Sociology Class 12 Notes
Sociology Class 12 Notes
Sociology Class 12 Notes
Manisha Saxena
1. Demography
Demography, a systematic study of population, is a Greek term
derived form two words, ‘demos’ (people) and graphein (describe)
description of people.
1. The proportion of workers relatve to non-workers in a given
population, also refers to ass-----------------------
2. Economically prosperous families these days decide to have------
3. The national Family Planning Program was renamed as------
4. Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, and UP have---------------- Total Fertility Rates.
5. The city maybe a preferred destination for work since it offers-----
6. Use of Ultrasound Technique leads to a decline in the sex ratto
1. What is "Demography"?
2. Differentiate between formal demography and social demography.
3. What is infant mortality rate?
4. Why is rising dependency ratio a cause for worry in countries that
are facing an aging population?
5. Why is falling dependency ratio a source of economic growth and
6. What are the cause of famines?
1. State & critically analyze the Malthusian theory of population change.
2. Mention the features responsible for the decline in the child sex
3. Explain the regional variation of low child sex ratio in India.
1. Discuss the theory of demographic transition.
2. Why are cities a preferred destination for rural prople?
3. Discuss India's demographic achievement.
4. Analyze the success & failures of the family planning program.
5. Discuss the national social demographic goals for 2010 (State
any six points).
6. Which State in India have reached or are very near the replacement
levels of population growth? Which ones still have very high rates
of population growth? In your opinion what can be some of the
reasons for these regional differences.
7. What is meant by the age structure of the population? Why is it
relevant for economic development and growth?
8. What is meant by sex ratio? What are some of the implications of
a declinning sex ratio? Do you feel that parents still prefer to have
sons rather than daughters? What is your opinion, could be some
of the reasons for this preference.
9. State the reasons for the failure of the family programme during
the National emergency (1975-76) peroid.
10. Discuss the age structure of India's population.
Tribe-caste distinction
Caste Tribe
Based an the notion of purity Kinship based mode of social
and pollution organization
Believes in Religion Do not practice text a religion
(oral and written) with a written text.
Hierarchical system. Egalitarian system.
Tribes are not primitive communities living isolated lives.
Tribes are seen as secondary phenomenon arising out of the
exploitative and colonialist contacts.
There are several Gond kingdom in central India such as that of Garha
Khasi matriliny generates intense role conflict for men. They are
torn between responsibilities to their natal house on the one hand,
and to their wife and children on the other.
The women are more badly affected than men, by the role conflict
generated in the Khasi malrilineal system, not only because men
wield power and women are deprived of it, but also because the
system is more lenient to men.
Thus, men are the power holders in Khasi society; the only difference
is that a man's relatives on his mother's side matter more than his
relatives on his father's side.
6. The two sets of principles which govern the caste system are------
10. Intense 'role conflict' was seen among women in the matriliny
system of the Khasis. (correct the following statement)
11. The incursion of money lenders had a ' religious' impact on the
tribals. (correct the following statement)
13. The 'Integrationists' disagreed that tribes were merely backward '
castes' (correct the following statement)
14. Five years plans, tribal sub plans, tribal werlfare blocks have
encouraged the process of tribals' ---------------
a. Controlled integration b. Fixed integration
c. Partial integration d. Full integration
15. 'Collective Living' has made caste less resilient to urban areas
(State True or False)
1. What is caste?
5. Define Tribes.
7. Mention the two broad sets of issues most important in giving rise
to tribal movements.
9. Define Kinship.
1. Discuss the features of caste.
2. Explain the role of caste panchayats.
3. Differentiate between tribe & Caste.
4. Explain the main factors influencing the formation of tribal identity
5. Explain the meaning of Sanskritization.
6. What is the role of the ideas of separation and hierarchy in the
caste system?
7. What are the rules that the caste system imposes?
8. How have tribes been classified in India?
9. In what ways can change in social structure lead to changes in the
family structure.
10. Explain the different forms of family.
1. Discuss the theoretical interpretation / or principles of the caste
2. Discuss the ways that strengthened the institution of caste in India
under colonial rule.
3. Highlight the sources of conflict between national development and
The market does not exist in a physical sense, but only in terms of
data that are stored electronically.
2. Adam Smith in his book ‘‘The Wealth of Nation’’ talked of an ‘‘unseen
force’’ (invisible hand) at work, in the market economy, that converts what is
good for each invididual into what is good for society. This stimulates the
economy and more wealth is created. This can be brought forth through the
economic philosophy of laissez faire, a French Phrase, meaning 'leave alone'
or 'let it be'.
3. Alfred Gells' Dhorai market (adivasi village market in Bastar) layout
symbolizes the hierarchical inter group social relations, going beyong to
economic function.
Tribal vegetable
Local ware
Wealthy Rajput sellers
Middle ranking
8. A Commodity: A good or service that may be bought or sold in the
B. Commoditisation / Commodification : Transformation of a non-
commodity into a commodity Eg. Sale of kidney, Labor, Skills, marriage bureau
Commodification occurs when things that were earlier not traded in the
market become commodities.
For instant, labour or skills
the sale of human body organs like kidney by the poor to cater
to rich
In contemporary India, things or processes that earlier were not
part of market exchange have become commodified.
Traditionally, marriages were arranged by families, but now there
are professional marriage bureaus and websites that help poeple
to find brides and grooms for a fee.
1. Consumption patterns express----- of the individual/group.
a. Commodification b. Life style c. unity d. company
2. Status symbol is a concept proposed by--------
a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Marx
c. Max Weber. d. Auguste Comte
3. The weekly market system of the Dhorai symbolises.
a. Social hierarchy b. Position in the caste
c. Social distance d. all the above
4. Adam Smith studied the market economy and put forth his views
in the book------
a. Wealth of Nation b. Nation & Wealth
c. Wealthy Nations d. None of the above
5. The era when India became 'more fully linked' to the World market
1. Define Capitalism.
2. What is Consumption?
3. Define Laissez faire.
4. What is Marketisation?
5. What is Virtual Market?
6. Define Colonialism.
7. Mention the ways in which the World is increasing by getting
1. Explain Commodification with examples.
2. Explain jajmani system.
3. How do caste & kin networks contribute to the success of a
4. How did the advent of colonialism in India produce a major upheaval
in the economy?
5. Explain status symbol.
6. How does a sociological, perspective on market differ from an
economic one?
7. What are some of the processes included under the label
8. What is a Sociologist's view on markets as a social institution?
1. In agrarian societies periodic market are a central feature of social
& economic organization. Explain.
2. What are the arguments for & against globalization? Explain.
In your opinion, will long term benefits of globalization exceed its costs?
Give reasons for your answer.
4. Social stratifications
It is a aystem in which categories of people are ranked in a
hierarchy in a Society. This is a system of structured in equalities.
3 Key principles of social stratification–
It is characteristic of society not simply a function of individual
It persists over generations
It is supported by patterns of beliefs or ideology.
5. Prejudice
It refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes held by members
of one group towards another.
It is an opinion formed before considering any available evidence.
It is preconceived view that are often based on hearsay rather
than on direct evidence.
Ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new
6. Stereotypes
Prejudices are grounded in stereotypes : which are fixed and
inflexible characterisations of a group of people.
Stereotypes are often applied to ethnic and racial groups and to
Stereotypes fix whole groups into single, homogenous categories;
they refuse to recognize the variation across individuals and
across contexts or across time.
1. When considering the 'wishes' of the individual, social, exclusion
a. Voluntary b. semi-voluntary c. involuntary d. None of the above
2. Members of stereotype group share common identities like----
a. Race b. homogeneity c. ethnicity d. all the above
1. Discuss the role of social reformers in dealing with the women's
issue during the colonial period.
2. Explain the meaning of the term 'Untouchabiltiy' along with its
3. Tribal have faced colonialism in the pre independent & post-
independent India. Explain.
4. What are the major issues taken up by the women's movements
over its history?
1. The policy which persuades or forces all citizens to adopt a common
set of cultural values and norms is-----------
a. Cross cultural policy b. regionalism policy
c. assimilation policy d. favouritism policy
2. Suspension of parliament and censorship of media usually takes
place during.
a. Democratic rule b. communal unrest
c. authoritarian rule d. none of the above
3. Appeasement of minorities by giving special consideration is
considered by the majority community as---
a. Injustice b. Favouritism c. Partiality d. Competition
4. When religious identitly overrides everything else it leads to----
a. Secularism b. Communalism c. Nation state d. Diversity
5. Ethno-national identity in India has mainly been formed by factors
a. Language & religion b. language & tribal identity
c. language & infrastructure d. none of the above
6. Community identities give a sense of--------- and--------
7. Geographical concentration of identity markests like languages or
tribes along with a feeling of 'deprivation' leads to-----
8. When a 'small group' of people experience the 'same sense of
relative disadvantage' they are known as a----------
9. The states adopt assimilation or integraton policies to create a
harmonious society because they feel--------- by cutural diversity,
which may result in disunity.
1.What does the term cultural diversity mean?
2. Differentiate between western and Indian meaning of secularism.
3. What are ascriptive identities?
4. Define nation-State.
5. Who are minorities in sociological sense?
6. State the features of an authoritarian state.
7. What is 'regionalism'?
8. Who are priviledged minorities?
9. How are minorities politically vulnerable?
10. How can commitment to the protection of minorities can also be a
challenge to the state?
11. Why are states often suspicious of cultural diversity?
12. Write a note on religious diversity found in India.
13. State any two constitutional provisions meant to protect minorities
1. Discuss communalism in the Indian context.
2. Explain how India as a state has managed cultural diversity.
3. Describe some of the important characteristics of communalism.
4. Differentiate between the Western and Indian meaning of
5. Mention the contentious issues found in the federal system, which
led to inter-regional disparties.
6. Differentiate between a democratic and authoritarian state.
7. Explain Regionalism in the India context.
1. What is a Civil society? What is its role and significance today?
Support your answer with suitable examples.
1. One of the major languages contributing to Nationalism were-----
a. Hindi b. Tamil c. English d. Urdu
2. The life of pastoralists was changed by----------
a. Village b. Tribal Acts. c. Forests Acts. d. none of the above
3. The dominant political system introduced by colonial rule was----
a. Nation-State b. State Nation c. Democratic Nation
d. Union State
4. The economic base of our country was not interfered by------
a. Capitalist conquerors b. Vedic invaders
c. pre-capitalist conquerors d. Planters
16. During the colonial period the workers and their families lived a
1. How has English language impacted our society?
2. What is colonialism?
3. What was the impact of western education in India?
4. What is capitalism?
5. What was the effect of British industrialization on Indian industries?
6. How did industrialization take place after independence in India?
7. Urbanisation and industrialisation are linked processes. Justify.
8. State the difference between western and Indian patterns of
9. What is the difference between the empire building of pre-capitalist
times and that of capitalist times?
10. What is deindustrialization?
1. How has colonialism impacted our lives?
2. Explain how colonial rule is different from earlier rules in India?
3. Which cities were developed by the British in India & Why?
4. Explain M.S.A. Rao's three levels of urbanization observed in
Independent India.
Child marriage
Widow remarriage
Caste discrimination
Caste discrimination was the central idea of reform for Buddhist, Bhakti
and Sufi movements.
The 19th Century social reform attempts was the modern context
and mix of ideas.
1. What were the various social issues taken up by the social reformers
in the 19th century?
2. Name some of the modern social organizations formed in 20th
3. Why was 'Dharma Sabha' formed?
4. Give the meaning of the terms -
(a) Sanskritisation
(b) De-Sanskritisation
(c) Westernisation
(d) Modernization
5. What are some of the basic assumptions of modernity?
6. Examine the relationship of modernisation and secularization.
1. Write a short note on secularization of caste.
2. Process of Sanskritisation encourages inequalities and
discrimination. Explain
1. Explain the three aspects responsible for the modern framework
of change in colonial India.
2. Examine the different levels at which sanskritisation as a concept
has been criticized.
1. When members of tribal council and community organisations can
make public decisions it is called---------form of democracy.
a. Representative b. Direct c. Competing d. none of the above
2. Grants from Zila Parishad and variety of taxes on property,
profession & animals are sources of------for the Panchayat.
a. Income b. status c. conflict d. none of the above
3. Orgainizations oriented towards achieving legitimate control of
government through an electoral process is known as------------
a. Associations b. Political Parties
c. Interest Groups d. Pressure groups
4. Farmers form Unions like the-----------------------
a. Kisan Sangathan b. isan Sabha
c. Shetkhari Sangathan d. none of the above
5. Values like liberty and fraternity are derived from-------and-----
a. French & America b. British & French
1. What is Participatory Democracy?
2. Differentiate between direct and indirect democracy by giving
suitable examples.
3. What is a representative democracy?
4. Examine the conflict found in British colonial practices and the
western theories of democracy.
5. What is Panchayati Raj?
6. What was the significance of 73rd amendment?
1. Describe the various kinds of pluralities present in Indian society.
2. Explain the concept of competing interests with the help of
3. Differentiate between law and justice.
4. Examine the arguments given by Dr. Ambedkar & Mahatma Gandhi
for the inclusion of Panchayati Raj in the constitution.
5. 73rd and 74th amendment has been monumental in bringing voice
to the people justify.
6. Give a detailed account of various powers and responsibilities of
7. Explain the significance of Van Panchayats.
8. Describe the grass root democratic functioning in tribal areas.
1. Explain the various core values adopted in the Indian Democracy.
2. Explain the significance of Panchayati Raj's inclusion in the Indian
constitution. Also give an account of its various powers &
1. Many of our cultural practices and patterns can be traced to our
agrarian backgrounds Which of the festival is not a part of it.
a. Pongal in Tamil Nadu b. Bihu
c. Baisakhi d. Holi
2. Agriculture is the single most important source of livelihood for the
majority of the rural population in India (true/false)
3. __________castes such as washerman, potters, goldsmith, are
examples of diversity of occupation in__________India.
4. Cultivators who lease the land from landowners and have lower
income than owner- cultivators are called________________
5. A system of tax collection in colonial India in which the government
settled the revenue directly with the cultivator are called.
a. zamindari system b. raiyatwari system
c. halpati system d. jeeta system
6. Jats and Rajputs of UP Lingayats in Karnataka are examples of
dominant castes. (True / False)
7. Members of low ranked caste groups had to provide labour for
1. What are the various occupations followed in rural society?
2. What does 'agrarian structure' refer to?
3. What does the term 'Begar' mean?
4. What is 'Raiyatwari System'?
5. What was the condition of Indian agriculture after Independence?
6. What are 'Benami transfers'?
1. Explain the various factors behind the increasing farmer's suicide
in India.
2. Explain the agrarian structure of Rural Society.
3. Examine the caste & class relationship in rural society.
4. Mention the loopholes found in the implementation of the land
ceiling Act.
5. What were the major land revenue systems followed by the British
in India?
6. Explain the 'Green Revolution' program.
7. Explain the regional inequalities created due to the Green revolution
8. Mention the various aspects of social transformation in rural society
as a result of the Green Revolution Program.
9. 'Commercialization of Agriculture is indicative of Capitalists
Agriculture according to some scholars'. Explain.
10. Discuss the emergence of New regional elites of rural society.
11. Explain Jan Breman's concept of 'Foot Loose Labour'.
12. Describe 'Contract Farming'.
1. Enumerate the social consequences of Green Revolution.
75 Class XII - Sociology
2. Explain the various land reforms introduced in India after
3. Explain the agrarian structure of rural society and also examine
the caste and class relationship that exists.
1. Features of Industrialisation
Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim associated number of
social features with industry, such as urbanisation.
loss of face-to-face relationships.
Industrialisation involves a detailed division of labour.
Marx called this situation as alienation, when people do not enjoy
work, and see it as something they have to do only in order to
survive, and even that survival depends on whether the
technology has room for any human labour.
Industrialisation leads to greater equality, in some spheres. For
example, caste distinctions do not matter anymore on trains,
buses or in cyber cafes.
In developed countries, the majority of people are in the services
sector, followed by industry and less than 10% are in agriculture
(ILO figures).
In developing countries like India, nearly 60% were employed in
the primary sector (agriculture and mining), 17% in the secondary
sector (manufacturing, construction and utilities), and 23% in
the tertiary sector (trade, trnasport financial services etc.)
2. A. Organised or Formal Sector
The organised sector consists of all units employing ten or more
people throughtout the year.
registered with the government.
Jobs are secure with benefits.
Recruitment is more transparent
1. What are the social implications/advantages of the organized
2. What are the basic tasks of the manager? How can he make the
worker produce more?
3. 'The more mechanized an industry gets, the fewer people are
employed' Justify the statement with a suitable example.
4. Explain the concept of indistrial engineering / scientific
management/ Taylorism.
5. How does job recruitment take place through the 'contractor
6. Examine the working conditions of the mine workers.
7. Explain home based work with the help of an example.
1. Discuss the changes brought about in the Indian industry due to
Globalisation &
Globalisation Political changes
& Labour
Globalisation &
Globalisation &
Culture of
Glocalisation consumption
1. Are Global interconnections new to India and the World? Give
2. Explain the economic policy of Liberalisation.
3. Explain culture of consumption.
4. Explain Homogenisation versus Glocalisation of Culture. Give
suitable examples.
1. The effect of globalisation is far reaching. It affects us all but affects
us differently. Explain.
2. With the help of an example explain the impact of globalization
and the New International Division of labor.
3. Examine the political changes brought about as a result of
1. What is meant by the term infotainment?
2. How does mass media bridge the gap between rural and urban
1. Discuss the role of radio broadcasting in newly free India.
2. In what ways has Globalisation affected the print media.
3. Discuss the role of TV broadcasting in newly free India.
Requires sustained
collective action
Develop distinct
modes of Protest
Directed against The use of black
cloth, street plays
the state
Shared objectives
and ideologies
Social Movements
1. The old social movements func- Were not about changing the
tioned within the frame of political distribution to power in society
parties but about quality of life issues
such as haivng a clean
2. The role of political parties was central non party politicfal formations in
order to put pressure on the state
from outside
1. Differentiate between Reformist and Revolutionary movement.
2. Differentiate between Reformist and Redemptive movement.
3. Differentiate between Old and New Movement.
4. Explain the Ecological movement.
5. Write a note on the 'New Farmer's Movement'.
6. Explain the issues taken up by the women's organisation.
1. Describe the features of the social movement.
2. Explain the theories of the social movement.
3. Differentiate between peasant and New Farmer's movement.
General Instructions :
1. There are 25 questions in all.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Question No. 1-14 are of 2 marks each, and are to be answered in
about 30 words each.
4. Question No. 15–21 are of 4 maks each, to be answered in about
80 words each 1.
5. Question Nos. 22–24 are of 6 marks each, to be answered in
abot 200 words each.
6. Question No. 25 carries 6 marks and is to be answered based
on the passage given.
7. Answers should be precise and to the point.
1. Differentiate between the western & the Indian sense of
secularism. 2
2. Give the meaning of the term De-Sanskritisation. 2
3. What are the sources of revenue for the Panchayats? 2
4. What does agrarian structure refer to? 2
5. Differentiate between Social change & Social movements. 2
6. What does the term Adivasi mean? 2
7. Explain 'Status Symbol' 2
What are the features of civil society organizations?
20. Process of Sanskritisation encourages inequalities and
discrimination. Explain 4
21. Examine the arguments given by Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma
Gandhi for the inclusion of Panchayati Raj in the Constitution. 4
22. Explain the economic policy of Liberalisation. 6
23. Discuss the ways that strengthened the institution of caste in
India under colonial rule. 6
1 Adam Smith studied the market economy and put forth 1
his views in the book------------
a. Wealth of Nations b. Nations & Wealth c. Wealthy Nations
d. None of the above
2 A Market which is free from all kinds of regulations whether 1
state or otherwise is known as--------------
General Instructions :
1. There are 25 questions in all.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Question No. 1-14 are short answer type questions carrying 2
Marks each. Answered to each questions about not exceed 30
4. Question No. 15–21 are Long answer type questions carrying 4
Marks each. Answered to each questions about not exceed 80
5. Question Nos. 22–24 are very long answer type questions
carrying 6 Marks each. Answered to each questions about not
exceed 200 words. Questions No. 25 is to be answered with the
help of the passage given.
1. In what way formal demography is different from social
demography? 2
2. Mention any two adverse impact of Liberalization 2
3. State any two constitutional provisions meant to protect minority
rights. 2
4. Who are the priviledge minorities? 2
5. What does the term modernity assume? 2
6. State the social welfare responsibilities of panchayats. 2
General Instructions :
1. There are 25 questions in all.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Question No. 1-14 are short answer type questions carrying 2
Marks each. Answered to each questions about not exceed 30
4. Question No. 15–21 are Long answer type questions carrying 4
Marks each. Answered to each questions about not exceed 80
5. Question Nos. 22–24 are very long answer type questions
carrying 6 Marks each. Answered to each questions about not
exceed 200 words. Questions No. 25 is to be answered with the
help of the passage given.
1. Why is low dependency ratio a source of economic growth and
prosperity? 2
2. According to Adam Smith, what is meant by 'invisible hand'? 2
3. What is a Nation state? 2
4. What right does the right to Information Act give to citizen? 2
5. In what way to rituals have secular dimensions? 2
6. What are the two important roles performed by the Gram Sabha?
(Any two)
1) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers.
These are only Guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer.
The students can have their own expression and if the expression is
correct, the marks be awarded accordingly.
2) All Examiners / Head Examiners are once again reminded that they must
ensure that evaluation is carried out strictly as per value points for each
answer as given in the Marking Scheme.
3) All the Head Examiners/Examiners are instructed that while evaluating
the answer scripts, if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, should be
marked on the incorrect answer and awarded 0 Marks.
4) Details of question papers:
5) Practical Exam : 20 Marks, Theory Exam : 80 Marks
6) Question No. 1 to 14 are of 2 marks each ( approx. 30 words), Question
No. 15 to 21 are of 4 marks each ( approx. 80 words), Question No. 22 to
24 are of 6 marks each( approx. 200 words) and Question No. 25 of 6
marks is a passage having question of 2 & 4 Marks.
Q. 1 What is meant by age structure of population? 2
• Age structure of population refers to the proportion of persons
in different age groups relative to the total population.
• 0-14, 15-59, 60+age groups.
(any other relevant point)
• The maintenance of burning and burial grounds.
• recording statistics of births and deaths.
• establishment of child welfare and maternity centres.
1) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers.
These are only Guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer.
The students can have their own expression and if the expression is
correct, the marks be awarded accordingly.
2) Candidates are permitted to obtain photocopy of the Answer Book on
request and on Payment of the prescribed fee All Examiners/ Head
Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation
is carried out strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the
Marking Scheme.
3) All the Head Examiners/Examiners are instructed that while evaluating
the answer scripts, if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, should be
marked on the incorrect answer and awarded 0 Marks.
4) Details of question papers:
5) Practical Exam : 20 Marks, Theory Exam : 80 Marks
6) Question No. 1 to 14 are of 2 marks each, Questions No. 15 to 21 are 4
marks each, Questions No. 22 to 25 are of 6 marks each and Questions
No. 25 is a passage having questions of 2 & 4 Marks.
Q.1 What is de-sanskritization? 2
• In certain regions Non-Sanskritic castes were dominant
• Their influence was stronger and this is known as de
(Any other relevant point)
Q.2 Differentiate between direct and representative democracy. 2
Direct Democracy :
40 Periods
Unitwise Weightage
10 marks
(iii) Conclusion
Total 20 marks
Rationalize the reasons for choosing the above research question.
It has been frequently observed that excessive use of mobile phones
by the young students have impacted greatly their academic performance,
face-to-face interactions have reduced, lot of time has been devoted to it,
cameras in the phones have often impinged upon privacy, the model/brand/
special features/peer pressure have led to demand for frequent change of
phones according to the latest trends.
To know about the above issue, research technique of survey using
questionnaire would be the most suitable. I would like to conduct this survey
among at least 50 to 60 teenagers of both the genders. A survey across a
cross-section of known-unknown respondents would help me generalize
and ultimately get an answer to my research question.
The questionnaire would comprise of intelligently framed questions that
would aim at finding out how much are the youth obsessed and addicted to
this gadget. The questions would be framed in simple language and mainly
multiple choice ones so that the respondents find it easy and willing to fill.
After conducting the survey, the responses of the respondents would be
converted into quantitative data and represented in the form of bar-graph or
pie chart. Based on the detailed analysis, an answer to the research question
would be arrived at.
1. The bias towards younger age groups in the age structure is believed to
be an advantage for India. Like the East Asian economies in the past
decade and like Ireland today, India is supposed to be benefiting from a
‘demographic dividend.’ This dividend arises from the fat that the current
generation of working-age people is a relatively large one, and it has
only relatively small preceding generation and old people of support. But
there is nothing automatic about this advantage.
(1) What is age structure?
(2) Explain Demographic Dividend?
4. With the industrial Revolution, the print industry also grew. The first
products of the were restricted to an audience of literate elites. It was
only in the mid-19th century, with further development in technologies,
transportation and literacy that newspaper began to reach out to a mass
audience. People living in different corners of the country found
themselves reading of hearing the same news. It has been suggested
that this was in many ways responsible of people across a country to
feel connected and develop a sense of belonging or ‘we felling’.
(1) What is an Imagined Community?
(2) Who gave the concept of imagined community?