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IISER Bhopal Newsletter

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Alumni Newsletter May 2022

Visit of delegates from The Australian ICDPC Placement drive
National University to IISERB IISERB students selected for the Prime
An Institute Lecture by Prof. Chennupati Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF)
Jagadish, ANU Selection of ENS Rennes, France
student for internship at IISER Bhopal
iHED International Higher Education
Awards and Achievements
Dialogue - Conference 2022

Please visit https://alumni.iiserb.ac.in PC: Vaibhav, IISERB Photo Bucket

Newsletter May, 2022

Request to all IISERB alumni for information regarding your

recent achievements to be circulated in the Alumni Newsletter

The Office of Alumni and International Relations wishes to

highlight the achievements of the IISERB Alumni. The same will
be published in the Alumni Newsletter periodically. The
achievements of Alumni will motivate and provide directions to
the current students at IISERB. We request your kind help and

Please submit your write-up and photograph in the LINK HERE

Please visit the Alumni webpage/Alumni Newsletter for regular

updates on various placement opportunities in academia and
Newsletter May, 2022

Why to choose IISER Bhopal for academic pursuit!

BS* and BS-MS Dual Degree Programmes offered by IISER Bhopal

Programmes offered in
A focus on excellence in research, the Natural Sciences Stream
academic freedom it offers to the
young minds. 1. Biological Sciences
2. Chemistry
The unique training in promoting 3. Earth and Environmental sciences
world class research, with a mandate 4. Mathematics
for nurturing talents for leading
5. Physics
research and development and
solving complex problems in almost
all the disciplines, makes IISER Engineering Sciences Stream*
Bhopal students special.
1. Chemical Engineering
The students of IISER Bhopal have 2. Data Science and Engineering
been selected in various international
3. Electrical Engineering & Computer
programs where they showcase their
talents like UTRIP, Khorana Program Science
for Scholars - IUSSTF, SN Bose, DAAD,
etc. Humanities and Social
Sciences Stream
The acumen of the students have
been displayed in various fields, 1. Economic Sciences*
making them ready to join and 2. Humanities and Social Sciences
contribute in various research fields
and industries like Bioinformatics, *Four-year BS program and Five-year
Biotech, Data Sciences , Synthetic BS-MS in Engineering Sciences and
Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals,
Economics only at IISER Bhopal
Petroleum, Material Science and
Engineering, Information Technology,
Optics, Statistical Modeling, To know more about IISERB, please visit
Economic Policy, etc. - http://www.iiserb.ac.in
Newsletter May, 2022
Visit of delegates from The Australian National University at IISERB
The delegates from the Australian National University, Prof. Chennupati
Jagadish, Distinguished Professor, ANU Research School of Physics (the
incoming President of the Australian Academy of Science), Prof. Sasha
Mikheyev , Associate Dean (International), Research School of Biology, Mr.
Jay Poria, Head, International Relations and Partnerships ANU College of
Science, visited IISERB on 10th May 2022. They had interacted with the
Director, Deans, HoDs and students.

The delegates proposed to partner with IISER Bhopal for the ANU Future
Research Talent (FRT) program, a competitive and prestigious program
that attracts the very best international students from selected high-
quality partner Indian institutions and provides them exposure to ANU
research across the science, health and medicine disciplines. The program
offers a valuable opportunity for India’s emerging research talent to form
international linkages and develop research skills at the ANU.
Newsletter May, 2022

An Institute Lecture by Prof. Chennupati Jagadish, Head of Semiconductor

Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group in the Research School of
Physics, Australian National University

IISER Bhopal organized an Institute Lecture delivered by Professor

Chennupati Jagadish , Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and
Nanotechnology Group in the Research School of Physics, Australian
National University. All the community members participated

About the Speaker:

Professor Jagadish is a Distinguished

Professor and Head of Semiconductor
Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology
Group in the Research School of
Physics, Australian National University.
Prof. Jagadish is the Editor-in-Chief of
Applied Physics Reviews (IF: 19.162), Editor
of 2 book series and serves on editorial
boards of 20 other journals. He has
published more than 1000 research
papers (710 journal papers), holds 7 US
patents, co-authored a book, co-edited 15
books and edited 12 conference
proceedings and 20 special issues of

He is a fellow of 11 Science and Engineering Academies (US, Australia,

Europe, India) and 14 Professional Societies (IEEE, MRS, APS, etc.). He
received many awards including IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology,
IEEE Photonics Society Engineering Achievement Award, OSA Nick
Holonyak Award, IUMRS Somiya Award, UNESCO medal for his contributions
to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies and Lyle medal
from Australian Academy of Science for his contributions to Physics. He has
received Australia’s highest civilian honor, AC, Companion of the Order
of Australia, for his contributions to physics and engineering, in
particular nanotechnology. He has been elected as the next President
of the Australian Academy of Science and he is the first Australian of
Indian heritage to be in this role.
Newsletter May, 2022

An Institute Lecture by Prof. Chennupati Jagadish, Head of Semiconductor

Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group in the Research School of
Physics, Australian National University
Abstract of the Talk:
Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics Applications

Semiconductors have played an important role in the development of

information and communications technology, solar cells, solid state
lighting. Nanowires are considered as building blocks for the next
generation electronics and optoelectronics. The results on
optoelectronic devices such as lasers/LEDs, THz detectors, energy
devices such as solar cells, photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting
and Neuro-electrodes were presented. Future prospects of the
semiconductor nanowires were discussed.

A Lecture by Prof. Sasha Alexander Mikheyev from Australian

National University
IISER Bhopal organized a Lecture delivered by Professor Alexander
Mikheyev , Research School of Biology, Associate Dean
(International), College of Science, Australian National University .
Prof. Mikheyev also talked about the opportunities and scopes in ANU
for higher studies and internships. All the community members
participated enthusiastically.
Newsletter May, 2022

A Lecture by Prof. Sasha Alexander Mikheyev from Australian National

About the Speaker:

Professor Mikheyev is a Russian –

American evolutional biologist . He was born
in Russia, but lived in the USA since his
teenage years, ultimately moving to Japan
after graduate school. Now, he is about to
receive his Australian citizenship, having been
at the Australian National University for five
years. At the ANU, he leads the
Evolutionary Genomics research group
which applies cutting-edge tools in
genomics and bioinformatics to
fundamental questions in evolutionary
biology . Over the past decade, Prof Mikheyev
has worked on a wide variety of study
systems, ranging from bees to snakes, with a
general theme of understanding the
molecular origin of adaptations. He is
particularly fond of looking at rapid
evolutionary events we can see in our lifetime,
such as biological invasions, or various kinds
of pests.

Abstract of the talk: How globalization launched a honeybee disease


Host switching allows parasites to expand

their niches. However, successful switching
may require suites of adaptations and also
may decrease performance on the old host.
As a result, reductions in gene flow
accompany many host switches, driving
speciation. Because host switches tend to be
rapid, it is difficult to study them in real-time,
and their demographic parameters remain
poorly understood. As a result, fundamental
factors that control subsequent parasite
evolution, such as the size of the switching
population or the extent of immigration from
the original host, remain largely unknown.

To shed light on the host switching process, my lab has been studying honeybee
parasites and viral diseases. With several generations per year, in bees we can
study co-evolution taking place before our eyes. Out work shows how diseases
evolve and how parasite speciation takes place.
Newsletter May, 2022

ICDPC Placement Drive

We are pleased to share that 4 final year BS students of IISER
Bhopal, Ms. Gopika S.R., Mr. Kumod Kumar Marskole, Mr.
Mallidi Poorna Siva Rama Reddy (Dept. of Economic Sciences),
and Ms. Ananya Singha (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science) got selected at Nomura Services with an
annual package of INR 19 lakh during the recent campus
recruitment drive conducted by ICDPC.

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Gopika S.R., Mr. Kumod

Kumar Marskole, Mr. Mallidi Poorna Siva Rama Reddy, and Ms.
Ananya Singha on their achievements and in wishing them many
more success in the future.
Newsletter May, 2022

Congratulations to IISERB students on getting selected for the

Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF)
We are very pleased to share that the following students from IISER
Bhopal got selected for the prestigious PMRF scheme, December 2021
cycle .

Mr. Sagnik Chatterjee (Roll no. 180506), IPh.D. student, Department

of Physics
Mr. Abbas Altafhusain Tinwala (Roll no. 180501), IPh.D. student,
Department of Physics
Mr. Shubham Ramkisan Jathar (Roll no. 180407), IPh.D. student,
Department of Mathematics
Mr. Nalin Vilochan Mishra (Roll no. 2010704), Ph.D. student,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Mr. Pankaj Kapari (Roll no. 180404), IPh.D. student, Department of
Mr. Ranjan Kharel (Roll no. 2020202), Ph.D. student, Department of

A glimpse of IISER Bhopal current students: PMRF@2021

Mr. Sagnik Chatterjee Mr. Abbas Altafhusain Mr. Shubham
Tinwala Ramkisan Jathar

Mr. Nalin Vilochan

Mishra Mr. Pankaj Kapari Mr. Ranjan Kharel

Please join us in congratulating them on their well-deserved success,

and wishing them for their bright future ahead.
Newsletter May, 2022
iHED International Higher Education Dialogue - Conference 2022
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Association of
Indian Universities (AIU) organized an international virtual conference
on internationalization of higher education from 4−6 May 2022. France
was invited as the guest country.

The three-day conference provided a platform for stakeholders and

higher education institutions from Germany, France, India, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka to connect and liaison. They discussed
the future of international exchange in higher education and shared
good practices.

IISER Bhopal submitted a proposal for the session on "Non-degree-

seeking mobility: Fostering internationalization through short-
term stays" on 5th May 2022.

Dr. Abhijit Patra, Dean of Alumni and International Relations

delivered a presentation entitled "Challenges and opportunities
towards internationalization: Initiatives by IISER Bhopal" .

The conference was concluded with a high note highlighting the

potential and opportunities at IISER Bhopal on the International
Newsletter May, 2022

Selection of ENS Rennes, France student at IISER Bhopal

Congratulations to Mr. Vincent Badetti from ENS Rennes, France for
selection of Internship at IISER Bhopal

We are pleased to inform you that Mr.

Vincent Badetti, a BS student in
Mechatronics at ENS Rennes, France
has been selected for an internship at
IISER Bhopal within the framework of
the ENS-IISER exchange program.

He is pursuing his internship for the project namely ‘Exploration of

the graph structure of graph state codes’ in the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science under the guidance
of Dr. Ankur Raina on online mode and he is expected to visit IISER
Bhopal for completion of his internship programme soon.

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Vincent on this success and in

wishing him for a good stay and successful internship at IISER

Congratulations to Dr. Akshay Modi on being inducted as an Early

Career Editorial Board Member of the "Chemical Engineering Journal"
by Elsevier

We are delighted to share that Dr. Akshay

Modi (Dept. of Chemical Engineering) has
been inducted as an Early Career Editorial
Board Member of the Chemical Engineering
Journal , published by Elsevier, for a term of two

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Akshay Modi on this success and

in wishing him many more such honours in the future.
Newsletter May, 2022

Awards and Achievements

Congratulations to Ms. Sukhraj Kaur and Ms. Ritu Yadav for receiving
travel grant to attend European Society of Evolutionary Biology
meeting in Prague

We are pleased to inform you that Ms. Sukhraj Kaur (Roll no. 1910115)
and Ms. Ritu Yadav (Roll no. 1810114), Ph.D. students from the
Department of Biological Sciences have been awarded a
competitive travel grant that will partially support their attendance in
the ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) meeting in
Prague this August 2022.

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Sukhraj Kaur and Ms. Ritu Yadav
on this success and in wishing them many more achievements in the

Ms. Sukhraj Kaur Ms. Ritu Yadav

Congratulations to Ms. Aleena Xavier for receiving BSA Developing

Nations Travel Grants to attend the BOTANY conference in Anchorage,

We are pleased to inform you that Ms.

Aleena Xavier (Roll No. 1720101), a
Ph.D. student in the Department of
Biological Sciences , has been
awarded the BSA Developing Nations
Travel Grants to attend BOTANY 2022
conference in Anchorage, Alaska.
Newsletter May, 2022

Awards and Achievements

Congratulations to Ms. Aleena Xavier for receiving BSA Developing
Nations Travel Grants

BOTANY is one of the largest conferences in the field of Botanical

sciences that brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds
and sub-disciplines in botany. BOTANY is the joint annual conference of
premier scientific societies such as American Fern Society, American
Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT), International Association for Plant
Taxonomy(IAPT), Botanical Society of America(BSA), American
Bryological and Lichenological Society, and The Society of Herbarium
Curators. This year it takes place in Anchorage, Alaska from 24- 27 July.
I am giving a talk at the conference titled “Convoluted complexes: role
of hybridization and introgression in shaping plant species complexes
in tropics (Hedychium spicatum Complex, Zingiberaceae)". I have got a
travel grant of 1000USD to attend the conference and the travel grant
is called “BSA Developing Nations Travel Grants to BOTANY conference”

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Aleena Xavier on this success and in

wishing her many more such honours in the future.

Congratulations to Mr. Anirban Das for receiving Indian Chemical

Society Award of Excellence for Oral Presentation

We are delighted to inform you that Mr.

Anirban Das (Roll No. 1610202), a Ph.D.
student in the Department of Chemistry is the
recipient of the Indian Chemical Society Award
of Excellence for the presentation (Oral) entitled
“Repurposing an FDA approved drug as
insulin aggregation inhibitor” in the
Celebration of the 99th Foundation Day of the
Indian Chemical Society & International Research
Scholars’ Meet held on May 09, 2022

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Anirban Das on this success and

in wishing him many more such honours in the future.
Newsletter May, 2022

Awards and Achievements

Congratulations to Ms. Rhuthuparna S B for receiving ASPT Graduate
Student Research Grant

We are delighted to inform you

that Ms. Rhuthuparna S B (Roll
No. 2010116), a Ph.D. student in
the Department of Biological
Sciences , has been awarded a
competitive graduate research
grant to work on Gesneriaceae by
the ASPT (American Society of
Plant Taxonomists) Graduate
Research Grants committee .

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Rhuthuparna S B on this success

and in wishing her many more such accolades in the future.

Congratulations to Mr. Saket Shrotri for receiving ESA Opportunity


We are delighted to inform you

that Mr. Saket Shrotri (Roll no.
1810116) a Ph.D. student in the
Department of Biological
Sciences has been awarded a
competitive travel grant that will
partially support his attendance in
the ESA (Ecological Society of
America) meeting in Canada this
August 2022 .

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Saket Shrotri on this success and

in wishing him many more such accolades in the future.
Newsletter May, 2022

Summer Outreach Camp 2022 @IISERB

The Center for Science and Society at IISER Bhopal conducted a Summer Camp
from 16-20 May 2022 for classes IX, X, and XI students . About a hundred students
from different parts of the country attended this 5 days completely residential camp.
The aim of the camp was to enable the participants to understand the central role of
science in society. This camp introduced school kids to some fascinating topics in
natural and engineering sciences through highly interactive lectures and hands-on
laboratory exercises. This exposure was supplemented with critical perspectives from
Humanities and Social Sciences. Additionally, the participants interacted with each
other as well as senior IISERB students during fun activities like Pendulum and
magnet painting, science quiz and open mic.
Newsletter May, 2022
Visit of students and faculty members from various Institutions and
Universities for Professional Development at IISER Bhopal

CS2 organized a professional development visit to IISERB

campus on May 10, 2022. Twenty final-year M.Sc. students from
various institutions and universities in Madhya Pradesh
attended an internship program conducted by the Madhya Pradesh
Council of Science and Technology and five faculty members from
Madhya Pradesh Council for Science and Technology (MPCOST)
visited the Chemistry Professional Lab and Central Instrument
Dr. Madhumita Mukherjee gave them a tour of the Chemistry
Professional Lab and explained the working of a few instruments
therein (Fluorimeter, Cyclic Voltammetry, and UV-visible
spectrophotometer), followed by a brief demonstration on the same.
She also stressed upon the safety protocols followed in IISER Bhopal
laboratories. This was followed by a visit to the Research Labs
coordinated by the Ph.D. students from the Dept. of Chemistry.

All the visiting students and the faculty members from MPCOST
participated enthusiastically.
Newsletter May, 2022

IISER Bhopal participated in 75 Crore Surya Namaskar

IISER Bhopal participated in "75 Crore Surya Namaskar"

Programme as part of "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava- 75 years of
India's Independence" organized by the Ministry of Ayush.

All the community members enthusiastically participated in this

Newsletter May, 2022

Title: Post-doctoral position in Near-field spectroscopy of polymers
and 2D materials at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT
Job Location: Milan, Italy
Application deadline: July 10, 2022
Fields: Applied Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Atomic, Molecular
and Optical Physics, Chemical Physics, Computer Vision, Condensed
Matter Physics, Electromagnetism, Engineering Physics,
Experimental Physics, Laser Physics, Machine Learning, Materials
Chemistry, Materials Engineering, Materials Physics,
Nanotechnology, Optical Engineering, Optics, Photonics, Polymer
Chemistry, Solid-state Physics, Spectroscopy, Theoretical Physics
Application Link: Please Click here

Title: PhD Fellowships in Experimental and Theoretical Quantum

Science & Technology
Job Location: Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
(VCQ), Vienna, Austria
Application deadline: August 22, 2022
Fields: Engineering Physics, Experimental Physics, Mechanics,
Optics, Quantum Physics, Theoretical Physics
Application Link: Please Click here

Title: PhD Positions in Cancer Research, German Cancer Research

Center (DKFZ)
Job Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Application deadline: July 31, 2022
Fields: Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biostatistics, Biotechnology,

Cancer Research, Cell Biology, Computational Biology,

Epidemiology, Genetics, Health Economics, Immunology, Medical

Imaging, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine,

Nanobiology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Physiology, Radiology,

Systems Biology, Virology

Application Link: Please Click here

For more details on jobs click below link

Newsletter May, 2022


Title: Upcoming PhD positions at The International Max Planck

Research School for Translational Psychiatry (IMPRS-TP)
Job Location: Kraepelinstraße 2 Munich, Germany
Application deadline: July 15, 2022
Fields: Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Cell Biology, Genetics, Medical
Imaging, Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Neurology,
Neuroscience, Psychiatry & Psychology
Application Link: Please Click here

Title: PhD position (48 months) in organic and main-group

chemistry starting in Oct. 2022
Job Location: University of Namur, Belgium
Application deadline: July 01, 2022
Fields: Computational Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry
Application Link: Please Click here

Title: PhD Fellowship in Subsurface Geosciences at University of

Job Location: Stavanger, Norway
Application deadline: July 29, 2022
Fields: Energy Technology, Geochemistry, Geomorphology,
Geology, Geophysics, Seismology
Application Link: Please Click here

Job types available:

Click here for Ph.D.
Click here for Postdoc
Click here for Research assistant

For more details on jobs click below link

The Alumni Network of IISER Bhopal


Please follow Alumni Facebook Page of IISER Bhopal

We look forward to your generous support: 'Donate to IISERB'

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