Cost-Effective Design of The Alkaline Electrolyser
Cost-Effective Design of The Alkaline Electrolyser
Cost-Effective Design of The Alkaline Electrolyser
Approximately 94% of current hydrogen is obtained from
The global demand of energy is leading to the inevitable short- fossil fuels from a process called steam reforming. These pro-
age of fossil fuels, which is the primary resource for our energy cesses produce greenhouse gases and do not produce as high a
requirements. Fossil fuels are formed by the anaerobic decom- purity of hydrogen that water electrolysis produces [4].
position of dead organisms in the planet’s crust and are a finite Water electrolysis currently accounts for 4% of global hydro-
resource, which has led to increased research into new sources of gen production and involves the passing of an electrical current
energy. When they eventually become obsolete, we will have to through water-based solutions which produce hydrogen and
get our energy from other sources [1]. oxygen as the only products, therefore no greenhouse gas emis-
A shift in focus to the production of energy from renewable sions [5]. If the electricity supplied to the electrolysis cell comes
resources has increased the public awareness of potential energy from renewable resources, the whole process is carbon neutral,
shortcomings due to depleting fossil fuel resources. Hydrogen is i.e. no greenhouse gas emissions.
an effective energy carrier for renewable resources, and this Electrolysers use electrical current to split water into its consti-
energy can be extracted from hydrogen through fuel cells and in- tuents, and there are two main types of electrolysers, alkaline elec-
ternal combustion engines. Hydrogen can also be used for trolysers and polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysers.
energy storage, for example, during off-peak hours, excess elec- Water has a very high electrical resistance and cannot be dir-
trical energy, instead of being wasted, could be stored in the ectly split into hydrogen and oxygen. This can only occur when
form of hydrogen via electrolysis [2]. extremely high electrical currents are applied to the system,
Many academics believe that the only realistic way to produce which is impractical. Therefore, the addition of an electrolyte
hydrogen without creating any greenhouse gases is through the lowers the electrical energy required to initiate the reaction [6].
use of renewable energy sources. These include solar, wind and Alkaline electrolysers use a liquid electrolyte in the form of an
hydro energy sources. It is important to remember that hydro- acid/base/salt to produce hydrogen, whereas PEM electrolysers
gen is an energy carrier, not a primary energy source [3]. use a solid polymer electrolyte in the form of a membrane to
split pure water into hydrogen and oxygen without the need for heat according to Ohm’s law. In water electrolysis, the forms of
any harmful acids/alkalis [7]. electrical resistance in the system are from the resistances in elec-
This work herein examines the potential for improving an trical circuits. The transfer of ions with the electrolyte depends
existing alkaline electrolyser from electrochemistry first princi- on the electrolyte concentration (if liquid), membrane (if solid)
ples by manipulating the electrodes. and separation distance between the cathode and the anode [11].
The presence of bubbles on the electrode surfaces creates resis-
tances to the ionic transfer and thus the electrochemical reaction.
2 THEORY The aims of this research are to increase mass transfer on the
electrode surface. This, however, could hinder the production rate
At standard temperature and pressure (S.T.P., 298 K, 1 atm), Gibbs of hydrogen. Increasing mass transfer on the electrodes will create a
free energy of formation is defined as a point of zero energy and is larger volume of bubble formation. This additional bubble forma-
used to calculate the change in energy of a system. The open- tion could reduce the contact area between the electrolyte and the
circuit voltage (minimum) potential required electrolysing water electrode and therefore limit the number of active sites available
into hydrogen and oxygen is determined by the change in Gibbs for nucleation. One way to minimize this effect is by the circulation
free energy of formation between reactants and products. Gibbs of electrolyte through the electrolyser. This mechanically removes
free energy changes with temperature and state (gas or liquid) [8]: bubbles from the electrode surface at a faster rate and therefore
DGo significantly reduce bubble overpotential in solution [12].
Eo ¼ ð1Þ At equilibrium (open cell voltage), there exists dynamic cur-
rents, at each electrode and are a fundamental aspect of electrode
where Eo is the theoretical minimum reversible potential of an behaviour. They are known as the cathode and anode exchange
electrolysis cell, z the number of electrons transferred in the reac- current density, which can be defined as the rate of reduction
tion and F the Faraday number (96 485 Coulomb mol21). and oxidation, respectively. The exchange current density is a
At S.T.P., the Gibbs free energy of formation is quantification of an electrode ability to transfer electrons and
þ237.2 kJ mol21; therefore, Eo ¼ 1.23 V. This is the minimum occurs in both directions equally, resulting in no change in com-
potential required to split water and produce hydrogen and position of the electrode. When a small exchange current
oxygen. Under adiabatic conditions, the total enthalpy must be density exists, it represents slow reaction kinetics and a slow rate
provided by the electrical energy [9]. In this case, the thermo- of electron transfer. A large exchange current density symbolizes
neutral voltage is required to maintain the electrochemical reac- fast reaction kinetics and a fast rate of electron transfer [13].
tion without heat generation. For the electrochemical reaction to proceed on an electrodes
The actual potential (Ecell ) required to split water will require surface, an energy barrier must be overcome. This is the activation
Ecell to be greater than Eo. The difference is known as overpoten- energy and results in activation overpotential in electrochemical
tial, losses or polarization [10]. Thus, hydrogen evolution does reactions; these losses are irreversible. The activation overpotential
not occur at the reversible potential (1.23 V). These are resis- is the additional voltage required to overcome the energy barrier
tances in the cell that result in a higher potential being required of the rate determining the step of the electrochemical reaction to
to split water in order to overcome these resistances. a value at which the reaction will proceed at a suitable rate [13].
The electrical circuit analogy can be used to illustrate the
various resistances encountered during the electrolysis process
(Figure 1) [11]. 3 METHODS
There are three main types of resistance in the electrolysis
cell: electrical resistances, transport resistances and electrochem- Electrochemical overpotential analysis was completed using a
ical reaction resistances. These are shown below: simple experimental procedure as shown in Figure 2. The elec-
trodes of choice were placed 10 mm apart for each experiment,
Rcell ¼R1 þ R01 þ Rbubble;O2 þ Rbubble;H2 þ Rions keeping the ohmic resistance constant. The electrolyte concen-
þ Rmembrane þ Ranode þ Rcathode tration was kept at 0.1 M KOH, maintaining the concentration
overpotential constant. Consequently, by varying the electrode
Electrical resistances (R1 and R01 ) directly result in heat gener- material, the only variation in electrochemical performance
ation which leads to the waste electrical energy in the form of would be a result of the activation overpotential. The potation
difference across the plates was supplied by Thurlby Thandar production from the electrolyser without increasing the foot-
QPX1200L 1.2 kW. print (size) of the electrolyser (2000 cm3). Since the electrical
The following electrode materials were tested (Table 1). Gas input to the electrolyser would need to remain constant (12 V),
volume measurements were conducted using a gas syringe over a it was clear that the surface area of electrodes would need to in-
period of time to enable the volumetric flow rate to be calculated. crease. From redesigning the electrolyser, it has been possible to
Gas composition analysis was completed using a MKS instruments increase the surface area from 600 to 5000 cm2.
Minilab. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a measurement technique for The new electrolyser design takes into account the need for
the determination of the elemental composition of a molecule or no increase in footprint size and builds in the ability to hold up
compound. It is also used for interpreting the chemical structures to 24 electrode plates (100 mm 100 mm 1 mm), with a
of molecules. The MS principle consists of ionizing chemical com- 6-mm spacing between each plate. These 24 plates represent up
pounds to generate charged molecules or molecule fragments and to 12 electrolysis cells in the electrolyser stack.
the measurement of their mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) [13]. The casing was custom built out of Perspex (10 mm thick-
ness—for experimental purposes), which aided in bubble ana-
lysis into the reaction kinetics occurring in the electrolyser.
4 STACK DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Precision slots were machined, which allowed for ease of
removal and modification of each electrode. The plates were
From the defined project goals after analysis of the commercial connected in parallel using two stainless steel (SS316) bars
initial unit, an objective was to increase the rate of hydrogen (150 mm 20 mm 1 mm), which were connected to the elec-
trodes using SS316 screws.
At one end of each interconnect was an SS316 screw soldered
onto it for the electrical energy input to the electrolyser stack.
These were accompanied with two 3/800 ID nylon nozzles which
were placed symmetrically central in the electrolyser lid for the
connection of the stack to the electrolyte reservoir.
Figure 3 shows the design of the electrolyser with 6 mm sep-
aration distance between the electrodes. This small distance
should limit the quantity of ohmic resistance exhibited in the
electrolyser. No separator was used in the design of the electro-
lyser, since there is no requirement for the hydrogen and oxygen
gas to be separated for the end application. This enabled maxi-
mization of the electrode surface area in the electrolyser cell. The
constructed electrolyser is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 10. Illustration of the linear relationship between gas evolution and Figure 11. Electrolyser current and HHO production projections at 0.1 M KOH
electrical current. solution.
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