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Hydrolics Final Year Project

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Hydraulic Performance of Mu1tistage orifice Plates and its Comparison

with Conventional orifice Plate

Chapter 1

1.1 General
Many engineering applications involving piping systems utilize flow
passage restrictions devices such as control valve and orifices to
achieve control of flow rates and pressures. Accurate determination
of flow characteristics through these restrictions is important for
industrial operations such as control measures in HVAC, quality
control in food processing industry, metering of high viscous liquids
and calibrating tools in metrology of liquid and gas flows. At present,
valves are not the best choice for this purpose as the set openings
can be tampered, they are also expensive. Orifice plate is a good
solution, more simplified to meet the requirements.

1.1.1Orifice Plate
An orifice plate is a device used for measuring flow rate, for reducing
pressure or for restricting flow (in the latter two cases it is often
called a restriction plate). It is a thin plate with a hole in it, which is
usually placed in a pipe. Orifice meters are built in different forms
depending upon the application specific requirement, the shape, size
and location of holes on the Orifice Plate [Fig. 1.1] describes the
Orifice Meter Specifications as per the following i.e. Concentric,
Eccentric, Segmental and Quadrant edge. Either a volumetric or
mass flow rate may be determined, depending on the calculation
associated with the orifice plate. It uses the same principle as a
Venturi nozzle, namely Bernoulli's principle which states that there is
a relationship between the pressure of the fluid and the velocity of
the fluid. When the velocity increases, the pressure decreases and
vice versa.
1.1.2. Restriction Orifice Plate
The restriction orifices are used for reducing fluid pressure and are
designed somewhat different from the orifice plates that are used for
measuring flow rates. The orifice offers a restriction to the process
flow and the pressure head drops from the upstream to the
downstream. The permanent pressure loss by the device is the
intended pressure drop for which it is sized. The area of the orifice
determines the rate of flow at the outlet of a given process fluid for
the specified pressure and temperature. There are 3 different types of
restriction orifice plates i.e., single-stage, single-stage multi hole and

1.1.3. Applications of Restriction Orifice

Followings are a few examples of common applications where these
restriction orifice devices are used to achieve controlled flow from the
upstream to the downstream. Restriction orifices are often exposed
to severe flow conditions associated with large pressure reductions
and the related fluid conditions caused by liquids flashing to a gas,
cavitation, and sonic (choked) flow. Hence such conditions also are
taken into consideration. Blow down Valves
These are used to ensure controlled now rate in a blow down piping
or blow down header, where normally pipeline pressure are high.
The blow down valve (which is usually a FB or RB ball valve) opens
to release the high pressure on its upstream; the restriction orifice
plate at its downstream ensures that the flow is not excessive to
overload the flare header. Usually, the pressure drops in blow
down circuit across the restriction orifice could be very high say,
typically 80-100 bars. If high pressure drop is achieved through a
single stage device or by a device with not too many stages, there
will be fall in temperature during the blow down event due to
Joule Thompson effect. Thus, the design of the RO needs to take
care of the low temperature.

1.132. Pump Installations

ROS are also used in centrifugal pump's recirculation line where a
constant recirculation now is required and control of recirculation
and forward flow rate is not important. The recirculation ensures
that cavitation / starvation cannot happen in the pump. TO restrict gas blow-by

A typical case is the now of hydrocarbon condensate from the high-
pressure separator to the low-pressure separator. Usually a level
control valve (LCV) controls the level of the high-pressure separator.
In case of the valve failure, the valve needs to open fully to stop
separator from overflowing. Full open of LCV is accompanied by high
rate of now of condensate followed by flow of gas. To stop the
downstream relieving system from overloading the gas flow is
controlled by a restriction orifice at the downstream of the LCV.
Similar application is seen in the heating medium flow into re-boiler
to mitigate the effect of heating medium valve fail open position. To check excess flow

ROS are used to restrict the excessive flow in case of a rupture. Thus,
in Well head applications if the down holes valves to be closed due to
fire, the hydraulic power oil to
the valve actuator is depressurized by the use of fusible plug
which fuses and allows the hydraulic oil to leak through a RO at a
restricted flow rate. For controlled pressurization

During the start-up of a process plant, many plant sections are

required to be pressurized with the incoming process fluid in
controlled manner. This is because the upstream section will be
usually at a much higher pressure than the downstream. Thus if
there is no restriction on the flow rate, the initial flow rate may
be very high and may damage the pipe line and equipment. ROS
are used for gradual pressurization. To restrict the flow the ideal
condition is to design for the choked flow for gas. As during the
choked flow, the rate of flow will be less as it will be
proportional to the square root of inlet pressure rather than to
the differential pressure.

1.1.4. Single Stage Restriction Orifice Plate

A single stage restriction orifice is usually a plate or a block with a
bore (orifice) sized to the intended permanent loss of pressure. It is
installed between the pipe flanges. Usually, it is not a thin orifice
plate; it is a thick orifice plate. They are easy to design but when very
High Pressure Drops in liquid flows are required in pipeline due to
cavitation and noise conditions, single restriction orifices are often
sufficient to meet the requirements. There are situations where
limitations arise due to process conditions making the single
restriction orifices unacceptable.

In such situations, use of multiple restrictions in series is a better

1.2. Multi-Stage Restriction Orifice Plate
Multiple step reductions may involve multiple restriction
orifices, control valves or combinations of both. A typical set up
may include a control valve with a restriction orifice
downstream. The restriction orifice then provides the back
pressure on the control valve to prevent cavitation through the
valve. However the restriction orifice itself must also be correctly
sized to prevent cavitation.
Multi-Stage Restriction Orifice Plate Assembly are used where the
pressure reduction ratio is very high and cannot be achieved by a
single stage orifice plate. Thus a multistage device essentially
consists of a number of single stage device built in a single spool.
Like a single stage device it can be of single hole multi stage
design or multi -hole multi-stage design or combination of
both.Multistage Restriction Orifice Plate may be required to
achieve the desired pressure drop [Fig. 1.2] whilst preventing
problems such as Cavitation, Flashing and High Noise and
Vibration levels. Most diverse substance are transported and
distributed in piping systems every single day, they can include
solvent and chemicals, oil and gases or steam for energy
transmission. The fluids following through pipes often have
completely different properties, therefore principal
measurements are required. One method is flowing
measurements based on differential pressure principals. A
restriction in the pipe line creates a pressure drop if the fluid
flows. The pressure drop is determined by the velocity of the

1.2. Comparison
of pressure drop for I -Stage and 3-Stage Orifice plate
1.3. Literature Survey
[1] Ramiah Kumar and R Priyamvada, "Design
Considerations in Multiple Restriction Orifices" (September
This paper illustrates the general application details of the multiple
restriction orifices. Sizing methodology for both liquid and gas flow is
explained. If the diameter ratio is low (closer to 0.2 than being closer
to 0.7), a straight length of 10 to 12 pipe diameter between the plates
may even suffice to produce and stabilize the necessary pressure drop
for most piping configurations. If such solutions are not practical, only
then multiple restrictions should be considered. Single orifice plate
may not sufficient where higher pressure drop is required in pipeline
due to cavitation and noise conditions. The paper deals with gas as a
fluid media, currently we are looking for liquid flow measurement.

[2] Abdulrazaq A.Araoye, Hasan M.Badr and Wael H.Ahmed,

"Dynamic Behaviour of Flow through Multi-Stage Restricting
Orifices" (May 2016)
This paper presents an overview of characteristics of flow through a
multistage orifice plate fitted in horizontal pipe. The flow through 2-
stage orifice (D=25.4mm, ß=0.63) is analysed for water of V=I m/s to
4m/s for a spacing of ID and 21). Experiment and numerical simulation
have been carried out. They use identical orifice and Reynolds number
= I .0 to 3.0x10^4. For lower ß-ratio 2-stage orifice plate with ID
spacing is useful and pressure reduction can be achieved 20-30%.
Different discharges are not generated.

[3] D r. Nagaraj Sitaram, Kshitij Jaiswal, Reyaz Ahmad

Nadroo and Dhruv Gangal, "Hydraulic Performance of
Multistage Orifice Plates and its Comparison with
Conventional Orifice" (June 2016)
This paper discusses the improvement of pressure drop (AP) in
multistage orifice plate. The flow through 3-stage orifice, pipe
diameter = 19mm, 0=0.7, series of experiments
= 3(A, B, C). Qmax_ = 1 .6m ^3/hr, Qmin = 0.96m^3 /hr , Qrange =
4.9m^3 /hr— 0.34m^3 /hr,
Re range = 14000 -70000 are been considered. 3-stage is better
controlled as compare to I -stage and 2-stage orifice assembly.
For lower discharge Q (lesser than 450cm3/sec) the

P improvement is highest for 3-stage (300%) and for 2-stage

(100%) compared to single orifice plate. However when Discharge
increases the improvement of P is relatively less. Effect Of
discharge on P improvement is seen.

1.4. Limitation of Current Work

• The hydraulic performance of multistage orifice plates is
verified for only one ß-Ratio(O.4884)

• The line pressure range of present experiments ranged

between 0 to 1.6kg/cm 2 The discharge varied from O to 41
6cm3 /sec.

• The aligned arrangements of multistage orifice plates are

used for 2-stage and 3stage.

• The gap lengths between the stages are not varied.

• The value of ß ratio remained same for all stages

1.5. Problem Definition

Conventional orifice plate frequently subjected to cavitation

condition for high pressure application. To overcome this
problem the pressure drop is regulated through multistage
arrangements of orifice plates which is expected to give better
control for liquid flow measurement.
1.6. Objectives
In this project, an experimental attempt has been made to improve
the pressure drop and to prevent the Cavitation by using multistage
orifice plate assembly. Also, to understand the stacking effect of 2-
stage and 3-stage orifice plates for a given size of pipeline.

 To design and develop multistage orifice plates as a flow

smoothening device for liquid applications.
 Compare the hydraulic performance of conventional orifice
plate with two stage and three stage orifice plates.
 To improve the pipeline pressure while measuring the
discharge with orifice plate.

1.7. Equipment’s and Software tools used

Software tools such as AutoCAD are used for drawing the model
description and Microsoft Excel is used for analysis of data.

Equipments used for conducting experiments are centrifugal pump,

flow meter, stop watch, thermometer, manifold, pressure gauges,
pipeline of various sizes and recirculating tank.
Chapter 2

With an orifice plate installed in a flow stream, increase in fluid
flow velocity through the reduced area of the orifice develops
a differential pressure across the orifice. The differential
pressure generated is related to the beta ratio of the orifice
plate and Reynolds number.

2.1. Beta Ratio (ß)

The ratio of orifice bore diameter to pipe inside diameter is called
beta ratio (ß) .The calculation is used in hydraulics to determine
the rate of flow in a pipe system based on empirical formula. It
can also help predict the length of a pipe needed in a project.
Good orifice beta ratios (often between 0.2 and 0.8) allow
accurate calculation of a pipe's flow rate. Low beta ratio means
the plate has a smaller hole i.e. pressure loss will be higher. This
may cause higher size of pump and more money. Higher beta
ratio increases the discharge coefficient uncertainty. Higher beta
ratic means low differential pressure across your orifice and
sometimes may be difficult to measure and needs longer straight
length. For example, a beta ratio of 0.4 signifies that orifice bore
diameter is 40% of pipe inside diameter.

The Beta ratio is defined as β=d/D

Where, d=orifice bore diameter (mm)

D= Pipe inside diameter (mm)

2.2. Reynolds Number (Re)

The Reynolds number (Re) is an important dimensionless

quantity in fluid mechanics used to help predict flow patterns in
different fluid flow situations. The Reynolds number is the ratio
of inertial force to viscous force within a fluid which is subjected
to relative internal movement due to different fluid velocities, in
which is known as a boundary layer in the case of a bounding
surface such as the interior of a pipe. Reynolds number is also
used in scaling of fluid dynamics problems, and is used to
determine dynamic similitude between two different cases of
fluid flow. Such scaling is not linear and the application of
Reynolds numbers to both situations allows scaling factors to be
With respect to laminar and turbulent flow regimes:

• Laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds numbers, where

viscous forces are dominant, and is characterized by
smooth, constant fluid motion;

• Turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers and

his dominated by inertial forces, which tend to
produce chaotic, vortices and other flow instabilities

The Reynolds number is defined as

Re = inertia force/viscous force = ρVL/µ

Where, ρ is the density of the fluid (kg/cm^3)

V is the velocity of the fluid with respect to the object


D is the diameter of pipe (cm)

µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (kg/cm s)

3.1 Experimental Setup
The experimental study is done at the Hydraulics Laboratory. A
pump of 1.5 HP with a recirculating arrangement is installed with a
200mm manifold at the entry of the pipe. The pipe lines of
25.4mm, 19.05mm and 12.7 mm diameter, made of Galvanized
Iron are connected with a flow meter, digital thermometer, control
valve, Orifice plate assembly pipe and pressure gauges as shown
[fig. 3.1 .1] in the experimental setup.

Fig.3.1.1. Experimental setup at EPCET

Fig. 3.1.2. Pressure gauge arrangements for 1-stage, 2-stage and 3-
stage orifice plate assembly.

Fig. 3.1.3. Line diagram of 1-stage, 2-stage and 3-stage orifice plate
assembly with pressure gauge arrangements.
3.1.1. Pump

A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), or

sometimes slurries, by mechanical action. Pumps can be classified
into three major groups according to the method they use to
move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps.
pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or
rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work by
moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources,
including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power,
come in many sizes, from microscopic for use in medical
applications to large industrial pumps.
It is equipment which is required to lift liquid from low level to high
level or to flow liquid from low pressure area to high pressure area
and also as a debit booster in a piping network system. This is
reached by making a low pressure at suction side of pump. When a
casing contains only one revolving impeller, it is called a single stage
pump. When a casing contains two or more revolving impellers, it is
called a double or multi-stage pump.
There are two basic types of pumps i.e. positive displacement and
centrifugal. A positive displacement pump makes a fluid move by
trapping a fixed amount and forcing (displacing) that trapped volume
into the discharge pipe whereas Centrifugal pumps are used to
transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the
hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. In Centrifugal pumps, the
rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor
and-be fluid enters the pump impeller along or near to the rotating
axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into
a diffuser or volute chamber (casing), from where it exits.
Centrifugal monoset pump [Fig. 3.1.4.] of single phase 2 Pole
capacitor start and run type is used in the experiment. It is
manufactured by C.R.l Pumps Private Limited and specifications are - 1
.5HP/ 1.1K W, Capacitor 40mfd 400V, speed 2880rpm, Pump size
50x50mm, Head rated is 1 2m and range is 9/14, DIS rate is 4.51ps
Fig. 3.1.4. Centrifugal pump

3.1.2. Manifold
A manifold in fluid mechanics is described as a wide or bigger pipe,
or channel, into which smaller pipes or channels lead. There are
different types of manifold such as inlet, hydraulic, exhaust, vacuum
gas manifolds. A hydraulic manifold is a manifold that regulates fluid
flow between pumps and actuators and other components in a
hydraulic system. It is like a switchboard in an electrical circuit
because it lets the operator control how much fluid flows between
which components of a hydraulic machinery. The manifold is
connected to the levers in the operator's cabin which the operator
uses to achieve the desired manifold behaviour. A manifold is
composed of assorted hydraulic valves connected to each other. It iS
the various combinations of states of these valves that allow complex
control behaviour in a manifold.
A cylindrical manifold [Fig. 3.1 .5.] is used for experiment. Its length
is 4m and diameter is 200mm with two pressure gauges (mechanical
types) is installed. The manifold is connected to 5 pipelines 12.5mm,
19.05mm, 25.4mm, 31.75mm and 38.1 mm diameter. One side of the
manifold is connected to the delivery pipe of diameter 50.8mm of
1.5HP pump. Manifold helps to maintain constant pressure in the pipe
line under use. The Pressure fluctuations may arise due to variation of
voltage in motor of the pump.
Fig. 3.1.4. Centrifugal pump

3.1.3. Thermometer
A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or a
temperature gradient. There are different types such as mercury, dial
and electronic. One problem with mercury and dial thermometers is
that they take a while to react to temperature changes. Electronic
thermometers don't have that problem: you simply touch the
thermometer probe onto the object whose temperature you want to
measure and the digital display gives you an instant temperature
reading. It works by putting a voltage across its metal probe and
measuring how much current flow through it.

Digital thermometer [Fig.3.1.6.] is used to check the temperature ( DC)

of water to determine to density, viscosity and other parameters in

Fig. 3.1.6. Digital Thermometer

3.1.4. Flow meter

A flow meter is an instrument used to measure linear, nonlinear,

mass or volumetric now rate ofa liquid or a gas. Flow meters are
referred to by many names, such as flow gauge, flow indicator,
liquid meter, etc. depending on the particular industry, however
the function, to measure flow, remains the same. Flow
measurement applications are very diverse and each situation
has its own constraints and engineering requirements. When
choosing flow meters, one should consider such intangible factors
as familiarity of plant personnel, their experience with calibration
and maintenance, spare parts availability, and mean time
between failure history, etc., at the particular plant site. It is also
recommended that the cost of the installation be computed only
after taking these steps.

The role of a flow meter is to perform a measurement that

answers questions like, how many litres of flow do we have
currently or how many litres have we used so far. Flow meters
are actually used in a wide variety of areas. Flow can be
measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters
are unique as they are the only meter to directly measure the
actual volume and then count the number of times the volume is
filled to measure flow. All other types infer the flow rate by
making some other type of measurement and equating it to the
flow rate. Flow may be measured by measuring the velocity of
fluid over a known area. For very large flows, tracer methods may
be used to deduce the flow rate from the change in
concentration of a dye or radioisotope. The primary role of
flow meters in the Factory Automation field is to manage the flow
of "water". A sector gate is used along with the control valve to
have uniform openings for each set of runs.
Flow meter [Fig.3.1.7.] is used in experiment for calculating
discharge by measuring time for 101itres of water to flow through

Fig. 3.1.7. Flow meter

3.1.5. stop Watch

A stopwatch is a handheld timepiece designed to measure the
amount of time elapsed from a particular time when it is activated
to the time when the piece is deactivated.
The timing functions are traditionally controlled by two buttons on
the case. Pressing the top button starts the timer running, and
pressing the button a second time stops it, leaving the elapsed time
displayed. A press of the second button then resets the stopwatch to
zero. The second button is also used to record split times or lap times.
When the split time button is pressed while the watch is running, the
display freezes then starts then freezes again, allowing the elapsed
time to that point to be D read, but the watch mechanism continues
running to record total elapsed time. Pressing the split button a
second time allows the watch to resume display of total time. There
are two types of stopwatch i.e. mechanical and digital. Mechanical
stopwatches are powered by a mainspring, which must be periodically
wound up by turning the knurled knob at the top Of the watch. Digital
electronic stopwatches are available which, due to their crystal
oscillator timing element, are much more accurate than mechanical
timepieces. Because they contain a microchip, they often include date
and time-of-day functions as well. The device is used when time
periods must be measured precisely and with a minimum of

Digital Stopwatch [Fig.3.1.8.l is used in experiment for

measuring time for 10 litres of water to flow through
the pipe

Fig. 3.1.8. Digital Stopwatch

3.1.6. Pressure Gauge

In hydraulic system, a Pressure gauge is an essential component
used to measure pressure. Pressure measurement is the analysis of
an applied force by a fluid (liquid or gas) on a surface. Pressure is
typically measured in units of force per unit of surface area. The
reading of pressure measurements are shown on the face of the
gauge. They act as a means of understanding the pressure that is
currently being exhibited within the system. This information is
necessary to the continued effectiveness of the entire system. A low
pressure reading may mean that certain components of the system
are working improperly or not working at all. A high pressure reading
might also indicate that components are working improperly, but on
the other end of the scale — they are producing too much pressure.
In the event of your system suffering too high a pressure reading, it is
in danger of damaging itself due to certain parts be ing unable to
cope with the extreme pressures. Pressure gauges are required for
the set-up and tuning Of fluid power machines, and are indispensable
in troubleshooting them. Without
Pressure gauges, fluid power systems would be both unpredictable
and unreliable.

Gauges help to ensure there are no leaks or pressure changes

that could affect the operating condition of the hydraulic
system. Hence, it is essential for monitoring and providing the
smooth functioning and operating safety of the system.
Mechanical Pressure gauges [Fig.3.l.9.J are used in experiment for
measuring the manifold pressure, line pressure and pressure drop
between the orifice plates.

Fig. 3.1.9. Mechanical Pressure Gauges

3.2 Methodology
An experimental approach is adopted to determine the effect of
single stage(N -series), two stage(M2-series) and three stage(M3 -
series) orifice plates with same ß-ratio = 0.4884.The detailed
experiments are conducted with same main orifice plate assembly
pipe diameter, varying Number of stages as one, two and three. The
experiments are conducted with different flow rates for all the three
set of experiments (normal, 2-stage and 3-stage orifice plates)
connecting to different diameter pipe (25.4mm, 19.05mm and
12.7mm) and the corresponding pressure drop (AP) is measured
using pressure gauges with accuracy of 0.05kg/cm, flow rate is
measured by flow meter and temperature of water is also noted for
each set. The collected data is analysed in terms of
improvement/deterioration of pressure behind each orifice and
the effect of multistage on flow rate is studied.
Experiment Procedure to be followed in detail: -

• An experimental set up is done by using single stage, two

stage and three stage orifice plates, three sets of pipes
with different diameters of 25.4 mm, 19.05mm and 12.7
mm, pressure gauges and flow meter to conduct the

• In first case, single stage orifice plate is connected to the

25.4 mm diameter pipe and pressure gauges are
connected to the orifice plate. Later pump is been started,
and the specified temperature is been noted from the
electronic thermometer.

• Then pressure drop across orifice plate assembly,

manifold pressure and line pressure is measured using
pressure gauges for different flow rates.

• Temperature, manifold pressure, line pressure and

Pressure pl and to calculate pressure drop are been noted
for each time the flow rate is been changed.

Time is calculated for every 10 litres of volume when flow

rate is been changed.

• The required number of trials are done and readings are

noted down for single stage until pressure drop is been

• Later two stage orifice plate is connected to the same 25.4

mm diameter and by following same procedure as
mentioned above for single stage, it's pressure p1,p2, p3
and P4, time taken for IO litres of fluid to flow through the
pipe and other required parameters is measured and
respective pressure drop and discharge are been
calculated for required number of trials until the required

• Then the three-stage orifice plate is been connected for

pipe of diameter 25.4 and readings are taken for required
parameters like pressure P3.P4, p, and temperature, and
discharge by following same procedure.

• Later the single stage, two stage and three stage orifice
plates are connected to next pipe size of diameter 19.05
mm individually and by following same procedure the
pressure drop, temperature are been noted down for
different flow rates.

• Then the same method is followed for last pipe size of

diameter 12.7 mm by connecting single stage, two stage
and three stage orifice plates to it and required
parameters are measured and noted down.

• After the experiment is done for all three sets of pipes by

connecting single stage, two stage and three stage, all
required data are been collected as per criteria.
 Later pressure drop (AP), discharge, viscosity and Reynolds
number (Re) are been calculated from collected data.
 Then by analysis of data collected, the graphs are been plotted
across different parameters to determine the effect of single
stage, two stage and three stage orifice plates.

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