Benoît Jones - Soft Ground Tunnel Design-CRC Press (2022)
Benoît Jones - Soft Ground Tunnel Design-CRC Press (2022)
Benoît Jones - Soft Ground Tunnel Design-CRC Press (2022)
Tunnel Design
Soft Ground
Tunnel Design
Benoît Jones
First edition published 2022
by CRC Press
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Books on tunnel construction methods xvii
vi Contents
2 Undrained stability 45
2.1 Overview of stability theory 46
2.2 Undrained stability 47
2.2.1 Heading stability in homogeneous clay 49
2.2.2 Heading stability in clay with undrained
shear strength increasing with depth 59
2.2.3 Heading stability in clay with
overlying coarse-grained soils 61
2.2.4 Numerical modelling of heading stability
in clay 63
2.2.5 Summary of undrained stability 65
2.3 Blow-out failure in clay 66
2.3.1 Softening and erosion 66
2.3.2 Hydraulic fracturing in clay 67
2.3.3 Passive failure in clay 69
2.3.4 Uplift failure of a tunnel heading invert
in clay 76
2.3.5 Summary of undrained blow-out failure 76
2.4 Problems 77
References 80
3 Drained stability 83
3.1 Drained stability without seepage 83
3.1.1 Dry cohesionless soils 84
3.1.2 Dry drained soils with cohesion 85
3.1.3 Comparison of analytical methods with
centrifuge tests and finite element models 90
3.1.4 Summary of drained stability theory 92
3.2 Application of drained stability to closed-face TBMs 93
3.2.1 Application to slurry TBMs 93
3.2.2 Slurry infiltration during TBM standstills 96
3.2.3 Slurry infiltration during excavation 98
3.2.4 Application to earth pressure balance
TBMs 100
3.3 Blow-out failure in drained soils 103
3.3.1 Passive failure in drained soils 103
3.3.2 Blow-outs caused by hydraulic fracturing 111
3.3.3 Summary of blow-outs in drained soils 113
3.4 Piping 114
3.1 Problems 115
References 120
Contents vii
4 Stability of shafts123
4.1 Hydraulic failure in a shaft during excavation 123
4.2 Base heave failure of a shaft in clay 131
4.3 Uplift failure in a shaft during excavation 134
4.3.1 Verification of the uplift ultimate
limit state using Eurocode 7 134
4.3.2 Geometry of uplift failure during
excavation 138
4.4 Uplift failure of a shaft after base
slab construction 139
4.5 Long-term heave under a shaft base slab 145
4.6 Summary of shaft stability 146
4.7 Problems 146
References 148
8 Lining materials247
8.1 Reinforced concrete 248
8.2 Steel fibre-reinforced concrete 248
8.2.1 Codes of practice and sources of design
guidance 249
8.2.2 Material behaviour 250
8.2.3 Design assisted by testing 252
8.2.4 Determination of characteristic strength
values 254
8.2.5 Determination of the characteristic
mean strength values 257
8.2.6 Durability 258
8.2.7 Watertightness 259
8.2.8 Fire resistance 261
8.3 Concrete reinforced with other fibres 262
8.4 Plain concrete 262
8.5 Cast iron 263
8.6 Summary 265
References 265
Dear Reader,
This textbook covers the design of tunnels and other underground spaces
in soft ground. ‘Soft ground’ means soil, as opposed to rock. The philoso-
phies of rock and soft ground tunnel design are different enough to merit
separate treatment.
In 2011, when I was setting up the MSc in Tunnelling and Underground
Space at the University of Warwick, I found that there was no comprehen-
sive textbook available on soft ground tunnel design. So I had to synthesise
the literature and my own experience to find the best ways to present this
subject to my students. Over several years the lectures and example prob-
lems were developed and improved. This book aims to extend and enhance
these teaching materials and make them more widely available.
Readers who will gain most from this book already have a civil engineer-
ing degree or similar and understand the basic principles of soil mechan-
ics and structural engineering, but have little or no experience of tunnel
design. My target audience is MSc students, graduate tunnel engineers and
experienced engineers who are new to soft ground tunnelling but I hope
that even for experienced tunnel design experts, there is something new or
interesting for you here and that you will find it a useful reference work,
compilation of methods and summary of the state of the art.
There are already several reasonably good (and very detailed) books
available on tunnel construction methods so I have not unnecessarily dupli-
cated that subject matter here. If you do not already know the basics of how
TBMs, shotcrete or segmental linings work, there is a book list below that I
would urge you to make use of as preparation for and in combination with
this textbook. There are also plenty of videos and other resources available
There are many aspects of design that are not covered in this book,
including sustainability (encompassing health, safety and the environ-
ment), design for watertightness, fire, durability, spaceproofing and opera-
tional considerations. Site investigation and geological characterisation are
also not covered explicitly. These are all very important subjects and their
absence is purely due to space constraints.
xvi Preface
This is first and foremost a textbook: you won’t just know a lot at the end
but will be able to do a lot. Each chapter begins by listing the knowledge,
understanding and skills you should have gained by the end of it. The use
of worked examples throughout this book and exercises at the end of most
chapters will give you an in-depth understanding and the confidence to
apply that understanding.
The three principal themes are stability, prediction of ground move-
ments, and structural design of the tunnel lining. These themes are the
key to understanding how tunnels work and are the basis for choices of
construction method and lining type. The reader is guided through the
basic principles of soil-structure interaction, the three-dimensional effects
of construction sequence and the effects of construction on other surface
or subsurface structures, in steps of gradually increasing complexity from
basic principles to sophisticated design. As the calculations become more
complex, it is more and more important that they remain grounded in an
in-depth understanding of how real tunnels behave. For this reason, the
very first chapter starts with case studies of real tunnel behaviour, to pro-
vide a conceptual framework of what happens to the tunnel lining and
what goes on in the ground around a tunnel in terms of displacements,
stresses and strains.
My final aim in this book is to collate and clearly present all the most
commonly used design methods from first principles. Even in the original
papers where these methods were first introduced, and more so in subse-
quent papers that cite and expand on them, there are sometimes missing
steps in the derivations, missing information, implicit assumptions that are
not explained, and even errors. It is alarming to consider how often these
errors have been inherited, used and disseminated in the intervening years.
I have made every effort to ensure that in this book these design methods
and their derivations are now set out in full; transparently and correctly. I
hope I’ve made it as easy as possible for you to spot any errors that remain
and draw them to my attention. Contact me, we will add them to the cor-
rigendum online at and get
them fixed in the second edition.
Warmest Regards,
Benoît Jones
Books on tunnel
construction methods
This is the only book intended as an introductory text for tunnel construc-
tion and as such is probably the one best suited to beginners.
Another excellent reference that all tunnelling engineers should read is the
British Standard on health and safety in tunnelling.
The following are essentially handbooks for practitioners. They are big and
heavy and cover almost every aspect of TBM use, but have very little to say
about design.
xviii Books on tunnel construction methods
First of all I would like to thank my civil partner Anna, who read the
entire first draft with a ruthless eye for anything unnecessary, confusing or
inelegant. She proposed myriad improvements, the vast majority of which
I adopted. Her patience and craftsmanship improved the book on almost
every page.
Secondly, I would like to thank everyone at Taylor & Francis, particu-
larly Frazer Merritt and Tony Moore, who have been incredibly patient as
deadline after deadline flew by.
Many friends and colleagues provided constructive comments on draft
chapters, in particular Ben Swatton, James Boswell, Dr Giorgia Giardina
and Sotiris Psomas.
My derivation of the Curtis-Muir Wood equations benefited from access
to handwritten notes from John Curtis himself, which explained some
(but not all!) the intermediate steps between equations in the published
papers. These were given to me by Nick Tucker when I was working at
Mott MacDonald.
My derivation of the wedge-prism method was aided by discussion with
and assistance from Dr Tiago Dias of the University of Southampton, and
correspondence with Prof. Dr Georgios Anagnostou of ETH Zurich. Prof.
Vicky Henderson of the University of Warwick helped me solve the differ-
ential equations.
Dr Giorgia Giardina of Delft University of Technology gave advice and
made many useful comments on the building damage assessments chapter.
Dr Stana Zivanovic of the University of Exeter helped me to understand
shear deflection and warping. Jamie Bradley showed me the importance of
the unit width assumption.
To all those others that corresponded with me to provide papers, data
or clarifications, a sincere thank you. These include Dr Alec Marshall of
the University of Nottingham, Prof. Daniel Dias of Polytech’ Grenoble,
Prof. Adam Bezuijen of Ghent University, Dr Jiang Su of Ramboll and John
Greenhalgh and Benoît de Rivaz of Bekaert.
xx Acknowledgements
I tried for several years to write this book while working full-time in very
demanding jobs, but progress was slow. It has only been finished because
I was able to work part-time on a contract basis for an extended period. I
would like to thank London Bridge Associates and OTB Engineering for
providing me with the work to stay solvent during this time, in particular
Ken Spiby and Phil Astle. It was a bonus that much of the work they gave
me was very interesting and I learnt a lot while doing it. This book literally
wouldn’t have been possible without them.
Much of the bringing together of disparate sources to achieve the coher-
ent synthesis of the state-of-the-art presented in this book was done
between 2011 and 2015 to prepare teaching materials for the MSc in
Tunnelling and Underground Space at the University of Warwick, where I
was Course Director. I would like to thank all my students for their enthu-
siasm, patience and feedback.
This synthesis was developed further in a series of 32 articles for
Tunnelling Journal between 2012 and 2017. Thank you to Tris Thomas for
giving me that platform, and all his readers who gave me comments and
The British Tunnelling Society and the International Tunnelling
Association do so much to further the education and skills of their members,
and also to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and building friendships
and support networks. It is hard to imagine what a career in tunnelling
would be like if they didn’t exist. The writing of a book like this would
certainly be much harder.
I have benefited, over a career of more than 20 years now, from the
friendship, knowledge, experience and guidance of a large number of man-
agers, supervisors and colleagues – too many to name.
Finally I would like to thank the rest of my family – Christophe, Mum,
Dad, Damien and all the rest of you – for your love and support.
Coventry, August 2021
Chapter 1
Before a tunnel is excavated, there are existing ‘in situ’ stresses in the
ground. The principal stresses are usually in the vertical and horizontal
directions because they depend on gravity and the history of geological
deposition and erosion. Where there are steep slopes or tectonic stresses,
this may no longer be true, but this would rarely be the case for a tunnel in
soft ground.
Total stress in the ground is made up of two components: the pore pres-
sure and the effective stress, such that:
σ = σ ′ + u (1.1)
The vertical stress in the ground is determined by the bulk unit weight of
the soil using the following equation:
σ v = γ z (1.2)
Therefore, we can easily calculate the vertical total stress from basic knowl-
edge of the stratigraphy of the site and the bulk unit weight of the soil. If
the ground is made up of several layers with different values of bulk unit
weight, then they can be added together as follows:
The vertical total stress at the tunnel axis level is sometimes referred to as
the ‘full overburden pressure’.
In situ stresses are rarely equal in the vertical and horizontal directions.
The vertical stress is determined by the weight of the soil, but horizontal
stress depends on other factors as well. The relationship between horizontal
Real tunnel behaviour 3
σ h′
K0 = (1.4)
σ v′
K0 = 1 − sin φ ′ (1.5)
Figure 1.1 Subsurface displacement vectors inferred by Deane & Bassett (1995) from
inclinometers and extensometers installed at two transverse sections about
30 m apart to monitor the Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel construction.
Displacement vectors are exaggerated. (a) ‘Type 2’ side drift and enlarge-
ment, (b) ‘Type 3’ top heading, bench, invert.
Real tunnel behaviour 5
Figure 1.2 Patterns of ground displacements above and ahead of the advancing
Heathrow Express Terminal 4 Station Concourse Tunnel (from van der Berg
et al., 2003). (a) Displacements on a vertical plane through the tunnel
centreline, and (b) Plan view of longitudinal displacements towards the top
heading, bench and invert.
overconsolidated clay. Figure 1.1 also shows the foci of the displacements,
marked by circles ‘C2’ and ‘C3’. In these cases, the foci lie somewhere
between the axis and the invert of the tunnel.
Figure 1.2 shows displacement vectors around an advancing tunnel face
from van der Berg et al. (2003). This was a shotcrete-lined tunnel excavated
in a top heading, bench, invert sequence, also in London Clay. Advances
were 1 m long for the top heading and bench, and 2 m for the invert.
Diagram (a) in Figure 1.2 is a long section through the tunnel and shows
how displacements developed in front of and then behind the face. Behind
the face, displacements continued to occur, but once the full ring had been
sprayed by closing the invert, displacements did not visibly increase further.
In diagram (b), plan sections show horizontal displacements at different
levels – the top deflectometer was in the top heading 1 m above axis level,
6 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 1.3 Principal stress tensors showing rotation of principal stress around the
tunnel and around the face (background image from numerical modelling by
Thomas, 2003).
the middle deflectometer was at axis level and the bottom deflectometer was
2.3 m below axis level. The strongly three-dimensional (3D) nature of ground
movements is evident – the longitudinal component of displacements is as
important as the radial. This is important to remember when we approxi-
mate tunnel construction using two-dimensional (2D) models.
The displacements in Figures 1.1 and 1.2 occur because the ground
around the tunnel heading is trying to find a new equilibrium. If it cannot,
then there will be a collapse. When a new equilibrium is found, it will look
something like Figure 1.3, which is a visualisation of principal stress magni-
tude and orientation in the ground around an advancing tunnel, in a block
cut from a larger 3D numerical model. In the transverse section on the right
hand side, we can see that as the ground has moved radially towards the
tunnel, the principal stresses have rotated and the major principal stresses
are now circumferential. This is referred to as ‘arching’. We can also see, in
the longitudinal section on the left hand side of the figure, that arching also
occurs around the face, which I like to call ‘front-to-back arching’.
The redistribution of ground stresses around a tunnel during its construc-
tion means that ground movements are inevitable. These ground move-
ments will have an impact on existing surface and subsurface structures.
By minimising the redistribution of stresses, either by applying an internal
pressure to the face or installing a stiff lining as early as possible, we can
minimise ground movements.
Real tunnel behaviour 7
curve forming. The transverse surface settlement curve (or ‘trough’) has
a shape that may be described by an inverted normal distribution curve,
sometimes called a bell curve or a Gaussian curve, with the frequency of
the mean representing the maximum settlement Smax over the centreline of
the tunnel. The longitudinal surface settlement curve has a shape that may
be described by an inverted cumulative normal distribution curve.
Figure 1.8
Surface settlements as an EPB approaches and passes a settlement
monitoring array on the North side of Hyde Park (Wan et al., 2017).
face of the TBM was at −39.9 m approaching the monitoring array and the
last set are from when the face was at +42.7 m beyond it.
Figure 1.8 shows that settlement initially increases slowly, then as the
face gets closer to the array, the settlement increases more quickly. The
rate then decreases again as the TBM moves further away. Note that
the settlements were not monitored at regular TBM distance intervals,
but increase in frequency as the tunnel passed directly underneath. The
development of settlements as the tunnel advances can be demonstrated
more clearly by plotting the settlements against face position, as shown in
Figure 1.9. The largest magnitude settlements are the ones that are closest
to the centreline, i.e. YSMP10 and YSMP12 (labelled as ‘Y10’ and ‘Y12’)
in Figure 1.8.
In this case, when the face was under the array, the settlement was only
about 30% of the final short-term settlement. This was because more
ground movement could occur behind the face around the shield and
during the grouting process than in front of the face, because the face
pressure was higher than the grouting pressure. Based on several case
histories in firm to stiff clays, Attewell & Woodman (1982) found that
when tunnelling with no support pressure, between 30% and 50% of the
final short-term settlement occurs ahead of the face with an average value
at about 40%.
In other types of soil, Craig (1975) suggested the following percentages
of final short-term settlement would occur, shown in Table 1.1.
12 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 1.9 Longitudinal settlements on the Y-line array plotted against distance of TBM
cutterhead from the array (Wan et al., 2017).
Figure 1.10 Longitudinal settlement profiles at various locations over the first and
second TBM passages at the Second Heinenoord Tunnel in the Netherlands
(van Jaarsveld et al., 2006).
When the face was 7 m before the array, the ground surface had already
moved towards the face, with a maximum of around 5 mm of movement
above the tunnel centreline. The next survey was made when the face was
2.5 m past the array and the ground had moved even more. This was then
reversed as the face moved past the array, because increments of ground
movement were still orientated towards the face and shield of the TBM.
By the time the face was 32 m past the array, longitudinal movements had
returned to approximately zero, with some positive values close to the
Figure 1.13 Total stress (S) and pore pressure (PP) measured by a spade cell and
horizontal movement (H) measured by an inclinometer, as the Heathrow
Trial Tunnel passes (redrawn from New & Bowers, 1994).
clay was soft above the tunnel, becoming firm at tunnel invert level. The
tunnel was constructed by an open-face TBM with an excavated diameter
of 2.47 m at a depth to axis of about 11 m. Although the area of the face
was only about a quarter of the size of the St James’s Park tunnels, the
short-term settlements at Thunder Bay were nearly double the magnitude,
due to the softer ground.
Figure 1.15 shows that over the first year after construction, settlements
continued to increase and it is likely the trend would have continued had
measurements been made over a longer period of time.
workers may be protected, but instability of the face can cause overexcava-
tion, excessive settlements of nearby structures and large holes opening up
at the surface. These can all be very dangerous to the general public and
are best avoided.
Cohesionless soils below the water table can be so unstable that they
will flow through a small hole if even a small hydraulic gradient is present
(Figure 1.17). In cases like these, the integrity of the lining and its gaskets
is very important, as any flow of soil into the tunnel means a void forming
outside the tunnel, which leads to unequal pressures acting on the lining
and possibly structural failure of the ring. It has been known for tunnels
to be flooded by silt and/or sand and water flowing through small gaps or
holes in the lining, leading to total abandonment of the TBM and a com-
plete restart (e.g. in Preston, UK: Thomas, 2011) or costly rescue works
(e.g. Hull wastewater flow transfer tunnel, UK: Brown, 2004; Grose &
Benton, 2005, 2006). Even in well-sealed tunnels being constructed using
a closed-face TBM, massive overexcavation can occur if the support pres-
sure is insufficient, as the ground will flow towards the cutterhead of the
machine (e.g. Storebælt Eastern Railway Tunnel, Denmark: Biggart &
Sternath, 1996).
Stability can also be a problem if there is too much support pressure in
the tunnel. For instance, if compressed air is used and the pressure is too
high, it can blow out to the surface as it did on the Docklands Light Railway
Lewisham Extension in 1998 (New Civil Engineer, 1998). A crater 22 m
wide and 7 m deep was created, and all the windows of the adjacent school
building were broken. Fortunately, it was the weekend and no one was hurt.
Heading stability is the single most important aspect of soft ground tun-
nelling. It is often what determines the choice of construction method, for
both conventional tunnelling and mechanised tunnelling, as shown in the
lists below. These decisions must be based on a thorough understanding of
the geology and the geotechnical behaviour.
Figure 1.17 Sand and water flowing through an opened grout plug in an old cast iron
22 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Without either cohesion to hold the soil grains together or a support pres-
sure applied to the face, a vertical face will fall down due to gravity or
seepage forces. This is illustrated by Figure 1.18 which shows images from
a 1 g model test (i.e. a scale model but not in a centrifuge) of a heading in
dry sand by Messerli et al. (2010). As the plunger is retracted the sand falls
into the tunnel ending up with an angle of repose approximately equal to
its angle of friction.
Gravity is always present, but seepage forces only occur when there is
a hydraulic gradient (also called a head difference) between the ground
and the tunnel. As groundwater seeps through the ground towards the
face it pushes the soil grains apart with a ‘seepage force’ proportional to
the hydraulic gradient, in the direction of flow. This decreases stability.
Conversely, if the head of a TBM were filled with water or slurry with
a higher pressure than the groundwater pressure, it would flow into the
ground, and this would aid stability.
A cohesionless soil needs only a very small hydraulic gradient for it to
fail due to seepage, just a few centimetres of head is enough, as anyone who
has tried to build a dam on a sandy beach will know. On the other hand, a
Real tunnel behaviour 23
Figure 1.18 Gravity failure of dry sand in a 1 g model (from Messerli et al., 2010).
moist (the technical term is ‘partially saturated’) sand above the water table
can have a small amount of apparent cohesion caused by capillary suction
in the pores, as anyone who has built a sandcastle will also know. This may
be just enough for a drained material to remain standing in small exposures
for a short time. However, even a small amount of perched groundwater
could cause local instability, so an open-face tunnel in these ground condi-
tions needs to be planned and executed with great care.
Clays can often be observed standing in vertical faces, sometimes in
large diameter open-face tunnels with no face support. This is because
clays have cohesion. This cohesion is largely due to the clay’s very
low permeability. During the timescale of construction, as the soil is
unloaded by removal of the soil that used to be next to it, the soil grains
relax towards the face and this causes the pore water pressure between
the soil grains to decrease. This drop in pore water pressure, known as
‘suction’ or ‘negative excess pore pressure’, holds the grains together. The
low permeability of clay means that positive or negative excess pore pres-
sures can exist for a long time because it takes so long for groundwater
to flow to or from the surrounding ground to dissipate them. This is why
it is called ‘undrained’ behaviour.
When these negative excess pore pressures are eventually dissipated, the
clay will behave in a drained manner, i.e. more like a sand. Drained cohe-
sion in clays is usually very small or zero. As shown above, all headings will
fail without either cohesion or support pressure; it’s just that in clays, it may
take a very very long time.
For all these reasons, drained and undrained stability are quite different.
The geometry of failure is different, and the calculations are done in a dif-
ferent way, so in this book they have been split into two separate chapters –
Chapter 2 for undrained stability and Chapter 3 for drained stability.
A rule of thumb is that a soil with a permeability less than 10 −7 to 10 −8 m/s
will behave in an undrained manner during the timescale of a typical tunnel
construction, and a soil with higher permeability will behave in a drained
manner (Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996). If it is unclear whether a soil will
24 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 1.19 Geometry of stability failure in clay and sand (redrawn from Mair & Taylor,
1997), in centrifuge tests on clay by Mair (1979) and on sand by Chambon &
Corté (1994).
After installing a tunnel lining, the lining’s self-weight and the ground and
groundwater pressures acting on the outside of the lining will cause it to
deform. Since in soft ground the lining is installed either close to the face
or at the back of the shield, but cannot be installed ahead of the face, it will
not be directly affected by ground movements ahead of the face of the tun-
nel, but only those behind the face or shield. This means that the lining will
deform much less than the ground around the tunnel and thus monitoring
of lining movements tells us only part of the story of ground deformation,
but rather more about the interaction between the lining and the ground.
Once installed, the lining will interact with the ground until an equilib-
rium state is found. This will depend on the stiffness and thickness of the
Real tunnel behaviour 25
lining and how many joints it has, as well as the ground behaviour. In soft
ground, it is usual for inward movements of the tunnel lining, sometimes
referred to as ‘convergence’, to be larger in the vertical direction than in
the horizontal direction. This type of deformation is called ‘squatting’ and
occurs because the vertical ground pressure applied to the lining is usually
higher than the horizontal.
Even in overconsolidated soils with K0 greater than 1, it is usual for tun-
nel linings to squat, as evidenced by large numbers of convergence mea-
surements made in London Underground tunnels by Wright (2013), where
average squat was between 0.5% and 1.0% of diameter. This may be due
at least in part to the tunnel acting as a drain on the ground around it.
The higher horizontal than vertical permeability in the London Clay (and
indeed all horizontally bedded sedimentary soils, which is most of the
soft ground on the planet) results in an asymmetric draw-down and hence
larger consolidation strains in the vertical than the horizontal direction.
This results in a higher vertical ground pressure applied to the lining than
horizontal, causing squatting.
It is difficult to measure tunnel lining stresses, and so there are not many
case studies available compared to surface settlements or even subsurface
ground movements.
Firstly, we will look at how tunnel lining stresses develop over time after
installation and as the tunnel continues to advance.
been presented in a single chart with log time on the horizontal axis, but
this would give a distorted perception of how the stresses change in the
long term.
Figure 1.23 shows that in the short term, lining stresses quickly increase
and a relatively stable equilibrium is found within a few days. By this time,
the face of the tunnel has probably advanced sufficiently far ahead that it
is no longer affecting the lining-ground system at the monitoring location.
Figures 1.24 and 1.25 show that in all cases, it then takes much longer to
achieve a proper equilibrium, and this is most likely due to long-term pore
pressure and temperature changes (Jones, 2007).
Real tunnel behaviour 31
For segmental linings, the maximum load has always been found to
occur in the long-term. Skempton (1943) found the maximum load to be
approximately equal to that corresponding to the hydrostatic full overbur-
den pressure (that is, the initial in situ stress with K0 = 1.0). Ward & Thomas
(1965) found that one of the tunnels they studied reached full overbur-
den pressure, while the second one did not but was continuing to increase
when measurements ceased. They therefore arrived at the conclusion that
hydrostatic full overburden pressure would eventually act on the lining in
the long-term. Since then, measurements by Muir Wood (1969), Barratt
32 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Table 1.2 M
aximum stresses in tunnels in London Clay, expressed as a percentage of
the lining stress if full overburden pressure were applied (Jones, 2007).
Publication Tunnel Maximum load (% overburden)
Skempton (1943) Unknown, London 102–108%
Cooling & Ward (1953) 9′ diameter water 53–64%
tunnel, London
Ward & Thomas (1965) ‘Site O’, Victoria Line, 71% (not stabilised)
at 3.5 years
Ward & Thomas (1965) ‘Site V’, Victoria Line, 105%
at 6.5 years
Muir Wood (1969) Heathrow Cargo 60–80%
Tunnel, Heathrow
Barratt et al. (1994) Jubilee Line, Regent’s 40–64%
Park, at 19.5 years
Bowers & Redgers (1996) Jubilee Line Extension, 43–62%
St James’s Park, at
4 months
et al. (1994), Bowers & Redgers (1996) and Jones (2007) have all shown
that load can stabilise at a value well below that corresponding to full over-
burden pressure. Values of maximum load as a percentage of hydrostatic
full overburden pressure are shown in Table 1.2.
It is possible that the amount of stress in the tunnel lining is related to the
amount of ground deformation that was allowed to occur during construc-
tion, which may explain the higher loads in the older tunnels that probably
caused larger ground deformations. The exception to this rule would be the
Heathrow Cargo tunnel, which was constructed with an unusually high
degree of face support at shallow cover and had a volume loss of only 0.2%
(this low value of ‘volume loss’ means that ground movements would have
been very small – approximately an order of magnitude smaller than the
other tunnels presented in Table 1.2).
Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that so long as the tunnelling
process is well-controlled and the ground movements are minimised, then
in the long-term the tunnel lining will be supporting 40–70% of the full
overburden load in London Clay. If, however, the ground movements are
large and the tunnel lining is relatively permeable, there is a potential for
up to 100% of full overburden to act on the tunnel lining in the long-term.
In other types of soil there are very few data, but long-term lining stresses
in all kinds of soft ground tend to be in the range of 25–100% of full over-
burden. Some case studies are summarised in Table 1.3.
Suzuki et al.’s (1996) two tunnels were of similar construction and were
in similar geology, but they were at different depths, and different grout-
ing pressures were applied. At the Yodo River, grouting pressures were
approximately 50% of overburden pressure, whereas at the Shigino Route,
they were 75–105%. So at Shigino Route, where higher grouting pressures
Real tunnel behaviour 33
Table 1.3 Case studies of lining stress measurements not in London Clay.
Publication Tunnel Maximum load (% overburden)
Belshaw & Palmer Thunder Bay trunk sewer, 25–57%
(1978) Ontario, Canada, 2.38 m
OD TBM tunnel, in soft
to firm clay, at 1 year
Palmer & Belshaw Thunder Bay (as above but 24–61%
(1980) second array of
instrumentation), in soft
to firm clay, at 1 year
Suzuki et al. (1996) Yodo River cable tunnel, 40–82%
Osaka, Japan, 3.7 m OD
TBM tunnel, in clay/silt/
sand/gravel, at 10 months
Shigino Route cable tunnel, 35–60%
Osaka, Japan, 3.55 m OD
TBM tunnel, in clay/silt/
sand/gravel, at 10 months
Sakurai & Izunami Kobe Municipal Subway, 25% average
(1988) Japan, approx. 10 m wide ×
8 m high shotcrete tunnel
with rockbolts, in hard clay
and dense gravel layers,
time of measurement
were applied and ground deformation was minimised, the eventual ground
pressure acting on the tunnel was lower. This is perhaps counterintuitive, but
if there is any pattern in lining stress measurements in soft ground, it seems
to be that the smaller the ground deformations, the lower the long-term lin-
ing stress. This runs counter to what we expect from simple models so it is
important to remember this as you work through later chapters of this book.
expand, and this will increase the ground pressure acting on it. Similarly,
as the temperature in the tunnel decreases, the lining will contract away
from the ground, reducing the ground pressure. This factor was identified
and defined as ‘ground reaction temperature sensitivity’ in my thesis (Jones,
2007). It is likely that the long-term increases in lining stress in the London
Underground tunnels measured by Ward & Thomas (1965) and Barratt
et al. (1994) were caused, at least in part, by increasing tunnel temperatures
over those years.
Usually, it is not the average load that is important to lining design, but
how much the ground load varies around the tunnel lining. This is because
in relatively shallow soft ground tunnels, we are not worried about hoop
(axial) loads in the lining, which are usually well below the axial capacity,
but bending moments. In London Clay, vertical ground stresses after con-
struction (as measured in the lining at tunnel axis level in Figures 1.23–1.25)
have always been found to be higher than the horizontal ground stresses
(as measured at the tunnel crown or invert in Figures 1.23–1.25). This is
despite the fact that in situ horizontal stress is higher than the in situ verti-
cal stress prior to construction. However, this does agree with the lining
displacements that are typically observed, which were presented in Section
1.6, where tunnel linings in soft ground invariably squat.
Another aspect that is particularly important for shotcrete lining
design is the rate at which the lining stresses increase as the face con-
tinues to advance. This is because the shotcrete is gaining strength with
time and we need to know that it has sufficient strength at early age to
withstand these stresses. The published work we have looked at so far has
not provided much detail in terms of relating lining stress to the position
of the face. The following unique case study from the Heathrow Express
Terminal 4 Station concourse tunnel will demonstrate the kind of detailed
information that can be obtained with carefully installed and interpreted
level and the tunnel is entirely within the London Clay. Piezometers
across the site and at different depths indicated a piezometric level in
the Terrace Gravels at approximately ground level with a hydrostatic
distribution from there down to the basal beds of the London Clay,
well below the tunnel horizon (van der Berg et al., 2003). The cen-
treline spacing between the concourse tunnel and the platform tunnels
is 13.5 m.
The platform tunnels were constructed first. Construction of the con-
course tunnel commenced in September 1996 after completion of the adja-
cent sections of the permanent secondary lining in the upline and downline
platform tunnels. The concourse tunnel headwall was completed on
7th November 1996.
The construction sequence for the concourse tunnel was top heading,
bench, top heading, bench, double-invert, schematically illustrated in
Figure 1.28. The invert was closed five rounds from the face. The advance
length varied from 0.8 m to 1.2 m depending on ground conditions and
design requirements, including the proximity of sensitive structures.
The primary support consisted of 350 mm of sprayed concrete (shot-
crete), reinforced with two layers of welded wire mesh (8 mm diameter at
150 mm centres) and full-section lattice girders ‘Type 110 ROM E3’. The
exposed ground was supported by a 50–100 mm shotcrete sealing layer
applied immediately after each advance. The 350 mm total thickness
included the sealing layer.
We will focus on the pressure cells installed in Main Monitoring Section
VIII (MMS VIII) of the concourse tunnel. The location of MMS VIII is
shown in Figure 1.29 and in the location plan (Figure 1.26).
Real tunnel behaviour 37
Figure 1.28 Concourse tunnel construction sequence (from van der Berg et al., 2003).
Figure 1.29 Long section of the concourse tunnel showing locations of MMS I and
38 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 1.31 MMS VIII radial stresses (L-R, top-bottom: top heading and bench, invert,
6–19 days, 20–47 days, 72 days to 2 years, 3.1 years to 18.6 years).
40 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
The first diagram in Figure 1.31 shows the initial readings of the top
heading radial pressure cells. At the time of spraying the bench, 13.5 hours
after the top heading was sprayed, the average radial pressure on the top
heading was 23% of the in situ radial stress.
The second diagram in Figure 1.31 shows that upon invert excavation
the top heading radial pressures increased from 23% to 31% of in situ
radial stress and the bench radial pressures had climbed to 16%. As the
invert sprayed concrete became stiffer and gained strength, the lining began
to act as a complete ring and pressure built up gradually at all positions
except PCR1. A distinctive radial pressure distribution began to develop at
the invert, with higher pressures measured at PCR10 and 11 compared to
PCR12. This was also evident in the MMS I radial pressure cells and can
be attributed to the non-circular shape of the tunnel lining; at position 12,
the lower curvature makes the structural response more flexible relative to
the high curvature at positions 10 and 11. This means that there is more
unloading of the London Clay, and hence lower radial pressure in the short-
term at position 12, whereas the stiffer structural response at positions 10
and 11 will tend to attract more radial pressure in the short term. In the
long term, dissipation of negative excess pore pressures and the associated
swelling of the clay at position 12 in the centre of the invert will tend to
even out the radial pressure distribution. At 31/10/96 11:00, almost 5 days
after top heading excavation and nearly 3 days after invert closure, the
average radial pressure was 38% of the in situ radial stress or 43% of the
full overburden pressure.
The next diagram in Figure 1.31 shows very little change over the fol-
lowing week, except at PCR8 and 10 at 06/11/96 11:00, where there is a
noticeable increase in pressure. Although the dates given for cross-passage
construction from the construction records were 07/11/96 to 14/11/96, it
may be that some breaking out of the concourse tunnel lining occurred on
06/11/96, which would explain the change in pressure. The cross-passage
construction caused a noticeable increase in the radial pressures at the sides
of the tunnel but had much less effect near the crown and invert of the tun-
nel, as would be expected. By 14/11/96 12:45 the radial pressure changes
had stabilised, with the overall effect of the cross-passage construction
being an increase in average horizontal ground pressure from 45% of the in
situ radial stress at 04/11/96 10:00 to 53% at 14/11/96 12:45.
The fourth diagram in Figure 1.31 shows that from 20 to 47 days, ground
pressures had stabilised with only small changes evident. Compensation
grouting on the 18/11/96 did not have any effect on the radial pressures.
Casting the secondary lining invert on the 12/12/96 caused a significant
increase at PCR12.
From 72 days to 18.6 years (last two diagrams in Figure 1.31), there were
only gradual changes in radial pressure, tending to increase and even out
the pressure distribution. The higher level of unloading of the ground in
the area around PCR12 evident soon after closure of the invert resulted in
Real tunnel behaviour 41
negative excess pore pressures, which over time dissipated due to ground-
water flow, leading to gradually increasing radial pressure due to swelling
of the London Clay.
In conclusion, although the ground this tunnel was excavated through
would already have been disturbed by construction of the parallel platform
tunnels and therefore this was not really a ‘greenfield’ situation, the trend
in the long term showed very little increase in load after the construction
period was over. This may have been due to the control of ground deforma-
tion during construction, reducing the magnitude and extent of excess pore
pressure, or due to the waterproof membrane making the tunnel imperme-
able so it did not act as a drain on the ground around it. Or indeed both of
these effects may have been important.
Using case studies, this chapter has described the evolution of ground
movements, pore pressures, effective stresses and lining stresses as a tunnel
advances, and what happens to them in the long-term. Drained and und-
rained behaviour has been explained and the factors affecting stability have
been described. You should now have a conceptual model in your head of
ground and tunnel lining behaviour and how they change with face posi-
tion and time.
Lipscombe, R., Carter, C., Perkins, O., Thurlow, P. & Guerrero, S. (2015). The
use of Shape Accel Arrays (SAA) for measuring retaining wall deflection.
Crossrail Project – Infrastructure design and construction, Vol. 1. London:
ICE Publishing. Also available at:
[last accessed: 23rd June 2020].
Mair, R. J. (1979). Centrifugal modelling of tunnel construction in soft clay. PhD
thesis, University of Cambridge.
Mair, R. J. & Taylor, R. N. (1997). Bored tunnelling in the urban environment.
Theme Lecture, Plenary Session 4. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering, Hamburg, Vol. 4, pp. 2353–2385.
Marshall, A. M. (2009). Tunnelling in sand and its effect on pipelines and piles.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Marshall, A. M., Farrell, R., Klar, A. & Mair, R. (2012). Tunnels in sands: the effect
of size, depth and volume loss on greenfield displacements. Géotechnique 62,
No. 5, 385–399.
Messerli, J., Pimentel, E. & Anagnostou, G. (2010). Experimental study into tun-
nel face collapse in sand. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (eds Springman,
S., Laue, J. & Seward, L.), pp. 575–580. London: Taylor & Francis.
Muir Wood, A. M. (1969). Written contribution, plenary session 4. Proc. 7th
Int. Conf. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 3, Mexico,
pp. 363–365.
Muir Wood, A. M. (2000). Tunnelling: management by design. London: E & FN
New, B. M. & Bowers, K. H. (1994). Ground movement model validation at the
Heathrow Express trial tunnel. Tunnelling ’94, Proc. 7th Int. Symp. IMM
and BTS, London, UK, pp. 310–329. London: Chapman and Hall.
New Civil Engineer (1998). Docklands Light Railway Lewisham Extension blow-
out. February 1998.
Nyren, R. J., Standing, J. R. & Burland, J. B. (2001). Surface displacements at
St James’s Park greenfield reference site above twin tunnels through the London
Clay. Building Response to Tunnelling: Case Studies from Construction of
the Jubilee Line Extension, London – Vol. 2: Case Studies (eds Burland, J.
B., Standing, J. R. & Jardine, F. M.), CIRIA Special Publication 200, Chapter
25, pp. 387–400. London: CIRIA.
Palmer, J. H. L. & Belshaw, D. J. (1980). Deformations and pore pressures in the
vicinity of a precast, segmented, concrete-lined tunnel in clay. Can. Geot. J.
17, 174–184.
Powell, D. B., Sigl, O. & Beveridge, J. P. (1997). Heathrow Express – design
and performance of platform tunnels at Terminal 4. Proc. Tunnelling ’97,
London, pp. 565–593. London: IMM.
Sakurai, S. & Izunami, R. (1988). Field measurements of the Kobe Municipal
Subway Tunnel excavated in soil ground by NATM. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp.
on Field Measurements in Geomechanics (ed. Sakurai, S.), Kobe, Japan,
6th–9th April 1987, pp. 861–869. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Shin, J. H., Addenbrooke, T. I. & Potts, D. M. (2002). A numerical study of the effect
of groundwater movement on long-term tunnel behaviour. Géotechnique 52,
No. 6, 391–403.
44 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Undrained stability
As explained in Section 1.5, drained and undrained stability are quite differ-
ent. The geometry of failure is different, and the calculations are done in a
different way. Therefore, they have been split into two separate chapters – this
chapter covers undrained stability and Chapter 3 will cover drained stability.
A rule of thumb is that a soil with a permeability less than 10 −7 to 10 −8 m/s
will behave in an undrained manner during the timescale of a typical tunnel
construction, and a soil with higher permeability will behave in a drained
manner (Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996). If it is unclear whether a soil will
behave in a drained or undrained manner, stability calculations need to be
done for both cases and the worst case used for design.
It is important to remember that real soils are variable, heterogeneous
and rarely isotropic, and that ground mass behaviour can be different to the
behaviour of small samples in geotechnical laboratory tests. Many of the
calculations presented here are simple models and will assume the ground
is homogeneous and isotropic and follows simple behavioural rules, so it
is important to think about how the true ground behaviour may affect the
potential failure mechanisms. For instance, a permeable layer of soil within
an open face with groundwater pressure present could cause an uncon-
trolled failure, even if 90% of the ground is clay.
After working through this chapter you will understand:
Stability is an ultimate limit state. This means that we are designing and
planning the construction to avoid a catastrophic failure. We want to try to
predict when or how that failure will occur, and then ensure that we have
a factor of safety that makes it very unlikely.
Since at failure the strength of the ground will be fully mobilised, head-
ing stability lends itself well to plasticity solutions. A plasticity solution
ignores what happens before failure and looks only at the fully mobilised
failure geometry to calculate the load required to get there.
A heading may be geometrically simplified as shown in Figure 2.1, where:
they may not apply to drained non-cohesive soils – no one has done that
research yet.
There are several ways we can determine stability:
given, all three men were buried under about 1,500 cu ft of clay, and
one of the men lost his life.
In order to try to predict failures of this kind and prevent similar disas-
ters, Broms and Bennermark used laboratory tests where clay was extruded
under pressure through vertical circular openings, and also field observa-
tions of both stable and collapsed openings, to try to characterise stability,
and they published the results in a seminal paper in 1967. They defined a
stability ratio N, which is the ratio of full overburden pressure at the axis
of the opening minus any support pressure divided by the undrained shear
strength of the soil cu, given by:
γ (C + D/2) + σ s − σ t
N= (2.1)
• Increasing the depth of the tunnel will make the heading less stable.
• Increasing the surcharge pressure will make the heading less
• Decreasing the support pressure will make the heading less stable.
• Decreasing the undrained shear strength will make the heading less
Figure 2.2 Design chart based on Mair’s (1979) centrifuge tests (from Kimura & Mair,
1981), and Davis et al. (1980) lower bound envelope for P /D = 0. Values for
Brook Green sewer collapse and Singapore tunnel collapse from Mair &
Taylor (1997).
of the shield, the shield is 5 m long, the tailskin is 2 m long and grouting
is done through grout ports in the tailskin as the machine advances. The
tunnel axis is 18 m below the ground surface, the bulk unit weight of the
clay is 20 kN/m3 and the undrained shear strength is 100 kPa.
The geometry may be idealised as shown in Figure 2.3.
P /D = 1.5/7.5 = 0.2
Figure 2.4 Worked Example 2.1 using the design chart to find the critical stability
N c 7.4
= = 2.06
N 3.6
b. Since collapse occurs when Nc = N, we can use the stability ratio
equation to find the value of surcharge σ s that would cause collapse:
360 + σ s
N= = N c = 7.4
Undrained stability 53
N= = N c = 7.4
cu = = 48.6 kPa
d. The factor of safety on undrained shear strength (i.e. the design
value divided by the collapse value) is 100/48.6 = 2.06. The previ-
ously calculated factor of safety was exactly the same. Therefore
the factors of safety on actions and on undrained shear strength
are the same, which will become important later when we look at
Eurocode 7 design approaches.
γ z0 + σ s − σ t
Now, σt = 0 because there is no support pressure and σ s = 0 because
the question says to assume there is no surcharge. So, N is given by:
γ z0 19 × 15 285
N= = = = 4.75
cu 60 60
We need to calculate an equivalent diameter D and calculate C:
4A 4 × 85
D= = = 10.40 m
π π
The cover value C should be the actual depth to the crown, not the
value calculated using the depth to axis and the equivalent radius.
For design, a cautious value of P should be used to take account of
possible overexcavation of the face. It is also common to dome the
face rather than leaving it flat. In this case we will assume P = 1.5 m.
Now calculate C /D and P /D :
C 9.8
= = 0.94
D 10.4
P 1.5
= = 0.14
D 10.4
Undrained stability 55
These values are used in the chart in Figure 2.6. Note that the curve
for P /D = 0.5 does not plot below C /D = 1, but it is reasonable
to extrapolate such a small distance, especially as all the curves
appear to be converging on Nc = 2 at C /D = 0.
Figure 2.6 Worked Example 2.2 using the design chart to find the critical stabil-
ity number.
Reading from the chart, Nc = 5.28. Therefore the factor of safety
may be given by:
N c 5.28
= = 1.11
N 4.75
Eurocode 7 design approach 1 (EN 1997-1: 2004, 2009) would
require a factor of safety greater than 1.4. GEO Report 249 (Golder
Associates, 2009) recommends a factor of safety greater than 1.5.
• decrease surcharge σ s
• increase internal support pressure σt
Figure 2.7 Worked Example 2.2 – Cross-section showing possible method of face
division using a top heading–bench–invert sequence.
4A 4 × 35
D= = = 6.68 m
π π
The cover C has not changed.
Undrained stability 59
D 6.68
z0 = C + = 9.8 + = 13.14 m
2 2
Using P /D = 1.5/6.68 = 0.22, and C /D = 9.8/6.68 = 1.47, the criti-
cal stability ratio Nc from the design chart in Figure 2.2 is now
approximately 6.5. The decrease in D caused by subdividing the
face led to an increase in C /D and a significant increase in Nc.
Since z0 has changed, N is now given by:
γ z0 19 × 13.14 250
N= = = = 4.16
cu 60 60
cu = A ( B + z ) (2.2)
Figure 2.9 Relative depth below ground level at which undrained shear strength
is equal to the critical value in constant undrained shear strength analysis
(from Pound, 2005).
increasing undrained shear strength, the value at 0.6–0.8 times the depth
to axis should be used as a first estimate. If you have a nonlinear undrained
shear strength variation with depth, or layered soils, you will need to use
conservative assumptions or numerical modelling.
C 6
= =1
D 6
Now look up the critical stability number Nc in Mair’s design chart (c.f.
Figure 2.2; also see Figure 2.11):
N c = 5.64.
γ (C + D/2) + σ s − σ t
σ t = γ (C + D/2) + σ s − Ncu
N c cu
σ t = γ (C + D/2) + σ s −
Now taking the sand as surcharge, and assuming no other surcharge is
applied at the surface:
Figure 2.11 Worked Example 2.3 using the design chart to find the critical stability
5.64 × 30
σ t = 18 × 9 + 102 − = 264 − 112.8 = 151.2 kPa
Increasing the surcharge or decreasing the support pressure are the two
ways in which 1 g and centrifuge models of heading failure are controlled
(Casarin & Mair, 1981; Kimura & Mair, 1981).
Müller (2015) found that each of these three methods gave similar results
and are therefore interchangeable (Figure 2.12). Bradley (2013) also got
64 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 2.12 Comparison of Kimura & Mair (1981) design chart for P /D = 1 and P /D = ∞
with numerical modelling by Müller (2015) and Bradley (2013). ‘Safety’ is
reducing undrained shear strength to failure, ‘Surcharge’ is increasing sur-
charge to failure, and ‘Support pressure’ is reducing support pressure to
Figure 2.13 Comparison of Kimura & Mair (1981) design chart and Davis et al. (1980)
lower bound with numerical modelling by Pound (2005), Müller (2015) and
Bradley (2013), all for P /D = 0 .
Where undrained shear strength increases with depth the value at 0.6–0.8
times the depth to axis should be used.
Where a tunnel is in clay overlain by coarse-grained cohesionless soils,
treat the cohesionless soils as a surcharge and assume the cover C used in
the design chart is the cover of clay only.
Collapse of a tunnel heading in clay does not usually occur suddenly but
is a progressive failure. Therefore, it can be difficult to define when failure
occurs in a laboratory test or numerical model.
Blow-out failure only occurs in tunnels with a pressurised face, which can
be compressed air, slurry in a slurry TBM or earth pressure in an EPB
TBM. There are several ways in which a blow-out can occur:
Figure 2.14 Details of the Docklands Light Railway Extension blow-out – long section
of the South drive (based on details in New Civil Engineer, 1998).
68 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
tunnel’s 1.2 m long 5.2 m diameter precast concrete rings were blown apart
by the blast (New Civil Engineer, 1998). The full overburden pressure at
the crown at this location was less than 160 kPa. The large crater caused
by the blast was probably due to the large volume of air that was released.
For hydraulic fracturing to occur, simple models assume the fluid pres-
sure usually has to exceed the full overburden pressure of soil and water
(Holzhäuser, 2003), and generally accepted practice is to limit support
fluid pressures to this value (e.g. Guglielmetti et al., 2008). This is usu-
ally significantly lower than the pressure needed for passive failure to
Bezuijen & Brassinga (2006) show from field data and centrifuge tests
that bentonite slurry blow-outs caused by hydraulic fracturing can occur at
much lower face pressures than those needed for passive failure predicted
by finite element or kinematic analysis methods. This is because these
methods do not take account of the fact that slurry is a fluid. Bezuijen &
Brassinga found this limit to be approximately the pore pressure plus 2 to
3 times the effective stress for their case.
Marchi et al. (2014) show that fracture initiation in clay may be caused
by either tension or shear. The most important factor is the confining pres-
sure, otherwise known as the minor principal stress. As fluid pressure
increases, the radial stress in the surrounding clay increases but the circum-
ferential stress decreases. Failure occurs either when the circumferential
stress reaches the tensile strength or when the difference between the radial
and circumferential stresses causes shear failure.
The pressure at tensile fracture is given by (Mitchell & Soga, 2005):
Pf = 2σ 0 − u0 + σ t′ (2.3)
This equation means that fracturing pressure increases with initial confin-
ing pressure with a gradient of 2. However, this assumes the soil is linear
elastic, and in reality the gradient may be less than 2 (Marchi et al., 2014).
The pressure at shear fracture is given by (Soga et al., 2005):
Pf = σ 0 + ncu (2.4)
For a clay with a positive liquidity index (i.e. the water content is above the
plastic limit), n = 1, but for a clay with a negative liquidity index n = 1.5 to 2.
From a large number of experimental tests and case histories of fracture
grouting, Marchi et al. (2014) showed that the lower bound to all the mea-
sured fracture pressures was approximately the initial confining pressure,
as shown in Figure 2.15. Therefore, although the undrained shear strength
or effective tensile strength of the soil may result in a higher value of frac-
turing pressure, it seems the fracture pressure cannot be lower than the
minor principal total stress.
Figure 2.16 Design chart for critical passive failure blow-out (from Mollon et al., 2013).
chart by Mollon et al. (2013) based on their asymmetric ‘M2’ velocity field
method is shown in Figure 2.16, with values given in Table 2.1 to aid inter-
polation for design purposes. The values of N γ and N coh from the design
chart should be used in the following equation:
This equation is derived from the more general stability equation, which is:
N γ, N coh and Ns are stability numbers for the effect of soil weight, cohe-
sion and other effects, respectively, which are dimensionless
σt is the required support pressure in kPa
c is Mohr–Coulomb cohesion in kPa
Undrained stability 71
Figure 2.17 Comparison of critical blow-out pressures using the design chart based on
‘M2’ velocity field kinematic analysis by Mollon et al. (2013) and a 3D finite
difference model in FLAC3D, also by Mollon et al. (2013), for D = 10 m,
γ = 18 kN/m3 and cu = 20 kPa.
C /D = 3/5 = 0.6
From Table 2.1, N γ = 0.98 and N coh = −7.02 for passive failure.
Using Equation 2.5:
While grouting the annulus between the segmental lining and the ground
behind the shield and tailskin, hydraulic fracturing may cause grout to
escape to the surface. The limiting pressure may be given by either a tensile
(Equation 2.3) or shear (Equation 2.4) mechanism, and the critical loca-
tion will be at the crown of the tunnel.
The initial confining pressure σ0 is the minor principal total stress,
which in this case is the horizontal total stress, which is given by:
σ 0 = K0 (σ v − u0 ) + u0
σ v = γ zcrown = 18 × 3 = 54 kPa
The maximum grouting pressure at the crown will not cause hydraulic
fracturing if it is kept below the lower value of 58.8 kPa, or more conserva-
tively the initial confining pressure (or in situ minor principal total stress) of
44.4 kPa could be used. The grouting pressure needs to be higher than the
pore pressure of 30 kPa at the crown, giving a fairly narrow band of allow-
able pressures, especially if factors of safety and variability are accounted for.
The passing of the TBM will of course change the stress state in the
ground, so the minor principal total stress will not be this initial undisturbed
value. Stresses calculated by 3D numerical modelling could be used but there
will still be considerable uncertainty in the results of this calculation.
P /D = 0
From Mair’s design chart for undrained stability, Nc = 3.94.
To achieve a factor of safety (Nc /N) of 1.5, requires:
Nc Nc 3.94
= 1.5 = =
N γ (C + D/2) + σ s − σ t 18 × 12 + 120 − σ t
cu 40
N c cu 3.94 × 40
σ t = γ (C + D/2) + σ s − = 18 × 12 + 120 − = 231 kPa
1.5 1.5
Allowing for variability, the target minimum support pressure is
given by:
b. If a slurry TBM were used, the fluid pressure that would cause hydrau-
lic fracture would be above the minor principal total stress at the
crown, which for K0 < 1 is the horizontal total stress σ h . In this case,
the critical case is when the river level is at its lowest and initial pore
pressure at the crown u0 = 120 kPa (ignoring the effect of the TBM
on pore pressure, and assuming the ground is affected by tide level).
σ v = (6 × 10 + 6 × 18) = 168 kPa
Note that no factor of safety or allowance for variation has yet been
applied, but the pressure at which hydraulic fracturing may occur
is much lower than the target minimum support pressure required
to prevent collapse. Therefore, it is not possible to use a slurry TBM
76 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
safely in this situation without risk of escape of slurry into the river,
a decrease of support pressure to the hydrostatic value and continu-
ous failure of the face resulting in overexcavation.
c. If an EPB machine were used, hydraulic fracturing could be avoided
and the upper limit on face pressure would be defined by passive failure.
Extrapolating from the curves in Figure 2.16, Nγ = 0.86 and
N coh = –6.3.
Figure 2.21 Cross-section of open-face TBM tunnel in stiff clay with silt and sand
partings below axis level.
Drained stability
The most common methods used in practice for stability calculations are
Mair’s design charts based on centrifuge testing for the undrained case
(Kimura & Mair, 1981), and Anagnostou & Kovári’s method for the
drained case (Anagnostou & Kovári, 1994, 1996a and 1996b). This chapter
will first provide some background and will then describe how to use
Anagnostou & Kovári’s method to solve drained stability problems.
After working through this chapter, you will understand:
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-3 83
84 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Without either cohesion to hold the soil grains together or a support pres-
sure applied to the face, a vertical face will fall down due to gravity. In the
case of a tunnel below the water table, seepage forces will also contrib-
ute to instability. Seepage forces occur when there is a hydraulic gradient
between the ground and the tunnel. As groundwater seeps through the
ground towards the face, it pushes the soil grains apart with a ‘seepage
force’ proportional to the hydraulic gradient, in the direction of flow.
‘Drained’ soils are permeable enough that excess pore pressures are dis-
sipated during the timescale of construction. For tunnel heading stability,
this means that any negative excess pore pressures that may have helped
hold the soil grains together cannot be counted on, as water will have time
to flow in from the surrounding ground. Therefore, the failure of drained
soils depends on the drained cohesion c′ and the internal angle of friction
ϕ, rather than the undrained shear strength.
Note that in drained stability it has become common practice to refer to the
cover using the letter ‘H’ rather than the letter ‘C’, although some papers
still use ‘C’. These will be used interchangeably in this chapter.
Figure 3.1 Upper and lower bound solutions for a dry cohesionless soil (Atkinson &
Potts, 1977) with angle of friction ϕ = 35°.
γ ′ = γ − γ w (3.1)
lower bound included three different stress states, whereas Atkinson &
Potts assumed one plane strain stress state. The geometry of the upper
bound is either one or two truncated cones, as shown in Figure 3.2. The
value of the angle α is varied to find the worst case.
Figure 3.3 shows the effect of increasing the value of cohesion from 0 to
5 to 10 kPa for a soil with ϕ = 35°. Both the upper and lower bounds move
downwards, meaning that the required support pressure to prevent instabil-
ity decreases as cohesion increases. At c′ = 10 kPa, Leca & Dormieux’s upper
bound is at zero. If the upper bound represented the true collapse mecha-
nism, which we don’t yet know for sure, then no support pressure would be
required to maintain stability. This shows that tunnel headings in drained soil
above the water table may be stable at quite small values of cohesion. This
can be provided by moisture in the soil (like a sandcastle), a low clay content
or cementing of the soil grains. However, driving a tunnel in such a situation
must be done carefully, because even a small amount of perched water can
cause instability due to seepage forces, and low values of cohesion cannot
always be relied on given the inherent variability of geological materials.
Drained stability 87
Figure 3.4 Wedge and prism model (from Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b, after
Horn, 1961).
very similar to their Figure 9 (Mair & Taylor, 1997). Interestingly, the sup-
port pressure calculated by the limit equilibrium solution is not completely
constant and as well as being lower for H/D < 0.5, it also does increase
very, very slightly with increasing H/D after that. The limit equilibrium
solution is consistent with the limit state solutions in that the upper bounds
Figure 3.5 Comparison of Anagnostou & Kovári’s (1994) limit equilibrium solution with
limit state solutions by Leca & Dormieux (1990) (‘L&D’) and Atkinson & Potts
(1977) (‘A&P’) for a dry cohesionless soil with ϕ = 35°.
Drained stability 89
Figure 3.6 Dimensionless coefficients F0, F1, F2 and F3 based on the wedge-prism model
shown in Figure 3.4 for use in Equation 3.2 (Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b).
Note that the labels on the F0 nomogram have been switched around com-
pared to those incorrectly printed in Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a & 1996b),
as explained in Appendix A.
(where the heading must fail) are below it, and the lower bounds (where the
heading cannot fail) are above it.
A derivation of the wedge and prism limit equilibrium solution used by
Anagnostou & Kovári is given in Appendix A. Based on these equations,
Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a, 1996b) defined four dimensionless coeffi-
cients F0, F1, F2 and F3, which may be read from nomograms shown in
Figure 3.6 and used in Equation 3.2. The derivation is not included here as
it is more important that you use Figure 3.6 and Equation 3.2 and under-
stand their implications first. Once you understand the principles, feel free
to go to Appendix A for the full derivation.
s′ = F0γ ′D − F1c′ + F2γ ′ ∆h − F3c (3.2)
s′ is the effective support pressure required to prevent collapse
F0, F1, F2 and F3 are dimensionless coefficients
γ ′ is the submerged unit weight, which is the bulk unit weight minus
the unit weight of water
c′ is the drained cohesion
90 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
∆h = h0 − hf (3.3)
1 σ
Nγ = − 0.05 = t (3.4)
9 tan φ γD
This relationship was found to hold true as long as H/D > 1.
Drained stability 91
Figure 3.8 Comparison of centrifuge tests by Chambon & Corté (1994) on dry cohe-
sionless sand with Leca & Dormieux’s (1990) upper bound (‘L&D U/B’),
Anagnostou & Kovári’s (1994) limit equilibrium solution (‘A&K’) and finite
element models (‘FEM’ = FE models by Vermeer et al., 2002).
92 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
For Messerli et al.’s tests, Anagnostou & Kovári’s limit equilibrium solu-
tion provides a good, though slightly conservative, estimate of the support
pressure at failure. Atkinson & Potts’s upper bound (below which the head-
ing must fail) is in effect on the wrong side of the data points, but perhaps
this is to be expected because the failure is three-dimensional and their
upper bound solution is for a two-dimensional unlined plane strain tunnel.
Chambon & Corté’s centrifuge tests were on Fontainebleau sand. They
estimated the angle of friction ϕ was between 38° and 42° and the unit
weight of the sand for the tests shown in Figure 3.8 was between 16.0 and
16.2 kN/m3.
For Chambon & Corté’s tests, Leca & Dormieux’s upper bound with
c′ = 0 is on the wrong side. Remember that an upper bound should be
on the unsafe side. Chambon & Corté suggest in their paper that the
Fontainebleau sand has a value of cohesion somewhere between 0 and
5 kPa. If c′ were closer to 5 kPa, Leca & Dormieux’s upper bound would
drop below Chambon & Corté’s data. The relationship based on finite ele-
ment models (Vermeer et al., 2002) overestimates the support pressure at
failure when compared to Chambon & Corté’s tests, but would be closer if
a value of c′ ≠ 0 were used. Anagnostou & Kovári’s solution would require
a higher minimum support pressure than Chambon & Corté’s tests indi-
cate is necessary, even if c′ = 5 kPa is assumed, so it is on the safe side.
Anagnostou & Kovári (1994, 1996a & 1996b) seem to provide a reason-
able, and slightly conservative, estimate of the collapse load when com-
pared to centrifuge and 1 g laboratory tests.
Pst = s′ + u + v + q (3.5)
Figure 3.9 Slurry pressure diagram for a slurry TBM (after Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b).
In Figure 3.9, the slurry pressure increases at a faster rate with depth than the
groundwater pressure. This is because slurry, when mixed with excavated
soil, has a higher unit weight, typically assumed to be around 12 kN/m3,
whereas water is just under 10 kN/m3. This means that the minimum excess
slurry pressure is always at the crown. Therefore, stability calculations for
slurry TBMs are always performed at the crown level as this is the worst
case (Golder Associates, 2009).
Because the slurry pressure is always greater than the groundwater pres-
sure, the slurry will flow into the ground. As it displaces the groundwater in
the soil’s pore spaces, the slurry flow is slowed down and soil particles sus-
pended in the slurry are filtered out and block the pores. Bentonite slurry,
at the right concentrations, also has thixotropic properties – this means
that it forms a gel when not agitated. Therefore, a ‘filter cake’ is formed,
which acts as a kind of membrane that allows the excess slurry pressure to
be applied to the soil grains, counteracting instability.
The ideal situation is where the filter cake forms close to the excavation
surface, and Anagnostou & Kovári refer to this as the ‘membrane model’.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, drained stability can be approximated
using a wedge and prism model (Anagnostou & Kovári, 1994, who attri-
bute the model to Horn, 1961). The geometry of the model was shown in
Figure 3.4. As the slurry penetrates into the soil, the excess slurry pressure
acting to support the soil grains is spread over the penetration distance, so
Drained stability 95
as the slurry penetrates through the ‘wedge’, the resultant support force it
applies to the wedge and hence the prisms above is gradually compromised.
For higher permeability soils, penetration occurs at a faster rate.
One way to reduce the slurry penetration rate is to use a higher vis-
cosity slurry, but this increases slurry pumping and treatment costs. For
continuous TBM tunnelling, usually penetration rate is not a problem
unless the soil permeability is very high (such as in open gravels), because
the TBM is constantly advancing and excavating the ground. It is usually
only when there is a standstill of the TBM that penetration is a prob-
lem, and often this can be mitigated by temporarily increasing the slurry
viscosity. Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) found that increasing the slurry
pressure also helps.
u = Hγ w = 15 × 10 = 150 kPa
γ ′ = γ − γ w = 18 − 10 = 8 kN/m3
The target minimum slurry pressure at the crown should therefore be:
Note that the effective support pressure, which is the force applied by the
slurry to the soil grains needed to maintain stability of the face, is very
small relative to the target minimum slurry pressure – it only makes up
6% of the total in this case.
Note also that the effect of surcharge q has been added to the target
minimum slurry pressure without any reduction. This assumption is very
conservative and could be refined by use of a numerical model or by using
the extension to the wedge-prism method described in Appendix A.
No factor of safety has been applied to this calculation as yet. GEO
Report 249 (Golder Associates, 2009) recommends applying a partial
factor of 1.2 to c′ and tan ϕ. Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004, 2009) would
require a partial factor of 1.25 on these strength parameters.
∆ps d10
emax = (3.6)
ατ f
∆ps is the total pressure difference across the filter cake (the differ-
ence between the slurry pressure and the pore pressure in the
d10 is the characteristic grain diameter at which 10% of the soil passes
through a sieve (in other words, 90% of the soil grains have a
larger characteristic diameter)
τ f is the shear strength of the slurry
Drained stability 97
et t
= (3.7)
emax a+t
t is the time
et is the penetration distance at time t
Figure 3.10 Reduction of safety factor with increasing characteristic grain size d10,
due to slurry penetration in a soil with c′ = 0 and ϕ = 37.5° (redrawn from
Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b).
98 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
a is the time at which half the penetration distance has been reached,
which can be determined by laboratory testing using an infiltra-
tion column
Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) use a more complicated model for slurry pen-
etration than shown in Equation 3.7, but the results were similar. Again,
by integrating the support pressure over the penetration distance in the
wedge-silo model, they showed that stability decreases over time as slurry
penetrates into the ground. This gives a ‘stand-up time’ after which the
face will be unstable, shown as tcr in Figure 3.11. Stand-up time can be
increased by increasing the slurry pressure, as demonstrated by the curves
for ∆p = 40 kPa and ∆p = 80 kPa.
Stand-up time has a near-reciprocal relationship with permeability, so
if the permeability is reduced by an order of magnitude, then the stand-up
time is increased by an order of magnitude.
Figure 3.11 Safety factor as a function of time for a 4% bentonite slurry with yield
strength 15 Pa, in a coarse-grained soil with d10 = 6 mm, k = 10 −4 m/s, c′ = 0
and ϕ = 37.5° (from Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b).
Drained stability 99
Positive excess pore pressures can be generated in the sand due to repeated
excavation of the filter cake by the cutter bits followed by infiltration of the
slurry, driving filtrate water into the ground and elevating the pore pres-
sure. These positive excess pore pressures cause a reduction in effective
stress and hence a reduction in the shear resistance of the soil. Also, higher
pore pressures in the soil effectively cancel out some of the effective support
pressure that can be used to support the soil grains.
Using a modified wedge-silo limit equilibrium model developed by Broere
(1998), Broere & van Tol (2000) modelled this effect and found that the
required minimum support pressure was significantly higher, at 80 kPa
above the in situ pore pressure compared to only 16 kPa above the in situ
pore pressure when using Anagnostou & Kovári’s (1994) full membrane
model. This was corroborated by measurements made by piezometers
installed in the alignment of the Second Heinenoord Tunnel. A different
tunnel in Rotterdam in somewhat coarser sand and with no clearly defin-
able impermeable overlying stratum had a maximum positive excess pore
pressure of only 5 kPa, demonstrating that the effect depends on the pres-
ence of sand lenses or confined sand layers.
A graph from Broere & van Tol (2000) is shown in Figure 3.12. This
shows measurements of pore pressure as the cutterhead approaches the
piezometer. During excavation, significant positive excess pore pressures
are generated ahead of the face. During ringbuilding every 1.5 m these
positive excess pore pressures dissipate and the pore pressure returns
to the initial in situ value of approximately 120 kPa (with some tidal varia-
tion evident).
A further paper by Broere & van Tol (2001) says that if the soil perme-
ability is between 10−3 and 10−5 m/s, then the effect of positive excess pore
pressures ahead of the face will be significant. This paper also extends the
model to less permeable silty sands by including a transient groundwater flow
model to replace the steady-state model of the previous paper. This allowed
for a slower dissipation of excess pore pressures during the ringbuilding cycle.
Figure 3.13 Worked Example 3.2 – reading nomograms to find values of F0 and F2
(corrected versions of nomograms from Anagnostou & Kovári, 1996b).
102 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
γ ′ = γ − γ w = 18 − 10 = 8 kN/m3
∆h = h0 − hf = 24 − 0 = 24 m
No factor of safety has been applied to this calculation as yet. GEO Report
249 (Golder Associates, 2009) recommends applying a partial factor of
1.2 to c′ and tan ϕ. Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004, 2009) requires a partial
factor of 1.25.
Case B: no seepage
For Case B, a perfect impermeable plug is maintained in the screw and
pore pressure in the chamber is equal to the in situ pore pressure in the
ground. Therefore, there is no seepage towards the TBM, and ∆h = 0.
The effective support pressure required to maintain stability is
given by:
u = H wγ w = 16 × 10 = 160 kPa
The target minimum EPB pressure at the crown should therefore be:
For drained soils, as for undrained, there can be two types of blow-out: a
large-scale passive failure of a block of soil moving upwards towards the
surface (as described in Leca & Dormieux, 1990), or an escape of fluid
(slurry, grout or compressed air) through a fracture.
direction of tunnelling, the same pattern found by Wong et al. (2012) for
C/D = 4.3 on the right-hand side of Figure 3.15. One could consider the
surcharge as, in effect, making the tunnel seem to be deeper (as though C
were increased). In terms of vertical stress, 50 kPa surcharge in Berthoz
et al.’s reduced-scale model is the equivalent of increasing the cover from
1.1D to approximately 8D. This indicates that passive failure can have dif-
ferent forms with shallow and deep cover or with varying levels of sur-
charge pressure.
Figure 3.15 also shows an upper-bound kinematic mechanism proposed
by Soubra (2000). The experimental and numerical studies of Berthoz et al.
(2012) and Wong et al. (2010, 2012) both show that the geometry of failure
found in kinematic analyses of passive failure often includes a much greater
volume of soil than that found in practice. Berthoz et al. (2012) argue that
this may be because the kinematic analysis assumes a failure at much higher
displacements than is practical. Alternatively, Wong et al. (2012) suggest
that the assumption of associative plasticity (sometimes called the ‘normal-
ity condition’, where the angle of dilation is equal to the critical state angle
of friction ϕcs) in the kinematic analysis may be the cause of the difference.
As described earlier in this chapter in Section 3.1.1, there are two plastic-
ity limit states, the upper bound and the lower bound. The lower bound
is based on a statically admissible stress state and gives a limiting value
of face pressure at which the face cannot fail, that is definitely safe. The
upper bound is based on a kinematic mechanism, and gives a value of face
pressure at which the face will definitely fail, but it is an unsafe predic-
tion because it could fail at a lower value. A handy diagram is provided by
Berthoz et al. (2012), reproduced in Figure 3.16.
Kinematic analysis usually requires partial definition of the geometry
of failure, usually with one or two parameters that need to be optimised.
Many researchers have attempted to provide realistic kinematic mecha-
nisms for collapse and blow-out of tunnels in drained soils, though there
has been less success with blow-out than with collapse. The aim is to make
106 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 3.16 Diagram explaining limit states for a domain of safe face pressures K (redrawn
from Berthoz et al., 2012). σt is the tunnel support pressure, γ is the unit
weight of the soil and D is the tunnel diameter.
Figure 3.17 Long section through single cone kinematic mechanism for blow-out
(redrawn from Leca & Dormieux, 1990). V is the resultant blow-out force
acting on the cone, ϕ is the angle of friction and α is the cone projection
Drained stability 107
Figure 3.18 Intersection of a circular cone at an angle with a circular tunnel face (redrawn
from Leca & Dormieux, 1990).
the face which do not move at all, as shown in Figure 3.18. It also may not
reflect the true shape of the failure.
A principle of kinematic analysis is that if the geometry can be changed
to show that failure can occur at a lower tunnel support pressure, then that
new geometry must be more realistic, because we assume that in the real
world failure occurs in the easiest way possible.
In order to better approximate the true geometry of failure, and hence
to move the upper bound closer to the true failure load, several researchers
have added complexity to Leca & Dormieux’s model. Soubra (2000) tried
two truncated cones with a log spiral in between, as shown by the dashed
lines in Figure 3.15. Mollon et al. (2009) used multiple truncated cones,
as shown schematically in Figure 3.19. Each time, results were improved,
i.e. the tunnel support pressure at failure was reduced and could therefore
be assumed to be closer to the true blow-out pressure that might occur in
a real situation (have another look at Figure 3.16). This may be, at least
in part, because the volume of the failure has been reduced (compare the
volume within the velocity discontinuity surface in Figure 3.19 with that in
Figure 3.17), but also because the support pressure is applied to the whole
face area and therefore will provide the same force (load V in Figures 3.17
and 3.19) at a lower tunnel support pressure.
To get over the problem illustrated by Figure 3.18, Mollon et al. (2010)
improved on the multiblock mechanism by applying a spatial discretisation
technique to ensure the intersection of the moving blocks with the tunnel
face matched the whole circular face. Mollon et al. (2011) then abandoned
multiple blocks in favour of a log spiral shape, again using spatial discre-
tisation to ensure the failure intersected with the whole face. Each time,
an incremental improvement in the upper bound was achieved, indicating
that the failure mechanisms were becoming more realistic. Looking back at
the vectors in Figure 3.15 or the sketch in Figure 3.14, and comparing the
108 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 3.19 Multiple truncated cone mechanism for passive failure (redrawn from
Mollon et al., 2009 with permission from ASCE).
shape of the failure with Figure 3.20, we can see that the log spiral seems
to fit the shape far better than the earlier mechanisms proposed by Leca &
Dormieux (1990) or Soubra (2000) (see Figures 3.17 and 3.15 respectively).
A design chart for critical blow-out pressures based on the work of Mollon
et al. (2011) is shown in Figure 3.21 for a cohesionless soil with ϕ = 20°
and ϕ = 40°. As C/D increases, the critical blow-out pressure increases
rapidly, indicating that blow-out to the surface may be a risk for shallow
Figure 3.20 Log spiral mechanism for passive failure (redrawn from Mollon et al., 2011).
Drained stability 109
Figure 3.21 Design chart based on the log-spiral passive failure geometry for purely
frictional cohesionless soils (redrawn from Mollon et al., 2011). σb is the
blow-out pressure.
Figure 3.22 Displacement velocity field from FLAC3D model of passive failure, for
C/D = 0.5 in Fontainebleau sand, drained cohesion c′ = 0 kPa, angle of fric-
tion ϕ = 42°, bulk unit weight γ = 15.7 kN/m3 (from Dias et al., 2008 with
permission from ASCE).
Drained stability 111
Table 3.2 Critical blow-out pressures as found by the M1 kinematic analyses and the
FLAC3D numerical models for D = 10 m and γ = 18 kN/m3, from Mollon
et al. (2013b) with permission from ASCE.
ϕ = 17°, c′ = 7 kPa ϕ = 25°, c′ = 10 kPa
Blow-out pressure Blow-out pressure
(kPa) Difference (kPa) Difference
(M1-FLAC3D)/ (M1-FLAC3D)/
0.6 682.4 635 7.46% 1112.2 1091 1.94%
0.8 878.6 864 1.69% 1487.3 1521 −2.22%
1 1096.6 1113 −1.47% 1903.5 2004 −5.01%
1.5 1777.1 1842 −3.52% 3301.2 3488 −5.36%
2 2637.7 2740 −3.73% 5213.3 5337 −2.32%
3 5243.1 5253 −0.19% – – –
If a less permeable layer is some distance above the crown, the pore pres-
sure in the ground in between can become equal to that in the working
chamber. Thus, the compressed air pressure may act at a level where the
overburden is insufficient to contain it. In this case, blow-out can occur
due to hydraulic fracturing even though the applied compressed air pres-
sure is lower than the full overburden pressure at the crown level. This is
referred to as a ‘gasometer’ blow-out (Holzhäuser, 2003). This happened
on the Blackwall Tunnel construction under the Thames, reported by Moir
(1897), resulting in flooding of the tunnel by river water. So calculations
of maximum allowable air pressure need to take account of the geology of
the site.
As a minimum, compressed air pressure should be kept below the
overburden pressure. The British Standard for health and safety in tun-
nelling BS 6164:2019 is even more conservative and states that only the
dry density of the soil should be used in the calculation of limiting air
pressure, as the compressed air tends to drive away groundwater and
dry out the soil.
Slurry blow-outs can also occur, for example during construction of the
Second Heinenoord Tunnel where large quantities of bentonite escaped into
the Old Meuse River above the tunnel. Bezuijen & Brassinga (2006) inves-
tigated this event and using TBM records, finite element modelling and
centrifuge modelling they established that it was caused by hydraulic frac-
turing of the sand above the crown of the tunnel, possibly exacerbated by
slurry penetration causing positive excess pore pressures and hence reduc-
ing the effective stress in the soil. Bezuijen & Brassinga came to the conclu-
sion that a fluid escaping through a fracture caused by a strain localisation
needs a smaller face pressure than a passive failure. They found that the
fluid pressure required for a blow-out minus the pore pressure is two to
three times the effective in situ stress in the soil.
Although bentonite slurry produces a filter cake, this is destroyed when
the TBM starts advancing, and then positive pressures can be generated in
the soil in front of and just above the face, reducing the soil’s effective stress
and making a blow-out more likely.
There is also the possibility that a slurry TBM could meet an abandoned
well, a poorly backfilled borehole, or some other underground void, or the
permeability of the ground could suddenly increase. This could cause a
sudden loss of pressure, leading to collapse and/or overexcavation. Also,
if there is a route to the surface, the slurry only needs enough head to
reach the surface and it will flood the local area. After many incidents
of local streets being flooded with bentonite slurry and sinkholes appear-
ing along the route of the Singapore Circle Line and the SMART tunnel
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CEDD, 2012), ‘variable density’ TBMs have
been developed, which allow a higher density slurry to be used in the head
during excavation (Bäppler et al., 2017). It is then diluted to allow it to be
pumped out of the tunnel for treatment. The higher density means that a
Drained stability 113
higher slurry pressure can be used at shallow cover without risk of slurry
reaching the surface, as illustrated in Figure 3.23.
In cohesionless soils below the water table, it is possible for soil and
water to flow into the tunnel due to destabilising seepage forces. This
was discussed in Chapter 1 and is known as ‘piping’. Tunnels have been
flooded by silt and/or sand and water flowing through small gaps or
holes in the lining, leading to total abandonment of the TBM and a com-
plete restart (e.g. in Preston, UK: Thomas, 2011) or costly rescue works
(e.g. Hull wastewater flow transfer tunnel, UK: Grose & Benton, 2005,
2006; Brown, 2004).
The only way to avoid this risk is to pay close attention to the quality of
gaskets, bolts and grommets in segments, and ensure that rings are built
to the specified tolerances and grouted through the tailskin immediately
behind the brush seals. Any evidence of water inflow bringing soil with it
should be dealt with immediately by grouting or sealing. At Hull, joints
between segments may have been opened up by movements of the tunnel
rings relative to the shaft, so any post-construction deformations, caused
by adjacent tunnel construction for example, should be assessed and moni-
tored carefully.
Drained stability 115
The ground has an angle of friction of 25°. The tunnel face is well
above the water table. Assume there is no surcharge.
thick. The overcut diameter of the TBM is 8.7 m. The soil has
been characterised as sandy silt with an angle of friction ϕ = 23°
and drained cohesion c′ = 0 kPa. The depth to axis is 16 m and the
water table is at a depth of 2 m below ground level (Figure 3.28).
Assume the bulk unit weight of the soil γ = 20 kN/m3 both above
and below the water table.
Anagnostou, G. & Kovári, K. (1994). The face stability of slurry shield-driven tun-
nels. Tunnels and Deep Space 9, No. 2, 165–174.
Anagnostou, G. & Kovári, K. (1996a). Face stability conditions with earth-
pressure-balanced shields. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol. 11, No. 2,
Anagnostou, G. & Kovári, K. (1996b). Face stability in slurry and EPB shield tun-
nelling. Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground
(eds Mair, R. J. & Taylor, R. N.), pp. 453–458. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Anagnostou, G. & Perazzelli, P. (2013). The stability of a tunnel face with a free
span and a non-uniform support. Geotechnik 36, Heft 1, 40–50.
Atkinson, J. H. & Potts, D. M. (1977). Subsidence above shallow tunnels in soft
ground. Proc. ASCE Geot. Engrg Div. 103, GT4, 307–325.
Bäppler, K., Battistoni, F. & Burger, W. (2017). Variable density TBM – combining
two soft ground TBM technologies. Proc. AFTES International Congress,
Paris, France, 13th–15th November 2017, Paper C3-2.
Berthoz, N., Branque, D., Subrin, D., Wong, H. & Humbert, E. (2012). Face fail-
ure in homogeneous and stratified soft ground: theoretical and experimental
approaches on 1g EPBS reduced scale model. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol.
30, 25–37. Figures 3.14 and 3.16 reprinted with permission from Elsevier.
Bezuijen, A. & Brassinga, H. E. (2006). Blow-out pressures measured in a cen-
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Chapter 4
Stability of shafts
• the types of stability failures that can occur in a shaft and what causes
• the importance of groundwater and permeability to shaft stability
• calculate the ultimate limit state for each type of shaft stability failure
according to Eurocode 7
Figure 4.1 Section through a circular dry caisson or underpinned shaft showing ground-
water flow.
n= (4.1)
n is the porosity, the fraction of the total volume that is made up of
voids. Therefore, (1 − n) is the fraction of the total volume that is
made up of solid particles.
Stability of shafts 125
There are three forces acting on the soil particles in the unit volume
(Polubarinova-Kochina, 1962), all in units of kN/m3 because they are a
force per unit volume. The first is the weight of the soil particles, acting
downwards. Taking the downwards direction as positive, we get:
F1 = (1 − n ) γ s j (4.2)
The second force is the effect of water pressure on the solid particles:
F2 = (1 − n ) grad u (4.3)
For vertical flow, we could replace grad u with (u 2 – u1)/Δz, where Δz is the
vertical distance across the unit volume and u1 and u 2 are the pore pres-
sures, as shown in Figure 4.2.
The third force is the seepage force, the drag effect of the water moving
between the soil particles. It can also be thought of as the resistance of the
soil to the passage of water, and it is this resistance that gives the value of
permeability. It is given by:
F3 = n ( grad u + γ w j) (4.4)
Summing the three forces gives us the resultant seepage force Sz. If positive,
then the soil is stable, if negative then it is boiling.
Sz = (1 − n ) γ s j + grad u + nγ w j (4.6)
γ b = (1 − n ) γ s + nγ w (4.7)
Sz = γ b j + grad u (4.8)
udst ;d is the design value of the pore pressure at the bottom of a column
of soil at the base of the excavation
σ stb;d is the design value of stabilising total vertical stress at the bottom
of a column of soil at the base of the excavation
The ‘design value’ means a characteristic value modified by a partial factor
Stability of shafts 127
It may in some cases be easier to deal with hydraulic gradient rather than
pore pressure gradient. Hydraulic gradient is related to pore pressure gradi-
ent by the equation:
grad u = grad h − j (4.11)
Table 4.1 Partial factors for use in the hydraulic heave ultimate limit state (HYD)
from Table A.17 of Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013) and from
Table A.NA.17 of the UK National Annex to Eurocode 7 (NA+A1:2014 to
BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013).
Symbol Table A.17 Table A.NA.17
Permanent Unfavourable γG,dst 1.35 1.35
Permanent Favourable γG,stb 0.9 0.9
Variable Unfavourable γQ,dst 1.5 1.5
Variable Favourable γQ,stb 0 0
128 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
F3 = nγ w grad h (4.12)
F2 = (1 − n ) [γ w grad h − γ w j] (4.13)
The F1 force remains the same as in Equation 4.2. Using Equations 4.12
and 4.13 instead of Equations 4.3 and 4.4, the expression for resultant
seepage force is:
Sz = F1 + F2 + F3 = (1 − n ) γ s j + (1 − n ) [γ w grad h − γ w j] + nγ w grad h (4.14)
Sz = (γ b − γ w ) j + γ w grad h (4.15)
Equation 4.15 says that as long as the upwards hydraulic gradient multi-
plied by the unit weight of water is less than the submerged unit weight
(γb − γw), then the ground will remain stable.
For design we should apply partial factors according to Eurocode 7 (EN
1997-1:2004, 2009) Equation (2.9b), where:
Sdst ;d ≤ Gstb
′ ;d (4.16)
Sdst ;d is the design value of seepage force, which is the second term on
the right-hand side of Equation 4.15
′ ;d is the design value of submerged weight, which is the first term on
the right-hand side of Equation 4.15
The ‘design value’ means a characteristic value modified by a partial factor
The same partial factors in Table 4.1 should be used. Thus, the ultimate
limit state is defined by the following inequality:
For soils with cohesion, the design value of cohesion (the characteristic
value reduced by a partial factor) may be added as a stabilising action to the
right-hand side of Equation 4.17.
The risk of hydraulic failure can be mitigated in many different ways, for
The design value of the upwards destabilising seepage force is given by:
Sdst ;d = γ G,dst × γ w grad h = 1.35 × 10 × 1.5 = 20.25 kN/m3
Since the bulk unit weight γb and the unit weight of water γw both act ver-
tically downwards, then they are multiplied by the resultant of the unit
vector j in the vertical downwards direction, which is equal to 1.
The design value of the destabilising seepage force is greater than the
design value of the stabilising force. Therefore, the ultimate limit state
is exceeded and the shaft cannot be built this way. Either a wet caisson,
embedded walls, dewatering or ground improvement is needed.
130 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
From Figure 4.3, the maximum hydraulic gradient will be close to the
diaphragm wall and is a drop in head of 4 m over a vertical distance of
10 m. Therefore, the hydraulic gradient is 0.4.
The design value of the upwards destabilising seepage force is given by:
γ H + q 19 × 10 + 0 190
N= = = = 6.33
cu 30 30
The ratio of depth to diameter, H /D = 10/6 = 1.67, therefore from the
design chart in Figure 4.4, N c = 8.2.
Therefore, the factor of safety is given by:
Nc 8.2
= = 1.30
N 6.33
This is insufficient for a design to Eurocode 7, which requires a factor
of safety of 1.4. The maximum depth may only be found by trial and
error, because each time the depth is changed, both N and Nc change.
Stability of shafts 133
For a depth of 9 m:
19 × 9
N= = 5.7
And for H /D = 9/6 = 1.5, N c = 8.1. Therefore, the factor of safety is given by:
N c 8.1
= = 1.42
N 5.7
Thus, a depth of 9 m is an acceptable design.
λw = 1 + 0.435 (4.19)
λw is the modification factor for wall embedment below excavation level
hw is the wall embedment depth below excavation level in m
H is the excavation depth in m
γ H + q 20 × 20 + 10 410
N= = = = 5.86
cu 70 70
The ratio of depth to diameter, H /D = 20/20 = 1.0, therefore from the
design chart in Figure 4.4, N c = 7.6.
If the shaft walls had zero embedment, the factor of safety would be
7.6/5.86 = 1.30. This would not be sufficient if we were designing to
Eurocode 7.
Using Equation 4.19 to calculate the modification factor for wall
embedment depth:
hw 10
λw = 1 + 0.435 = 1 + 0.435 = 1.22
H 20
Therefore, the modified critical stability ratio is:
Table 4.2 Partial factors for use in the uplift ultimate limit state (UPL) from
Table A.15 of Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013) and from
Table A.NA.15 of the UK National Annex to Eurocode 7 (NA+A1:2014 to
BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013).
Symbol Table A.15 Table A.NA.15
Permanent Unfavourable γG,dst 1.0 1.1
Permanent Favourable γG,stb 0.9 0.9
Variable Unfavourable γQ,dst 1.5 1.5
Variable Favourable γQ,stb 0 0
The stabilising force in this case is the weight of the lower permeability
layer plus any surcharge acting at the base of the excavation. The design
value is calculated by multiplying the total vertical stress at the base of
the lower permeability layer by the partial factor for permanent favourable
actions in Table 4.2.
The destabilising force is the groundwater pressure at the base of the
lower permeability layer. The design value is calculated by multiplying the
groundwater pressure by the partial factor for permanent unfavourable
actions in Table 4.2.
a piezometric level 10 m below the ground surface. The clay has a bulk
unit weight of 20 kN/m3 and a characteristic value of undrained shear
strength of 60 kPa.
Calculate the pore pressure at the base of the clay. Then calculate the
design values of destabilising and stabilising forces. Does the design pass
the ultimate limit state for uplift failure according to Eurocode 7?
Figure 4.5 Worked Example 4.5 underpinned shaft at risk of uplift failure during
u = γ w h = 10 × 15 = 150 kPa
The stabilising force is the weight of the clay. The total vertical stress at
the base of the clay below the shaft excavation is given by:
Further question: At what excavation depth will the shaft fail the uplift
ultimate limit state?
Let z be the depth of excavation. The thickness of the clay will be
given by:
tclay = 25 − z
The groundwater pressure at the base of the clay is unchanged and so the
destabilising force is also unchanged. The ultimate limit state is reached
when the design value of the stabilising force equals the design value of
the destabilising force:
z = 15.83 m
So the shaft will fail the ultimate limit state for uplift when the excava-
tion has reached 15.83 m depth.
It seems intuitively unlikely that the shaft would fail in uplift with
a 9 m thickness of reasonably strong clay below the base of the exca-
vation. This is because we have neglected the fact that we would need
to mobilise quite large shear surfaces in the clay to make this failure
actually happen. Eurocode 7 allows for including this by using the
term R d in Equation 4.20.
We do not know the geometry of a large-scale uplift failure. A
numerical or physical model could be used to find the most likely
failure geometry, but to my knowledge nothing has been published on
this subject. To start with we could assume a cylindrical failure with
vertical sides equal to the thickness of clay and a diameter equal to the
internal diameter of the shaft.
The value of shear resistance on this surface would be equal to the
characteristic value of undrained shear strength multiplied by the surface
area of the cylinder. This could be added to the weight of the cylinder to
give the total stabilising force, as shown in Figure 4.6.
138 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 4.6 Worked Example 4.5 Shaft section showing forces for uplift failure.
cu 60
Rd = π Dtclay = π × 10 × 5 × = 6732 kN
γ cu 1.4
where γcu is the partial factor for undrained shear strength resistance
from Table A.16 of Eurocode 7, and is equal to 1.4.
In this case we need to calculate Vdst;d and Gstb;d as forces rather than
π D2
Vdst ;d = γ G,dst × u = 1.1 × 150 × 78.54 = 12959 kN
π D2
Gstb;d = γ G,stb × σ v = 0.9 × 100 × 78.54 = 7069 kN
The combined value of Rd + Gstb;d is now greater than Vdst;d, so the design
passes the ultimate limit state and is acceptable.
Remember that ‘design values’ are determined by applying the partial fac-
tors from Table 4.2 to characteristic values of the forces.
The stabilising force in this case is the weight of the shaft lining and
base slab plus any additional permanent weight within the shaft already
installed at the time of base slab construction, such as intermediate slabs,
roof slab or secondary lining. The design value is calculated by multiplying
the total weight by the partial factor for permanent favourable actions in
Table 4.2.
140 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
The destabilising force is the groundwater pressure under the base slab.
The design value is calculated by multiplying the groundwater pressure by
the partial factor for permanent unfavourable actions in Table 4.2.
The additional resistance to uplift is the friction between the shaft lining
and the surrounding ground. This friction is similar to shaft friction of a
bored pile, and so a similar methodology can be used.
Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013) only allows pile design based
on static pile tests, or on the results of static pile tests ‘in comparable situ-
ations’. Unless we have pile test data available, the best we can do for most
shaft designs is to make a cautious estimate of the friction based on empir-
ical knowledge of bored pile shaft friction in tension in similar ground
conditions and depths, and the soil parameters obtained from site inves-
tigation. This is a large subject area, and depends greatly on the type and
quality of site investigation data available and local experience of pile test-
ing. You will need to do some research. The simplest method is described
in this chapter, based on soil shear strength data from laboratory tests, but
this should be used only for preliminary design.
Depending on the construction method of the shaft, the interface between
the lining and the ground will be disturbed or softened to a greater or
lesser degree. A review of shaft sinking methods can be found in Allenby
& Kilburn (2015). Underpinned shafts may cause more unloading of the
ground, but are usually grouted after installation of each ring, providing
a good and rough contact between the cut ground and the grout. Shafts
underpinned using cast concrete or shotcrete will have a similar interface.
Caisson-sinking usually entails keeping an annulus filled with benton-
ite slurry between the lining and the ground until the required depth is
reached, at which point the annulus is grouted. Therefore, the ground at
the perimeter may have been remoulded by the cutting edge and softened
by the slurry. Note that shafts are larger and shaft sinking invariably takes
longer than installation of a single pile, and so soil softening and distur-
bance will likely be more significant.
In clay soils in the short-term, the shaft friction for bored piles can be
estimated from the following equation:
fs = α cu (4.22)
The value of the interface coefficient α is empirical and can vary from
around 0.3 to 1.0 (Craig, 1997). A typical value for a bored pile in stiff fis-
sured clays is 0.45 (Skempton, 1959; Fleming, 1997).
Stability of shafts 141
The effective vertical stress is usually assumed to be the in situ value prior
to construction. If the groundwater level has changed, this should be taken
into account.
The coefficient of earth pressure at the shaft-ground interface can be
calculated using Jaky’s formula for normally consolidated soils:
Ks = 1 − sinφ ′ (4.24)
Sometimes pile designers use the normally consolidated value even for over-
consolidated soils (Powrie, 1997). This provides a conservative value for
overconsolidated soils and would allow for stress relief and remoulding of
the soil at the pile perimeter.
The angle of friction of the shaft-ground interface δ will depend on
the properties of the interface, and some judgement may be required
to take into account the method of shaft construction. For most bored
piles in cohesionless soil, δ can be assumed to be approximately equal to
the angle of friction ϕ ′ of the soil. Powrie (1997) recommends that this
should be the critical state value rather than the peak value. In clays, δ
may be lower, and has been taken as 12° to 16° for London Clay, for
example (Fleming, 1997).
142 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 4.7 Worked Example 4.6 shaft at risk of uplift failure after base slab
Note that for this design to work, the base slab needs sufficient bend-
ing moment and shear capacity to withstand the groundwater pressure,
and there needs to be shear transfer between the base slab and the shaft
lining, provided by shear keys, dowels, or by excavating the base slab
under the last ring.
Stability of shafts 143
u = γ w h = 10 × 10 = 100 kPa
This time we will use forces rather than stresses. Let A be the area of the
shaft base. The design value of the destabilising force is given by:
Vdst ;d = γ G,dst × u × A = 1.1 × 100 × π = 21295.2 kN
The stabilising force is the weight of the shaft lining and base slab. This
is given by:
15 2
( )
Gstb = γ conc × Vbase + Vlining = 24 × π × 2 + π × 15.35 × 0.35 × 12
Since Vdst ;d > Gstb;d , we need to consider the additional resistance provided
by friction between the lining and the ground.
It is usual practice to fill an annulus between the shaft lining and the
ground with bentonite slurry during caisson sinking. Once the required
depth has been reached, the bentonite is replaced by cementitious grout.
Therefore, the friction between the grouted lining and the ground should
be similar to a bored pile.
Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013) only allows pile design based
on static pile tests, or on the results of static pile tests ‘in comparable
situations’ (Frank et al., 2005). To estimate the friction between the shaft
lining and the ground, the best we can do for most shaft designs is to
make a cautious estimate of the friction based on empirical knowledge of
bored pile shaft friction in tension in similar soil, and the soil parameters
obtained from site investigation.
Table A.NA.16 of the UK National Annex to Eurocode 7 (NA+A1:2014
to BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013) specifies partial factors for uplift on
soil parameters and resistances.
144 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
According to this table, the tangent of the soil’s angle of friction should
be divided by 1.25.
Also, the rules of A.3.3.2 and A.3.3.3 relating to piles should be
followed, where correlation factors are specified to account for the
number of tests. For mean characteristic strengths based on three pro-
files, the correlation factor ξ3 = 1.42 . This is the UK value, and you
should look up the National Annex of the country the project is in for
the appropriate value.
A.3.3.2 of the UK National Annex also says that where ground test
results are used to calculate characteristic resistances, a model factor
should be applied, equal to 1.4.
The interface angle of friction, for sand and gravel, we will assume is
equal to the soil’s internal angle of friction. Therefore:
tanφ ′ tan35°
tanδ = = = 0.394
ξ3γ s;tγ φ ′ 1.42 × 1.0 × 1.25
= 9.08 kPa
The effective stress σ v′ is taken as the average value over the depth of the
shaft, i.e. at 6 m depth. In a more complex geological situation you may
need to calculate values of shaft friction for slices of the shaft and add
them together.
The design value for stabilising resistance due to shaft friction Rd is
If the base slab thickness were increased to 4 m thick, then the ground-
water pressure acting on the underside of the base slab increases to
120 kPa and the design value of destabilising force becomes:
Vdst ;d = γ G,dst × u × A = 1.1 × 120 × π = 25554 kN
The stabilising force is increased as the weight of the base slab is larger,
and is now:
15 2
( )
Gstb = γ conc × Vbase + Vlining = 24 × π × 4 + π × 15.35 × 0.35 × 14
The shaft is deeper, so the average vertical effective stress is larger, which
increases the shaft friction:
The design value for stabilising resistance due to shaft friction Rd is also
increased as the shaft depth is increased to 14 m:
This is now greater than the design destabilising force of 25554 kN and
so the design is now adequate.
During excavation, clay soils in the base of a shaft will be unloaded, i.e.
there will be a decrease in total stress. This unloading will be experienced in
the short-term as a decrease in pore pressure. In the long-term, pore water
146 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
will gradually flow from surrounding areas until these negative excess pore
pressures are dissipated. When this happens, the clay will increase in vol-
ume. Under the base of a shaft, this swelling will generate heave pressures,
trying to push the base of the shaft upwards.
There is more than one failure scenario to consider. The base slab may
fail in bending or shear due to the heave pressure. If the base slab does not
fail, it is also possible that the whole shaft could be pushed upwards out
of the ground, which could cause serviceability or structural problems for
utility connections or tunnel junctions, or indeed for any headhouse or
other structure constructed on top of the shaft.
The risk of heave may be mitigated by laying compressible void formers
on the ground before casting the base slab. Then the clay can swell without
applying pressure to the base slab. In large shafts, tension piles may be used
to anchor the base slab.
• In drained soils, upwards seepage forces can push the soil particles
apart causing hydraulic failure (also known as ‘boiling’ or ‘quicksand’
or ‘hydraulic heave’), resulting in a complete loss of bearing capacity.
• In undrained soils, the base can fail if the shear stresses exceed the
undrained shear strength along failure surfaces, in a similar manner
to undrained stability failure of a tunnel heading.
• As excavation progresses, a low permeability soil overlying a higher
permeability soil can be pushed upwards due to trapped groundwater
pressure, causing uplift failure.
• If groundwater pressure can build up under a shaft base slab, a shaft may
be pushed up out of the ground. This is another form of uplift failure.
• Long-term heave pressures may build up beneath a base slab due to
swelling of the clay, which may push the shaft upwards. It is likely
that this will be a serviceability issue, but it could in some cases cause
a structural failure.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-5 151
152 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Xk = X m − S (5.1)
154 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Xk = Xm − 0.5S (5.2)
Where the zone of ground governing the occurrence of the limit state is
more than 20 times larger than the scale of fluctuation, then a cautious
estimate of the true mean value can be used. Where the zone of ground gov-
erning the occurrence of the limit state is smaller or of similar magnitude to
the scale of fluctuation, then a cautious estimate of the 5th percentile value
can be used. If we are between these two cases, or where we suspect that
failure may follow a path of least resistance, then we may wish to model
spatial variation of parameters explicitly.
Spatial variation can be modelled explicitly by using a Monte Carlo
method to assign random values of the parameters to different zones
within a model. The model is run many times with different randomly
generated variations of parameters. This is sometimes called the ‘random
156 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 5.2 An example of real undrained shear strength test data, sample size n = 66.
Stability and Eurocode 7 157
The design approach and partial factors used depend on the country of
application, but generally speaking, partial factors are applied either to the
strength parameters or to the effect of actions. In the United Kingdom,
Design Approach 1 must be used, as required by the UK National Annex
to Eurocode 7 (NA+A1:2014 to BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013). Design
Approach 1 has two combinations as described in Eurocode 7 clause (EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013).
Applying Design Approach 1 to undrained tunnel stability means that the
factor of safety Nc/N must be greater than 1.35 (Combination 1) and the
tunnel face must be stable when the characteristic value of undrained shear
strength is divided by 1.4 (Combination 2). By inspection of Equation 2.1 in
Chapter 2, it is clear that both these combinations will have the same effect,
except Combination 1 requires a factor of safety of 1.35 and Combination 2
requires 1.4. Therefore, Combination 2 will always be the critical case.
Applying Design Approach 1 to drained stability is a little more tricky.
The in situ pore pressure should be well known from the ground investi-
gation, and as long as a cautious estimate of the piezometric level is made
based on seasonal and, where appropriate, tidal variations relevant to
the construction period, no safety factor is required. Therefore, only the
drained shear strength parameters c and ϕ should be factored by dividing
c and tan ϕ by 1.25 according to Design Approach 1 Combination 2 (EN
158 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Bond, A. & Harris, A. (2008). Decoding Eurocode 7. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
EN 1990:2002 +A1:2005 (2010). Eurocode – Basis of structural design, incor-
porating corrigenda December 2008 and April 2010. Brussels: European
Committee for Standardization.
EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013. Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design – part 1: gen-
eral rules, incorporating corrigendum February 2009. Brussels: European
Committee for Standardization.
Fenton, G. A. & Griffiths, D. V. (2007). Review of probability theory, random
variables and random fields. Probabilistic methods in geotechnical engi-
neering (eds Griffiths, D. V. & Fenton, G. A.), CISM Courses and Lectures
No. 491, pp. 1–69. New York/Wien: Springer.
Griffiths, D. V. & Fenton, G. A. (2007). The Random Finite Element Method
(RFEM) in slope stability. Probabilistic methods in geotechnical engineering
(eds Griffiths, D. V. & Fenton, G. A.), CISM Courses and Lectures No. 491,
pp. 317–346. New York/Wien: Springer.
Hicks, M. A. & Nuttall, J. D. (2012). Influence of soil heterogeneity on geotechni-
cal performance and uncertainty: a stochastic view on EC7. Proc. 10th Int.
Probabilistic Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany (eds Moorman, C., Huber, M.
& Proske, D.), Mitteilung 67, pp. 215–228. Stuttgart: Institut für Geotechnik
der Universität Stuttgart.
Jones, B. D. (2015). Probabilistic methods. Tunnelling Journal, October/November
issue, 26–29.
Masoudian, M. S., Afrapoli, M. A. H., Tasalloti, A. & Marshall, A. M. (2019).
A general framework for coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of rainfall-
induced instability in unsaturated slopes with multivariate random fields.
Comput. Geotech. 115, paper 103162, 1–12.
NA+A1:2014 to BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013. UK National Annex to Eurocode
7: Geotechnical design – Part 1: General rules, incorporating corrigendum
February 2009. British Standards Institution.
Papaioannou, I., Heidkamp, H., Düster, A., Rank, E. & Katz, C. (2009). Random
field reliability analysis as a means for risk assessment in tunnelling. Proc.
2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Tunnelling, Ruhr Universität
Bochum, Germany. Aedificatio Publishers.
Phoon, K. -K. & Kulhawy, F. H. (1999a). Characterization of geotechnical vari-
ability. Can. Geot. J. 36, 612–624.
Phoon, K. -K. & Kulhawy, F. H. (1999b). Evaluation of geotechnical property vari-
ability. Can. Geot. J. 36, 625–639.
Schneider, H. R. (1999). Determination of characteristic soil properties. Proc. XII
European Conf. on Soil Mech. & Geot. Engrg – Geotechnical Engineering for
Transportation Infrastructure: Theory and Practice, Planning and Design,
Construction and Maintenance (eds Barends, F. B. J. et al.), Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, pp. 273–281. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Schneider, H. R. & Fitze, P. (2011). Characteristic shear strength values for EC7:
guidelines based on a statistical framework. Proc. XV European Conf. on
Soil Mech. & Geot. Engrg, Athens, Greece, Vol. 4.
Chapter 6
This chapter describes the global design of tunnels and shafts, taking
account of soil-structure interaction, to give estimates of forces in the tun-
nel lining. Details, particularly pertaining to segmental linings, such as
joints, bolts, gaskets and reinforcement, will be dealt with in Chapters 9
and 10, and Chapter 11 will focus on sprayed concrete. You should be
aware though, that details such as joints can have an important effect on
the flexibility of the lining, so this current chapter should not be used in
A robust, rational and efficient design process should start with very sim-
ple calculations and gradually introduce layers of complexity. In this way,
the sensitivity of the design to each layer of complexity may be assessed,
errors or bugs in spreadsheets or numerical models easily found and gross
errors avoided.
For example, a simple wished-in-place equilibrium calculation allows
an upper bound to the hoop force to be obtained very quickly. This
may be followed by an analytical solution that includes soil-structure
interaction and will calculate bending moments, and a slightly lower
hoop force. The next stage may be to introduce 3D effects via the con-
vergence-confinement method. All these calculations can be easily done
by hand or in a spreadsheet. Only after all these simple methods have
been exhausted and you have a very good feel for the problem should
you start using numerical analysis in 2D and 3D to introduce fur-
ther layers of complexity, such as nonlinear soil and lining behaviour,
non-circular tunnel shapes and interaction with other tunnels or
After working through this chapter, you will understand:
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-6 159
160 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 6.1 Wished-in-place equilibrium to calculate (a) hoop force at axis or (b) hoop
force at crown and invert.
Global design using analytical solutions 161
To calculate the hoop force at axis in Figure 6.1(a), the vertical total stress
at axis level should be used, because although the initial in situ stress at
the invert will be higher than at the crown, the tunnel must be in equilib-
rium, so the tunnel will be pushed upwards until the ground pressure on
the crown equals the ground pressure on the invert. This is a simplifica-
tion and not strictly true, because shear stresses between the lining and
the ground can also be generated. Therefore, the vertical stress on the top
of the tunnel can be different to the vertical stress on the bottom of the
tunnel. It is also simple to add in the effect of the weight of the tunnel
lining if you wish.
Figure 6.1(b) could also be made slightly more sophisticated by making
the horizontal total stress increase with depth and applying the average
value above axis level to calculate the crown hoop force and the average
value below axis level to calculate the invert hoop force. Although it might
be tempting to make things more complicated at this point, the whole ratio-
nale for this kind of basic initial analysis is that it may easily be done on
the back of an envelope, or even in one’s head, so it is better to keep things
simple, unless the tunnel is particularly large and shallow. The equilibrium
equations are given by:
To calculate the hoop stress, the hoop force, which is in kN/m, need only
be divided by the thickness of the lining.
Thus, a very simple calculation provides us with a conservative estimate
of the hoop force in the tunnel lining. Bearing in mind of course that we
have not yet introduced the relaxation of stress in the ground prior to instal-
lation of the lining, or the interaction between the lining and the ground
once the lining is installed, and we have no way of calculating bending
moments in the lining.
162 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
average horizontal ground pressure on the top half as 360 kPa and on
the bottom half as 440 kPa, resulting in a hoop force at the crown of
1440 kN/m and at the invert of 1760 kN/m.
At axis, hoop stress is given by the hoop thrust divided by the cross-
sectional area. Since the hoop thrust is already expressed in units per
metre length of tunnel, this is given by:
N axis 1600
σ axis = = = 5333 kPa = 5.33 MPa
t 0.3
For varying horizontal in situ stress with depth, at the crown the hoop
stress would be:
N crown 1440
σ crown = = = 4800 kPa = 4.80 MPa
t 0.3
and at the invert it would be:
N invert 1760 kN/m
σ invert = = = 5867 kPa = 5.87MPa
t 0.3 m
W 174.2
σ v(crown) = σ v0 − = 400 − = 389.1 kPa
4r0 16
164 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
W 174.2
σ v( invert ) = σ v0 + = 400 + = 410.9 kPa
4r0 16
So, the effect of the ring weight is quite small, and generally, if one
assumes it is weightless (as many more sophisticated methods such as the
Curtis-Muir Wood equations do), the error is not large unless the tunnel
is very large and shallow.
σ v0 = 5 × 15 + 30 × 20 = 675 kPa
u0 = 30 × 10 = 300 kPa
Global design using analytical solutions 165
N cr ,inv 843.75
= = 4.22 N/mm 2
0.2 0.2
At axis level the hoop stress is given by:
N axis 1012.5
= = 5.06 N/mm 2
0.2 0.2
Note that when K0 < 1.0, the hoop force at axis is larger than the hoop
force at the crown or invert. When K0 > 1.0, the hoop force at axis is
smaller than the hoop force at the crown or invert.
Table 6.1 Notation used in the Curtis-Muir Wood analytical solution (Continued).
η Ratio of radius of lining centroid to that of extrados
θ Angle from crown (also as suffix to denote circumferential
ν Poisson’s ratio for the ground
νl Poisson’s ratio for the lining
σ v , σ h Pre-existing vertical and horizontal stress in undisturbed ground
σr , σθ , σz , τrθ Radial, tangential and out-of-plane normal stress and shear stress
in the ground using polar coordinates
εr , εθ , εz Radial, tangential and out-of-plane strain in the ground using
polar coordinates
Figure 6.4
Boundary conditions and ground stresses in the Curtis-Muir Wood
P0 = σ v − σ h (6.3)
cos2θ (6.4)
which varies with angle θ from the crown as shown in Figure 6.5.
So at the crown, where θ = 0°, the distortional stress is (σ v − σ h ) /2, and
at axis level, where θ = 90°, the distortional stress is − (σ v − σ h ) /2. Try it for
different values of θ.
It follows from the definition of distortional stress that the
uniform stress Pu is the average of the vertical and horizontal stresses,
i.e. (σ v + σ h ) /2.
170 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
If stresses Snc and Stc are the normal and shear stresses in the ground
around the opening, such that:
Snc = Stc = (6.5)
then the normal stress Snc cos2θ acts normally around the opening
and − Stc sin2θ acts tangentially around the opening. The minus sign is
because for θ = 0 at the crown and positive clockwise, Mohr’s circle gives
negative shear acting on the lining for 0 < θ < π /2. The arrow in Figure 6.6
shows the magnitude and direction of the shear.
φ = ( ar 2 + br 4 + cr −2 + d ) cos2θ (6.6)
ϕ is a stress field
a, b, c and d are constants
We hypothesise that the solution has the form of Airy’s stress function
and we calculate the values of the constants a, b, c and d using equations
derived from the boundary conditions and Hooke’s Law. This will give us
expressions for ground displacements around a circular opening.
In polar coordinates the radial, tangential and shear stresses in the
ground are given by:
1 ∂φ 1 ∂2 φ
σr = + (6.7)
r ∂r r 2 ∂θ 2
∂2 φ
σθ = (6.8)
∂r 2
∂ 1 ∂φ
τ rθ = − (6.9)
∂r r ∂θ
a + 3cr0−4 + 2dr0−2 = − (6.13)
a + 3br02 − 3cr0−4 − dr0−2 = − (6.14)
172 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
− Sn r04 2dr02
c= − (6.17)
6 3
Inserting Equation 6.17 into 6.14 gives:
S + St 2
d = − n r (6.18)
2 0
( Sn + 2St ) r04 (6.19)
r4 r2
σ r = − ( 2St + Sn ) 04 + 2 ( Sn + St ) 02 cos2θ (6.20)
r r
σ θ = ( Sn + 2St ) 04 cos2θ (6.21)
r4 r2
τ rθ = − ( Sn + 2St ) 04 + ( Sn + St ) 02 sin2θ (6.22)
r r
Now, for plane strain, where the strain in the longitudinal tunnel axis
direction (here denoted with subscript z) is assumed to be zero, Hooke’s
Law in polar cylindrical coordinates gives us the following three equations:
εr = σ r − ν (σ θ + σ z ) (6.23)
Global design using analytical solutions 173
εθ = σ θ − ν (σ r + σ z ) (6.24)
εz = σ z − ν (σ r + σ θ ) = 0 (6.25)
σ z = ν (σ r + σ θ ) (6.26)
(1 + ν ) 1 − ν σ − νσ (6.27)
εr =
E ( ) r θ
(1 + ν ) 1 − ν σ − νσ (6.28)
εθ =
E ( ) θ r
Now, substituting values of σθ and σr from Equations 6.20 and 6.21 into
Equations 6.27 and 6.28, and then simplifying the expressions, gives:
εr = (6.31)
1 ∂uθ
εθ = + ur (6.32)
r ∂θ
174 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Equations 6.33 and 6.34, when combined with the displacements due to
uniform compression (coming up later), are identical to the ‘Kirsch prob-
lem’ for an infinite elastic plate with a hole, adapted to plane strain (see e.g.
Jaeger & Cook, 1976 or Hoek & Brown, 1980).
When r = r0, i.e. at the periphery of the opening or the extrados of the
lining, the deformations are obtained.
Radial deformation at the periphery of the opening, when r = r0:
− r0 (1 + ν )
u0r = ( 5 − 6ν ) Snc + ( 4 − 6ν ) Stc cos2θ (6.35)
Tangential deformation at the periphery of the opening, when r = r0:
r0 (1 + ν )
u0θ = ( 4 − 6ν ) Snc + ( 5 − 6ν ) Stc sin2θ (6.36)
By substituting Equation 6.5 into 6.35 and 6.36, we get Equations 6.37 and
6.38, which describe the elastic elliptical deformation of the ground due to
distortional stress:
− r0 (1 + ν ) P
u0rc = (3 − 4ν ) 0 cos2θ (6.37)
Ec 2
r0 (1 + ν ) P
u0θ c = (3 − 4ν ) 0 sin2θ (6.38)
Ec 2
Global design using analytical solutions 175
Nθ =0 = r0
∫ ( S cos2θ sinθ − S sin2θ cosθ ) dθ (6.39)
n t
Mθ =0 = r02
∫ ( S cos2θ sinθ + S sin2θ (1 − cosθ )) dθ (6.40)
n t
π π
− ( sin2θ sinθ + 2cos2θ cosθ ) 2 2
sin2θ cosθ dθ =
= (6.42)
0 3
4 π
cos2θ cosθ + 2sin2θ sinθ 2 1
cos2θ sinθ dθ =
3 = − 3 (6.43)
π π
− ( sin2θ sinθ + 2cos2θ cosθ ) 2 2
sin2θ cosθ dθ =
= (6.44)
0 3
∫sin2θ dθ = 2 (6.45)
− r0
Nθ =0 = ( Sn + 2St ) (6.46)
Mθ =0 = (2Sn + St ) (6.47)
And it follows that:
− r0
N = Nθ =0 cos2θ = ( Sn + 2St ) cos2θ (6.48)
M = Mθ =0 cos2θ = (2Sn + St ) cos2θ (6.49)
Morgan (1961) also showed that the radial deformation of a thin inex-
tensible lining deforming elliptically is given by:
− Mr02
ul = (6.50)
Substituting for M in Equation 6.50 using the expression in Equation 6.49
gives radial deformation of the lining:
− r04
ul = (2Sn + St ) cos2θ (6.51)
− r0 (1 + ν )
u0 = (5 − 6ν ) Sn cos2θ (6.53)
3 (3 − 4ν ) P0 /2
Sn = (6.54)
5 − 6ν + 4Q2
178 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Ec 1 r03
Q2 = (6.55)
E (1 + ν ) 12I
Nd =
− P0 r0 (3 − 4ν ) cos2θ (6.56)
2 ( 5 − 6ν + 4Q2 )
P0 r02 (3 − 4ν ) cos2θ (6.57)
2 ( 5 − 6ν + 4Q2 )
Sn =
(1 − Q2 ) P0 /2
3 − 2ν (6.58)
1 + Q2
3 − 4ν
St =
(1 + 2Q2 ) P0 /2
3 − 2ν (6.59)
1 + Q2
3 − 4ν
Putting Sn and St into Equations 6.48 and 6.49, we can calculate thrust and
moment due to distortional load when there is no slip allowed between the
lining and the ground.
section we will calculate the effects of uniform load only. Since the analysis
is elastic, we can simply superpose the effects of distortional load and uni-
form load to get the final result. The uniform load will only affect the axial
thrust N. It will not affect the moment M, because a uniform compression
of a circular lining will not generate any bending moments.
First, calculate the uniform loading from the ground:
σv +σh
Pu = (6.60)
There is an interaction, and in effect the ground will share some of this load
through arching around the opening, so the thrust due to uniform loading
is not equal to the uniform loading multiplied by the radius of the tunnel,
but less than this.
The relative stiffness of the ground and lining determines how much
of the load is taken by the lining. This was called the ‘compressibility
factor’, Rc, by Muir Wood (1975) and called Q1 by Curtis (1974), and is
given by:
ηr0 Ec (1 − ν l2 )
Rc = (6.61)
tE (1 + ν )
Ec (1 − ν l2 ) rm
Rc = (6.62)
E (1 + ν ) t
The axial hoop force N u due to uniform loading can be calculated using the
following equation:
r0 Pu
Nu = (6.63)
1 + Rc
The equations are now all derived. The following worked example will
show how they are used to calculate the hoop force and bending moment
in a tunnel lining.
180 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Table 6.2 Soil and lining parameters for Worked Example 6.3.
Parameter Value Units Description
Ec 80 MPa Young’s modulus of the soil
ν 0.5 - Poisson’s ratio of the soil
σv 300 kPa Vertical in situ total stress
σh 210 kPa Horizontal in situ total stress
r0 3 m Radius to extrados
E 20 GPa Young’s modulus of the lining
t 0.3 m Thickness of the lining
I 0.00225 m4 Second moment of area of the lining
νl 0.2 - Poisson’s ratio of the lining
Uniform compression:
First, calculate the direct compression of the lining due to uniform load
(see Section 6.3.7):
σ v + σ h 300 + 210
Pu = = = 255 kPa
2 2
r0 Pu 3 × 255
Nu = = = 746.84 kN/m
1 + Rc 1 + 0.02432
Global design using analytical solutions 181
Ec 1 r03 80 × 103 1 33
Q2 = = = 2.667 m −1
E (1 + ν ) 12I 20 × 10 (1 + 0.5) 12 × 0.00225
− P0 r0 (3 − 4ν ) −90 × 3 (3 − 4 × 0.5)
Nd = cos2θ = cos2θ
2 5 − 6ν + 4Q2 2 5 − 6 × 0.5 + 4 × 2.667
= −10.658cos2θ
Now we can calculate the hoop force N, which is the sum of the distor-
tional load (Equation 6.56) and the uniform load (Equation 6.63):
N = N u + N d = 746.84 − 10.658cos2θ
Sn =
(1 − Q2 ) P0 /2 =
(1 − 2.667 ) × 90/2 = −11.842 kN/m
3 − 2ν 3 − 2 × 0.5
1 + Q2 1 + 2.667 ×
3 − 4ν 3 − 4 × 0.5
St =
(1 + 2Q2 ) P0 /2 =
(1 + 2 × 2.667 ) × 90/2 = 45 kN/m
3 − 2ν 3 − 2 × 0.5
1 + Q2 1 + Q2
3 − 4ν 3 − 4 × 0.5
182 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Inserting values for Sn and St into Equations 6.48 and 6.49 gives:
− r0
Nd =
( Sn + 2St ) cos2θ = −33 ( −11.842 + 2 × 45) cos2θ = −78.158cos2θ kN/m
r02 32
( (
2Sn + St ) cos2θ =
2 × ( −11.842) + 45 cos2θ = 31.974cos2θ kN/m
The total hoop force N for the ‘no slip’ case is given by:
N = N u + N d = 746.84 − 78.158cos2θ kN/m
Note that the bending moments are the same in both the ‘full slip’
and ‘no slip’ cases. This only happens when the Poisson’s ratio of the
ground is equal to 0.5.
The bending moment is low compared to the hoop force. This is nearly
always the case and the section is likely to be mainly in compression in
most cases, making design of tunnel linings in lightly reinforced or unre-
inforced concrete possible.
The variation of hoop force around the lining is higher when the no
slip condition is in force. This is because the higher vertical stress is trans-
ferred to the lining via interface shear even where the angle of incidence
is high, whereas in the full slip condition, the stress is redistributed more.
If the ground stiffness were increased, the effect would be to reduce
both hoop forces and bending moments in the lining. Interestingly, if
the ground stiffness were very low, and the no slip condition were in
force, the solution would approach the wished-in-place perfectly stiff lin-
ing situation described in the question with 900 kN/m hoop force at axis
and 630 kN/m hoop force at the crown and invert.
Figure 6.9 shows the effect of ground stiffness, which serves to redis-
tribute loads and, with higher ground stiffness, to reduce them. A ground
stiffness of 80 MPa would be typical of a stiff overconsolidated clay such
as London Clay at strains of around 0.1%. A ground stiffness of 800 MPa
would be typical for a soft rock such as chalk or weak sandstone.
Figure 6.9 Worked Example 6.3 hoop forces at different values of ground stiffness Ec.
184 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
may be omitted in the crown of the tunnel, as Schulze & Duddeck (1964)
did, and as shown in Figure 6.10.
Bedded beam models may also be implemented in a structural frame
analysis software package. One advantage of bedded beam models is
that they do allow non-circular linings to be quickly and easily modelled
and are therefore still used in preliminary design of sprayed concrete
In 2D, these models can be used to simulate a solid monolithic ring with
full rigidity or with a reduced moment of inertia to take account of joints
in a segmental lining. Alternatively, joints can be modelled by introducing
a rotational spring and tangential shear springs at joint locations. This will
be discussed in Chapter 9.
In 3D bedded beam models, springs can also be added in the longitu-
dinal direction to simulate longitudinal shear between the lining and the
ground, and circumferential joints may also be added. It is usual to stagger
the radial joints in adjacent rings in real tunnels, and so this should also be
modelled. More details may be found in Chapter 9.
Q6.2. Use the same tunnel geometry as in Question Q6.1, except with
the groundwater level 3 m below the ground surface and K0 = 0.6.
Assume the bulk unit weight of the sand and gravel is unchanged.
Calculate the following:
i. What is the in situ vertical effective stress at tunnel axis level?
ii. What is the in situ horizontal effective stress at tunnel axis level?
iii. What is the in situ horizontal total stress at tunnel axis level?
iv. Using the basic method of applying the in situ total stress
directly to the lining (assuming the lining is wished-in-place
and perfectly stiff), what is the hoop thrust at axis per metre
length of tunnel? Ignore the self-weight of the lining.
v. Using the basic method of applying the in situ total stress
directly to the lining, what is the hoop thrust at crown and
invert per metre length of tunnel, using the in situ stress cal-
culated at axis level?
vi. Using the Curtis-Muir Wood solution, calculate the hoop
thrust per metre length of lining as a function of the form
A + Bcos2 θ, using the elastic parameters and tunnel lining
described in Question 6.1(v), for the no slip case.
vii. Using the Curtis-Muir Wood solution, calculate the bending
moment per metre length of lining as a function of cos2θ,
using the elastic parameters and tunnel lining described in
Question 6.1(v), for the no slip case.
viii. Sketch a graph plotting hoop thrust per metre length of lining
on the y-axis and polar angle θ (clockwise from the crown
of the tunnel) on the x-axis from 0 to 180° (crown to invert),
marking the maximum and minimum values of hoop thrust.
There should be no need to calculate intermediate points.
Q6.3. A 12 m internal diameter shaft 40 m deep is to be constructed
using a shotcrete lining 0.35 m thick in stiff overconsolidated
clay. Assume the Young’s modulus of the shotcrete is 30 GPa
and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The London Clay has a Young’s
modulus that increases with depth according to the relation-
ship Ec = 20 + 3.2z [GPa]. It has a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 and
K0 = 0.8. Pore pressures are hydrostatic with the water table 5 m
below the surface.
i. Set up a spreadsheet to calculate hoop force and bending
moment using the Curtis-Muir Wood solution.
ii. Calculate the horizontal total stress at 10, 20, 30 and 40 m
iii. Assuming that the horizontal stress in the minor principal
direction is 0.8 times the value in the major principal direc-
tion, calculate the hoop forces and bending moments at 10,
20, 30 and 40 m depth in the short-term undrained case.
Remember that the soil stiffness is increasing with depth.
Global design using analytical solutions 189
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Morgan, H. D. (1961). A contribution to the analysis of stress in a circular tunnel.
Géotechnique 11, 37–46.
Muir Wood, A. M. (1975). The circular tunnel in elastic ground. Géotechnique 25,
No. 1, 115–117.
Schulze, H. & Duddeck, H. (1964). Spannungen in Schildvorgetriebenen Tunneln.
Beton- und Stahlbeton 59, 169–175.
Timoshenko, S. P. & Goodier, J. N. (1970). Theory of elasticity, 3rd Edition –
International Student Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Tomlinson, M. J. (1995). Foundation design and construction, 6th Edition.
Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.
Chapter 7
There are two main types of numerical analysis that are suitable for the
routine design of tunnels in soft ground: the finite element method and the
finite difference method. The finite element method, broadly speaking, cre-
ates a large number of equations from considerations of equilibrium, com-
patibility, constitutive behaviour and boundary conditions. It puts all the
equations into a big matrix and inverts the matrix to find a solution to the
unknowns, which are the stresses, strains and displacements. The finite dif-
ference method, on the other hand, finds equilibrium gradually by stepping
towards the solution in increments of displacement or velocity. This is done
on an element-by-element basis and there is no need to solve a large matrix
of equations. The stepwise solution method means that the materials can
follow almost any stress path to failure and makes it easy to incorporate
complex constitutive behaviour.
Information on specific programs may be found online or in their manu-
als. The theoretical background to the finite element method may be found
in textbooks such as the one by Cook et al. (2002), or more specifically, for
geotechnical problems, see Potts & Zdravković (1999, 2001). For the finite
difference method, the FLAC or FLAC3D theoretical background manuals
(Itasca, 2006) are probably the best source of information.
Once the problem has been defined and a preliminary design obtained by
using simple calculations and analytical solutions, the next stage is to begin
introducing further layers of complexity to the model. This might involve:
in the ground are applied to a ‘wished-in-place’ tunnel, and only then does
some deformation and redistribution of stress occur due to soil-structure
installed at ‘A’, then it will be loaded and will undergo its own deformation
until it meets the ground pressure curve ‘II’ at ‘B’. A lining installed earlier,
i.e. closer to the face, would have to support a higher load.
The convergence-confinement method assumes that a certain amount of
convergence has occurred prior to installation of the tunnel lining, which
has reduced the ground pressure that will act on the lining. Convergence
depends on the distance of the section in question from the working face,
on the unsupported length of the heading, and on the stiffness of the sup-
port. It may also be time-dependent as most soils and rocks exhibit time-
dependent creep or consolidation behaviour.
It should be remembered that in using the convergence-confinement
method we are ignoring stresses and strains in the longitudinal direction,
which may be important. In fact, convergence occurs not only because
there is an unsupported length of heading that allows radial movement
but also because extrusion of the face into the tunnel allows radial move-
ment to occur in the ground ahead of the face (Janin, 2017). Therefore, the
convergence-confinement method is always inductive; we tell it how much
we think the ground will converge based on empirical evidence, simple
plasticity solutions or judgement. Convergence (or confinement loss factor)
is always an input, not an output.
The convergence-confinement approach can be used with the Curtis-
Muir Wood or any other 2D plane strain analytical method. It is also used
with 2D plane strain numerical models. In principle, the stress σ applied to
the tunnel lining is given by:
σ = (1 − λ ) σ 0 (7.1)
• the tunnel is deep and the stresses in the ground are isotropic, i.e.
radial stress and radial deformation are uniform all around the tunnel
and do not vary with depth
• the ground is homogeneous (e.g. no layering or variation with depth)
and all aspects of behaviour (e.g. stiffness) are isotropic
• excavation is full-face and the tunnel is circular
up, then the elements of soil within the tunnel boundary are removed and
an internal pressure is applied to the boundary equal to the initial stresses
at each node multiplied by (1 − λ). This is solved to equilibrium. In the final
step, the internal pressure is removed, the tunnel lining is installed and the
model is again solved to equilibrium.
198 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
mr 2
λ = α 0 + (1 − α 0 ) 1 − 0
mr + d
σ ′ = βσ 0′ (7.3)
σ 1′ + σ 2′ + σ 3′
p′ = (7.4)
Figure 7.5 Stress paths in (p′, q) space in the ground 1 m from the extrados of the tunnel
lining versus confinement loss factor in 2D and longitudinal distance from the
face in 3D (redrawn from Gilleron et al., 2017).
Global design using numerical modelling 201
(σ 1 − σ 2 )2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 )2 + (σ 3 − σ 1 )2 (7.5)
Jones (2012) found that the stress reduction required to give a specified
value of volume loss depended on the constitutive model and parameters
used for the ground. These different values of β and different constitutive
models and parameters would result in a large variation of predicted lining
forces at the same value of volume loss. Möller & Vermeer (2008) similarly
found that a different value of β was needed to match surface settlements
(typically 0.3–0.4) and lining forces (typically 0.5–0.7) in the same 2D
model. Janin et al. (2015) also warned against calibrating the convergence-
confinement method to a single type of measurement, and identified the
application of a single value of confinement loss factor to all points on the
tunnel perimeter as the cause of significant differences between 2D analysis
and field measurements, whereas a 3D analysis gave much better agree-
ment. Therefore, the sensitivity of the convergence-confinement method to
its inputs should be carefully assessed, particularly if it is to be used for
tunnel lining design. Just because a 2D model can match surface settle-
ments does not mean that the lining forces it predicts will also be reliable,
and vice versa.
The convergence-confinement method generally assumes that the ratio
of horizontal to vertical stress that will be applied to the tunnel lining is
the same as the initial in situ stress ratio. This will lead to strange results
when K0 > 1.0. After installation of the tunnel lining, it will converge
more horizontally than vertically because the horizontal stress will be
larger than the vertical. We know from large numbers of tunnel circu-
larity measurements in London Clay by Wright (2013), that even when
K0 > 1.0, the tunnels almost always squat (the vertical convergence is
larger than the horizontal convergence). Therefore, it is unrealistic, in
soft ground at least, to apply initial stresses with K0 > 1.0 in a 2D model,
since this will predict a mode of deformation completely opposed to real-
ity. For London Clay, Wright (2013) suggests using K0 = 0.7 in simple
models. In a 3D numerical model, it may be possible to use K0 > 1.0,
because the redistribution of stresses ahead of the face can occur in the
model as they do in reality. It may also be possible in a 2D numerical
model to effectively use K0 > 1.0 if the full stress history is modelled
and if long-term drainage of the ground around the tunnel is modelled
(Avgerinos et al., 2018), as squatting may be partly caused by the tunnel
acting as a drain with a higher horizontal than vertical permeability in
the ground around it (Wright, 2013).
202 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
pressure. Earlier in the same paper Möller & Vermeer had demonstrated
how the convergence-confinement method did not give a good estimate of
surface settlements and by introducing this method they were attempting
to overcome most of the limitations of 2D numerical analysis, at least for
TBM-driven tunnels, without resorting to a full 3D analysis.
Figure 7.6 shows the in situ radial stress distribution applied to a tunnel
when K0 = 0.47 (solid circles), based on a diagram in Möller & Vermeer (2008).
The radial stress is high at the crown, then it decreases around the axis
level as horizontal stresses dominate, then it increases to a maximum
at the invert. When the β-factor method is applied, the distribution is
still strongly influenced by K0 (open circles). When compared to sur-
face settlements from the Second Heinenoord Tunnel, this resulted in an
underprediction of maximum settlement and a settlement trough that
was too wide. However, when the radial stresses around the perimeter
of the excavation were relaxed to the value of the grout pressure (solid
squares), the agreement with the field measurements was exceptionally
good. The agreement was also reasonably good for horizontal ground
movements to the sides of the tunnel, as measured by inclinometers
installed in vertical boreholes, and for lining forces and moments back-
calculated from strain gauges installed in the lining.
The grout pressure method seems to be a promising simplified 2D
approach to the design of TBM tunnels, perhaps to be used at an early
design stage when 3D modelling is considered too expensive. Möller &
Vermeer (2008) actually used a combination of the gap parameter method
and grout pressure method, where the overcut and conicity of the shield
were simulated by a gap. Once the gap was closed, the grout pressure was
7.1.7 Summary
In summary, when analysing a tunnel in 2D, assumptions need to be made
about how to simulate 3D effects. These might include excavation, lining
installation, face pressure and grouting pressure and toolbox items such as
grouted pipe arches or face dowels.
For tunnels in overconsolidated soils with K0 > 1.0 it will rarely make
sense to apply this stress state to the tunnel lining. In these cases sensitivity
analyses should be performed with an upper limit of K0 = 1.0 and a lower
limit of K0 = 0.7.
For open-face tunnels, the best approach seems to be to use the
convergence-confinement method, but it can be misused. There are two
ways to avoid this:
1. Find one or more case studies of real tunnels constructed with similar
methods in similar geology to the one you are designing and try to
match deformations and lining stresses in the model to the measured
deformations and lining stresses in the real tunnel by varying the con-
finement loss factor λ. The paucity of lining stress measurements will
make this difficult to achieve.
Global design using numerical modelling 205
In a model the top surface is always left free of any constraints. The lateral
(vertical) boundaries are usually fixed in the horizontal direction but allow
movement in the vertical direction. The bottom (horizontal) boundary is
usually fixed in both the horizontal and vertical directions. These condi-
tions are shown in Figure 7.7.
There is actually no particular reason why the model’s bottom boundary
should be fixed in the horizontal direction (after all the lateral boundar-
ies are not fixed in the vertical direction). In reality the soil on the other
side of these arbitrary boundaries will allow some movement but this will
be resisted by shear stresses, so it will be somewhere between fixed and
free. Möller (2006) argues that due to the tendency for soils to increase in
stiffness with depth, modelling the bottom boundary as fully fixed, i.e. not
allowing any lateral movement and generating shear stresses, is closer to
Another possibility is to have a stress applied at the boundary rather than
fixing displacements. These stresses would be set to be equal to the initial in
situ stress. So a stress boundary condition keeps stress constant but allows
displacement, and a displacement boundary condition keeps displacements
at zero but allows stresses to change. Neither of these conditions is more
realistic than the other, as the reality is somewhere in between. But if the
boundary is far enough away from the tunnel, then stresses should remain
approximately constant and displacements should remain at approximately
zero, regardless of whether a stress boundary condition or a displacement
boundary condition is selected.
Symmetry may also be exploited to reduce the size of the model and
hence reduce the computation time. Often, there is a vertical plane of sym-
metry down the centreline of the tunnel, which allows the size of the model
to be halved, as shown in Figure 7.8. This also will make handling the
model and visualising results easier. Whether the left- or right-hand side is
modelled is up to you. For convenience you may wish to model the side that
gives you positive coordinates in your coordinate system.
For deep and/or small diameter tunnels, the change in in situ stress with
depth may be small relative to the magnitude of the stress. In this case, a
quarter of the tunnel could be modelled, and the model may not extend
to the surface, but have a stress applied to it at a boundary, as shown in
Figure 7.9. This is not a common situation for tunnels in soft ground, which
tend to be relatively shallow, but we will do a variant of this in the valida-
tion section below to mimic the boundary conditions of the Curtis-Muir
Wood solution.
Figure 7.8 2D numerical model boundary conditions with vertical plane of symmetry
on tunnel centreline.
Global design using numerical modelling 207
Figure 7.9 2D numerical model boundary conditions exploiting two planes of symmetry.
Where lining elements meet a symmetry boundary, they should have dis-
placement fixity normal to the boundary, but be allowed to move parallel
to the boundary. They should also have rotational fixity about the tunnel
longitudinal axis direction to ensure that bending moments are mirrored.
This is shown in Figure 7.10. The condition that rotation is prevented about
the y-axis will ensure that the lining at this point will remain perpendicular
to the symmetry axis, thereby ensuring that the correct deformation mode
is produced and the correct moment is generated (My in Figure 7.10).
Note that when beam or shell elements are used, moments and forces in
each beam or shell element will be defined by local axes that will almost
always have a different orientation to the global axes. In some programs this is
made clearer by labelling the local axes ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ instead of ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’.
Also, in some software programs, ‘Mx’ or ‘My’ is not the moment about
the local x-axis or y-axis, but the moment along it (i.e. it would require
reinforcement parallel to the x-axis or y-axis). The only way to be sure is
to read the manual and it is always good practice when starting to use new
software to run some simple tests with single elements or small numbers
of elements. This is all part of building your understanding of the soft-
ware and the problem being modelled by beginning with simple models and
incrementally adding more complexity.
In reality, of course there are no boundaries in the ground, and the lateral
extent of the soil can be considered, to all intents and purposes, infinite.
There are ways to use infinite boundary elements on the outside of a model
(e.g. Reichl et al., 2003), but this is not common practice and these elements
are not available in most commercially available numerical analysis pack-
ages. Therefore, in a standard continuum model, the boundaries must be
finite and the aim is to make the model as small as possible without intro-
ducing significant errors. This can be achieved by varying the boundary
distance and using the shortest distance that has an acceptable error. This
will depend on the focus of the modelling, the geometry and depth of the
tunnel, and the constitutive models used.
Möller (2006) recommended using a lateral boundary distance that
resulted in surface settlements at the model boundary that were less than
1% of the maximum surface settlement above the tunnel centreline in the
model. Based on this criterion he developed Equation 7.6 for his models:
w = 2D 1 + (7.6)
Franzius et al. (2005) found that the lateral boundary distance needed to be
larger for higher values of K0.
If there is a change to a much stiffer geological stratum below the tun-
nel, this is often taken as the bottom boundary, because it will be rela-
tively rigid. For situations where soft ground extends well below the tunnel,
Möller (2006) recommended a distance (from tunnel invert to the bottom
boundary) that resulted in less than 2.5° rotation of principal stresses at the
boundary after tunnel construction, which for his models was between 1.3
and 2.2 times the diameter D.
Möller’s boundary distance relationships can be used as a first approxi-
mation. It is recommended that this first approximation is then tested by
varying the boundary distance to higher and lower values to find the dis-
tance that gives an acceptable error in the required outputs. If the only
concern is lining stresses, the boundaries may not need to be as far away as
for ground movements or surface settlements (Jones, 2007).
Sometimes, it is found that increasing the boundary distance beyond a
certain point will actually begin to increase the error. For example, the
surface settlement may be zero at the boundary when the lateral boundary
distance w = 30 m, but may be non-zero at the boundary when w = 50 m.
This often happens if the number of elements is remaining constant, such
that increasing the boundary distance is increasing the size of the elements,
thereby reducing accuracy. Therefore, while varying the boundary distance
it is important to try to keep the mesh density constant. This problem also
occurs due to a sort of ‘mirror effect’ where displacements appear to be
reflected in the bottom boundary and then have an effect on the lateral
boundary. It can then be quite frustrating to find a compatible pair of lat-
eral and bottom boundary distances as changes to the bottom boundary
distance will affect the acceptability of the lateral boundary distance and
vice versa. This effect usually is only a problem when linear elastic soil
models are used, and when soil stiffness is not increasing with depth. If the
bottom boundary is fixed in the horizontal direction, the principal stresses
may be rotating at the boundary (Möller, 2006) – if this appears to be the
case, consider increasing the bottom boundary distance and/or allowing
displacements in the horizontal direction at the bottom boundary.
Some practitioners fix the lateral boundary in all directions, and this of
course results in zero settlement at the boundary. However, if the bound-
ary is too close to the tunnel it will be reducing settlements throughout the
model and there is no way of knowing this is happening.
accurate lower order elements. ‘Higher order’ means that the elements have
more nodes and more degrees of freedom, and therefore can adopt higher
order deformation modes (e.g. the side of an element can follow a quadratic
curve rather than a straight line). This may be important where there are
high stress gradients, where a larger number of lower order elements would
be needed to get the same accuracy as a smaller number of higher order
elements. There is a trade-off here between accuracy and simulation time,
because higher order elements mean more equations in the matrix that need
to be solved, but it may be more efficient than having a larger number of
lower order elements.
The way forward is to test the different elements you plan to use in a
validation exercise similar to the problem you wish to solve. An excellent
example of this kind of validation may be found in Pound (2006), where
the number of solid elements needed to model a sprayed concrete lining is
optimised by modelling a beam in flexure and comparing the stresses and
displacements to simple hand-calculations.
When modelling the tunnel lining, either 1D beam elements or 2D solid
elements can be used. Beam elements are usually better at modelling bend-
ing, but the constitutive models may be limited to simple elastic or elasto-
plastic behaviour. There is also the issue of where to place beam elements. To
simulate the soil-structure interaction, they are usually placed at the perim-
eter of the excavation; the extrados. But this will result in an overestimate of
bending moments, as effectively the radius to the centroid of the beam has
been increased by half the lining thickness, as though you had increased the
span of a bridge while keeping the overall load the same. For an elastic tun-
nel lining the overprediction can be estimated using the following equation:
M* r02
= (7.7)
M r0 ( r0 − t )
Using a larger number of smaller size elements will generally be more accu-
rate. However, the model will use more computer memory and will take
longer to solve. As with the choice of element types and boundary dis-
tances, this can be optimised by varying the mesh density to obtain an
acceptable error for the outputs we are interested in.
A higher mesh density will improve accuracy in areas with high stress
gradients, which is usually in a zone around the tunnel. Therefore, it is not
Global design using numerical modelling 211
necessary to use the same mesh density everywhere in the model, and where
stress gradients are small the mesh density can be reduced substantially.
This is known as ‘mesh refinement’.
For obtaining accurate lining stresses, Möller (2006) found that higher
mesh density was required in 3D models than in 2D models. This was
because there was significant arching in the front-to-back direction close to
the face of the tunnel, resulting in high stress gradients in the longitudinal
direction. This is a real phenomenon but cannot occur in a 2D model.
Soil is made up of solid soil particles, water and air. In tunnel modelling
we normally ignore the air and model the soil as either ‘fully saturated’ or
‘dry’, though there may be situations where partial saturation is important.
In permeable soils, we can assume that below the groundwater table the
soil is fully saturated. Therefore, unless there is groundwater flow, the pore
pressures will increase hydrostatically from the groundwater table down.
Above the water table the soil will probably be moist (‘partially saturated’),
and this can be taken into account in the unit weight of the soil, but essen-
tially we will assume it is dry in terms of its pore pressure, which we will
assume to be zero (e.g. Itasca, 2006).
In permeable soils, any excess pore pressures generated due to stress
changes will dissipate quickly relative to the speed of construction.
Therefore, with no excess pore pressures, behaviour is governed by the
interaction between soil grains, i.e. the effective stress. We can model this
by using an analysis option that specifies, rather than calculates, the pore
pressures. If we want to include pore water in the model explicitly, we can
set the fluid bulk modulus of the pore water Kf to zero. This will ensure that
any changes in pore volume do not induce changes in pore pressure.
Due to capillary suction in low-permeability soils (clays), we generally
assume that the clay is saturated both above and below the water table and
will therefore have the same unit weight. However, as with permeable soils,
unless there is a groundwater flow, the pore pressures will increase hydro-
statically from the groundwater table down, and will be assumed equal to
zero above the water table.
In low-permeability soils, excess pore pressures generated due to stress
changes will not dissipate during construction, but may take months,
years or decades. Therefore, there is a short-term ‘undrained’ behaviour,
followed in the long term by a ‘drained’ behaviour. It is important that
the software prevents the generation of negative pore pressures below
−100 kPa, because in reality at this pressure a vacuum will form. Even
though it applies to all geotechnical problems, in some software programs
this cap on negative pore pressure needs to be specified by the user. This is
because checking for this criterion takes computational effort.
212 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
K= (7.8)
3 (1 − 2ν )
Global design using numerical modelling 213
G= (7.9)
2 (1 + ν )
Shear modulus G is the same for both drained and undrained behaviour,
but bulk modulus K can have different values for drained and undrained
behaviour. This is because pore pressures are only affected by volumetric
changes, which is why separating shear and volumetric behaviour using
G and K is so elegant. Because drained and undrained shear modulus are
equal, the following equation results:
Eu E′
G= = (7.10)
2 (1 + ν u ) 2 (1 + ν ′ )
Eu = (7.11)
2 (1 + ν ′ )
K′ is the effective or drained bulk modulus, i.e. the bulk modulus of the
soil particle assembly or ‘soil skeleton’
Kf is the bulk modulus of the pore fluid, often taken as the value for pure
water at room temperature, which is 2.0 GPa (note that this value can
be significantly reduced by the presence of dissolved air or air bubbles
in the pore water)
Ke is an equivalent bulk modulus for the soil skeleton and pore fluid
combined (more explanation to follow)
214 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Option 1 Pore water can be ignored and the equivalent bulk modulus Ke
set to a high value relative to the drained bulk modulus K′,
such that the Poisson’s ratio is close to 0.5. With Ke = 100 K′,
the Poisson’s ratio will be greater than 0.495, as recommended
by Potts & Zdravković (1999). This is known as a ‘total stress
analysis’ because we are not treating the effective stresses and
pore pressures separately, but lumping them together.
Option 2 Pore water can be modelled by setting a fluid bulk modulus Kf
to a realistic value (e.g. 2 GPa, which is the value for pure
water at room temperature) and no groundwater flow is
allowed. This allows the explicit use of effective stress
parameters, but increases the runtime of the model.
higher than the bulk modulus of the soil skeleton, most of the stress change
will be represented by a change in pore pressure. Most of the more sophis-
ticated soil models use effective stress parameters.
The soil’s failure criterion can also be expressed in terms of either
drained (c′ and ϕ ′) or undrained (cu) parameters. This will be covered in
Section 7.8.
Now change the horizontal stress σ h at the boundary to 350 kPa. Then
solve the numerical model and the Curtis-Muir Wood solution again.
Compare the numerical model results to the Curtis-Muir Wood solution:
In this case, the validation is checking that the numerical modelling pro-
gramme is configured correctly, and that the element types and mesh den-
sity are appropriate for modelling a tunnelling problem. It is not possible to
use a model such as this to verify that boundary distances are sufficient for
accurate modelling of ground movements. Also, only linear elastic behav-
iour of the ground and tunnel lining can be validated – as soon as we
make these constitutive models more sophisticated, the numerical model
will diverge from the analytical solution.
A further worked example describing the validation of a 3D numeri-
cal model of a shaft-tunnel junction using the Kirsch analytical solution is
shown later in Section 7.10.3.
7.7.2 Validation by comparison
with a laboratory test or experiment
Constitutive models describe the stress-strain behaviour of soil or the tun-
nel lining material. They are simple mathematical rules in the form of equa-
tions and algorithms.
Usually, the first step is to compare the constitutive model with dif-
ferent laboratory tests to ensure that the most important aspects of
behaviour are modelled well. The laboratory tests should involve differ-
ent stress paths, and sometimes different loading durations and stress
histories, and should be relevant to the stress levels, stress paths, stress
histories and magnitudes of strain expected in the actual soil during and
after construction.
To validate the use of a constitutive model for the ground or tunnel lining
in a numerical model, a laboratory test can be simulated in the numerical
modelling program and compared to the behaviour observed in a real labo-
ratory test. If the constitutive model is formulated correctly and adequately
describes the soil behaviour, then the agreement between the two should
be good.
Some numerical modelling programs allow this to be done using a built-
in laboratory test module. If not, then in any case this is easy to model as
laboratory tests have simple geometry. A single element could be used, but
for a triaxial test Simpson et al. (1979) found that this did not work well
because a triaxial specimen does not fail in either a plane strain or axi-
symmetric manner. Therefore, a 3D cylindrical model geometry should be
used with the same dimensions as the test. The boundary conditions can
be replicated in the numerical model. For example, a triaxial test can have
a rigid top or bottom boundary, a cell pressure applied around the model,
and either a pressure (for a stress path triaxial) or a displacement (for a
standard triaxial) applied to the top or bottom, whichever is not fixed in
the vertical direction.
Another method of validation for constitutive models is to compare
their theoretical stress-strain behaviour, calculated by hand, with the
220 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
• to ensure that the stress increment size was not important (i.e. that
FLAC3D could follow the correct stress path to failure even when
the stress increment was large)
• to reduce the calculation time without affecting accuracy by opti-
mising the solution control method, such as varying the number of
steps between stiffness updates or varying the convergence crite-
rion (the ‘mech. ratio’)
• to check that the constitutive model was working correctly
So far in this book we have focussed on modelling using linear elastic soils
with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and linear elastic tunnel linings,
because this simple behaviour is widely understood by civil engineering
graduates (the target audience of this book) and allows analytical solutions
to be used and the first steps of numerical modelling to be understood.
It should always be remembered that these constitutive models are gross
approximations. True soil behaviour is very complex and nonlinear (e.g.
see Chapter 4 of Potts & Zdravković, 1999). The same can be said of true
shotcrete or concrete behaviour. To have any hope of accurately predicting
ground movements and tunnel lining stresses, we need to use more sophis-
ticated constitutive models.
224 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
First of all, think about the intended audience of your report. Is it the client?
An internal/external checker? Is this a scientific paper on numerical model-
ling? It is important to always provide sufficient information so that some-
one else can replicate your work independently, understand the reasons for
all the steps you have taken, have confidence that you have approached the
problem in a rational and efficient manner, and have confidence in your
Try to plot graphs when presenting results rather than hundreds of con-
tour plots. They are pretty, but they only give the reader a qualitative view
of the pattern of behaviour. This can be helpful in moderation but think
carefully about what is the purpose of each table/graph/plot and ensure
they are all discussed in the text and are important to whatever point you
are making. Working out how best to present the results to make the points
you want to make will take some time and experimentation, and is an itera-
tive process.
There are two main types of 3D numerical models used for soft ground tun-
nel design; a 3D numerical model of an advancing tunnel, and any other 3D
model, for example of a tunnel-tunnel junction or a shaft-tunnel junction.
3D numerical analysis is also used for modelling complex details in the
design of segmental linings. This will be covered in Chapter 9.
A big advantage of 3D analysis over 2D is that we do not need to make
any assumptions about what happens ahead of the face, because it is mod-
elled explicitly. On the other hand, a big disadvantage of 3D analysis is
the larger model size and hence increased time to build, debug and run the
model, and increased time to interpret and present the results.
As always, start with the simplest methods first and gradually increase
complexity. Thus, simple hand calculations followed by analytical solu-
tions, followed by 2D numerical analysis, followed by 3D numerical analy-
sis. Thus, by the time we are ready to begin the 3D numerical analysis, we
have understood the problem, have confidence in the methodology, and
have a good idea what the results will tell us.
start boundary quickly without causing ground movements that are too
unrealistic and can replace 15 calculation steps with just 2.
In a tunnel model, we are often not just concerned with the final short-
term settlements and lining loads well behind the face, but also what hap-
pens near the face in terms of transient settlements or possibly early age
loading of shotcrete. So we need the whole response from ahead of the
face to well behind the face to be in a steady-state, such that each advance
resembles the one before. This can be verified by plotting a series of curves
similar to the one shown in Figure 7.15, at different face positions. If they
all align when plotted against distance from face position, the model has
reached a steady-state.
The total model length needs to be determined for every new situation
depending on the soil and tunnel lining constitutive behaviour, the tunnel
geometry and depth, and the tunnel construction method. For a reasonable
first estimate Möller (2006) found the following equation described the
model length l needed to achieve steady-state:
11 H
l = D 13 + ⋅ (7.12)
3 D
Franzius et al. (2005) found that when coefficient of earth pressure at rest
K0 = 1.5, a steady-state was not achieved in their 3D model of an advanc-
ing tunnel in London Clay, even with sophisticated constitutive soil mod-
els and a total model length of 33D. Using Equation 7.12 with Franzius
et al.’s model geometry of H = 28.125 m and D = 4.75 m, gives l = 35D, so
it was slightly less than Möller would have used. However, when K0 = 0.5
and an unrealistically high degree of anisotropy was used, a steady-state
was achieved, though the settlements were far too large. Therefore, the
constitutive model and the initial in situ stress regime have an important
influence on whether a model can reach a steady-state.
Demagh et al. (2013) modelled an advancing TBM used for the Toulouse
Metro with face pressures, conicity and grout pressures included. The
Toulouse ‘Molasse Argileuse’ is a very stiff overconsolidated clay soil with
K0 = 1.7. In their case, settlements do stabilise behind the face using the
same model length of 33D that Franzius et al. used. Perhaps the reason for
the difference has something to do with the width of the model – Demagh
et al. used a width of 19D whereas Franzius et al. used 16D, or perhaps
it is because the Toulouse soil is stiffer and has a higher undrained shear
strength than London Clay.
When modelling an advancing tunnel in 3D, quite large longitudinal ten-
sile stresses may be generated in the lining. This is because at each advance,
228 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
ground movements towards the face will pull the lining towards the face, and
this tends to continue to increase with distance, as noted by Jones (2007) and
Thomas (2003). It is not known whether these longitudinal tensile stresses
occur in real tunnels, but it is common practice to ignore them on the basis
that in a shotcrete tunnel lining creep and cracking would tend to dissipate
them, and in a segmentally lined tunnel the TBM jacks will ensure the lin-
ing is in longitudinal compression. To date there is no known study of the
effect of these longitudinal tensile stresses, but they may have a Poisson’s
ratio effect on hoop stresses in the model. This effect can be mitigated to
some degree by detaching the elements representing one ring from another,
in effect having two nodes at each node location on the circumferential joints
and allowing them to displace independently. This, however, can cause prob-
lems with how the elements representing the soil are attached to the lining,
and how they behave across any gap that is formed, as discussed for radial
segment joints by Potts & Zdravković (2001: 49–50).
Figure 7.16 Local axis directions and the resultant forces in a shell element.
the design forces and moments in the orientations we are interested in (for
reinforced concrete this will be the primary and transverse reinforcement
directions). This usually has to be done in a post-processing stage outside
of the numerical modelling program. For straight tunnels modelled in 3D,
Nxy and Mxy are usually small, but not insignificant, relative to the values
of Nx and Ny, and Mx and My. Close to junctions Nxy and Mxy can be
quite large, for instance Jones (2007) found that Mxy moments close to a
shaft-tunnel junction could represent bending stresses that were equal to
40% of the hoop stress. Therefore, they always need to be considered.
Assuming the primary and transverse reinforcement directions are the
same as local axes directions x and y, the design moments Mx* and My*
according to the Wood and Armer method (Wood, 1968) are given by the
following equations.
230 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
If Equation 7.13 results in Mx* < 0, then set Mx* = 0 and now use the fol-
lowing equation to calculate My*:
Mxy 2
My* = My + (7.15)
If Equation 7.14 results in My* < 0, then set My* = 0 and now use the fol-
lowing equation to calculate Mx*:
Mxy 2
Mx* = Mx + (7.16)
If Equation 7.17 results in Mx* > 0, then set Mx* = 0 and now use the fol-
lowing equation to calculate My*:
Mxy 2
My* = My − (7.19)
If Equation 7.18 results in My* > 0, then set My* = 0 and now use the fol-
lowing equation to calculate Mx*:
Mxy 2
Mx* = Mx − (7.20)
If both Mx* and My* are positive, then no top reinforcement is required.
For the design axial forces Nx* and Ny* the same procedure should be
followed to include the effect of Nxy. In Equations 7.13–7.20, replace every
instance of ‘M’ with ‘N’.
Global design using numerical modelling 231
1 a2 4 a2 3a4
σr = pz (1 + k) 1 − 2 + (1 − k) 1 − 2 + 4 cos 2θ (7.21)
2 r r r
1 a2 3a4
σθ = pz (1 + k) 1 + 2 − (1 − k) 1 + 4 cos 2θ (7.22)
2 r r
1 2a2 3a4
τ rθ = pz − (1 − k) 1 + 2 − 4 sin 2θ (7.23)
2 r r
σ r is the radial stress
σ θ is the circumferential stress
τ rθ is the shear stress
r is the radial distance from the centre of the hole
a is the hole radius
θ is the angle from the vertical centred on the hole
pz is the vertical applied stress in the plate
ph is the horizontal applied stress in the plate
k is the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress, k = ph /pz
an infinite distance in the two plane directions. The plate has finite thickness
but this is only used to calculate the in-plane stresses. The plate is assumed
to have zero stress in the out of plane direction (into or out of the page in
Figure 7.17) and therefore the thickness does not feature in the equations.
There are two main types of tunnel junctions: shaft-tunnel junctions and
tunnel-tunnel junctions, where we create a hole in the side of the ‘parent’
tunnel or shaft and begin to drive a new ‘child’ tunnel away from the junc-
tion. If we unwrapped and laid flat the parent tunnel lining, it would look
rather like Figure 7.17, with pz equal to the parent tunnel hoop stress prior
to creating the opening, and usually we would assume that the longitudinal
stress in the parent tunnel lining is zero (i.e. ph = 0 in Figure 7.17).
For a shaft-tunnel junction, the hoop stress is still circumferential. So if a
shaft lining were unwrapped and laid flat, it would also resemble a flat sheet
or plate with a hole in it, only we would probably visualise it with the hoop
stress (pz) shown horizontally on the page, i.e. like Figure 7.17 but rotated 90°.
For a shaft-tunnel junction the Kirsch solution predicts the stress dis-
tribution shown in Figure 7.18. When the new tunnel opening is made,
Global design using numerical modelling 233
the hoop stress that is going circumferentially around the shaft lining has
to divert around it, resulting in a higher hoop stress above and below the
opening. Exactly three times higher in fact, as shown on the graph above
the opening in Figure 7.18. Due to this diversion, hoop stress in the shaft
lining decreases to zero at the axis level of the opening, and there is tension
in the vertical direction equal to −1 times the initial hoop stress (shown on
the graph to the right of the opening in Figure 7.18).
The Kirsch solution will predict axial stresses around an opening in a
flat plate, but because it does not model soil-structure interaction or the
curvature of the parent tunnel or shaft, these axial stresses will be very
inaccurate (Jones, 2007). In addition, the Kirsch solution will not calcu-
late any bending stresses, which have been found to be very significant
(Jones, 2007).
A comparison of hoop stresses in a shaft just after an opening has been
made in the side for a child tunnel is shown in Figure 7.19, along a vertical
234 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
line going through the centreline of the child tunnel (as shown in the inset
figure). The Kirsch solution gives a stress concentration factor increasing
from 1 far away from the opening up to a maximum value of 3 close to
the opening. The 3D numerical modelling shows that hoop (axial) stress
concentration can increase more rapidly and have a significantly higher
maximum close to the opening compared to the Kirsch solution. This is
due to curvature of the parent shaft and soil-structure interaction. The
numerical modelling in FLAC3D also predicts bending stresses, which
are significant in magnitude and not predicted by the Kirsch solution. More
plots for vertical stresses and for hoop stresses around the shaft may be
found in Jones (2007).
found. This has led to junction designs where both the parent and the child
tunnel linings have been unnecessarily thickened and reinforced close to
junctions, even though only the parent tunnels need it.
By far the biggest stress change occurs when the opening for the child
tunnel is made in the shaft lining. Hoop stresses in the shaft have to
divert around the opening, resulting in higher axial forces above and
below the opening, and tension in the vertical direction at axis level.
Taking advantage of symmetry on two axes, we only need to model ¼
of the child tunnel opening as shown in the inset figure in Figure 7.20.
The shaft lining is modelled by shell elements. The vertical stress in the
shaft lining is assumed to be zero.
An additional reason for using this kind of validation is that we can
compare the results to more complex models, for example introducing
3D geometry, soil-structure interaction or using more sophisticated con-
stitutive behaviour, and better understand what is driving the design.
A desirable mesh density around the perimeter of the shaft lining,
in terms of calculation time and detail of results, is approximately
1.5 zones/m. ‘Zones’ in FLAC3D are analogous to elements in a finite
element calculation. Here we will look at a model in FLAC3D of a
plane stress plate with a hole in it, with mesh densities of 1.5, 2, 4 and
8 zones/m. The shell elements are linear elastic. The radius of the hole is
2.4 m, the same as the external radius of the child tunnel. The boundary
Figure 7.20 Effect of mesh density on the stress concentration factor (N x /P) for
a plane stress plate with a hole, in the direction of the applied stress
along a line parallel to the direction of the applied stress (dashed line
on inset figure), compared with the Kirsch analytical solution.
238 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
is set at 20 m from the edge of the hole. The agreement between the Kirsch
analytical solution and the numerical models is very good, with the largest
differences occurring within half a radius distance from the hole. The finer
the mesh, the closer the agreement with the analytical solution.
‘Stress concentration factor’, which is the stress Nx divided by the
applied stress P at the boundary of the model, is plotted in Figure 7.20
for the axial force in the x-direction along a line parallel to the direction
of applied stress (as indicated in the location key overlaid on Figure 7.20)
up to a 5 radius distance (12 m) from the edge of the hole. Also plotted
on the same figure is the stress concentration factor calculated using the
Kirsch analytical solution. The stress concentration factor decreases to
zero as it approaches the edge of the hole. The FLAC3D models repli-
cated this behaviour with varying degrees of accuracy, dependent on the
fineness of the mesh. The stress at the edge of the hole was predicted by
the model with a mesh density of 1.5 zones/m with less than 5% error.
Figure 7.21 shows the stress concentration factor for the y-component
of the membrane force Ny along a line parallel to the direction of
applied stress. The Kirsch solution shows that the stress concentra-
tion factor should decrease from 0 to −1 as the edge of the hole is
Figure 7.22 Effect of mesh density on the stress concentration factor (N x /P) for a
plane stress plate with a hole, in the direction parallel to the applied stress
along a line transverse to the direction of the applied stress (dashed line
on inset figure), compared with the Kirsch analytical solution.
from before. If possible, also change the soil and lining ele-
ment types and examine any differences in the results.
Lining materials
This chapter describes the most common lining materials and their
constitutive behaviours. It covers segmental linings, cast-in-place (CIP)
linings and sprayed concrete linings, and both primary and secondary
The United Kingdom in particular has a large stock of cast iron
segmentally-lined tunnels. Many of these are over 100 years old and are
mostly still in very good condition. Due to the high cost of materials and
casting, cast iron is rarely used today for new construction, except occa-
sionally where local clients require them or where other types of lining
would be difficult to apply, for example, for the step-plate junction of the
Northern Line extension in London (FLO/TfL, 2017).
There are many brick and masonry tunnels all over the world, which can
be more than 250 years old. These materials are not used for new construc-
tion so they will not be dealt with in this book.
Concrete is strong in compression and relatively inexpensive, and so it
is nowadays by far the most common material used for tunnel lining. The
majority are made from conventional reinforced concrete or steel fibre-
reinforced concrete (SFRC). Plain concrete is still occasionally used for
smaller diameter tunnels. Due to its fluidity in its fresh state, concrete can
be applied in four main ways:
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-8 247
248 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
• the different materials used in tunnel linings and their advantages and
• durability, watertightness and fire considerations for lining design
• material behaviour of SFRC
This has been the dominant material of the last 60–70 years, though steel
fibre-reinforced segmental linings are becoming more and more com-
mon. In Europe and many other countries around the world, Eurocode 2
(EN 1992-1-1: 2004) is used for design.
Since graduates of civil engineering courses should already be able to
design a reinforced concrete section, the examples in this book will focus
more on SFRC.
There are limits to the flexural capacity of FRC, and so bar-reinforced
concrete is still used for all types of concrete tunnel linings. Sometimes
FRC may be augmented by reinforcement bars at high tensile stress loca-
tions, for example, around junctions in a sprayed concrete-lined tunnel or
near to joints in segmental linings.
SFRC segmental linings have become increasingly common over the last
30 years, as have hybrid steel fibre plus conventional bar-reinforced concrete
segmental linings. Likewise, steel fibre-reinforced shotcrete has also become
more popular, as this removes the need to fix reinforcement in the tunnel.
More recently, SFRC has been used for CIP secondary linings for both tun-
nels and shafts on the Lee Tunnel and Tideway projects (Hover et al., 2017;
Psomas, 2019). This is due to the development of codes of practice and design
guidance, improvements in fibre and concrete technology, as well as increasing
confidence and acceptance of the use of SFRC through accumulated industry
The use of SFRC has clear benefits for CIP, slipformed and sprayed con-
crete tunnel linings, some of which are:
The use of SFRC also has clear benefits for segmental linings, some of
which are:
For all types of tunnel linings and methods of application, the total mass of
steel required for SFRC is usually far less than for conventional reinforced
concrete, resulting in a saving in the overall carbon footprint (see Table 8.1).
drawn along its stepped path. This is completely different from bar rein-
forcement, which is expected to fail in elongation, not anchorage.
The ductile post-crack behaviour of SFRC depends not just on the type
and dosage of fibres, but also on the concrete itself. A high-strength con-
crete will require higher strength or a higher dosage of fibres to ensure a
ductile response, because otherwise the fibres will break before the bond is
overcome. This means that at mature ages, when the concrete has a higher
strength, the behaviour may switch from ductile to brittle. This has been
called ‘embrittlement’ (Bernard, 2008), though this term is somewhat mis-
leading because it seems to imply a chemical degradation (Jones, 2014).
The solution is to ensure that the fibres are compatible with the concrete
matrix at all ages and within the full range of expected strengths, as shown
by a large number of panel tests by Bjøntegaard et al. (2014), where embrit-
tlement was avoided by using a slightly lower dosage of a higher strength
steel fibre. ITAtech (2016) recommends a fibre yield strength greater than
800 N/mm 2 when the concrete class is less than or equal to C40/50, but for
Figure 8.2 Progressive failure of a hooked-end steel fibre under pull-out load P: (a) elon-
gation and partial debonding, (b) full debonding, (c) deformation of the fibre
as it is pulled out of the bend in the concrete, (d) pull-out of straightened
252 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
higher strength concretes a fibre yield strength greater than 1500 N/mm 2
may be required.
In a deflection-softening SFRC, it is likely that the first crack to occur
will continue to widen. SFRC tunnel linings usually rely on compressive
hoop force in the ring to limit crack widths at the serviceability limit state
(SLS). Deflection-hardening SFRC or hybrid SFRC with conventional bar
reinforcement can develop multiple small cracks, but this can only be veri-
fied by a testing programme (Hover et al., 2017; Psomas, 2019).
Figure 8.3 Notched beam under three-point loading test set-up according to EN 14651:
Lining materials 253
M= (8.1)
M σ
= (8.2)
I y
For a linear elastic rectangular section, the second moment of area is given
I= (8.3)
y= (8.4)
Thus, the stress σ is given by:
3 Fl
σ = (8.5)
2 bhsp
Using Equation 8.5 gives us values for LOP and residual flexural strengths
at different values of CMOD in the test, as shown in Table 8.2.
254 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
8.2.4 Determination of characteristic
strength values
The strength parameters from multiple beam tests are statistically anal-
ysed to determine the characteristic values of these parameters, which are
denoted by a subscript ‘k’. When designing to the fib Model Code 2010
(2013), we use f R1k for SLS and f R3k for ultimate limit states (ULS). These
are used to define a stress block that can be either linear elastic or rigid
plastic. This is similar in principle to how we design conventional rein-
forced concrete.
For specification of SFRC, strength classes can be used where the com-
pressive strength, the value of f R1k and the f R3k /f R1k ratio are defined as
shown in the following example:
FRC 40/50 – 5.0c
Typical values used in the design of precast SFRC segments are given in
ITAtech (2016) and are as follows:
Figure 8.4 An example of mean and characteristic flexural tensile strengths derived
from testing (ITAtech, 2016).
by the following equation, on the assumption that the test data follow a
normal distribution:
f Rjk is the 5th percentile characteristic value for the LOP (in which case
replace Rj with L) or any of the residual flexural tensile strengths
(in which case replace Rj with R1, R2, R3 or R4)
mx is the mean of the flexural tensile strengths at the same CMOD
measured in the tests
kn is a statistical factor, in this case, values may be taken from Table D1
of EN 1990: 2002 (reproduced in Table 8.4)
Vx is the coefficient of variation, which is the standard deviation divided
by the mean
Table 8.4 Values of statistical factor kn for use in Equation 8.6 to calculate 5th percentile
characteristic values (from Table D1, EN 1990: 2002+A1: 2005).
No. of tests n 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 ∞
‘Vx known’ 2.31 2.01 1.89 1.83 1.80 1.77 1.74 1.72 1.68 1.67 1.64
‘Vx unknown’ - - 3.37 2.63 2.33 2.18 2.00 1.92 1.76 1.73 1.64
Lining materials 257
For ‘Vx unknown’, kn also takes into account uncertainty related to the coef-
ficient of variation that has been calculated from the test results, hence the kn
values are larger, but as n approaches infinity, kn converges on the 5th percen-
tile value of a standard normal distribution (1.645), as shown in Table 8.4.
This can be expressed by the following equation (Gulvanessian et al., 2012):
1 2
kn = t p s + 1 (8.8)
Table 8.5 Values of statistical factor kn for use in Equation 8.9 to calculate
characteristic mean values from test data (EN 1990: 2002+A1: 2005).
No. of tests n 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 ∞
‘Vx known’ 1.64 1.16 0.95 0.82 0.74 0.67 0.58 0.52 0.37 0.30 0
‘Vx unknown’ - 4.46 1.69 1.18 0.95 0.82 0.67 0.58 0.39 0.31 0
If Vx is known, then the lower bound value of the mean with 95% confi-
dence level is given by Equation 8.9 using the following value for kn:
kn = (8.10)
up is the p fractile of the standard normal distribution. We are taking
p = 0.95, i.e. the 95th percentile, therefore, up = 1.645
If Vx is unknown, then the lower bound value of the mean with 95% confi-
dence level is given by Equation 8.9 using the following value for kn:
kn = (8.11)
Values for kn are given in Table 8.5 based on Equations 8.10 and 8.11.
For a more detailed explanation of how the statistics are calculated,
see the ‘Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 0’, Appendix C (Gulvanessian
et al., 2012). For 5th percentile characteristic values, see the section on
the ‘Prediction method’ on p. 175, and for mean characteristic values, see
‘Estimation of the mean’ on p. 172 of Gulvanessian et al. (2012).
8.2.6 Durability
There are several potential durability concerns regarding SFRC:
8.2.7 Watertightness
Virtually all tunnels and shafts are required to limit leakage from the
ground into the structure. Tunnels and shafts that are designed to contain
liquid need to be designed to limit leakage out into the ground.
EN 1992-3: 2006 classifies all concrete structures according to the
amount of leakage that is allowed:
The limiting crack width wk1 for a watertight concrete structure without
additional measures such as a waterproof membrane is determined by the
hydraulic gradient across the lining thickness, i.e. the hydraulic head dif-
ference hD divided by the lining thickness h. Values of wk1 are given by
National Annexes. The recommended values are 0.2 mm for hD /h ≤ 5 and
0.05 mm for hD /h ≥ 35. Interpolation is used for intermediate values of hD /h .
For ease of reference:
For most tunnel linings, we do not expect cracks to pass through the full
thickness because some part of the section will usually be in compression.
EN 1992-3: 2006 specifies that a minimum depth of the section needs to be
in compression otherwise cracks are assumed to pass all the way through.
The recommended values are the lesser of 50 mm or 0.2h, where h is the lin-
ing thickness in mm. Therefore, for SFRC tunnel linings, it may be impor-
tant to ensure that the compression zone at the SLS meets this criterion, for
characteristic design situations at least.
In some situations, tunnel linings will have cracks passing all the way
through. One example is where a secondary lining is resisting an internal
liquid pressure, which may result in the full thickness being in tension.
Another example is the construction joints between bays of a CIP tun-
nel lining, which are usually circumferential. These will need additional
measures such as a waterbar installed if a waterproof membrane is not
Remember that serviceability of the structure is not the only con-
sideration when specifying watertightness. For example, a sewer pass-
ing through a zone where groundwater is abstracted as drinking water
may have strict requirements to prevent sewage leaking out of the
tunnel. A potable water tunnel may have strict requirements on leak-
age to avoid wasting precious drinking water, or to prevent untreated
groundwater entering the system. Also, a tunnel acting as a drain on the
ground around it may cause settlement due to consolidation, may incur
expensive pumping costs over many years or may cause environmental
damage by lowering the groundwater level and draining peat bogs or
Lining materials 261
kθ fck
fcd , fi = (8.12)
γ c , fi
The relationship between the residual flexural tensile strength f R3k and
temperature also needs to be known so that the flexural capacity of the
section can be calculated at different temperatures. This is not in the fib
Model Code 2010 (2013), but fib Bulletin 83 (2017) recommends the use
of a relationship in the Italian guideline (CNR-DT 204, 2006), which
gives values of a reduction factor k θt that are 1.0 at 20°C, 0.5 at 200°C,
0.25 at 400°C and 0 at 600°C, with linear interpolation between these
262 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Historically, segmental linings have been made from plain concrete, and
there are many still in service today. These are generally small diameter
tunnels that were excavated by open-face TBMs, ensuring that jacking
loads were relatively light. The segments were small and so handling
loads and bending moments were reduced. As long as the design showed
that the section was mainly in compression under service loads, prob-
lems only arose at the joints, where bursting or shear stresses may have
caused cracking or spalling. Radial and circumferential joint capacity
was often verified by full-scale testing, though sadly much of this was
not published.
In conventional reinforced concrete design, it is usual to ignore the
tensile strength of the concrete itself. Concrete does have a tensile
strength, but without reinforcement by bars or fibres, failure will be
brittle and sudden (c.f. Figure 8.1), so a more generous safety margin
is required.
Lining materials 263
α ct , pl fctk
fctd = (8.13)
fctd is the design value of concrete tensile strength in N/mm 2 .
α ct , pl is a coefficient to take account of “long-term effects on the ten-
sile strength and of unfavourable effects resulting from the way
the load is applied” (EN 1992-1-1: 2004). For plain concrete,
EN 1992-1-1: 2004 recommends α ct , pl = 0.8 and the UK National
Annex requires α ct , pl = 0.6 (NA to BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004).
fctk is the characteristic value of concrete tensile strength in N/mm 2 .
For plain concrete, the characteristic value fctk can be obtained by
splitting tests to EN 12390-6: 2009. For preliminary design, the
value from Table 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1: 2004 can be used.
γc is the partial material factor for concrete and the recommended value
is 1.5.
α cc , pl fck
fcd = (8.14)
Cast iron has good strength in compression and good corrosion resistance
and is therefore a good choice of material for tunnel linings. However, it
is more expensive than the various types of concrete linings, can be time-
consuming to install, and temporary works are required to support the
exposed ground at the face (unless a TBM is used). Cast iron tunnel linings
consist of segments that are always bolted together at both the radial and
circumferential joints. Radial joints are usually staggered. Any void outside
264 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
the rings is usually grouted with cementitious grout through grout ports
built into the segments. Special tapered segments may be used to go round
curves, sometimes with very tight radii.
Older cast iron is known as ‘grey cast iron’. Properties can vary for his-
toric grey cast iron before 1928, but for grey cast iron made after 1928,
several Grades are defined in BS EN 1561: 2011, from which compres-
sive strength, tensile strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio may be
derived (LUL, 2007). Strengths are usually expressed as permissible design
stresses, with no need for partial factors.
Figure 8.5 shows an example of relatively modern cast iron rings built
in 2007. Note the staggered radial joints and the solid key segments in the
crown. These were a modern form of cast iron called ‘spheroidal graphite
iron’ (SGI), for which there is a European Standard BS EN 1563: 2018.
Since cast iron segments are not solid rectangular sections, the second
moment of area must be calculated using the parallel axis theorem. Also,
the position of the neutral axis must be found by taking moments of area.
A good overview of the properties of cast iron tunnel linings, com-
mon defects and common durability issues may be found in the ‘London
Underground Manual of Good Practice for Deep Tube Tunnels and Shafts’
(LUL, 2007).
Figure 8.5 Cast iron rings in the Piccadilly Line Access passageway at King’s Cross under
Lining materials 265
Laboratory testing of both grey cast iron and SGI was reported in detail
by Thomas (1977). More recent testing and finite element modelling were
described in Tsiampousi et al. (2017). 3D numerical modelling of cast iron
tunnel linings may be found in Li et al. (2014, 2015).
The most common materials used as tunnel linings were described, with
particular focus on SFRC.
The procedure for deriving characteristic residual flexural strength val-
ues for SFRC was described in detail, as well as durability, watertightness
and fire resistance.
ACI 318-19 (2019). Building code requirements for structural concrete. Farmington
Hills: American Concrete Institute.
ACI 544.7R-16 (2016). Report on design and construction of fiber-reinforced
precast concrete tunnel segments, Reported by ACI Committee 544.
Farmington Hills: American Concrete Institute.
AFTES Recommendation GT38R1A1 (2013). Design, dimensioning and execution
of precast steel fibre reinforced concrete arch segments. Tunnels et Espace
Souterrain, No. 238, 312–324.
Bernard, E. S. (2008). Embrittlement of fibre-reinforced shotcrete. Shotcrete,
Summer issue, 16–20.
Bjøntegaard, Ø., Myren, S., Klemetsrud, K. & Kompen, R. (2014). Fibre reinforced
sprayed concrete (FRSC): Energy absorption capacity from 2 days age to one
year. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete –
Modern Use of Wet Mix Sprayed Concrete for Underground Support (eds
Beck T., Woldmo, O. & Engen, S.), Sandefjørd, Norway, 16th–19th June,
pp. 88–97. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Concrete Society/Norsk Betongforening.
BS EN 1561: 2011. Founding. Grey cast irons. London, UK: British Standards
BS EN 1563: 2018. Founding. Spheroidal graphite cast irons. London, UK: British
Standards Institution.
CNR-DT 204 (2006). Guidelines for design, construction and production control
of fiber reinforced concrete structures. Rome: National Research Council of
de Waal, R. G. A. (2000). Steel fibre reinforced tunnel segments for the application
in shield driven tunnel linings. PhD Thesis. Technische Universiteit Delft.
EN 14651: 2005. Test method for metallic fibered concrete – Measuring the flex-
ural tensile strength (limit of proportionality (LOP), residual). Brussels:
European Committee for Standardization.
EN 12390-6: 2009. Testing hardened concrete – Tensile splitting strength of test
specimens. Brussels: European Committee for Standardization.
266 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
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(eds Peila, D., Viggiani, G. & Celestino, T.), Naples, Italy, pp. 2898–2908.
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surised tunnel. Proceedings of WTC2016, San Francisco, USA, Paper 0118.
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ble composite mineral macro fiber for shotcrete, meeting the energy absorp-
tion criteria for the industry. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium
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Schnütgen, B. (2003). Design of precast steel fibre reinforced tunnel elements.
International RILEM Workshop on Test and Design Methods for Steel
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bolted cast iron joints. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol. 68, 113–129.
Chapter 9
• how flat and curved joints behave when rotated and the effect of
• contact stress concentrations caused by geometrical inaccuracies
• how global analysis of a tunnel lining can incorporate joint rotation
and most important aspects of design. Every project is unique and has dif-
ferent load cases and performance requirements, some of which may not
be covered here. But the understanding gained from working through this
chapter, and careful reading of the papers, guidelines and standards cited,
will give you a solid foundation.
In this chapter we will look at how to design a segmental lining taking
account of the effect of the joints. Having joints in a ring will reduce its
overall flexural stiffness compared to a monolithic (solid, jointless) ring.
This is beneficial, as it will reduce the bending moments in the ring. You
can demonstrate this yourself using the Curtis-Muir Wood method (see
Chapter 6) in a spreadsheet – reduce the moment of inertia of the lining and
see what happens. There are different methods available to take account of
this effect, depending on the type of analysis used. These will be presented
and critiqued in the following sections.
As usual in design there is a trade-off; increasing the number of segments
may slow down the rate of tunnelling, as it takes longer to build a ring with
more segments. It also increases the number of joints, and thus the poten-
tial for defects to allow water ingress, which could be an issue for operation
and maintenance. On the other hand, reducing the number of segments
will increase the size and weight of each segment, increasing the handling
loads the segment needs to resist during demoulding, storage, transporta-
tion, handling and erection. This will be covered in Chapter 10, where we
will cover transient loads during the whole life of the segments before they
are in their final position.
Note that this equation was incorrectly printed in Muir Wood’s paper,
though it is clear from his example in the text that Equation 9.1 above is
what was intended.
The equation is only applicable if there are more than four joints. In
reality a ring can deform with four joints if the joints are aligned with
the principal stress directions in the ground (i.e. joints at 3, 6, 9 and
12 o’clock positions). But if they are rotated 45°, then the joints have no
effect. When a ring has four joints, their orientation makes a huge differ-
ence, but this effect decreases as the number of joints increases. Hefny &
Chua (2006) compared Muir Wood’s equation to analyses using contin-
uum finite element models and found that as the number of joints increases
beyond six, the influence of joint position relative to the principal stress
directions becomes negligible.
Judgement is required to determine Ij. We know that Ij cannot be less
than zero, and that Ie must be less than I of a segment section. If Ij = 0,
this is the same as assuming that the joints are completely free to rotate. If
Ie = I, this is the same as assuming the lining is monolithic. Free rotation is
virtually impossible in practice, as rotation will always result in an eccen-
tricity of thrust across a radial joint, resulting in a bending moment that
resists further rotation. It also assumes that an individual ring’s deforma-
tion is unimpeded by the adjacent rings, which would only be the case if
the circumferential joint had no shear keys, dowels or friction, or if the
radial joints were all aligned down the length of the tunnel (Klappers
et al., 2006). It is usual practice to stagger joints and to encourage shear
resistance, so this assumption is unrealistic. The difference between
aligned and staggered radial joints, and monolithic rings, is illustrated in
Figure 9.1.
Our objective is to estimate a realistic but conservative value of Ie so
that we can design a more efficient tunnel lining. The two limiting situa-
tions are either that the radial joints are pin joints, providing no rotational
Figure 9.1 From left to right: monolithic rings, aligned radial joints, staggered radial
272 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
stiffness, or that the lining is monolithic (i.e. as though there were no joints
at all). de Waal (2000) showed, and perhaps it is intuitively obvious, that
the truth always lies somewhere between these two limiting situations. Fei
et al. (2014) also proved this using scale models. Kavvadas et al. (2017)
found that when the radial joints are staggered and have a high rotational
stiffness, and the shear stiffness at the circumferential joint is also high, the
behaviour may be similar to a continuous monolithic lining with no joints
at all. Their work suggests that for a conservative first approximation it is
probably best to ignore the effect of joints altogether.
Moreover, Equation 9.1 is effectively smearing the effect of the joints
around the whole ring. This allows us to calculate ‘average’ bending
moments, but in reality, bending moments near to the joints will have
a different value (usually higher) than bending moments mid-segment
and will depend on the joint geometry, bolt details, packer and gasket.
Also, in staggered rings with friction and/or shear keys across the cir-
cumferential joints, forces are diverted around joints in a complex 3D
One way to conservatively estimate the local bending moment
(described in greater detail in Section 9.2) is to assume a joint rotation
based on the maximum specified ovalisation and then to use the joint
geometry and packer properties to calculate the eccentricity of the hoop
force and hence a bending moment. The designer can then use the greater
of the ‘average’ and this local value for design, and this approach should
be conservative. From experience, however, I know that this approach is
not commonplace and the usually less conservative ‘average’ values are
used for design.
look at the following different packer types and their effect on rotational
• linear elastic packers – these do not exist in the real world, but the
assumption of linear elastic behaviour allows for a simple calculation
of the contact stress distribution, which helps us to understand the
behaviour of a rotating joint and the calculation steps
• nonlinear bituminous and plastic packers, which exhibit an increase
in stiffness with strain
• nonlinear plywood and medium density fibreboard (MDF) packers,
which exhibit a decrease in stiffness with strain
Figure 9.4 Calculation of contact stress distribution – linear elastic packer with triangu-
lar stress distribution.
model to explain the steps. Figure 9.4 shows the geometry and symbols we
are going to use.
For simplicity it is assumed that the packer is symmetrically positioned
on the centreline of the joint. The packer is linear elastic, with Young’s
modulus Ep, so it follows from Hooke’s Law that the maximum compres-
sion displacement of the packer δmax is given by:
σ max t p
δ max = (9.2)
Also, the area of the triangular contact stress distribution in Figure 9.4
must equal the hoop force N across the joint for there to be equilibrium:
σ max Lc Lp
NLs = (9.3)
N is the hoop force per metre length of tunnel in N/m
L s is the segment length in the tunnel longitudinal direction in mm
Lc is the contact length as shown in Figure 9.4 in mm
Lp is the length of the packer in the tunnel longitudinal direction (as it
won’t be covering the full length of the segment) in mm
276 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Rearranging Equation 9.2 for σmax and substituting it into Equation 9.3
δ max Ep Lc Lp
N= (9.4)
2t p Ls
Now we have two unknowns, δmax and Lc, but they are related geometri-
cally by the following Equation 9.5:
δ max
Lc = (9.5)
δ max
2 E L
p p
N= (9.6)
2t pψ Ls
2t pψ Ls N
δ max = (9.7)
Ep Lp
Using Equation 9.7, we can find the value of δmax that gives us equilibrium
for a given value of hoop force N, packer properties Ep, Lp and t p, and joint
rotation ψ. We can then use this value of δmax in Equation 9.5 to find Lc.
Once Lc is known, the position of the resultant hoop force can be found,
in this case, a triangular contact stress distribution, it will be Lc /3 from the
position of σmax.
If the calculated contact length Lc is greater than the packer width a, then
it means that the contact pressure distribution is trapezoidal rather than
triangular, as shown in Figure 9.5.
Equation 9.2 still stands but we now reason as follows:
The hoop force per segment is now in equilibrium with a trapezoidal pres-
sure distribution varying from σmax to σmin over the full width of the packer a:
σ + σ min
NLs = max Lp a (9.8)
Now δmin has a similar relationship to σmin as δmax has to σmax in Equation 9.2,
so we end up with:
Ep Lp a
NLs =
2t p
(2δ max − aψ ) (9.9)
Segmental lining design 277
Figure 9.5 Calculation of contact stress distribution – linear elastic packer with trap-
ezoidal stress distribution.
NLs t p aψ
δ max = + (9.10)
Ep Lp a 2
Because we know δmax and the rotation angle ψ, δmin can be calculated:
NLs e =
(σ max − σ min ) aLp × a − a (9.12)
2 2 3
The moment due to eccentricity of hoop force is given by:
M = Ne (9.13)
M is the moment in Nmm
e is the eccentricity of the hoop force N from the centreline of the seg-
ments in mm
The rotational stiffness is defined as the bending moment per unit length
(in the tunnel longitudinal direction) required to cause a unit rotation angle
along a radial joint, and is given by:
k= (9.14)
k is the rotational stiffness in kNm/rad
278 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Thus we have calculated the eccentricity of hoop force due to joint rotation,
and from that we have calculated the moment induced by that eccentricity
and the rotational stiffness of the joint.
δ max 1.477
Lc = = = 169.257 mm
ψ 0.008727
δ max Ep 1.488 × 40
σ max = = = 19.838 N/mm 2
tp 3
δ min Ep 0.179 × 40
σ min = = = 2.384 N/mm 2
tp 3
To check the answer is correct, we can insert σmax and σmin into the equi-
librium Equation 9.8:
To find the eccentricity e of the resultant hoop force N from the joint
centreline, we resolve moments about the centreline as follows:
NLs e =
(σ max − σ min ) aLp × a − a
2 2 3
(19.838 − 2.384 ) × 150 × 900 × 150 − 150 = 19.635 mm
2 × 1500 × 1000 2 3
So in this case the eccentricity e = 19.64 mm, and using Equation 9.13 the
bending moment M resisting rotation is M = Ne = 29.45 kNm/m.
We can then calculate that the (secant) rotational stiffness, using
Equation 9.14, is M/ α = 3375 (kNm/m)/rad.
Figure 9.6 shows the relationship between joint rotation and bend-
ing moment for a linear elastic packer as calculated in a spreadsheet. At
higher values of joint rotation, the line changes from a straight line to
a curve, and this corresponds exactly to the point at which the contact
stress switches from a trapezoidal distribution to a triangular distribu-
tion. As one might expect, this transition from trapezoidal to triangular
stress distribution occurs later at higher values of hoop force.
The rotational stiffness, which is the gradient of the curves in
Figure 9.6, therefore is only a constant while there is a trapezoidal stress
distribution, but beyond the transition to a triangular distribution, it
decreases (or becomes less stiff) as rotation increases.
In order to illustrate the transition, the contact stress distributions for the
hoop force of 1000 kN/m, as rotation is increased, are shown in Figure 9.7.
280 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 9.6 Bending moment – joint rotation relationship for a linear elastic packer
with Young’s modulus 40 MPa at different levels of hoop force.
Figure 9.7 Contact stress distribution across a 150 mm wide linear elastic packer
as joint rotates under 1000 kN/m hoop force (note transition from trap-
ezoidal to triangular stress distribution at approximately 0.43°).
Segmental lining design 281
Cavalaro & Aguado (2012) did propose an equation σ = A 1 − e − ε n for )
the stress-strain relationship but it did not fit their data.
An important effect, particularly for bituminous packers, is that the first
load cycle has a much softer response and on subsequent load cycles the
material has a much stiffer behaviour. This is known as the ‘Mullins effect’
and is due to densification of the material.
The stress-strain curves based on Equation 9.15 and using the curve-
fitting parameters in Table 9.1 are shown in Figure 9.8.
Table 9.1 Parameters from curve-fitting of tests on plastic and bituminous packers
(based on test data from Cavalaro & Aguado, 2012).
Code Thickness tp A n
Plastic 1st loading cycle P1 2.15 mm 0.028 0.398
Plastic 2nd loading cycle P2 0.047 0.394
Plastic 3rd loading cycle P3 0.048 0.394
Bituminous 1st loading cycle B1 1.92 mm 0.013 0.366
Bituminous 2nd loading cycle B2 0.079 0.425
Bituminous 3rd loading cycle B3 0.063 0.434
282 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
As an example, we will use the parameters for only the first loading cycle
of the plastic packer ‘P1’ as given in Table 9.1.
This calculation is now a bit more complicated than the one in
Section 9.2.1. Nevertheless, it can still be done in a spreadsheet by dividing
the width of the packer into slices and calculating the stress in each slice.
The rotation angle is fixed and the maximum compression displacement
δmax is varied using a ‘goal seek’ function until the integral of the stresses is
in equilibrium with the hoop force.
The contact stress distributions as rotation is increased for the plastic
packer with parameters P1 is shown in Figure 9.9. Compared to the linear
elastic packer in Figure 9.7 the stress moves much more quickly to the edge
of the packer and attains much higher levels, but once there it changes less
and less. This is because as the strain increases, the plastic packer becomes
stiffer and stiffer, as was shown in Figure 9.8.
Other types of packer become less stiff as strain increases. This is the
opposite of the plastic or bituminous materials we have just seen, but is
typical behaviour of most engineering materials such as steel and concrete,
and indeed other materials used as packers, such as plywood and MDF.
Based on a compression test on a 3 mm plywood packer, the following
bilinear relationship could be assumed:
E = 170 MPa for 0 ≤ ε ≤ 0.05
E = 23 MPa for 0.05 ≤ ε ≤ 0.5
Segmental lining design 283
Figure 9.9 Contact stress distribution for nonlinear plastic packer with parameters P1.
and the potential for crushing or shearing of concrete at the edge of the
joint is therefore much reduced.
Figure 9.11 Bending moment vs joint rotation for plastic, plywood and linear elastic
packers, at a hoop force of 1000 kN/m.
Segmental lining design 285
Figure 9.12 Variation of rotational stiffness of joints with plastic, plywood and linear
elastic packers with rotation angle, at a hoop force of 1000 kN/m.
force of 1000 kN/m. All packer types settle into a rotational stiffness of
around 1000–3000 kNm/rad as found by Teachavorasinskun & Chub-
uppakarn (2010), but at lower levels of joint rotation, rotational stiff-
ness can be much higher.
It is difficult to briefly summarise the overall effect of these very dif-
ferent packer behaviours on how a segmental lining ring will behave. For
instance, a higher radial joint rotational stiffness will result in a higher
overall ring stiffness, which will result in less deformation but higher bend-
ing moments. A lower rotational stiffness will result in a more flexible ring,
with larger deformations but lower bending moments.
On the other hand, the high stress concentrations at the edge of the
packer that result from using plastic or bituminous packers that become
stiffer at higher strain levels, may have a knock-on effect on the design of
the concrete segment itself in the vicinity of the joint, as bursting, crush-
ing or shear failure may occur at the intrados or extrados due to the larger
eccentricity of the hoop force.
For detailed design it may be appropriate to feed these relationships
between rotational stiffness and rotation angle into a model of a tun-
nel (either bedded beam or finite element) to investigate the effect. It is
clear, however, that a material that has a stiffness that decreases with
strain level, such as concrete (i.e. no packer) or plywood, is preferable to
a material whose stiffness increases with strain level, such as bituminous
or plastic packers.
286 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
The simplest way to estimate local bending moments induced by joint rota-
tion is to specify the maximum rotation as an input and then to calculate
the eccentricity of axial force that will be generated. Joint rotation is not
usually specified, but ovalisation (the percentage change of diameter) is in
most cases explicitly specified in the contract as part of the build toler-
ances. For instance, the British Tunnelling Society (BTS) Specification for
Tunnelling (BTS, 2010) says:
The maximum and minimum measured diameters in any one ring shall
be within 1% of the theoretical design diameter of the ring measured on
completion of ring build and grouting, or such other tolerance stated in
the Particular Specification. This tolerance includes all building errors.
Figure 9.13 Elliptical distortion or ‘ovalisation’, shown for half a tunnel ring in squatting
Segmental lining design 287
δ = ρ rm (9.16)
From Figure 9.15, the joint rotation ψ will be given by the following equa-
tion, which is the difference between angles α and β, multiplied by 2 because
of symmetry (the adjacent segment below axis level will rotate as well):
ψ = 2 (α − β ) (9.18)
It can be seen from Figure 9.14 that the distance OG is given by:
OG = rm − δ (9.19)
OA = OB = rm (9.20)
180° − θ
α= (9.21)
AC = OAsinθ (9.22)
OC = OAcosθ (9.23)
CB = OB − OC (9.24)
Segmental lining design 289
The chord lengths AB and DE are assumed to be equal and are given by:
AB = DE = AC 2 + CB2 (9.25)
OE = OB + δ (9.26)
DF 2 OF 2
+ = 1 (9.27)
Rearranged this gives:
OF 2
DF 2 = 1 − OG (9.28)
1 − OF − 2 × OE × OF + (OE + OG − DE ) = 0 (9.30)
2 2 2 2
a × OF 2 + b × OF + c (9.31)
a, b, c are coefficients
a = 1 − (9.32)
b = −2 × OE (9.33)
b2 − 4 ac
OF = −b ± (9.35)
290 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
There are two solutions to the quadratic equation, one being a spurious
result that will be much too large and can be discarded.
Now EF is given by:
EF = OE − OF (9.36)
β = arccos (9.37)
Once the angle β has been calculated, the joint rotation may be calculated
using Equation 9.18. Then we can calculate the eccentricity of the hoop
thrust across the joint, taking account of the joint geometry and packer
properties by using the procedure described in the previous Section 9.2.
Once the eccentricity is calculated, several aspects then need to be checked
including local compression (crushing of the concrete), bending stresses,
shear and bursting stresses.
ID + t 6 + 0.25
rm = = = 3.125 m
2 2
Each segment arc angle θ = 360°/8 = 45°
Maximum change in radius, δ = 0.01r m = 0.01 × 3.125 = 0.03125 m
A segment to one side of a joint at the axis (with arc of 45°) is shown
in Figure 9.16, and a further simplification of the geometry is shown in
Figure 9.17. In Figure 9.17, AB represents the original segment chord and
DE represents the new segment chord position. The segment is assumed
to be rigid and hence the chord length does not change.
OA = OB = rm = 3.125 m
180° − 45°
α= = 67.5°
Note we are carrying quite a few decimal places because we are calculat-
ing a small change in angle and the precision is needed.
The length CB is given by:
The chord lengths AB and DE are equal and are given by:
DF 2 OF 2
+ =1
OF 2
DF 2 = 1 − OG2
Segmental lining design 293
(OE − OF )2 + DF 2 = DE2
Combining these two equations gives:
1 − OE2 OF − 2 × OE × OF + (OE + OG − DE ) = 0
2 2 2 2
a × OF 2 + b × OF + c
OG2 3.093752
a = 1 − = 1 − = 0.039212
OE2 3.156252
b = −2 × OE = −2 × 3.15625 = −6.3125
EF 0.937531
cosβ = = = 0.391982
DE 2.391771
Lsh = − e (9.38)
296 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
N Ed sinβ cosβ
τ= (9.39)
Lsh × Ls
The maximum shear stress always occurs when β = 45°, because sin βcosβ
is at a maximum when β = 45°. Therefore, since sin45°cos45° = 0.5,
Equation 9.39 can be rewritten as:
N Ed
τ= (9.40)
2Lsh Ls
k = 1 + 200/d ≤ 2.0
The axial stress σ cp is defined as for reinforced concrete. The shear stress
calculated in Equation 9.40 must be less than the ‘concrete design strength
in shear and compression’ fcvd.
The concrete design strength in tension fctd is needed for the calculation
of fcvd. It is given by:
α ct fctk
fctd = (9.42)
The concrete design strength in compression fcd is needed for the calcula-
tion of fcvd. It is given by:
α cc fck
fcd = (9.43)
σ cp − σ c ,lim
If σ cp > σ c ,lim ; fcvd = fctd
+ σ cp fctd − (9.45)
The following Worked Example will continue from where Worked Example 9.2
left off, using the previously calculated hoop force and eccentricity to check
for local crushing and shear of the concrete local to the joint.
α cc fck 0.85 × 50
fcd = = = 28.33 N/mm 2
γ cc 1.5
Now, according to Section 12.6.3 of EN 1992-1-1: 2004:
σ c ,lim = fcd − 2 fctd ( fctd + fcd ) = 28.33 − 2 1.93 (1.93 + 28.33) = 13.05 N/mm 2
fcvd = fctd
+ σ cp fctd = 1.932 + 12.3 × 1.93 = 5.24 N/mm 2
Using units of N and mm, the shear stress is given by Equation 9.40:
N Ed 1000 × 103
τ= = = 6.15 N/mm 2
2Lsh Ls 2 × 81.3 × 1000
This is more than the value of fcvd, so the segment corner will fail in
shear. There may be ways to improve the geometry of the joint or a
different geometry or type of packer could be used. A thicker lining is
also a possibility, or alternatively, bar reinforcement could be provided
close to the radial joints.
When ram loads are applied to the circumferential joint by the tunnel
boring machine (TBM) jacks, and when hoop force is transferred across
a radial joint, the force is not applied evenly across the whole segment
300 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 9.20 Bursting stress visualisation. (a) Stress trajectories, and (b) Horizontal stress.
Fbst = 0.25 1 − N Ed (9.46)
Fbst is the bursting force in kN, which can be assumed to act between
a depth of 0.1b and b.
a is the bearing width in mm, as shown in Figure 9.20.
b is the width of the segment face in mm, as shown in Figure 9.20 for a
centrally applied load. For an eccentric load, it is 2× the distance
to the nearest segment edge.
N Ed is the design value of axial force in kN, which could be the TBM
jacking force for a circumferential joint or the hoop force for a
radial joint.
Figure 9.21 Convex-convex radial joint for the Storebælt Eastern Railway Tunnel (joint
dimensions from Elliott et al., 1996).
302 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
e j = 1 2 θ (9.47)
R1 + R2
em = s (9.48)
R1 + R2
As for flat joints, the total eccentricity is the sum of the eccentricity due to
joint rotation and the eccentricity due to misalignment.
Curved joints usually do not have packers, or bolts, but they can have a
gasket and a caulking groove (Elliott et al., 1996; Psomas & Eddie, 2016;
Nirmal, 2019). If we assume the two segments are elastic, then the contact
width b across a convex-convex radial joint with radii R1 and R 2 may be
calculated using elastic theory (Young, 1989), illustrated in Figure 9.22.
The equation for contact width is as follows:
b = 1.6 d d E (9.49)
Kd is given by:
Kd = (9.50)
R1 + R2
R1 and R 2 are the radii of the curved radial joint surfaces of segment 1
and segment 2, respectively, in mm
C E is given by:
1 − ν12 1 − ν 22
CE = + (9.51)
E1 E2
The contact length Lc will not necessarily be the length of the segment, as
there are usually chamfers at the ends to take account of.
The contact width allows us to calculate a contact stress that we can
check against concrete crushing, and also determines the bursting stress
that will be generated deeper in the segments below the contact. The con-
tact width and eccentricity allow us to check for local shear and bending
in the segment.
When a bedded beam model is used, the radial joints may be modelled by
rotational hinges, which is a slight improvement on the 2D plane strain
analytical solutions, where the effect of joints is smeared or averaged
around the whole ring. If a finite element or frame analysis program is used,
then these hinges can be assigned a rotational stiffness. However, knowing
what the value of this rotational stiffness should be is not straightforward.
de Waal (2000) showed that the results will always be between the two
limiting situations of a monolithic ring with no joints and a ring with free
(or pin) joints. Lee & Ge (2001) estimated that it is between 1/10 and 1/4
of the segment stiffness. An analysis like that described in Section 9.2 could
be used to estimate rotational stiffness, or the rotational stiffness could
be calibrated to measured deformations of previously constructed tunnels
(similar to what Lee & Ge (2001) did for effective bending rigidity).
A 3D bedded beam model can be used to take account of the shear stiff-
ness of circumferential joints by introducing ‘shear springs’ into the model
between one ring and another, and the staggering of radial joints in adja-
cent rings. An example is shown in Figure 9.23 for a tunnel lining with
six segments and staggered radial joints. Two rings have been modelled to
allow the coupling effect between adjacent rings to be modelled, but only
half of the segment width is considered in each ring. The boundary condi-
tions do not allow displacement in the tunnel longitudinal direction, so this
Figure 9.23 3D bedded beam (or ‘beam-spring’) model of two six-segment half-rings
with staggered radial joints.
Segmental lining design 305
means the model behaves as though the structure were infinitely mirrored
in the longitudinal direction, forwards and backwards, and this is why it
makes sense to only consider half the segment width. The segments are
modelled by curved 1D beams. This kind of model can be easily built in
most 3D frame analysis programs.
In this kind of model, ground and water loads are applied to the beams as
distributed loads. The ground reaction is modelled by radial and tangential
springs, which are not shown in Figure 9.23. This is an approximation of
the soil-structure interaction, but the ground reaction springs are indepen-
dent and will not allow redistribution of stresses caused by arching within
the ground. For instance, a more flexible zone of lining would result in more
deformation in the ground locally and a local reduction in ground pressure,
which would result in arching and hence an increase in the ground pres-
sure either side of this zone. This becomes increasingly important as stress
gradients in the ground become larger, for example, in situations where the
tunnel is passing near to an existing tunnel, or perhaps when local grouting
pressures are applied.
Guidance on spring stiffness values to use can be found in Bakhshi &
Nasri (2013a, 2013b and 2013c). Kavvadas et al. (2017) found by paramet-
ric study that for the radial joints only the rotation about the longitudinal
tunnel axis direction is important and for the circumferential joints only
shear displacement is important. For the other degrees of freedom, high
stiffness values were used. For the radial joint rotational stiffness, values
could be based on full-scale testing or the methods described in Section 9.2.
For the circumferential joints, Gijsbers & Hordijk (1997) found from full-
scale tests that the shear stiffness value in the elastic zone could be assumed
to be 106 kN/m. The peak coefficient of friction varied between 0.4 and 0.7,
with higher values tending to be for lower normal forces and vice versa.
M* r02
= (9.52)
M r0 ( r0 − t )
Figure 9.24 Lining forces from a 3D finite element analysis with staggered joints, con-
tinuous lining and aligned joints (redrawn from Kavvadas et al., 2017). For
the axial force, compression is negative.
Segmental lining design 307
(described in detail in Litsas et al., 2015), using the method of Blom (2002)
and was therefore more than an order of magnitude higher than values pre-
sented earlier in this chapter where the properties of the packer were used.
This may be why the envelope for staggered joints has an upper bound of
bending moment close to the value for a continuous lining.
It is theoretically possible to model joints explicitly in a 3D numerical
model, by using continuum elements for the tunnel lining, and paying
close attention to the contact rules and geometry of the joints. It would
very likely be necessary to have a much finer mesh for the segments, par-
ticularly in the vicinity of the joints, than for the ground. Very few com-
mercially available software packages will allow sudden changes of mesh
size, or even contact rules (it is possible in ABAQUS and to some extent in
FLAC3D), while also being able to model the ground explicitly and with
a realistic constitutive model. A model built in this way will be very large
and complex. It is unlikely to be feasible at present for anything other than
an advanced research project. It is possible to model the lining with solid
elements in 3D in many structural finite element analysis programs with
nonlinear contacts modelled, but there will be limitations in the way the
ground is modelled.
Attempts have been made to model joints using finite elements and con-
tact rules, but without modelling the ground, in order to obtain rotational
stiffness values. These kinds of models are usually used to back-analyse
full-scale segment tests, to check on stress concentrations around details,
such as rebates, shear keys, gasket grooves, grout holes or bolt holes, or to
find values of joint rotational and shear stiffness for use in simpler models.
The ground and water loads applied to the segmental lining should be the
most onerous loads in terms of design of the lining thickness and mate-
rial strength. In preliminary design, the lining bending moment and hoop
force may be obtained from an analytical solution, such as the Curtis-Muir
Wood solution (see Chapter 6), whereas in detailed design it is common
practice to use numerical modelling in 2D or 3D to obtain the lining forces
(see Chapter 7).
Usually, the design models will have various load cases and combina-
tions, which may include:
• for twin tunnels, the distance between them or their level relative to
each other may vary along the route
• sensitivity analyses, e.g. of a realistic range of coefficient of earth
pressure at rest, soil strength or stiffness parameters, or confinement
loss factor (see Section 7.1.2)
These load cases and combinations will each result in lining forces, usu-
ally expressed as a hoop thrust N, a bending moment M and shear force V,
which will vary around the lining. Therefore, we will have a large number
of points at which we have calculated a set of N, M and V and we need
an efficient way of dealing with all of these sets. We cannot just take the
maximum N and pair it with the maximum M and maximum V, because
they may not have occurred at the same point in the lining or in the same
design model.
An important aspect to bear in mind is that a high value of N is not nec-
essarily a bad thing, because it can increase the moment capacity at low to
moderate load levels. This is why we should check the lowest overburden
and the lowest groundwater table level as well as the highest.
Figure 9.25 An example moment-hoop force interaction diagram showing the effect of
application of partial factors.
9.8.2 Constructing a moment-axial
force interaction diagram
The key part of segmental lining design for geotechnical actions is to con-
struct a moment-axial force interaction diagram. This is commonplace for
the design of reinforced concrete columns, but for SFRC segments it is not
described in the fib Model Code 2010 (2013) nor in detail in any of the
supporting guidance for segment design such as fib Bulletin 83 (2017) or
ITAtech (2016). The procedure is described here, for SFRC segments with-
out bar reinforcement.
The inputs are:
The first step is to calculate the design values of the strength parameters.
The design compressive strength is given by:
α cc fck
fcd = (9.53)
fR3d = (9.54)
The design value of the ultimate post-cracking tensile strength of the SFRC
is given by:
fFtud = (9.55)
Figure 9.26 Rigid-plastic stress block approach for ultimate limit state (ULS) design of a
fibre-reinforced concrete segment.
The symbols used in Figure 9.26 that we have not already defined are:
xn is the distance from the compressive extreme fibre to the neutral axis
in mm.
η is a factor that is used to reduce the design compressive strength at
high strength values. For fck ≤ 50 MPa, η = 1.
A s is the area of steel bar reinforcement (if present) in mm 2 .
f yd is the design yield strength of the steel bar reinforcement (if present)
in N/mm 2 .
If we have no axial force, then we can directly calculate the depth to the
neutral axis xn using horizontal force equilibrium:
Rearranging gives:
xn = (9.57)
λη fcd + fFtud
Now we know xn we can take moments about the neutral axis to calculate
the resistance moment of the section at the ULS Mu:
b ( h − xn )
Mu = fFtud + η fcd bλ xn xn − n (9.58)
2 2
find the minimum axial force N min when Mu = 0 , use the following
And in a fourth column, calculate the stress capacity available for compres-
sion in bending σ c , avail :
Now, in a fifth column, calculate the depth to the neutral axis xn using
Equation 9.57, with f Ftud replaced with σ t , avail and ηfcd replaced with σ c , avail ,
as follows:
hσ t , avail
xn = (9.64)
λσ c , avail + σ t , avail
b ( h − xn )
Mu = σ t , avail + σ c , avail bλ xn xn − n (9.65)
2 2
Segmental lining design 313
Now plot a graph with values of axial force N from the first column on
the x-axis and values of bending moment Mu from the sixth column on the
y-axis. It should have a similar shape to Figure 9.25.
fck = 40 N/mm 2
fR1k = 5.0 N/mm 2
The letter ‘c’ means that 0.9 ≤ f R3k /f R1k ≤ 1.1, so we will take the lower value:
fR3k 4.5
f R3 d = = = 3.0 N/mm 2
γF 1.5
fR3d 3.0
fFtud = = = 1.0 N/mm 2
3 3
α cc fck 0.85 × 40
fcd = = = 22.67 N/mm 2
γc 1.5
This calculation shows ten equal intervals of axial force N, but you can
do more if you want to. The calculation results are shown in Table 9.2.
314 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
N σa σ t , avail σ c , avail xn Mu
(kN) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (mm) (kNm)
−250.00 −1.000 0.000 23.667 0.00 0.00
341.67 1.367 2.367 21.300 30.49 66.52
933.33 3.733 4.733 18.933 59.52 118.07
1525.00 6.100 7.100 16.567 87.21 154.56
2116.67 8.467 9.467 14.200 113.64 176.03
2708.33 10.833 11.833 11.833 138.89 182.61
3300.00 13.200 14.200 9.467 163.04 174.48
3891.67 15.567 16.567 7.100 186.17 151.87
4483.33 17.933 18.933 4.733 208.33 115.05
5075.00 20.300 21.300 2.367 229.59 64.32
5666.67 22.667 23.667 0.000 250.00 0.00
τ 2
= fFtud 1 − (9.66)
is the reduced value of f Ftud in N/mm 2
f Ftud is the design value of the ultimate post-cracking tensile strength
in N/mm 2
τ is the shear stress, given by τ = V /bh, in N/mm 2
So far we have only looked at the ULS design under geotechnical loads.
We also need to design the tunnel for the serviceability limit state (SLS), to
demonstrate that it will meet whatever criteria are needed for it to remain
serviceable for the whole design life.
method where the lining is assumed to be elastic in the analysis and any ten-
sile stresses are then checked to ensure they are below the first crack value.
This avoids the need to model the tunnel lining as a nonlinear material.
iii. The last pair of values in Table 9.3 should have exceeded the
capacity of the segment. Change the segment design so that all
the pairs of values are within the capacity curve.
Fei, Y., Chang-fei, G., Hai-dong, S., Yan-peng, L., Yong-xu, X. & Zhuo, Z. (2014).
Model test study on effective ratio of segment transverse bending rigidity of
shield tunnel. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol. 41, 193–205.
fib Bulletin 83 (2017). Precast tunnel segments in fibre-reinforced concrete, State-
of-the-art Report, fib WP 1.4.1, October. Lausanne: Fédération internatio-
nale du béton (fib).
fib Model Code 2010 (2013). fib Model Code for concrete structures 2010.
Lausanne: Fédération internationale du béton (fib).
Gijsbers, F. B. J. & Hordijk, D. A. (1997). Experimenteel onderzoek naar
bet afschuifgedrag van ringvoegen, 1st November, TNO Bouw No.97-
CON-R1337, COB Reference K111-W-001, Delft, The Netherlands.
Hefny, A. M. & Chua, H. -C. (2006). An investigation into the behaviour of jointed
tunnel lining. Proceedings of the ITA-AITES 2006 World Tunnel Congress –
Safety in the Underground Space, Seoul, Korea, 22–27 April.
Hover, E., Psomas, S. & Eddie, C. (2017). Estimating crack widths in steel fibre-
reinforced concrete. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. Constr. Mater. 170, No. 3,
ITAtech (2016). Design guidance for precast fibre reinforced concrete segments –
Vol. 1: Design aspects, ITAtech Report No. 7. Lausanne: ITA-AITES.
Reproduction of figures with permission of the Committee on new technolo-
gies of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association –
Johnson, R. P., Psomas, S. & Eddie, C. M. (2017). Design of steel fibre rein-
forced concrete tunnel linings. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. Struct. Build. 170, SB2,
February, 115–130.
Kavvadas, M., Litsas, D., Vazaios, I. & Fortsakis, P. (2017). Development of a
3D finite element model for shield EPB tunnelling. Tunn. Undergr. Space
Technol. 65, 22–34. Figure 10-24 reprinted with permission from Elsevier.
Klappers, C., Grübl, F. & Ostermeier, B. (2006). Structural analyses of segmen-
tal lining – coupled beam and spring analyses versus 3D-FEM calculations
with shell elements. Proceedings of the ITA-AITES 2006 World Tunnel
Congress – Safety in the Underground Space, Seoul, Korea, 22–27 April.
Lee, K. M. & Ge, X. W. (2001). The equivalence of a jointed shield-driven tunnel
lining to a continuous ring structure. Can. Geotech. J. 38, 461–483.
Litsas, D., Paterianaki, G. & Kavvadas, M. (2015). Investigation of the influence of
cracking on the stiffness and capacity of segmental tunnel lining. Proceedings
of the World Tunnel Congress (ed. Kolić, D.), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22–28
May. Zagreb, Croatia: HUBITG.
Luttikholt, A. (2007). Ultimate limit state analysis of a segmented tunnel lining –
Results of full-scale tests compared to finite element analysis. Master’s the-
sis, Delft University of Technology.
Muir Wood, A. M. (1975). The circular tunnel in elastic ground. Géotechnique 25,
No. 1, 115–117.
Nirmal, S. S. (2019). Design of steel fibre reinforced concrete segment with curved
radial joints. Proceedings of the WTC 2019 – Tunnels and Underground
Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art
(eds Peila, D., Viggiani, G. M. B. & Celestino, T.), pp. 2804–2809. London:
Taylor & Francis Group.
322 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Nogales, A. & de la Fuente, A. (2020). Crack width design approach for fibre rein-
forced concrete tunnel segments for TBM thrust loads. Tunn. Undergr. Space
Technol. 98, Paper 103342.
Psomas, S. & Eddie, C. M. (2016). SFRC segmental lining design for a pressurised
tunnel. Proceedings of the WTC2016, San Francisco, USA, Paper 0118.
Englewood, CO: SME.
Teachavorasinskun, S. & Chub-uppakarn, T. (2010). Influence of segmental joints
on tunnel lining. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol. 25, 490–494.
TfL (2015). Jubilee Line Tunnel Works, Rail and Underground Panel paper, 16th
July. Available at:
jubilee-line-tunnel-works.pdf (last accessed 11th August 2019).
UK NA to EN 1992-1-1: 2004. UK National Annex to Eurocode 2: Design of
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British Standards Institution.
Young, W. C. (1989). Roark’s formula for stress and strain, 6th Edition. New York:
Chapter 10
Segment design
for transient loads
• the main load cases that apply to segments from casting in a factory
to installation in a tunnel
• the complex interaction of TBM jacking loads and grouting pressures
and their effect on longitudinal bending of the tunnel lining
Assuming that the moulds and curing process of the precast concrete seg-
ments are designed to minimise adhesion or trapping of the segment in
the mould, the load case here is the lifting of a segment against its self-
weight. The concrete is young, perhaps with an age between 3 and 12 hours,
depending on the concrete mix and the curing process (fib Bulletin 83,
2017). Cycle times in the factory and hence the size of the factory and
the number of segment moulds required depend on the time from casting
to demoulding, so this could have an impact on cost and programme.
There are a number of factors at play and the rate of strength gain also
depends on the concrete mix ingredients and proportions. This will have
an impact on durability and carbon footprint, so it is important that the
designer communicates with the segment manufacturer to achieve the
optimum solution.
Usually the designer will specify a concrete strength required and
it will be up to the segment factory to ensure the concrete has attained
this strength before demoulding, usually by using standard cube or cylin-
der compressive strength tests as an index test. For SFRC, a relationship
between the flexural tensile strength required to avoid cracking and the
compressive strength needs to be established at early ages to determine a
value of compressive strength at which it is safe to demould the segment
(fib Bulletin 83, 2017).
Designing for demoulding requires knowledge of the lifting equipment.
For smaller segments, lifting points may be cast into the segment. In most
cases nowadays, and particularly for larger segments, demoulding will be
done by vacuum lifting. Vacuum lifters usually have one to three areas
where a vacuum is applied. Segments are usually cast intrados-down, so the
vacuum lifter is applied to the extrados as shown in Figure 10.1.
The calculation of bending moments and shear forces due to lifting are
a simple case of equilibrium of vertical loads. Vacuum lifters will spread
the load more and bending moments will be reduced because the length of
cantilevering segment outside the vacuum pads will be smaller compared to
using one or more lifting points.
This is a statically determinate load case, i.e. there is no need to consider
deflections or compatibility of strains. The self-weight is the same regard-
less of how the segment deforms under load. When we looked at a segmen-
tal lining being loaded by the ground and groundwater this was a statically
indeterminate load case and was treated slightly differently.
The self-weight of a segment as a function of its arc length, is given by:
wchord = w arc (10.2)
The design value of self-weight is the self weight multiplied by the partial
factor for unfavourable permanent actions from EN 1992-1-1: 2004:
wd = wchord γ G (10.3)
326 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
The ends of the segment are cantilevering as shown in the idealised struc-
tural model at the bottom of Figure 10.1. The shear force and bending
moment may be calculated as shown in Figure 10.2 with the following
Figure 10.2 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for segment demoulding load
Segment design for transient loads 327
wd L2cant
Mmax = (10.5)
We can check the design moment and shear force against the capacity
of the segment if we know the compressive strength and flexural tensile
strength development at early age. It is not acceptable to assume that the
relationship between compressive strength and flexural tensile strength
will be the same at early age as it will be at 28 days (ACI 544.7R-16,
2016; fib Bulletin 83, 2017). Therefore, specific early age unconfined
compressive strength and EN 14651: 2005 flexural beam tests will be
π (3 + 0.2)
Larc = = 1.676 m
Because the segment arc is 60°, the chord length in this case is one side
of an equilateral triangle with the other two sides being the radius to the
centroid. Therefore the chord length is:
Lchord = 1.6 m
The segment has a uniform thickness along the arc length and there-
fore assuming a unit weight of 25 kN/m3 the segment has a self weight
warc = 5.0 kN per metre of arc length, hence 5.0 kN/m.
328 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Larc 1.676
wchord = w arc = × 5.0 = 5.236 kN/m
Lchord 1.6
The vacuum lifter in this example covers the central third of the segment.
The ends of the segment are therefore cantilevering as shown in the ide-
alised structural model at the bottom of Figure 10.1. The shear force and
bending moment may be calculated as shown in Figure 10.2. The canti-
lever length Lcant = Lchord /3 = 1.6/3 = 0.533 m.
The design value of shear force is given by:
wd L2cant
MEd = = 1.005 kNm
For an SFRC segment, we can check the design moment and shear force
against the capacity of the segment if we know the compressive strength
and flexural tensile strength development at early age. The procedure will
be similar to that shown in the next section for segment stacking, which
is also a statically determinate load case with no axial force.
For a reinforced concrete or plain concrete segment, we can check
the design moment and shear force against the capacity of the segment
using EN 1992-1-1: 2004.
10.2.1 Actions
The positioning of the timber battens should be specified by the designer on
the segment drawings. If they were positioned perfectly then there would
be no bending moments induced in the segments except for those induced
by self-weight of an individual segment, because loads from segments
above travel straight down through the battens, as shown in Figure 10.4.
However, when the battens are not aligned vertically, additional bending
moments and shear forces will be induced. Segment stacking is a statically
determinate load case.
In the case of Figure 10.4, bending moments and shear forces in the seg-
ments will depend on self-weight with two supports, as shown in Figure 10.5.
Similar to the demoulding load case, we have simplified each segment to a
straight beam.
The notation in Figure 10.5 is as follows:
Lchord is the chord length, i.e. the length of the segment idealised as a
straight beam, in m
Lb is the distance between the timber battens in m
L s is the segment length in the tunnel longitudinal direction in m
W is the weight of one segment in kN
330 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 10.5 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for perfect segment stacking.
Segment design for transient loads 331
The design shear force and moment will be the maximum values calculated
in Figure 10.5, multiplied by the partial safety factor for permanent unfa-
vourable actions, γG = 1.35.
The designer also needs to take account of tolerances in the placement
of battens. The worst case is if a pair of battens is placed as far apart as
the tolerances allow, with the battens of the segment above being as close
together as the tolerances allow (fib Bulletin 83, 2017). The tolerance is
usually taken to be 100 mm (fib Bulletin 83, 2017; ACI 544.7R-16, 2016),
so the adjacent battens could be up to 200 mm apart.
The moment due to eccentric batten placement in the bottom two seg-
ments can be added to the self-weight moment calculated above. Since
poor batten placement is an accidental action, a partial factor of 1.00
can be used for this action (fib Bulletin 83, 2017). Figure 10.6 shows
Figure 10.7 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for eccentric batten placement
in a segment stack.
The shear force and bending moment diagrams for eccentric batten place-
ment are shown in Figure 10.7. Note that because we are separating the
effect of eccentric batten placement from the self-weight, the reaction from
the battens beneath is 2W.
The procedure that has been described is the most basic method of
design. More sophisticated numerical modelling of the segment geometry
could be used, along with a more sophisticated constitutive model for
the concrete behaviour, whether it is SFRC, reinforced concrete or plain
Segment design for transient loads 333
Note that Pu and δu are not the ULS load and delection, but are the ‘ulti-
mate load’ and the ‘ultimate deflection’, respectively. The ULS load is the
ultimate load divided by a partial factor, and represents the resistance of
the structure.
Note also that Pser and δser are written as PSLS and δSLS in the fib Model Code
2010 (2013). However, this is misleading as they are not the SLS load and
deflection, but are the load and deflection due to service actions (as defined
in Section 7.7.2 of the fib Model Code 2010). The subscript ‘SLS’ is not in the
list of notation of the fib Model Code 2010, and appears to have been used in
error, so here we will use Pser and δser, which are in the list of notation.
If fibres are used as the only reinforcement or the minimum conventional
reinforcement to achieve ductility is not present, the fib Model Code 2010
(2013) Section 7.7.2 requires that one of the following conditions is satisfied:
1. δ u ≥ 20δ ser
2. δ peak ≥ 5δ ser
fib Bulletin 83 (2017) says that δu need only be greater than δser, rather
than at least 20 times greater as the Model Code requires. In this case, the
designer needs to ensure that the segment has sufficient ductility and rota-
tion capacity.
These conditions impose a requirement for minimum deformability in
statically indeterminate structures to allow bending moment redistribution
to occur. They do not apply to segment demoulding or stacking, which are
statically determinate situations. However, they will apply to ground and
water loads on the tunnel lining later in this chapter.
A further condition is that the ultimate load Pu shall be higher than both
the cracking load Pcr and the service load Pser. This is to avoid a brittle
failure after cracking. The load cases we have seen so far for demoulding
and stacking are ‘statically determinate’ situations. In other words, static
equilibrium equations are sufficient to determine the internal forces in the
segment. Therefore, the requirement that Pu ≥ Pcr can also be expressed in
terms of bending moments, such that Mu ≥ Mcr.
We also want to ensure that Pcr ≥ Pser (or Mcr ≥ Mser ) so that the segment is
not cracked at the service load, as recommended by fib Bulletin 83 (2017).
This is different to how we design the segmental lining once installed,
where we allow some cracking when the service loads are applied but try
to keep crack widths below 0.1–0.3 mm (depending on the specification) to
allow autogenous healing to occur.
First we need to calculate what bending moment the section can resist.
This may be done using a sectional analysis approach. To do this we need
to calculate the design values of resistance.
The segment concrete is specified by a grade, for example ‘FRC 40/50 – 5.0c’
(see Chapter 8 Section 8.2 for more details). This means fibre reinforced
concrete with a compressive cylinder strength of 40 N/mm 2 , a compres-
sive cube strength of 50 N/mm 2 , fR1k = 5.0 N/mm 2 and 0.9 ≤ fR3k /fR1k ≤ 1.1.
Therefore f R3k will be taken as equal to 0.9 × fR1k = 4.5 N/mm 2 .
The segment concrete will also be required to meet the requirement
fR1k /fLk ≥ 0.4 (Equation 5.6-2, fib Model Code 2010, 2013).
Segment design for transient loads 335
Figure 10.9 Rigid-plastic stress block approach for ultimate limit state design of a fibre-
reinforced concrete segment.
We are only going to consider SFRC segments here, the bar reinforcement
in Figure 10.9 is only shown for completeness as it is possible to use both
fibre and bar reinforcement together and this is included in the fib Model
Code 2010 (2013) design methodology.
The moment that can be resisted at the ultimate limit state will depend
on the values of the design compressive strength fcd and the design value of
the ultimate post-cracking tensile strength f Ftud, as well as the distance to
the neutral axis xn.
If the characteristic cylinder compressive strength fck ≤ 50 MPa, then
λ = 0.8 and η = 1.0. If fck > 50 MPa then η and λ need to be determined
by equations 7.2–15 to 7.2–18 in the fib Model Code 2010 (2013). As an
example, for FRC 40/50 – 5.0c, fck = 40 MPa, so η = 1.0 and λ = 0.8.
The design compressive strength fcd is given by Section 3.1.6 of EN 1992-
1-1: 2004, and the value for FRC 40/50 – 5.0c concrete is calculated like
this for our numerical example:
α cc fck 0.85 × 40
fcd = = = 22.67 N/mm 2 (10.6)
γc 1.5
336 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
fFtud = (10.7)
From the values of f Ftud = 1.0 N/mm2 and fcd = 22.67 N/mm2 we can imme-
diately see from Figure 10.9 that, for our numerical example, without con-
ventional bar reinforcement the height of the compression stress block will
be 22.67 times smaller than the height of the tension stress block in order
for there to be horizontal force equilibrium. Therefore the neutral axis at the
ultimate limit state will be very close to the upper surface of the segment.
This can also be expressed by the equation for horizontal force
xn = (10.10)
( λ fcd + fFtud )
Segment design for transient loads 337
Using Equation 10.10 we can calculate the size of the stress blocks, and
from that we can calculate the ULS resistance moment M Rd, which is the
design value of the ultimate moment. The ULS resistance moment may be
obtained by taking moments about the neutral axis of the design values of
compressive and tensile strength (c.f. Figure 10.9):
h − xn λx
MRd = fFtud b ( h − xn ) + f bλ xn xn − n (10.11)
2 cd 2
The ULS resistance moment can be either positive or negative. Unless bar
reinforcement is present and not the same in the top and bottom layers,
moment capacity is always symmetrical in SFRC members if the section
geometry is symmetrical.
If the ULS resistance moment M Rd is greater than the design moment
M Ed, the segment passes the ultimate limit state check for this load case.
The design moment M Ed is calculated from the characteristic actions mul-
tiplied by a partial factor.
To ensure there is no brittle failure after cracking, we need to check that
Mu ≥ Mcr. This is because this is a statically determinate load case, and after
cracking the self-weight load cannot be redistributed. The fib Bulletin 83
(2017) states that unfactored mean strengths should be used for this check,
though this is not mentioned in the fib Model Code 2010 (2013). If design
values are used then we can check that M Rd ≥ Mcrd instead.
The design value of cracking bending moment Mcrd may be calculated as fol-
lows, assuming an elastic stress-strain relationship (fib Bulletin 83, 2017):
Mcrd = fctd , fl (10.12)
fctm, fl = max 1.6 − fctm ; fctm (10.13)
A very similar value may be obtained using equations 5.1–3a, 5.1–8a and
5.1–8b in the fib Model Code 2010 (2013).
Equation 10.13 may also be used to obtain the characteristic flex-
ural tensile strength fctk, fl from a value of characteristic axial tensile
strength fctk.
Alternatively, if EN 14651: 2005 flexural beam test data exist (and this is
preferred for SFRC segment design), then the mean flexural tensile strength
fctm, fl may be taken as the characteristic mean value of flexural tensile
strength at the limit of proportionality f Lm:
Then the design value may be calculated by dividing the mean value by the
partial material factor for fibre-reinforced concrete in tension γF, usually
taken as 1.5.
fctm, fl
fctd , fl = (10.15)
Thus we can now calculate Mcrd using Equation 10.12, and if M Rd ≥ Mcrd
then there will not be a brittle failure after cracking. If M Rd ≤ Mcrd then
the fib Bulletin 83 (2017) recommends applying an additional partial fac-
tor of 1.2 to reduce M Rd, to provide additional safety against a brittle
Note that if the segments are stacked before they have achieved their
specified 28 day strength, then a design check will need to be made for an
earlier age strength.
Segment design for transient loads 339
τ 2
= fFtud 1 − (10.16)
is the reduced value of f Ftud in N/mm 2
f Ftud is the design value of the ultimate post-cracking tensile strength in
N/mm 2 and is given by fFtud = fR3d /3 (see Equation 10.8)
τ is the shear stress, given by τ = V /bh, in N/mm 2
The moment capacity check described in the previous section should then
be repeated with the reduced value fFtud
in place of f Ftud.
Note that if the segments are stacked before they have achieved their
specified 28 day strength, then a design check will need to be made for an
earlier age strength.
Mcr ,min is the minimum moment at which cracking may occur in kNm
M ser is the moment due to service actions in kNm
Figure 10.10 Elastic stress blocks for SLS design of a fibre-reinforced concrete segment.
Note that for the SLS the partial material factor is 1.0.
The characteristic flexural tensile strength is given by Equation 10.13:
fctk, fl = max 1.6 − fctk ; fctk (10.19)
The moment due to service actions M ser is calculated in the same way as the
design moment M Ed, but with a partial factor on actions of 1.0.
a. Calculate the design values of the maximum shear force and bend-
ing moment.
b. Check the capacity of the segment at the ULS.
c. Check for the effect of shear on the resistance moment at the ULS.
d. Check the capacity of the segment at the SLS.
a. Calculate the design values of the maximum shear force and bend-
ing moment.
The arc length L arc of a segment is given by:
Larc = rmθ
342 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Larc = rmθ = 1.6 = 1.676 m
Now we will calculate the self weight of one segment W:
Since the segment arc is 60°, then the segment chord and two radii
make an equilateral triangle and the segment chord length is 1.6 m.
Therefore the battens should be placed at 0.4 m from the edges of
the segment measured horizontally.
Therefore, the worst case is shown for the 5th segment where the
battens between the 4th and 5th are as close together as the toler-
ance ei allows and the battens between the 5th and 6th segments are
as far apart as the tolerance eo allows. This will generate a sagging
moment in the central part of the segment’s span.
The tolerance assumed on batten placement in this example is
0.1 m for both inside and outside tolerances ei and eo. Therefore, we
will assume that the battens between the 4th and 5th segments are
0.5 m from the segment edges and the battens between the 5th and
6th segments are 0.3 m from the segment edges.
First we will calculate the shear forces and bending moments
due to self-weight assuming perfect batten placement, according to
Figure 10.5 (reproduced below as Figure 10.12) using Lchord = 1.6 m
and Lb = 0.8 m.
The forces are:
V1 = V6 = 0
1.6 − 0.8
V2 = − × 7.069 = −2.828 kN
V3 = × 7.069 = 2.828 kN
V4 = − × 7.069 = −2.828 kN
0.8 − 1.6
V5 = − × 7.069 = 2.828 kN
Segment design for transient loads 343
Figure 10.12 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for perfect segment stacking.
M1 = M5 = 0
M2 = M4 =
(1.6 − 0.8)
× 7.069 = 0.566 kNm
1.62 − 2 × 1.6 × 0.8
M3 = × 7.069 = 0 kNm
Next we can look at the eccentric batten placement. The shear force
and bending moment diagrams for this load case were shown in
Figure 10.7, reproduced here as Figure 10.13.
In Figure 10.13, the maximum shear force in the 5th segment
due to eccentric batten placement is equal to half the weight of the
segments above. The segment weight will have a partial factor of
1.0, because eccentric batten placement is considered an accidental
action and so the design value of the action is given by:
Figure 10.13 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for eccentric batten
placement in a segment stack.
α cc fck 0.85 × 40
fcd = = = 22.67 N/mm 2
γc 1.5
346 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
h − xn λ xn
MRd = fFtud b ( h − xn ) + f bλ xn xn −
2 cd 2
200 − 10.45
= 1.0 × 1000 × ( 200 − 10.45) × + 22.67 × 1000
0.8 × 10.45
× 0.8 × 10.45 × 10.45 −
= 19.15 × 106 Nmm = 19.15 kNm
Since MRd ≥ MEd in both hogging and sagging, the segment passes
the ultimate limit state check for storage.
To ensure there is no brittle failure after cracking, we need to
check that M Rd ≥ Mcrd.
First we get the value of mean axial tensile strength fctm from
Table 3.1 in EN 1992-1-1: 2004. For a characteristic compressive
cylinder strength fck = 40 MPa, fctm = 3.5 MPa.
Then we calculate the mean flexural tensile strength using
Equation 10.13:
h 200
fctm, fl = max 1.6 − fctm ; fctm = max 1.6 − × 3.5;3.5
1000 1000
= 4.9 N/mm 2
Then the design value may be calculated by dividing the mean value
by the partial material factor for fibre reinforced concrete in ten-
sion γF, usually taken as 1.5.
fctm, fl 4.9
fctd , fl = = = 3.27 MPa
γF 1.5
Segment design for transient loads 347
Thus the design value of the cracking bending moment is given by:
MRd = = 15.96 kNm
Since MRd ≥ MEd and Mcrd ≥ MEd in both hogging and sagging, the
segment still passes the ultimate limit state check for storage.
c. Check for the effect of shear on the resistance moment at the ULS.
Using Coccia et al. (2015)’s method of including the effect of
shear in the ULS check for moment and axial force, by reducing
the design value of the ultimate post-cracking tensile strength f Ftud.
The shear stress is given by:
τ 2 0.098 2
= fFtud 1 − = 1.0 1 − = 0.990 N/mm
fFtud 1.0
The ULS check in (c) and (d) should be repeated with the reduced
value fFtud
in place of f Ftud. We can see that in this case the effect will
be negligible.
d. Check the capacity of the segment at the serviceability limit state.
For transient situations such as demoulding, storage and transporta-
tion it is usual practice to impose a condition that no cracking should
The characteristic axial tensile strength, in the absence of exper-
imental data, may be obtained from Table 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1:
2004, and is given by:
h 200
fctk, fl = max 1.6 − fctk ; fctk = max 1.6 − 1000 × 2.45; 2.45
= 3.43 N/mm 2
So for both the sagging and hogging service moments, the SLS
check is therefore passed.
The segments must be moved from the factory to storage yard, then to site
on a railway wagon, barge or lorry, and then to the TBM on a multi-service
vehicle or rail wagon. There are also all the crane and telehandler lifts
between these modes of transport to consider. For each of these, the load-
ing on the segments or a stack of segments must be considered.
There are also situations where the segments need to be turned over.
Most segments are cast extrados-upwards, whereas it is usual to stack seg-
ments extrados-down. Sometimes segments are cured or stored standing on
their circumferential joint. All these manipulations and the loads they may
induce must be considered.
In most cases, the bending moments are important, but the axial and
shear forces are relatively small (fib Bulletin 83, 2017).
fib Bulletin 83 (2017) recommends that where dynamic loads are
expected, for example during road or rail transport, an additional partial
Segment design for transient loads 349
factor of γd = 2.0 should be applied to the self-weight (as well as the usual
partial factor of 1.35).
In all these cases, the design model will be of lifting points or areas and
cantilevering sections, with a design procedure similar to that for demould-
ing and storage.
If the segments are lifted using cast-in lifting pins, or by using a device
screwed into the grout plug, then these lifting devices need to be checked.
Also, pull-out of a cone of concrete or edge failure around the lifting device
also needs to be considered.
Within the TBM, segments may be lifted off the transport by a hoist or roll-
ers and moved through to the front. Then they will be lifted by the segment
erector, which could have lifting points or use vacuum lifting.
In all these cases, the design model will be of lifting points or areas
and cantilevering sections, with a design procedure similar to those for
demoulding, storage, transportation and handling.
TBM jacks shove the machine forward by pushing against the circumferen-
tial joint of the last ring built. These jacks are usually equally spaced around
the circumference and are often in pairs with a shared ram shoe that applies
the load to the circumferential joint. Although the aim is to spread the load as
evenly as possible, bending moments and other kinds of stress concentrations
may result from imperfections in ring build and segment geometry.
not be plane and the jacking forces may not be applied perfectly. Therefore,
Burgers et al. (2007) went on to analyse the effects of eccentric placement
of a thrust jack in the radial direction by applying a jacking force in the
model with a triangular pressure distribution across the segment thickness.
This caused a significant reduction in the failure load from 30.7 MN to
23.6 MN and cracking began much earlier. The (exaggerated) deformation
of a segment due to eccentricity of the jacking load towards the extrados
of the circumferential joint is shown in Figure 10.14. The eccentricity causes
the segment to bend outwards about a tangential axis, which concentrates
the bearing stress on the previous ring into the centre and induces bending
about a radial axis causing a longitudinal tensile crack on the leading edge
of the segment between the two pairs of jacks, due to the uneven support
on the trailing edge. Cracks exactly like this one were observed in real seg-
ments during the construction of Line 9.
Another possible cause of longitudinal cracks between the ram shoes is
uneven support due to steps in the circumferential joint plane (de Waal, 2000).
Cavalaro et al. (2011) say that this is the most common cause of this type
of cracking. An illustration of this is shown in Figure 10.15.
The effect of this uneven support depends on its magnitude, on the thick-
ness and material properties of the segments, and on the thickness and
material properties of the packing material. For a small step between seg-
ments in the previous ring, the new segment will deform until contact is
made across the gap, with only a small reduction in capacity. For a larger
step critical damage may occur before contact is made. Cavalaro et al.
(2011) found that thinner and longer rings could cope with larger steps.
Segment design for transient loads 351
Figure 10.16 Hoop forces around a segmental lining back-calculated from strain gauges
(from Bilotta & Russo, 2012).
the forces across the radial joints to be estimated. The assembly of the lin-
ing, jacking forces and grout pressures resulted in a highly variable hoop
axial force and bending moment distribution, particularly if the longitudinal
strains were taken into account in the calculation, as shown in Figure 10.16.
Hoop axial forces were lower at joints than in the body of the segment.
Bilotta & Russo explained that the segments were placed quite smoothly, but
didn’t explain where the hoop force was going. It is possible that the hoop
force could have been transferred via dowels and friction in the circumferen-
tial joints to the adjacent ring’s segments rather than across the joints.
If the results of Bilotta & Russo’s back-calculation are taken at face value,
the most interesting aspect is how much real hoop thrusts vary within seg-
ments and around the ring compared to conventional calculations using
analytical solutions. The effects of small geometric misalignments, asperi-
ties, variable and/or eccentric jacking forces and grout pressures in the real
situation clearly have a large impact on the forces in the segments in the
medium- to long-term.
We need to be able to design a segmental lining for jacking forces, when
small geometrical misalignments can cause such large changes in stress.
These effects can only really be modelled using 3D numerical analysis, with
careful attention paid to modelling the expected geometrical tolerances and
the contact between segments. It is also wise to consider full-scale testing of
segments in a laboratory at the tolerance limits.
Usual practice in design is to make assumptions, usually in consultation
with the TBM manufacturer and the contractor, about the worst case dis-
tribution of jacking forces around the ring and their potential eccentricities.
Groeneweg (2007) recommends a partial factor of 2.0 on jacking loads
for comparison with the ultimate limit state. Alternatively, fib Bulletin 83
Segment design for transient loads 353
(2017) suggests using the maximum capacity of the rams, based on the
maximum pressure of the hydraulic system.
Since we do not want to cause excessive cracking of the segments, fib
Bulletin 83 (2017) recommends applying a partial factor of 1.5 on the nom-
inal working load of the thrust rams for comparison with the SLS.
The following load cases should be considered:
Figure 10.17 Strain gauge data and analytical model of the Groene Hart Tunnel (from
Hoefsloot, 2009).
i.e. the crown is slightly further inbye than the invert. The new ring has
to be placed to the design alignment, hence there will always be a change
in plane of the rings and perhaps stepping. This can cause eccentric loads
across the circumferential joint and increases the risk of cracking. Another
problem is that the TBM itself often has ‘lookup’ (i.e. the axis of the TBM
is pointing slightly upwards) while the rings in the tailskin have overhang,
which results in wear to the tailseal brushes or excessive forces applied to
the segments at the crown and invert, similar to what happens on a tight
curve but rotated 90°.
The effect of ringbuilding tolerances, stiffness of tailseal brushes and
TBM attitude were investigated in detail by Mo & Chen (2008) using a 3D
numerical model. They found that the key segment was the most vulner-
able to dislocation or overstressing and this meant that the TBM diving
downwards was the worst case (assuming the key is positioned at or near
the crown, which is not always the case).
As anyone who has seen a bent pipe will know, tubes flatten in bending,
and so longitudinal bending of a tunnel causes it to squat, as shown by
Huang et al. (2012).
Koyama (2003) used pressure cells on the extrados of segments to
measure the pressure applied by the tailseal brushes and found that it
could be twice as high as the pressure later exerted by the ground and
that tight curves could result in permanent loads and deformations in
the lining.
Segment design for transient loads 355
Figure 10.18 Calculated grout pressures at 0 m and 4.1 m from the rear of the TBM using
all six injection ports uniformly (from Talmon et al., 2006).
356 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 10.19 Calculated grout pressures at 0 m and 4.1 m from the rear of the TBM using
the top three injection ports only (from Talmon et al., 2006).
slow-setting grouts are used. The tunnel is therefore like a pipe supported
at both ends with an upwards pressure in the middle, which induces lon-
gitudinal bending moments in the tunnel, exacerbating the deformations
due to jacking loads. A basic conclusion from this Dutch research is that by
injecting more grout through the upper injection ports, uplift forces on the
lining, and hence longitudinal bending moments, can be reduced.
• precise geometry of the TBM jacks, their shoes, the tailskin and the
tailseal brushes
• the location of grout ports, the grout rheology and hardening param-
eters, and grouting strategy (i.e. how much to inject through each port)
• likely range of advance rates
• segment manufacturing tolerances
• ringbuilding tolerances
• jacking forces and their potential eccentricity
Segment design for transient loads 357
Gaskets consist of strips of extruded rubber that are placed all around each
segment on the radial and circumferential joints. Therefore, each joint will
have two gaskets in contact. Their purpose is to prevent water ingress to the
tunnel. There are two ways that watertightness may be achieved. One is by
compression; when a segment is pushed against another segment, the gaskets
are compressed until the concrete faces of the segments or their packers make
contact and are compressed. Compression of the gaskets prevents water from
pushing its way in between them. The other way is by using a compound that
swells in contact with water, known as a ‘hydrophilic’ gasket. Hydrophilic
gaskets for precast concrete segmental linings usually consist of a compres-
sion gasket with a superficial layer or bead of hydrophilic rubber.
Gaskets are either glued into a preformed gasket groove (Figure 10.20), or
cast-in to the segment by attaching them inside the moulds (Figure 10.21).
Gaskets may be needed to keep groundwater and grout from leaking
into the tunnel, or to keep a fluid that is in the tunnel from leaking out.
Sometimes, they need to achieve both, for instance in a potable water tun-
nel below the groundwater table with fluctuating internal water pressure.
We do not want potable water to leak into the ground, because this is
wasteful, and we do not want untreated groundwater entering the tunnel.
In this case we also have the requirement that the gasket materials are safe
to use in contact with drinking water. In the case of a sewage tunnel, we
do not want sewage leaking into the ground, but we may be less concerned
with groundwater infiltration into the tunnel, except that pumping and
treatment costs may be increased because of the additional flow. The gas-
kets will need to be chemically resistant to the groundwater and to any fluid
within the tunnel. It is not possible to replace segment gaskets, so they are
required to last for the full design life of the tunnel.
The applied load for segment design is the force required to compress the
gasket. Laboratory tests can determine what this closing force should be.
An example is shown in Figure 10.22. When the gap reaches zero, the con-
crete faces of the segments are in contact and very little further deformation
is possible. Therefore, this can be taken as the design load. The maximum
gasket compression force is applied to the gasket groove and the concrete
can be checked for bearing capacity, bursting stress and, since the gasket
is usually close to the edge of the segment, shearing off of the corner of the
Usually the bolts are designed to maintain gasket compression until the
ring is grouted using a simple tensile capacity calculation, with the load
calculated from the required gasket closure force.
Radial bolts may be curved, such that they have a pocket on both sides
of the joint, or they are ‘spear bolts’, which consist of a straight bolt that is
screwed into a plastic cast-in socket.
For some tunnels, it may be necessary to design the bolts and connectors
to hold the weight of the segment, if the TBM jacks are to be removed for
Segment design for transient loads 359
Figure 10.22 An example of gasket compression force versus joint closure (VIP-
Polymers Ltd, 2020).
some reason. In this case, the bolts and connectors will have to resist ten-
sion and shear forces, and sometimes bending.
It is common nowadays to use plastic dowels across the circumferential
joints and steel bolts across the radial joints. The plastic dowels are also
helpful in aligning the new segments with the previous ring.
In recent years, designers have begun to question the need for radial bolts,
because the TBM jacks and the confinement provided by the tailskin brushes
should be sufficient to keep the segments in position and the joint faces in con-
tact until the ring is grouted. On some projects bolts or dowels across the radial
joints have been omitted and guide rods have been used to aid positioning.
Concrete around bolt pockets or connector sockets may need to be
checked for local bearing stresses, because there is a possibility of local
crushing or shear failure. For SFRC segments, more detailed guidance is
available in fib Bulletin 83 (2017).
Segments undergo various load cases during their life, including demould-
ing, storage, transportation, erection and then installation loads from the
TBM jacks and grouting pressures. The most common load cases were
described, with worked examples used to demonstrate the ultimate limit
state and SLS calculations.
360 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Sprayed concrete linings differ from the segmental linings covered in the
previous two chapters in the following ways:
important principles. For sprayed concrete, even more than for other con-
struction methods, the design and construction are inextricably interlinked.
The design is not finished when construction starts, but must be verified by
monitoring and back-analysis. For brevity, this book focuses on design and
includes very little discussion of construction, but make no mistake: you
should find out as much as you can about construction before embarking
on the design of a real sprayed concrete tunnel. Designers who do not take
the trouble to understand construction are inefficient and dangerous, and
this could equally be said of site engineers who do not understand design.
Diverse teams of people with construction and design backgrounds, who
are willing to learn from each other, produce the best and safest solutions.
After working through this chapter you will understand:
There are many variants, which depend on the design philosophy regard-
ing water ingress, durability and the final finish at the intrados of the lining
system. These will be described in the following sub-sections. The main
types are summarised in Table 11.1.
shrinkage and thermal strains, early in its life. When the secondary lining is
installed, it also experiences shrinkage and thermal strains. The secondary
lining contracts and moves away from the primary lining, and this means
that a significant increment of load is needed before the secondary lining
will even begin to share the load applied to the primary lining. Jones (2018)
estimated for a case study that this load increment would need to be at least
10 MPa, and therefore it is unrealistic to assume any load-sharing for most
tunnels in soft ground. Exceptions to this may include when another tunnel
is excavated nearby or where a junction is broken out through the primary
lining after the secondary lining has been installed.
The groundwater pressure may be assumed to be acting on the second-
ary lining, particularly if a sheet waterproof membrane is present between
the primary and secondary linings. Some bending moment will be induced
by the hydrostatic increase in groundwater pressure with depth around the
membrane, and if the secondary lining is non-circular.
If there is the potential for chemical attack from the ground, it is some-
times assumed that in the long term a certain thickness of the primary
lining is degraded, and is not considered in the long-term analysis. This is
called a ‘sacrificial layer’. In these ways, even with a permanent primary
lining, the secondary lining can be designed for some load.
and the primary and secondary lining act independently. If the interface has
a perfect bond, then there will be full composite action, where the primary
and secondary lining act as though they were one monolithic lining. If there
is some bond and/or friction between the primary and secondary linings,
providing an interface shear stiffness, then some degree of partial composite
action will occur, which could be anywhere between the two limiting cases
of no composite action or full composite action (Jäger, 2016).
Figure 11.1 shows, and it can be demonstrated by the calculation that
follows, that the same bending moment will induce higher bending stresses
in the system with no composite action. Therefore, partial or full composite
action will increase the moment capacity.
Assuming the primary and secondary linings have the same thickness t,
the moment with no composite action may be given by:
For full composite action, the primary and secondary linings act like a
monolithic beam of thickness 2t, and thus the moment is given by:
Comparing Equation 11.1 and Equation 11.2, if the moment were the same,
then the value of σmax when there is full composite action would be half the
magnitude of the value for no composite action, as shown in Figure 11.1. If
the maximum stress σmax were the same in both cases, i.e. if it represented
the strength of the lining material, then the resistance moment would be
twice as large when there is full composite action.
Jäger (2016) noted that composite action means a higher overall stiffness
(compare the values of I in the two cases above) and therefore the bending
moments obtained from a soil-structure interaction analysis will be higher
as a result.
Sprayed concrete lining design 369
Most sprayed concrete linings have a vertical line of symmetry through the
centreline. It is possible to design non-symmetrical linings, but for most
purposes, symmetry provides the right fit.
Sprayed concrete lining design 371
Usually we assume that the upper part of the lining (the ‘crown’) above
axis level is a single circular arc. This is because in the temporary case dur-
ing construction it tends to take more load and therefore needs the stron-
gest shape. This has practical benefits in highway or railway tunnels, where
above the kinematic envelope of the vehicles some space is often needed
for ventilation, lighting or overhead line electrification. For pedestrian pas-
sageway tunnels, sometimes the required space envelope is chamfered in
the top corners, making a semi-circular crown more efficient.
In many tunnels for vehicle or pedestrian use, the finished floor is hori-
zontal, and although there is some underfloor space needed for drainage
and cable ducts, much of the invert would be wasted space if the tunnel
were circular. Therefore, the invert may be flattened to reduce the vol-
ume of excavation. A flatter invert is also easier to excavate using mobile
which has its centre at CC. Similarly, C B is also on an invert radius R I that
has its centre at C I.
It is important to understand the origin of the three arc profile.
Originally, lattice girders or steel ribs were used between two layers of
welded wire mesh within a sprayed concrete lining, and if set out cor-
rectly they enabled the sprayer to spray to the correct profile. Each lat-
tice girder or steel rib could be easily fabricated to a single radius, with
bolted joints at the interface between construction stages, i.e. between the
top heading, bench and invert. Therefore, it was convenient if the transi-
tions between arcs were at the levels of the construction stage interfaces.
Nowadays, in most soft ground tunnels, steel fibre reinforced concrete
has replaced lattice girders or steel ribs and welded wire mesh to provide
the necessary flexural strength and ductility, and reflectorless laser total
stations are used during spraying to get the correct profile. Therefore,
there is no real need to define the profile using three arc radii, or for the
arc transitions to be at the construction stage interfaces. However, using a
three arc profile does keep things simple and provides a reasonable shape
in most situations.
In Figure 11.2, the crown arc is semi-circular, the centre of the invert arc
is at the apex of the crown, and the transitions from the bench arc to the
invert arc occur at the vertices of the required rectangular space envelope.
These constraints enable a reasonable shape to be found algebraically to fit
the rectangular envelope, but none of them have to be fixed. For instance,
some designers prefer to make the crown arc less than 180°, particularly
for wide or tall caverns. Similarly, the positions of the bench and invert arc
centres can vary, as long as the arcs have common tangents at the points
where they meet to avoid vertices.
The profile shown in Figure 11.2 would be the intrados of the sprayed
concrete lining. In order to draw the extrados, simply offset the curves by
the thickness of the lining. If drawing by hand, use the same centres, but
increase the radii by the thickness of the lining. The common tangents of
the extrados arcs will be on the same radial lines as the common tangents
of the intrados arcs.
made more circular by moving the centres closer to the profile centre (where
the two lines of symmetry cross).
2 2
RC = + A + (11.3)
2 2
RB = RC − G (11.6)
2 2
RI = RC + − A +
2 2
2 2
3.65 3.2
= 2.655 + − 0.293 + = 4.482 m
2 2
Figure 11.8 Worked Example 11.1 four arc profile sketch of radial displacement
and bending moment.
Sprayed concrete lining design 379
because the bottom parts of the arc near axis level will deform
inwards. This effect could be reduced by a temporary invert acting
as a strut across the base of the top heading.
Note also that if the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0 ≠ 1
then the radial displacements will also be anisotropic even for a
perfect circle and bending moments will be induced, as was dis-
cussed in Chapter 6 for the Curtis-Muir Wood analytical solution.
Table 11.2 Sprayed concrete tunnel face division methods and typical sizes.
Typical minimum
Face division method Shorthand and maximum size Notes
Full-face 3–6 m
Top heading–invert TH-I 4–7 m
Top heading–bench–invert TH-B-I 5–10 m
Sidewall drift and 9–15 m Min. limited by width
enlargement* of plant
Twin sidewall drift* 14–18 m Min. limited by width
of plant
Pilot tunnel then 8–11 m
enlargement by top
* Note that sidewall drifts and enlargements are usually advanced with a TH-B-I method, so that a
twin sidewall drift may be divided into nine partial faces.
Smaller tunnels are possible with hand excavation and/or hand spraying,
but below 3 m timber support may be preferable to sprayed concrete. In
these situations the design and construction team should consider whether
the tunnel should be made larger to allow mechanisation, and hence safer
and faster tunnelling.
The following sections discuss each of these face division methods in
more detail.
Figure 11.9 Full-face excavation. An advance has just been excavated and is ready to be
Sprayed concrete lining design 381
a ramp of muck so that the excavator can reach the next top heading. This
covering and uncovering of the invert is inefficient, and that is why a double
advance length of the invert is usually excavated and sprayed after every
two top heading advances.
There are many possible variations on this sequence. For instance, the
invert could be staggered, so that it always lags behind the top heading by
one or two advance lengths. Although this increases the ring closure dis-
tance and hence should increase ground movements, it means that the joint
between the top heading and the invert shotcrete can be cleaned and pre-
pared more safely because the operatives are under a canopy of hardened
shotcrete, rather than recently sprayed ‘green’ shotcrete.
The most recently sprayed top headings are overhanging the last com-
pleted invert. As illustrated by the case studies described in Chapter 1, the
overhanging top heading experiences some loading from the ground, which
will tend to make it move downwards. This downwards displacement is
arrested by the completion of the invert, from which point the lining begins
to behave like a ring in compression and further ground movements should
be relatively small. Sometimes the top heading is given ‘elephant’s feet’, a
thickening of the lining at the footings of the top heading, which has the
aim of spreading the lining load and hence increases the bearing capacity.
Another option is to give the top heading a ‘temporary invert’, which is a
shallow arch of shotcrete (Figure 11.12). This is removed when the invert
excavation advances.
Figure 11.12 TH-I excavation, with ‘temporary invert’ in the base of the top heading.
Sprayed concrete lining design 383
Similar to the full-face excavation method shown in Figure 11.10, the top
heading could be inclined. However, it is not common practice to incline
the invert excavation.
this case the two sidewall drifts are constructed and then the enlargement, or
‘core excavation’ is done last.
Figure 11.16 Sprayed concrete tunnel enlarged from (a) a sprayed concrete pilot, and
(b) a TBM segmental lining pilot.
until the TBM has reached its final destination and all the backup systems
have been removed from the tunnel.
An example from the design of Crossrail Farringdon Station platform
tunnels is illustrated in Figure 11.16, which shows a comparison of two
pilot tunnels, one a sprayed concrete pilot and the other a TBM-driven pilot
tunnel. Note that because the TBM pilot was larger the enlargement also
had to be larger to ensure sufficient space for toolbox measures, such as
spiling, grouting and depressurisation of sand channels, and for excavating
around and breaking out the segmental lining. Breaking out is much easier
if the length of the segmental lining rings is the same as the advance length
of the sprayed concrete enlargement, and for Farringdon special shorter
rings were used through the station section of the TBM drives for this pur-
pose (St John et al., 2015).
with the strong central wall on one side of it. Then the second tunnel may
be driven, utilising the central wall for both the temporary and permanent
Note that when using a sprayed concrete lining in soft ground, we do not
reduce the basic support design if the ground is better than foreseen, but we
will employ toolbox measures if a geological risk is realised.
The principles of undrained and drained stability in Chapters 2 and 3
can be used to predict the need for, and effectiveness of, different toolbox
from Figure 11.13, and on the right is shown a modified sequence with a
shorter ring closure distance. In this example the ring closure distance has
been reduced from 5.5 to 4.5 m.
In soils with very low cohesion, support ahead of the face will help to
prevent the soil in the crown from falling down, since it only needs to arch
over the spacing between the spiles or pipes, rather than arching front-to-
back over the advance length, as shown in Figure 11.22. Usually the soil
will break back to the line of the spiles and may in some cases continue to
ravel back until an arch is formed.
Pipe arches typically consist of self-drilling steel pipes of 114 mm diameter
(they can be any size, though normally they are between 60 and 200 mm)
and 15–20 m long. If the soil around them is to be grouted, they can be fitted
with tube à manchette valves at intervals along their length. They can be self-
drilling, or installed in pre-drilled boreholes (Lopez et al., 2019). Because of
their length, pipe arches need to be installed at a shallower angle than spiles,
and so an enlargement of the tunnel of approximately 20% is required to
create a headwall to allow installation (Holzleitner et al., 2005). The tunnel
Figure 11.23 Sprayed concrete tunnel long section showing pipe arch pre-support.
Sprayed concrete lining design 393
Alternatively, a simple model can be used with a pin support (or a series
of springs) at one end representing the shotcrete lining and spring supports
over the embedded length representing the ground, with an assumed ground
load applied over the span (Ischebeck, 2005; Volkmann & Schubert, 2010).
11.4.6 Dewatering/depressurisation
Dewatering or depressurisation may be used as a toolbox measure to reduce
the risk of seepage-induced instability. The further this is done from the
face of the tunnel, the more effective it will be and the less it will disrupt
excavation and spraying, so if it is possible to do this from the surface, a
shaft, another tunnel or from a pilot tunnel, then this may be more efficient.
The effect of dewatering or depressurisation on drained soils may be calcu-
lated by using a 3D numerical seepage model to calculate the pore pressures,
and then to use these in the wedge-prism method presented in Chapter 3, or
to use a 3D numerical model for both the seepage and stability analysis.
Tolerances for setting out and spraying of the lining, including an allow-
ance for deformation, need to be included in the design drawings so that the
lining does not encroach on the required space envelope.
Figure 11.24 ‘Kwikastrip’ installed at the axis level prior to spraying the top heading (left).
The bars hidden in the box are later exposed and bent downwards ready for
invert spraying (right). This tunnel was a 5.3 m diameter TH-I excavation.
high shear forces and bending moments that can be induced at these joints,
they typically require reinforcement. Installing this reinforcement in the
crown during excavation exposes operatives to the risk of falling ground
or shotcrete. It is possible to design this out by making the sidewall drift
slightly oversize and then, during enlargement excavation, spraying a sec-
ond layer of primary lining that is continuous across the sidewall drift and
enlargement. This will require careful 3D numerical modelling of the con-
struction stages to ensure that the shotcrete lining has sufficient capacity at
each stage of construction for the various temporary and permanent loads.
11.5.3 Tolerances
To ensure that the sprayed concrete lining does not impinge on the required
space envelope, a tolerance needs to be provided between the theoretical
intrados and the required space envelope. This will account for setting out
and spraying tolerances and for deformation of the lining, and will be based
on what the contractor believes is achievable. A lower tolerance means a
smaller overall volume of excavation, but it needs to be achievable most of
the time to avoid the need for milling back the lining.
On recent projects in the United Kingdom, a tolerance of 100 mm has
been used with approximately 75 mm being required as a spraying toler-
ance and 25 mm required as a deformation tolerance. For particularly large
caverns >10 m wide the deformation tolerance may be larger, and for areas
that are tricky to spray accurately, a larger tolerance may be necessary.
The tolerance is normally included in the drawings as a dashed line offset
inside the theoretical intrados line.
396 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Ec = 3.86fc0.6 (11.8)
Since a higher stiffness will attract more ground load and will result
in higher bending moments, it is important to consider both the lower
and upper bound characteristic values. The lower bound value will
give a more conservative estimate of ground movements, whereas an
upper bound value will give a more conservative estimate of lining
Poisson’s ratio is usually taken as 0.2 for shotcrete or concrete.
Figure 11.26 Elastic model with perfect plasticity at the design value of ultimate post-
cracking tensile strength.
400 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Q11.1. The required space envelope for a large pedestrian travellator pas-
sageway is shown in Figure 11.28. The bottom of the required
space envelope is 18 m below ground level. The ground is soft clay
with undrained shear strength cu = 40 kPa and bulk unit weight
γ = 18 kN/m3.
i. Fit a sprayed concrete lining profile around this required space
ii. Allowing 100 mm construction tolerance and allowing 300 mm
for a secondary lining, draw a primary lining 300 mm thick.
iii. Calculate the excavation area.
Figure 11.28 Problem Q11.1 required space envelope for a large pedestrian travellator
Sprayed concrete lining design 405
Q11.2. The required space envelope for an upper lift lobby in a metro
station is rectangular, 5.3 m high and 3.6 m wide. The perma-
nent structure will be placed inside this envelope. The ground is
slightly clayey medium dense fine and medium sand with drained
cohesion c′ = 5 kPa, drained angle of friction ϕ ′ = 35° and unit
weight γ = 17 kN/m3. The bottom of the required space envelope
is 18 m below ground level. The tunnel is above the water table.
i. Fit a sprayed concrete lining profile around this required space
ii. Allowing 100 mm construction tolerance, draw a primary lin-
ing 250 mm thick.
iii. Sketch the likely radial deformation assuming a uniform
radial ground pressure applied to the lining.
iv. From the radial deformation in (iii), sketch the likely bending
moment distribution in the lining.
v. Taking account of drained stability using the wedge-prism
method, and remembering to apply a partial factor of 1.25
on tan ϕ ′ and c′, design a viable face division and construction
vi. Design toolbox measures in case the soil cohesion is lower
than expected.
Q11.3. The required space envelope for a road tunnel is given in Figure 11.29.
It is to be constructed using a sprayed concrete lining. The bot-
tom of the required space envelope is at 20 m below ground level.
Assume the tunnel is in stiff clay with a unit weight of 20 kN/m3,
a characteristic value of undrained shear strength of 140 kPa and
an undrained Young’s modulus of 84 MPa. The pore pressure is
hydrostatic with a piezometric level at the surface. Coefficient of
earth pressure at rest K0 = 0.8.
i. Fit a sprayed concrete lining profile around the required space
ii. Allowing 100 mm construction tolerance and 300 mm for a
secondary lining, draw the primary lining assuming it is
300 mm thick.
iii. Sketch the likely radial deformation assuming a uniform
radial ground pressure applied to the lining.
406 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
iv. From the radial deformation in (iii), sketch the likely bending
moment distribution in the lining.
v. Assuming the maximum vertical reach of the excavator is 5 m,
and taking account of undrained stability, divide the face in
an appropriate manner. Draw a cross-section and long-section
showing the construction sequence.
vi. Using the compressive strength development in Table 11.3 and
Chang & Stille’s relationship between compressive strength
and Young’s modulus, calculate the stiffness values that need
to be used in a 3D numerical analysis, if the advance rate is 4
advances (whether they are top headings, benches or inverts)
per day.
vii. (Advanced) Build and run a 2D numerical model of the tunnel pri-
mary lining. Experiment with different assumptions about nodal
forces for each calculation stage and lining thickness. Based on
your answer to (vi), you will need to estimate the Young’s modu-
lus of the sprayed concrete at each calculation stage.
viii. (Advanced) Build and run a 3D numerical model of the tunnel
primary lining. Compare the results in terms of ground move-
ments and lining forces with the 2D numerical modelling for (vii).
ix. (Advanced) Assuming the lining is steel fibre reinforced shot-
crete grade FRC 40/50 – 4.0c, plot the results from your
numerical analysis in (vii) and/or (viii) on a moment-force
interaction diagram, remembering to apply partial factors.
Are the lining forces within the ultimate limit state capacity
curve? If not, adjust the profile or the thickness of the lining
and re-run the numerical model.
Sprayed concrete lining design 407
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Sprayed concrete lining design 409
Peck (1969) and Schmidt (1969) found that ground surface settlements trans-
verse to the tunnel may be represented by a Gaussian curve. Surface settle-
ments above real tunnels have repeatedly been found to take approximately
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-12 411
412 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
this shape, though as we will see the approximation tends to be better for
clays than for coarse-grained soils such as sands and gravels. This Gaussian
settlement trough is mathematically an ‘error function’ or Gaussian ‘normal
distribution function’ upside-down. It is shown in Figure 12.1.
The distance from the centreline to the point of inflexion of the curve,
which in a normal distribution would be the standard deviation, is known
as the ‘trough width’, i. The maximum settlement over the centreline of
the tunnel S max is analogous to the frequency of the mean of a normal dis-
tribution. Settlement S at offset y from the tunnel centreline is therefore
given by:
− y2
S = Smax exp 2 (12.1)
The area under the curve is defined as the ‘volume loss’, Vs. This may be
found by integrating Equation 12.1, as shown in the following equation:
∞ ∞
− y2
Vs =
Sdy =
Smax exp 2 dy = 2π .iSmax (12.2)
i = K ( z0 − z ) (12.3)
Note that Equation 12.3 can also be used to estimate the subsurface settle-
ment trough width, and we will look into this in the following Section 12.5.
The Gaussian curve is a useful tool, as it allows comparison of settle-
ments at different locations and on different projects by a small number
of practically relevant parameters. This then facilitates the empirical pre-
diction of the magnitude of settlement (as described by volume loss Vs or
maximum settlement Smax) and its extent (described by trough width i).
Empirical prediction is usually based on a meta-analysis of case histories.
This meta-analysis may be refined by restricting the list of case histories
considered to consist of, for example, only those tunnels using the same
excavation and support method at similar depth and with similar geology,
or by using correlations that take some or all of these factors into account.
O’Reilly & New (1982) provided meta-analyses for most soil types in the
UK, and Lake et al. (1996) and then Mair & Taylor (1997) extended this
to tunnels in a wide range of soil types around the world. All these studies
validated the use of the Gaussian curve.
In order to better make comparisons between tunnels of different sizes,
the volume loss is often expressed as a percentage of the excavation volume.
In other words, Vs is divided by the cross-sectional area of the excavation.
This is also referred to as the ‘volume loss’ but is given the symbol Vl .
Vl = % (12.4)
Vl is the volume loss as a percentage of face area, in %
Vs is the volume loss per unit face advance, in m 2
A is the face area, in m 2
Table 12.1 Trough width parameter and volume loss in different soil types
(O’Reilly & New, 1982).
Soil type Construction method Value of K Value of Vl
Stiff fissured clay Shield or none 0.4–0.5 0.5–3%
Glacial deposits Shield in free air 0.5–0.6 2–2.5%
Shield in compressed air 1–1.25%
Recent silty clay deposits Shield in free air 0.6–0.7 30–45%
Shield in compressed air 5–20%
π D2 π × 102
A= = = 78.54 m 2
4 4
Estimating ground movements 415
Vs 1.178
Smax = = = 0.05222 m = 52.2 mm
2π .i 2π × 9
− y2 − ( 52 )
S = Smax exp 2 = 0.052 × exp = 0.04475 m = 44.8 mm
2i 2 × 92
Note that –y2 means –(y2), so if using a spreadsheet, pay particular atten-
tion to the use of brackets. Also take care with percentages and use con-
sistent units (m or mm, but not both).
Similarly, the settlements at the other offsets are given in Table 12.2.
π D2 π × 7 2
A= = = 38.48 m 2
4 4
Then we can calculate the volume loss Vs using Equation 12.4:
Vs 0.192
Smax = = = 0.020 m = 20 mm
2π .i 2π × 3.75
− y2 − ( 52 )
S = Smax exp 2 = 0.020 × exp = 0.0082 m = 8.2 mm
2i 2 × 3.752
Similarly, the settlements at the other offsets are given in Table 12.3.
π D2 π × 102
A= = = 78.54 m 2
4 4
Vs 1.178
Smax = = = 0.06351 m = 63.5 mm
2π .i 2π × 7.4
− y2 − ( 52 )
S = Smax exp 2 = 0.052 × exp = 0.05055 m = 50.6 mm
2i 2 × 7.42
Similarly, the settlements at the other offsets are given in Table 12.4.
The effect of the overlying sand layer is to make the surface settlement
trough width narrower, from 9 m in Worked Example 12.1 to 7.4 m in
this example. This causes a higher maximum settlement and a steeper
trough, as shown in the comparison of the two troughs in Figure 12.2.
418 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
γ z0 + σ s − σ t
N= (12.5)
The relationship between stability ratio and volume loss was first proposed
by Schmidt (1969). This was further developed by Mair et al. (1981) who,
based on centrifuge tests by Mair (1979), related volume loss to a param-
eter they called ‘Load Factor’ LF as follows:
LF = (12.6)
Figure 12.3 Design chart based on Mair’s (1979) centrifuge tests (redrawn from
Kimura & Mair, 1981).
The load factor LF is the inverse of factor of safety and is equal to zero
when the support pressure within the tunnel is exactly equal to the in situ
stress in the ground and equal to 1 when the tunnel heading is on the point
of collapse.
Case histories of volume losses measured above real tunnels in clay and
their estimated load factors were compiled by Macklin (1999), who pro-
posed an empirical formula to predict volume loss, as follows:
Load factors below 0.2 are not included because this would be outside the
range of the centrifuge data. It is also the value of load factor below which
the soil is essentially elastic.
The relationship between volume loss and load factor in Equation 12.7
is the central dashed line in Figure 12.4. Upper and lower bounds to the
Estimating ground movements 421
Figure 12.4 Load factor chart for volume loss prediction in overconsolidated clays
(redrawn from Macklin, 1999).
case history data are also shown as solid lines. One of the outlying points
from Eden & Bozozuk (1969) is not in overconsolidated clay but extremely
sensitive Leda Clay, and the undrained shear strength was almost certainly
overestimated by Macklin (1999).
Since we are concerned here with ground movements that are well within
the ultimate limit state, then some judgement is required to determine the
P /D ratio used for calculating the critical stability ratio and hence the
load factor. Macklin (1999) recommended using the length of the shield
422 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
for unsupported length P, thereby assuming that the ground will not close
around it, stating that this would be a reasonable assumption for load fac-
tors less than 0.5. Where grouting does not occur immediately at the back
of the shield, unsupported length P could be even longer. For shotcrete-
lined tunnels, Macklin (1999) assumed unsupported length P was the
advance length plus overdig in front of the crown shotcrete.
Dimmock & Mair (2007) compared predictions using Macklin’s load fac-
tor approach with actual volume losses measured during the Jubilee Line
Extension in London. They showed that predictions for shotcrete-lined tun-
nels were reasonably good, but that predictions for TBM tunnels could be
underestimated and so they proposed a slightly modified approach where the
load factor approach was used only for volume loss due to ground movements
ahead of the face, using an unsupported length only based on excavation ahead
of the shield. Volume loss due to convergence around the shield and any void
between the shield and the lining not immediately filled with grout would be
calculated separately and added to the load factor volume loss.
The volume loss due to closure of ground around the shield is given by:
π Dδ 4δ
Vl (%) = × 100 = × 100 (12.8)
πD / 4
2 D
δ c r
= u 0 exp ( N * − 1) (12.9)
r0 2G r
To find the closure around the shield, we take r = r0 = D/2. So Equation 12.9
cu D
δ= exp ( N * − 1) (12.10)
A 87
D=2 =2 = 10.525 m
π π
424 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
cu = 50 + 8 × 15 = 170 kPa
γ z0 + σ s − σ t 20 × 25 + 0 − 0
N= = = 2.94
cu 170
cu = 75 + 11 × 7.8 = 160.8 kPa
Next we will see if the ground closes around the shield due to elastoplas-
tic deformation, using the cavity expansion plasticity solution from Mair
& Taylor (1993), given in Equation 12.10:
cu D
δ= exp ( N * − 1)
For this equation, it makes sense to use the undrained shear strength and
shear modulus at tunnel axis level (13 m from top of clay):
cu = 75 + 11z = 75 + 11 × 13 = 218 kPa
N * = σ 0 /cu
σ 0 = 18 × 5 + 20 × 13 = 350 kPa
cu D 218 × 6.5
δ= exp ( N * − 1) = exp (1.61 − 1) = 0.015 m = 15 mm
4G 4 × 43600
This radial displacement is less than the average annular gap of 40 mm,
so we will use it to calculate volume loss using Equation 12.8:
4δ 4 × 0.015
Vl (%) = × 100 = × 100 = 0.92%
D 6.5
Adding together the volume loss in front of the shield and around the
shield gives a total volume loss of 1.53%. This is probably an overes-
timate because we have assumed an infinitely long cylinder when esti-
mating ground closure around the shield, and also some of the radial
deformation to equilibrium will have already occurred in front of the
TBM so we are counting it twice. However, this is a better estimate than
using Dimmock & Mair (2007)’s method, which assumes full closure of
the annular overcut.
Since we know that the shield is not supporting the ground because
the plasticity solution told us that the ground closure around the shield
was less than the average annular gap, then we could also calculate the
volume loss by using an unsupported length P = 7 m.
Using P /D = 7/6.5 = 1.08 and C /D = 1.5 in the design chart in
Figure 12.3 gives N c = 5.2.
The stability ratio remains the same, so load factor is now:
LF = N /N c = 1.55/5.2 = 0.30
This is significantly less than the first method we used, which estimated
a volume loss of 1.53%, but, as mentioned previously, is probably more
accurate because the first method assumed an infinitely long unlined cyl-
inder and is double-counting some of the radial deformation in the sepa-
rate estimates of volume loss ahead of the TBM and around the shield.
There will be no volume loss due to a void between the shield and the
lining, because grout is injected through the tailskin at a pressure equal
to the overburden pressure. Also, much, if not all, of the radial conver-
gence of the ground around the shield will be reversed by this grout pres-
sure, so the total volume loss is a conservative estimate.
Estimating ground movements 427
Vs − y 2 x − xi x − xf
S= exp 2 G − G (12.11)
2π .i 2i i i
x − xi x − xf
S = S∞ G − G (12.12)
i i
Calculate the maximum surface settlement above the face. Then calcu-
late the settlement at y = 5 m, 10 m, 15 m and 20 m.
Calculate the same surface settlements at 10 m in front of the face, 5 m in
front of the face, 5 m behind the face and 10 m behind the face. Assume the
tunnel start position is xi = 0 m and the tunnel face position is xf = 100 m.
Vs = Vl A = 0.01 × 54 = 0.54 m 2
x − xi 100 − 0
= = 13.33
i 7.5
x − xf 100 − 100
i = 7.5
x − xi
G = G (13.33) = 1
x − xf
G = G (0) = 0.5
Vs − y 2 x − xi x − xf
S= exp 2 G − G
2π .i 2i i i
= 0.02872 × exp {1 − 0.5}
= 0.02872 × 1{0.5} = 0.014 m = 14 mm
Now we can calculate the settlements along a transverse line above the face
using the maximum settlement we just calculated. Firstly, for y = 5 m:
− y2 − ( 52 )
S = Smax exp 2 = 0.014 × exp = 0.012 m = 12 mm
2i 2 × 7.52
430 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Similarly, the settlements at the other offsets are given in Table 12.5.
Table 12.5 Worked Example 12.6 calculated settlements.
Offset from tunnel centreline y (m)
0 5 10 15 20
Settlement S (mm) 14 12 6 2 0
x − xi x − xi x − xf x − xf
i i i i
Above the face 13.33 1 0 0.5
5 m ahead of the face 14 1 0.67 0.75
10 m ahead of the face 14.67 1 1.33 0.91
5 m behind the face 12.67 1 −0.67 0.25
10 m behind the face 12 1 −1.33 0.09
Since the tunnel face is so far from the starting point, the function in the
third column of the table is always equal to 1. The position relative to
the face (the fifth column in the table) is going to be what modifies the
settlement values. We can see that if we subtract these values from 1, we
get smaller settlements ahead of the face, increasing as we pass the face
and move behind the face, as we would expect from our understanding
of ground movements as illustrated by Figure 1.6.
The full set of settlements is given in Table 12.7.
Figure 12.5 Worked Example 12.6 transverse surface settlement curves relative to face
It is usually assumed, as we have done so far, that the shape of the trans-
verse settlement trough remains constant and that only the magnitude of
the settlements increases as the tunnel face approaches and passes a trans-
verse array. However, data presented by Hill & Stärk (2015, 2016) from
Crossrail tunnels at Whitechapel, London, showed that the trough was
wider ahead of the face, becoming narrower as the face passed the array,
and then became wider again behind the face and into the long term. They
also found that when a pilot tunnel was constructed first followed by an
enlargement, the pilot tunnel would have a wider trough than the enlarge-
ment. The reasons for these effects are not known for certain, but may be
due to the stress history of the soil and the changes in stress path direction
the soil experiences as the tunnel advances.
kt C
RP = ⋅ (12.13)
ks t L
RP is the relative permeability index
kt is the permeability of the lining in m/s
ks is the permeability of the soil in m/s
C is the clay cover above the crown in m
tL is the lining thickness in m
Laver et al. (2017) improved the model of Wongsaroj et al. (2013) to include
a radial flow pattern, and derived the following equation for relative perme-
ability index:
Dkt 2C
RP = ln + 1 (12.14)
2ks t L D
Figure 12.6 Relative permeability index and effect on long-term settlement due to con-
solidation (Laver et al., 2017 with permission from ASCE).
DS =
1.4 (12.15)
1 +
Figure 12.6 shows that when the relative permeability index is less than
0.01, the ground-lining system behaves as though the lining were imperme-
able, and no long-term settlement due to drainage consolidation occurs, and
when the relative permeability index is greater than 100, the ground-lining
system behaves as though the lining were fully permeable and the maximum
long-term settlement occurs. For relative permeability index values between
0.01 and 100, the ground is drained to a lesser extent and settlements will be
intermediate. Remember that changes in mean total stress, and shear-induced
dilation (in overconsolidated clays) and contraction (in normally consolidated
clays) may also cause long-term heave or settlement due to consolidation pro-
cesses, so even when RP < 0.01 there can still be long-term settlements.
434 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
lining permeabilities were approximately 3 × 10 −11 m/s for the sprayed con-
crete lining of the Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel and 5 × 10 −10 m/s for the
expanded wedgeblock precast concrete segmental lining of the Jubilee Line
Extension. Both tunnels were in London Clay, and so far there have not
been any case studies analysed in this way in other types of clay.
i = K ( z0 − z ) (12.3)
Figure 12.7 Subsurface trough width variation with depth, normalised to tunnel axis
depth. Tunnel depths are given in square brackets.
boreholes, but from monitoring of third party tunnels above the tunnel
being constructed. These data appear to follow the same settlement pattern
as the other data, indicating that the tunnels are reasonably flexible (due to
the joints in the lining) and follow the ground deformations.
The equation of the straight dashed line in Figure 12.7 was proposed by
Mair et al. (1993), and is:
i z
= 0.175 + 0.325 1 − (12.17)
z0 z0
0.175 + 0.325 1 − z z
1− zz
Note that Equation 12.17 ensures that at the surface K = 0.5. Mair et al.
(1993) base this assumption on Rankin (1988)’s review of case histories of
surface settlements in the UK and overseas, where he stated this value was
appropriate for “initial practical estimation purposes”. This is not appro-
priate for soft clays, where K at the surface can be greater than 0.5.
It is easier to see what is going on if K is plotted on a graph against nor-
malised depth z/z0. This is shown in Figure 12.8.
An observation we can make about Figure 12.7 and Figure 12.8 is that
although Mair et al.’s relationship appears to fit the data reasonably well,
Estimating ground movements 437
Figure 12.8 Subsurface trough width parameter K variation with normalised depth z/z0.
Tunnel depths are given in square brackets.
the deeper tunnels tend to be to the left and the shallower tunnels tend to
be to the right of it. Jones (2010) speculated that by using the normalised
depth z/z0 no account is made for the real distances involved. For deep tun-
nels, Mair et al.’s equation would predict high K values for a much larger
distance above the tunnel than for a shallow tunnel. Also, the value of K at
the surface must be equal to 0.5, regardless of the depth of the tunnel. Lake
et al. (1996) noted that for surface settlements the trough width parameter
may be smaller than might be predicted when the tunnel is deeper than 20 m,
and it does seem to be the case that deeper tunnels tend to have a K value
at the surface less than 0.5.
Jones (2010) therefore plotted K against height above the tunnel (z0 − z).
This is shown in Figure 12.9 with more recent data from Crossrail (Wan et al.,
2017b) added, and the logarithmic curve fit adjusted to take account of the
new data. The advantage of this method is that surface settlements may also be
plotted on the same graph and the value of K at the surface can vary depending
on the depth of the tunnel and does not always have to be constant.
The logarithmic relationship in Figure 12.9 is:
In Figure 12.9 we can see that there is a lot of scatter in the data in the first
10 m above tunnel axis level and this is probably due to the effect of tunnel
diameter on the trough width so close to the tunnel. This is also present in
Figure 12.8 but is less evident due to the way the data is presented. Figure 12.10
presents the same data as Figure 12.9 but without the log scale.
438 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 12.9 Trough width parameter K variation with height above tunnel axis (z0 − z) on
a logarithmic scale. Subsurface settlements are from case histories shown in
the legend. Surface settlements are from Mair & Taylor (1997), Jones et al.
(2008), Clayton et al. (2006), Jones (2010) and Wan et al. (2017a).
Figure 12.10 Trough width parameter K variation with height above tunnel axis (z0 − z).
Subsurface settlements are from case histories shown in the legend.
Surface settlements from Mair & Taylor (1997), Jones et al. (2008), Clayton
et al. (2006), Jones (2010) and Wan et al. (2017a).
Estimating ground movements 439
We will first calculate the trough width parameter K and then trough
width i using each of the methods:
Method 1:
K is constant, and i is given by i = K ( z0 − z ), giving the values in
Table 12.9.
Knowing that the percentage volume loss is 1%, we can calculate the
volume loss Vs from the excavated area as follows:
D2 8.52
Vs = 1% × π = 0.01 × π × = 0.567 m 2
4 4
The maximum settlement can be calculated from the volume loss Vs and
the trough width i by rearranging Equation 12.2:
Smax =
2π .i
The Smax values are given in Table 12.9. They reduce as height above the
tunnel increases because the settlement trough is getting wider while the
volume loss is constant.
440 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Method 2:
For this method we are using Mair et al.’s empirical relationship in
Equation 12.18:
0.175 + 0.325 1 − z z
1− zz
Table 12.10 shows the steps in the calculation row-by-row. The question
gave the height above the tunnel axis of each point z0 – z, so we first con-
vert that to depth z, then we can calculate the relative depth z/z0. Then
K is calculated using Equation 12.18 (shown above). Then i and Smax are
calculated as for Method 1.
K = −0.261ln ( z0 − z ) + 1.286
Estimating ground movements 441
The subsurface trough width i values are greater than for Method 1, but
less than for Method 2, because this is a relatively deep tunnel. For a
shallow tunnel, it could be the other way round.
At the surface, the trough width is narrower than predicted using either
Method 1 or Method 2, because in this case K < 0.5, and for Method 1
and 2 K = 0.5 at the surface.
The logarithmic empirical relationship will give a surface trough
width parameter K < 0.5 for tunnel depths greater than about
20 m, but will give values of K greater than 0.5 for tunnel depths less
than 20 m.
Figure 12.11 Variation of trough width parameter K with depth ratio z/z0 in dry sand
(redrawn from Marshall, 2009).
Figure 12.11 also shows that, for tunnels in sand, trough width param-
eter K tends to remain approximately constant or even decrease with depth,
which is the opposite of what occurs in clay.
Further work by Franza et al. (2019) investigated the influence of initial
density of the sand, and found that denser sand formed a ground arch
more readily, and closer to the tunnel, whereas loose sand, if it could form
one at all, formed a ground arch further away and was more prone to the
chimney-like vertical displacements above the tunnel crown that result in a
narrower settlement trough shape.
Another important thing to remember is that when we are discussing
ground movements in drained soils, because the behaviour is not constant
volume, the volume loss at any level in the ground can be different to the
volume loss at the tunnel. For loose and medium dense sands, it is usually the
case that the volume loss at the surface is significantly higher than volume
loss at the tunnel, whereas for dense sands the volume loss at the surface is
similar to that at depth, as shown in Figure 12.12 (Franza et al., 2020).
Predicting subsurface settlement in sand is therefore quite difficult.
However, as was explored in Chapter 3, only relatively small values of effec-
tive support pressure are required to keep deformations and hence volume
loss quite small. Therefore, as long as face pressure is well controlled to
maintain stability, volume loss in sand can be kept below 1.0% and in some
cases reliably below 0.5%. At these magnitudes of ground movements, in
Estimating ground movements 443
Figure 12.12 Relationship between volume loss at the tunnel and volume loss at the
surface, at different C/D ratios and relative densities, in dry sand (redrawn
from Franza et al., 2020).
H( y ,z ) = S( y ,z ) (12.20)
( z0 − z )
H( y ,z ) is the horizontal displacement at transverse offset y and depth z
S( y ,z ) is the vertical displacement (settlement) at transverse offset y and
depth z
444 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
D2 82
Vs = Vl A = Vl π = 0.012 × π × = 0.603186 m 2
4 4
Next we need to calculate the trough width at the surface using
Equation 12.3:
− ( −10)2
S = 0.024064 exp 2
= 0.024064 exp ( −0.5)
2 × 10
= 0.024064 × 0.606531 = 0.0146 m = 14.6 mm
A graph of S from the spreadsheet calculation is shown in Figure 12.13.
Estimating ground movements 445
The Gaussian settlement trough may also be used to derive settlement gra-
dients, curvatures and strains, which are needed to predict the impact of
tunnelling on utilities pipelines or buildings. This section will focus on the
calculation of these derivatives. They will be used in Chapter 13 when esti-
mating building damage.
The horizontal ground strain may be found by differentiating Equation 12.20
with respect to y. The simplest way to do this is to manually calculate changes
in horizontal displacement along 1 m segments in a spreadsheet. The more ele-
gant method is to derive an equation, which is not as straightforward as it first
appears. We start by expanding Equation 12.20, because there are some hidden
functions of y we need to account for:
−y −y − y2
H( y ,z ) = S( y , z ) = S( max , z )exp 2 (12.21)
z0 − z z0 − z 2i
dH( y ,z ) d −y − y2
εh = = S( max,z ) exp 2 (12.22)
dy dy z0 − z 2i
duv dv du
=u + v (12.23)
dy dy dy
( )
Let ε h = d uv /dy , where:
u= S (12.24)
z0 − z ( max , z )
− y2
v = exp 2 (12.25)
Estimating ground movements 447
du d −y − S( max,z )
= S( max,z ) = (12.26)
dy dy z0 − z z0 − z
dv d − y2 1 − y2
= exp 2 = − 2 ⋅ y ⋅ exp 2 (12.27)
dy dy 2i i 2i
−y 1 − y2 − y 2 − S( max , z )
εh = S( max , z ) ⋅ − 2 ⋅ y ⋅ exp 2 + exp 2 ⋅ (12.28)
z0 − z i 2i 2i z0 − z
− S( max,z ) − y2 y2
εh = ⋅ exp 2 ⋅ 1 − 2 (12.29)
z0 − z 2i i
The horizontal strains calculated using Equation 12.29 for the tunnel in
Worked Example 12.8 are shown in Figure 12.15. As one would expect
from the distribution of horizontal displacements (c.f. Figure 12.14), there
is a maximum compressive strain above the tunnel centreline and the strain
becomes tensile outside the points of inflexion (the points of inflexion of
the Gaussian settlement trough, not of the horizontal strain). This latter
effect is because the maximum inward horizontal displacement occurs at
dS d − y2 − y − y2
θ= = Smax exp 2 = 2 Smax exp 2 (12.30)
dy dy 2i i 2i
The change in slope of the ground surface, calculated using Equation 12.30
for the tunnel in Worked Example 12.8, is shown in Figure 12.16. The
maximum and minimum slope occur at the points of inflexion of the
Gaussian settlement trough, i.e. at a transverse offset y = ± i. There is zero
slope over the tunnel centreline. Often slope is expressed as a fraction, for
example 0.002 would be written as 1/500.
Curvature of the ground surface may also be of interest. This is the sec-
ond derivative of vertical settlement with respect to y.
d2S d − y − y2
= S exp 2 (12.31)
dy 2 dy i 2 max 2i
− Smax
C= (12.32)
Estimating ground movements 449
Now let:
u = y (12.33)
− y2
v = exp 2 (12.34)
= 1 (12.35)
dv y − y2
= − 2 exp 2 (12.36)
dy i 2i
Now we use the product rule equation (Equation 12.23) to find the curvature:
d2 S − Smax y − y2 − y 2
= 2 y × − 2 exp 2 + 1 × exp 2 (12.37)
dy 2 i i 2i 2i
d2 S Smax − y2 y2
= ⋅ exp ⋅ − 1 (12.38)
dy 2 i2 2i 2 i 2
Until recently, there were very few case studies of ground movements due to
shaft construction. This may be because shafts were rarely built close enough
to adjacent buildings for ground movements to be a concern. However,
nowadays it is increasingly common for deep, large diameter shafts to be
constructed in urban areas close to existing buildings or utilities.
New & Bowers (1994) analysed data from an access shaft at
Heathrow, near London, UK. Settlements and horizontal displace-
ments due to shaft excavation were measured along two radial lines
labelled ‘S’ and ‘T’, as shown in Figure 12.18. The 11 m diameter
shaft was constructed by caisson-sinking and then underpinning to
Figure 12.18 Settlements caused by Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel Access Shaft con-
struction (redrawn from New & Bowers, 1994).
Estimating ground movements 451
α .( H − d )
Sd = (12.39)
New & Bowers (1994) found the best fit for the empirical constant α was
0.0006. This corresponds to a maximum settlement at the shaft wall equal
to 0.06% of the depth, which they said was consistent with field data for
propped retaining structures in stiff fissured clays. However, this relation-
ship probably only holds true for shafts constructed in a similar manner
and in similar ground conditions to the one at Heathrow.
Faustin et al. (2018a) compared the settlements measured during
excavation of the 39 m deep Crossrail Limmo Peninsular Auxiliary
Shaft, constructed with sheet piles and then a shotcrete lining, with
Equation 12.39 and found that the settlements close to the shaft wall
were significantly underpredicted. They attributed this to the much
larger diameter, which was 28 m compared to the 11 m Heathrow Access
Shaft in New & Bowers (1994). Equation 12.39 does not account for
shaft diameter. In contrast, the Limmo Peninsular Main Shaft in East
London, of similar size to the Auxiliary Shaft but with a circular dia-
phragm wall installed before excavation began, had a maximum settle-
ment close to the shaft extrados of approximately 15 mm, approximately
10 mm of which was due to dewatering and only about 5 mm was due to
shaft excavation. Similarly, Schwamb et al. (2016) reported that Thames
Water’s Abbey Mills Shaft F in East London, 30 m diameter and 68 m
deep and also of diaphragm wall construction, caused maximum surface
settlements of less than 4 mm.
Therefore, it is likely that settlements due to shaft construction depend
on the following factors:
• shaft depth H
• shaft diameter D
• ground conditions
• construction method, in particular the stiffness of the lining and
whether it is installed before excavation (e.g. diaphragm walls) or
progressively (e.g. underpinning using a segmental lining or shotcrete)
452 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
α .( β H − d )
Sd = (12.40)
β 2H
The distance at which settlements are zero is given by β H , and the maximum
settlement at the shaft wall is still given by α H . I used regression to find the
best fit values of α and β for each shaft type. When β = 1, Equation 12.40 is
the same as Equation 12.39.
First let’s look at similar situations to New & Bowers’ case study; a
jacked caisson followed by underpinning using segments or shotcrete,
shown in Figure 12.19. Faustin et al. (2018b) put it into the EBS category,
even though the initial part of the shaft was a jacked caisson. This was
sensible because their settlements are at the higher end of the range. Also
on Figure 12.19 is a solid black line labelled ‘New & Bowers prediction’,
which is Equation 12.39, and a solid grey line labelled ‘Best fit curve’,
which is Equation 12.40. A least squares regression method was used to
find the best fit for α and β.
Note that Figure 12.19 has the axes normalised by dividing by the excavation
depth H, and the settlement is expressed as a percentage. This allows shafts of
different depths to be compared on the same graph and is a trick borrowed from
the analysis of retained cut and basement excavations (e.g. Peck, 1969).
Figure 12.20 shows the case studies for shafts constructed using a jacked
caisson of precast segments followed by shotcrete underpinning. There is a
lack of data close to the shaft wall that leaves some uncertainty about the
maximum settlements, but the best fit curve gives a better estimate of the
extent of the settlements, to 1.35H.
454 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 12.21 Settlements caused by shaft construction – secant piles or sheet piles fol-
lowed by shotcrete underpinning.
has to be given to the case studies that have gone into producing it, the
variability or scatter of the data, and the applicability of the relationship to
any new situation.
All these case studies were in the London Basin. Unfortunately, case stud-
ies of shaft settlements from anywhere else in the world are quite scarce.
Table 12.13 Values of α and β found by curve-fitting for shaft types defined by Faustin
et al. (2018b).
Faustin et al. (2018b)
shaft types Description α β
‘SBE pre-installed’ Diaphragm wall or secant pile wall shaft N/A N/A
‘SBE jacked’ Precast concrete segments as a jacked 0.00035 1.7
‘EBS’ Precast concrete segments or shotcrete 0.00035 1.1
‘Combined SBE & Pre-installed sheet pile or secant pile walls 0.00045 2.8
EBS’ through superficial gravels followed by
shotcrete lining in the London Clay
‘Combined SBE Precast concrete segments as a jacked 0.00045 1.4
jacked & EBS’ caisson through superficial gravels
followed by shotcrete lining in the
London Clay
Estimating ground movements 457
Figure 12.24 Settlements due to diaphragm wall installation and shaft excavation in pre-
dominantly coarse-grained soils (data from Muramatsu & Abe, 1996).
less than 4 mm, and at the surface were negligible. The differences may
have been due to the quality of the joints between diaphragm wall panels
or the stiffness of the ground.
New & Bowers (1994) measured horizontal ground surface displacements
along two radial lines ‘S’ and ‘T’, at the same locations as the vertical settle-
ments presented earlier in Figure 12.18. These are shown in Figure 12.25.
There are two anomalous displacements in the S line data, at 2.7 and 9.1 m,
that were due to the proximity of heavy plant movements and shallow exca-
vations for temporary works, so the T line data is more representative of the
greenfield situation.
At present there is insufficient empirical evidence to make good predic-
tions of horizontal ground movements due to shaft construction. More
measurements are needed. It is likely that numerical modelling would need
to be used if a shaft is to be constructed close to structures sensitive to
horizontal displacements, such as buildings, pipelines, sewers or tunnels.
Look at Figure 12.22 and Table 12.13. The best fit curve to the case study
data has parameters α = 0.00035 and β = 1.7. Using Equation 12.40 we get:
Sd = =
β H
2 1.7 2 × 45
Sd = = 0.0119 m = 11.9 mm
1.7 2 × 45
Similarly, at d = 20 m the settlement is 8.6 mm, and at d = 30 m the set-
tlement is 5.8 mm. By putting Equation 12.40 into a spreadsheet, we can
plot a graph of the predicted settlement, as shown in Figure 12.26.
upper bound to the data for underpinned shafts, but is very conservative
in relation to diaphragm wall or secant pile wall shafts. He then proposed
alternative values for α / D, depending on construction method. Although
the correlation to construction method is strong, the correlation between
shaft diameter and α is weak, and this may be because the range of shaft
depths and diameters is quite small for each construction method.
Newhouse (2018) then plotted all the data on a graph of α vs. D / H and
proposed design lines with slope Sv ,max / D. This method, however, does not
take into account the effect of construction method or shaft diameter on
the extent of settlements, represented by β in Equation 12.40.
An improvement could be to use Equation 12.40 with the recommended
values of α for the construction method, which determines the maximum
settlement at the shaft wall. Then we could relate β, which determines the
extent of the settlements as a multiple of shaft excavation depth H, to shaft
diameter. Setting β = 0.1D fits the data reasonably well, and means that a
shaft of 10 m diameter has an extent of settlement equal to H and a shaft
of 30 m diameter has an extent equal to 3H.
It is necessary to assess buildings along the route of a tunnel for the risk
of damage due to tunnelling settlements. This will usually follow a staged
process. At each stage buildings are classified into one of six damage catego-
ries, from 0 to 5, as shown in Table 13.1. Categories 0, 1 and 2 are aesthetic
damage, 3 and 4 are serviceability damage, and 5 is the most severe category
where stability of the building will be affected and it may collapse. At the pre-
liminary stage, very simple methods are used to conservatively assess the risk
of settlement damage to all the buildings, with the aim that many of them
DOI: 10.1201/9780429470387-13 467
468 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Table 13.1 Classification system for visible damage to building walls (based on Burland
et al., 1977; Rankin, 1988; Burland, 2001).
Normal Limiting
Category degree of Description of typical damage (ease of tensile strain
of damage severity repair is in bold) and typical crack width ε lim (%)
0 Negligible Hairline cracks < 0.1 mm wide. 0–0.05
1 Very slight Fine cracks that are easily treated during 0.05–0.075
normal redecoration. Damage generally
restricted to internal wall finishes. Close
inspection may reveal some cracks in
external brickwork or masonry. Typical
cracks < 1 mm.
2 Slight Cracks easily filled. Redecoration probably 0.075–0.15
required. Recurrent cracks can be masked
by suitable linings. Cracks may be visible
externally and some repointing may be
required to ensure weather-tightness.
Doors and windows may stick slightly.
Typical cracks < 5 mm.
3 Moderate The cracks require some opening up and 0.15–0.3
can be patched by a mason. Repointing
of external brickwork and possibly a
small amount of brickwork to be
replaced. Doors and windows sticking.
Service pipes may fracture. Weather-
tightness often impaired. Typical cracks
5–15 mm or several cracks > 3 mm.
4 Severe Extensive repair work involving breaking- > 0.3
out and replacing sections of walls,
especially over doors and windows.
Windows and door frames distorted,
floor sloping noticeably. Walls leaning or
bulging noticeably, some loss of bearing
in beams. Service pipes disrupted. Typical
cracks 15–25 mm, but also depends on
the number of cracks.
5 Very severe This requires a major repair job involving > 0.3
partial or complete rebuilding. Beams
lose bearing, walls lean badly and
require shoring. Windows broken with
distortion. Danger of instability. Typical
cracks > 25 mm, but depends on the
number of cracks.
can be ruled out as being at low risk. The remaining buildings will proceed to
a second stage, where they will be analysed in more detail, again hoping that
many of them will be moved to the low risk category. Any remaining build-
ings will proceed to a third, more detailed stage. Usually, sensitive structures,
high rise buildings and heritage buildings will go straight to the third stage.
Estimating building damage 469
y = 2i 2 .ln max (13.1)
y is the transverse offset from the tunnel centreline, i.e. the horizontal
distance perpendicular to the tunnel centreline, in m
470 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
i is the trough width, i.e. the horizontal distance from the tunnel cen-
treline to the point of inflexion of the Gaussian curve, in m
S is the settlement at transverse offset y in m
Smax is the maximum settlement, which occurs at the tunnel centreline,
in m
dS y − y2
θ= = − 2 Smax exp 2 (13.2)
dy i 2i
Equation 13.2 can only be solved for y iteratively, which can be achieved
using a solver or ‘goal seek’ function in a spreadsheet.
Equation 13.1 and Equation 13.2 can be used to define limits either side
of the tunnel on a set of plans of the alignment. All buildings that are out-
side both limits can then be excluded from further analysis.
π D2 π × 82
Vs = Vl = 0.015 × = 0.754 m 2
4 4
Now trough width i can be calculated at the surface (z = 0) using
Equation 12.3:
Vs 0.754
Smax = = = 0.0334 m = 33.4 mm
2π .i 2π × 9
Estimating building damage 471
We can now calculate the transverse offset from the tunnel centreline to
the 10 mm settlement contour using Equation 13.1:
S 0.0334
y = 2i 2 .ln max = 2 × 92 × ln = 13.977 m
S 0.01
This can be checked by inserting this value for y into Equation 12.1 and
seeing that the settlement calculated is 10 mm.
A limiting slope of 1/500 = ± 0.002. Using Equation 13.2 in a spread-
sheet, values of slope θ can be calculated every 1 m and plotted on a graph
against transverse offset y, as shown in Figure 13.1. It can be seen that the
limiting slope value is exceeded in two discrete areas, and this is often the
case because the maximum and minimum slope values occur at the points
of inflexion and the slope is always zero above the tunnel centreline.
y − y2 12.262 −12.2622
θ=− S exp = − × 0.0334 × exp = −0.002
2i 2 92 2 × 92
Therefore, in this case the 10 mm settlement contour will be the limiting
criterion. All buildings between y = −13.977 m and y = 13.977 m will be
exposed to a surface settlement greater than 10 mm, and will need to
carried through to Stage 2 assessment.
472 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
= (13.3)
GF =
DRsag (13.4)
Note that a long building that spans beyond both points of inflexion may
have two hogging zones and therefore two values of hogging deflection
ratio will need to be calculated.
The maximum deflection values ∆GF hog and ∆ sag can be difficult to calculate and
are not necessarily in the centre. They can be found graphically using a scale
ruler, or by using a spreadsheet to calculate the distance between the line and the
settlement trough curve at, for example, every 0.5 m along the length and then to
use the maximum of these values as the deflection. In practice, taking the value
at the centre of the zone will be approximately correct in most cases.
The next step is to impose these deflection ratios onto the building.
Burland & Wroth (1974) first proposed this should be done by modelling
the building as a simple beam under the action of a point load. This will not
give the exact deformation mode of the building, but this is only intended
to be an approximate method, with many gross simplifications.
Figure 13.3 shows how a bearing-wall building can be idealised as a
beam representing the load-bearing façade in bending and shear deforma-
tion according to the method of Burland & Wroth (1974).
Buildings will often have a height that is large relative to the ‘span’ in
our beam idealisation, at least compared to typical beams in structural
engineering. Therefore shear deflection may be significant and needs to be
added to the bending deflection. The midspan deflection of a centrally-
loaded simply-supported beam including both bending and shear deflection
is given by the following equation (Gere & Timoshenko, 1991: p.694; or
Bhatt, 1999: pp. 275–279):
PL3 72EI
∆= 1+ 2 (13.5)
48EI 5L AG
The first term in Equation 13.5 is the deflection due to bending and the
second term is the deflection due to shear. Note that Equation 13.5 is dif-
ferent to the one proposed by Burland & Wroth (1974), which had 18 as
the coefficient of the second term in the brackets rather than 72/5. This
474 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
is because they assumed that the shear deflection was equal to the sum of
the maximum shear strains along the centroid of the beam, but this is not
the case. In reality shear stress varies parabolically with the maximum
at the centroid and zero shear stress at the top and bottom of a rectangu-
lar cross-section, and shear strain varies with a cubic relationship. This is
called ‘warping’, and a ‘form factor for shear’ may be calculated to take
account of this, which for a rectangular section is equal to 6/5. Burland
& Wroth’s equation effectively assumes the form factor for shear is 3/2.
Estimating building damage 475
Gere & Timoshenko (1991) use the unit load method to derive Equation
13.5 and Bhatt (1999) uses a different method but arrives at the same
answer. Gere & Timoshenko’s method is given in Appendix C. This error in
Burland & Wroth’s deflection equation was first spotted by Netzel (2009).
The cross-sectional area A in Equation 13.5 is the shear area, and this is
not simply the building height multiplied by its width in the tunnel longitu-
dinal direction (unless the building consists of a solid isotropic rectangular
prism!). Burland & Wroth (1974) assume that the problem is plane strain
and the building properties may be expressed per unit width in the tunnel
longitudinal direction, and therefore that A = H in Equation 13.5, where
H is the height of the building from the foundation level to the eaves, and
second moment of area I is in units of m4/m. It is important to remember
this because when estimating the stiffness of more structurally complex
buildings with concrete slabs, columns, masonry infill walls, and other
structural features, the shear area and second moment of area will need to
be calculated in a more rigorous manner.
For masonry bearing-wall structures, a masonry façade perpendicular to
the tunnel alignment can be considered to act as a single plane stress rect-
angular section of length Lhog or Lsag , height H and of unit width. Note that
we are ignoring the effect of openings in the façade, such as windows and
doors. This is an unconservative assumption because stress concentrations
tend to occur near the corners of openings where cracks are more likely to
initiate and propagate from.
We need to rearrange Equation 13.5 so we can relate deflection ratio Δ/L
to extreme fibre bending strain, while removing the point load P from the
The idealised geometry of the beam is shown in Figure 13.4. The z axis
is out of the page. The beam has width in the z axis direction b, height in
the y axis direction H and length in the x axis direction L. A line load P is
applied at midspan.
σ bmax = (13.8)
Therefore the extreme fibre bending strain may be given by:
σ bmax PLd
ε bmax = = (13.9)
P= ε bmax (13.10)
L2 72EI
∆= 1+ 2 ε bmax (13.11)
12d 5L AG
We want to calculate ε bmax from the deflection ratio we have already deter-
mined earlier, so rearranging Equation 13.11 gives:
∆ /L
ε bmax =
L 72EI (13.12)
12d 1 + 5L2 AG
Estimating building damage 477
Ihog = (13.14)
It is strictly speaking impossible for the neutral axis to be at the foundation
level, because then the compressive stress required for equilibrium in bend-
ing is infinite (Netzel, 2009). However, many materials, such as masonry (or
steel fibre reinforced concrete – see Chapter 8) that have a very low tensile
strength relative to their compressive strength, will have a neutral axis very
close to the compressive extreme fibre in bending. Therefore, the assumption
is approximately correct in terms of estimating the strain distribution.
Now to calculate the maximum diagonal tensile strain ε dmax we first need
an expression relating it to the simply supported rectangular beam under
point load.
The shear strain is related to the shear force by the following expression:
γ xy = (13.15)
γ xy = (13.16)
4 AG
478 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
∆ d γ xy dycosθ
ε dmax = = (13.17)
ds ds
We also know that the direction θ of the maximum diagonal tensile strain
is 45°, because shear stresses τ xy = τ yx. Thus:
γ xy
ε dmax = (13.19)
And Equation 13.16 becomes:
ε dmax = (13.20)
Estimating building damage 479
P= ε dmax (13.21)
Substituting Equation 13.21 into Equation 13.5 gives:
18EI 1 + 5L2 AG ε dmax (13.22)
∆ /L
ε dmax =
AGL 2 4 (13.23)
18EI + 5
E = 2G (1 + ν ) (13.24)
Assuming ν = 0.3, then the ratio E / G, which appears in Equation 13.12 and
Equation 13.23, may be replaced with the number 2.6. The E / G ratio repre-
sents the relationship between bending and shear deformation of the building
as a whole. Remember that this does not take account of the openings in the
wall, we are considering it to be a solid rectangular prism, so the Poisson’s
ratio implied by the global E /G ratio value is the same as the Poisson’s ratio
of the material. If we were to use a different value of E /G ratio, for example
the suggested value of 12.5 for a frame structure (Burland & Wroth, 1974),
then the E/G ratio would cease to be directly related to the Poisson’s ratio of
the material. This will become important later in the chapter.
So now, from the hogging and sagging greenfield deflection ratios, we
can calculate the maximum bending tensile strain and the maximum diag-
onal tensile strain in the building in hogging or sagging (by applying the
appropriate value of second moment of area I). We now need to use the
principle of superposition to add in the effect of horizontal axial strain to
obtain a resultant bending strain and a resultant diagonal strain (Boscardin
& Cording, 1989; Mair et al., 1996a).
480 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
The expression for greenfield horizontal strain was derived in Section 12.7
and is given by:
− S( max,z ) − y2 y2
εh = ⋅ exp 2 ⋅ 1 − 2 (13.25)
z0 − z 2i i
For Stage 2 assessment, it is usual practice to use the average horizontal strains
under the building’s foundation in the hogging and sagging zones, i.e. along
Lhog and Lsag. This was justified by Mair et al. (1996a and 1996b) by arguing
that these greenfield horizontal strains are applied to the building, where they
are added to tensile strains generated by shear and bending, and the precise
location of these strains is unknown. They also argued that the method is
effectively empirical and predicts building damage satisfactorily, also bearing
in mind that the horizontal strain induced in the building is in many cases con-
siderably less than the greenfield horizontal strain in the ground.
Therefore, Equation 13.25 should be used at, say, 1 m intervals along the
building partitions within the hogging or sagging zone to calculate hori-
zontal strains, which are then averaged within each zone to obtain the hog-
ging and sagging values of horizontal strain.
Since the maximum extreme fibre bending strain acts in the same direc-
tion as the horizontal axial strain, the resultant bending strain ε br is simply
given by:
ε br = ε bmax + ε h (13.26)
Remember that in the sagging zone the horizontal strain will be compressive
and will therefore have a beneficial effect on the resultant bending strain, and
in the hogging zone it will be tensile and will have an adverse effect.
The resultant diagonal strain ε dr needs to be found using Mohr’s circle
of strain, because the maximum diagonal tensile strain and the horizontal
strain are not in the same direction and the direction and magnitude of the
resultant principal strain is therefore unknown.
Estimating building damage 481
ε h (1 − ν ) ε h (1 + ν )
εθ ,h = + cos2θ (13.27)
2 2
The System 2 Mohr’s circle of strain is shown in Figure 13.7.
For system 2, the variation of strain with angle ϕ from the direction of
principal strain ε dmax is given by the average at the centre of its Mohr’s circle
plus the radius multiplied by cos2φ :
Now since we know that the diagonal strain is acting at 45° to the horizon-
tal, we can say that:
φ = θ + 45° (13.29)
ε h (1 − ν ) ε h (1 + ν )
εθ = + cos2θ + ε dmax sin2θ (13.32)
2 2
Now we can draw a Mohr’s circle of strain for the superposed strains εθ ,
but we don’t yet know the direction or magnitude of the principal strain
when the two are combined. The Mohr’s circle is shown in Figure 13.8.
We can calculate the values of εθ at θ = 0, 45° and 90° using Equation 13.32,
and these are shown on Figure 13.8.
From Figure 13.8 we can see that the value of strain at the centre of the
circle is the average of the θ = 0 and θ = 90° values, and this is given in the
figure. If we can also calculate the radius of the circle, then we can find
the magnitude of the principal strain, which will be the resultant diagonal
strain ε dr that we are looking for.
Distance CB is the θ = 45° value of εθ minus the average strain, and dis-
tance CA is the θ = 0° value of εθ minus the average strain.
ε h (1 − ν ) ε (1 − ν )
CB = + ε dmax − h = ε dmax (13.33)
2 2
Estimating building damage 483
ε h (1 − ν ) ε h (1 + ν ) ε h (1 − ν ) ε h (1 + ν )
CA = + − = (13.34)
2 2 2 2
Triangles CBD and CAE are similar triangles, therefore the radius R of the
Mohr’s circle may be given by:
ε (1 + ν )
+ ( ε dmax ) (13.35)
R = CB + CA = h
2 2
ε (1 − ν ) ε (1 + ν )
+ ( ε dmax ) (13.36)
ε dr = h + h
2 2
Another way to derive the equation is to use the principal strain equation
for plane strain (e.g. Gere & Timoshenko, 1991: p.438), which also applies
to plane stress and is given by:
2 2
εx + εy εx − εy γ xy
ε1,2 = ± + (13.37)
2 2 2
ε1,2 represents the major principal strain ε1 and the minor principal
strain ε 2
Since the diagonal strain is pure shear and the horizontal (axial)
strain is a principal strain (i.e. with no shear strain), we can say that
484 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
ε (1 − ν ) ε (1 + ν )
+ ( ε dmax ) (13.38)
ε dr = h + h
2 2
The building should be divided into partitions in the hogging and sagging
zones, and we will treat each partition as though they were separate build-
ings. This is shown in Figure 13.10, where Lhog = 16 m and Lsag = 15.5 m.
Figure 13.9 Worked Example 13.2 problem geometry for Stage 2 building damage
∆GF −4.8744536
= = −0.000304653
Lhog 16000
The sign of the deflection ratio is usually ignored and the absolute value
is used.
Mair et al. (1996a) recommended cutting off the deflection ratio cal-
culation at a transverse offset of ±2.5i, presumably to avoid deflection
ratio being made smaller by considering a long building with a signifi-
cant portion of its length far away from the tunnel, experiencing rela-
tively little settlement. In this case, however, cutting off the calculation
at 2.5i (y = 22.5 m) would give a significantly lower value of deflection
ratio than the one calculated here.
Netzel (2009) also noted that considering the length of the building
outside the cut-off point often results in a larger deflection ratio. Also
if L /H is larger the maximum bending tensile strain will be larger (c.f.
Equation 13.12). In one example he shows that considering the length
Estimating building damage 487
of the building beyond the cut-off can increase maximum tensile strain
by 75%. However, Netzel (2009) did not consider that a longer building
will result in a lower average horizontal strain and potentially a lower
resultant strain. Usually, for a building that extends a long distance into
the hogging zone, the maximum resultant strain is at a maximum when
the building partition is cut-off somewhere between ±2.5i and ±3i.
We now need to know the properties of the building and idealise it as
a rectangular isotropic beam of unit width.
For brick or masonry, Burland & Wroth (1974) recommended using a
Poisson’s ratio of 0.3, such that E/G = 2.6.
The neutral axis in hogging is assumed to be at the foundation level of
the structure, and therefore the distance of the extreme fibre in tension
from the neutral axis d = H = 5.6 m.
The second moment of area in hogging is given by Equation 13.14:
H 3 5.63
I hog = = = 58.5387 m 4 /m
3 3
The cross-sectional area of the building modelled as a beam of unit width
is given by:
A = 1 × H = 1 × 5.6 = 5.6 m 2 /m
∆ /L 0.000304653
ε bmax = = = 0.0005060 = 0.050%
L 72EI 16 72 × 58.5387
1+ 2 1+ × 2.6
12d 5L AG 12 × 5.6 5 × 162 × 5.6
∆ /L 0.000304653
ε dmax = = = 0.0002302 = 0.023%
AGL 2 4 5.6 × 162 1 4
+ ⋅ +
18EI 5 18 × 58.5387 2.6 5
The average horizontal strain is the average of the values in the right-
hand column of Table 13.2, which is 0.0005448 or 0.054%.
The resultant bending strain is given by Equation 13.26:
ε (1 − ν ) ε (1 + ν ) 0.0005448 (1 − 0.3)
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = h + h
2 2 2
0.0005448 (1 + 0.3)
The maximum of the resultant bending strain and the resultant diagonal
strain is used to determine the damage category. This is the resultant
bending strain, which is 0.105%. Referring to Table 13.1, the hogging
zone of this building is in damage category 2 – ‘slight’.
Sagging zone calculation
In the sagging zone, we can calculate the settlements at y = −9 m and at
y = 6.5 m and then calculate the values of settlement T caused by whole-
body tilt between those two points, i.e. we plot a straight line between them.
Then we can calculate the actual Gaussian curve settlements at 1 m inter-
vals, and for each one determine the deflection, i.e. the difference between
the actual settlement and the straight line value. This is shown in Table 13.3.
∆GF 10.1174
GF =
= = 0.000652738
Lsag 15500
H 3 5.63
I sag = = = 14.6347 m 4 /m
12 12
A = 1 × H = 1 × 5.6 = 5.6 m
The maximum bending tensile strain may be calculated using
Equation 13.12:
∆ /L 0.000652738
ε bmax = = = 0.0010055 = 0.101%
L 72EI 15.5 72 × 14.6347
1 + 1 + × 2.6
12d 5L2 AG 12 × 2.8 5 × 15.52 × 5.6
∆ /L 0.000652738
ε dmax = = = 0.0002361 = 0.024%
AGL 2 4 5.6 × 15.52 1 4
+ ⋅ +
18EI 5 18 × 14.6347 2.6 5
The average horizontal strain is the average of the values in the right-
hand column of Table 13.3, which is –0.0011829 or –0.118%. Note
that it is negative because the horizontal ground strain is compressive
in the sagging zone.
The resultant bending strain is given by Equation 13.26:
ε h (1 − ν ) ε (1 + ν ) −0.0011829 (1 − 0.3)
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = + h
2 2 2
−0.0011829 (1 + 0.3)
The maximum of the resultant bending strain and the resultant diagonal
strain is used to determine the damage category. The resultant bending
strain is compressive, so it is the resultant diagonal strain that is critical,
at 0.039%. Referring to Table 13.1, the sagging zone of this building is in
damage category 1 – ‘very slight’.
Since both the hogging and the sagging zone are in damage category
2 or below, the building can be considered at low risk of damage due to
settlement and no further analysis will be required.
M DRsag = (13.39)
M DRhog = (13.40)
ε hc
M ε hc = (13.41)
ε hc
ε ht
M ε ht = (13.42)
ε ht
M DRsag and M DRhog are the modification factors for deflection ratio in
sagging and hogging, respectively
DRsag and DRhog are the deflection ratios at the foundation level of the
building in the sagging and hogging zone, respectively, including
the effect of the building on the ground movements
DRsagGF and DRGF are the greenfield deflection ratios of the ground at the
foundation level of the building in the sagging and hogging zone,
M ε hc and M ε ht are the modification factors for horizontal compressive
strain and horizontal tensile strain, respectively
492 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
* = (13.43)
Es z0 B2 L
* is the modified relative bending stiffness (modified compared
to the original proposed by Potts & Addenbrooke, 1997). It is
EI is the bending stiffness of the building, where E is the Young’s mod-
ulus of the building material and I is the second moment of area
of the building idealised as a beam.
E s is the secant Young’s modulus of the soil at depth z0/2, at 0.01%
axial strain in a triaxial compression test.
z0 is the depth to the tunnel axis.
B is the total building width perpendicular to tunnelling.
L is the building length in the direction of tunnelling.
Note that the definitions of B and L are different to what we have used so
far in this chapter, but this is the notation used in Potts & Addenbrooke
(1997) and Franzius et al. (2006a).
Estimating building damage 493
α mod
* = (13.44)
α mod
* is the modified relative axial stiffness. It is dimensionless.
EA is the axial stiffness of the building, where E is the Young’s modu-
lus of the building material and A is the cross-sectional area of
the building structure.
L is the length of the building in the tunnel longitudinal direction.
Note that Goh & Mair (2012) suggested new expressions for the relative bend-
ing and axial stiffness that included the total length of the building in the trans-
verse direction B, such that the charts had only one design curve that was not
dependent on e /B. However, this was for deep multipropped excavations and it
is unclear whether this method would be appropriate for tunnels.
The design procedure for a Stage 2b assessment is as follows:
centrifuge model experiments in dry silica sand and for field measurements
in Bologna. The ground conditions in Bologna consisted of overconsolidated
highly stratified fluvial deposits with layers of silty clays and clayey silts,
interbedded with lenses of sandy silt and silty sand. As mentioned previously,
the volume loss for this 12 m diameter tunnel was very high at 5.1%.
Although compared to 3D finite element analyses of an advancing tunnel
in Franzius et al. (2006a) as well as 2D plane strain finite element analy-
ses, the modification factors only produce modified deflection ratios and
horizontal strains for after the tunnel has passed, i.e. the short-term plane
strain situation. As the tunnel face approaches, one would expect the nearer
parts of the building to move downwards and towards the face more than
the further away parts of the building. This will cause the building to twist,
Estimating building damage 495
first towards the tunnel as it approaches, and then in the opposite direction
as it passes beyond (i.e. the incremental ground and structure movements
will be predominantly directed towards the tunnel face at every advance
step). This was investigated by Franzius et al. (2006b), where modification
factors for twist were proposed.
A further limitation is that the modelling by Potts & Addenbrooke
(1997) and Franzius et al. (2006a and 2006b) only examined buildings
that are square to the tunnel centreline, i.e. not skewed at an arbitrary
angle. In reality, most buildings will not be perpendicular or parallel to
the tunnel centreline. Skew should be expected to cause permanent twist
of the building. This is discussed to some degree by Franzius et al. (2006b)
496 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
and field data of skewed building twist can be found in Standing (2001)
for Elizabeth House in London, the data being later analysed by Franzius
Giardina et al. (2018) performed a large parametric study comparing the
relative stiffness methods of Potts & Addenbrooke (1997), Franzius et al.
(2006a) and Goh & Mair (2012) for a large number of building configura-
tions, and found they gave very different values of modification factors in
both hogging and sagging, and hence very different predictions of strain.
Therefore these methods should be used with some caution.
At the end of the day, after all these sophisticated numerical and labo-
ratory models and field measurements have been used to calculate these
modification factors, we are going to apply them to greenfield deflection
ratio and horizontal strain. We will then use these modified values of
deflection ratio and horizontal strain in the simple beam model, with all
its limitations. There is no way that the simple beam model can calculate
the true strains in a building or accurately predict where or when damage
will occur. It is, however, a simple well-established method of assessing
risk that is very widely used and accepted. Perhaps one day, if enough field
measurements are available, we can move to a purely empirical method of
Stage 2 building damage assessment. Alternatively, with increasing com-
puter power it may be possible to undertake a generic Stage 2 assessment
using large numbers of numerical models.
= 0.000304653
GF =
= 0.000652738
ρ*mod =
Es z0 B2 L
For unit wall thickness, the length of the building in the tunnel longitu-
dinal direction L = 1.
The building’s length in the transverse direction B = 31.5 m , and we will
use I = I hog = 58.5387 m 4 /m that we calculated in Worked Example 13.2.
We will use the lower chart in Figure 13.11, for which we need to know
the value of e /B. Now e is the transverse distance of the midpoint of the
building from the tunnel centreline, which is 9.25 m. Therefore:
e 9.25
= = 0.29
B 31.5
Reading off from the design chart gives M DRhog = 0.27.
Therefore the hogging deflection ratio may be calculated using
Equation 13.40:
The maximum bending tensile strain and the maximum diagonal tensile
strain can now be calculated using the modified value of deflection ratio.
By inspection of the equations, they will be multiplied by 0.27 giving:
The horizontal strain also needs to modified, and first we need to calcu-
late the relative axial stiffness using Equation 13.44:
α *mod =
Again we assume unit wall thickness so A = H and L = 1, such that:
EA 10 × 103 5.6
α *mod = = ⋅ = 17.78
Es BL 100 31.5 × 1
Reading off from the lower design chart in Figure 13.12 gives M ε ht = 0.005.
This is applied to the maximum greenfield horizontal tensile strain
(remember that for the standard Stage 2 analysis we used the average
horizontal strain). The maximum greenfield horizontal tensile strain we
previously calculated in Table 13.2 is ε ht
= 0.0008261.
ε ht = M ε ht × ε ht
= 0.005 × 0.0008261 = 4.13 × 10−6 = 4.13 × 10−4 %
The resultant bending strain may now be calculated using Equation 13.26:
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = + h
2 2 2
The maximum tensile strain in the building is therefore the resultant bend-
ing strain of 0.0141%. Referring to Table 13.1, the hogging zone of this
building is in damage category 0 – ‘negligible’. In Worked Example 13.2,
without the modification factors, the damage category in the hogging
zone was 2 – ‘slight’, so this is a considerable improvement.
We will use the upper chart in Figure 13.11, and as for the hogging cal-
culation, e /B = 0.29.
Reading off from the design chart gives M DRsag = 0.29.
Therefore the sagging deflection ratio may be calculated using
Equation 13.39:
The maximum bending tensile strain and the maximum diagonal tensile
strain can now be calculated using the modified value of deflection ratio.
By inspection of the equations, they will be multiplied by 0.29 giving:
The horizontal strain also needs to modified. The relative axial stiffness
is the same as for hogging, i.e. α *mod = 17.78.
Reading off from the upper design chart in Figure 13.12 gives
M ε hc = 0.002. This is applied to the maximum greenfield horizontal com-
pressive strain (remember that for the standard Stage 2 analysis we used
the average horizontal strain). The maximum greenfield horizontal com-
pressive strain we previously calculated in Table 13.3 is ε hc
= −0.0018568.
ε hc = M ε hc × ε hc
= 0.002 × ( −0.0018568) = −3.714 × 10−6 = −3.714 × 10−4%
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = + h
2 2 2
The maximum tensile strain in the sagging zone of the building is therefore
the resultant bending strain of 0.029%. Referring to Table 13.1, the sag-
ging zone of this building is therefore in damage category 0 – ‘negligible’.
500 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
( EI )structure = E
i =1
slab + Aslab dslab
) (13.45)
Potts & Addenbrooke (1997) acknowledged that the parallel axis theo-
rem would tend to overestimate stiffness, as it is assumed that the slabs
act compositely with transfer of shear between each slab. However, it is
unlikely that there would be sufficient shear walls and moment connec-
tions between columns and beams to make this happen, except perhaps in
a partial manner.
In making predictions of building response for Elizabeth House,
Waterloo, during tunnelling for the Jubilee Line Extension, Mair & Taylor
(2001) assumed that the floor slabs and 1.4 m thick raft foundation all
contributed to overall bending stiffness, but did not act compositely. They
assumed that all the slabs, including the raft foundation, were the same
thickness, i.e. 0.3 m thick, using the following equation:
n +1
Since this was a 10-storey structure with two basement levels, it probably
seemed unreasonable to use all the slabs in the building for the axial stiffness,
so only the lower basement, basement and ground floor slabs were included
with 1.4 m, 0.3 m and 0.3 m thickness, respectively (though the reason for
doing this was never explained by Mair & Taylor, 2001). The predictions
agreed well with actual measured building movements (Standing, 2001).
Goh & Mair (2014) tried both methods of estimating the bending stiff-
ness of frame structures modelled using finite element analysis and com-
pared the computed modification factors to the simple beam method, as
shown in Figure 13.13. Using the parallel axis theorem (Equation 13.46)
significantly underestimated the modification factor, while summing the
bending stiffness (Equation 13.47) gave a realistic upper bound estimate of
modification factor.
Based on finite element modelling, Goh & Mair (2014) also proposed
correction factors for the stiffening effect of columns on beams, which can
502 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
Figure 13.13 Modification factor from a simple beam model compared with finite ele-
ment modelling of various configurations of frame structure with bending
stiffness calculated either using the summation method or the parallel axis
theorem (redrawn from Goh & Mair, 2014).
be used to make a better estimate of the modification factor when using the
simple beam model. Meyerhof (1953) put forward an approach to estimate
the bending stiffness of a building taking account of columns, infill panels
and load-bearing walls without openings. Melis & Rodriguez Ortiz (2001)
developed a method to take account of the contribution of walls and their
proportion of openings, floors, and foundation slabs with either a rigid or
hinged connection to the superstructure. The second moment of area is cal-
culated relative to the neutral axis of the basement. Giardina et al. (2018)
provided a useful review of all these methods.
In summary, these methods are ways of estimating the stiffness of a
framed building, i.e. the second moment of area I and the cross-sectional
area A, for use in either a Stage 2 or 2b analysis:
In both types of analysis, we also need to know the position of the neu-
tral axis in order to use the bending strain equation (c.f. Equation 13.12),
for both hogging and sagging. Since reinforced concrete or steel frame
structures can support tension forces as well as compression forces (unlike
masonry), then it seems sensible that the neutral axis should be the neutral
axis of the structure, which is likely to be close to the mid-height, or a bit
below, since basement and ground floor slabs are likely to be thicker. Often
it is assumed to be at mid-height because of the difficulty in accounting for
all structural details. Unlike for masonry walls, for frame structures the
same neutral axis position should be used in both hogging and sagging.
Yet another aspect to bear in mind is that a frame structure cannot be
assumed to be isotropic in the way we assumed a load-bearing masonry wall
was isotropic, as it is an assembly of structural elements acting together in
a partially composite manner. Therefore, the E /G ratio will not be directly
dependent on the Poisson’s ratio. Burland & Wroth (1974) argued that
because a frame structure has a relatively low stiffness in shear and a reason-
able degree of tensile restraint, then an E /G ratio of 12.5 should be used.
This has a large influence on the maximum tensile strains calculated using
Equation 13.12 and Equation 13.23. In most cases the maximum diagonal
tensile strain will be larger than the maximum bending tensile strain and
they will both be smaller compared to values obtained when E/G = 2.6.
It shouldn’t be assumed that the behaviour of a framed building will be
the same as a simple beam or that the damage to a framed building can be
described using this method (Giardina et al., 2018). It is a very simple method
used to make a conservative estimate of the level of risk of potential damage.
Since the building has the same length and position relative to the tun-
nel as Worked Example 13.2, the greenfield hogging and sagging deflec-
tion ratios were calculated previously and had the following values:
= 0.000304653
GF =
= 0.000652738
We will assume that the building stiffness depends only on the reinforced
concrete slabs, and ignore the contribution of columns, shear walls and
other structural features.
Estimating building damage 505
Assuming that the overall second moment of area of the structure may
be approximated by summing the individual slabs, using Equation 13.47
for a unit width gives:
n +1
∑(I ) = 1 ×12
1.0 1 × 0.33
I structure = + 4 = 0.0833 + 0.0090 = 0.0923 m 4 /m
i =1
Note that the contribution of the raft is much more than the sum of the
four floor slabs above. Comparing this value of second moment of area
with those calculated in Worked Example 13.2, this value is much lower
than for a solid brick wall and here we are not calculating separate values
of second moment of area for hogging and sagging.
We also need to know the cross-sectional area, again per unit
width. We will make the same assumption as Mair & Taylor (2001)
and count only the slabs at ground level or below, which in our case
means just the raft:
ρ*mod =
Es z0 B2 L
For unit thickness, the length of the building in the tunnel longitudinal
direction L = 1.
The building’s length in the transverse direction B = 31.5 m, so we get:
We will use the charts in Figure 13.11, for which we need to know the
value of e /B. Now e is the transverse distance of the midpoint of the
building from the tunnel centreline, which is 9.25 m. Therefore:
e 9.25
= = 0.29
B 31.5
Reading off from the design charts gives M DRhog = 1.26 and M DRsag = 1.02.
The hogging deflection ratio may be calculated using Equation 13.40:
And the sagging deflection ratio may be calculated using Equation 13.39:
The distance from the structure’s neutral axis to the extreme fibre
in bending is assumed to be the distance from the overall structure’s
neutral axis to the top floor slab in hogging and to the ground floor
slab in sagging.
To find the height of the neutral axis above ground level dsag, take
moments of area about ground level:
∴ dsag = 4.77 m
Now the vertical distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fibre in
hogging will be given by:
α *mod =
Again we assume unit thickness L = 1, such that:
EA 30 × 103 1
α *mod = = ⋅ = 9.524
Es BL 100 31.5 × 1
Reading off from the design charts in Figure 13.12 gives M ε ht = 0.006
and M ε hc = 0.002. These modification factors will be applied to the maxi-
mum greenfield horizontal strain in the hogging and sagging zone.
The modified horizontal strain in the hogging zone is given by:
ε ht = M ε ht × ε ht
= 0.006 × 0.0008261 = 4.957 × 10−6 = 4.957 × 10−4%
And the modified horizontal strain in the sagging zone is given by:
ε hc = M ε hc × ε hc
= 0.002 × ( −0.0018568) = −3.714 × 10−6 = −3.714 × 10−4%
= 0.002496 = 0.250%
The maximum diagonal tensile strain in hogging is given by:
The resultant bending strain may now be calculated using Equation 13.26:
ε ht (1 − ν ) ε (1 + ν )
+ ( ε dmax )
ε dr = + ht
2 2
It may be unclear what the value of Poisson’s ratio v should be – the value
for concrete or the value for the structure as a whole. If we calculate
the value for the structure as a whole, then based on E/G = 12.5 we get
ν = 5.25. A typical value for concrete is 0.2.
Although maximum diagonal tensile strain ε dmax and horizontal strain
ε ht have been calculated based on the strain distribution of the structure
as a whole, when we are calculating the resultant we are effectively super-
posing the strains at a single point in the structure so we should use the
Poisson’s ratio of the material, which is 0.2 in this case.
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = ht + ht
2 2 2
+ ( ε dmax ) =
ε dr = hc + hc
2 2 2
the beams replicated the behaviour well in sagging, but required the use of
a reduced flexural stiffness to replicate behaviour in hogging.
Using a centrifuge model with a building modelled by two layers of tiny
mortared bricks, Farrell & Mair (2012) found that the horizontal strain
transferred to buildings through their foundations is negligible, as has been
found by others. When the results were compared to the modification fac-
tors produced by Franzius et al. (2006a), agreement was poor but the modi-
fication factors did provide an upper bound. This means that buildings that
proceed from Stage 2b analysis are likely to have reduced strains predicted
in Stage 3 analyses when more sophisticated methods are used.
Farrell & Mair (2012) also found that model buildings that respond rig-
idly do so by redistributing their weight. Therefore, corners or edges of the
building may embed into the ground, as has been found during monitoring
of real buildings affected by tunnelling (Farrell et al., 2014), and by centri-
fuge models of buildings on sand by Ritter et al. (2017). Although this is
likely to reduce building distortion, it could cause serious problems for util-
ity connections entering the building, which may experience a rapid change
of displacement between the adjacent ground and the building.
In their numerical analyses with the building modelled by an elastic
beam, Goh & Mair (2012) noted that when a building’s axial stiffness is
low, the transfer of horizontal strains from the ground to the building is
determined by the interface properties between the ground and the build-
ing in the model. When the interface coefficient was 0.5, the modification
factor also tended towards 0.5 as building axial stiffness decreased. If the
interface coefficient were 1.0, meaning that the nodes of the building ele-
ments in the model were tied rigidly to the ground elements, then the modi-
fication factor would tend towards 1.0.
The concept of limiting tensile strain and its correlation to building damage
categories has been described.
There are three stages to building damage assessment. Each stage is
intended to be progressively more sophisticated and less conservative, with
the aim that structures at low risk of damage can be ruled out, reducing the
number of buildings that require detailed analysis.
Stage 1 analysis involves calculation of contours of 10 mm settlement
and 1:500 slope and classifying all buildings outside of both contours as at
512 Soft Ground Tunnel Design
low risk of damage. All buildings within either of the contours will go on
to Stage 2 assessment.
Stage 2 assessment takes the greenfield deflection ratio and horizontal strain
and imposes them on each building using the simple beam method. The build-
ing is separated into partitions in the hogging and sagging zones, and cut-off
at a distance of 2.5i or 3i from the tunnel centreline. The simple beam method
models the building as a rectangular isotropic beam and allows the calculation
of resultant bending strain and resultant diagonal strain. The greater of these
in the hogging and sagging partitions of the building are taken as the limiting
tensile strain and give us the damage category for the building.
Stage 2b assessment involves the use of a relative stiffness method to
allow for soil-structure interaction between the building and the ground.
Modification factors from Franzius et al. (2006a) can be read from design
charts based on numerical modelling, and are applied to the greenfield
deflection ratios and horizontal strains. This generally provides a less con-
servative estimate of damage category compared to Stage 2.
Stage 3 assessment must take account of the individual building’s struc-
tural details and the tunnelling method. It is usually approached in a series
of sub-steps that introduce layers of complexity and refine the prediction.
As well as desk studies and surveys of the building itself, Stage 3 analysis
may include numerical modelling of the structure, with structural details,
façade openings and material behaviour characterised. For masonry struc-
tures the model should include cracking. Generally speaking, Stage 3
should reduce the predicted damage, but can in some cases result in greater
predicted damage.
ground level and three more 0.3 m thick floor slabs at 3.5 m cen-
tres above. Assume the volume loss is 1.5% and the trough width
parameter K is 0.5.
i. Calculate the trough width i and the maximum settlement
Smax at the foundation level.
ii. Separate the building into hogging and sagging partitions,
with the hogging partitions cut-off at 2.5i if necessary, and
calculate the hogging and sagging deflection ratios.
iii. Calculate the average horizontal strain in the hogging parti-
tion and the sagging partition.
iv. Calculate the maximum bending tensile strain and the maxi-
mum diagonal tensile strain in the hogging partition.
v. Calculate the resultant bending strain and resultant diagonal
strain in the hogging partition.
vi. Calculate the maximum bending tensile strain and the maxi-
mum diagonal tensile strain in the sagging partition.
vii. Calculate the resultant bending strain and resultant diagonal
strain in the sagging partition. What is the overall damage
category for the building?
Q13.5. This question is about Stage 2b building damage assessment and uses
the same geometry of tunnel and building described in Q13.4. Assume
the reinforced concrete slabs have a Young’s modulus E = 30 GPa and
assume the secant ground stiffness determined at 0.01% axial strain in
a triaxial compression test from a sample taken from a depth midway
between the surface and the tunnel axis Es = 150 MPa.
i. For the tunnel and building described in Q13.4, calculate the rel-
ative bending stiffness and relative axial stiffness of the building.
ii. Using the relative stiffness values, use the design charts from
Franzius et al. (2006a) to find values for modification factors.
iii. Apply the modification factors to the deflection ratios and max-
imum horizontal strains in the hogging and sagging partitions.
iv. Calculate the maximum bending tensile strain and the max-
imum diagonal tensile strain in the hogging and sagging
v. Calculate the resultant bending strain and resultant diagonal
strain in the hogging and sagging partitions. What is the over-
all damage category for the building?
Giardina, G., Marini, A., Hendriks, M. A. N., Rots, J. G., Rizzardini, F. &
Giuriani, E. (2012). Experimental analysis of a masonry façade subject to
tunnelling-induced settlement. Eng. Struct. 45, 421–434.
Giardina, G., Marini, A., Riva, P. & Giuriani, E. (2019). Analysis of a scaled
stone masonry facade subjected to differential settlements. Int. J. Architect.
Heritage, published online, DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2019.1617911.
Giardina, G., van de Graaf, A. V., Hendriks, M. A. N., Rots, J. G. & Marini, A.
(2013). Numerical analysis of a masonry façade subject to tunnelling-induced
settlements. Eng. Struct. 54, 234–247.
Goh, K.H. & Mair, R.J. (2008). Response of a building under excavation-induced
ground movements, Proc. Int. Conf. on Deep Excavations, 10th–12th Nov
2008, Singapore.
Goh, K.H. & Mair, R.J. (2012). The response of buildings to movements induced by
deep excavations. Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Geotechnical aspects of underground
construction in soft ground (ed. Viggiani, G.), Rome, Italy, 17th–19th May 2011,
pp. 903–910. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
Goh, K. H. & Mair, R. J. (2014). The response of framed buildings to excavation-
induced movements. Soils Found. 54, No. 3, 250–268.
Harris, D. I. & Franzius, J. N. (2006). Settlement assessment of running tunnels
– a generic approach. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on geotechnical aspects of under-
ground construction in soft ground (eds Bakker, K. J., Bezuijen, A., Broere,
W. & Kwast, E. A.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15th –17th June 2005,
pp. 225–230. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
Mair, R. J. & Taylor, R. N. (2001). Elizabeth House: settlement predictions.
Building response to tunnelling, vol. 1 projects and methods, CIRIA Special
Publication 200, pp. 195–215. London: Thomas Telford.
Mair, R. J., Taylor, R. N. & Burland, J. N. (1996a). Prediction of ground move-
ments and assessment of risk of building damage due to bored tunnelling.
Proc. Int. Symp. on geotechnical aspects of underground construction in
soft ground (eds Mair, R. J. & Taylor, R. N.), London, UK, pp. 713–718.
Rotterdam: Balkema.
Mair, R. J., Taylor, R. N. & Burland, J. N. (1996b). Discussion: Reply to discussion
by M. P. O’Reilly. Proc. Int. Symp. on geotechnical aspects of underground
construction in soft ground (eds Mair, R. J. & Taylor, R. N.), London, UK,
pp. 765–766. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Melis, M. & Rodriguez Ortiz, J. (2001). Consideration of the stiffness of buildings in
the estimation of subsidence damage by EPB tunnelling in the Madrid subway.
Response of buildings to excavation induced ground movements, Proc. Int.
Conf. held at Imperial College, London, UK, 17th–18th July 2001 (ed. Jardine,
F. M.), CIRIA Special Publication 199. London: CIRIA.
Meyerhof, G. G. (1953). Some recent foundation research and its application to
design. Struct. Eng. 31, 151–167.
Moss, N. A. & Bowers, K. H. (2006). The effect of new tunnel construction under
existing metro tunnels. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Geotechnical Aspects of
Underground Construction in Soft Ground (eds Bakker, K. J., Bezuijen, A.,
Broere, W. & Kwast, E. A.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15th–17th June
2005, pp. 151–157. London: Taylor & Francis.
Netzel, H. D. (2009). Building response due to ground movements. PhD thesis,
Technische Universiteit Delft. Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University Press.
Estimating building damage 517
Anagnostou & Kovári (1994, 1996a, 1996b) used a limit equilibrium solu-
tion they attributed to Horn (1961) and developed it to allow direct calcu-
lation of the required support pressure in any situation above or below the
water table, with or without seepage, for tunnels where the unsupported
length P = 0. The geometry is shown in Figure A.1. This solution is poten-
tially much more useful for practical situations involving closed-face tun-
nelling machines, although whether it represents the true collapse load is
not guaranteed because the geometry is a simplification. Jancsecz & Steiner
(1994) stated that use on several slurry tunnel boring machine (TBM)
projects has validated the wedge-prism method, as does Broere (1998).
Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a) compared results from the wedge-prism
method with centrifuge tests in dry sand by Chambon & Corté (1994), and
Messerli et al. (2010) ran their own 1 g model tests of a tunnel in dry sand,
and in both cases a good agreement was found.
The wedge ABCDEF is acted on by:
520 Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method
In reality, the shear stresses on the failure surfaces depend on the hori-
zontal effective stress acting normal to each surface, and this cannot be
calculated easily. Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) recommended using a con-
stant ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stress of 0.8.
dW = Fγ dz (A.1)
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 521
where γ is the unit weight of the soil, which would be the dry unit weight
above the water table and the submerged unit weight below the water table,
and λ is the horizontal to vertical effective stress ratio. Note that the symbol λ
is used rather than K0 because K0 refers specifically to the ratio of horizontal
to vertical in situ effective stress at rest. In this situation we are finding the
point of mass failure of the soil, so it is very disturbed and K0 no longer exists.
The vertical force on the top of the slice is given by Fσ v . The upwards
vertical force on the bottom of the slice is given by F (σ v + dσ v ) .
The resultant friction resistance force around the sides of each slice is
given by:
dW = F (σ v′ + dσ v′ ) − Fσ v′ + dS (A.3)
dσ v′
Fγ = F + U ( c + λσ v′ tan φ ) (A.6)
522 Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method
dσ v′ Uλ tanφ U
+ σ v′ = γ − c (A.8)
dz F F
where, y = σ v′, x = z, P = Uλ tan
F )
, and Q = γ − UF c.
We need to integrate to solve this ODE, but this is not straightforward.
The solution to this form of ODE may be found if we can find a function
F ( x ) such that dF /dx = PF ( x ). Or, using the names of variables and con-
stants in our specific situation, a function F ( z ) such that dF /dz = PF ( z ) ,
with P defined as above. Try using:
Uλ tanφ z
F ( z ) = exp (A.10)
1 d
F ( z ) dz
F ( z ) σ v′ ( z ) = Q (A.11)
1 d Uλ tanφ z U
λ φ
exp σ v′ = γ − c
U tan z dz F F (A.12)
dσ v′ Uλ tanφ U
+ exp
σ v′ = γ − c (A.14)
dz F F
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 523
d Uλ tanφ z U Uλ tanφ z
exp σ v′ = γ − c exp (A.15)
dz F F F
Now integrate with respect to dz:
Uλ tanφ z U Uλ tanφ z
σ v′ = γ − c
F ∫ exp F
dz (A.16)
This gives:
U Uλ tanφ z
λ φ γ − c exp
U tan z F F
exp σ v′ = + C (A.17)
F Uλ tanφ
where C is an integration constant. To find C we use the boundary condi-
tion σ v′ = q at z = 0:
γ − c
q= + C (A.18)
Uλ tanφ
γ − c
F (A.19)
C =q−
Uλ tanφ
Putting this expression for C into Equation A.17 gives:
U Uλ tanφ z U
γ − c exp γ − c
Uλ tanφ z F F F
exp σ v′ = +q− (A.20)
F Uλ tanφ Uλ tanφ
γ − c
−Uλ tanφ z F −Uλ tanφ z
σ v′ = qexp + 1 − exp
F U λ tanφ F (A.21)
524 Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method
γ −c
U −Uλ tanφ z −Uλ tanφ z
σ v′ = 1 − exp + qexp (A.22)
λ tanφ F F
Equation A.22 is the Janssen silo equation used by Jancsecz & Steiner
(1994) in their paper to calculate the vertical effective stress on the
top of the wedge. Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) use a slightly different
notation, where the ratio of area to perimeter F /U = r , which may also
be expressed in terms of the wedge slope angle ω (cf. Figure A.1) as
r= (A.23)
1 + tanω
σ v′ =
γ dr − c
λ tanφ
( )
1 − exp ( − λ tanφ ( H − H w ) /r ) + qexp ( − λ tanφ ( H − H w ) /r ) (A.24)
σ v′ ,GHIJ =
λ tanφ
γ dr − c
1 − exp ( − λ tanφ ( H − H w ) /r ) (A.25)
The prism below the water table has the following equation for the vertical
effective stress on surface CDEF:
γ ′r − c
σ v′ ,CDEF =
λ tanφ
(1 − exp ( −λ tanφHw /r )) + qexp ( −λ tanφHw /r ) (A.26)
For the lower prism, q = σ v′ ,GHIJ , which gives:
γ ′r − c
σ v′ ,CDEF =
λ tanφ
(1 − exp ( −λ tanφHw /r ))
γ r−c
+ d
λ tanφ
( )
1 − exp ( − λ tanφ ( H − H w ) /r ) ( exp ( − λ tanφ H w /r ))
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 525
γ ′r − c
σ v′ ,CDEF =
λ tanφ
(1 − exp ( −λ tanφHw /r ))
γ r−c
+ d
λ tanφ
(exp ( −λ tanφHw /r ) − exp ( −λ tanφH /r ))
Equation A.28 is exactly the same as Equation (2) in Anagnostou & Kovári
If we wanted to include a surface surcharge, we could repeat this process
using Equation A.24 instead of Equation A.25 and we would get:
γ ′r − c
σ v′ ,CDEF =
λ tanφ
(1 − exp ( −λ tanφHw /r ))
γ dr − c
λ tanφ
(exp ( −λ tanφHw /r ) − exp ( −λ tanφH /r )) (A.29)
+qexp ( − λ tanφ H /r )
Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) assume that the vertical effective stress on
these surfaces is made up of two components, which are illustrated in
Figure A.3, and is according to the German standard for slurry walls (DIN
4126, 1986). The first component is the interface vertical effective stress
σ v′ ,CDEF , which is assumed to decrease linearly from σ v′ ,CDEF at the top, to
zero at the bottom. The second component is the self-weight of the soil,
which is assumed to increase linearly from zero at the top to γ ′D at the
Note that later papers by the same authors (Anagnostou & Kovári,
1996a, 1996b) assume the square ABCD is of equal area to the circular
tunnel face, and so is not of side D but is slightly smaller. Broere (1998)
states that this makes the required support force about 3% smaller, so is
not significant for most practical purposes. When using these calculations,
just make D2 equal to the face area for a more accurate solution.
The shear stress τ ω is given by:
τ ω = c + λω σ z′ tanφ (A.30)
Figure A.3 Anagnostou & Kovári (1994, 1996a & 1996b)’s assumptions for vertical effec-
tive stress on wedge surfaces ADE and BCF.
1 2 tanφ
τ ω = c + λω γ ′D + σ v′ ,CDEF (A.31)
3 3 v
Anagnostou & Kovári (1994) do not describe how the sliding friction on
the wedge slope surface ABEF is calculated, but a very sensible way of
doing this is set out by Dias & Bezuijen (2015) and this will be explained
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 527
1 Note that both Jancsecz & Steiner (1994) and Broere (1998) have errors in their wedge
forces diagrams. The forces on the wedge slope ABEF can either be represented by a shear
force parallel to the slope and a normal force perpendicular to the slope, or by a resultant
force at an angle ϕ to the normal. They both show a resultant at an angle ϕ to the normal
and a shear force parallel to the slope.
528 Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method
were included then faces would be stable with no cohesion or support pres-
sure, which is clearly unrealistic.
The effective reaction force Q and the effective support force S are
unknown. Using the method described by Dias & Bezuijen (2015), if we
solve for force equilibrium in the direction perpendicular to Q, then it
will not appear in the equation and we can more easily calculate S. Q is
orientated at an angle ϕ to the slope normal. The best way to visualise
the force equilibrium is to use a ‘polygon of forces’, where the forces
have to create a closed polygon if they are in equilibrium, as shown in
Figure A.5.
The equilibrium equation perpendicular to Q may be expressed as:
Gw + Gs
(2T + Cw ) cos φ (A.33)
tan (φ + ω ) sin (φ + ω )
1 2 tanφ
T = τ ω × (0.5D2 tan ω ) = λω γ ′D + σ v′ ,CDEF (0.5D2 tan ω ) (A.34)
3 3 v
Gs may be calculated by multiplying σ v′ ,CDEF calculated in Equation A.28 or
Equation A.29 by the area of CDEF as follows:
Gs = σ v′ ,CDEF D2 tan ω (A.35)
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 529
Cw is the resistance force due to cohesion on the wedge slope, which is the
cohesion c multiplied by the surface area of ABEF, given by:
Cw = (A.37)
cos ω
S is the effective support force required to maintain equilibrium of the
wedge and prism. The required minimum effective support pressure, usually
denoted by s′, may be found by dividing S by the area of ABCD, which is D2 .
If the same assumptions are used that Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a, 1996b)
used to create their nomograms, i.e. γ d /γ ′ = 1.6, λ = 0.8 and λω = 0.4,
then we can calculate values of s ′ and compare these to the nomograms.
For H = 8 m, D = 8 m, H w = 4 m, γ d = 16 kN/m3, γ ′ = 10 kN/m3, ϕ = 15°
and c = 0 kPa:
H /D = 1
h0 = 1.5D
Further values can be found in the same way, for ϕ = 20, 25, 30, 35°, for
H /D = 1, 2, 5, and for h0 = 1.5D and h0 = H + D, and exact agreement with
the nomograms can be found, except that the values found for h0 = 1.5D
530 Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method
If the same assumptions are used that Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a, 1996b)
used to create their nomograms, i.e. γ d /γ ′ = 1.6, λ = 0.8 and λω = 0.4,
then we can calculate values of s ′ and from Equation 3.2 we can calculate
F1. We are assuming no groundwater flow, so only the F0 and F1 terms are
active. Therefore:
H /D = 1
h0 = 1.5D
Appendix A: Derivation of wedge-prism method 531
F1 =
( F0γ ′D − s′ ) = (53.6694 − 33.6809) = 3.9977 (A.39)
c 5
Further values can be found in the same way, for ϕ = 20, 25, 30, 35°, for
H /D = 1, 2, 5, and for h0 = 1.5D and h0 = H + D, and exact agreement with
the nomograms can be found. The values for h0 = 1.5D are the same as for
h0 = H + D, indicating that the position of the water table does not affect F1.
The results are shown in Figure A.7 and are the same as the values in the
papers by Anagnostou & Kovári (1996a, 1996b).
∫ cos 2θ sinθ dθ (B.1)
∫ sin 2θ cosθ dθ (B.2)
∫ uv dθ = u ∫ v dθ − ∫ dθ ∫ v dθ dθ (B.3)
Starting with A, let u = cos2θ and v = sinθ . First calculate:
du d
= cos 2θ = −2sin 2θ (B.4)
dθ dθ
∫ v dθ = ∫ sinθ dθ = − cosθ (B.5)
534 Appendix B: Details from derivation of Curtis–Muir Wood equations
2 π
A = cos2θ sinθ dθ = cos 2θ ( − cos θ ) −
∫ ( −2sin 2θ )( − cos θ ) dθ (B.6)
A = − cos 2θ cos θ − 2 sin 2θ cos θ dθ (B.7)
du d
= sin 2θ = 2 cos 2θ (B.8)
dθ dθ
∫ v dθ = ∫ cosθ dθ = sinθ (B.9)
Now using Equation (B.3):
2 π
B = sin2θ cosθ dθ = sin 2θ sin θ −
∫ 2 cos 2θ sin θ dθ (B.10)
B = sin 2θ sin θ − 2 cos 2θ sin θ dθ (B.11)
B = sin 2θ sin θ − 2A (B.12)
A = − cos 2θ cos θ − 2 ( sin 2θ sin θ − 2A) (B.14)
A = − cos 2θ cos θ − 2sin 2θ sin θ + 4 A (B.15)
1 2
A = cos 2θ cos θ + 2sin 2θ sin θ (B.16)
3 0
1 1
{ }
(0 + 0) − (1 + 0) = − (B.17)
2 2
B = sin 2θ sin θ + =
0 3
{(0) − (0)} + 23 = 23 (B.18)
A = cos2θ sinθ dθ (B.19)
B = sin2θ cosθ dθ (B.20)
C = sin2θ dθ (B.21)
536 Appendix B: Details from derivation of Curtis–Muir Wood equations
A and B turn out to have the same values as before when the integration
was between 0 and π /2, i.e. −1/3 and 2/3 respectively. The value for C is
given by:
4 π
1 4 1 1
C = sin2θ dθ = − cos 2θ = (0) − − = (B.22)
2 0 2 2
This is the derivation of Equation 13.5 in Chapter 13, which gives the mid-
span deflection of a simply supported rectangular beam with a centrally-
applied point load. The equation is reproduced here:
PL3 72EI
∆= 1 + 5L2 AG (13.5)
The idealised geometry is shown in Figure C.1. The z axis is out of the
page. The beam has width in the z axis direction b, height in the y axis
direction H and length in the x axis direction L. A point load P is applied
at midspan.
The cross-sectional area A of the beam is given by:
A = bH (C.1)
V= (C.2)
M= (C.3)
538 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
dv 1
EI ∫ M dx (C.4)
1 Px 1 Px2
EI ∫ 2
d x = −
EI 4
+ C1
C1 is an integration constant
dv 1 Px2 PL2
θ= =− − (C.6)
dx EI 4 16
The slope θ, for small angles, is equal to dv /dx. If we integrate dv /dx from
x = 0 to x = L / 2 with respect to x we will get the midspan deflection due
to bending ∆ bmax .
L /2 L /2
dv 1 Px2 PL2 1 Px3 PL2 x
∆ bmax =
∫ dx
dx = −
EI ∫0
4 − 16 dx = − EI 12 − 16 + C2 (C.7)
C2 is an integration constant
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 539
Burland & Wroth (1974), based on Timoshenko (1957), assumed that sim-
ple beam theory could also be applied to shear deflection. However, this
will not be accurate because the ‘shear area’, the effective area of a section
participating in the shear deformation, is not equal to the cross-section area
(e.g. Bhatt, 1999: pp. 275–279). This effect is largely to do with warping,
caused by the parabolic shear stress distribution, which induces a cubic
displacement profile as shown in Figure C.2.
When simple beam theory is applied to shear deformations, the shear
stress is determined on the basis of equilibrium only and compatibility is
not considered (Iyer, 2005). Simple beam theory assumes that plane sec-
tions remain plane, but they do not.
The shear stress distribution, as shown in Figure C.2, is parabolic. This
is because τ xy = τ yx and the shear stress on the top and bottom surfaces of
the beam must be zero. The maximum shear stress occurs at the centroid
of the section and is equal to 1.5 times the average shear stress. This causes
the shear strain distribution to also be parabolic, and this leads to a cubic
displacement profile, i.e. warping, as seen in the last diagram of Figure C.2.
The average shear stress is given by:
τ ave = = (C.9)
A bH
τ ave is the average shear stress in a cross-section
V is the shear force acting at the cross-section
b is the width of the section (in the z axis direction)
H is the height of the section (in the y axis direction)
A is the area of the cross-section, where A = bH
τ= (C.10)
A1 = b − y (C.11)
And the distance of the centroid of the shaded area from the neutral
axis is:
+ y H y (C.12)
y1 = = +
2 4 2
The first moment of area Q for the shaded area is its area multiplied by the
distance of its centroid from the neutral axis:
H H y b H2
Q = A1y1 = b − y + = − y2 (C.13)
2 4 2 2 4
V b H2 V H2
τ= − y2 = − y2 (C.14)
Ib 2 4 2I 4
The simple beam method assumes that the maximum shear stress is related
to shear strain via the shear modulus, and hence deflection may be calcu-
lated based on integrating shear strains along the centroid. Therefore, the
form factor for shear is effectively 1.5. However, using closed form solu-
tions and finite element analysis, Renton (1991), Schramm et al. (1994),
Pilkey (2003) and Iyer (2005) have all found that form factor should be
approximately 1.2 for rectangular beams where b < H. Therefore, the sim-
ple beam method is not accurate.
Gere & Timoshenko (1991, pp. 691–694) provided a derivation for shear
deflection for a uniformly loaded beam with simple supports, using the unit
load method. This is reproduced here but with the load changed to a point
load to obtain the correct equation for shear deflection for our case. Bhatt
(1999) used a different method of derivation but arrived at the same result.
The unit load method is based on the principle of virtual work, where
the external work is equal to the internal work. A unit load is applied to the
structure, in our case as a point load at the midspan, such that:
The unit load produces reactions at the supports and stress resultants within
the beam, in our case a moment MU and a shear force VU . These stress resul-
tants perform the internal virtual work due to this virtual deformation.
542 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
However, and this is the clever bit, we choose the virtual deformations
to be the same as the actual deformations that occur in the real beam with
the real point load. The virtual deformations of an internal element of the
beam are shown in Figure C.4.
The normal stress σ may be obtained from the flexure formula:
MU y
σ = (C.16)
And the shear stress τ may be obtained from the shear formula:
τ= (C.17)
ML y
ε= (C.18)
And the shear strain γ due to the actual shear force in the structure VL is
given by:
γ = (C.19)
The internal virtual work of the stresses σ and τ acting on the sides of the
differential element is:
MU ML y 2 V V Q2
dWint = dxdydz + U 2L 2 dxdydz (C.21)
EI 2 GI b
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 543
Wint =
∫ EI 2
d x d y dz +
∫ GI 2b2
d x d y dz (C.22)
At any given cross-section of the beam, MU , ML , VU , VL , E, G and I are
constants, so we can simplify the integrals to an integration over the cross-
sectional area (denoted A) and an integration over the length of the beam
(denoted L):
Wint =
EI 2
y dydz dx +
GI 2 b2
dydz dx
y 2dydz = I
A Q2
fs =
I2 ∫b
dydz (C.25)
The form factor for shear is dimensionless. Replacing the two bracketed
integrals in Equation C.23 with I and fs I 2 /A respectively we get:
Wint =
dx +
dx (C.26)
∫ EI
dx +
∫ GA
dx (C.27)
544 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
The form factor for shear fs must be evaluated for every shape of cross-
section, using Equation C.25. For a rectangular section of width b and
height H, the first moment of area Q is given by Equation C.13 as:
b H2
Q= − y2 (C.28)
2 4
Q2 H 4 H 2 y 2 y 4
= − + (C.31)
b2 64 8 4
Now inserting these values into Equation C.25 gives:
H /2
A Q2 144 H 4 H 2 y2 y4
fs =
I2 ∫
dydz =
bH 5 ∫
− H /2
+ b.dy
H /2
144b H 4 y H 2 y3 y 5
fs = − + (C.33)
bH 5 64 24 20 − H /2
144b H 5 H 5 H 5 H 5 H 5 H 5
fs = − + − − + − (C.34)
bH 5 128 192 640 128 192 640
144 H 5 H 5 H 5 6
fs = − + = (C.35)
H 5 64 96 320 5
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 545
Continuing with the unit load method, the actual stress resultants from
x = 0 to x = L /2 are given by:
ML = (C.36)
VL = (C.37)
MU = (C.38)
VL = (C.39)
Inserting these stress resultants into the unit load equation gives:
L /2 L /2
MU ML fsVUVL 2 Px2 2f P
∫ EI
dx +
∫ GA
dx =
EI ∫
dx + s
GA ∫ 4 dx (C.40)
Note that the terms are multiplied by 2 because the integration is only from
0 to L /2, i.e. only half the beam. We did this because the moment and shear
force equations we have defined are only valid from 0 to L /2.
L /2 L /2
2 Px3 2f P 2 PL3 2fs PL
∆= + s = + (C.41)
EI 12 0 GA 4 0 EI 96 GA 8
546 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
PL3 12fs EI
∆= 1+ (C.42)
PL3 72EI
∆= 1 + (13.5)
48EI 5GAL2
PL3 18EI
∆= 1 + 2 (C.43)
Burland & Wroth (1974) also assumed A = H, i.e. that the calculation is
per unit width. This is fine as long as the second moment of area I is also
per unit width (i.e. b = 1 m), and the point load P is also expressed per unit
width. This is useful because it means we do not have to know the thickness
of the wall. Alternatively, we can include the wall thickness and Equation
16.43 can be expressed as:
PL3 18EI
∆= 1 + 2 (C.44)
Effectively, the form factor for shear fs is equal to 1.5 in Burland &
Wroth’s equation (Equation C.43). Shear deflections calculated using
Equation 13.5 will be 1.2/1.5 = 0.8 times smaller than those calculated
using Burland & Wroth’s equation. This means that higher strains will
be generated as a higher point load is needed to achieve the same green-
field deflection ratio.
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 547
Our new, correct version of this equation (Equation 13.5) was used in
Chapter 13 to derive the following equations for the maximum bending
strain and the maximum diagonal strain:
ε bmax =
L 72EI (13.12)
12d 1 + 5L2 AG
∆ /L
ε dmax =
AGL2 4 (13.23)
18EI + 5
∆ /L L H
= + 1.04 (C.45)
ε bmax 12H L
∆ /L L2 4
= + (C.46)
ε dmax 15.6H 2 5
Burland & Wroth (1974) also did this and derived the following equations:
∆ /L L H
= + 1.3 (C.47)
ε bmax 12H L
∆ /L L2
= +1 (C.48)
ε dmax 15.6H 2
By setting either ε bmax = ε lim or ε dmax = ε lim we can now plot these equa-
tions against L /H , as Burland & Wroth (1974) did. This is shown in
Figure C.5.
Figure C.5 shows that the corrected equations give lower values of
( ∆ /L) /ε lim at all values of L /H and for both bending strains and diagonal
strains. This is because at the same deflection ratio ∆ /L the corrected equa-
tions will give higher values of ε bmax and ε dmax .
548 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
Figure C.5 also shows that the corrected equations do not change the
point, at exactly L /H = 1.3, where diagonal strains cease to dominate and
bending strains begin to dominate.
We can also look at sagging if we assume the following:
∆/L L H
= + 052 (C.49)
ε bmax 6H L
∆/L L2 4
= + (C.50)
ε dmax 3.9H 2 5
Burland & Wroth (1974) also did this and derived the following equations:
∆ /L L H
= 0.167 + 0.65 (C.51)
ε bmax H L
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 549
Figure C.6 Relationship between ( ∆/L ) /ε lim and L /H for buildings modelled as iso-
tropic rectangular cross-section beams in sagging with the neutral axis at
∆/L L2
= 0.25 2 + 1 (C.52)
ε dmax H
These are plotted on Figure C.6, which shows that the corrected equa-
tions give lower values of ( ∆ / L ) /ε lim at all values of L /H and for both
bending strains and diagonal strains. This was also the case for hogging,
but here in sagging the difference is much more marked. The points at
which diagonal strains cease to dominate and bending strains begin to
dominate are further left than for the hogging case and are not at the
same value of L /H for the corrected equations and Burland & Wroth
In Figures C.5 and C.6, we assumed that Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3 and
therefore E/G = 2.6. However, the effective E /G ratio can vary a lot in
real buildings. Burland & Wroth (1974) describe situations where the
longitudinal stiffness of the ‘building as a beam’ can be much higher
than the shear stiffness, for instance a building with lots of openings in
550 Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load
it, and situations where the shear stiffness can be higher than the longi-
tudinal stiffness, for instance a wall made of precast concrete elements
connected with dowels.
Burland & Wroth (1974) used limiting values of E/G = 12.5 for
a building with high longitudinal stiffness but low shear stiffness,
and E/G = 0.5 for a building with low longitudinal stiffness but high
shear stiffness. These values have been used with our corrected equa-
tions, and the limiting tensile strains are shown in Figure C.7 for
hogging only.
Figure C.7 shows that the best situation for minimising tensile strains
is to have a building that is flexible in shear, i.e. to have a high E /G ratio.
Also of note in Figure C.7 is that as E /G increases, the diagonal strains
become more important than bending strains over a larger range of L /H,
up to around L /H = 6.3.
Figure C.8 shows the effect of varying E /G ratio for buildings in sag-
ging. Similar to Figure C6.7, it shows that the best situation for minimising
tensile strains is to have a building that is flexible in shear, i.e. to have a
high E/G ratio. When E /G = 0.5, bending dominates at all except very low
values of L /H. When E /G = 12.5, diagonal strains dominate up to around
L /H = 3.2.
Appendix C: Derivation of deflection under a point load 551
3D effects 5–6 C
numerical modelling of 224–228
canopy tubes, see pre-support
carbon footprint 249, 324
A cast-in-place (CIP) lining 247–248
advance length 389–390 cast iron 247, 263–5
characteristic grain size/diameter
characteristic values
Battersea UKPN Cable Tunnel 454 for soil strength parameters
bedded beam models 184–186, 151–157
304–305 for steel fibre-reinforced concrete
beta factor method 198 254–258
binocular caverns 386–387 classes of prediction 222–223
Blackwall Tunnel 112 Coccia et al. (2015) method
blow-out 21; see also drained blow-out to account for shear in steel
undrained blow-out fibre-reinforced concrete
boiling see stability of shafts hydraulic design 315
failure during excavation coefficient of earth pressure at rest 3,
bolts in segmental linings, 25, 155, 165, 198, 201–204,
see installation loads 209, 227, 308–309, 521
in segmental linings collapse, see stability; see also
boundary conditions, see numerical Heathrow Express collapse at
modelling Central Terminal Area
building damage assessment composite sprayed concrete lining, see
categories/classification system sprayed concrete composite
467–468 shell lining system
stage 1 assessment 469–471 constant volume behaviour, see
stage 2 assessment 472–490, undrained soil behaviour
537–551 constitutive models, see numerical
stage 2b assessment 491–508 modelling
stage 3 assessment 508–511 contraction 8, 433
stages 467–469 convergence, see lining displacements
bulk modulus 7–8, 211–215 convergence-confinement method
bursting stresses, see segmental 159, 195–203, 222,
lining joints; see also 401–403
jacking loads core softening 204
554 Index
M overview 272–274
plywood and MDF 282–283
mesh density, see numerical modelling partial factors 139–140, 157
misalignment of segment joints for concrete in fire 261
circumferential joints 352 for drained stability 96
curved joints 302 for dynamic loads 348–349
radial joints 273–274 for fibre-reinforced concrete in
moment-axial force interaction tension 336, 338
diagram 308–309 for hydraulic heave 126–128
for steel fibre-reinforced concrete for jacking loads 352–353
309–314 for lining internal forces 308–309
for uplift 134–135
N passive failure, see blow-out
Northern Line Extension project 455 of lining 18, 432–435
numerical modelling of soil 15, 45, 432–435
advancing tunnel in 3D 224–228 pilot tunnels 380, 384–386, 393, 431
boundary conditions at edges of the pipe arch, see pre-support
model 205–208 piping 21, 114
boundary conditions at the tunnel plain concrete 262–263
perimeter 193–205 plasticity solutions
boundary distances 208–209 for convergence (cavity expansion)
building response 509–511 196, 422–426
constitutive models 192, 223 for stability 46–47, 49–50
element types 209–210 pocket excavation 388
mesh density and refinement pore pressure
210–211 in drained stability 84, 93–94,
modelling groundwater 211–216 96, 98–103
modelling junctions 231–239 in hydraulic failure of a shaft
modelling segment joints 305–307 124–128
modelling the tunnel lining in hydraulic fracturing 68, 111–112
228–230 in long-term ground movements
philosophy 191–193, 240 431–432
sprayed concrete 396–403 in long-term heave under a shaft
summary 240 base slab 145–146
validation and error checking in soil behaviour 2, 15–18, 23,
216–223, 402–403 28–30, 40–41
in undrained stability 48
O in uplift failure of a shaft 134;
see also numerical modelling
ovalisation 286; see also squatting groundwater
overconsolidated soils 3, 16, 18, 25, pre-support 390–393
48, 141, 433 precedent practice, design based on
33–34, 47, 165–166
P primary lining, see sprayed concrete,
primary and secondary
packers linings
bituminous and plastic
comparison of different types
283–285 random field method 155–157
linear elastic 274–281 random finite element method,
nonlinear 281–283 see random field method
Index 557
uplift failure W
of shaft, see stability of shafts
of tunnel heading invert 76 watertightness 259–260
wedge-prism method 83,
87–92, 104, 519–532
V Wood and Armer method
vacuum lifting 324–325 229–230
variable density slurry tunnel
boring machine Y
(TBM) 112–113
volume loss 418–427 Yodo River cable tunnel 32–33