B) Schistosomes: Alhamdi Bara Aspalal

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Which of the following is called “benign b) Schistosomes

tertian malaria”? c) Infertile ascaris eggs
d) oocysts
a) P. Falciparum
b) P. malariae 6. The finding of ingested red blood cell in
c) P. Ovale the cytoplasm of a trophozoite is
d) P. vivax presumptive evidence that the organism is

2. Which of the following has a “falling a) Dientamoeba fragilis

leaf” movement? b) Trichonomas vaginalis
c) Giardia lamblia
a) Trichonomas vaginalis d) Entamoeba histolytica
b) Giardia
c) Chilomastix mesnili 7. Banana shaped or crescent shaped
d) trypanosoma gametocytes are present in human infections
due to
3. Which of the following statements about
processing of stool specimen is/are true? a) P. vivax
b) P. ovale
a) Soft stools suggest presence of c) P. malariae
trophozoites d) P. falciparum
b) Formed stools suggest presence of cysts
c) Ritchie formalin-either method is used 8. The following are true of trichonomas
for concentrating eggs and cysts infection except
d) Zinc sulfate flotation is recommended
for recovery of oocysts a) It appears only in the trophozoite form
e) All of the above b) T. vaginalis is one of the main cause of
sexually transmitted vaginitis
4. Which of the following statements is/are c) Saline wet mount of genitourinary tract
true of threadworm infection? specimen is useful for diagnosis
d) It exhibits jerky, swift motility
a) The transmission and life cycle are e) None of the above
similar to Hookworm
b) Strongyloides stercorales can exist as a 9. Which of the following cestodes can
free living Nematode cause megaloblastic anemia?
c) The female worm is capable of unisexual
reproduction. a) Diphyllobothrium latum
d) It is capable of autoreinfection b) Taenia solium
e) All except d c) T. saginata
d) Hymenolepis nana
5. The zinc sulfate flotation is inappropriate
for all of the following parasitic forms 10. Which of the following hookworm can
except. cause can cause hypochromic, microcytic
a) Operculated eggs


a) Necator americanus
b) Ancylostoma doudenale a) Presence or absence of shealth
c) All of the above b) Presence or absence of nuclie in the tip
d) None of the above of the tail
c) Size of microfilariae
11. Which of the following statements about d) All of the above
concentration method of stool specimen e) A and B only
is/are true?
15. The larva of strongloides has the
a) Zinc sulfate with specific gravity 1.18 is following characteristics except
preferred for flotation method
b) Sedimentation method can recover a) Short mouth opening
operculated eggs which can “flip their b) Prominent genital primordium
lids” during flotation c) All of the above
c) Flotation is the method of choice for d) None of the above
protozoan cysts and most helminth eggs
d) All of the above 16. Buffered methylene blue (BMB) is used
e) A and B only to stain

12. The following statements about blood a) Amoebic trophozoites

smears for protozoa are true except b) Cysts
c) Flagellates
a) Thick smear is used to search for d) All of the above
b) Thin smear is used to make an 17. The following can be confused with
identification malaria parasites
c) Giemsa stain has a water base.
d) None of the above a) Platelets adhering to rbc in thin films
b) Fragments of white cells in thick films
13. The following statements are true about c) Bacteria and yeast
collection and handling of stool specimens d) All of the above
except e) A and B only

a) 37°C incubation (beyond 30 minutes) 18. A condition resembling pernicious

can destroy amebas anemia may be associated with infection of
b) Trophozoites from refrigerated stool can a) Taenia saginata
regain motility in warm saline on a slide b) Diphyllobothrium latum
c) A jar with formalin can be used for c) Hymenolepis nana
concentration method d) Dipylidium caninum
d) A jar with polyvinyl alcohol is used for e) Echinicoccus granulosus
Trichrome stain
e) None of the above 19. Man may be infected through skin
penetration by larval form of
14. Which of the following are used to
identity microfilariae? a) Trichenella spiralis


b) Necator americanus e) Wuchereria brancofti
c) Strongyloides stercoralis
d) A and B 25. Scoth tape perianal swab technique is
e) B and C used fort his parasite

20. Identified by finding the rhabditiform a) Pinworm

larva (rarely egg) in the stool b) Threadworm
c) Whipworm
a) Strongyloides d) Capillaria
b) Ascaris
c) Whipworm 26. Ingestion of half cooked pork is the
d) Hook worm common cause for this parasite

21. Giardia lamblia belongs to the a) Taenia saginata

subphylum b) Trichuris trichiura
c) Tricharaenella spiralis
a) Sarcodina d) Paragonimus westermani
b) Sporozoa
c) Ciliophora 27. Which of the following is the chinese
d) Mastogophora liver fluke?
e) Arthropoda
a) Loa loa
22. Not a characteristic of finding of b) Schistosoma mansoni
entamaeba histolytica c) Clonorchis sinensis
d) Heterophyes heterophyes
a) RBC present in the cytoplasm e) Onchocerca volvulus
b) Karysome eccentrically located
c) Nuclie number 1 to 4 28. Ground itch is referred to dermatitis
d) Cigar shaped chromatoid body which is caused by
e) Glycogen present in young cyst
a) Necator americanus
23. All are protozoa except b) Ascaris lumbricoides
c) Enterobius vermicularis
a) Giardia lamblia d) None of the above
b) Capillaria philippinensis
c) Trichomonas vaginalis 29. The infective stage of Ascaris
d) Toxoplasma gondili lumbricoides is the
e) E. plasmodium
a) Mature ova
24. All are nematodes except b) Rhabditiform larva
c) Filariform larva
a) Ancylostoma doudenale d) Adult worm
b) Enterobius vermicularis
c) Balantidium coli 30. What causes hydatid cyst in man?
d) Necator americanus


a) Echinococcus granulosus
b) Taenia solium a) Taenia solium
c) Taenia saginata b) Trichinella spralis
d) Ascaris lumbricoides c) Trichiuris trichiura
d) Necator americanus
31. Which of the following ova is
operculated? 37. Which of the following ova is usually
found in sputum
a) Trichiuris trichiura
b) Diphyllobotrium latum a) Schitosoma japonicum
c) Hymenolepis nana b) Clonochis sinensis
d) Echinococcus granulosus c) Paragonimus westermani
d) Fasciola hepatica
32. Man becomes contaminated with
Trichinella spiralis by eating poorly cooked 38. The amoeba like flagellate that does not
a) Beef have a cystic stage
b) Fish
c) Pork a) Endolimax
d) plants b) Lodamoeba butschilii
c) Dientaamoeba fragilis
33. Ova of Schistosoma mansoni are d) Entamoeba histolytica
characterized by
39. The scolex of Taenia saginata is armed
a) An operculum with
b) Prominent terminal spine
c) Prominent lateral spine a) Hooklets
d) Inconspicuous spine b) Sucking discs
c) Both a and b
34. Necator americanus infects man in d) None of the above
which of the following forms?
40. Which of the following are considered
a) As an adult worm from food flagellates?
b) As an ovum through mouth
c) As a larva through skin a) Lodamoeba butschilii
d) As an adult in drinking water b) Balantidium coli
c) Trichomonas hominis
35. The intermediate host for Echinococcus d) All of the above
granulosus is
a) Dog 41. The infective stage of hookworm is
b) Wolf
c) Sheep a) Mature ova
d) man b) Rhabditiform larva
c) Filariform larva
36. Small coiled worms found in calcified d) Adult worm
cysts in muscle tissue


42. Intestinal cestode that is known as the
beef tapeworm a) Definitive host
b) Intermediate host
a) Taenia solium c) Reservoir host
b) Taenia saginata d) None of the above
c) Hymenolepis nana
d) None of the above 48. What is the best time to collect blood
specimen for the diagnosis of bancroftian
43. Largest protozoan parasite affecting filariasis
humans a) 8 am – 4 pm
b) 8 pm – 4 am
a) Balantidium coli c) 6 am – 12 nn
b) Giardia lambia d) 3 pm – 6 pm
c) Trichomonas hominis e) 10 am – 2 pm
d) Chilomastix mesneli
49. Infection of enterobiasis may occur
44. Oncomelania quadrasi is the through
intermediate host of
a) Hand to mouth transmission
a) S. japonicum b) Inhalation of air borne eggs in dust
b) S. mansoni c) Retroinfection through the anus
c) S. Haematobium d) None of the above
d) B and C e) All of the above
e) All of the above
50. What specie of malarial parasite will you
45. Which is true of Plasmodium vivax? consider the most probable diagnosis if all
forms found in the blood smear are ring
a) Infected rbc are enlarge and decolorized forms?
b) Schuffer dots are prominent
c) Schizont usually contains 8-24 a) Plasmodium vivax
merozoites b) P. malariae
d) All of the above c) P. ovale
e) None of the above d) P. falciparum
e) All of the above
46. What is used to measure the size of a
parasite egg?

a) Calipher
b) Ruler
c) Ocular microscope
d) Tape measure
e) a and b

47. Which of the following harbors the

asexual or larval stage of parasite?


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