Aviat ODU600sp Used With CTR 8300 - 8540 (Rel - 2 - 4) Microwave Tech Spec (ETSI) - Aug 2017

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Technical Specifications


Used in Conjunction with CTR 8540 & CTR 8300
ETSI - Release 2.4

Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

ODU 600SP General Specifications

Frequency Bands L6, U6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26, 28, 32, 38 and 42 GHz
Modulation and Coding Options Fixed and Adaptive QPSK, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 QAM
Channel Sizes Supported 3.5, 7, 13.75/14, 27.5/28, 40 and 55/56 MHz
Capacity Range Airlink Capacity 9 - 417 Mbit/s
Ethernet / IP Throughput 9 - 530 Mbit/s
CTR Compatibility
CTR 8540 Radio Access Cards (RACs) RACx1 and RACx2
Indoor Units (IDUs) CTR 8300
Electrical and Mechanical
Power Typical 30 Watts
Size [1] 265 mm x 265 mm x 125 mm
Weight < 5 kg
Operating Temperature Guaranteed -33° to +55°C
Extended -50° to +55°C [2]
Humidity Guaranteed 100%
Altitude Guaranteed 4500 Meters
Standards Compliance
EMC EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-4
Operation EN 300 019-2-4, Class 4.1 (ODU 600, CTR 8380)
EN 300 019-2-3, Class 3.1E (CTR 8540, CTR 8311, CTR 8312)
Safety IEC/EN 60950-1, IEC/EN 60950-22
RF Performance EN 302 217-2
Maximum Permissible Exposure EN 50385
Ingress Protection IEC 60529, IP66 (ODU 600)
Lightning Protection Internal, compliant to IEC 61000-4-5, Class 5
Payload Encryption Compliance FIPS 197 AES #4620 (CTR 8300)
AES #4621 (CTR 8540)
IF Specifications
IF Frequency Transmit 311 MHz
Receive 126 MHz
IF Cable Length CNT-300 150 Meters
CNT-400 300 Meters
IF Cable connector N-Type
AGC monitor point BNC
Antenna port Interface Direct Antenna Mount[3]
Polarisation, field selectable ODU Rotation

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Transmitter Specifications
Transmit Power Tolerance 5-28 GHz ± 2.0 dB
32-42 GHz ± 2.5 dB
Transmitter Source Synthesized
Frequency Stability ± 5 ppm
Manual Transmitter Power Control Range Configurable in 0.1 dB steps from min
to max power levels
(Refer Tx Power Specifications)
Automatic Transmitter Power Control Range Configurable over the full available
manual attenuation range available
Resolution / Speed 0.5 dB steps / 75 dB per second
Synthesizer Resolution 250 KHz
Transmitter Mute > 50 dB

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Source Synthesized
Frequency Stability ± 5 ppm
Receiver Overload BER = 1E-6 -22 dBm
BER = 1E-3 -20 dBm
Residual (Background) Bit Error Rate Better than 1E-13
RSSI Accuracy [4] -40 to -70 dBm, 0 to +35°C ± 2dB
-25 to -85 dBm, -33 to +55°C ± 4dB

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Capacity Profiles
Ethernet Throughput [5] Capacity
Air Link
Modulation License Full
Capacity Min Max Throughput[6]
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 4 Mbps 4 Mbps 5 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 12 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 12 Mbps 12 Mbps 15 Mbps 50 Mbps
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 9 Mbps 9 Mbps 12 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 18 Mbps 18 Mbps 23 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 27 Mbps 27 Mbps 33 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 64 QAM 30 Mbps 30 Mbps 38 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 128 QAM 39 Mbps 39 Mbps 49 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 256 QAM 45 Mbps 45 Mbps 57 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 512 QAM 50 Mbps 51 Mbps 64 Mbps 50 Mbps
13.75 / 14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 17 Mbps 18 Mbps 22 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 35 Mbps 35 Mbps 45 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 52 Mbps 53 Mbps 66 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 64 QAM 59 Mbps 60 Mbps 75 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 128 QAM 77 Mbps 78 Mbps 98 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 256 QAM 88 Mbps 89 Mbps 112 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 512 QAM 99 Mbps 100 Mbps 126 Mbps 100 Mbps
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel [7]
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 38 Mbps 38 Mbps 48 Mbps 50 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 73 Mbps 74 Mbps 93 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 112 Mbps 114 Mbps 143 Mbps 150 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 64 QAM 121 Mbps 122 Mbps 154 Mbps 150 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 128 QAM 158 Mbps 160 Mbps 201 Mbps 200 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 256 QAM 181 Mbps 183 Mbps 231 Mbps 200 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 512 QAM 203 Mbps 205 Mbps 258 Mbps 250 Mbps
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 52 Mbps 53 Mbps 66 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 99 Mbps 101 Mbps 127 Mbps 150 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 148 Mbps 149 Mbps 188 Mbps 200 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 64 QAM 167 Mbps 169 Mbps 212 Mbps 200 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 128 QAM 216 Mbps 218 Mbps 275 Mbps 250 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 256 QAM 249 Mbps 252 Mbps 317 Mbps 250 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 512 QAM 278 Mbps 282 Mbps 354 Mbps 300 Mbps
55 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain QPSK 74 Mbps 75 Mbps 94 Mbps 100 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 16 QAM 150 Mbps 152 Mbps 191 Mbps 200 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 32 QAM 228 Mbps 231 Mbps 290 Mbps 250 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 64 QAM 250 Mbps 253 Mbps 318 Mbps 300 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 128 QAM 323 Mbps 327 Mbps 411 Mbps 350 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 256 QAM 373 Mbps 377 Mbps 474 Mbps 400 Mbps
ACM/Fixed Max System Gain 512 QAM 417 Mbps 422 Mbps 530 Mbps 450 Mbps

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Transmitter Specifications
L6 GHz U6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz [10]
Frequency Range (GHz) 5.925-6.425 6.425-7.11 7.125-7.7 7.7-8.5 10.7-11.7
119, 126,
150, 154, 161, 151.614, 195,
TR-Spacings Supported (MHz) 150, 160, 170, 150, 160, 340 168, 175, 196, 208, 266, 300, 490, 500, 530
340 245,300 310, 311.32,
305.56, 360
Maximum Tuning Range (Dependent
upon T-R Spacing (MHz) 56 56 56, 140 56, 140 60, 165

Antenna Interface
Waveguide Type R70 (WR137) R70 (WR137) R84 (WR112) R84 (WR112) R100 (WR90)
Flange Type UDR70 UDR70 UDR84 UDR84 UDR100

Mating Flange Type PDR100 or

PDR70 or CDR70 PDR70 or CDR70 PDR70 or CDR70 PDR84 or CDR84 CDR100

Transmitter Power Output Specifications with High Power Option , in dBm (Nominal)

L6 GHz U6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz

QPSK 28.0 28.0 27.5 27.5 24.0
16QAM 27.0 27.0 25.5 25.5 23.0
32QAM 26.5 26.5 25.5 25.5 23.0
64QAM 25.0 25.0 24.0 24.0 22.0
128QAM 25.0 25.0 24.0 24.0 22.0
256QAM 23.0 23.0 22.5 22.5 20.0
512QAM 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 19.0
Minimum Configurable Power Level 11 11 12 11 7

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Threshold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation L6 GHz U6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK -97.25 -97.25 -97.75 -97.75 -97.75
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM -89.50 -89.50 -90.00 -90.00 -90.00
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM -86.50 -86.50 -87.00 -87.00 -87.00
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK -93.50 -93.50 -94.00 -94.00 -94.00
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM -87.50 -87.50 -88.00 -88.00 -88.00
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM -83.00 -83.00 -83.50 -83.50 -83.50
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM -80.75 -80.75 -81.25 -81.25 -81.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM -76.75 -76.75 -77.25 -77.25 -77.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM -73.50 -73.50 -74.00 -74.00 -74.00
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM -70.75 -70.75 -71.25 -71.25 -71.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Thershold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation L6 GHz U6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK -91.00 -91.00 -91.50 -91.50 -91.50
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM -84.25 -84.25 -84.75 -84.75 -84.75
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM -80.25 -80.25 -80.75 -80.75 -80.75
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM -78.00 -78.00 -78.50 -78.50 -78.50
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM -74.50 -74.50 -75.00 -75.00 -75.00
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM -71.00 -71.00 -71.50 -71.50 -71.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM -67.50 -67.50 -68.00 -68.00 -68.00
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel[7]
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK -87.50 -87.50 -88.00 -88.00 -88.00
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM -82.00 -82.00 -82.50 -82.50 -82.50
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM -76.50 -76.50 -77.00 -77.00 -77.00
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM -75.50 -75.50 -76.00 -76.00 -76.00
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM -71.50 -71.50 -72.00 -72.00 -72.00
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM -68.25 -68.25 -68.75 -68.75 -68.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM -65.00 -65.00 -65.50 -65.50 -65.50
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK -86.25 -86.25 -86.75 -86.75 -86.75
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM -80.50 -80.50 -81.00 -81.00 -81.00
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM -75.00 -75.00 -75.50 -75.50 -75.50
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM -74.25 -74.25 -74.75 -74.75 -74.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM -70.00 -70.00 -70.50 -70.50 -70.50
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM -66.75 -66.75 -67.25 -67.25 -67.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM -63.25 -63.25 -63.75 -63.75 -63.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK -84.50 -84.50 -85.00 -85.00 -85.00
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM -78.75 -78.75 -79.25 -79.25 -79.25
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM -73.75 -73.75 -74.25 -74.25 -74.25
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM -72.50 -72.50 -73.00 -73.00 -73.00
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM -68.50 -68.50 -69.00 -69.00 -69.00
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM -65.00 -65.00 -65.50 -65.50 -65.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM -61.75 -61.75 -62.25 -62.25 -62.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

System Gain Specifications

System Gain BER=1E-6, in dB (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation L6 GHz U6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK 125.25 125.25 125.25 125.25 121.75
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM 116.5 116.5 115.5 115.5 113.0
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM 113.0 113.0 112.5 112.5 110.0
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 118.0
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM 114.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 111.0
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM 109.5 109.5 109.0 109.0 106.5
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM 105.75 105.75 105.25 105.25 103.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM 101.75 101.75 101.25 101.25 99.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 94.0
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM 92.75 92.75 92.75 92.75 90.25
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK 119.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 115.5
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM 111.25 111.25 110.25 110.25 107.75
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM 106.75 106.75 106.25 106.25 103.75
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 100.5
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM 99.5 99.5 99.0 99.0 97.0
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 91.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 87.0
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 112.0
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 105.5
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 100.0
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 98.0
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM 96.5 96.5 96.0 96.0 94.0
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM 91.25 91.25 91.25 91.25 88.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM 87.0 87.0 87.0 87.0 84.5
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK 114.25 114.25 114.25 114.25 110.75
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 104.0
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 98.5
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM 99.25 99.25 98.75 98.75 96.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM 95.0 95.0 94.5 94.5 92.5
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM 89.75 89.75 89.75 89.75 87.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM 85.25 85.25 85.25 85.25 82.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 109.0
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM 105.75 105.75 104.75 104.75 102.25
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM 100.25 100.25 99.75 99.75 97.25
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM 97.5 97.5 97.0 97.0 95.0
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM 93.5 93.5 93.0 93.0 91.0
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 85.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM 83.75 83.75 83.75 83.75 81.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Transmitter Specifications
13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
Frequency Range (GHz) 12.7-13.25 14.5-15.35 17.7-19.7 21.2-23.6

TR-Spacings Supported (MHz) 315, 420, 490, 340, 1008, 1010, 1008, 1200, 1232
266 640, 644, 728 1092.5, 1120

Maximum Tuning Range (Dependent

upon T-R Spacing (MHz)) 245 380 360 370

Antenna Interface
Waveguide Type R120 (WR75) R140 (WR62) R220 (WR42) R220 (WR42)
Flange Type UBR120 UBR140 UBR220 UBR220

Mating Flange Type PBR120 or PBR140 or PBR220 PBR220

CDR120 CBR140

Transmitter Power Output Specifications with High Power Option , in dBm (Nominal)
13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
QPSK 24.5 24.5 20.5 20.5
16QAM 22.5 22.5 18.5 18.5
32QAM 22.0 22.0 18.5 18.5
64QAM 20.0 20.0 17.0 17.0
128QAM 20.0 20.0 17.0 17.0
256QAM 18.0 18.0 15.0 14.0
512QAM 17.0 17.0 14.0 13.0
Minimum Configurable Power Level 6.5 6.5 3 3.5

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Threshold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK -97.25 -96.75 -96.75 -96.75
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM -89.50 -89.00 -89.00 -89.00
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM -86.50 -86.00 -86.00 -86.00
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK -93.50 -93.00 -93.00 -93.00
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM -87.50 -87.00 -87.00 -87.00
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM -83.00 -82.50 -82.50 -82.50
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM -80.75 -80.25 -80.25 -80.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM -76.75 -76.25 -76.25 -76.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM -73.50 -73.00 -73.00 -73.00
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM -70.75 -70.25 -70.25 -70.25
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK -91.00 -90.50 -90.50 -90.50
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM -84.25 -83.75 -83.75 -83.75
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM -80.25 -79.75 -79.75 -79.75
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM -78.00 -77.50 -77.50 -77.50
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM -74.50 -74.00 -74.00 -74.00
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM -71.00 -70.50 -70.50 -70.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM -67.50 -67.00 -67.00 -67.00

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Threshold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK -87.50 -87.00 -87.00 -87.00
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM -82.00 -81.50 -81.50 -81.50
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM -76.50 -76.00 -76.00 -76.00
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM -75.50 -75.00 -75.00 -75.00
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM -71.50 -71.00 -71.00 -71.00
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM -68.25 -67.75 -67.75 -67.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM -65.00 -64.50 -64.50 -64.50
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK -86.25 -85.75 -85.75 -85.75
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM -80.50 -80.00 -80.00 -80.00
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM -75.00 -74.50 -74.50 -74.50
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM -74.25 -73.75 -73.75 -73.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM -70.00 -69.50 -69.50 -69.50
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM -66.75 -66.25 -66.25 -66.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM -63.25 -62.75 -62.75 -62.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK -84.50 -84.00 -84.00 -84.00
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM -78.75 -78.25 -78.25 -78.25
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM -73.75 -73.25 -73.25 -73.25
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM -72.50 -72.00 -72.00 -72.00
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM -68.50 -68.00 -68.00 -68.00
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM -65.00 -64.50 -64.50 -64.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM -61.75 -61.25 -61.25 -61.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

System Gain Specifications

System Gain BER=1E-6, in dB (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK 121.75 121.25 117.25 117.25
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM 112.0 111.5 107.5 107.5
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM 108.5 108.0 104.5 104.5
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK 118.0 117.5 113.5 113.5
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM 110.0 109.5 105.5 105.5
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM 105.0 104.5 101.0 101.0
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM 100.75 100.25 97.25 97.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM 96.75 96.25 93.25 93.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM 91.5 91.0 88.0 87.0
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM 87.75 87.25 84.25 83.25
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK 115.5 115.0 111.0 111.0
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM 106.75 106.25 102.25 102.25
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM 102.25 101.75 98.25 98.25
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM 98.0 97.5 94.5 94.5
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM 94.5 94.0 91.0 91.0
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM 89.0 88.5 85.5 84.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM 84.5 84.0 81.0 80.0
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK 112.0 111.5 107.5 107.5
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM 104.5 104.0 100.0 100.0
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM 98.5 98.0 94.5 94.5
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM 95.5 95.0 92.0 92.0
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM 91.5 91.0 88.0 88.0
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM 86.25 85.75 82.75 81.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM 82.0 81.5 78.5 77.5
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK 110.75 110.25 106.25 106.25
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM 103.0 102.5 98.5 98.5
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM 97.0 96.5 93.0 93.0
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM 94.25 93.75 90.75 90.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM 90.0 89.5 86.5 86.5
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM 84.75 84.25 81.25 80.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM 80.25 79.75 76.75 75.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK 109.0 108.5 104.5 104.5
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM 101.25 100.75 96.75 96.75
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM 95.75 95.25 91.75 91.75
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM 92.5 92.0 89.0 89.0
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM 88.5 88.0 85.0 85.0
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM 83.0 82.5 79.5 78.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM 78.75 78.25 75.25 74.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Transmitter Specifications
26 GHz 28 GHz 32 GHz 38 GHz 42 GHz
Frequency Range (GHz) 24.2-26.5 27.5-29.5 31.8-33.4 38.6-40 40.5-43.5

TR-Spacings Supported (MHz) 1008 1008 812 1260 1500

Maximum Tuning Range (Dependent

upon T-R Spacing (MHz)) 360 360 370 340 780

Antenna Interface
Waveguide Type R220 (WR42) R320 (WR28) R320 (WR28) R320 (WR28) R320 (WR28)
Flange Type UBR220 UBR320 UBR320 UBR320 UG-383/U

Mating Flange Type PBR220 PBR320 PBR320 PBR320 UG-383/U

Transmitter Power Output Specifications with High Power Option , in dBm (Nominal)
26 GHz 28 GHz 32 GHz 38 GHz 42 GHz
QPSK 21.5 21.5 19.5 19.5 17.5
16QAM 18.5 18.5 17.5 16.5 16.0
32QAM 18.5 17.5 16.5 16.5 14.0
64QAM 15.0 15.0 13.0 13.0 12.0
128QAM 15.0 15.0 13.0 13.0 12.0
256QAM 13.0 13.0 11.0 11.0 10.0
512QAM 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 9.0
Minimum Configurable Power Level 4 -3 -3 -3 -3

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Thershold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 26 GHz 28 GHz 32 GHz 38 GHz 42 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK -96.50 -95.75 -95.50 -95.25 -94.75
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM -88.75 -88.00 -87.75 -87.50 -87.00
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM -85.75 -85.00 -84.75 -84.50 -84.00
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK -92.75 -92.00 -91.75 -91.50 -91.00
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM -86.75 -86.00 -85.75 -85.50 -85.00
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM -82.25 -81.50 -81.25 -81.00 -80.50
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM -80.00 -79.25 -79.00 -78.75 -78.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM -76.00 -75.25 -75.00 -74.75 -74.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM -72.75 -72.00 -71.75 -71.50 -71.00
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM -70.00 -69.25 -69.00 -68.75 -68.25
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK -90.25 -89.50 -89.25 -89.00 -88.50
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM -83.50 -82.75 -82.50 -82.25 -81.75
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM -79.50 -78.75 -78.50 -78.25 -77.75
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM -77.25 -76.50 -76.25 -76.00 -75.50
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM -73.75 -73.00 -72.75 -72.50 -72.00
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM -70.25 -69.50 -69.25 -69.00 -68.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM -66.75 -66.00 -65.75 -65.50 -65.00

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

Receiver Specifications
Receiver Thershold BER=1E-6 , in dBm (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 26 GHz 28 GHz 32 GHz 38 GHz 42 GHz
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK -86.75 -86.00 -85.75 -85.50 -85.00
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM -81.25 -80.50 -80.25 -80.00 -79.50
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM -75.75 -75.00 -74.75 -74.50 -74.00
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM -74.75 -74.00 -73.75 -73.50 -73.00
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM -70.75 -70.00 -69.75 -69.50 -69.00
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM -67.50 -66.75 -66.50 -66.25 -65.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM -64.25 -63.50 -63.25 -63.00 -62.50
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK -85.50 -84.75 -84.50 -84.25 -83.75
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM -79.75 -79.00 -78.75 -78.50 -78.00
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM -74.25 -73.50 -73.25 -73.00 -72.50
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM -73.50 -72.75 -72.50 -72.25 -71.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM -69.25 -68.50 -68.25 -68.00 -67.50
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM -66.00 -65.25 -65.00 -64.75 -64.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM -62.50 -61.75 -61.50 -61.25 -60.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK -83.75 -83.00 -82.75 -82.50 -82.00
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM -78.00 -77.25 -77.00 -76.75 -76.25
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM -73.00 -72.25 -72.00 -71.75 -71.25
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM -71.75 -71.00 -70.75 -70.50 -70.00
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM -67.75 -67.00 -66.75 -66.50 -66.00
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM -64.25 -63.50 -63.25 -63.00 -62.50
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM -61.00 -60.25 -60.00 -59.75 -59.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


Aviat ODU600sp ETSI Technical Specifications for CTR 8540 and CTR 8300

System Gain Specifications

System Gain BER=1E-6, in dB (Typical)
Air Link
Capacity Modulation 26 GHz 28 GHz 32 GHz 38 GHz 42 GHz
3.5 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 4 Mbps QPSK 118.0 117.25 115.0 114.75 112.25
ACM/Fixed 10 Mbps 16QAM 107.25 106.5 105.25 104.0 103.0
ACM/Fixed 12 Mbps 32QAM 104.25 102.5 101.25 101.0 98.0
7 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 9 Mbps QPSK 114.25 113.5 111.25 111.0 108.5
ACM/Fixed 18 Mbps 16QAM 105.25 104.5 103.25 102.0 101.0
ACM/Fixed 26 Mbps 32QAM 100.75 99.0 97.75 97.5 94.5
ACM/Fixed 30 Mbps 64QAM 95.0 94.25 92.0 91.75 90.25
ACM/Fixed 39 Mbps 128QAM 91.0 90.25 88.0 87.75 86.25
ACM/Fixed 45 Mbps 256QAM 85.75 85.0 82.75 82.5 81.0
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 50 Mbps 512QAM 82.0 81.25 79.0 78.75 77.25
14 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 17 Mbps QPSK 111.75 111.0 108.75 108.5 106.0
ACM/Fixed 35 Mbps 16QAM 102.0 101.25 100.0 98.75 97.75
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps 32QAM 98.0 96.25 95.0 94.75 91.75
ACM/Fixed 59 Mbps 64QAM 92.25 91.5 89.25 89.0 87.5
ACM/Fixed 77 Mbps 128QAM 88.75 88.0 85.75 85.5 84.0
ACM/Fixed 88 Mbps 256QAM 83.25 82.5 80.25 80.0 78.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 99 Mbps 512QAM 78.75 78.0 75.75 75.5 74.0
27.5 / 28 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 38 Mbps QPSK 108.25 107.5 105.25 105.0 102.5
ACM/Fixed 73 Mbps 16QAM 99.75 99.0 97.75 96.5 95.5
ACM/Fixed 112 Mbps 32QAM 94.25 92.5 91.25 91.0 88.0
ACM/Fixed 121 Mbps 64QAM 89.75 89.0 86.75 86.5 85.0
ACM/Fixed 158 Mbps 128QAM 85.75 85.0 82.75 82.5 81.0
ACM/Fixed 181 Mbps 256QAM 80.5 79.75 77.5 77.25 75.75
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 203 Mbps 512QAM 76.25 75.5 73.25 73.0 71.5
40 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 52 Mbps QPSK 107.0 106.25 104.0 103.75 101.25
ACM/Fixed 99 Mbps 16QAM 98.25 97.5 96.25 95.0 94.0
ACM/Fixed 148 Mbps 32QAM 92.75 91.0 89.75 89.5 86.5
ACM/Fixed 167 Mbps 64QAM 88.5 87.75 85.5 85.25 83.75
ACM/Fixed 216 Mbps 128QAM 84.25 83.5 81.25 81.0 79.5
ACM/Fixed 249 Mbps 256QAM 79.0 78.25 76.0 75.75 74.25
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 278 Mbps 512QAM 74.5 73.75 71.5 71.25 69.75
55 / 56 MHz Channel
ACM/Fixed 74 Mbps QPSK 105.25 104.5 102.25 102.0 99.5
ACM/Fixed 150 Mbps 16QAM 96.5 95.75 94.5 93.25 92.25
ACM/Fixed 228 Mbps 32QAM 91.5 89.75 88.5 88.25 85.25
ACM/Fixed 250 Mbps 64QAM 86.75 86.0 83.75 83.5 82.0
ACM/Fixed 323 Mbps 128QAM 82.75 82.0 79.75 79.5 78.0
ACM/Fixed 373 Mbps 256QAM 77.25 76.5 74.25 74.0 72.5
ACM/Fixed - Max SG 417 Mbps 512QAM 73.0 72.25 70.0 69.75 68.25

*[ ] See notes in last page


All specifications are typical values unless otherwise stated, and are subject to change without notice.
For Guaranteed values (over time and operational range) subtract 2 dB from Power Output, add 2dB to Threshold
values and subtract 4dB from System Gain values
[1] Dimensions Exclude ODU handle.
[2] ATPC is recommended for operation at Extended Temperature ranges. Contact Aviat Networks for more details.

[3] Optional remote mount via flex elliptical waveguide.

[4] RSSI accuracy applies when there is no potential interferer signal present within +/- 28MHz of the Rx. Frequency.

[5] L1 throughput will vary based on average packet sizes - 64 & 1518 Byte Min-Max rates shown

[6] Smaller capacity licenses may be used for lower configured throughputs. These may be upgraded later to enable
additional capacity as required.
[7] 29.65 MHz channel size applies only to L6 and 8 GHz bands.

[8] Rx Threshold and System Gain values indicated are typically improved by 0.5 dB for BER=10-3.

[9] High Power FPM option speficications shown for standard power substract 3 dB.

Aviat, Aviat Networks and the Aviat logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aviat Networks, Inc.
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