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Kundalini Awakening: A Technique of Spiritual Development: December 2019

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Kundalini Awakening: A technique of Spiritual Development

Article · December 2019

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Kailash Barmola
Amity University


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Research Discourse (ISSN: 2277-2014): An International Referred Research Journal, Published by: SARDI, Varanasi, U.P. (IINDIA)
Indexed by: IIJIF, I2OR, SJIF, IIJ Impact Factor: 2.47, Vol, IX,. No. IV, October-December 2019, Page No. : 6-8

Kundalini Awakening: A Technique of Spiritual Development

Dr. KC Barmola*
* Assistant Professor, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur

Abstract: Present study is aimed to find the meaning system emphasized more on external development
of spirituality and its development from the process than internal development of Gurukul education. This
of the awakening of the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a is the second step of grieves in human lives. Having
serpent power (Shakti) within an individual in educated in modern system of education it becomes
dormant form. Awakening of the Kundalini is a difficult for an individual to believe in ancestral
unique evolutionary experience of an individual. It tradition of Gurukul education. It means having read
passes through Muladhara Chakra to the other six in modern system of education which emphasizes
being Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, more on understanding and describing natural
Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara. Each chakra has its phenomenon in nature reduces receptivity of
own sensation feeling in spinal cord and individual understanding and describing inner world of an
experience in meditation or Samadhi. Current study individual. Therefore one can easily interpret how
reviewed the process of awakening of the Kundalini this myth of a man believing one as a physical body
from available literature in the social domains. of five basic elements ruining his life. So the purpose
Having reviewed the literature on the process of the of the present study is to understand the meaning of
awakening of the Kundalini, it is found that the path spirituality and its development through Kundalini
of attaining the higher level of consciousness and Awakening.
getting united with cosmic consciousness is In the microcosmic form the all-powerful
spirituality. Awakening Kundalini is the answer of Creative Energy (Shakti) is symbolized in the form of
"how to attain" process of higher level of a coiled serpent, i.e., in a state of inaction, residing at
consciousness. the base of the spine in the human body. The aim of
Keywords: Kundalini, Awakening, Spirituality, Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the serpent and to force
Chakras, Consciousness her, stage by stage, to ascend the spinal canal, known
Acknowledgement: It is my pleasure to as Susumna, until she reaches the seat of Shiva in the
acknowledge that My Spiritual Guru Shree Yogi highest centre in the brain. This ascent, it is stated,
Aanad Ji has inspired me to think and write the takes years to accomplish, though in exceptional
present paper on and as he blessed me. The complete cases only a short time, constantly attended by divine
research paper is written only under his inspiration manifestations. At each of the five lower Chakras, or
and dedicated to him only. Besides him I am also lotuses, the ascending Shakti dissolves one of the five
grateful to Shree Shivanada Ji of Divine Society, primordial elements of which the visible cosmos is
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand and Pandit Gopi Krishna of constituted (namely, earth, water, fire, air and ether)
J&K, India. into the basic substance, which is consciousness, until
Introduction: The physical body of man is made up after dissolving the mind and ego, which are also the
of five basic elements (Akash: The Sky, Vayu: The forms of primeval Shakti, the liberated spirit finds
Air, Agni: The Fire, Prathivi: The Earth and Jal: The itself in ecstatic union with the Eternal Conscious
Water) of the Universe. And generally human thinks Reality to which it owes its being. Many modern
that he is this physical body only. Actually this is the writers on the subject have taken the same line and
biggest myth of life of an individual. This myth is the ascribe the phenomena associated with Kundalini to
beginning of lots of suffering and pain in life of men. the existence of a cosmic, astral, etheric, or psychic
In Vedic period the goal of Gurukul Education was to force without any biological connection with the
remove this myth by teaching Vedas and Puranas to human body, much in the same fashion as has been
disciples. Unfortunately the present education done in the ancient treatises. They override the
system is entirely opposite. It means current physiological objections to the
Research Discourse, Vol, IX. No. IV, October-December 2019 I ISSN: 2277-2014

existence of lotuses on the spinal cord, or of any arousal of Kundalini. Different psychic powers are
structure in the flesh resembling a coiled serpent at associated with each chakra.
the base of the spine, or of the other objects Discussion: Awakening of the Kundalini is a long
mentioned in the ancient books by saying that all lasting process of spiritual development. The brief
these formations on the spinal cord and brain, to overview as discussed above of the Kundalini
which the ancient Scriptures refer with confidence awakening realizes how important is spiritual
have no tangible physical reality, but exist in the development? However it is not accepted much in
astral body or the subtle sheath of Prana, surrounding rational world but individual experience of the
the physical frame. In the same manner the term Kundalini awakening compel us again and again to
Nadis, frequently used in the treatises on Hatha Yoga, accept it as ultimate truth. It is very difficult to make
is held to signify channels of psychic energy or objectivity in individual experiences. Therefore
invisible Prana that have no identity with the network individual experience must be given importance in
of nerves, veins, and arteries distributed over the the path of spirituality. Most of the people of this
whole body. There can be no denial of the fact that world are reared and raised in rational manner. It
the potent Pranic current generated by the body, on means since childhood to adult mostly individual are
the awakening of Kundalini, is of such a marvelous trained and tamed as per the norms of rationality.
nature, and acts with unerring precision and Whether it is about the parent's beliefs, education and
superhuman intelligence, that it reaches the province experience or societal norms, values and culture?
of the Divine; yet for all practical purposes all its Having brought up with such beliefs, values and
physical and physiological bearings the foundation culture it becomes difficult to an individual to think
power firmly rests on the biological structure of the beyond this mindset of rationality. The principle of
human frame. From the purely scientific view, rationality works on logics while the principle of
therefore, some of the basic assumptions of individual experience is based on individual feeling.
Kundalini-Yoga have no existence in reality Therefore individual experience can be prior
according to the interpretation put on the word Nadis conditions to understand and realize the world of
and lotuses by some modern authors. In other works, spirituality. Similarly the awakening of the Kundalini
however, Nadis are translated as arteries. can be accepted and endorse by only those who had
In some ancient statues of Buddha the some or other such individual experience. The path of
opened Usnisa-Kamala is depicted by a slight Kundalini awakening is a well defined process which
protuberance on the top of the head. The general describes each step (Chakras) of awakening by
impression prevailing at present that there are seven physiological (Nerve feelings in Spinal cord
Chakras on the Cerebro-spinal axis is of particularly) and psychological (emotions and
comparatively recent origin. In the early Upanishads experiences) changes within an individual. However
only one, two, or three centres are mentioned, while it may not be accepted by objectivity principle of
in some texts dealing with Kundalini ten, eleven, and modern science but individual experiences of great
even more chakras are described. The Brhadarnyka- Sages and Saints and their followers of India have
Upanishad (2.1.19 and 4.2.3) mentions only the compelled to modern science to change their
heart-centre as the seat of origin of the Nadis that philosophy of science. In same note the example of
carry Prana energy to every part of the body. In his the living yogi Shree Yogi Anand Ji proved once
exposition of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Vacaspati again that how awakening of the Kundalini can lead
Misra (i. 36) makes mention of the lotus of the Heart an individual to reach its highest potential and
and Susumna; and Patanjali himself (iii. 29) refers to spiritual development. The present study found with
Nabhi-chakra as a centre for concentration. The other the help of various books (Prantatva, Dhyan Kaise
chakras mentioned in Tantric texts are Yonisthana, Kare, Sahaj Dhyan Yog, Tratak, Tattvagyan) written
Lalana, Manas, and Soma Chakras. According to by Yogi Anand Ji that awakening of the Kundalini is
Shiva-Samhita (ii. 28) besides the six Chakras there the process of energizing dormant bio-energy within
are five other centres with many names. In a an individual to realize highest potential of a person.
comparatively recent Sanskrit work, Advaita This believes in strict adherence of Eight-fold
Martanda, no less than twenty chakras are (Yam/Niyam/Asana/Pranayam/Pratyahar/Dharan/Dh
enumerated. Meditation on any one of the six yan/Samadhi)
Chakras, it is said, can lead to the
Research Discourse, Vol, IX. No. IV, October- December 2019 ISSN: 2277-2014

spiritual development is how to achieve this aim of

path of Hatha Yoga. According to Yogi Anand Ji life.
three steps Anulom-Vilom Pranayam (Rechak-
Kumbhak-Purak) and Bhastrika can help to purify References:
Chitta earlier and consequently lead towards deep 1. Anand, Y. (2020) Prantatva.
meditation and movement of prana and awakening kundalinimeditation.in/books
and progress of kundalini faster. Yogi Anand Ji also 2. Anand, Y. (2020) Tratak.
emphasized consistency of practices. He says kundalinimeditation.in/books
continuous efforts on prnayam and meditation can 3. Anand, Y. (2020) Dhyan Kaise Kare.
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Conclusion: Awakening of the Kundalini Shakti 4. Anand, Y. (2020) Sahaj Dhyan Yog.
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Meditation. Despite Pranayam and Meditation, each 5. Anand, Y. (2020) Tattvagyan
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spirituality and its development. Having reviewed the 7. Krishna. G. (1972) Kundalini-The Secret of
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level of consciousness and getting united with cosmic Divine Light.
consciousness. On the other hand Spiritual 10. Patanjali (1990). The yoga sutras of Patanjali:
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In other words it can be said that spirituality is the Publications.
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