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Review On Dispute Resolution Management: Arathy H Menon, Purva Awari, Lissy Jose

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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)

ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

Review on Dispute Resolution Management

Arathy H Menon1, Purva Awari2, Lissy Jose3
(Civil Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, India)

Abstract : Construction Industries are prone to conflicts due to the complex nature. Every construction project
is bound to have dispute. There are many types of methods / techniques to resolve disputes. Disputes usually arise
out of delays in obtaining the work down, disappointing work, or a customer’s failure to form payments.
Construction-related disputes will consume plenty of your time and cash on a part of everybody concerned. In
several cases, the Expense concerned in following a dispute is way out of proportion to the cash really at stake.
This paper contains the explanation and comparative study of different dispute resolution methods
Keywords – Dispute, Conflict, Arbitration, Dispute management

Construction projects are prone to conflicts this is happened due to the multiplicity of different people
handling different phases of projects, any type of construction work conflicts or disputes are affects projects.
Research of determining the causes of disputes is identified and continue to manifest in projects. Because most of
the studies undertaken have been based upon Research of determining the causes of disputes which are identified
and continue to manifest in projects. Because most of the studies depend upon questionnaires or derived from
case law, the factors identified for example, poor communication has been identified as a cause of disputes.
Fundamentally, work processes, policies, and procedures as well behaviors' need to change in concert if disputes
are to be reduced in construction.

Nowadays, disputes in construction industry are a common thing and sometimes could not be avoided. Every
construction project is bound to have conflict. There are many types of methods / techniques to resolve disputes.
Disputes usually arise out of delays in obtaining the work down, disappointing work, or a customer’s failure to
form payments. Construction-related disputes will consume plenty of your time and cash on a part of everybody
concerned. In several cases, the Expense concerned in following a dispute is way out of proportion to the cash
really at stake. Associate lawyer with expertise in construction disputes will assist you pursue your Claim in
associate economical, cost-efficient manner.

2.1Type of disputes
Type 1: Disputes that resolve and settle
This type of dispute is that the best of all of them. It is often resolved by confrontation without anything serious
happen like court and cash. typically, it's done verbally.
Type 2: Disputes that may end in financial claims
This type of dispute can involve plenty of cash because the outcome of this dispute can ensure that the losing
aspect can lose cash as they pay the value of compensation or Settlement of the cash left in addressing the business.
Type 3: Disputes that will not lead to financial claims
This type of dispute can have associate degree consequence of no call are often created between the parties
concerned or there's a winner however no cash can involve to the losing facet. Therefore, each party can have to
be compelled to deal that nobody can commence as a winner. Some cases can also be that, the losing facet can
end wherever it started and no settlement can have to be compelled to pay to the winning party.
Type 4: Disputes that can’t be resolved and have to be compelled to refer for arbitration some disputes square
measure onerous to resolve and so the sole thanks to agitate it's by arbitration methodology as a result of there
aren't any alternative approach higher to agitate the dispute than arbitration.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

2.2 Reasons for dispute arise in construction

Construction contracts give rise to disputes of bizarre issue and complexness even by analysis with alternative
styles of legal proceeding. The performance of the many construction contracts run over for much longer periods
than most alternative sorts of industrial contract, with potential scope for disagreement and money disagreement
arising perpetually throughout the development amount, and with giant sums of cash and income pressures
involved on each side. There is lots probabilities of disputes or distinction of opinion from the terribly beginning
of getting into the contract and commencing the work as a result of systematically each the parties have to be
compelled to meet with reciprocal obligations on either facet one when the opposite and one case of default is
satisfactory to upset the leveling setup and also the whole development, programming enhance targeted schedule
of completion of labor. The leader needs to scale back the expenses so as to stay up the economic viability of the
project at intervals its restrictions, tries to bring down the expenses whereas the contractors universally referred
to as „builders‟ United Nations agency invests giant amounts by method of multinational price within
the kind of machinery, materials, tools and plants as conjointly onsite and offsite employees and now and then
own testing laboratories and analysis wings, coming up with and drawing wings, once confronted with surprising
things wherever variations from the scope of the contract or undue delays by the owner that weren't at intervals
the thought of the parties at the tendering stage, unless remedied now, would upset the look and programming and
money viability, enter into prolonged correspondence resulting difference of opinion and disputes that guarantee
in settlement.
II.3.Causes of Disputes
The generation of may disputes often lie in the contract document itself it is often observed that tenders are quickly
made and sufficient attention is not work.
▪ Changes in not paid.
▪ Differing in unusual site condition.
▪ Suspension of work.
▪ Variation of quantities.
▪ Damage due to natural disasters and force-majeure.
▪ Re-inspection and acceptance.
▪ Termination for the convenience of the client.
▪ Possession prior to completion.
▪ Escalation of price due to inflation.
▪ Acceleration of work progress.
▪ Ripple effect.
▪ Currency fluctuations effect.
▪ Ambiguity in specification and drawings.
2.4 Impact of disputes on projects
Changes and delays in any project can cause disputes that have a disastrous impact on major construction projects,
often involving cost overruns, late delivery and a compromise on the quality and scope of work being done. Joseph
Bond, managing director of Kenzie Group commented: “Disputes continue to be a major issue for everyone in the
construction industry, and we are seeing a rise in demand for our services as firms recognize the drastic savings
that can be made by seeking proper representation during disputes, or by putting dispute avoidance measures in
place. In handling claims by construction and engineering contractors and owners, and by general builders, we
have assisted a broad spectrum of clients and we are anticipating another busy year ahead.”
2.5 Avoid going through construction disputes
The construction dispute starts with the construction contract. To reduce the chance of arguments arising, you
have to ensure that the project team spends time negotiating the contract and fully understanding it. The failure to
understand the contract is the main source of arguments and litigation in the construction field. You don´t want to
clear contract related questions with your clients sitting next to lawyers or attorneys. Next, we will show you some
simple steps to avoid construction litigation and arguments. Plan Radar Software for Construction offers a real
new practice for your firm to avoid construction litigation. Upfront planning before work can guarantee you to
that you will finish on time Document daily reports for any defects that may arise during execution. Make sure
schedules are realistic and flexible enough to include any defects or anticipated disruptions. Carefully understand
and negotiate all the contract terms and conditions with your clients Follow the contract and insist that the other
party do so to avoid litigation on the two parties‟ legal rights. Do not postpone any new problems; deal with them
as they arise Keep your communication mails formal and reasonable, always Be aware of the danger zone in
construction e.g. delays, quality, and design issues Follow risk management strategy and consult specialist in each
technical field Ensure critical problems are discussed in meetings, not by email Perform any contractual
obligations as scheduled Remember your duty to mitigate if the other party breaches the contract Adopt

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

technology systems that increase the effective communication and information transparency between the project
parties. A counsel with experience and practice might help your firm making the right decisions.
1. Litigation
2. Arbitration
3. Mediation
4. Conciliation
5. Adjudication
6. Disputes resolution board
7. Disputes resolution adviser

Litigation is a legal continuing in a court or a judicial context to confirm and enforce legal rights. This is the least
most popular methodology in the construction trade as the courts act on the human system and harm business
relationships. Besides the slow, expensive, time intense, risky and nerve-wracking procedure that proceeding
brings, there is no real certainty of results alternative than a certainty of at least one loser.
During the arbitration process, parties make submission to an arbitrator and are bound by the arbitrator’s decision.
a mini-trial for a law-suits ready to go to trial, held in an attempt to avoid a trial and is conducted by an independent
person, usually with some relevant skill or knowledge, to determine the dispute.
Mediation is a prominent ADR method used in the construction industry and is now a firmly established preferred
dispute resolution tool for construction claims. Mediation is an attempt to settle a legal dispute through an active
participation of a third party, a mediator, who works to find points of agreements and make those in conflict agree
on a fair result.
Conciliation is just like mediation however the primary purpose is to conciliate through searching for concession.
Adjudication is the process where an independent person, the adjudicator, makes a determination as to the amount,
if any, which the respondent owes to the claimant, specific date it was to be paid and on what interest applicable
(IAMA, 2006). The objective is to impose a settlement on parties.


A disputes resolution board or dispute review board (DRB) is a dispute adjudication process, typically
comprising three independent and impartial persons selected by the contracting parties. The significant difference
between Dispute Review Boards and most other Alternate Dispute Review techniques (and possibly the reason
why or Dispute Review Boards have had such success in recent years) is that the Dispute Review Board is
appointed at the commencement of a project before any disputes arise and, by undertaking regular visits to the
site, is actively involved throughout the project.
A Dispute Board becomes a part of the project administration and thereby can influence, during the contract
period, the performance of the contracting parties. It has 'real-time' value. The idea behind a standing Dispute
Resolution Board is that it may be called upon early in the evolution of any dispute which cannot be resolved by
the parties and be asked to publish decisions or recommendations on how the matters in issue should be settled.
Disputes resolution adviser
Construction is a complex process involving multi-parties to achieve different goals and needs. Disputes are
inevitable in construction projects which predominantly arise from unbalance power and lack of team spirit of the
parties, ambiguous contract provisions, unexpected conditions and poor communication between project
participants. Dispute Resolution Advisor system is introduced and firstly adopted by Architectural Service
Department in 1991. People trust the Dispute Resolution Advisor system that takes the proactive way to minimize
claims and resolve differences in a speedy and cost-effective manner before blowing up to contractual disputes.


Based on the study of different methods of construction disputes, some conclusions are drawn. This chapter
contains the summary of different comparison between different ADR methods explained in table below,

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

Table No.1 Comparison between different ADR methods

Mediation Adjudication Arbitration Litigation

Definition Negotiation with Disputes submitted to an Disputes submitted Process of making a civil
mediation of a third adjudicator for binding to an arbitrator for a making claim in court of law.
party. decision unless substituted binding decision
by arbitration litigation.

Time Generally, 1 to 2 days Much shorter than May take Longest period because of
for simple cases. arbitration and litigation, months/years. backlog of cases in court.
normally 30 days to Procedure to be
decide agreed by parties.

Cost Lower than arbitration Lower than Higher than Expensive because of it take
Arbitration cost because meditation, can be a long period.
of faster hearing. higher than


The arbitration and conciliation act 1996 is an Act that regulates domestic arbitration in India. It was
amended in 2015 and further amendment passed in Lok Sabha on 1 August 2019. The Government of India
decided to amend the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by introducing the Arbitration and Conciliation
(Amendment) Bill, 2015 in the Parliament. In an attempt to make arbitration a preferred mode of settlement of
commercial disputes and making India a hub of international commercial arbitration, the President of India on 23
October 2015 promulgated an Ordinance (Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015) amending
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, had given its
approval for amendments to the Arbitration and Conciliation Bill, 2015.

The descriptions of that Acts involve in Arbitration and Conciliation Act is as follows,
1. Arbitration-
Arbitration is powerful means of resolving disputes between the organization and its employees. Arbitration is
proved successful in resolving disputes between labor and management. The parties themselves establish
arbitration and decision is acceptable to them. The decision taken by the arbitrator is accompanied by a written
opinion providing reasons supporting the decision. However, the process is a bit expensive.
The Act renders definition of Arbitration Agreement (Section 7). The essential ingredients of an arbitration
agreement are as under:
Agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes.
Dispute must have arisen in respect of a defined legal relationship (may or may not be contractual).
Agreement can be in form of arbitration clause or in a separate agreement.
Agreement must be in writing form.
It should be signed by both the parties.
2. Conciliation-
The process wherein the representative of both employer and employees are brought together in front of a third
party so as to conciliate them to arrive at a decision by agreement between them. Any party can request the other,
for appointing the conciliation officer. The conciliation officer or conciliator can be an individual or a group of
The primary duty of the conciliator is to mediate in and advocate settlement of industrial disputes. Further, he/she
is also responsible for holding conciliatory proceedings, investigating disputes, sending the report of settlement
to AG (Appropriate Government).

So, here is a comparison between Arbitration Act and Conciliation Act as below,

Table No.2 Comparison between Arbitration and Conciliation

Basis for comparison Arbitration Conciliation
Meaning Arbitration is a dispute Conciliation is a method of
settlement process in which an resolving dispute, wherein an
impartial third party is appointed to

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

study the dispute and hear both the independent person helps the parties
parties to arrive at a decision binding to arrive at negotiated settlement.
on both the parties.
Enforcement An arbitrator has power to A conciliator does not have the
enforce his decision. power to enforce his decision,
Prior agreement Required Not required
Available for Existing and future Existing disputes.
Legal proceedings Yes No

A high monetary value of the construction projects is one of the reasons of the frequent dispute between different
parties in the project. A construction site is unique, on time and single product factory with many parties involved
and depended on each other. The discussion on disputes, reasons of disputes and comparative study of different
method of disputes are carried out. In this ADR techniques arbitration was preferred mostly to resolve the
construction dispute, but negotiation and mediation were also used to minimize dispute effect. However,
negotiation and mediation were not an effective and efficient method to resolve construction dispute.
In order to solve this major causes of dispute we suggested some mitigation measure which will help to
reduce the effect of dispute. The below table shows mitigation remedies for some of the factors which leads to
Table No. 3. Mitigation measures for the causes of disputes
Causes of Dispute Mitigation Measures
Delay in payment It is recommended that the invested amount should
1. divided into more numerous payments. This can make
payment easier and on time.
Finance difficulties It should be compensated by making advance
payment to vendors/contractors

Delay in commencement The most effective method of minimizing

delay was adequate funding throughout the project,
3. awarding bids to the right designer/contractor,
availability of resources, avoid acceleration, prioritize
Poor site management Qualified and experienced staff should be
hired for site management and supervision.
Ineffective planning and Planning/Scheduling should be practical,
5. scheduling of project accurate and achievable. Planning and schedule
should be reviewed by experienced staff and owner
Labour dispute and strikes Proper wages and safety measure need to be
6. done for labours safety purpose. Their necessities
shall be fulfilled.
Delay in delivery of materials Delivery schedule should be adhered with
and equipment’s proper planning like having material in place before
execution and making advance payments for booking
material in case of scarcity.
Engineer/Architect should monitor ongoing
Rework because of errors work so as to avoid any errors during execution of
during constructions work. If timely monitoring will be done then it will
reduce the need or rework.
Incomplete tender Tender information needs to be accurate with
9. information each and every specification to complete the work
Bad weather considerations Activities should be planned and prioritized
10. by considering the impact of weather conditions due
to seasonal change.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

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