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Grade A 2022
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Sr. no Topics Covered Box

1 SEBI Grade A Notification Expected Month

2 SEBI Grade A Vacancies

3 Exam Pattern of SEBI Grade A

4 Syllabus of SEBI Grade A

5 Eligibility of SEBI Grade A

6 Previous Year Papers of SEBI Grade A

7 Official Notification of SEBI Grade A

8 Download Free Notes of SEBI Grade A

9 Salary and Job Profile of SEBI Grade A

10 Booklist for SEBI Grade A

11 Free Mock Tests for SEBI Grade A

When is SEBI Grade A 2021-22

notification expected?
SEBI Grade A 2020 notification was released in March of 2020.

A total of 147 vacancies were notified, out of which 80 posts were for
General Stream, 34 posts were for Legal Stream, 22 for Information
Technology Stream, 1 for Civil Engineering Stream, 4 for Electrical
Engineering Stream, 5 for Research Stream and 1 post was for Official
Language Stream.

The final result of SEBI Grade A 2020 was declared in July 2021. Kindly note
that SEBI has not been recruiting Grade A officers every year, recruitment
notification generally comes out once in 2 years. The last recruitment
notification was released in 2020, the next notification, therefore can be
expected in mid 2022.

How many seats are expected?

We can expect 100-120 SEBI Grade A vacancies in the next SEBI Grade A
notification i.e. 2022 recruitment notification for SEBI.

Should You Start Your Preparation Now

for SEBI Grade A Examination?
The next SEBI Grade A Recruitment Notification is expected by mid 2022.

The notification is still a few months away, however, if you have set your
goal as SEBI Grade A i.e. SEBI Assistant Manager, you should start your
preparation right away.

What is the exam pattern for SEBI Grade

A examination?
Officers in Grade A cadre of the Securities and Exchange Board of India are
recruited through a 3 stage

recruitment process –

Phase 1 Examination (Preliminary exam)

Phase 2 Examination (Mains exam)


Phase 1 Examination Details:

The Phase 1 examination or the preliminary examination consists of 2

Paper 1 is of 100 Marks and 60 minutes duration and contains multiple

choice questions on the subjects viz. General Awareness (including some
questions related to Financial Sector of easy to moderate difficulty level),
English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Test of Reasoning.

Paper 2 for the general stream is of 100 marks and 40 minutes duration
and contains multiple choice questions on subjects Z Commerce,
Accountancy, Management, Finance, Costing, Companies Act and

There is a negative marking [1/4th of marks assigned to the question) for

the Paper 1 and Paper 2 in Phase I.

There is also a cut-off of minimum 30% for Paper 1 (no sectional cut-off is
there) and a cut-off of minimum 40% for Paper 2 in Phase I.

Candidates need to secure separate cut-off in each paper as mentioned

above as well as aggregate cut-off marks of 40% in Phase I exam to be
shortlisted for Phase II.

Marks obtained in Phase I are used only for shortlisting the candidates for
Phase II examination process and are counted for final selection of the

The Phase 1 Paper 1 has the following 4 sections:

Section No of Questions Max Marks

General Awareness 20 25

English Language 20 25

Quantitative Aptitude 20 25

Reasoning 20 25

Total 80 100

The Phase 1 Paper 2 has the following 7 sections:

Section No of Questions Max Marks




Finance There were a total of 50 questions covering the 7 sections in the SEBI
Grade A 2020 paper.



Total 50 100

Phase 2 Examination Details:

The Phase 2 examination of SEBI Grade A for the General Stream
consists of 2 papers of 100 Marks each.

Name of Type of Time No. of Cut

Marks Weightage
Paper Paper (Minutes) Questions off

(Descriptive Online
60 3-4 100 30% 1/3rd
Test) to test Descriptive
the drafting

Finance, Objective 40 50 100 40% 2/3rd
Act and

Cut off

_ Candidates shortlisted for Phase II are issued new Hall Tickets.

_ For candidates who have applied in multiple streams, Paper II is conducted

in various shifts, the timings of which is intimated in the Hall Ticket.

_ There is negative marking [1/4th of marks assigned to the question) for

Paper 2 in Phase II

_ There is a cut-off of minimum 30% for Paper 1 and a cut-off of minimum

40% for Paper 2 in Phase II

_ Candidates need to secure separate cut-off in each paper as mentioned

above as well as aggregate cut-off marks of 40% in Phase II exam
(weightage of 1/3rd for Paper 1 and 2/3rd for Paper 2a to be shortlisted for
Phase III

_ Candidates equaling 3 times the number of vacancies are shortlisted, in

order of merit, for Phase III i.e. the Interview.

_ All question papers (in both the Phases, except the test of English) are set
bilingually in Hindi and English.

Phase 3 Details:
The Phase-III of the SEBI Grade A examination consists of an Interview.

Candidates are shortlisted for interview based on their Phase 2 marks

only (sum of all 2 papers)

Interview carries a weightage of 50 marks

Candidates can opt for interview either in Hindi or English

The final selection of candidates is done by adding marks secured in Phase 2

and Interview.

What is the syllabus of SEBI Grade A

Detailed syllabus for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of SEBI Grade A examination is as
given below :

General Awareness

1. National News: MoUs, summits and major events related to India.

2. International: Summits, Conferences held abroad.

3. Financial & Economics News

4. Financial Awareness

5. Defence: Military exercises, drills and major updates related to the defence sector of India

6. Days in News: Major events or days, along with its date, and theme

7. Persons in News: Obituaries, appointments, retirements

8. Sports: Major tournaments and its winners

9. Science, Technology and Space

10. Awards and honours

11. Environment

12. Banking, Economy and Schemes

13. Books and Authors

14. Static GA Z Chief Ministers and Cabinet Ministers, National Parks and Sanctuaries,
Organisations’ Headquarters, Banks’ Headquarters and Taglines, Power Plants in India,
Indian Dance Forms, Countries’ Capitals and their Currencies.

English Language
1. Grammar

2. Error Spotting

3. Sentence Improvement

4. Comprehension Ability

5. Comprehension passage

6. Cloze test

7. Rearrangement

8. Para jumbles

9. Double Fillers

10. Vocabulary Z Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution, Phrasal Verbs

Quantitative Aptitude
1. Ratio and Proportion

2. Percentage

3. Profit and Loss

4. Simple and Compound Interest

5. Questions on Average and Age

6. Time and Work

7. Pipes and Cistern

8. Time and Distance

9. Mixture and Alligation

10. Questions on Series and Quadratic equation

11. Mathematical Inequalities

12. Number Series

13. Data Interpretation

14. Simplification/Approximation

15. Quantity Comparisons

Reasoning Ability

1. Alphanumeric series

2. Coding and Decoding

3. Syllogism

4. Direction Sense

5. Inequality

6. Ranking and Order

7. Blood Relation

8. Puzzles and Seating arrangement

9. Input-Output

10. Questions based on Statements

11. Questions based on Data Sufficiency

Commerce and Accountancy:

kl Accounting as a financial information system

ml Accounting Standards with specific reference to Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories,
Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments
nl Cash Flow Statement, Fund flow statement, Financial statement analysis; Ratio analysis
pl Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including Bonus Shares, Right Shares
ql Employees Stock Option and Buy-Back of Securities
rl Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts.Alphabetical series


Management: its nature and scope; The Management Processes; Planning, Organization,
Staffing, Directing and Controlling
The Role of a Manager in an Organization. Leadership: The Tasks of a Leader
Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A successful Leader versus an effective Leader
Human Resource Development: Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD
Motivation, Morale and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate;
Concept of Morale; Factors determining morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale
Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral
versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward,
downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information
Technology. Ratio and Proportion


Financial System

(a) Role and Functions of Regulatory bodies in the Financial Sector

Financial Markets

(b) Primary and Secondary Markets <Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions,

instruments, recent developments

General Topics

Basics of Derivatives: Forward, Futures and Swap

Recent Developments in the Financial Sector
Financial Inclusion- use of technology
Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Direct and Indirect taxes; Non-tax sources of Revenue, GST, Finance Commission, Fiscal
Policy, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act [FRBMa
Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI Z
components and trends


_ Overview of Cost and Management Accounting Z Introduction to Cost and Management

Accounting, Objectives and Scope of Cost and Management Accounting.

_ Methods of Costing Z Single Output/ Unit Costing, Job Costing, Batch Costing, Contract

Costing, Process/ Operation Costing, Costing of Service Sectors.

_ Basics of Cost Control and Analysis – (i) Standard Costing, (ii) Marginal Costing, (iii)

Budget and Budgetary Control

_ Lean System and Innovation:- a) Introduction to Lean System b) Just-in-Time [JITa c)

Kaizen Costing d) 5 Ss e) Total Productive Maintenance [TPMa f) Cellular Manufacturing/

One-Piece Flow Production Systems g) Six Sigma [SSa h) Introduction to Process Innovation

and Business Process Re-engineering [BPRa

Companies Act:

The Companies Act, 2013 Z Specific reference to Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter VIII,

Chapter X, Chapter XI, Chapter XII and Chapter XXVII.


Demand and Supply, Market Structures, National Income: Concepts and Measurement,

Classical & Keynesian Approach Determination of output and employment, Consumption

Function, Investment Function, Multiplier and Accelerator, Demand and Supply for Money , IS

Z LM, Inflation and Phillips Curve, Business Cycles

Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Non-

banking Financial Institutions.

What is the eligibility for SEBI Grade A

Eligibility criteria for NABARD Grade A examination is as follows:

Age Limits
[As of the 1st of the month of the notification year) Z 21 to 30 Years

Relaxation in Age Limit –

Upto a maximum of five years for candidates belonging to a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribe if the posts are reserved for them

Upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to

Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to
such candidates if the posts are reserved for them

10 years for PwBD candidates shall be applicable whether the post is

reserved or not.

13 (years for PwBD (OBC) candidates where vacancies are reserved for OBC

15 years for PwBD (SC/ST) candidates where vacancies are reserved for
SC/ST candidates

5 years for Ex-servicemen. Ex-servicemen include Emergency

Commissioned O!cers/Short Service Commissioned O!cers, who have
rendered at least five years continuous Military Service

Where can I download the previous

year question papers of
SEBI Grade A Examination?
We have made these question papers available for you in PDF format. You can
click on the below links and download the previous year question papers of
SEBI Grade A examination.

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