states/ 2022-30 Implementation of 10-year
UTs by grouping/clustering of schools or grouping into resourcing plan initiated
school complexes
6.10 & Task 182 To assist teachers in catering to the needs of all 2022-30 Providing services of special
6.11 learners more fully, states/UTs will provide services of educators to
special educator/s with cross-disability training to schools/school complex
groups/clusters of schools or school complex.
6.15 to Task 190 States/UTs will identify, map and enlist all alternative 2022-30 Mapping of alternative
6.20 forms of schools, including Ashramshalas in particular, forms of schools
with the help of the concerned departments in the
state/UT. NCFSE will be introduced in a phased
manner for Grades 1–12.

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6.15 to Task 194 States/UTs will prepare year-wise plan for special 2022-30 Provisioning hostels for
6.20 focus on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes SC/ST students
students by providing special hostels through
Samagra Shiksha
6.15 to Task 196 DoSEL along with MSJE and states/UTs will work out 2022-30 Scholarships for SEDGs
6.20 and also integrate with existing schemes to provide
financial assistance through scholarships
6.15 to Task 197 State/UT Governments will take up opening of NCC 2022-30 NCC wings in tribal
6.20 wings, particularly in tribal dominated areas. dominated areas
6.15 to Task 198 State/UT will undertake webinars and online 2022-30 Modules for sensitisation on
6.20 workshops for teachers, principals, administrators, social issues and stigmas
counsellors, and students to sensitise them on social
issues and stigmas such as discrimination,
segregation of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups,
7.1 to Task 202 Providing of infrastructure and resource requirements 2022-30 Planning for resourcing
7.6 of these groups/clusters/complex of schools shall also these groups/ clusters/
form a part of the above plans. complex of schools
7.10 to Task 206 States and UTs will take up strengthening of existing 2022-30 Strengthening of existing
7.12 Bal Bhavans to make them centres of joyful, cognitive/ Bal Bhavans
psychomotor/affective engagement venues for young
learners. For undertaking this task, states/UTs will need
to prepare a year-wise plan of action and submit the
same to DoSEL.
21.6 to Task 252 States/UTs will draw out a schedule for covering all 2022-30 IT based solutions and
21.8 adult illiterates with adult education before 2030 Planning for 100%
in this manner. Teachers/tutors will be connected coverage by 2030
to the adult learners through IT based solutions.
3.5 Task 75 Special emphasis will be given to SEDGs in order to 2022-23 Plans with innovative
ensure access to quality education. For this, states/ onwards mechanisms, targets and
UTs will prepare their own plans with innovative goals prepared for SEDG
mechanisms, targets and goals to be achieved in education
collaboration with the departments of Social Justice
and Empowerment, Tribal affairs, Women and Child
Development. These plans will be implemented from
2022-23 onwards to ensure full inclusion by 2030.
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be developed 2022-23 National Book
by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure adoption of the same onwards Promotion policy ready
in state/UTs through systematic inclusion in curriculum.
Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest
reader contests, etc. will be launched by states/UTs
for promoting joyful reading amongst children.

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5.2 to Task 142 Merit based scholarships, particularly for students 2022-23 Scholarships scheme for 4-
5.7 coming from remote areas for studying 4 year onwards year B.Ed
integrated B.Ed programme.
6.10 & Task 181 States/UTs will undertake mapping of requirements of 2022-23 Mapping of needs of
6.11 students with disabilities for participating fully in school onwards students with disabilities by
education. States/UTs
6.10 & Task 184 States/UTs will strengthen BRCs with online/offline 2022-23 BRCs to act as Resource
6.11 facilities of special educators, so that BRCs can also onwards Centres with Special
act as Resource centres for learners with severe or Educator services
multiple disabilities.
5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will develop 2023-24 Framework for teacher role
5.19 specific frameworks for role expectancy from expectancy developed
Principals and Teachers based on the National based on NPST
Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST).
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for Teachers 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by
(NPST) will be adopted by all the States/UTs and all States/UTs and BOAs
7.7 to Task 204 State/UTs may conduct pilot studies to analyse the 2023-24 Pilot studies on
7.9 effectiveness and implications of grouping of schools groups/clusters/ complex
through different mechanisms. On the basis of the
findings, a report may be developed with detailed
roadmap and future plan of action to achieve the
targets and goals by schools through efficient
resource sharing.
16.1 to Task 232 Based on guidelines of DoSEL, states/UTs/CBSE/ 2023-24 Implementation of
16.8 BOAs will undertake its implementation from vocationalisation in schools
2022-23 academic session onwards.
21.9 & Task 256 High quality textbooks and workbooks will be 2023-30 Affordable Textbooks and
21.10 produced and published by the states/UTs in the local workbooks for AE
language/s and may be sold, at the cost of printing,
to interested adult learners.
22.1 to Task 263 Children will be encouraged to undertake excursion/ 2023-30 Exposure of children to the
22.8 online or e-tourism, have pen pals in link states, learn diversity, natural resources
the language of the link states, etc. under EBSB to and rich heritage of India
have exposure to the diversity, natural resources and
rich heritage of India. For this purpose, certain key
actions need to be undertaken.
3.2 Task 68 Alternative and innovative education centres will be 2024-25 Alternative education
put in place by States/UTs (after the amendment in centers for children of
Section 2(n) of the RTE Act) in cooperation with migrant labourers, etc.
community, civil society, etc. to ensure that children of
migrant laborers and other children who are dropping

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out of school due to various circumstances are

brought back into mainstream education.
3.5 Task 80 States/UTs will take up the establishing/strengthening 2024-25 SIOS development in
of existing State Institutes of Open Schooling (SIOS). States/UTs
Since this area is not funded by the central
government, the states/UTs may consider a self-reliant
model for establishing or strengthening the State
Open Schools.
5.17 to Task 152 States/UTs to come up with a transparent merit-based 2024-25 Development of
5.19 system for tenure, promotion and salary structure, etc. transparent tenure,
promotion and salary
structure, etc. system
3.3 & 3.4 Task 73 States/UTs will develop their own guidelines regarding 2025 State/UT guidelines for
incentives to be given to teachers by the State/UT teacher incentives
governments to teach in remote rural areas, especially
areas which require the teacher to learn the local
1.6 Task 16 Phase 2: States/UTs will introduce preparatory class/ 2025-30 Introduction of 1-year
Balavatika in the rest of the primary schools. State/UT Preparatory Class in AWs
DWCD will introduce Balvatika in rest of the
Anganwadis with a qualified AWW, under guidance of

4. National Assessment Centre - PARAKH
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4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/BOAs shall jointly develop 2021-23 Development of Plan for
4.39 a plan for ways and means to reduce the burden of reducing burden of exams
exams at all levels by examining all policy at all levels
recommendations. Implementation of the same will
begin from the 2022-23 academic session
4.40 Task 130 The National Assessment Centre PARAKH/NCERT/ 2021-23 Development of Framework
SCERT will develop framework and guidelines to assist & Guidelines for holding
the states/UTs for holding the census exams in grades census exams in grade 3, 5
3, 5 and 8. and 8
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other Boards of 2022-23 Capacity building of
4.35 Assessment shall also take up capacity building of stakeholders on the new
paper setters, evaluators, and moderators of school norms and guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -
online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE schools. in CBSE schools
4.36 to Task 110 PARAKH will set common norms, standards and 2022-23 Common standards/norms
4.39 guidelines for secondary education in alignment with for all BOAs developed
the NCF 2021 to be achieved by all BOAs in
the country.
4.36 to Task 111 Based on standards, norms and guidelines for 2022-23 Preparation of roadmap
4.39 developed by PARAKH for BOAs, CBSE and NIOS will based on PARAKH
prepare their roadmap to achieve the standards, standards to be
and begin implementation from 2022-23 initiated by CBSE & NIOS
4.36 to Task 113 State Boards of Assessment to be given orientation 2022-23 Capacity building of BOAs
4.39 and capacity building by the SCERTs in consultation of States/UTs on norms and
with NCERT and PARAKH on norms and standards of standards of Assessment
4.36 to Task 112 PARAKH will prepare national guidelines on 2022-25 National guidelines on
4.39 assessment standards to be achieved by all BOAs assessment standards
to cover multi-disciplinary, multi format assessments developed for BOAs
leading to attainment of 21st century skills.
4.34 & Task 124 PARAKH shall assess the implementation of new 2022-23 Course correction exercises
4.35 patterns of assessment in school boards (including in onwards initiated by PARAKH
CBSE and NIOS) from time to time and suggest course
correction or interim changes.
24.3 to Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre or 2025-30 Mechanisms for online
24.4h PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will design summative/ formative
mechanisms for online assessment and examinations assessment
for both summative and formative assessment.

5. Department of Higher Education, MOE
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15.10 & Task 226 D/o Higher Education will set up a National Mission 2022-23 Setting up National Mission
for Mentoring; NCTE will also be part of this mission for Mentoring
to link and facilitate teacher educators. This mission
will focus on mentoring with a large pool of
outstanding senior/retired faculty (to teach in Indian
languages) to provide short and long-term mentoring/
professional support to university/college teachers/
teacher educators/faculty of TEIs.

6. Higher Education Institutions & IGNOU

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21.5 Task 247 The NIOS and Department of Adult Education in HEIs 2021-25 Online modules for AE by
will be the central and main organisations of the NIOS
DoSEL for undertaking Adult Education work. For this
purpose, they shall prepare a detailed plan of
implementation to reach maximum non-literate adults.
As a part of its plan, they will also develop methods of
collaboration with states/UTs and mechanisms for
outreach through them. They will undertake to
develop online modules for each of the five
components of Adult Education.
5.21 Task 158 Secondary specialisations/certificate courses will be 2023-24 Specialised courses
developed in special education. developed in special

7. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)

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8.10 Task 218 MOE/NCERT/NIEPA will prepare framework/ 2022-23 Framework for the holistic
guidelines for the holistic assessment of the education assessment of the
governance system at state/district/block/cluster/ education governance
school levels. system
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Capacity building
capacity building programmes for teachers and programmes for creating
Principals to create conducive learning environment in conducive learning
schools. environment in schools

8. Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD)
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1.5 Task 10 For universal access to ECCE, Anganwadi Centres will To be Strengthened AWs
be strengthened by the Ministry of Women and Child decided
Development by MWCD
1.6 Task 18 Guidelines for Monitoring and tracking of Health 2021-22 Guidelines for tracking
status of Children through periodic health check–up health of children
will be finalised and adapted as needed by States/UTs
within one year.
1.7 Task 20 Departments of WCD of States/UTs under the 2021-23 Enrolment of AWWs in
guidance of the Ministry of WCD will assess the online programme
educational qualification of Anganwadi workers and
will enrol them in 6 months/1-year diploma course.
1.4 Task 14 A long-term perspective plan for next 10 years on 2022-23 10-year plan on ECCE
ECCE will be developed implementation
1.6 Task 15 Phase 1: Preparatory class/Balavatika will be 2022-25 Introduction of 1-year
introduced in all pre/primary/elementary schools Preparatory Class in
where support under Samagra Shiksha has already primary schools
been given for pre-primary classes; similarly, Balvatika Introduction of 1-year
will be introduced by MWCD in those AWs where Preparatory Class in
trained AWWs are available. Aanganwadis
1.6 Task 16 Phase 2: States/UTs will introduce preparatory class/ 2025-30 Introduction of 1-year
Balavatika in the rest of the primary schools. State/UT Preparatory Class in AWs
DWCD will introduce Balvatika in rest of the
Anganwadis with a qualified AWW, under guidance

9. Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA)

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1.8 Task 24 Ministry of Tribal Affairs will prepare the plan for 2022-24 Action plan for ECCE by
introduction of ECCE in Ashramshalas and MoTA
implementation in consultation with Joint Task Force

10. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE)

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5.21 Task 196 DoSEL along with MSJE and states/UTs will work out 2022-30 Scholarships for SEDGs
and also integrate with existing schemes to provide
financial assistance through scholarships

11. National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
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16.1 to Task 236 A suitable framework for assessment of vocational 2022-23 Framework for assessment
16.8 education will be created by the NCIVE, working in of vocationalisation
conjunction with PSSCIVE and with CBSE and State- progress
level institutions and BOA.

12. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

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5.22 to Task 160 NCTE/NHERC will come out with regulations related 2021-22 Regulations for various
5.29 to 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree programmes, 2-year customised B.Ed
B.Ed. programmes and suitably adapted 1-year B.Ed. programmes
5.22 to Task 164 NCTE and NCERT will formulate a new and 2021-22 NCFTE developed
5.29 comprehensive National Curriculum Framework for
Teacher Education, NCTFE.
2.3 & 2.4 Task 49 NCTE will redesign teacher education curriculum to 2021-23 TEI curriculum redesigned
put more emphasis on foundational literacy and to include FLN
numeracy, based on curriculum and pedagogical
framework developed by NCERT for pre-school
to grade 3
5.22 to Task 166 NCTE/NHERC will undertake a detailed analysis of all 2021-25 Action plan for standalone
5.29 the standalone TEIs in the country phase out TEIs
substandard standalone Teacher Education
Institutions (TEIs) across the country.
4.43 to Task 138 NCTE and NCERT to develop teacher education 2022-23 NCFTE to include
4.45 curriculum guidelines for including specialization in specialization for education
the education of gifted children. of Gifted Children
5.2 to 5.7 Task 145 (i) NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
5.20 Task 155 A common National Professional Standards for 2022-23 National Professional
Teachers (NPST) will be developed for the country. Standards for Teachers
(NPST) developed
5.22 to Task 159 NCTE will prepare a detailed action plan for 2022-23 NCTE action plan for
5.29 implementing movement of TEIs to multidisciplinary moving TEIs to
colleges and universities and 4-year integrated B.Ed. multidisciplinary HEIs
degree by 2030
5.22 to Task 162 NCTE/NHERC will prepare facilitative regulations to 2022-23 Regulations for short
5.29 enable special shorter local teacher education programmes at BITEs/DIETs
programmes to be made available at DIETs.

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5.22 to Task 163 NCTE/NHERC will prepare regulations to enable 2022-23 Regulations for shorter post-
5.29 shorter post-B.Ed. certification courses at B.Ed courses
multidisciplinary colleges and universities.
6.12 & Task 189 NCTE will include an appropriate module on 2022-23 TEIs curriculum to include
6.14 awareness and knowledge of how to teach children teaching children with
with specific disabilities (including learning disabilities) specific disabilities
in TEI curriculum.
15.10 & Task 226 D/o Higher Education will set up a National Mission 2022-23 Setting up National Mission
15.11 for Mentoring; NCTE will also be part of this mission for Mentoring
to link and facilitate teacher educators. This mission
will focus on mentoring with a large pool of
outstanding senior/retired faculty (to teach in Indian
languages) to provide short and long-term mentoring/
professional support to university/college teachers/
teacher educators/faculty of TEIs.
15.8 & Task 224 NCTE will coordinate with UGC for ensuring credit- 2022-24 Credit-based courses for
15.9 based courses in teaching/education/pedagogy/ Ph.D programmes on
writing are offered to all fresh Ph.D. entrants during school education
their doctoral training period.
5.22 to Task 161 NCTE regulations for all B.Ed. programmes to include 2022-25 Regulations for including
5.29 training in time-tested as well as the most recent modern pedagogy
techniques in pedagogy, teaching children with techniques in all B.Ed
disabilities, teaching children with special interests or programmes
talents/gifted children, use of educational technology,

13. National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.22 to Task 160 NCTE/NHERC will come out with regulations related 2021-22 Regulations for various
5.29 to 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree programmes, customised B.Ed
2-year B.Ed. programmes and suitably adapted programmes
1-year B.Ed. programmes.
5.22 to Task 166 NCTE/NHERC will undertake a detailed analysis of all 2021-25 Action plan for standalone
5.29 the standalone TEIs in the country phase out TEIs
substandard standalone Teacher Education
Institutions (TEIs) across the country.
5.22 to Task 162 NCTE/NHERC will prepare facilitative regulations to 2022-23 Regulations for short
5.29 enable special shorter local teacher education programmes at BITEs/DIETs
programmes to be made available at DIETs.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.22 to Task 163 NCTE/NHERC will prepare regulations to enable 2022-23 Regulations for shorter post-
5.29 shorter post-B.Ed. certification courses at B.Ed courses
multidisciplinary colleges and universities.

14. National Testing Agency (NTA)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

15.1 to Task 223 National Testing Agency will design and conduct a 2021-22 National common entrance
15.7 national common entrance test for entry to 4-year test designed by NTA
integrated B.Ed courses.
4.42 Task 135 NTA shall form a committee for review of entrance 2021-22 Review of all entrance
exams for admissions to Higher Education Institutions onwards exams by NTA
(HEIs) and draw experts from NCERT, NIOS, CBSE,
HEIs and States/UTs among others for this committee.
NTA will design and then offer a standard entrance
exam as an option to HEIs. This will not be a
mandatory exam, however, HEIs may decide to
undertake it voluntarily.
24.3 to Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre or 2025-30 Mechanisms for online
14.4h PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will design summative/ formative
mechanisms for online assessment and examinations assessment
for both summative and formative assessment.

15. BoA
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.36 to Task 116 All subjects that do not fall within the parameters 2021-22 Discontinuation of subjects
4.39 recommended by the NCF, will be discontinued by not recommended by NCF
CBSE and other BOAs.
4.34 & Task 102 Similar exercise will be undertaken by SCERTs and 2021-23 Assessment pattern for
4.35 state BOAs to prepare the assessment patterns for elementary levels in State
both formative as well as summative assessments and BOAs
evaluation procedures for elementary education, such
that it can be implemented preferably from the
2022-23 academic session.
4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/BOAs shall jointly develop 2021-23 Development of Plan for
4.39 a plan for ways and means to reduce the burden of reducing burden of exams
exams at all levels by examining all policy at all levels
recommendations. Implementation of the same will
begin from the 2022-23 academic session

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.36 to Task 116 All subjects that do not fall within the parameters 2021-22 Discontinuation of subjects
4.39 recommended by the NCF, will be discontinued by not recommended by NCF
CBSE and other BOAs.
4.34 & Task 102 Similar exercise will be undertaken by SCERTs and 2021-23 Assessment pattern for
4.35 state BOAs to prepare the assessment patterns for elementary levels in State
both formative as well as summative assessments and BOAs
evaluation procedures for elementary education, such
that it can be implemented preferably from the
2022-23 academic session.
4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/BOAs shall jointly develop 2021-23 Development of Plan for
4.39 a plan for ways and means to reduce the burden of reducing burden of exams
exams at all levels by examining all policy at all levels
recommendations. Implementation of the same will
begin from the 2022-23 academic session
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other Boards of 2022-23 Capacity building of
4.35 Assessment shall also take up capacity building of stakeholders on the new
paper setters, evaluators, and moderators of school norms and guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, other state BOAs and NIOS will 2022-23 Question banks to be
prepare question banks for competency-based items developed for competency-
that test higher-order skills for all grades, such as based items that test
analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity for higher-order skills
use by students and teachers.
4.36 to Task 111 Based on standards, norms and guidelines for 2022-23 Preparation of roadmap
4.39 developed by PARAKH for BOAs, CBSE and NIOS will based on PARAKH
prepare their roadmap to achieve the standards, and standards to be
begin implementation from 2022-23 initiated by CBSE &NIOS
4.36 to Task 113 State Boards of Assessment to be given orientation 2022-23 Capacity building of BOAs
4.39 and capacity building by the SCERTs in consultation of states/UTs on norms and
with NCERT and PARAKH on norms and standards of standards of Assessment
4.36 to Task 119 The pattern of exams at secondary level will be 2022-23 Implementation of changed
4.39 changed (Grades 9-12) to test primarily core assessment patterns
capacities based on framework developed at Tasks initiated at secondary level
100 and 101. Both CBSE and NIOS, and also all state
secondary school boards shall prepare a roadmap,
and begin implementation from 2022-23 academic
session onwards.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.36 to Task 121 CBSE, NIOS, and all state BOAs shall shift to a 2022-23 Two formats of board exams
4.39 system of holding two kinds of exams - one objective- – subjective and objective –
type and one subjective-type by 2022-23 initiated
academic session.
4.36 to Task 123 BOAs of states may also like to take up modular 2022-23 Modular exams piloted by
4.39 exams on CBSE or any other pattern, as deemed fit State BOAs
from the academic session 2022-23
5.2 to Task 143 States/UTs/ CBSE schools/BOA schools/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools
5.7 CTSA to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/SMC audit/ regarding environment and
student audit/social audit of all their schools for the safety
parameters decided by them regarding ensuring
conducive, adequate and safe infrastructure in all
5.2 to Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA to prepare 2022-23 Preparation of long-term
5.7 a long-term teacher recruitment plan, such that, they teacher recruitment plan
adopt a system of annual recruitment of teachers as
per a fixed calendar.
5.17 to Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training policy 2022-23 Teacher training policy
5.19 and a plan based on it will be prepared by states/ developed
UTs /CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA for conducting the
CPD and other training programmes.
5.17 to Task 154 SCERTs/DIETs/BOAs/CBSE to also develop formal 2022-23 Induction Programmes
5.19 Induction Programmes for newly recruited teachers. initiated
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare detailed
16.1 to Task 229 NCERT will ensure inclusion of vocationalisation of 2022-23 NCFSE to include
16.8 education from Class VI to secondary level in NCFSE, vocationalisation from
with introduction of skills training appropriate to the class 6
age of the child.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Guidelines for

16.8 CTSA will prepare detailed guidelines to ensure vocationalisation
implementing of vocationalisation in such a way that
every child will be encouraged to develop a skill
during his/her school period.
16.1 to Task 238 States/UTs/BOAs/CBSE will work out an online/ 2022-23 Online/offline mechanism
16.8 offline mechanism for providing career counselling for providing career
and guidance to children in Classes IX to XII counselling and guidance
4.40 Task 127 BoAs will adopt/adapt Learning Outcomes based on 2022-24 Fine-tuned Learning
NCERT/SCERT. Outcomes for all grades
pre-primary to grade 12
adopted/adapted by BOAs
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 capacity building programmes for teachers and programmes for creating
Principals to create conducive learning environment conducive learning
in schools. environment in schools
5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-24 IT based solutions to
5.14 develop IT based solutions to reduce the education automate the processes
administration/planning/governance burden of and reduce the burden of
teachers. administration
4.11 to Task 90 • For introducing home language/mother tongue/ 2022-25 Key actions for introducing
4.22 local language/regional language as the home language/ mother
medium of instruction, States/UTs and BOAs tongue/ local language/
will undertake several key actions in a systematic regional language
manner. The key actions would include the
(i) Step 1:
o General assessment and listing of mother
tongue/local/regional language of students
of selected areas through linguistic mapping.
(ii) Step 2:
o 8-10-hour online course for education
administrators (State to block level) and
BRC/CRC on basic orientation for including
children's home languages in teaching-
learning process in primary classrooms.
(iii) Step 3:
o SCERTs to create State Resource Groups
and a multilingual education cell. Initial
orientation of SCERT/DIET faculty will be

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

o Multilingual awareness for teachers

(addressing beliefs and attitudes about
using children’s spoken languages and how
using that language in class helps the
children in learning additional languages.
This will be a 1-week initial course (8-10
hours online course). Initial focus of this
course would be to sensitize teachers on
using these languages in the oral domain to
begin with.
o Through these courses SCERT will also
create awareness about how children can
have the ability for Multilingual Education or
MLE, by adopting scientific methods.
(iv) Step 4:
o SCERTs will initiate creation of children’s
materials (stories, rhymes, big books, charts
and posters) in local languages. A guideline
will be prepared by NCERT and SCERT for
encouraging publishers for developing/
collecting such materials)
(v) Step 5:
o Availability of trained teachers for classes 1
to 5 available who can speak in the local
language of the area.
o Identifying schools where teachers are
available or can be made available in the
language predominantly spoken by the
school children in classes 1 to 5,
o Mapping and provisioning of schools with
trained teachers and language spoken by
(vi) Step 6:
o States/UTs to make efforts to slowly
introduce mother tongue/home language
based instruction in schools wherever
possible, upto grade 5, including in private
o To initiate this, though regional/state
language may continue to remain the MOI
or Medium of Instruction, however, L1 or the
language spoken by the child at home,
maybe used and developed by teachers at
least in the oral domain during classroom

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

transactions form pre-school onwards.

o Wherever possible, mother tongue may be
introduced as MOI in foundational years,
while state language may be introduced
slowly by class 3. In predominantly tribal
areas, teachers who belong to these areas
should be identified to ensure that their
mother tongue becomes the link for their
o The exit strategy from L1 or MOI should be
delayed as far as possible, and states/UTs
may not like to consider it before class 5,
wherever possible.
o Wherever the mother tongue of a larger
area/geography is unique, states/UTs may
make efforts to develop resources in that
very language and take up teaching and
learning in that language upto grade 5 as
far as possible.
o SCERTs will initiate development of training
modules after mapping the mother tongue
requirements of students of various areas.
All the above steps can be taken up in any
chronology as deemed t by the state/UT.
4.36 to Task 118 The CBSE, NIOS and state BOAs shall develop a 2022-25 Roadmap for offering
4.39 roadmap for offering subjects at two levels. subjects at two levels for
class 10 and 12 Board
16.1 to Task 242 CBSE and other BOAs will explore offering stand- 2022-25 Vocational courses in ODL
16.8 alone Vocational courses in affiliated schools in ODL mode
mode and develop suitable assessment and
certification mechanisms.
5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will develop 2023-24 Framework for teacher role
5.19 specific frameworks for role expectancy from Principals expectancy developed
and Teachers based on the National Professional based on NPST
Standards for Teachers (NPST).
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for Teachers 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by
(NPST) will be adopted by all the States/UTs and all States/UTs and BOAs
16.1 to Task 232 Based on guidelines of DoSEL, states/UTs/CBSE/ 2023-24 Implementation of
16.8 BOAs will undertake its implementation from vocationalisation in schools
2022-23 academic session onwards.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT and SCERTs 2023-30 Development of MOOCs
4.33 should move towards developing MOOCs courses for entire syllabus
for each module of the entire syllabus by integrating
40% MOOCs courses in every grade in school
education from class 6 to 12, so that school has more
time to focus on arts, sports, vocational, languages,
21st century skills, etc.
24,3 to Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre or 2025-30 Mechanisms for online
24.4h PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will design summative/formative
mechanisms for online assessment and examinations assessment
for both summative and formative assessment.

16. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

2.2 Task 41 The NAS sample survey of schools and students in 2021-22 Database of grade level
2021 will create a data base of ‘as is’ situation in proficiency
grade level proficiency and enabling to track the future
4.34 & Task 101 For CBSE schools, NCERT together with CBSE and 2021-22 Assessment pattern for
4.35 other important stakeholders shall prepare the elementary levels in CBSE
assessment patterns for both formative as well as schools
summative assessments and evaluation procedures
for elementary education, such that it can be
implemented from the 2022-23 academic session.
4.36 to Task 115 The NCERT will ensure that the NCF committee shall 2021-22 Review of basket of subjects
4.39 review the basket of subjects offered at secondary and offered by CBSE/BOAs
senior secondary levels by CBSE and other BOAs,
and ensure structured and relevant offering of
academic and skill subjects.
4.36 to Task 116 All subjects that do not fall within the parameters 2021-22 Discontinuation of subjects
4.39 recommended by the NCF, will be discontinued by not recommended by NCF
CBSE and other BOAs.
8.10 Task 220 For the conduct of NAS, CBSE/NCERT will expand 2021-22 Expanded and enhanced
coverage and enhance reliability check. reliability check for NAS
2.2 Task 32 NCERT, CBSE and KVS will develop online and 2021-22 Online/blended teacher
blended teacher training modules and content as onwards training modules for FLN by
exemplar. This content will be used by Kendriya NCERT
Vidyalayas for implementing the mission objectives.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.34 & Task 103 For secondary education, CBSE and NIOS will 2021-23 Development of Assessment
4.35 prepare assessment pattern and evaluation pattern for secondary levels
procedures for its affiliated schools/students, so that by CBSE and other BOA
it can be implemented from 2022-23 session
4.40 Task 131 For the examinations in grades 3, 5 and 8 a system of 2021-23 System to analyse
analysing anonymised samples shall be developed by anonymised samples of 3,
SCERTs. CBSE will also develop a system in 5, 8 assessments
consultation with NCERT for anonymised sample developed
8.6 & 8.7 Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/aided by the Central 2021-23 Framework for online self-
government (that is, KVS, JNV and CTSA) the CBSE in disclosure for CBSE schools
consultation with the MOE shall prepare a framework
for online self-disclosure on minimal set of standards
based on basic parameters. CBSE can also lay down
few parameters for private/state government schools
affiliated to it for examination registration, extension
of affiliation, etc.
4.1 to 4.8 Task 85 CBSE, KVS, JNV and CTSA will prepare their own 2023-24 CBSE, KVS and JNV Action
action plans to implement NCFSE, after the release of Plan for NCFSE
NCFSE by NCERT. implementation
4.34 & Task 104 Professional online training modules and manuals/ 2022-23 Preparation of Professional
4.35 handbooks (wherever required) shall be prepared by training modules and
NCERT, CBSE, BOAs and SCERTs for building manuals/handbooks on
capacities of teachers to undertake “assessment as assessment pattern for
learning” and “assessment for learning” at elementary levels
elementary level.
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other Boards of 2022-23 Capacity building of
4.35 Assessment shall also take up capacity building of stakeholders on the new
paper setters, evaluators, and moderators of school norms and guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, other state BOAs and NIOS will 2022-23 Question banks to be
4.35 prepare question banks for competency-based items developed for competency-
that test higher-order skills for all grades, such as based items that test
analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity for higher-order skills
use by students and teachers.
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -
online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE schools. in CBSE schools

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.36 to Task 111 Based on standards, norms and guidelines for 2022-23 Preparation of roadmap
4.39 developed by PARAKH for BOAs, CBSE and NIOS will based on PARAKH
prepare their roadmap to achieve the standards, standards to be initiated
and begin implementation from 2022-23 by CBSE &NIOS
4.36 to Task 120 CBSE shall rename its Compartment exams as 2022-23 Introduction of
4.39 "Improvement exams" and strengthen these exams and Improvement Exams
make them low stakes. All other state BOAs shall
also introduce Improvement exams, from 2022-23
academic session
4.36 to Task 121 CBSE, NIOS, and all state BOAs shall shift to a system 2022-23 Two formats of board exams
4.39 of holding two kinds of exams - one objective-type and – subjective and objective -
one subjective-type by 2022-23 academic session. initiated
5.2 to 5.7 Task 143 States/UTs/ CBSE schools/BOA schools/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools
CTSA to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/SMC audit/ regarding environment and
student audit/social audit of all their schools for the safety
parameters decided by them regarding ensuring
conducive, adequate and safe infrastructure in all
5.2 to 5. 7 Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA to prepare 2022-23 Preparation of long-term
a long-term teacher recruitment plan, such that, they teacher recruitment plan
adopt a system of annual recruitment of teachers as
per a fixed calendar.
5.17 to Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training policy 2022-23 Teacher training policy
5.19 and a plan based on it will be prepared by states/ developed
UTs /CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA for conducting the
CPD and other training programmes.
5.17 to Task 154 SCERTs/DIETs/BOAs/CBSE to also develop formal 2022-23 Induction Programmes
5.19 Induction Programmes for newly recruited teachers. initiated
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day,
first Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will
prepare the broad framework of this experiential
learning activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare
detailed guidelines.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

16.1 to Task 229 NCERT will ensure inclusion of vocationalisation of 2022-23 NCFSE to include
16.8 education from Class VI to secondary level in NCFSE, vocationalisation from
with introduction of skills training appropriate to the class 6
age of the child.
16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
16.8 CTSA will prepare detailed guidelines to ensure vocationalisation
implementing of vocationalisation in such a way that
every child will be encouraged to develop a skill
during his/her school period.
16.1 to Task 235 Problem based Learning approach will be promoted 2022-23 Online resources for
16.8 in schools and colleges so that students are able to Problem based Learning
develop requisite skills for innovation and approach
entrepreneurship. NCERT and SCERTs will develop
project-based activities and online resources for
Teaching Learning Material (TLM) for this.
16.1 to Task 238 States/UTs/BOAs/CBSE will work out an online/offline 2022-23 Online/offline mechanism
16.8 mechanism for providing career counselling and for providing career
guidance to children in Classes IX to XII counselling and guidance
24.4i Task 282 NCERT will recommend the approach for the phased- 2022-23 Blended mode of education
manner of introduction, percentage, manner, format, introduced through NCFSE
etc. of blended education through discussions with
experts in the National Curriculum Framework. CBSE,
KVS, JNV and CTSA will initiate implementation as
soon as NCFSE is launched by NCERT.
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV will undertake capacity 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 building programmes for teachers and Principals to programmes for creating
create conducive learning environment in schools. conducive learning
environment in schools
5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV will develop IT 2022-24 IT based solutions to
5.14 based solutions to reduce the education automate the processes
administration/planning/governance burden of and reduce the burden of
teachers. administration
4.36 to Task 118 The CBSE, NIOS and state BOAs shall develop a 2022-25 Roadmap for offering
4.39 roadmap for offering subjects at two levels. subjects at two levels for
class 10 and 12 Board
16.1 to Task 242 CBSE and other BOAs will explore offering stand- 2022-25 Vocational courses in ODL
16.8 alone Vocational courses in affiliated schools in ODL mode
mode and develop suitable assessment and
certification mechanisms.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will develop 2023-24 Framework for teacher role
5.19 specific frameworks for role expectancy from expectancy developed
Principals and Teachers based on the National based on NPST
Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST).
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for Teachers 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by
(NPST) will be adopted by all the States/UTs and all States/UTs and BOAs
16.1 to Task 232 Based on guidelines of DoSEL, states/UTs/CBSE/ 2023-24 Implementation of
16.8 BOAs will undertake its implementation from vocationalisation in schools
2022-23 academic session onwards.
4.36 to Task 122 CBSE will examine the possibility of modular Board 2023-25 Modular Board exams
4.39 exams by dividing the subject topics into modules. piloted by CBSE
4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT and SCERTs 2023-30 Development of MOOCs
4.33 should move towards developing MOOCs courses for for entire syllabus
each module of the entire syllabus by integrating 40%
MOOCs courses in every grade in school education
from class 6 to 12, so that school has more time to
focus on arts, sports, vocational, languages, 21st
century skills, etc.
24.3 to Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre or 2025-30 Mechanisms for online
24,4h PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will design summative/formative
mechanisms for online assessment and examinations assessment
for both summative and formative assessment.

17. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

3.5 Task 79 All NIOS teaching learning content shall be uploaded 2021-22 NIOS resources on DIKSHA
on DIKSHA for wider dissemination.
3.5 Task 77 In States where an open school exists, courses 2021-23 States/UTs collaboration
designed and developed by the NIOS can also be with NIOS
offered by state/UT in collaboration with the NIOS.
4.34 & Task 103 For secondary education, CBSE and NIOS will 2021-23 Development of Assessment
4.35 prepare assessment pattern and evaluation pattern for secondary levels
procedures for its affiliated schools/students, so that by CBSE and other BOA
it can be implemented from 2022-23
session onwards.
21.5 Task 247 The NIOS and Department of Adult Education in 2021-25 Online modules for AE by
HEIs will be the central and main organisations of the NIOS

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

DoSEL for undertaking Adult Education work. For this

purpose, they shall prepare a detailed plan of
implementation to reach maximum non-literate
adults. As a part of its plan, they will also develop
methods of collaboration with states/UTs and
mechanisms for outreach through them. They will
undertake to develop online modules for each of the
five components of Adult Education.
4.34 & Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, other state BOAs and NIOS will 2022-23 Question banks to be
4.35 prepare question banks for competency-based items developed for competency-
that test higher-order skills for all grades, such as based items that test higher-
analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity for order skills
use by students and teachers.
4.36 to Task 111 Based on standards, norms and guidelines for 2022-23 Preparation of roadmap
4.39 developed by PARAKH for BOAs, CBSE and NIOS will based on PARAKH
prepare their roadmap to achieve the standards, and standards to be initiated by
begin implementation from 2022-23 CBSE & NIOS
4.36 to Task 121 CBSE, NIOS, and all state BOAs shall shift to a system 2022-23 Two formats of board exams
4.39 of holding two kinds of exams - one objective-type and – subjective and objective –
one subjective-type by 2022-23 academic session. initiated
6.10 & Task 185 NIOS will develop high-quality modules to teach 2022-23 High-quality teaching
6.11 Indian Sign Language. modules for Indian Sign
4.11 to Task 91 MoE in consultation with Ministry of Social justice and 2022-25 Development of curriculum
4.22 Empowerment (MoSJ&E) will initiate the process to materials in standardised
standardise Indian Sign Language (ISL) across the Indian Sign Language (ISL)
country for school education. National and State across the country
curriculum materials will be developed, for use by
students with hearing impairment by NCERT/SCERT/
4.36 to Task 118 The CBSE, NIOS and state BOAs shall develop a 2022-25 Roadmap for offering
4.39 roadmap for offering subjects at two levels. subjects at two levels for
class 10 and 12 Board
16.1 to Task 240 NIOS will cater to the dropouts from the formal system 2022-25 Dropouts assessment
16.8 through ODL courses designed and promoted for facilitation by NIOS
improving the mobility and employability of students.
For this NIOS will develop a mechanism of
collaboration with states/UTs

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

16.1 to Task 241 Textbooks for the National Institute of Open 2022-25 NIOS textbooks aligned
16.8 Schooling (NIOS) will be aligned with those of NCERT. with NCERT textbooks
This will enable many students to feel confident about
their career choices, because any student who desires
to exit at class 10 to pursue a career in a vocational
skill, will be able to smoothly transit from formal to
open school education. NIOS will ensure that
Knowledge of India is incorporated wherever relevant
in an accurate and scientific manner. Stories, arts,
games, sports, examples, problems, etc. in textbooks
will be incorporated in such manner that they are as
much as possible rooted in the Indian context.
22.1 to Task 261 NIOS has prepared several courses on Indian 2022-25 Development of online
22.8 languages and ancient Indian literature. For courses on Indian
promoting these in India and abroad, NIOS will language and ancient
develop them as individual online courses that can be Indian literature
offered in India and abroad.
3.5 Task 76 The scope of NIOS and SIOS will be expanded and 2025 Inclusive resources
strengthened. Syllabus and learning material will be developed by NIOS
inclusively designed keeping in mind the specific needs
of students who take benefit of the NIOS process
e.g. Students with disabilities, students in
vulnerable circumstances, students who have
dropped-out and wish to complete their school
3.5 Task 78 The NIOS will translate and make courses (OBE - i.e. 2025 NIOS resources for classes
for Levels 3, 5 and 8 and Secondary and 3/5/8/10/12 ready
Sr. Secondary) available in more languages as per
need assessment.
24,3 to Task 281 The proposed National Assessment Centre or 2025-30 Mechanisms for online
24.4h PARAKH, CBSE, NIOS, BOAs and NTA will design summative/formative
mechanisms for online assessment and examinations assessment
for both summative and formative assessment.

18. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) & Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalayas (JNV)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

3.5 Task 101 For CBSE schools, NCERT together with CBSE and 2021-22 Assessment pattern for
other important stakeholders shall prepare the elementary levels in CBSE
assessment patterns for both formative as well as schools
summative assessments and evaluation procedures
for elementary education, such that it can be
implemented from the 2022-23 academic session.
2.2 Task 32 NCERT, CBSE and KVS will develop online and 2021-22 Online/blended teacher
blended teacher training modules and content as onwards training modules for FLN by
exemplar. This content will be used by Kendriya NCERT
Vidyalayas for implementing the mission objectives.
8.6 & 8.7 Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/aided by the Central 2021-23 Framework for online self-
government (that is, KVS, JNV and CTSA) the CBSE in disclosure for CBSE schools
consultation with the MOE shall prepare a framework
for online self-disclosure on minimal set of standards
based on basic parameters. CBSE can also lay down
few parameters for private/state government schools
affiliated to it for examination registration, extension of
affiliation, etc.
4.34 & Task 103 For secondary education, CBSE and NIOS will 2021-23 Development of Assessment
4.35 prepare assessment pattern and evaluation pattern for secondary levels
procedures for its affiliated schools/students, so that by CBSE and other BOA
it can be implemented from 2022-23 session
4.1 to 4.8 Task 85 CBSE, KVS, JNV and CTSA will prepare their own 2023-24 CBSE, KVS and JNV Action
action plans to implement NCFSE, after the release of Plan for NCFSE
NCFSE by NCERT. implementation
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -
online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE schools. in CBSE schools
5.2 to 5.7 Task 143 States/UTs/ CBSE schools/BOA schools/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools
CTSA to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/SMC audit/ regarding environment and
student audit/social audit of all their schools for the safety
parameters decided by them regarding ensuring
conducive, adequate and safe infrastructure in all
5.2 to 5.7 Task 144 An online transparent teacher transfer policy will be 2022-23 Development of transparent
put in place to meet the vacancies and needs of rural and online teacher transfer

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

and remote areas by all States and UTs/KVS/JNV/ policy by states/UTs

CTSA by 2022-23.
5.2 to 5.7 Task 145 NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
States/UTs/KVS/JNV will notify three stage process for
teacher recruitment.
5.2 to 5.7 Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA to prepare 2022-23 Preparation of long-term
a long-term teacher recruitment plan, such that, they teacher recruitment plan
adopt a system of annual recruitment of teachers as
per a fixed calendar.
5.17 to Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training policy 2022-23 Teacher training policy
5.19 and a plan based on it will be prepared by states/ developed
UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA for conducting the
CPD and other training programmes.
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare detailed
16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
16.8 CTSA will prepare detailed guidelines to ensure vocationalisation
implementing of vocationalisation in such a way that
every child will be encouraged to develop a skill
during his/her school period.
24.4i Task 282 NCERT will recommend the approach for the 2022-23 Blended mode of education
phased-manner of introduction, percentage, manner, introduced through NCFSE
format, etc. of blended education through
discussions with experts in the National Curriculum
Framework. CBSE, KVS, JNV and CTSA will
initiate implementation as soon as NCFSE is launched
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be developed 2022-23 National Book Promotion
by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure adoption of the same in onwards policy ready
state/UTs through systematic inclusion in curriculum.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest
reader contests, etc. will be launched by states/UTs
for promoting joyful reading amongst children.
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 capacity building programmes for teachers and programmes for creating
Principals to create conducive learning environment conducive learning
in schools. environment in schools
5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-24 IT based solutions to
5.14 develop IT based solutions to reduce the education automate the processes and
administration/planning/governance burden of reduce the burden of
teachers. administration
6.7 to 6.9 Task 178 Preschool sections will be added to Kendriya 2022-30 Pre-school section added to
Vidyalaya in a planned and phased manner from KVS
2022 to 2030.
5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will develop 2023-24 Framework for teacher role
5.19 specific frameworks for role expectancy from expectancy developed
Principals and Teachers based on the National based on NPST
Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST).
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for Teachers 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by
(NPST) will be adopted by all the States/UTs and all states/UTs and BOAs
4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT and SCERTs 2023-30 Development of MOOCs
4.33 should move towards developing MOOCs courses for for entire syllabus
each module of the entire syllabus by integrating 40%
MOOCs courses in every grade in school education
from class 6 to 12, so that school has more time to
focus on arts, sports, vocational, languages,
21st century skills, etc.
6.7 to 6.9 Task 177 Additional JNVs and KVs will be set up across the 2023-30 JNVs/KVs in aspirational
country, especially in aspirational districts, SEZs and districts
other disadvantaged regions.

19. Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.34 & Task 101 For CBSE schools, NCERT together with CBSE and 2021-22 Framework of assessment
other important stakeholders shall prepare the pattern for elementary
assessment patterns for both formative as well as levels in CBSE schools
summative assessments and evaluation procedures
for elementary education, such that it can be
implemented from the 2022-23 academic session.
8.6 & 8.7 Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/aided by the Central 2021-23 Framework for online self-
government (that is, KVS, JNV and CTSA) the CBSE in disclosure for CBSE schools
consultation with the MOE shall prepare a framework
for online self-disclosure on minimal set of standards
based on basic parameters. CBSE can also lay down
few parameters for private/state government schools
affiliated to it for examination registration, extension
of affiliation, etc.
4.34 & Task 103 For secondary education, CBSE and NIOS will 2021-23 Development of Assessment
4.35 prepare assessment pattern and evaluation pattern for secondary levels
procedures for its affiliated schools/students, so that it by CBSE and other BOA
can be implemented from 2022-23 session onwards.
4.1 to 4.8 Task 85 CBSE, KVS, JNV and CTSA will prepare their own 2023-24 CBSE, KVS and JNV Action
action plans to implement NCFSE, after the release of Plan for NCFSE
NCFSE by NCERT. implementation
4.34 & Task 108 NCERT/PARAKH/CBSE/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 contextualize and develop IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -
online HPC for grades 1 to 12, for all CBSE schools. in CBSE schools
5.2 to 5. 7 Task 143 States/UTs/ CBSE schools/BOA schools/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools
CTSA to undertake self-audit/PTA audit/SMC audit/ regarding environment and
student audit/social audit of all their schools for the safety
parameters decided by them regarding ensuring
conducive, adequate and safe infrastructure in
all schools.
5.2 to 5. 7 Task 144 An online transparent teacher transfer policy will be 2022-23 Development of transparent
put in place to meet the vacancies and needs of rural and online teachers transfer
and remote areas by all States and UTs/KVS/JNV/ policy by States/UTs/KVS/
CTSA by 2022-23. JNV
5.2 to 5. 7 Task 145 i) NCTE and NCERT will help MOE to prepare action 2022-23 Action plan developed for
plan to extend TET to all levels of school education. extending TET at all levels
(ii) States/UTs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will notify three stage
process for teacher recruitment.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.2 to 5. 7 Task 146 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA to prepare 2022-23 Preparation of long-term

a long-term teacher recruitment plan, such that, they teacher recruitment plan
adopt a system of annual recruitment of teachers as
per a fixed calendar.
5.17 to 5 Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher training policy 2022-23 Teacher training policy
.19 and a plan based on it will be prepared by states/UTs/ developed
CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA for conducting the CPD
and other training programmes.
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare
detailed guidelines.
16.1 to Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
16.8 CTSA will prepare detailed guidelines to ensure implementation of
implementing of vocationalisation in such a way that vocationalisation by CBSE
every child will be encouraged to develop a skill during
his/her school period.
16.1 to Task 282 NCERT will recommend the approach for the phased- 2022-23 Framework for Blended
16.8 manner of introduction, percentage, manner, format, mode of education through
etc. of blended education through discussions with NCFSE
experts in the National Curriculum Framework. CBSE,
KVS, JNV and CTSA will initiate implementation as
soon as NCFSE is launched by NCERT.
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be developed 2022-23 National Book Promotion
by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure adoption of the same in onwards policy ready
state/UTs through systematic inclusion in curriculum.
Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest
reader contests, etc. will be launched by states/UTs
for promoting joyful reading amongst children.
5.8 to Task 149 SCERTs CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will undertake 2022-24 Capacity building
5.14 capacity building programmes for teachers and programmes for creating
Principals to create conducive learning environment conducive learning
in schools. environment in schools

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.8 to Task 150 States and UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will 2022-24 IT based solutions
5.14 develop IT based solutions to reduce the education to automate the processes
administration/planning/governance burden of and reduce the burden of
teachers. administration
5.17 to Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV/CTSA will develop 2023-24 Framework for teacher role
5.19 specific frameworks for role expectancy from expectancy developed
Principals and Teachers based on the National based on NPST
Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST).
5.20 Task 156 The National Professional Standards for Teachers 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by
(NPST) will be adopted by all the States/UTs and all states/UTs and BOAs

20. Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

16.1 to Task 227 Strengthening of PSSCIVE will be undertaken to build 2022-23 PSSCIVE strengthening plan
16.8 its capacity for developing curriculum and learning initiated
resources, both offline and online for vocational
courses and training of teachers/trainers.

21. Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

6.10 & Task 183 NCERT and RCI to develop short term and long-term 2022-23 Short term and long-term
6.11 training modules on equity, gender, and needs of onwards training modules on equity,
children with disabilities, etc. gender, and needs of
children with disabilities

22. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

2.2 Task 35 Assessment of progress and achievements by students, 2021-22 Holistic Progress Card
schools and states/UTs in FL&N will be at four levels designed
(school-based assessment, SAS, third party assessment
and NAS). For the first level, that is, school-based
assessments, a Holistic Progress Card will be designed
by NCERT (for KVS/JNV/CTSA/CBSE schools) and
SCERTs will adopt/adapt the same for students in
states/UTs in the foundational years.
2.6 Task 53 E-content will be prepared and uploaded on DIKSHA 2021-23 E-content for FLN on
for Mathematics and Reading Literacy in English and DIKSHA
Hindi for FLN by NCERT (based on NCERT
curriculum). Similarly, e-content will be prepared and
uploaded on DIKSHA for Mathematics and Reading
Literacy for FLN in local languages and context by
SCERTs. E-content by NCERT and SCERT will include
standardized (at least 500 items per grade and per
subject) to measure each Learning Outcome of each
subject of each grade.
4.30 to Task 96 Meanwhile, SCERTs to initiate consultations, 2021-22 Workshops, consultations
4.33 workshops, and seminars with various stakeholders on for developing SCFSE
different aspects of curriculum, to develop curricular
perspectives in the States/UTs.
23.1 to Task 266 States/UTs will undertake a similar exercise in SCERTs 2021-22 SIETs to become central hub
23.13 for the SIETs (as mentioned in Task 275) and prepare for education technology in
a roadmap to strengthen the SIETs by 2021-22. States/UTs
24.2 to Task 272 DIKSHA will contain e-resources under six component 2021-22 E-content/resources for all
24.4e categories to begin with – NCERT textbook based, grades on DIKSHA
SCERT textbook based, Learning Outcome based Item
banks, TPD, Virtual Labs, and Vidyadaan content.
These categories will be expanded and diversified as
per need. In the backdrop of the pandemic, it is
essential that states/UTs ensure that e-content for
learners is uploaded on DIKSHA by them as soon as
possible, but not later than 21-22 academic session.
24.2 to Task 274 One class, one channel through Swayam Prabha will 2021-22 One class, one channel
24.4e be activated with high quality e-learning content by through Swayam Prabha for
NCERT and SCERTs not later than 2021-22 high quality e-learning
academic session. content
2.2 Task 36 NCERT and SCERTs will continuously develop item 2021-22 Online criterion-referenced
banks for classes 1 to 5 related to the measurement or onwards Item banks for FLN

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

achievement of each learning outcomes. (at least 500

items per grade, per subject).
6.7 to 6.9 Task 174 NCERT and SCERTs will undertake research and 2021-22 Research studies in
development in innovative teaching-learning onwards innovative teaching-
methodologies for teaching children from SEDGs. learning methodologies for
1.4 Task 9 Position paper will be developed by NCERT and 2021-23 NCERT/SCERT Position
SCERTs to highlight the present status, issues, Paper on ECCE
challenges and enablers of ECCE in India
1.7 Task 19 A six-month online certificate programme for 2021-23 Designing of online
Anganwadi workers/teachers with qualifications of certificate/Diploma
10+2 and above, and a one-year online Diploma programme for ECCE
Programme in ECCE with qualifications below 10+2
will be designed.
1.7 Task 21 The States/UTs monitor and mentor the acquisition of 2021-23 Completion of certification/
skills of AWWs through digital/distance mode and/or Diploma by AWWs
using DTH channels as well as smartphones.
2.2 Task 33 At State level, SCERT will develop extensive teacher 2021-23 Online/blended teacher
training modules and other resources for teachers in training modules for FLN by
local language. SCERT
2.2 Task 34 Aside from textbooks, NCERT and SCERT to develop 2021-23 Additional learning
highly engaging, joyful and innovative additional resources by NCERT and
learning material for grades 1 to 5. SCERT
2.5 Task 51 SCERT to adopt/adapt in local language and add 2021-23 SCERT adopts/adapts 3-
local context to the above school preparation module month module
for grade 1 students for implementation in states/UTs.
4.34 & Task 102 Similar exercise will be undertaken by SCERTs and 2021-23 Assessment pattern for
4.35 state BOAs to prepare the assessment patterns for elementary levels in
both formative as well as summative assessments and state/UT BOAs
evaluation procedures for elementary education,
such that it can be implemented preferably from the
2022-23 academic session.
4.36 to Task 114 NCERT/PARAKH/SCERTs/BOAs shall jointly develop a 2021-23 Development of Plan for
4.39 plan for ways and means to reduce the burden of reducing burden of exams
exams at all levels by examining all policy at all levels.
recommendations. Implementation of the same will
begin from the 2022-23 academic session
4.40 Task 130 The National Assessment Centre PARAKH/NCERT/ 2021-23 Development of Framework
SCERT will develop framework and guidelines to assist & Guidelines for holding
the states/UTs for holding the census exams in grades census exams in grade 3, 5
3, 5 and 8. and 8

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.40 Task 131 For the examinations in grades 3, 5 and 8 a system of 2021-23 System to analyse
analysing anonymised samples shall be developed by anonymised samples of 3,
SCERTs. CBSE will also develop a system in 5, 8 assessments developed
consultation with NCERT for anonymised sample
8.1 to 8.4 Task 210 States/UTs through SCERTs will prepare regulations 2021-23 Regulations for
to ensure empowerment of schools and enforcement transparency and online
of transparency and online public disclosure. public disclosure
8.5 Task 215 School Quality Assurance and Accreditation 2021-23 SQAAF developed
Framework (SQAAF) will be developed by SCERT as
per guidelines developed by NIEPA and NCERT.
21.5 Task 248 SCERTs will use the framework developed by NCERT to 2021-23 Content development in
prepare content for each aspect of the framework local language by SCERT
(consisting of 5 components) in local language/s and for AE
integrate it with technology tools such as digital
platforms, mobile app, DTH etc. so that delivery of all
adult learning content is primarily through using
digital and online mode.
24.4f Task 280 NCERT and SCERTs will leverage existing e-learning 2021-23 Virtual Labs created
platforms such as DIKSHA, SWAYAM and
SWAYAMPRABHA for creating virtual labs.
8.5 Task 214 SCERT will develop an overall strategic plan, and an 2021-24 Strategic planning and
institution wise action plan for the reinvigoration of implementation of
CRCs, BRCs, and DIETs and complete implementation reinvigoration of CRCs,
of plan by 2023-24. BRCs, and DIETs
15.10 & Task 225 Areas specific to the capacities required by teachers to 2021-25 Annual In-service teacher
15.11 implement the NEP 2020 will be identified by and Principal training plan
SCERT in a comprehensive in-service annual teacher
training plan prepared by SCERTs.
23.1 to Task 267 National Digital Library (NDL) will be linked to the 2021-25 Linking NDL with e-
23.13 e-resources of NCERT and SCERTs for effective resources in school
utilization of available contents. education
24.3 to Task 278 NCERT and SCERT will arrange for teachers to 2021-25 Online Teacher training in
24.4g undergo rigorous online training in learner-centric learner-centric pedagogy
pedagogy and on how to become high-quality online and online content creation
content creators themselves using online teaching
platforms and tools.
24.4d Task 279 Digital repository of innovative content, including 2021-25 Creation of Digital
creation of coursework, Learning Games & repository of innovative

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

Simulations, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, contents, Apps, Games, AR,
apps, gamification of Indian art and culture, in VR, etc. for learning
multiple languages, with clear operating instructions,
will be promoted by NCERT and SCERT in
collaboration with Commerce Ministry, MEITY, etc.
over a period of time.
4.9 & Task 87 While preparing the State Curricular Framework 2022-23 SCFSE will include
4.10 (SCF), the SCERTs of States/UTs may look into innovative methods/
innovative methods ways of offering flexibility in semester system
choice of subjects to students and/ incorporating
semester system that allows the inclusion of shorter
modules, or courses that are taught on alternate
days, etc.
4.23 to Task 92 The vocational craft to be implemented in different 2022-23 Handbook containing
4.29 parts/schools of the state/UT will be decided by States guidelines for bagless days,
and local communities and as mapped by local and details of fun course
skilling needs. including activities using
A Handbook will also be developed by both, NCERT toys, games, quizzes, etc.
and SCERTs in collaboration with concerned experts developed for grades 1 to12
from different institutions, for conducting various fun
activities in grades 1 to 12, including vocational crafts
and activities to be undertaken by using indigenous
toys, quizzes, puzzles, indigenous games, etc.
interlinked with curriculum.
This Handbook will also have guidelines for
implementing bagless days for students in schools.
4.30 to Task 97 SCERTs to undertake development of State Curriculum 2021-22 Development of SCFSE
4.33 Framework on the basis of template provided by the
NCERT and wide consultations.
4.34 & Task 104 Professional online training modules and manuals/ 2022-23 Preparation of Professional
4.35 handbooks (wherever required) shall be prepared by training modules and
NCERT, CBSE, BOAs and SCERTs for building manuals/handbooks on
capacities of teachers to undertake “assessment as assessment pattern for
learning” and “assessment for learning” at elementary levels
elementary level.
4.34 & Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and other Boards of 2022-23 Capacity building of
4.35 Assessment shall also take up capacity building of stakeholders on the new
paper setters, evaluators, and moderators of school norms and guidelines
boards on the new norms and guidelines.
4.34 & Task 107 NCERT will prepare the framework and guidelines for 2022-23 Framework & guidelines for
4.35 developing Holistic Progress Card for Middle and developing Holistic
Secondary levels and SCERTs will adapt/adopt it. Progress card for Middle
and Secondary levels

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.34 & Task 109 Based on NCERT framework and guidelines, the HPC 2022-23 IT based solutions for
4.35 shall be designed for online use by SCERTs as well. developing HPC for online
use by States/UTs/BOAs
4.36 to Task 113 State Boards of Assessment to be given orientation 2022-23 Capacity building of BOAs
4.39 and capacity building by the SCERTs in consultation of states/UTs on norms and
with NCERT and PARAKH on norms and standards of standards of Assessment
4.43 to Task 139 NCERT and SCERTs to undertake designing and 2022-23 Design and implementation
4.45 implementing of short and long-term programmes for of Nurturance programmes
integrating various nurturance activities like summer for gifted/talented children
residential programmes for secondary school students
in various subjects/domains.
5.17 to Task 154 SCERTs/DIETs/BOAs/CBSE to also develop formal 2022-23 Induction Programmes
5.19 Induction Programmes for newly recruited teachers. initiated
5.20 Task 155 A common National Professional Standards for 2022-23 National Professional
Teachers (NPST) will be developed for the country. Standards for Teachers
(NPST) developed
6.12 to Task 187 SCERTs will develop online orientation modules for 2022-23 Online orientation modules
6.14 parents/caregivers. for parents/caregivers
7.10 to Task 207 For understanding the importance of history as a 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area
7.12 subject, and for getting a sense of how history is and school history by
written, every school in every state/UT/CBSE/KVS/ students as an experiential
JNV/BOAs will undertake classroom activities with activity in grades 1 to 12
students of grades 1 to 12, to map the history of
village/town/area they stay in to map and write the
history of the school, including its foundation day, first
Principal/teachers, alumni, etc. NCERT will prepare
the broad framework of this experiential learning
activity in NCFSE, while SCERTs shall prepare detailed
7.10 to Task 208 Framework for using schools as Samajik Chetna 2022-23 Framework for utilising
7.12 Kendra to promote social cohesion by using the schools as Samajik Chetna
unutilised capacity of school infrastructure in non- Kendra to promote social
teaching/schooling hours, shall be prepared cohesion
8.11 Task 222 Online programmes for generating awareness about 2022-23 Online programmes for
child rights will be developed by SCERT and awareness on child rights
enforcement of child rights in schools will be assured
by the regulatory system.

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

16.1 to Task 235 Problem based Learning approach will be promoted 2022-23 Online resources for
16.8 in schools and colleges so that students are able to Problem based Learning
develop requisite skills for innovation and approach
entrepreneurship. NCERT and SCERTs will develop
project-based activities and online resources for
Teaching Learning Material (TLM) for this.
22.1 to Task 264 Online repositories of the rich language, arts, music, 2022-23 Online repositories of TLM
22.8 indigenous textiles/food/sports, culture and ethos, etc. by states/UTs cultural
shall be created by SCERTs of each state/UT, so that heritage
link states are able to easily access this material.
2.8 Task 56 A National Book Promotion policy will be developed 2022-23 National Book Promotion
by NCERT. SCERTs will ensure adoption of the same in onwards policy ready
state/UTs through systematic inclusion in curriculum.
Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest
reader contests, etc. will be launched by states/UTs
for promoting joyful reading amongst children.
1.3 & 1.4 Task 2 SCERTs to adopt/adapt the curriculum framework 2022-24 SCFECCE developed
developed by NCERT for ECCE with local
contextualisation. The SCF will also detail the use of
locally produced/indigenous toys and indigenous
games, puppetry, art, stories, poetry/songs, etc. for
ECCE and also specific mechanisms for bridging the
gap between language spoken by child and language
used in class/AW
1.3 & 1.4 Task 4 States and UTs will develop locally contextualised 2022-24 SCERT develops TLM for
teaching learning materials for ECCE with the help of ECCE
SCERTs and DIETs. Material may also be developed in
languages/dialects spoken in the region, aside from
the local/regional languages.
1.8 Task 25 Capacity building of Master trainers for teachers in 2022-24 Master Trainers training for
schools under Ministry of Tribal Affairs Areas schools under MoTA
4.40 Task 126 SCERTs may choose to adapt or adopt these fine- 2022-24 Learning Outcomes for
tuned LOs grades pre-primary to 12
adapted/adopted by
4.40 Task 128 NCERT/SCERTs will also develop teacher resources 2022-24 LO based teacher resources
for classroom transaction of these LOs for each grade for classroom transaction
and subject. developed
5.20 Task 157 SCERTs will help states/UTs prepare a framework for 2022-24 Review of NPST once every
giving more autonomy to teachers in choosing aspects 10 years

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

of pedagogy, so that they may teach in the manner

they find most effective for the students in their
22.1 to Task 262 Teachers shall use their own innovative pedagogies 2022-24 Supplementary materials
22.8 in consonance with Task 157, to teach languages in development by SCERT
engaging and joyful manners. Teachers will ensure
that they link the mother tongue/home language of
the child to the language being taught in the oral
domain in classroom transactions. The framework
being developed by SCERTs in Task 157 shall include
this aspect.
24.4i Task 283 Based on the NCFSE recommendations for continuing 2022-24 SCERTs to follow blended
blended learning, SCERTs will suitably incorporate the mode of education
same in their curriculum, in a phased manner and introduced through NCFSE
initiate implementation immediately thereafter.
4.11 to Task 89 SCERTs with the help of NCERT will also conduct face- 2022-25 KRPs training for teaching
to-face and on-line training for building the capacity Indian Languages
of Key Resource Persons teaching Indian Languages.
4.30 to Task 98 SCERT will setup Syllabus and Textbook Development 2022-25 Syllabus and Textbook
4.33 Teams. The team will start work on ensuring the Development Teams set up
reduction of Curriculum content in each subject to its by States/UTs
core essentials, to make space for critical thinking
and more holistic, discovery-based, discussion-based,
and analysis-based learning. Also, while the SCF is
being worked upon, this grade and subject wise
committee of textbook experts need to start working
on the new framework of textbooks. SCERT will ensure
that Knowledge of India is incorporated wherever
relevant in an accurate and scientific manner. Stories,
arts, games, sports, examples, problems, etc. in
textbooks will be chosen such that they are as much
as possible rooted in the Indian context as well as the
local geographical context.
4.11 to Task 91 MoE in consultation with Ministry of Social justice and 2022-25 Development of curriculum
4.22 Empowerment (MoSJ&E) will initiate the process to materials in standardised
standardise Indian Sign Language (ISL) across the Indian Sign Language (ISL)
country for school education. National and State across the country
curriculum materials will be developed, for use by
students with hearing impairment by NCERT/SCERT/

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

4.30 to Task 99 NCERT and SCERT will undertake development of 2022-25 Teacher Support Material
4.33 Teacher Support Material across classes and subject along with Syllabi,
areas along with Syllabi, Textbooks (in three phases), Textbooks to be developed
both, in print as well as e-content form in case the by NCERT
state chooses to develop its own textbooks.
6.15 to Task 192 The NISHTHA modules adapted in the local 2022-25 NISHTHA modules in local
6.20 languages by SCERT will be extended by SCERTs to languages for alternate
teachers of alternative forms of schools. forms of schools
16.1 to Task 237 Short term training courses, preferably online courses, 2022-25 Training modules for
16.8 will be designed for vocational trainers as per the state vocational trainers
curriculum and assessment framework by the
21.6 to Task 249 States and UTs will create a constituent body within the 2022-25 Constituent body on AE in
21.8 SCERTs to look after implementation of adult SCERT
education, to adopt/adapt the NCFAE, and to
prepare resources for implementing the programme.
1.7 Task 22 SCERTs/DIETs/BRCs/CRCs will be strengthened to 2022-30 Training of teachers for
enable them to take up the initial professional ECCE by SCERT
preparation of ECCE educators in primary schools
and their Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
for the implementation of ECCE.
1.7 Task 23 Preparation of cadres of professionally qualified 2022-30 Cadres of professionally
educators for early childhood care and education in ECCE
primary schools by 2030 to cover all primary schools.
6.15 to Task 195 SCERTs of States/UTs will develop special online/ 2022-30 Online/offline/ blended
6.20 offline/blended bridge courses for Scheduled Castes bridge courses for SEDG
and Scheduled Tribes and other SEDG students. students
8.10 Task 219 SCERTs will conduct census-based achievement 2022 SCERTs to conduct census-
surveys and State Assessment Survey (SAS) for onwards based achievement surveys
continuous improvement of school education system and State Assessment
in the year/s when National Achievement Survey is not Survey (SAS) for continuous
being held. improvement of school
7.10 to Task 209 Based on this framework prepared by NCERT for 2023-24 Innovative models for
7.12 using schools as Samajik Chetna Kendra, SCERTs will utilising schools as Samajik
develop their own innovative models for effective Chetna Kendra by SCERT
utilisation of unused capacity of schools.
22.1 to Task 259 NCERT will develop guidelines, textbooks and other 2023-24 Position paper, guidelines,
22.8 material to aid the promotion of Indian languages textbooks and other
in the light of multilingualism of India covering status material for promotion of

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

of languages, approaches to languages teaching- Indian languages

learning, language across the curriculum, learning
outcomes, mother tongue based multilingual
education, language assessment, etc. NCERT will
also develop guidelines for SCERTs for preparing
courses and syllabi on Indian Languages.
24.1 to Task 271 CIET/NCERT/SCERT will conduct pilot studies to 2023-25 Pilot studies to evaluate the
24.4a evaluate the benefits of integrating education with benefits on ICT integration
online education. in education
4.30 to Task 100 With the help of new Textbooks, NCERT and SCERTs 2023-30 Development of MOOCs
4.33 should move towards developing MOOCs courses for for entire syllabus
each module of the entire syllabus by integrating 40%
MOOCs courses in every grade in school education
from class 6 to 12, so that school has more time to
focus on arts, sports, vocational, languages,
21st century skills, etc.

23. District Institute of Education and Training (DIET)

Relevant Task Task Timeline Outputs
NEP Para number

5.17 to Task 154 SCERTs/DIETs/BOAs/CBSE to also develop formal 2022-23 Induction Programmes
5.19 Induction Programmes for newly recruited teachers. initiated
21.6 to Task 253 To implement the schedule drawn out by states, district 2022-23 Online/digital and learning
21.8 level resource support institutions (mostly the DIETs) will activities at Adult Education
organize online/digital and learning activities at Adult Centres
Education Centres, as well as coordinate with volunteer
instructors for the practical aspects of learning.
1.3 & 1.4 Task 4 States and UTs will develop locally contextualised 2022-24 SCERT develops TLM for
teaching learning materials for ECCE with the help of ECCE
SCERTs and DIETs. Material may also be developed in
languages/dialects spoken in the region, aside from the
local/regional languages.
16.1 to Task 237 Short term training courses, preferably online courses, 2022-25 Training modules for
16.8 will be designed for vocational trainers as per the state vocational trainers
curriculum and assessment framework by the

Tasks by Commencement Year

(I) Year: 2020
Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 26 MOE 2020-21 Constitution of Joint Task Force at national and state levels
Task 270 DoSEL 2020-23 All-encompassing school education digital infrastructure
for the country

(II) Year: 2021

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 1 NCERT 2021-22 NCFECCE developed
Task 3 NCERT 2021-22 LOs developed for foundational stage
Task 5 MOE 2021-22 UDISE+ expands for ECCE
Task 6 MOE 2021-23 Data captured on ECCE status
Task 7 States/UTs 2021-23 Data analysed for ECCE
Task 8 States/UTs 2021-23 Rationalisation for 1-year Preparatory class initiated
Task 9 NCERT, SCERT 2021-23 NCERT/SCERT Position Paper on ECCE
Task 11 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Guidelines for AW integration with primary schools
through their
Departments of
Task 12 States/UTs From 2021-22 IEC for ECCE
Task 13 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards AWs linking to schools initiated
Task 17 MOE 2021-22 MDM extension to Preparatory class in primary school
Task 18 MOE, MWCD, 2021-22 Guidelines for tracking health of children
MoHFW, Sports
Ministry, States/
Task 19 SCERT 2021-23 Designing of online certificate/Diploma programme for
Task 20 States/UTs, 2021-23 Enrolment of AWWs in online programme
Task 21 States/UTs, 2021-23 Initial professional preparation and CPD of teachers for
Task 27 MOE 2021-22 Launch of FLN Mission
Task 28 MOE 2021-22 Framework for FLN Mission ready
Task 29 MOE 2021-22 Year wise and state wise targets ready

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 30 NCERT 2021-22 FLN Curriculum framework ready
Task 31 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Capacity building of teachers for FLN
Task 32 NCERT, CBSE, 2021-22 onwards Online/blended teacher training modules for FLN by
Task 33 SCERT 2021-23 Online/blended teacher training modules for FLN by
Task 34 NCERT, SCERT 2021-23 Additional learning resources by NCERT and SCERT
Task 35 NCERT, SCERT 2021-22 Holistic Progress Card designed
Task 36 NCERT, SCERT 2021-22 onwards Online criterion-referenced Item banks for FLN
Task 37 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards IEC material for FLN developed and dissemination
Task 38 MOE 2021-23 IT based monitoring tool for FLN
Task 39 States/UTs 2021-23 Mapping and creating of database of all learners
enrolled in Foundational years
Task 40 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Aggregated progress data made available by states/
UTs on national monitoring platform
Task 41 NCERT, CBSE & 2021-22 Database of grade level proficiency
Task 42 States/UTs 2021-23 Ensuring PTR for FLN
Task 43 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Ensuring textbooks and uniform before time
Task 44 States/UTs 2021-25 Mentor pool for FLN teachers
Task 45 States/UTs 2021-23 Planning and implementing basic facilities at school
Task 46 States/UTs 2021-22 (i)Long-term Implementation Framework by States/UTs
(ii)Annual Implementation Plans of states/UTs for FLN
Task 47 States/UTs 2021-23 Assessment of teacher’s vacancies in SEZ and
Aspirational districts
Task 48 States/UTs 2021-23 Teachers from SEDG areas, SEZ and Aspirational
Districts trained.
Task 49 NCTE 2021-23 TEI curriculum redesigned to include FLN
Task 50 NCERT 2021-22 3-months module for grade 1 developed
Task 51 SCERT 2021-23 SCERT adopts/adapts 3-month module
Task 53 NCERT, SCERT 2021-23 E-content for FLN on DIKSHA
Task 57 DoSEL 2021-22 Extension of MDM facility preparatory classes in
primary schools and introducing breakfast
in primary schools

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 58 States/UTs 2021-23 Breakfast in pre-primary schools
Task 59 States/UTs 2021-23 Health cards for school children introduced
Task 60 States/UTs 2021-23 Survey for identification of OoSC as a part of
Census 2021
Task 61 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Mainstreaming of OoSC
Task 62 MOE 2021-23 Data of OoSC in UDISE+
Task 63 States/UTs 2021-23 onwards School wise Fact sheets of OoSC prepared
Task 64 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Planned interventions for bringing back OoSC
Task 65 States/UTs 2021-23 10-years projection for budget requirements
Task 66 States/UTs 2021-23 10-years projection to include resourcing all
school adequately
Task 69 States/UTs 2021-30 10-year Plan for expanding residential schools
Task 77 NIOS 2021-23 States/UTs collaboration with NIOS
Task 79 NIOS 2021-22 NIOS resources on DIKSHA
Task 83 NCERT 2022-23 25 Position Papers related to various aspects of NCF
and NEP 2020 developed by NCERT
Task 84 NCERT 2022-23 Modalities for Implementing the new structure
Task 93 NCERT 2021 Setting up of National Focus Groups and
Curriculum Committees
Task 94 NCERT 2022-23 Workshops, consultations with various stakeholders
for developing NCFSE
Task 95 NCERT 2022-23 Revised NCFSE and related documents published
Task 96 SCERT 2021-22 Workshops, consultations for developing SCFSE
Task 101 NCERT, CBSE, 2021-22 Assessment pattern for elementary levels in CBSE schools
Task 102 SCERT, BOAs 2021-23 Assessment pattern for elementary levels in State BOAs
Task 103 CBSE, NIOS, 2021-23 Development of Assessment pattern for secondary levels
CTSA, KVS & NVS by CBSE and other BOA
Task 114 NCERT, SCERT, 2021-23 Development of Plan for reducing burden of exams
BoAs & PARAKH at all levels.
Task 115 CBSE, NCERT 2021-22 Review of basket of subjects offered by CBSE/BOAs
Task 116 CBSE, BoAs 2021-22 Discontinuation of subjects not recommended by NCF
Task 117 NCERT 2022-23 Mechanism for offering subjects at two levels in NCFSE

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 125 NCERT 2021-23 Learning Outcomes for grades pre-primary to
12 fine-tuned by NCERT
Task 130 PARAKH, NCERT, 2021-23 Development of Framework & Guidelines for
SCERT holding census exams in grade 3, 5 and 8
Task 131 SCERT, NCERT & 2021-23 System to analyse anonymised samples of 3, 5, 8
CBSE assessments developed
Task 132 States/UTs 2021-25 Dipsticks at periodic intervals for identifying hard
spots initiated
Task 134 MOE 2021-22 PARAKH an autonomous body is set up
Task 135 NTA 2021-22 onwards Review of all entrance exams by NTA
Task 141 State/UTs 2021-23 Policy for recognition of performing teachers by States/UTs
Task 148 State/UTs 2021-22 Planning for adequate and safe infrastructure completed
Task 160 NCTE, NHERC 2021-22 Regulations for various customised B.Ed programmes
Task 164 NCTE & NCERT 2021-22 NCFTE developed
Task 166 NCTE, NHERC 2021-25 Action plan for standalone TEIs
Task 167 States/UTs 2021-23 SEDGs mapping initiated
Task 170 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Teacher training at Foundational and Preparatory
levels for teaching children with disabilities
Task 173 MOE, States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Continuation of various provisions for equity
and inclusiveness under Samagra Shiksha
Task 174 NCERT and 2021-22 onwards Research studies in innovative teaching-learning
SCERTs methodologies for SEDGs
Task 175 States/UTs 2021-30 Long-term plan for expanding KGBVs up to class 12
Task 176 States/UTs 2021-23 Safety and security guidelines for girls
Task 180 NCERT 2021-22 Consultation with National Institutes of DEPwD for NCFSE
Task 199 NCERT 2021-22 NCFSE to include integration of human values
Task 200 States/UTs 2021-22 Unified structure under Samagra Shiksha
Task 205 States/UTs 2021-23 Guidelines for Twinning/partnering between public
and private schools
Task 210 SCERT 2021-23 Regulations for transparency and online public disclosure
Task 212 States/UTs 2021-23 SSSA set up
Task 213 States/UTs 2021-23 Action plan for separation of functions/powers
Task 214 SCERT 2021-24 Strategic planning and implementation of reinvigoration
of CRCs, BRCs, and DIETs

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 215 SCERT 2021-23 SQAAF developed
Task 216 CBSE, JNV, KVS, 2021-23 Framework for online self-disclosure for CBSE schools
Task 217 States/UTs 2021-23 Development of Strategic Implementation Plan to ensure
universal, free and compulsory access to schooling
Task 220 CBSE, NCERT 2021-22 Expanded and enhanced reliability check for NAS 2021
Task 221 DoSEL 2021-22 National level School safety framework
Task 223 NTA 2021-22 National common entrance test designed by NTA
Task 225 SCERT 2021-25 Annual In-service teacher and Principal training plan
Task 243 States/UTs 2021-22 Survey of non-literates
Task 244 States/UTs 2021-25 Awareness drives/campaign to promote adult literacy
Task 245 NCERT 2021-22 Constituent body on AE in NCERT
Task 246 NCERT 2021-22 NCFAE developed
Task 247 NIOS & Dept. 2021-25 Online modules for AE by NIOS
of AE in HEIs
Task 248 SCERTs 2021-23 Content development in local language by SCERT for AE
Task 257 States/UTs 2021-22 Multiple Pathways of learning for AE will be established
Task 258 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Strengthening of SIOS and programmes in regional
Task 265 NCERT 2021-22 CIET to become central hub for education technology
Task 266 States/UTs, 2021-22 SIETs to become central hub for education technology
SCERTs in states/UTs
Task 267 NCERT and 2021-25 Linking NDL with e-resources in school education
Task 268 DoSEL 2021-23 Strengthening of ICT scheme under Samagra Shiksha
Task 269 DoSEL 2021-23 Expansion of UDISE+ including District/school level PGI
Task 272 NCERT and 2021-22 E-content/resources for all grades on DIKSHA
Task 273 States/UTs 2021-22 Coherence policy for ensuring availability of all
e-contents across all digital modes
Task 274 NCERT and 2021-22 One class, one channel through Swayam Prabha
SCERTs for high quality e-learning content
Task 275 States/UTs 2021-22 onwards Integration of SEZ schools with digital devices under
ICT scheme

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 276 MOE 2021-25 Make in India for an affordable and maintainable
digital device
Task 277 DoSEL 2021-22 Development of tools for online classes and to track
& monitor progress of learners
Task 278 NCERT and 2021-25 Online Teacher training in learner-centric pedagogy
SCERTs and online content creation
Task 279 NCERT and 2021-25 Creation of Digital repository of innovative contents,
SCERTs Apps, Games, AR, VR, etc. for learning
Task 280 NCERT and 2021-23 Virtual Labs created
Task 285 MOE 2021-22 Dedicated ICT unit consisting of experts in the Ministry
Task 286 MOE 2021-22 NEP Implementation Plan by states/UTs
Task 287 DoSEL 2021-22 Mechanism for fund flow monitoring by DoSEL
Task 289 DoSEL 2021-22 Setting up Committee of Joint Secretaries on convergence
Task 290 DoSEL 2021-22 onwards Delineation of state/UT wise expected outcomes
Task 293 DoSEL 2021-22 Subject/theme wise Implementation committees in
Task 294 States/UTs 2021-22 Subject/theme wise Implementation committees
in States/UTs
Task 295 MOE 2021-23 Undertaking RTE Act amendment
Task 296 States/UTs 2021 onwards Annual Documentation of progress made on important
themes/subjects of the NEP
Task 297 MOE, States/UTs 2021-22 Organisation of hackathon at national and state level.

(III) Year: 2022
Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 2 SCERT 2022-24 SCFECCE developed
Task 3 NCERT 2022-24 NCERT develops TLM for ECCE
Task 4 States/UTs, 2022-24 SCERT develops TLM for ECCE
Task 14 MWCD, 2022-23 10-year plan on ECCE implementation
Task 15 States/UTs, 2022-25 Introduction of 1-year Preparatory Class in primary
MOE, MWCD schools
Task 22 SCERT 2022-30 Initial professional preparation and CPD of teachers
Task 23 SCERT 2022-30 Cadres of professionally qualified educators for
ECCE in all pre-primary schools
Task 24 Ministry of 2022-24 Action plan for ECCE by MoTA
Tribal Affairs
Task 25 SCERT 2022-24 Master Trainers training for schools under MoTA
Task 52 States/UTs 2022-23 Implementation of 3-months module
Task 54 States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines for connecting to volunteers for FLN Mission
Task 55 States/UTs 2022-25 School/public libraries made available after school
hours to community
Task 56 NCERT, States/ 2022-23 onwards National Book Promotion policy ready
Task 64 NCERT 2022-23 Planned interventions for bringing back OoSC
Task 66 DoSEL 2022-23 To assessment the implementation
Task 67 States/UTs 2022-30 Implementation of 10-year resourcing plan initiated
Task 70 States/UTs 2022-23 Plan developed for connecting/engagement
of Counsellors by states/UTs
Task 71 States/UTs 2022-23 Connecting of trained social workers to schools
Task 72 States/UTs 2022-23 Learner tracking system developed for FLN Mission
Task 74 States/UTs 2022-25 Orientation of SMCs for contributing to FLN Mission
Task 75 States/UTs 2022-23 onwards Plans with innovative mechanisms, targets and
goals prepared
Task 81 States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for engaging with philanthropic organisations
Task 82 States/UTs 2022-23 Database of volunteers from multiple sectors developed

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 85 CBSE, KVS, 2023-24 Action Plan developed
Task 86 NCERT 2022-24 Textbooks developed
Task 87 SCERTs, 2022-23 SCFSE will include innovative methods/semester system
Task 88 States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines and resources for teachers on multilingualism
Task 89 NCERT, SCERT 2022-25 KRPs training for teaching Indian Languages
Task 90 States/UTs and 2022-25 Key actions for introducing home language/
BOAs mother tongue/ local language/ regional language
Task 91 MoSJ&E, 2022-25 Development of curriculum materials in standardised
NCERT/SCERT/ Indian Sign Language (ISL) across the country
Task 92 NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Handbook containing guidelines for bagless days, and
details of fun course including activities using toys, games,
quizzes, etc. developed for grades 1 to 12
Task 97 SCERT 2021-22 Development of SCFSE
Task 98 SCERT 2022-25 Syllabus and Textbook Development Teams set up
by States/UTs
Task 99 NCERT, SCERT 2022-25 Teacher Support Material along with Syllabi, Textbooks
both in print as well as e-content to be developed
Task 104 NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 Preparation of Professional training modules and
SCERT manuals/handbooks on assessment pattern for
elementary levels
Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, 2022-23 Capacity building of stakeholders on the new norms and
SCERT, CBSE guidelines
& BoAs
Task 106 NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 Question banks to be developed for competency-based
BoAs & NIOS items that test higher-order skills
Task 107 NCERT & SCERTs 2022-23 Framework & guidelines for developing Holistic Progress
card for Middle and Secondary levels
Task 108 NCERT, PARAKH, 2022-23 IT based solutions for implementing online HPC -in
CBSE, KVS, JNV, CBSE schools
Task 109 SCERT 2022-23 IT based solutions for developing HPC for online use
by States/UTs/BOAs
Task 110 PARAKH 2022-23 Common standards/norms for all BOAs developed

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 111 CBSE, NIOS, 2022-23 Preparation of roadmap based on PARAKH standards
BoAs & PARAKH to be initiated by CBSE &NIOS
Task 112 PARAKH 2022-25 National guidelines on assessment standards
developed for BOAs
Task 113 NCERT, SCERT, 2022-23 Capacity building of BOAs of states/UTs on norms
BoAs & PARAKH and standards of Assessment
Task 118 CBSE, NIOS, 2022-25 Roadmap for offering subjects at two levels
BoAs for class 10 and 12 Board exams
Task 119 State BoAs 2022-23 Implementation of changed assessment patterns
initiated at secondary level
Task 120 CBSE 2022-23 Introduction of Improvement Exams
Task 121 CBSE, NIOS, 2022-23 Two formats of board exams – subjective
BoAs and objective - initiated
Task 123 BoAs 2022-23 Modular exams piloted by state/UT BOAs
Task 124 PARAKH 2022-23 onwards Course correction exercises initiated by PARAKH
Task 126 SCERT 2022-24 Learning Outcomes for grades pre-primary
to 12 adapted/adopted by SCERTs
Task 127 BoA 2022-24 Fine-tuned Learning Outcomes for all grades
pre-primary to grade 12 adopted/adapted by BOAs.
Task 128 NCERT, SCERT 2022-24 LO wise teacher resources developed
Task 129 NCERT 2022-24 LO demystification resources uploaded on DIKSHA
Task 133 States/UTs 2022-23 Teacher capacity building based on gaps in
achievement of learning outcomes
Task 136 States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for Gifted and talented children
Task 137 States/UTs 2022-25 Awareness creation for identifying and
nurturing gifted/talented children
Task 138 NCTE, NCERT 2022-23 NCFTE to include specialization for education
of Gifted Children
Task 139 NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Design and implementation of Nurturance
programmes for gifted/talented children
Task 140 State/UTs 2022-23 onwards Facilitation guidelines for teaching in remote areas
Task 142 State/UTs 2022-23 onwards Merit based Scholarships - for 4-year B.Ed
Task 143 State/UTs/ 2022-23 Self-audit of schools regarding environment and safety
Schools affiliated

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 144 State/UTs, KVS, 2022-23 Development of transparent and online teacher
JNV transfer policy by states/UTs
Task 145 NCTE, NCERT, 2022-23 Action plan developed for extending TET at all levels
MOE, States/
Task 146 State/UTs/ 2022-23 Preparation of long-term teacher recruitment plan
Task 147 State/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for engaging ‘master instructors’
Task 149 State/UTs, 2022-24 Capacity building programmes for creating conducive
NCERT, NIEPA/ learning environment in schools
Task 150 States/UTs/ 2022-24 IT based solutions to automate the processes
CBSE/BOAs/ and reduce the burden of administration
Task 153 States/UTs/ 2022-23 Teacher training policy developed
Task 154 SCERT, DIET, 2022-23 Induction Programmes initiated
Task 155 NCTE, NCERT, 2022-23 National Professional Standards for Teachers
SCERT (NPST) developed
Task 157 States/UTs, 2022-24 Review of NPST once every 10 years
Task 159 NCTE 2022-23 NCTE action plan for moving TEIs to multidisciplinary HEIs
Task 161 NCTE 2022-25 Regulations for including modern pedagogy
techniques in all B.Ed programmes
Task 162 NCTE, NHERC 2022-23 Regulations for short programmes at BITEs/DIETs
Task 163 NCTE, NHERC 2022-23 Regulations for shorter post-B.Ed courses
Task 165 NCERT 2022-24 Compilation of international pedagogical practises
Task 168 MOE 2022-23 Guidelines for identification of SEZs
Task 169 States/UTs 2022-23 Notification of SEZs by States/UTs
Task 171 MOE 2022-23 Setting up of Gender Inclusion Fund
Task 172 States/UTs 2022-23 Setting up gender & equity cell and Special cell
for inclusive education in States/UTs

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 178 KVS 2022-30 Pre-school section added to KVS
Task 179 States/UTs 2022-23 School-based survey on barriers to physical access
for disabled children
Task 181 States/UTs 2022-23 onwards Mapping of needs of students with disabilities
by States/UTs
Task 182 States/UTs 2022-30 Providing services of special educators to schools/
school complex
Task 183 NCERT and RCI 2022-23 onwards Short term and long-term training modules on
equity, gender, and needs of children with disabilities
Task 184 States/UTs 2022-23 onwards BRCs to act as Resource Centres with
Special Educator services
Task 185 NIOS 2022-23 High-quality teaching modules for Indian Sign Language
Task 186 States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for home-based schooling
Task 187 SCERTs 2022-23 Online orientation modules for parents/caregivers
Task 188 States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines conducting summative assessments for
home-based schooling
Task 189 NCTE 2022-23 TEIs curriculum to include teaching children
with specific disabilities
Task 190 States/UTs 2022-30 Mapping of alternative forms of schools
Task 191 States/UTs 2022-25 Awareness creation among students
for Open school exams in alternate schools
Task 192 SCERTs 2022-25 NISHTHA modules in local languages for alternate
forms of schools
Task 193 States/UTs 2022-25 Digital Libraries/virtual laboratories made available
for alternate schools
Task 194 States/UTs 2022-30 Provisioning hostels for SC/ST students
Task 195 SCERTs 2022-30 Online/offline/blended bridge courses for SEDG students
Task 196 DoSEL, MSJE, 2022-30 Scholarships for SEDGs
Task 197 States/UTs 2022-30 NCC wings in tribal dominated areas
Task 198 States/UTs 2022-30 Modules for sensitisation on social issues and stigmas
Task 201 States/UTs 2022-23 Short term and long term roadmap for
grouping/clustering schools into complexes
Task 202 States/UTs 2022-30 Planning for resourcing these groups/clusters/
complex of schools

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 203 States/UTs 2022-26 Guidelines/framework for governance of schools
into groups/clusters/ complex
Task 206 States/UTs 2022-30 Strengthening of existing Bal Bhavans
Task 207 NCERT, States/ 2022-23 Mapping/writing local area and school history
UTs/ SCERTs/ by students as an experiential activity in grades 1 to 12
Task 208 NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Framework for utilising schools as Samajik Chetna
Kendra to promote social cohesion
Task 211 States/UTs 2022-24 EoDB for private/philanthropic sector
Task 218 MOE, NCERT, 2022-23 Framework for the holistic assessment of the
NIEPA education governance system
Task 219 SCERT 2022 onwards SCERTs to conduct census-based achievement surveys
and State Assessment Survey (SAS) for continuous
improvement of school education
Task 222 SCERT 2022-23 Online programmes for awareness on child rights
Task 224 NCTE 2022-24 Credit-based courses for Ph.D programmes on
school education
Task 226 DoHE, NCTE 2022-23 Setting up National Mission for Mentoring
Task 227 PSSCIVE 2022-23 PSSCIVE strengthening plan initiated
Task 228 States/UTs 2022-23 onwards Awareness programmes for vocational education
Task 229 NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 NCFSE to include vocationalisation from class 6
Task 230 States/UTs 2022 Increased coverage under Vocational Education
at all levels
Task 231 States/UTs/ 2022-23 Guidelines for vocationalisation
Task 233 States/UTs 2022-25 Training modules on soft skills in online mode
Task 234 States/UTs 2022-23 Courses designed on local art and craft by SCERTs
Task 235 NCERT, SCERT, 2022-23 Online resources for Problem based Learning approach
Task 236 NCIVE 2022-23 Framework for assessment of vocationalisation progress
Task 237 SCERT, DIET 2022-25 Training modules for vocational trainers
Task 238 States/UTs, 2022-23 Online/offline mechanism for providing
CBSE, BoAs career counselling and guidance

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 239 NCERT 2022-25 Online Skill Based Aptitude Test (SBT) at end of
Class VIII and Class X
Task 240 NIOS 2022-25 Dropouts assessment facilitation by NIOS
Task 241 NIOS 2022-25 NIOS textbooks aligned with NCERT textbooks
Task 242 CBSE, BoAs 2022-23 Vocational courses in ODL mode
Task 249 States/UTs, 2022-25 Constituent body on AE in SCERT
Task 250 States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for utilizing available infrastructure for AE
Task 251 DoSEL 2022-25 Framework for AECs
Task 252 States/UTs 2022-30 IT based solutions and Planning for 100%
coverage by 2030
Task 253 DIETs 2022-23 Online/digital and learning activities at
Adult Education Centres
Task 254 States/UTs 2022-25 Adequate supply of books/resources ensured
Task 255 DoSEL & 2022-25 National Digital Library (NDL) strengthened
States/UTs with AE resources
Task 260 NCERT 2022-25 Guidelines for SCERTs for syllabi on Indian Languages
Task 261 NIOS 2022-25 Development of online courses on Indian language
and ancient Indian literature
Task 262 SCERTs 2022-24 Supplementary materials development by SCERT
Task 264 SCERTs 2022-23 Online repositories of TLM by states/UTs cultural heritage
Task 282 CBSE, KVS, 2022-23 Blended mode of education introduced through NCFSE
Task 283 SCERTs 2022-24 SCERTs to follow blended mode of education
introduced through NCFSE
Task 284 DoSEL 2022-24 Setting up Standards for online/digital teaching-
learning in school education
Task 288 DoSEL 2022-23 Guidelines for incentivising Private and
philanthropic activity
Task 291 DoSEL 2022-23 Incentives for improving District/School level PGI
and Reading ranking
Task 292 States/UTs 2022-24 PPP policy of states/UTs

(IV) Year: 2023
Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 100 NCERT, SCERT, 2023-30 Development of MOOCs for entire syllabus
& BOAs
Task 122 CBSE 2023-25 Modular Board exams piloted by CBSE
Task 151 States/UTs/ 2023-24 Framework for teacher role expectancy developed
CBSE/BOAs/ based on NPST
Task 156 States/UTs/ 2023-24 Adoption of NPST by states/UTs and BOAs
Task 158 Higher Education 2023-24 Specialised courses developed in special education
Institutions and
Task 177 JNV and KVS 2023-30 JNVs/KVs in aspirational districts
Task 204 States/UTs 2023-24 Pilot studies on groups/clusters/ complex
Task 209 SCERT 2023-24 Innovative models for utilising schools as Samajik Chetna
Kendra by SCERT
Task 232 States/UTs, 2023-24 Implementation of vocationalisation in schools
Task 256 States/UTs 2023-30 Affordable Textbooks and workbooks for AE
Task 259 NCERT, SCERT 2023-24 Position paper, guidelines, textbooks and other material
for promotion of Indian languages
Task 263 States/ UTs 2023-30 Exposure of children to the diversity, natural resources
and rich diversity of India
Task 271 NCERT and 2023-25 Pilot studies to evaluate the benefits on
SCERTs ICT integration in education

(V) Year: 2024
Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 68 States/UTs 2024-25 Alternative education centers for children of migrant
labourers, etc.
Task 80 States/UTs 2024-25 SIOS development in states/UTs
Task 152 States/UTs 2024-25 Development of transparent tenure, promotion and salary
structure, etc. system

(VI) Year: 2025

Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 16 States/UTs, 2025-30 Introduction of 1-year Preparatory Class in AWs
Task 73 States/UTs 2025 State/UT guidelines for teacher incentives
Task 76 NIOS 2025 Inclusive resources developed by NIOS
Task 78 NIOS 2025 NIOS resources for classes 3/5/8/10/12 ready
Task 281 PARAKH, CBSE, 2025-30 Mechanisms for online summative/formative assessment

(VII) To be decided
Task Responsibility Timeline Outputs
Task 10 MWCD To be decided by MWCD Strengthened AWs

Guidelines & Frameworks

(V) Year: 2024
Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Early Task 1 Development of National 1.3 & 1.4 NCERT 2021-22 NCFECCE
Childhood Curriculum and pedagogical developed
Care and Framework for ECCE. This will include
Education: ocus on using indigenous toys and Toys-based
The indigenous games, puppetry, art, pedagogy
Foundation stories, indigenous poetry/songs, etc. guidelines
of Learning for cognitive and psychomotor
development, and mechanisms for
bridging the gap between language
spoken by child and language used
in class/AW.
Task 2 SCERTs to adopt/adapt the 1.3 & 1.4 SCERT 2022-24 SCFECCE
curriculum framework developed by
NCERT for ECCE with local Guidelines for
contextualisation. The SCF will also bridging
detail the use of locally produced/ language
indigenous toys and indigenous gap
games, puppetry, art, stories,
indigenous poetry/songs, etc for Integration of
ECCE and also specific mechanisms local flavour
for bridging the gap between in education
language spoken by child and
language used in class/AW
Task 11 States/UTs to prepare guidelines for Para 1.5 States/UTs 2021-22 Guidelines for
integration or linking of Anganwadis through their onwards AW
into school complexes/clusters Departments integration
of WCD with primary
Task 17 The mid-day meal programme will Para 2.9 MOE 2021-22 MDM
be extended to the Preparatory Class extension to
in primary schools along with other Preparatory
primary school children. Guidelines class in
in this regard will be framed by MOE. primary
Task 18 Guidelines for Monitoring and Para 2.9 MOE, MWCD, 2021-22 Guidelines
Tracking of Health status of Children States/UTs for tracking
through periodic health check–up health of
will be finalised and adapted as children
needed by States/UTs within one year
Foundational Task 28 The Ministry will prepare and develop Para 2.2 MOE 2021-22 Framework for
Literacy and a detailed framework for FLN Mission
Numeracy: implementation of the FLN Mission.

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
An Urgent & Task 30 A Curriculum Framework focusing Para 2.2 NCERT 2021-22 FLN
Necessary on FL&N with learner-centric Curriculum
Pre- pedagogy will be developed by framework
requisite to NCERT as a part of NCFECCE and
Learning NCFSE.
Task 46 An Implementation Framework Para 2.2 States/UTs 2021-22 Long-term
consisting of roadmaps and annual Impleme-
action plans for implementing of ntation
activities covering all the focus areas Framework
of FL&N Mission will be prepared by by States/
each State/UT. UTs
Task 49 NCTE will redesign teacher Para NCTE 2021-23 TEI curriculum
education curriculum to put more 2.3 & 2.4 redesigned to
emphasis on foundational literacy include FLN
and numeracy, based on curriculum
and pedagogical framework
developed by NCERT for pre-school
to grade 3
Task 54 States/UTs shall prepare their own Para 2.7 States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines for
guidelines for engaging peer groups connecting to
and other local volunteers in volunteers for
contributing towards the goal of FLN Mission
achieving Foundational literacy and
Numeracy for all grade 3 students by
Task 57 EFC, followed by CCEA note, for Para 2.9 DoSEL 2021-22 Extension of
extension of the Mid-Day Meal MDM facility
facility to preparatory classes in preparatory
primary schools and introducing classes in
breakfast in primary schools. primary
Detailed guidelines in this regard will schools and
be issued by MOE. introducing
breakfast in
Task 58 States/UTs will be encouraged to Para 2.9 States/UTs 2021-23 Breakfast in
provide a simple but nutritious pre-primary
breakfast, e.g., consisting of ground schools
nuts/chana mixed with jaggery and/
or local fruits, etc. Detailed
guidelines in this regard will be
issued by MOE.

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Curtailing Task 71 Department of Social Justice and Para States/UTs 2022-23 Connecting of
Dropout Empowerment to prepare a broad 3.3 & 3.4 trained social
Rates and framework for using trained social workers to
Ensuring workers in the district or volunteer schools
Universal social workers connected to schools.
Access to States to develop guidelines
Education regarding their role.
at All Levels Task 73 States/UTs will develop their own States/UTs 2025 State/UT
guidelines regarding incentives to be guidelines for
given to teachers by the State/UT teacher
governments to teach in remote rural incentives
areas, especially areas which require
the teacher to learn the local dialect
Task 81 States/UTs will need to prepare Para States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
guidelines for developing their own 3.6 & 3.7 engaging with
models for encouraging involvement philanthropic
of Government and Non- organisations
Government philanthropic
organisations to build schools
keeping in mind the local variations,
and to engage in volunteer activities
such as one-on-one tutoring in
schools, holding of extra-help
sessions at schools, etc. (Reference
Tasks 224 and 298)
Curriculum Task 83 NCERT will develop position papers Para NCERT 2022-23 28 Position
and with the help of 28 Focus groups for 4.1 to 4.8 Papers related
Pedagogy formulating the new National to various
in Schools: Curricular Framework on School aspects of
Learning Education (NCFSE). Of these 12 NCF and NEP
Should be Position Papers will be related directly 2020
Holistic, to curriculum and Pedagogy, 6 developed by
Integrated, Position Papers will be related to NCERT to
Inclusive, cross-cutting themes, and feed into the
Enjoyable, 10 Position Papers will be related to final National
and various other important areas in Curriculum
Engaging NEP, 2020. Framework
for School
and ECCE
Task 88 States/UTs will develop guidelines, Para States/UTs 2022-25 Guidelines
resources, and support material for 4.11 to and
teachers on multilingualism, in order 4.22 resources for

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
to harness the power of language. teachers on
Following material will be multilin-
specifically developed by states/UTs: gualism
• Guidelines for preparing courses
and syllabi on Indian Languages
• Textbooks in various languages as
subjects (in three phases)
• Teachers’ handbooks and
material for teachers' professional
Task 92 The vocational craft to be Para NCERT, SCERT 2022-23 Handbook
implemented in different parts/ 4.23 to containing
schools of the state/UT will be 4.29 guidelines for
decided by States and local bagless days,
communities and as mapped by and details of
local skilling needs. fun course
A Handbook will also be developed including
by both, NCERT and SCERTs in activities using
collaboration with concerned experts toys, games,
from different institutions, for quizzes, etc.
conducting various fun activities in developed for
grades 1 to 12, including vocational grades 1 to12
crafts and activities to be undertaken
by using indigenous toys, quizzes,
puzzles, indigenous games, etc.
interlinked with curriculum.
This Handbook will also have
guidelines for implementing bagless
days for students in schools.
Task 95 NCERT will develop and publish Para NCERT 2022-23 Revised
revised National Curriculum 4.30 NCFSE and
Framework and related documents to 4.33 related
by involving all stakeholders in NCF documents
revision including CBSE and other published
BOAs, NCTE, NIEPA, etc. as NCF
shall also incorporate assessment
patterns and evaluation procedure.
Task 97 SCERTs to undertake development of Para SCERT 2021-22 Development
State Curriculum Framework on the 4.30 of SCFSE
basis of template provided by the to 4.33
NCERT and wide consultations.
Task 98 SCERT will setup Syllabus and Para SCERT 2022-25 Syllabus and
Textbook Development Teams. 4.30 Textbook

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
The team will start work on ensuring to 4.33 Development
the reduction of Curriculum content Teams set up
in each subject to its core essentials, by States/
to make space for critical thinking UTs
and more holistic, discovery-based,
discussion-based, and analysis-
based learning. Also, while the SCF
is being worked upon, this grade and
subject wise committee of textbook
experts need to start working on
the new framework of textbooks.
SCERT will ensure that Knowledge of
India is incorporated wherever
relevant in an accurate and scientific
manner. Stories, arts, games, sports,
examples, problems, etc. in
textbooks will be chosen such that
they are as much as possible rooted
in the Indian context as well as the
local geographical context.
Task 107 NCERT will prepare the framework Para NCERT & 2022-23 Framework &
and guidelines for developing 4.34 SCERTs guidelines for
Holistic Progress Card for Middle & 4.35 developing
and Secondary levels and SCERTs Holistic
will adapt/adopt it. Progress card
for Middle
Task 110 PARAKH will set common norms, Para PARAKH 2022-23 Common
standards and guidelines for 4.36 standards/
secondary education in alignment to 4.39 norms for all
with the NCF 2021 to be achieved by BOAs
all BOAs in the country. developed
Task 112 PARAKH will prepare national Para PARAKH 2022-25 National
guidelines on assessment standards 4.36 guidelines on
to be achieved by all BOAs to cover to 4.40 assessment
multi-disciplinary, multi format standards
assessments leading to attainment of developed for
21st century skills. BOAs
Task 130 The National Assessment Centre 4.40 PARAKH, 2021-23 Development
develop framework and guidelines & Guidelines

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
to assist the states/UTs for holding for holding
the census exams in grades 3, 5 census exams
and 8. in grade 3, 5
and 8
Task 136 MOE to develop framework for Para MOE 2021-22 Guidelines for
identification and nurturing of Gifted 4.43 Gifted and
Children at the Elementary and to 4.45 talented
Secondary stages. children
States/UTs in turn will develop similar States/UTs 2022-23
guidelines with local context and
initiate implementation from
2022-23 academic session.
Teachers Task 140 Special housing allowances and Para State/UTs 2022-23 Facilitation
other facilitation as the states/UTs 5.2 to 5.7 onwards guidelines for
deem fit, may be considered by states teaching in
for teachers posted in identified remote areas
remote and difficult areas.
Task 147 The states/UTs will work out system/ Para State/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
guidelines for schools/school 5.2 to 5.7 engaging
complexes to engage local eminent ‘master
persons or experts as ‘master instructors’
instructors’ in various subjects.
Task 151 States/UTs/ CBSE/BOAs/KVS/JNV Para States/UTs/ 2023-24 Framework
will develop specific frameworks for 5.17 CBSE/BOAs/ for teacher
role expectancy from Principals and to 5.19 KVS/JNV role
Teachers based on the National expectancy
Professional Standards for Teachers developed
(NPST). based on
Task 152 States/UTs to come up with a Para States/UTs 2024-25 Development
transparent merit-based system for 5.17 of transparent
tenure, promotion and salary to 5.19 tenure,
structure, etc. promotion
and salary
structure, etc.
Task 157 SCERTs will help states/UTs prepare Para 5.20 States/UTs, 2022-24 Review of
a framework for giving more SCERTs NPST once
autonomy to teachers in choosing every 10 years
aspects of pedagogy, so that they
may teach in the manner they find
most effective for the students in their

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Task 164 NCTE will formulate a new and Para NCTE, 2021-22 NCFTE
comprehensive National Curriculum 5.22 developed
Framework for Teacher Education, to 5.29
Equitable Task 168 MOE will prepare broad Framework Para MOE 2022-23 Guidelines for
and regarding minimum parameters for 6.1 identification
Inclusive identifying Special Education Zones - to 6.6 of SEZs
Education: SEZs.
Learning Task 171 MOE will prepare guidelines and Para MOE 2022-23 Setting up of
for All make provision for setting up a 6.7 Gender
Gender Inclusion Fund especially for to 6.9 Inclusion
girls and transgender students. Fund
Task 176 States & UTs will prepare and Para States/UTs 2021-23 Safety and
implement strict safety and security 6.7 to 6.9 security
guidelines for girls in KGBVs. guidelines for
Task 186 Guidelines and standards for home- Para States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
based schooling shall be developed 6.12 to home-based
by the states/UTs based. 6.14 schooling
Task 188 States/UTs will include guidelines for Para States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines
conducting summative assessments 6.12 to conducting
for home-based schooling at 6.14 summative
Task 198 assessments
for home
Efcient Task 203 States/UTs shall also develop robust Para States/UTs 2022-26 Guidelines/
Resourcing guidelines/framework for 7.1 to 7.6 framework for
and Effective governance of schools through this governance
Governance mechanism of grouping of schools of schools into
through into school groups/clusters/complex. groups/
School clusters/
Complexes/ complex
Clusters Task 205 All States and UTs will prepare Para States/UTs 2021-23 Guidelines for
detailed guidelines for facilitating 7.10 to Twinning/
Twinning between public and private 7.12 partnering
schools in the state/UT. between
public and
Task 207 For understanding the importance of Para NCERT, States/ 2022-23 Mapping/
history as a subject, and for getting a 7.10 to UTs/ SCERTs/ writing local

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
sense of how history is written, every 7.12 CBSE/KVS/ area and
school in every state/UT/CBSE/ JNV/BOAs school
KVS/JNV/BOAs will undertake history by
classroom activities with students of students as an
grades 1 to 12, to map the history of experiential
village/town/area they stay in to activity in
map and write the history of the grades 1 to12
school, including its foundation day,
first Principal/teachers, alumni, etc.
NCERT will prepare the broad
framework of this experiential
learning activity in NCFSE, while
SCERTs shall prepare detailed
Task 208 Framework for using schools as Para NCERT 2022-23 Framework
Samajik Chetna Kendra to promote 7.10 to for utilising
social cohesion by using the 7.12 schools as
unutilised capacity of school Samajik
infrastructure in non-teaching/ Chetna
schooling hours, shall be prepared Kendra to
by NCERT. promote
Task 209 Based on this framework prepared Para SCERT 2023-24 Innovative
by NCERT for using schools as 7.10 to models for
Samajik Chetna Kendra, SCERTs 7.12 utilising
will develop their own innovative schools as
models for effective utilisation of Samajik
unused capacity of schools. Chetna
Kendra by
Regulation Task 215 School Quality Assurance and Para 8.5 SCERT 2021-23 SQAAF
and Accreditation Framework (SQAAF) developed
Accreditation will be developed by SCERT as per
of School guidelines developed by NIEPA
Education and NCERT.
Task 216 For schools controlled/managed/ Para CBSE, JNV, 2021-23 Framework
aided by the Central government 8.6 & 8.7 KVS, MOE for online self
(that is, KVS and JNV) the CBSE in -disclosure for
consultation with the MOE shall CBSE schools
prepare a framework for online self-
disclosure on minimal set of

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
standards based on basic
parameters. CBSE can also lay down
few parameters for private/state
government schools affiliated to it for
examination registration, extension
of affiliation, etc.
Task 218 MOE/NCERT/NIEPA will prepare Para 8.10 MOE, NCERT, 2022-23 Framework
framework/guidelines for the holistic NIEPA for the holistic
assessment of the education assessment of
governance system at state/district/ the education
block/cluster/school levels. governance
Task 221 A school safety framework will be Para 8.11 DoSEL 2021-22 National level
designed by DoSEL at national level. School safety
All States/UTs shall use this framework
framework as the minimum
requirements, and add to it as per
local requirements and ensure its
Education Task 231 Based on NCFSE, states/UTs/CBSE/ Para States/UTs/ 2022-23 Guidelines for
BOAs/KVS/JNV will prepare detailed 16.1 to CBSE/BOAs/ vocationa-
guidelines to ensure implementing 16.8 KVS/JNV lisation
of vocationalisation in such a way
that every child will be encouraged to
develop a skill during his/her school
Task 236 A suitable framework for assessment Para NCIVE 2022-23 Framework
of vocational education will be 16.1 to for
created by the NCIVE, working in 16.8 assessment of
conjunction with PSSCIVE and with vocationa-
CBSE and State-level institutions and lisation
BOA. progress
Task 237 Short term training courses, Para SCERT, DIET 2022-25 Training
preferably online courses, will be 16.1 to modules for
designed for vocational trainers as 16.8 vocational
per the state curriculum and trainers
assessment framework by the

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Adult Task 246 The constituent body of NCERT on Para 21.5 NCERT 2021-22 NCFAE
Education Adult Education will review and developed
revise current curricula for adult
education and develop a National
Curriculum Framework for Adult
Education (NCFAE).
Task 250 States/UTs will ensure that no Para States/UTs 2022-23 Guidelines for
additional infrastructure is created 21.6 to utilizing
for implementing this programme. 21.8 available
Instead, states/UTs will prepare infrastructure
detailed guidelines for schools/ for AE
school complexes after working
hours and on weekends for adult
education courses. The
guidelines will ensure that all AE
classes are held virtually/online/
through pre-loaded material on
computers/tablets, etc.
Task 251 Adult Education Centres (AECs) will Para DoSEL 2022-25 Framework
be systematically included within 21.6 to for AECs
other public institutions such as HEIs, 21.8
vocational training centres, public
libraries etc. For this, the DoSEL will
take up with the concerned Ministries
to develop broad guidelines/
Promotion of Task 259 NCERT will develop guidelines, Para NCERT, SCERT 2023-24 Position
Indian textbooks and other material to aid 22.1 to paper,
Languages, the promotion of Indian languages in 22.8 guidelines,
Arts, and the light of multilingualism of India textbooks and
Culture covering status of languages, other material
approaches to languages for promotion
teaching-learning, language across of Indian
the curriculum, learning outcomes, languages
mother tongue based multilingual
education, language assessment,
etc. NCERT will also develop
guidelines for SCERTs for preparing
courses and syllabi on Indian
Task 260 SCERTs will take up the development Para NCERT 2022-25 Guidelines for
of Indian language textbooks, 22.1 to SCERTs for
teacher handbooks and material for 22.8 syllabi on

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
teacher professional development Indian
SCERTs will also develop Languages
supplementary materials like:
Workbooks, Audio-Video, Novels,
Magazines, Dictionaries etc. for
Indian Languages (Including
Classical, Tribal and other Minor
languages) that are spoken/written/
understood in the state/UT.
Financing: Task 288 The Guidelines/framework for DoSEL 2022-23 Guidelines for
Affordable encouraging and incentivising incentivising
and Quality Private and philanthropic activity Private and
Education prepared by DoSEL will be utilised philanthropic
for All as a model by states/UTs to prepare activity
their own guidelines and begin
implementation. (Reference Tasks
224 and 298)


Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Early Task 22 SCERTs/DIETs/BRCs/CRCs will be Para 1.7 SCERT 2022-30 Initial
Childhood strengthened to enable them to take professional
Care and up the initial professional preparation preparation
Education: of ECCE educators in primary and CPD of
The schools and their Continuous teachers for
Foundation Professional Development (CPD) for ECCE by
of Learning the implementation of ECCE. SCERT/DIET/
Task 25 Capacity building of Master trainers Para 1.8 SCERT 2022-24 Master
for teachers in schools under Ministry Trainers
of Tribal Affairs Areas training for
schools under
Foundational Task 32 NCERT, CBSE and KVS will develop Para 2.2 NCERT, CBSE, 2021-22 Online/
Literacy and online and blended teacher training KVS onwards blended
Numeracy: modules and content as exemplar. teacher
An Urgent & This content will be used by Kendriya training
Necessary Vidyalayas for implementing the modules for
Pre-requisite mission objectives. FLN by
to Learning NCERT
Task 33 At State level, SCERT will develop Para 2.2 SCERT 2021-23 Online/
extensive teacher training modules blended
and other resources for teachers in teacher
local language. training
modules for
Curriculum Task 89 SCERTs with the help of NCERT will Para NCERT, SCERT 2022-25 KRPs training
and also conduct face-to-face and on- 4.11 to for teaching
Pedagogy in line training for building the capacity 4.22 Indian
Schools: of Key Resource Persons teaching Languages
Learning Indian Languages.
Should be Task 104 Professional training modules and Para NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 Preparation of
Holistic, manuals/handbooks shall be 4.34 & BOAs, SCERT Professional
Integrated, prepared by NCERT and SCERTs for 4.35 training
Inclusive, building capacities of teachers to modules and
Enjoyable, undertake “assessment as learning” manuals/
and and “assessment for learning” at handbooks on
Engaging elementary level. Assessment
pattern for

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Task 105 PARAKH, NCERT, SCERTs, CBSE and Para PARAKH, 2022-23 Capacity
other Boards of Assessment shall 4.34 & NCERT, building of
also take up capacity building of 4.35 SCERT, CBSE stakeholders
paper setters, evaluators, and & BoAs on the new
moderators of school boards on the norms and
new norms and guidelines. guidelines
Teachers Task 153 A comprehensive in-service teacher Para States/UTs/ 2022-23 Teacher
training policy and a plan based on 5.17 to CBSE/BOAs/ training policy
it will be prepared by states/UTs / 5.19 KVS/JNV/ developed
conducting the CPD and other
training programmes.
Task 161 NCTE regulations for all B.Ed. Para NCTE 2022-25 Regulations
programmes to include training in 5.22 to for including
time-tested as well as the most recent 5.29 modern
techniques in pedagogy, teaching pedagogy
children with disabilities, teaching techniques
children with special interests or in all B.Ed
talents/gifted children, use of programmes
educational technology, etc.
Equitable Task 170 For providing support to the learning Para States/UTs 2021-22 Teacher
and of children with disabilities, focus will 6.1 to onwards training at
Inclusive be on early identification and 6.6 Foundational
Education: support. States/UTs will build and
Learning capacities of teachers at . Preparatory
for All Foundational and Preparatory levels levels for
children with
Task 182 To assist teachers in catering to the Para States/UTs 2022-30 Providing
needs of all learners more fully, 6.10 & services of
states/UTs will provide services of 6.11 special
special educator/s with cross- educators to
disability training to groups/clusters schools/
of schools or school complex. school
Task 183 NCERT and RCI to develop short Para NCERT and 2022-23 Short term
term and long-term training modules 6.10 & RCI onwards and long-
on equity, gender, and needs of 6.11 term training
children with disabilities, etc. modules on
gender, and

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
needs of
children with
Teacher Task 224 NCTE will coordinate with UGC Para NCTE 2022-24 Credit-based
Education for ensuring credit-based courses in 15.8 & courses for
teaching/education/pedagogy/ 15.9 Ph.D
writing are offered to all fresh Ph.D. programmes
entrants during their doctoral on school
training period. education
Task 225 Areas specific to the capacities Para SCERT 2021-25 Annual In-
required by teachers to implement 15.10 & service
the NEP 2020 will be identified by 15.11 teacher and
SCERT in a comprehensive in-service Principal
annual teacher training plan training plan
prepared by SCERTs.
Reimagining Task 227 Strengthening of PSSCIVE will be Para PSSCIVE 2022-23 PSSCIVE
Vocational undertaken to build its capacity for 16.1 to strengthening
Education developing curriculum and learning 16.8 plan initiated
resources, both offline and online
for vocational courses and training
of teachers/trainers.
Task 229 NCERT will ensure inclusion of Para NCERT, CBSE, 2022-23 NCFSE to
vocationalisation of education from 16.1 to BoAs include
Class VI to secondary level in 16.8 vocationalis-
NCFSE, with introduction of skills ation from
training appropriate to the age of the class 6
Task 233 States/UTs will provide training Para States/UTs 2022-25 Training
modules, preferably in the online 16.1 to modules on
mode/blended mode for courses 16.8 soft skills in
in entrepreneurship, soft skills such online mode
as communication skills. States/UTs
will also set up Skill labs in a hub and
spoke model in school clusters/
Task 237 Short term training courses, Para SCERT, DIET 2022-25 Training
preferably online courses, will be 16.1 to modules for
designed for vocational trainers as 16.8 vocational
per the state curriculum and trainers
assessment framework by the

Chapters Task Task Relevant Responsibility Timeline Outputs
number NEP Para
Online and Task 278 NCERT and SCERT will arrange for Para NCERT and 2021-25 Online
Digital teachers to undergo rigorous online 24.3 to SCERTs Teacher
Education: training in learner-centric pedagogy 24.4g training in
Ensuring and on how to become high-quality learner-
Equitable online content creators themselves centric
Use of using online teaching platforms and pedagogy
Technology tools. and online


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