Module2 Oral Comm

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Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City

Learning Module 2
WEEK 3 – 4

Core Subject Learning Outcomes

1. Discusses the functions of communication.
2. Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s).
3. Watches and listens to sample oral communication activities.
4. Ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his/her
5. Comprehends various kinds of oral texts.
6. Identifies strategies used by each speaker to convey his/her ideas effectively.
7. Evaluates the effectiveness of an oral communication activity.

Unit II
Communicating for a Reason
Previously, communication and its importance are being discussed as it is a tool to human
beings for understanding. It is as much as important as breathing. We can’t live without it.
Functions of communication are the reason for humans to communicate. Each function has its
own purpose based on the Speakers.

Exploring the Functions of Communication
People do communicate along with the friends, teachers, or your parents even before this
pandemic. This happens because there are questions that we need to ask from them. It is done
in real-life settings, on a radio, televisions, or on the internet.

● Reasons to Communicate●
1. Regulation and Control 4. Information
2. Social Interaction 5. Emotional Expression
3. Motivation
1. Regulation and Control

● Demonstrated by the simple act of

telling someone to be quiet or
encouraging someone to continue
discussing the time. It is also meant for
making an announcement that there is
garbage segregation in a community.

2. Social Interaction

● Conversation to other people gives

pleasure while passing the time in an
entertaining way. Humans talk for the
sole purpose of coming together as one

3. Motivation

●This refers to persuade another person

to change their opinion, attitude, or
behaviour. Persuasion moved away from
their owned position towards the
Speaker’s own.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2

4. Information

● The Speaker wants to make others

aware of certain data, concepts, and
processes – KNOWLEDGE is essential to
get full information. For example: an
important event such as when and where
the school graduation will be held, and
what are the other details.

5. Emotional Expression

● Speaker appeals to the listener’s feelings

and emotion to encourage them to act in a
particular direction. For example: Typhoon
Yolanda’s devastation and victims can
move a well-off person to donate because
they feel pity to them. It is also seen on
giving donations to poor people.

Explaining Regulation/Control as a Function of Communication
It uses language, gestures, and emotions to manage individual or activities. It is seen when
parents teased their child that they had already a crush in the school. It is being observable if
we focus on the verbal and nonverbal cues used by the Speakers to achieve their purpose.

Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

●specific words are chosen and used. The ●it includes hand gestures, bodily action
Speaker and listener show cultural (posture), vocal tone (paralanguage), and eye
sensitivity. They used directives, orders, contact. Also, Speaker and Listener respect
requests, etc. meant to regulate and cultural sensitivity. Their tone and bodily action
control other people’s behaviours.
accompanied with authorative and firm words.

Both verbal and non-verbal cues are necessary for successful outcome of communication, the
achievement of the Speaker’s purpose: Regulation and Control.

Lesson 10
Explaining Social Interaction as a Function of Communication
This is the most obvious, most often used, and most popular. Before this pandemic came,
people used to attend many types of huge gathering with their friends, classmates, neighbours,
or even our family. Interaction in different groups has many experiences.
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

●The words usually used are mostly ●The tone used is friendly, even teasing, and the
informal terms and casually delivered, bodily action is relaxed.
although Philippine society dictates
certain decorum when talking to elders or
figures of authority.
Social Interaction uses the most verbal and non-verbal cues with the most adaptation for the
simple reason that it occurs every day. Given the number of people interacting with each other,
the verbal and non-verbal cues used, including possible combinations, make the Interactions
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2

Explaining Motivation as a Function of Communication
It is the most purposive function of communication. People have always purpose or reason
when communication is done. People always talk to one another because there is a goal to be
achieved. Also, a motive must be accomplished.

Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

●more direct and purposeful are chosen ●Strong words are accompanied with
and used for both men and women, empathic gestures and a forceful tone of voice.
although these can be softened for Direct contact is necessary to underscore the
children and elderly.
Speaker’s sincerity and conviction.

Explaining Information as a Function of Communication
Communicating with friends or acquaintances convinces or motivates them and gets necessary
information. For example, a weather forecaster on TV reports the low-pressure area (LPA),
which might become typhoon.
Verbal Cues

●Filipino Scientist may use Po and OPO;

Dentist may use simple terms in order to
be easily understood by children; weather
forecaster won’t use too much technical
jargon to be understood on TV and radio.

Non-Verbal Cues

●To convince the community to try the

experiment, the scientist will do actual
demonstration. The dentist will show
pictures or videos so that they can
understand what happens when they do
not brush. The forecaster may calmly
gestures on the map pointing out the
path of the LPA, using a soothing tone of
voice to avoid alarming the audience.

Explaining Emotional Expression as a Function of Communication
Appealing to Listener’s feelings is the function. It is used by a Speaker for the purpose of
moving another person to act, to move in a particular direction the Speaker wants that person to
move. A Speaker may appeal to Filipino Listeners by disclosing how he/she was also moved by
particular movie, TV drama, or song. Photos of suffering or devastation tug at the heartstrings of
a Filipino.

Verbal Cues

●Words may appeal to men but not

appealing to women. There are words
children use that the elderly might find
insulting and vice versa. Also, be careful
of the words in different culture. For
example: “gift” in German means poison, EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION
so do not use that one when you are
communicating in Germans.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2

Non-Verbal Cues

●When we appeal to someone by using

emotions, we accompany this appeal with
touching, hand holding, hugging, or even
putting an arm around someone’s
shoulder. Certain societies do not allow
men touch women, while other still frown

Emotional Expression
on men and women intermingling freely
(unless they are married or related by
blood). This has to be considered when
using the function of emotional


Flores, R.S. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Rex Book Store, Inc. First Edition. (11 –
12, 24 – 25).




This unit focused on the reasons why people communicate. The Functions of
Communications serve so that human beings live harmoniously in a society. Still, it must be
emphasized that these Functions are not mutually exclusive. Most of the times, Functions be able to use Regulation and Control, Information must be given first. Information is
also important so that there will be a basis for Motivation to persuade the Listener to believe in
what the Speaker is saying. Motivation will also be achieved if there is Emotional Expression in
the appeal. Finally, Social Interaction is the basis for the other Functions to be accomplished.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2
Lesson Exercise
Activity Sheets
Activity 1 Spotting Regulation/Control

Name: ________________________________
Grade level: ____________________________ Section: ____________ Score: ________

Task: To identify Regulation/Control in various situations.

1. These are specific instances of communication that may or may not use in
2. Identify whether these instances use regulation/control (whether verbally or non-verbally)
or not.
3. If you find it Regulation/Control in these situations, just write Regulation/Control,
otherwise write NOT. Write your answers on the space provided before each situation.

_______________ 1. The teacher looks sharply at the noisy students.

_______________ 2. The yaya combs the little girl’s hair.
_______________ 3. The janitor tells the students to move away from the area of the corridor
he is cleaning.
_______________ 4. The group of boys asks the bus driver to stop in front of the bank.
_______________ 5. The bus driver tells the boys that he can only stop at the next bus stop.
_______________ 6. At the mention of “Fire!” the office manager directs all the employees to
the nearest fire exit.
_______________ 7. The contestant delivered a speech on saving the trees in SM Baguio.
_______________ 8. A priest leads the people who are waiting for the arrival of Pope Francis at
the Luneta in singing varions welcome chants.
_______________ 9. A younger sibling is teased until he or she cries.
_______________ 10. The vendors on the sidewalks keep calling out to passers-by to attract
their attention.

Activity 2 Reflecting Real-Life Situations

Task: To list and draw instances in real-life situation with the use of Regulation/Control

1. List at least fifteen (15) instances in your real-life setting using Regulation/Control
Functions of Communications.
2. After listing them, draw each you list with your own skills using pencils. (CARICATURE)
3. Use extra short bond papers if necessary.

Activity 3 Engaging Social Interaction

Task: To illustrate family interaction using Social Interaction Functions of Communication.

1. If in case you are not good enough in drawing, in order for you to illustrate social
interaction with your family, just cut a family picture together and paste it in a short bond
2. Below the picture, describe what you have done on that picture.
3. If ever you do not have family pictures goal, you can use pictures with your friends or
acquaintances and do the same instruction stated at #2.
4. If ever you haven’t gotten pictures in the above mention, you can cut out pictures from
newspapers, catalogues, or any printed material that shows Social Interaction Function,
and then do the instruction stated at #2. Use extra short bond papers if needed.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2

Activity 4 Spotting Social Interaction

Task: To identify Social Interaction in various situations.

1. These are specific instances of communication that may or may not use in Social
2. Identify whether these instances use Social Interaction (whether verbally or non-
verbally) or not.
3. If you find it Social Interaction in these situations, just write Social Interaction,
otherwise write NOT. Write your answers on the space provided before each

_______________ 1. Asking the janitor where the comfort room is.

_______________ 2. The janitor talking about the kinds of students he/she encounters.
_______________ 3. The boys are calling out to a friend to come over and join them.
_______________ 4. The girls are discussing what happened at the party they all attended last
_______________ 5. The office manager is telling the clerk to retype the contract.
_______________ 6. The employees are teasing the office manager during his/her surprise
birthday party.
_______________ 7. People are sympathizing with the families of the soldiers.
_______________ 8. The soldiers are not reacting to the President’s speech.
_______________ 9. Trying out to find out why a baby is crying all the time.
_______________ 10. I am eating dinner quietly with my whole family.

Activity 5 Deepening Social Interaction

Task: To list and draw instances in real-life situation with the use of Social Interaction Function.

1. List at least fifteen (15) instances in your real-life setting using Regulation/Control
Functions of Communications.
2. After listing them, draw each you list with your own skills using pencils. (CARICATURE)
3. Use extra short bond papers if necessary.

Activity 6 Appealing to Motivation

Task: To recognize motivation (whether verbal or non-verbal) function in a speech.

1. Watch the President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) last
July 27, 2020.
2. Note the verbal and non-verbal cues used in the SONA.
3. Use extra short bond papers if needed.
4. Answer the following questions below:
4.1. What was the specific topic of the communication in the speech?
4.2. How did the Speaker (PRRD) make his purpose?
4.3. Did the Speaker (PRRD) achieve the purpose/motive for communicating? How
and why?
4.4. What verbal cues such language and words chosen did the Speaker use?
4.5. What non-verbal cues such as gestures, bodily action, vocal tone, and eye
contact supported the purpose? Illustrate it.

Activity 7 Strengthening Family Ties

Task: To draw family interaction in real-life situation with the use of Social Interaction Function.

Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2
1. List at least ten (10) instances that your family bonding has in your real-life setting.
2. After listing them, draw each you list with your own skills using pencils. (CARICATURE)
3. Explain what function/s was/were used?
4. Use extra short bond papers if necessary.

Activity 8 Invading Space on Acquaintances

Task: To gather basic biological data and preferences from acquaintances nearby.

1. Select at least five (5) participants in this activity nearby.
2. Ask permission first before getting data from them. Please establish good rapport to
3. Interview them using these following questions:
3.1. Full name. Nickname (ask them why). Age.
3.2. Province where the family came from.
3.3. Favourite/Likes (food, hobbies, books, movies, sports, subjects)
3.4. Special skills
4. Then, compose a three-paragraph speech that introduces your participants. Kindly
observe grammar, organization of words, and technical parts of your written speech
such as margins, indentions, capitalization, etc.)

Activity 9 Enhancing Self-Esteem

Task: To create self-introductory speech that consist all the functions of communications.

1. Write a three-paragraph self-introductory speech.
2. Ensure that your speech should be using the functions of communication.
3. Write is in a short bond paper.

Activity 10 Expressing Emotional Speech

Task: To write a speech that uses emotional expression function of communication.

1. In the picture below, compose a written speech of emotional expression function of
2. Above the picture, you can see a topic which serves as your guide to compose a written
3. Your written speech must have three (3) paragraphs. Observe grammar, organization of
words, and technical parts of your speech.

Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module 2

Activity 11 Assessing TV Reporters

Task: To watch and assess the TV reporters the way they communicate to the audience.

1. Watch TV Patrol or 24 Oras News Program on TV or via internet.
2. Watch the entire program and observe what they do during the broadcast.
3. Solicit from your family members about their opinion on how broadcasters report on TV
or online.
4. On the template below, list their qualities that are likeable and unlikeable when you and
the family members observed during their broadcast.



1. 1.
1. News Caster and 2. 2.
Name 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

1. 1.
2. Sports Newscaster 2. 2.
and Name 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

1. 1.
3. Showbiz News 2. 2.
Caster and Name 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

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