Evaluation Path How To Create and Use
Evaluation Path How To Create and Use
Evaluation Path How To Create and Use
The objective of this document to give practical scenarios on how Evaluation Paths can be created and used in our
applications. It also helps in understanding how the Evaluation Path fetches data from the backend so that we can
use Evaluation paths effectively in our applications.
Evaluation path is an instruction to the system to fetch the data recursively, according to the relationship between
the objects.
STEP 5: Now enter appropriate Relationships based on which you want to fetch the Data.
STEP 6: There is a Field Skip which has a Checkbox which should not be ticked if you want the Output of that
Relationship to be Included in the Final Result.
e.g.: in the above scenario Output from all the Relationships will be Included in the Final Result.
However, in the Scenario below, only the Output from Relationship “Belongs to” will be included in the Final
STEP 1: Go to T. Code SE37. Give the Function Module as RH_STRUC_GET and Execute.
STEP 2: Fill in the Required Entry Fields and press Execute
STEP 3: Results will be displayed.
We get the Result in 3 tables as follows:
P -> 20001848 10: US A208 P NA ————– A. P -> 20001848
S -> 40004241 10: US A208 P NA ————– A. S -> 40004241
O -> 30001028 10: US A208 P NA O -> 30001028 A. S -> 40004241
C. P -> 20001848
P -> 20001848 30: S A003 O NA O -> 30001028 A. US -> RAIN
*Levels mentioned above are the values which we will get in the column “Level” in the result table
Example 2:When none of the Relationships/Lines have “SKIP” column checked:
P -> 20001848 10: US A208 P NA S -> 40004241 A. P -> 20001848
(LEVEL 2) 20: P B008 S S -> 40004241 P -> 20001848 B. US -> RAIN
S -> 40004241 10: US A208 P NA O -> 30001028 A. S -> 40004241
S -> 40004241
P -> 20001848
C. P -> 20001848
P -> 20001848 30: S A003 O NA O -> 30001028 A. US -> RAIN
P -> 20001848
P -> 20001848
NOTE:- We can give any Object as Input which is specified in Obj. Type in the Evaluation Path.
In that scenario the Relationships which are Relevant to that Object will be executed first.
This Evaluation path will return only Org. Units and Position as the above Org. Structure does not contain object
“S” and “BP”.
To execute go to T-Code PPST:
We can execute and get the Results as below:
We can also alter Display Depth (Default is Zero) and execute the Evaluation Path recursively up to the desired
A. When we specify the Display Depth as ‘1’ then we get the below output:
B. When we specify the Display Depth as ‘2’ then we get the below output:
C. When we specify the Display Depth as ‘3’ then we get the below output:
Note: Evaluation paths can be tested and analyzed using the report RHSTRU00.
Note: For evaluating Evaluation Path there are few Function Modules in the Function Group:
Functions modules in this Function Group:
Another important function group is “HRWPC_TO_DATA_SUPPLIER”.