Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011

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Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 1

1. During local anaesthetizati- A. Neostigmine

on novocaine solution is usually B. Aceclidine
compounded with solution of adrenaline C. Pylocarpine
hydrochloride. What is the purpose of this D. Armin
action? E. Dipiroxim
A. Vasoconstriction 6. A 52-year-old patient was diagnosed
B. Vasodilatation with systemic amebiasis accompanied by
C. Increase in smooth muscle tone bowels, liver and lungs affection. What
D. Decrease in smooth muscle tone preparation should be administered?
E. Algesthesia reduction
A. Metronidazole
2. Which of the below-listed drugs is B. Chiniofon
used for thrombolytic therapy in case of C. Tetracycline
myocardial infarction? D. Chingamin
E. Phthalazol
A. Streptokinase
B. Heparine 7. A gravida in her 20th week of
C. Рhenylinum gestation got ill with pneumonia. What
D. Ticlopidine chemotherapeutical drug may be admi-
E. Acetylsalicylic acid nistered with no risk for the fetus
3. On the 4th day of treatment wi-
th indometacin a 55-year-old patient A. Веnzylpenicillinum
developed gastrorrhagia as a result of B. Gentamycin
gastric mucosa ulcer. Ulcerogenic effect C. Sulfalenum
of this drug is explained by the lowered D. Laevomycetinum
activity of the following enzyme: E. Ofloxacinum
A. Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) 8. During a surgical operation the muscle
B. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) relaxant tubocurarine chloride was used.
C. Lipoxygenase (LOG) What antagonist drug should be injected
D. Prostacyclin synthetase in order to allow the patient to brief
E. - independently?

4. A 45-year-old patient has been taki- A. Neostigmine

ng neodicumarinum for thrombophlebi- B. Dithylinum
tis for two weeks. The regular blood C. Cytitonum
test revealed a decrease in prothrombin D. Aethimizolum
concentration, microhematuria. Which E. Веnzohexonium
drug should be used as neodicumarinum 9. A pharmacy depot received a batch of
antagonist? common plantain leaves. According to the
A. Vicasol requirements of the Pharmacopoeia, this
B. Protamine sulfate herbal raw matrial is of adequate quality if
C. Sodium citrate it contains the following active substances:
D. Heparin A. Polysaccharides
E. Aminocaproic acid B. Flavonoids
5. A patient complaining of dry mouth, C. Tannins
photophobia and blurred vision has been D. Anthracene derivatives
delivered to the admission ward. Objecti- E. Essential oils
vely: the skin is hyperemic, dry, mydriatic 10. A pharmacy analyst analizes distilled
pupils and tachycardia are present. He has water. For this purpose he brings some
been diagnosed with belladonna alkaloids amount of the sample material to the boi-
intoxication. Which of the drugs should ling point, adds 0,02 M solution of potassi-
be given as an antidote? um permanganate and diluted sulfuric
acid. After 5 minutes of boiling the pi-
nk colour of the produced solution should
not change. The pharmacy analyst tries to
detect the following admixture:
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 2

A. Chemical reducing agent A. Oxidization

B. Carbon dioxide B. Neutralization
C. Nitrates C. Precipitation
D. Sulfates D. Hydrolysis
E. Heavy metals E. Adsorption
11. A pharmacy supplies the population 16. A pharmaceutist made a tincture
with drugs for cash. Specify the VAT on of Adonis herb. A peculiarity of its
drugs: preparation is that the active substances
are derived in:
A. 0%
B. 10% A. In the neutral medium
C. 15% B. In the alkalescent medium
D. 20% C. In the alkaline medium
E. 30% D. In the subacid medium
E. In the acid medium
12. Aerosol production involves appli-
cation of different groups of propellents. 17. Coltsfoot preparations are used
What propellents relate to the group of for upper airways treatment. During
compressed gases? procurement of this herbal raw material
the following admixture may appear:
A. Nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide
B. Freons A. Great bur (Arctium lappa)
C. Propane, butane, isobutane B. Common plantain (Plantago major)
D. Vinyl chloride, methyl chloride C. Spring adonis (Adonis vernalis)
E. Methylene chloride, ethylene chloride D. Marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis)
E. Pot marjoram (Origanum vulgare)
13. An analytical laboratory carries
out quantitative analysis of sodium 18. A pharmacist-technologist received an
citrate by method of ion-exchanging ointment formulation.
chromatography on a cationite. What Rp.: Unguentum Resorcini 1,5% - 10,0
titrated solution is to be used for the Da. Signa. To be applied on the affected skin areas.
following titration of generated citric The pharmaceutist incorporated dry
acid? medical substance into the ointment by
the following way:
A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Iodine A. Triturated with a few vaseline oil drops
C. Potassium iodate B. Triturated with a few ethanol drops
D. Hydrochloric acid C. Triturated with a few water drops
E. Trilon B D. Added to molten vaseline
E. Triturated with a part of vaseline
14. Which preparation is the specific anti-
dote in case of intoxication with iron 19. For granule drying different types of
preparations? dryers are used. The dryer SP-30 relates
to the following type:
A. Deferoxamium
B. Protamine sulphate A. With fluidized bed
C. Bemegridum B. Sublimation
D. Atropinum C. Infrared
E. Penicillamine D. With silica gel column
E. With a forced air circulation
15. A pharmaceutist revealed incompati-
bility in the formulation. 20. Specify the herbal raw material with
Rp.: Sol. Collargoli 1% - 10 ml high concentration of carotinoids which is
Sol. Adrenalini hydrochloridi 0,1% - 1 ml used for production of phytopreparations:
M.D.S. Nasal drops.
What chemical process underlies this A. Sea-buckthorn fruits
incompatibility? B. Currant leaflets
C. Caseweed grass
D. Wild strawberry leaves
E. Parsley roots
21. For the purpose of sales stimulati-
on a pharmaceutical wholesale company
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 3

grants its customers a discount according cyclic antidepressants. Specify this drug:
to the social contract and on condition of
their loyalty. Specify the type of discount: A. Amitriptyline
B. Phenazepam
A. Bonus C. Droperidol
B. Dealer D. Aminalonum
C. Seasonal E. Caffeine
D. Discounts for quantity of purchased
goods 27. In the medical practice this compound
E. - is used as a disinfectant. In case of intoxi-
cation with this compound the patient’s
22. One of the quality indicators for fini- urine turns olive or olive-black. Specify
shed ampoules is lack of residual stress the compound:
in the glass. Which operation at the
stage "Preparation of ampoules to be fi- A. Phenol
lled"eliminates this imperfection? B. Isoamyl alcohol
C. Iodoform
A. Ampoule annealing D. Ethyl ether
B. Capillary opening E. Ethyl lbenzoata
C. Ampoule washing
D. Ampoule drying 28. A patient with hypertension has been
E. Ampoule sterilization administered one of antihypertensive
drugs. Blood pressure dropped back to
23. Companies producing injectable normal, but the patient has developed
dosage forms apply different methods of a persistent dry cough. Which of the
ampoule sealing. Sealing against a jet of following drugs has such a side effect?
inert gases (nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxi-
de) is suitable for the following injection A. Enalapril maleate
solutions: B. Propranolol
C. Clonidine
A. Easily oxidable D. Furosemide
B. Viscous E. Nifedipine
C. Thermostable
D. Hydrolytically unstable 29. A patient suffering from ulcer disease
E. Photosensitive was prescribed famotidine. What is the
mechanism of its action?
A. Block of 2 -histamine receptors
24. Quality control of tablets produced
B. Block of 1 -histamine receptors
at a pharmaceutical enterprise involves
quantitative determination of such subsi-
diary substances as talc and aerosil. What C. Block of muscarinic cholinoreceptors
method is applied for such determination? D. Inhibition of adenosine triphosphatase
A. Gravimetric E. Block of cholinoreceptors of
B. Titrimetric sympathetic ganglions
C. Photocolorimetric
D. Spectrophotometric 30. According to the requirements of
E. Chromatographic the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, a
pharmacy analyst determines iron admi-
25. Pharmaceutical plants produce xture in a preparation by means of citric
enteric-coated tablets. According to the and thioglycolic acids. What staining indi-
requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia cates presence of this admixture?
of Ukraine, the coating mustn’t disi-
ntegrate in the acidic medium within the A. Pink
following period: B. Green
C. Yellow
A. 1 hour D. Blue
B. 2 hours E. Black
C. 4 hours
D. 3 hours 31. Name the reason for the reducti-
E. 5 hours on of anticoagulant effect of syncumar
when it is applied in combination with
26. A patient with depression has been phenobarbital:
administered a drug from the group of tri-
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 4

A. Phenobarbital activates microsomal 37. During inventory of a pharmacy

liver enzymes the surplus of inventory holdings was
B. Phenobarbital inhibits microsomal liver revealed. What actions concerning the
enzymes surplus should be taken by the inventory
C. Development of syncumar allergy comission?
D. These drugs are antagonists
E. Mutual inactivation A. Take on charge
B. Confiscation by superior organization
32. Calamus rhizome is likely to be C. Abolishment
confused with some other plant rhizome D. Immediate realization
that can be found as an admixture in the E. Writing-off
herbal raw material. Specify the most li-
kely admixture: 38. A pharmacist made eye drops of pi-
locarpine hydrochloride and adrenali-
A. Iris rhizome ne hydrochloride solution. A peculiari-
B. Valerian rhizome ty of the incorporation of the adrenaline
C. Elecampane roots hydrochloride solution is that it is added:
D. Althaea roots
E. Phlojodicarpus roots A. After sterilization, aseptic
B. After dissolving of solids
33. Tannins can be used as an antidote for C. To the half dose of solvent
alkaloid poisoning. What herbal remedy D. In the first place
should be applied in case of such intoxi- E. After isotoning
39. A patient has chronic pancreatitis wi-
A. Cinquefoil root th apparent manifestations of pancreatic
B. Calamus rhizome exocrine hypofunction. Which of the
C. Althaea root following drugs would be the most
D. Rhizome and roots of madder appropriate in this case?
E. Elecampane root
A. Раncreatinum
34. Tannins have astringent effect and are B. Drotaverine
used for treatment of colitis, enterocoli- C. Dе-Nоl
tis, diarrhea. What herbal raw material D. Оmерrаzоlе
contains a lot of tannins? E. Acidin pepsinum
A. Fructus Myrtilli 40. Underground organs of medicinal
B. Fructus Sambucci nigri plants that accumulate the most of acti-
C. Fructus Ribes nigri ve substances should be collected:
D. Fructus Rhamni catharticae
E. Fructus Frangulae A. After the seeds have ripened and the
overground parts died off
35. Cardioglycosides of Adonis vernalis B. At the flowering stage
are used for heart failure treatment. This C. During the green fruiting
plant raw material should be stored: D. At the budding stage
E. At the stem extension stage
A. According to the list B
B. According to the list A 41. In Ukraine the out-patients are suppli-
C. Under normal conditions ed with narcotic and psychotropic drugs
D. Protected from CO2 only by prescription. Medicoprophylactic
E. In metal containers institutions receive prescription blanks
(Form 3) from the following source:
36. A pharmacy manager is writing the
monthly "Inventory report". What busi- A. Pharmacy storehouse
ness transactions should be represented in B. City’s health department
the expenditure item of the report? C. Wholesale companies
D. Typography
A. Drug sales E. Pharmaceutical corporation
B. Plant raw material purchases
C. Payroll payment 42. A patient has been administered
D. Amortization charged to operation powders containing menthol. What is the
E. Extra-evaluation of laboratory- best way to achieve the required extent of
packaging works menthol comminution?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 5

A. Diuretic and choleretic

A. To triturate it with alcohol or ether B. Sedative and anticonvulsant
B. To triturate it with glycerine or C. Cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic
chloroform D. Expectorant and antibechic
C. To triturate it with purified water E. Bactericidal and astringent
D. To triturate it with other components of
the formulation 48. One of the tablet coatings is
E. To triturate it thoroughly with sugar enterosoluble capsule. They get solved in:
43. Stability of suspensions can be A. Bowels
enhanced by substances which increase B. Stomach
the viscosity of the dispersion medium. C. Oral cavity
Specify the substance that exhibits such D. Rectum
properties: E. -
A. Glycerol 49. It is required to analyse some herbal
B. Purified water raw material in form of shiny black drupes
C. Ethanol up to 6-8 mm in diameter; the bone is
D. Dimexid large, very firm, spherical, light brown, wi-
E. Ether th a single seed; it has a sweet, slightly
astringent taste. This herbal raw material
44. A doctor prescribed an olive oil should be qualified as a fruit of:
emulsion whose composition includes
anesthesin. In order that anesthesin can A. Bird cherry
be incorpotated into the emulsion it B. Blueberry
should be dissolved: C. Black chokeberry
D. Buckthorn
A. In the oil before emulsifying E. Hawthorn
B. In the mature emulsion
C. In the treated water 50. Which of the following non-steroid
D. In the primary emulsion anti-inflammatory agents has the least
E. In the alcohol and add to the primary harmful effect on the mucosa of the
emulsion gastrointestinal tract?
45. О-methylation is an important method A. Nimesulide
of organic substances biotransformation B. Diclofenac
in the body, compounds that are subject C. Indomethacin
to such method contain: D. Piroxicam
E. Acetylsalicylic acid
A. Phenolic groups
B. Amides 51. A pharmaceutist prepared eyedrops
C. Tthiol groups with boric acid. What sterilization method
D. Nitro groups was applied?
E. Carboxyl groups
A. Sterilization by saturation vapor
46. Which antiseptic preparation has pressure
bactericidal effect due to the formation B. Tyndallization
of atomic oxygen? C. Sterilization by dry heat
D. Sterilization by gases
A. Potassium permanganate E. By high-frequency current
B. Chloraminum
C. Furacilinum 52. A pharmaceutist refused preparati-
D. Aethonium on of nasal drops to a patient because of
E. Silver nitrate incompatibility between collargol and di-
medrol written in the prescription. What
47. Styles of maize with stigmata contai- is the reason for incompatibility between
ning fatty acids, vitamins, essential oils, these ingredients?
saponins and other substances are used as:
A. Coagulation
B. Immiscibility
C. Adsorption
D. Dissection
E. Eutectic formation
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 6

53. A pharmaceutist was preparing an oi- 58. After an emotional stress a 60-year-old
ntment with ricin oil and Vaseline but fai- patient presented with chest pain irradi-
led to get homogenous system. What is ating to the left arm. Specify a drug that
the most likely cause of incompatibility relieves pain in this case:
between these components?
A. Nitroglycerine
A. Component immiscibility B. Nifedipine
B. Restricted solubility C. Diltiazem
C. Release of water of crystallization D. Propranolol
D. Coagulation E. Metoprolol
E. Adsorption
59. A 70-year-old patient consulted a
54. A doctor wrote a prescription for the doctor about elevated arterial pressure.
tincture of digitalis with hydrochloric acid. He has a history of benign hyperplasia
What is the reason for their incompatibi- of prostate. What drug should be admini-
lity? stered in this case?
A. Hydrolysis (with no visible change) A. Doxazosin
B. Precipitation B. Еnаlаpril
C. Gassing C. Propranolol
D. Change in colour D. Diltiazem
E. Change in odour E. Losartan
55. At the initial stage of establishing a 60. A pharmaceutist revealed incompati-
pharmaceutical enterprise the internal di- bility in a prescription for powders with
sciplinary regulations should be adopted. ascorbic acid and hexamethylenetetrami-
One of the primary matters is the durati- ne. What process takes place when these
on of the lunch break for the employees. components are combined?
According to the Labour Code of Ukrai-
ne, the break duration must be as follows: A. Mixture dampening
B. Eutectic formation
A. Up to 2 hours C. Immiscibility
B. Up to 1 hour D. Substances adsorption
C. Not less than 3 hours E. Crystallization water exudation
D. 2,5 hours
E. - 61. A pharmaceutist made a medicinal
preparation according to the following
56. A 26-year-old patient was diagnosed formulation:
with community-acquired pneumonia Rp.: Chloroformii
provoked by mycoplasma. Choose the Olei Helianthi
appropriate antimicrobial preparation for Methylii salicylatis ana 10,0
the patient treatment: M.D.S. For infriction.
Specify the kind of disperse system:
A. Rovamycine
B. Amoxicillin A. Liniment - solution
C. Gentamycinum B. Liniment - combined
D. Веnzylpenicillinum C. Liniment - emulsion
E. Amoksiklav D. Liniment suspension
E. Liniment - extractional
57. A 60-year-old patient has essenti-
al hypertension stage II, coronary 62. In order to get registered in state
disease, bronchial asthma. After authorities pharmacies as legal persons
pharmacotherapy correction the patient must possess authorized capital stock.
exhibited a bronchospastic attack, intensi- What amount is identified as the authori-
fied dyspnea. What drug provoked this zed capital stock?
A. The amount recorded in constituent
A. Propranolol documents
B. Nifedipinе B. The amount of noncurrent assets
C. Еuphyllinum C. The amount of fund formation sources
D. Мucaltinum D. Total assets
E. Salbutamolum E. The amount of debts of an enterprise
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 7

63. According to the current legislation, A. Hydrochloric acid

pharmaceutists get the sickness benefit in B. Sodium bromide
case of temporary disability. Specify the C. Potassium iodide
source of payment for the first 5 days of D. Sodium hydroxide
being on the sick leave: E. Magnesium sulfate
A. Pharmacy expenditures 69. An analytical chemist determines the
B. Pharmacy revenues admixture of sulphates in the boric acid.
C. Pension fund What is the main reagent that he has to
D. Environment stimulation fund add:
E. Reserve fund
A. Barium chloride
64. Which of the listed antibacterial drugs B. Sodium sulphide
should NOT be administered to a pati- C. Potassium ferrocyanide
ent with diabetes mellitus type II being D. Silver nitrate
treated with glibenclamid? E. Ammonium oxalate
A. Co-trimoxazolum 70. In order to arrest stenocardia attacks a
B. Midecamycin patient takes nitroglycerin capsules. What
C. Gentamycinum is the rational way of the drug introducti-
D. Benzylpenicillinum on?
E. Doxycycline
A. Sublingual
65. What drug may cause constipation in a B. Peroral
patient undergoing combined therapy for C. Rectal
arterial hypertension? D. Inhalation
E. Hypodermic
A. Verapamil
B. Furosemide 71. Recommend a patient with acute
C. Trimetazidine bronchitis a mucolytic drug that ease diffi-
D. Panangin culty in expectoration:
E. Acetylsalicilic acid in small dosages
A. Acetylcysteine
66. A pharmacy plans to purchase and B. Glaucine
retail goods of different stock record units. C. Loratadine
Which group of goods does VAT reducti- D. Diclofenac sodium
on apply to? E. Drotaverine hydrochloride
A. Medicaments 72. A patient with atherosclerosis has
B. Baby food been administered an anti-atherosclerotic
C. Optics agent. Specify this drug:
D. Curative cosmetics
E. Perfumes A. Phenofibrate
B. Ascorbic acid
67. Preliminary tests involve using various C. Pyracetam
kinds of indicator paper. Blackening of D. Dexamethasone
the indicator paper treated with plumbum E. Phenylbutazone
acetate indicates that the biological object
contains: 73. A pharmacy received a batch of medi-
cines from a pharmacy depot. Specify the
A. Hydrogen sulphide drug subject to the controlled substance
B. Hydrogen chloride inventory in pharmacies:
C. Ammonium hydroxide
D. Sulphuric acid A. Dicaine
E. Sodium hydroxide B. Paracetamol
C. Analgin
68. An analytical chemist makes a test D. Novocaine
for the presence of sodium thiosulphate. E. Acetylsalicylic acid
Select a reagent which allows to detect the
thiosulphate ion: 74. A pharmaceutical company conducted
an age-specific segment analysis of the
regional antihistamine market. It revealed
the lack of antihistamines for children.
The company will consider this segment
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 8

as: A. Toxic
B. Drastic
A. A market niche C. Over-the-counter
B. An unattractive segment D. Narcotic
C. A market share E. Psychotropic
D. A segment requiring further research
E. A market door 80. An employee of a pharmaceutical
company has been commissioned wi-
75. An obtained mineralisate contains th marketing research on the regional
sulphates of lead, barium and stronti- market of antiarrhythmic drugs. What
um in form of white precipitation. What stage of research would he prefer in the
procedure will allow to separate the lead first place?
A. Collection and analysis of secondary
A. Dissolution in ammonium acetate information
B. Dissolution in concentrated sulphuric B. Collection of primary information
acid C. Analysis of primary information
C. Conversion into carbonate D. Preparation of report
D. Conversion into diethyldithiocarbamate E. Submission of report
E. Conversion into arsine
81. A pharmaceutical company "Pfizer"is
76. A pharmacy received the followi- focused on offering the best quality goods
ng prescription: 0,0002 g of scopolamine at a high price which should cover the
hydrobromide per 1 powder. How much costs of research and development as well
of 1:100 trituration is required for the as production of high quality products.
preparation of 10 powders? Despite the high price, the product is sti-
ll in demand. What are the goals of the
A. 0,2 company’s price policy?
B. 0,04
C. 4,0 A. Winning the market leadership in
D. 0,4 respect of product quality
E. 2,0 B. Ensuring the company’s survival
C. Maintaining status quo
77. A pharmacy received a prescription for D. Increasing the market share
3% alcohol solution of boric acid. What E. Increasing the company’s assortment
concentration of ethyl alcohol is required
for preparing the drug form? 82. A pharmaceutical company
"Pharmasvet"has patented and produces
A. 70% now a new hypoglycemic preparation. The
B. 60% company markets this product directly
C. 40% through the own sales departments, affili-
D. 90% ated sales companies, pharmacy network.
E. 96% Marketing policy of this pharmaceuti-
cal company can be characterized by the
78. A licensed state-owned pharmacy
channel of the following level:
obtains and retails narcotic drugs. Which
state authority develops and revises the A. Zero level
list of the drugs allowed in Ukraine? B. One-level
C. Two-level
A. State servise on Narcotic Drugs Control
D. Three-level
of Ukraine E. Four-level
B. State Inspectorate for Quality Control
of Drugs 83. A patient with cholelithiasis was
C. State Pharmacological Centre prescribed the following drug for the
D. Public Joint Stock Company "Medi- purpose of cholesterol gallstone dissoluti-
caments of Ukraine" on:
E. -
A. Ursodeoxycholic acid
79. A pharmacy is engaged in retail sales B. Gamma-amino-butyric acid
of drugs. What group of drugs does atropi- C. Acetylsalicylic acid
ne sulphate relate to? D. Citric acid
E. Mefenamic acid
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 9

84. Which of the listed methods of filli- A. Bismuth

ng ampoules with injectable solutions can B. Lead
protect the capillaries from contamination C. Zinc
with thick and viscous solutions? D. Copper
E. Silver
A. Syringe method
B. Vacuum method 90. During the chemico-toxicological
C. Turbo-vacuum method study of the dialysate of an aqueous
D. Steam condensing method extract, the ammonia test IS NOT carried
E. Solution squeezing method out if the dialysate includes the following
85. Production of injection solutions
involves an operation of solution filtrati- A. Hydrogen sulphide
on. What filters are used for sterile filtrati- B. Sulphurous acid
on? C. Sulphuric acid
D. Nitric acid
A. Filter candles E. Nitrous acid
B. Nutsch filters
C. Filter developed by the Kharkiv 91. A forensic chemical laboratory recei-
Chemo-pharmaceutic Research Institute ved an object for analysis. The analysis
D. Pressure filters involves quantitative determination of
E. Mushroom filter mercury by means of a reaction with di-
thizone. What physical-chemical method
86. A 68-year-old female patient has been is used within this analysis?
continuously taking furosemide for heart
failure treatment. What drug should be A. Extraction photocolorimetry
used to prevent hypokalemia in patients B. Gas-liquid chromatography
taking furosemide? C. UV spectrophotometry
D. IR spectrophotometry
A. Panangin E. Thin layer chromatography
B. Atp-long
C. Mildronatum 92. A woman in the III trimester of
D. Trimetazidine pregnancy has an acute respiratory vi-
E. Sustac forte ral disease accompanied with body
temperature rise up to 39o C. Which of the
87. Eye drops are prepared with an oi- drugs should be recommended?
ntment base which is an alloy of vaseli-
ne and lanolin. Specify the method of its A. Paracetamol
sterilization: B. Celecoxib
C. Indomethacin
A. Dry heat D. Acetylsalicylic acid
B. Ethylene oxide E. Diclofenac sodium
C. Flowing steam
D. Pasteurization 93. Suspensions as heterogenous systems
E. Tyndallization can be characterized by kinetic and sedi-
mentary instability. What substance is
88. Quantitative determination of si- used for increasing suspension stability
lver nitrate is done by method of thi- with hydrophobic substances?
ocyanatometry. What indicator is used in
this case? A. Gelatose
B. Sodium chloride
A. Iron (III) ammonium sulphate C. Boric acid
B. Phenolphtalein D. Sodium sulphate
C. Potassium chromate E. Glucose
D. Methylene blue
E. Sodium eosinate 94. A patient presents with morphi-
ne intoxication. Which drug should be
89. An analytical chemist was identifying injected as an antidote?
xeroform in reaction with sodium sulphi-
de. As a result of reaction a black solid
dropped out. What ion was detected?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 10

A. Naloxone A. Сyanocobalamine
B. Lobeline hydrochloride B. Ascorbic acid
C. Bemegride C. Unitiol
D. Atropine sulphate D. Ferrum Lek
E. Unithiol E. Охуferriscorbone
95. Most alkaloids are isolated from the 100. Essential oil of rose is used as an anti-
biological material by polar solvents. Whi- inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
ch of the listed alkaloids is isolated by the It is localized in the following excretory
way of distillation with water vapour? organs:
A. Coniine A. Glandular spots
B. Strychnine B. Essential oil glandules
C. Cocaine C. Essential oil conceptacles
D. Atropine D. Secretory cells
E. Quinine E. Glandular hairs
96. Comparative analysis of the 101. A chemist of an analytic laboratory
performance of two pharmacies showed has to prepare turbidity standards accordi-
that the trade stock in terms of days was 20 ng to the requirements of Pharmacopoeia.
and 30 days respectively. Which of these What substances are to be used as the
indicators is NOT USED for calculating reference?
the trade stock?
A. Hexamethylenetetramine and hydrazi-
A. Wage fund ne sulphate
B. The rate of trade mark-up B. Calcium sulphate and glycerin
C. Sales volume C. Sodium chloride and calcium nitrate
D. Turnover D. Potassium chloride and barium sulphate
E. The left-over goods in terms of E. Furacilinum and calcium chloride
settlement prices
102. A pharmaceutist plans voluntary
97. A pharmacy received drugs that are termination of the open-ended
included in the National List of Essential employment contract for the reason of her
Medicines. When supplying these drugs to husband’s transfer to another area. Speci-
the public hospitals, pharmacies are enti- fy the form and term of notice that should
tled to mark-up the drug charges at the be given to the pharmacy director:
rate of:
A. Two-week notice in written form
A. 10% B. One-week notice in written form
B. 50% C. One-month notice in written form
C. 40% D. Five-day notice in written form
D. 30% E. Two-day notice in written form
E. 20%
103. A pharmacy makes wholesale
98. Sales of medical cosmetics retailed in purchases of health and hygiene products.
pharmacies are taxable at the VAT rate of An agent works under the contract with
20%. Who is charged with it? the manufacturer and makes deals at the
manufacturer’s cost. The agent may be
A. End consumer entitled to exclusive distribution in some
B. Product manufacturer regions. What kind of agent is it?
C. Wholesale intermediator company firm
D. Pharmacy A. Wholesale agent
E. Customs service B. Consignee
C. Commission agent
99. A patient who has been suffering from D. Broker
gastric diseases for a long time is found E. Dealer
to have hyperchromic anemia. Which of
the following drugs is applied for this 104. How much water should be taken
pathology treatment? in order to prepare 200 ml of aqueous
extract of motherwort (water absorption
coefficient = 2 ml/g)?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 11

A. 240 ml osulfate". Violet colour, that comes from

B. 220 ml reaction with sodium nitroprusside, indi-
C. 200 ml cates the presence of the following admi-
D. 160 ml xture:
E. 210 ml
A. Specific sulfides admixture
105. During the identification of a B. Sulphates admixture
drug an analytical chemist of the State C. Sulfur admixture
Inspectorate for Quality Control performs D. Sodium chloride admixture
a lignin test. Specify this drug: E. Iodides admixture
A. Streptotcid 111. An analytic laboratory received
B. Ascorbic acid "Aether anaestheticus"for analysis. Whi-
C. Cortisone acetate ch reagent should be used for detection of
D. Methionine acetone and aldehyde admixtures accordi-
E. Analgin ng to the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukrai-
106. A pharmacist-analyst carries
out quantitative analysis of procaine A. Alkaline solution of potassium tetrai-
hydrochloride. Which of the following odomercurate
solutions is to be used? B. Ammonium solution of argentum ni-
A. Sodium nitrite C. Aqueous solution of potassium iodide
B. Sodium thiosulfate D. Sodium hydrosulphite
C. Sodium edetate E. Hydroxylamine solution
D. Potassium bromate
E. Argentum nitricum 112. Activity of an organization depends
on various factors. What factors refer to
107. The main active components of the internal environment of the organi-
hawthorn berries are flavonoids. What is zation?
their pharmacological effect?
A. Abilities, skills and talent of staff
A. Hypotensive and sedative B. Economy status
B. Laxative and sedative C. Infrastructure
C. Tonic and antispasmodic D. Public authorities
D. Diuretic and styptic E. Consumers
E. Antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory
113. Financial accountability of pharmaci-
108. Name a "metal poison"which is es consists of separate account forms.
isolated from the biological material by Which form presents accounts payable for
the method of destruction: the goods purchased?
A. Mercury A. Balance sheet, form 1
B. Stibium B. Financial performance report, form 2
C. Cadmium C. Financial performance report, form 2m
D. Silver D. Net worth statement, form 3
E. Arsenic E. Balance assets, form 1
109. Toxic substances can be isolated from 114. In Ukraine natural persons as small
the objects of biological origin by di- business entities are allowed to use the
fferent methods. In case of intoxication simplified tax system. What limit on the
with pesticides - derivatives of phosphoric number of employees is established for
acids - the following method is applied: such enterprises?
A. Infusion with organic solvents A. No more than 10 persons
B. Distillation with water steam from the B. No more than 20 persons
alkaline medium C. No more than 30 persons
C. Infusion with alkalized water D. No more than 40 persons
D. Infusion with water acidified with E. No more than 50 persons
chloric acid
E. Dialysis from alkalized solutions 115. For the natural persons being small
business subjects the simplified tax system
110. A pharmacy analyst carries out puri- is effective. But there is a limit of annual
ty test of the drug substance "Sodium thi-
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 12

proceeds upon sale. What is the boundary electrochemically:

amount of proceeds?
A. Aluminum hydroxide acetate
A. Up to 500 thousand UAH B. Plumbum hydroxide acetate
B. Up to 750 thousand UAH C. Calcium gluconate
C. Up to 100 thousand UAH D. Polyvinyl alcohol
D. Up to 1 million UAH E. Potassium arsenite
E. Up to 5 million UAH
121. In course of preparation of supposi-
116. Simplified tax system implies tories by the pumping method the
replacement of several taxes by a si- suppository mass became viscous and
ngle one. What limit on the number of fluid after the incorporation of chloral
employees is established for the legal hydrate into the cocoa butter. What
persons to implement the simplified tax substance should be added to the supposi-
system? tory mass in order to restore its density
and plasticity?
A. 50 persons
B. 10 persons A. Wax
C. 25 persons B. Glycerine
D. 100 persons C. Purified water
E. 75 persons D. Dimexid
E. Starch
117. Fatty oil containing saturated fatty
acids is used for atherosclerosis preventi- 122. Powders make up an important
on. Specify the medicinal plant that is group among the extemporal medici-
used for oil production: nal preparations. Which of the followi-
ng components can be incorporated into
A. Flax seeds a powder without being preliminarily
B. Fennelflower seeds ground?
C. Dill seeds
D. Black chokeberry fruits A. Basic Bismuth nitrate
E. Hawthorn fruits B. Ascorbic acid
C. Camphor
118. A tablet shop produces triturati- D. Xeroform
on tablets. What quality indicators ARE E. Calcium gluconate
NOT relevant for these tablets?
123. Qualitative reaction for phenol is
A. Abrasion, resistance to crushing the reaction with bromine water. What
B. Disintegration and dissolution compound is produced as a result of the
C. Homogeneity of dosage interaction of phenol with bromine water
D. Homogeneity of content and drops out as a white solid?
E. Microbiological purity
A. 2,4,6-tribromophenol
119. A phytochemical production unit B. 2-bromophenol
produces biogenic stimulators out of di- C. 3-bromophenol
fferent raw materials. Specify the biogenic D. 4-bromophenol
stimulators of organo-mineral origin: E. 2,4-dibromophenol
A. Peloidinum, Humisolum, Torfotum, 124. Upper airways diseases can be
Fibs pro injectionibus treated by means of herbal raw materi-
B. Extractum Aloes fluidum, Linimentum als containing mucilages. The plant source
Aloes, Succus Aloes, Biosedum of this compound class is:
C. Vitreous body, Placenta injection,
Рlasmolum, Solcoseryl A. Radix Althaeae
D. Extractum Aloes fluidum, Linimentum B. Radix Inulae
Aloes, Рlasmolum C. Radix Ipecacuanhae
E. Peloidinum, Humisolum, Torfotum, D. Radix Rhodiolae
Рlasmolum, Solcoseryl E. Radix Belladonnae
120. A pharmaceutical enterprise 125. The basic structure of steroid
produces water solutions. The solution hormones is hydrocarbon skeleton -
of the following substance is produced cyclopentane perhydrophenanthrene.
by method of chemical interaction and What natural compound is used for
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 13

testosterone propionate production? antiaggregant. What is the daily dose that

should be recommended for continuous
A. Cholesterol use?
B. Indole
C. Naphthalene A. 0,1-0,3 g
D. Phenanthrene B. 0,5-1,0 g
E. Anthracene C. 1,0-2,0 g
D. 2,0-3,0
126. According to the requirements of E. Over 4,0 g
the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine,
a pharmacy analyst should determine 131. The main active components of senna
procaine hydrochloride by nitritometric leaves and fruits are sennosides A, B, C,
method. What indicator is to be used for D. They relate to the following class of bi-
this purpose? ologically active substances:
A. Neutral red A. Anthracene derivatives
B. Methyl red B. Phenolic acids
C. Crystal violet C. Flavonoids
D. Xylenol orange D. Iridoids
E. Acid chrome blue E. Thioglycosides
127. According to the requirements of 132. A laboratory received some herbal
the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, raw material for analysis. It is a composi-
a pharmacy analyst should determine tion of ovoid-pointed leaves up to 25
fluorouracil by method of nonaqueous cm long and 20 cm wide; the leaf base
titration. What titrated solution is to be is cuneate, the leaf edge is emarginate.
used? The cutting is long and cylindric. The leaf
venation is pinnatisect; the midrib and the
A. Tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide first-order veins project significantly on
B. Sodium nitrite the inferior surface of the leaf. The superi-
C. Potassium bromate or leaf surface is dark green, the inferi-
D. Ammonium thiocyanate or surface is light green. The plant has a
E. Sodium edetate weak narcotic smell. The taste cannot be
determined. The plant is poisonous! The
128. An analytical chemist analyses the described herbal raw material relates to
substance of ethylmorphine hydrochlori- the following plant:
de. The substance purity is tested by
method of semi-microanalysis. What A. Datura stramonium
reagent is used to determine the water B. Passiflora incarnata
admixture? C. Chelidonium majus
D. Vinca minor
A. Iodosulphurous E. -
B. Biuretic
C. Methoxyphenyl acetic acid 133. It is necessary to prescribe non-
D. Molibdeno-vanadium steroid anti-inflammatory drug for patient
E. Hypophosphite with rheumatoid arthritis and concomi-
tant duodenal ulcer. Which drug is the
129. An analytical laboratory carri- drug of choice in this case?
es out an analysis of ferrum sulphate
heptohydrate according to the requi- A. Celecoxib
rements of the State Pharmacopoeia of B. Acetylsalicylic acid
Ukraine. The test portion of the substance C. Paracetamol
should be titrated with the following D. Analgin
solution: E. Diclofenac sodium
A. Ammonium cerium sulfate 134. A pharmaceutist is preparing
B. Argentum nitrate powders according to the following
C. Ammonium thiocyanate formulation:
D. Sodium edetate
E. Potassium bromate
130. A patient consults a pharmaceuti-
st about taking acetylsalicylic acid as an
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 14

Rp.: Scopolamini hydrobromidi 0,0003 A. Antipyrine

Ephedrini hydrochlorodi 0,05 B. Analgin
Sachari 0,15 C. Amidopyrine
M.f. pulvis D. Noxiron
D.t.d. № 10 E. Salicylic acid
S. 1 powder thrice a day.
Calculate the mass of 1 powder providing 139. A patient got poisoned with nitri-
tes. Nitrite detection by means of azo dye
that the trituration (1:100) is used: reaction involves using such acid:
A. 0,20 A. Sulphanilic
B. 0,15 B. Sulphuric
C. 0,23 C. Phosphoric
D. 0,17 D. Hydrochloric
E. 0,203 E. Salicylic
135. A pharmaceutist prepares several di- 140. Preparations made out of
fferent solutions with antibiotics under eleutherococcus roots and rhizomes are
aseptic conditions. He can sterilize the administered as a tonic and adaptogenic
solution of the following substance: drug. If these preparations cannot be
A. Chloramphenicol found in a pharmacy, they can be substi-
B. Benzylpenicillin-sodium tuted by the analogous preparations made
C. Neomycin sulphate of the following raw material:
D. Benzylpenicillin-potassium A. Ginseng roots
E. Polymyxin sulphate B. Elecampane roots
136. A pharmaceutist has revealed an C. Rhizomes and roots of valerian
incompatibility in the prescription. What D. Polemonium roots
drug substances form an eutectic mixture? E. Acorus calamus roots

A. Chloral hydrate + camphor 141. A patient with bronchial asthma has

B. Antipyrine + analgin been administered a drug from the group
C. Calcium chloride + sodium chloride of beta-adrenergic agonists. Specify this
D. Ephedrine hydrochloride + glucose drug:
E. Sodium hydrocarbonate + A. Salbutamol
hexamethylenetetramine B. Diazepam
137. The risk can arise from some forms C. Doxycycline hydrochloride
of activity connected with producti- D. Nitroglycerine
on of goods and services, their selling, E. Digoxin
commodity-money and financial operati- 142. An analytical chemist determines
ons, commerce, implementation of soci- the quantitative content of caffeine by
oeconomic and scientific-and-technical
method of acidometry in nonaqueous
projects. This is the definition for the media in compliance with the State
following concept: Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. What soluti-
A. Business risk on is used as a titrant?
B. Loss of property A. Perchloric acid
C. Labour loss B. Sodium edetate
D. Loss of time C. Potassium bromate
E. Financial loss D. Sodium hydroxide
138. While studying the reaction of an E. Sodium nitrite
"acid"chloroform extraction in acidic 143. A pharmacy analyst identifies sodium
medium with sodium nitrite, a forensic hydrocarbonate. What indicator can confi-
toxicologist got a compound stained rm the presence of alkalescent medium
emerald green. Which of the substances reaction in the sodium hydrocarbonate
is capable of forming the mentioned ni- solution?
trose compound?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 15

A. Phenolphtalein A. Tolerance
B. Starch B. Cumulation
C. Tropeolin 00 C. Physical dependence
D. Ferroin D. Allergy
E. Naphtholbenzein E. Potentiation
144. Substance of calcium pangamate is 149. Pharmacy activities are commonly
to be studied in n analytical laboratory. operated by different types of managers.
Calcium cation forms a white precipitate The function of direct control over drug
with the following reagent: preparation by a pharmaceutist refers to
the following type of management:
A. Ammonium oxalate
B. Sodium chloride A. Technical
C. Potassium permanganate B. Institutional
D. Potassium bromide C. Managerial
E. Sodium cobaltinitrite D. Administrative
E. Bureaucratic
145. A chemist of an analytical laboratory
studies procaine hydrochloride accordi- 150. A pharmaceutist has applied for
ng to the requirements of the State a job of a stockkeeper at a wholesale
Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. What pharmaceutical enterprise. What trial
method is recommended by the State period doesn’t require agreement with the
Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine for the quanti- trade-union committee?
tative analysis of this preparation?
A. Up to three monthes
A. Nitritometry B. Up to one month
B. Bromatometry C. Up to two monthes
C. Acidimetry D. Up to four monthes
D. Alkalimetry E. Up to six monthes
E. Chelatometry
151. Marketing manager at a pharmaceuti-
146. A patient has been administered a cal factory is planning its communication
spasmolytic from the group of muscari- policy. Which component of the marketi-
nic receptor antagonists as a part of the ng communication systems has the highest
complex treatment for renal colic. Specify value for one contact?
this drug:
A. Personal sale
A. Atropine B. "Public relations"
B. Neostigmine C. TV advertising
C. Galantamine D. Periodical advertising
D. Dithylinum E. Sales promotion
E. Benzohexonium
152. During the treatment of chronic heart
147. A common method for quantitative failure with digoxin in a patient having
determination of drugs from the group of bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, blurred vi-
alkali metal halogenides is: sion. Which drug is the antidote in this
A. Argentometry
B. Permanganatometry A. Unithiol
C. Chelatometry B. Tetacinum calcium
D. Alkalimetry C. Dipiroximum
E. Nitritometry D. Amyl nitrite
E. Atropine sulphate
148. A patient has been taking isosorbi-
de for stenocardia prevention for quite 153. A biennial or perennial plant from
a long time. Now he notes a significant the Apiaceae family has a blue-grey stem
decrease in the effect of the drug. What is branching in its lower part. Its leaves are
this phenomenon called? also blue-grey, finely dissected, with the
ultimate filiform segments. The flowers
are yellow, in compound umbels. Its fruit
is used for production of "dill water".
What plant is it?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 16

A. Foeniculum vulgare 158. According to the Labour Code,

B. Carum carvi compulsory deductions from the salari-
C. Petroselium crispum es of pharmacy employees include:
D. Coriandrum sativum
E. Conium maculatum A. Pension contributions
B. Alimony
154. Incoming control is conducted in the C. Excess payments
course of wholesale and retail trade, such D. Amounts to be withheld under writs of
control is carried out during receipt of execution
goods by visual inspection or analysis of E. Trade union contributions
drug. Incoming control is carried out by
authorized person, which is assigned by: 159. According to the basic regulations
for supply of medical products, pharmaci-
A. Managers order es should be supplied with medicaments
B. State inspection of drugs quality control having a remaining shelf life of no less
C. Head of regional structure than . . .%, and bacterial preparations of
D. Proprietor of an enterprise no less than . . .%:
E. The order of head of territorial inspecti-
on A. 60%, 40%
B. 80%, 60%
155. When a pharmacy records goods as C. 50%, 40%
received, it normally specifies the amount D. 40%, 20%
of the markup intended for expenditure E. 60%, 30%
coverage and profit gaining. Give the defi-
nition for the markup: 160. A patient with chronic bronchitis
wants to buy glaucine hydrochloride at a
A. The difference between the sale price pharmacy. What typical side effect of the
and purchase price of goods drug should the patient be warned agai-
B. The difference between the sales price nst?
and markup
C. The difference between the sales price A. Drop of arterial pressure
and the customs price B. Excitation of the central nervous system
D. The amount of goods sold C. Irregular heartbeat
E. Rummage (goods remains) at the end D. Rise of intraocular pressure
of the month E. Allergic skin rash
156. Before the raw plant material is taken 161. A 30-year-old patient with a sleep di-
over from the supplier, it must be checked sorder and psychoemotional disbalance
for compliance. Which document is the has been administered diazepam. What is
ground for recording raw plant material the mechanism of its psychosedative acti-
as received in the pharmacy in case of its on?
A. Activation of GABAergic system
A. Acceptance certificate B. Inhibition of the limbic system
B. Consignation note C. Inhibition of the reticular formation
C. Write-off certificate D. Reduction of noradrenaline amount in
D. Invoice the CNS
E. - E. Inhibition of opioid receptors
157. The relationships between the 162. Benzylpenicillin sodium is not used
demand, supply and price level is studi- per os, because this drug:
ed within the following field of complex
market research: A. Destroys gastric HCl
B. Poorly absorbed in the intestine
A. Studies of economic environment C. Irritates gastric mucosa
B. Studies of market and product requi- D. Reduces formation of gastric HCl
rements E. Is destroyed by penicillinase
C. Analysis of market segmentation
D. Studies of market structure of compani- 163. Select the reductant required for the
es determination of arsenic impurity in drugs
E. Analysis of sociopsychological features (method 2):
of buyers
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 17

A. Sodium hypophosphite A. 1:2:5

B. Hydrochloric acid solution B. 2:2:4
C. Sodium sulfite solution C. 1:3:4
D. Sodium hydroxide solution D. 2:1:5
E. Potassium iodide solution E. 3:2:3
164. A pharmacy received a prescription 169. While filling hard gelatin capsules
for powders with a too high single dose such glidants as 0,1% - 0,3% aerosil or
of phenobarbital not justified by proper magnesium stearate along with 0,5% - 1%
documentation. What actions should a talc are often added to the filling agent in
pharmaceutist take? order to improve the following properties:
A. Put the stamp "invalid"and return the A. Flowability
prescription to the patient B. Homogeneity
B. Supply 1/3 of the maximum single dose C. Regulation of moisture content
C. Supply the maximum single dose, multi- D. Homogeneity of mixing
plied by the number of powders E. Ability to contact molding
D. Supply the highest single dose
E. Supply 1/3 of the maximum single dose, 170. Prescriptions for drugs being subject
multiplied by the number of powders to the stocktaking and supplied on
favourable terms or free of charge except
165. When heroin comes into an an for narcotic (psychotropic) drugs and
organism, it metabolizes chiefly to: tramadol are written out:
A. Morphine and 6-monoacetylmorphine A. In 2 copies of form F-1
B. Codeine B. On the pink form
C. Morphine C. On the form F-3
D. 6-acetylmorphine D. On the form F-1
E. 3-acetylmorphine and morphine E. On the forms F-3 and F-1
166. A pharmacy received a prescription 171. What management style is characteri-
for a topical powder including a substance zed by manager’s particular compliance,
that is hard to disperse. Which of the li- when manager initiates goals formation
sted fluids may be used for dispersing the by his subordinate and is ready to accept
substance? it without reservations?
A. Diethyl ether A. Laissez-faire management style
B. Purified water B. Democratic management style
C. Water for injections C. Bureaucratic style
D. Dimexid D. Collective style
E. Isopropyl alcohol E. Combined style
167. A female has prolonged labour. Select 172. Activity of pharmaceutical insti-
a drug that stimulates labour activity due tutions is subject to licensing. What is
to its physiological effect from the listed the duration of licencse for drugs and
below: healthcare products sale?
A. Oxytocin A. Five years
B. Neostigmine B. One year
C. Pachycarpine C. Two years
D. Progesterone D. Four years
E. Estrone E. Three years
168. A pharmaceutist has to prepare 173. In case of loss of license a
suppositories with a glycerine gelatin base pharmaceutist should address an appli-
by the molding method. What is the ratio cation for a duplicate to a licensing
of gelatin, water and glycerine required authority. The licensing authority is obli-
for the base? ged to issue the duplicate to the applicant
no later than:
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 18

A. Three working days from the date of A. Bismuth subcitrate

application receipt B. Omeprazole
B. One month from the date of application C. Actovegin
receipt D. Metronidazole
C. Two monthes from the date of applicati- E. Ranitidine
on receipt
D. Three monthes from the date of appli- 179. A man with a long history of
cation receipt chronic hepatitis has been diagnosed with
E. The duplicate isn’t issued pneumonia. Which of the following anti-
bacterial drugs can be applied in this cli-
174. Which component of the marketing nical situation?
communication system focuses on creati-
ng a positive image of a company? A. Amoxicillin
B. Tetracycline
A. Public relations C. Biseptol
B. Advertising D. Rifampicin
C. Personal sales E. Vancomycin
D. Retail logistics
E. Merchandising 180. A 57-year-old female patient was di-
agnosed with rheumatoid arthritis; she
175. Select a loop diuretic of strong, has also a history of stomach ulcer. What
emergency and short-term action from the drug from the group of nonsteroid anti-
listed below: inflammatory drugs may be recommended
this patient?
A. Furosemide
B. Clopamide A. Celecoxib
C. Acetazolamide B. Diclofenac
D. Spironolactone C. Aspirin
E. Triamterene D. Indometacin
E. Mefenamic acid
176. A laboratory received some herbal
raw material for analysis. The plant had 181. An internship doctor prescribed his
flowerheads up to 4 cm in diameter, patient nifuroxazid from the group of ni-
the marginal flowers were agamic, blue, trofurans for the treatment of urinary
funnel-shaped; the inner flowers were bi- tracts infection. The doctor made a mi-
sexual, purple, tubular. What plant has stake because:
these features?
A. It cannot be absorbed from the digesti-
A. Centaurea cyanus ve tract
B. Solidago virgaurea B. It is excreted with urine in the inactive
C. Polygonum persicaria state
D. Scutellaria baicalensis C. It has nephrotoxic effect
E. Viola tricolor D. It has bacteriostatic effect
E. It is excreted from the organism very
177. Spesify the type of the following lini- slowly
ment: Ol. Helianthi 7,4
Sol. Ammonii caustici 25 ml 182. Which of the following is the drug
Ac. Oleinici 0,1 of choice for bronchial asthma attacks
M.f. linimentum prevention?
D.S. To be rubbed in.
A. Cromolyn sodium
A. Liniment, emulsion o/w B. Salbutamol
B. Combined liniment C. Drotaverine
C. Liniment-solution D. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
D. Liniment-suspension E. Ambroxol
E. Liniment, emulsion w/o 183. A pharmaceutist needs to sterilize
178. A patient who has been undergoing 250 ml of glucose solution for injections.
combined drug therapy for peptic ulcer How many minutes should the soluti-
presents with black feces. Specify a drug on undergo sterilization in the autoclave
that might have caused such a change: under the temperature of 120oC?
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 19

A. 12 189. A routine inventory revealed a cash

B. 8 shortage. Who must reimburse the sum of
C. 15 the identified shortage?
D. 25
E. 30 A. Cashier
B. Pharmacy director
184. Grinding equipment is classified by C. Deputy director of pharmacy
the way of grinding. What kind of machi- D. Department head
nes does a roller crusher relate to? E. Deputy head of Department
A. Crushing 190. A pharmaceutical factory produces
B. Cutting herbal juice out of fresh raw material.
C. Abrasive What operation should be performed at
D. Impact the stage of juice purification?
E. Impact-centrifugal
A. Heating followed by quick cooling
185. Antacid gastritis can be treated wi- B. Sedimentation
th plantain juice. What is the way of its C. Adsorption
extraction? D. Filtration
E. Crystallization
A. High-pressure compression
B. Extraction with condensed gases 191. A patient suffering from stomach
C. Maceration with aqueous ethanol ulcer was prescribed an antiulcer drug that
solution also reduces secretion of hydrochloric acid
D. Dissolution of concentrates and inhibits Chelicobacter pylori. What
E. Repercolation drug is it?
186. Oxidation of some toxins within the A. Omeprazole
body results in generation of compounds B. Gastrocepine
that increase their toxicity. Thus, due to C. Maalox
the oxidation of heptachlor in the body D. Famotidine
the folowing compound is formed: E. Almagel
A. Heptachlor epoxide 192. Quantitative determination of ni-
B. Carbon monoxide trofural (furacilin) can be done by method
C. Carbon dioxide of spectrophotometry. A pharmacy
D. Heptachlor oxide analyst can calculate quantity by measuri-
E. Hexachlorocyclohexane ng:
187. A pharmacy has sulfonamide biseptol A. Optical density
on sale. What chemical compounds are B. Refractive index
the main components of this drug? C. Rotation angle
D. pH of solution
A. Sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim E. Fusion temperature
B. Sulfazin, salazodimethoxinum
C. Sulgin, norsulfazol 193. An edema can be relieved by
D. Phthalazolum, sulfadimezin means of hypertonic solutions. What
E. Urosulfan, sulfapiridazin phenomenon takes place in the blood cells
after injection of such solution?
188. In course of isoniazid identification a
pharmacy analyst boiled thoroughly the A. Plasmolysis
substance with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. B. Hydrolysis
The substance turned yellow, after addi- C. Hemolysis
ng alkaline solution it turned first violet D. Lipolysis
and then brownish-red. As a result of this E. Electrolysis
reaction the following aldehyde derivative
is produced: 194. A consulting pharmacist informed
a patient about possible side effect of
A. Glutakon metronidazole that is normally provoked
B. Gluconic by alcohol intake. What is the mechanism
C. Glutamic of this phenomenon?
D. Glyoxylic
E. Hexanic
Krok 2 Pharmacy 2011 20

A. Enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase blocki- carried out in a pharmacy the synthetic

ng accounts are used. Their list is given in
B. Enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase acti- the Chart of Accounts. Balances of the
vation I, II and III account classes are used for
C. Enzyme acetylcholinesterase blocking completion of the following document:
D. Enzyme acetylcholinesterase activation
E. Enzyme glucose 6-phosphate A. Assets
dehydrogenase activation B. Profit and Loss Account
C. Liabilities
195. An anaesthesiologist has to perform D. First section of the liabilities balance
an operation under neuroleptanalgesia. sheet
Which of the following drug combinati- E. Fourth section of the liabilities balance
ons should be used in this case? sheet
A. Fentanyl with droperidol 199. A 40-year-old patient suffers from
B. Droperidol with prednisolone bronchial asthma and cardiac rhythm di-
C. Fentanyl with diazepam sturbance in form of bradyarrhythmia.
D. Diazepam with aminazine Drugs of which pharmacological group
E. Promedol with amitriptillin should be administered for bronchospasm
196. Common juniper is applied as a di-
uretic, anti-inflammatory and cholagogic A. M-cholinergic antagonists
agent. This plant gives the following medi- B. Beta-blockers
cinal raw material: C. M-cholinomimetics
D. Cholinesterase inhibitors
A. Fruits E. Muscle relaxant
B. Sprouts
C. Leaves 200. A patient who has taken phenobarbi-
D. Roots tal for a long time was prescri-
E. Seeds bed diclofenac sodium. However the
anti-inflammatory effect of diclofenac
197. Which of the following reagents appeared to be less than expected due to
should be added to the isoniazid to achi- the pharmacokinetic interaction of these
eve blue colour and precipitation that drugs. Such interaction might be the result
turns light-green and emits gases when of the following processes:
A. Accelerated drug metabolism in liver
A. Copper sulfate solution B. Decelerated drug metabolism in liver
B. Silver nitrate solution C. Reduced protein concentration in
C. Alkaline solution plasma
D. Hydrochloric acid solution D. Change of receptor sensibility
E. Iron (III) chloride solution E. Increased drug dosage
198. For accounting business transactions

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