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GRADE 5 Summative 1st-4th

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1. Distinguish changes in meaning 1 12% 3 1-3
of sentences caused bu shift in

1. Pronounce words putting stress 1 12% 3 4-6

on the correct syllable.

1. Make simple and accurate 2 25% 6 7-12


1. Decode words.(Prefixes) 2 25% 6 13-18

1. Identify different information 1 13% 4 19-22

given to a word in a dictionary,
syllabication, stress mark.

1. Write the correct spelling of 1 13% 3 23-25

words. Listening, speaking and

TOTAL 8 100% 25


Read the statements.  Write R if it has rising intonation and F if falling intonation.
1.Have you seen Pacquiao’s rematch?
2.Who won in the in the rematch between Pacquiao’s  and Morales?
3. Did you see the film “Ony You?”

Write the syllable that has the loudest stress.

4. Tournament
 6. intonation
Directions: Give a simple and accurate description of any of each.(2 points)
7-8 a strong and healthy baby
9-10 dark and haunted kingdom
11-12 a big wide square umbrella
Directions: Choose the appropriate word inside the box that would make the sentences correct.
13. Mary Ann is big and ___________for her age.
A. underweight C. underweight
B. overweight D. undersized
14. The laborer works hard but is _____________________paid.
A. overpaid C. `underpaid
B. overlook D. under esteem
15. The teacher was _________________with her work.
She was given a C Rating.
16. Our family reunion will be _____ complete without you.
A.  in_____ B. re_____ C. dis_____ D. il_____
17. Please _____ wind the cassette tape.  I want to hear the music over again.
A. un_____ B. re_____ C. under_____ D.dis_____
18. The prices of food today are high.  Food vendors_____ price the food.
A. under_____ B. Over_____ C. in_____ D. im_____
Directions:  Read the meaning of mantle.  Answer the questions that follow.
Man-tle(man’tle) n. a loose outer garment; a. cloak; a covering; to suffuse; to flush, mantlet n.
(Mil.) a bullet-proof shelter (L.,,mantellum, a cloak)

19. How many syllables has the word mantle?

A. 1 B.  2 C. 3 D.4

20.  Where is the stress?

A. first B. second C. third d. fourth

Write N if the word is used as a noun and V if used as a verb.

21. The mantle thatcovers the shoulders of the princess is very expensive.
22. Prepare a mantle outside your hide-out.

Rewrite the sentences.  Write the correct spelling of the underlined word.
23. The manager can efficiently manege her staff.
24. What is the advantegof eating vegetables.
25. Knowledge    is power.


1. Follow a series of directions 2 23% 6 1-6

1. Give 2-3 step directions 1 11% 3 7-9

1. Make simple and accurate 2 22% 6 10-15


1. Decode words with suffixes(- 1 11% 3 16-18

less,-ful,-ness, -word, -ire,-
ment, -wise, -y,ist, -ous)

1. Identify oneself with with a 1 11% 3 19-21

character in the story.

1. Write a variety of texts- 2 22% 4 22-25


TOTAL 9 100% 25

Grade V
First Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: _____________________
Read the directions.  Follow what it tells you to do.(1-6)
1. Draw a circle.  Write your name, grade and section below it.  Underline your name once and
your grade twice.(4 points)
2. Draw a big rectangle and over it draw a triangle (2 points)
Choose the appropriate direction to each illustration. Check it.
1. English - Draw a big rectangle and write English inside the big rectangle.
 Write English and draw a rectangle.
1. - Draw 3 leaves of different sizes inside the square.
-Draw a square and draw 3 leaves of different sizes inside the square.
9. -Draw X inside the circle.
-Draw a circle and put an X inside it.
10.  People need to plant more and more trees_____. Which is correct?
A. so that flood can be controlled
B.while it is not too late
C. even before our forefathers.
D. when the mountains are bare.

11. Which of the following announcements is complete?

A. Our class is having a hobby show on Thursday. Everyone is invited to come.
B. Star scouts are invited for a special meeting on October 7.  Be sure to come.
C. The English Club will hold a speech fest on August 3,3:00 P.M. in Room 7.
D. The English Club will sponsor a puppet show on October 20.

12. Which of the following announcements is correct?

A. A Bench Warrant has been issued to the Municipal Court in Cities.
B.A Bench Warrant has been issued to the Municipal Trial Court in Cities against AdelinaPalisoc.
C. A Bench Warrant has been issued to the Municipal Trial Court in Cities against AdelinaPalisoc
for violation of B.P. 22.
D. A warrant has been issued against AdelinaPalisoc.

13. A. Send your resume instantly.

B. Instantly send your resume.
C. Send your resume instantly to JOB MARKET at www.jobmarketonline.com
D. Send your resume instantly to JOB MARKET.

14. A. Sales executive wanted, male/female, 22-35 years old.

B. Wanted male/female 22-35 years old Sales Executive.
C. Wanted 22-35 years old male or female Sales Executive with pleasing personality.
D. Sales Executive with pleasing personality with 22-35 years old.

15. A. In need of not over 27 years of age and experienced male mechanical undergraduate.
B.     I need of experienced 27 years old male mechanical undergraduate.
C. Toyota Corporation is in need of not over 27 years of age and experienced
undergraduate of mechanical engineering course.

Directions:  Select the meaning of the underlined word.  Write the letter of the correct answer.
16. Poodles are lovable pets.
A. being small B. can be great C. being loved D. can work at home
17. Her loveliness attracted many of her suitors.
A. being kind B. being wise C. being lovely D. being beautiful
18. He is thankful   to his teacher who helped him become an asset to society.
A. feel grateful B. feel sad C. feel excited D. feel happy

Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Rufo plays his friend Nilo every Sunday.  One Sunday afternoon he went to play with him. 
He had to cross a raildroadto  get to Nilo’s place.  The sign near the track said: Stop. Raildroad
Crossing Rufodidn’t pay attention to the sign.  He thought he had enough time to cross before the
train came.  In a flash, a man grabbed Rufo’s arms and dragged him off the track19.  If you were
Rufo, what will you do after reading the sign near the track
20. Would you make the same decision of crossing the raildroad? Why?
21.  If you were the man, what will you do with Rufo ?Why?
Read the announcements.   Make your own complete announcement.
22. Send your resume instantly.  JOB Market-www.jobmarketonline.com
2006 January 13-31, 2006
Up to 70 %
SALE!!!!   Discount in all participating stores!!!

Grade V
First Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: _____________________

Table  of Specification
1. Makes a story grammar to 2 25% 6 1-6
remember details in a
selection listened to.
1. Retell a selection listened 1 12% 3 7-9
1. Use plural form of nouns in 2 25% 6 14-19
talking about oneself/others-
irregular nouns.
1. Draw pictures of 1 13% 4 10-13
incidents/characters from a
selection heard.
1. Write a paragraph from the 2 25% 3 20-25
pictures drawn-beginning
sentence, middle sentence,
ending sentence.
TOTAL 9 100 % 25 25

Grade V
First Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
One day shepherd was tending his flock of one hundred sheep. As
night drew near, he counted his flock. He found out that one sheep
was missing.  He was very worried so he immediately left the ninety-
nine to look for the missing one. He did not stop until he has found the
lost one. He was very happy when he found it.

Linda does not have enough most of the time. But she knew that
others had much less. So everytime she had money,she was tempted
to buy candy or softdrink but she would soon check herself and
instead drop the money inside the box which was marked, “For the
At the end of the year, she was surprised to see that the box was
full and she was very happy indeed. She sent the box an orphanage.

Directions: Listen to the story that I will read. (Shephered Boy).

Complete the story grammar.
Character:  1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
Setting:       3._________________________________________
Problem  4.______________________________________________
Solution  5.______________________________________________

Based on the story you have just heard complete the events below.
A. Shepherd was  tending his flock.
He found out that one sheep was missing

Listen again to the story of “Linda”. Then draw four (4) incedents from
the story. 10-13
10. ______________________________________________________________
11. ______________________________________________________________

Read the sentences. Some of them are correct. Put a check mark(/) on
those that are correct. Others contain errors. Correct the errors.
__________14. Are there child in the room?
__________15. Many dry leaf are on the ground.
__________16. The school key were lost by the janitor.
__________17. The pupils in the class looked for the keys.
__________18. Brush your tooth everyday.
__________19.Swarms of fly are on the garbage.

Look at the picture. Write a paragraph about each picture. Make sure
the paragraph contains a beginning sentence, middle sentence and
ending sentence

Grade V
First Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Dated: _____________________

Table  of Specification
1.Give implied ideas or
information in a selection 1 16% 3 1-3
listened to.
2. Use possessive form of 1 16% 3 17-19
plural nouns ending in s or z.
3. Give heading to a set of 2 26% 5 4-8
related ideas.
4. Identify the key sentence in 1 16% 3 9-11
a paragraph.
5.Arrange sentences according 2 26% 6 12-17
to order of time/importance in
writing a paragraph.
TOTAL 9 100 % 20 20
Grade V
First Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Listen well to the selection. Then answer the questions that follow. Write the letter only.

The School Lunch Counter

A school canteen or lunch counter is set-up in every school to improve children’s eating
habits and preferences. Native nutritious dishes such as goto, pancit and lumpia are prepared by
teachers with the help of several children. Sandwiches are also sold for those who prefer light
merienda. A good lunch counter serves milk as a regular item for sale.
The canteen is a part of school. It protects children from sickness by discouraging them to
buy from food peddlers and unsanitary nearby stores.
1. When does the majority of children buy at the lunch counter?
A. During recess C. after class
B. Before class D. in the afternoon
1. Why is milk good for children?
A. It supplies them with needed vitamins.
B. It is nice to drink.
C. It tastes good.
D. It is white in color.
1. Where can children buy safer and cheaper food?
C. Read the set of ideas. Choose the best heading. Wqrite the letter only.
1. Plants and animals on earth could not survive on Mars. The average temperature on Mars
is 80 below zero. There is not enough water to fill a lake. The plants and animals could
not breathe because there is almost no oxygen on Mars.
A. The Amount of water in Mars.
B. The temperature on Mars.
C. Why plants and animals wouldn’t survive on Mars.
5. Everyone in the house was resting. My father had fallen asleep while watching T.V. My little
sister was sleeping on top of a quilt. Even the dog and cat were curled up on the rug.
A.Siesta time
B. Little sister and the cat were resting.
C. It is noontime.
6. Boiling an egg involves several steps. First let the water come to a boil. Then gently lower the
egg into boiling water. Finally let the eggs sit in the hot water for 15 minutes.
7. I went to a block party last Sunday. I met all my friends there. We bought some records on
sale. We danced at the party too.
A. Buying records on sale.
B. What I did at the block party.
C. Where I met my friends last Sunday.
8. Walking to school can be an adventure! Once I found a pretty tin box. Just yesterday I passed
a circus caravan, on its way to the fair grounds. This morning I got caught in a sudden rain
A.  Why walking to school is an adventure
B. What to do in a rain shower.
C. Things I saw to school.
Read the paragraph. Copy the key sentence.
9. Beautiful lanterns decorate the windows of most homes. Children go caroling from one house
to another. People are busy buying gift for their love opens.
10. Durian is an unusual fruit. It grows in Mindanao and other places in the country. Its flesh has
an unpleasant odor but is delicious and very nutritious. Its covering is rough like a jackfruit. It
can be made into a delicious candy.
11. Fish lay eggs in different places. They lay their eggs in stones and floating logs. Others hide
their eggs in corals. Some attach their eggs to leaves of water plants.
C. Read the “Recipe for Brownies”. Arrange the steps in correct order. Write the letters on the


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8 inch square baking dish. In a mixing bowl,
put 2 ounces of unsweetened chocolate and 1/3 cup of butter. Put the bowl in a pan of hot water
and heat it to melt the chocolate. When the chocolate is melted, remove the pan from the heat.
Add 1 cup of sugar. Add 2 eggs to the melted chocolate and beat it.
Next, stir in:
/ ¾ cup of sifted flour
/ ½ teaspoon of baking powder
/ ½ teaspoon salt
/ ½ cup of chopped nuts
Spread the mixture in the greased baking dish. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. The brownies are
baked when a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean. Let the brownies cool. Cut them into
12._________A. Melt chocolate and butter in a mixing bowl over the pan 
Of hot water.
13._________B. beat in 1-cup sugar and 2 eggs.
14. ________C. Spread mixture in a baking dish.
15. ________D. Cool brownies and cut into square.
16. ________E. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Mix in the chopped 
17. ________F. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool brownies and cut into 
Write the letter of the correct possessive form of plural nouns.
18. A.We ate at Lapaz’ batchoy.
B. We ate at Lapaz’Sbatchoy.
C. We ate at Lapa’zbatchoy.
D. We ate at Lapazs’ batchoy.
19. A.The girls’ green sweaters.
B. The girls’ green sweaters.
C. The girls’ green sweaters.
D. The girls’ green sweaters.
20.  A.The trains’ whistles.
B. The trains’ whistles.
C. The trains’ whistles.
D. The trains’ whistles.

Second Grading Period

Summative Test No. 1
Dated: __________________________

Table  of Specification
1.Give titles to paragraph/stories
listened to. 1 13% 4 1-4
2.Use a variety of sentences- 1 12% 3
3.Use a variety of sentences- 2 25% 6 5-13
4.Identify the different 2 25% 6 14-19
information given to a word in a
dictionary-multiple meanings of
5.Use synonyms. 1 13% 3 20-22
6.Write the correct spelling of 1 12% 3 23-25
words(final consonant cluster)
TOTAL 8 100 % 25 20

Second Grading Period

Summative Test No. 1
Directions: Listen as I read the sentences in each set. Then choose an appropriate title
from the choices given. Write the letter only.
1. ►Father is fixing the fence.
►Mother is sweeping the yard.
►Brother is watering the plants.
►Sister is pulling the weeds in the garden.
__________A. A Fine Day
__________B. A Busy Day
__________C. A Rest Day
1. ►I get a big basket.
►I buy fish and meat.
►I buy fruits and vegetables.
►I buy cooking oil, salt and sugar.
__________A. going Marketing
__________B. Going Shopping
__________C. Going Out
1. ►The sun is out.
►The sky is clear.
►There are no dark clouds in the sky.
►The clouds are thin and white.
___________A. The Sky
___________B. On a Clear Day
___________C. The Sun and the Sky
1. ►The men go to their boats.
►They bring their boats to shore.
►They row their boats to sea.
►They throw their nets in the water.
___________A. The Fisherman
___________B. The Fisherman and their Boats
___________C. Going Fishing
Directions: Read the sentences. Write S it is a simple sentence and C if it is a compound
_____5. The butter and sugar have melted.
_____6. The crane walked towards the pond and it caught the frog with its bill.
_____7. The owner of the pond threw a log at the frogs.
_____8. You can see a movie or go home and read a novel.

Directions: Look at the picture and write one simple sentence and three compound
sentences about it. 9-13


Directions: Study the dictionary entry for dress. Write the letter of the appropriate
meaning for each sentence.
A. to put clothes on
B. to provide with clothes
C. to adorn
D. to treat (a sore)
E. clothes
F. stuffing for a fowl
14. You dress for school, Melanie.
15. The chef dressed the bowl of salad.
16. My mother dressed the beggar.
17. The nurse dressed the boy’s infected wound.
18. The dresses on the cabinet were all burned.
19. Please tell the cook to dress the chicken.
20. The damage done by the fire was dreadful; eventhough she got the highest in the
whole level.
A. amusing B. could be explained C. terrible D. unimportant
21. Fatima was modest about her grades, even though she got the highest in the whole

A. not happy B. not boastful C. not proud D. not sincere

22. I was outraged when I saw the big boy pushing the lame boy.
A. angered B. interested C. pleased D. shocked
23. I could hear the ___________ bells ringing.
A. church B. churchs C. churts D. churh
24. The food contains___________that the body needs.
A. nutrienst B. nutrient C. nutints D. nutrents
25. Allan would live___________in Canada.
A. permanintly B. permanently C.permaiently D. pemantly
Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.Sequence events in the story
listened to. 1 10% 3 1-3
2.Use a variety of sentences- 2 20% 5 21-25
3.Use demonstrative pronouns. 1 10% 3 14-16
4.Identify the details that support 2 20% 5 4-8
the key sentence.
5.Skim to get the general idea or 2 20% 5 9-13
what the material is about.
6.Write rhymes/jingles related to 2 20% 4 17-20
the selection read.
TOTAL 10 100 % 25

Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Directions: Listen to the story.  Answer the questions that follow.
Once, insects lived liver in communities like people do.  They raised families and worked
in farms to raised food.  In one such insect community a spider lived.
Spider was very lazy. He wanted to eat and eat but she did not like to work in the
community area.  Therefore, he pretended he was sick. His neighbor took good care of him. 
However, spider made he appear so weak and lifeless that his neighbors buried him in a place
near the community garden.
That night, Spider crawled out his grave. He went to the garden and ate all juicy green
leaves and ripe fruits. Then he crawled back to his grave and slept all day long.
The insects wondered who ate all the food in the garden. They made a plan to catch the
thief. They gathered soft wax and molded a doll as big as a person mold. They placed the doll
upright on the farm.
That night, Spider crawled out of his grave. He saw a person in the garden. The person
seemed to be gathering some ripe tomatoes.
“Hey! What are you doing here? You thief, get out here!
The person did not move. He continued in his work. Spider came near, punched, and
kicked the person. Moreover, when he did that, his hands and feet were stuck in the wax. He was
trapped. He could not free himself from the sticky substance. Spider yelled and cried for help.
All the insects heard the cry. They went out of their huts and ran to the garden. Soon,
everyone was laughing at the Spider.
“So he was the thief!”
“But we thought he was sick!”
Spider was so ashamed. When he freed himself, he ran to dark corner. Moreover, there he
hid to this day.
Directions: Read the sentences. Arrange the 3 sentences in sequence. Copy them on your
A. The insects molded the wax into a doll as big as a person did.
B. Spider crawled out of his grave at night and ate food in the garden.
C. The insects wondered who was stealing their food.
Soon, all the insects were laughing at the Spider.

Directions: Read the story silently. Then answer the questions that follow.
On early morning, MangTonyo set out his boat to lay out his net. He went out to his
favorite fishing groove. It was some meters away from the mangrove area. The tide brings in
fishes that spawned in the mangrove. He laid out his net over a wide area. He would return in the
afternoon to collect the fish caught in his net.
Tonyo found his net heavier than the usual that afternoon. He smiled to himself. He had a
good catch. If only he could earn more. There are many things he would like to buy. He pulled
his net toward the boat. He could hardly leave it into the boat. Then he saw his catch. It was not a
fish. Something yellow glistened in the afternoon sun. He pulled his net up higher to see what
made it so heavy. He saw a gold chain. His imagination grew wild. He thought of the things he
would do with his gold catch.
“I will be the richest man in the village. I will buy all the fishing boats.  The entire
fisherman will work for me”.
He was so absorbed imagining how he would live in style. He did not notice the water
slowly seeping into his boat. The weight of the gold chain dragged his boat down. All he could
see was the brilliant gold color of the chain. The water had rushed into his boat. It was too late
when he felt the water swirling around his chest.
Directions: Copy the sentences that support the key sentence in the box. (4-8)
Tonyo had always dreamed of a gold catch to buy things he liked.
A. Tonyo felt his net heavier than usual.
B.  He smiled to himself.
C. At last, he had a good catch.
D. If only he could earn more.
E. He laid out his net over a wide area.
F. He went to his favorite fishing ground.
G. He pulled his net toward the boat.
H. Something yellow glistened in the afternoon sun.
I. There are so many things he would like to buy.
Directions: Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions after each paragraph.
A green plant is the only living thing that can make its own food. The green leaves make
food for the plant.
To make food, the leaves blend water and carbon dioxide together. With the help of
sunlight, water and carbon dioxide are made into sugar or starch. Sugar and starch are the food
for the plants.
1. What is the paragraph about?
A. Kinds of food
B. What plants give us?
C. How the green plants make its food?
D. Plants can make their own food.
              Our body heat remains at a certain temperature all the time. When we get very warm,
little    beads of water called sweat form on our skin. Sweat is mostly water mixed with salt from
the body. This is also called perspiration. Perspiring is a quick method of cooling off the body.
As each little bead of sweat evaporates, it carries away a little heat from the body, and we feel a
little cooler.
1. This paragraph is about.
A. Maintaining the body temperature
B. Keeping the body warm
C. Keeping the body cool
D. Perspiring is good the body

          Many other fishes have great strong teeth crushing the shells of oysters, clams
and barnacles on which they feed. Some kinds of fish eat water plants called “lumot”
and “digman”.
Young fishes and some species of large fishes feed on plankton. Plankton is the
name given to microscopic plants and animals that live in rivers, lakes and seas.
Plankton is also called “pasture of the sea”.

1. What is the selection about?

A. Kinds of fish
B. Food  for fish
C. Food value of fish
D. Fish do not eat other fish
The people of Thailand are called Thais meaning “free people”. Most Thais are
Buddhist. They are calm, soft spoken, and peaceful; probably because Buddhism, their
national religion, teaches them the quiet way of life.
The Thai consider the white elephant sacred. They believe that the spirits of their
ancestors live its body. White elephants are a symbol of power. They are left unmolested
and unharmed in forest, or raised in palace yards and royal gardens. Thus, Thailand is
known as the “Land of the white elephant”.
12-13.What is the selection about.
A.  Buddhism
B. White elephants
C. The religion and beliefs of the Thais
D. White elephants are scared
  Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the appropriate word that best fits the sentence.
1. Will you give me ______________ big dictionary on the table?
A. That   B. those           C. this     D. these
1. ________________rice grains on the rice fields are ready for harvesting
A. That                 B.Those                     C.These                     D. This
1. ___________building is the new high school.
A. That B.Those C.This D. These
  Directions:  To complete the rhyme, give a word which rhymes with the underlined word.
1. Juice is good for you and me.         While milk is good for _______________, too.
2.  Every school day, I like  to _________________.
3. The bee in the beehive.And we ______________.
4. The Spider makes a web. But girls make their ______________.
  Directions: Read the set of sentences and form a complex sentence.
1.  The booths for the exhibits are ready
The exhibits are not here yet.
1. The labels maybe pasted on the table
They may be attached to the items themselves.
1. The girls can make turns in watching the booths
The boys can come back in the afternoon.
1. The handicrafts are on these tables
The metal works are on those shelves. 
1. The children are very quiet.
The teacher is around. 

Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.List down important ideas/events
from the news report heard. 1 17% 4 1-4
2.Use reflexive pronouns. 1 17% 5 5-9
3.Ask and answer questions about 2 33% 8 10-17
(negative & positive rejoinder)
4.Identify the major ideas/concepts 1 17% 4 18-21
in a selection.
5.Arrange sentences according to 1 16% 4 22-25
order in time/importance in writing a
TOTAL 6 100 % 25
Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Directions: Listen to the news report. List at least three important events you heard.(1-4)

Philippines Daily Inquirer-January 15, 2006

Over 100 books and counting…
She was singing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” to one-month-old Maria Angelica
when she heard something that both shocked and delighted her: The baby was humming
along with her.
At that moment, Clarinda Martinez and her husband, Arturo, a businessman, knew
that something was special about their little angel.”
At two, the young girl told her parents reciting her ABC’s had started to bore her.
She then proceeded to say it backwards:”Z,Y,X,W…, and so on.
At three, Angel began to write “books” fashioned from sheets of bond papers
stapled together. Her stories told of knights and princesses who shuttled between fantasy
and reality as they bore the traits of her mom, her dad, her friends and all those dear to
Now five, Angel has written almost a hundred of these stories-and she wants to write
They are mostly short paragraphs about her life, experiences, and the things she has
read. But they show level of sophistication not normally found in a child who’s not even old
enough to cross the street by herself.
During a visit to their house in Quezon City, Angel told the Inquirer:”I want to be a
writer, a doctor to help sick people… and an archeologist because I want to study old stuff
like pyramids in Egypts,”she said. But most of all, Angel    said she wants to write. Since
learning how to use a pen and paper, the little girl has devoted most of her free time to
writing. Said Clarinda.
Angel was born on July 5, 2000 after three years of waiting by her parents who had
trouble after three years of waiting by her parents who had trouble conceiving, said her
mother, who works at the East West Bank head office in Makati City.
Where Angel got her extraordinary abilities is a mystery to them, since genius is not
known to run in either Clarinda or her husband’s side of the family. “You can say we are
above average (in intelligence) but not exceptional (like Angel),” added the proud mother.
A kindergarten pupil at St. Paul College of Quezon City, Angel is easily the
“themost intelligent in class, “according to her teacher Kate Oriz. She is very advanced for
her age. She already knows how to read difficult words, “she said.
Ortiz said she has asked Angel’s parents to take her to a school by taking the
administration exams for Grade I she added that St. Paul does not have a system for
accelerating outstanding students.
Angel has not yet taken an IQ (Intelligence quotient) test and other diagnostic
exams, said Arturo. They only decided recently to have her tested for possible entry to a
school for the gifted, headded.”In January, a doctor from the Philippine Association for the
Gifted will evaluate her skills, “he said.

Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the word that best fits each sentence.
5.They get _________ two pail of water.
A. Himself B. ourselves C. themselves D.yourselves
6.Webought___________pajamas for the night.
A. Himself B. ourselves C. themselves D.yourselves
7.Angela made_________ amask for the party
A. herself B. himself C. themselves D. yourselves
8. Benjie, behave _________.
A. herself B. himself C. themselves D. yourself
9.Sarah  was putting make-up on _________.
A. herself B. himself C. themselves D. yourself
10.The girl writes poems,___________?
A. doesn’t she? B.does she?   C. didn’t she?     D.did she?
11. The drugstore is open,_________?
A. Is it B. isn’t it C.didn’t she D. did she
12.She doesn’t like Math, _________?
A. doesn’t she B.does she C. didn’t  she D.did she
13. It is time, _____?
A. Is it B. isn’t it C.didn’t she D. did she
14. You like mangoes, __________?
A. don’t you B. do you C. did you D. didn’t you
15. Cookie is your sister,_________?
A. is she B. isn’t she C. is it D. isn’t it
16.You don’t like to be late, ___________?
A. don’t they? B.do they?   C. do you?     D.don’t you
17.The cleaners yesterday cleaned the room, ________?
A. don’t they B. do they C. did they D. didn’t they

Direction: Read the paragraph or selection. Identify the major idea/concept in the

Nature’s creatures usually have short lives and only a few enjoy the long life that people
Of all mammals, only the elephant lives up to 25 years old, tropical fish are lucky to
live more than a couple of years. Fifteen is a remarkably good age of cats and dogs.
Many flies and insects live only a few hours.
However, trees, tortoises, and parrots regularly live longer than people do. Tortoises
live to be over 150 years old. Parrots may live well over 100 years, and giant red trees
live for thousand years.
Today, man lives longer than ever before because of better health standards, a
newly born boy can look forward to a life expectancy of 70 years or more.
18. What is the main concept in the selection?
A. How Old Man Lives
B. Life Span of Nature’s Animals
C. Life Span of Nature’s Creatures
D. Natures Creatures

When a person slips, he falls with a painful bump. When a toy is thrown into the air,
it always comes down. A force pulls everything towards the center of the earth. This
downward pull is called gravity.

The force of gravity keeps the air near the earth and gives us atmosphere. Gravity
keeps us and everything else on earth from flying off into space.

Gravity gives us trouble, too. Because of the pull of gravity, it is hard for us to lift
objects. Climbing s steep hill is tiring because we must work hard against the downward
pull of gravity.
19. What is the major idea of the selection?
A. The earth is a magnet
B. Earth
C. Force of gravity
D. A person

Potatoes are probably the most popular of all vegetables in the 

World.  We eat them baked, boiled, mashed, fried, in soups and bread, and as potato chips
and French-fried potatoes.

Potatoes grow in the ground as tubers.  Tubers are not parts of the roots of the
plant, but are fleshy thickened underground stems.

The potato is not usually grown from seeds but from pieces of the potato, which
have eyes or buds. To grow potatoes, the farmer carefully plants pieces of potato, each
containing at least one eye or bud.  It takes about three to four months for the plant to
When the tops of the plants begin to wilt, it is a sign that the potatoes are ready to
be dug up. Each potato plant may grow three to six potatoes.

20.What is the main idea of the selection.

A. cooking potatoes C. timber for houses
B. part of trees D. uses of trees
Man! I am the warmth of your home
In the cold rainy nights;
And the protective shade when the summer
Sun is strong.
I am the Framework of the roof of your house
And the Top of your table.
The bed in which you sleep
And the Timber with which you fashion your boats.
I am the Wood of your cradle
And the Boards of your coffin
I am the Bread of Kindness
And the Flower of beauty
Hear my prayer:
“Destroy Me Not”!
21. What is the major idea of the poem?
A. enemies of trees C. timber for houses
B. part of trees D. uses of trees

Directions: Read the story. Answer the questions that follow.


A group of frogs lived in a clean and beautiful pond. The pond was filled with lily pads. 
The water was clear and clean. There were plenty of bugs to eat. The frogs did not know it, but
they had a pleasant and easy life.
“There is nothing to do here,” they complained to each other.
“We need somebody to direct us to make our life exciting, “said one.
“Then we need a king, “said another.
“Yes, we need a king. We need a king!”Shouted the rest.
So they asked the man who owned the pond to send them a king. The owner of the pond
was not a kind of man. Neither was he patient. When he heard the frogs croaking loudly, he
threw a log at them.
The frogs had seen a log before. They thought the log was the king they asked for. They
looked and looked at the log. They waited for the log to speak at them. But the log remained
motionless in the water.
“Fake! Fake! He is no king! He is no King!” shouted the rest.
They croaked louder than before. They wanted the owner to give them a king. For so long
the frogs croaked and croaked. The noise drove the man very angry. He brought a tall beautiful
bird and placed it at the pond.
The frogs were speechless.
“What a beautiful creature he is!” said the frogs.
“How regal and kingly he stands on those long legs.”
The crane walked in the pond, caught one frog with his bill, and gobbled it.
He took another and did the same.
“What is he doing?”
“What is our king doing?”
“He is eating us!”
Directions: Choose the letter that best answers the questions to complete the sentences.
22. Where did the group of frogs lived?
A. in the pond
B. in a dirty and small pond
C. in a clean and beautiful pond
D. in a big clear lake.
23. Which event is the opening of the story?
A. The owner of the pond threw a log at the frogs.
B. The frogs found the life at the pond threw a log at the frogs.
C. The crane walked towards the pond and caught one frog with his bill.
D. The frogs asked for a king.
24. Which events is the end of the story?
A. The frogs found the life at the pond dull and boring
B. The owner of the pond bought a beautiful bird for his garden.
C. The crane walked toward the pond and caught one frog with   his bill.
D. The frogs asked for a king.
25. Which immediately follows the event above?
A. He took another frog and did the same.
B. The owner of the pond threw a log at the frogs.
C. The owner of the pond bought a beautiful bird for his garden.
D. The frogs admired the beautiful creature in the garden.

Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.Get information from news
report from news report heard. 1 13% 4 1-4
2.Use the different verb forms- 1 12% 3 5-7
simple present(for general truth)
3.Organize the key sentence and 2 25% 6 8-13
supporting details.
4.Make a two-point outline of a 2- 2 25% 6 14-19
3 paragraph selection.
5.Write a two-point sentence 2 25% 6 20-25
TOTAL 6 100 % 25

Grade V
Second Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Directions: (Teacher reads the news  article)
Listen to the news report. List down at least four (4) information from the news
report that answers who, when, where, how and why questions.


Manila-Philippines share prices closed 0.63 percent higher yesterday, extending a
rally to a sixth straight session, amid optimism an increased sales tax will solve the
government’s financial problems, dealers said.
They said gains delivered the benchmark to a two-week high, a day before Manila
rises the value-added tax by two percentage points to 12 percent.
________ The composite index rose 13.48 points to 
________ 2,145.39 after moving between 2,131.9 and 2,148.99.
________ Turnover reached 4.55 billion shares worth P 1.38 
________ billion.
However, the all-shares index fell 1.21 points to
1,027 to 1,027.13. Gainers led losers 56 to 30, while 
54 stocks we extended gains, hitting 52.13 to the
Dollar in morning trade, its strongest level since May
Finance Secretary MargaritaTeves said he has
Recommended the VAT increase to President Gloria 
Arroyo after the government met the legal 
Requirements for raising the tax. *AFP.
Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter only.
1. Health___________wealth.
A. Are B. is C. was D. were
1. “Cleanliness___________next to Godliness”.
A. Are B. is C. was D. were
1. Rainfall___________measured in most parts of the world by means of an
instrument called rain gauge.
A. Are B. is  C. was D. were
Directions: Copy the sentences that support the topic sentence below.
Bats can fly but they are not birds.

►Bats are unusual animals

►Bats do not have any feather.
►Their bodies are covered with fur.
►What seem to be wings are not feathers.
►Bats wings are as strong as birds.
►Their wings are as strong as birds.
►Bats’ wings are as strong as birds.
►Their wings are as strong as birds.
►Bats’ wings are thin skin stretched every long finger bones.
►Bats fly by flapping their wings just as birds do.
1. ______________
2. ______________
Directions: Read the paragraphs. Study the outline below. Write the ideas asked for  in the


Lightning was a big strong man who lives among the people on earth. He was so
strong`, he used his force to have his own way. He had no qualms in killing people who did
not follow him.  He became so mean and cruel, the people hated him.
The chiefs of the tribes gathered to talk about lightning. He had killed so many
people. He was a problem to the whole tribe. The chiefs decided to send lightning away.
Lightning begged to stay. He promised to change his ways. But the chiefs did not change
their decision. So, Lightning was forced to live in another part of the world.
After Lightning had left, the evil monster from the sea came.  The monster carried
people living near the sea. Soon, he crept to the land and carried more people away.
Lightning heard of the problem of his former village. He returned to the village and
volunteered to kill the monster. In return, he must be allowed to live again in the village.
The chiefs had no choice but to accept Lightning’s condition. There was no one in
the whole tribe who could kill the sea monster. If they would not accept. Lightning, the
whole tribe would be wiped out.
Lightning killed the sea monster. He lived with the people. He did not change much.
He is still dangerous. To this day, Lightning still lives with the people on earth.


14. I. ___________________________________________________________________
A. He was so strong, he used his force to have his own way.
15. B.___________________________________________________________________
16. C. ___________________________________________________________________
II.The chiefs of the tribes gathered to talk about Lightning.
17. A. ___________________________________________________________________
18. B.____________________________________________________________________
19. C.____________________________________________________________________
D. Lightning begged to stay and promised to change his ways.
20. E. ____________________________________________________________________
F. So, Lightning was forced to live in another part of the world.
21. III.____________________________________________________________________
22. A._____________________________________________________________________
23. C. Lightning heard of the problem of his former village.
D. He volunteered to kill the sea monster but he must be allowed
To live again in the village
IV. The chiefs had no choice but to accept Lightning’s condition.
24. A. ___________________________________________________________________
25. B. ___________________________________________________________________
V. Lightning killed the sea monster so he lived with the people.
A. He did not change much.
B. He is still dangerous.
C. Today, he still lives with the people on earth.

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 1
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.Identify cause/effect from
statements/situations heard. 1 11 % 3 1-3

2.Use different verb forms-simple past.

2 22 % 5 4-8
3.Use the different verb forms habitual
past in questions and short answers. 1 11 % 3 9-11
4.Use antonyms. 2 22  % 5 12-16
5.Give possible causes to a given
effect. 1 11 % 3 17-19
6.Give possible effects to a given
cause. 1 11 % 3 20-22
7.Write the correct spelling of words
learned in listening, speaking and 1 12 % 3 23-25
TOTAL 9 100 % 25
Grade V
Third  Grading Period
Summative Test No. 1
Directions: Write C if the underlined phrase is a cause, E for effect.
1. Ben passed the test because he studied his lessons.
2. There were trees and plants around so the air was cool and fresh.
3. The drainage is cloggedbecause people throw their garbage

Directions:  Choose the correct form of the verb. Write only the letter.
1. The girls_____the pictures in the bulletin board early this morning.
A. Paste B. pasted C. pastes D. pasting
1. Miss Orbos_____a long letter to her mother last Saturday.
A. Write B. writes C. wrote D. writing
1. The pupils_____their project on time.
A. finished B. finish C. finishing D. finishes
7. My brother _____to the pasture last Saturday.
A. go B. goes C. went D. gone
8.We _____to another room last week.
A. move B. moved C. moves D. moving 

  Directions: Choose the correct answer.

     9. I_____   stamps when I was young.
A. collect B. used to collect C. use to collect
10. My mother_____ flowers in our garden years ago.
A. grows B. used to grow C. use to grow
11. The English club_____  a contest every year.
A.use to hold B. used to hold C. hold

Directions: Substitute the underlined word with its antonym. Choose from
the list below.
1. I know that Nicole is a foolish girl.
(wise, beautiful, wise)
1. He had good dream and woke up shouting.
(Pleasant, nice, bad)
1. In their grief, the orphans turned to their grandparents and embraced
(sorrow, sad, happiness)
1. The Cruz family is wealthy.
(rich, poor, talented))
1. Liza s a bright pupil.
(lazy, intelligent, poor)
Directions: Write a check if the sentence is a possible effect to the given
cause, X if not.
CAUSE: It is rainy day.
1. It is difficult to get a ride.
2. Pupils get home from school late.
3. People stroll in the park with their children.
Directions: Write a check if the sentence is a possible cause to the given
effect, X if not.
EFFECT:  The corals are destroyed.
1. There is an oil spill near the corals.
2. Fishermen use dynamite in fishing.
3. People harvest the corals and sell them.
Directions: Which word is correctly spelled?
1. A. eager B. eger C. aeger D. eager
2. A. eidimic B. epidemic C. epidemic D.
3. A. syimpton B. symptom C. symptom
D. symtom
Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.Give justification to a possible
ending to a story heard. 1 17 % 4 1-4

2.Usethe different verb forms-

future (going to/will +verb). 1 17 % 5-8
3.Use the different  verb forms-
future (going to + verb). 1 17 % 4 9-12
4.Give possible endings to a
selection heard. 2 33  % 9 13-21
5.Write an ending to an
incomplete story. 1 16 % 4 22-25
TOTAL 6 100 % 25

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Directions: Listen to each passage. Write the letter of its possible ending and
1. Nicole and Angelo were arguing over a toy. Nicole wanted it for herself and Angelo
wanted too. Mother advised them to share the toy but they still continued to argue.
Therefore, mother decided to get the toy. What do you think will she do? Why? Justify
your answer.
A. She will destroy the toy.
B. She will keep the toy.
C. She will give it to Nicole.
1. Bert was quite small and weak, but his Uncle Manuel made the boy play, exercise and
walk in the open air. He gave him plenty of fresh milk, fresh fruit and vegetables.
A. The boy got sick, because he refused to do what his uncle told him to do.
B. The little boy became stout & strong because he did it willingly.
C. The boy will feel cold because he was lazy.
1. Mang Dan cleaned his rice field well, selected good seedlings and later applied fertilizer.
What can he expect when time for harvest comes? Why?
A. A good harvest because he selected good seedlings and use fertilizer.
B. Many visitors came because of a good income.
C. A small income because he used fertilizer to destroy his plants.
1. Maria sings and dances very well. She joined a singing contest. She practiced very hard
for the contest. What happened to her and Why?
A. Maria was happy because she won in a raffle draw.
B. Maria won the contest because she practiced very hard.
C. Maria lost the contest because she did not practice very hard.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The President _________ give a speech on his inauguration.
A. Will B. am going to C. are going to
1. I _________ review my lesson.
A. Am going to B. are going toC. is going to
1. The weather bureau announced that it _________ rain today.
A. Are going to B. am going to C. will
1. The newspaper says that _________ be a strong typhoon two days from now.
A. Are going to B. am going toC. will
Directions: Fill in the blanks with am, is are + going to.
9. I ______ review for tomorrow’s test.
10. The grade six-class _________ raise funds for a charity project.
11. Few Congressmen _________ oppose the bill.
12. I think it _________ rain today.
Directions: Read each paragraph carefully and give the appropriate ending. Write only the
13. Monica was eating at a restaurant with her friend Ruth.  They had a very nice meal.  When
the waiter brought the bill both girls realized they did not have any money.  Each had thought
that the other was paying for the meal.  The waiter told the girls they could go home and bring
back the money.
What will be the best ending for the selection?
A. The girls kept on crying until their parents took them home.
B. The girls were thankful to the waiter for allowing them to go home without paying the
C. The girls ran away as fast as they could.
D. The girls were put in jail for one day.
14. Dante loves to see children crying.  He teases and quarrels with children smaller than he is. 
He likes to see children run away when they see him coming.  His misdeeds were reported to the
principal and he was reprimanded.
A. Dante will ignore the advice given to him.
B. Dante will fight with the other children.
C. Dante will continue teasing his classmates.
D. Dante will become a good boy.
15. Four children were holding hands while crossing the street. A fast moving car came along. 
Two children decided to move forward while the other two stepped backward.  “Hey!”Shouted
the driver.
A. The children crossed the street carefully.
B. They crossed the street one by one.
C. They asked somebody to guide them.
D. They did not cross the street.
16. Ben gets the thrill out of jumping on the running board of passing trucks.  One day while
jumping on the running board, his foot slipped and he fell to the ground.
A. Ben decided to be careful in riding on the truck.
B. Ben could not walk anymore.
C. Ben became a circus member.
D. Ben went home happily.
17. Mother went to market early last Sunday morning.  The market was already filled with
people.  She went to the meat stall first.  She ordered two kilos of beef and a kilo of pork.  When
she was about to pay, she noticed that her pocket has a hole and her money was missing.
A. She told the seller that she had lost the money.
B. she told the seller that she had paid.
C. She walked back to the house hoping to find the money on the street.
D. she cried aloud and shouted, “Thief!”

Typhoon Ising struck Northern Negros sometime last August.  People living near the
coastal area evacuated to the uplands.  People in Barangay Bato, which is very near the coastal
area, did not leave their homes.  They were confident that their place would not be underwater.
Heavy rains and strong winds started at 4:30 in the afternoon and ended at 5:00 in the

18. What happened in Barangay Bato?

A. Streets and houses were underwater.
B. People were happy about the typhoon.
C. People were sleeping soundly the whole night.
19. Which of these sentences is not true about Typhoon Ising?
A. Farmers were very glad.
B. It resulted in a great flood.
It destroyed a lot of houses and farm crops.

Loreta is of orchids.  While she was in the market, she met a woman-selling cut orchids
planted in small plastic bags.  The orchids had different attractive flowers of different colors. 
She bought the orchids and brought them home.  She watered the plants and put them under the
After several days, the plants turned yellow and the flowers witted.  She thought she had
been cheated.
20. How do you think did Loreta feel?
21. If ever she finds the orchid vendor, what do you think would Loreta say her?

Directions: Read each situation below.  Write your own ending to it.
22. MangKaryo cleaned his ricefield well, selected good seedlings and later applied fertilizer to
his plants.  Come harvest time _________.
23. Many people cut down trees n the forest without replacing them so the mountains became
bare.  If people continue to cut down trees _________.
24. Mark was quite small and weak but his Uncle Eddie made the boy play, exercise and walk in
the open air.  He gave him plenty of fresh milk, fresh fruit and vegetables.  After few
25. Good roads are needed to improve the economic conditions of the town.  If the roads are
good, products are easily transported in and out of town.
The town will become ___________.


Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Identify descriptive words,
action words and idioms in 1 17 % 4 1-4
sentences/paragraphs heard.
2. Use two-word verbs.
2 33 % 9 5-13
3. Infer traits of characters.
1 17 % 4 14-17
4. Write a variety of texts-
narrative paragraph. 2 33  % 8 18-25
TOTAL 6 100 % 25

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Copy the action word in each.
1. Sampaguita blooms the whole year round.
2. Every year tourists come to the Philippines.
Directions:  Copy the descriptive word in each.
1. I saw a fascinating movie last night.
2. This is a serious problem. Listen very well.
Directions: Choose the correct two-word verb for each of the following sentences.  Write
only the letter.
1. Roland jumped with joy when his work was ________ on the bulletin board.
A. Put up B. put away C. put on
1. When reading, do not ________ the words.
A. Point out B. point to C.  point on
1. You have to hurriedly _______ a jeep if you do not want to miss the trip.
A. Get off B. get on C. get up
1. Why did you _________ the lights?  I am reading.
A. Turn on B. turn off C. turn at
1. Mr. Sanchez will _________ at the next street.
A. Get up B. get on C. get off
1. I _________ the sky to see if there were stars.
A. Looked up B. looked back C. looked on
1. The birds __________ repeating the same words.
A. Keeps on B. keep up C. went off
1.  Will you come on Saturday?  Lets _____ Mrs. Velez.  She is in the hospital.
A. Call up B. call at C. call on
1. We should _________ our candidates for the pupil-government.
A. Stand for B. stand on C. back up
Directions: Read each paragraph and choose the character trait implied in each
1.  “Mother, I’II help you clean the house today” said Rossana.  “We don’t have
classes.”  Rossana is:
A. Courteous B. helpful C. intelligent
1. “Father, I bought you a handkerchief.  I know you need this,”Edward said as he
handed his father a new handkerchief. Edward is:
A. Easy going B. helpful C. thoughtful
1. Jay calls on his pet dog. “Come here, PJ. I’ll bathe you and give you your food.
2. Pablo sells newspaper everyday before going to school.  In the afternoon, he helps
his mother in their market stall.  Pablo is:
A. Lazy B. industrious C. intelligent

Directions: Write a paragraph about an experience you had in celebrating your

18-25. (8 points)


Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Dated: ______________________
Table  of Specification
1. Use the positive,
comparative and superlative 2 40 % 10 1-10
forms of adjectives.
2. Infer the general mood of
expression in a selection. 1 20 % 5 11-15
3. Follow printed direction in
filling up of a school forms, 1 20 % 5 16-20
information sheet.
4. Fill out forms correctly-
information sheet, deposit and 1 20 % 5 21-25
withdrawal slip.
TOTAL 5 100 % 25

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Directions: Choose the correct word in each sentence.  Write the letter only.
1. “This class is the _____ class I have ever handled.”
A. Worse B. worst C. bad D. wild
1. Nobody wanted to be the worst.  Everybody wants to be the _____ in this group.
A. Good B. better C. best D. will
1. Which is _____, to live in the Philippines or in California?
A. Good B. better C. best D. fine
1. Our population is _____ this year compared to last year”s.
A. Many B. more C. most D. little
1. There are _____ girls than boys in this class.
A. Little B. less C. least D. most
1. Listen _____ so that you can understand.
A. Good B. better C. best D. most
1. Today’s weather is _____ than yesterday’s.  We have a strong winds and heavy
A. Ill B. bad C. worse D.well
1. This is a _____ story.  It has a happy ending.
A. Good B. better C. best D. well
1. Of all the months of the year, February has the _____ number of days.
A. little B. least C. most D. more
1.  The costumes of the Ati-atihan dancers are _____ expensive.
A. Much B.  more C. most D. good

Directions: Read the sentences that follow.  Identify the mood of each.  Write the letter
1. “What a fine scene to paint!”  Look at the gorgeous colors of the garden”.
A. Sad B. worried C. excited D.lonesome
1. “Do come on time for once in your life.  You are the world’s champion for
A. Impatience B. love C. joy D. surprise
1. “A mirror?  But I wanted a doll, Mama.”
A. Disappointed B. joy C. sorrow D. worry
1. My mother is not a woman of ordinary culture,” Jose Rizal wrote to his friend.
A. Courage B. pride C.hate D. fear
1. “How will I ever find the railway station in a big city like this?  If nobody will
fetch me, I’ll be lost.”
A. Pity B. sorrow C. excitement D. worry
Directions: Follow the directions below.  Draw on your paper.
16.-17._(2 points)
1.  First, draw a hill that looks like a large upside down U.
1. Next, draw a rectangle on the top of the U.
2. Then, draw the sides of the triangle but do not make the point.
Instead, draw a horizontal line to close the triangle.

18-20 (3 points)
1. Draw a tree on the on the center of the rectangle.
2. Draw a flower in the bottom left corner.
3. Draw a bee in the top right corner.
4. Draw a swing under the trees.

Directions:  Fill-out the application form below.

21-25 (5 points)
School Year
Address:______________________________ School:_________________________
Age:___________________ Adviser:________________________

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 5
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1.Use adverbs of manner. 1 20% 5 1-5

2. Use adverbs of frequency. 1 20 % 5 6-10

3.Draw conclusions based on
information given. 1 20 % 5 11-15
4.Write a variety of texts-
letters of invitation/request. 2 40% 10 16-25
TOTAL 5 100 % 25

Grade V
Third Grading Period
Summative Test No. 5
Directions: Select an appropriate adverb of manner to complete the sentences. 
Write the letter only.
1. The boy answered the questions ___________.
A. Sweetly B. clearly C. proudly D. angrily
1. The carpenters worked __________.
A. Softly B. clearly C. quickly D. carefully
1. The sick man climbs the steps ___________.
A. kindly B. slowly C. honestly D.loudly
1. Mother knocked at the door _________.
A. Gracefully B. lovingly C. warmly D. softly
1. She writes her theme __________.
A. Efficiently B. courteously C. happily D. neatly
Directions: Use the adverb of frequency in the sentence that is the best conclusion
for each.
always 6.  I buy newspaper.
sometimes 7.  Rudy visits his grandpa on the farm.
seldom 8.  Nena is late.
often 9.  The girls are in the library.
rarely 10.  Judy goes to the movie alone.
Directions: Read each paragraph.  Choose the sentence that is the best conclusion
for each.
1. “Don’t go to that tree, “warned Harold. “  There are hundreds of bees in the hive. 
I can hear them buzzing.”  “  Don’t worry.  I won’t go hear the bees,” Ron said.
“I learned my lesson last summer when I visited my uncle’s farm.”
A. There were many bees in the tree.
B. Harold could hear the bees buzzing.
C. Bees had stung Ron at his Uncle’s farm.
1. When it stopped raining.  Betty began walking home.  Soon she came to a big
puddle in the middle of the sidewalk.  Betty ran toward the puddle and jumped
high into the air.  When she landed, Betty said, “I should have walked around the
A. Betty landed on the puddle.
B. It had not rained for two days.
C. Betty was walking home.
1. Frank owns a barber shop.  Father gave Jim money to get a hair cut.  On the way
to the barber, Jim lost the money.  He didn’t know what to do then he saw his
friend, Frank.  Jim asked Frank to give him, a haircut.  When Jim went home, his
father asked,
“What happened to your hair”?
A. Jim asked Frank for money.
B. Jim did not get a good haircut.
C. Jim and Frank are friends.
14. The zoo was going to close at five o’clock.  Lynn looked at her        watch.  It was
almost four o’clock. “Oh, dear, “said Lynn. “  The zoo is going to close in about an
hour and I have not seen half of the animals.  I think I’ll come back again tomorrow.”  
A. The zoo closes at four o’clock.
B. Lynn did not have a watch.
C. Lynn likes looking at animals.
15. “I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” said Larry.  “I’m afraid to take the
spelling test.  I just know I’m going to fail.”  “  It’s your own fault, “said Ann.  “Most
people will fail a test if they do not study for it.
A. Larry thought the test would be easy.
B. Larry did not want to go to school.
C. Larry did not study for the spelling test.
Directions:  Write a letter of invitation.  Choose from the following topics.
16-25 (10 points)
A. Invite a friend to a field trip of your Ecology Club.
B. Invite someone to join the poem-writing contest.
C. Invite someone to a Clean-up Drive in your community.
Prepared by:
Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 1
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Evaluate and make 1 17% 4 1-4
judgment on oral texts
1. Use words that can 1 17 % 4 5-8
function as adjectives and
1. Identify facts and
opinions in selection read. 2 32 % 8 9-16
1. Give opinions about
information read. 1 17% 4 17-20
1. Write the correct spelling 1 17% 5 21-25
of words learned in
listening, speaking, and
TOTAL 6 100 % 25

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 1
Directions: Read the advertisements below, and then identify the propaganda techniques
used.  Write Bandwagon,Testimonial,Plain folks.

1. Use Enervoneveryday and be happy.

This is Winne Cordero, I take Enervon every day.
That is why I am always happy.

1. Lucky Me instant mami

Made of natural ingredients
Flavored with love of every mommy.

1. New cream silk with Micro-Tech-Shield

For super beautiful, super protected hair.
Everybody is using it, so why do not you.

1. No leaks, no limit with Modess

The only one with natural extract that neutralize odor.
No other brand can you give the protection like Modess, it’s the best.

Directions: Write Adj. if the underlined word is used as an adjective, Adv.If it is used as an
1. She speaks English fast.
2. He has a loud voice.
3. The birds fly early to catch worm.
4. I love those pretty flowers.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully.  Write F if the sentence states a fact.Write O if it
states an opinion.
1. Milk is good for children.
2. I think Rose milk is the best milk for children.
3. Rose milk is probably the purest milk.
4. It seems that everybody buys Rose milk than any other milk.
5. Milk is a source of vitamins and minerals.
6. I think the dolphins are magnificent creatures.
7. Most dolphins live in family groups consisting of one male, 
severalfemales and their babies.
1. They travel in groups called schools.
Directions: Read each paragraph.  Answer the questions that follow.  Write the letter only.
You and Your Safety
Not long ago, a group of Grade VI pupils kept a careful record of all cuts, bumps, falls,
and other accidents that happened to them for a period of three months.  A study of their of the
accidents took place in school.  Some of these accidents occurred in the classroom and in the
halls of school buildings.  However, more injuries took place in school shops and on the
17-18. Why do you think a lot more injuries happens in school shops and on playground.
A. Pupils flock to school shops and playground.
B. Pupils are careless in using tools and playground equipment.
C.  Pupils like to run in the playground and stay in the shop.
D. More accidents are likely to happen if there are a lot of pupils around.
19-20. Why do you think more accidents happen for pupils in school than at home?
A. The school is hazardous.
B. The home is a safe place to stay.
C. There are many dangerous things in school.
D. Pupils spend more of their time in school than at home.

Directions: Which word is correctly spelled.  Write the word on your paper.
21.grafix, graphix, graphics, graphics
22. telegraph, telegraf, telegraphe, tyelegraaph
23. frases, phrases, prases, fraises
24. grafs, graffs, graphs, grapfs
25. geography, geograffy, geograffy, geography

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Report accurately 1 20% 5 1-5
information heard
1. Transform direct 2 40 % 10 6-15
discourse to indirect
1. Transform indirect
discourse to direct 2 40 % 10 16-25
TOTAL 5 100 % 25
Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 2
Directions: Read the paragraph below.  Write a √ check to the sentence which
gives a correct information, X if not.

An ant’s body has three main parts.  The first part, the head, has eyes,
antennae, a tongue, and strong jaws.  The second part is the thorax.  Ant’s legs join
its body there.  The third part is the abdomen with its two stomach and many holes
for breathing.
_____ 1.  The ant’s body has three main parts.
_____ 2.  The antennae and the eyes of the ant are in the first part.
_____ 3.  The ant has two stomachs.
_____ 4.  The ant has weak jaws.
_____ 5.  There are holes for breathing in the ant’s stomach.

Directions: Change these sentences from direct to indirect discourse.  Write

the letter only.
1.  “Mr. Claudio announced,” Our class will have a picnic.
A. Mr. claudio announced our class will have a picnic.
B. Mr. Claudio announced that our class would have a picnic.
C. Mr. Claudio announced that their class would have a picnic.
D. Mr. Claudio announced that class will have a party.
1. Tessa explained,”I’ll let the pupils go.”
A. Tessa explained that she’ll let the pupils go.
B. Tessa explained that I let the pupils go.
C. Tessa explains that I let the pupils go.
D. Tessa explained that she’ll let the pupils went.
1. Rolly said, “My Father made that for me.”
A. Rolly said Father made that for me.”
B. Rolly said that Father made that for me.
C. Rolly said that his father made that for me.
D. Rolly said that his father made that for him.
1. Marky exclaims, “I won.”
A. Marky exclaims that I won.
B. Marky exclaims that he win.
C. Marky exclaims that he won.
D. Marky exclaimed that he won.
1. Cyril replied, “Myrna come here.”
A. Cyril replied Myrna come here.
B. Cyril replied that Myrna came here.
C. Cyril replied that Myrna come here.
D. Cyril replied that Myrna come here.
1. Sol says, “My brother ran away.”
A. Sol says  that  her brother ran away.
B. Sol say that her brother ran away.
C. Sol says that brother ran away.
D. Sol says that brother runs away.
1. “Education is very important,” explained the teacher.
A. The teacher explained that education is very important.
B. The teacher explained that education was very important.
C. The teacher explained that education are important.
D. The teacher explained education is important.
1. Flor explained, “We will be late for school.”
A. Flor explained that they would be late for school.
B. Flor explained that we will be late for school.
C. Flor explained that they will be late for school.
D. Flor  explained they will be late for school.
1. “I will go with you, “replied Mila.”
A. Mila replied that I will go with you.
B. Mila replied that he will go with you.
C. Mila replied that she would go with you.
D. Mila replied she will go with you.
1. The teacher told the class, “We will join the parade.”
A. The teacher told the class that they will join the parade.
B. The teacher told the class that we will join the parade.
C. The teacher told the class that they would joined the parade.
D. The teacher told the class they will join the parade.
Directions: Change these sentences from indirect to direct discourse.  Write
the letter only.
1.  The teacher said said that the class was noisy.
A. The teacher said,’The class was noisy.”
B. The teacher said,”Thecalss is noisy.”
C. The teacher says,”The class was noisy.”
D. The teacher says, “The class is noisy.”
1. The announcer said that the group could  enter the radio room.
A. The announcer says, “ The group can enter the radio room.”
B. The announcer says, “The group can enter the radio room.”
C. The announcer said, “The group can enter the radio room.”
D. The announcer said, “The group entered the radio room.
1. The angry man shouted that the gate was closed.
A. The angry man shouted, “The gate was close.”
B. The angry man shouted, “The gate were closed.”
C. The angry man shouted, “The gate was closed.”
D. The angry man shouted, “The gate closed.”
1. Missy said that she liked chocolates.
A. Missy says, “I liked chocolate.”
B. Missy says, “I likes chocolate.”
C. Missy says, “I like chocolate.”
D. Missy said, “I like chocolate.”
1. Nico answered that his mother went home early.
A. Nico answered, “that his mother went home early.”
B. Nico answered, “His mother went home early.”
C. Nico answered, “My mother went home early.”
D. Nico answered, “My mother comes home early.”
1. Harlene said that Willy would join us.”
A. Harlenesays,”Willy will join us.”
B. Harlene says, “Willy joined us.”
C. Harlene says, “Willy will joined us.”
D. Harlene sad, “Willy will join us.”
1. Ms. Reyes suggested that Jona should prepare herself for the big day.
A. Ms.Reyes  suggested , “Jona shall prepare herself for her big day.”
B. Ms. Reyes suggested,  Jona shall prepare her for the big day.”
C. Ms. Reyes suggested, “Jona should prepare for the big day.”
D. Ms. Reyes suggested, “ Jona shall prepare herself for the big day.”
1. Reynaldo told the man that he must take it.
A. Reynaldo told, “ You must take it.
B. Reynaldo told, “You take it.”
C. Reynaldo told, “you shall take it.”
D. Reynaldo tells, “you must take it.”
1. Mr. Angeles requested Angelie to borrow an art book from the library.
A. Mr. Angeles requested, “Angelie , borrow an art book from the library.”
B. Mr. Angeles requested, “Angellie you borrow book from the library.”
C. Mr. Angeles requested , “ Angelie, please borrow book an art from the 
D. Mr. Angeles requested, “Angelie borrow book from the library.”
1. Mother replied that she was proud of Jona.
A. Mother replied, “Yes I am proud of you.”
B. Mother replied, “I am proud you.”
C. Mother replied, “You must be proud of.”
D. Mother replied, “I am proud of you.”

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Get information from
newspaper-parts of
newspaper and 2 50% 13 1-13
information from each
1. Write reported statements
in paragraph form-direct 2 50% 12 14-25
discourse to indirect .
TOTAL 4 100 % 25

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 3
Dated: ______________________

Directions: Identify the part of the newspaper in each situation.  Choose from
Business, Classified Ads, Entertainment, Sports page, Front page.
1. Lisa likes to read comics first.
2. Jerry reads about his favorite basketball team.
3. Mom wants to know the dollar exchange rate.
4. Dad wanted to buy a second hand car.
5. Grandma wants to know about the Stampede in Ultra.
Directions: Match the information given in Column A to a section of the
newspaper in Column B.
               Column A Column B
1. Important activities of the A. Entertainment
President during the week. B. Headline
1. The film being shown in different C. Business
Movie houses. D. Sports
1. PaengNepumuceno’s endless E. Editorial
For excellence in bowling F. Classified Ads
1. Where some houses for rent
are located.
1. An editor’s point of view on
Mother-Child Friendly week.
1. SHELL sees bright prospects
2. “Juan de la Cruz” Coco Martin
Daily tv series on ABS CBN Channel 3
1. Pope Benedict XVI resigned as 
Roman Catholic Pope this year 2013.

Directions:Rewrite the following direct discourse to indirect.  Write in

paragraph form. 
Tonya said “The ocean is great.”
Michael said, “The water is so cold that I’m not going.”
Andy said, “”Lets look for shells on the beach.”
Tonya said, “We can make a sand castle.”
Michael replied, “Don’t build it too close to the water.”
Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Talk about topics of 2 50% 12 1-12
interest in 7-8
1. Use figurative language
to describe people and 2 50 % 13 13-25
TOTAL 4 100 % 25

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 4
Directions: Have you been to a circus/carnival or town fiesta?  Think about
that special day that you have had.  Answer the following questions in
complete sentences.
1. When did this happen?
2. Where did you go?
3. Who was/were with you?
4. What were the things you saw there?
5. What did you like best?
6. Have you dined somewhere?  Where was it?
7. How did you feel?
Directions: Talk about “When I grow up” then answers the questions that
When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher.  I will study at West Negros College.  I
will teach English and Mathematics.  I am going to be a good teacher.
1. What does the speaker want to be someday?
2. What are her plans for the future?
3. What will you do someday?
11-12.  are you going to be like the speaker too? Why or why not?
Directions: Tell whether the figure of speech used in each sentence is a simile,
metaphor, personification.
13.The  mailbox caught my letters when I released its metallic mouth.
14. The lake is like a silver mirror.
15. It will take a bulldozer to clean out James’ closet.
16. Matthew’s bed is a sea of billowing quilts and blankets.
17. A banner of red hair flew behind the skater.
18. When I had a cold I felt as red as a belt.
19. The stars were headlights, guiding our steps.
20. Therese is again late.  I have waited for her for a hundred years.
21. Her hair is as black as midnight.
22.The hills are like camels.  Both have round tops.
23.Her teeth are as white as pearls.
24. The flowers nodded as the wind passed by.  
25. The sun is the eyes of the day.

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 5
Dated: ______________________

Table  of Specification
1. Use library resources to get
information- Card catalog, 2 40% 10 1-10
Atlas, Encyclopedia…
1. Respond in writing based on
stimuli-result of an 1 20 % 5 11-15
1. Write a paragraph/story-
advertisement 2 40 % 10 16-25
TOTAL 5 100 % 25

Grade V
Fourth Grading Period
Summative Test No. 5
Directions: Use the dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, almanac to find information
about these topics.  Write the answers on your paper.
1. Where is Germany?
2. How big is Jupiter?
3. How do you say gnu?
4. The athlete of the year?
5. What does thorax mean?
6. Where is Marianas Trench?
7. How is beeswax made?
8. What is the capital of Zimbabwe?
9. Who won the Nobel Prize last year?
10. What countries border Thailand on the East, North and South?
Directions: Read the observation below then answer the questions that follow.
Plants give off oxygen during photosynthesis.  This gas goes into the air.  Animals
including man inhale oxygen then they give off carbon dioxide.  This carbon dioxide is
again inhaled by plants and the cycle goes on and on.
1. What can you say about the air cycle?
12-13. Would plants live without animals?  Why?
14-15. Would animals live without plants?  Why?

Directions:  Write an advertisement on any product you like.

16-25. (10 points)

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