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Santhosh: Aagná Global Solutions PVT ZTDD

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Ref Ps-V.

Santhosh Kuna. V

We are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions Pvt Ltd"

selected for
Further to discussion, we are pleased to inform you that you have been provisionally
on the following terms and conditions and does
providing support and services for our organization
not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

1. Designation of Intern Process Associate will be assigned in the event of you formally being
2. You will be provided extensive for a period of 10-12 days and formally appointed on the rolls
of the company upon successful completion of the Training and will be on probation for 3

3. You will be paid compensation of Rs.1,20,000/- as Annual Remuneration CTC. (Gross

various deductions as per the labor
Salary differs according to the branches) inclusive of
laws. Salary will not be applicable in the case of you not successfully completing the
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's norms and policies over a changing

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to
work in allotted shift.

5 You will be required to join us on or before " gJwro 2019. A detailed Leiter of
Appointment shall be issued to you upon your successful completion of Training.

At the time of joining you will be required to furnish

a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to you
Any one photo copy of Academic Certificate - (Xth or Xlth Certiticate)
c) Copies of allEducational Qualifications and applicable certtications.
d) 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
e) 2 passport size photographs.

of the leter.
Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of vour acceptance
For-and on behalf9 gagement of

Human Regape g
Aagná Global Solutions Pvt Ztdd
#152. Fortune Towers, (1 Floor) 200 Feet Road. Kovilambakkam. Chennai-600117
W www.aagnagloDdl.com E: @ddgnaglobal.com | P: +9 44 30959589/30959599
P.SV. Cotlogy gnes ang
Mr/Miss Santhoth Kurat. V

Wo are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions Pvt Ltd"

to inform you that you have been provisionally selected

Further to discussion, we are pleased
and doees
on the following terms and conditions
providing support and services for our organization
not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

be assigned in the event of you formally being

1. Designation of Intern Process Associate will

10-12 days and formally appointed on the rolls

2 You will be provided extensive for a period of
of the Training and will be on probation for 3
of the company upon successful completion

as Annual CTC.(Gross
3. You will be paid compensation of Rs.1,20,000/- deductions the labor
inclusive of various as per
Salary differs according to the branches) not successfully completing the
laws. Salary will not be applicable in the case you
norms and policies over a changing
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's

take up this job and flexible to

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to
work in allotted shift.

5 You will be required to join us on or before 7 " d Juno 2019. A detaied ieiter of
completion of Iraining.
Appointment shall be issued to you upon your succeskful

At the time of joining you will be required to furnish:

a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to -you or Xilth Certificate)
b) Any one photo copy Academic Certificate (Xth
c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable ceruicauo
2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
e) 2 passport size photographs.
acceptance of the letter.
Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of youra
For-and on behalf agagement of

. Resonjpe g (CHENNAc

Aaga Global Solutions pbt Zti

mbakkam, Chennai-600117
#152. Fortune Towers, (I Floor) 200 Feet
#152, Fortu
| E: Road, Kovi +91 44 30959589/30959599
. c o m P : +91

[email protected]
P.SV. Cotlnga Enginsering

Kin Prasarna taj


Global Solutions Pe i.
India as
based in Chennai,
We are you that you have been provisionally
selected for
are pleased to intorm and does
on the following terms and conditions
Further to Our discuss for our organization
providing support and
to an appointment.
not constitute

Broad Terms and Conditions event of you formally being

be assigned in the
1. Designation of Intern Process
on the rolls
of 10-12 days and formally appointed
extensive for a period for 3
2. You will be provided or the Training and will be on probation
successful completon
of the company upon
Remuneration CTC. (Gross
as Annual
You will be compensation of Rs.1,20,000/-
paid the labor
3. various deductions as per
to the branches) inclusive of
Salary differs according completing the
will not be applicable in the c a s e of you not successfully
laws. Salary norms and policies
over a changing
to change as per Company's
Training. This is subject
this job and flexible to
found medically fit to take up
4. This appointment is subject to being
work in allotted shift.
A detailed Letter of
5. required to join us on or before
You will be a ne 2019.
succesaful tompletion of Training.
Appointment shall be issued to you upon your

will be required to furnish

At the time of joining you
This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to you
of Academic Certificate (Xth or XIlth Certificate)
b) Any one photo copy

Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable
2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
2 passport size photographs.
Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance of the letter

For-and on behalf ofthe Management of

Aagn Global Solutions Dot td
#152, Forfune lowers. (II Floor) 200 Feet Dond Kovilambakkam, Chennai-600117
W: www.aagnaglobal.com | E: info@aagnacihel com l P: +91 44 30959589/ 30959599
Ref PSV College Enguang
Mr/Miss: tLkmathta P

"Aagna OlODal Solutions Pytl tew

India as
We are based in Chennai,
we are pleased to informyou
yo that you have been provisionally selected for
Further to our discu organization on the folloi and does
services for our erms and conditions
providing support and
not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

assigned in the event of you formally being
1. Designation of Intern Process ASsoclate wil

2. You will be provided extensive for penou o012

a days and formally appointed on the rolls
of the company upon successful
compleion or the Training and will be on probation for 3
of RS.120,000- as Annual Remuneration CTC.(Gross
3. You will be paid compensation
Salary differs according to the branches) indlusIve of various deductions as per the labor
laws. Salary will not be applicable
the case of you not successfully completing the
as per Company's norms and policies over a changing
Training. This is subject to change

to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to

4. This appointment is subject
work in allotted shift.

5. You will be required to join us on or before 2 h _ a u n e 2019. A detailed Letter of

Appointment shall be issued to you upon your successiutompletion of Training.

At the time of joining you will be required to furnish

a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to you
Xllth Certificate)
b) Any one photo copy of Academic Certificate (Xth or
c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable
d 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
e) 2 passport size photographs.

of the letter.
Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance
For-and on behalf of theManagement of

Human Resoo
Aagna Global lutions Pbt Ltd
#152, Fortune Towers, (lI Floor) 200 Feet Road, Kovilambakkam, Chennai-600117
P: +91 30959589/30959599
W: www.aagnaglobal.com | E: [email protected] |
PSV Letlugt ngvwung
MrMiss:C. Jagadeean
We are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions t Ltd"

Further to our discussion, we are pleasea i y inat you have been provisionally selected for
providing support and services for our organizauon on he following terms and conditions and does

not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

1. Designation of Intern Process Associate wil be assigned in the event of you formally being

2. You will be provided extensive for a period of 10-12 days and formally appointed on the rolls
of the company upon successful completon of the Training and will be on probation for 3

3. You will be paid compensation of Rs.1.20.000! as Annual Remuneration CTC.(Gross

Salary differs according to the branches) inclusive of various deductions as per the labor
laws. Salary will not be applicablein the case of you not successfully completing the
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's norms and policies over a channinn

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to
work in allotted shift.

5. You will be required to join us on or beforeE7 o June 2019. A detailed Letter of

Appointment shall be issued to you upon your successful completion of Training.

At the time of joining you will be required to furnish

a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to you
b) Any one photo copy of Academic Certificate (Xth or Xllth Certificate)
c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable certifications.
d 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
e) 2 passport size photographs.

Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance or tne leer.

For-and on behalf of j nagement of

Hùman Re e

HrGMGlobal Solutions Pvt Ltd

#152, Fortune owers, (Ill FIoor) 200 Feet Road. Kovilambakkam, Chennai-600117
W. www.aagnaglobdl.com | E: info@agancoi m P: +91 44 30959589/ 30959599
Ref Lellags rgineaing
Mr/Mis Ainam S
We are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions Pvt Lto"
Further to our discussion, we are pleased to inrorm you that you have been provisionally selected for
providing support and services for our organization on the following terms and conditions and does
not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

1. Designation of Intern Process Associate will be assigned in the event of you formally being

2. You will be provided extensive Training for a period of 10-12 days and formally appointed on
the rolls of the company upon successful completion of the Training and will be on probation
for 3 months.

3. You wil be paid compensation of Rs1.20,000/ as Annual Remuneration CTC(Gross

Salary differs according to the branches) inclusive of various deductions as per the labor
laws. Salany will not be applicablein the case of you not successfully completing the
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's norms and policies over a changingg

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to
work in allotted shift.

5. You will be required to join us on or before |hJune 2019, Adetailed Letter of

Appointment shall be issued to you upon your success/ul completion of Training.
At the time of joining you will be required to furnish
a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to you
b Any one photo copy of Academic Certficate - (Xth or Xilth Certificate)
c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable certifications.
d) 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of
2 passport size photographs.

Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance of the letter.
For-and on behalf of the Management of

Human Resourçe

Aagna lobal solutions Pbt Ltd

#152. Fortune Towers. (u Floor) 200 Feet Road, vilambakkam, Chennai-600117
w www.aagnaglobal.com E: +91 44 30959589/ 30959599
[email protected]
Ref P:S-V. Colpge o gineexing
Mr/Mis-: Kavtalanasan.S


We are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions Pyt Ltd
Further to our discussion, we are pleased to orm you that you have been provisionally selected for
providing support and services for our organizauon on the following terms and conditions and does
not constitute to an appointment.
Broad Termsand Conditions
1. Designation of Intern Process Associate will be assigned in the event of you formally being

2. You will be provided extensive Training for a period of 10-12 days and formally appointed on
the rolls of the company upon successtul completion of the
for 3 months.
Training and will be on probation

3. You will be paid compensation of Rs.1,20,000/ as Annual Remuneration CTC.(Gross

Salary differs according to the branches) inclusive of various deductions as per the labor
laws. Salary will not be applicable in the case of you not successfully completing the
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's norms and policies over a changing9

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to
work in allotted shift.

5. You will be required to join us on or before T h d Jure 2019. A detailed Letter of

Appointment shall be issued to you upon your succeskiul completion of Training.
At the time of joining you will be required to furnish
a) This original Conditional Offer Letter issued to
b) Any one photo copy of Academic Certificate (Xth or XIlth Certificate)
c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable certifications.
d) 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of
e 2 passport size photographs.

Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of vour acceptance of the leter.
For-and on behalf of the Management of

Human Resource 0

Aagna Global itions Pvt Ztd

#152, Fortun Towers, (I Floor) 200 Feet Road. KovilambakKam, Chennai-600117
W: www.aagnaglobal.com | E: 30959589/ 30959599
P : +91 44 30959589/30959599
[email protected]

Ref :PS.V. Cettea nineain9

Mr/Mies: Atovindhan V


We are based in Chennai, India as "Aagna Global Solutions Pvt Ltd"

Further to our discussion, we are pleased to inform youthatyou have been provisionally selected for
providing support and services for our organization on the following terms and oonditions and does

not constitute to an appointment.

Broad Terms and Conditions

1. Designation of Intern Process Associate will be assigned in the event of you formally being

2. You will be provided extensive for a period of 10-12 days and formally appointed on t rolls
of the company upon successful completion of the Training and will be on probation for 3

3. You will be paid compensation of Rs.1,20.000/- as Annual Remuneration CTC.(Gross

Salary differs according to the branches) inclusive of various deductions as per the labor
laws. Salary will not be applicable in the case of you not successfully completing the
Training. This is subject to change as per Company's norms and policies over a changing

4. This appointment is subject to being found medically fit to take up this job and flexible to
work in allotted shift.

5. You will be required to join us on or before h o Jung 2019. A detailed Letter of

Appointment shall be issued to you upon your successful completion of Training.

At the time of joining you will be required to furnish:

a) This one
original Conditional
photo Offer LetterCertificate
copy of Academic issued to -you
(Xth or Xilth Certificate)

c) Copies of all Educational Qualifications and applicable certifications.

d) 2 Copies of Proof of ldentity & Proof of address.
e) 2 passport size photographs.

Please return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance of the letter.

For-and on behalhof thenagement of

Human ResoE S
Agr Slobal tions Pbt td
#152, Fortune Towers, (I Floor) 200 Feet Dond Kovilambakkam, Chennai-600117
w.www.aagnaglobal.com | E: [email protected] | P: +91 44 30959589/ 30959599

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