11 Английский 2022 Ответы
11 Английский 2022 Ответы
11 Английский 2022 Ответы
1. Complete the sentence. The teacher completed her report after she had finished her lessons.
Here are the most important leadership qualities and skills for the great leader: Effective
communication, integrity ,accountability, sympathy, humble, endurance, view, effects, positivity,trust,
1. Complete the sentence. You may not know them. They haven’t lived here for
I think in Uzbekistan, part-time jobs like waiter, dishwasher and sales assistant are very popular
among students. But they can’t earn too much with those jobs. In my opinion, part-time jobs are useful
if they are in the same field which students studying. In other cases, it only distracts them from study.
3. What is your attitude to smoking? Do you think smoking in all public places should be banned?
Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker, but also for
people close by. As a result of this, many believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places.
Although there are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most appropriate course
of action.
Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they say that passive smokers
make the choice to breathe in other people’s smoke by going to places where it is allowed. If they would
prefer not to smoke passively, then they do not need to visit places where smoking is permitted. In
addition, they believe a ban would possibly drive many bars and pubs out of business as smokers would
not go there anymore. They also argue it is a matter of freedom of choice. Smoking is not against the
law, so individuals should have the freedom to smoke where they wish.
However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban. First and foremost, it has been proven
that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person’s health, not
only the smoker. Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other
sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another person. It is also the case that people’s
health is more important than businesses. In any case, pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for
example, allowing smoking areas.
In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places. This would improve the
health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a positive development.
2. During the interview, you should pay attention to the completeness of your documents. you need to
choose the most suitable clothes. At the end, you should leave a thank you note.
3. We should understand that our success in the future depends on what we will do in the future, and not
on what we did in our teenage years. It`s bullshit that people set themselves common belief. The
progress check whether a teenager is successful is doable to the extent the concerned person is clear
on what he or she wants to do. The measures can be worked upon as task list to monitor progress. One
has to have focus and give ones best or more than the best to be successful. I am studying at the
moment so I will have my degree for sure by then. Although, my main goal is to get a bachelor degree
and to be specialist in my profession. As you can see I am not nearly done with studying yet. I think
If I am stable in my plans, I will definitely achieve my goals and be successful.
2. There is difference of opinion as to whether we live better now than before and consequently there is
also disagreement as to whether we should continue modernizing or rather try to slow the process
down. Quality-of-life in a society can be measured by how long and happy its inhabitants live.
3. When it comes to exams, feeling stressed is normal. However, when it gets out of hand and impairs
everyday functioning, it becomes a point of concern. This is a form of anticipatory anxiety which is a
common occurrence. It implies feelings of fear and worry about the possible future threats. It happens
in the context of things that one cannot control or predict. Take care of your physical needs to begin
with. Get sound sleep and proper nutrition. More importantly, the way you talk to yourself, your self-
talk about your anxiety matters. Watch out for the self-sabotaging self-talk.
1. Mark, who is four, has just started at nursery school, but his sister goes to secondary school.
2. One of the reasons studying abroad is so impactful is because you get to experience a different culture
in your host country. Living in a foreign country allows you to see life through a new lens. No matter
how much you read about a place, it will never be the same as experiencing it yourself. You’ll
encounter customs and norms that are new and exciting. For example, you might try new foods,
celebrate different holidays, or learn about other ideas.
3. Beinga celebrity or simply being famous has its own advantages and disadvantages. The common
perception is that celebrities and famous personalities have everything in life. The truth is that there
are as many downsides and disadvantages of being a celebrity as there are the number of benefits.
Being famous generally means being richer. One of the very obvious advantages of being famous is
that fame generally brings lots of fortune. Celebrities are recognized everywhere they go. Celebrities
are recognized everywhere they go. This is an advantage because people often experience a massive
ego boost when random bystanders recognize them.
2. Youmay not consider yourself naturally gifted or incredibly lucky. You may even think that means
you can’t accomplish big goals you’ve set for yourself. But talent is only part of the equation.
Successful people also display a number of personality traits that make them more productive and
motivated. Success is the result of dedication, hard work, discipline, persistence and sacrifice. People
can be successful only if they keep going on despite failures and disappointments.
3. Tourism is vital for the success of many economies around the world. There are several benefits of
tourism on host destinations. Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs,
develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners
and citizens. The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant. These jobs
are not only a part of the tourism sector but may also include the agricultural sector, communication
sector, health sector, and the educational sector. Many tourists travel to experience the hosting
destination’s culture, different traditions, and gastronomy. This is very profitable to local restaurants,
shopping centers, and stores.
2. NGOs are non-governmental organizations that try to solve the problems of the poor and the
helpless in the underdeveloped or developing countries or in the third world. These organizations
participate in rural (rural) problems, agricultural development, health, education, women and children
problems, unemployment and other social issues.
3. I saw myself reflected in the story of the Garcia sisters, who had fled to the United States from the
Dominican Republic with their parents. They went to boarding school and, like me, had trouble fitting
in. It began to dawn on me that there must be other writers like Ms. Alvarez out there. I asked teachers
for recommendations and dug through the library shelves on campus.
3. There are lots of environmental issues going on globally. The earth faces problems such as pollution,
global warming, waste disposal, and loss of biodiversity. These are just a small amount of issues out
of the so many. These environmental problems pose an abundant amount of risk to the health of
humans and animals. There needs to be a solution to all these problems and that is by informing others,
so that way everyone can make the environment a better place. Pollution is a massive problem that the
earth faces. Pollution is the action or process of making land, water, air, etc…, dirty and not safe or
suitable to use. Pollution of air, water, and soil are the most complex issues. Global warming is an
increase in average global temperatures. This will lead to rising temperatures of the oceans and the
earth’s surface. Coal is a main contributor to global warming because so much electricity is produced
from coal-burning power plants.
2. This means that if you run into a problem, never stop. Not all of the people listed above have stopped
in the same way. If they had stopped, they would not be so famous now.
3. Every year a lot of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. For many of them
travelling is the most important event in the year. Travelling is a way to relax and to change the scenery.
On a journey we learn a lot of new and interesting things. We can get acquainted with the world, meet
new people, enjoy landscapes. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to
know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak to them. Besides,
travelling abroad is a good way to practise foreign languages.
1. You look different. You must have had your hair colored/ cut
2. This is definitely the right idea. If you have a high ability, but do not use it, or do not work, this ability
will not help you. With hard work, a person of any level can achieve any success.
and blood pressure, but over time it can cause systemic inflammation and disrupt our hormonal
3. Fiction help you understand people and their individual back stories, motivations, and relationships
with others. Novels with especially intricate characterization, such as Stephen King`s The Shining, force
you to take a step back and identify why people do the things they do. Commentary` from the author and
other characters in the book allows you to take a rare loo into someone`s mind and their personal truths,
and understanding how people feel and react to certain situations. It is useful when communicating in
your daily life.
1. Neither John nor Neil didn’t work for this company during the pandemic.
2. Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques and sources of power to make
work easier and more productive. While science is concerned with understanding how and why things
happen, technology deals with making things happen.
3. Plagiarism is the representation of another author`s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one`s
own original work. In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on
the institution. How to avoid plagiarism We all know plagiarism is wrong, but avoiding it can be
tricky. There are many different ways to commit plagiarism, and it`s possible to plagiarize
accidentally. One of the downsides of the bountiful information readily available on the internet is
that it makes it a lot easier to plagiarize With that in mind, the best thing I can do to arm myself,
against plagiarism is to educate yourself.
2. People create and maintain family traditions because they bring meaning to celebrations and foster
special bonds. More importantly, traditions create positive experiences and memories for everyone by
nurturing a family’s connection and giving them a sense of belonging.
3. Today, more and more students tend to go overseas for study compared to the past. Students enroll at
foreign universities in order to have the edge over their competitors. However, the trend has both
benefits and drawbacks.
Kanalimiz- @@imtihon_javoblari_imtixon2022
Admin- @imtixon_2022
To commence with, studying abroad has immense advantages. First of all, it will unveil a new horizon
offering a new culture to the students who enroll at overseas universities. By studying abroad, the
students get the opportunity to be acquainted with a foreign nation and culture, which by consequence
broadens their perspectives. As a result, it will help them overcome racial or any other prejudice.
Secondly, studying abroad can advance academic and career trajectory. That is to say, students get the
chance to experience different styles of learning and researching methods that provide the students with
the knowledge and skills required to excel in the ever-expanding global workplace. Last but not the least,
studying abroad helps hone the students’ language skills quickly.
2. Often adverts break the rules. And the Advertising Standards Authority offer the company to
withdraw the advert. Usually the company agrees. But if they do not, the Authority can force them
to do so. They can do this by publishing a report. Companies do not like this because everyone can
read and hear about their dishonest or unfair advertising in the media.
3. Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on
specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It involves a
juggling act of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal
interests Time management is an important skill to cultivate. It can help me make the most out of
each day. leading to success in areas like work and school. To manage my time, use your tune
productively by working m the right environment and prioritizing tasks. Minimize distractions by
shutting off your phone and social media when necessary. Make sure to follow a daily schedule that
allows you to make the most out of each day.
2. Working as a team is a sign of solidarity. In this case, the work is distributed equally to all. They need
to understand and respect each other.
3. Teens often face a lot of problems in their relations `With parents, teachers and friends. Sometimes
they are teased or bullied by their elder brothers or other peers. They also need to be free and
independent, so they can feel ashamed while going shopping with their mothers, for example. .. One
of the mam problems among teenage girls is their worry about die body image. They compare
themselves with other beautiful and fit girls in their class or even some celebrities and they strongly
wish to look like them This unhealthy self-esteem leads to serious eating disorders and such illnesses
as anorexia and bulimia. Girls refuse to eat food in order to change their body shape and to become
skinny and then gradually they can`t eat at all. As regards me. I am vulnerabe to stress and, as a
consequence of it, depression. Every time I give up fighting stress. I have depression. But most often
I try to cope with it. For example. I try to occupy myself with affairs not connected with my problems
that have caused the stress. Another way that sometimes helps me is to share my problems with my
mother. Because The best motivator is my mother
Kanalimiz- @imtihon_javoblari_imtixon2022
Admin- @imtixon_2022
2. Sadly being bullied is a common factor in growing up. You see it not only in humans but in other
species such as monkeys that rely on group living. Bullying contributes towards leadership and the
produce of offspring. Nature can be very cruel and relies on survival of the fittest for evolution…
Mankind has learned that by helping each other we survive as individuals and groups better than
going it alone, but leadership battles are still inborn. Sadly, bullying is normal and almost everybody
will have come up against it in some form or other
3. Teambuilding is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and
define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. It is distinct from team training, which
is designed by a combine of business managers, learning and development. Effective team
Kanalimiz- @imtihon_javoblari_imtixon2022
Admin- @imtixon_2022
building incorporates an awareness of team objectives. Teams must work to develop goals, roles and
procedures. As a result, team building is usually associated with increasing task accomplishment, goal
meeting, and achievement of results within teams
2. Intergovernmental organizations are international organizations that have only states as members, and
the decision-making authority lies with representatives from member governments. Nongovernmental
organizations are groups that work to solve problems around the world. Although they may have
members that come from government organizations, they are not connected to any government.
3. One of the biggest work challenges I’ve overcome happened at my last job. Two team members were
let go and I was left with the workload of three people. I fell behind and knew I couldn’t keep up in
the long term, so I asked my manager for help. We came up with a solution that involved hiring,
getting temporary help from another team, and streamlining our team’s processes to be more efficient,
too. The experience taught me a lot in terms of communication and problem solving, and I think I’m
even better prepared for the next problem or challenge I’ll face since I overcame that previous obstacle
despite it feeling hopeless initially.
1. Although we looked everywhere, we couldn’t find the latest album of that band.
2. Because effective communication can help improve work relationships and make teams stronger. It's
essential for a team leader to possess excellent communication skills and regularly get in touch with
employees and clients to ensure they are happy. In addition, communication is often the best way to
resolve a conflict between two or more people. Communication can even help you increase
productivity at work.
3. People should jog as far as they can or do sit-ups or press-ups as long as people can. If individuals run
two kilometers without being exhausted, then they are fit. If We are a man who is keen on sports then
tennis or swimming, basketball or weightlifting will help us not only to develop our stamina but to
make friends, to be in good mood, to have fun and get nd of tension. Doing sport will give us moments
of joy and pleasure especially if We are able to improve our performance and set a record. If wre are
a student or pupil PE lessons play an important role in our wish to be physically fit. What matters is a
number of exercises wre get and a sensible method of organizing active games at the lesson that a
teacher practices. Sport is not the only way to look after ourselves.
- So do I.
2. Although many linguists tend to refute the claims against the negative effects of texting on the
linguistic skills of young people, youth statistics show undisputed decline of such skills in recent years.
Such decline coincided with the proliferation of texting use by U.S. teens. It has been argued
that this correlation maybe contributed, at least in part, to the effects of texting use; however, a definite
causality has not yet been scientifically confirmed
3. If I have made a mistake at work, and it feels like the worst thing in the world. I am afraid I just
found a way to get fired, I feel incompetent, I am anxious. You’ve got all sorts of bad feelings, yet it’s
probably not as bad as you imagine.
First of all, those feelings are totally common, and having them is normal. It’s also normal and common
to make a mistake. Everyone does it once in a while, and, in most situations, it’s not the end of my job,
and it’s definitely not the end of the world. That said, there are some things you should do to recover
from making a mistake a work.
2. Ourenvironment is such that it has become difficult to escape the noise. Even electrical appliances at
home have a constant hum or beeping sound. By and large, lack of urban planning increases the
exposure to unwanted sounds. This is why understanding noise pollution is necessary to curb it in time.
3. Feedback is a vital part of any leader’s skillset. Project managers, team leaders, teachers, coaches
develop this skill over the course of their careers. Not just giving feedback, but also receiving it is
essential for efficiently sharing information within teams and groups. Let’s take a closer look at its
value and learn how to get better at providing it. Constructive feedback is a robust tool for creating a
healthy environment, boosting productivity and engagement, and achieving better results. It positively
influences communication, team members’ interaction and teamwork results in different fields. Here’s
how it works for different processes:
• The importance of feedback in the workplace is hard to overestimate sharing information on what can
and needs to be improved helps optimize the work process and get things done in less time.
• Feedback is of great help in leadership and communication: it creates a clear picture and increases
• Feedback plays a crucial role in education and learning by helping adopt new knowledge sooner and
avoid repetitive mistakes.
• The same applies to feedback in sports and coaching: it helps learn new skills and get better results.
2. In this question, I answer which of the following are examples of natural deforestation. As we have
mentioned, deforestation is human-driven and a natural loss of trees. Deforestation is either direct or
indirect. Some natural cases are droughts, exotic animals, forest fires, climate change, floods and
overpopulation of foreign animals.
So, we have two options: Forest fire and Drought.
3. There are probably many more advantages to Internet-based courses, but I think you get the idea. The
point is that we live in an ever-changing world that is ripe with new possibility. The ability to learn
new information or a new skill whenever you want and wherever you want offers far greater
opportunities for education than ever before. The scope and reach of education broadens to far greater
horizons that perhaps ever imagined.
2. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard causing more than 41,000 deaths per year. It can cause
or make worse a wide range of damaging health effects in children and adults, including lung cancer,
respiratory infections and asthma.The American Lung Association has more information available
on laws protecting the public from exposure to secondhand smoke.
3. Volunteering is about giving your tune to a good cause. You don`t get paid, but you do get the chance
to use your talents, develop new skills, and experience the pleasure that comes from making a real
difference to other people`s lives, as well as your own. Volunteering is important because volunteer
helps the organization to get in touch with the community of its surroundings, integrates employees
and contributes to team building, changes the perspective from which the employees in the
organization look at it - it becomes not only a place to earn money, but also is a place where the
employee may pursue other goals in life; builds a sense of relationship with the employer, under which
the employee has the opportunity, along with other socially useful to do something;
2. We should not stop the usual morning exercises. We need to eat enough on time. We need to drink 68
glasses of water every day.
3. All of us have access to the internet and we use it for many different things like researching for some
information for school and college projects, downloading music, pictures, wallpapers, and
screensavers, to get updates on the latest happenings all over the world, emails, instant messaging,
chats, and many other things. But do you know there is one more advantage of the internet, and that
is learning? Yes!
You can educate yourself in the comfort of your own home and get a degree through the internet now.
With the latest technology, even the impossible seems possible now.
2. Advertisements want to persuade us to buy particular products. Advertisers study how people learn
so that they can ‘teach’ them to respond to their advertising. They want us to be interested, to try
something, and then to do it again. These are the elements of learning: interest, experience and
repetition. In my opinion the adverts which is on tv is the most effective. Because it is broadcasted all
over the country and even the world.
3. Uzbekistan is a member of the following international organizations: United Nations World Bank
Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. International
Monetary Fund. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Council. Partnership for Peace. And now I am going to tell about Partnership for Peace. International
Monetary Fund. Many occasions we read in Newspapers or in different journals regarding the
International Monetary Fund. IMF has done tins, IMF has done that and many more The International
Monetary Fund or IMF is an institution meant for providing financial aid and bestow financial stability
to its different member countries at international level. It primarily aims for the eradication of global
poverty by ensuring sustainable economic growth. IMF also takes a significant role in promoting
international trade, commerce, employment creation.
2. I agree with this opinion. If a person has the ability to do something, a profession, then he must deal
with this profession or activity without any hesitation. If he is good at math, there is no benefit to him
being an artist or a musician. Everyone should choose a profession based on their abilities.
3. I have a vast experience in online shopping I bought many things including electronic item fashion
items kitchen wares watches and many more my experience is fantastic at most of the time but
sometimes never had any major issues. but then again, I am im a different country with many differing
circumstances. if you like shopping online, I will recommend you to try AliExpress. they are the
largest on line retailer on the planet... Shopping online is as easy as. well clicking on a link or sending
some emails. Before you know, the money 1s out of your account and the parcel arrives. .. Online
shopping is a quick, convenient way to buy almost any product you could possibly imagine. While
there are some risks shopping this way, if you know how to identify a secure online store, and how to
protect yourself. People should be able to shop with confidence.
2. We can say the serves just advantage sides . Starting a service business is an excellent way to make
money. Many service businesses start because owners see need in their local community for specific
services they have expertise in. When you offer your services to people, many benefits come with it.
3. Internet safety or online safety` or cyber safety or E-Safety is trying to be safe on the internet and is
the act of maximizing a user`s awareness of personal safety` and security risks to private information
and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime. As the
number of internet users continues to grow worldwide.
Internet safety is important to secure online transactions and wlule using digital wallets in mobiles.
Especially kids, teenagers, and less computer and internet literate people cheated more on the Internet.
It`s really important for parents to check that aren`t they falling into trap of harmful activities online.
Generally, the internet does not harm us until we choose to react to suspicious content and websites. The
first reason for internet harm is when you don` t know7 what you`re doing.
- Neither do I.
2. Nonfiction refers to literature based on facts. It is the broadest category of literature. Fiction refers to
literature created from imagination. I like dedictive books. Because it is interesting.
3. Social networking made changes to the manner in which we speak with each other. It adjusts actually
what for us it means to begin a business. We can help fix recent developments through this medium,
share our beloved sites with each other, and catch minutes utilizing pictures and video to impart to loved
There are numerous up-sides to think about when checking out the most recent type of Social networking,
however, it can likewise be a world loaded up with many negatives. You can utilize sites like Facebook
to send off another business thought, sell items or benefits, and broaden the compass of your image.
These stages can likewise turn into an inevitable spot where companion tension can push individuals
toward decisions they could never make without its impact.
1. If we don`t stop cutting down so many trees, we will endanger our oxygen supply.
2. Plagiarism means to pass off someone else’s work, intentionally or unintentionally, as your own. This
might be by copying or paraphrasing someone's published or unpublished work without proper
acknowledgment, or representing someone's artistic or technical work or creation as your own.
3. The subject literature broadens our horizons. This particular subject gives us the opportunity to learn
and understand those people and incidents which are very different yet important to know. Our cultural
heritage has literature as a very valuable part, which anybody can access very easily and get the most
out of it to enrich their lives through different ways. For some people, studying this particular subject
can be daunting, but once you will understand to break the barrier, the texts of this subject will become
one of the most entertaining, funny, romantic, yet tragic for you. This subject has the ability to take us
beyond our limited imagination and thoughts with respect to life to make us experience and live the
life of a different community of people at different points in time. It makes our brain grind itself both
emotionally and intellectually to give us a deep knowledge of our society, history, and an actual
understanding of our own lives.
1. You had better take your raincoat. It’s been raining since morning.
2. Feedback is a tool used to reinforce positive behavior and support behavioral changes in the workplace.
While it is beneficial to give and receive healthy criticism about areas for improvement, using positive
feedback is equally necessary. In this article, we will discuss what positive feedback is, how to give
and receive it and the benefits of using positive feedback in the workplace.
3. Ashuman beings, we all share the same sorrows, the same hopes, the same potential. The Covid-19
pandemic has reminded us how interdependent we are: what happens to one person can soon affect
many others, even on the far side of our planet.
Therefore, it is up to all of us to try to cultivate peace of mind and to think about what we can do for
others, including those that we never see. It is natural to feel worried and fear at a time when so many
are suffering. But only by developing calmness and clear-sightedness can we help others and, in so doing,
even help ourselves. In my own life, I have often found that it is the most difficult challenges that have
helped me gain strength.
2. I think private schools are better. Because any school pupil there study responsibly. True, it paid going
and it is very expensive. But the quality of education is very high and you can achieve your goal.
3. I`ve thought about selling off some stuff. But I don`t have the time. I have a friend who does it. She
makes a lot of money but stays at it constantly. She goes to estate sales, garage sales, get items from
all her friends and sells them I know she makes a profit. Not always, but that is her full-time job now.
She quit nursing and does tins She loves it. She a shopaholic like the test of us and gets to buy stuff,
sell stuff she doesn`t want or need and then shop for some more to sell. If I had the time. I`d definitely
try it! Millions have made millions!