COMPANY BACKGROUND of Perwaja Steel (Malaysia)
COMPANY BACKGROUND of Perwaja Steel (Malaysia)
COMPANY BACKGROUND of Perwaja Steel (Malaysia)
Perwaja Steel started in 1982 as a joint venture between the Terengganu State
Government, government-owned Heavy Industries Corporation (HICOM), and Japanese company Nippon
Steel Corporation as Malaysian experienced a shortage of steel in 1970s. (Teng, 2015)
1) Find a new responsible management to handle the company with
The business management should work together with government officials to establish
regulatory practices that will reduce administrative discretion and will promote transparency that give
efficient outcome. Responsible management will recognize that an effective business is based on every
activity and decision of an organization. The audit committee should be review the performance of
management and must be consist from independent directors .A strong ethical environment also can be
easily created by hiring more ethical and high standard of moral employee including management staffs.
The ethical code should include the integrity and performance of duties with the compliance of the rule of
law. (PHD essay, 2016)
2) Take legal action to resolve the issue without political interference and
refrain from accepting or accepting bribes.
4) Segregations of Duties