Implementation Plan: Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality

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Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality


1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................

1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................

1.2 Assumptions and Constraints..........................................................................................................

1.3 Glossary............................................................................................................................................

2. Implementation Overview.....................................................................................................................

2.1 Description of Implementation........................................................................................................

2.2 Points-of-Contact.............................................................................................................................

2.3 Implementation and Schedule of Parameters...............................................................................

3. Implementation Support.....................................................................................................................

3.1 Documentation..................................................................................................................................

3.2. Training and Implementation Staff...............................................................................................

3.3 Implementation, Verification and Validation................................................................................

Pre, Mid, and Post-Implementation Plans based on School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) for
the Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality...........................................................................................

Managing School Operation....................................................................................................................

I. Shared Responsibility........................................................................................................................

II. Alternative Work Arrangement.......................................................................................................

III. Classroom Layout and Structure.....................................................................................................

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IV. School Traffic Management............................................................................................................

V. Protective Measures, Hygiene Practices, And Safety Procedures...................................................

VI. Communication Strategy................................................................................................................

VII. Contingency Plan...........................................................................................................................

Focusing on Teaching and Learning........................................................................................................

I. Learning Resources...........................................................................................................................

II. Limited Face to Face Classes............................................................................................................

III. Teacher Support..............................................................................................................................

Well-Being and Protection......................................................................................................................

I. Personal Protective Eouipment........................................................................................................

II. COVID-19 Case Management..........................................................................................................

III. Including The Most Marginalized...................................................................................................

Home-School Coordination.....................................................................................................................

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1. Introduction
The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the fundamentals of our society. This has been
Public Health Crisis not only in the Philippines but the entire world. It has pushed countries
worldwide to reassess their education systems and figure out the optimal and safest delivery
options for their learners. The Philippines conducted a nationwide closure of all educational
institutions to prevent schools from becoming COVID-19 case clustering sites. The
Department of Education has adapted through harnessing and making use of alternating
learning methods such as distance learning. This may have enhanced the use of remote
learning modalities and enhanced learning continuity, nonetheless, there are still matters in
the teaching and learning process that affect learners' adaptability and growth.

In the Framework for Reopening Schools (UNESCO, UNICEF, June 2020), it states,
"Disruptions to instructional time in the classroom can have a severe impact on a child's
ability to learn. Further, prolonged closures disrupt essential school-based services such as
immunization, school feeding, mental health and psychosocial support, which can cause and
further aggravate stress and anxiety due to the loss of peer interaction and disrupted

These challenges will be addressed with the President's consent through the resumption
face-to face classes where they can be made compliant with the government's public health
standards considering COVID-19. To avoid schools becoming focal areas of resurging cases
across the country, caution must be observed, and significant planning must be done in
advance of eventual school reopening.

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1.1 Purpose
This implementation plan will provide guidance on the mechanisms and standards for
the resumption of limited face-to-face classes in Ramon Avanceña National High School. The
guidelines must also address the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders across governance
levels to ensure their effective, efficient, and safe implementation.

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1.2 Assumptions and Constraints
Face-to-face learning is an effective way to learn knowledge and skills for the following

 Learners can concentrate harder on their learning because there'll be fewer

distractions than if they were at home.
 They gain greater understanding through stories and real-world examples
from teachers and other students.
 They have a greater chance of completing their course successfully by doing it
in a classroom situation.
 They may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar,
traditional classroom situation.
 They can access more information and a richer understanding through the
teacher and other students.
 They can connect with, problem-solve, and network with other students from
at home.

Bringing a limited number of learners back to school will be a great responsibility and
obligation. The school will expect, avoid, and control the variables that could give a
possibility for COVID-19 transmission and the school should be able to rapidly adapt in cases
that the learners, teachers, or staff will test positive. Outmost vigilance and strict
implementation of rules will be observed, and the school will be prepared to isolate and
separate individuals if necessary. A comprehensive contingency plan will be prepared by the
school to revert to fully remote learning due to circumstances if needed.

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1.3 Glossary
Air Change per Hour (ACH) - refers to the air flow to a space expressed as volume per unit
time divided by the unit of space.

Blended Learning Approach - refers to a learning delivery that combines face-to-face with
any or a mix of online distance learning, modular distance learning, and TV/ Radio-based

Blended Learning will enable the schools to limit face-to-face learning, ensure social
distancing, and decrease the volume of people outside the home at any given time (as per
the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan).

Medical Isolation - refers to separating someone with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or

symptoms of COVID-19 infection to prevent their contact with others and to reduce the risk
of transmission. Medical isolation ends when the individual meets pre-established clinical,
time-based, and/or testing criteria for release from isolation, in consultation with clinical
providers and public health officials. This does NOT refer to punitive isolation for behavioral
infractions within the custodial setting.

Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS) - refer to the guidance provided DOH
Administrative Order No. 2021-0043 entitled "Omnibus Guidelines on the Minimum Public
Health Standards for the Safe Reopening of Institutions" for the development of sector-
specific and localized guidelines on mitigation measures for its COVID-19 response across all

Minimal Risk - refers to an area with a two-week growth rate of zero or below and an
Average Daily Attack Rate (ADAR) of less than one (1). The TWGR refers to the growth in
cases in the last two weeks, while the ADAR refers to the attack rate based on newly

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reported cases in the past two weeks. (consistent with the latest Interagency Task Force
quarantine alert level classification).

Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) - refers to protective garments or equipment such as

but not limited to face masks, face shields, and gloves, that must be worn by individuals to
increase personal safety from infectious agents or to minimize exposure to hazards that may
cause infection.

Quarantine - refers to the restriction of movement, or separation from the rest of the
population, of healthy persons who may have been exposed to the virus, with the objective
of monitoring their symptoms and ensuring early detection of cases.

School - for the purpose of these guidelines, 'school' refers to public and private schools
recognized by DepEd unless otherwise explicitly specified.

2. Implementation Overview
2.1 Description of Implementation
School reopening for face-to-face interactions must be carefully organized into stages
(teacher and school staff), especially following physical distancing. During this pandemic, the
planning and execution of school health policies must be based on accurate data provided by
related to: 1) hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette; 2) physical separation; 3) usage of
masks in schools; and 4) environmental factors, and is consistent with and builds on current

Finally, school health measures for conducting face-to-face classes must be carefully
prepared, following national and international guidelines, to ensure that learners are
protected from COVID-19 or at least mitigate its effects. After all, learners' lives are just as
important as their studies. Every institution is responsible for seeing that it is carried out.

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2.2 Points-of-Contact
Role Name Contact Number
Implementation Manager Salvador M. Besares 09778021047
Ma. Fe V. Montealto 09179781158
Implementation Plan Officers Matilde S. Llamosa 09105595700
Cecilia T. Besares 09171278357
Dexter S. Panizales 09488796241
Lilian A. Sumampong 09397859531
Mary Claire S. Zarandin 09260529823
Sheryll D. Tayoni 09270790460
Jaime C. Mendoza Jr. 09277147365
Sharon M. Galon 09397506261
School Head
Quality Assurance Officers
Department Heads
Shane Catherine T. Besares 09778877141
SBM Coordinators
Jeremiah S. Andrino 09173256893
SBM WinS Coordinator Carl Malvin S. Aligato 09297021090
LRMDS Coordinator Anna Marie Cabagsican 09770880644
Guidance Counselor Anelene A. Junco 09106512493
Faculty Club Officer Francis Mark L. Flores 09475750608
PTA Officer Bryan C. Alejo 09198821799
Mae Shiel F. Barcenas 09462341093
Clinic Officer
Irene C. Pasinao 09124461395
Security Officer Elmar P. Acebuque 09092891042
DRRM Coordinator Wendy V. Gabayeron 09958154415

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ICT Support Eric S. Villamor 09206962785
Site Implementation Representative Ma. Fe V. Montealto 09179781158
Physical Facilities Prospero Natividad 09288468392
and Property Custodian Ruel A. Hechanova
Maintenance and Disinfection Officer Rowena Modina 09369173015
Traffic Management Clarito S. Mana-ay 09688804805
Renelyn L. Labos 09502080244
Solid Waste Management Officers
April Rose G. Chua 09566486835
Isolation Facility In-Charge Rodelio Salonga Jr. 09276828287
Waiting Area Facilitator Paterno B. Ecol 09275278745
Holding Area Facilitator Raymond Peñafiel 09096875914
Wash Area Facilitator Carl Malvin S. Aligato 09297021090
Benjamin Tacadao 09486422677

Table 1. Points-of-Contact

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2.3 Implementation and Schedule of Parameters
Pending the issuance of a Revised Joint Memorandum for the expansion phase, the main
protocols and standards in the DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular 001, s. 2021 shall
remain applicable as appropriate with the following main parameters for inclusion:

1. Expansion schools have been validated as compliant with the standard of School
Safety Assessment Toll (SSAT)
2. Schools must be located in areas under alert levels 1 and 2 based on the periodic risk
assessment by Department of Health.
3. Schools may already include other grade levels based on the capacity of schools.
4. Schools or Division must have secured the concurrence of the Local Chief Executive in
the City or Municipality where the expansion school is located, and the schools must
also have taken the proper coordination with their respective barangay officials.
5. Students participating in the face-to-face classes must have the written consent of
their parents.
6. Schools are given flexibility in contact time for teaching and learning, provided that
meals are not taken in school except during managed recess.
7. Only vaccinated teachers may participate in the face-to-face classes, and vaccinated
learners shall be preferred.

3. Implementation Support
3.1 Documentation
This Implementation Plan lists all the documents needed to support the project, like
the evidence collected during the conduct of a face-to-face meeting with the parents and
learners, and other important elements of the early phase of meeting the indicators as part

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of the pre-implementation plan. The important elements of the ongoing phase of meeting
the indicators as part of the Mid-Implementation plan, and the projected activities to
evaluate whether project indicators were met, how effectively a certain indicator was run,
and lessons for the future as part of the postimplementation plan. These documents follow
security or privacy protection considerations associated with the system's use.

3.2. Training and Implementation Staff

In accordance with the DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular (DMC) No. 01, s.
2021, Ramon Avanceña National High School's guide in the pilot implementation of face-to-
face classes; the establishment of school clinics and other designated spaces for health
management; the designation of a clinic teacher; and the orientation and training of said
clinic teacher and other identified participants on school health and clinic management and
operations, as key preparations for the pilot implementation.

3.3 Implementation, Verification and Validation

The school will create a composite team with the following members: (a) Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Coordinator, (b) School Health Personnel, (c)
Planning Officer, and (d) Site Implementation Engineer in the conduct of a dry run of the
face-to-face classes in presentation for the SDO personnel monitoring visit to validate the
data and verify the SSAT submitted by the school.

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Pre, Mid, and Post-Implementation Plans based on School
Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) for the Limited Face-to-Face
Learning Modality
INDICATORS Pre-Implementation Plan Mid-Implementation Post-Implementation Plan

Activities to evaluate
whether project
Important element of the Important elements of the
Indicators were met, how
early phase of meeting ongoing phase of meeting
effectively a certain
the indicators the indicators
indicator was run, and
lessons for the future

Managing School Operation

I. Shared Responsibility
1. The school has 1. Plans for linkages with 1. Department Heads 1. Pledged donations are
mobilized resources and Barangays, NGOs, Big coordinate with made to the school by
support from companies, alumni, concerned individuals and stakeholders. The school
community parents, teachers, and establishments regarding plans for a Recognition of
stakeholders to meet personnel regarding donations about materials Stakeholders. One
the standards of the donations about material needed for health and hundred percent of
health and safety needed for health and safety protocols. Events barangays have been
protocols. safety protocols. Planning for information oriented regarding health
of information dissemination regarding and safety protocols.
dissemination regarding the implementation of
the implementation of health and safety
health and safety protocols are coordinated
protocols are coordinated with nearby community
with nearby community folks.

2. The school has 2. Coordination and 2. Two simulation activities 2. AlI the indicators are
conducted simulation planning of Department are conducted among successfully
activities among school Heads, Asst Principal, and school personnel. The first implemented.
personnel regarding Core team members simulation is done with
protocols and routines regarding the school personnel alone
to replicate and discuss implementation plan is and the second simulation
possible scenarios conducted. Possible is conducted in the

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during the actual scenarios during the presence of a Division
conduct of face-to-face actual conduct of face-to- Monitoring personnel.
classes. face classes have been
planned out by the
Department Heads and
Core Team Members.

II. Work Arrangement

1. The number of teachers
who will physically
report meets the
availability of vaccinated
teachers who handle
face-to-face classes in a
safe learning
environment to

a. Number of teachers who a. The school's SHS TVL a. The school SHS TVL Track a. Monitoring of the
physically report meets Track with a teacher- who are fully vaccinated number of teachers
the required teacher: learner ratio of 20: 1 will as per guidelines from reporting on site is strictly
learner ratio comprise the class size IATF comprises the class implemented.

b. Teachers who physically b. The school has crafted b. Plan A and Plan B of the b. Assign one Department
report are 65 years old an alternative work AW A are ready for Head to monitor
and below arrangement for teaching implementation. teacher's attendance and
and non-teaching oversee the AWA is
personnel. strictly followed.

c. Teachers who physically c. The school has identified c. Tasks are underway. c. Assign one department
report to not have teachers who are head in checking and
comorbidities, physically fit with no counter checking these
immunodeficiency, or comorbidities or any teachers.
any health health risks/conditions.

d. Teachers who have d. The school has identified d. Profiling and updating of d. Assign one from the non-
service vehicles from teaching and non- teaching and non- teaching personnel who
and to area of residence teaching personnel who teaching personnel with will monitor this and sees
and school. have service vehicles. service vehicles is to it that all vehicles carry
ongoing. official stickers of the
school Logo.

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e. Teachers who physically e. The school has identified e. Profiling of these c. One Department Head is
report are from within teachers residing within teachers is underway. in charge to check
the city/municipality the community of Arevalo Teachers Attendance
where school/learning preferably the barangays Daily.
center is located. of Yulo Drive, Dulonan,
Sta. Fe, San Jose,
Bonifacio, Sto. Domingo,
Mohon, Sto. Nino Sur,
Sto. Nino Norte,

2. The school has oriented 2.Teaching & non teaching 2. Preparation of Plan A & B 2.Teaching & NonTeaching
all its personnel on the personnel are orientated for AWA is underway. Personnel are ready for
Work Arrangement on AWA for the AW A implementation.
implemented during the implementation of
face-to-face classes. limited face to face

III. Classroom Layout and Structure

1. The school has 1. The school will create 1. The Classroom Layout 1. The school check and
established mechanisms Classroom Layout and and Structure Team will validate the mechanisms
inside the classroom to Structure Team (CLST). establish mechanisms inside the classroom to
ensure minimal to zero The team planned on inside the classroom to ensure zero to minimal
COVID-19 transmission how to establish ensure zero to minimal risk of COVID-19
of the learners and mechanisms inside the risk of COVID-19 transmission of the
ensured that all heating, classroom to ensure zero transmission of the learners.
ventilation, and air to minimal risk of COVID- learners.
conditioning systems 19 transmission of the
are working with learners.
increased ventilation Teachers are to implement
The school set unified Check and monitor learners
whenever possible, the guidelines inside the
guidelines while learners welloriented inside the
through the following classroom.
are inside the classrooms. classroom.
Learners follow guidelines
strategies as cited in The school will conduct
while inside the classroom
DOLE Department Order orientation to teachers
to ensure zero to minimal
No. 224-221 Guideline and learners to discuss
risk of COVID-19
on Ventilation for guidelines while learners
transmission of the
workplaces and Public are inside the classroom.
Transport to Prevent
and Control the spread
of COVID-19.

a. Number of seats to be a. The school will provide a. Excess chairs were a. Check and validate
occupied must not rooms where to put up already placed in rooms number of seats to be

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exceed from the excess chairs to ensure provided by the school for occupied must not
required number of that the number of chairs excess chairs. exceed from the required
maximum learners in is not exceed from the number of maximum
the classroom required number of learners in the classroom
maximum learners in the

b. Seats to be occupied b. Classroom Layout and b. Proper setup of chairs b. Check and validate chairs
must be at least 1-2 Structure Team will plan inside the classroom inside the classroom with
meters apart out the positions of chairs measuring at least 1-2 at least 1-2 meters apart.
inside the classroom with meters apart.
at least 1-2 meters apart.

c. Presence of markers and c. The school will purchase c. Putting up markers and c. Check and validate
stickers on the floor to and prepare material sticker on the floor to markers and stickers on
manage traffic system needed to manage traffic manage traffic system and the floor to manage
and physical distancing y tern and physical physical distancing inside traffic system and
inside the classroom distancing in ide the the classroom. physical distancing inside
classroom. the classroom.

d. In non air-conditioned d. The school and CLST d. Advisers or teachers in d. Check and validate if all
spaces, windows and select classrooms with charge of the classroom windows and doors are
doors are open windows and doors that will check if windows and properly open at all
can be easily open at all doors are open at all times.
times. times and also not to
forget to close it before
leaving the classroom.

g. In air-conditioned spaces, g. The school purchase/ g. The school will use high- g. Check and validate the
install exhaust fans and acquire filtration air efficiency particulate air usage of highefficiency
HEPA filters guided by purifiers to clean (HEPA) filtration air particulate air (HEPA)
DOLE Department Order recirculated air for air- purifiers to clean filtration air purifiers to
No.224-221 Guidelines conditioned spaces, recirculated air for air- clean recirculated air for
on Ventilation for provided that the unit is conditioned spaces, air-conditioned spaces,
Workplaces and public adequate for the size of provided that the limit is provided that the unit is
Transport the room in which it is adequate for the size of adequate for the size of
installed the room in which it is the room in which it is
installed installed

h. Regardless of the HVAC h. The school will have an h. Advisers or teachers in- h. Check and validate
system, all classrooms ocular inspection of charge of the classroom availability of working
must have working availability of working will have a monthly report electric fans
electric fans except for electric fans. The school on the availability of

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schools with no will purchase or repair working electric fans.
electricity electric fans if needed.

Adviser may ask from the

stakeholders' donation to
purchase electric fans.

g. In airconditioned spaces, g. The school will install g. The CLST together with g. Check and validate the
schools install appropriate ventilation the advisers and teachers installation of appropriate
appropriate ventilation equipment such as monitor the ventilation ventilation equipment
and CO2 monitoring general and exhaust equipment such as such as general and
devices to achieve an air ventilation and CO2 general and exhaust exhaust ventilation and
change rate 6 to Air monitoring devices ventilation and CO2 CO2 monitoring devices
Change per Hour (ACH) monitoring devices

h. In spaces designed to h. The school purchase/ h. The school will use high- h. Check and validate the
optimize the use of air- acquire filtration air efficiency particulate air usage of highefficiency
conditioning units, purifiers to clean (HEPA) filtration air particulate air (HEPA)
wherein ventilation is recirculated air for air- purifiers to clean filtration air purifiers to
greatly recirculated or conditioned spaces, recirculated air for air- clean recirculated air for
access to outside air is provided that the unit is conditioned spaces, air-conditioned spaces,
not feasible, filters such adequate for the size of provided that the limit is provided that the unit is
as high-efficiency the room in which it is adequate for the size of adequate for the size of
particulate air (HEPA) installed the room in which it is the room in which it is
filtration air purifiers are installed installed
used to clean
recirculated air,
provided that the unit is
adequate for the size of
the room in which it is
installed. Proper
maintenance should be
recommendations of
these ensured by
following the devices.

IV. School Traffic Management

1. The school has 1. The school has one 1. This task is underway 1. There will be somebody
established safe entrance and exit point to be assigned as traffic
entrance and exit, and for students, teacher and officer for the day (TOD)
crowd management non-teaching personnel. preferably from the
measures for teachers, janitorial services.

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students, non-teaching
personnel, and school

a. Availability of a. Property custodian a. Six thermal scanners with a. Required number of

temperature thermal checks the number of alcohol standees are thermal scanners are
scanner or thermal gun available working purchased and installed at purchased and installed.
at the entrance and/or temperature thermal the entrance gates.
exit gates scanners.

b. Availability of hand b. Property custodian b. Working alcohol b. Required number of

sanitizer or alcohol checks the number of dispensers are purchased alcohol dispensers are
dispenser at school available working alcohol and installed in school purchased and installed
gates dispenser in school gates. gates. and ensured to be
working properly.

c. Availability of surgical c. Property custodian c. Surgical masks are c. Surgical masks are
masks at school checks the available purchased and prepared prepared for use at the
entrance reserved for number of surgical masks. for use at the school school entrance.
symptomatic individuals entrance.

2. The school has set-up

clear and easy-to-
understand signages,
preferably in local
languages and Braille,
and mechanisms to
strengthen observance
of health protocols and
protective measures.

a. Display of school map at a. The school has mounted a. Preparation on this is a. Need for consistent
the entrance point a building directory ongoing with Mr…, the follow-ups
indicating the location located near the entrance Physical Facilitator In-
of the classrooms indicating the location of charge.
the classrooms.

b. School traffic b. The School DRRM b. Preparation on this is a. Need for consistent
management plan and Coordinator will prepare ongoing with Mrs. follow-ups
strategies are in place to a school traffic Gabayeron.
ensure that physical management plan.
distancing is observed.

c. Hallway ground markings c. The school has color- c. Tasks are underway c. To ensure unidirectional

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for walking direction coded markers pointing to movement of students in
guide specific directions in the the hallway, stairs and
hallway ground. queuing in the restrooms
every council or grade
level will assign traffic
officer for the day (TOD)
to oversee its smooth

d. Designation of areas for d. The school has provided d. Tasks are underway d. Whoever occupies
queue (e.g., restroom, signages and markers in various office like library,
library, principal’s office, every designated area for principal' s office, records
etc.) the queue such as library, section, and the like
principal' s office, etc. automatically is the traffic

e. Installation of signages e. The school has a e. Tasks are underway e. Traffic enforcers are
and/or ground markings separate entrance and assigned for the day as
in high traffic areas like exits both for vehicles, TOD, one for students,
restrooms and students, teachers, and teachers, and non-
handwashing stations to non-teaching personnel. teaching personnel. They
ensure physical Unidirectional markers will oversee that markers
distancing and signages are and signages are being
installed/prepared to followed correctly.
facilitate unidirectional

f. For schools with visually

impaired learners and
personnel, signages
must be in Braille

h. Designated entrance and h. The school has separate h. The focal person is having h. To ensure a smooth flow
exit points in the entrance and exit points his finishing touches on of movement among
classrooms in the classrooms. these. All members follow students, the teacher
the color coding adviser or subject teacher
prescribed by the DepEd. in the room automatically
is the traffic officer.

V. Protective Measures, Hygiene Practices, and Safety Procedures

1. The school has

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established a contact
procedures/tools for

a. Health declaration sheet a. Preparing a health a. For safety reasons and a. Need to assign someone
for school personnel declaration sheet for future reference, to keep the logbook of
school personnel and someone should be school personnel for
students. assigned to keep the health declaration if done
logbook of school for safekeeping and
personnel that serves as a future reference
self-declaration proof.

b. Health declaration sheet b. There should be a b. First period teachers will b. Class monitor or adviser
for students logbook for school ensure the proper filling in will keep the logbook for
personnel that serves as a of data needed in the future reference.
health declaration sheet. logbook of health
declaration for students.

c. Contact tracing tool for c. A logbook (which will c. School personnel and c. Contract tracing tool is
school-goers serve as a health learners utilize QR codes properly implemented.
declaration sheet) will be for contact tracing. For
provided for the students learners without phones
to monitor their health and visitors, a logbook
conditions. system will be utilized.
c. ICT personnel prepare
the QR system for contact

2. The school has

mobilized the School
COVID-19 DRRM team
that will take charge in
ensuring effective
implementation of the
school’s health and
safety protocols that are
in place and are
observed during the
preparation and
implementation of
limited face-to-face

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a. Designation of a Safety a. Identify the focal person a. The school had already a. The Safety Officer does
Officer who shall serve for the health and safety identified the focal person his tasks in serving as
as the focal person for protocols of the school. for health and safety focal person for health
the health and safety protocols in the person of and safety protocols of
protocols of the school Mrs. Mae Shiel Barcenas. the school.

3. The school has secured

a sufficient supply of
personal protective
equipment (PPEs) for
learners and school

a. 1:1 Face mask to Person a - b. SBM-WinS a - b. The property a - b. Monitor, facilitate,

(daily) ratio Coordinator and Property custodian distributes face and account distribution
Custodian conduct an masks, face shields, of supplies. Follow up,
inventory of available toothbrushes and and request for purchase
masks, face shields, toothpaste, and bars of from the office if needed.
toothbrushes and soap to classroom Liquid soap will be
toothpaste, the bar of advisers and subject distributed to strategic
soap, and emergency teachers. areas for the
health kits to determine consumption of
the number of supplies to everyone. RANHS TWG
be purchased. will facilitate the

b. Availability of bacterial b. SBM-WinS coordinator

soap contacts the supplier of
liquid hand soap kit and
facilitates the conduct of
soap making activity.

c. Availability of emergency c. The clinic teacher will be c. Clinic teacher will provide
health kits that include PPEs the one to take charge of a checklist of supplies for
and other needed supplies the emergency kits. She proper accounting.
and materials in the school also needs to coordinate
clinic with the supply officer

d. Availability of PPEs for d. The school shall ensure d. The clinic teacher needs d. The school will purchase
COVID-19 team members, that PPEs are sufficiently to coordinate with the PPEs to be used by
health personnel, provided. supply officer and COVID-19 team members,
maintenance, and security distribute the PPEs for health personnel and
guards COVID-19 team members, maintenance, and
health personnel and security guards.
maintenance, and security

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guards. The clinic teacher will be
tasked to take charge of
this provide a checklist for
proper accounting.

4. The school has set up

and ensured availability
of proper sanitation and
hygiene facilities
following the basic
requirements and
standard in accordance
with DO 1O s. 2O16
Policy and Guidelines
for the Comprehensive
Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene in Schools
(WinS) Program.

a. Availability of a. The SBM-WinS a. Handwashing stations are a. Handwashing stations are

handwashing station Coordinator and Property working properly. maintained by designated
with clean and safe Custodian checks the Utility Personnel.
water supply availability of
handwashing station with
clean and safe water

b. Availability of clean and b. SBM-WinS Coordinator b. Toilet facilities are clean b. Toilet facilities are
safe toilet facilities and Property Custodian and safe. maintained by designated
checks the availability of Utility Personnel.
clean and safe toilet

c. Schedule of supervised c. SBM-Wins Coordinator c. SBM-Wins coordinator c. SBM-Wins submits

handwashing and crafts schedule of implements schedule of monitoring and report.
toothbrushing activities supervised handwashing supervised handwashing
and toothbrushing and toothbrushing
activities. activities.

d. Placement of d. Physical Facilities d. Handwashing facilities d. Handwashing facilities

handwashing facilities in Coordinator and SBM- are placed in strategic are maintained by
a strategic location (e.g., WinS Coordinator plans locations. designated Utility
school entrance) for handwashing facilities. Personnel

e. Placement of trash bins e. Physical Facilities e. Trash bins are placed e. Trash bins are maintained

Page 22 of 48
in strategic locations Coordinator, strategically in various b designated Utility
Administrative Officer II, locations in school. Personnel
Solid-Waste Management
Coordinators, and SBM-
WinS Coordinator plans
for trash bins.

f. Visuals signages on f. Physical Facilities f. Visual designated on f. Visual designated on

proper waste Coordinator, AO II, SWM proper waste proper waste
management practices Coordinators, SBM WinS management practices management practices
near trash bins Coordinator plans for are placed near trash bins. are maintained by all
visual signages on proper Utility Personnel.
waste management
practices and bins

5. The school has ensured

regular sanitation and
disinfection of school
facilities, furniture, and

a. Schedule of sanitation of a. Focal person creates a a. Teacher- adviser, teacher- a. Department Heads
frequently touched schedule of sanitation of incharge, and /or monitor teachers that
surfaces (e.g., table, frequently touched designated utility they follow the schedule
doorknobs, light surfaces. personnel of the rooms of sanitation and
switches, etc.) every sanitizes frequently disinfection.
after end of a school touched surfaces after the
shift school shift.

b. Schedule of disinfection b. Focal person creates a b. Teacher-adviser, teacher- b. Department Heads

of school facilities (e.g., schedule of disinfection incharge, and /or monitor teachers that
chairs, desk, blackboard, of school facilities. designated utility they follow the schedule
toilet facilities) personnel of the rooms of sanitation and
disinfects school facilities. disinfection.

c. Availability of sanitation c. Property custodian and c. Sanitation and c. Property custodian and
and disinfecting SBMWinS coordinator disinfecting materials arc SBMWinS coordinator
materials check the availability of made available for use. ensure enough supplies
sanitation and and easy access to
disinfecting materials. disinfection materials.
(Lysol, alcohol, soap,
powdered soap, Zomox,

Page 23 of 48
rags, maps, buckets,
yellow garbage bags, N95
masks, PPE, and gloves)

6. The school has ensured

a proper disposal
system of infectious
wastes, such as used
tissues and masks, in
noncontact receptacles.

a. Disposal of all used PPEs a. Physical Facilities a. Utility personnel PPEs are a. A02 monitors proper
in a separate leak-proof Coordinator, properly disposed in a waste disposal of PPE.
yellow trash Administrative Officer II, separate leak-proof
bag/container with a Property Custodian, SWM yellow trash
cover properly labelled Coordinators, and SBM- bag/container with a
as “USED PPE” WinS Coordinator plan cover properly labeled as
for the proper disposal of "USED PPE"
used PPEs.

b. Collection of the leak- b. Utility Personnel are b. Utility Personnel collect b. SWM Coordinators, A02,
proof yellow trash oriented with the proper leak-proof yellow trash and SBM- WinS
bag/container regularly collection of leak-proof bag regularly from Coordinator continuously
or twice a day (after end yellow trash designated areas to the monitor proper collection
of class and after bag/container. general collection area for system.
working day) from treatment and disposal.
designated/specific area
to the general collection
area for treatment and

c. Availability of medical- c. Property custodian c. Medical-grade masks are c. Ensure that there is
grade face mask conducts inventory of provided to utility consistent supply of
required for school medical- grade masks and personnel during medicalgrade masks.
personnel when purchases lacking mask collection of yellow trash
collecting/handling the for school personnel bags.
leak-proof yellow trash when collecting, yellow
bag/container trash bag container.

d. Treatment through d. The Property Custodian d. Utility personnel treat d. A02 monitors proper
disinfection or spraying purchases chlorine Collected wastes are implementation of
of the collected wastes solution. treated properly through treatment of collected
with a chlorine solution DOH guidelines. wastes.
(1:10) in accordance
with DOH Department

Page 24 of 48
Memorandum No.
2020-0157 “Guidelines
on Cleaning and
Disinfection in Various
Settings as an Infection
Prevention and Control
Measure Against COVID-

e. Disposal of the e. SWM Coordinator, SBM e. Utility personnel properly e. SWM Coordinator, SBM-
disinfected PPE with WinS Coordinator, and disposes disinfected PPE WinS Coordinator, and
general waste to the A02 plan the system for with general waste to the A02 monitors proper
final disposal facility disposal of the final disposal facility. implementation of the
disinfected PPE with disposal of the disinfected
general waste to the final PPE.
disposal facility.

VI. Communication Strategy

1. The school has
developed a
communication plan.

a. Identification of platform a. RANHS Online and a. Updates, meetings, a. Revisit the school
of communication for RANHS SSG FB Page will memos, and other communication plan for
coordination purposes serve as a platform for important information are enhancement focal
among the learners, information The school posted the task to the person to oversee the
parents/guardians, and has available Education, WinS coordinator in posting of IEC materials.
teachers Information and creating original IEC These materials are child-
Communication materials to be posted in friendly, original, and arc
strategic places. in local languages for easy

b. Database of contact b. The Site Implementation b. A database of contact b. A database of contact

details including contact manager will collect and details including contact details including contact
number and address of create a database of number and address of number and address of
parents/guardians of contact details including parents/guardians of the parents/guardians of the
the learners are kept to contact number and learners. learners will be available
inform them in case address of in the School Clinics and
their child shows flu-like parents/guardians of the Isolation Areas.
symptoms while in learners.
school premises

c. Development of child- The IEC materials posted in c. Additional IEC materials c. Printing of sufficient IEC

Page 25 of 48
friendly Information, strategic places are will be posted in strategic materials to be posted in
Education and mostly hygiene practices places and hygiene strategic places.
Communication (IEC) like handwashing steps, practices and respiratory
materials on hygiene Menstrual hygiene etiquette will be included.
practices and management and COVID
The WinS focal person
respiratory etiquette 19 awareness.
coordinated with
including hand hygiene,
Existing IEC materials that colleagues who has skills
respiratory hygiene and
were posted was initiated in drawing and knowledge
cough etiquette,
by SBM-WinS. in graphic design to
protective, among
creates original IEC
others, that are posted
material to be posted in
in common areas and
strategic places.
are available in local
languages and braille

2. The school has prepared

an orientation session
for learners, parents,
guardians, teaching and
non-teaching personnel,
external stakeholders,
and LGU of the eligibility
criteria for participation,
existing protocols,
mechanisms, and
procedures needed in
the conduct of the
limited face-to-face

a. Orientation materials a. Orientation materials a. Orientation materials a. Wide dissemination of

are made available for such as flyers will be such as flyers are available materials
distribution to printed and distributed to and distributed to all
teachers, learners, all persons concerned persons concerned
parents, BLGU, DRRM
team members, and
persons-in-charge in
ensuring observance of
protocols, mechanisms,
and procedures

3. The school has a 3. RANHS COVID-19 Hotline 3. RANHS COVID-19 Hotline 3. There will be Corrective
proactive COVID-19 and help desk will be set and help desk is in place, Action Log to monitor
local hotline/help desk up manage by the Clinic ready and available to all problem/s, required

Page 26 of 48
or any similar local teacher and other school clienteles corrective action/s,
mechanism that designated teachers identified persons
connects and involved and date
coordinates to the completed.
hospitals, testing
facilities, and LGUs.

VII. Contingency Plan

A separate folder has been provided for the contingency plan to comprehensively discuss different scenarios that
may affect the school setting whenever a teacher, learner, or non- teaching personnel exhibits symptoms or tests
positive for COVID-19 disease and the actions that must be undertaken by the school to coordinate with
stakeholders to prevent the transmission of the virus.

Focusing on Teaching and Learning

I. Learning Resources

The school has secured

sufficient supply of
learning resources
needed for the face-to-
face classes.

a. Availability Student to a. Count the number of a. Based on the data a. Safekeeping of the
Self-Learning Module students for the face-to- gathered involving the available SelfLeaming
(SLM) to lessen student face class. Communicate number of students and Module (SLM) of the
interaction during class with the Department the inventory of the Teacher-In-Charge. If
hours Head of each learning available Self Learning possible, SelfLearning
area for the inventory of Module (SLM), decisions Module (SLM) maybe
available Self-Learning will be made. If there is labeled with the name of
Module (SLM). insufficient number, the students for face-to-
reproduction will be made face classes.
to accommodate all
students. If copies are
enough, this will be
turned over to the
Teacher-In-Charge for the
face-to-face class.

b. Availability Student to b. Count the number of b. Based on the data b. Safekeeping of the
Textbook ratio to lessen students for the face-to- gathered involving the available textbooks of the

Page 27 of 48
student interaction face class. Communicate number of students and Teacher-In-Charge
during class hours with the Department the inventory of the
Head of each learning available textbooks,
area for the inventory of decisions will be made. If
textbooks. there is insufficient
number, reproduction will
be made to accommodate
all students. If copies are
enough, this will be
turned over to the
Teacher-In-Charge for the
face-to-face class.

c. Availability of Weekly
Learning Plan (WLP)

d. Provision of microphones
or other appropriate
sound system for
teachers to facilitate
teaching in a physically-
distanced setup

2. The school has ensured

that all teachers have
the Teacher's
Guide/Teacher's Manual
on specific grade levels
and learning areas that
they are handling.
Likewise, teachers may
develop activity-based
materials for mastery of
learning delivered
during face-to-face

II. Limited Face to Face Classes

1. The school has designed
class program/s that
cater both learners of
the limited face-to-face
classes arrangement

Page 28 of 48
and distance education
while observing the
maximum 6-hour
classroom teaching
hours of teachers.

a. Arrangement of the a. The school opted SHS a. The school will conduct a. Schedule for assessment
number of class sections TVL Track for the limited orientation to the from the SDO.
in a way that each class expanded face to face parents/guardians and
section will be able to with maximum 6 hours the students, and proper
attend face-to-face classroom teaching. simulation with class
classes: While those students arrangement before the
who are not vaccinated, limited extended face to
o Class A: Half-day face-to-face
classes in one straight they will be given a face for the SHS TVL
week and other half-day module. Track.
for distance learning
o Class B: One straight week of
pure distance learning
o Classes shall alternately
attend face-to-face classes
every week for the whole
duration of the pilot

b. Class program indicating b. Class program indicating b. Schedule orientation for b. Be prepared for
specific specific Class program indicating feedback, suggestions
schedule/breakdown of schedule/breakdown of specific and queries coming from
hours for the face to hours for the face-to-face schedule/breakdown of the parents in the
face classes including classes including hours for the face-to-face community.
staggered start and staggered start and close classes including
close of the school day of the school day per staggered start and close
per grade level grade level Grade 11 First of the school day per
Weeks. Grade 12 the grade level.
following week.

c. Class program indicating c. The school have class c. Tasks are underway. c. Be prepared for any
specific program indicating revision of class program
schedule/breakdown of specific indicating specific
hours for distance schedule/breakdown of schedule/breakdown of
learners including hours for distance hours for distance
staggered start and learners including learners including
close of the school day staggered start and close staggered start and close
per grade level of the school day per of the school day per
grade level grade level just to

Page 29 of 48
proceed to plan B.

d. Class program indicating d. The school has class d. Tasks are underway d. The school has a class
schedule of staggered program indicating program indicating a
break time hours schedule of staggered schedule of staggered
break time break time and ready for

e. Signages on protocols e. The school has provided e. Tasks are underway e. Whoever occupies
prohibiting activities signages and markers in various offices like library,
that require large every designated area for principal's office, records
gatherings the queue such as the sections, and the like
library, principal' s office automatically Is the traffic
etc. officer/enforcer.

f. Implementation of the f. The school has schedule f. Tasks are underway f. Implementation of the
maximum hours of stay maximum hours of stay of maximum hours of stay of
of the learners in the learners in schools the learners schools (4.5
schools (4.5 hours for (4.5 hours for G l-6 hours for G 1-6 learners
Gl-6 learners and 3 learners and 3 hours for and 3 hours for
hours for kindergarten kindergarten learners, 6 kindergarten learners)
learners, 6 hours for hours for SHS)

2. The school has 2.The designated Advisers 2.. Profiling learners who 2.The designated Advisers
comprehensively of SHS TVL Track from will participate in the of SHS TVL Track has it
profiled learners who Grade 11-12 has it implementation of the profiling like mode
will participate in the profiling like mode of face-to-face classes is on- transportation, address,
implementation of the transportation. address, going. contact person in case of
face-to-face classes. contact person in case of emergency etc. are
emergency etc. supervised and

a. Learners who reside a. The adviser will gather a. The adviser will monitor a. The adviser will update if
within the information from the the information from the there changes on the
city/municipality where learners who reside learners who reside information from the
the school/learning within the within the learners who reside
center is located city/municipality where city/municipality where within the
the school/learning the school/learning center city/municipality where
center is located. is located the school/learning
center is located.

b. Learners who can walk b. The advisers had b. The Task is underway. b. The school and the
their way to school, or individually surveyed the Advisers have a list of
ride with available learners the mode of learners and the mode of

Page 30 of 48
private transport, or transportation going to transportation going to
with regulated public school. school.

5. The school has 2.The designated Advisers 2. Profiling learners who will 2.The designated Advisers
comprehensively of SHS TVL Track from participate in the of SHS TVL Track has it
profiled learners who Grade 11-12 has its implementation of the profiling like mode
will participate in the profiling like mode of face-to-face classes is on- transportation, address,
implementation of the transportation, address, going. contact person in case of
face-to-face classes. contact person in case of emergency etc. are
emergency etc. supervised and

a. Learners who reside a. The adviser will gather a. The adviser will monitor a. The adviser will update if
within the information from the the information from the there changes on the
city/municipality where learners who reside learners who reside information from the
the school/learning within the within the learners who reside
center is located city/municipality where city/municipality where within the
the school/learning the school/learning center city/municipality where
center is located. is located the school/learning
center is located.

b. Learners who can walk b. The advisers had b. The Task is underway. b. The school and the
their way to school, or individually surveyed the Advisers have a list of
ride with available learners the mode of learners and the mode of
private transport, or transportation going to transportation going to
with regulated public school. school.

c. Learners without existing c. The advisers had c. The task is underway c. The school and the
comorbidities individually surveyed the Advisers have a list of
learners without existing learners without existing
comorbidities comorbidities.

d. For learners with existing d. The school and the

comorbidities but may Advisers have a list of
want to participate in learners with existing
the face-to-face classes, comorbidities but want to
written consent from participate in the face-to-
the parents/ guardians face classes will be
must be secured endorsed to Printed-
Modular Delivery Mode.

e. While vaccination of e. The school and the

learners is encouraged, Advisers have a list of

Page 31 of 48
all learners may learners without
participate in face-to- vaccination but want to
face classes regardless participate in the face-to-
of COVID-19 vaccination face classes will be
status referred to Modular
Printed Delivery Mode.

f. Prioritization of learners f. The advisers had f. The task is underway f. The school Advisers have
who cannot manage individually surveyed the a list of learners, such as
independent learning, learners who require those whose parents must
such as those whose childcare, such as those work outside the home, or
parents must work whose parents must work who have no directly
outside the home, or outside the home, or who available and immediately
who do not have have no directly available responsible
directly available and and immediately adults/guardians at home
immediately responsible responsible adults/
adults/guardians at guardians at home

g. Prioritization of learners g. The school assigns g. Prioritizing and close g. Making alternative
who struggle to meet Guidance Counselor of monitoring to the learners modules for the level of
required learning learners who struggle to has struggle to meet capacity of the learners who
competencies meet required learning required learning struggle to meet required
competencies. competencies. learning competencies.

h. Prioritization of learners h. The school assigns h. Prioritizing and close h. Proper referrals for
that are documented to Guidance Counselor for monitoring to the learners learners needs a
be affected by mental mental health concerns. hat are documented to be professional health
health concerns that affected by mental health service.
may be eased by face- concerns that may be
to-face interactions eased by faceto-face

III. Teacher Support

1. The school has provided
an appropriate learning
and development
support plan in
providing better quality
basic education

a. Learning and Action Cells a. Schedule a LAC session a. A directive coming from a. Submission of LAC

Page 32 of 48
(LAC) sessions wherein the topic will the principal has already narrative report and LAC
highlighting provision of focus on the remediation been disseminated to minutes to the office of
remediation/ or intervention to be each department the principal to monitor
intervention for learners given to learners during regarding the conduct of a the said activity.
during the face-to-face the face-to-face classes. LAC session focusing on
classes remediation/intervention
for learners during the
face-to-face classes.

b. Coaching, mentoring, b. Coaching, mentoring, b. Coaching and mentoring b. Submission of teachers'

and training relevant in and training of teachers during classroom COT ratings of each
facilitating blended in facilitating blended observation of all teachers department to the office
learning approach learning will be done is ongoing, and the first of the principal with
during classroom run is almost done. The MOVs as proof of this
observation or on a LAC second run will start in activity.
session. the month of April.

2. The school has oriented

teachers on their
budget of work and
ensured that the school
requirement for the
learners is in
observance of academic

a. Orientation on the a. Schedule an orientation a. The school has already a. Submission of WHLP and
implementation of the for all advisers and conducted an orientation DLPs by the SHS-TVL
Most Essential Learning subject teachers of the to all advisers and subject subject teachers prior to
Competencies (MELCs) SHS TVL Track with teachers of SHS TVL Track face-to-face dry run to
included in their budget regards the class regarding the see to it that all the
of work during the implementation of MELCs implementation of MELCs MELCs have been
limited face-to-face to be included in the during the SLAC. covered.
classes budget of work during
the limited face- to-face

b. Orientation on the b. Schedule an orientation b. The school has already b. Monitoring of the
observance of academic with the parents and conducted a 2- day face- department heads by
ease and provision of learners of the SHS-TVL to-face orientation with their respective teachers
flexibility to learners in Track. the parents and learners handling SHS-TVL Track
managing limited face- of the SHS-TVL Track. classes regarding the
to-face classes observance of the
academic ease and
provision of flexibility to

Page 33 of 48

Page 34 of 48
Well-Being and Protection
I. Personal Protective Equipment

1. The school has ensured 1. The school should 1. The school applies 1. The school ensures a
that the available purchase sanitation and sanitation and disinfection sufficient supply of the
sanitation and disinfection materials that materials to the school sanitation and disinfection
disinfection materials are approved by the FDA. facilities from time to time materials approved by the
are approved by the to avoid getting infected FDA
Philippine Food and by the virus
Drug Administration
(FDA) such as:

a. Sodium hypochlorite a. There are available a. The school needs to have a. The school coordinates
recommended ratio of disinfectants in the school a sufficient supply of with the WinS focal
0.1% (1000 ppm) by that is used by the utilities sanitation and disinfection person to have sufficient
dissolving % tsp of in disinfecting the school materials. supplies of disinfectants
chlorine or 2 g to 2L of facilities. to be used before and
clean water for regular after class hours ensuring
disinfection and a bacteria-free school
recommended ratio of There are persons/ utilities facility.
Ask colleagues who are
0.5% (5000 ppm) for assigned to make the
knowledgeable about
body fluids by dissolving proportions of the
making solutions,
1 tbsp of chlorine or 10 g disinfectants to make sure The school prepares a
particularly someone from
to 2L of clean water that these are properly sufficient supply of hand
the science department to
handled and with proper soap and disinfection
assist with the ratio and
precautionary measures. materials for learners in
proportion of the solution.
strategic school locations.

b. Ethanol in all surfaces b-c. There are available b-c. Coordinate with supply b-c. The school purchases
at a recommended hygiene disinfection officer on the availability materials and chemicals
ratio of 70-90%, or materials in the wash of materials. to produce disinfectants,
areas, comfort rooms, and and coordinates with the
other school facilities utilities and tap science
(classrooms, wash areas, Coordinate with council teachers to assist with the
restrooms, entrance/exit advisers and classroom ratio and proportion of
point) advisers to ensure that the solution.
hand soap, sanitizers,
alcohol-based solutions,
and other disinfectants are WinS focal person conducts
visible in the classrooms a meeting with the WinS
and strategic locations. TWG on the preparation

Page 35 of 48
of the assigned task.

c. Hydrogen peroxide in
all surfaces at a
recommended ratio of

2. The school has secured a 2. Property Custodian and 2. Conduct a meeting with
sufficient supply of SBM-WinS Coordinator WinS TWG (Hygiene) to
sanitation and conduct an inventory of ensure the task is being
disinfection materials for sanitation and disinfection delegated and hand soap,
strategic school materials. sanitizers, alcohol-based
locations. solutions, and other
disinfectants are in place.

a. The school has secured a a. Purchase of supplies of

sufficient supply of hand sanitizers and
sanitation and disinfection materials.
disinfection materials for

b. The school has secured a b. Check strategic school

sufficient supply of locations where sanitation
sanitation and and disinfection materials
disinfection materials for are to be placed.

c. The school has secured a c. Coordinates with

sufficient supply of classroom and council
sanitation and advisers to ensure that
disinfection materials for hand soap, sanitizers,
entrance/exit points. alcohol-based solutions,
and other disinfectants are
invisible in strategic
locations most especially
in the classrooms.

Page 36 of 48
II. COVID-19 Case Management
1. The school has developed
strategies to prevent

a. Conduct hand hygiene a. Prepare alcohol, soaps, a. Alcohol, soaps, thermal a. There should be a
and temperature checks thermal scanners, and scanners and other sufficient supply of
using a thermal scanner other needed materials needed materials are Alcohol, soaps, thermal
prior to entering the available at the gate. scanners and other
school needed materials are
readily available at the

b. Prioritization of non-face- b. Conduct coordination b. Strengthen coordination b. Conduct Post

to-face communications meetings at the local level meetings at the local level coordination meetings at
and coordination with concerned with concerned the local level with
through available government agencies, government agencies, concerned government
platforms and partners, and community partners, and community agencies, partners, and
discouragement of the members to discuss their members to discuss their community members
entrance of school respective participation in respective participation in
visitors and other the limited face-to-face the limited face-to-face
external stakeholders classes through online classes

c. Conduct daily rapid health c. Prepare the necessary c. Conduct of daily rapid c. The school must see to it
checks in the classroom equipment for the health checks in the that the conduct of daily
conduct of daily rapid classroom rapid health checks in the
health checks in the classroom will be
classroom sustainable

d. Conduct of necessary d. Ask assistance from the d. Conduct of necessary d. Coordinate with the LGU
disinfection activities school utility personnel disinfection activities for the supplies that will
especially in the areas of for the necessary especially in the areas of be readily available for the
the school frequented disinfection activities the school frequented by Conduct of necessary
by personnel or learners especially in the areas of personnel or learners that disinfection activities
that tested positive the school frequented by tested positive especially in the areas of
personnel or learners that the school frequented by
tested positive personnel or learners that
tested positive

e. Availability of surgical e. Request supplies from e. Enough supply of surgical e. Ask for donations from
face masks and school the school Supply officer face masks, alcohol, alumni and other
clinic for further for the availability of sanitizers, etc. are made stakeholders for

Page 37 of 48
assessment of anyone surgical face masks, available to all. sustainable supplies of
who will show alcohol, sanitizers, etc. these materials.
symptoms of COVID-19

f. Establishment/setting- f. Check if COVID-19 health f. COVID-19 health and f. Compliance with COVID-19
up/refurbishment of a and safety protocols are safety protocols be health and safety
school clinic to provide followed at all times, followed at all times, protocols be observed and
basic health services to including observance of including observance of followed at all times,
all school-goers, such as: guidelines for social guidelines for social including observance of
distancing, sanitation and distancing, sanitation, and guidelines for social
 Health assessment and
hygiene hygiene distancing sanitation and
physical examination, as
 Appropriate intervention,
first aid, or treatment
 Proper management of
symptoms, including rest
at home
 Referral and follow-up of
learners, teachers, and
personnel to appropriate

g. Designation of a private g. Ask assistance from the g. Designated area for g. Maintain and improve the
screening area at the school security personnel screening at the entrance Designated area for
entrance where school- for the screening area at where school-goers who screening at the entrance
goers who show the entrance where show symptoms upon where school-goers who
symptoms upon school-goers who show screening can be further show symptoms upon
screening can be further symptoms upon screening examined or referred is screening can be further
examined or referred can be further examined visible. examined
or referred

h. Designation of separate h. Coordinate with the h. Designated a separate h. Improve the Designated a
space where sick school- Physical Facilities space where sick school- separate space where sick
goers who have been personnel for the goers who have been schoolgoers who have
managed in the clinic designation of separate managed in the clinic can been managed in the
can temporarily stay, space where sick school- temporarily stay, awaiting clinic can temporarily
awaiting referral to the goers who have been referral to the appropriate stay, awaiting referral to
appropriate health managed in the clinic can health facility, without the appropriate health
facility, without creating temporarily stay, awaiting creating stigma facility, without creating
stigma referral to the appropriate stigma
health the facility, without
creating stigma

Page 38 of 48
i. Designation of clinic i. Plan to provide i. Conduct to provide i. Strengthen the programs
teachers(s) in absence of information, instructions, information, instructions, in providing information,
school health personnel, training, workshops, and training, workshops, and instructions, training,
who shall provide basic supervision that may be supervision that may be workshops, and
health services and necessary to ensure the necessary to ensure the supervision that may be
facilitate referral in health and safety of health and safety of necessary to ensure the
coordination with the employees at work employees at work health and safety of
school health personnel employees at work
at SDO, in absence of
school-based health

j. Orientation to the clinic j. Provide information, j. Conduct information, j. Certificate of completion is

teacher by the school training, and instruction training, and instruction provided by SDO to school
health personnel at the on health hygiene to staff on health hygiene to staff health personnel
SDO for proper guidance and students through and students
on how to effectively run flyers, announcement on
the school clinic bulletin boards, etc.

k. Reiteration of protocols k. Clinic or Guidance Office k. Intact and organized k. Online Records of
for learners, teachers, will require Records of Records of Students’ Students’ health status
and personnel who students' health status health status and and development
manifest COVID-19 and development, development including including immunization
symptoms to not including immunization immunization checks to checks to prevent
physically report to checks to prevent prevent outbreak-prone outbreak-prone vaccine-
school and seek medical outbreak-prone vaccine- vaccine-preventable preventable diseases (e.g.
advice virtually if preventable diseases (e.g. diseases (e.g. measles) measles) can be accessed
possible measles) anytime.

Record of students’
health status and
development, including
immunization checks to
prevent outbreak-prone
disease (e.g., measles)

2. The school has identified

strategies to detect

a. Cooperation with the a. Contact and cooperate a. Cooperated with the local a. Smooth communication
local health authorities with the local health health authorities in the and cooperation with the
in the tracing and authorities in the tracing tracing and quarantine of local health authorities in
quarantine of close and quarantine of close close contacts of the tracing and

Page 39 of 48
contacts of confirmed contacts of confirmed confirmed cases of COVID- quarantine of close
cases of COVID-19 cases of COVID-19 19 consistent with DOH contacts of confirmed
consistent with DOH consistent with DOH guidelines cases of COVID-19
guidelines guidelines consistent with DOH

b. Presence of the School b. School DRRM Team shall b. School DRRM Team is b. School DRRM Team will
DRRM Team who shall ensure that contact always ready at all times always be ready at all
ensure that contact tracing activities as to shall ensure that times to shall ensure that
tracing activities, as required by the local contact tracing activities contact tracing activities
required by the local health authorities, are as required by the local as required by the local
health authorities, are initiated, and completed health authorities are health authorities are
initiated, and completed among the possible initiated, and completed initiated, and completed
among the possible among the possible close among the possible close
close contacts among
close contacts among contacts among DepEd contacts among DepEd
DepEd personnel and
DepEd personnel and personnel and learners personnel and learners

c. Close coordination with c. School Clinic c. Implementation of the c. SH monitors proper

Epidemiology coordination system. implementation of the
The coordinator and
Surveillance Unit (ESU) system.
MAPEH Head establish a
officers per setting
coordination system with
 DOH Regional ESU of different government
reporting school units.
 LGU City ESU/Provincial
ESU/Municipal ESU of
reporting school
 DOH Regional ESU of the
identified case (place of
residence) o LGU City
ESU/Municipal ESU of the
identified case (place of

d. Development of a d. Draft a format of d. Implemented a reporting d. Further enhance the

reporting system reporting system system requiring parents reporting system requiring
requiring parents to requiring parents to to report to the school if parents to report to the
report to the school if report to the school if their children are school if their children are
their children are their children are experiencing flu-like experiencing flu-like
experiencing flu-like experiencing flu-like system, recommendation system, recommendation
system, system, recommendation of testing to be done of testing to be done
recommendation of of testing to be done immediately with support immediately with support
testing to be done immediately with support and guidance from the and guidance from the
immediately with and guidance from the

Page 40 of 48
support and guidance LGUs LGUs LGUs
from the LGUs

e. Provision of health form e. Secure and gather e. Documented and filed e. Documented and filed
to parents/guardians at parents' consent parents' consent parents' consent
the beginning of each confirming their child confirming their child confirming their child
school term confirming and/or family members and/or family members do and/or family members
their child and/or family do not have COVID-19 not have COVID-19 before do not have COVID-19
members do not have before being permitted to being permitted to go to before being permitted to
COVID-19 before being go to school to be school to be submitted 24 go to school to be
permitted to go to submitted 24 to 72 hours to 72 hours prior to the submitted 24 to 72 hours
school to be submitted prior to the start of school start of school opening prior to the start of school
24 to 72 hours prior to opening opening
the start of school

3. The school has developed

strategies to isolate and
treat COVID-19.

a. Designation of rooms for a. Physical facilities a. Physical facilities a. Improve designated

isolation of students and personnel will assign and personnel identified and rooms for isolation of
personnel with fever and designate rooms for designated rooms for students and personnel
flu-like symptoms near isolation of students and isolation of students and with fever and flu-like
the entrances personnel with fever and personnel with fever and symptoms near the
flu-like symptoms near flu-like symptoms near the entrances
the entrances entrances

b. Availability of transport b. Set communication b. Communicated to b. Open and 24/7

vehicles from school to strategy to DOH/lCER for DOH/lCER about the communication to
Temporary Treatment the availability of availability of transport DOH/lCER for the
and Monitoring Facility transport vehicles from vehicles from school to availability of transport
(TTMF) school to the Temporary the Temporary Treatment vehicles from school to
Treatment and and Monitoring Facility the Temporary Treatment
Monitoring Facility and Monitoring Facility

c. Database of contact c. Gather contact c. Learners’ parents are c. A database of notifications

details of the family numbers/communication notified by the school is kept by the School Clinic
members/guardians of ways to parents or personnel who shows flu- Coordinator.
the learners and guardians like symptoms
personnel for
notification in case of
symptoms related to

Page 41 of 48
d. Isolation and referral d. Thermal scanners are d. Coordinate or refer to d. Referral for home
mechanisms for available at the entrance Barangay Health Worker quarantine/isolation by
personnel/s or learner/s gate to check personnel/learners who the Barangay/LGU health
who show COVID-19 personnel/learners who show CoViD-19 symptoms. workers
symptoms based on the show CoVID-19
severity for proper symptoms.
management and
appropriate testing
management and
appropriate testing

e. Reporting mechanism for e. Template for reporting e. Submits a report of the e. Teachers will be also
following-up and will be made available for close follow-up of the trained in the necessary
monitoring of all close use attending/assigned school case handling and
contacts as well as health personnel or procedures.
suspect, probable, and designated clinic teacher
confirmed cases of with the condition of the
COVID19 identified
learner/personnel to the
SDO School health and
Nutrition Unit/Section, as
required by existing
reporting mechanisms

f. Availability of QR codes f. Preparation of QR codes f. Placement and Use of QR f. Monitoring of Data

and/or IT-based contact for Health Monitoring codes for Health gathered from QR codes
tracing Monitoring at the School for Health Monitoring at
system/applications Gate the School Gate.

4. The school has developed 4. The school has a 4. The Guidance In- charge 4. The Guidance In- charge is
strategies for providing Guidance Coordinator. of catering prevention well equipped with basic
psychosocial support to through counseling. mental health services.
the learners, teachers,
and personnel.

a. Allotment of time and a. Integration of Mental a. Teachers will make a. Mental Health lesson
preparation of modules Health in Personality DLL/DLP with Integration Integrate into in
on Mental Health to be Development in Grade 11 of Mental Health in in Personality Development
facilitated by their and Philosophy Subject in Personality Development in Grade 11 and
respective classroom Grade 12 basis in MELCs. in Grade 11 and Philosophy Subject in
advisers or designated Philosophy Subject in Grade 12.
teachers Grade 12.

b. Mobilization of trained b. The school's Guidance b. The Guidance Counselor b. The Guidance Counselor is
Psychological First Aid Office shall be composed catering prevention well equipped with basic

Page 42 of 48
(PFA) providers to offer of RGCs or the Val. Educ. through counseling. mental health services.
necessary mental health The teacher is assigned by
and psychosocial the school head as GC.
support to concerned
personnel or learners
during crisis situations
(e.g., being COVID-19
positive, isolation, class
suspension). The most
appropriate method,
which duly considers the
safety of the MHPSS
providers, shall be
employed (e.g.,
provision through online
platforms or hotlines)

c. Allocation of the first hour d. Guidance Counselor will d. Guidance Counselor will d. Guidance Counselor will
of the first five school take charge in orienting conduct monitoring on the monitor the
days for the discussion advisers and teachers preparations of advisers implementation of the
and facilitation of the regarding the and teachers. Psycho-Social Activity on
modules related to implementation of the the first hour of the day.
mental health, by the Psycho-Social Activity on
respective classroom the first hour of the day.
advisers or designated

d. Establishment and d. Guidance Counselor d. Guidance Counselor will d. Guidance Counselor will
contextualization of primarily for prevention. conduct individual determine if they need a
inter-sectoral referral counseling for both referral for professional
pathways to ensure that personnel and learners. help.
psychosocial needs of
both the personnel and
the learners are
provided. Psychosocial
concerns involving
children shall be
coordinated with DOH,
DSWD and other key
agencies and
organizations as
necessary to better
address the concern

e. Engagement of parents, e. Flyers on mental health e. Flyers are available for e. Follow up/monitor the

Page 43 of 48
guardians, or any care and creating a positive distribution to the students regarding mental
providers of learners on environment and how to Guardians /Parents health.
taking care of mental handle the basic mental
health and creating a hygiene to parents will be
positive environment prepared

f. Establishment of f. Guidance Counselor f. Guidance Counselor will f. Guidance Counselor will

coordination primarily for prevention. conduct individual determine if they need a
mechanisms to ensure counseling for both referral for professional
that the mental health personnel and learners. help.
and the basic needs of
learners and personnel
with pre-existing mental
health conditions and
special needs including
neurologic and
substance abuse
disorders, such as
medications and other
key services, are

5. The school has 5. Large tarpaulins should 5. Proper coordination with 5. Tarpaulins were placed in
established a clear be placed at the school Barangay Health Officer the strategic places
procedure of referral entrance and other should be done so as to around the school vicinity.
system for COVID-19 strategic locations bearing answer the immediate
confirmed and the procedure of referral need of the persons
suspected personnel and system for confirmed & involved.
learners. suspected learners &
personnel of COVID 19

a. The communication plan a. The school shall a. The school shall inform a. Updated recording system
includes a coordination coordinate & inform the the parent or guardian for contact tracing
system with LGU for Barangay Health Officer thru phone call or a note purposes.
school personnel and in-charge of positive
learners who show flu- COVID-19 cases so as to
like symptoms contact trace &
quarantine those close

6. The school has

established a clear
contact tracing and
quarantine system for
close contacts of

Page 44 of 48
COVID-19 confirmed
positive cases.

a. Communication plan a. The school has to a. The school shall inform a. Updated recording system
which includes a coordinate & inform the the parent or guardian for contact tracing
coordination system Barangay Health Officer thru phone call or a note purposes.
with local health in-charge of positive
authorities in contact COVID-19 cases so as to
tracing and quarantine contact trace &
of close contacts of quarantine those close
confirmed COVID-19 contacts
positive cases

b. Communication plan b. Proper coordination of b. follow-up on proper b. Updated personnel and

which includes the school to the family coordination with parents learners' records for
notification of (parents/guardian) of the thru online or face-to-face referral system purposes.
family/parent(s)/guardia concerned learner/s set-up.
n(s) of the concerned

c. Flow chart of the contact c. Flow chart for contact c. Crafting of comprehensive c. Printed materials
tracing and quarantine tracing & quarantine flow chart referral system regarding the easy referral
system system should be posted for easy understanding of system.
in an area where it is learners.
visible 10 everybody.

III. Including the Most Marginalized

1. The school has 1. Planning of focal person, 1. Advisers will identify the 1. One hundred percent of
established a department heads, and different categories of learners' data have been
mechanism in identifying core team members learners through Google gathered and identified
learners who are most regarding the system of forms for those with those who are vulnerable
vulnerable and collection of data for access to the internet and and disadvantaged and
disadvantaged in terms identified learners and survey through paper and learners who need
of access to learning. establishing the timeline pen for those who do not assistive devices have
of the start and end of the have access to the been provided through
data gathering procedure. internet. Council advisers partner agencies.
will consolidate the data
per grade level and submit
the data to the LIS and
EBEIS Coordinator for

2. The school has developed 2. Inclusive education Focal 2. Employs mechanisms with 2. All marginalized learners

Page 45 of 48
learning strategies to person coordinated with parents to inform them are provided with their
cater to the needs of the Inclusive Education (through advisers) of their required modules.
marginalized learners Committee to assist the assistive device during
such as modules in school in providing for the face-to-face classes.
braille, mother-tongue needs of marginalized
languages, and usage of learners.
Filipino Sign Language.

3. The school has ensured 3. The school requires Focal 3. Learning strategies to 3. Eighty percent of
participation in school- Persons in different cater to the needs of the programs are
based services which programs to create marginalized learners are implemented.
includes but are not programs to implement provided through
limited to feeding and school-based services. collaboration with SPED
nutrition programs, Teachers.
immunizations, Mental
Health and Psychosocial
Support (MHPSS),
prevention of Violence
against Children (VAC)
(i.e., bullying from social
stigma), and other
health services.

4. The school has 4. The Guidance Office and 4. There is the active 4. All cases are coordinated
established close Inclusive Education Focal implementation of school- with the required agency.
coordination with the Person coordinates with based services which is
Department of Social the Department of Social monitored by the SIP
Welfare and Welfare and Development coordinators and the
Development (DSWD) Case Manager and the Principal.
Case Managers of those National Council on
learners who are Disability Affairs by means
marginalized; Other of a letter of
partner agencies and communication
organizations such as requesting them of their
National Council on assistance for learners
Disability Affairs (NCDA). who are marginalized.

Page 46 of 48
Home-School Coordination

1. The school has 1. Coordinate with the 1. Proper observance of 1. Proper observance of
developed a plan in Barangay Local Health Protocols are Health Protocols will be
coordinating with the Government Unit (BLGU) observed. strictly observed and
Barangay Local or the Barangay Health monitored.
Government Unit (BLGU) Emergency Response
or the Barangay Health Team (BHERT) in
Emergency Response information drive for
Team (BHERT) in proper observance of the
ensuring that protocols protocols.
are observed properly.

a. Operationalization of the a. Conduct of Awareness of a. Awareness of a. Observance at all times of

Preventative Alert Preventative Alert System Preventative Alert System Preventative Alert System
System in Schools (PASS) in Schools (PASS) for in Schools (PASS) for in Schools (PASS) for
for COVID-19 (per DepEd COVID-19 (per DepEd COVID-19 (per DepEd COVID-19 (per DepEd
Memorandum No. 15, s. Memorandum No. 15, s. Memorandum No. 15, s. Memorandum No. 15, s.
2020) 2020) 2020) 2020)

2. The school has developed

a strategy for orienting
parents on health
protocols and safety

a. Safe drop-off and pick-up a. The Physical facilities and a. The Physical facilities and b. Maintain the Safe drop-
procedures SDRRM Coordinator shall SDRRM Coordinator shall off and pick-up
designate safe drop off secure and implement procedures
and pick up procedures safe drop off and pick up

b. Safety precautions and b. Comprehensive virtual b. Weekly comprehensive b. Check the daily schedule
preventive measures and face to face orientation to students on of Orientation on safety
while commuting [e.g., orientation students on Safety precautions and precautions and
wearing proper face safety precautions and preventive measures while preventive measures
masks and face shields, preventive measures commuting [e.g. wearing while commuting
refraining from talking while commuting [e.g proper face masks and
and eating while in wearing proper masks and face shields, refraining
public transportation, face shields, refrain from from talking and eating
ensuring adequate talking and eating while in while in public
ventilation, frequent and public transportation, transportation, ensure
proper disinfection, ensuring adequate adequate ventilation,

Page 47 of 48
appropriate physical ventilation, frequent and frequent and proper
distancing] proper disinfection, disinfection, appropriate
appropriate physical physical distancing

c. Safety precautions and c. Safety precautions and c. Reminders on safety c. Well-maintained bulletin
preventive measures preventive measures precautions and boards in every classroom
upon entering the school should be posted near the preventive measures reminding students of
premises school vicinity and even should be posted near the safety precautions and
on social media platforms. school vicinity and even on preventive measures.
social media platforms.

3. The school has identified 3. The school will provide a 3. Tasks are underway 3. Maintain a functional
a designated waiting designated waiting area designated waiting area
area with proper with proper ventilation for with proper ventilation for
ventilation for
parents/ guardians parents/ guardians

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