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Module 3:
[SOBOTAMOH Elias M. Ngi]
Version 7.0
Certified Digital
Professional (CDMP)
Module 3
Version 7.0
Board Chair @ AdMeUp Digital Academy
3. Content Intent
Concepts 4. Community Management
Increase Enhance
There are a variety of benefits when it comes to content marketing. Matching these benefits to your
business objectives will help you form a content marketing plan that’s right for your business.
1. Grow: your brand or business awareness
2. Recruit: brand advocates and new customers
3. Increase: SEO ranking and web traffic
4. Generate: leads and new business
Enhance: understanding of business and interaction with key audiences
Types of Content
Qualities of effective content
Includes Demonstrates you
Relevant Personalized Educational needs &
explicit CTAs are the solution
There are a variety of benefits when it comes to content marketing. Matching these benefits to your business objectives
will help you form a content marketing plan that’s right for your business.
1. Grow: your brand or business awareness
2. Recruit: brand advocates and new customers
3. Increase: SEO ranking and web traffic
4. Generate: leads and new business
Enhance: understanding of business and interaction with key audiences
Types of Content
Two main groupings
• Newsworthy • Timeless
Topical • Time-sensitive Evergreen • Wider relevancy
• Limited repurposing • Efficient
Largely speaking we can group all content into either Topical or Evergreen content. Each type of content has their
benefits and limitations when it comes to creating content for your digital marketing efforts.
• Topical content is newsworthy, time-sensitive content that is best suited to a particular moment in time and can
be effective in driving backlinks based on it’s relevance.
• Evergreen content drives more efficiencies based on having a more timeless and longer relevancy period.
Evergreen content can be hugely beneficial for SEO keyword boosting.
A good content mix should factor in both types of content. There’s no one size fits all but a good deal of my clients look
towards a bias on evergreen content with a 70:30 or 80:20 split.
Types of Content
Topical content
#1 #2 #3
#1 #2 #3
1. Choose timeless topics: rather than focusing on fleeting trends, you need to show you recognize your
customer’s needs and want to help by providing information that they can rely on for a sustained period
of time. Make sure the topics you choose are specific, and allow you to position yourself as the
authoritative source. Be simple and accessible; this will open up your content to a wider target audience,
including beginners seeking knowledge on a subject.
2. Promote on social media: you can share your evergreen content across a variety of social media
platforms, and once you’ve shared, don’t be scared to re-post it at a later date. The value of evergreen
content is its longer lifespan, so you should make the most of it. Regularly re-posting content on social
media will extend its reach and help you to acquire more followers and generate new engagement, as
the audience is new and the content will be just as relevant.
3. Repurpose at a later date: evergreen content’s longer lifespan means that it is the perfect candidate for
repurposing and recycling, which maximizes the value of your content creation efforts. For example, an
industry report could later be chunked out into a series of infographics or animated videos or slides
which could be promoted and used to engage and convert customers all over again.
Types of Content
Examples of evergreen content
• ‘How-to’ articles
• Tutorials
• Beginner’s guides
• FAQ’s
• Case studies
• List articles
• Checklists
As long as the content is high-quality and the topic is timeless, a piece of evergreen content can come in any
That being said, there are some common evergreen content post types that seem to work best. Some
examples include:
• ‘How-to’ articles
• Tutorials
• Beginner’s guides
• FAQ’s
• Case studies
• List articles
• Checklists
The example shown here shows an article of tips on renting a car when abroad from Allianz. As you can
imagine these tips are relevant no matter the time of year as its general facts on what you need to know when
renting a car abroad. It also ties into Allianz’s core product offering of motor insurance so is relevant to the
Content Intention
How content works for you
Let potential customers know you exist
Interest Interest
Capture the audience’s attention
Consideration Consideration
Further inform customers on what you do
Conversion Conversion
Foster a warm and personalized experience
Encourage repeat business
Always make sure your content has customers on experience, price and happy customers. Why
a clear intention on what you are you versus competitors – experience, testimonials, expert
aiming for it to achieve. Intention- knowledge.
less content will easily be spotted • Conversion: to foster a warm and personalized experience
by customers as lazy, irrelevant and between customers and your business. This includes lead
not adding to your pitch. nurturing, added value, return purchase incentivizing,
• Awareness: to let potential requesting feedback, community management.
customers know you exist, • Retention: to encourage repeat business but also to shine a
what you stand for and your light on positive customer experiences for new potential
USPs versus competitors. customers. This involves heroing champion customers and
What you do, how you do it amplifying of user generated content through your content
and how you can solve a marketing channels.
problem for your As you can see, there’s no one size fits all and it’s important to
customers? consider the agenda with your content strategy to make sure it’s
• Interest: to capture the serving the right objectives but also speaking in a relatable way to
audience’s attention beyond your intended recipient.
awareness and convince
them of your proposition.
• Consideration: further detail
on what you do to inform
Content Intention
Aligning content to the buyer’s journey
Images, Short Form Video, Social Ads, GIFs, Advertorials, Templates,
Banner Ads, Social Ads
Blogs, Long Form Video, White Papers, Podcasts, E-books, Infographics
Social Engagement and Re-Targeting, Case Studies, Webinars, FAQs,
Consideration Testimonials, Newsletters, Carousels, Social Display
Conversion Images, Carousels, Social Display, Re-Targeting, Canvas, Cards
Retention Images, User Generated Content, Rewards, Reviews, Value
Additions, Discounts, Click to Buy Formats, Exclusive Offers
Overlaying the audience journey with the content that best serves
these need states helps establish a great mix of content to help you
achieve the most conversions. At each stage of the journey the type
of content you
helps you build
added trust, and
as you progress,
from the user
increases until
Community Management
An important complement to content marketing
Network opportunities
Strategize Plan
Create &
Complete content strategy process will help you create meaningful content, seeded to the right audience
that is measured and optimized to inform future content campaigns. Each of the main steps includes a
number of activities. These must be carried out sequentially to make logical sense and not invest time ahead
of schedule in an area that is undermined by later learnings.
For example, one must set objectives before choosing platforms, as some platforms are more adept at
serving certain objectives than others.
We will be covering each of these stages in more depth throughout the module but the activities involved in
each stage include:
• Research: social listening, competitor audits, audience segmentation, platform research
• Plan: objectives, wider business targets, KPI setting, persona creation
• Create & Curate: content types, formats, resources
• Publish: platform selection, content promotion and outreach
• Measure: social listening, monthly content reports, content audits
• Strategize: learnings, revisions, resourcing and scheduling
Developing a content marketing strategy is a cyclical process. Your learnings from the measurement phase
should always be fed back into the research and planning phase of each campaign and help evolve the
• Matching the benefits of content marketing to your • Community management is essentially the customer
business objectives will help you form a content service aspect that can arise from the content you seed.
marketing plan that’s right for your business. It’s an important consideration in resourcing in your
overall content marketing plan.
2. Competitor Analysis
3. Content Audit
Social Listening
What is it?
Competitor Analysis
The value of regular competitor monitoring
Conducting a competitor content audit in addition to reviewing your own content will assist in defining and
refining your content strategy.
Keeping an eye on competitor campaigns can help you adapt and respond with your content. It can inform the
content and platform choice by analysing the sentiment from audiences towards competitor content and avoid
any embarrassment for your brand. It’s also good to benchmark times of the year when they are in campaign
to help inform your content schedule.
Be aware that competitors will be monitoring your content too, so don’t give too much away e.g. content
results that aren’t visible to the public in the content you seed out. For example, if you’re planning on trialling a
new innovative format or trying to secure a sponsorship with an event, make sure to keep information on
social platforms limited as your competitor could identify your intentions and beat you to it by launching
before you or securing a sponsorship ahead of you.
Always be aware that the content you create is viewable by anyone (including your competitors) and that you
should factor that into your content messaging.
Competitor Analysis
Here’s a screenshot of free tool Tweetdeck • Scheduled: your scheduled content
that can be used to monitor a competitor’s • Messages: your private direct messages
usage of Twitter. You can define search • Trending: top trending stories in your country
streams for their proactive messaging or
hashtag campaigns, their user mentions
and any untagged mentions of their
products or campaigns.
A. Search Query D
B. Reach E
C. Exposure
D. Tweet Activity G
E. Tweet Types
F. Top Contributors
G. Top Tweets
H. Contributors
I. Tweets Timeline
Here’s a screenshot of paid tool TweetReach that can be used to measure the usage and reach of a
competitor’s hashtag. This is a useful way in determining the success of a competitor’s campaign without
having access to their insights panel.
Let’s go through each section to learn how you can glean insights into competitor activity:
A. Search Query: search for any username or term – hashtags, phrases, keywords, URLs and more
B. Reach: the size of the potential unique audience
C. Exposure: the total number of potential impressions for the tweets in your report
D. Tweet Activity: summary of the tweets in this report, including a timeline of tweet volume
E. Tweet Types: breakdown of the types of tweets in this report (tweets, retweets and replies)
F. Top Contributors: the top three participants in this report, based on exposure, retweets and mentions
G. Top Tweets: the three most retweeted tweets in your report
H. Contributors: a full list of all participants in this report, including details about their contributions
I. Tweets Timeline: a full transcript of all tweets in your report including timestamps in UTC
Competitor Analysis
Buzzsumo is a paid for platform that allows you to assess content that’s being shared across the web including
an analysis within your vertical and identify competitor activity.
As per their own software statement you can:
• Identify which types of topics and content formats people love to share amongst your target audience
• Discover catchy headline formats that work and the influential authors to work with or curate content
Content Audit
Assessing performance and spotting opportunity
innovate formats and if the language you’re using with audiences is resonating .
Content Audit
Monthly content reports
• Key metrics
• Most successful content
• Least successful content
• Learnings
• Aligning business activities
It is recommended to conduct monthly content reports. These would be a much more abridged tracker for
you to keep on top of what’s happening in your content efforts month on month and can allow for earlier
detection of successes or failures within content. These are also handy for sharing with other marketing
effort stakeholders within a business.
• Key metrics: based on your objectives these could be: audience, reach, engagement, views, clicks,
• Most successful content: again, success here is determined by your objectives e.g. reach would be a good
metric for brand awareness
• Least successful content: look at this as an opportunity to trim the fat and eliminate what’s not working
from your content plan – be as honest as possible with this
• Learnings: how can next month’s content be better, are you noticing any month on month trends worth
• Aligning business activities: what else is happening in your business and how can content marketing
further support overarching business goals?
• Social listening will help you identify opportunities for
• When conducting a content audit, be sure to put
your business, spot potential risks or threats to your
narrative around your findings and don’t just
brand and understand brand and business position
report on stats.
on different platforms.
2. Buyer Personas
3. Content Topics
4. Content Calendars
Keyword Audience
Search Trends
Establishment Insights
To get a clear picture of the behavior of your audience personas there’s some research required. This research
will confirm the online behaviors of your target audience. It is worth refreshing these personas at least once a
year to take into account cultural and behavioral shifts over time.
• Keyword establishment involves researching how users are finding your website currently, are these
desired terms? Are there alternative words you’d like consideration for? What keywords are your
competitors bidding for? Google Analytics and AdWords planner are helpful for this.
• Search trends involves investigating what time of day/month/year are users searching for particular
terms and how this can impact on your content strategy? What gender and countries are searching for
your product or service? Google Search trends will help you determine this.
• Audience insights involves asking what additional learnings can you determine about your audience to
help shape your strategy e.g. social media platform usage, device usage, time of day that best suits
them for consuming content, content needs, access to high speed internet. Looking at both your
Google Analytics and also the embedded social media insights panels for each platform will inform you
Content Topics
Generate content topics using a variety of tools and techniques
Activities Tools
Brainstorming Pinterest
Social Listening StumbleUpon
Community Engagement RSS Feeds
There are a wide variety of methods you can use to inspire your content topics.
Brainstorming: Gather teams together to brainstorm a selection of topics which can be narrowed down at a
later stage.
Social Listening: Listen to your audience to find out what content they like, dislike or need to solve a particular
Community Engagement: Reach out to your audience and find out what content they would like from you.
Tools like Pinterest, StumbleUpon and RSS feeds are fantastic resources to find content topic ideas. We will
look at these tools a little later as they can also be used for content curation.
Content Topics
Case study: Bodyform
Bodyform, the women’s health brand, used social listening to help them create a piece of content that has
reached over 6m people around the world.
How did they do it?
• They identified an opportunity through the comments of an individual on social media about what they
considered misrepresentation in their ads
• They created a tongue-in-cheek video to respond to the user and showed utility in entertainment and
brand personality
• It worked for them as they stayed true to their position of female empowerment and being brutally
Content Calendars
What are they?
Stay on track
Benefits of using a content calendar in your organization include:
• Plan: help to plan content effeciently
• Prevents writer’s block
• Stay on track: keeps social content on track across multiple platforms and re-aligns aim/strategy
• Focus: help to keep your team focused and organised
• Alignment: allow key dates for functional messaging and topical personality content
Content Calendars
Elements of a content calendar
Theme Platform
All good content calendars will include five key elements which cover off the who, what, where, when and
how of your content?
• Copy: the text or narrative that goes with your post (be mindful that some platforms like Twitter have
character limits so you’ve to be more succinct) this also allows you to sense check grammar and typos
• Creative: the image, video, gif, poll or format that accompanies your copy
• Theme: who this content is for, what purpose, pain point or audience interest is this content serving.
This reminds you to stay on track and be relevant!
• Date/Time: when the post is being published and how long it’s being promoted for. Be sure to include
relevant time zones, daylight savings, bank holidays and any other important notes in relation to time
Platform: how the content is being published and where e.g. via Facebook Scheduler on Friday at 8am
Content Calendars
Creating a quick and easy content calendar
#1 #2 #3 #4
Plan for the Create a simple Populate with as Edit and amend
month, quarter or spreadsheet with much detail as as required
Year column headings possible
You can create your own content calendar in a few quick and easy steps:
Step One: Decide if you are going to plan content for the week, month, business quarter or year. It’s
recommended not to plan TOO far in advance, as you need a little flexibility to accommodate unexpected
guest blogs, or articles that may be tailored to complement a specific sales campaign, for example.
Step Two: Create a simple spreadsheet with column headings for:
• Topic/title
• Content type
• Overview of the blog post
• Relevant keywords
• Target persona
• Offer/Call-To-Action
Step Three: Populate your content calendar with as much detail as possible. If you get into a habit of being
considered and intentional about the content you’re going to create, it will help you to always look for the link
between your content and the needs and interests of your customers.
Step Four: Edit and amend as required.
Content Calendars
Things to consider
Sponsorship activity
In store promotions
Time of yea
Aligning your content calendar with business activities is key. Consistency and alignment across your social
channels with any consumer facing messaging will add continuity and a brand narrative for users that is easy
to follow regardless of whichever touchpoint they come into contact with you.
Key considerations would be:
• Your business priorities and timelines including any new products or promotions
• Any PR, Above the Line advertising or Marketing activities
• Sponsorship of any description from your business
• In store promotions
• Time of year you’re seeding your content to obtain relevancy. Consider the time of year your content is
being seeded and the content needs of your audience at any particular times for a way of accessing
their need state e.g. at Christmas, topics like gifting ideas and festive recipes are popular with B2C
audiences online.
Content Calendars
A sample calendar
Post Text
Character Count
Content calendars can be weekly or monthly spreadsheets. Best practice is to embed any creative e.g. images
or stills from videos into the spreadsheet. Timings, paid support, target audience and target channel are all
worth including.
Designing a calendar template:
• Plotting out how your content themes will spread across the month
• Seeking input from all stakeholders
• Creating the content: imagery, video, text
• Plotting paid support where necessary
Another helpful feature is to keep a rolling spreadsheet and create a new template for each week or month.
This will help keep content in the same place for easy reference.
Content Calendars
Stakeholders to consider
Creative Teams
(Copy writers,
In-house & Comms Graphic
Content enhancement
Content creation
Task assignment
A content management system is a single platform that allows a user to control content publishing to a
The benefits of Content Management Systems include:
• Automation: saves time
• Cross-publishing: allows for consistent messaging
• Content creation (if applicable): some platforms allow you to create content within them which reduces
additional software investment
• Task assignment: you can flag tasks to different team members
Content Management Systems
Types of CMS
Some common examples of website CMS platforms:
WordPress: WordPress powers a full 25% of all websites worldwide, making it the planet’s most popular CMS.
WordPress has become much more than a blogging platform. It can be accurately described as full-featured
CMS with tons of options to add plugins that increase features and functionality. It increasingly powers larger
corporate sites, and medium businesses as well as personal blogs. It is relatively easy to set up and has a wide
range of support and training materials available (much of it free).
ExpressionEngine: ExpressionEngine is a multi-purpose content management system with a modular web
platform that offers three tiers of licenses: Freelancer, Non-Commercial, and Commercial. One of it’s benefits is
its ease of use. Practically, this means that anyone can use it, without having to know PHP, the programming
language EE is built in. The user interface is designed to make websites and content management as simple
and friendly as possible, without sacrificing the dynamic power of the platform in any way.
Percolate: Percolate provides software to help teams successfully execute their marketing strategy. Percolate
allows you to connect your content plans with the rest of your marketing initiatives. It has a centralized system
from where you can coordinate your global content efforts, deliver better marketing results, and deepen
customer relationships.
Content Management Systems
Things to consider when choosing a CMS
• Dynamism: how easy is it to edit the content? How much access have you? How integrated is it across
the digital and social web?
• Intuitive: how easy is it to use? Is it too complex or technical? It shouldn’t require too much technical
know how.
• Cost: CMS systems all come with an investment cost – what makes sense for your business? Does it
provide value to your business or is it an expense you do not need?
Make sure to try out a few before you make a decision. Most CMS platforms will have a free trial option that will
allow you time to see if the platform is right for you.
• Making sure content is aligned to your overall • Content calendars are an essential tool to avoid
business goals will ultimately help drive your missing important dates, focusing on your message
commercial message. and over spamming one channel over another. But
remember to align your calendar with business
• When developing customer personas, remember to
carefully research each of the following: geography,
demographic, platforms, devices and purchase • A well chosen CMS takes care of a lot of the “behind
behaviors. the scenes” work and can help guarantee a positive
customer experience as they consume your content.
Popular offerings include: WordPress, Drupal, and
• Brainstorming, Social Listening and Community
Engagement are great ways to generate content
topics as well as tools like Pinterest, Flipboard,
StumbleUpon and RSS Feeds.
Content Marketing
4. Content Curation
7. Brand Storytelling
8. Content Personalization
Content Creation
What is it?
Your online
community Third party
There are a number of key stakeholders who can be involved in the creation of your content.
1. Your online community. This is also known as User Generated Content (UGC), and involves your online
audience and customers creating content that benefits your brand. Examples include product reviews,
customer testimonials and recommendations via social media. This is an incredibly valuable method of
content creation; a recent study by Reevoo found that 70% of consumers place peer recommendations
and reviews above professionally written content. People are more persuaded by a product or service
that they know others already engage with and trust.
2. Industry influencers. Every industry has its influential figures. These are the individuals who have
positioned themselves as trustworthy authorities, whose names are synonymous with a particular area
of expertise. Associating yourself with these high-profile individuals can help to increase your brand’s
visibility, as well as its credibility. Creating content, whether it’s a guest blog or product promotion, in
collaboration with industry influencers can not only help you to nurture customer relationships, it can
amplify your message to a much wider audience.
3. Third party sources. Sometimes, collating and sharing relevant, interesting content from third party
sources can be equally valuable as creating it yourself! This process, also known as curation, requires
less time and effort than creating original content. It can also help to establish your brand as an industry
authority by sharing in the knowledge and credibility of other authoritative industry sources.
Content Creation
Your online community as a key stakeholder
• Collaboration = resonance
1. Online Community
Your own fans and followers are an invaluable content inspiration source.
The amplification of their content can help humanize your brand and show you care about your audiences
How to leverage your online community for content creation:
• Through UGC also known as ‘User Generated Content’
• Invite social audiences to share their content with you
• Reward and amplify this content with your audience for a wider reach
Your audience is more likely to resonate with and share your content if they feel they contributed to or
collaborated on it.
Content Creation
Industry influencers as a key stakeholder
Content Creation
Third party sources as a key stakeholder
3. Third party conversations:
Don’t discount searching hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for inspiration on what people are
currently engaging with in relation to a specific topic.
Some brands seed their own hashtags and invite online audiences to submit their own thoughts or content.
Twitter Chats are a great way of doing this. Brands like Buffer and SEMRush create unique hashtags and
conduct a weekly chat on Twitter, which promotes engagement and provides valuable industry insights. They
then aggregate these insights and turn it into content that they can distribute in the knowledge that a lot of
invested participants will share it. Responses and insights shared can help create content around thought
leadership within your industry as content set pieces.
Content Types
Content types and formats
A whitepaper is a persuasive,
authoritative, in-depth report on a
specific topic that presents a
problem and provides a solution
• These are a great knowledge sharing resource that can help you build thought leadership and
credibility in your industry. They’re a strong lead generation tool and can be a great awareness
tool too. Make sure to educate readers by focusing on an industry topic that is relevant. Provide
solutions based on research, insights and facts – a badly researched and flawed white paper
could do damage. Make sure to keep the look, feel and language on brand with your business
e.g. “We at Coca Cola did some research and found…” instead of “I researched...”
• Always include a logical link back to your business or website. For example, if you were a law
firm, you wouldn’t do whitepaper research on sugar consumption. You might, however, do a
white paper on the legal requirements for a business around calorie declarations on menus.
Whitepapers can be text heavy, so make sure to ease the reader’s job with interesting and high
quality visuals to break up any potential monotony in reading.
• Leveraging user data like email addresses for mailing lists or a social media endorsement to
gain access to your whitepaper could be a consideration. Ultimately this could achieve a lower
reach for your content but there is a better pay off for your dissemination of content. There’s
both arguments for and against. A potential avenue could be sharing part of a whitepaper to
bait audiences in and then introducing a gate for the full report.
Typically whitepapers will:
• Focus on customer’s pain points
• Demonstrate solutions
• Keep to consistent company branding
• Include links to your website
• Include strong CTAs
• Use clear, crisp visuals
• Publish in .PDF format
• Consider gating content
Content Types
• Combination of text
and images
• Regular updates on
business and activity
• Allows businesses to journal their activity through long form text and imagery
• Blogs have the added benefit of increasing SEO ranking when considered keyword dispersal is used
• Blog content also allows reasons for third party websites to link back to your website which is beneficial
for SEO ranking
• Case studies are often featured within blogs to drive thought leadership and credibility in business
Content Types
• Graphic or photos
• Engaging formats
• Full screen
Interactive Content (Specifically Facebook Canvas):
• Interactive formats like Facebook Canvas allow users to dictate their own journey within a social space
• Limited formats are available for now but results are promising
• Taking over a full mobile screen with an immersive content format has increased clicks within the canvas
by up to 500% more than account averages
Content Types
Content Types
• Long form content
• Immediate loads
• Add utility
• Dedicated care
• These online seminars can help you connect to your audience in a human way by putting a face/voice
to your offering. The feeling of dedicated care that a individual can get out of a webinar helps build a
relationship with your potential customer.
• Theme your webinars on a specific topic that you are an expert in and use visual aids e.g. videos,
animations or PowerPoints over screenshare to talk them through how to solve their business need or
educate them in a specialized area.
• Allow time for Q&A and discussion on their experiences. Be warned though, if you aren’t sure of the
area you’re giving a webinar on, a Q&A could be tricky so be prepared in advance.
• Lastly, always provide a takeaway e.g. a follow up email with the presentation you delivered or an
invitation to ask more questions. Webinar audiences are investing their time in listening to your expert
insight so maximize this opportunity as much as possible.
Content Types
• On the go listening
• Content repurposing
With the rise in online audio streaming from platforms like Spotify and SoundCloud, podcasts have become
more and more popular. Globally, listenership has risen to 24% of online users with an audience of 18-54,
affluent and educated individuals.
Podcasts are the perfect format to build your thought leadership on a topic. Make sure of the following:
• Quality of audio is high
• Each podcast has a discussion area or a theme
• Invite guest participants to add their insight and have discourse
Be aware that a large volume of podcasts are consumed on the go e.g. commuting, so provide additional
information like weblinks referenced in a supporting article that users can access after the show.
Also, there’s a great opportunity for content repurposing from podcasts where a 20-30 soundbyte could be
transformed into a social object e.g. an image or a particular conversation point could be explored more
widely in a follow up blog post.
Content Types
Advantages and limitations of using a variety of content types and formats
Advantages Limitations
• Utility
• Fit for platform
• Measureable
• Consistent
• Aligned with goals
There are many considerations with all of the various formats of content that you can create, however these
rules should hold true regardless of the platform or the content format to help you follow best practice:
• Does it provide utility: something useful for your audience - education, entertainment, information,
desire, relief
• Is it fit for the platform you’re publishing on – resolution, size, functionality
• Can you measure the effect of the content – ability to assess success or failure
• Is it consistent in appearance and style with your brand – does it relate back to your personas and brand
• Is it aligned with your business goals – is it clear what you’re trying to achieve with the content for your
Content Curation
What is it?
Curation Creation
Makes you appear less promotional Makes your audience love you more
01 02 03 04 05
Social listening: designate a search stream on platforms like Twitter to be listening for keywords
or phrases to look for new relevant content.
Content Curation Tools
Content websites
Content websites you can use to curate content include:
• Reddit: comprises of message boards of content themed and grouped
together submitted by the public. These are then up voted or down voted
based on the audience interest in the topic or the content. A lot of content
that eventually goes viral starts its life off in Reddit. There is a lot of content
on the platform though so it does take some time to filter.
• Stumble Upon: StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking site that provides a
handy browser extension that archives content recommended by your peer
group and specified through your interest sets. Clicking the stumble button
randomly generates these for you.
• Pinterest: a global content curation network; users create ”boards” that are
focused on specific themes and add content to them from around the web
from videos to articles and imagery. These boards are then searchable by
keyword and curator. The platform is launching shoppable pins but this is in
early stages at present.
• Storyful: Storyful is a business which identifies high potential user generated
content and buys it direct from the users. It then sells on this content to third
party publishers for license fees. For example, Mary creates a funny video of
her cat and posts it to Facebook. Storyful spot this content through their
content detection tools and reaches out to Mary to purchase the content.
Mary’s video gets added to the Storyful database for content marketers and
publishers. Whiskas cat food spots the content and purchases it from Storyful
and uses it in a content marketing campaign.
• Digg: is a website that bills itself as ”the homepage of the internet”. Their aim
is to showcase the most shared and talked about content on the internet
regardless of topic in one place. Content can be filtered by Articles, Videos,
News, Entertainment and Long Reads.
• Be truthful
• Add insight
• Avoid duplicating content
• Mix with original content
• Give proper attribution
• Use a variety of sources
• Include a link
Best practice guidelines when it comes to content curation:
• Verify the publisher and content are factually correct and from a reliable source
• Check that it aligns to your business goals
• Be sure you can add insight and mix it with your original content
• Always credit the original content creator and link back to their original publication
Don’t just duplicate content you’ve found elsewhere.
Defining Your Personality
What is a company’s brand personality?
#1 #2 #3
Point of
Vantage Resonance
Considerations around the importance of defining your personality include:
• Point of difference in the market: enables you to vocalize what your business proposition is and allows
you to stand out from the competition
• Unique vantage: customers can see the unique proposition that you offer within the market
• Resonance with end consumer: let customers understand the why of your business by communicating
as a person with a story to tell
Defining Your Personality
An example: Old Spic
Old spice has an impressive following on twitter of over 215k followers making them one of the most followed
personal care brands on the platform. But what differentiates them from their competitors is their
unmistakable personality on the platform. Their pillars of content can be broken down into:
• Humor: this is a real point of difference as a lot of the personal care brands don’t employ this as a tactic
• Quirky: they’re mavericks and have a view on life very different to their competitors with no need to
• Provocative: like most personal care brands they try to paint a picture of increasing attraction with use,
this is of no difference to other competitors in the space, however their life coaching lessons from the
“old spice guy” allows them a level of personalization not experienced by other brands
Their primary target audience of 20 – 30 year old male audiences sees the quirky and humour based content
as breaking from the norm when it comes to personal care and is a part of their culture allowing them to see
the brand as one of the boys and the joker of the gang. This has done great work for building affinity with the
target audience.
Defining Your Personality
What story do you want to tell?
A good social media content strategy should contain a healthy mixture of items from each pillar .
Brand Storytelling
The value of a credible and authentic brand story
Brand storytelling is a way to use content to tell the narrative of a business to differentiate it from the
competition with a compelling story.
• This TED talk from Simon Sinek captures the essence of why a credible and authentic brand story should
be at the heart of your content.
• Customers aren’t hooked by the ”what” or the “how” you sell, the real point of difference comes in the
• Only you can own your brand story. Use your content to tell the story on where you’ve come from,
where you are and where you’re headed – bring your customers on that journey with you.
Brand Storytelling
Authenticity case study: Kenco
Kenco is Honduras’ biggest coffee export customer, however the country is ravaged by gang
violence. They wanted to give something back that was true to their entrepreneurial spirit and
aligned with their corporate social responsibility. The Coffee versus Gangs imitative saw Kenco
train 20 young people to get them into the coffee business and out of crime. They partnered
with the Telegraph to create a digital content hub that told the story in documentary style of
Coffee Versus Gangs ranging from short form video to articles and long form video.
The results:
• Over 5.5 million have engaged with the content since Coffee vs Gangs began
• Sales of Kenco are up by 8.4%
• Market share has increased by 3% despite being outspent 4-to-1 in media by its biggest
An example of brand management: DKNY
This case study from DKNY shows how a potential crisis situation was averted by linking back
to the brand’s story and dedication to NY visuals.
What happened:
• Humans of NY was approached by the brand but declined to sell their images
• DKNY purchased what they considered different images from a third party but it
transpired these were Humans of NY’s images resold
Brand Storytelling
An example of brand management: DKNY
Here, you can see DKNY’s response where they tell their brand story to expand their love of NY imagery,
apologise for the error and make a donation to a NY charity to further make amends.
Brand Storytelling
Steps to creating your business story
Leverage customer
2. Content Seeding
3. Content Scheduling
4. Content Promotion
5. Content Repurposing
Content Platforms
Matching your platform to your audience
#1 #2 #3
Infographic/ Interactive
White Paper eBook Blog Video 360 Video Live Video Articles Templates Webinar Podcast
Images Content
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Website ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ❌ ✔ ❌ ❌
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First let’s consider platforms. This table shows the different forms of content and what works best on each
individual channel. As you can see, Facebook and Twitter support the widest arrange of content types. Making
sure you’re using the right content per channel for your audiences is crucial in utilizing the platform to its
maximum. However, it is also important to note that platforms like LinkedIn and Snapchat have their own
benefits and niche audiences in contrast to the mass audience platforms of the big three (Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube).
Content Seeding
What is it?
Build Generate
The benefits of content seeding include:
• Reach: allows your content to reach a much wider audience with your message
• Relevancy: by leveraging third parties you can ensure your content is seen by the right audiences and
get your message to the right targets
• Increase: SEO ranking and web traffic back to your channels and site
• Build: understanding, awareness and thought leadership within your industry
• Improves: your SEO overall for brand mentions
• Generate: leads and conversions
Content Seeding
A multi-channel approach
Budget/ Tight
Resource Collaboration
The following are some of the challenges to consider when content seeding:
• Reach: social platforms now leverage reach for paid promotion so the organic space is not a successful
area for any brand utilizing content marketing. Be realistic about investing in content seeding to garner
reach for your campaigns.
• Relevancy: achieving great reach can also mean wastage in relevancy of your messaging. Utilizing clever
targeting can help overcome this.
• Transparency: making sure all paid placements are transparently declared as paid for content to not
mislead audiences.
• Content: it can be a challenge to create high quality enough content with a consistent brand message in
new and innovative ways to merit seeding and investing in paid social formats.
• Measurement: this can be a challenging area considering businesses often have many forms of
marketing ongoing at once. Make sure you set up appropriate protocols for measuring a direct return
on investment in advance of campaigns going live e.g. focus groups before and after to ascertain brand
• Budget/Resource: remember content seeding is doing a job for your business and generating leads and
sales. Appropriate allocation of budget and resources must match your objectives. Many businesses can
struggle with limited personnel allocation.
• Tight Collaboration: make sure your organization doesn’t operate in silos and that your content seeding
efforts are helping all areas of your business. For example, your sales team may need to leverage
content seeding on your business channels in order to close a deal with a prospective buyer as an extra
within a package.
Content Seeding
Seeding curated content Email
Blog Posts Social Posts
There are a number of methods you can use to seed your curated content:
1. Summary Blog Posts: these blog posts can discuss content seen in other places, top tips lists, observations
by comparing and contrasting of multiple similar items in your industry to add your thought leadership
2. Email newsletters & notifications: sharing news stories of the week from your industry and also positioning
your view and news about your own business amongst these
3. Social posts: on a micro level retweeting or sharing stories with additional narrative, or thought on articles or
content pieces
Content Scheduling
What is it?
Benefits Limitations
Content Content
Media Channel
Co-creation Amplification
Influencer marketing can be used in one of three ways:
1. Media Channel: where the influencer is essentially used as a paid for media channel to speak about your
2. Content Co-Creation: where you work with an influencer to craft content for your audience and theirs
that adds value and takes into account the content behaviours of your influencer’s own audience
3. Content Amplification: where an influencer shares your content through their channels via retweets,
shares or regrams
It is important to note that influencer marketing is still considered advertising content and as such needs to be
clear that it is paid for if money exchanges hands, that it’s compliant with the advertising code for the specific
vertical its within e.g. pharma or alcohol and lastly that it’s declared using #ad or #spon to make audiences
aware that this is a paid for partnership.
Content Promotion
An example of Influencer Marketing
We can attribute the rise in influencer marketing to an audience fatigue with traditional advertising, a distrust
in brands and businesses and the rise in ad blocking by consumers. Brands and businesses are turning to
individuals to get their messages out to their target audiences.
Here, a beauty blogger has co-created a post with a beauty brand. Notice the #ad within the post.
Content Promotion
An example of Guest Blogging
The example here is an example of Guest Blogging where the Digital Marketing Institute teamed up with Dr
Dave Chaffey to write a blog on Digital Skills.
This piece of content can be shared on both blogs and can be linked to by both platforms which will spread
the reach and amplify the content beyond owned channels.
Guest blogging is a fantastic way to:
1. Position yourself as an authority and well-known name in the industry
2. Get exposure (traffic) back to your website
3. Build backlinks to your website
Content Promotion
An example of Tagging
Content Promotion
An example of Affiliate Marketing
Content Promotion
An example of Media Partnerships
Content Promotion
Why users share content
• Remember to consider the content need, the audience • There are 2 main methods for content scheduling: native
ecosystem, your proposition and format when deciding and third party.
on which platform to use for your content.
#1 #2 #3
Internal ability
External support
The following are some of the implications to consider when content marketing:
• Content ownership: how much of your content did you create in house. Did you license any
images/music and how long is that license for? Do you need to credit individuals in the content for fair
usage rights?
• Internal ability: how much resource or skills are available for creating your content within your business?
Will this support your content marketing goals?
• External support: do you need to consider working with external videographers, designers, copywriters
or marketing agencies to support your content efforts?
• Legalities: is your content compliant with your industry regulatory bodies? Be aware that content online
is subject to the same laws as all publishing e.g. defamation so be sure your content doesn’t breach
local laws.
Content Marketing ROI
Assessing content utility
• Number of people
• Impressions sub-metric
• Native reporting
• Reach shows the total number of people who’ve seen your content
• Impressions is a sub-metric within reach that dictates how many times a single individual has seen a
piece of content
• Reach can be gained by using the native reporting tools within the social platform
Key Metrics
• Linked to sentiment
Engagement metrics vary by platform:
• Facebook has six reaction options, comment and share functions
• Twitter has retweet, comment and heart
• Instagram has comment and heart
Social engagements can lead to exponential reach by showing the content to friends of people who’ve
engaged with it
Engagement is closely linked to sentiment as engagements can be categorized by either positive or negative
engagements. Measuring one without the other doesn’t give context. E.g. you could post a typo or misspelling
on Facebook and hundreds of fans could comment to correct you. This will show a high engagement rate but
the engagements would be negative or non-beneficial
Key Metrics
• Context
• Identify issues
• Shows attribution
• Reach: is your content reaching the right audience and if not is a platform change or paid consideration
• Engagement: is your audience engaging with the content you’re seeding, if not what changes need to
be implemented? Is your audience clear on what you’re asking them to do as a result of your content?
• Sentiment: is the sentiment of engagement on your content positive or negative?
• Retention: what is the attention span your content is capturing? Video drop offs, time on page, clicks on
content are all worth considering.
• Conversions: implement Urchin Tracking Module codes on links within social content to attribute site
traffic. Utilizing unique e-commerce basket promotional codes aligned to specific marketing activities
can also allow attribution of sales.
Key Metrics
Measurement tools
• Content marketing is valuable for three main • Key metrics to measure in your content
reasons. It increases brand awareness, builds marketing strategy include reach, engagement,
brand conviction and ultimately drives sales. sentiment, clicks and conversions.
• There are three components to calculating ROI of • Make sure to review your content in light of
your content: these metrics in order to make changes to your
1. Investment in content strategy going forward.
2. Performance of the content
3. Long tail benefits
• Tools like SproutSocial, Buffer, Google link
builder and Analytics and TweetReach will help
you track the key metrics for your business.
Module complete. Well done