Management Review Agenda and Minutes: M: Name Title Here Name Title Here
Management Review Agenda and Minutes: M: Name Title Here Name Title Here
Management Review Agenda and Minutes: M: Name Title Here Name Title Here
PREPARATION: Documentation review, audit review and analysis, ISMS objective performance, analysis and
feedback review.
MEETING OBJECTIVE: Senior management review of the ISMS to ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
The review is to include the assessment of opportunities for improvement and any potential
changes to the ISMS, including ISMS policy and objectives, and their alignment with
business objectives and strategy.
REVIEW AGENDA: A)- the status of actions from previous management reviews
changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the
B)- information security management system;
feedback on the information security performance, including trends
1) nonconformities and corrective actions
2) monitoring and measurement results; audit results; and
3) fulfilment of information security objectives;
C)- feedback from interested parties;
D)- results of risk assessment and status of risk treatment plan; and
E)- opportunities for continual improvement.
F)- Any other points for improvements
Next Meeting Decision
Date Time Place
Changes in external and
internal issues that are relevant
to the information security
management system;
Feedback on the information
security performance, including
trends in:
1) Nonconformities and
corrective actions
2) Monitoring and
measurement results;
audit results;
3) Fulfilment of
information security
Results of risk assessment and
status of risk treatment plan;
and Oppurtunity
Opportunities for continual
Modification of procedures & controls that effect information security, as necessary, to respond to internal or external events that
may impact on the ISMS,
Required audits –
Resource needs –
Training requirements - Approach to training continues to be improved with an appropriate level of information being
recorded. Improvements in Training Matrix and induction process ongoing.