Operative Dentistry: Dental Adhesion
Operative Dentistry: Dental Adhesion
Operative Dentistry: Dental Adhesion
Adhesion as "the state in which two surfaces are held together by interfacial
frequently a viscous fluid, that joins two substrates together and solidifies, and
Dental adhesion also are called dental bonding. Most situations involving
bonding. Chemical bonding may occur as well, but generally makes a limited
Chemical bonding involves bonds between atoms formed across the interface
Development of dentin bonding systems
These products ignored the smear layer. The development of the surface active
bonds of resin to dentinal calcium. However, the in vitro dentin bond strengths
Likewise, the in vivo results were discouraging; Cervident had very poor
mechanical retention.
charged phosphate groups in the resin and the positively charged calcium in
the smear layer was the weakest link in the system because of its relatively
In addition to the problems caused by the loosely attached smear layer , these
resins could not reach the superficial dentin to establish ionic bonding or resin
The in vitro performance of second-generation adhesives after two years was
Most of third generation materials were designed not to remove the entire
smear layer, but rather to modify it and allow penetration of acidic monomers
Treatment of the smear layer with acidic primers was proposed using an
aqueous solution of 2.5% maleic acid , 55% HEMA and a trace of methacrylic
acid (Scotchbond 2). Scotchbond 2 was the first dentin bonding system to
the more cautious approach advocated in Europe and United States. The result
underlying intertubular dentin surface. Clinical results were mixed with some
Fourth-generation dentin adhesives.
Although the smear layer act as a diffusion barrier that decreases the
use on acid-etched dentin. Removal of smear layer via acid-etching has led to
are basically composed of * An acid etching gel that is rinsed off:* Asolution of
water; and * An unfilled or filled fluid bonding agent. The latter generally
intertubular and peritubular dentin, acids open the dentinal tubules and
the intertubular dentin. When primer and bonding resins are applied to
interdiffusion zone or hybrid layer. They also penetrate and polymerize in the
Fifth-generation dentin adhesives.
These combine the primer and bonding agent steps, but a separate etching step
step systems and “self-etch” adhesive systems, available as two-step and one-
step systems .
*Total-Etch Dentin Adhesive Systems.
step systems.
enamel before the clinician applies the adhesive to the preparation. Etching
dentin removes the smear layer and opens up the dentinal tubules .
dentin than to enamel. These are key considerations for anterior restorations. If
the surface to which the adhesive will be applied consists of significantly more
enamel than dentin and particularly if a minimally prepared adhesive bridge
stability using etch and- rinse systems with both enamel and dentin. Some
studies have shown bonding to enamel is more consistent, with higher initial
bond-strength values and less breakdown at the enamel margin over time
Self-etching Adhesives
They offer an advantages over etch and-rinse systems: they do not require a
separate etching procedure. Thus there is no need to rinse and then dry the
*In addition, these systems are more tolerant of the presence of moisture on the
*Since self-etch adhesive systems demineralize and penetrate the dentin at the
same time, there is no concern over incomplete penetration and residual gaps
in one) adhesives contain two liquids which are applied to tooth substrates
after mixing .
*The main disadvantage of self-etch adhesive systems is that the enamel must
The classic concepts of operative dentistry have been challenged in the last two
decades by the introduction of new adhesive techniques, first for enamel and
chemically, or both .
chemical bonding involves bond between atoms formed across the interface
from the adhesive to the adherend. the bonding system copolymerizes with the
The common method for producing surface roughness for better mechanical
with bur or other instrument residual organic and inorganic components form
a smear layer of debris on the surface. The smear layer fills the orifices of
up to 86%). The composition of smear layer is basically hydroxyapatite and
mechanical bonding.
Acid etching transforming the smooth enamel into an irregular surface. When
the fluid resin-based material is applied to irregular etched surface , the resin
penetrates into the surface . monomers in the material polymerize and the
material becomes interlocked with the enamel surface forming resin tags that
Resin tags that formed between enamel rod peripheries are called macrotags.
A much finer network of thousands of smaller tags form across the ends of
each rod where individual hydroxyapatite crystals have been dissolved leaving
crypts outlined by residual organic material these fine tags are called
Microtags and macrotags are the basis for enamel micromechanical bonding
Microtags are probably more important because of their large number and
1.Dentin contains less mineralized tooth structure and more water than does
2.The presence of the smear layer makes wetting of dentin by the adhesive
more difficult ;even when good wetting does occur polymerization shrinkage
can pull the smear layer away from dentin and produce microgap.
dentin bond.