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Steel and Timber Structures: (CENG4123)

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Addis Ababa institute of Technology 1




October 21, 2017


Topic 1: Overview
Presentation Topic 2: Material Behavior
Outline Topic 3: Design to Eurocodes

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

3 Topic 3: Design to Eurocodes

Design to

Structure of
of Cross-
Eurocode 3

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structural Eurocodes System: Overview

The Structural Eurocode program comprises the following

standards consisting of 10 parts:
Each Eurocode is comprised of a number of Parts,
which are published as separate documents. Each Part
consists of:
► Main body of text: Including
• Principles, and
• Application Rules.
► Normative annexes
► Informative annexes
Within the full text of a Eurocode, national choice is allowed
in the setting of some factors and in the choice of some
design methods (i.e. the selection of particular Application
Rules); the choices are generally referred to as Nationally
Determined Parameters (NDP) and these are published in a
National Annex. It, where allowed in the Eurocode, will:
► Specify which design method to use.
► Specify what value to use for a factor.
► State whether an informative annex may be used.
Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017
Structural Eurocodes System: Revision of Eurocode 0
EN 1990 can be considered as the ‘core’ document of the Combination of actions
structural Eurocode system because it establishes the principles
and requirements for the safety, serviceability and durability of
Design Situations
The design situations considered by the Eurocodes are:
► Persistent – the normal use of the structure.

► Transient – temporary situations, e.g. execution.
► Accidental – exceptional events, e.g. fire, impact or explosion.
► Seismic – seismic events that may act on the structure.
Limit State
Two limit states are considered during the design process:
ultimate and serviceability.

Loss of equilibrium, Failure and Failure of the supports or

foundations of the structure or a structural member.

Excessive Deflections, Vibrations and Damage that may cause


discomfort to users and /or affect the appearance or durability

of the structure.

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structural Eurocodes System: Structure of Eurocode 3

Eurocode 3 has 6 parts: Eurocode 3 Part 1 has 12 sub-parts:

EN 1993-1-1 General Rules

EN 1993-1 Generic rules
EN 1993-1-2 Fire
EN 1993, Eurocode 3 Steel

EN 1993-2 Bridges EN 1993-1-3 Cold-formed thin gauge

EN 1993-3 Towers, masts and chimneys EN 1993-1-4 Stainless steel

EN 1993-1-5 Plated elements
EN 1993-4 Silos, tanks and pipelines
EN 1993-1-6 Shells
EN 1993-5 Piling
EN 1993-1-7 Plates transversely loaded
EN 1993-6 Crane supporting structures EN 1993-1-8 Joints
EN 1993-1-9 Fatigue
EN 1993-1-10 Fracture Toughness
EN 1993-1-11 Cables
EN 1993-1-12 High strength steels

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : EN 1993-1-1 General Rules

EN 1993-1-1 General Rules: Sub-parts are based on structural phenomena e.g. Tension, Compression, Bending, Shear.
► Sub-parts can be applied to any element
► The arrangement of the sub-parts means less duplication of rules

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : Conventions, Terminologies and

The geometrical convention for member axes The terms used in the Eurocodes have been chosen carefully, for clarity and to
and symbols for section dimensions used in facilitate unambiguous translation into other languages. The main
the Eurocodes are shown below. terminology used in the Eurocodes includes:
► “Actions” loads, imposed displacements, thermal strain
► “Effects” internal bending moments, axial forces etc.
► “Resistance” capacity of a structural element to resist bending moment,
axial force, shear, etc.
► “Verification” check
► “Execution” construction – fabrication, erection
The Structural Eurocodes use the ISO convention for sub-scripts. Where
multiple sub-scripts occur, a comma is used to separate them. Four main
sub-scripts and their definition are given below:
Major axis y-y Eurocode Definition Example
Minor axis z-z
Longitudinal axis of element x-x
Ed Design value of an effect MEd Design bending moment
Rd Design resistance MRd Design resistance for bending
el Elastic property Wel Elastic section modulus
pl Plastic property Wpl Plastic section modulus
Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017
Structure of Eurocode 3 : Conventions, Terminologies and

More Section All rules in this Eurocode relate to principal

axis properties, which are generally defined
by the axes y-y and z-z.

For sections such as angles the rules are

Addis Ababa institute of Technology defined by the axes u-u and v-v. October 21, 2017
Structure of Eurocode 3 : Basis of design

The design of steel structures shall be in accordance with the general rules given in EN 1990.
The basic requirements of EN 1990 section 2 should be deemed be satisfied where limit state design is used in
conjunction with the partial factor method and the load combinations given in EN 1990 together with the actions given
in EN 1991.
Verification by the partial factor method

Design resistances:

The partial factors γM should be applied to the

various characteristic values of resistance as follows:

► Resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is: γM0=1.0

► Resistance of members to instability assessed by member checks: γM1=1.0
► Resistance of cross-sections in tension to fracture: γM2=1.25

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials

The rules in BS EN 1993-1-1 relate to structural steel grades S235 to S460 in accordance with EN 10025, EN 10210 or EN
10219 and thus cover all the structural steels likely to be used in buildings. The European provisions prescribe the
following values for material properties concerning structural steel design:
► Density ()= 7850kg/m3
► Modulus of elasticity (E)
► Shear modulus (G)
► Poisson’s ratio in elastic stage ()
► Coefficient of linear thermal expansion ()
Ductility Requirements
Material Properties For steels a minimum ductility is Fracture Toughness
required that should be expressed in
Elastic terms of limits for:
Analysis Plastic Analysis ► fu/fy ≥ 1.10;
The material should have sufficient fracture
► elongation at failure not less than
toughness to avoid brittle fracture of tension
elements at the lowest service temperature
► εu ≥ 15εy , where εy is the yield
expected to occur within the intended
strain (εy = fy / E).
Steel conforming with one of the steel design life of the structure.
grades listed in Table 3.1 should be
accepted as satisfying these
Addis Ababa institute of Technology requirements. October 21, 2017
Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials
European standard steel grade names fall into two categories:
► Steel specified by purpose of use and mechanical properties.
► Steel specified by chemical composition.
The inclusion of a letter 'G' before the code indicates the steel is
specified in the form of a casting.

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials

EN 10025-2: Technical delivery

conditions for non-alloy structural • S Structural steel.
EN 10025-3: Technical delivery • N Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
conditions for impacts temp. not lower than -20°C
normalized/normalized rolled
weldable fine grain structural • NL Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
steels impacts temp. not lower than -50°C
EN 10025-4: Technical delivery • M Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
conditions for thermomechanical impacts temp. not lower than -20°C
rolled weldable fine grain • ML Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
structural steels impacts temp. not lower than -50°C
EN 10025-5: Technical delivery
conditions for structural steels • W Improved atmospheric
with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
corrosion resistance

EN 10025-6: Technical • Q Longitudinal Charpy V-notch

delivery conditions for flat impacts temp. not lower than -20°C
products of high yield strength • QL Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
structural steels in the impacts temp. not lower than -40°C
quenched and tempered • QL1 Longitudinal Charpy V-notch
condition impacts temp. not lower than -60°C
Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017
Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials

EN 10210-1: Hot finished

structural hollow sections • S Structural steel.
of non-alloy and fine • H Hollow sections
grain steels. Technical
delivery requirements.

•N Longitudinal Charpy V-
notch impacts temp. not lower
than -20°C
EN 10219-1: Cold formed • NL Longitudinal Charpy V-
welded structural hollow notch impacts temp. not lower
sections of non-alloy and than -50°CM
fine grain steels. • M Longitudinal Charpy V-
Technical delivery notch impacts temp. not lower
requirements. than -20°C
• ML Longitudinal Charpy V-
notch impacts temp. not lower
than -50°C

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Structure of Eurocode 3 : Materials

Additional symbols
In addition to the above category codes there are symbols that can be added to the grade code to identify any additional
compositional requirements, delivery conditions, and mechanical properties. Additional symbols are separated from the main code by
the plus sign (+).
The most common additional symbols are Delivery condition are
the impact and temperature codes for also relatively common,
structural steels, category 1 - Sxxx. most common being

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

17 End of Class Four! Questions?
Thank you for your kind attention!

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Basis of Classification

The instability of compressed steel members as well as of all the members realized with other materials can be
distinguished in:

Overall buckling or Euler buckling, which affects the Local buckling, which affects the compressed plates forming the cross-section,
element throughout its length (or a relevant portion characterized by relatively short wavelength buckling.
of it).

Furthermore, there is a third type of Distortional buckling is characterized by relative

instability, the so-called distortional displacements of the fold-line of the cross-
buckling, which has been extensively section and the associated wave-length is
investigated in recent decades. generally in the range delimited by one of local
Addis Ababa institute of Technology buckling and one of global buckling. October 21, 2017
Classification of Cross-sections: Basis of Classification

Eurocode 3 proposes a criterion for the classification of cross-sections based on the slenderness ratio (width over thickness
ratio) of each compressed component of the cross-section, as well as on other factors.
The classification of a cross-section is necessary in order to select the appropriate analysis method as well as the suitable
approaches to the member verification checks.

Generally speaking, any cross-section is

composed of different plate elements, such as
flanges and webs, which fall into in two
► internal or stiffened elements, simply
supported along two edges parallel to the
direction of the compressive stress
(longitudinal axis of the element);
► outstand (external) or unstiffened elements,
simply supported along one edge and free on
the other edge parallel to the direction of the
compressive stress.

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Basis of Classification

► As the plate elements are relatively thin, when loaded in compression they may buckle
► The tendency of any plate element within the cross-section to buckle may limit the axial
load carrying capacity, or the bending resistance of the section, by preventing the
attainment of yield.
► Avoidance of premature failure arising from the effects of local buckling may be
achieved by limiting the width –to-thickness ratio for individual elements within the cross

This is the basis for section


Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Sections


► EC3 defines four classes of

► The class into which a
particular cross-section falls
depends upon.
► Slenderness of each
► Compressive stress
► Classes are defined in
terms of performance
requirements for
resistance of bending

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Sections


► EC3 defines four classes of

► The class into which a
particular cross-section falls
depends upon.
► Slenderness of each
► Compressive stress
► Classes are defined in
terms of performance
requirements for
resistance of bending

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure
Limiting width-to-thickness ratios for sections refer Table 5.2 of EN 1993:1-1:2005.
The classification process follows five basic steps
► Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)
► Evaluate the parameter ε
► Determine the class of that element based on the limiting value of thickness ratio.
► Classify the complete cross-section according to the least favorable classification.

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Classification Process

Classification Procedure

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Summary


► Structural sections may be considered as an assembly of individual plate elements.

► Plate elements may be internal or outstand
► When loaded in compression these plates may buckle locally
► Local buckling may limit the load carrying capacity of the section by preventing the attainment of yield
► Premature failure due to local buckling may be avoided by limiting the width to thickness ratio – or
slenderness – of individual elements within the cross-section.
► This is the basis of the section classification approach.
► EC3 defines four classes of cross-section.
► The class into which particular cross-section falls depends upon the slenderness of each element and
the compressive stress distribution

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

Classification of Cross-sections: Example of a Member for

Example 1.1. Determine the class of IPE 550 profile S 275 steel grade under axial compression load.
IPE 550 Section Dimensions S 275 Material Properties Solution [b]. Web Classification
► fy = 275MPa Step1: Identify the element type.
► fu = 430MPa internal or stiffened element.
► E= 210GPa
Step2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)
Solution [a]. Flange Classification
c h  (2  t f )  (2  r ) 550  (2 17.2)  (2  24)
Step1: Identify the element type.    42.2
external or outstand element. t tw 11.1
Step3: Evaluate the parameter ε.
Step2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)
c b  tw  (2  r ) 210  11.1  (2  24) 150.9 235 235
    4.39    0.924
2t f 2 17.2 fy 275
► h= 550mm t 34.4
► b= 210mm Step3: Evaluate the parameter ε. Step4: Determine the class of that element
► tw = 11.1mm
► tf = 17.2mm 

 0.924  42.2  42  38.83  Class 4
► r = 24mm fy 275 t
Solution [c]. Section Classification
Step4: Determine the class of that element
c The complete cross-section according to the least
 4.39  9  8.32  Class 1 favorable classification is CLASS 4
Addis Ababa institute of Technology t October 21, 2017
Classification of Cross-sections: Example of a Member for
Flexure about the Major Axis

Example 1.2. Determine class of a HEA 280 profile in S 420 steel grade bent along its major axis.
HEA 280 Section Dimensions S 420 Material Properties Solution [b]. Web Classification
► fy = 420MPa Step1: Identify the element type.
► fu = 540MPa internal or stiffened element.
► E= 210GPa
Step2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)
Solution [a]. Flange Classification
c h  (2  t f )  (2  r ) 270  (2 13)  (2  24)
Step1: Identify the element type.    24.5
external or outstand element. t tw 8
Step3: Evaluate the parameter ε.
► h= 270mm Step2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)
► b= 280mm 235 235
c b  tw  (2  r ) 280  8  (2  24) 224    0.748
► tw = 8.0mm     8.62 fy 420
► tf = 13.0mm t 2t f 2 13 26
► r = 24mm Step3: Evaluate the parameter ε. Step4: Determine the class of that element

 0.748  24.5  72  53.86  Class 1
fy 420 t
Solution [c]. Section Classification
Step4: Determine the class of that element
c The complete cross-section according to the least
10   8.62  14  Class 3 favorable classification is CLASS 3
Addis Ababa institute of Technology t October 21, 2017
Classification of Cross-sections: Example of a Member for
Flexure about the Minor Axis

Example 1.3. Determine the class of an S 460 steel HEA 280 profile in flexure around its major axis.
HEA 280 Section Dimensions S 460 Material Properties Solution [b]. Web Classification
Web buckling is not a limit state for flexure around a
► fy = 460MPa
minor axis, so web classification is not applicable in
► fu = 540MPa
this case
► E= 210GPa
Solution [a]. Flange Classification
Step1: Identify the element type. Solution [c]. Section Classification

external or outstand element. The complete cross-section according to the least

► h= 270mm Step2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t) favorable classification is CLASS 3
► b= 280mm
c b  tw  (2  r ) 280  8  (2  24) 224
► tw = 8.0mm     8.62
► tf = 13.0mm t 2t f 2 13 26
► r = 24mm Step3: Evaluate the parameter ε.
235 235
   0.715
fy 460
Step4: Determine the class of that element
10   8.62  14  Class 3
Addis Ababa institute of Technology t October 21, 2017
Summary Question

Summary Question on Part-1

Addis Ababa institute of Technology

ASSIGNMENT ON Part-1 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Assignment Title: Material Behavior of Steel and Production Process Program: Civil Engineering
Chair: Concrete Material and Structures
Due Date: October 23, 2017

1. Compare and contrast the following materials on the basis of mechanical Course Number
properties of engineering materials discussed. Section Number
a) Concrete Course Title
b) Structural Steel, and

c) Timber Instructor
2. Recent studies indicate that steel is also susceptible to creep! Research on this
topic and present your findings.
3. Plot the typical stress vs strain diagram of metals,

a) With yielding phenomena and Assignment Title

b) Without yielding phenomena,
Submission Date
And identify the following points and discuss their insinuation as applicable. In Due Date
your discussion, please identify how these values are quantified /calculated

i. Engineering Strain Section

ii. True Strain Student Name Student ID Signature
iii. Tensile Strength
iv. Modulus of Elasticity
v. Upper Yielding Point
vi. Lower Yielding Point
vii. Elastic Limit
viii. Proportionality Limit
ix. Strain Hardening
x. Necking
xi. The Luder’s Effect/strain
xii. Fracture Point Assessor’s comments Grade
xiii. Modulus of Resilience
xiv.And Modulus of Toughness.

Addis Ababa institute of Technology AAU-AAiT-Concrete Material and Structures Chair | Steel and Timer Structures 1
October 21, 2017
34 End of Class Five & Part- One! Questions?
Thank you for your kind attention!

Addis Ababa institute of Technology October 21, 2017

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