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Frede Blaabjerg Introduction To Renewables Systems

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Introduction to Renewables

Frede Blaabjerg
Professor, Villum Investigator
[email protected]

► Overview of Renewable Energy Development

State-of-the-art; Mission profiles; Grid codes; Reliability and cost

► Power Converters for Renewable Energy

PV application; W ind power application; Power semiconductor devices; Basic control

► Future Challenges and Discussions

PV application; W ind power application; Other Generators

State of the Art – Renewable Evolution

Worldwide Installed Renewable Energy Capacity (2000-2020)

1. Hydropower also includes pumped storage and mixed plants;
2. Marine energy covers tide, wave, and ocean energy
3. Solar includes photovoltaics and solar thermal
4. Wind includes both onshore and offshore wind energy

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable energy capacity statistics 2019”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2019)

Global RES Annual Changes

Global Renewable Energy Annual Changes in Gigawatt (2001-2020)

1. Hydropower also includes pumped storage and mixed plants;
2. Marine energy covers tide, wave, and ocean energy
3. Solar includes photovoltaics and solar thermal
4. Wind includes both onshore and offshore wind energy

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable energy capacity statistics 2019”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2019)

Share of the Net Total Annual Additions

RES and non-RES as a share of the net total annual additions

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable energy capacity statistics 2020”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2020)

State of the Art Development – Wind Power

Global installed wind capacity (until 2020): 733 GW, 2020: 111 GW
 Higher total capacity (+50% non-hydro renewables).
 Larger individual size (average 1.8 MW, up to 6-8 MW, even 15 MW).
 More power electronics involved (up to 100 % rating coverage).

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable capacity statistics 2021”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2021)

State of the Art Development – Wind Power
14 MW
12 MW D 222 m
D 220 m

10 MW
D 164 m
5 MW
D 124 m

2 MW
D 80 m
600 kW
500 kW D 50 m
D 40 m
50 kW 100 kW
D 15 m D 20 m

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2018 2019 2024 (E)
Speed Partially
Fixed Variable
Power Coverage: 0% 10% 30% 100%
Electronics Rotor Rotor
Function: Soft Starter Resistance Power Generator Power Control
Control Control
Roles in
Power Grid
Trouble Maker Self Organizer Active Contributor and Stabilizer

Global installed wind capacity (until 2020): 733 GW, 2020: 111 GW
 Higher total capacity (46% non-hydro renewables; ~1/4 total incl. hydro).
 Larger individual size (average 1.8 MW, up to 6-8 MW, even 15 MW).
 More power electronics involved (up to 100 % rating coverage).

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable capacity statistics 2021”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2021)

State of the Art – PV Cell Technologies

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, https://www.nrel.gov/pv/cell-efficiency.html

State of the Art Development – Photovoltaic Power

Global installed solar PV capacity (until 2020): 714 GW, 2020: 127 GW
 More significant total capacity (45% non-hydro renewables;
~1/4 total incl. hydro).
 Fastest growth rate (22% between 2018-2020, 33% in 2018).

(Source: IRENA, “Renewable capacity statistics 2021”, http://www.irena.org/publications, March 2021)

State of the Art Development – Photovoltaic Power

Global installed solar PV capacity (until 2020): 714 GW, 2019: 127 GW
 More significant total capacity (29% non-hydro renewables).
 Fastest growth rate (22% between 2018-2020, 33% in 2018).

(Source: Annual Growth for Renewable Electricity Generation by Source, 2018-2020, IEA
https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/annual-growth-for-renewable-electricity-generation-by-source-2018-2020) 10
Power Electronics based Renewable Energy Systems

Bi-directional Power Flow

(PV, Wind Turbines, etc.)

2/3 2/3
Energies Power
References Control Communication

Important issues for converters in renewables:

 Reliability/security of supply
 Efficiency, cost, volume, protection
 Control active and reactive power
 Ride-through operation and monitoring
 Power electronics enabling technology
 …
Requirements for Wind Turbine Systems

General Requirements & Specific Requirements

Grid Codes for Wind Turbines

Conventional power plants provide active and reactive power, inertia

response, synchronizing power, oscillation damping, short-circuit
capability and voltage backup during faults.
Wind turbine technology differs from conventional power plants
regarding the converter-based grid interface and asynchronous
Grid code requirements today
► Active power control
► Reactive power control
► Frequency control
► Steady-state operating range
► Fault ride-through capability

Wind turbines are active power plants.

Requirements for Photovoltaic Systems

General Requirements & Specific Requirements

Input Mission Profiles for PV Systems

Mission Profile for PV Systems Measured at AAU (201110-201209)

► Highly variable solar irradiance

► Small power inertia to solar variation – quick response of PV panel.
► Small temperature inertia to ambient temp. variation – small case capacity.
► Temperature sensitive for the PV panel and power electronics.

Grid Codes for Photovoltaic Systems

Grid-connected PV systems ranging from several kWs to even a few

MWs are being developed very fast and will soon take a major part of
electricity generation in some areas. PV systems have to comply with
much tougher requirements than ever before.
Requirements today
► Maximize active power capture (MPPT)
► Power quality issue
► Ancillary services for grid stability
► Communications
► High efficiency

In case of large-scale adoption of PV systems

► Reactive power control
► Frequency control
► Fault ride-through capability
► …

Cost of Energy (COE) – Today (2020)

CCap CO&M
E Annual

CCap – Capital cost

CO&M– Operation and main. cost
EAnnual – Annual energy production

Cost of Electricity (Energy) by Sources in Germany

Determining factors for renewables

- Capacity growth
- Technology development

Wikipedia, ”Cost of electricity by source”, available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source

Continue Reducing the Cost

SunShot Goals by the U.S. Department of Energy

In 2017, DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced that the industry had
achieved the 2020 cost goal for utility-scale solar of 6¢ per kilowatt hour (kWh).

*Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) progress and targets are calculated based on average U.S. climate and
without the ITC or state/local incentives. The residential and commercial goals have been adjusted for inflation
from 2010–17.

U.S. DOE - https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2018/05/f51/SunShot%202030%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf

Approaches to Reduce Cost of Energy

CCap – Capital cost

CCap CO&M
COE  CO&M– Operation and main. cost
E Annual
EAnnual – Annual energy production

Approaches Important and Related Factors Potential

Lower CCap Production / Policy +

Lower CO&M Reliability / Design / Labor ++

Higher Eannual Reliability / Capacity / Efficiency / Location +++

Reliability is an Efficient Way to Reduce COE

– Lower CO&M & Higher EAnnual

Lifetime Targets in PE Intensive Applications

Applications Typical design target of Lifetime

Aircraft 24 years (100,000 hours flight operation)
Automotive 15 years (10,000 operating hours, 300, 000 km)
Industry motor drives 5-20 years (60,000 hours in at full load)
Railway 20-30 years (73,000 hours to 110,000 hours)
Wind turbines 20 years (120,000 hours)
Photovoltaic plants 30 years (90,000 hours to 130,000 hours)

The Scope of Reliability of Power Electronics
A multi-disciplinary research area

Paradigm Shift
► From components to failure mechanisms
► From constant failure rate to failure level with time
► From reliability prediction to also robustness validation
► From microelectronics to also power electronics

Power Converters for Renewables

Wind Turbine Concept and Configurations
► Variable pitch – variable speed
► Doubly Fed Induction Generator
► Gear box and slip rings
► ±30% slip variation around
synchronous speed
► Power converter (back to back/
direct AC/AC) in rotor circuit
 State-of-the-art solutions
Partial scale converter with DFIG

► Variable pitch – variable speed

► Generator
Synchronous generator
Permanent magnet generator
Squirrel-cage induction generator
► With/without gearbox
► Power converter
Diode rectifier + boost DC/DC + inverter
Back-to-back converter
Full scale converter with SG/IG
Direct AC/AC (e.g. matrix,
 State-of-the-art and future solutions

Converter Topologies under Low Voltage (<690V)

Generator Transformer Generator Transformer

Filter Filter Filter Filter

2L-VSC 2L-VSC Diode rectifier 2L-VSC

Back-to-back two-level VSC Diode rectifier + boost DC/DC + 2L-VSC

 Proven technology  Suitable for PMSG or SG.

 Standard power devices (integrated)  Lower cost
 Decoupling between grid and generator
(compensation for non-symmetry and other  Low THD on generator, low
power quality issues) frequency torque pulsations in
drive train.
 High dv/dt and bulky filter  Challenge to design boost
 Need for major energy-storage in DC-link converter at MW.
 High power losses at high power (switching
and conduction losses)  low efficiency

Solution to Extend the Power Capacity

(a) with multi-winding generator. (b) with normal winding generator

Parallel converter to extend the power capacity

 State-of-the-art solution in industry (> 3 MW)

 Standard and proven converter cells (2L VSC)
 Redundant and modular characteristics.

 Circulating current under common DC link with extra filter or special PWM

PV Inverter System Configurations

Module Converter DC Grid String/Multistring Converter Central Inverter

 Single-phase  DC grid  AC grid  Single-/three-phase  Three-phase

 Hundreds watts  Single-/three-phase  1~30 kW applications  30~ kW
 Small systems  Several kilowatts  Residential/commercial  Commercial /
 Small systems / utility-scale

Chapter 03 in Renewable energy devices and systems with simulations in MATLAB and ANSYS, Editors: F. Blaabjerg and
D.M. Ionel, CRC Press LLC, 2017 26
Grid-Connection Configurations
Transformer-based grid-connection

Transformerless grid-connection  Higher efficiency, Smaller volume

AC-Module PV Converters – Single-Stage
~ 300 W (several hundred watts)
High overall efficiency and High power desity.

Universal AC-module

Buck-boost integrated
full-bridge inverter

B.S. Prasad, S. Jain, and V. Agarwal, "Universal Single-Stage Grid-Connected Inverter," IEEE TEC, 2008.
C. Wang "A novel single-stage full-bridge buck-boost inverter", IEEE TPEL, 2004. 28
DC-Module PV Converters – Double-Stage
~ 300 W (several hundred watts)
High overall efficiency and High power desity.

Conventional DC-DC Converters

Flyback DC Optimizer

Y. Yang, K. A. Kim, F. Blaabjerg, and A: Sangwongwanich, Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion
Systems, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 29
String/Multi-String PV Inverters

1 kW ~ 30 kW (tens kilowatts)
High efficiency and also Emerging for modular configuration in medium
and high power PV systems.

Bipolar Modulation is used:

 No common mode voltage  VPE free for high frequency low leakage current
 Max efficiency 96.5% due to reactive power exchange between the filter and CPV during freewheeling
and due to the fact that 2 switched are simultaneously switched every switching
 This topology is not special suited to transformerless PV inverter due to low efficiency!

Y. Yang, K. A. Kim, F. Blaabjerg, and A: Sangwongwanich, Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion
Systems, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 30
Transformerless String Inverters
H5 Transformerless Inverter (SMA)
 Efficiency of up to 98%
 Low leakage current and EMI
 Unipolar voltage accross the filter,
leading to low core losses

H6 Transformerless Inverter (Ingeteam)

 High efficiency
 Low leakage current and EMI
 DC bypass switches rating: Vdc/2
 Unipolar voltage accross the filter

M. Victor, F. Greizer, S. Bremicker, and U. Hubler, U.S. Patent 20050286281 A1, Dec 29, 2005.
R. Gonzalez, J. Lopez, P. Sanchis, and L. Marroyo, "Transformerless inverter for single-phase PV systems," IEEE TPEL, 2007. 31
NPC Transformerless String Inverters

Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) converter for PV applications

 Constant voltage-to-ground  Low leakage current, suitable

for transformerless PV applications.
 High DC-link voltage ( > twice of the grid peak voltage)

P. Knaup, International Patent Application, Publication Number: WO 2007/048420 A1, Issued May 3, 2007.
Central Inverters
~ 30 kW (tens kilowatts to megawatts)
Very high power capacity.

 Large PV power plants (e.g. 750 kW by SMA), rated over tens and even hundreds of
MW, adopt many central inverters with the power rating of up to 900 kW.
 DC-DC converters are also used before the central inverters.
 Similar to wind turbine applications  NPC topology might be a promising solution.

Y. Yang, K. A. Kim, F. Blaabjerg, and A: Sangwongwanich, Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion
Systems, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 33
Power Level for Renewable Applications
Residential PV
Power Distribution


Automotive Transportation


Photo Courtesy:
IEEE Madison Section - 2007

IT & Consume Wind Turbines

PV Plants

<500W 1-5kW 30-350kW 5-50kW 5-100kW 100kW-1MW >1MW

Yole Developement. Status of the power electronics industry. 2012

Wide-bandgap Semiconductors: Application ranges

Yole Developpement, ECPE Workshop 2016
G. Meneghesso, “Parasitic and Reliability issues in GaN-Based Transistors”, CORPE 35
Workshop 2018, Aalborg, Denmark
Potential power devices for lower voltage (Eg. PV)
Performances GaN HEMT Superjunction SI MOSFET SiC MOSFET

Power Density High Moderate High

Reliability High High Unknown

Cost High Low High

Failure mode Short circuit Both short- and open circuit Both short- and open circuit

Insulation to heat sink Yes No No

Switching loss Low Moderate Low

Conduction loss Low Moderate Low

Thermal resistance Moderate Moderate Low

Cost factor High Low High

Gate driver Complex Simple Moderate

Infineon, Renesas, Panasonic,

EPC, Navitas, Transphorm, Wolfspeed, Rohm, Mitsubishi,
Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba,
Panasonic, GanSystems, NXP, Infineon, Littelfuse, GE, Fuji,
Major suppliers Hitachi, STMicrorlectronics, Bosch,
Texas Instruments, Infineon, GeneSiC, Microsemi, OnSemi,
Sumitomo Electric, Raytheon,
Fujitsu USCi, GlobalPower

Voltage ratings in real

≤ 650 V ≤ 600 V ≤ 1700 V
power application

Max. current ratings 90 A (100 V), 50 A (650 V) 20 A (600 V) 1200 A (1700 V)

Potential power devices for wind power

Performances Si-IGBT module Si-IGBT Press-pack SiC MOSFET module

Power Density Low High Low

Reliability Moderate High Unknown

Cost Moderate High High

Failure mode Open circuit Short circuit Open circuit

Insulation to heat sink Yes No Yes

Switching loss Moderate Large Low

Conduction loss Moderate Moderate Large

Thermal resistance Large Small Moderate

Cost factor Moderate High High

Gate driver Moderate Moderate Small

Major suppliers Infineon, Semikron, Mitsubishi, ABB Westcode, ABB Cree, Rohm, Mitsubishi

Voltage ratings in wind power

1.7 / 2.5 / 3.3 / 4.5 / 6.5 kV 2.5 / 4.5 / 5.2 / 6.5 kV 1.2 / 1.7 / 10 kV
Max. current ratings 3.6 / 1.5/ 1.8 /1.5 / 1.0 kA 2.25 / 3 / 3 / 0.9 kA 0.8 / 1.2 / 0.02 kA

General Control for Wind Turbine System

Level I – Power converter Level II – Wind turbine Level III – Grid integration
 Grid synchronization  MPPT  Voltage regulation
 Converter current control  Turbine pitch control  Frequency regulation
 DC voltage control  DC Chopper  Power quality

General Control Structure for PV Systems

Basic functions – PV specific functions – Ancillary support –

all grid-tied inverters common for PV inverters in effectiveness
► Grid current control ► Maximum power point tracking – MPPT ► Voltage control
► DC voltage control ► Anti-Islanding (VDE0126, IEEE1574, etc.) ► Fault ride-through
► Grid synchronization ► Grid monitoring ► Power quality
► Plant monitoring ► …
► Sun tracking (mechanical MPPT)
MPPT Algorithms

MPPT Methods Advantages Disadvantages

• Simple • Tradeoff beteween speed and
Perturb & Observe (P&O) / • Low computation accuracy
Incremental Conductance • Generic • Goes to the wrong way under
fast changing conditions
• Much simple • Energy is wasted during Voc
Constant Voltage (CV) • No ripple due to perturbation measurement
• Inaccuracy
• Simple • Extra swith needed for short-
Short-Current Pulse
• No ripple due to perturbation circuiting
(SCP, i.e., constant current)
• Inaccuracy
• Ripple amplitude provides the • Tradeoff between efficiency loss
Ripple Correlation Control MPP information due to MPPT or to the ripple
• Noneed for perturbation

P&O – the most commonly used MPPT algorithm!

Implementation of MPPT Control
o Single-Stage System

o Double-Stage System (in the DC-DC converter)

Y. Yang, K. A. Kim, F. Blaabjerg, and A: Sangwongwanich, Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion
Systems, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 41
Example of MPPT Control
For a boost optimizer:

Y. Yang, K. A. Kim, F. Blaabjerg, and A: Sangwongwanich, Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion
Systems, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 42
Future Challenges and Discussions
Increasing Energy Demand

Worldwide Energy Demand Since 1970 and The Estimation till 2030
(Source: International Energy Agency (IEA), World energy outlook 2004

The Danish Plan to Reduce CO2
Million tons CO2/year CO2 Intensity - g/kWh

50 1000

40 800

30 600

Danish prime minister Mette

Frederiksen (Photo: News
20 2020 400

Oresund/Commons )
10 200

0 0

Million tons CO2/year Estimate - Million tons CO2/year

CO2 Intensity - g/kWh

Under the agreement, the new government pledged to introduce

binding decarbonization goals and strengthen its 2030 target to reduce
emissions by 70% below the 1990 level – the current target is 40%.

Energinet.dk, Miljørapport 2020 (in Danish) - https://energinet.dk/Om-publikationer/Publikationer/Miljoerapport-2020

Electricity Generation and Consumption in DK

Electricity generation and consumption







Wind Solar Decentralized plants Centralized plants Electricity consumption (incl. net loss)

Energinet.dk, Miljørapport 2020 (in Danish) - https://energinet.dk/Om-publikationer/Publikationer/Miljoerapport-2020

Transition of Energy System

from Central to De-central Power Generation

(Source: Danish Energy Agency)

(Source: Danish Energy Agency)

from large
synchronous generators to
more power electronic converters
Source: http://media.treehugger.com

Towards 100% Power

Electronics Interfaced
Source: http://electrical-engineering-portal.com Integration to electric grid
Power transmission Source: www.offshorewind.biz

Power distribution
Power conversion
Power control
Wind Turbine Technologies

In the 1980s, a wind turbine of 50 kW was considered large, while today’s typical wind turbines
are rated at 2–3 MW and design is now approaching 10 MW. Much of the development for larger

units was driven by the need for lower cost of energy, while some of the electric
technology changes were imposed by performance improvements, especially in terms of grid

A 400 MW off-shore Wind Power System in Denmark

Anholt-DK (2016) – Ørsted

Wind Turbine Technologies

Bird’s-eye view of the nacelle of a state of the multi-MW wind turbine, including electric generator
and power electronics converters. (Courtesy of Vestas Wind Systems A/S.)

Grid-forming & Grid-feeding Systems (examples)

ω* Z P*
v PCC i* PCC
Cv Ci
* Z
E* Q

Grid-forming Grid-feeding
system system

DG1 Gen. DG1 Gen.

Eabc Eabc
iabc Load iabc Load

dq id θ dq Ed dq id PLL θ
θ θ
abc iq abc Eq abc iq
SVM SVM θ dq Ed
ω* abc
uα uβ  dt uα uβ
id Ed θ id Ed
- id* - Ed* - id* ÷
ud ud ×
dq + + abc E* dq + P*
uq PI + iq* PI + Eq* uq PI + iq*
αβ dq αβ ×
- - - ÷
θ iq Eq θ iq
Current control Current control Power control
loop Voltage control loop loop loop

 Voltage-source based inverter  Current-source based inverter

 Control reference: voltage amp. & freq.  Control reference: active & reactive power

Virtual Inertia Emulation in PMSG based Wind System

MSC controller Two virtual inertia solutions:

Virtual Inertia Control θr  dt ωr PMSG
PMPPT ωr Based on Ps

MPPT 1) Virtual inertia control based
Ps usdq usαβ usabc
PJ ω1 Power abc on Ps in MSC controller;
Kw d/dt Qs calculation isdq e  j1 isαβ

Ps* isd* + 2) Virtual inertia control based

- -
u sd on Vdc in GSC controller;
Ps isd
Q s* isq* + -
usq j1


- *
igd u*gd

PI PI ugαβ*
j1 SVM

ω1 +

ωref *
igq -

u*gq Cf Lf
Virtual Inertia Control θ1
ω1 PLL
Based on Vdc Lg

Pg ugdq ugαβ ugabc

Power  j1 abc
Qg calculation igdq e igαβ
GSC controller

Solar Energy

Can be captured via two ways:

• Solar photovoltaic
• Concentrated solar power (CSP)

Solar Photovoltaic Concentrated Solar PV

(PV) (CPV)

Solar Photovoltaic Technologies

Grid-connected PV systems comprise a power electronics DC/DC converter,

which ensures a maximum solar energy harvesting through a maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
control, and a DC/AC converter for interconnection to the grid. PV systems have gained large
popularity not only for multi-MW utility-scale power plants/farms but also as rooftop
installations on commercial and residential buildings with ratings as small as hundreds of
Watts, but typically in the kW range.

Solar Photovoltaic Technologies

Rooftop-installed PV systems: (a) PV arrays with a total rating of 60 kW installed on the

roof of Aalborghus High School in Denmark and (b) power electronic converters with the schematic
are installed within the building and are connected to the AC grid.

1500-V DC PV System

Becoming the mainstream solution!

 Decreased requirement of the balance of system (e.g., combiner boxes, DC

wiring, and converters) and Less installation efforts
 Contributes to reduced overall system cost and increased efficiency
 More energy production and lower cost of energy
 Electric safety and potential induced degradation
 Converter redesign – higher rating power devices

1500-V DC PV System

Becoming the mainstream solution!

ABB MW Solution

Sungrow five-level topology

https://www.pv-tech.org/products/sungrows-1500vdc-sg125hv-string-inverter-enables-5mw-pv-power-block-designs 57
CSP Technologies

Solar energy can be captured by concentrating sunlight using reflective

components to receivers, which can carry or transfer the generated heat. . Then, the heat
can drive an engine that is further connected to an electrical generator to produce

electricity; or the heat can be used to power thermal–chemical reactions.

CSP Technologies

Central solar tower as a receiver for heat generating

CSP Technologies

Sunlight concentrated by a parabolic trough line structure

CSP Example 1

On the left, phase 1 of the Noor CSP plant is generating energy. On the
right, phase 2 will be completed in 2017 and phase 3 in 2018.

CSP Example 2

Close up view of parabolic trough and heat collector

Fuel Cell Systems

Fuel cell systems have been expected for many years to increase their presence
in applications over a wide range of power ratings. The typically low-temperature proton

exchange membrane (PEM) technology and the higher-temperature solid

oxide fuel cells (SOFC) type can be applied for large power supplies, with some
demonstrators being completed for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems.

Fuel Cell Systems

Low-temperature PEM fuel cell setup at Aalborg University with

approximate 1.2 kW electrical capacity (28 cells each of 43 W) and
hydrogen as fuel.

Wave Energy

70% of the earth surface is covered by water, making oceans and seas a
More than

potentially huge energy resource, which is yet largely untapped. In the

example solution, the movement of waves engages a mechanical transmission that is coupled to an
electric generator.
• Very low speeds and large power variations require special solutions and may result in relatively
reduced conversion efficiencies.
• Long-term reliability under very harsh environmental conditions and survivability during storms are
major challenges that drive up the investment, operation and maintenance efforts, and ultimately
the final cost of energy for such system.

Wave Energy

Wave Star wave energy generator located at the Hanstholm

test site in Denmark. (Courtesy of Wave Star Company.)

Energy Storage Technologies

Matching the inherent weather-dependent variability of renewable

energy generation with the load demand in modern power systems and the
smart grid remains a major challenge. This general problem benefits of great
attention and sustained research programs with emphasis on both power

electronics and energy storage devices and systems.


14 Ppv = 3 kW
Inverter input current (A)

PV output current (A)



00 0.000250.00050.00075 0.001 0.001250.00150.00175 0.002 0.002250.00250.00275 0.003
4 8 12 16
Time of a day
20 24
Time of a day (hour)

PV power weather-dependency
Energy Storage – Electrolyzer

System for producing hydrogen using an electrolyzer supplied with

electricity from the AC electrical grid or renewable energy sources. The
hydrogen can be stored under pressure and/or used with fuel cells.

Energy Storage – Batteries

System using batteries for storing electric energy from the AC electrical
grid or renewable energy sources. Power electronics control ensures
bidirectional energy flow.

Energy Storage Examples

Li-on Batteries for PV Applications

Redox Flow Batteries for PV Applications

Renewable energy systems – Summary

 Solar power fully competitive with fossil today

 Large pressure on reducing CoE for wind
 WBG might reduce converter technology size and cost !?
 All types of PV inverters will evolve – but not major cost in PV..
 Grid codes will constantly change – improve technology
 More intelligence into the control of renewables
 Grid-feeding/Grid forming – how to do in large scale systems ?
 Storage is coming into system solutions
 Black start of systems (Inrush currents – how to do it)
 Protection coordination in future grid ?
 Stability of PE-Dominated grid
 Other energy carriers will be a part of large scale system balance
 Renewables 100 % competitive in 10 Years………. Power
electronics is enabling


Prof. Frede Blaabjerg, Dr. Xiongfei Wang, Dr. Dao Zhou,

Dr. Tomislav Dragicevic, Dr. Huai Wang

from Department of Energy Technology

Aalborg University

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