This document provides steps to control a Pioneer p3-DX robot in CoppeliaSim using MATLAB. It involves setting up the integration files to connect CoppeliaSim and MATLAB, creating a scene with the robot and sensors, and writing scripts to get object handles and control the robot motors and read sensors. Example code is provided to control the robot's movement using different numbers of proximity sensors and turning methods.
This document provides steps to control a Pioneer p3-DX robot in CoppeliaSim using MATLAB. It involves setting up the integration files to connect CoppeliaSim and MATLAB, creating a scene with the robot and sensors, and writing scripts to get object handles and control the robot motors and read sensors. Example code is provided to control the robot's movement using different numbers of proximity sensors and turning methods.
This document provides steps to control a Pioneer p3-DX robot in CoppeliaSim using MATLAB. It involves setting up the integration files to connect CoppeliaSim and MATLAB, creating a scene with the robot and sensors, and writing scripts to get object handles and control the robot motors and read sensors. Example code is provided to control the robot's movement using different numbers of proximity sensors and turning methods.
This document provides steps to control a Pioneer p3-DX robot in CoppeliaSim using MATLAB. It involves setting up the integration files to connect CoppeliaSim and MATLAB, creating a scene with the robot and sensors, and writing scripts to get object handles and control the robot motors and read sensors. Example code is provided to control the robot's movement using different numbers of proximity sensors and turning methods.
o Step 1: Add Integration Files for Connect CoppeliaSim to MATLAB - Go To CoppeliaSim Installation Path: for Example: C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu - Go to “Programming” Folder - Go to “remoteApiBindings” Folder - If We Use MATLAB To Control Then Go to “matlab” Folder and Again Open “matlab” Folder - Copy 3 Files: remApi,m remoteApiProto.m simpleTest.m - Paste Them to your Project Folder - Go Back to “remoteApiBindings” Folder And Go to “lib” and Again “lib” - If We Use Windows Go to “Windows” and Copy “remoteApi.dll” to your Project Folder o Step 2: Open CoppeliaSim & MATLAB o Step 3: In CoppeliaSim Create New Scene o Step 4: Add Pioneer p3-DX Robots to the World o Step 5: Add a Cuboid to the World o Step 6: Create a Perspective Vision Sensor and Set Directions o Step 7: Create Script File - In Scene hierarchy Right Click to Cuboid Go to “Add” Next “Associated child script” Click “Non threaded” - Write simRemoteApi.start(19999) into function sysCall_init() -- do some initialization here end o Step 8: Save Scene o Step 9: Open MATLAB o Step 10: Add your Project Folder in MATLAB Directory o Step 11: Connection Test - Open “simpleTest.m” and Click Run and Go to CoppeliaSim Software - If you See Mouse Position in Matlab Command Window Mean Connection is Done o Step 12: Back to MATLAB and Create a new Script o Step 13: Write Some Necessary Code - Write : sim=remApi('remoteApi'); sim.simxFinish(-1); clientID=sim.simxStart('',19999,true,true,5000, 5); if (clientID>-1) disp('connected') end sim.delete(); o Step 14 Lets Write Code - Get Object Handle (Command for Access to Object) Go to Website Blew and you Can See All Function Code: “” Motors Set Joint Target Velocity (for Motors) Sensors Read Proximity Sensor (for Sensors) - Let’s Exam Two Control Code Pioneer1 Author: Mahdi Hajimohammadi Sensor Using: 3 Turn Method: Reverse Wheel Turning Sensor Calibration: Tuning Sensibility : Medium Pioneer2 Author: Mahdi Hajimohammadi (Convert Nikolai K. Pyton code Base to MATLAB code Base) Sensor Using: All 16 Sensor Turn Method: Increase or Decrease Left and Right Wheel’s Velocity Sensor Calibration: Tuning Sensibility : Hight