Islamic Monoth Ism: Questions Answers
Islamic Monoth Ism: Questions Answers
Islamic Monoth Ism: Questions Answers
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Hafiz Muhammad Tahir,
Compiled by
Research Division, Darussalam
Riyadh • Jeddah • Al-Khobar • Sharjah
Lahore • London • Houston • New York
Second Edition: May 2004
© Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 1995
King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir
50 Questions & answers on islamic
24p., 14x21 cm. ISBN 9960-740-39-0
I-Islamic theology II-Title
243 dc. 2379/15
Legal Deposit no.2 379/15
ISBN 9960-740-39-0
P.0. Box: 22743, Riyadh 11416 K.S.A.Tel: 00966-01-4033962/4043432 Fax: 4021659
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Publishers Note
Believing in the Oneness of Allah is a basic
fundamental in Islam. This belief establishes the
relationship between human beings and their Rubb.
As a Muslim we firmly believe that Allah is our
Creator, Sustainer and the true God; only He has the
right to be worshipped, there is no partner with Him
and only He has created the universe.
In this booklet, which is basically meant for the
children, we have prepared 50 questions on the belief
of Islamic Monotheism and provided short and
simple, but comprehensive answers to them.
No doubt, this booklet is useful to persons from 10 years
to 100 years of age, where we are recommending it to
children that they should benefit from it; we are also
commending it to their parents that they should not
only read it, take it in the heart and bear in the mind,
but also try to act upon it.
While printing this booklet in its traditional form and
beautiful style, Darussalam expresses its gratitude and
humbleness towards Allah the All-Mighty.
I am thankful to the Research and Compilation
Department of Darussalam for the preparation of this
booklet, specially I will mention the names of Mr.
Muhammad Tahir, and an American national Mr. Abdul
Qadir from Washington D.C. for revising the booklet.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
General Manager
In the Name of All~h
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
0.1. Who is your Rubb (the Lord)?
A. My Rubb is All~h Who has created
me and all that exists, He nourishes
me and all creatures by His
0. 2. What is your Deen (religion)?
A. My Deen is Islam, which is sub-
mission and obedience to the Order
of All~h and His Messenger with
love, hoping for His reward and
fearing His punishment.
Q. 3. How did you know All~h?
A. I know Him by His signs and
creation, like the day and night; the
sun and the moon; the heaven and the
earth; and all that is in and between
Q. 4. Where is All~h?
A. All~h is above the heavens, above
the Throne and separated from His
Q. 5. Is All~h with us (in essence)?
A. All~h is settled above His Mighty
Throne, but He is with us by His
Knowledge, hearing, seeing and
other attributes. As He said to Musa
and Haroon (u +al):
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"Fear not, verily! I am withyou both,
hearing and seeing." (V.20:46)
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Q. 8. What is the meaning of Islam?
A. Islam means 0=ls!l , #¥l , 2)5..YI
i.e., submissionto All~h sincerely
and willingly.
Q. 9. What are the pillars of Islam?
A. There are five Pillars of Islam.
1. Testimony of Faith (There is no
true God except All~h and
Muhammad is the Messenger of
2. To perform Sal~t (prayer).
3. To pay Zakat.
4. To observe Saum (fasting)
in Ramadan.
5. To perform Hajj (pilgrimage to
the Sacred House), if one can
afford it.
Q. 10. What is Iman?
A. Iman (Faith) means to believe in the
heart, to confess by the tongue and to
act with the parts of the body.
Q. 11.How many branches does Iman
A. Iman comprises over 70 branches, the
uppermost of which is the testimony
of Faith and lowest of which
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is the
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6. Divine Preordainments, its good
or bad consequences.
0.14. What is Belief in All~h?
A. The Belief in All~h is to believe that
He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer,
Provider and the One in Whose
Hand· is the disposal of all affairs.
Everything stands in need of Him,
but He stands in need of none. He is
the Only One Who is worthy of
being worshipped. He has the
beautiful names and perfect attributes.
Q.15. Who are the angels?
A. The angels are creatures of light.
They are Allah's obedient slaves, they
do that which they are commanded
and are incapable of disobedience.
Q.16. What is the meaning of Belief in
the Book and the Messengers?
A. It means that All~h sent the Mess-
engers like Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, Muhammad ·tu-J! +el etc., and
sent down the Books like the Torah,
Zaboor (Psalms), Injeel, Qur'~n etc.,
to call the people to worship All~h
Alone, associating nothing with Him.
He sent Prophet Muhammad as the
last of Messengers and Prophets and
abrogated all the previous Books
with the Qur'~n. Thereforethe wor-
ship should be done according to the
Qur'~n and the Sunnah of the Prophet
Muhammad A,a id-=.
0.17. What is the meaning of Belief in
the Last Day?
A. The Belief in the Last Day means to
believe . that All~h has foreordained a
1. Hypocrisy in Belief.
2. Hypocrisy in deeds and actions.
Q.43. What is the hypocrisy in Belief?
A. Hypocrisy in Belief is of six types:
1. Denial
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"Verily, Allah forgives not (the sin
of) setting up partners (in worship)
with Him, but He forgives whom He
pleases sins other than that, and
whoever sets up partners in worship
with All~h, has indeed strayed far
away." (V.4:116)
Q.46. What are the nullifiers of Islam?
A. The nullifiers of Islam are ten:
1. Polytheism of worship.
2. He who does not believe that the
polytheists are disbelievers, or
doubts their infidelity or holds
their belief to be valid.
3. He who sets up intermediaries
between one's self and All~h,
supplicating them, trusting them
and asking them to intercede on
his behalf.
4. He who believes that the guidance
of others is more perfect than the
5. He who hates anything that the
Prophet ,day «le ! ,J= was sent with.
6. He who denies Deen of the Prophet
«le i! ,I= or ridicules its reward
or punishment.
7. Sorcery.
8. Supporting the polytheists against
the Muslims.
9. He who believes that some people
are exempted from abiding by the
Shari'ah as Khidr was exempted
by the laws of Musa.
10. Turning away from Deen of All~h
by neither learning nor applying
0.47. What are the three fundamentals
that every Muslim must learn?
A. The three fundamentals are:
1. Knowing Your Rubb (the Lord,
the Creator, the Sustainer, and the
One in Whose Hand is the disposal
of all affairs)
2. Knowing your Deen (Islam).
3. Knowing your Prophet Muhammad
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0.48. What is Taghut?
A. Everything that is worshipped, or
followed or obeyed other than All~h
is Taghut.
Q.49. How many T@ghut are there and
who are their leaders?
A. They are many but their leaders are
0.50. Who are the leaders of T@ghut?
A. They are:
1. Satan, may All~h curse him.
. .