IISER Bhopal Newsletter
IISER Bhopal Newsletter
IISER Bhopal Newsletter
Visit of delegates from The Australian ICDPC Placement drive
National University to IISERB IISERB students selected for the Prime
An Institute Lecture by Prof. Chennupati Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF)
Jagadish, ANU Selection of ENS Rennes, France
student for internship at IISER Bhopal
iHED International Higher Education
Awards and Achievements
Dialogue - Conference 2022
The delegates proposed to partner with IISER Bhopal for the ANU Future
Research Talent (FRT) program, a competitive and prestigious program
that attracts the very best international students from selected high-
quality partner Indian institutions and provides them exposure to ANU
research across the science, health and medicine disciplines. The program
offers a valuable opportunity for India’s emerging research talent to form
international linkages and develop research skills at the ANU.
Newsletter May, 2022
To shed light on the host switching process, my lab has been studying honeybee
parasites and viral diseases. With several generations per year, in bees we can
study co-evolution taking place before our eyes. Out work shows how diseases
evolve and how parasite speciation takes place.
Newsletter May, 2022
We are pleased to inform you that Ms. Sukhraj Kaur (Roll no. 1910115)
and Ms. Ritu Yadav (Roll no. 1810114), Ph.D. students from the
Department of Biological Sciences have been awarded a
competitive travel grant that will partially support their attendance in
the ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) meeting in
Prague this August 2022.
Please join us in congratulating Ms. Sukhraj Kaur and Ms. Ritu Yadav
on this success and in wishing them many more achievements in the
All the visiting students and the faculty members from MPCOST
participated enthusiastically.
Newsletter May, 2022
Title: Post-doctoral position in Near-field spectroscopy of polymers
and 2D materials at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT
Job Location: Milan, Italy
Application deadline: July 10, 2022
Fields: Applied Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Atomic, Molecular
and Optical Physics, Chemical Physics, Computer Vision, Condensed
Matter Physics, Electromagnetism, Engineering Physics,
Experimental Physics, Laser Physics, Machine Learning, Materials
Chemistry, Materials Engineering, Materials Physics,
Nanotechnology, Optical Engineering, Optics, Photonics, Polymer
Chemistry, Solid-state Physics, Spectroscopy, Theoretical Physics
Application Link: Please Click here
Center (DKFZ)
Job Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Application deadline: July 31, 2022
Fields: Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biostatistics, Biotechnology,