AC Circuit 1 (Single-Phase)

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AC Circuits Part 1

Prepared by: Engr. Arvin P. Dela Roca

1. A sinusoidal voltage has a maximum value of 100V. Find its effective or RMS value in volts.
a. 81.6 b. 70.7 c. 100 d. 63.6
2. An alternating voltage rms value of a sawtooth wave is 235 volts. Its average value is..
a. 235 volts b. 296.9 volts c. 203.5 volts d. 166.2 volts
3. The current in an AC circuit has an equation of i= -20sin(wt+30°) A. Find its complex expression
in amperes (BEP).
a. 17.32 + j10 b. -17.32 + j10 c. -17.32 - j10 d. 7.07-j12.24
4. An alternating current of maximum value 20 amperes lags the reference voltage by 30 degrees.
What is the magnitude of current 2 ms after the current wave crosses the wt axis going in the
positive direction?
a. 4.57A b. 19.14A c. 10.23A d. 13.69A
5. An alternating current of sinusoidal waveform has amplitude of 15 amperes, what is the average
current at a frequency of 60 Hz.
a. 10.6A b. 4.8A c.15A d.9.6A
6. The average current value of a semi-circle waveform is 100A. Its RMS value is…
a. 63.7A b. 141.4A c. 70.7A d.104A
7. If a half wave rectified sine wave has an rms value of 20 amps. What is the average value?
a. 20A b. 12.74A c. 14.14A d. 28.3A
8. A varying current, with a periodic waveform, flows through a 10 ohm resistor, such that for the
first 6 seconds, it is constant at 10A, for the next 4 seconds, it is zero and for the next 2 seconds,
it is constant at 1A in the reverse direction. Determine the average value of this current in
a. 4.83 b. 5.83 c. 6.83 d.7.83
9. The time domain equations representing the three generators are: e1 = 46sin(377t+56°) V, e2 = -
51sin(377t+76°) V and e3 = 96cos(377t-144°) V. What is the resultant voltage (BEP)?
a. 113V b. 32.5V c. 67V d. 80.6V
10. A series RLC circuit has R=8.66 ohms, L=0.1062 H and C=75.8microF. Find the power factor of
the circuit if the frequency is 60Hz.
a. 0.9 lagging b. 0.9 leading c. 0.86 lagging d. 0.86 leading
11. A series RC circuit is connected to a single-phase supply at a certain frequency. If the frequency
of the supply is doubled, then the reactance of the circuit is____ (BEP).
a. decreased by 50% b. increased by 50% c. the same d. none of these
12. A circuit containing R=60ohms, L=250mH and C=1.1 microfarad are connected across a 220V,
300Hz supply. What is the impedance of the circuit? (BEP April 2015)
a. 60 b. 60-j36 c. 60-j11 d. 60-j24
13. A current of 5A flows through a non-inductive resistance in series with a choking coil when
applied at 250 V, 60 Hz. If the voltage across the resistance is 125 volts and across the coil 200
V, determine the inductance of the coil.
a. 0.150 H b. 0.105 H c. 0.210 H d. 0.300 H
14. A resistance and capacitive impedance are connected in parallel across a single phase, 60Hz ac
supply. The current through the resistance is 12A and that through the capacitive impedance is
8A. Find the total pf if total current is 17.43A
a. 0.917 leading b. 0.907 lagging c. 0.917 lagging d. 0.907 leading
15. A coil takes 6A current when connected to 24 V DC source to obtain the same current with a
50Hz source, requires 30V AC. Calculate the inductance of the coil.
a. 9.54 mH b. 10.13 mH c. 11.54 mH d. 12.13 mH
16. A single-phase circuit has V=80+j60 and I=3+j1 A. Find the circuit power in watts.
a. 320 b. 210 c. 240 d. 300
17. A 40 microF capacitor is connected in series with a 40 ohm resistor. What power is drawn when
source voltage is V=230 V?
a. 353W b. 1332.5W c. 187.2W d. 1158W
18. A series RLC circuit has R=100 ohms, L=21mH and C=331.56 microF. Find the resonant
frequency in Hz.
a. 50 b. 80 c. 60 d. 70
19. The voltage applied across a series RLC circuit at resonance is 10V. If the Q factor of the circuit
at resonance is 20, the voltage across L is ____ V.
a. 300 b. 200 c. 100 d. 400
20. An inductive impedance of 40+j40 ohms is connected in parallel with a pure capacitor. What must
be the reactance of the capacitor in ohms so that the total current is in phase with the supply
voltage of 230V (BEP)?\
a. 60 b. 80 c. 45 d. 50
21. An emf represented by the equation e = 140 sin (377t + 30 ) + 70sin (1113 + 10o) applied to a

capacitor having a capacitance of 30 microFarad. What is the 3rd harmonic content of the
resulting current?
a. 130% b. 140% c. 150% d. 160%
22. A voltage e = 150 sin (400t – 30o) V is applied to a circuit containing a 25 ohms resistor and 100
microFarad capacitor in series. Determine the expression for the current.
a. 2.4215 sin(400t + 15o) A b. 2.4215 sin(400t - 15o) A
b. 4.2426 sin(400t + 15 ) A d. 4.2426 sin(400t - 15o) A
23. A 250 kVA, 0.5 lagging pf is connected in parallel to a 200 kW, 0.8 lead and to a 300 kVA, 100
kVAR inductive load. Determine the total kVA power.
a. 630 kVA b. 730 kVA c. 830 kVA d. 930 kVA
24. The current is represented by its equation E = 10sin(wt + 30deg) + 5 sin(3wt-30deg) A. The
magnitudes of the components are instantaneous values. What is the rms value of the current?
a. 13.22A b. 7.9A c. 11.18A d. 10.6A
25. The average value of the function i=50sinwt+20sin3wt A is equal to…
a. 4A b. 36.1A c. 50A d. 38.1A

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