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e VISION IAS L] a www visionias.in COMPREHENSIVE SUBMISSION (TEST CODE - 2069) name otewer | Yulee roammdere | Meaium winaiverg. | Ewa tole | Date of Submission: | "INDEX TABLE General G io. | Grade 1 Comprehensive Submission (C5) here means solution sheet of particular test paper containing well researched and complete answers of each | question, submitted by an expert as part of capacity building process to | 1 evaluate that particular test paper. | approach of the answer. ‘Brief approach’ here means that as an evaluator, | ‘how the concerned question needs to be approached considering all ts sub- | ports and keyword-associated. — 3. The parameters of comprehensive submission include comprehensive | coverage of content (no word limit}, simple language with clarity of | expression, well presented and structured, in a readable manner. | N 1 2 3 4 a | 5 2. Before writing solution of a question, it is mandatory to write a brief | 6 7 8 9 10 Every expert is required to submit comprehensive submission within 4 days | after receiving the E-mail of concerned test. 5. In addition, if institution is conducting class discussion on any test paper, expert is mandatorily required to attend it and submit the CS within 2 days after discussion, | 6. Expert is required to work on feedback given by the Reviewer and must | Incorporate suggestions in CS. | | Important Note: ¥ CSmust be written on given answer sheet provided by the institution. Y It/s mandatory to attempt all 20 questions, comprehensively. ¥ CS must be written in his/her own handwriting. Y Answer should not be copied from Approach Answer or from other experts’ submission. Remarks: | COMPREHNSIVE SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Please ensure you have read and understood each parameter and respond by filling the box. + Comprehensive Coverage +20 Compulsory Questions 4-Brief Approach 4Contextual Alignment 4+ Presentation +Structure Handwritten, Legibility, Language pate: 2 Mas Candidate’s Signature re 2069 VISION IAS" Discuss the various i independence ‘write Don't wre, rms of regionalism that have emerged in India since 125 Approach: = W\ Qi lyeuss vshat ts Pegi vraltinn aud ( ad (O° : ‘ \ ue RD) ie CeCe ee one We forms © ( Pag ona ltt a Alyce ie 2 cudloree >) Pisensy dre Cmpack ¢ opera lian tu didtia . J t 4) Concluat on |v m4 forward Gt vraliim ran be wurders teed as A Aimnre “4 ble WK WAWEAN borock gu Ms orth Gnd owworr tite : \ Jouskor } Daateidy , Oke : Sau ie Vywthtue pornse o He dea Keaton lian fu prs wot Jpcollortood | a Rimwrow Lomse ©f be low gtaaguress mapngd i 9 Ap OW m4 (A \t A witenb ie o| Covvenaanify Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www.visionias.in Page Fof 100 2069 VISION IAS” 2 ym megrlive seuse 4 Hla few sriglovatQern Iofooreascnls Herve en Avb- nokouetlisn vebone to Jey athy + oO person belongs boa poavticutor sagen Potter Hott porhete Malton . Wert ort vasious factors poliech hone Lod bo prise o peploro bdo tu Gulla + ; r) Regions! disparity tx eeoneriie] 2) Rise of MH (oval potitoal patel yolrtel” have (rwtruat Mc by toliem up sgienal nimnda 5) Re of vote bank petites 1) imdb tte and, cutest dey 9) hock 4 prope” Ww rudemlakion ‘ts cath Seckiovs | Vhe gortely dwnelopvierk of Cowon Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www visionias in Page 2 of 100 VISION IAS” Gee lan Colendiy : 7 cc. Ve j vo, ! Ya teen Hee hog 5 \ Kea yi valida tee Tide C& Yeu phe NOMENON DS x ae ndow Yoav Chuan Hof Sndia tu net a nattou Ckote but &@ Utote nakon whew \; Penne Sher SeCick ail abla tha kebies take precede ONOX Vag nakenal getulas Phusit JE vos alto put serck ty bou-tad- ‘dower Sadler hewwever Ub Legtona les mer Silay j Tra Pest Jodepraderree ena Cour be c. \pbtewing Wranrtfeatalieas Callus 8468027022, 0019066066 Visit us: www. vislonias in Page 3.of L00 2069 VISION IAS : Secee Satenrest wrouements — ancl Le ple mitlitaw aval fuvdoranen to lint grep dimond Sececdstow ef a Portiewlar Aogiow ae fla wnion 4| qudto- é 4 ; ( J Taw od Kash wih , SAGA 2) xe basnhest Ws Oments wedune Hare ty a dem ond a foabien ef o se pornte btoke wrtthin He wren ef Grdien and abso treking R Se korake make eg - He darts, fer eonkton 6} (coker Nogate wma Tan \luth- eat . . 35 Se of goth rmevomark — Sek bow un (dea LOW MEN cobbunral] hrerttoge and cbhper dilition 4 pubburct (oletity |p eg edhe eh phudews brow Noth exit hem Puwaalur wy Vowmataka disentuviacte ews wignsarka {rows Biber iw Malorasbtra » Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us . waw visionas.in Page 4 of 100 2069 - VISION IAS > Rigtowa leur fu tls negative pow fsSdaugerous for tovily avid seleg acy v4 {rds od” bewet ( ( (yevermvnteat of Judia fos Loken pra lip ee ike ps jo phomote dtecloc ul ahd | - ace ke eee meee ( Ji | stu egaugstorn Cac erdes fo leak wUh eg fonal ic alle wes , | Gevernments appeeach Das beet murlltdiwentioral fer eq — Fhe tatktattves Uike ek Bidsak shiubdhe Bharat, crcation af Lester Cees [ods Jo excharue of tdos, cultwal volues ann ndtastandiug ef each etlerds ( clkuAt aaKs diy Wwewtbou e| U AD whia - Keqterialtsur Lan be wre for nal ‘¢ltwe loprucg but nceds do € tr cheek as fb Law ead cal frdthab Clety Aud freteyreal : ¢ 1 va (ergisand tiveat 40° tt Seely) Cali us 8468022022, 9019066086 Visit us : www.visionias.in Page $ of 100 oman caning ‘min VISION IAS” 2. Although globalisation has created new opportunities for women in India. it ercated some issues as well. Discuss, has 12.5 ‘Approach: I Befine wha glebaligattow . 2 Heoeuss ite Te PEN baupack on Women tw {dia - ». Biseubs thsued by wemen tn dada duu bo “qloboltioken 4, Qigearr Akxps typ peretvne Auth sballonges. 5. Comthuston ] voy forwoord Gob oLtsatten waters to How pretrr’ vA integration and tuk acter dangnh preple, fOmanrerta bude untts eke to ake Le wets Enter depenulone and imbticemnecbed « Phar well haa Call us : 8462022022, 90719066066 Pave 6 of 100 VISION IAS" gparalang ae oh van woods CLE rnnes , clus , eprtokions , he ave abet b Per boss toad to fowler , dedbwalogy , ond ap iatntck, people oad then maton a Sepak of qsielittions em | Women Am ud a oclolly He on Suck vn Ow mal woah ‘on be pad one tv duis odwomkag rors peaitton : atm CLeboakinaktons th eyeing i ae Yrniow ec2m0. my We taingins humors has poevidsd qucdion “usemen the ephortuniey fo herwewe a perk Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us Page 5 of 100 VISION IAS" product eu eee 7. . avout . Cylobalisaton % a dewhte od proceds vohun vor “ uk women . ¥f hawe ben wm A belle = psc ound rege ely due ee ayegakton » ere] pcloltowsletp Potkieok i ee jee Callus : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 7 of 100 VISION IAS” On He Cur howd tk has also brmughk Jenne warvatl rong (opacks 4 ween Like + he Saas pele el wens, , Uvedkore | autwal bushy wat ub Deis Unarn aid bemmuse 6 ned 4a kro automakton bee pote “ (i) Cuovakisatterr aud f suduckion ublie Services yecll Haduee WW pagar empleament eppertunidiea A WEeMen + ii) Gieba Uisotfen thas tntsuayed He mumber ef Levo potd, port - -tim owt cqistake [cbs . (iv) Decupatonsl sex Aepaakion will be a Uork peoalthy tte Call us . §468022022, 9018066066 Visit us : eawavisionias in Page 8 of 100 VISION IAS" ebem economy . @ wrth Le Hnoungiong ALM BIL — Hees DL dundur war de COvtu- veut a of those bewblins howugle oven tral and Hee none qe oumertal progrtonuenes + late poverty altievakon & main Yo susponatbhé lt ef goverment Hoare art dick at Seeker tee veg Pike , Mees ier ipo Beturity werk soetly eg MGNREGK — Child core dthremes PMT SY a. SUmed. = Mudar — drtwuanee Achomey wren heeurty tlrhtaltueg . Power Aunty tatbialtveg Callus - 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : wiew visionias in Page 9 of 100 VISION IAS” \ Mow NGO's work ler women obo Lave Su {oreck te te be 100283, a ate balegoktevs aol wadumnisa- on + “le Pig of wemen meds lo be waderstosd tn Hu glebali Aaklow prectds to paepans proper Aksosegies fo empower Mum and bodes ue Cake quatuati- bam dovepmental Preteen - we hove to werk UUL 08 Qu nocieky Lo make globalisation a. [aetbixaker of Preqreas pak Jou Sublerng kes hall Ha [pepwtakien Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 10 of 100 VISION IAS" eine what ts Sociol Umparte (aseameme - 2. Afecubs paktonale [red fer pray Aoviak tupack assesrenent work 3. Atsenss He halhovger during octal Compact assessment Vim vt . Pisess He vartous steps aogulsudl 4 a adolsoas esr al 6: Concluatou [voy fovannd. : N foetal tmhaek apheasment 6 a guseosth , 2 UG Wy o eta Ad antatng fromm policies, plows yi depres td el Yher wethodelegy fooitab Hu footal ofirre of tinforarrrirelure projects amd Call us_ 8468022022, 9019066066 Visil us. www visionias in Page 11 of 100 de é & 2009 VISION IAS” and ether duveloprrent trtowerk’ors pectal Cmpack assessomewk ‘eludes dhe processes 4 omnlysied anencteriuy and mananngindd {0 itdad aul unlrtendesl Boeta “4 p lamned Uver\ouktou Compaquertes . gud omy Seot phawge pAousses fwrreked by {yore iutowenwon + Ned ff Apong Aociat Sufoct pasesenent “Pomenwark a Te) $k ensures better urclusive grsrolt ef th Apctety ond Orta Comtemed pasktent ; a\ Se helps to (dank teakton of mit gatlCou mepdurts bo eoluty Lge on Communctties br badint quacks 3) te provides (mformatton fo add Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Paye 12 of 100 VISION IAS” Add value bo fhe exeult p jects and desta fudune Phstecks 4.) 7 helps tw alter Community purd Atokehotdir prfobiorahip esto b les Wrvowe by but Wing, Mu t atk . RV’ Mhuw te a lock of by Shemale framenork fer social Yuback Callus : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us . wow visionias in Page 13 of 100 VISION IAS” OAderemenk + Bd tk cases Limes dakou ond. ehatacle in oe woody of piesioy 4) “Wee OAL we Peandards but of bars to be ak par with bohen tk Lome bo huperk bring eee to en (reotdye of © peep ) Se vokes dtfhieute fe the fafect do yek eeramttd 8) th Cmersaged He por of te peek Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Visi us. wwwvisionias.in Page 14 of 100 SIA wo mounrdated u 2013 tn Sudkto. by The Right fe fair co ( amd | A whol er - hal hitter i jakttbetton Cad t | ¢ Cond Wlamenk art + Ve has bob Hadi jneblbs of sat dake omk & ON mpertomd pork ot Unak rauunck be ow osekad Sif will met og ones b betes A, Has @ 4 e& ve oi oid sted (ol doe pprrbuntty” do parkietpate i Peed) iat fut Callus 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit Page 15 of 100 DJidsoduuee WUER Ovelutton 7 Carte Byetonr (ux Yudia _ > Rives re wbov A fu H KOAKL Aske ‘te hie po sletades 3°) Dlao deer Ho conkinutly % Coake or tu drdia aud Ut Lp thopoct 44+) Contin | wear forward Ye divtitew o| Gudlouw Aosiety futo Nosioud Seets avd claises poets back fo autieut Judo , phon Veclos distded people on he bauer of NV OUR. BL ae ceeeed Aimer then YU today 0 plays a pole tm eur Loita Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us - www visionias in Page 16 of 100 VISION IAS” aud Mutl&sokoun . [he kybtton Atds Herslis majorly ito Aterareh teal grsups based on Suit — Kosa (wrk) cnrd Dasa C prligiow) orduty . ths LO&L StU livtoles Doundus toto four nestor ie WBrroming — (ti) Kehatrtyas fii) Vatehyos iv) Chadaas Ys maiw Caskes were teotor dat ded furto about 25000 castes an pweXt i Oud people ould] RV Oh per ert L08ke fo anefier, Comet eee ee ake 0 Caer trati ou Hh vane fey Cage A Ped fe " Callus 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us . wine visions. Page 17 of 100 aoe) VISION IAS" hy bee he Attic tions, whine nrotad dad other hems flrs 4 Jun geeemk decader, ust tw Spread e geeular eoluratton and web aut ga Hou ] Hu taf baren has gomewhak dus Iuad, ux ikten whet differed: - tds gud ateo beceut 7 ss} ( a ‘ ( °| caste especially eadkss we wide by wlth - foxte omarvdogcs GAs “4 WrPe Lew en + : du to cf ye tw Hee sphoss g\ education , food hobith, drunatug ‘ d Able : Au of ea ttuny F pas woeakuntralton has bo guupational ong es Lakin gers Va pak bie bosyrters ~ Migiattow hor beem apena Ue up fo Crdurrtabtnorton aud ubamy, ko (ho %orree nogtous Jad bwwnd auMnwtr7$ y due aitow , Unt Ankruodtowrs volfvere Lereer do Lates: Caw BA6A072020, OTC Payee 18 oF 100 Visi us ware wna in VISION IAS” \ vasxieky ef Rectal Legitte, jane been trtboduccd pest idiperdunes., abso secictal yew ee anirokfens and at saferundis Jrave ben bo brk He bartics qe aaron oLL Haute elteres, Coste thonrttes pom oth oA ae fagk Mamet Ort alarokt alongs Prdteatiourr Of wlok Coste a pose DA ov “orale He Lystim barons onny rssledge bathe Se at UL is robbty yf peeple into (ee Aertok AALS, Coake Opps Qn. posed by de Politetans Lerbing | Aol Qa tk bows oe a Ne Callus : 8468022022. 9 rr My ceratly iu $url orsog Sudials Cathe Myckow Bf dhe worldy Jougeet Mowviviging Aorlal Jkerar t now Auk 5 erodtorr dus to eben’ Op Gurdion CLonerny aud Aocteky Buk Anake has bikie Gdanlthios amd CHLL Coubinues “Prarofors wll prouged beoteniy Os neguised to plitude the CEL ii Ske gh pant ade Lit pete, Teach buceg oud Subollern Lectton of rootely awd Tom porel lng Vohuss OF Aue oly aw Pustewthy Uscough eclweaktouall euskthubtong . Ctyvil fettety chong ( Wl goverment Sheulhl wat kero 4 hedutlug fos. port Cinres of to yal Call us 8468022022, 9019066006 Page 20 of 100 iS Pisuus Le fad ri urbauckoe- Lou tu ae 24 Ot eptagad ba ee Wrbanteokt eur wm Tolle « d-) Pkreusa Ekeps token ly Gents do golue Hse ea n) & lau chtconnte. » Reed eT of : 5) Concluston roo jorword Vohantenbton to opulalion nn, saat te usbam Cited “ raw Ashiclh Coes amd Los WundoUr bureme pe fy Peer & tw Jolt Awall drtas, pring cures - he ber NIT Ayo atek Jodt, Page 21 of 100 VISION IAS" He wulltou Ae opte Comatlata Hs : twcban population ta Gudia - Mocharosht na with on wrbom opulotton portenduge 4 Aa, teak dae kop whrws Msom wu 167% te Leuk urbane Acake + C200! date = NITHyoG Mtge aro mawemenk fave heen dre rrosed Jo ths Capitol cxf Ye witbantdotton rede tn Adin ane a direct pfctl Phe dtruchural dak ase doking place Tm the eeonomey » Bulk of popriorcon vs living tm gbropotitowr Pugions » Madu of ie Woon sew (uae boon along te Crrdurirod pertalers «Le dich cMon berwein tuvuk amd vweban ts grt bluerer - Call us 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us wenn visonias Page 22 of 100 VISION IAS” ' Se a areas to fo Challeng . wt water tot Unbetathey getting ow waking atid o4 aphagard erie Lock a4 rr ere usebaniuabien warts "collection od tn Sedia Gispesal System “ePctem of Loli waste ‘I ww tlawd degrada Hen aud ath, wootn and bocl peltutite Suess Wn dhe need Deusty amd other conud : “Growin pede poke Vr edetes roking thaws nab fe potent ond te qennal + Quer exploitation of wineeh Go cus de Wwersening 9 ttnakion tn dee Wop, ORO e{ Vin Lownttup , Several Pikakover verre Jatuchad by Haaren ment 1) Tye SMART Cities Mission Le te ow mofer srnewol pecog ean toubyas Uvlug rowditeous tu loo Geloeted ciktes Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 23 of 100 m6 Dent write VISION IAS" ae a) KM RUT ( Atal Marion fe" map kt. AL YAOOM vraatfprwalten) fajeck ts abe a ausfowmlug 00 Ba va i: os 7 ( wl offi vcd wscbou Leb Afpatcs over a ported of § goss: >) pM WAS OTNA_ qe oka to preyioe Heustug for LL Woy QOLL + Plume Rehabilitatton ord & bile boustag Jo eeonsuri oll wok be ektong coe EA Wojsh fokeres 4) HRIDAY seine. ie ol |p holt kte velapuerdt 9} Yardkoue MRCS 6) SWACHHK BHARAT Mission fk ohms do Wake Judiials uschonr Contd A. Nhe Lagqet ie do gente FOO Y At fen lyre wand Gomewl of mantctpal solkd wosle Jd vr downs ank ofdleds | Me pou key Lejuvero ko Callus 8468022022, 9019066066 Visi us. www wsionias in Page 24 of 100 VISION IAS" Yhis didolor everttors ©f) rca arcag fs nang otal aval ALUtinentad fo bollr the Cuvirorument anol he Lortol Coudtltort. had Mus Jousen gurratratrle wrbautratton tx sporbe t athfon ts wert taken now , dhe Powaeguente§ do bur heablh antl tb the mek pot be Very Avrtour - Ye of pevteunty Lhouta de Sey owe vot Lrsuld roepor ol “2 fer ao Luakoluotle om Woltter flow ot - Legal saqutloakton, bheuld odo he tw eed And Strtek adhe pu rout be arate Lust + dcluscye and iustatuolle develepm {6 am epbarbtol fountaltows fer lous - Jon duttoimablltly, egucky, Uy posportly onk Meck soctely C Rkhes och feng of ow coulis om oth over He wserld - Call us 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 25 of 100 VISION IAS” i Ae turk brute ly yout Movoniablar Phorat Mabiiyan « 2) Atos He veed © betsy Nw mibbhor or gele—- sultant. > Pirusas the Zolierd fobs o Mo {peo Qe re AY Psu Ho Mrolenges tw petonina, Muno- mechbox o& polo Ww oq foro 5) Conttatten Merontrbdor Bhorak Mohtyadn 8 Belk - ptltawtk Gudiia compat als dhe Visteon @ ROO Yeton evinionrd by dhe Hon'ble Pstne Mince. Se pies amoke Hoe deiunbhy and tt Cis ons 4 radout ond seU-pebiout Im alk dunses. Ye 6 Pell { Marartstbhat Rlarat ort oudined Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us www visionias in Page 26 of 100 VISION IAS” - N excl for bucombng holy - Ydionk oc Mwautebhoar | I) “be doped dials Kouenttguly thalleapig Mes expanbigutsnn te Van worthy Potters . ‘the 7 Uninerr Lon kok, Over Wettes kyTathn io ta Podiston , eke I: Yaw Sh Pirowing sy helen a") he Pordemie hay dtu btod Qebal Aupbly chains avd bed Call us . 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www. visionias.in Page 27 of 100 VISION IAS" do abe Ader Aubply sbBek D Jiodng so boule vain Wes wmode Gudin dha LE pucal Sy do vtqueti COME ri blowing Ak Fabtank: 2B) Ho pocamiote ewer ke moun fntntng ant for poeling opporkuntttes {i Cam phase cuct de iba Agta {ile toa a) Yo autere he co &% peering fs et ton eeeue— 5) ‘Lo ew OK Mae Lena poo tk t& ns “bo salon dy Gow UOweury and athrenre SOO pionokla fo Yaroligo Tidal strategie Cakerects tm dhe sugton, Callus . 8468022022, 9019066066, isi us ww visionias in Page 28 of 100 VISION IAS" SALIENT Featuees OF ftmn NIRBHAR _ 1) Substdy for ive yews sould be pevowedek by {le gevemntck ie mew yenas | 2) Cypveruunrerd of qudio. wth pay bets 12% ew loyies Cowteibutton awk VAT emrpleyu's hovtitbukton i) ig egkablerhing Cnkittes ewpler bug wprce loodeump Loyord a toe YUAS >) Locus On Tonh Orrann Prouelty Joon products . Rowerke Produ- ton will be prervet edt 4) Musten would be based on Spell ~ Creveey , hla abrruckuir , Ayton, Nibrunck dbemogaapha., dewaed - 5) Viton 1 gore fo Lowrplanert Moke tee dial Cuiltorive ag well, ~— Callus . 8468022020, 9016066066 Page 29 of 100 2009 VISION IAS" Degepkions tv duppiy * ee dus fo ave wo tu ehis Hua) Aw Dy, MLevodewn of Gamegae duwouk! due to Leo sunoke Cow ee, ee ven ontact dowd < A Choblen ne a ty becouuing Aelt. - pilin qutertavronk Blowdenin om Leuk ag usmk e ow Ce dnwcrtes andl op augrest cop metas t taal eoralt ely and ow Ppev pope % tag ‘ “OA tom be ow Pos hunt for qoute ie encak® ao int ‘de WARM woke ound WSU binge for Maw peopte ak bellow 4 the Pyraand dl fe a horotoqer ola eoachiqnna Sh via Lb PG refowdr ont Avuelppmental ceive: Call us 8468022022, 901 9066066 Visit us . www visionias.in Page 30 of 100 VISION IAS” ity in India? Enumerate 125 Mreamt ether Community Sowe been a part of Grtion becreky bev Call us 8468022022, 9019086066 Visi us . wave visionias in Page 31 of 100 VISION IAS" Comtiudes. he Vedie aad Pounte literatwus menkton "(rlkyaprafeilt eee Ha Mas a Lowy Weehe a sccported let dusing He Maghot gurte ta Medioual Gudiq- During baceteh sue) poy were glted” chyil sights and vsert ewitdotd a uparcte Cotte . “ecley i Ql Me ceuvtoosy the se modern Leetely , tons- gear ght lon dookall prtqra ee diaurtwinatenn + Yay ane forud do take Lew paying or Vike badkas , Aol work ood. begat Vonagrdrg ore oleprived Of Hoe guighk do -parkteipote Tenond aekyities wlth artn qualified ones louima Acfusel bor fobh - Call us 8468027022, 9019066066 Page 32 of 100 VISION IAS" Tete vou Aifleatt for toward fbildsoe Lo get adawigrion Un geool ok ask amd Now Apr he {itu fo Aoukiue as Hey face] Awort Akssdiuinokton - Necording do NHRC, 527, pravsgendors wire Losrcatil by Herr Chosenroked pul 1S 7% by deacon - he Ase Led bo engage wm ot rey nA putoked gtak » Ge seg les Go Pans barra 49 Hares wort ob ask © Motag vstkh HN tBmharad o ae wdaceiou's a res tholenges howe iwapell of He maiuttrcomn: Bae Aw coke Wor deted do allionwce ho Krieg, of Marge Lrwecort aun ag whe hove We fowl of Hotel kod belay urhe doug Ose. Call us 8468022022, 9019086066 Visit us . ww visioniasin Page 33 of 100 2009 VISION IAS” Bur fo toupiulent aekuting hor have bee mony Lowdunark dickatgur modo \wthhy Auapuck to Hea Covmmnunt ty Qik’ SY oly SC kn tb verdick funquise Ua traregendin people au ditttad row Dlnory people ound daslancd Heov at He dd gender wer Comstthution —> Va 2018 SC sempped Auckton OF of ae, de esinaoraltininy Proven seractily > dol, Papssqendon Hrtous(Proleetin oy Rights) Bell was partool I—sleal, kasuataka become Ha four bkote to allocate | 7, rserwakion| tu jobs fo Pronk nie pubkis ow 4 awit os pews — Noktenal Portal er Howagendes enor Launched ta 202 0 —- Dhelter. raves ara Aum fer Howe They would be baovialeol a Mtoe edomkdy usttlout he i! af! eat buaut CXOWMMALOM + Wipro a ou Callus | 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 34 of 100 VISION IAS" — DU £tokes hae Taanigondor wefan boaads for Ghonses Troms people. 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