Pin 003
Pin 003
Pin 003
Multiple Crowns
Ordinarily fruit bears a single crown but in some cases fruit bears more than one. Consequently the top
of the fruit will be flat and broad and fruit will be unfit for canning. Such fruits taste insipid and are corky.
It is supposed to be a heritable character, found mostly in Cayenne group to which the variety Kew
Collar of Slips
The collar of slips is typified by the presence of a large number of slips arising from stem close to the
base of the fruit, or even directly from the fruits itself. The excessive slip growth is at the expense of the
fruit, resulting in small, tapered fruits, often with knobs at the base. High nitrogen fertilization and high
rainfall along with relatively low temperature are supposed to be congenial for such an abnormality
(Ganapathy et al., 1977).ICAR pineaple
This results when plant leans or falls over to one side, thus exposing one side of the fruit to direct
sunlight. The cells of the exposed surface get damaged. Later shell surface assumes a brownish to
black colour and cracks may appear between fruitlets. Affected fruits soon rot and become infested
with pests. They must be cut as soon as noticed and safely disposed of where they will not contaminate
other fruits. In high-density planting, intensity of sun-scald is very much minimised. Under favourable
climates where leaf growth is luxuriant, leaves can be tied around the fruits to protect them from sun-
scald. The other method is to cover sun-exposed portion of the fruit with dry straw or grass or with any
other locally available materials.