BT5 Precast RSW
BT5 Precast RSW
BT5 Precast RSW
The earliest forms of application of precast concrete were architectural and decorative shapes that are
combined with cast in place works in the construction of buildings and structures. Its use developed and
expanded into larger units as strength and structural capability of concrete and the use of composite
component materials came into being. Developments in reinforced concrete expanded the use of
precast concrete into larger architectural: and structural building components. Prestressed concrete
technology further improved its capability in heavy structural construction.
A multitude of precast concrete shapes and sizes are presently available in the construction industry.
Precast concrete elements such as the double tee, hollow core, tee joist, and the flat slab are commonly
used for flooring. These elements are supported on the framing beams. Generally, flat slab and hol1ow
core units are used for the shorter span range. Double tee units are used for the medium span range.
Single tee units are used for long spans. The I shape girder is used for long spans with heavy load.
Building Systems as referred is the complete structural shell consisting of flooring, beams, columns,
partition walls, exterior wall cladding, and attachments which altogether define the character of the
building structure. It encompasses the very wide range of combination of materials and building
components that are used in its construction.
Traditional systems of construction utilize columns and beams to transmit floor and wall loads as well as
lateral loads into the supporting foundation. With the advent of precast concrete, this method of
construction is executed in what is now well known as the Integrated Building System. Countless
structures utilizing the Integrated Building System are found in all parts of the country especially in the
Metro Manila area. It has proven its advantages in quality, speed and overall economy of construction in
low and medium rise buildings.
• The wall panel and floor slab method of construction is used in conventional cast-in-place
construction wherever the above-mentioned structural parameters can be satisfied. The Tunnel
form System is an examp1e of this type of construction in an industrialized cast-in-place system
which is used worldwide. The walls and floors are cast in one go using multiple use metal forms
that are tunnel configured.
• The Wall Panel and Floor Slab System adapts especially well to precast concrete construction.
The requirement that the walls are aligned conveniently provides a place wherein jointing can
be accomplished. This is achieved thru reinforcing bars that protrude along the periphery of the
walls together with the cast-in-place concrete at these joints both vertical and horizontal.
Appropriate structural analysis would determine the amount of reinforcement needed
corresponding to the overall design parameters of the structure. Detailing of the joint is of
critical importance. Aside from satisfying all structural design requisites, the joint must be
consistent with field erection and construction conveniences which more often determine
feasibility and practicality of any design scheme.
• Optimum results in precast concrete construction are achieved when standardization of building
components is maximized. This maximizes efficiency in molds and facility of production and
erection thus resulting in optimum economy and speed of construction.
• The Wall Panel and Floor Slab System offers the most extensive possibility for standardization in
a building structure. Basically, it involves only two building components, the wall and floor
elements. it has no column or beam.
• However, it caters only to building applications where wall placement coincides with functional
partitioning. This is the reason why it addresses best the housing application. In mass housing
the dwelling unit is defined in detail as to placement of walls corresponding to its functional
layout. Walls are aligned vertically from floor to floor. Walls are also aligned horizontally. Thus, it
offers optimal possibility for standardization of precast building components and therefore
achieve maximum economy and speed of construction that the Wall panel and floor slab System
In both the Integrated Building System and the Wall Panel and Floor Slab System, the designer should
aim for maximum modularization of dimensions. Furthermore, optimum results can be obtained with
pre-casting if building components are standardized to bring down to minimum the number of types of
building components. One must have strong determination towards arriving at modular dimensions
that are closely coordinated with all design parameters such as;
1. Functional layout
5. Production process
6. Erection scheme
Compromise decisions will have to be made in favor of the more important parameters. Mass housing
and some repetitive industrial and commercial type applications offer the best opportunity for
Prestressed concrete
• Is reinforced by Pre-tensioning or Post-tensioning high-strength steel tendons.
• The tensile stresses in the tendons are transferred to the concrete, placing the
entire cross section of the flexural member in compression.
• The resulting compressive stresses counteract the tensile bending stresses from
the applied load, enabling the prestressed member to carry a greater load
Prestressing Techniques
• Pre-tensioning is accomplished in a pre-casting plant before arriving at the job
• Post-tensioning is usually performed at the building site, especially when the
structural units are too large to transport from factory to site
• Prestresses a concrete member by stretching the reinforcing tendons before
the concrete is cast.
• Is a method of reinforcing (strengthening) concrete or other materials with
high- strength steel strands or bars, typically referred to as tendons.
• Applications include office and apartment buildings, parking structures, slabs-
on- ground, bridges, sports stadiums.
• In many cases, post- tensioning allows construction that would otherwise be
impossible due to either site constraints or architectural requirements.
Rebar vs Tendons
• Rebar is what is called “passive” reinforcement however; it does not carry any
force until the concrete has already deflected enough to crack.
• Post- tensioning tendons, on the other hand, are considered “Active”
• Because it is prestressed, the steel is effective as reinforcement even though
the concrete may not be cracked.
• Post- tensioned structures can be designed to have minimal deflection and
cracking, even under full load.
• Allows longer clear spans, thinner slabs, fewer beams
• Thinner slabs mean less concrete is required.
• Post- tensioning can thus allow a significant reduction in building weight versus
a conventional concrete building with the same number of floors.
• Post- tensioning is the system of choice for parking structures since it allows a
high degree of flexibility in the column layout, span lengths and ramp
Types of Post-Tensioning
• There are two main types of post-tensioning:
• Unbonded
• Bonded (grouted)
Post-tensioning Process
• Abutments are not needed.
• Tendons may be left unbonded or if in a steel tube bonded with an injected
• Most are unbonded.
Unbonded tendon
• Is one in which the prestressing steel is not actually bonded to the concrete
that surrounds it except at the anchorages.
• The most common unbonded systems are mono-strand (single strand)
tendons, which are used in slabs and beams for buildings, parking structures and
slabs- on-ground.
• A mono-strand tendon consists of a seven- wire strand that is coated with a
corrosion- inhibiting grease and encased in an extruded plastic protective
• The anchorage consists of an iron casting and a conical, two-piece wedge
which grips the strand.
• In bonded systems, two or more strands are inserted into a metal or plastic
duct that is embedded in the concrete.
• The strands are stressed with a large, multi- strand jack and anchored in a
common anchorage device. • The duct is then filled with a cementitious grout
that provides corrosion protection to the strand and bonds the tendon to the
concrete surrounding the duct.
Construction of Post-Tensioning
• In building and slab- on- ground construction, unbonded tendons are typically
prefabricated at a plant and delivered to the construction site, ready to install.
• The tendons are laid out in the forms in accordance with installation drawings
that indicate how they are to be spaced, what their profile (height above the
form) should be, and where they are to be stressed.
• After the concrete is placed and has reached its required strength, usually
between 3000 and 3500 psi (“pounds per square inch”), the tendons are
stressed and anchored.
• The fact the tendons are kept in a permanently stressed (elongated) state
causes a compressive force to act on the concrete.
Anchorages in Post-Tensioning
• Anchorages are a critical element, particularly in unbonded systems.
• After the concrete has cured and obtained the necessary strength, the
wedges are inserted inside the anchor casting and the strand is stressed.
• When the jack releases the strand, the strand retracts slightly and pulls the
wedges into the anchor.
• This creates a tight lock on the strand. The wedges thus maintain the applied
force in the tendon and transfer it to the surrounding concrete.
Post-Tension Anchorage