Reactive Power-Voltage Control of IBR
Reactive Power-Voltage Control of IBR
Reactive Power-Voltage Control of IBR
Douglas Brown
Phone: 952.818.2227
[email protected]
1 Introduction
There are two types of electric power. Active power is the power transmitted to loads and
converted into useful forms of energy, such as mechanical, heat, or light. Reactive power does
not perform useful work but is used to establish and maintain electromagnetic fields that are
needed to generate, transmit, and convert electric power in an AC network.
Reliable operation of the bulk power system requires that frequency and voltage be controlled
within defined limits through the balancing of active and reactive power supply and demand [1].
At every moment, the active and reactive power produced must equal customer demand plus
losses. If active power demand exceeds production, frequency will decline until active power
balance is restored. Similarly, a shortage of reactive power will cause voltage to decline until
reactive power balance is restored.
Reactive power supply and voltage control is an ancillary service needed to maintain reliable
operation of the bulk power system. Historically, this ancillary service was provided by
conventional synchronous generators, and wind generators were exempt from reactive power
requirements. Exempting wind generators was not likely to affect system reliability in 2005 when
wind represented 0.4% of the total electricity (kWh) generated in the U.S. [2] and there were no
solar PV installations larger than 20 MW. By 2016, wind and solar PV had grown to 6.8% of the
total electricity generated [3] and continuing to exempt these non-synchronous generators could
have caused reliability issues as penetration increased and synchronous generators were
retired from operation. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No.
827 in 2016, which applies comparable reactive power requirements to synchronous and non-
synchronous generators.
Wind turbines, solar PV inverters, and battery energy storage inverters are asynchronously
connected to the grid and either partially or completely interfaced through power electronics. For
this reason, non-synchronous generators are also referred to as Inverter-Based Resources
This paper reviews reactive power requirements for non-synchronous generators, associated
performance criteria, and modeling of reactive power-voltage controls for planning and
operating studies. These concepts are illustrated using a typical wind power plant and a typical
solar PV power plant.
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2 Reactive Power Requirements
In 2003, FERC established standard procedures for large generator interconnections with an
output rated over 20 MW. Order No. 2003 required that large generators provide reactive power
in the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging at the point of interconnection [4]. The standard
interconnection procedures were designed around the needs of large synchronous generators,
and FERC recognized that different requirements might be needed for newer technologies, such
as wind generators. FERC exempted wind plants from the Order No. 2003 reactive power
requirement but left a placeholder in the standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement
for requirements of generators relying on newer technologies [5].
In 2005, FERC Order No. 661 established standard requirements for the interconnection of
large wind plants. Most wind turbines manufactured at the time utilized conventional induction
generators or variable rotor-resistance induction generators that could not control voltage and
used power factor correction capacitors to maintain the power factor at the generator terminals.
Recognizing that wind plants would have to install costly equipment to have reactive power
capability, FERC preserved the exemption unless the transmission provider showed, through
the System Impact Study, that reactive power capability was required to ensure safety or
reliability [6]. This exemption applied only to large wind plants and did not apply to non-wind
technologies. There were no solar PV plants subject to the standard procedures for large
generator interconnections (rated output greater than 20 MW) prior to 2009.
FERC Order No. 827 was issued in 2016 and eliminated the exemption for wind plants from the
requirement to provide reactive power. FERC eliminated the exemption in part because of
improvements in technology and declining costs for new wind generators to provide reactive
Order No. 827 established four requirements for all newly interconnecting non-synchronous
generators [7]:
1. Power Factor Range. The generating facility is required to provide dynamic reactive
power within the power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, unless the
transmission provider has established a different power factor range that applies to all
non-synchronous generators in the transmission provider’s control area on a comparable
2. Point of Measurement. The reactive power requirement for non-synchronous
generators is measured at the high side of the generator substation (i.e. the high side of
the main facility transformer).
3. Dynamic Reactive Power Capability. Non-synchronous generators may meet the
dynamic reactive power requirement by utilizing a combination of the inherent dynamic
reactive power capability of the inverter, dynamic reactive power devices, and static
reactive power devices to make up for losses.
4. Real Power Output Level. Generating facility is required to meet the reactive power
requirements at all levels of real power output.
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3 Static Versus Dynamic Reactive Power
Order No. 827 allows non-synchronous generators to meet the dynamic reactive power
requirement by utilizing a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the
inverter, dynamic reactive power devices, and static reactive power devices to make up for
The main difference between static and dynamic reactive resources is how quickly they respond
to power system changes [8].
Figure 1 shows an equivalent power flow representation of a wind or solar PV power plant. This
representation is used to model the plant for steady state power flow and positive sequence
stability analyses when our focus is performance at the POI and not within the plant. This
representation includes a single equivalent generator, equivalent GSU transformer, and
equivalent collector system. The plant-level reactive compensation, main power transformer,
and interconnection tie line are modeled explicitly.
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Figure 1. Wind or Solar PV Power Plant Model
NERC Reliability Standard VAR-002-4.1 requires that each generating facility operate in
automatic voltage control mode and maintain the voltage schedule provided by the
Transmission Operator. Voltage control at the POI or POM is one of the functions of the plant-
level controller, which provides supervisory control over all inverters in the generating facility as
shown in Figure 2. The plant-level controller distributes voltage or reactive power setpoints to
each inverter based on the difference between the scheduled and measured voltage. Inverters
inject reactive power in response to command from the plant controller. Individual inverters may
also provide fast control of local voltage or reactive power, in which case the plant level controls
and inverter controls should be coordinated.
Wind or solar PV power plants may have plant-level capacitor banks to make up for reactive
power losses within the plant. These capacitors are usually controlled with the objective of
maintaining inverter dynamic reactive power capability and are switched based on reactive
power flow. Capacitor banks are static resources and switched based on steady state reactive
power requirements but not short duration events handled by the inverter reactive power
The main power transformer will be equipped with an on-load tap changer (OLTC) or a de-
energized tap changer (DETC) to adjust the transformer taps. The objective of the tap changer
is to maintain the 34.5 kV collector system in a range to maximize the supply and absorption of
reactive power by the inverters. This objective means that the collector system voltage should
be kept near nominal. If the transformer is equipped with an OLTC, the controls are normally set
to hold a voltage near nominal. If the transformer is equipped with a DETC, the tap is selected
to maximize the supply and absorption of reactive power over the expected voltage range at the
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5 Performance Requirements
Wind turbines, solar PV inverters, and battery energy storage inverters are asynchronously
connected to the grid and either partially or completely interfaced through power electronics.
Unlike synchronous generators, the response of these non-synchronous generators is
dominated by the controls programmed into the inverters and plant level controller instead of the
physical design of the equipment.
IEEE has a working group that is drafting a standard (P2800) that will establish the
recommended interconnection capability and performance criteria for inverter-based resources.
This section of the paper highlights performance recommendations for reactive power-voltage
control and reactive current-voltage control from the NERC Reliability Guideline: BPS-
Connected Inverter-Based Resource Performance [10].
Figure 3 shows the Order No. 827 requirement along with a typical generating facility capability
curve at the POM. The critical points are usually with the generating facility operating at rated
output and with the generating facility operating at low output near 0 MW. Many wind turbines
and solar inverters cannot control voltage at zero active power output unless this option is
purchased by the Generator Owner. This capability should always be confirmed, even if the
reactive power capability provided by the manufacturer is D-shaped.
The plant shown in Figure 3 requires mechanically switched capacitors to satisfy Order No. 827
requirements when operating above 90% of rated output.
Figure 3: Plant Capability Curve, POI Voltage = 1.0 per unit [10]
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Figure 3 assumes nominal voltage at the POI, and Order No. 827 does not specify a voltage
range for the reactive power requirement. System voltage affects the reactive capability of the
generator as well as the need for reactive power from the plant. To ensure proper
implementation, the Transmission Owner should consider power factor requirements at different
system voltages.
For instance, the Australian Energy Market Operator relaxes reactive power requirements for
leading or lagging power factor depending on whether voltage is below or above 1.0 per unit as
shown in Figure 4 [11]. When voltage is 1.0 per unit, the plant is required to provide reactive
power within the power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. Leading capability must be
maintained when voltage is higher than nominal, and lagging capability must be maintained
when voltage is lower than nominal.
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5.2 Disturbance Performance Characteristics
The response to system disturbances is provided by the plant-level voltage controller and
inverter-level controllers. NERC Reliability Standard VAR-002-4.1 requires that each generating
facility operate in automatic voltage control mode, and NERC recommends that IBRs operate in
closed-loop automatic voltage control to support voltage regulation and voltage stability [10]. To
avoid voltage collapse, either the inverter-level controller or plant-level controller should provide
a fast response.
For the typical reactive power and voltage control shown in Figure 2, the plant-level controller
provides the primary response to small disturbances where voltage at the inverters remains
within the continuous operating range, typically ±10% of nominal voltage. The inverter-level
controllers provide the primary response to large disturbances that cause voltage to fall below
the continuous operating range such that the inverters go into ride-through mode.
In order to support system voltage schedules, post-contingency voltage recovery, and voltage
stability, the generating facility should meet or exceed the small disturbance performance
characteristics in Table 1. The reactive power response to a change in POM voltage should
occur without intentional delay; the 500 ms target given in Table 1 for reaction time is dependent
in part on how often the plant-level controller updates inverter setpoints and any communication
latencies. The NERC Reliability Guideline indicates that plants in high penetration areas of
ERCOT are tuned with overall plant response times of less than 5 seconds [10].
The inverter-level controllers provide the primary response to large disturbances that cause
voltage to fall below the continuous operating range such that the inverters go into ride-through
mode. The inverters should meet or exceed the large disturbance performance characteristics in
Table 2.
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Some Transmission Planning entities have incorporated specific disturbance performance
requirements for IBRs. Entergy has incorporated the NERC Performance Guidelines into facility
interconnection requirements [16]. The Independent Electricity System Operator in the province
of Ontario requires that a non-conventional generating facility demonstrate that both the speed
and magnitude of reactive power response is comparable to an equivalent size synchronous
machine [17].
To address these challenges, the WECC Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force developed a
suite of generic models for renewable energy plants that are available as standard library
models in commercial planning software platforms. When using the WECC models, it is
important to be aware of the model technical specifications [19]. It may be necessary to use
manufacturer-specific models and/or EMT analysis for some studies where the system is weak.
The models are modular, and the modules used to represent a specific plant depend on the
prime mover and other controls. Specific inverter and plant controller responses are represented
using model parameters provided by the Generator Owner and manufacturers. The modules
used to represent reactive power-voltage control are shown in Figure 5 and discussed in more
detail in the following sections.
Figure 5. Generic Models for Plant Reactive Power and Voltage Control
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6.1 Renewable Energy Generator/Converter Model
The Renewable Energy Generator/Converter (REGC) model represents the generator/converter
interface with the grid. The model inputs are real (Ipcmd) and reactive (Iqcmd) current
commands, and the outputs are real (Ip) and reactive (Iq) current injection into the network
model. The model block diagram is shown in Figure 6.
The low voltage active current management is used to model the effect of terminal bus voltage
variation on active power output. The high voltage reactive current management limits reactive
current injection of the inverter.
The four REEC models have slightly different structures in order to represent the controls
associated with different prime movers:
The REEC_A reactive power control structure is shown in Figure 7. The REEC model provides
the ability to represent inverter-level voltage control and has several different operating modes
that are selected using the flags PfFlag, VFlag and Qflag.
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The upper path allows proportional control of local (terminal) voltage; in the REEC_A model, this
path is only active when a voltage dip is detected. The middle path provides PI control of local
voltage or coordinated local Q/V control. When Q/V control is used, the Q control generates a
voltage reference that the V controller translates into a reactive current command. The lower
path provides constant Q control.
Proportional Voltage Control
PI Q Control PI V Control
Constant Q Control
Voltage Control
Q Control
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In voltage control mode, VCFlag is used to select line drop compensation or reactive droop.
Line drop compensation allows for regulation of voltage at a remote bus, such as the POI, by
adding a voltage proportional to line current to the measured bus voltage. Reactive droop is
used to avoid hunting when the point of regulation is on the high voltage system and there are
plants or other voltage controlling equipment in close electrical proximity.
The droop is the voltage error that causes the reactive power output to go to the maximum (or
minimum) value. Figure 9 shows a 3% reactive droop, which means that a 3% difference
between the measured voltage and the reference voltage will result in a reactive power output
equal to 33% of rated active power output (0.95 power factor). Reactive droop provides a
reactive power setpoint based on the voltage error, which ensures coordinated control among
resources in close electrical proximity.
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7 Wind Power Plant Example
Figure 10 shows an equivalent power flow representation of a 100 MW wind power plant
comprising forty 2.5 MW wind turbines. The high side of the generator substation is connected
to the POI by a short 161 kV transmission line, and the plant is set to regulate voltage at the
high side of the generator substation to 1.02 per unit.
In the following sections, the wind power plant model is used to illustrate the following concepts.
• Local V Control
• Local Coordinated Q/V Control
• Plant-Level V Control & Local Coordinated Q/V Control
• Plant-Level V Control with Reactive Droop & Local Coordinated Q/V Control
• Small Disturbance Reactive Power-Voltage Performance
• Large Disturbance Reactive Current-Voltage Performance
Figure 11 shows the result of switching a 21 MVAr reactor at the POM at a simulation time of
1.0 second. When the terminal voltage falls in response to switching the reactor, the wind
turbine quickly increases reactive power output to restore terminal voltage to the pre-switching
Initial and final values are shown in Table 4. In order to restore terminal voltage to the pre-
switching level, the output of the equivalent turbine increases from 10 MVAr at the start of the
simulation to 22 MVAr at the end of the simulation. The plant controller was turned off for this
simulation so voltage at the POM is not regulated; POM voltage is 1.02 per unit at the start and
0.997 per unit at the end.
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Terminal Voltage (per unit)
Qgen (MVAr)
POI Voltage (per unit)
POI Reactive Power (MVAr)
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7.2 Local Coordinated Q/V Control
The simulation is repeated with the wind plant providing coordinated Q/V control at the
equivalent turbine. This is done with the REPC model off and the REEC model flags shown for
“Local Coordinated Q/V Control” in Table 3.
Figure 12 shows the result of switching a 21 MVAr reactor at the POM. When the terminal
voltage falls in response to switching the reactor, the local V control quickly increases wind
turbine reactive power output to restore terminal voltage, and then local Q control slowly
reduces the turbine reactive power output back to the pre-switching level.
Initial and final values are shown in Table 4. Voltage at the POM is 1.02 per unit at the start of
the simulation and 0.972 after switching the reactor and resetting the turbine reactive power
output using local coordinated Q/V control. The POM voltage can be regulated by adding plant-
level control.
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7.3 Plant-Level V Control & Local Coordinated Q/V Control
Plant-level voltage control is added using the REPC model without reactive droop. The REEC
electrical controller is modeled with local coordinated Q/V control.
Figure 13 shows the result of switching a 21 MVAr reactor at the POM. When the terminal
voltage falls in response to switching the reactor, local V control quickly increases wind turbine
reactive power output to restore terminal voltage, and then local Q control starts to reduce the
turbine reactive power output back to the pre-switching level. At a simulation time around 2
seconds, the turbine starts to increase reactive power output as a result of the plant controller
changing the REEC reactive power reference in order to restore the voltage at the POM.
Initial and final values are shown in Table 4. Voltage at the POM is 1.02 per unit at the start of
the simulation and 1.02 after switching the reactor.
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7.4 Plant-Level V Control with Reactive Droop & Local Coordinated Q/V Control
As discussed in Section 6.3, reactive droop is used to avoid hunting when the point of voltage
regulation is on the high voltage system. The droop is the voltage error that causes the reactive
power output to go to the maximum (or minimum) value.
where Vreg is voltage at the POM and Q is reactive power flow at the POM. If the reactive droop
is set to 2% on a 0.95 power factor base, the reactive output will be 0.33xrated power at a
voltage error of 2%. KC needs to be specified on the aggregate MVA rating of the turbines,
which is 1.11 times rated power in this example. From the equation above,
Figure 14 shows the result of switching a 21 MVAr reactor at the POM. The final voltage error at
the POM is 0.01 per unit and the corresponding reactive power flow is 16.5 MVAr, which is
consistent with the 2% droop setting.
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7.5 Small Disturbance Reactive Power-Voltage Performance
As discussed in Section 5.2, the plant-level controller provides the primary response to small
disturbances where voltage at the inverters remains within the continuous operating range.
Small disturbance performance can be evaluated using techniques similar to those used for
MOD-026-1. Performance of the wind plant model was checked by applying a 2% step to the
plant reference voltage. The plant was modeled with plant-level V control with reactive droop
and inverter-level coordinated Q/V control as described in Section 7.4.
Plant reactive power response to the 2% step is shown in Figure 15 and summarized in Table 5.
Performance exceeds the targets from the NERC Inverter Based Resource Performance
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7.6 Large Disturbance Reactive Current-Voltage Performance
The inverter-level controllers provide the primary response to large disturbances that cause
voltage to fall below the continuous operating range such that the inverters go into ride-through
mode. Performance of the wind plant model was checked by applying a permanent fault at the
POI sufficient to drive voltage at the terminals of the equivalent wind turbine to 0.70 per unit.
Plant reactive current response is shown in Figure 16 and summarized in Table 6. Performance
exceeds the targets from the NERC Inverter Based Resource Performance Guideline.
Target Simulated
Reaction Time < 16 ms 16 ms
Rise Time < 100 ms 42 ms
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8 Solar PV Power Plant Example
This example uses a 100 MW solar PV power plant that has an equivalent power flow
representation similar to the wind power plant shown in Figure 10. The plant has plant-level V
control with reactive droop and inverter-level coordinated Q/V control as described in Section
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8.2 Large Disturbance Reactive Current-Voltage Performance
Large disturbance performance of the solar plant model was checked by applying a permanent
fault at the POI sufficient to drive voltage at the terminals of the equivalent solar inverter to 0.50
per unit. Plant reactive current response is shown in Figure 18 and summarized in Table 8.
Performance exceeds the targets from the NERC Inverter Based Resource Performance
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9 Conclusions
As the penetration of renewable energy resources continues to grow, these resources are being
required to provide some of the ancillary services historically provided by conventional
synchronous generators. FERC issued Order No. 827 in 2016, which applies comparable
reactive power requirements to synchronous generators and to non-synchronous generators,
such as wind and solar PV.
This paper reviewed Order No. 827 reactive power requirements and associated performance
requirements being used by Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators.
A good representation of the dynamic electrical performance of power plants is needed to
perform accurate power system simulations for planning and operating studies. The WECC
Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force has developed a suite of generic models for
renewable energy plants, and this paper looked at the models used to represent reactive power-
voltage control and how those models can be configured to represent different plant-level and
inverter-level controls.
When developing regional transmission system models, the Eastern Interconnection Reliability
Assessment Group (ERAG) has a dynamics initialization and checking procedure that includes
validating exciter model response [23]. The NERC Performance Guidelines discussed in this
paper provide small disturbance and large disturbance performance characteristics for non-
synchronous generators that can be referenced by the Transmission Planner to determine
whether or not model performance is acceptable before starting a system impact study or other
planning or operating study.
[1] NERC, 16 May 2014. [Online]. Available:
[2] U.S. Department of Energy, "2008 Renewable Energy Data Book," [Online]. Available:
[3] U.S. Department of Energy, "2018 Renewable Energy Data Book," [Online]. Available:
[4] "Standardization of Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures," FERC Order No.
2003, 2003.
[5] "Standardization of Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures," FERC Order No.
2003-A, 2004.
[6] "Interconnection for Wind Energy," FERC Order No. 661, 2005.
[7] "Reactive Power Requirements for Non-Synchronous Generation," FERC Order No. 827, 2016.
[8] Reactive Power Planning, Industry Webinar, NERC System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee
(SAMS), March 2017.
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[9] R. Nelson, "Full-Converter Wind Turbine Technology," 2014. [Online]. Available:
[11] Generator Performance Guideline, Western Power and Austrailian Energy Market Operator,
September 16, 2019.
[12] Facility Interconnection Requirements, Florida Power and Light, December 7, 2018.
National Energy Regulator of South Africa, August 2019.
[14] Evaluation of Generator Reactive Capability White Paper, California ISO, October 4, 2019.
[15] ISO NEW ENGLAND PLANNING PROCEDURE NO. 5-6 Interconnection Planning Procedure for
Generation and Elective Transmission Upgrades, ISO New England, April 2, 2020.
[16] A14 Interconnection and Operating Guides for Inverter-Based Resources, Entergy.
[17] Market Manual 2: Market Administration Part 2.20: Performance Validation, Independent
Electricity System Operator, December 4, 2019.
[18] R. Krueger, Challenges to Maintaining Renweable Models, Minnesota Power Systems Conference,
[19] Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Modeling and Validation Guideline, WECC MVWG, December 9,
[20] Model Library PSSE 33.12.1, Siemens Industry, Inc., June 2019.
[21] R. Elliott, A. Ellis, P. Pourbeik, J. Sanchez-Gasca, J. Senthil and J. Weber, "Generic photovoltaic
system models for WECC - A status report," in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting,
Denver, CO, 2015.
[23] Eastern Interconnection Reliabilty Assessment Group, Multiregional Modeling Working Group
Procedural Manual Version 25, 2020.
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