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Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

A publication under Free Textbook Programme of Government of Tamil Nadu

Department of School Education

Government of Tamil Nadu
First Edition - 2018
Revised Edition - 2019
(Published under new syllabus)


Content Creation

The wise
possess all

State Council of Educational

Research and Training
© SCERT 2019

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Tamil NaduTextbook and Educational

Services Corporation

Human civilization achieved the highest peak with the
development of computer known as “Computer era”.
Literate are those who have the
knowledge in using the computer
PREFACE whereas others are considered
illiterate inspite of the other degrees
T h e growth of the nation at present lies in the
hands of the youth, hence the content of this book is
prepared in such a way so as to attain utmost knowledge
considering the future needs of the youth.

 his book does not require
prior knowledge in computer HOW
 ach unit comprises of simple THE BOOK
activities and demonstrations
which can be done by the teacher
and also students.
 echnical terminologies are listed
in glossary for easy understanding
 he “ Do you know?” boxes enrich the knowledge of reader with
additional information
 orkshops are introduced to solve the exercises using software
QR codes are used to link supporting additional
materials in digital form
How to get connected to QR Code?
Download the QR code scanner from the google play store/
apple app store into your smartphone
o Open the QR code scanner application
o Once the scanner button in the application is clicked, camera opens
and then bring it closer to the QR code in the textbook.
o Once the camera detects the QR code, a URL appears in the screen.
Click the URL and go to the content page.


Software Engineer, Hardware
All University and their affiliated
Engineer, Software
B.E / B.Tech Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
Development, Healthcare
India and Abroad.
Section, IT & ITEs
Science and Humanities
B.Sc (Computer Science)
B.Sc ( Maths, Physics, Chemistry, All University and their affiliated Government Job and Private
Bio-Chemistry, Geography, Colleges and Self financing Colleges in Company BPO, Geologist,
journalism, Library Sciences, India and Abroad. Journalist
Political Science, Travel and
B.A+LLB All University and their affiliated
Lawyer, Legal Officer, Govt
B.Com Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
BBM+LLB India and Abroad.
The Institute of Chartered Accountant
CA CA Private and Govt.
of India (ICAI)
Government Polytechnic and Self- Junior Engineer (Government
financing colleges and Private)
Commerce Courses
B.com-Taxation & Tax Procedure,
B.com-Travel &Tourism,
B.com-Bank Management,
BFM- Bachelors in Financial
Private Organization ,
Markets, All University and their affiliated
Government ,Banking sectors
BMS-Bachelors in Management Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
and prospects for self –
Studies, India and Abroad.
BAF- Bachelors in Accounting &
Certified Stock Broker &
Investment Analysis,
Certified Financial Analyst,
Certified Financial Planner,
Certified Investment Banker

Management Courses
Business Management
Bank Management
Private Organization ,
Event Management All University and their affiliated
Government ,Banking sectors
Hospital Management Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
and prospects for self –
Human Resource Management India and Abroad.
Logistics Management

Lawyer, Legal Officer, Private
B.A+LLB All University and their affiliated
Organization , Government,
B.Com Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
Banking sectors and prospects
BBM+LLB India and Abroad.
for self – employment
CA-Chartered Accountant
CA, Private Organization,
CMA-Cost Management
The Institute of Chartered Accountant Government ,Banking sectors
of India (ICAI) and prospects for self –
CS-Company Secretary
Science and Humanities
B.Sc.Dietician & Nutritionist
B.Sc.Home Science
B.Sc.Food Technology All University and their affiliated Government Job and Private
B.Sc.Dairy Technology Colleges and Self financing Colleges in Company BPO, Geologist,
B.Sc. Hotel Management India and Abroad Journalist
B.Sc. Fashion Design
B.Sc. Mass Communication
B.Sc. Multimedia
B.Sc. -3D Animation
B.A+LLB All University and their affiliated
Lawyer, Legal Officer, Govt
B.Com Colleges and Self financing Colleges in
BBM+LLB India and Abroad.
The Institute of Chartered Accountant
CA CA Private and Govt.
of India (ICAI)
Government Polytechnic and Self- Junior Engineer (Government
financing colleges and Private)

Table of Contents
Title Page Month
1 Introduction to Computers 1 June
2 Number Systems 14 June
3 Computer Organization 32 June
4 Theoretical Concepts of Operating System 41 July
48 July
5 Working with Windows Operating System


6 Introduction to Word Processor 67 July

7 Inserting tables, Objects and Printing document 100 August
8 Mail Merge & Additional Tools 118 August
9 Introduction to Spreadsheet 135 September
10 Functions and Chart 176 September

11 Data Tools and Printing 207 October

12 Presentation Basics 227 October

13 Presentation Advanced 249 October
14 Computer Network 273 November
15 Introduction to Internet and Email 299 November
16 Tamil Computing 316 November

E - book Assessment DIGI links

Unit I Fundamentals of Computers CHAPTER
Introduction to Computers
Learning Objectives 1.1 Introduction to Computers
Computers are seen everywhere
After learning the concepts in this chapter,
around us, in all spheres of life, in the field
the students will be able of education, research, travel and tourism,
• To know about Computers weather forecasting, social networking,
• To learn about various generations of e-commerce etc. Computers have now
computer become an indispensable part of our lives.
• To understand the basic operations of Computers have revolutionised our lives with
computers their accuracy and speed of performing a job,
• To know the components and their it is truly remarkable. Today, no organisation
functions. can function without a computer. In fact,
• To know about booting of a computer various organisations have become paperless.
Computers have evolved over the years from
a simple calculating device to high speed
Father of Computer portable computers.
Charles Babbage The growth of computer industry started
is considered with the need for performing fast calculations.
to be the The manual method of computing was slow
father of computer, and prone to errors. So, attempts were made
for his invention
to develop fast calculating devices, the journey
and the concept of
Analytical Engine in started from the first known calculating device
1837. The Analytical (Abacus) which has led us today to an extremely
Engine contained an high speed calculating devices.
Arithmetic Logic Unit 1.2 Generations of Computers
(ALU), basic flow
control, and integrated Growth in the computer industry is
memory; which led determined by the development in technology.
to the development of first general-
purpose computer concept. Based on various stages of development,
computers can be categroised into different
Main Component
SN Generation Period Merits/Demerits

• Big in size
First 1940- • Consumed more power
Generation 1956 • Malfunction due to overheat
• Machine Language was used
Vacuum tubes

First Generation Computers - ENIAC , EDVAC , UNIVAC 1
ENIAC weighed about 27 tons, size 8 feet × 100 feet × 3 feet and consumed around 150
watts of power
• Smaller compared to First
• Generated Less Heat
• Consumed less power
compared to first generation
Second 1956- • Punched cards were used
Generation 1964 • First operating system was
developed - Bat ch Processing
Transistors and Multiprogramming
Operating System
• Machine language as well as
Assembly language was used.
Second Generation Computers IBM 1401, IBM 1620, UNIVAC 1108

• Computers were smaller,

faster and more reliable
Third 1964
3 • Consumed less power
Generation -1971
Integrated • High Level Languages were
Circuits (IC)

Third Generation Computers IBM 360 series, Honeywell 6000 series

• Smaller and Faster

• Microcomputer series such
as IBM and APPLE were
Fourth 1971-
4 developed
Generation 1980 Microprocessor
• Portable Computers were
Very Large Scale introduced.
Integrated Circuits
• Parallel Processing
• Super conductors
• Computers size was drastically
• Can recognise Images and
Fifth 1980 - till Graphics
Generation date • Introduction of Artificial
Intelligence and Expert
Ultra Large Systems
Scale Integration • Able to solve high complex
(ULSI) problems including decision
making and logical reasoning

• Parallel and Distributed
• Computers have become
Sixth smarter, faster and smaller
6 In future
Generation • Development of robotics
• Natural Language Processing
• Development of Voice
Recognition Software
Table1.1 Generations of computers

The first digital computer Optical Character

Recognition (Optical
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Grapheme Recognition) engine
Integrator And Calculator) for the Indus Scripts has been
was invented by J. Presper Eckert and developed using Deep Learning Neural
John Mauchly at Networks (a sub-field of Artificial
the University of Intelligence).
Pennsylvania and Given photographs, scans, or any image
began construction feed of an Indus Valley Civilization
in 1943 and was artifact, the system will
not completed until be able to recognise the
1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and inscriptions (the symbol/
used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing grapheme sequences)
almost 50 tons. ENIAC was the first digital from the image. There
computer because it was fully functional. are totally 417 Symbols/
Graphemes/Characters in the Indus
1.3 Sixth Generation Computing
Scripts and just 3700+ text inscriptions
of data for the machine to learn and
In the Sixth Generation, computers
attain expert-level status.
could be defined as the era of intelligent
computers, based on Artificial Neural
Networks. One of the most dramatic
changes in the sixth generation will be the
explosive growth of Wide Area Networking.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is
a component of Artificial Intelligence
(AI). It provides the ability to develop the 1.4. Data and Information
computer program to understand human
language. We all know what a computer is? It
is an electronic device that processes the
input according to the set of instructions
provided to it and gives the desired output

at a very fast rate. Computers are very programs or instructions. Both hardware
versatile as they do a lot of different tasks and software together make the computer
such as storing data, weather forecasting, system to function.
booking airlines, railway or movie tickets
and even playing games.
Data: Data is defined as an un-
processed collection of raw facts, suitable
for communication, interpretation or
pro cessing.
For example, 134, 16 ‘Kavitha’, ‘C’
are data. This will not give any meaningful
Information: Information is a Figure 1.2: Computer
collection of facts from which conclusions Let us first have a look at the
may be drawn. In simple words we can say functional components of a computer.
that data is the raw facts that is processed Every task given to a computer follows an
to give meaningful, ordered or structured Input- Process- Output Cycle (IPO cycle).
information. For example Kavitha is It needs certain input, processes that
16 years old. This information is about input and produces the desired output.
Kavitha and conveys some meaning. This The input unit takes the input, the central
conversion of data into information is processing unit does the processing of
called data processing. data and the output unit produces the
output. The memory unit holds the data
and instructions during the processing.

DATA Control Unit


Figure 1.1 Data and Information Input Unit

Output Unit

“A Computer is an electronic device that Internal

Memory Data Path
takes raw data (unprocessed) as an input Control Path

from the user and processes it under the Main Memory

control of a set of instructions (called Secondary Storage

program), produces a result (output), and
Figure 1.3 components of a computer
saves it for future use.”
1.5 Components of a Computer 1.5.1 Input Unit
Input unit is used to feed any form
The computer is the combination of of data to the computer, which can be
hardware and software. Hardware is the stored in the memory unit for further
physical component of a computer like processing. Example: Keyboard, mouse,
motherboard, memory devices, monitor, etc.
keyboard etc., while software is the set of

1.5.2 Central Processing Unit to temporarily store the programs and
CPU is the major component data when the instructions are ready to
which interprets and executes software execute. The secondary memory is used
instructions. It also control the operation to store the data permanently.
of all other components such as memory, The Primary Memory is volatile, that
input and output units. It accepts binary is, the content is lost when the power supply
data as input, process the data according is switched off. The Random Access Memory
to the instructions and provide the result (RAM) is an example of a main memory. The
as output. Secondary memory is non volatile, that is,
The CPU has three components the content is available even after the power
which are Control unit, Arithmetic and supply is switched off. Hard disk, CD-ROM
logic unit (ALU) and Memory unit. and DVD ROM are examples of secondary
memory. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
1.5.5. Input and Output Devices
The ALU is a part of the CPU
where various computing functions are Input Devices:
performed on data. The ALU performs (1) Keyboard: Keyboard (wired /
arithmetic operations such as addition, wireless, virtual) is the most common input
subtraction, multiplication, division device used today. The individual keys for
and logical operations. The result of an letters, numbers and special characters
operation is stored in internal memory are collectively known as character keys.
of CPU. The logical operations of ALU This keyboard layout is derived from the
promote the decision-making ability of a keyboard of original typewriter. The data
computer. and instructions are given as input to
the computer by typing on the keyboard. Control Unit
Apart from alphabet and numeric keys,
The control unit controls the flow of it also has Function keys for performing
data between the CPU, memory and different functions. There are different set
I/O devices. It also controls the entire of keys available in the keyboard such as
operation of a computer. character keys, modifier keys, system and
GUI keys, enter and editing keys, function
1.5.3. Output Unit
keys, navigation keys, numeric keypad
An Output Unit is any hardware and lock keys.
component that conveys information to
users in an understandable form. Example:
Monitor, Printer etc.
1.5.4. Memory Unit
The Memory Unit is of two types Figure 1.4 Keyboard
which are primary memory and secondary (2) Mouse: Mouse (wired/wireless)
memory. The primary memory is used is a pointing device used to control the
movement of the cursor on the display Fingerprint Reader / Scanner is a very safe
screen. It can be used to select icons, and convenient
menus, command buttons or activate device for security
something on a computer. Some mouse instead of using
actions are move, click, double click, right passwords, which
click, drag and drop. is vulnerable to
Different types of mouse available fraud and is hard
are: Mechanical Mouse, Optical, Laser to remember. Figure 1.6 Fingerprint
Mouse, Air Mouse, 3D Mouse, Tactile Scanner
Mouse, Ergonomic Mouse and Gaming (5) Track Ball:
Mouse. Track ball is similar to
the upside- down design
Who invented
of the mouse. The user
moves the ball directly,
The computer while the device itself
Figure 1.7 Track
mouse as we know it remains stationary. The
today was user spins the ball in
invented various directions to navigate the screen
and developed by movements.
Douglas Engelbart, with (6) Retinal Scanner: This performs
the assistance of Bill a retinal scan which is a biometric
English, during the 1960's technique that uses unique patterns on a
and was patented on November 17, 1970. person's retinal blood vessels.

(3) Scanner: Scanners are used to

enter the information directly into the
c o m p u t e r ’s
memory. This
device works like
a Xerox machine.
The scanner Figure 1.8 Retinal Scanner
converts any Figure 1.5 Scanner (7) Light Pen: A light pen is a
type of printed pointing device
or written information including shaped like a pen
photographs into a digital format, which and is connected
can be manipulated by the computer. to a monitor. The
tip of the light
(4)Fingerprint Scanner: Finger pen contains a
print Scanner is a fingerprint recognition l i g h t - s e n s i t i v e Figure 1.9 Light Pen
device used for computer security, element which detects the light from the
equipped with the fingerprint recognition screen enabling the computer to identify the
feature that uses biometric technology. location of the pen on the screen. Light pens
have the advantage of ‘drawing’ directly onto new approach to input information into
the screen, but this becomes hard to use, and the Computer.
is also not accurate. (11) Digital Camera: It captures
(8) Optical Character Reader: It is images / videos
a device which directly in the digital
detects characters form. It uses a CCD
printed or written (Charge Coupled
on a paper with Device) electronic
OCR, a user can chip. When light falls
scan a page from a on the chip through
book. The Computer the lens, it converts Figure 1.13
will recognise the Figure 1.10 Optical light rays into digital Digital Camera
characters in the Character Reader format.
page as letters and punctuation marks and
(12) Touch Screen: A touch screen
stores. The Scanned document can be
is a display device that allows the user to
edited using a wordprocessor.
interact with a computer by using the
(9) Bar Code / QR Code Reader: A finger. It can be quite useful as an
Bar code is a pattern printed in lines of alternative to a mouse or keyboard for
different thickness. The Bar code reader
navigating a Graphical
scans the information on the bar codes
User Interface (GUI).
transmits to the
Touch screens are used
Computer for
further processing. on a wide variety of
The system gives devices such as
fast and error free computers, laptops,
entry of monitors, smart
information into Figure 1.11 Bar code phones, tablets, cash
the computer. Reader registers and
QR (Quick response) Code: The information kiosks. Figure 1.14 Touch
Some touch screens Screen
QR code is the two dimension bar code
which can be read by a camera and use a grid of infrared beams to sense the
processed to interpert the image. presence of a finger instead of utilizing
(10) Voice Input Systems: touch-sensitive input.
Microphone serves as ( 1 3 )
a voice Input device. Keyer : A Keyer
It captures the voice is a device for
data and send it to signaling by hand,
the Computer. Using by way of pressing
the microphone one or more Figure 1.15 Keyer
along with speech switches. Modern
Figure 1.12 Voice keyers have a large number of switches
recognition software
input System but not as many as a full size keyboard.
can offer a completely
Typically, this number is between 4 and
50. A keyer differs from a keyboard, which
has "no board", but the keys are arranged
in a cluster.
Output Devices:
(1) Monitor: Monitor is the most
commonly used output
device to display the
information. It looks Figure 1.17 Plotter
like a TV. Pictures on (3) Printers: Printers are used to
a monitor are formed print the information on papers. Printers
with picture elements are divided into two main categories:
called PIXELS. • Impact Printers
Monitors may either • Non Impact printers
be Monochrome Impact Printers
which display textFigure 1.16 Monitor T h e s e
or images in Black printers print
and White or can be color, which display with striking of
results in multiple colors. There are hammers or pins
many types of monitors available such as on ribbon. These
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), LCD (Liquid printers can print
Crystal Display) and LED (Light Emitting on multi-part
Diodes). The monitor works with the (using carbon Figure 1.18 Impact
VGA (Video Graphics Array) card. The papers) by using Printer
video graphics card helps the keyboard mechanical pressure. For example, Dot
to communicate with the screen. It acts Matrix printers and Line matrix printers
as an interface between the computer are impact printers.
and display monitor. Usually the recent
motherboards incorporate built-in video A Dot matrix printer that prints using
card. a fixed number of pins or wires. Each dot is
produced by a tiny metal rod, also called a
The first computer monitor was part of “wire” or “pin”, which works by the power
the Xerox Alto computer system, which of a tiny electromagnet or solenoid, either
was released on March 1, 1973. directly or through a set of small levers. It
generally prints one line of text at a time. The
(2) Plotter: Plotter is an output printing speed of these printers varies from
device that is used to produce graphical 30 to 1550 CPS (Character Per Second).
output on papers. It uses single color or
multi color pens to draw pictures. Line matrix printers use a fixed
print head for printing. Basically, it prints
a page-wide line of dots. But it builds up a
line of text by printing lines of dots. Line
printers are capable of printing much more
than 1000 Lines Per Minute, resulting
in thousands of pages per hour. These
printers also uses mechanical pressure to
print on multi-part (using carbon papers).
Non-Impact Printers
These printers do not use striking Figure 1.20 Inkjet Printer
mechanism for printing. They use They use the technology of firing
electrostatic or laser technology. Quality ink by heating it so that it explodes towards
and speed of these printers are better than the paper in bubbles or by using
Impact printers. For example, Laser printers piezoelectricity in which tiny electric
and Inkjet printers are non-impact printers. currents controlled by electronic circuits
Laser Printers are used inside the printer to spread ink in
jet speed. An Inkjet printer can spread
Laser printers mostly work with
millions of dots of ink at the paper every
similar technology used by photocopiers.
It makes a laser beam scan back and single second.
forth across a drum inside the printer, Speakers:
building up a pattern. It can produce very Speakers produce
good quality of graphic images. One of voice output
the chief characteristics of laser printer (audio) . Using
is their resolution – how many Dots per speaker along with
inch(DPI). The available resolution range speech synthesise Figure 1.21 Speakers
around 1200 dpi. Approximately it can software, the
print 100 pages per minute(PPM)
computer can provide voice output. This
has become very common in places like
airlines, schools, banks, railway stations,

Multimedia Projectors:
Multimedia projectors are used to
produce computer output on a big screen.
Figure 1.19 Laser Printer These are used to display presentations in
Inkjet Printers: meeting halls or in classrooms.
Inkjet Printers use colour cartridges
which combined Magenta, Yellow and Cyan
inks to create color tones. A black cartridge
is also used for monochrome output. Inkjet
printers work by spraying ionised ink at a
sheet of paper. The speed of Inkjet printers
generaly range from 1-20 PPM (Page Per
Figure 1.22 Multimedia Projector
1.6 Booting of computer Points to Remember:

An Operating system (OS) is a • Computers are seen everywhere around

basic software that makes the computer us, in all spheres of life.
to work. When a computer is switched • It is an electronic device that processes
the input according to the set of
on, there is no information in its RAM.At
instructions provided to it and
the same time, in ROM, the pre-written
gives the desired output at a very fast
program called POST (Power on Self
Test) will be executed first. This program • Based on various stages of development,
checks if the devices like RAM, keyboard, computers can be divided into six
etc., are connected properly and ready to different generations.
operate. If these devices are ready, then • The computer is the combination of
the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) gets hardware and software.
executed. This process is called Booting. • Hardware is the physical component of
Thereafter, a program called “Bootstrap a computer.
Loader” transfers OS from hard disk into • Input unit is used to feed any form of
main memory. Now the OS gets loaded data to the computer.
(Windows/Linux, etc.,) and will get • CPU interprets and executes software
executed. Booting process is of two types. instructions.
• The ALU is a part of the CPU where
1) Cold Booting various computing functions are
performed on data.
2) Warm Booting • The control unit controls the flow of
Cold Booting: When the system data between the CPU, memory and
I/O devices.
starts from initial state i.e. it is switched
• An Output Unit is any hardware
on, we call it cold booting or Hard Booting.
component that conveys information
When the user presses the Power button,
to one or more people in user
the instructions are read from the ROM to understandable form.
initiate the booting process. • The Memory Unit is of two kinds which
are primary memory and secondary
Warm Booting: When the system memory.
restarts or when Reset button is pressed,
we call it Warm Booting or Soft Booting.
The system does not start from initial state STUDENT ACTIVITY
and so all diagnostic tests need not be 1. Explain the classification of computers.
carried out in this case. There are chances
2. Give the details of motherboard names,
of data loss and system damage as the data
RAM capacity used in the years 1993,
might not have been stored properly.
1995, 2005, 2008, 2016.
3. Mention two new input and output
devices that are not given in this

8. Expand POST
Evaluation (a) Post on self Test
(b) Power on Software Test
SECTION – A (c) Power on Self Test
Choose the correct answer: (d) Power on Self Text
1. First generation 9. Which one of the following is the
computers used main memory?
(a) ROM (b) RAM
(a) Vacuum tubes
(c) Flash drive (d) Hard disk
(b) Transistors
10. Which generation of computer used
(c) Integrated circuits IC’s?
(d) Microprocessors (a) First (b) Second
2. Name the volatile memory (c) Third (d) Fourth
(c) RAM (d) EPROM
Short Answers
3. Identify the output device
1. What is a computer?
(a) Keyboard (b) Memory
2. Distinguish between data and
(c) Monitor (d) Mouse information.
4. Identify the input device 3. What are the components of a CPU?
(a) Printer (b) Mouse 4. What is the function of an ALU?
(c) Plotter (d) Projector 5. Write the functions of control unit.
5. …....… Output device is used for 6. What is the function of memory?
printing building plan. 7. Differentiate Input and output unit.
8. Distinguish Primary and Secondary
(a) Thermal printer
memor y.
(b) Plotter SECTION-C
(c) Dot matrix Explain in Brief
(d) inkjet printer 1. What are the characteristics of a
6. Which one of the following is used computer?
to in ATM machines 2. Write the applications of computer.
(a) Touch Screen (b) speaker 3. What is an input device? Give two
(c) Monitor (d) Printer e x ampl e s .
4. Name any three output devices.
7. When a system restarts which type
5. Differentiate optical and Laser
of booting is used.
(a) Warm booting 6. Write shortnote on impact printer
(b) Cold booting 7. Write the characteristics of sixth
(c) Touch boot generation.
(d) Real boot. 8. Write the significant features of
m o n i t o r.
Explain in detail
1. Explain the basic components of a computer with a neat diagram.
2. Discuss the various generations of computers.
3. Explain the following
a. Inkjet Printer b. Multimedia projector c. Bar code / QR code Reader

(1) Fundamentals of Computers – V. Rajaraman – PHI Publications

(2) Computer Science text book – NCERT, New Delhi

Internet Resources
(1) www.wikipedia.org
(2) https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/c/computer.htm

Prepare a comparative study of various computers of past and present with respect
to speed, memory, size, power consumption and other features

It is an electronic device that processes the

Computer input according to the set of instructions
provided to it and gives the desired output at a very fast rate.
Vacuum tubes contain electrodes for controlling electron flow
Vacuum tube
and were used in early computers as a switch or an amplifier.
The transistor ("transfer resistance") is made up of semi-
conductors. It is a component used to control the amount of
current or voltage used for amplification/modulation of an
electronic signal.
Punch cards also known as Hollerith cards are paper cards
Punched cards containing several punched or perforated holes that were
punched by hand or machine to represent data.
Machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits that the
Machine Language
computer reads and interprets.
Assembly language An assembly language is a low-level programming language.

The IC is a package containing many circuits, pathways,
Integrated Circuits transistors, and other electronic components all working
together to perform a particular function or a series of functions.
Micro computer is used to describe a standard personal
A high-level language is a computer programming language
High-level languages that isn't limited by the computer, designed for a specific job,
and is easier to understand.
Natural Language Processing is a method used in artificial
Natural Language
intelligence to process and derive meaning from the human
Processing (NLP)
Robot is a term coined by Karel Capek in the 1921 to play
RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots). It is used to describe a
computerized machine designed to respond to input received
manually or from its surroundings.
Nanotechnology is an engineering, science, and technology that
Nanotechnology develops machines or works with one atom or one molecule
that is 100 nanometers or smaller.
A discipline that applies engineering principles of design and
analysis to biological systems and biomedical technologies

Unit I Fundamentals of Computers CHAPTER
Number Systems
Learning Objectives 2.2 Data Representations

• To know how the computer interprets Computer handles data in the form
and stores data in the memory. of ‘0’(Zero) and ‘1’ (One). Any kind of data
• To learn various data representations like number, alphabet, special character
and binary arithmetic. should be converted to ‘0’ or ‘1’ which can
• To learn conversion between various be understood by the Computer. ‘0’ and
Number Systems. ‘1’ that the Computer can understand is
2.1 Introduction called Machine language. ‘0’ or ‘1’ are
called ‘Binary Digits’(BIT). Therefore,
The term data comes from the the study of data representation in the
word datum, which means a raw fact. The computer is important.
data is a fact about people, places or some • A bit is the short form of Binary digit
objects. which can be ‘0’ or ‘1’. It is the basic
Example: unit of data in computers.
Let ‘Name’, ‘Age’, ‘Class’, ‘Marks’ • A nibble is a collection of 4 bits (Binary
and ‘Subject’ be some defined variables. digits).
Now, let us assign a value to each of these • A collection of 8 bits is called Byte.
variables. A byte is considered as the basic unit
of measuring the memory size in the
Name = Rajesh computer.
Age = 16 • Word length refers to the number of
Class = XI bits processed by a Computer’s CPU.
Mark = 65 For example, a word length can have 8
Subject = Computer Science bits, 16 bits, 32 bits and 64 bits (Present
day Computers use 32 bits or 64 bits)
Figure 2.1 Example for Data Bit
(0 or 1)

In the above example, the values Nibble (4 bits)

assigned to the five different variables Byte (8 bits)
are called data. When the above data is
KiloByte (1024 bytes)
processed, we get an information “Rajesh
MegaByte (1024 KB)
is 16 years old, studying in Class XI, has
scored 65 marks in Computer Science GigaByte (1024 MB)

subject”. TeraByte (1024 GB)

Figure 2.2 Data Representation

Computer memory (Main Memory represents 1000, that is , 103. In binary
and Secondary Storage)is normally system, 1 KiloByte represents 1024 bytes
represented in terms of KiloByte (KB) or that is 210. The following table represents
MegaByte (MB). In decimal system, 1 Kilo the various memory sizes:
Table 2.1 Memory Size (Read 2^10 as 2 power 10)
Name Abbr. Size
Kilo K 2^10 = 1,024
Mega M 2^20 = 1,048,576
Giga G 2^30 = 1,073,741,824
Tera T 2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776
Peta P 2^50 = 1,125,899,906,842,624
Exa E 2^60 = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
Zetta Z 2^70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424
Yotta Y 2^80 = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,173
Bytes are used to represent characters in a text. Different types of coding schemes
are used to represent the character set and numbers. The most commonly used coding
scheme is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). Each
binary value between 0 and 127 is used to represent a specific character. The ASCII value
for (blank space) is 32 and the ASCII value of numeric 0 is 48. The range of ASCII values
for lower case alphabets is from 97 to 122 and the range of ASCII values for the upper case
alphabets is 65 to 90.
The speed of a computer depends on the number of bits it can process at once. For
example, a 64- bit computer can process 64-bit numbers in one operation, while a
32-bit computer break 64-bit numbers down into smaller pieces, making it slower.

2.3 Different Types of Number Systems

Number Systems

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

Base value Base value Base value

10 2 8
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) (0,1) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Base value

Figure 2.3. Number Systems

A numbering system is a way Example
of representing numbers. The most
commonly used numbering system in The binary sequence (1101)2 has
real life is Decimal number system. the decimal equivalent:
Other number systems are Binary, Octal,
Hexadecimal number system. Each (1101)2 = 1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20
number system is uniquely identified by =8+4+0+1
= (13)10
its base value or radix. Radix or base is the
count of number of digits in each number
system. Radix or base is the general idea 2.3.3 Octal Number System
behind positional numbering system.
Octal number system uses digits
2.3.1 Decimal Number System
0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 (8 digits). Each octal
It consists of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9(10
digit has its own positional value or weight
digits). It is the oldest and most popular
as a power of 8.
number system used in our day to day life.
In the positional number system, each Example
decimal digit is weighed relative to its
position in the number. This means that The Octal sequence (547)8 has the
each digit in the number is multiplied by decimal equivalent:
10 raised to a power corresponding to that
digit’s position. (547)8 = 5×82 + 4×81 + 7×80
Example = 5×64 + 4×8 + 7×1
= 320 + 32 + 7
(123)10 = 1x102 + 2x101 + 3x100
= (359)10
= 100 + 20 + 3
= (123)10
2.3.4 Hexadecimal Number System
2.3.2 Binary Number System
There are only two digits in the A hexadecimal number is
Binary system, namely, 0 and 1. The represented using base 16. Hexadecimal
numbers in the binary system are or Hex numbers are used as a shorthand
represented to the base 2 and the positional form of binary sequence. This system is
multipliers are the powers of 2. The left used to represent data in a more compact
most bit in the binary number is called as manner. Since 16 symbols are used, 0 to
the Most Significant Bit (MSB) and it has F, the notation is called hexadecimal. The
the largest positional weight. The right first 10 symbols are the same as in the
most bit is the Least Significant Bit (LSB) decimal system, 0 to 9 and the remaining
and has the smallest positional weight. 6 symbols are taken from the first 6 letters
of the alphabet sequence, A to F, where A
1 1 0 1
represents 10, B is 11, C is 12, D is 13, E is
MSB LSB 14 and F is 15.

Table 2.2 Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Example
equivalent of Decimal Numbers The hexadecimal sequence (25)16
Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal has the decimal equivalent:
0 0000 000 0000
(25)16 = 2×161 + 5×160
1 0001 001 0001
= 32+5
2 0010 002 0002
= (37)10
3 0011 003 0003
4 0100 004 0004
5 0101 005 0005 Workshop
1. Identify the number system for the
6 0110 006 0006
following numbers
7 0111 007 0007
S. No. Number Number system
8 1000 010 0008
9 1001 011 0009 1 (1010)10 Decimal Number
10 1010 012 A system
11 1011 013 B 2 (1010)2
12 1100 014 C 3 (989)16
13 1101 015 D
4 (750)8
14 1110 016 E
15 1111 017 F 5 (926)10

2. State whether the following numbers are valid or not. If invalid, give reason.
S.No. Statement Yes / No Reason (If invalid)
1. 786 is an Octal number
2. 101 is a Binary number
3. Radix of Octal number is 7

2.4 Number System Conversions decimal system, we will obtain a quotient

2.4.1 Decimal to Binary Conversion N1 and a remainder R1, where R1 can
have a value of either 0 or 1. The process
Generally two methods followed.
is repeated until the quotient becomes 0
Method 1: To convert Decimal to Binary or 1. When the quotient is ‘0’ or ‘1’, it
“Repeated Division by 2” method can be is the final remainder value. Write the
used. Any Decimal number divided by 2 final answer starting from final remainder
will leave a remainder of 0 or 1. Repeated value obtained to the first remainder value
division by 2 will leave a sequence of 0s obtained.
and 1s that become the binary equivalent
of the decimal number. Suppose it is
required to convert the decimal number N Convert (65)10 into its equivalent
into binary form, dividing N by 2 in the binary number

Given Number : 65
2 65 Remainder
LSB Equivalent or value less than power of 2
2 32 - 1 Note : is : 64
2 16 - 0 65/2 = 32 + 1
(1)  65 - 64 = 1
2 8-0 32/2 = 16 + 0
(2)  1 - 1= 0
16/2 = 8 + 0
2 4-0 Power’s of 2 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
8/2 = 4 + 0
2 2-0 4/2 = 2 + 0 Binary
1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2/2 = 1 + 0 Number
6510 = (1000001)2
(65)10 = (1 0 0 0 0 0 1)2 2.4.2 Decimal to Octal Conversion
To convert Decimal to Octal,
“Repeated Division by 8” method can be
Method 2 : Sum of Powers of 2. used. The method is the same we have
A decimal number can be converted learnt in 2.4.1, but in this method, we
into a binary number by adding up the have to divide the given number by 8.
powers of 2 and then adding bits as needed Example
to obtain the total value of the number. Convert (65)10 into its equivalent
a) Find the largest power of 2 that is Octal number
smaller than or equal to 65. 8 65
6510 > 6410 8 8 - 1
b) S et the 64’s bit to 1 and subtract 64 1-0
from the original number MSB
c) 32 is greater than the remaining total. (65)10 = (1 0 1)8
Therefore, set the 32’s bit to 0. 2.4.3 Decimal to Hexadecimal
d) 16 is greater than the remaining total. Conversion
Therefore, set the 16’s bit to 0. To convert Decimal to Hexadecimal,
e) 8 is greater than the remaining total. “Repeated division by 16” method can be
Therefore, set the 8’s bit to 0. used. The method is the same as we have
f) 4 is greater than the remaining total. learnt in 2.4.1, but in this method, we have
Therefore, set the 4’s bit to 0. to divide the given number by 16.
g) 2 is greater than the remaining total. Example
Therefore, set the 2’s bit to 0. Convert (31)10 into its equivalent
h) As the remaining value is equivalent to hexadecimal number.
1’s bit, set it to 1.
1-1=0 16 31 LSB
Conversion is complete 6510 = (1000001)2 1 - 15
The conversion steps can be given as (16)10 = (1F)16(Refer Table 2.2 F=15)
2.4.4 Conversion of fractional Decimal
to Binary Workshop
The method of repeated 3. Convert the following Decimal
multiplication by 2 has to be used to numbers to its equivalent Binary, Octal,
convert such kind of decimal fractions. Hexadecimal.
The steps involved in the method of
1) 1920 2) 255 3)126
repeated multiplication by 2:
Step 1: Multiply the decimal fraction by 2.4.5 Binary to Decimal Conversion
2 and note the integer part. The To convert Binary to Decimal we
integer part is either 0 or 1. can use positional notation method.
Step 2: Discard the integer part of the Step 1: Write down the Binary digits and
previous product. Multiply the list the powers of 2 from right to
fractional part of the previous left(Positional Notation)
product by 2. Repeat Step 1 Step 2: For each positional notation
until the same fraction repeats written for the digit, now write
or terminates (0). the equivalent weight.
Step 3: The resulting integer part forms Step 3: Multiply each digit with its
a sequence of 0s and 1s that corresponding weight
become the binary equivalent of Step 4: Add all the values.
decimal fraction. Table 2.3 Positional Notation and Weight
Step 4: The final answer is to be written Positional Weight Positional Weight
from first integer part obtained Notation Notation
till the last integer part obtained. 20 1 26 64
Integer part 21 2 27 128
0.2 × 2 = 0.4 0 (first integer part obtained) 22 4 28 256
23 8 29 512
0.4 × 2 = 0.8 0
24 16 210 1024
0.8 × 2 = 1.6 1
25 32
0.6 × 2 = 1.2 1
0.2 × 2 = 0.4 0 (last integer part obtained)

Note: Fraction repeats, the product is the Convert (111011)2 into its
same as in the first step. equivalent decimal number.
Write the integer parts from
top to bottom to obtain the equivalent Weight 32 16 8 4 2 1
fractional binary number. Hence Positional
25 24 23 22 21 20
(0.2)10=(0.00110011…)2 = (0.00110011)2 Notation
1 1 1 0 1 1

2.4.7. Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
32+16+8+0+2+1 = (59)10
(111011)2 = (59)10 Step 1: Group the given number into 4
bits from right to left.
2.4.6 Binary to Octal Conversion Step 2: You can add preceding 0’s to make
Step 1: Group the given binary number a group of 4 bits if the left most
into 3 bits from right to left. group has less than 4 bits.
Step 2: You can add preceding 0 to make Step 3: Convert equivalent Hexadecimal
a group of 3 bits if the left most value using "2's power positional
group has less than 3 bits. weight method"
Step 3: Convert equivalent octal value
using "2's power positional weight Example
method" Convert (1111010110)2 into
Table 2.4 Octal numbers and their Binary Hexadecimal number
equivalent Step 1: Group the given number into 4
Binary bits from right to left.
Equivalent 0011 1101 0110
0 000 Note: 0’s are added to the left most group
1 001 to make it a group of 4 bits
2 010 0011 1101 0110

3 011
3 D 6
4 100
(1111010110)2 = (3D6)16
5 101
6 110
2.4.8 Conversion of fractional Binary to
7 111
Decimal equivalent
Example Follow the steps to convert
Convert (11010110)2 into octal fractional Binary number to its Decimal
equivalent number equivalent.
Step 1: Group the given number into 3 Step 1: Convert integral part of Binary
bits from right to left. to Decimal equivalent using
011 010 110 positional notation method
(Procedure is same as discussed in
Note: The left most groups have less
than 3 bits, so 0 is added to its left
Step 2: To convert the fractional part of
to make a group of 3 bits.
binary to its decimal equivalent.
Step-2: Find Octal equivalent of each
Step 2.1: Write down the Binary
digits in the fractional part
011 010 110 Step 2.2: For all the digits write


powers of 2 from left to right

3 2 6
starting from 2-1, 2-2, 2-3...... 2-n,
(11010110)2 = (326)8
now write the equivalent weight.
Step 2.3: Multiply each digit with 2. For each positional notation of the
its corresponding weight digit write the equivalent weight.
Step 2.4: Add all the values which 3. Multiply each digit with its
you obtained in Step 2.3 corresponding weight
Table 2.5 Positional notation and weight 4. Add all the values
Positional Weight
Convert (1265)8 to equivalent
2 (1/2)
Decimal number
2 (1/4)
2-3 (1/8) 0.125 Weight 512 64 8 1
2 (1/16) 0.0625
Positional 83 82 81 80
2-5 (1/32) 0.03125 Notation
2 (1/64) 0.015625
Given 1 2 6 5
2-7 (1/128) 0.0078125
Step 3: To get final answer write the
integral part (after conversion), (1265)8 = 512 ×1 + 64×2 + 8×6 +1×5
followed by a decimal point(.) and = 512 + 128 + 48 + 5
the answer arrived at Step 2.4 (1265)8 = (693)10
Convert the given Binary number 2.4.10 Octal to Binary Conversion
(11.011)2 into its decimal equivalent For each Octal digit in the given
Integer part (11)2 = 3 (Refer table 2.2) number write its 3 digits binary equivalent
21 20 2-1 2-2 2-3 using positional notation.
1 1 . 0 1 1 Convert (6213)8 to equivalent
3 + . (0×0.5 + 1×0.25 + 1×0.125) Binary number
= 3. 375 6 2 1 3
(11.011)2 = (3.375)10

4. Convert the given Binary number 110 010 001 011
into its equivalent Decimal, Octal and (6213)8=(110010001011)2
Hexadecimal number.
1) 101110101 2) 1011010 3) 101011111
2.4.9. Octal to Decimal Conversion
5. Convert the following Octal numbers
To convert Octal to Decimal, we
into Binary numbers.
can use positional notation method.
(A) 472 (B) 145 (C) 347
1. Write down the Octal digits and list the
(D) 6247 (E) 645
powers of 8 from right to left(Positional
Hexadecimal to Decimal
To convert Hexadecimal to Decimal 6. Convert the following Hexadecimal
we can use positional notation method. numbers to Binary numbers
1. Write down the Hexadecimal digits (A) A6 (B) BE
and list the powers of 16 from right to (C) 9BC8 (D) BC9
left(Positional Notation)
2. For each positional notation written 2.5 Binary Representation for Signed
for the digit, now write the equivalent Numbers
weight. Computers can handle both positive
3. Multiply each digit with its (unsigned) and negative (signed) numbers.
corresponding weight The simplest method to represent
4. Add all the values to get one final negative binary numbers is called Signed
value. Magnitude. In signed magnitude method,
Example the left most bit is Most Significant Bit
Convert (25F)16 into its equivalent (MSB), is called sign bit or parity bit.
Decimal number. The numbers are represented in
Weight 256 16 1 computers in different ways:
Positional 162 161 160 • Signed Magnitude representation
Notation • 1’s Complement
Given 2 5 F(15) • 2’s Complement
2.5.1 Signed Magnitude representation
(25F)16 = 2×256 + 5×16 + 15×1 The value of the whole numbers can
= 512 + 80 +15 be determined by the sign used before it. If
(25F)16 = (607)10 the number has ‘+’ sign or no sign it will be
2.4.12 Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion considered as positive. If the number has
Write 4 bits Binary equivalent ‘–’ sign it will be considered as negative.
for each Hexadecimal digit for the given Example:
number using positional notation method.
Example +43 or 43 is a positive number
Convert (8BC)16 into equivalent –43 is a negative number
Binary number
In signed binary representation,
8 B C
the left most bit is considered as sign bit.
If this bit is 0, it is a positive number and
if it 1, it is a negative number. Therefore
1000 1011 1100 a signed binary number has 8 bits, only 7
bits used for storing values (magnitude)
(8BC)16 = (100010111100)2
and the 1 bit is used for sign.

+43 is represented in memory as follows: a. Invert all the bits in the binary
Sign bit Magnitude (Value) sequence (i.e., change every 0 to1 and
every 1 to 0 ie.,1’s complement)
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 b. Add 1 to the result to the Least
Significant Bit (LSB).
Least Significant Bit (LSB)
Most Significant Bit (MSB )
(‘0’ represent that the number is positive)
2’s Complement represent of (-24)10
-43 can be represented in memory as
Binary equivalent of +24: 11000
Sign bit Magnitude (Value) 8bit format: 00011000
1’s complement: 11100111
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Add 1 to LSB: +1
2’s complement of -24: 11101000
Least Significant Bit (LSB)
Most Significant Bit (MSB )
(‘1’ represent that the number is negative) Workshop
2.5.2 1’s Complement representation 7. Write the 1’s complement number and
This is an easier approach to 2’s complement number for the following
represent signed numbers. This is for decimal numbers:
negative numbers only i.e. the number (A) 22 (B) -13 (C) -65 (D) -46
whose MSB is 1.
The steps to be followed to find 1’s 2.6 Binary Arithmetic
complement of a number:
As decimal numbers, the binary
Step 1: Convert given Decimal number numbers also permit computations like
into Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. The following session deals only
Step 2: Check if the binary number
contains 8 bits , if less add 0 at the with binary addition and subtraction.
left most bit, to make it as 8 bits. 2.6.1 Binary Addition
Step 3: Invert all bits (i.e. Change 1 as 0 The following table is useful when
and 0 as 1) adding two binary numbers.
Example A B SUM (A + B) Carry
Find 1’s complement for (–24)10 0 0 0 -
Given Binary 1’s Compliment 0 1 1 -
Number Number 1 0 1 -
1 1 0 1
(-24)10 00011000 11100111
In 1 + 1 = 10, is considered as sum
2.5.3 2’s Complement representation 0 and the 1 as carry bit. This carry bit is
The 2’s-complement method for added with the previous position of the bit
negative number is as follows: pattern.
Example Add: 10112 + 10012 Significant Bit is 0, you must borrow from a
(Carry 1
Bit)→ 1 more significant bit that contains 1 and replace
it with 0 and 0s upto that point become 1s.

1 0 1 1 Example Subtract 10010102 – 101002
+ 1 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 10
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
10112 + 10012 = 101002 (-) 1 0 1 0 0
Example Perform Binary addition for the
1 1 0 1 1 0
following: 2310 + 1210
Step 1: Convert 23 and 12 into binary form Example Perform binary addition for the
following: (–21)10 + (5)10
Step 1: Change -21 and 5 into binary form
2’s power 16 8 4 2 1 2110
Binary Number 1 0 1 1 1
2310 = 000101112 2’s power 16 8 4 2 1
Binary Number 1 0 1 0 1
1210 2110 = 000101012
2’s power 8 4 2 1 510
Binary Number 1 1 0 0
1210 = 000011002 2’s power 4 2 1
Binary Number 1 0 1
Step 2: Binary addition of 23 and 12:
510 = 000001012
Carry Bit → 1 1 1
Step 2:
2310 = 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
2110 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1210 = 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1’s Compliment 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
3510 = 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2’s Compliment 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
2.6.2 Binary Subtraction Step 3:
The table for Binary Subtraction is Binary Addition of –21 and 5 :
as follows: Carry bit 1 1 1 1
A B Difference Borrow -2110 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
510 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0
-1610 (Result) 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 Workshop
0 1 1 1
8. Perform the following binary
When subtracting 1 from 0, borrow
1 from the next Most Significant Bit, when
borrowing from the next Most Significant (A) 1010 + 1510 (B) –1210 + 510
Bit, if it is 1, replace it with 0. If the next Most (C) 1410 – 1210 (D) (–210) – (–610)

2.7 Representing Characters in Memory The ASCII code equivalent to
As represented in introduction, the uppercase letter ‘A’ is 65. The binary
all the input data given to the computer representation of ASCII (7 bit) value is
should be in understandable format. In 1000001. Also 01000001 in ASCII-8 bit.
general, 26 uppercase letters, 26 lowercase 2.7.3 
E xtended Binary Coded Decimal
letters, 0 to 9 digits and special characters Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
are used in a computer, which is called This is similar to ASCII Code with
character set. All these character set 8 bit representation. This coding system
are denoted through numbers only. All is formulated by International Business
Characters in the character set needs Machine(IBM). The coding system can
a common encoding system. There handle 256 characters. The input code
are several encoding systems used for in ASCII can be converted to EBCDIC
computer. They are system and vice - versa.
• BCD – Binary Coded Decimal 2.7.4 Indian Standard Code for
• EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Information Interchange (ISCII)
Decimal Interchange Code ISCII is the system of handling
• ASCII – American Standard Code for the character of Indian local languages.
Information Interchange This as a 8-bit coding system. Therefore
• Unicode it can handle 256 (28) characters. This
system is formulated by the department
• ISCII - Indian Standard Code for
of Electronics in India in the year 1986-
Information Interchange
88 and recognized by Bureau of Indian
2.7.1 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Standards (BIS). Now this coding system
This encoding system is not in the is integrated with Unicode.
practice right now. This is 26 bit encoding 2.7.5 Unicode
system. This can handle 26 = 64 characters This coding system is used in most of
only. the modern computers. The popular coding
2.7.2 American Standard Code for scheme after ASCII is Unicode. ASCII can
Information Interchange (ASCII) represent only 256 characters. Therefore
This is the most popular encoding English and European Languages alone can
system recognized by United States. be handled by ASCII. Particularly there was
Most of the computers use this system. a situation, when the languages like Tamil,
Remember this encoding system can Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu could
handle English characters only. This can not be represented by ASCII. Hence, the
handle 27 bit which means 128 characters. Unicode was generated to handle all the
In this system, each character has coding system of Universal languages. This is
individual number (Refer Appendix). 16 bit code and can handle 65536 characters.
The new edition (version) ASCII -8, Unicode scheme is denoted by
has 2 bits and can handle 256 characters are
8 hexadecimal numbers. The Unicode table
represented from 0 to 255 unique numbers. of Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada
is shown in Table 2.6

Table 2.6
Unicode Table of Tamil Unicode Table of Malayalam

0B8 0B9 0BA 0BB 0BC 0BD 0BE 0BF 0D0 0D1 0D2 0D3 0D4 0D5 0D6 0D7

0 ஐ ர $ீ ௐ ௰ 0 $ഀ ഐ ഠ ര $ീ ൠ ൰
0B90 0BB0 0BC0 0BD0 0BF0 0D00 0D10 0D20 0D30 0D40 0D60 0D70

1 ற $
ு ௱ 1 $ഁ ഡ റ $ു ൡ ൱
0BB1 0BC1 0BF1 0D01 0D21 0D31 0D41 0D61 0D71

2 $ஂ ஒ $
ல ூ ௲ 2 $ം ഒ ഢ ല $ൂ $ൢ ൲
0B82 0B92 0BB2 0BC2 0BF2 0D02 0D12 0D22 0D32 0D42 0D62 0D72

3 ஃ ஓ ண ள ௳ 3 $ഃ ഓ ണ ള $ ൃ $ൣ ൳
0B83 0B93 0BA3 0BB3 0BF3 0D03 0D13 0D23 0D33 0D43 0D63 0D73

4 ஔ த ழ ௴ 4 ഔ ത ഴ $ൄ ൔ ൴
0B94 0BA4 0BB4 0BF4 0D14 0D24 0D34 0D44 0D54 0D74

5 அ க வ ௵ 5 അ ക ഥ വ ൕ ൵
0B85 0B95 0BB5 0BF5 0D05 0D15 0D25 0D35 0D55 0D75

6 ஆ ஶ $ெ ௦ ௶ 6 ആ ഖ ദ ശ $െ ൖ ൦ ൶
0B86 0BB6 0BC6 0BE6 0BF6 0D06 0D16 0D26 0D36 0D46 0D56 0D66 0D76

7 இ ஷ $ே $ௗ ௧ ௷ 7 ഇ ഗ ധ ഷ $ േ $ൗ ൧ ൷
0B87 0BB7 0BC7 0BD7 0BE7 0BF7 0D07 0D17 0D27 0D37 0D47 0D57 0D67 0D77

8 ஈ ந ஸ $ை ௨ ௸ 8 ഈഘ ന സ $ൈ ൘ ൨ ൸
0B88 0BA8 0BB8 0BC8 0BE8 0BF8 0D08 0D18 0D28 0D38 0D48 0D58 0D68 0D78

9 உ ங ன ஹ ௩ ௹ 9 ഉ ങ ഩ ഹ ൙ ൩ ൹
0B89 0B99 0BA9 0BB9 0BE9 0BF9 0D09 0D19 0D29 0D39 0D59 0D69 0D79

A ஊ ச ப $ொ ௪ ௺ A ഊ ച പ ഺ $ൊ ൚ ൪ ൺ
0B8A 0B9A 0BAA 0BCA 0BEA 0BFA 0D0A 0D1A 0D2A 0D3A 0D4A 0D5A 0D6A 0D7A

B $ோ ௫ B ഋ ഛ ഫ $഻ $ോ ൛ ൫ ൻ
0BCB 0BEB 0D0B 0D1B 0D2B 0D3B 0D4B 0D5B 0D6B 0D7B

C ஜ $ௌ ௬ C ഌ ജ ബ $഼ $ൌ ൜ ൬ ർ
0B9C 0BCC 0BEC 0D0C 0D1C 0D2C 0D3C 0D4C 0D5C 0D6C 0D7C

D $் ௭ D ഝ ഭ ഽ $് ൝ ൭ ൽ
0BCD 0BED 0D1D 0D2D 0D3D 0D4D 0D5D 0D6D 0D7D

E எ ஞ ம $ா ௮ E എ ഞ മ $ാ ൎ ൞ ൮ ൾ
0B8E 0B9E 0BAE 0BBE 0BEE 0D0E 0D1E 0D2E 0D3E 0D4E 0D5E 0D6E 0D7E

F ஏ ட ய $ி ௯ F ഏ ട യ $ി ൥ ൟ ൯ ൿ
0B8F 0B9F 0BAF 0BBF 0BEF 0D0F 0D1F 0D2F 0D3F 0D4F 0D5F 0D6F 0D7F

Table 2.6
Unicode Table of Telugu Unicode Table of Kannada

0C0 0C1 0C2 0C3 0C4 0C5 0C6 0C7 0C8 0C9 0CA 0CB 0CC 0CD 0CE 0CF

0 $ఀ ఐ ఠ ర $ీ ౠ 0 ಀ ಐ ಠ ರ $ೀ ೠ
0C00 0C10 0C20 0C30 0C40 0C60 0C80 0C90 0CA0 0CB0 0CC0 0CE0

1 $ఁ డ ఱ $ు ౡ 1 $ಁ ಡ ಱ $ು ೡ ೱ
0C01 0C21 0C31 0C41 0C61 0C81 0CA1 0CB1 0CC1 0CE1 0CF1

2 $ం ఒ ఢ ల $ూ $ౢ 2 $ಂ ಒ ಢ ಲ $ೂ $ೢ ೲ
0C02 0C12 0C22 0C32 0C42 0C62 0C82 0C92 0CA2 0CB2 0CC2 0CE2 0CF2

3 $ః ఓ ణ ళ $ృ $ౣ 3 $ಃ ಓ ಣ ಳ $ೃ $ೣ
0C03 0C13 0C23 0C33 0C43 0C63 0C83 0C93 0CA3 0CB3 0CC3 0CE3

4 ఔ త  $ౄ 4 ಔ ತ $ೄ
0C14 0C24 0C34 0C44 0C94 0CA4 0CC4

5 అ క థ వ $ౕ 5 ಅ ಕ ಥ ವ $ೕ
0C05 0C15 0C25 0C35 0C55 0C85 0C95 0CA5 0CB5 0CD5

6 ఆ ఖ ద శ $ె $ౖ ౦ 6 ಆ ಖ ದ ಶ $ೆ $ೖ ೦
0C06 0C16 0C26 0C36 0C46 0C56 0C66 0C86 0C96 0CA6 0CB6 0CC6 0CD6 0CE6

7 ఇ గ ధ ష $ే ౧ 7 ಇ ಗ ಧ ಷ $ೇ ೧
0C07 0C17 0C27 0C37 0C47 0C67 0C87 0C97 0CA7 0CB7 0CC7 0CE7

8 ఈ ఘ న స $ై ౘ ౨ ౸ 8 ಈ ಘ ನ ಸ $ೈ ೨
0C08 0C18 0C28 0C38 0C48 0C58 0C68 0C78 0C88 0C98 0CA8 0CB8 0CC8 0CE8

9 ఉ ఙ హ ౙ ౩ ౹ 9 ಉ ಙ ಹ ೩
0C09 0C19 0C39 0C59 0C69 0C79 0C89 0C99 0CB9 0CE9

A ఊ చ ప $ొ ౚ ౪ ౺ A ಊ ಚ ಪ $ೊ ೪
0C0A 0C1A 0C2A 0C4A 0C5A 0C6A 0C7A 0C8A 0C9A 0CAA 0CCA 0CEA

B ఋ ఛ ఫ $ో ౫ ౻ B ಋ ಛ ಫ $ೋ ೫
0C0B 0C1B 0C2B 0C4B 0C6B 0C7B 0C8B 0C9B 0CAB 0CCB 0CEB

C ఌ జ బ $ౌ ౬ ౼ C ಌ ಜ ಬ $಼ $ೌ ೬
0C0C 0C1C 0C2C 0C4C 0C6C 0C7C 0C8C 0C9C 0CAC 0CBC 0CCC 0CEC

D ఝ భ ఽ $్ ౭ ౽ D ಝ ಭ ಽ $್ ೭
0C1D 0C2D 0C3D 0C4D 0C6D 0C7D 0C9D 0CAD 0CBD 0CCD 0CED

E ఎ ఞ మ $ా ౮ ౾ E ಎ ಞ ಮ $ಾ ೞ ೮
0C0E 0C1E 0C2E 0C3E 0C6E 0C7E 0C8E 0C9E 0CAE 0CBE 0CDE 0CEE

F ఏ ట య $ి ౯ ౿ F ಏ ಟ ಯ $ಿ ೯
0C0F 0C1F 0C2F 0C3F 0C6F 0C7F 0C8F 0C9F 0CAF 0CBF 0CEF

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
(Few specific characters only)

Decimal Binary number Octal Hexadecimal

number (8 bit) number number
A 65 01000001 101 41
B 66 01000010 102 42
C 67 01000011 103 43
D 68 01000100 104 44
E 69 01000101 105 45
F 70 01000110 106 46
G 71 01000111 107 47
H 72 01001000 110 48
I 73 01001001 111 49
J 74 01001010 112 4A
K 75 01001011 113 4B
L 76 01001100 114 4C
M 77 01001101 115 4D
N 78 01001110 116 4E
O 79 01001111 117 4F
P 80 01010000 120 50
Q 81 01010001 121 51
R 82 01010010 122 52
S 83 01010011 123 53
T 84 01010100 124 54
U 85 01010101 125 55
V 86 01010110 126 56
W 87 01010111 127 57
X 88 01011000 130 58
Y 89 01011001 131 59
Z 90 01011010 132 5A
a 97 01100001 141 61
b 98 01100010 142 62
c 99 01100011 143 63
d 100 01100100 144 64
e 101 01100101 145 65

f 102 01100110 146 66
g 103 01100111 147 67
h 104 01101000 150 68
i 105 01101001 151 69
j 106 01101010 152 6A
k 107 01101011 153 6B
l 108 01101100 154 6C
m 109 01101101 155 6D
n 110 01101110 156 6E
o 111 01101111 157 6F
p 112 01110000 160 70
q 113 01110001 161 71
r 114 01110010 162 72
s 115 01110011 163 73
t 116 01110100 164 74
u 117 01110101 165 75
v 118 01110110 166 76
w 119 01110111 167 77
x 120 01111000 170 78
y 121 01111001 171 79
z 122 01111010 172 7A


Decimal Binary number Octal Hexadecimal

number (8 bit) number number
0 48 00110000 60 30
1 49 00110001 61 31
2 50 00110010 62 32
3 51 00110011 63 33
4 52 00110100 64 34
5 53 00110101 65 35
6 54 00110110 66 36
7 55 00110111 67 37
8 56 00111000 70 38
9 57 00111001 71 39

Special Characters

Special Decimal Binary number Octal Hexadecimal

symbols number (8 bit) number number
Blank 32 00100000 40 20
! 33 00100001 41 21
" 34 00100010 42 22
# 35 00100011 43 23
$ 36 00100100 44 24
% 37 00100101 45 25
& 38 00100110 46 26
' 39 00100111 47 27
( 40 00101000 50 28
) 41 00101001 51 29
* 42 00101010 52 2A
+ 43 00101011 53 2B
, 44 00101100 54 2C
- 45 00101101 55 2D
. 46 00101110 56 2E
/ 47 00101111 57 2F
: 58 00111010 72 3A
; 59 00111011 73 3B
< 60 00111100 74 3C
= 61 00111101 75 3D
> 62 00111110 76 3E
? 63 00111111 77 3F
@ 64 01000000 100 40
[ 91 01011011 133 5B
\ 92 01011100 134 5C
] 93 01011101 135 5D
^ 94 01011110 136 5E
_ 95 01011111 137 5F
` 96 01100000 140 60
{ 123 01111011 173 7B
| 124 01111100 174 7C
} 125 01111101 175 7D
~ 126 01111110 176 7E

Part I
I Choose the best answer
1. Which refers to the number of bits processed by a computer’s CPU?
A) Byte B) Nibble C) Word length D) Bit
2. How many bytes does 1 KiloByte contain?
A) 1000 B) 8 C) 4 D) 1024
3. Expansion for ASCII
A) American School Code for Information Interchange
B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
C) All Standard Code for Information Interchange
D) American Society Code for Information Interchange
4. 2^50 is referred as
A) Kilo B) Tera C) Peta D) Zetta
5. How many characters can be handled in Binary Coded Decimal System?
A) 64 B) 255 C) 256 D) 128
6. For 11012 the equalent Hexadecimal equivalent is?
A) F B) E C) D D) B
7. What is the 1’s complement of 00100110?
A) 00100110 B) 11011001 C) 11010001 D) 00101001
8. Which amongst this is not an Octal number?
A) 645 B) 234 C) 876 D) 123
II Very Short Answers
1. What is data?
2. Write the 1’s complement procedure.
3. Convert (46)10 into Binary number
4. We cannot find 1’s complement for (28)10. State reason.
5. List the encoding systems that represents characters in memory.
III Short Answers
1. What is radix of a number system? Give example
2. Write note on binary number system.
3. Convert (150)10 into Binary, then convert that Binary number to Octal
4. Write short note on ISCII
5. Add a) -2210+1510 b) 2010+2510
IV Detail Answers
1. a) Write the procedure to convert fractional Decimal to Binary
b) Convert (98.46)10 to Binary
2. Find 1’s Complement and 2’s Complement for the following Decimal number
a) -98 b) -135
3. a) Add 11010102+1011012
b) Subtract 11010112 - 1110102
Unit I Fundamentals of Computers CHAPTER
Computer Organisation

Learning Objectives engineering considerations involved in

designing a computer. On the other hand,
• To know the Computer Organisation deals with the
organisation of hardware components that are transparent
the computer to the programmer.
components and their 3.2. Basics of Microprocessors
The CPU is the major component of

To know the a computer, which performs all tasks. This
processors and their characteristics. is realized by the microprocessor which
• To know the importance of memory is an Integrated Circuit. Microprocessors
devices and their roles in a computer. were first introduced in early 1970s. The
• To explore RAM, ROM and first general purpose microprocessor,
differentiate each of them. 4004 was developed by Intel Inc.
• To know about cache memory and The microprocessor is a
how it improves the performance of programmable multipurpose silicon chip.
a computer It is driven by clock pulses. It accepts input
• To know the secondary devices and as a binary data and after processing,
their usage it provides the output data as per the
• To know about the ports and instructions stored in the memory. A
interfaces so that external devices block diagram of a microprocessor based
can be connected system is shown in Figure 3.1.
Input Microprocessor Output
3.1 Introduction
Computer organisation deals with
the hardware components of a computer
system. It includes Input / Output devices, Memory

the Central Processing Unit, storage devices Figure 3.1 A Microprocessor - Based System
and primary memory. It is concerned with The microprocessor is made up of 3
how the various components of computer main units. They are:
hardware operate. It also deals with how
• Arithmetic and Logic unit (ALU):
they are interconnected to implement
To perform arithmetic and logical
an architectural specification. The term
instructions based on computer
computer organisation looks similar to
the term computer architecture. But,
computer architecture deals with the
• Control unit: To control the overall Every microprocessor has an
operations of the computer through internal clock that regulates the speed at
signals. which it executes instructions. The speed
• Registers (Internal Memory): They are at which the microprocessor executes
used to hold the instruction and data instructions is called the clock speed.
for the execution of the processor. Clock speed is measured in MHz (Mega
Characteristics of Microprocessors Hertz) or in GHz (Giga Hertz).
A Microprocessor’s performance b) Instruction Set
depends on the following characteristics: A command which is given to
a) Clock speed a computer to perform an operation
on data is called an instruction. Basic
b) Instruction set
set of machine level instructions that a
c) Word size microprocessor is designed to execute
a) Clock Speed is called as an instruction set. This

Speed Measurement
Hertz – abbreviated as Hz is the standard unit of measurement used for measuring
frequency. Since frequency is measured in cycles per second, one hertz equals one
cycle per second.
Hertz is commonly used to measure wave frequencies, such as sound waves, light waves,
and radio waves. For example, the average human ear can detect sound waves between 20 and
20,000 Hz. Sound waves close to 20 Hz have a low pitch and are called "bass" frequencies.
Sound waves above 5,000 Hz have a high pitch and are called "treble" frequencies.
While hertz can be used to measure wave frequencies, it is also used to measure the
speed of computer processors. For example, each CPU is rated at a specific clock speed. This
number indicates how many instruction cycles the processor can perform in every second.
Since modern processors can perform millions or even billions of instructions per second,
clock speeds are typically measured in megahertz or gigahertz.
instruction set carries out the following is called its word size. Word size
types of operations: determines the amount of RAM that
• Data transfer can be accessed by a microprocessor.
3.3 Data communication between
• Arithmetic operations CPU and memory
• Logical operations
The Central Processing Unit(CPU)
• Control flow has a Memory Data Register (MDR) and
• Input/output a Memory Address Register (MAR). The
Memory Data Register (MDR) keeps the data
c) Word Size which is transferred between the Memory
• The number of bits that can be processed and the CPU. The Program Counter (PC)
by a processor in a single instruction is a special register in the CPU which always
keeps the address of the next instruction to be
executed. The Arithmetic and Logic unit of follows:
CPU places the address of the memory to be
fetched, into the Memory Address Register. • 8-bit microprocessor
A bus is a collection of wires used
• 16-bit microprocessor
for communication between the internal
components of a computer. • 32-bit microprocessor
The word in the RAM has the same
size (no. of bits) as the Memory Data • 64-bit microprocessor
Register (MDR). If the processor is an
8-bit processor like Intel 8085, its MDR 3.4.2 Classification of Microprocessors
and the word in the RAM both have 8 bits. based on Instruction Set

The read operation transfers the The size of the instruction set
data(bits) from word to Memory Data is important consideration while
Register. The write operation transfers the categorizing microprocessors.There are
data(bits) from Memory Data Register to two types of microprocessors based on
word. their instruction sets.

Reduced Instruction Set Computers
If 5V is applied at one end of (RISC)
a wire, the other end also can
receive 5V. In the same way, • 
Complex Instruction Set Computers
the buses are wires, and the (CISC)
binary data are voltages (5V as 1 and
0V as 0), and these buses can simply Examples of RISC processors are
pass the data as voltages from one end Pentium IV, Intel P6, AMD K6 and K7.
to other.
Examples of CISC processors are Intel
386 & 486, Pentium, Pentium II and III,
3.4 Types of Microprocessors
and Motorola 68000.
Microprocessors can be classified
3.5 Memory Devices
based on the following criteria:

• The width of data that can be processed A memory is just like a human
brain. It is used to store data and
• The instruction set instructions. Computer memory is the
storage space in the computer, where data
3.4.1 Classification of Microprocessors and instructions are stored. There are two
based on the Data Width types of accessing methods to access (read
or write) the memory. They are sequential
Depending on the data width, access and random access. In sequential
microprocessors can process instructions. access, the memory is accessed in an
The microprocessors can be classified as
orderly manner from starting to end. But, technology they use to hold data. Dynamic
in random access, any byte of memory can RAM being a common type needs to be
be accessed directly without navigating refreshed frequently. Static RAM needs
through previous bytes. Different to be refreshed less often, which makes
memory devices are arranged according it faster. Hence, Static RAM is more
to the capacity, speed and cost as shown in expensive than Dynamic RAM.
Figure 3.6. 3.5.3 Read Only Memory (ROM)
Read Only Memory refers to special
lar ess t
ger im

memory in a computer with pre-recorded

hig ter

cap e an data at manufacturing time which cannot

nd fas

Cache aci d L
e a ity,

Memory ty,s ow be modified. The stored programs that start

tim pac

low er
the computer and perform diagnostics are
ess ca

er cost
Main Memory
acc aller

available in ROMs. ROM stores critical

programs such as the program that boots

Hard Disk
the computer. Once the data has been
Figure 3.6 Memory Hierarchy written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be
modified or removed and can only be
3.5.1 Random-Access Memory (RAM)
read. ROM retains its contents even when
The main memory is otherwise
the computer is turned off. So, ROM is
called as Random Access Memory. This
called as a non-volatile memory.
is available in computers in the form of
Integrated Circuits (ICs). It is the place in Read Only Memory
a computer where the Operating System, (PROM)
Application Programs and the data in Programmable read only memory is
current use are kept temporarily so that also a non-volatile memory on which data
they can be accessed by the computer’s can be written only once. Once a program
processor. The smallest unit of information has been written onto a PROM, it remains
that can be stored in the memory is called there forever. Unlike the main memory,
as a bit. The memory can be accessed by PROMs retain their contents even when
a collection of 8 bits which is called as a the computer is turned off.
byte. The PROM differs from ROM.
RAM is a volatile memory, which PROM is manufactured as a blank
means that the information stored in it is memory, whereas a ROM is programmed
not permanent. As soon as the power is during the manufacturing process itself.
turned off, whatever data that resides in PROM programmer or a PROM burner is
RAM is lost. It allows both read and write used to write data to a PROM chip. The
operations. process of programming a PROM is called
3.5.2 Types of RAM burning the PROM.
There are two basic types of RAM Erasable Programmable Read
• Dynamic RAM (DRAM) Only Memory (EPROM)
• Static RAM (SRAM) Erasable Programmable Read Only
These two types differ in the Memory is a special type of memory which
serves as a PROM, but the content can up the memory retrieval process. Due to its
be erased using ultraviolet rays. EPROM higher cost, the CPU comes with a smaller
retains its contents until it is exposed to size of cache memory compared with the size
ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light of the main memory. Without cache memory,
clears its contents, making it possible to every time the CPU requests the data, it has to
reprogram the memory. be fetched from the main memory which will
An EPROM differs from a PROM, consume more time. The idea of introducing
PROM can be written only once and a cache is that, this extremely fast memory
cannot be erased. EPROMs are used would store data that is frequently accessed
widely in personal computers because and if possible, the data that is closer to it.
they enable the manufacturer to change This helps to achieve the fast response time,
the contents of the PROM to replace with Where response Time, (Access Time) refers
updated versions or erase the contents to how quickly the memory can respond to
before the computer is delivered. a read / write request. Figure 3.8 shows the
arrangement of cache memory between the
CPU and the main memory.

CPU Cache
Fast Slow
Figure 3.8 Cache Memory Arrangement
Figure 3.7 Erasable Programmable Read
3.6 Secondary Storage Devices
Only Memory
Most of the EPROM chips A computer generally has limited amount of
have a transparent area at the main memory which is expensive and volatile.
top surface which is covered To store data and programs permanently,
by stickers. If it gets removed, the secondary storage devices are used. Secondary
ultraviolet light in the sunlight may storage devices serve as a supportive storage
erase the contents. to main memory and they are non-volatile
in nature, secondary storage is also called as Electrically Erasable Programmable Backup storage
Read Only Memory (EEPROM) 3.6.1 Hard Disks
Electrically Erasable Programmable Hard disk is a magnetic disk on which
Read Only Memory is a special type of you can store data. The hard disk has the
PROM that can be erased by exposing it stacked arrangement of disks accessed by a
to an electrical charge. Like other types of pair of heads for each of the disks. The hard
PROM, EEPROM retains its contents even disks come with a single or double sided disk.
when the power is turned off. Comparing 3.6.2 Compact Disc (CD)
with all other types of ROM, EEPROM is A CD or CD-ROM is made from 1.2
slower in performance. millimeters thick, polycarbonate plastic
3.5.4 Cache Memory material. A thin layer of aluminium or
The cache memory is a very high speed gold is applied to the surface. CD data is
and expensive memory, which is used to speed represented as tiny indentations known as
"pits", encoded in a spiral track moulded players, digital cameras and mobile phones.
into the top of the polycarbonate layer. The Flash memory offers fast access times. The
areas between pits are known as "lands". time taken to read or write a character in
A motor within the CD player rotates the memory is called access time. The capacity
disk. The capacity of an ordinary CD- of the flash memories vary from 1 Gigabytes
ROM is 700MB. (GB) to 2 Terabytes (TB). A sample of flash
memory is shown in Figure 3.11.

Fig 3.9 Compact Disc

Figure 3.11 Flash Memory
3.6.3 Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) 3.6.5 Blu-Ray Disc
A DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Blu-Ray Disc is a high-density optical
Digital Video Disc) is an optical disc capable disc similar to DVD. Blu-ray is the type
of storing up to 4.7 GB of data, more than six of disc used for PlayStation games and for
times what a CD can hold. DVDs are often playing High-Definition (HD) movies. A
used to store movies at a better quality. Like double-layer Blu-Ray disc can store up to
CDs, DVDs are read with a laser. 50GB (gigabytes) of data. DVD uses a red
The disc can have one or two sides, laser to read and write data. But, Blu-ray uses
and one or two layers of data per side; the a blue-violet laser to write. Hence, it is called
number of sides and layers determines how as Blu-Ray.
much it can hold. Double-layered sides are
usually gold-coloured, while single-layered
sides are usually silver-coloured, like a CD.

Fig 3.10 Digital Versatile Disc Fig 3.12 Blu- Ray Disc
3.6.4 Flash Memory Devices 3.7 Ports and Interfaces
Flash memory is an electronic
(solid-state) non-volatile computer storage The Motherboard of a computer
medium that can be electrically erased and has many I/O sockets that are connected
reprogrammed. They are either EEPROM or to the ports and interfaces found on the
EPROM. Examples for Flash memories are rear side of a computer (Figure 3.13). The
pendrives, memory cards etc. Flash memories external devices can be connected to the
can be used in personal computers, Personal ports and interfaces. The various types of
Digital Assistants (PDA), digital audio ports are given below:

Serial Port: To connect the external USB Port
devices, found in old computers. Mouse Port Network Port
Parallel Port: To connect the printers,
found in old computers.
USB Ports: To connect external devices VGA Serial
like cameras, scanners, mobile phones, Port Port Power Supply
external hard disks and printers to the Keyboard Port
computer. HDMI Port
USB 3.0 is the third major version of the
Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard to Fig 3.14 Ports and Interfaces
connect computers with other electronic High Definition Multimedia Interface
gadgets as shown in Figure 3.13. USB 3.0 (HDMI)
can transfer data up to 5 Giga byte/second. High-Definition Multimedia
USB3.1 and USB 3.2 are also released. Interface is an audio/video interface
which transfers the uncompressed video
and audio data from a video controller,
to a compatible computer monitor, LCD
projector, digital television etc.


Figure 3.13 USB 3.0 Ports Figure 3.15 HDMI Ports

VGA Connector: To connect a monitor or
any display device like LCD projector. Student Activity
Audio Plugs: To connect sound speakers, • Identify the components of a computer
microphone and headphones. • Connecting external devices like
PS/2 Port: To connect mouse and printer/LCD projector.
keyboard to PC.
Teacher Activity
SCSI Port: To connect the hard disk • Show the components of a computer
drives and network connectors.
• Display different ROM ICs
• Display the flash memory
• Demonstrate various ports and their


Part – I 7. How many memory locations are

Choose the correct answer identified by a processor with 8 bits
1. Which of the following is sadi to be address bus at a time?
the brain of a computer? (a) 28 (b) 1024
(a) Input devices (c) 256 (d) 8000
(b) Output devices 8. What is the capacity of 12cm
(c) Memory device diameter DVD with single sided
(d) Microprocessor and single layer?
2. Which of the following is not the (a) 4.7 GB (b) 5.5 GB
part of a microprocessor unit? (c) 7.8GB (d) 2.2 GB
(a) ALU (b) Control unit 9. What is the smallest size of data
(c) Cache memory (d) register represented in a CD?
3. How many bits constitute a word? (a) blocks (b) sectors
(a) 8 (c) pits (d) tracks
(b) 16 10. Display devices are connected to
(c) 32 the computer through.
determined by the processor (a) USB port
used. (b) Ps/2 port
4. Which of the following device (c) SCSI port
identifies the location when address (d) VGA connector
is placed in the memory address
Part – II
(a) Locator (b) encoder (1) 
What are the parameters which
influence the characteristics of a
(c) decoder (d) multiplexer
5. Which of the following is a CISC
(2) What is an instruction?
(3) What is a program counter?
(a) Intel P6 (b) AMD K6
(4) What is HDMI?
(c) Pentium III (d) Pentium IV
(5) Which source is used to erase the
6. Which is the fastest memory?
content of a EPROM?
(a) Hard disk
Part – III
(b) Main memory
(1) Differentiate Computer
(c) Cache memory Organisation from Computer
(d) Blue-Ray disc Architecture.

(2) Classify the microprocessor based Part – IV
on the size of the data. (1) Explain the characteristics of a
Write down the classifications microprocessor.
of microprocessors based on the (2) How the read and write operations
instruction set. are performed by a processor? Explain.
(4) Differentiate PROM and EPROM. (3) Arrange the memory devices in
(5) Write down the interfaces and ports ascending order based on the access time.
available in a computer. (4) Explain the types of ROM.
(6) Differentiate CD and DVD
(7) How will you differentiate a flash
memory and an EEPROM?

The physical parts or components of a computer, such as

Computer hardware
the CPU, mother board, monitor, keyboard, etc.
Intel Corporation is an American multinational
corporation and technology company involving in
hardware manufacturing, especially mother board and
Silicon chip is an integrated , set of electronic circuits on
Silicon chip
one small flat piece of semiconductor material, silicon.
Multipurpose Multipurpose is several purpose
Address bus is a collection of wires that carry the address
Address bus
as bits
Data bus Data bus is a collection of wires to carry data in bits
Control bus is a control line/collection of wires to control
Control bus
the operations/functions
Arithmetic operations are the mathematical operations on
Arithmetic operations
data like add, subtract etc
Data Transfer means moving data from one component to
Data Transfer
Logical operations are the operations on binary/Boolean
Logical operations
data like AND, OR , NOT
Bidirectional Bidirectional means both the directions/ways
Unidirectional Unidirectional means only one direction
Access time is the time delay or latency between a request
Access time to an electronic system, and the access being completed or
the requested data returned

Unit I Fundamentals of Computers CHAPTER
Theoretical concepts of Operating System

Learning objectives This controls input, output and

other peripheral devices such as disk
99 To know the concept of Operating
drives, printers and electronic gadgets.
Systems and their types.
The functions of an Operating System
99 To acquire the basic Knowledge of
include file management, memory
Operating Systems and its functions.
management, process management and
4.1 Introduction to Software
device management and many more.
A software is set of instructions that
perform specific task. It interacts basically with
the hardware to generate the desired output.
4.1.1 Types of Software
Software is classified into two types: Monitor
Hard drive
1) Application Software APPS
2) System Software Operating
Application Software: System Mo
Application software
is a set of programs to
Printer Keyboard
perform specific task.
For example MS-word is an application
software to create text document and VLC
player is familiar application software to
play audio, video files and many more. Figure: 4.1 Operating System
System Software:
System software is a type of Without an Operating System, a
computer program that is designed to run computer cannot effectively manage all the
the computer’s hardware and application resources. When a computer is switched
programs. Example Operating System and on, the operating system is loaded in to the
Language Processor memory automatically.

4.2 Introduction to Operating

System (OS): Some of the popular Operating
Systems used in personal computers and
An Operating System (OS) is laptops are Windows, UNIX and Linux.
a system software which serves as an The mobile devices mostly use Android
interface between a user and a computer. and ioS as mobile OS.

Application 4.3.2 Multi-user Operating Systems
It is used in computers and laptops
that allow same data and applications to
Operating be accessed by multiple users at the same
System User
time. The users can also communicate with
each other. Windows, Linux and UNIX
are examples for multi-user Operating
Hardware System.
Figure: 4.2 Interaction of Operating system 4.4 Key features of the Operating
and user System
Uses of Operating Systems
The various key features are given below
The following are few uses of Operating
The main use of Operating System is ace
Interf M
an File
ŽŽ to ensure that a computer can be used em

to extract what the user wants it do. nag ity Key
Ma ecur

ŽŽ Easy interaction between the users Features of


and computers. Operating


ŽŽ Starting computer operation
ess t

oc men

automatically when power is turned

P ge

on (Booting).

Faul ce
ŽŽ Controlling Input and Output Devices t

ŽŽ Manage the utilisation of main

memory. Figure: 4.3 Key Features of the Operating
ŽŽ Providing security to user programs.
4.3 Types of Operating System 4.4.1 User Interface (UI)

Operating System are classified into User interface is one of the

the following types depending on their significant feature in Operating System.
processing capabilities. The only way that user can make
interaction with a computer. This is a main
4.3.1 Single User Operating Systems reason for key success of GUI (Graphical
User Interface) based Operating System.
An operating system allows only a The GUI is a window based system with a
single user to perform a task at a time. It pointing device to direct I/O, choose from
is called as a Single user and single Task menus, make selections and a keyboard
operating system.MS-DOS is an example to enter text.Its vibrant colours attract the
for a single user and single task Operating user very easily.

Now Linux distribution is also • Keeping track of which portion of
available as GUI based Operating System. memory are currently being used and
The following points are considered who is using them.
when User Interface is designed for an • Determining which processes (or
application. parts of processes) and data to move
in and out of memory.
1. The user interface should enable the
user to retain this expertise for a • Allocation and de-allocation of
longer time. memory blocks as needed by the
2. The user interface should also satisfy program in main memory. (Garbage
the customer based on their needs. Collection)
3.The user interface should save user’s 4.4.3 Process management
precious time. Process management is function
4. The ultimate aim of any product is to that includes creating and deleting
satisfy the customer. The User Interface processes(program) and providing
is also to satisfy the customer. mechanisms for processes to communicate
5. The user interface should reduce number and synchronize with each other.
of errors committed by the user . A system task, such as sending
4.4.2 Memory Management output to a printer or screen, can also be
called as a Process.
Memory Management is the A computer consists of a collection
process of controlling and coordinating of processes, they are classified as two
computer’s main memory and assigning categories:
memory block (space) to various running
• Operating System processes which is
programs to optimize overall computer
executed by system code
performance. The Memory management
involves the allocation of specific memory • User Processes which is execute by
blocks to individual programs based on user code
user demands. All these processes can potentially
execute concurrently on a single CPU.
The objective of Memory
The following algorithms are
Management process is to improve both
mainly used to allocate the job (process)
the utilization of the CPU and the speed
to the processor.
of the computer’s response to its users
via main memory. For these reasons the 1. FIFO 2. SJF 3. Round Robin
computers must keep several programs in
4. Based on Priority
main memory that associates with many
different Memory Management schemes. FIFO (First In First Out)Scheduling:
The Operating System is responsible
for the following activities in connection This algorithm is based on queuing
with memory management: technique. Assume that a student is

standing in a queue (Row) to get grade Job B is assigned to the processor
sheet from his/her teacher. The other before job A.
student who stands first in the queue gets
his/her grade sheet first and leaves from 4.4.4 Security Management
the queue (Row). Followed by the next
student in the queue gets it corrected and The major challenge in computer
so on. This is the basic logic of the FIFO and software industry is to protect
algorithm. user’s legitimate data from hackers. The
Operating System provides three levels of
Technically, the process that enters securities to the user end. They are
the queue first is executed first by the
CPU, followed by the next and so on. The (1) File access level
processes are executed in the order of the
queue (row). (2) System level

SJF (Shortest Job First)Scheduling: (3) Network level

This algorithm works based on the In order to access the files created
size of the job being executed by the CPU. by other people, you should have the
Consider two jobs A and B. access permission. Permissions can either
be granted by the creator of the file or
1) A = 6 kilo bytes 2) B = 9 kilo bytes bythe administrator of the system.

First the job “A” will be assigned System level security is offered by
and then job “B” gets its turn. the password in a multi-user environment.

Round RobinScheduling Both windows and Linux offer the

password facility.
The Round Robin (RR) scheduling
Network security is an indefinable
algorithm is designed especially for time
one. So people from all over the world try
sharing systems. Jobs (processes) are
to provide such a security.
assigned and processor time in a circular
method. For example take three jobs A, B, All the above levels of security
C. First the job A is assigned to CPU then features are provided only by the Operating
job B and job C and then again A, B and C System.
and so on.
4.4.5 Fault Tolerance
Based On Priority
The Operating Systems should be
The given job (process) is assigned robust. When there is a fault, the Operating
based on a Priority. The job which has System should not crash, instead the
higher priority is more important than Operating System have fault tolerance
other jobs. Take two jobs A and B. Let the capabilities and retain the existing state of
priority of A be 5 and priority B be 7. system.

4.4.6 File Management respectively. If the process P1 completes
within 20 minutes then processor takes
File management is an important the next process P2 for the execution. If
function of OS which handles the data the process P2 could not complete within
storage techniques. The operating 40 minutes, then the current process P2
System manages the files, folders and will be paused and switch over to the next
directory systems on a computer.The process P3.
FAT(File Allocation Table) stores general
information about files like filename, type 4.4.9 Distributed Operating Systems
(text or binary), size, starting address
and access mode.The file manager of the The Distributed Operating System
operating system helps to create, edit, is used to access shared data and files
copy, allocate memory to the files and that reside in any machine around the
also updates the FAT. There are few other world using internet/intranet.The users
file management techniques available like can access as if it is available on their own
Next Generation File System (NTFS) and computer.
The advantages of distributed
4.4.7 Multi-Processing Operating System are as follows:
• A user at one location can make use of
This is a one of the features of
all the resources available at another
Operating System. It has two or more
location over the network.
processors for a single running process
(job). Processing takes place in parallel • Many computer resources can be
is known as parallel processing.Since added easily in the network
the execution takes place in parallel, this
• Improves the interaction with the
feature is used for high speed execution
customers and clients.
which increases the power of computing.
• Reduces the load on the host computer.
4.4.8 Time-sharing

This is a one of the features of

Operating Systems. It allows execution of
multiple tasks or processes concurrently.
For each task a fixed time is allocated. This
division of time is called Time- sharing.
The processor switches rapidly between
various processes after a time is elapsed or
the process is completed.

For example assume that there are

three processes called P1, P2, P3 and time Figure: 4.4 Distributed Operating Systems
allocated for each process 30, 40, 50 minutes
4.5 Prominent Operating Systems Evaluation
Prominent OS are as follows:
Part I
1) Operating system is a
• Microsoft Windows
• Linux
• iOS B) Hardware
• Android C)System Software
Modern operating systems use a D)Component
Graphical User Interface(GUI). A GUI lets 2) Identify the usage of
use to your mouse to click icons, buttons, Operating Systems
menus and everything, is clearly displayed A) 
E asy interaction between the
on the screen using a combination of human and computer
graphics and text elements.

C ontrolling input & output
Student Activity Devices
Activity 1: Draw a line between the C) Managing use of main memory
operating system logo and the correct
D) All the above
3) Which of the following is not a
A command-line operating
function of an Operating System?
system is an example of Open
Source software development A)Process Management
and Free Operating System B)Memory Management
A popular Operating System C)Security management
for mobile phone technology D)Complier Environment
which is not linked with 4) Which of the following OS is a
Apple products. Commercially licensed Operating
Used with Apple computers system?
and works well with cloud A)Windows B)UBUNTU
Designed to be used for the 5) Which of the following Operating
Apple iPhone systems support Mobile Devices?
A)Windows 7 B)Linux
Is an Operating System that is C)BOSS D)iOS
very popular in universities,
6) File Management manages
companies, big enterprises etc
A) Files
The most popular GUI
B) Folders
Operating System for personal
computers. C) Directory systems
D) All the Above

Interactive Operating System Part III
provides 8) What are the advantages and
A)Graphics User Interface (GUI) disadvantages of Time-sharing
B)Data Distribution
9) List out the key features of Operating
C)Security Management
D)Real Time Processing 10) Write a note on Multiprocessing
8) An example for single task operating Part IV
system is
11) Explain the concept of a Distributed
A)Linux Operating System along with its
B) Windows advantages.
C)MS-DOS 12) List out the points to be noted while
creating a user interface for an
D) Unix Operating system.
9) The File management system used 13) Explain the process manangement
by Linux is algorithms in Operating System.
A) ext2 References
B) NTFS 1) Silberschatz, galvin gagne, Operating
C) FAT System concepts – john wiley&sons,inc
D) NFTS 2) Andrew s. Tanenbaum, modern
Operating Systems – pearson
Part II publication
1) List out any two uses of Operating 3) Andrew s. Tanenbaum , Operating
System? Systems design and implementation,
2) What is multi-user Operating system? prentice hall publication
3) What is a GUI? 4) Tom anderson, Operating Systems:
4) What are the security management principles and practice, recursive
features available in Operating System ? books
5) What is multi-processing? 5) Thomas w. Doeppner, Operating
6) What are the different Operating Systems in depth: design and
Systems used in computer? programming, john wiley & sons, inc

Unit I Fundamentals of Computers CHAPTER
Working with Windows Operating

Learning Objectives • Memory Management

• Process Management
After learning the concepts in this
chapter, the students will be able • Device Management
• To know the concepts of Operating • File Management
Sy ste m . • Security Management
• To know the versions of the windows • Control overall system performance
operating system.

• To know the concepts like desktop
User 1 User 2 User n
and the elements of window.
• To explore the document window.
System Application
• To compare the different types of icons. Softwares Softwares
• To explore the windows directory Software
structure. Operating System
• To practice creating files and folders
in specific drives. Hardware CPU RAM I/O
• To manage the files
and folders. Figure 5.1. Overview of an Operating
• To know the procedure System
to start and shutdown 5.2. Introduction to Windows Operating
the computer. System
5.1. Introduction to Every computer needs an Operating
Operating System System to function. Microsoft Windows is
one of the most popular Graphical User
An Operating System (OS) is Interface (GUI). Multiple applications can
a system software (Figure 5.1) that execute simultaneously in Windows, and
enables the hardware to communicate this is known as “Multitasking”.
and operate with other software. It also
acts as an interface between the user and Windows Operating System uses
the hardware and controls the overall both Keyboard and mouse as input
execution of the computer. devices. Mouse is used to interact with
Following are some of the important Windows by clicking its icons. Keyboard
functions of an Operating System as is used to enter alphabets, numerals and
discussed in the previous chapter: special characters.

Some of the functions of Windows • Change computer settings such as
Operating System are: colour scheme, screen savers of your
• Access applications (programs) on the monitor, etc.
computer (word processing, games, With reference to the Table 5.1, let us see the
spread sheets, calculators and so on). versions of Windows Operating System.
• Load any new program on the computer. 5.4. Handling the mouse
• Manage hardware such as printers,
scanners, mouse, digital cameras etc., Before learning Window Operating System,
• File management activities (For you should know more about mouse and its
example creating, modifying, saving, actions.
deleting files and folders).

5.3. Various versions of Windows

Versions Logo Year Specific features

Windows • Introduction of GUI in 16 - bit. processor

1.x • Mouse was introduced as an input device.

• Supports to minimize or maximize windows.

1987 • Control panel feature was introduced with various
system settings and customising options.
• Introduced the concept of multitasking.
1992 • Supported 256 colours which brought a more modern,
colourful look to the interface.
• Introduced Start button, the taskbar, Windows Explorer
Windows and Start menu.
95 • Introduced 32 - bit processor and focused more on
• Integration of the Web browser (Internet Explorer) with
the Operating System.
1998 • DOS gaming began to disappear as Windows based
games improved.
• Plug and play feature was introduced.

• Designed to act as servers in network.

Windows • It introduced automated system diagnostics and

Me recovery tools.

• Served as an Operating System for business desktop and
laptop systems.
• Four versions of Windows 2000 were released: Professional
2000 (for business desktop and laptop systems), Server (both a
Web server and an office server), Advanced Server (for
line-of-business applications) and Data Centre Server
(for high-traffic computer networks).
• Introduced 64-bit Processor.
2001 • Improved Windows appearance with themes and
offered a stable version.
2006 • Updated the look and feel of Windows.
• Booting time was improved, introduced new user
2009 interfaces like Aero Peek, pinning programs to taskbar,
handwriting recognition etc. and Internet Explorer 8.
• Windows 8 is faster than previous versions of Windows.
• Start button was removed.
Windows • Windows 8 takes better advantage of multi-core
8 processing, solid state drives (SSD), touch screens and
other alternate input methods.
• Served as common platform for mobile and computer.
• Start Button was added again.
• Multiple desktop.
2015 • Central Notification Center for App notification and
quick actions.
• Cortana voice activated personal assistant.
Table 5.1 Versions of Windows Operating System.
Right Click The following are the mouse actions:
Action Reaction
Point to Move the mouse pointer over the
an item item.
Point to the item on the screen,
Click press and release the left mouse
Left Click
Point to the item on the screen,
press and release the right mouse
button. Clicking the right mouse
button displays a pop up menu
with various options.
Figure 5.2.Mouse actions
Point to the item on the screen,
quickly press twice the left mouse

Point to an item then hold the left files, folders, shortcuts etc., Icons play a
mouse button as you move the vital role in GUI based applications.
Drag and
pointer press and you have reached
drop Icons
the desired position, release the
mouse button. The icons which are available
5.5. Windows Desktop on desktop by default while installing
Windows OS are called standard icons. The
The opening screen of Windows is
standard icons available in all Windows
called “Desktop”.
OS are My Computer, Documents and
The desktop of your computer may
Recycle Bin.
look different from what is seen in Figure 5.3.
This is because Windows allows you
to change the appearance of the desktop.
In Figure 5.3, the desktop shows Aero peek button
the Start button, Taskbar, Notification Figure 5.4. Aero peek button
Area and date and time. Shortcut Icons:
Shortcut icons can be created for
Gadgets any application or file or folder. By double
clicking the icon, the related application
or file or folder will open.
Icons (Figure5.5)

Application Icon
Task bar

Start Button Notification Area

Figure 5.3. Microsoft Windows 7 Desktop
Folder Icon
5.5.1. The Icons
Icon is a graphic symbol
representing the window elements like Figure 5.5.The types of Icons
Hard disk drives with
Various Disk drive total and remaining
icons space available

Removable Storage (pen drive)

Figure 5.6.Disk drive Icons 

51 Disk drive icons: Note
The disk drive icons graphically When you open any
represent five disk drive options. (i) Hard application, such as OpenOffice Writer,
disk (ii) CD-ROM/DVD Drive (iii) Pen OpenOffice Impress or OpenOffice Calc
drive (iv) Other removable storage such etc., you will find two Windows on the
as mobile, smart phone, tablet etc., (v) screen. The larger Window is called
Network drives if your system is connected the Application Window. This Window
with other system. (Figure 5.6) helps the user to communicate with
the Application program. The smaller
You can move to the Desktop
window, which is inside the Application
any time by pressing the Winkey
Window, is called the Document
+ D or using Aero Peek while
window. This Window is used for typing,
working in any application.
editing, drawing, and formatting the text
You can see Figure 5.4 to know where
and graphics.
Aero peek lies in the Taskbar.
Title bar with title of the document
5.6. The Window
Window is a typical rectangular area
in an application or a document. It is an area

Window Control buttons

on the screen that displays information for a
specific program.
5.7. Application Window
Menu bar Tools bar
It is an area on a computer screen
with defined boundaries, and within which r k a re a
t i on w o
information is displayed. Such windows Applica Scroll bars
can be resized, maximised, minimised,
placed side by side, overlap, and so on.
An Application Window contains
an open application i.e. current application Figure 5.7. Application Window
such as Word or Paint. When two or more
windows are opened, only one of them is
active and the rest are inactive. Figures 5.7
and 5.8 display the Application Window
of OpenOffice Writer and the appearance
of the Multiple Windows opened
(overlapped) in the Desktop.
5.8. Document Window
A document window is a section of
the screen used to display the contents of
a document. Figure 5.9 is an example of a Figure 5.8. Multiple Windows
document window. opened in Desktop
In Windows 7, in the absence of the
menu bar, click Organise and from the
drop down menu, click the Layout option
and select the desired item from that list.
Application Window
Document window

Document Area

Figure 5.9.Document Window

5.9. Elements of a window
Figure 5.10 helps to understand the
elements of a window.
Figure 5.11. To display Menu Bar
5.9.1. Title Bar – The title bar will display
the name of the application and the name Figure 5.11 helps to understand how to
of the document opened. It will also contain make menu bar visible in its absence.
minimize, maximize and close button. 5.9.3. The Workspace
Title Bar
Corners Borders Corners The workspace is the area in the
Menu Bar document window to enter or type the text
of your document. Figure 5.10 Shows the
workspace area in the document window.
5.9.4. Scroll bars - The scroll bars are used
to scroll the workspace horizontally or

Scroll Bar vertically. Figure 5.10 shows the Scroll bars.

5.9.5. Corners and borders
The corners and borders of the window
helps to drag and resize the windows. The
Corners Borders Corners mouse pointer changes to a double headed
Figure 5.10 The elements of a window. arrow when positioned over a border or a
corner. Drag the border or corner in the
5.9.2 Menu Bar
direction indicated by the double headed
The menu bar is seen under the title bar. arrow to the desired size as shown in Figure
Menus in the menu bar can be accessed by 5.10. The window canbe resized by dragging
pressing Alt key and the letter that appears the corners diagonally across the screen.
underlined in the menu title. Additionally,
pressing Alt or F10 brings the focus on the
first menu of the menu bar.
5.10.1. Start Menu
In the lower left-hand corner of the windows screen is the Start button. When you
click on the button, the Start menu will appear. Using the start menu, you can start any

This symbol
Sub menu is
attached to this
Modify system
View a list of Add / Modify
installed devices and
Programs Printer settings

Get Help
Search Box

Log off / Restart /

Start Shutdown

Figure 5.12 - Start Menu

At the bottom of the screen is a horizontal bar called the taskbar. This bar contains
(from left to right) the Start button, shortcuts to various programs, minimised programs
and in the extreme right corner you can see the system tray which consist of volume
control, network, date and time etc. Next to the Start button is the quick Launch Toolbar
which contains task for frequently used applications.
5.10.2. Computer Icon
By clicking this icon, the user can see the disk drivers mounted in the system. In
windows XP, Vista, this icon is called "My computer" in Windows 8 and 10, it is called "This
PC". The functionality of computer icon remains the same in all versions of windows as shown
in Figure 5.14.

Start Button

Minimised program /
hidden icons

Default Network Adjustment
Language icon Aero peek
Time and button
Figure 5.13.Taskbar

Figure 5.14. Computer icon in versions of Windows OS

5.10.3. Starting and Closing Applications 3. You can also open an application by
clicking Run on the Start menu, and the
Most of the applications installed
name of the application. (Figure 5.16)
on your computer are available through
the start menu. Depending on the system
setup, the applications in the Start menu
varies. To start an application:
1. Click the Start
button and then
point to All
Programs. The Figure 5.16.Starting a program using Run
Program menu option
appears.(Figure 4. To quit an application, click the Close
5.15) button in the upper right corner of the
2. Point to the group application window. (Figure 5.17)
that contains the Workshop
application you 1.  Start the application Wordpad
want to start, and using Start menu and Run option.
then click the Figure 5. 15.Starting  Close the Wordpad application
application name. a applicatioin using using File menu.
Start menu
Close button There are two ways in which you can
create a new folder:
Method I:
Step 1: Open Computer Icon.
Step 2: Open any drive where you want to
create a new folder. (For example
select D:)
Step 3: Click on File → New → Folder.
Step 4: A new folder is created with the
default name “New folder”. (Figure
Exit Option 5.19)
Step 5: Type in the folder name and press
Figure 5.17.Closing the application using Enter key. (Figure 5.20 shows the
Close button and Exit option newly created Folder named “Test
Folder ").
5. You can also quit an application by
clicking on File → Exit and File → Close
option in Windows 7. (Figure 5.17)
5.11. Managing Files and Folders
In Windows 7, you can Organise
your documents and programs in the
form of files and folders. You can move,
copy, rename, delete and search the files
and folders.
5.11.1. Creating files and Folders Creating Folders
You can store your files in many
locations – on the hard disk or in other
devices. To better organise your files, you Figure 5.18. Creating a Folder using File
can store them in folders. menu

Figure 5.19. New Folder created with the default name

Figure 5.20. Renaming the new Folder

Method II: 2. Type the contents in the workspace

In order to create a folder in the and save the file using File → Save or
desktop: Ctrl + S.
Step 1: In the Desktop, right click → New 3. Save As dialog box will be opened.
→ Folder. (Figure 5.21 Shown the 4. In the dialog box, select the location
procedure) where you want to save the file by
Step 2: A Folder appears with the default using look in drop down list box.
name “New folder” and it will be 5. Type the name of the file in the file
highlighted as shown in the Figure name text box.
5.22. 6. Click save button.
Step 3: Type the name you want and press
Enter Key.
Step 4: The name of the folder will change.
2. Create a Folder in My Documents
with your name using any one of the
methods discussed. Creating Files (Wordpad)

Wordpad is an in-built word processor
application in Windows OS to create and
manipulate text documents.
In order to create files in wordpad Figure 5.21. Creating a folder
you need to follow the steps given below. in the desktop
1. Click Start → All Programs → Workshop
Accessories → Wordpad or Run →
type Wordpad, click OK. Wordpad 3. Open the Wordpad application and
window will be opened as shown in save it under a folder created with
Figure 5.23. your name in My Documents.

click that file, it will directly open
that file or the folder.

Figure 5.23. Wordpad - Word Processor

4. There is another option called “See
more results” which appears above
the search box.
5. If you click it, it will lead you to a
Search Results dialog box where you
can click and open that file or the
Searching Files or folders using
Computer icon
Figure 5.22 New folder icon on the dektop 1. Click Computer Icon from desktop or
from Start menu.
5.11.2. Finding Files and Folders
2. The Computer disk drive screen will
You can use the search box on the
appear and at the
Start menu to quickly search a particular
top right corner of
folder or file in the computer or in a
that screen, there
specific drive.
is a search box
To find a file or folder: option. (Figure
1. Click the Start button, the search 5.25)
box appears at the bottom of the 3. Type the name
start menu. of the file or the
2. Type the name of the file or the folder you want
folder you want to search. Even if to search. Even
you give the part of the file or folder if you give the
name, it will display the list of files part of the file or
or folders starting with the specified folder name, it
name. (Figure 5.24) will display the list
of files or folders Figure 5.24. Finding
3. The files or the folders with the
starting with the a File/Folder using
specified names will appear, if you
specified name. Start button
Figure 5.25. Finding a File/Folder in the Computer icon screen

4. Just click and open that file or the or folders. You can rename using the File
folder. menu, left mouse button or right mouse
Workshop button.
4. Find the file created in Workshop-3 Method 1
using the above procedure Using the FILE Menu
1. Select the File or Folder you wish to
5.11.3. Opening existing Files or Folders
The most common way of opening a file
2. Click File→ Rename.
or a Folder is to double click on it.
3. Type in the new name.
5.11.4. Renaming Files or Folders
4. To finalise the renaming operation,
There are number of ways to rename files
press Enter as in Figure 5.26.

Figure 5.27.Folder renamed

Figure 5.27, you can see that the folder is
renamed as SCERT-DPI from SCERT.
Method 2
Using the Right Mouse Button
1. Select the file or folder you wish to
2. Click the right mouse button over the
file or folder. (Figure 5.28)
Figure 5.26. Renaming File/Folders using 3. Select Rename from the pop-up menu.
the File menu
4. Type in the new name. 2. Press F2 or click over the file or folder.
5. To finalise the renaming operation, A surrounding rectangle will appear
press Enter. around the name.
6. Figure 5.29. Shows that the folder "New 3. Type in the new name.
Folder" is renamed as C++. 4. To finalise the renaming operation,
press Enter.
5. Rename the file created by you using
the File menu, left mouse button or
right mouse button.

5.11.5. Moving/Copying Files and

You can move your files or folders to other
areas using variety of methods.
Moving Files and Folders
Method I-CUT and PASTE
To move a file or folder, first select the
file or folder and then choose one of
the following:
• Click on the Edit → Cut or Ctrl + X
Or right click → cut from the pop-up
Figure 5.28. Renaming File/Folders using • To move the file(s) or folder(s) in the
the Right Mouse Button new location, navigate to the new
location and paste it using Click Edit
→ Paste from edit menu or Ctrl + V
using keyboard.
• Or Right click → Paste from the pop-
up menu. The file will be pasted in the
new location.
Method II – Drag and Drop
In the disk drive window, we have two
panes called left and right panes. In
Figure 5.29. New Folder is renamed as C++ the left pane, the files or folders are
displayed like a tree structure. In the
Method 3 right pane, the files inside the specific
Using the Left Mouse Button folders in the left pane are displayed
1. Select the file or folder you wish to rename. with various options.
• In the right pane of the Disk drive • To paste the file(s) or folder(s) in the
window, select the file or folder you new location, navigate to the target
want to move. location then do one of the following:
• Click and drag the selected file or folder • Click Edit → Paste or Ctrl + V.
from the right pane, to the folder list
• Or Right click → Paste from the
on the left pane.
pop-up menu.
• Release the mouse button when the
target folder is highlighted (active). Method II – Drag and Drop
• Your file or folder will now appear in
the new area. Figrue 5.30 shows how • In the RIGHT pane, select the file or
to move files or folders using drag and folder you want to copy.
drop method.
• Click and drag the selected file and/or
folder to the folder list on the left, and
drop it where you want to copy the file
and/or folder.
• Your file(s) and folder(s) will now
appear in the new area.

If you want to select multiple files
or folders, use Ctrl + Click.

5.11.6. Copying Files and Folders to

removable disk
There are several methods of
transferring files to or from a removable
Figure 5.30.Moving the File/ disk.
Folder using drag and drop • Copy and Paste
Copying Files and Folders
• Send To
There are variety of ways to copy files
and folders: METHOD I - Copy and Paste

Method I - COPY and PASTE • Plug the USB flash drive directly into
an available USB port.
To copy a file or folder, first select the
file or folder and then choose one of • If the USB flash drive or external drive
the following: folder does NOT open automatically,
follow these steps:
• Click Edit → Copy or Ctrl + C or right
• Click Start→Computer. (Figure 5.31)
click→ Copy from the pop-up menu.

Figure 5.33. Copying File using right click
• Return to the Removable Disk window,
right-click within the window, then
select Paste. (Figure 5.34)

Figure 5.31. Selecting Computer

option from Start menu
• Double-click on the Removable Disk
associated with the USB flash drive.
(Figure 5.32)

Figure 5.34. Pasting File using right click

• Plug the USB flash drive directly into an
available USB port.
• Navigate to the folders in your computer
Figure 5.32. Double Clicking containing files you want to transfer.
Removable Disk
• Right-click on the file you want to
• Navigate to the folders in your
transfer to your removable disk.
computer containing files you want to
transfer. • Click Send To and select the Removable
Right-click on the file you want to copy, Disk associated with the USB flash drive.
then select Copy. (Figure 5.33) (Figure 5.35)

Workshop Workshop

6.  Move the file created by you in My 7. Delete the file created by you after
Documents to Drive D:. duplicating the same under My
D o c uments.
 Copy the file created by you from
drive D: to a removable disk. Note
To permanently delete a file or folder
(i.e. to avoid sending a file or folder to
the Recycle Bin), hold down the SHIFT
5.11.7. Deleting Files and Folders
key, and press delete on the keyboard.
• When you delete a file or folder, it will
move into the Recycle Bin. Recycle Bin
Recycle bin is a special folder to keep
To delete a file or folder: the files or folders deleted by the user, which
Select the file or folder you wish to delete. means you still have an opportunity to recover
them. The user cannot access the files or folders
available in the Recycle bin without restoring
it. To restore file or folder from the Recycle Bin
• Open Recycle bin.
• Right click on a file or folder to be
restored and select Restore option from
the pop-up menu.
• To restore multiple files or folders, select
Restore all items.
• To delete all files in the Recycle bin, select
Empty the Recycle Bin.
5.12. Creating Shortcuts on the Desktop
Shortcuts to your most often used
folders and files may be created and placed
Removable disk
on the Desktop to help automate your work.
Figure 5.35. Copying File using Send to • Select the file or folder that you wish to
option have as a shortcut on the Desktop.
1. Right- click the file or folder, select • Right click on the file or folder.
• Select Send to from the shortcut menu,
Delete option from the po-pup menu or
then select Desktop (create shortcut)
Click File → Delete or press Delete key from the sub-menu.
from the keyboard. •  shortcut for the file or folder will now
appear on your desktop and you can
2. The file will be deleted and moved to the
open it from the desktop in the same
Recycle bin. way as any other icon. Figure 5.36.
Figure 5.36 Creating Shortcut
5.13. Shutting down or Logging off a Computer
Once you have closed all open applications, you can either log off your computer or shut down
the computer.
Log Off
To Log off/Shut down the computer:

Figure 5.37. Log off option

• Click start → log off (click the arrow
next to Shut down) or Start → Evaluation
Shutdown . (Figure 5.37.)
• If you have any open programs, then PART I
you will be asked to close them or Choose the Best Answer
windows will Force shut down, you
will lose any un-saved information if 1. From the options
you do this. given below, choose
• Switch User: Switch to another user the operations
account on the computer without managed by the operating system.
closing your open programs and a. Memory
Windows processes. b. Processes
• Log Off: Switch to another user c. Disks and I/O devices
account on the computer after closing d. all of the above
all your open programs and Windows
2. Which is the default folder for many
Windows Applications to save your
• Lock: Lock the computer while you're
away from it.
• Restart: Reboot the computer. (This a. My Document
option is often required as part of b. My Pictures
installing new software or Windows c. Documents and Settings
update.) d. My Computer
• Sleep: Puts the computer into a low- 3. Under which of the following
power mode that retains all running OS, the option Shift + Delete –
programs and open Windows in permanently deletes a file or folder?
computer memory for a super-quick a. Windows 7 b. MS-DOS
restart. c. Linux d. Android OS
• Hibernate (found only on laptop
computers): Puts the computer 4.
What is the meaning of "Hibernate"
into a low-power mode after saving in Windows XP/Windows 7?
all running programs and open a. 
Restart the Computer in safe
Wwindows on the machine's hard mode
drive for a quick restart. b. Restart the Computer in hibernate
Activity mode
Shutdown the Computer
Student Activity terminating all the running
1. Create files and folders using Windows d. Shutdown the Computer without
and Ubuntu and compare them. closing the running applications
2. Create a File/Folder in Windows 7, 5. The shortcut key used to rename a
Windows 8 and Windows 10. Prepare file in windows
a report on the differences you face a. F2 b.F4
while creating the same. c.F5 d. F6

PART II How can you reduce it?
1. Differentiate cut and copy options. 3. Are drives such as hard drive and
2. What is the use of a file extension? floppy drives represented with drive
3. Differentiate Files and Folders. letters? If so why, if not why?
4. Differentiate Save and save As 4. Write the two ways to create a new
option. folder.
5. How will you Rename a File? 5. Differentiate copy and move
1. Explain the versions of Windows
1. Analyse: Why the drives are Operating System.
segregated? 2. Explain the different ways of finding
2. If you are working on multiple files a file or Folder
at a time, sometimes the system may 4. Write the procedure to create shortcut
hang. What is the reason behind it. in Windows OS.

System software that enables the harware to communicate

Operating System (OS)
and operate with other software.
Handheld hardware input device that control a cursor
Mouse in a GUI and can move and slect text, icons, files, and
Windows Familer operating system developed by Microsoft corpn.
Desktop Opening screen of windows operating system.
Icon Tiny image represent a command.
Folder Container of files
Linux An operating system.

Unit II Word Processor CHAPTER
Part - I Introduction to Word Processor

6.1 An introduction to Word processors exclusively

Processor for Tamil Language.
Microsoft also provides
Word processor is a computer full Tamil interface for
software to create, edit, manipulate, all office suite.
transmit, store and retrieve a text document.
The above said activities are called as “Word In this chapter, you are going to learn about
Processing”. In other words, Word processing a word processor (OpenOffice Writer).
is an activity carried out by a computer with
suitable software to create, edit, manipulate, 6.2 An Introduction to OpenOffice
transmit, store and retrieve text documents. Writer

There are many word processing OpenOffice is the leading open-

software available as proprietary source source office software suite for word
as well as open source. The familiar processing, spreadsheets, presentations,
word processing packages are given in the graphics, databases and much more. It is
following Table 6.1 given below. available in many languages and works on
all computers. It stores all your data in an
Table 6.1 – Word Processing softwares International open standard format and
can also read and write files from other
Proprietary source Open Source Word office software packages. OpenOffice is
Word processing processing software
easy to learn.
Package Developer Package Developer
Microsoft Microsoft OpenOffice Apache OpenOffice is a productive office
Word Corporation Writer suite with a collection of different software
WPS Kingsoft Libre The packages such as
Word Office document
Writer foundation
WordPro Lotus Abiword Abisource • OpenOffice Writer - Word Processor
Corporation to create text documents

Tamil Word Processors • OpenOfficeCalc - Spreadsheet to create

Tamil OpenOffice writer, Tamil
• OpenOffice Base - Database
LibreOffice Writer, Kamban 3.0,
Mentamizh2017 – these are familiar word • OpenOffice Impress - Presentation
• OpenOffice Draw-Drawing Software • Database integration.

• OpenOfficeFormula -Create formula • Track changes to document.

and equations • Export to PDF easily.
OpenOffice Writer is the word 6.2.1 Download and Install OpenOffice
processor component of OpenOffice. In
addition to the usual features of a word Download and Install the latest
processor (spelling check, thesaurus, version of OpenOffice suite from http://
hyphenation, autocorrect, find and www.openoffice.org/downloadat free of
replace, automatic generation of tables cost.
of contents and indexes, mail merge and 6.2.2 Creating a new document in
others), Writer provides these important OpenOffice Writer
A new OpenOffice Writer
• Templates and styles. document can be created by various
• Page layout methods, including frames, methods. From Windows, select
columns, and tables. Start → All Programs → OpenOffice →
• Embedding or linking of graphics, OpenOfficeWriter
spreadsheets, and other objects. (or)
• Built-in drawing tools. From Star Center (Welcome Screen):
• Master documents—to group a • Double-click on “OpenOffice” icon on
collection of documents into a single the desktop
• Now, a welcome screen appears as
• Database integration, including a shown in Figure 6.1
bibliography database.

Open Office Writer

Figure 6.1 Opening Screen (Star Center) of OpenOffice

This opening screen is called as “Star Center”. Writer is one of the components of
OpenOffice. So, it may be invoked from the “Star Center” by simply clicking on the “Text
Document” icon. (or) A new text document can also be created by selecting File → New
→Text Document (or)Ctrl + N keyboard short cut can also be used to open a new text
document as shown in the Figure 6.2

Figure 6.2 OpenOffice Writer Window

6.2.3 Parts of Writer Window:
The Figure 6.3 displays the contents of OpenOffice Writer window such as Title
bar, Menu bar, Standard Toolbar, Formatting Tool bar, Ruler, Work space and Status bar.
The components of a OpenOffice Writer window in Figure 6.3 are explained below :
Control buttons
Title Bar With Document Name

Tools bar
Menu bar
Insertion Point

Scroll bars

Status Bar

Figure 6.3 Components of Writer Window

Title Bar (3) Close button :
The title bar is displayed at the top When you click close button,
of the window, which displays the name the current application is closed and
of the document and its application. By OpenOffice returns back to the desktop.
default, the initial document is given the The red colored close button as shown
name as Untitled1. in Figure 6.6 may also be called as “Exit”
Control Buttons: or “Quit”.There is another X mark on the
At the right corner of title bar the right most corner of the menu bar. This
controls buttons available are (1) minimize, is actually used to close your document.
(2) maximize/restore and (3) close. When you click this X mark, your
document will be closed, OpenOffice will
(1) Minimize button: continues to be open condition.
When you click minimize button, Exit/Quit
it shrinks your document window smaller
in size and shows it as a button on the
taskbar(Refer figure 6.5). To restore it
in its original size, place your mouse Close document
pointer on the OpenOffice button which
is available in the taskbar, you can view Figure 6.6 Close and close document
your document as miniature and when button
you click on the button, your document is Menu Bar
restored to its original size. The menu bar is below the title bar which
(2) Maximize button : comprises of various menus and each
When you click maximize button, menu consists of various options(Refer
your document window is displayed in full figure 6.7):
screen. When it is in full screen, the maximize
button is changed to “Restore”. When you Figure 6.7- Menu bar
click restore button, the document window
regains to its original size. File –The File menu contains various
options for file management tasks such as
Restore New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Print,
Export etc.
Figure 6.4 – Sizing buttons

Figure 6.5 Miniature button of OpenOffice document

Edit –The Edit menu contains cut, copy, macros, mail merge, end notes/footnotes
paste, Undo, Redo etc. etc.

View –The View menu contains the options Window – The window menu shows
that is used to modify the environment of display options such as New Window,
Writer such as display of toolbars, web Close Windows, Split and Freeze.
layout, print layout, navigator etc.
Help – The Help menu displays the inbuilt
Insert – The Insert menu contains help features available in OpenOffice.
options for inserting various elements
such as pictures, tables, charts, comments, Toolbar:
headers, footers, special characters etc.
Under the menu bar, there are two toolbars
Format – The Format menu contains available by default. They are:
options of various text and page
formatting features like page size, layout, (1) Standard Toolbar
font characteristics, bullets and numbering
(2) Formatting Toolbar
Standard Toolbar– This tool bar is just
Tables – The Tables menu contains
below the menu bar which consists of
various tools to manage and manipulate
shortcut icons for frequently performed
tables such to create a table, insert rows,
tasks. There are many shortcut icons
insert columns, split cells, merge cells etc.
like cut, copy, paste, undo etc…(Refer
Tools – The Tools menu contains various figure 6.8)
tools and functions such as spell check,

Figure 6.8 –Standard Tool bar

Formatting Toolbar– The formatting tool bar is below the standard toolbar which consists
of icons used for formatting the text like bold, underline, italics, font type, font color etc.
(Refer figure 6.9)

Figure 6.9- Formatting toolbar

Ruler The Enter key must not be pressed at the
end of the each line. The Enter key should
The ruler is a scale below the be pressed only at the end of a paragraph
formatting tool bar which shows the or when a blank line is to be inserted.
margins.There are two set of rulers (1) When a page is filled up, OpenOffice
Horizontal ruler and (2) Vertical ruler. Writer automatically creates a new page.
Horizontal ruler is used to set left and
right margins of a page and vertical ruler 6.2.5 Moving within the document
for top and bottom setting.
There are different ways of moving around
a document. The shortcut keys given in
Table 6.2 are used to move easily within a
Figure 6.10 - Ruler document.

Work Space Table 6.2 – Short cut keys

The work space is the blank area KEY ACTION

which is used to type the content of the
→ To move a character
file.A flashing vertical bar that appears at
the beginning of the screen which is called
as “Insertion pointer”. ← To move a character left
↑ To move one line up
Status Bar ↓ To move one line down
The status bar is at the bottom of Ctrl + → One word right
the window which shows the current Ctrl + ← One word left
status of the document such as number Ctrl + ↑ One paragraph up
of pages, current page number, default
Ctrl + ↓ One paragraph down
language etc.
Home To the beginning of line
6.2.4 Entering the Text End To the end of line
Ctrl + Home To the beginning of
Once a new document is opened,
the text can be typed in the blank area of
the screen. As the text is typed they appear Ctrl + End To the end of document
on the screen and the flashing vertical bar Tab To move one cell to
called the insertion pointer moves to the right
right. When the text reaches the end of the Shift + Tab To move one cell to left
line, the word is automatically wrapped
Pg up To scroll one screen up
to the next line. This feature in any word (Page Up)
processor is known as “Word Wrap”.
Pg Down To scroll one screen
(Page Down) down

6.2.6 Saving the Document

The first time the document is saved, OpenOffice Writer prompts for a name. Naming the
file enables the user to find and open that file again. One can select the drive and folder
where the file will be stored. To save a document for a first time,the following steps are

• Click File → Save (or) File → Save As (or) Ctrl + S

• “Save As” dialog box appears as on Figure 6.11.

Save in location

List of drivers and folders

File Name

Save as a
Save with type
Password Save Button

Figure 6.11-Save As dialog box

• Select location to store your document. The default location to store all documents is
“Documents” folder in Windows.

• Type your document name in the File In this dialog box, Enter a password
Name text box. in “Enter Password to open” text box and
retype the same password in “Confirm
• All documents in OpenOffice Writter Password” box for confirmation. Finally
will be stored with .odt extension. You click “OK” button.
can store your OpenOffice document as
Microsoft Word document or .pdf. To 6.2.7 Closing a Document
do so, select file type from Save as list
box and select the required file type. After your document is saved, it is still
open. So, you can continue typing your
• Finally, Click “Save” button. document. When the work is finished, you
should save the document and close the
• Once the file is saved, your document document using File → Close command
name will be displayed on the title bar. (or) Press Ctrl + W.

Saving with password Closing Unsaved Document:

In OpenOffice Writer, a document When you close an unsaved file

can be protected with a password. You can set using the close control button, Writer
a password to protect your document while shows a warning message (Refer Figure
saving a file. To save a file with password, 6.13).
click on “Save with Password” check box
in Figure 6.11 and then click “Save” button.
Immediately it shows “Set Password” dialog
box as shown in Figure 6.12.
Enter you Password here

Figure 6.13Alert Message box

If you accept the warning message,
click the “Save” button. When you click
Enter the same password
the “Save” button, it proceeds to save the
file. If you are not willing to save the file,
then click “Discard”, or if you want to
cancel this warning and continue working
Click "OK" to Finalise in the same document, click “Cancel”.

6.2.8 Opening an existing document

Read these Instructions Carefully Once a document is saved, it can be

opened at any time. To open an existing
Figure 6.12 – Password dialog box
document, Click on the File → Open or
Ctrl + O, the Open dialog box appears, enter the name of the file in the File name text
box and click the OPEN button as in Figure 6.14.

File Name Open Button

Figure 6.14 – Open dialog box

6.3 Tamil Typing Interface

Typing in Tamil has different methods.

• Using Tamil Font

• Using Tamil Interface.

In the first method specificTamil fonts are available which has to be downloaded and
installed and should be included in the font folder of the control panel. But this method
has some drawbacks:

• The user must be aware of Tamil typing.

• The particular font must be available in the system.

• It does not support other languages including English.

• The computer acceptscharacters as computer, each time you start, the
symbols not as language. interface automatically gets activated and
this is indicated by a unique symbol in the
• It is not portable, i.e. if the document notification area. By default the shortcut
is sent to another computer, if the same keys are set as Alt+1 for English and
font is not available, it is recognized as Alt+2 for Tamil and it can be changed. For
symbols not as original characters. different languages shortcut keys can be
To overcome the drawbacks in the first
method, the interface method provides 6.3.3 Entering Text in Tamil
the following advantages:
Step 1 : Open a new document in Writer.
• It follows Unicode technique. Hence
knowledge of Tamil typing is not Step 2 : Press Alt+2 to type in Tamil, Alt
necessary. + 1 to type in English.
• It is easy to type documents in Tamil in The keyboard structure for Tamil interface
any word processor. is given in Annexure-2:
• Some of the Unicode fonts like “Arial Different styles of Unicode Tamil fonts
Unicode” supports all Indian languages can be downloaded from this link:http://
including Tamil and English using www.tamilvu.org/tkbd/indexen.html
respective language interface.
6.4. Editing a document
6.3.1 Download and Install Tamil Typing
Interface Once a document is typed, it can
be edited in many ways. If there is some
Many Tamil Typing Interfaces
insertions or deletions, it can be done while
are available as open source such as
typing or after typing also. Corrections
“Murasu”(it is exclusively for Tamil),
can be made in two different ways :
“NHM Writer”(It is universal to all Indian
languages) etc. Backspace Key: Deletes the character to
the left of the insertion pointer
To download and install:
Delete Key : Deletes the character to the
• “Murasu” use the link : http://anjal.
right of the insertion pointer
To insert new text in between, if
• “NHM writer” use the link : http://
something is left out, insertion can be
made by taking the insertion pointer to
6.3.2 Connecting with Writer the current location and Press the Insert
Key, the newly typed text is inserted, and
Once the Tamil Interface is the existing text moves to the right.This is
downloaded and installed in your Insert mode. Press the Insert Key again,
the text is over written on the existing Selection by Different methods:
text. This is known as Type over mode.
You can toggle between the insert mode Selection using Mouse :
and type over mode by pressing the Insert
Key. To select the text using mouse:

6.5 Select, Move and Copy text (i) Move the insertion pointer to the
begining of the text

6.5.1 Selecting Text (ii) Hold down the Left mouse button and
drag it across the text
In any word processor, the text
has to be selected for performing (iii) Release the mouse button when the
any operation like copying, moving, required portion of text is selected
formatting etc. The text selection can be
done in two methods: (iv) The selected text will be highlighted.

i) Selecting the Continuous text. Selection using Keyboard :

ii) Selecting the Non-continuous text.
To select the text using keyboard :
Selecting the Continuous text – To select
the text continuously move the insertion (i) Move the insertion pointer to the
pointer to the begining of the text, begining of the text

• Hold the SHIFT key and drag the (ii) Hold the SHIFT key and use the
mouse across until the required text is movement keys to drag across the
selected and then release the SHIFT required portion.
(iii) When the required portion is selected
• The selected text can be used for any release the SHIFT key
(iv) The selected text will be highlighted.
Selecting theNon-continuous text-
To select the text not continuous, move Selection using Short Cut Keys:
the insertion pointer to the begining of
the text, Short cut keys help to select the text
quickly and easily
• Hold the CTRL key and drag across
the required text is to be selected and
• To select a word - Double click on the
release the CTRL key.
• The selected text can be used for any
operation. • To select the entire document – Press
Ctrl + A

6.5.2 Moving and Coping text Table 6.3 Cut, Copy , Paste Icons and
shortcut keys
Moving text


To move a text from one location



to another
• select the text to be moved
• Click Ctrl + X or Cut Icon or Edit
Cuts the
→ Cut CUT Ctrl +X
selected text
• The text is removed from the source
To make a
location and placed in the clipboard
COPY duplication of Ctrl +C
• Take the insertion pointer to the new the text.
location to be moved and To paste the
• Click Ctrl + V or Paste Icon or text to a new
PASTE location after Ctrl +V
Edit → Paste
cut or copy
The required text is moved to the process.
new location. Cancels the
Coping text UNDO operation Ctrl +Z
To copy a text from one location to that was
• select the text to be copied 6.6 Help System in Writer

• Click Ctrl + C or Copy Icon or OpenOffice Writer provides several

Edit → Copy forms of help. By pressing F1 or select
• A duplicate copy of the text is made Help from the menu bar the help window
and sent to the clipboard appears as shown in Figure 6.15:

• Take the insertion pointer to the new

location to be copied and
• Click Ctrl + V or Paste Icon or
Edit →Paste
The required text is copied to the
new location.
Figure 6.15 Help window
The Editing shortcut keys are as
given in Table 6.3. • To activate tooltips, extended tips, and
the help Agent, click Tools → Options
→ OpenOffice
Extended Tips

Figure 6.16 – General settings window

• For a more detailed explanation, select Help → What’s This? and hold the mouse pointer
over the icon where you want more help Figure 6.16 shows the general setting window.


6 -1 Open a new document in Open • “We are as young as our faith and
office writer. as old as our doubts. We are also as
young as our self-confidence and as
• Type the following paragraph. old as our fears. We are as young as
• “The ignited minds of the youth is our hopes and as old as our despairs."
the most powerful resource on the • Save the document
earth. The power of the youth, if
properly directed, will bring about • Using Delete or Backspace key remove
transformed humanity by meeting the last line of the first paragraph.
its challenges and bring peace and • Type the following lines after the
prosperity.” second paragraph and create it as a
new paragraph.
• Save and close the document.
• “It doesn’t matter who you are, if you
• Exit from Open Office Writer.
have a and determination to achieve
6.2 Open the document created in that vision, you will certainly do so.”
Workshop 6.1.
• In the third paragraph insert the
• Append the following paragraph. word “vision” between “a” and “and ”.

6.3 Open the document created in 3. Save the new document
4. In the first document, move the
2. Copy and paste the following words following words either using keyboard
into a new document either using mouse shortcuts.
keyboard or mouse shortcuts.
(i) Ignited (ii) Challenges
Ignited (ii) powerful (iii) humanity
(iii) Prosperity
(iv) challenges (v) prosperity

Part - II Formatting text and Paragraph

6.7 Text formatting

A text without any special formatting gives a monotonous appearance. OpenOffice

Writer offers a number of choices for formatting such as bold or italics, defining the font,
type, and font size. Bold, italic underlined are the most common types of text formatting.
Almost all the formatting options are available under the Format menu.

6.7.1 Changing font style, size and colour

A font is a set of characters in a particular style. Changing the default appearance of

the text like changing the font type , size, color, style etc., are called as Text formatting.
To make the text attractive and more appealing, various formatting like bold, italic and
underline can be done by using the following commands given in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 Text formatting shortcuts


BOLD Makes the text bold B Ctrl+B

ITALICS Italicizes the text I Ctrl +I

UNDERLINE Underlines the text U Ctrl +U

The default font type is Times New Roman and the type of font can be changed by
clicking on the Font Type icon. Trebuchet MS

The default size of font is12 points which can be changed by clicking on the Font
Size icon . 14

The default font color is black and the font color can be changed by clicking on the
Font color icon A which shows the color palette from which the required color
can be selected.

Besides the regular formatting like Bold, Italics and underline, other formatting
options can be done by using Format → Character. The Character dialog box is displayed
as shown in the Figure 6.17 appears, using which all the formatting can be done easily.

Font Tab
Preview Window

Figure 6.17 – Character dialog box

6.7.2 Changing Case

Normally any text can be typed in upper or lower case. The text can be changed to
different cases like

• Uppercase(Capital letters),
• toggle case(reverse case),
• sentence case(first letter of each sentence capital),
• Capitalize every word(first letter of each word capital),
• lower case (small letters).

This can be done by :

• Select the text to change case
• Select Format → Change case.
6.7.3Highlighting text 6.7.4 Clearing the formatting

Highlighting is used to draw To clear the formatting applied to

attention to important information in a the text.
text. Highlighting is beneficial because
it first asks the reader to pick out the • Select the entire document by Ctrl + A
important parts, and then gives an or Edit →Select All,
effective way to review that information
later. • clear the formatting by Ctrl + M.

Highlighting can be applied by 6.8 Paragraph formatting

selecting the text and click Highlighting
icon ,the color palette is displayed, A paragraph is any text that ends
select the required color, and the text is with a hard return. A hard return is
highlighted. Highlighting can be removed accomplished any time you press the
by selecting the text and click No Fill from Enter key. Paragraph Alignment or
the color palette. justification refers to the way in which
Note the lines of a paragraph are aligned.
Paragraph alignment lets you to control
Highlighting is to draw attention to
the appearance of individual paragraphs.
important or key points in a document
There are four types of alignment available
for easy reference by marking it with a
in OpenOffice
different color.

Figure 6.18 – Paragraph dialog box

Writer-Left-alignment, Right- Justified-alignment - All the lines
alignment, Center-alignment, and in the paragraph, are arranged evenly
Justified-alignment. both on the left and right margins. This
is achieved in writer by automatically
Left-alignment - A paragraph's inserting additional space between the
text is LEFT aligned when it is aligned words.
evenly along the left margin and uneven
along the right margin. This is the default Paragraph formatting can be
alignment when a paragraph is typed. applied by Format→Paragraph, the
paragraph dialog box appears as displayed
Right-alignment - A paragraph's in Figure 6.18.
text is RIGHT aligned when it is aligned
evenly along the right margin and uneven The paragraph formatting can also
along the left margin. be done by icons using the formatting tool
bar as shown in Figure 6.19 and shortcut
Center-alignment - All the lines in keys as shown in Table 6.5.
the paragraph are aligned to the center of
the page size.

Figure 6.19 – Formatting toolbar

Table 6.5 Paragraph Alignment Icons and Shortcut keys


Aligns the paragraph with

LEFT Ctrl + L
respect to the left margin

Aligns the paragraph with

RIGHT Ctrl + R
respect to the right margin

Aligns the paragraph with

respect to the center of the page

Aligns the paragraph with

JUSTIFIED respect to both the left and right Ctrl + J

An example showing all the four paragraph alignment :

Left Alignment
All power is with in you take up one idea, make that one idea your life.
Think of it dream of it, live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every
part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.
Right Alignment
All power is with in you take up one idea, make that one idea your life.
Think of it dream of it, live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every
part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.
Center Alignment
All power is with in you take up one idea, make that one idea your life.
Think of it dream of it, live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every
part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.
Justified Alignment
All power is with in you take up one idea, make that one idea your life. Think
of it dream of it, live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of
your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is
the way to success.

Example 6.1 Paragraph Alignment

6.8.1 Line Spacing To Change the line spacing using

paragraph dialog box.
Line spacing determines the
amount of vertical space between lines of • Select the required text
text in a paragraph. By default, the lines • Select Format → paragraph
are single line spaced. The easiest method
to change the line spacing is to right- • The paragraph dialog box appears,
clickon the line and select line spacing click on Indents & Spacing tab
from the pop up menu,the pop up menu
• In the line spacing drop down, select
provides three options single, 1.5lines or the required line spacing (there are
double from which the user can select the seven different types of line spacing)
desired type(Refer figure 6.20). and
• click OK button.
Figure 6.20 Paragraph dialog box

6.8.2 Indenting text

Indent is the distance from the left and right margin of a paragraph. It is used to
improve the efficiency and readability of the paragraph and makes the paragraph look
more attractive. In paragraphs, an easy way to apply indent for the first line of text can be
created by moving the insertion pointer to the begining of the line and pressing the tab
key on the keyboard.

There are two ways to apply indents:

• Using Icons • Using Dialog Box

Using Icons :

Increase Indent Icon : The increase indent icon controls the space between the
paragraph and the left margin. Each click on the Increase indent icon moves the paragraph
½ inch away from the left margin.

Decrease Indent Icon : This is reverse of increase indent. It undoes the indent applied
by increase indent. Each click on the Decrease indent icon moves the paragraph ½ inch
away from the right margin.
Using Dialog Box:
Format → Paragraph displays the paragraph dialog box as shown in Figure 6.20,
select the Indent & Spacing tab which has the indent group which has three options.

Left Indent : This is the default indent where a paragraph is moved away from the left
margin. In the paragraph dialog box, in the “Before Text” spin box as shown in Figure 6.20,
enter a value which moves the paragraph away from the left margin.
Right Indent : This is another type of indent which moves the paragraph away from the
right margin. Enter a value in the “After text” spin box of the paragraph dialog box, which
results in right indent.
First Line Indent - A first-line indentation indents the first line of the paragraph. It
is the most common way to start a new paragraph. This indent can be applied by Format
→ Paragraph → Indents & Paragraph tab, select first line option in the indent group,
enter a positive value which results in first line indent.

Hanging indent – This is a special kind of indent where the first line of the paragraph
alone hangs outside leaving the rest of the text. To apply Hanging indent, a negative value
is given in the “first line” option of the paragraph dialog box.
Example 6.2 shows different kinds of indents.

Increase Indent

First line

Hanging Indent
Example 6.2 - Different kinds of Indents

6.8.3 Bullets and Numbering

Bullets and numbering are used to emphasize list of things and make list easy to
read and follow. It provides an excellent way to control the appearance in the form of
bulleted or numbered list.
Bullets – This icon is used to add remove paragraphs in the list. Numbering
a bullet character to the start of each is quickly created by clicking on the
paragraph. This is suitable when the Numbering icon .
text has to be presented as a list of items
preceded by a bullet symbol and no 6.8.4 Style of Bullets and Numbering -
sequence has to be followed. Bullets are
quickly created by clicking on the Bullet The default type of bullet is ( . ) and
icon . the default type of numbering is (1, 2, 3
……). The style of bullets and numbering
Numbering – This icon is used can be changed by applying the following
to add a numeral to the start of the each steps:
paragraph. Numbering is more suitable
when the text has to be presented as • Select the text to be bulleted
a sequence. In numbered list, each • Format → Bullets and Numbering
paragraph begins with an expression that
includes a number or letter and a separator • Select Bullets Tab
such as a period or parenthesis. • The Bullets and Numbering dialog box
appears with different styles of bullets
The numbers in a numbered list are are displayed
updated automatically when you add or

Figure 6.21 Bullets and Numbering dialog box

• Click on the required style 3. Select Numbering type Tab
• Click Ok button 4. The Bullets and Numbering dialog
box appears with different styles of
The selected text is bulleted.
numbering are displayed
The Bullets and Numbering dialog
5. Click on the required style
box with the bullets tab is displayed in
Figure 6.21. 6. Click Ok button
Note 7. The selected text is numbered.
If the text is not typed, then apply the The Bullets and Numbering dialog
steps above and then type the text, box with the numbering tab is displayed
the newly entered text will appear in
in Figure 6.22.
bulleted form.
To apply Numbering
If the text is not typed, then apply the
1. Select the text to be numbered steps above and then type the text,
the newly entered text will appear in
2. Format →Bullets and Numbering
numbered form.

Figure 6.22 Bullets and Numbering dialog box

Turning off Bullets and Numbering – 6.9.1 Setting the page size and margins
Changing page size
As you can quickly add bullets or
numbers to existing text by clicking on The default page size in Writer is 8.5 x 11”,
the icons, the bullets and numbers can be the same as that of a standard A4 printing
removed easily. paper. However, for different types of
documents, you may need to change the
• Select the text where the bullets and page size. To change the page size:
numbers are to be removed. • Select the page to be resized
• Click on the bullets icon again to
• Select Format → Page, the page style
remove bullets.
dialog box appears as shown in Figure
• Click on the numbering icon again 6.23.
to remove numbering.
• Select Page Tab
6.9 Page formatting
• In the paper format group, select the
The most important thing in a format like A4, legal …. etc
word processor is how to format the page
• Or the width and height option can be
by changing margins, numbering, page
used to set the page size.
layout, headers and footers. Formatting
your page makes it look more attractive
and make it easier to read.

Figure 6.23 Page style dialog box

Changing page margins Landscape - The width of the document is
Page margins are the white space around more than the height. This is best suited
the top, bottom, left, and right of your for displaying table, professional photos,
document. Margins let Writer know where invitations, album etc.
to start placing the text at the top of a
document, when to move on to the next
page at the bottom, where to start typing Landscape
text on the left side, and where to stop and
move to the next line on the right.
Portrait – This is the most common
Changing or setting page margins in and default orientation. Here, the height
OpenOffice writer can be done in two ways: of the document is more than the width.
1. Using the Rulers—quick and easy, but Normally books, newspapers will be
does not have precise values. displayed in this format.
2. Using the Page Style dialog box—can
specify precise values for the margins.
Changing page margins - using Ruler
1. The shaded sections of the rulers are
the margins.
To change the orientation:
2. Hold the mouse pointer over the line
between the gray and white sections. • Select the page whose orientation is to
3. The mouse pointer turns into a double- be changed
headed arrow. • In the Page style dialog box, under the
4. Hold down the left mouse button and Orientation group,
drag the mouse to move the margin • Select Portrait or Landscape button.
and release it at the required point.
6.9.3 Page colour and borders
5. The new margin is set.
Changing the page color is not quite
Using Page Style dialog box common. To do so, in the Page style dialog
To change margins using the Page Style box , in the Background option, click on
dialog box color and select the “color” from the color
palette or select “graphic” to apply an
1. Right-click anywhere on the page and image as a page background, it, as shown
select Page from the popup menu or in Figure 6.24.
select page tab of Page Style dialog box
as shown in Figure 6.23. Borders can be applied to an entire
2. In the Margins group, specify the values document, an entire page, paragraph, or
for left , right , top and bottom margins. just to certain sections of the document.
From the Page Style dialog box , select the
3. Click on ok button. Border tab, the user defined area helps to
6.9.2 Orientation define the area of borders, the line style
Page orientation refers to how the of borders, color of borders Figure 6.25
document will be displayed on screen shows the borders setting in the Page Style
and printed. There are two different dialog box.
Figure 6.24 Background color

Figure 6.25 Page style dialog box - Borders

6.10 Working with Headers and Footers Similarly to insert a Footer, the steps are
as given below:
The Header is a section of the
document that appears in the top margin, • Select from the main menu Insert
which displays the title or chapter name, →Footer → Default
author name of a document . • Place the insertion pointer in the
Footer area of the page.
The Footer is a section of the
document that appears in the bottom • Select Insert → Fields → Date to
margin of the page which displays the insert date in all the pages.
page number, date, time etc. which gets
Once the Headers and Footers are
displayed on all the pages automatically.
given in the first page, the same text will
6.10.1 Inserting Header and Footer appear in all the pages.

• Select from the main menu Insert → 6.10.2 Inserting and Formatting page
Header → Default numbers

• The header text area is separated from Once the Header / Footer area are
the normal text area. created, the page numbers can be inserted
by performing the following steps:
• Enter the text that is to be repeated
in all pages or Select Insert → Fields • Place the insertion pointer where you
→Title. want to insert the number.

Figure 6.26 Page style dialog box

• choose Insert → Fields → Page
• Highlight the text “Knowledge
makes you great”
• The page number appears with a gray
background • Undo all formatting options using
keyboard shortcut.
Normally, the page numbers appear as
1,2,3….., To change the numbering style, 6.5 Open the document created in the
the following sequence of steps can be workshop 6.4
• Type the following lines below the
• Position the insertion pointer where
first paragraph
the page number has to appear
• Select Format → page, which will “ When one door closes, another
display the Page Style dialog box as on opens, but we often look so long and so
Figure 6.26. regretfully upon the closed door that
we do not see the one that has opened
• Select Page Tab
for us – Alexander Grahambell ”
• In the Layout settings, select the format
drop down combo box • Using any one of the paragraph
alignment icons or keyboard
• Select the desired style and click OK
shortcuts (left, right, center, or
justified) align the first paragraph.
Workshop • Change the line spacing of second
6.4 Open a new document in paragraph to any one of the type.
OpenOffice writer.
• Create bullets for the first
• Type the following paragraph paragraph and numbering for the
second paragraph using icon or
“Learning gives creativity, creativity
menu choice.
leads to thinking, thinking provides
knowledge, and knowledge makes you • Save and close this documents.
6.6 Open the document created in
• Save the document workshop-6.5
• Perform text formatting features
• Change page size, margin and
like Bold, Italics, Underline,
orientation, change border and
Change font, change Size, Color
background color.
and change case (Upper case to
lower case, lower to upper) for the • Apply suitable header and footer
words. (in the paragraph and make for the table.
the paragraph more appealing to
Part - III Find and Replace

6.11 Find and Replace For Example: To search for a word

“Bombay” in a document and replace with
OpenOffice Writer has a Find and “Mumbai”, enter the word “Bombay” in
Replace feature that helps to locate for a the Search for box
text inside a document and replace it with
another word. In addition to finding and 2. To replace the word with different
replacing words and phrases, you can also text, type the new text in the Replace
use wildcards and regular expressions to with box
perform advanced search. To search a
Enter the word “Mumbai” in the Replace
with box and
• Click Edit → Find & Replace (or) Ctrl
Click Find button , to start the search ,
the found word is highlighted
• The Find & Replace dialog box appears
as shown in Figure 6.27. The first occurrence of “Bombay”
is highlighted
Steps to find and replace a text
1. Type the text you want to find in the 3. To replace text, click Replace button.
Search for box



Figure 6.27 Find and Replace dialog box

The highlighted word is replaced with the 7. Enable Whole Words only to make
word given in the Replace with box. the search more specific. For e.g. if
you search for the word "image" the
4. Click Find All, Writer selects all command will only find "image" not
instances of the search text in the "imaging", "images" etc.
All occurrences of “Bombay” are
highlighted. 6.7 Open a new document.
• Type the following paragraph
5. Click Replace All button, Writer • “All birds find shelter during a
replaces all matches. rain. But Egles avoid rain by flying
above the clouds. Problems are
This will replace all occurrences of common, but attitude make the
“Bombay” with “Mumbai” difference.”
6. Enable Match case to perform the • Apply Find & Replace.
search case sensitively so that uppercase • Find the word “Egles” and replace
and lower cases are distinguished it with “Eagles”.
separately. • Save the document with password.


List of Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Key Function

Ctrl+A Select the whole document.
Ctrl+B Makes text bold.
Ctrl+C Copy the text.
Ctrl+D Double Underline text.
Ctrl+E Text is center aligned.
Ctrl+F Find and Replace.
Ctrl+I Makes text Italics.
Ctrl+J Text is Justifed.
Ctrl+L Text is left aligned.
Ctrl+R Text is right aligned.
Ctrl+U Underlines text.
Ctrl+V Paste the text.
Ctrl+X Move the text.
Ctrl+Y Redo last action.
Ctrl+Z Undo last action.
Left Arrow Move cursor one character left.

Right Arrow Move cursor one character right.
UpArrow Move cursor one line up.
DownArrow Move cursor one line down.
Shift+ LeftArrow Move cursor with selection to the left.
Shift+ RightArrow Move cursor with selection to the right.
Ctrl+ LeftArrow Go to beginning of word.
Ctrl+ RightArrow Go to end of word.
Home Go to beginning of line.
End Go to end of line.
Ctrl+Home Go to start of document.
Ctrl+End Go to end of document.
Shift+Home Go and select from the beginning of line.
Shift+End Go and select till end of line.
Insert Insert mode on/off.
Page Up Move one screen up.
Page Down Move one screen down.
Ctrl+Shift+B Subscript.
Ctrl+Shift+P Superscript.

Unicode Tamil Keyboard Typing Chart

a அ k க் ka க ke கே
aa ஆ ng ங் nga ங kee கே
i இ s ச் sa ச ko க�ொ
ii ஈ nj ஞ் nja ஞ koo க�ோ
u உ d/t ட் da / ta ட kau க�ௌ
uu ஊ N ண் Na ண
e எ w ந் wa ந we நெ
ee ஏ th த் tha த wee நே
ai ஐ p ப் pa ப wo ந�ொ
o ஒ m ம் ma ம woo ந�ோ
oo ஓ y ய் ya ய wau ந�ௌ
au ஔ r ர் ra ர
q ஃ l ல் la ல
v வ் va வ
z ழ் za ழ
L ள் La ள
R ற் Ra ற
n ன் na ன

j ja jaa je jee jo joo ji jii ju juu
ஜ் ஜ ஜா ஜெ ஜே ஜ�ொ ஜ�ோ ஜி ஜீ ஜு ஜூ
sh sha shaa she shee sho shoo shi shii shu shuu
ஷ் ஷ ஷா ஷெ ஷே ஷ�ொ ஷ�ோ ஷி ஷீ ஷு ஷூ

Type the following content in Tamil using any interface (Murasu / NHM / Azhagi).

kaNNan - கண்ணன் joothpur – ஜ�ோத்பூர்

sennai – சென்னை juulai – ஜூலை
thamizwaadu – தமிழ்நாடு shiiradi – ஷீரடி
thaajmahaal – தாஜ்மஹால் hamadu – ஹமது
shaajakaan – ஷாஜகான் vaashingtan - வாஷிங்டன்

சென்னையில் உள்ள மாநகராட்சிப் பள்ளிகள் சென்னைப்பள்ளிகள் (Chennai Schools) என்று

அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. இந்த பள்ளிகளை நிர்வகிக்க சென்னை மாநகராட்சயில் கல்வித்துறை (Education
Department) இயங்கி வருகின்றது. ஒரு இந்திய ஆட்சிப்பணி (IAS) அதிகாரி, ஒரு கல்வி அலுவலர்
(Educational Officer) மற்றும் 10 துணைக் கல்வி அலுவலர்களுடன் (Assistant Educational Officers
– AEO) இத்துறை செயல்படுகிறது.


Student Activity

1. To make the students prepare a invitation for school annual day.

2. To make the students create greeting card in landscape format with a picture and a
birthday message and distribute to students on their birthday.

Teacher Activity

1. To show a demo to the students how to type a question paper by using indents and
bullets and auto numbering, changing the margins.


Part I Choose The Best Answer

1. Which is the command to be selected to open the Table Format dialog box.

a. File ->Table properties b.Format->Table properties

c. Table->Table properties d. Edit->Table properties

2. The bottom of the window which shows the status of the document is:

a. Task bar b. Title bar c. Status bar d. Tool bar

3. Which is the section of document that appears in the top margin.

a. Head area b. Foot area c. Header d. Footer

4. The top most part of the window which displays the name of the application

a. Menu bar b. tool bar c. title bar d. format bar

5. Changing the default appearance of the text is called

a. Text formatting b. Page formatting

c. special formatting d. paragraph formatting

6. The Find and Replace option is available in which menu?

a. File b. Edit c. Format d. Tools

7. Which button selects all instances of the search text in the document?

a. Find b. Find All c. Replace d. replace All

8. Which is the short cut key to go to start of document?

a. Ctrl+Home b. Ctrl+ End c. Home d. End

9. What is the shortcut key for finding and replacing text in a document?

a. Ctrl + F1 b. Ctrl + F4 c. Ctrl + F5 d. Ctrl +F7

10. Shortcut key for Undo is

a. Ctrl + E b. Ctrl + U c. Ctrl + Z d. Ctrl + n

Part II

1. What is Text formatting?

2. What are the different packages in OpenOffice writer?

3. State the difference between Propietary software and open source software.

4. How do you make corrections to your document?

5. Name some features of OpenOffice writer.

Part III

1. What is the difference between moving and copying text?

2. What are the different types of orientation?

3. How do you turn off bullets and numbering?

4. What are the different ways to save a document?

5. Write the steps to change the line spacing of text.

Part IV

1. What are the different methods to change margin in writer?

2. What are Header and Footer? How do you insert page numbers?

3. What are the different types of paragraph alignment?

4. Write the steps to find and replace a word with another in OpenOffice writer.

5. What are indents ? How do you apply it in a document?

Unit II Word Processor CHAPTER

7.1 Working With Tables

2. Click the down arrow on the right side
A table is a grid with a specified of the Table icon on the standard
number of rows and columns. A well- toolbar.
designed table can help readers to understand
better what you are trying to convey. 3. In the drop down grid, move the
mouse to select the number of rows
7.1.1. Different Techniques To Insert and columns for the table.
There are two methods to create a table : 4. The table will appear at the location of
the insertion pointer.
• Using table Icon
Using The Insert Table Dialog Box
• Using Insert Table dialog box
To insert a table with more control
Using Table Icon
over the settings and properties, use the
To insert a table quickly from the Insert Table dialog box. To open the dialog
standard tool bar: box, click Table → Insert → Table or Ctrl
+F12. The Insert table dialog box appears
1. Place the insertion pointer where you as shown in Figure 7.1:
want the table to appear.

Figure 7.1 Insert Table Dialog Box

• In the Name text box give a suitable Shift + Tab to move towards left. Once
name to the table. the table is created the Table formatting
toolbar appears on the formatting toolbar
• Specify the number of columns and as shown in Figure 7. 2. This toolbar can
rows either using spin arrows or enter also be opened by View → Toolbars →
the value directly. Table.

• Click the Heading check box to make 7.1.2 Inserting And Deleting Rows And
the first row of the table as heading, Columns
The Repeat heading check box can
be enabled to repeat the heading row Inserting Rows
when the table spans more than one
page. To insert rows in a table there are different
ways :
• Select the Border check box to display
table with grid. 1. The easiest way to add a row is to press
Tab from the last cell.
• Click OK button to create a table.
2. To insert a single row anywhere, place
Entering data into theTable : the insertion pointer in that particular
cell and click the Insert row icon
Once the table is created with the from the Table Formatting toolbar.
specified number of rows and columns,
you are ready to enter data. 3. To insert more than one row, click
Table → Insert → Rows, the Insert
The table is normally created with
Rows dialog box appears as shown in
uniform row height and column width
Figure 7.3, enter the value using spin
in the entire area. The insertion pointer
arrows or type the number directly.
is placed in the first cell(intersection of
In the position option, select Before
row and column) and you can start typing
or After radio button to specify the
the text into the cell. You can easily move
position of the row.
from one cell to the next cell towards
right by pressing the Tab key and press 4. Click OK button.

Figure 7.2 Table Formatting toolbar

Deleting Rows And Columns

To delete rows and columns:

1. To delete a single row, place the insertion

pointer in the row or to delete more
than one row, select the rows to be
deleted and click delete row icon
from the Table Formatting tool bar
(or) select Table → Delete → Rows,
Figure 7.3 – Insert Rows dialog box
the selected row/ rows will be deleted.
Inserting Columns
2. To delete a single column, place the
To insert columns there are insertion pointer in the column or to
different ways delete more than one column, select
the columns to be deleted and click
1. Place the insertion pointer in the delete column icon from the Table
particular column and click the Insert Formatting tool bar (or) select Table
column icon to insert a blank → Delete → Columns, the selected
column right of the insertion point. column/ columns will be deleted.
2. To insert more than one column, place
Deleting Contents of A Table
the insertion point in the particular
column and click Table → Insert →
1. To delete the contents of a table :
Column, the insert column dialog box
appears as shown in Figure 7.4, enter • Select the contents of the table to be
the value using spin arrows or type the deleted and click Delete key, The
number directly. contents will be deleted, the table will
3. In the position option, select Before remain as it is.
or After radio button to specify the
Deleting An Entire Table
position of the column.
4. Click OK button. 1. To delete the entire table :

• Select the entire table by Edit →

SelectAll or Ctrl + A

• Click Table → Delete → Table

• The entire table is deleted.

Figure 7.4 – Insert Columns dialog box

7.1.3 Merging and Splitting Cells 5. A single cell is split into the desired
number of rows and columns.
To merge a group of cells:
7.1.4 Resize the position of Table
1. Select the cells to merge.
A newly created table will occupy
2. Click Table → Merge Cells or click the entire width of the page area by
merge cells icon or Right Click → default. The table can be resized as per our
Cell → Merge, requirement:

3. The selected cells will be merged into a • To resize a table quickly, move the
single cell. mouse over the table edge until the
cursor becomes a double headed arrow,
To split a single cell: and drag the border to its new desired
1. Place the insertion pointer inside the
cell. To resize a row height / column width
using Mouse :
2. Click Table → Split Cells or click Split
cells icon or Right click → Cell → To resize row height
Split, the split cells dialog box appears
as shown in Figure 7.5. • Move the insertion pointer over the
horizontal border for the row height
now the insertion point will change
into double headed arrow , click and
drag to resize the row height.

To resize column width

• Move the insertion pointer over the

vertical border for the column width
now the insertion pointer will change
into double headed arrow , click and
Figure 7.5 Split cells Dialog Box drag to resize the row height.

3. Select the number of cells to split using To resize column width using dialog box
spin arrows or enter the value directly.
• To give precise measurement for
4. Select the direction of the split, column width, Click Table → Table
horizontally (for rows), or vertically Properties, the Table Format dialog
(for columns). box as shown in Figure 7.6

Figure 7.6Table Format Dialog Box

• Click the Columns tab. In the column 1. Select Table → Table Properties.
width spin box enter the new column
width or use spin arrow for the 2. Select the Background tab inside the
columns. Table Format dialog box as shown in
Figure 7.7.
• Click OK button.
3. In the For section, choose to apply the
• The width of columns are resized as background to the cell, row or table.
per the new values.
• Cell: To apply background to a cell or
7.2 Formatting The Table a group of selected cells.

• Row: The background will be applied

Formatting a table involves to the entire row or group of selected
formatting of the table layout, formatting rows.
of the table text, changing borders,
background and autoformating. • Table: The background will be applied
to the entire table.
7.2.1Changing Background
4. In the As section, choose to apply a
To change the background of a color or graphic:
table in a document:
• To apply color, select the color from
Place the insertion pointer inside the color palette and click OK button.
the table.

Figure 7.7 Table format dialog box - Background

• To apply graphic, select Graphic, click on the browse button to select the required
image file and click OK button. The image appears in the selected cell as background.

7.2.2 Changing Text Direction In Table

To change the text direction

• Select the text to change the direction in the cell.

• Select Format → Character, the character dialog box appears.

• Click Position tab, in the Rotation / scaling option,

• Select the required rotation angle(0, 90, 270, Fit to Line) and click OK.

7.2.3 Changing Table Border

To change the table border, select Table → Table Properties, the Table Format
dialog box appears, select Borders Tab , you can set the borders for a table or a group of
Figure 7.8Table format dialog box to apply borders

Properties of Border

• Line arrangement specifies how the borders apply. Writer provides five arrangements
as shown in Figure 7.9, you can modify the arrangement by clicking on the line
arrangement you want to customize.

Figure 7.9 Line Arrangement

• Line option specifies the border style.

• Color option helps to select the color of border line.

• Spacing to contents option specifies how much space to leave between the border and
cell contents.

7.2.4 Autoformating Table Item
Jan Feb Total
The AutoFormat option helps to Books 15 70
format the table with predefined styles.
Pens 30 50
This is a simple and easy way to format
Ruler 25 25
tables. AutoFormating can be applied by :
• Create a Table with the desired number
of rows and columns.
Click in the empty cell where you want a
• Click Table → AutoFormat
• Choose Table → Formula or press F2
• A set of already designed styles with
and you will get the spreadsheet-like
predefined names are available in the
toolbar with the formula entry field.
Auto Format dialog box as shown in
Figure 7.10.

• Select the desired style and click OK

Figure 7.11Formula Tool bar
• If you want to add a range of cells then
• The selected style is applied into your
in the current cell type = <B2:B4>and
press Enter key. The total will appear
as given in the example below.

This method is applicable only to find
summation of the selected range. The
cell address must be in capital letters.
Figure 7.10 Auto format Dialog Box
7.3 Inserting Formulae in Tables Jan Feb Total
Books 15 70
Pens 30 50
We can use formulae in Writer to perform
Ruler 25 25
spreadsheet like calculations easily.
Total =<B2:B4>
To perform calculations on the data in the Goods
• The formula Toolbar as shown in
• Create a Table with the following data: Figure 7.11 can be used when the user
wants to perform other arithmetic

Item Workshop
Jan Feb Total
Books 15 70 =<B2>+<C2> 7-1 Open a new document.
Pens 30 50
Ruler 25 25 • Using icon or table menu create
the given table with 5 rows and
Total 70
Goods 6 columns with the labels S.No.,
Name, Maths, Phy, Che and Total
• If you want to perform calculations
• Calculate the Total of three subject
using individual cells, individual cell
using SUM functions.
reference should be placed within <> .
• After the sixth row add a new row
Note : In the table structure the columns and type suitable data for the new
are labelled as A, B, C……and the rows row.
are numbered as 1,2,3,…… etc. For Ex.
The first cell is referred as A1, B1 etc. • Delete the second row using icon
or command.
• In the above example, to find the sum,
of the books purchased in January and • Using icon or command after the
February, the total is calculated using second column add a new column
the formula =<B2>+<C2>. and type suitable data for the new
• A subtraction formula for instance is
given as =<B2>-<C2>. • Delete any one column using icon
or command.
• If you want something more
• Save and close the document.
complicated than addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, click on 7-2 Open the document created in
the formula dropdown list as shown in workshop-7.1.
Figure 7.12.
• Do the following options

• Change the border style and

border line width for one table.

• Change height and width for the

row and column respectively.

• Save and close the document.

Figure 7. 12 Formula dropdown list

7.4 Inserting Objects
7-3 Create a new document.

• Create a 4 x 4 table using icons in 7.4.1 Inserting And Formatting Pictures

toolbar or using commands.
Open Office Writer has the ability
• Split any one row/ column in one to insert and edit images in a simple way.
given table into more than one cell The picture gallery of the Writer consists
using icon or command. of a collection of images from which the
desired image can be selected and inserted
• Merge any two or more row / into the document. To insert an image
column in the given table using icon from a file, the steps are as follows:
or command.
• Place the insertion pointer where you
7-4 Open the document created in want the image to appear
workshop-7.1. • Select Insert → Picture → From file

• Delete the table content. • The insert picture dialog box appears
where the picture gallery opens from
• Perform all table formatting options which the desired picture can be
for this table. selected.

• Add two more rows and columns and • If the picture is not in the gallery, then
also delete the rows and columns. browse the picture from the folder,
choose the desired picture.
• Save and close the document.
• Click on the Open button.

Figure 7.13 Picture Toolbar

• The selected picture is inserted into • Clicking on Default drop down arrow
the document. Figure 7.13 shows the displays options like Black and white,
Insert Picture dialog box. Grey scale or Water mark (background)
Formatting Pictures while default option displays the
picture as original.
Using Picture toolbar of Writer
one can modify the format of the inserted • Clicking on Flip horizontally icon
picture. flips the picture horizontally.

A click inside the picture displays • Clicking on Flip vertically icon

the picture toolbar as shown in Figure flips the picture vertically.
7.14 which helps to format the picture
by cropping the picture, adding borders, • Clicking on Transparency icon
setting the height and width, changing the helps to adjust the clarity of the picture
background color and performing various in %.
other formatting.
7.4.2 Inserting Special Character And

Figure 7.14 Picture Toolbar Many symbols which are used in

a mathematical equation like alpha (∞),
• To increase and decrease the size of beta (β), pi (π) etc., are not available on the
the picture, click and drag at the four standard keyboard. However,representing
corners. these characters are very much essential
• Clicking on Crop tool displays the in mathematical equations. To insert such
cropping handles, Click and drag a characters, the procedure given below is
handle to crop an image. Click the Crop followed:
command to deselect the crop tool.

Figure7.15 Insert Symbol Dialog box

• Place the insertion pointer in your will automatically exit the control
document where you want the from equation editor.
character to appear
• Double-click on a formula to edit the
• Click on the Insert → Special Character equation.

• The Special Character dialog box 7.4.3 Inserting And Editing Shapes
appears as shown in Figure 7.15 from
which the desired symbol can be OpenOffice Writer uses the drawing tools,
selected by clicking on the character. to create various shapes by using the
Drawing toolbar. Select View → Toolbars
• Click the OK button to insert the → Drawing to display Drawing toolbar
special character. as on Figure 7.16 which contains various
drawing tools.
Open Office Writer helps to insert
mathematical equations using the various To use a drawing tool:
symbols. These equations can be inserted
by following the steps below: • Click in the document where you want
the drawing.
• Click on the Insert → Object →
Formula • Select the tool from the Drawing
toolbar. The mouse pointer changes to
• The equation editor opens at the a cross-hair pointer.
bottom of the screen.
• Move the cross-hair pointer to the
• Click in the equation editor and type place in the document where you want
the equation. the drawing to appear and then click-
and-drag to create the drawing object.
• To include symbols in the equation Release the mouse button. The selected
Right-click in the equation editor and drawing function remains active, so
select the symbol from the pop-up you can draw another object of the
menu. same type.

• Click inside the document to include • To cancel the selected drawing function,
the equation in the document and this press the Esc key or click on the Select
icon on the Drawing toolbar.

Figure7.16 Drawing toolbar

• You can now change the properties 7.4.5 Inserting Word Art
(fill color, line type, width, etc.) of the
drawing object using the Drawing WordArt is a feature in OpenOffice
Object Properties toolbar. Writer which includes effects such as
shadows, outlines, colors, gradients, and
• Click on T Icon to create a text box and 3D effects that can be added to a word or
type any amount of text which can be phrase to make it more presentable and
moved anywhere into the document. attractive.

7.4.4 Inserting Page Break To insert WordArt , the steps to be

followed are :
OpenOffice Writer inserts a page
break automatically when the content • Click the Fontwork icon on the
exceeds a page, this is known as soft page Drawing toolbar.
break. Sometimes the user need to insert • Fontwork gallery window with various
a page break manually, it is called as hard font work is displayed as in Figure 7.18.
page break.
• Double-click on the required Font
1. Place the insertion pointer in the work style, and type the required word
document where the page break is to or phrase and click OK button.
be inserted.

2. Select Insert → Manual Break, the

Insert break dialog box appears as
shown below in Figure 7.17.

Figure 7.17 Insert Break dialog box Figure 7.18WordArt Dialog Box

3. Under the type option choose Page 7.4.6 Inserting Auto Text
break and click OK button .
AutoText allows the user to assign
4. A page break is inserted at the current text, tables, graphics and other items to
location. a key or key combination. For example,
rather than typing "TamilNadu" every
time you use that phrase, you might just 4. Click the of the AutoText button
type "tn" and press F3.You can also save a on the right and select New (text only)
formatted Tip as AutoText and then insert from the menu.
a copy by typing "tip" and pressing F3.
5. Click Close to return to your document.
To assign AutoText shortcut to some
6. Once the entry is created, to insert the
text, the steps are as follows:
auto text into the document, place the
1. Select the text for which shortcut is to insertion point where the text is to be
be created. So that it is highlighted. inserted and click Ctrl+F3.

2. Select Edit → AutoText (or press 7. Select the name from the list of entries
Ctrl+F3). and click Insert button or type the
shortcut and press F3.
3. In the Name textbox, type the shortcut.
Writer will automatically show one 8. The auto text is inserted into your text.
letter shortcut in the Shortcut textbox.

Figure 7.19 Auto text Dialog Box

If the only option under the AutoText button is Import, either you have not
entered a name for your AutoText or there is no text selected in the document.

7.5 Page Preview, Setting the printer and Printing a Document

7.5.1 Preview the document to be printed

It is a good practice to preview the document before taking the print out. The steps
to be followed to preview the document :
1. Click File → Page Preview, or click the Page Preview button . The Writer displays
the Page Preview toolbar displayed on Figure 7.20.

Figure 7.20 Page Preview Toolbar

2. In the page preview toolbar click Multiple pages icon to display multiple pages.

3. To close the preview click on Close Preview button.

7.5.2 Setting the Printer and Printing

The following are some steps to change the printer setting :

1. Click File → Print or Ctrl+P or Print File icon which opens the Print dialog box that
appears as shown in Figure 7.21.

Figure 7.21 Print Dialog box

2. Click General tab.
3. Select the required printer from the list of printers
2. Under Range and copies section : select All pages option to print all pages, select
Pages option to specify the particular page or page range.
3. Specify Number of copies using spin arrows.
4. Click Print button.

7-5 Open the document created in 7-7 Open the document created in
Part-1 workshop-1. workshop-2

• Download images related to Dr. • Using Autotext command or

A.P.J ABDUL KALAM from keyboard shortcut create shortcut
internet and insert the images in for “Vital Information Under
the document at required place Seize” as “VIRUS” and make it
using command or icon. appear in one document.

• Open the document in Part-III – • Using Print icon change printing

workshop-1 , download images attributes, preview and print the
related to the content from document.
internet and insert the images at
required place. 7-8 Open the document created in
workshop-4 of part I of ch-6
• Save the document and close.
• Insert suitable picture of a circle.
7-6 Open a new document.
• Type the formula for the
• Using the commands to insert
circumference of a circle using
special characters, special symbols
insert special character option.
• Type the following equations (i)
Aα+Br+cβ (ii) πr2h. • Using drawing tools draw the
following in the document.
• Using drawing toolbar insert
various drawings/ shapes in your • Print the document using print
document command.
• Save and close the document.

p re s




Student Activity

1. Based on the concept of calculation using formulae, make the students type the Mark
sheet in a table and calculate their total and average in writer.

2. Make the students prepare a invitation for school annual day with school name as

3. Let the students prepare their class timetable in table format and format it in an
attractive manner.

Teacher Activity

1. To show a demo to the students how to type a question paper by using formulas and
special characters, changing the margins and printing in the practical session.

2. To show the students a demo of inserting a picture and applying crop , color changes,
background and others features to modify it and make more attractive.


Part I Choose the Best Answer

1. To give precise measurement for column width, which command gets the Table
Format dialog box?
a. File→Table properties b.Format→Table properties
c. Table→Table properties d. Table →Table format.
2. Which option helps to assign text, tables, graphics and other items to a key or key
a. Autoformat b. Automatic
c. Auto text d. Autographics
3. Which command on the insert menu is used to insert a page break in the document?
a.ManualBreak b. Hard page break
c. Section break d. Page Break

4. What is the short cut key to open the insert table dialog box?
a. Ctrl + F5 b. Ctrl + F8
c. Ctrl + F10 d. Ctrl + F12
5. Which icon on the drawing toolbar gets you a text box?
a. Text icon b Text box icon
c. Draw icon d. Draw box icon

Part II Very Short Answers

1. How do you insert pictures in to your document?
2. Write the steps to insert special characters in a document?
3. How do you split and merge cells in a table?
4. What is the use of WordArt in writer?

Part III Short Answers

1. Write about the drawing toolbar
2. How do you insert rows and columns?
3. How do you change the clarity of the picture in background?

Part IV Explain
1. Write the steps to create autotext for a word.
2. How do you resize the position of a table?
3. How do you format pictures?
4. Write the steps to preview before printing and steps in printing a document.
5. Write the steps to compute the sum for a set of data in a table by using formulae.

Unit II Word Processor CHAPTER
Mail Merge & Additional Tools

8.1 Mail Merge letters) through the following facilities.

A word processing task is to • Mailing

create a document with different mailing • labels
addresses for sending to different people.
The mailing feature in Word processor • Envelopes
helps the user to organize the address All these facilities, are related to
data and merge it into a document and a registered “data source”. The Variables
prints it out in the desired format. refer different field of data source.

The main feature of Word processor Creating data source for mail merge:
is Mail Merging. Merging a list of names
and addresses to a single document that A data source is a database
can be sent to different people in their containing the name and address or
names and addresses. records of other information from which
a mailing list may be derived. Printing
Multiple copies of a document can the mailing labels and envelopes does not
be sent to a list of different recipients (form require data source facilities.

Figure 8.1: Mail Merge Wizard – Select Starting document

Open Office Mail merge can access • Create a new document.
a wide variety of data sources, including
• Start from an existing document.
spreadsheets, text files and databases such
as MySQL, Adabas, and ODBC • Start from a template.

The following example uses a • Start from a recently saved document.

spreadsheet with the following column Choose “Create a new document” option
(field) headers: Title, First name, Last and click Next Button
name, Address, State/Country, Country,
Post Code, Gender, and Points. The mail Step 2: Select document type
merge wizard is shown in Figure 8.1. This step has two options:
The following steps perform mail merge
operation. • Letter
• E-mail message
Tools -> Mail Merge Wizard
Choose “Letter” as option - to send
Step 1: Select starting document letters to a group of recipients as shown in
This step has five options: Figure 8.2.

• Use the current document. Click Next button

Figure 8.2 Choose document type

Step 3: Insert Address block (or) Click “Create “ to create a new
data source.
This step helps to select the address
list to be merged with the document as This window shows default fields
shown in Figure 8.3. for the address as shown in Figure 8.5.

This step has four sections Click “Customize” to add or delete

or rename fields
Click “Select Address list” button
to choose the address list from an existing
file or create a new address file. Minimum three fields must
be selected when the user
Click “Add” button to include the creates an address list.
existing data source as shown in Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.3. Insert Address block

Figure 8.4. Select Add

Figure 8.5 New Address List

Figure 8.6 Customize Address List

In Figure 8.6, after selecting the required fields for the address list Click OK button.

This will get back to the previous window, where the user can add records.

Figure 8.7 Filled New Address List

Click New to add more records

If the user wants to delete any particular record, select the record using navigation
buttons and then Click Delete. Click OK The “Save As” dialog box appears to save the

This returns back to “Select Address List” dialog box. Click Ok

Figure 8.8 New Address List

Mail merge wizard main window appears, Click Next

Figure 8.9 Create a Salutation in Mail Merge Wizard

Step 4: Create Salutation dialog box appears as shown in Figure 8.9.

This is an optional window to add general salutations to the letter.
Click Next
Step 5: The Adjust Layout window appears as shown in Figure 8.10.

Figure 8.10 Adjust layoutof addressblock and salutation

This helps us to modify the position of the address label and general salutation.

Click Next

Step 6: Edit document helps us to add or modify the content of the letter.

When the user click “Edit document” mail merge wizard window shrinks and the
control is transferred to the document enabling the user to modify the content.

Figure 8.11 Preview and Edit document

After editing the document. Click on “Return to Mail Merge Wizard” from the
pop-up that appears on the top left corner of the document to return back to mail merge
wizard window.

Figure 8.12 Minimized mail merge wizard

Click Next

Step 7: Personalize Document window appears, this window helps to add specific
comments to selected records, Click Next

Figure 8.13 personalize the mail merge documents

Step 8: Save, Print or Send the save as dialog box is used to save the created document by
giving a suitable name.

Figure 8.14 Save print or send the document

One can also save, merge, print and send merged document as E-mail using this

Click finish to view the mail merge on the screen.

8.2 Additional Tools

8.2.1 Spell Check

The documents prepared using word processing software should be without any
spelling mistake. For this purpose OpenOffice Writer includes a dictionary and spell
check program. OpenOffice Writer can identify the spelling mistakes as the document is
typed or after the entire document is typed.

8.2.2 AutoSpellCheck

AutoSpellCheck option checks each word as it is typed and displays a wavy red line
under any misspelled word. Once the word is corrected, the red wavy line disappears. This
can be done by clicking the AutoSpellCheck icon.

Right-click on a word with a wavy underline, to open a powerful context menu.

Correct words can be selected from the suggested words on the menu. The selection will
replace the misspelled word with correct word.

To perform a separate spelling check on the document (or a text selection) click
the Spelling and Grammar icon . This checks the document or selection and opens
the Spelling dialog box (Figure 8.15) if any misspelled words are found. This can also be
achieved by pressing F7 key.

Fig: 8.15 The Spelling dialog box

Here are some more features of the spelling command:

• The Not in dictionary text area displays the misspelt word.

• The Suggestions box displays the alternate spelling.

• The Ignore Once button skips the word once.

• The Ignore All button skips all occurances of the word.

• The Change button will change only that particular occurance.

• The Change All button will change all the occurances of the word.

• The Text language can be changed (for example, Spanish, French, or German) from the
Spelling dialog box.

• The new words can be added to a dictionary. Click Add in the Spelling dialog box and
pick the dictionary to add to it.

Figure 8.16 AutoCorrect wizard

8.2.3 Automatic correction
AutoCorrect feature has the facility to correct the common misspellings and
typing errors, automatically. For example, “hte” will be changed to “the” which can be
done through, menu option Tools → AutoCorrect to open the AutoCorrect dialog box as
shown in Figure 8.10 which provides the chance to change the misspelled word with the
correct word. To make an auto correct entry
1. Select Tools → AutoCorrect   2. AutoCorrect dialog box appears
3. Click Replace Tab   4. In replace box, type the misspelt word
5. In with box , type the correct word   6. Click New.

AutoCorrect is automatically turned on. To turn it off, uncheck Format →

Autocorrect → While Typing. AutoCorrect can be used as a quick way to
insert special characters. For example, (c) will be autocorrected to ©. You can
add your own special characters.

Activity 1:

Do the necessary steps to correct the word “comupter” into “computer” automatically.

1. Goto Tools → AutoCorrect Option

AutoCorrect dialog box appears as shown in Figure 8.17

Figure 8.17Auto correct menu

2. Click the Replace tab and type “comupter” in Replace text box and “computer” in with

• Then Click New and then OK.

Figure 8.18 Autocorrect dialog box

3. The word “comupter” is replaced with “computer” and displayed in the list.

Figure 8.19 Auto correct list

After entering this, when you type “comupter” in the document, it will be
automatically changed to the correct spelling “computer”.
Counting the words in a selection:

Select the required text and choose Tools → Word Count.

This displays the number of words and characters in the selected text. Word count
dialog box appear as shown in Figure 8.20

Figure 8.20 Word Count Dialog Box

The number of words and characters in the entire document can also be found
from File→Properties → Statistics Tab. (Figure 8.21)

Figure 8.21Word count in a document


Student Activity1

Use mail merge feature to create an invitation to invite parents to visit science
exhibition at your school.

Student Activity 2

Create Birthday Invitation and use Mail merge to send it your friends

Staff Activity 3

Use mail merge feature to create an invitation to invite parents to attend parents
meeting at school.


Part I Choose The Best Answer

1. To send a document to a number of people whose details are stored in the table. Which
feature would you use to send the document to all the people?
a. Turn on the Online Collaboration feature
b. Turn on the Track Changes feature
c. Use the Mail Merge feature
d. Enabling Hyperlink
2. A -------is a database containing the name and address or records of other information
from which a mailing list may be desired
a. data source b. Word Processor c. Text File d. Page Layout
3. A ----- is a computer application that is used to create, edit, and organize a document.
a. Word processor b. Spreadstttheet c. Presentation d. Database
4. Which one is not a Mail Merge feature?
a. Send Mail content to many recipients b. Creating and storing data
c. Labels d. Calculator
5. Which of the following option is not responsible for external address book creation
a. Mozilla/Netscape b. LDAP Address Data
c. Outlook address book d. windows system address book
6. Which menu option of the menu bar is used to Mail Merge a document?
a. View b. Format c. Table d. Tools
7. Which among the following list of files cannot be used as an Address List in Mail
a. OpenOffice Calc b. Microsoft Excel
c. OpenOffice Base d. OpenOffice Impress
8. Spelling errors can be viewed in a document through_________________.
a) Green wavy line b) Blue wavy line
c) Black strike d) Red wavy line
9. The alternate words in Open Office Writer are called ____
a)Antonyms b) Thesaurus c) Comments d) Meanings

Part II Very Short Answers

1) What is Mail Merge?
2) What is Address book?
3) What is Data source?
4) How will you add your name to the dictionary?
5) How will you replace a misspelled word with a correct word?

Part III Short Answers

1) List the advantages of the Mail Merge feature
2) List out the data sources in Mail Merge
3) Open a document and find the number of words available in the document
4) Write down the steps to find the number of words in a paragraph

Part IV Explain
1) Explain Mail Merge feature
2) Explain Address book feature
3) How to create and storing data in mail merge

Active file - நடப்புக் க�ோப்பு
Algorithm - நெறிமுறை
Alignment - இசைவு
Anti-virus - நச்சுநிரற்கொல்லி/நச்சுநிரல் எதிர்ப்பான்
Application software - பயன்பாட்டு மென்பொருள்
Artificial intelligence - செயற்கை நுண்ணறிவு
Binary numbe - இரும எண்
Bit - நுண்மி
Browser - உலாவி
Browsing - உலாவுதல்
Buffering - இடையகப்படுத்துதல்
Central Processing Unit (CPU) - மையச் செயலகம்
Chat - உரையாடல்
Checkbox - தேர்வுப்பெட்டி
Communication - த�ொடர்பு
Compact disc (CD) - குறுவட்டு/இறுவட்டு
Computer network - கணினி வலையமைப்பு
Condition - நிபந்தனை
Control key - கட்டுப்பாட்டு விசை
Control structure - கட்டுப்பாட்டு அமைவு
Control unit - கட்டுப்பாட்டு பிரிவு
Copy - நகல்
Data - தரவு
Decimal number - பதின்ம எண்
Desktop - முகப்புத் திரை
Devices - சாதனங்கள்
Disk drive - வட்டு இயக்கி
Distributed Computing - பரவலாக்கப்பட்ட கணிப்பொறி திறன்
Document - ஆவணம்
Download - பதிவிறக்கம்
E-mail - மின்னஞ்சல்
Error - பிழை
Field - புலம்
File - க�ோப்பு
File management - க�ோப்பு மேலாண்மை
Flow chart - நெறிமுறை விளக்கப்படம்
Folder - க�ோப்புறை
Font - எழுத்துரு
Function - செயற்கூறு
GUI - வரைகலை பயனர் இடைமுகம்
Hard disc - வன்வட்டு
Hardware - வன்பொருள்
Icon - பணிக்குறி
Information - தகவல்
Insertion point - செருகும் புள்ளி
Internet - இணையம்
Internet protocol address - இணைய நெறிமுறை முகவரி
Internet service provider (ISP) - இணையச் சேவை வழங்குனர்
Interpreter - வரிம�ொழிமாற்றி/இடைமாற்று
Intranet - உள்வலை
iOS(I phone OS) - ஆப்பிள் ஐ-ப�ோன் இயக்க அமைப்பு
Keyboard - விசைப்பலகை/தட்டச்சுப்பலகை
Keyword - சிறப்புச் ச�ொல்
Laptop computer - மடிக்கணினி
Log in - புகுபதி/உற்புகு
Log out - விடுபதி/வெளியேறு
Machine language - இயந்திர ம�ொழி
Memory - நினைவகம்
Menu - பட்டியல்
Micro processor - நுண் செயலி
Multimedia - பல்லூடகம்
Multitasking - பல்பணி
Navigation - வழிசெலுத்தல்
Network - பிணையம்/வலையமைப்பு
Notation - குறிமானம்
Object - ப�ொருள்
Operating system - இயக்க அமைப்பு
Page layout - பக்க வடிவமைப்பு
Password - கடவுச்சொல்
Peripherals - உபகரணங்கள்
Print - அச்சிடு
Printer - அச்சுப்பொறி
Program - நிரல்
Protocols - நெறிமுறைகள்
Reset - மீட்டமை
Robotics - எந்திரனியல்
Scheduling - திட்டமிடுதல்
Security - பாதுகாப்பு
Sessions - அமர்வுகள்
Shortcut - குறுவழி/குறுக்குவழி
Shutdown - அணை/மூடு
Software - மென்பொருள்
Spooling - சுருளாக்கம்
String literals - சர மதிப்புருக்கள்
Structured programming - கட்டுரு நிரலாக்கம்
Syntax error - த�ொடரமைப்புத் தவறு
Tab - தத்தல்
Toolbar - கருவிப்பட்டை
Trash - மறுசுழற்சிப் பெட்டி
URL - (இணைய) முகவரி
Version - பதிப்பு
Virus - நச்சுநிரல்
Website - இணையத்தளம்
Wizard - வழிகாட்டி
Word processor - ச�ொற் செயலி
Workstation - பணிநிலையம்
World Wide Web (WWW) - வைய விரிவு வலை

Unit III Spreadsheet CHAPTER
Introduction to Spreadsheet

Learning Objectives to point and click using a mouse. There are lots
of other spreadsheet applications; Microsoft
Students will be able Excel continues to be the most popular
• To know the features of spreadsheet software.
OpenOffice Calc.
• Use of different operators. Daniel Singer "Dan" Bricklin
• Generation of Series. The Father of Spreadsheet
• Edit Formula in
Daniel Singer "Dan"
Worksheet. Bricklin (born 16 July
• Manipulation of Rows/Columns in Worksheet. 1951), often referred
• Understand various text format in options. to as “The Father of
• Use of Number format in Worksheet. the Spreadsheet”, is the
American Co-Creator,
9.1 Introduction to spreadsheet with Bob Frankston, of VisiCalc
spreadsheet. He also founded Software
Spreadsheet is a very useful office Garden, Inc., in which he is currently
automation tool to organise, analyse and the President of Trellix Corporation,
store data in a tabular form. Spreadsheet was which is currently owned by Web.com.
He currently also serves as the Chief
developed as computerized equivalent to Technology Officer of Alpha Software.
paper-based accounting worksheets.
Spreadsheet users can adjust any of OpenOffice Calc is a popular open
the stored values and can observe the effects source spreadsheet application maintained
on the calculated values. This is called "What by Apache Foundation. Star Office calc is the
if" analysis. Modern spreadsheet can have parent application of OpenOffice Calc which
multiple interacting sheets and can display was developed by a German Company namely,
data either as text or numerals or in a graphical Star Division in 1985.
9.2 Working with OpenOffice Calc
9.1.1 Evolution of Spreadsheet
Calc is the spreadsheet component of
Daniel Bricklin and Bob Frankston
OpenOffice. You can enter any kind of data in
developed the first spreadsheet called
a spreadsheet and then manipulate this data
“VisiCalc” in 1979 for Apple II. In 1982, Lotus
to produce certain results. Alternatively, you
Corporation introduced “Lotus 1-2-3”; Lotus
can enter data and then use Calc in a ‘What
1-2-3 was the first to introduce cell names
If...’ manner by changing some of the data
and macros. In 1987, Microsoft Corporation
and observing the results without having to
introduced Excel. Excel implemented a
retype the entire spreadsheet.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the ability
• Functions - which can be used to
First Spreadsheet create formula to perform complex
calculations on data
• Database functions - to arrange, store,
and filter data

9.3 Creating a new worksheet

A new worksheet can be created
through various methods. From Windows,
VisiCalc ("Visible Calculator") was Start → All Programs → OpenOffice →
the first spreadsheet for personal OpenOffice Calc (or)
computers, originally released for the
From Star Center (Welcome Screen):
Apple II by VisiCorp. It is considered
that VisiCalc turned the microcomputer Double-click on “OpenOffice” icon the
from a hobby for computer enthusiasts desktop
into a serious business tool, prompting Now, a welcome screen appears as shown
IBM to introduce the IBM PC, two in Figure 9.1.
years later. It was sold over 700,000
This open screen is called as “Star
copies in six years, and as many as 1
Center”. Calc is one of the component of
million copies over its history.
OpenOffice. So, it may be invoked from
9.2.1 Features of OpenOffice Calc: the “Star Center” by simply clicking on
the “Spreadsheet” icon.
• Connecting with Excel - Ability to
open, edit, and save Microsoft Excel (or)
spreadsheets. A new spreadsheet can also be
• AutoSum - helps you to add the created by selecting File → New →
contents of a cluster of adjacent cells. Spreadsheet from any OpenOffice
• List AutoFill - automatically extends Application. After using any one of the
cell formatting when a new item is above said methods, OpenOffice Calc
added to the end of a list. window appears as shown in Figure 9.2.
• AutoFill - allows you to quickly fill cells The outline of the window is very similar to
with repetitive or sequential data such other application windows of OpenOffice.
as chronological dates or numbers, and The main area of the Calc window is called
repeated text. AutoFill can also be used as “Work area” or “Worksheet”.
to copy functions. You can also alter A worksheet is a grid of cells with a
text and numbers with this feature. programmable calculator attached to each
• Charts - helps you in presenting a cell. When you open a new spreadsheet,
graphical representation of your data there are three worksheets available by
in the form of Pie, Bar, Line charts and default(Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3). You can
more. include more sheets and organize them.
Figure 9.1 Opening Screen (Star Center) of OpenOffice
1 3 2

6 7 4

11 9

1. Title Bar 2. Control Buttons 3. Menu Bar 4. Tools Bar

5. Name Box / 6. Quick Function Wizard 7. Formula Bar / 8. Formatting
Address Box Input Line Properties
9. Zoom 10. Scroll bars 11. Status Bar
Figure 9.2 OpenOffice Calc Window

9.3.1 Parts of the OpenOffice Calc under this menu.
Wi n d o w
View - menu contains the
Appearance of the Calc window is commands which are used to modify the
very similar to that of the Writer window. environment of Calc.
The workspace of Writer is a big blank
area. But, in Calc, the grid of cells is the Insert – menu contains commands
workspace. for inserting various Calc elements such
as cells, columns, rows, functions, charts Title Bar etc.,

At the top of the window is the Format – menu contains the

“Title Bar”. It is used to show the name of commands of various text and cell
the file and its application. In OpenOffice formatting features.
Calc, the default name for the first unsaved
worksheet is “Untitled1”. Tools – menu contains various tools
and functions such as spell check, protect Control Buttons: document, insert pictures, macros, etc.,

In the right corner of title bar, (1) Data – menu contains the
minimize, (2) maximize / restore and (3) commands to manipulate data in a
close control buttons are available. worksheet such as sort, filter, subtotal,
validity etc., Menu Bar
Window – menu shows display
Below the title bar is the menu bar. options such as New Window, Close
Most of the menus are very similar to what Window, Split and Freeze.
you have learnt in OpenOffice Writer. Help – menu lists in-built help
features available with OpenOffice.
File - menu contains the commands
of all file management tasks like, Create Tools Bar
a new file, Open an existing file, Close
the current file, Save a file, Save a file in Under the menu bar, there are three
another name, print file, Export file etc. toolbars available by default. They are:

(1) Standard Toolbar

Edit - menu contains the editing
(2) Formatting Toolbar
commands like, cut, copy, paste, Undo, (3) Formula bar
Redo, Fill etc., Most of the menu items are
similar to Writer Edit menu. But, for Calc,
some special editing options are available

Standard Toolbar

Formatting Toolbar Formula bar

Figure 9.3 OpenOffice Calc Tool bar

Standard Toolbar – contains shows actually what is typed in a cell. It

frequently used menu such as File, Edit, can also be used to edit the contents.
Data etc., commands as icons such as New
Open Save, Send, Print, Print Preview,
Name box / Address Box Input Line
Cut, Copy, Paste, Sorting, Inserting chart

Formatting Toolbar – contains

frequently used text and cell formatting Fu n c t i o n
Fu n c t i o n
commands as such as changing font style, Wizard Sum button
font size, font colour, alignments, cell
formatting etc., Figure 9.4 Calc Formula bar
Formula bar – This is a very Scroll bar
important element in a spreadsheet. It
contains Name box, Function Wizard, Spreadsheet window also has two
Sum button, Function button and Input sets of scroll bars (1) Vertical Scrollbar
line (Refer Figure 9.4). and (2) Horizontal Scrollbar (Refer Figure
Name box : It display the current
cell address Vertical Scroll bar : It is used to move the
screen up and down.
Function Wizard : It is used to
insert function Horizontal Scroll bar : It is used move
the screen left and right.
Sum button : It is used to quickly
Scroll buttons : used to move the screen
insert sum function.
to the relative distance.
Input Line : This is used to show
the contents of the current cell. It always

Scroll arrow

Vertical Scroll bar Scroll button

Horizontal Scroll bar Scroll arrow

Left Scroll
Scroll button Right Scroll
Figure 9.5 Calc Scrolling bar Row, Column, Cell and Cell Cell address is the combination of column
Pointer heading and row number. For example,
the intersection of column B and row 4
Below the formula bar contains makes a cell B4. (Figure 9.7). Every cell is
the worksheet of work area which consist thus identified by its unique cell address.
of grid cells The worksheet has number
of rows and columns, where each column Cell pointer is a rectangular box
is labelled as A, B, C, D ….. AA, AB, AC which can be moved around the worksheet.
….. and the rows are numbered from 1, 2, The cell in which the cell pointer is currently
3 …. (Figure 9.6). located is known as “Active cell”. When you
type any content, it will appear in the active
OpenOffice Calc version 4.1.5 cell. The address of the active cell is displayed
contains 1024 columns ands 10,48,576 in the Name box / Address box. Active cell’s
rows. Column heading starts from A and column name and row number will be
end with AMJ. In the case of Microsoft highlighted. Using this visual clue, one can
Excel 2016, there are 16,384 columns easily identify an active cell. Moreover, the
(A to XFD) and 10,48,576 rows. contents of an active cell will be displayed in
(OpenOffice Calc Version 4.1.5). the formula bar.


Intersection of each row and

column is a box which is called as a
“Cell”. Each cell has a unique address.
Column Heading

Cell Pointer
Row numbers

of Cells

Figure 9.6 Calc Rows, Columns, Cells

Current Cell Address Highlighted Column Heading

Active all

Highlighted Row Number

Figure 9.7 Cells, Rows and Columns Worksheet tabs

Active Sheet

Sheet Count
Sheet Navigation buttons
Figure 9.8 Calc Sheet Tab
At the bottom of the grid of cells
are the sheet tabs. By default there are 3
sheets “Sheet1”, “Sheet2” and “Sheet3”,
(Figure 9.8). When you open a new
worksheet, sheet1 is the default active
sheet. Active sheet tab will appear in white
colour. If you click on another sheet, it Figure. 9.10 Rename Sheet dialog box
will become active and its colour will turn
white. Multiple sheets can also be selected It shows the current name; delete
by clicking the sheet and press the Ctrl or overwrite the existing name and type
button (Ctrl + Click). Selected sheets will a new name; click OK button. New name
turn to white colour. will be displayed on the sheet.

On the left of the sheet tab, four Status bar

navigation buttons are used to move
Below the sheet tabs and horizontal
between worksheets (Figure 9.9).
scrolling bar is the “Status Bar”. It shows
the current status of the worksheet (Refer
1 3
Figure 9.11).

Sheets count: Displays current

serial number of the sheet / total number
of sheets available.
2 4
Page Style: Displays the page style
Figure 9.9 Calc Sheet tab and
of the current sheet. To make changes, just
Navigation buttons
double-click on “Default” and it will show
(1) Move to the First sheet you the “Page Style” dialog box, which is
(2) Move to the previous sheet used to change the margin, orientation,
(3) Move to Next sheet paper size, inserting header, footer, border
(4) Move to the Last sheet style etc.,
Left corner of status bar shows the Selection Mode: Displays the
total count of sheets and the present active selection mode of the current sheet. There
sheet number. For example, if the status are three modes available to select the cells
bar shows sheet 3/12; 3 refers to the serial of a worksheet. They are, Standard (STD),
number of the current sheet and 12 refers Extend (EXT) and Add (ADD).
to the total number of sheets available.
Unsaved Changes: An asterisk ( * ) symbol
Each sheet name can be renamed. indicates that the changes are made in the
To rename a sheet, just double-click on worksheet but not yet saved. If you have
the sheet, which will show a small box as saved your changes, it will disappear.
shown in Figure 9.10.

Sheets count Selection Mode Zoom

Page Style Unsaved Changes cell information

Figure 9.11 Calc Status bar

9.4 Working with Data general, data types are classified as:

When you open a new worksheet, Alphabetic data type – consists

the cell pointer is located in cell A1. So, of alphabets only, Numeric data type –
the cell A1 is known as “Home Cell”. Cell consists only of numbers (whole number
pointer can be moved anywhere in the or fractional numbers), Alphanumeric
worksheet using the direction keys. data types – consists of a combination of
alphabets and numerals, Date data type
“Tab key” is used to move the cell
– consists only of date, Time data type –
pointer towards the right side or in the
consists only time.
forward direction. “Shift+Tab” is used to
move backward i.e. from right to left in Entering Numbers:
a row. “Enter” key is also used to move
the cell pointer. Enter moves the cell Any numeric data can be entered in
pointer to a cell below the current cell i.e. a worksheet. Entered numbers are aligned
downwards. Four “direction keys” are to the right side within the cell by default.
used to move the cell pointer anywhere in Negative numbers may be entered with
the worksheet. a minus sign or within brackets (Refer
Figure 9.12). If you enter any number
9.4.1 Entering Data:
within the bracket, it will be changed as
Any data can be typed direc negative number i.e., number prefixed
tly in any cell of the worksheet. But, the with minus. If any number starts with 0
cell in which you type data should be an (zero), Calc will drop the leading zero.
active cell. So, move the cell pointer to a
particular cell to make it active cell; or
click any cell to make it active cell. Then,
start typing any data. When you type data,
spreadsheet recognises the type of data
entered in cells.

Data types:
Figure 9.12 Entering data
Data are of different types. Data
are made up of alphabets, numbers, Date Entering Text:
and time is also another data type even
Unlike numbers, any character can be
though it has numbers and symbols. In
entered as data in Calc. Entered text will be
aligned to the left side within the cell by default.
When you enter any numeric value, if it is
aligned left, it is understood that the entered
content is not a number. If there is any number
that starts with a single quote, Calc converts
that number to text (Refer Figure 9.13).
Figure 9.14 Entering Date
Like dates, for entering time, Calc
follows the general format HH:MM:SS,
where HH, MM and SS represent hours,
minutes and seconds respectively.

Different Date Formats

Order styles Countries
Asia (Central, SE,
Figure 9.13 Entering Text West), Australia, New
Zealand, parts of Europe,
Latin America, North Entering Date and Time:
Africa, India, Indonesia,
Before entering date, ensure the format Bangladesh and Russia
of your system date. Calc accepts date as per Bhutan, Canada, China,
Koreas, Taiwan, Hungary,
the system date format. If your system has YYYY/MM/DD
Iran, Japan, Lithuania,
American date format i.e. month-date-year; Mongolia.
you should enter dates in Calc spreadsheet as United States, Federated
mm/dd/yy. If your system follows the Indian MM/DD/YYYY States of Micronesia,
date format, date should be entered as dd/ Marshall Islands
mm/yy form in Calc. DD/MM/YYYY Malaysia, Nigeria,
and Philippines, Saudi Arabia,
For example: if your system has MM/DD/YYYY Somalia
American Date format, 18th December 2017 Afghanistan, Albania,
should be entered as 12/18/17. As soon as the Austria, Czech Republic,
date is typed in the correct form, the entered DD/MM/YYYY Germany, Kenya, Macau,
date will be aligned on the right side within and Maldives, Montenegro,
YYYY/MM/DD Namibia, Nepal,
the cell, and if you place the cell pointer in
Singapore, South Africa,
that cell, the formula bar shows your date as Sri Lanka, Sweden.
“12/18/2017” (Figure 9.14). This is a visual
clue to know whether the date is accepted or 9.5 Creating Formulae
After entering the data in
A Date format can be changed to any
worksheet, you can perform calculations
other valid form using “Cell Formatting”
on the data in the worksheet. In order to
dialog box and it will be discussed later.
create formulae, you first need to know

the syntax that describes the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.,
format for specifying a formula. These operators return a numerical result.

In Calc, you can enter A B C D E F

formulas in two methods, either

Column D
Column C

Column E

Column F
Result in

Value in

Value in
directly into the cell or at the

input line. Formula in Calc may
start with equal (=) or plus(+)
2 + Addition 98 25 = B2 + C2 123
or minus(–) sign followed by a
3 - Subtraction 125 25 = B3 – C3 100
combination of values, operators
4 * Multiplication 25 5 = B4 * C4 125
and cell references. But, as a
5 / Division 90 10 = B5 / C5 9
general practice, all formulas
6 ^ Exponent 25 2 = B6 ^ C6 625
should start with an equal sign.
7 % Percent 600 = B7 * 35% 210
If any formula starts with a + or
8 Percentage (%) operator shows percentage of the content.
–, the values will be considered as
positive or negative respectively. Table 9.1 List of Arithmetic Operators
9.5.1 Operators
Formula bar shows the formula what the user
Operators are symbols has entered. But, the cell shows the resultant value
for doing some mathematical, (Figure 9.15).
statistical and logical
calculations. Combination Formula Entered

of values, operators and

cell references is called as
“Expression”. Calc supports a
variety of operators which are
categorized as:
(1) Arithmetic Opertors
(2) Relational Operators
(3) Reference Operators Figure 9.15 Percentage Operator
(4) Text Operator Relational Operators Arithmetic Operators Relational operators are symbols used for
Arithmetic operators are comparing two values such as greater than, less than,
symbols for performing simple equal to etc. The relational operators are also called
arithmetic operations such as as "Comparative operators". These operators return
either a True or a False.

145 Reference Operator
Reference operators are used to

Formula in
Column D
Column C

Column E

Column F

Result in
Value in

Value in
refer cell ranges. A continuous group
of cells is called as “Range”. There are
three types of reference operators that
Greater are used to refer cells in Calc: they are
2 > 98 100 =B2>C2 FALSE
than (1) Range Reference Operator, (2) Range
Greater Concatenation (3) Intersection Operator.
3 >= 85 72 =B3>=C3 TRUE Range Reference Operator
or equal
to Colon (:) is the range reference
operator. It is used to group a range of
4 < Less than 54 24 =B4<C4 FALSE
cells. An expression using a range operator
has the following syntax:
Less than
5 <= or equal 55 55 =B5<=C5 TRUE reference left : reference right
where reference left is the starting cell
6 =Equal to 12 12 =B6=C6 TRUE address of a linear group of cells or upper
Not equal
left corner address of a rectangular group
7 <> 54 45 =B7<>C7 TRUE
to Reference right is the last cell address of a
Table 9.2 List of Relational Operators of cells. linear group or lower right corner address
of a rectangular group of cell.

Figure 9.16 Entering Relational Operator


(i) Linear group of cells A1, A2,A3,A4,A5 is referred as A1:A5

(ii) Rectangular group of cells A2, A3, A4, ….. B2, B3, B4,….D5, D6 is referred as
A2:D6 (Refer Figure 7.17)

Range of Cells Highlighted Columns (Selected)

Highlighted Row (Selected)

Figure 9.17 Range of selected cells

Name box shows the reference A2:D6 corresponding to the cells included in the
drag operation with the mouse to highlight the range.

Reference concatenation operator:

Concatenation means joining together. Tilde (~) symbol is used as a concatenation

operator in calc. An expression using a concatenation operator has the following syntax:
reference left ~ reference right

If you want to find the sum of the values from A1 to A6 and C3 to F3. The formula
is =SUM(A1:A6 ~ C3:F3)
SUM is a function to find the sum of a group of values. (Refer Figure 9.18)

Figure 9.18 Reference concatenation operator

Intersection Operator:

Intersection operator is used to join two set of groups. It is very similar to Range
concatenation operator. The intersection operator is represented by an exclamation

reference left ! reference right

Example: (A2:D3 ! B2:E4)

Range - 1 A2 : D3 Range 2 B2:E4

1 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1

2 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2

3 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3

4 A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4

Intersection of
Range 1 and B2:D3
Range 2

Figure 9.19 Intersection operator

The result of (A2:D3 ! B2:E4) is referred by the range B2:D3, because these cells are
both inside A2:D3 and B2:E4 (Refer Figure 9.19 and 9.20).

Figure 9.20 Worksheet with Intersection operator Text Operator:

In Calc, “&” is a text operator which is used to combine two or more text. Joining two
different texts is also known as “Text Concatenation” (Refer Figure 9.21). An expression
using the text operator has the following syntax:

text reference1 & text reference2

Figure 9.21 Text operator

When arithmetic operators are used in a formula, Calc displays the results using
the rule of precedence followed in Mathematics. The order is:

I. Exponentiation ( ^ ) II. Negation ( - )

III. Multiplication and Division ( *, /) IV. Addition and Subtraction (+, -)

Here is an example to illustrate how to create a formula:

Illustration 1:

Create a Marks worksheet with the following data:

Reg. No Name Tam Eng CS Com Acc

12001 Jayashree J 147 136 105 163 162
12002 Kowsalya T 156 148 149 147 179
12003 Muskan S 149 165 123 168 179
12004 Ashia Stephy R 168 144 146 192 167
12005 Vennila T P 199 198 150 200 200
12006 Deepika M 187 141 98 130 178
12007 Tharani J 165 102 100 192 192
12008 Thulasi A 143 169 88 176 173
12009 Ayisha B 120 138 109 182 167
12010 Jenifer A 145 135 95 180 185

After completing the data entry, your worksheet will look as shown in Figure 9.22.
Small red triangle indicates the column width
is not sufficient to display the entire text

Figure 9.22 Worksheet Illustration

9.5.2 Construction of formula

To construct a formula, follow the steps below:
• Cell pointer should be in the cell in which you want to display the result.
• Formula should begin with an = sign.
• While constructing a formula, BODMAS rule should be kept in mind.
• General Syntax of constructing a formula is: = cell reference1 <operator> cell
reference2 <operator> ……………….
• Cell references are of two types (i) Relative cell reference (ii) Absolute Cell reference.
• In Calc, while constructing formulae, cell addresses are "Relative cell reference" by
• Examples of Relative Cell addressing:

Adding values of A1, B1, C1, D1 =A1+B1+C1+D1

Subtract E4 from H3 = H3 – E4
Multiply A5 and B5 = A5 * B5
Average of G1, G2, G3, G4 =(G1+G2+G3+G4)/4

• In the above table, all cell references are “Relative cell addressing:”.
• While using a formula, if you use the $ symbol in front of a column name and row
number, it will become an “Absolute Cell addressing”.
• Examples of Absolute cell addressing:

Adding values of A1, B1, C1, D1 =$A$1+$B$1+$C$1+$D$1

Subtract E4 from H3 = $H$3 – $E$4

Multiply A5 and B5 = $A$5 * B5

Average of G1, G2, G3, G4 =($G$1+G2+$G$3+G4)/4

• In an expression, all cells need not necessarily be relative or absolute. You can mix
both type of references.
• The following section explains the use of relative cell addressing. About “Absolute cell
addressing”, you will be learn later in this chapter.

Finding Total to the above Illustration:

• Move the cell pointer to H2 (Total column)
• Type the following formula; after entering the formula, press “Enter” key
= C2+D2+E2+F2+G2 (Refer Figure 9.25)
• Now, you will get the sum of all the values of C2, D2, E2, F2 and G2
• The above-mentioned formula clearly states that, how worksheets are working with
• While referring to the cell addresses in a formula, the worksheet reads the value inside
the cell that you refer. This is a good practice of constructing a formula. Because, if
you change any value, the worksheet recalculates it with a new value.

After entering a formula the result is display as in Figure 9.23

Figure 9.23 Constructing formula in Worksheet

9.6 Save, Close and Open the Worksheet:

9.6.1 Saving Worksheet

The process of saving a worksheet is very similar to saving a document. Steps to

save a worksheet are as follows:

Step 1: File → Save (or) Ctrl + S (or) Click “Save” icon on the standard tool bar.

Step 2: If the worksheet has not been saved previously, the Save As dialog box will appear.

Step 3: Type the name in “File Name” list box. OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheets are stored
with extension .ods by default.

Step 4: Click “Save” button.

After clicking the save button, the given file name is displayed in the title bar as shown in Figure 9.24.

File Extension:
A file extension or file name extension helps to identify the type of file.
Following table gives the file extension of commonly used files.

Familiar File Type Extension

Text Files .txt
Microsoft Word Documents .doc / .docx
OpenOffice Documents .odt
Microsoft Excel .xls / .xlsx
OpenOffice Calc .ods
Microsoft PowerPoint .ppt / .pptx
OpenOffice Impress .odp
Executable Files /
Web Pages .htm / .html
Portable Document Format .pdf
.jpg / .jpeg (Joint
Photos Photographic
Experts Group)
.gif (Graphic
Animated Images Interchange
Audio .mp3
Audio / Video .mp4

File Name Application Name

Figure 9.24 Saved Spreadsheet

Note: The saved file is stored in the 9.6.3 Closing a Worksheet

"Documents" folder by default.
After saving the worksheet; it
remains open. So, you can continue
What is save? to working with it. When the work is
Technically saving is a process of finished, you should save using File →
transferring or shifting contents Save (or) Click “Save” icon (or) Ctrl + S
from primary memory (RAM) to and then to close the worksheet using File
Secondary storage medium such as → Close command (or) Press Ctrl + W.
Hard disk, Pen drive, memory chip 9.6.4 Opening an existing worksheet
etc. Using Open dialog box
9.6.2 Auto Save: To reopen an existing worksheet,
the File → Open command (or) “Open”
OpenOffice saves a file at regular
icon (or) Ctrl + O can be used. An Open
intervals. This is called as “Auto Save”
dialog box appears as shown in Figure
feature. The default time interval is 15
9.25 that is similar to “Save As” dialog
minutes. It can be reduced even to one
minute. If any unexpected shutdown
occurs, this feature will recover your file. The name of the file to be opened
can be chosen from the list or folder in
which worksheet has been saved.

Default location

Available Files
and Folders

Read only

Figure 9.25 Open Dialog box Using Recent documents • Select Edit → Copy or Click “Copy”
icon from the standard toolbar or Press
OpenOffice keeps a list of recently
Ctrl + C.
opened files. File → Recent Documents
option can be used to open an existing • Move the cell pointer to the cell in
worksheet from the list as shown in Figure which you want to paste.
• Select Edit → Paste or Click “Paste”
icon or Press Ctrl + V

9.7.2 Cut and Paste Data (Moving Data)

• Select the cell or cells you want to cut

List of recently used files • Select Edit → Cut or Click “Cut” icon
from the standard toolbar or Press
Figure 9.26 List of Recent Documents Ctrl + X

9.7 Copy, Cut and Paste • Move the cell pointer to the cell in
9.7.1 Copy and Paste Data (Coping Data) which you want to paste.

• Select Edit → Paste or Click “Paste”

• Select the cell or cells you want to
icon or Press Ctrl + V.
9.7.3 Copy and Paste Formula

• The process of Copy and Paste data is used for copying formula.

• When you copy a formula from one cell to another cell, the address of the pasted
formula will change according to its row. This is called “Relative Cell Reference”
(Refer Figure 9.27).

While pasted it becomes = B3* C3

Row number

Originally typed formula = B2*C2

Figure 9.27 Copy and Paste formula to multiple cells
9.7.4 Copy a formula from one cell and paste it in multiple cells:
(For illustration 1 - Refer Figure 9.23)
Step 1: Copy the formula from H2 using Ctrl + C or Edit → Copy (or) click “Copy” icon.

Figure 9.28 Copy and Paste forumla to Multiple cells

Step 2: Select all cells (i.e. H3 to H11) in which you want to paste the addition formula.
Step 3: Paste the copied formula using Ctrl + V or Edit → Paste (or) Click “Paste” icon.

WorkShop Practice:
1. Open the worksheet which was created in Illustration 1.
2. Add one more column heading “Average” in I1
3. Create a formula to find the average of all marks in I2.
4. Apply the formula to the remaining cells.
5. Save the changes and close the file

9.8 Auto Fill Feature: 9.8.1 Auto Fill Series:

Auto Fill is also used to generate a

You have learnt how to copy and series of values. For example, if you want
paste a formula from one cell to other cells to generate 1,2,3……. up to some value; it
in the previous section. The process of Copy can be done by a simple clicking and drag
and Paste can be replaced by a click and process.
drag and it is called as “Auto Fill”. This is an
alternate way to copy and paste. Generating whole number series:
(Refer Figure 9.30).
Auto Fill feature fills the contents
from one cell to all the dragged cells. The Step 1: In cell A1, type as 1 (one) and press
content may be a data or formula. If you fill enter
a relative formula, all the addresses of filled
formulae will be changed. Step 2: Click A1 to place the cell pointer

Step 3: Click “Drag Fill Handle” of cell

pointer; now the mouse pointer becomes a
small + sign

Drag Fill Handle Step 4: Drag over the cells; while dragging,
the generated values will be displayed.
Figure 9.29 Drag fill handle
Step 5: Release the mouse pointer. Selected
Cell pointer’s “Drag fill handle” cells will be filled with series of values.
is used to auto fill. Just click and drag this
handle to fill the contents. It can be dragged
towards right or down. Same can be achieved
by Edit →Fill → Down (or) Edit → Fill →

fill handle

Drag Cells

Generated series

Figure 9.30 AutoFill series

9.8.2 Generating series using command

Edit → Fill → Series Command is used to generate different set of series. Before using
this feature, a set of cells should be selected. Using Fill Series feature, you can fill series
of values at any direction. (Remember that, auto fill only fills either right or down). Refer
Figure 9.31.

Direction : Down / Right / Up / Left (Selected cell direction will be default)

Series type :
Linear : To generate a sequence of series (Example 2,4,6,8,10…….)

Growth : To generate multiplication series (Example 2,4,8,16,32,64……)

Date : To generate date series (when you select date as series type; time unit section gets
AutoFill : To generate a continuous series of values (1,2,3,…….). When you select “AutoFill”,
Time unit section, End value and Increment text boxes become disabled.

Time Unit: (Enabled only when you select the series type as “Date”)

Day : To generate date series day-wise

Weekday : To generate date series weekday-wise
Month : To generate date series month-wise
Year : To generate date series year-wise

Start Value:

• Initial value of the series should be typed

End Value:

• End value of the series should be typed

• If you fail to specify the end value, series will be generated upto the selected cells.

Figure 9.31 Fill series dialog box

• If your selection is less than the specified end value, series will be generated only upto the
selected cells.
• It is a difference value between the first and second value of your series. So, the next value
(Third value) of the series will be generated based on this value.
• If you want to generate a decreasing order series, negative value should be specified as an
increment value.

Self Practice:
(i) Generate Even number series from 2 to 20
(ii) Generate a series of 5, 10, 15, 20 ……. upto selected cells.
(iii) Generate a series of 2,4,8,16,……… 2048
(iv) Generate a series of 33, 30, 27 …… upto 3
(v) Assume, today is Friday and generate next 25 Fridays (Date series).

9.8.3 Date Arithmetic:

Manual date calculations can be tricky because you have to keep track of the number
of days in a month. In spreadsheets, date calculations become very simple. Here you can
add a number to a date and arrive at a new date, find the difference between two dates
and use a wide variety of function and formats to get what you want.

For example, enter a date 02/26/2018 in a cell, say A2. Suppose you want to calculate
the date 80 days after this date. To do so, enter the formula, = A2 + 80, in another cell, say

The date 05/17/18 appears in the cell.

To Find out how many days you were born? your birth?

• Type today’s date in first cell.

• Type your birth date in second cell.
• Type the following formula in third cell = first_cell_reference – second_cell_

Editing and Formatting Worksheet

9.9 Inserting Columns, Rows and Cells

In Calc, columns, rows and cells can be inserted individually or in groups.
9.9.1 Inserting a Column:
When you insert a new column, it is inserted to the left of the current column. The
location of the cell pointer present, is the Current column. In Calc, you can insert a new
column anywhere in the worksheet.

Step 1: Select the column where a new column to be inserted.

Step 2: Right-click on the selected column name. A pop-up menu appears.

Step 3: click the “Insert Columns” option from the menu.

Now, a new column will be inserted to the left of the current column.
To insert column click
Right Click here

Pop - up Menu appears

Figure 9.32 Insert Column pop-up menu

A new column can also be inserted using Insert → Columns command. (Refer Figure 9.32).
Click "Insert" menu
Select "Columns" option

Figure 9.33 Insert Column menu bar

1. Open the worksheet which was created in Illustration 1.
2. Insert a new column between column E and F
3. Give the heading as “Eco” and Enter the Economics marks for all the students
4. Insert one more column between the columns, Name and Tamil marks.
5. Give the heading as “Date of Birth” and Enter the date of birth for all the students.
6. Save the changes and close the file.

9.9.2 Inserting Rows

When you insert a new row, it is inserted above the current row. The location of the
cell pointer present is the current row. In Calc, you can insert a new row anywhere in the

Step 1: Select the row where a new row to be inserted.

Step 2: Right-click on the row number, a pop-up menu appears
Step 3: click “Insert Rows” option from the menu.
Now, a new row will be inserted to above the current row.
Right Click here to select the row as well as get popup menu

Select "Insert Rows"

Figure 9.34 Insert Rows popup menu

Insert → Rows command is used to insert a new row. Refer Figure 9.35.

Click "Insert" menu

Select "Rows" option

A new "Row"
above the
selected row

Figure 9.35 Insert Rows menu bar

1. Open the worksheet which was created in Illustration 1.
2. Insert 8 rows one by one, then insert the following student details
3. Save the changes and close the file.

Reg. No Name Date of Birth Tam Eng CS Eco Com Acc

12101 Sarika S 26/05/2001 145 135 145 125 180 196
12102 Jewees Celcya J 11/04/2001 102 165 134 95 180 134
12103 Yuvarani T 27/06/1999 172 130 107 155 162 130
12104 Meharunisha I 30/05/2001 132 146 112 185 192 176
12105 Priya W 07/03/2000 130 172 100 92 162 155
12106 Vijaya Vasavi K 03/06/2001 198 175 149 148 158 135
12107 Deepika B 14/03/2001 120 182 103 144 107 186
12108 Viji V 19/04/2001 137 173 128 148 125 177

9.9.3 Inserting Cells

• To insert a new cell between two existing cells, just right-click on any existing cell
• From the pop-up menu, select “Insert” option Figure 7.36 Insert cells
• The “Insert Cells” dialog box appear with four options
i) Shift cells down ii) Shift cells right iii) Entire row iv) Entire Column
• Any one of the four options can be selected.
• Selecting “Shift cells down”, inserts a new cell in the present location and the existing
cells are shifted downwards.
• Selecting “Shift cells right”, inserts a new cell in the present location and the existing
cells are shifted towards right.
• Selecting the “Entire Row” or “Entire Column” option, inserts a new row or a new
column respectively.

Figure 9.36 Insert cells

9.9.4 Inserting multiple columns or rows

Multiple columns or rows can be inserted at once rather than inserting one at a time.

• Select multiple rows or columns for insertion.

• Follow steps as in 9.9.1 and 9.9.2

9.9.5 Inserting Columns, Rows and Cells using “Insert Cells” Toolbar

• Insert Cells floating toolbar is also used to insert cells, rows and columns

• Click View → Toolbars → Insert Cell

• A floating toolbar appears on the screen with four icons. Using these icons, you can
insert cells, rows and columns. Refer Figure 9.37.

Insert Rows (or)

• Right-click on the column or row

Insert header.
• Choose Delete Columns or Delete
Insert cell right
Insert cell down Rows from the pop-up menu.

9.10.2 Delete multiple columns or rows

Figure 9.37 Insert cell tool bar
Multiple columns or rows can be
9.10 Deleting columns and rows deleted at a time. Refer Figure 9.38.

• Select the required columns or rows

A single or multiple columns or to be deleted.
rows can be deleted.
• Right-click on the selected columns
Inserting a new Column or or row.
row is really possible in a
Spreadsheet? • Choose Delete Columns or Delete
Rows from the pop-up menu or
All spreadsheets have some
Edit → Delete Cells.
specific number of rows and
columns, then is it possible to insert
an additional row or column?
1. Open the spreadsheet which was
Technically this is NOT POSSIBLE. created in Illustration 1.

Additional column, row or 2. Delete the details of any 3

even cell cannot be inserted in any students. Save the changes and
spreadsheet. When you insert a close the file.
column or row, the contents within
the column or row will be shifted to
the next column or row. But visually Deleting Column or Row is
it is felt that a new column or row has not Possible
been inserted.
Same as inserting column or
row, Deleting a column or row is
9.10.1 Delete single column or row also not possible. No one can delete
A single column or row can be any column or row in a spreadsheet.
deleted by using the mouse: When you delete a column or row, all
the contents will be removed from
• Select the column or row to be deleted. the column or row. Actually, this is
also another kind of deleting contents
• Choose Edit →Delete Cells from the
from a column or row.
menu bar.

9.11 Formatting Worksheet

Formatting Data in a cell gives additional effect to the text. Additional effect
includes changing the font style, font size, automatic wrapping, bold, underline, italic etc.
The data in Calc can be formatted in several ways, using formatting icons.

Selected columns

To Delete Selected
columns; click here

Figure 9.38 Delete multiple columns

9.11.1 Text Formatting

Making the cell contents as bold, italics, underline, changing font style, size, colour
etc., comes under text formatting. All text formatting options are available as icons in
Formatting toolbar learnt in OpenOffice Writer.

Bold Italic Cells
Moving handle Underline

Styles Font Styles Font Size Align left, center, right

and justfy icons

Figure 9.39 (a) Text Formatting Toolbar

Formatting Keyboard Description
Option Shortcut
Font style Used to change Font style
Font size Used to change Font size
Used to make the data as
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I Used to italicize data
Underline Ctrl + U Used to underline the data
Left Align data within a
Left Align Ctrl + L
Right Align data within a
Right Align Ctrl + R
Center Align data within a
Center Align Ctrl + E
Align the data evenly both
Justify Ctrl + J on left and right side of a
Makes selected cells as a
Merge cell
single cell

9.11.2 Number formatting

Number formatting options are used to visually change the format of a numeric
content. These formatting changes appear for visual as, it does not change the original
value. For example, to display a number in currency form use Number format: Currency.

Number format: Currency will be used as shown Figure 9.39(b).


Currency Decimal
Figure 9.39 (b) Formatting toolbar
Number Keyboard
Format Shortcuts
Currency Symbol Ctrl+Shift+4
Percent Ctrl+Shift+5
Standard Ctrl+Shift+6
Add Decimal Place
Delete Decimal Place

1. Open the worksheet which was created in Illustration 1.
2. Align all headings as center and make them bold.
3. Align all Register numbers and marks in center
4. Apply different font styles to the entire worksheet.
5. Save the changes and close the file

Workshop 1

1. Create a worksheet with following data

Name of Emp. Basic DA HRA CCA MA GPF IT HF
1001 Manivannan M 25500 600 300 250
1002 Kannan K 20200 600 300 250

1003 Gowrishankar N V 24300 600 300 250

1004 Lenin K 23400 600 300 250
%15 of Basic and DA

1005 Suryanarayanan T 24100 600 300 250

25 % of Basic

12 % of Basic

1006 Ramesh K 18500 600 300 %10 of Gross 250

1007 Govindasami A 13200 600 300 250
1008 Kannan S 20250 600 300 250
1009 Penchil Rao K 28300 600 300 250
1010 Logeswaran M 30200 600 300 250
1011 Arumugam E 12000 600 300 250
1012 Vasu G N 25000 600 300 250

Based on the above data,

(1) Calculate the Gross Salary, Total Deductions and Net Salary

(2) Insert “IT Cess” column and calculate 3% of cess to all employees

(3) Delete the records of “Govindasami” and “Arumugam”.

(4) Insert four new rows and enter the following employee details.

(5) Calculate the Total amount of GPF, IT and Cess

Name of Emp. Basic DA HRA CCA MA GPF IT HF
2001 Murali G 24750
2002 Munirathnam A 23550
2003 Ramakrishnan V G 25500
2004 Srinivasan R 27500

Workshop: 2

1. Create a new worksheet in OpenOffice Calc.

2. Enter the following stock and sales details of “Chennai whole sale Marketing Pvt.
Ltd.” during the month of Jan-2018.

Amount of Sale
Opening stock
Product Name

Closing Stock
Sales in units
Weight (gm)

Selling price
Amount of
Cost price


Rate of

100 Marie Gold 120 345 15 147 5%

101 Milk Bikis 85 106 10 63 5%
102 Dark Fantasy 75 147 25 43 3%
103 Nutri Choice 250 98 50 12 10%
104 Lays potato chips 52 172 15 152 4%
105 Oreo 120 112 25 85 6%

3. Calculate the following using formula

(i) Amount of Discount, Selling price and Amount of sales for each product

(ii) Total amount of discount and Sales of the month

(iii) Closing stock of each product

Workshop: 3

1. Create a worksheet in OpenOffice Calc.

2. Enter the following details of loan sanctioned during the month of January 2018 of
“Tamil Finance Corporation”.

Duration of Loan
Amount of Loan
AC No Emp. No

Rate of Interest
Loan Sanction

Total Amount
Interest (Rs)

Due date

2001 Senthil 250000 02/01/2018 date 120 days 9.5%

2002 Kumar 175000 15/01/2018 150 days 9.5%
2003 Ibrahim 550000 16/01/2018 140 days 10.5%
2004 Valli 375000 21/01/2018 210 days 10%
2005 Charles 450000 28/01/2018 130 days 10.5%

3. Create the formula to calculate

(i) Interest, Total amount and due date.

(ii) Gross total of loan amount, interest and total amount.

4. Insert 5 new rows between Kumar and Ibrahim and include the following details
Duration of Loan
Amount of Loan

Rate of Interest
Loan Sanction

Total Amount
Interest (Rs)

Due date



3001 Pari 250000 03/02/2018 125 days 9.5% 5%

3002 Arul 375000 07/02/2018 155 days 9.5% 5%
3003 Raman 350000 10/02/2018 130 days 10.5% 3%
3004 Givind 450000 10/02/2018 100 days 10% 10%
3005 Zeenath 800000 26/02/2018 90 days 10% 4%

Points to Remember:

• Spreadsheet is a very useful office automation tool for organization, analysis

and storage of data in a tabular form.

• Daniel Bricklin and Bob Frankston developed the first spreadsheet software
called “VisiCalc” in 1979 for Apple II.

• OpenOffice Calc is a popular open source spreadsheet application software

presently maintained by Apache Foundation.

• A worksheet is a grid of cells with a programmable calculator attached to each


• OpenOffice Calc version 4.1.5 contains a total of 1024 columns and 10,48,576

• Intersection of each row and column forms a rectangular box which is called as

• Cell pointer is a rectangle element which can be moved around the worksheet.

• The cell in which the cell pointer is currently located is known as “Active cell”.

• All formula should start with an equal sign.

• There are four types of operators supported by Calc.


Student Activity

1. Based on the concept of calculation using formula, make the students to create various
worksheet data.

Teacher Activity

1. To show the demo of working with spread sheets using simple example in class room.

Part - I

Choose the correct answer

1. Which is the first electronic spreadsheet?

(A)Excel (B) Lotus 1-2-3 (C) Visicalc (D) OpenOffice Calc

2. Which of the following applications is the parent to OpenOffice Calc?

(A)Visicalc (B) LibreCalc (C) Lotus 123 (D) StarOffice Calc

3. Grid of cells with a programmable calculator:

(A)Spreadsheet (B) Database
(C) Word processor (D) Linux

4. A column heading in Calc is a

(A)Number (B) Symbol (C) Date (D) Alphabet

5. Which key is used to move the cell pointer in the forward direction within the worksheet?
(A)Enter (B) Tab (C) Shift + Tab (D) Delete

6. A formula in calc may begin with

(A) = (B) + (C) - (D) All the above

7. What will be the result of the following formula (Assume A1=5, B2=2)? + A1^B2
(A) 7 (B) 25 (C) 10 (D) 52

8. What will be the result of the following expression (Assume H1=12, H2=12)? = H1<>H2
(A) True (B) False (C) 24 (D) 1212

9. Which of the following symbol is used to make a cell address as absolute reference?
(A) + (B) % (C) & (D) $

10. Which of the following key combination is used to increase the width of the current
(A)Alt + Right arrow (B) Ctrl + Right arrow
(B)Alt + Left arrow (D) Ctrl + Left arrow
Part – II

Answer to the following questions (2 Marks)

11. What are the types of toolbars available in OpenOffice calc?

12. What is a cell pointer?

13. Write about the text operator in OpenOffice Calc.

14. Write the general syntax of constructing a formula in Calc.

15. What are the keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy and paste?

16. Can you edit the contents of a cell? If yes, explain any one of the method of editing the
cell content.

17. What are the options available in “Insert Cells” dialog box?

18. Match the following

(a) Cut, Copy and Paste (1) Absolute Cell
(b) Cell pointer (2) Status bar
(c) Selection Mode (3) Standard Toolbar
(d) $A$5 (4) Active cell

19. Define the following (i) Text Operator (ii) Rows and Columns of spreadsheet

20. Differentiate between Copy -Paste and Cut-Paste

Part – III

Answer to the following questions (3 Marks)

21. Write a short note on OpenOffice Calc.

22. Write about inserting columns and rows in Calc.

23. Differentiate Deleting data using Backspace and Delete Keys

24. Write any three formatting options.

25. In cell A1=34 A2=65 A3=89 write the formula to find the average.

Part – IV

Answer to the following questions (5 Marks)

1. Explain about changing the column width in Calc.

2. Write the steps to generate the following series. 5, 10, 20 ….. 2560

3. Read the following table

1 Year Chennai Madurai Tiruchi Coimbatore
2 2012 1500 1250 1000 500
3 2013 1600 1000 950 350
4 2014 1900 1320 750 300
5 2015 1850 1415 820 200
6 2016 1950 1240 920 250

Above table shows the sales figures for “Air Cooler” sold in four major cities of Tamilnadu
from the year 2012 to 2016. Based on this data, write the formula to calculate the following.

(1) Total sales in the year 2015.

(2) Total sales in Coimbatore from 2012 to 2016.

(3) Total sales in Madurai and Tiruchi during 2015 and 2016.

(4) Average sales in Chennai from 2012 to 2016

(5) In 2016, how many “Air Coolers” are sold in Chennai compared to Coimbatore?

Spreadsheet Sheet of paper that shows accounting or other data in rows and
What-if analysis It is a process of changing the values in a cell to see how these
changes will affect output.
VisiCalc The first electronic spreadsheet application
GUI Graphical User Interface
Excel Familiar spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft
Cell Intersection of rows and columns.
Cell Pointer A rectangular box, highlighting the cell in a spreadsheet.
Active cell A cell in which the cell pointer is presently located.
Formula A formula is an expression that tells the computer what
mathematical operation to perform on a specific value.
Operator A symbol that usually represents an action or process
Range Group / Collection of cells
BODMAS Rule Order of mathematical calculation:
Brackets - Orders (powers or square roots) - Division –
Multiplication – Addition - Subtraction.
Drag fill handle A small black box at the bottom right corner of the cell pointer.
Function Predefined formula / a group of instructions to return a single
result or a set of results.
Chart Graphical representation of data.
Database A large quantity of indexed digital information.
Flat file database Single table, non relative database

Unit III SpreadSheet CHAPTER
Functions and Chart

Learning Objectives

Students will be able

• To know how to work with multiple sheets.

• To learn to rename, delete worksheet.
• To know to copy, move and change the order the sheets.
• To understand how to select cells, columns and rows.
• To learn how to format tool bar.
• To understand the types of cell referncing
• To know how to use functions in Open Office calc.
• To learn to create charts in Open Office Calc.
10.1 – Managing Worksheets

10.1.1 – Selecting Worksheets

One or multiple sheets can be selected using a mouse. This feature is useful when same
changes are to be made at the time in multiple sheets.

10.1.2 Selecting single sheet

Click on the sheet tab for the sheet you want to select. The active sheet becomes white
and any action that you perform will now affect the selected cells in the sheet.

Sheet Navigation Selected Sheet

Serial number / Total no. of sheets

Figure 10.1 Selecting Single Sheet

If you want unselect the selection, click on any unselected sheet.

10.1.3. Selecting multiple continous sheets

The following steps should be followed to select multiple continuous sheets.

• Click on the sheet tab for the first desired sheet.

• Hold down the Shift key and click on the last sheet tab.

All the tabs between these two sheets will be selected and will turn white. Any actions
that you perform will now affect all highlighted sheets. For example, if you want to select from
sheet1 to sheet5. Do the following,

Step 1: Click on Sheet1 to select first sheet

Step 2: Press and hold down “Shift” key and Click on the Sheet 5 i.e., last sheet

All the sheets between Sheet1 and Sheet5 will be selected and their sheet colour turns to
white as given in the Figure 10.2 and any actions that you perform will now affect all highlighted

Selected sheets Unselected sheets

Figure 10.2 Multiple continous sheets

If you want to unselect the selection, click on any unselected sheet.

10.1.4 Selecting multiple non-continous sheets.

If you want to select multiple non-continuous sheets the following steps will be followed.

• Click on any sheet,

• Hold down the Ctrl key,

• Click another sheet.

Ctrl + Click on any sheet is used to select multiple sheets. Selected sheets tab colour
turns into “White”.

For example, if you want to select Sheet1, Sheet3 and Sheet 7;

Step 1: Click on Sheet1 and then

Step 2: Hold down the Ctrl key

Step 3: Click on Sheet4, Sheet6 and Sheet8.

Selected Sheets colour becomes “White” and any actions that you perform will now
affect all Selected sheets.

Multiple non-continuous Sheet1, Sheet4, Sheet6 and Sheet8

Figure 10.3 Selecting Multiple non-continous sheets

10.2 Selecting all sheets

To select all sheets, Right-click any one of the sheet tabs and choose Select All Sheets
option from the pop-up menu.

Click "Select All

Right Click
any Sheet

Figure 10.4 (a) - Selecting all sheets

Selected Sheets

Total Sheets

Figure 10.4(b) - Selecting all sheets

Deselect sheets • Type a new name and click “OK” button.
Deselecting a selected sheet is a Method 2:
very simple process. The following table
shows you the deselect methods for • Right-click on a sheet tab and choose
various selections. Rename Sheet option from the pop-up
menu now.
SN Deselect process
Type • Now Rename Sheet dialog box appears
Click on any and type a new name and then click on
1 Single Sheet
unselected sheet ok button.
Click on any
2 continous Sheet names must start with
unselected sheet
sheets either a letter or a number or
Multiple non- some special characters like
Click on any &,!,@ etc. Attempting to rename a sheet
3 continous
unselected sheet with an invalid name will produce an
4 All sheets Click on any sheet error message.

To deselect the already selected

sheets, Right-click → Deselect All Sheets
option from the pop-up menu is selected.
10.3 – Renaming Worksheets
et on
he ck
a s -cli

The default name of a new sheet is


Sheet-n, where n is a number. There are two


methods to give a more meaningful name to

a sheet.
Method 1: Rename box with default name

• Double-click on a Sheet in which you

want rename
Type a New Name here
• A small “Rename Sheet” box is appears
as shown in Figure 10.5
Figure 10.6 Renaming a sheet

10.3.1 – Inserting and Deleting Worksheets

When you create a new worksheet,

three sheets are there by default. If needed,
one or more new worksheets can be added
Figure. 10.5 Rename Sheet dialog box or deleted.
10.3.1 – Inserting Worksheets

There are different ways to insert a new sheet.

Step 1:

• Right-click on a sheet tab and choose Insert Sheet option from the pop-up menu now.


• Choose Insert → Sheet option from the menu bar.


• Click the Enter Key between last sheet and horizontal scroll bar.

Choose Insert → Sheet

Click Insert Sheet


Right Click

Figure 10.7 Inserting more sheets

Step 2:

• “Insert Sheet” dialog box appears (Refer Figure 10.8).

Click "OK"

Set position
Where the new sheet
will be inserted

New Sheet

Existing sheet from

another file

Figure 10.8 Insert Sheet dialog box

In this dialog box,

• Set position by clicking “Before current sheet” or “After current sheet”. If you select
“Before” the new sheet(s) will inserted left side of the active sheet ie., selected sheet. If you
select “After”, the new sheet(s) will inserted right side of the active sheet.

• Type or spin the number of sheets you need to insert. If you type or spin one sheet, Name
box will be activated, and you can enter new name of the sheet to be inserted. If you set
more sheets, Name box will be disabled.

• The minimum number of sheet must be one and maximum will be 253 (OpenOffice
Calc 4.1.5).

• Finally, click OK button.

10.3.2 – Deleting Worksheets

In a worksheet sheets can be deleted individually or in groups.

To delete single sheet:

1. Right-click on the tab of the sheet which is to deleted and choose. Delete Sheet from the
pop-up menu, or

2. Choose Edit → Sheet → Delete from the Menu bar (Refer Figure 10.9).

or Right click

l et

it →

Selected Sheet

Figure 10.9 Delete Sheet

3. Either way, an alert will ask if you want to delete the sheet permanently. Click Yes.

To delete multiple sheets:

To delete multiple sheets, select them as mentioned earlier and either right-click over
one of the tabs and choose Delete Sheet from the pop-up menu, or choose Edit → Sheet →
Delete from the menu bar. Rest of the procedure are similar to deleting a single sheet what you
learnt earlier.

10.4 – Copy, Move and change the order of sheets

Click and drag the sheet tab is the simple way to move the sheets.

Menu also can be used to move sheets.

1. Right-click the sheet you want to move and select Move/Copy Sheet from the pop-up
menu, or select Edit → Sheet → Move/Copy from the main menu (Refer Figure 10.10).

Figure 10.10 Move / Copy Sheets

2. Specify the new position of the sheet in the Move/Copy Sheet dialog box. You can even
move the sheet to a different document that is opened in Calc.

3. Copy Checkbox to be selected to copy sheet.

4. Click OK.

10.5 – Selecting Cells, Columns and Rows

10.5.1 Selecting a single cell:

• Move the mouse pointer to a cell and click to select a cell (or)

• Specify required cell address in the address bar to select a cell.

Type cell address and

press Enter

Click any cell to


Figure 10.11 Selecting a Cell

10.5.2 Selecting Multiple Cells:

Continuous cells can be selected using the keyboard or the mouse. Selecting Multiple cells using mouse:

• Click in a cell.

• Press and hold down the left mouse button.

• Move the mouse till the desired location is selected.

• Once the desired block of cells is selected, release the left mouse button.

Range of Cells
Highlighted Colums (Selected)
Highlighted Rows

Figure 10.12 Selecting Multiple Sheets Selecting multiple cells using keyboard:

• Move to the starting cell.

• Holding down the Shift key, use the cursor movement arrow keys to select the rest of the

10.5.3 Selecting single column or single row:

• To select a single column, click on the column identifier letter
• To select a single row, click on the row identifier number.

Selected Click Column heading to
Columns select entire Column

Click Row number to select entire


Figure 10.13 Selecting Single column or single row

10.5.4 Selecting Continuous multiple columns or rows
• Click on the first column or row in the group.
• Hold down the Shift key.
Click the last column or row in the group.
(1) Click on the Column heading

(3) Click last Column

Entire Columns will be selected


(2) Hold down Shift key

Figure 10.14 Selecting Continuous multiple columns or rows

10.5.5 Selecting multiple columns or rows that are not continuous:
• Click on the first column or row in the group.

• Hold down the Ctrl key. • The same can be achieved by choosing
“Hide” option from the pop-up menu
• Click on all of the subsequent columns when you right-click the selected
or rows while holding down the Ctrl row/column.
• To show the hidden row / column,
To select range of non-continuous cells choose Format→ Row → Show or
Format →Column → Show (or)
• Select the cell or range of cells using • Right-click and choose Show from
one of the methods above. pop-up menu.

• Move the mouse pointer to the start of 10.7 - Freezing and Unfreezing rows and
the next range or single cell. columns

• Hold down the Ctrl key and Click or Freezing locks number of rows at the
Click-and-drag to select another range top of a spreadsheet or number of columns
of cells with already selected range. on the left of a spreadsheet or both. Frozen
columns and rows remain in view during
• Repeat if necessary. scrolling, whereas other rows and columns
gets scrolled.
10.6 – Hide/Show Rows and Columns

When elements are hidden, they

are neither visible nor printed, but can
still be selected for copying if you select
the elements around them. For example, if
column B is hidden, it is copied when you
select columns A and C. When you need a
hidden element again, you can reverse the Figure 10.15 Freezing and Unfreezing rows
process, and show the element. and columns
Freezing single rows or columns:
• To hide or show rows and columns,
1. Click on the Header for the row below
use the option in the Format menu or
where to the freeze or for the column to
the right-click and choose from pop-
the right of where to freeze.
up menu.
2. Choose the Window -> Freeze. A dark
• To hide a row/column, first select line appears, indicating where the freeze
the row/column, and then use menu is done.
Freezing a row and a column:
• Format → Row → Hide or Format 1. Click the Cell that is immediately below
→ Column → Hide to hide row and the row to be frozen and immediately to
column respectively. the right of the column to be frozen.

2. Choose Window -> Freeze.
3. Two lines appear on the screen, a horizontal line above this cell and a vertical line to the left
of this cell. Now as you scroll around the screen, everything above and to the left of these
lines will remain in view.

To unfreeze rows or columns, choose Window -> Freeze. The check mark in Freeze
will vanish.
10.8 - Merge Cells

To merge a group of cells into one cell:

Select the cells to merge.
1. Click on Merge Cell icon or select Format -> Merge Cells option from menu bar.

Figure 10.16 Merge cells

10.9 – Formatting Cells and Protecting Worksheets, locking and hiding cells

Formatting Data in a cell gives additional effect to the text. Additional effect includes
changing the Font type, Style, Font size, automatic wrapping, bold, underline, italic etc. The
data in Calc can be formatted in several ways using the icons of the Formatting Tool bar (Refer
Figure 10.17)

Figure 10.17 Formatting Tool bar

10.9.1 - Icons available in the Formatting Tool Bar:

1. Font Name list box: Various fonts are available in the list from
which the required font can be selected.
2. Font Size list box: Font size can be selected from this list box.
3. Bold Icon: This icon is used to Delete Decimal Place can be applied
apply bold for selected cell. Key board using this icons.
shortcut Ctrl + B can also be used.
8. Increase Indent and Decrease
4. Italic Icon: Italic icon is used to Indent Icons can be used to indent the
apply italic style to selected cell. Ctrl + cell content.
I can also be used to apply italic.
9 Borders Icon,
5. Under line Icon: To apply underline Background Colour Icon and Font
for selected cell this icon can be used. Colour Icons can be used to apply
Ctrl + U can also be used for this. border, to change cell background
colour and to change font colour.
6. Four alignment Icons:
Using this icon content of a cell can be 10.9.2 - Formatting using Format Cells
aligned Left, Center, Right and Justify. Dialog Box:
The key board short cuts are Ctrl +
The above formatting options can
L, Ctrl + E, Ctrl + R and Ctrl + J can
be applied individually one by one. The
also be used respectively to align cell
Format Cells dialog box is used to apply
formatting and see the preview. Select a cell
7. Number Format and Right-click and select Format cells or
Icon: Currency symbol (Ctrl + Shift + click Format → Cells or press Ctrl+1, now
4), Percent (Ctrl + Shift + 5), Standard Format Cells dialog box appears with seven
(Ctrl + Shift + 6), Add Decimal Place, tabs as follows.

Figure 10.18 Format Cells

Numbers Tab :
Several number formats like Category, Format, Language, Decimal places, leading
zeros and Thousands separator. User-defined Format code is also applied. The main advantage
here is that preview is available.

Cell Protection Tab :

In Open Office Calc, cells are protected against any accidental changes. Protection can
be provided by means of a password. Authorization is given by entering the correct password.
It is clear that the Cell Protection with a Protected attribute is only effective when the whole
sheet is in protected mode.

Figure 10.19 Format Cell - Cell Protection

1. Select the cells that you want to apply the cell protection feature..
2. Choose Format → Cells and click the Cell Protection tab.
3. In the Protection group, the Protected check box is enabled, click Ok button. This
becomes effective only when password and confirm are entered through Tools → Protectd
Document → Sheet(Refer Figure 10.20).

Figure 10.20 Protecting the Sheet

In the Format Cells dialog box - for cell protection under the Protection group:.
4. Enable Protected to prevent changes to the contents and the format of a cell.
5. Enable Hide formula to hide and to protect formulae from changes.
6. Enable Hide when printing to hide protected cells in the printed document. (The cells are
not hidden on screen).
7. Click OK.
8. Apply the protection options.
8.1 To protect the cells from being changed / viewed / printed according to your settings
in the Format→ Cells Dialog box, choose Tools → Protect Document → Sheet.
8.2 Enter a password with of atleast 5 or more characters.

10.10 –Cell Referencing

10.10.1 Relative Addressing

The cell from A1 to A3 is addressed as A1:A3. Assume A4 has the formula =SUM(A1:A3).
When the same formulae is copied to column B4 Relative Addressing automatically changes
the formulae in B4 as =SUM(B1:B3). Relative here means that the reference to this area will
be changed automatically when you copy the formulae.

10.10.2 Absolute Addressing

Absolute Addressing is opposite to Relative Addressing. A dollar sign is placed

before each column name and row number in an Absolute Addressing, for example, assume
A5 has the formula =SUM($A$1:$A$3), when it is copied to B5 the reference will not
automatically change and formulae in B5=SUM($A$1:$A$3) that is same as A5.

Figure: 10.21 Relative Cells Addressing

Figure: 10.22 Absolute Cell Addressing

10.11– Functions in OpenOffice Calc

10.11.1 – Introduction

A function is a predefined calculation entered in a cell to help to analyze or manipulate

data in a spreadsheet. These functions simplify help to create the formulas needed to get the
expected results. Formulae are equations using numbers and variables to get a result. In a
spreadsheet, the variables are cell locations that hold the data needed for the equation to be
completed. Open Office Calc includes over 350 functions to analyze and reference data. Many
of these functions are used for working on numbers, dates, times, and text.

10.11.2 – Familiarization with the categories of functions

The most commonly used functions are the built-in functions, which is available in
.the Function Wizard. To open the Function Wizard choose Insert→ Function or press the
shortcut key Ctrl+F2.

1. Once the Function Wizard is open, Select a Category from the Category dropdown box
and select the function from the Function list box.

2. When you select a function its description appears on the right-hand side of the dialog
box. Double-click on the required function.

3. The Wizard now displays a textbox where you can enter data manually in the text box and
the result will be displayed in the Result text box

Figure: 10.23 Function Wizard Dialoge Box

10.11.3 – Working with the functions in Mathematical and Statistical Category - Mathematical functions under Mathematical Category:
Various Mathematical functions are readily available under Mathematical category for
mathematical calculations.

=ACOS (-1) returns 3.14159265358979 (PI

=DEGREES (ACOS(0.5)) returns 60. The

cosine of 60 degrees is 0.5.

ACOSH (Number/Cell Address)

This function returns the inverse
hyperbolic cosine of a Number. The Number
must be greater than or equal to +1.0.

=ACOSH(1) returns 0, =ACOSH(COSH(4))
returns 4.

Figure: 10.24 Mathematical functions ACOT(Number/Cell Address)

This function returns the inverse
Few mathematical functions are listed
trigonometric cotangent of a Number.
Where the angle is in radians is Number.
ABS (Number/Cell Address) The angle returned is in the range 0.0 to
+PI. To return the angle in degrees, use the
Number/ Cell Address is the value DEGREES function.
whose absolute value is to be calculated.
The absolute value of a number is its value Example
without +/- sign.
=ACOT(1) returns 0.785398163397448
Example (PI/4 radians).

=ABS (-76) returns 76, =ABS (74) returns =DEGREES(ACOT(1)) returns 45. The
74, =ABS (0) returns 0. tangent of 45 degrees is 1.

ACOS (Number/Cell Address) ASIN (Number/Cell Address)

This function returns the inverse This function returns the inverse
trigonometric cosine of Number which is in trigonometric sine of Number where the
radians. The angle returned is in the range angle is in radians. The angle returned is in
0.0 to +PI. To return the angle in degrees, the range -PI/2 to +PI/2. To return the angle
use the DEGREES function. in degrees, use the DEGREES function.

Example Example:

=ASIN (0) returns 0. =ASIN (1) returns =CEILING (15.5;2;2) returns 16,
1.5707963267949 (PI/2 radians). =CEILING(-11;-2) returns -10

=DEGREES (ASIN (0.5)) returns 30. The =CEILING (-11;-2;0) returns -10,
sine of 30 degrees is 0.5. =CEILING(-11;-2;1) returns -12

ATAN (Number/Cell Address) COMBIN (Count1; Count2)

This function returns the inverse Returns the number of combinations

trigonometric tangent of Number where the for a given number of objects (without
angle is in radians. The angle returned is in repetition). Count1 is the number of items
the range -PI/2 to +PI/2. To return the angle in the set. Count2 is the number of items to
in degrees, use the DEGREES function. choose from the set. COMBIN returns the
number of ordered ways to choose these
Example items. For example if there are 3 items A,
B and C in a set, you can choose 2 items
=ATAN (1) returns 0.785398163397448 in 3 different ways, namely AB, AC and
(PI/4 radians). BC. COMBIN implements the formula:
=DEGREES (ATAN (1)) returns 45. The
tangent of 45 degrees is 1. Example:
CEILING (Number; Significance; Mode) =COMBIN (3;2) returns 3, =COMBIN(5;3)
returns 10.
This function rounds a number
up to the nearest multiple of Significance. COMBINA (Count1; Count2)
Number is the number that is to be rounded
up. Significance is the value that the number Returns the number of combinations
is to be rounded up to a multiple of. Mode of a subset of items including repetitions.
is an optional value. If the Mode parameter Count1 is the number of items in the
is supplied and is not equal to zero and if set. Count2 is the number of items to
Number and Significance are negative, choose from the set. COMBINA returns
rounding up is carried out based on the the number of unique ways to choose
absolute value of Number. This parameter these items, where the order of choosing
is omitted when exporting to Microsoft is irrelevant, and repetition of items is
Excel since Excel does not support a third allowed. For example if there are 3 items
parameter for this function A, B and C in a set, you can choose 2 items
in 6 different ways, namely AB, BA, AC,
CA, BC and CB. COMBINA implements
the formula: (Count1+Count2-1)! /
Example =COUNTIF (A1:A10;2006) - this returns 1
=COMBINA(3;2) returns 6, =COUNTIF (A1:A10;B1) - this returns 1
=COMBINA(4;3) returns 20 =COUNTIF (A1:A10;">=2006") - this
returns 4
COS (Number)
=COUNTIF (A1:A10;"<"&B1) - when B1
Returns the (trigonometric) cosine
contains 2006, this returns 6
of Number, whose angle is in radians. To
return the cosine of an angle in degrees, use =COUNTIF (A1:A10;C2) where cell C2
the RADIANS function. contains the text >2006 counts the number
of cells in the range A1:A10 which are >
Examples: 2006.
=COS(PI()/2) returns 0, the cosine of PI/2
To count only negative numbers:
in radians.
=COUNTIF (A1:A10;"<0")
=COS(RADIANS(60)) returns 0.5, the
cosine of 60 degrees. - Statistical functions

Returns the number of empty cells in
the cell range.

=COUNTBLANK (A1:B2) returns 4
if cells A1, A2, B1 and B2 are all empty.

COUNTIF (Range; Criteria)

Range is the range where the criteria
is to be applied.

The Criteria determines which cells
are counted and is in the form of a number,
an expression or a text string. The search text
may also be given in the form of a regular
expression. The command "b.*" is given for all
words that begin with b. If search is for literal
text, enclose the text in double quotes. Figure: 10.25 Statistical functions

A1:A10 is a cell range containing the COUNT(Value1; Value2; ... Value30)

numbers 2000 to 2009. Cell B1 contains
Counts how many numbers are in the
the number 2006. In cell B2, you enter a
list of arguments. Text entries are normally
ignored. Value1; Value2; ... Value30 are 1 to
30 values or ranges representing the values Example
to be counted.
=LARGE(A1:C50;2) gives the second
Example largest value in the range A1:C50.
The entries 2, 4, 6 and eight in the Value 1 ... SMALL(Data; Rank_C)
4 fields are to be counted.
Returns the Rank_c-th smallest value
=COUNT (2;4;6;"eight") = 3. The count of
in a data set. Data is the cell range of data.
numbers is therefore 3. Text is ignored.
Rank_C is the rank of the value.
COUNTA(Value1; Value2; ... Value30)
Counts how many values are in the
list. Text entries are also counted, even =SMALL(A1:C50;3) gives the third
when they contain an empty string of length smallest value in the range A1:C50.
0. Value1; Value2; ... Value30 are 1 to 30
arguments representing the values to be AVERAGE(Number1; Number2; ...
counted. Nu m b e r 2 0 )

Example Returns the average of the arguments.

Number1; Number2; ... Number20.
The entries 2, 4, 6 and eight in the Value 1 ...
4 fields are to be counted. Example

=COUNTA(2;4;6;"eight") = 4. The count of =AVERAGE(A1:A20) returns the

values is therefore 4. average of set of values in the cell range
CORREL(Data1; Data2)

Returns the correlation coefficient 10.11.4 – Working with the functions in

between two data sets.Data1 is the first data Logical Category.
set. Data2 is the second data set.
IF (Test; TrueValue; FalseValue)
Specifies a logical test to be
=CORREL(A1:A20;B1:B20) performed. Test is any value or expression
calculates the correlation coefficient as a that can be TRUE or FALSE. TrueValue
measure of the linear correlation of the two (optional) is the value that is returned if the
data sets. logical test is TRUE. FalseValue (optional) is
the value that is returned if the logical test is
LARGE(Data; Rank_C) FALSE.
Returns the Rank_c-th largest value
in a data set. Data is the cell range of data.
Rank_C is the ranking of the value.


=IF(A1>5;”True”;"too small") If the value in A1 is higher than 5 then the text “True” is
returned in the current cell otherwise the text “too small” (without quotes) will be returned.

10.11.5 – Working with the functions in Date and Time Category

OpenOffice Calc internally handles a date/time value as a numeric value. To change

the number format to date or time, Select the cell containing the date or time, Click Format→
Cell, select Numbers tab of the Format Cells Dialog Box, select the desired format.

Figure: 10.26 Number format

10.11.6 – Working with the functions in Text Category

CONCATENATE("Text1"; "Text2";"Text3"; ...)
Combines several text strings into one string. Text1; Text2; Text3; ... are 1 to 30 text
passages which are to be concatenated together into one string.

=CONCATENATE("Good ";"Morning ";"Mr. ";"Ramki") returns Good Morning
Mr. Ramki

DECIMAL("Text"; Radix) 1. Column chart

Converts a text string with characters 2. Bar chart

from a number system to a positive integer
3. Pie chart
in the base radix given. Text is the text
string to be converted. To differentiate 4. Area chart
between a hexadecimal number, such as
A1 and a cell address A1, you must place 5. Line chart
the text in quotation marks, for example,
6. Scatter or XY chart
"A1" or "FACE". Radix indicates the base of
the number system. It may be any positive 7. Bubble chart
integer in the range 2 to 36.
8. Net chart
9. Stock chart
=DECIMAL("17";10) returns 17.
=DECIMAL("FACE";16) returns 64206. 10. Column and line chart

=DECIMAL("0101";2) returns 5. Column Chart

10.12 – Charts in OpenOffice Calc This is a bar chart or bar graph with
vertical bars. The height of each bar is
10.12.1 – Introduction proportional to its value. The x-axis shows
Charts and graphs are powerful ways categories. The y-axis shows the value for
to convey information to the reader through each category.
a pictorial representation. OpenOffice Calc Normal type is a sub-type which
offers a variety of different charts and graph shows all data values belonging to a category
formats for data representation. Calc helps next to each other. Main focus is on the
to customize charts and graphs to enhance individual absolute values, compared to
the Presentation in a best manner. every other value.
10.12.2 – Familiarization with the types of Stacked type is a sub-type which
charts shows the data values of each category
There are various types of charts on top of each other. Main focus is the
and graphs for representing data through overall category value and the individual
relevant pictorial representation. The contribution of each value within its
creation and presentation of charts are categor y.
discussed in the following sections. Percent is a sub-type which shows
The following are the types of charts the relative percentage of each data value
that Calc provides. with regard to the total of its category. The
main focus is the relative contribution of
each value to its total category.

radial from the doughnut's center.

Exploded doughnut is a sub-

type that shows the outer sectors already
separated from the remaining doughnut. In
Figure: 10.27 Percentage the created chart, you can click and drag an
outer sector to move it along a radial from
Bar Chart the doughnut's center.
This type shows a bar chart or bar
graph with horizontal bars. The length of
each bar is proportional to its value. The
y-axis shows categories. The x-axis shows
the value for each category.
Figure: 10.29 Pie Chart

Area chart
An area chart shows values as points
on the y-axis. The x-axis shows categories.
The y-values of each data series are connected
Figure: 10.28 Horizontal Bar
by a line. The area between each two lines is
Pie Chart filled with a colour. The area chart's focus is
to emphasise the changes from one category
A pie chart shows values as circular
to the next.
sectors of the total circle. The length of the
arc, or the area of each sector, is proportional Normal - this sub-type plots all
to its value. values as absolute y-values. It first plots the
area of the last column in the data range,
Normal Pie is a sub-type which shows
then the next to last, and so on, and finally
sectors as colored areas of the total pie, for one
the first column of data is drawn. Thus, if
data column only. In the created chart, you can
the values in the first column are higher
click and drag any sector to separate that sector
than the other values, the last drawn area
from the remaining pie or to join it back.
will hide the other areas.
Exploded pie is a sub-type which
Stacked - this sub-type plots values
shows the sectors already separated from
cumulatively stacked on each other. It
each other. In the created chart, you can
ensures that all values are visible, and no
click and drag any sector to move it along a
data set is hidden by others. However, the
radial from the pie's center.
y-values no longer represent absolute values,
Doughnut is a sub-type that shows except for the last column which is drawn at
multiple data columns. Each data column is the bottom of the stacked areas.
shown as one doughnut shape with a hole
Percent - this sub-type plots values
inside, where the next data column can be
cumulatively stacked on each other and
shown. In the chart created, you can click
scaled as percentage of the category total.
and drag an outer sector to move it along a
Line tab page of the data series properties
dialogue box.

Double-click on any data point to

open the Data Series dialogue box. In
this dialogue box, you can change many
Figure: 10.30 Area Chart Percentage properties of the data series.

Line chart For 2-D charts, you can choose

Insert - y-Error Bars to enable the display
A line chart shows values as points of error bars.
on the y-axis. The x-axis shows categories.
The y-values of each data series can be You can enable the display of mean
connected by a line. value lines and trend lines using commands
on the Insert menu.
Points only - this sub-type plots only
points. Points only
Points and lines - this sub-type plots Each data point is shown by an icon.
points and connects points of the same data OpenOffice uses default icons with different
series by a line. forms and colours for each data series.
Lines only - this sub-type plots only The default colours are set using Tools →
lines. Options → Charts → Default Colours.
3-D lines - this sub-type connects Lines Only
points of the same data series by a 3-D line.
This variant draws straight lines from
one data point to the next. The data points
are not shown by icons.
The drawing order is the same as
the order in the data series. Mark Sort by
x-values to draw the lines in the order of
Figure: 10.31 Line Chart - Points Only the x-values. This sorting applies only to the
chart, not to the data in the table.
Scatter or XY chart Points and Lines
An X-Y chart in its basic form is
based on one data series consisting of a This variant shows points and lines at
name, a list of x values, and a list of y values. the same time.
Each value pair (x|y) is shown as a point in 3-D Lines
a coordinate system. The name of the data
series is associated with the y values and The lines are shown like tapes. The
shown in the legend. data points are not shown by icons. In
the finished chart choose 3-D View to set
All the charts are created with default properties like illumination and angle of
settings. After the chart is finished, you can view.
edit its properties to change the appearance.
Line styles and icons can be changed on the

Figure: 10.32 3D Points Only

Bubble chart
A bubble chart shows the relation of three variables. Two variables are used for the position
on the x-axis and y-axis, while the third variable is shown as the relative size of each bubble.
The Data Series dialog box for a bubble chart has an entry to define the data range for
the Bubble Size.

Net chart
A Net chart displays data values as points connected by some lines, in a grid net that
resembles a spider net or a radar tube display.
For each row of chart data, a radial is shown on which the data is plotted. All data
values are shown with the same scale, so all data values should have the same magnitude.

Figure: 10.33 Bubble Chart Points Only

Column and line chart

Figure: 10.34 Column and Line Charts

A Column and Line chart is a combination of a Column chart with a Line chart.
Select one of the variants
• Columns and Lines. The rectangles of the column data series are drawn side by side so that
you can easily compare their values.
• Stacked Columns and Lines. The rectangles of the column data series are drawn stacked
above each other, so that the height of a column visualises the sum of the data values.
• You can insert a second y-axis with Insert - Axis after you finish the wizard.
10.12.3 – Creating and formatting charts
1. Select the cells that contain the data that you want to present in your chart.
2. Click the Insert->Chart option or click Insert Chart icon on the Standard toolbar.

Figure: 10.35a Insert Chart

3. The Chart Wizard has three main parts:

• List of steps involved in setting up the chart,
• List of chart types, and
• The options for each chart type.
At any time you can go back to a previous step and change selections.

Figure: 10.35b Chart Type

4. Choose a Chart type and its option type. Then click Next button.

Figure: 10.35c Data Range

5. In Step 2, Data Range, helps to manually correct any mistakes made in selecting the
data. Click one of the options for Data series in rows or in columns. Check whether the
data range has labels in the first row or in the first column or both. Then click the Finish
button, or click Next to change some more details of the chart.

Figure: 10.35d Data Series

6. The Data Series list box contains a list of all data series in the current chart.
• To organize the data series, select an entry in the list.
• Click Add to add another data series below the selected entry. The new data series has the
same type as the selected entry.
• Click Remove to remove the selected entry from the Data Series list.
• Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move the selected entry in the list up or down. This
does not change the order in the data source table, but changes only the arrangement in
the chart.
• Then click Next button

Figure: 10.35e Chart Elements

7. In the Chart Elements page, chart a title and, if desired, a subtitle. Give a suitable title
that draws the viewers’ attention to the chart: For example: Figure 10.35f has the chart
Title as Mark Statement. Then click Finish to create chart..

Figure: 10.35f Final Chart

Case Study: Create a spreadsheet file to store sales data of a particular product and present it
in the form of Chart.

Part - A
Choose the best answer:
1. The active sheet colour will be of which colour?
A) Grey B) Green C) White D) Yellow

2. To select multiple continuous sheet which key is used?

A) Ctrl B) Shift C) Alt D) tab

3. To delete a single sheet which command is to be selected?

A) File → Sheet → Delete
B) Delete →Sheet→Delete
C) Sheet → Delete
D) Edit → Sheet → Delete

4. Which command is used to show the hidden row in OpenOffice Calc?

A) Format → Row → Show
B) Format → Show → Row
D) Format → Row → Display

5. To protect cell in Open Office Calc Format → Cells and click which tab?
A) Protect Cell
B) Protection Cell
C) Cell Protection
D) Cell Protect

6. To make which cell address absolute we use sign?

A) Absolute B) Relative C) Comparative D) Reference

7. Which function sounds a number upto the nearest multiple of significance?


8. If cell A5 contains value 18, then if 26; “true”, “False”) will return

A)True B)False C)Blasse D) Error

9. Which can be a powerful way to convey information to the reader through a pictorial
A) Charts and images B) graphs and images
C) Charts and graphs D) Images and Pictures
10. What will be value returned by = decimal ("16";1101)

A) 12 b) 13 c) d d) e


Answer the following questions (2 Marks)

1. How to select continuous and non-continuous sheets in OpenOffice Calc?
2. Write the method to rename sheet.
3. What is the use of freezing a sheet?
4. What are the types of Cell addressing?
5. What is a Chart?

Answer the following questions (3 Marks)

1. Differentiate Relative cell addressing from Absolute cell addressing
2. What are functions in OpenOffice Calc?
3. How to hide/show rows and columns in sheet?
4. Write briefly about ASIN function in Open Office Calc.
5. What is a range? Give example.


Answer the following questions (5 Marks)

1. Create a Worksheet which consist of student database with the following fields.
Rollno., Name, English, Tamil, Maths, Science, Social, Total, average.
2. Explain how to format a worksheet
3. Discuss in detail the steps to create chart in OpenOffice calc.
4. How to use function in Open Office Calc? Explain with suitable example.

Unit III Spreadsheet CHAPTER
Data Tools and Printing

Learning Objective

• To Learn various data processing tools in spreadsheet.

• To Learn about page formatting and printing in the spreadsheet.

11.1 Data tools

Data Tools are used to manipulate the information in spreadsheet. The data tools in
spreadsheet are used for automated manipulation. For the new users, these tools may be like
advanced options. But, a user who is experienced in these tools can do complex manipulation
in a simple way.

11.2 Applying conditional format

An important aspect of the data tools lies in the visualization of those data for easy
understanding of the user. Conditional formatting gives different font size, font colour and
background colour for different data, based on the user requirement.

Cell formats help to change the font size, font colour, background colour depending on
conditions that we specify. For example, in a table of numbers, all the values above average can
be displayed in green and below average in red by specifying condition.

For example, if the marks of the students are entered in the spreadsheet. The marks
should be shown in different colours for different mark ranges.

Illustration 11.1: Apply the conditional formatting for Table 11.1 as for the condition given

1. Mark less than or equal to 50 in Lightgreen

2. Mark greater than 50 in blue

Table 11.1 Data with conditional Formatting

Name Marks
Kumar 32
Arun 67
Gayathri 50
Chandru 98
Procedure to apply conditional formatting:
1. Select the cells which contain marks
2. Choose Format → Conditional Formatting from the menu bar

Figure 11.1 Format → Conditional Formatting

3. Conditional formatting dialog box appears as shown in Figure 11.2

Figure 11.2 Conditional Formatting Dialog Box

4. Select Condition 1, choose cell value is “greater than” and type 50 in the value box.
5. Then click New Style button. The New Style button has various options such as Font
Style, Font Size, Font colour, Font alignment, Border Colour, and Background colour.

 Now, the cell style dialog box appears as shown in Figure 11.3a will appear. Click
Background Tab and choose light green and click Ok button.

Figure 11.3a Conditional Formatting → New Style → Background

6. Similarly, Select Condition 2, choose cell value is “less than” and type 50 in the value
box. In the background tab, choose blue colour and click Ok button.

Finally OpenOffice calc shows the result as given below:

Figure 11.3b Background Colour

11.3 Sorting

Sorting is the process of re-arranging data in ascending or descending order. There

are three types of sorting in OpenOffice Calc. They are,
(1) Simple Sorting
(2) Multi Sorting
(3) Sort by selection
11.3.1 Simple Sorting
Arranging data using a single column is known as simple sorting. To sort the
data, calc provides two icons on the standard tool bar viz. (1) Sort Ascending (2) Sort

• Sort Ascending – Arranging data in alphabetical order (A to Z / Small to Large)

• Sort Descending – Arranging data in reverse order (Z to A / Large to Small)


Figure 11.4 Spreadsheet Data Table

Sorting data

Step 1: Place the cell pointer in the field (column) to be sorted

Step 2: Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending icon

OpenOffice Calc, sorts the data based on selected column and its corresponding
values present in other columns are also arranged simultaneously. Refer Figure 11.6.

Sort Ascending Sort Descending

Figure 11.5 Standard Tool Bar with Sort Ascending / Descending

Click "Sort Ascending" icon to arrange ascending order

Place the Cell pointer

anywhere in name column

Figure 11.6 Sort Ascending

11.3.2 Multi Sorting

Sorting data based on more than one field (column) is known as multi sorting.
For example, consider a worksheet containing data of 20 students belonging to different
groups and classes. To rearrange this data alphabetically by name and group code, multi
sorting is used. Refer Figure 11.6.

Multi-sorting data

Step 1: Select Data → Sort

Select First column in which Select order of

the data arranged first arrangement

Fainally Click

Figure 11.7 Multi-sorting dialog box

Step 2: Sort dialog box appears. (Refer Figure 11.7).

Step 3: Select the field name (Student name) in which you want to sort from the “sort
by” dropdown list box and then choose order of sorting i.e. Ascending or
Descending. Ascending is the default selection.

Step 4: Select another field name (Group Code) from the “Then by” dropdown list box
and choose the order of sorting to this column.

Step 5: Click “OK” button.

In OpenOffice Calc, multi sort can be done only for three fields.

Figure 11.8 Sorted Table

Note: Names are arranged in Ascending order according to names, while the other data
are also rearranged simultaneously.

11.3.3 Sort by selection

In Calc sorting can be done on selected range. But this kind of sorting is generally not
recommended, because the other relevant data are also not sorted. Therefore, OpenOffice
Calc displays a warning message for this type of sorting. Refer Figure 11.9.

Sorting data by selection:

Step 1: Select any particular field in which you want sort.

Step 2: Click required Sort icon from standard tool bar or Data → Sort command.Calc
displays a “Sort Range” warning message as shown in the Figure 11.9 “Sort
Range” message box has two options, viz. (1) Extend selection (2) Current selection.

Step 3: “Extend Selection” – Sorts the data beyond on the selection. “Current Selection” –
Sort only the selected range of data, remaining data are not sorted.

Figure 11.9 Sort by selection

11.4 Filtering

Filter is a way of limiting the information that appears on screen. Filters are a feature for
displaying and browsing a selected list or subset of data from a worksheet. The visible
records satisfy the condition set by the user. Those that do not satisfy the condition are
only hidden, but not removed.

OpenOffice Calc allows three types of filters. They are AutoFilter, Standard Filter
and Advanced Filter.

11.4.1 Auto Filter:

Auto Filter applies a drop-down list box to each field (columns) filled with similar
data available in that field. Using the list box item, you can filter the data that matches the
criteria of the data concerned.

Using Auto Filter:

• Click Auto Filter icon available on the “Standard tool bar” (or) Click Data → Filter
→ Auto Filter

• The list box contains similar data in the fields. Refer Figure 11.10 and 11.11
• Each list box item will be considered as filter criteria.
Drop down list box

Figure 11.10 Spreadsheet table with Auto Filter

Figure 11.11 Auto Filter dropdown list box

• Select the data item from the list box. Now, Calc shows only the records which are
satisfy the selected criteria.


If you want to apply an auto filter to the contents of the Figure 11.4, follow the
following two steps

Step 1: Place cell pointer anywhere in the table

Step 2: Click Auto Filter icon available on the “Standard tool bar” (or) Click Data →
Filter → Auto Filter

In the above table, if you want to view only the students belonging to the Group Code 402

• Click the dropdown list box’s drop arrow (a tiny triangle) to get the filter criteria.
(Refer Figure 11.11)
• Select group code 402 from the list

• The worksheet displays only the student’s details who are studying in group code 402
(Refer Figure 11.12) and the remaining records are hidden.

Figure 11.12 Filtered details

Figure 11.13 Standard Filter dialog box

Removing Auto Filter:

• To remove auto filter, click “Auto filter” icon once again .

• The original table is displayed without filter.

11.4.2 Standard Filter:

Auto filter is used only for a single criteria on data, whereas Standard filter is used
for multiple critieria.

Step 1:

• Select Data → Filter → Standard Filter.

• Now, the entire data is selected and "Standard Filter" dialog box dispalys as shown in
Figure 11.14.

Step 2:
• Select the column heading from the “Field name” list box for the first criteria.
• Select conditional opeator such as >, <, = etc., from “Condition” list box.
• Type or select the value of critera in the “Value” box.
Step 3:
• Select the one of the logical operator (AND / OR) from “Operator” list box to fix
second criteria.
• Follow the step 2, for the next criteria.
Step 4:
• Click “Ok” to finish.
Example for Standard filter:
If you want to filter the records of “XII-H2” students of group code 402 from the Figure
Step 1: Select Data →Filter → Standard Filter
• Now, “Standard Filter” dialog box appears as in Figure 11.14.
Step 2: In “Standard Filter” dialog box, select the first criteria:
• Select Field name as "Group code".
• Select Condition as "=".
• Type or select Value as "402".
Step 3: To select the second criteria:
• Select Operator as “AND”.
• Select Field name as "Class".
• Select Condition as "= ".
• Type or select Value as "XII- H2".

Figure 11.14 Standard Filter
Step 4: Click “OK”

• Now, the table displays only the records which match the given two criteria. Refer
Figure 11.15.

To Remove Standard Filter:

• Select Data → Filter → Remove Filter

Figure 11.15 XII-H2 students of Group 402

11.5 Applying Validation

Validation will limit the data to be entered in the selected row/column/cell. For example,
in the student database, the maximum roll no is 50. Hence, if the user enters a roll no above 50,
it should give an error message.

Step 1: Enter Roll No in a cell A1 and select the entire column (column A)

Step 2: select Data → Validity, the validity dialogue box appears. Select Criteria tab, Select
whole numbers in the Allow field. It means only integer values are allowed. Fractional values
are not allowed. In the Data field, select less than and in the Maximum field type 50. Refer
Figure 11.16.
Figure 11.16 Screen shot of validity dialogue box (Criteria Tab)
Then select Error Alert Tab, select "Show error message when invalid values are
entered" check box. Then select Warning in the Action dropdown list box, Enter title of the
error message (such as invalid) in the Title text box. Then type the error message in the Error
message multi line text box. Refer Figure 11.17.

Figure 11.17 Screen shot of validity dialogue box (Error Alert Tab)
Now, in the Roll No column, if the user types values above 50, the error message will
appear as shown in Figure 11.18.

Figure 11.18 Screen shot of validity error

11.6 Creating and using Input Help List

Input Help is used to provide various options such as choosing the gender of a person
(Male or Female), Month (Jan,Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec).

The following steps will guide to generate the List for Gender.

Step 1: In any one cell (ex: A1) type Gender

Step 2: Select the next cell (may be in A2 or B1)

Step 3: Go to Data → Validity then the dialogue box will appear (refer Figure 11.19)

Figure 11.19 Screen shot of Input Help list

Step 4: Select Input Help Tab, type Title as Gender. then type, Male and Female in the Input
Help Field. Then press “Ok”.

Step 5: Goto the selected cell no, the input help message will appear (refer Figure 11.20).

Figure 11.20 Screen shot of spread-sheet after applying Input Help list

11.8 Printing Spreadsheet

11.8.1 Setting the page size, Orientation and Margins

Step 1: To format the page size, go to Format → Page in the menu bar. The dialoge box will
appear as shown in Figure 11.21.

Figure 11.21 Page Style dialoge box

Step 2: Choose Page Tab (refer Figure 11.22)

Figure 11.22 Screen shot of page formatting

Step 3: Choose the Page size, Orientation and Page Margin
Before printing the worksheet, it is necessary to verify the Print Preview, in order to
check the required format.

For print preview, go to File -> Page Preview

If the worksheet appears in the required format, press close preview, otherwise choose Format
→Page Tab in the top of the screen.

11.8.2 Inserting Header and Footer

Header and Footer are some titles (such as Document Title, Author Name) or references
(such as page no, number of pages, date) or remarks to be printed in the top (called as Header)
and bottom of the page (called as Footer). The header and footer dialoge boxes are shown in
Figure 11.23 and 11.24.

Figure 11.23 Header Dialogue Box

Figure 11.24 Footer Dialogue Box

11.8.3 Repeating Rows / Columns in all pages

If a sheet is printed on multiple pages, you can set up certain rows or columns to repeat
on each printed page.

For example, if the top two rows of the sheet as well as column A need to be printed on all
pages, do the following steps:

Step 1: Choose Format → Print Ranges → Edit.

Figure 11.25 Printing Repeatative Rows/Columns

Step 2: On the Edit Print Ranges dialog box, type the rows in the text entry box under Rows
to repeat. For example, to repeat rows 1 and 2, type $1:$2. This automatically changes Rows to
repeat from “- none –“ to “- user defined –“.

Points to Remember:

• Data Tools are used to manipulate the information in the spread-sheet

• Conditional format gives different font size, font colour and background colour
for different data based on the user requirements.
• Sorting is used to re-arrange the items in ascending or descending order based
on alphabets or based on values.
• Filters are used to show only the selected portion of data from a large size
• Input Help is used to provide various options like week, month etc
• Header and Footer are some titles (such as Document Title, Author Name) or
references (such as page no, number of pages, date) or remarks to be printed in
the top (called as Header) and bottom of the page (called as Footer).
• If a sheet is printed on multiple pages, we can set up certain rows or columns
to repeat on each printed page.


Part I
Choose the correct answer
1. There are 10000 rows in a worksheet. The user needs to view only particular rows of the
database. Which of the following tool is used?
A. Sorting B. Merging C. Filtering D. Formatting

2. The customer is required to design the item number between 101 to 200. If the user types
above 200 or below 100, the system should give an error message. Which of the following
tool is used?
A. Listing B. Filtering C. Formatting D. Validating

3. In a form, the teacher needs “True or False” as a drop down menu. Which of the following
tool is used?
A. Form B. Data C. List D. Format

4. The size of an A4 paper is 21 cm x 29 cm. If the user chooses Landscape orientation, then
the size of the paper is…..?
A. 21 x 29 B. 29 x 21 C. None of the above D. All of the above
Part II
Answer the following questions (2 Marks)
5. What is sorting?
6. What are the type of the filters?
7. What is header and footer?
8. Write the steps to format the margin of the paper as 1” in all sides.

Part III
Answer the following questions (3 Marks)
9. The user needs page number at the bottom of all pages. Which tool is used? Write the
steps to design the needs.
10. Write the steps for sorting the database based on the customer name in ascending order
11. Write the steps to print the title row on every page of the spread-sheet

Part IV
Answer the following questions (5 Marks)
12. Create a student database with register number, student name, Mark1, Mark2, and Mark3.
Calculate the total and average of the students. Show the marks which are below 50 in red
colour and marks above 50 in green colour.
13. Explain the applications of Header and Footer with example
Type the registration number and name of the student, mark 1 if the student is present and
mark 0 if the student is absent on the date. Apply conditional formatting such as if the student is
present that should represent in green colour and the absentees should represent in red colour. Then
calculate number of present days, number of absent days and attendance percentage of the student.
Also calculate number of student present per day and number of student absent per day.

Register No Name 29-Nov 08-Dec 13-Dec 20-Dec

160172 SHIVA. M 0 0 0 0
170001 MONICA. A 1 1 1 1
170002 SUGANYA. D 1 1 1 1
170004 POOJA. P 1 1 0 1
170005 MANJU. M 1 1 1 1
170006 MOTHILAL. T 1 1 1 1
170007 DIYA N 1 1 1 0
170008 PRAJAKTA S 1 1 1 1
170009 SIRISHA S 1 1 1 1
170010 SUSMITA S 1 1 1 1
170011 DIVYA K 1 1 1 1
170012 THOMAS S 1 1 1 1
170013 SUPRAJA A 1 1 1 1
170014 RAVIRAJ R 1 1 1 1
Unit IV Presentation CHAPTER
Presentation Basics

12.1 Presentation Software -


Learning Objectives • A presentation software is a computer

software package used to show
After learning this chapter, the students will information, in the form of a slide
be able to show.

• Know the OpenSource presentation It includes three major functions:

s oft w are
• an editor that allows the text to be
• Explore opening a new presentation inserted and formatted,
using Impress
• a method for inserting and
• Create a new presentation using various manipulating graphic images.
ways using Impress
• a slide-show system to display the
• Know parts of the main Impress content.
• Presentation software is used to create
• Differentiate five sections of Task pane presentations, quizzes, e-learning
packages and multimedia products.
• Explain Window elements of Impress
• Most presentation software packages
• Differentiate various views in will create your multimedia product
Wo r k s p a c e using a series of slides.

• Explore drawing Objects and inserting • Text, images, video, animation effects,
OLE links and sound can be combined on
each slide to create a final product.
• Draw freeform shapes
The most commonly known
• Rotate Objects presentation programs are OpenOffice
Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint and
• Create animation in slides/objects Apple's Keynote. In this chapter, we
are going to explore on OpenOffice
presentation Software Impress.

12.2. Impress

Impress is the
OpenOffice presentations
(slide show) module. You can
create slides using Impress. It
contains different elements like
text, bullets and numbered lists,
tables, charts, clipart and a range
of graphic objects. Impress has
access to the spelling checker
and thesaurus. Also, it comes
with pre-packaged text styles,
background styles with online

12.3. Opening a new

presentation Figure 12.1 – Opening Impress
using Start → All Programs
You can start Impress in several

• In order to open Impress

using Start button, click
Start button and select All
Programs → OpenOffice
4.1.4 → OpenOffice
Impress. (Figure 12.1)
• If it is already pinned in the
Start menu, just click and
open it. (Figure 12.2)
12.4. Creating a new

You can create a presentation

by any one of the following

1. By selecting an Empty
Figure 12.2 – Opening Impress using Start button
3. By selecting from Open existing
2. By selecting From Template

12.4.1. Using Empty presentation design. The slide design section gives
1. Select Empty presentation under you two main choices: Presentation
Type. It creates a presentation from Backgrounds and Presentations.
scratch. 4. Select the output medium from the
2. Click Next. The Presentation Wizard list of choices for slide design. Choose
Step 2 appears. Figure 12.4 shows the anyone from the list. The preview of
Wizard. the same will be shown in the preview
3. Choose a design under Select a slide

Figure 12.3 – Using the Presentation Wizard to choose the type of presentation

Figure 12.4 Wizard showing the main choices

5. <Original> is an empty background. 8. Click Next. The Presentation Wizard
You can also select among three Step 3 appears (Figure 12.7). In this
predefined Presentations: <Original>, step, you can choose the desired slide
Introducing a New Product, and transition from the Effect drop-down
Recommendation of a Strategy. menu. Select the desired speed for
(Figure 12.6). the transition between the different
slides in the presentation from the
6. Click an item to see a preview of the Speed drop-down menu. Medium is
slide design in the Preview window. a good choice. Click Create. A new
presentation is created. (Figure 12.8)
7. Select how the presentation will be
used under Select an output medium.
Generally, presentations are created
for computer screen display, so select
Screen option. (Figure 12.6).

Figure 12.5 Selecting a slide design using Presentation Backgrounds

Figure 12.6 Selecting a slide design using Presentations

Figure 12.7 Selecting a slide transition effect

12.4.2. Using Template Choose the template that you want.
• If you choose the option From (Figure 12.9).
template, it uses a template design • "Introducing a New Product" and
already created as the basis for a new "Recommendation of a Strategy are
presentation. The wizard changes pre-packaged presentation templates.
to show a list of available templates.

Figure 12.8 New presentation

Figure 12.9 Opening a new presentation using From template option

12.4.3. Using Open existing presentation • You have to open a presentation
already prepared by clicking Open
• If you choose the option Open button. The wizard changes to show
existing presentation, it helps in a list of existing presentations, from
continuing the work on a previously which you can choose the one that
created presentation. you want. (Figure 12.10).

Figure 12.10 Opening a new presentation using Open existing presentation option

Figure 12.11 Opening a new presentation using New icon

Tip Notes 3. Or else, choose File → New →
First Spreadsheet Presentation. (Figure 12.12).

• If you do not want the wizard 12.5. Parts of the Main Impress window
to start every time you start
Impress, select the Do not show The main Impress window (Figure
this wizard again checkbox. 12.13) has three parts: the Slides
pane, the Workspace and the Task
• Leave the Preview checkbox
pane. Additionally, several toolbars
selected, so templates, slide
can be displayed or hidden during the
designs, and slide transitions
creation of a presentation.
appear in the preview box as
you choose them. Tip Notes

You can remove the Slides pane or

Various ways of Starting Impress: Tasks pane from view by clicking the
Close (X) option in the upper right
You can start Impress in various methods.
corner. You can also show or hide
1. You can select the presentation from these panes using View→Slide Pane
the system menu or the OpenOffice or View →Task Pane/Side bar.

2. Or you can click the New icon and

select Presentation from the drop-
down menu (Figure 12.11).

Figure 12.12 Opening a new presentation using File menu

Figure 12.13 Main window of Impress
12.5.1. Slides pane • Rename a slide helps to change the
name of a slide. The default names
• The Slides pane contains thumbnail are slide1, slide2,....
pictures of the slides in your
presentation, in the order of our • Copy or move the contents of one
insertion of slides. slide to another (copy and paste, or
cut and paste, respectively).
• Clicking a slide in this pane selects it
and places it in the Workspace. While It is also possible to perform the
it is there, you can apply any changes following operations, other than using the
that are desired to that particular Slides pane.
slide. • Change the slide transition following
the selected slide or after each slide in
Several additional operations can
a group of slides.
be performed on one or more slides in the
Slides pane: • Change the sequence of slides in the
• Add new slides at any place within
the presentation after the first slide. • Change the slide design. (A window
opens allowing you to load your own
• Mark a slide as hidden so that it will design.)
not be shown as part of the slide show. • Change slide layout for a group of
slides simultaneously. (This requires
• Delete a slide from the presentation if
using the Layouts section of the Tasks
it is no longer needed.

12.5.2. Tasks pane use it as it is or modify it to suit your own
requirements. At present, it is not possible
The Tasks pane has five sections: to create custom layouts. (Figure 12.15)

1. Master Pages

You can define the page style for

your presentation using Master Pages.
Impress contains pre-packaged Master
Pages (slide masters). One of them by
default is blank, and the rest have a
specific background. (Figure 12.14)

Figure 12.15 Layout

3. Table Design

Standard table styles are provided

in this pane. You can further modify the
appearance of a table with the selections to
show or hide specific rows and columns,
or to apply a banded appearance to the
rows and columns. (Figure 12.16)
Figure 12.14 Master Pages
2. Layout

Pre-packaged layouts are shown.

You can choose the one that you want,

4. Custom Animation

A variety of animations for

selected elements of a slide are listed
here. Animation can be added to selected
elements of a slide and it can also be
changed or removed later. (Figure 12.17)

5. Slide Transition

Transitions are available, including

No Transition. You can select the
transition speed (slow, medium, fast). You
can also choose between an automatic or
manual transition, and how long you want
the selected slide to be shown (automatic
transition only). (Figure 12.18)

Figure 12.16 Table Design

Figure 12.18 Slide Transition

Figure 12.17 Custom Animation

12.6. Window elements of Impress viewing. It is a good practice to check
the information shown there. In case
Figure 12.19 shows the elements you do not need the information in the
of the Impress Window Open source Status Bar, you can hide it by selecting
ap p l i c at i on . View → Status Bar from the main menu.

The window elements of Impress 12.6.3. Navigator

include Title Bar, Menu Bar, Tool Bar,
Ruler Bar and the Scroll Bar which are The Navigator (Figure 12.20)
similar to the elements in Open Office displays all objects contained in a
writer. document. It provides another convenient
way to move around a document and find
12.6.1. View Buttons: items in it. The Navigator button is located
on the Standard toolbar. You can also
The Workspace has five tabs: display the Navigator by choosing Edit →
Normal, Outline, Notes, Handout, and Navigator on the menu bar or pressing
Slide Sorter, as seen in Figure 12.19. Ctrl+Shift+F5.
These five tabs are called View Buttons.
The Navigator is more useful if you
12.6.2. Status Bar: give your objects (pictures, spreadsheets,
and so on) meaningful names, instead of
Status Bar is present at the bottom names as “Object 1” and “Picture 1” as
of your window, which gives you some shown in Figure 12.20.
statistics about the file that you are
Menu Bar Tool Bar

View Button

Scroll Bar

Figure 12.19 Window elements of Impress

you assemble the various parts of your
selected slide. Each view is designed to
ease the completion of certain tasks.

Normal view is the main view for creating

individual slides. Use this view to format
and design slides and to add text, graphics
and animation effects.

Outline view shows topic titles, bulleted

lists and numbered lists for each slide in
outline format. Use this view to rearrange
the order of slides, edit titles and headings,
rearrange the order of items in a list and
add new slides.

Notes view lets you add notes to each slide

that are not seen when the presentation is

Slide Sorter view shows a thumbnail

of each slide in order. Use this view to
rearrange the order of slides, produce
a timed slide show, or add transitions
between selected slides.

Handout view lets you print your slides

for a handout. You can choose one, two,
three, four, or six slides per page from
Figure 12.20 Navigator Tasks pane → Layouts. Thumbnails can
be re-arranged in this view by dragging
12.7. Workspace
and dropping them.
The Workspace has five tabs:
12.7.1. Normal view
Normal, Outline, Notes, Handout and
Slide Sorter, as seen in Figure 12.19. There are two ways to place a slide
These five tabs are called View Buttons. in the Slide Design area of the Normal
There are many toolbars that can be used view: clicking the slide thumbnail in the
during the slide creation; they are revealed Slides pane or using the Navigator.
by selecting them with View → Toolbars.
To open the Navigator, click the
The actual Workspace section is Navigator button in the Standard Toolbar
below the View Buttons. This is where or press Ctrl+Shift+F5 and select a slide

by scrolling down the Navigator list until or Move Down) on the Text Formatting
you find the one that you want and then toolbar.
double-click it. (Figure 12.21).
Change the outline level for any
12.7.2. Outline view of the paragraphs in a slide using the left
and right arrow buttons (Promote or
Outline view contains all the slides D e m o te ) .
of the presentation in their numbered
sequence. Only the text in each slide is Both move a paragraph and change
shown. Slide names are not included. its outline level using a combination of
four arrow buttons.
Outline view serves for two purposes.
2) Comparing the slides with your outline
1) Making changes in the text of a slide: (if you have prepared one in advance). If
you notice from your outline that another
• Add or delete text in a slide just as in slide is needed, you can create it directly
the Normal view. in the Outline view or you can return to
the Normal view to create it, then return
• Move the paragraphs of text in the
to review all the slides against your outline
selected slide up or down by using the
in the Outline view.
up and down arrow buttons (Move Up

Figure 12.21 Presentation in Normal view

If a slide is not in the correct sequence, 12.7.3. Notes view
you can move it to its proper place: Use the Notes view to add notes to a slide:
a) Click the slide icon of the slide that 1) Click the Notes tab in the Workspace
you wish to move, as indicated in (Figure 12.23).
Figure 12.22.
2) Select the slide to which you will add
b) Drag and drop it where you want. notes.

Figure 12.22 Presentation in Outline view

Figure 12.23 Presentation in Notes view

• Double-click the slide in the Slide 2) Adjust the number of slides (up to a
pane, or maximum of 15).

• Double-click the slide’s name in the 3) After you have adjusted the
Navigator. number of slides per row,
View → Toolbars → Slide.
3) In the text box below the slide, click
View will remove this toolbar from
on the words Click to add notes and
v i e w.
begin typing.
To move a slide in a presentation using the
You can resize the notes text box
Slide Sorter:
using the green resizing handles and
move it by placing the pointer on the 1) Click the slide. A thick black border is
border, then click and drag. To make drawn around it.
changes in the text style, press the F11
key to open the Styles and Formatting 2) Drag and drop it to the location you
w i n d ow. want.
12.7.4. Slide Sorter view • As you move the slide, a black vertical
The Slide Sorter view contains all of the line appears to one side of the slide.
slide thumbnails (Figure 12.24).
• Drag the slide until this black vertical
Use this view to work with a group of line is located where you want the slide
slides or with only one slide. to be moved

Change the number of slides per To select a group of slides, use one of
row, if desired: these methods:
1) Check View → Toolbars → Slide View • Use the Control (Ctrl) key: Click
to show the Slide view toolbar (Figure on the first slide and, while pressing
12.24 ). Control, select the other desired

Figure 12.24 Presentation in Slide Sorter view

• Use the Shift key: Click on the first slide, and while pressing the Shift key, select the
final slide in the group. This selects all of the other slides in between the first and the

• Use the cursor: Click on the first slide to be selected. Hold down the left mouse

• Drag the cursor to the last slide thumbnail.

A dashed outline of a rectangle forms as you drag the cursor through the slide
thumbnails and a thick black border is drawn around the selected slides. Make sure
that this rectangle includes all the slides you want to select. (Figure 12.25)

To move a group of slides:

1) Select the group of slides.

2) Drag and drop the group to their new location. The same vertical black line appears
to show you where the group of slides will go. You can work with slides in the Slide Sorter
view as in the Slide pane.

To make changes, right-click a slide and do the following, using the pop-up menu:

• Add a new slide after the selected slide.

• Delete or rename the selected slide.

• Change the Slide Layout.

• Change the Slide Transition.

– For one slide, click the slide to select it. Then add the desired transition.

– For more than one slide, select the group of slides and add the desired transition.

• Mark a slide as hidden. Hidden slides will not be shown in the slide show.

• Copy or cut and paste a slide.

Figure 12.25 To move a slide in a presentation using the Slide Sorter

12.7.5. Handout view

Handout view is for setting up the layout of your slides for a printed handout. Click
the Handout tab in the workspace, then choose Layout in the tasks pane (Figure 12.26).
You can then choose to print one, two,three, four, or six slides per page.

To print a handout:

1) Select the slides using the Slide Sorter. (Use the steps listed in selecting a group of
2) Select File → Print or press Ctrl+P to open the Print dialog box.
3) Select Options in the bottom left corner of the Print dialog box.

4) Check Handouts in the Contents section, and then click OK.
5) Click OK to close the Print dialog box.

Figure 12.26 Presentation in Handout view

Tip Notes

If you do not know the names

for the pre-packaged layouts, you
can use the tooltip feature. Position
the cursor on an icon in the Layout
section (or on any toolbar icon)
and its name will be displayed in
a small rectangle. If the tooltips
are not enabled, you can enable
them. From the main menu, select
Tools→Options → OpenOffice.
org → General→ Help and mark
the Tips checkbox. If the Extended
tips checkbox is also marked,
you will get more detailed tooltip
information, but the tooltip names
themselves will not be provided.


Student Activity

1. Open a presentation using

• Empty presentation

• From Template

• Open Existing Presentation

2. Compare the difference on opening the presentation using the above three methods.

3. Open impress using different ways.

Teacher Activity

This entire chapter can be taught with the help of the following methodology.

1. Laboratory Activity – the teacher can make the entire class to go to the lab and can
explain the concept using a projector in the lab.

2. Or else, the teacher can demonstrate the concept using a PC and a projector inside the

3. The teacher apart from this Open source software, can compare the elements of the
windows and creating presentations in MS PowerPoint also.

Part I

Choose the correct Answer

1. A convenient way to move around a document.

A) Compass B) Navigator C) Fill color D) Page border

2. Which is the shortcut key to view the slideshow?

A) F6 B) F9 C) F5 D) F10

3. In Impress, which views shows thumbnail versions of all your slides arranged in
horizontal rows.

A) Notes B) Outline C) Handout D) Slide Sorter

4. Identify the default view in Impress.

A) Normal B) Slide Sorter C) Handout D) Notes

5. Which menu contains the Slide Transition option?

A) Slide Show B) View C) Tools D )Format

6. Identify the extension of the Impress presentation.

A) .odp B) .ppt C) .odb D) .ood

7. In presentation tools, the entry effect as one slide replaces another slide in a slide
show. Identify the option that suits after reading the statement.

A) Animation B) Slide Transition

C) Custom animation D) Rehearse Timing

8. Vanya has made a presentation on “Global Warming”. She wants to progress her slide
show automatically while speaks on the topic in the class. Which features of Impress
would she use?

A) Custom Animation B) Rehearse Timing

C) Slide Transition D) Either (a) or (b).

Part II

Answer to all the questions (2 Marks)

1. What is the difference between a slide and a slide show?

2. How many in-built slide layouts does impress consist of?

3. What do you understand by a presentation?

4. Define a template in Impress.

5. What do you understand by the slide layout?

Part III

Answer to all the questions (3 Marks)

1. How many types of views are provided by Impress to its users?

2. Who uses the presentation software and why?

3. Define the Slide Sorter view and its significance.

4. What is a Normal view? Explain.

5. How are transition effects helpful in creating an effective presentation in Impress?

Part IV

Answer to all the questions (5 Marks)

1. Valarmathi’s teacher asks her to create a presentation in OpenOffice Impress. As

Valarmathi has never worked in Impress before, help her to perform the following

a. She wants that except for the first slide, all the slides should have the same design.
For this, what does she need to do?

b. To easily communicate with her audience, she wants to provide them with a hard
copy of the slides of the presentation. What should she create for it?

c. She wants to insert some pictures and movie files in some slides. How can she do

d. Suggest her the view that would be the most suitable for showing the presentation
to the audience.

e. To make her presentation more attractive, she wants to add some effects in it. How
can she do it? Suggest.

2. Explain how a presentation can help a sales person to promote his/her products.

3. Sivabalan created a presentation to be shown at his school’s Annual Function. Just

5 minutes before the presentation, he noticed that he has misspelt the name of the
school, which is appearing in all the 30 slides of the presentation. How can he rectify
this mistake in all the slides in one-shot?

4. List some advantages of using templates.

Unit IV Presentation CHAPTER
Presentation Advanced

Learning Objectives

After learning this chapter, the students will be able to

• Know inserting and formatting text

• Know inserting and formatting shapes and pictures

• Insert tables and charts in a presentation

• Insert and edit organization charts

• Demonstrate inserting hyperlinks

• Explain inserting music and video

• Give various animation effects to the inserted objects

• Modify the slide transition

• Setup and control the slide show

13.1 Inserting text features

13.1.1. Inserting and formatting text

Pasting text

Text may be inserted into the text box by copying it from another document and pasting
it into Impress. There are several ways to ensure consistency. These methods are explained

Pasting unformatted text

It is normally good practice to paste text without formatting and apply the formatting
later. To paste without formatting, press Ctrl+Shift+V or select Unformatted text from the
dialogbox that appears (Figure 13.1), or click on the small black triangle next to the paste
symbol in the standard toolbar (Figure 13.2)and select Unformatted text.
Figure 13.1 dialog box to paste text

Figure 13.2 paste symbol in the standard toolbar to paste text

Formatting pasted text

If pasting the text into an AutoLayout area, then to give the pasted text the same look
and feel of the rest of the presentation apply the appropriate out line style to the text. To do so:

1. Paste the text in the desired position.

2. Select the text you have just pasted .

3. Select Format → Default formatting from the menu bar.(Figure 13.3)

4. Use the four arrow buttons in the Text Formatting toolbar to move the text to the
appropriate position.

Figure 13.3 Selecting Default formatting from the menu bar

Inserting special characters

To insert special characters, such as copyright, math, geometric or monetary symbols,

or characters from another language:

1. Click in the place in the text where you want to insert the character.

2. Choose Insert → Special Character. The Special Characters dialog box appears.
(Figure 13.4).

3. Choose the font and character subset from the Font and Subset drop-down menus.

4. Click the character you want to insert. You may have to scroll to find the one you want.

5. Click OK.

Figure 13.4 Inserting special characters

To show toolbar buttons that are not visible, click on the small down-arrow on the right
end of the tool bar, move the cursor over Visible Buttons and then click on the icon you wish
to make visible (Figure 13.5).

Figure 13.5 Making tool bar buttons visible

Formatting text

Formatting text can give a presentation a consistent look and a dynamic feel.

Modifying a style

In Impress there are two categories of styles: presentation styles and graphics styles.
When inserting text in an Auto Layout area, the presentation styles become available. When
inserting text in a text box or a graphic object it is possible to apply the graphic styles.

If you have selected a presentation style, the dialog box in Figure 13.6 will appear. The
Presentation Style dialog box determines the formatting of the text.

Figure 13.6 The Presentation Style dialog box

The dialog box for making modifications to a graphics style is shown in Figure 13.7.
Text must be selected before it can be formatted manually.

Figure 13.7 The Graphics Style modification dialog box

Formatting characters
To view the character formatting options, select Format → Characteror click the
Character button on the Text Formatting toolbar. (If a toolbar with the text icon is not visible,
choose View→ Toolbars → Text Formatting.) The Character dialog box appears.
Font page
Use the Font page, shown in Figure 13.8, to select the desired font type, its base attributes
(Italic, Bold, etc.) as well as the size. A sample of the font is displayed in the lower part of the
dialog box. You can also specify the language of this style.This page is available when creating
or modifying a presentation style or a graphics style.

Figure 13.8 The dialog box to set the basic font attributes

When writing a presentation in multiple languages, you can make the best of the language
setting by creating two styles that only differ in the language but are otherwise the same. This
allows you to check the spelling of all of the contents without affecting the appearance.

Font Effects page

Use the Font Effects page, shown in Figure 13.9, to apply special effects to the text, such
as underlining, color, shadow and so on. A sample of the text is displayed in the lower part of
the dialog box allowing a quick visual check of the effects applied. This page is available when
creating or modifying a presentation style or a graphics style.

Figure 13.9 Applying special effects to the text

Position page
The Position page, shown in Figure 13.10, has advanced options to customize text. This
page is not available when creating or modifying a presentation style or a graphics style. Use
this page to set the text position relative to the baseline when you need to insert subscripts or

Figure 13.10 Setting the character position attributes

Formatting paragraphs
To view the paragraph formatting options, select Format → Paragraph or click the
Paragraph button on the Text Formatting toolbar. If a toolbar with the text icon is not visible,
choose View → Toolbars → Text Formatting. The Paragraph dialog box (Figure 13.11) is

Figure 13.11 The paragraph formatting dialog box

Indents and Spacing page
The Indents and Spacing page, shown in Figure 13.12, has four sections:
• Indent: modifies the indentation of the text (before and after) as well as the indentation of
the first line.
• Spacing: defines the space before and after each paragraph formatted with the style.
• Line spacing: determines the spacing between two lines

Alignment page

Use the Alignment page to determine the text alignment: Left, Right,Center, or
Justified. A preview shows the effects of the changes. (Figure 13.12)

Figure 13.12 The Alignment option in paragraph formatting dialog box

Tabs page

Use the Tabs page, shown in Figure 13.13, to set tab stops. To delete one existing tab
stop, select it in the list and click the Delete button. To delete all the tab stops, click the Delete
All button.

Figure 13.13 The tabs option in paragraph formatting dialog box

Creating bulleted and numbered lists

You can customize the appearance of a list, changing the bullet type or numbering for
the entire list or for single entry. All the changes can be made using the Bullets and Numbering
dialog box. It is accessed by selecting Format → Bullets and Numbering or by clicking on the
Bullets and Numbering icon on the text formatting toolbar. (Figure 13.14)

Figure 13.14 The Bullets and Numbering dialog box

Workshop -1

1. Create a presentation using 8 slides and insert the following features in each slide.
• Pasting using unformatted text
• Formatting the text pasted
• Inserting special characters
• Formatting text (Changing font attributes)
• Formatting characters
• Formatting paragraphs
• Creating bulleted and numbered lists

13.1.2 Inserting and formatting shapes and pictures

In order to insert an image in OpenOffice Impress, place the cursor in the place where
you want the image to be inserted. Then, Click Insert → Picture → From File option from the
menu. Refer Figure 13.15.

OpenOffice Impress will display the dialog box, where you can select the image from
the specific location and select open. The image will be inserted in the specified location. Refer
Figure 13.16.

Figure 13.15 Inserting picture from Insert menu

Figure 13.16 Inserting picture from the specific folder

In order to format pictures, right click on the picture and select the option you want to
do to that picture. Through the options, you can crop, resize, align, arrange, flip and so on.

Figure 13.17 Formatting pictures using right click

Inserting and formatting shapes
In order to insert shapes, make the Drawing tools visible by choosing View → Toolbars
→ Drawing option as shown in Figure 13.18. If it is already available, it will be in the bottom
of the screen as in Figure 13.19. You can insert 2D as well 3D shapes. You can customise as per
your need.

Figure 13.18 Making the Drawing tool visible

Figure 13.19 Drawing toolbar

13.1.3 Inserting tables and charts

To create a table proceed as follows:
1. Position the slide which will contain the table in the workarea. If necessary modify the
slide layout in order to reserve the place for the table.
2. If the task pane is already open select Table Design. If the task pane is not visible, select
View → Task pane, then select the Table Design task.
3. You can create a table directly by selecting Insert → Table from the main menu, the default
style and settings are applied to the newly created table. (Figure 13.20)
4. Select one of the predefined styles. You will be able to change the color scheme.
5. Selecting a style opens the dialog box of Figure 13.21, where you can specify the number
of rows and columns.

Figure 13.20 Inserting a table using main menu

Figure 13.21 Specifying the number of rows and columns

The table is placed at the center of the slide, but you can move it wherever it is more
convenient by selecting it then dragging it in the new position.

Table toolbar

When a table is selected, the Table toolbar (Figure 13.22) will be displayed. If necessary,
you can open the toolbar using View → Toolbars → Table. By default the toolbar will float,
but you can fix it to the side or top of the work area wherever you want.

1 Create Table 7 Merge Cells 13 Insert Row
2 Line Style 8 Split Cells 14 Insert Column
3 Line Color (border) 9 Optimize 15 Delete Row
4 Borders 10 Top alignment 16 Delete Column
5 Area style filling 11 Center alignment 17 Table design
6 Available fillings 12 Bottom alignment 18 Table properties

Figure 13.22 The Table Toolbar

The Table toolbar contains the tools you need to manipulate a table.
Deleting a table
To delete a table, select it and then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Inserting a chart
To creat a chart using the Insert Chart feature do the following:
1. Select Insert → Chart, or click the Insert Chart icon on the Standard toolbar. A chart
appears that has been created using sample data. See Figure 13.23.

Figure 13.23 Chart made with sample data

2. To enter your own data in the chart, select Chart Data Table by right clicking the chart
made with sample data. (Figure 13.24)

Figure 13.24 Selecting Chart Data Table by right clicking

3. A table with predefined data’s will be seen. You can change the data as per your need.
(Figure 13.25)

Figure 13.25 Changing the Chart Data Table

4. A wide range of chart types and variations are available. You can choose any chart.
(Figure 13.26)

Figure 13.26 Chart Type dialog box showing two-dimensional charts

13.1.4 Inserting Hyperlinks

To insert a hyperlink, or to customize the appearance of a hyperlink, select Insert →

Hyperlinks from the menu bar. The dialog box shown in Figure 13.27 will appear

Figure 13.27 Dialog box to edit hyperlinks

On the left hand side, select one of the four types of hyperlinks:

• Internet: a web address, normally starting with http://

• Mail & News: for example an email address.

• Document: the hyperlink points to another document or to another place in the
• New document: the hyperlink creates a new document.

13.1.5 Inserting music and video

Open Office Impress will let you insert audio files or movie files. The audio and movie
files can be inserted by clicking Insert → Movie and Sound option from the menu. Refer
Figure 13.28.

Figure 13.28 Selecting Movie and Sound from Insert menu

Figure 13.29 Selecting Movie and Sound file from a folder

Same as inserting images, a dialog box will be opened. Select the audio or movie file
from the specified location and click Open button. It will be opened in the slide as follows.
Refer Figure 13.29. The movie or audio file inserted will be played during the slide show by
clicking the mouse over it.

13.1.6. Inserting various animation effects to the inserted objects

Applying an animation effect

• In Normal View, open the desired slide.

• Select the text or object you want to animate.

• In the Tasks pane, choose Custom Animation (Figure 13.30). Click Add. The Custom
Animation dialog box appears.

• Choose an effect from one of the pages of this dialog box and choose the speed or duration
of that effect.

• To choose the animation to be applied when the object is placed on the screen, use an
effect, for example Fly In or Dissolve In.

• Use the Emphasis page to apply an effect that changes the font color or applies special
effects to the text such as blinking text.

• To choose the effect to be applied when the object is leaving the page, use the Exit page.

Figure 13.30 Task pane, showing Custom Animation page

Figure 13.31 Custom Animation dialog box.

• If you want the object to move along a line or curve, select an animation from the Motion
Paths page.

• Click OK to save the effect and return to the Custom Animation page on the Task pane. Here
you can choose how to start the animation, change the speed, and apply some additional
properties of the selected effect.

• Choices may vary depending on the selected object. For example, pictures and text have
different Emphasis choices.

Starting an animation effect

You have three choices for starting an animation effect:

On click—the animation stops at this effect until the next mouse click.

With previous—the animation runs at the same time as the previous animation.

After previous—the animation runs as soon as the previous animation ends.

13.2. Modifying the slide transition

Slide transitions are the effects that take place when one slide gives way to the next one
in the presentation, like Roll down from top or Fly in from left. They add dynamic style to a
slideshow, smoothing the transition between slides.

You can add transitions while in Slide Sorter view or in Normal view. To see the effect
of a selection, you need to be in Normal view and select the Automatic preview checkbox in
the Slide Transition page of the Tasks pane.

You can apply a single type of transition to all slides in the presentation or apply a
different transition to any single slide, even having a different transition for every slide in the

Applying a slide transition effect

• In the Tasks pane, choose Slide Transition (Figure 13.32).

• In the Slides pane or Slide Sorter view, select the slides to which you want to apply the

• If you want to apply the transition to select slides, he transition to apply to all slides.

• In the Apply to selected slides list, select a transition.

• Modify the selected transition by changing the speed or adding a sound, in the Modify
transition area.

• If you choose to play a sound, select it in the Sound list. The Loop until next sound
checkbox now becomes active. Select this checkbox to play the sound repeatedly until
another sound starts.

• Choose how to advance to the next slide: manually (on mouse click) or automatically.
If you choose automatically, you can specify how long the slide remains visible before it
automatically advances to the next slide.

• If you want the effect you just defined to apply to all slides in the show, click the Apply to
All Slides button.

• To preview the transition effect, click the Play button.

• To start the slide show from the current slide (so you can see all the transitions), click the
Slide Show button.

Figure 13.32 Slide Transition

Removing a transition effect

1. Select the desired slides.

2. Choose No Transition in the list on the Slide Transition page of the Tasks pane.

If you want most of the slides to have the same transition, but a few to be different, you
may find it easiest to apply one transition to all slides and then change only the ones you want
to be different.

13.3 Setting and Controlling the slide show - timer or mouse controlled

Running the slide show

To run the slide show, do one of the following:

• Click Slide Show > Slide Show on the main menu bar. (Refer Figure 13.33).

• Click the Slide Show button on the Presentation toolbar or the Slide Sorter toolbar (Refer
Figure 13.34).

• Press F5.

Figure 13.33 Running Slideshow using Slideshow menu

Figure 13.34 Running Slideshow using Slideshow button from the Toolbar

• If the slide transition is set Automatically, after x seconds the slide show will run by itself.

• If the slide transition is On mouse click, do one of the following to move from one slide to
the next.

• Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to go to the next slide or to go back to the previous

• Click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.

• Press the Spacebar on the keyboard to advance to the next slide.

• When you advance past the last slide, the message “Click to exit presentation...” appears.
Click the mouse or press any key to exit the presentation.

• To exit the slide show at any time, including at the end, press the Esc key.

Points to Remember:

• Inserting slide – Insert → Slide

• Deleting Slide – Edit → Delete slide
• Running slide show – Slide Show → slide show
• Save presentation - File → Save
• To view slide master – Click View → master → Slide Master
• To insert Graphic object - View → Toolbars → Drawings
• To insert picture – Insert → Picture → From File
• To insert Audio & Video – Insert → Movie and Sound


Part I

Choose the correct answer

1) Which of the following is the default pre-packaged layout in a new presentation?
A) Blank Slide layout B) Title Slide layout
C) Title Only layout D) Title and content Layout
2) Which is not pre-packaged layout in presentation?
A) Main Content layout B) Title, 6 Content layout
C) Blank Slide layout D) Title, 2 content over content
3) What is the usage of Extended Tips option in Help Menu?
A) Detailed Tool Tip Information B) Helps to resize the Tips window
C) To enable frequently ask question D) To create Footer content
4) Which is the shortcut key for adjustment to formatting text
A) F10 B) F7 C) F11 D) F5
5) ............. is the default pre-packaged layout for inserting additional slides
A) Blank Slide layout B) Title Slide layout
C) Title, 6 Content layout D) Centered Text Layout
6) Name of the button in the picture
A) Create New Presentation B) Create New layout
C) Create New Layout D) Create New additional Slides
7) Which element is not available in additional slides?
A) Insert Chart B) Inset Movie
C) Insert Picture D) Insert Grid
8) You can use the running slideshow option by clicking slide show button on the .............
A) Tool bar B) Menu Bar C) Navigation Bar D) Sliding Tool Bar

Part II
Answer to the following questions (2 Marks)
1) What do you understand by Save Auto Recovery Information?
2) Define Extended Tips option?
3) List out pre-packaged layouts
4) Define slide master
5) List out the presentation supported file types.
Part III
Answer to the following questions (3 Marks)
1) How to create first slide in presentation?
2) How to Delete a Slide in presentation?
3) How to perform Saving a Presentation file?
4) How do you insert Pictures into a slide?
5) What are the multimedia options available in Drawing toolbar?
Part IV
Answer the following questions (5 Marks)
1) Discuss in detail about Graphic Objects feature in Presentation
2) Explain methods to handle Multimedia files in presentation slides
3) List out and explain the advantages of Master slides in presentation.
4) Create and perform the following presentation activity about school annual achievement
1) Inserting the first slide using Title Slide layout
2) Create additional slides and insert images and videos about school annual achievement
3) Perform delete and rearrange operations in the existing presentation file
4) Finally Running the slide show and start your presentation


1. Auto recovery : Recovering a damaged file automatically

2. Layout : Predefined design
3. Right Click : Pressing right mouse button

4. Rearrange : Changing original order of arrangement

5. Master slide : Primary slide contains predefined background design

6. Slide Masters : Contains 28 prepackaged master pages

Unit V Computer Networks,
Internet and Email
Computer Network

Learning Objectives 14.1. Evolution of Networking

By the end of this chapter, Computers exchange data in

the students will be able automatic mode, is, essentially, the
basic mechanism of any computer
• To explain the evolution
network. Developers of the first networks
of Networking
implemented services for file exchange,
• Types of Network Topologies database synchronization, e-mail and other
• To explain the types of Network network services.

• To compare the types of Networks 14.1.1. ARPANET

• To identify the types of network in the ARPANET was established by
lab the Advanced Research Projects Agency
• To identify computers and users over a (ARPA) in 1969 for two main reasons:
• To allow the transfer of data between
• To explain wireless mobile various research institutes.
• To answer the call of the U.S. Department
• To explain internet applications of Defence for a technology to provide
• To know Network security concepts messaging capabilities to the government
in the event of nuclear war.
• To use a DNS server to connect it to a
network resource/server 14.1.2 World Wide Web(WWW)
Computer Network The World-Wide Web is a collection
of documents and services. It is distributed
A computer network is an
across the Internet and linked together by
interconnection of various computers to
hypertext links. The web is therefore a subset
share software, hardware, resources and
of the Internet.
data through a communication medium
between them. World Wide Web was created by
The computers on a computer Timothy Berners Lee in 1989 at CERN in
network may be linked through cables, G en e v a .
telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or Web page is a document available on
infrared light beams. World Wide Web. A web page can contain

information including text, graphics, audio, WWW Operation
video and hyper links. These hyper links are WWW works on client- server approach.
the link to other web pages. Following steps explain how the web works:
Web Browser is an application software that 1. The User enters the URL (say http://
allows us to view and explore information www.tngovernmentjobs.in/) of the web
on the web. page in the address bar of web browser.
Following are the most common web 2. The browser then requests the
browser available today: Domain Name Server for the IP
address corresponding to www.
Table 14.1
Browser Vendor 3. After receiving the IP address, the
Internet browser sends a request to the web page
Explorer and web server using HTTP protocol.
Google 4. The web server receives request using
Chrome HTTP protocol and checks for the
Mozilla requested web page. If found returns
Firefox back to the web browser and closes the
Netscape Netscape Communications HTTP connection.
Navigator Corp. 5. Now the web browser receives the web
Opera Opera Software page, it interprets and displays the
contents of web page in web browser’s
Safari Apple
Mozilla Foundation
K-meleon K-meleon

Request for web page Request for web page


Web page Web page

Web browser HTML file HTML file Web browser

Figure 14.1 WWW Operation

Web server is a computer where the web content is stored. Basically web server is used
to host the web sites.
Internet • Google+

• Internet is a world-wide global system of • Flickr

interconnected computer networks.
• Orkut
• Internet uses the standard Internet • One can surf for any kind of information
Protocol (TCP/IP). over the internet with the help of a search
• Every computer in internet is identified
by a unique IP address. • Apart from communication and source
of information, internet also serves as a
• IP Address is a unique set of numbers medium for entertainment. Following
(such as which identifies are the various modes for entertainment
a computer location. over internet.
• A special computer DNS (Domain • Online Television
Name Server) is used to give name to the
IP Address so that the user can locate a • Online Games
computer by a name.
• Songs
• Internet is accessible to every user all • Videos
over the world.
• Social Networking Apps
• Internet allows us to use many services
• The origin of Internet is devised from the like:
concept of Advanced Research Project
Agency Network (ARPANET). • Internet Banking

• Online Educational Services

• Online Shopping
• Internet allows us to communicate with
the people sitting at remote locations. • Online Ticket Booking
There are various apps available on the
web that uses Internet as a medium for • Online Bill Payment
communication. One can find various • Data Sharing
social networking sites such as:
• E-mail
• Facebook
• Internet provides concept of electronic
• Twitter commerce, that allows the business deals
to be conducted on electronic systems
• Yahoo

Topology: is connected to a single cable. All devices
are connected to a common backbone.
Topology describes the physical Maximum nodes that can be attached are
cabling layout and the logical way of moving 30.
data between components.
Features of Bus Topology
14.2. Network Topologies
1. It transmits data only in one direction.
Network Topology is the schematic
description of a network arrangement, 2. Every device is connected to a single
connecting various nodes (sender and cable.
receiver) through lines of connection.

14.2.1. BUS Topology

Bus topology is a network type in

which every computer and network device

Bus Topology

Backbone Cable
Terminator Terminator


Figure 14.2 Bus Topology

Advantages of Bus Topology

1. It is cost effective.

2. Installation of device is easy.

3. Cable required is less compared to other network topology.

4. Used in small networks.

STAR Topology




Figure 14.3 STAR Topology

In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub/switch through
cables. This hub is the central node and all others nodes are connected to the central node.

Features of Star Topology

1. In this type, every node has its own dedicated connection to the hub.

2. The hub acts as a repeater for data flow.

Advantages of Star Topology

1. The performance is fast with few nodes and low network traffic.

2. The hub can be upgraded easily.

3. It is easy to troubleshoot, to setup and modify.

4. Only the failed node will get affected, and the rest will work smoothly.

TREE Topology the second level of hierarchy. The second
level nodes are connected to the third level
This type of topology is arranged in nodes, which in turn are connected to the
the form of a tree like structure in which fourth level nodes and so on. Except the
top level contains parent node (root node), top-level nodes, each level node has a parent
which is connected with the child nodes in node. It is also called hierarchical topology.

Figure 14.4 Tree Topology

Features of Tree Topology 14.3. Types of Network

1. It is ideal if workstations or nodes are 14.3.1. Computer Networks are classified
located in groups. into four types based on the size, distance
and the structure namely: LAN (Local
2. It can be used in Wide Area Network.
Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area
Advantages of Tree Topology Network), WAN (Wide Area Network) and
PAN (Personal Area Network).
1. The expansion of nodes is possible in
this type. Personal area network

2. It can be easily managed and maintained. • A personal area network, or PAN,

is a computer network that enables
3. The error detection can be done easily. communication between computer
• PANs can be wired, such as USB or
Go to your Computer laboratory FireWire, or they can be wireless, such
and identify the type of topology as infrared, ZigBee, Bluetooth and ultra
followed there. Seek help from your wide band (UWB).
teacher. • The range of a PAN typically is a few
meters. Examples of wireless PAN
(WPAN) are devices include cell phone
,headsets, wireless keyboards, wireless • LAN networks are also widely used to
mice, printers, bar code scanners and share resources like printers, shared
game consoles. hard-drive etc.
LAN (Local Area Network) • The size of LAN is usually small. The
various devices in LAN are connected
• A Local Area Network is a privately to central devices called Hub or Switch
owned computer network covering a using a cable.
small Network geographical area, like
• Now-a-days LANs are being installed
a home, office, or groups of buildings e.g.
using wireless technologies.
a school Network.
• LAN offers high speed communication
• We can use different types of topologies
of data rates between 4 to 16 megabits
through LAN.
per second (Mbps).


File Mail Print
server server server

Figure 14.5 Local Area Network

Advantages of LAN Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

• In this network one can become a server It is basically a bigger version of

serving all the remaining computers LAN. It is designed to extend over the entire
called clients. A Software can be stored city. MANs extend beyond 100 KM. MANs
on the server and it can be used by the are usually owned by large organizations
remaining clients. to interconnect its various branches across
a city. MAN comprises combination of
• Without internet access, it is possible to different hardware and transmission media.
connect all the workstations in a building It can be single network such as a cable TV
with each other locally. network, or it is a means of connecting a
number of LANs into a larger network so
• It is easy to share common resources like that resources can be shared through LAN
printers with LAN. to LAN as well as device to device.


Network 1

Internetworking Device
Device Network 2

Network 3

Figure 14.6 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Advantages of MAN

• It is extremely efficient and provides fast Firewall

communication via high-speed carriers, Router

such as fibre optic cables.

• It provides a good back bone for large
network and provides greater access to Web Server

• The dual bus used in MAN helps the File Server File Server File Server Colour Printer Plotter Fax

transmission of data in both directions

simultaneously. Figure 14.7 Wide area network

• A MAN usually encompasses several Advantages of WAN

blocks of a city or an entire city.
• It covers a large geographical area.
Wide area network (WAN)
• It shares software and resources with
A wide area network (WAN) is connecting workstations.
a telecommunication network. WANs
connect LANs that may be on opposite sides • Messages can be sent very quickly to
of a building, across the country or around anyone else on the network. These
the world. Computers connected to a Wide messages can have picture, sounds
Area Network are often connected through or data included with them (called
public networks, such as the telephone attachments).
system. They can also be connected through • Everyone on the network can use the
leased lines or satellites. The largest WAN in same data. This avoids problems where
existence is the Internet. some users may have older information
than others.

14.4. Wired Technologies
Go to your Computer laboratory
The means through which data is
and try to identify the type of computer
transferred from one place to another is called
network followed there. Seek help from
transmission or communication media.
your teacher.
There are two categories of transmission
media used in computer communications.
• Wired/Bounded/Guided media
• Wireless/Unbounded/Unguided media

Transmission modes

Bounded medium Unbounded medium

Coaxial Fibre optics Twisted Radio Transmission Microwave Transmission

Baseband Baseband Unshielded Shielded

Figure 14.8 Wired Technologies

Bounded/Guided Media A twisted pair consists of two

conductors (normally copper), each with
There are three common types of bounded its own plastic insulation, twisted together.
media in the data transmission. They are One of these wires is used to carry signals
to the receiver, and the other is used only as
• Twisted-Pair Cable, ground reference. In addition to the signal
sent by the sender on one of the wires,
• Coaxial Cable, and
interference (noise) and crosstalk may affect
• Fibre-Optic Cable. both wires and create unwanted signals.

Twisted-pair and coaxial cable use Twisted Pair is of two types:

metallic (copper) conductors that accept
• Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
and transport signals in the form of electric
current. Optical fibre is a cable that accepts • Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
and transports signals in the form of light.
Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
14.4.1. Twisted Pair Cable

contains two conductors that are parallel
to each other.
• Copper is used in this as a central
conductor. It is surrounded by PVC
• Outer metallic wrapping is used as a
shield against noise and as a second
Figure 14.9 Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
conductor which completes the circuit.
It consists of two insulating copper • The outer conductor is also encased in
wires (1mm thick). The wires are twisted an insulating sheath. The outermost part
together in a helical form to reduce electrical is the plastic cover which protects the
interference from similar pair. whole cable.
Advantages • The most common coaxial standards are:
• It has high speed capacity. • 50-Ohm RG-7 or RG-11 : used
• Higher grades of UTP are used in LAN with thick Ethernet.
technologies like Ethernet. • 50-Ohm RG-58 : used with thin
Shielded Twisted Pair Cable Ethernet

This cable has a metal foil or braided- • 75-Ohm RG-59 : used with cable
mesh. Electromagnetic noise penetration t e l e v i s i on
is prevented by metal casing. Shielding • 93-Ohm RG-62 : used with
also eliminates crosstalk. It is faster than A R C N E T.
unshielded and coaxial cable.

Outer conductor
Plastic Cover (shield

Figure 14.11 Coaxial Cable

Figure 14.10 Shielded Twisted Pair
• It can be used for Analog or Digital • It is used in long distance telephone
transmission lines.
• It increases the signalling rate. • It transmits digital signals at a very high
• It eliminates crosstalk. rate of 10Mbps.

Coaxial Cable • It has higher noise immunity.

• Coaxial is called by this name because it • It transmits data without distortion.

• This can span longer distance at higher communication must be made between the
speeds as they have better shielding two devices. Optical fibres use reflection to
when compared to twisted pair cable. guide light through a channel. A glass or
Fiber Optical Cable plastic core is surrounded by a cladding of
less dense glass or plastic. The difference in
A fibre-optical cable is made of density of the two materials must be such
glass or plastic and transmits signals in the that a beam of light moving through the
form of light. In fibre optical cable, light core is reflected off the cladding instead of
moves only in one direction. For two way being refracted into it.
communication to take place a second

Sender Receiver


Figure 14.12 Fibre-Optical Cable

Fibre-Optic Cable Connectors Advantages
Fibre optic has several advantages over
There are three types of connectors
metallic cable:
for fibre-optic cables, as shown in the figure
below. • It is resistant to corrosion.
• It shows greater immunity to tapping.
Go to your Computer laboratory.
SC connector ST connector Identify the type of wired technology
RX applicable there. Write a report on using
TX the same.
MT-RJ connector

Figure 14.13 Fibre-Optical Cable Connectors 14.5. Wireless Technologies

The Subscriber Channel (SC) Wireless communication plays a

connector is used for cable TV. It uses push/ significant role in day to day life. The term
pull locking system. The Straight-Tip (ST) wireless refers to the communication or
connector is used for connecting cable to the transmission of information over a distance
networking devices. The MT-RJ connector without requiring wires, cables or any other
utilizes two fibres and integrates them into electrical conductors.
a single design that looks similar to an RJ45 The Communication is set and
modular connector. the information is transmitted through
electromagnetic waves like radio devices through infrared radiation. This
frequencies, infrared, satellite, etc., in technology plays a very important role in
a wireless communication technology wireless data communication. Infrared is
network. used in devices such as the mouse, wireless
keyboard and printers.
Types of Wireless Communication
Te c h n o l o g i e s Unlike Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
technologies, infrared network signals
The devices used for wireless cannot penetrate walls or other obstructions
communication are cordless telephones, and work only with a direct line of sight.
mobiles, GPS units, wireless computer parts,
and satellite television. Due to its short-range communication
system, the use of an infrared communication
14.5.1.Bluetooth system in one room will not be affected by
the use of another system in the next room.
It is named after a Danish king This is why using an infrared TV remote
named Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth is control in our home will not interfere with
used to connect different electronic devices the use of our neighbour’s infrared TV
wirelessly to a system for transferring and remote control.
sharing data. Cell phones are connected to
hands-free earpieces, wireless keyboard, They also operate in diffuse
mouse and mike to laptops with the help of mode, also called scatter mode.
Bluetooth as it transmits information from This means that the source and
one device to other device. destination are not directly
visible to each other. An example is a
television remote-control box. The box
does not have to be pointed directly at the
set, although the box must be in the same
room as the set, or just outside the room
with the door open.

Line-of-sight transmission
is a characteristic of electro
magnetic radiation which
means waves will travel in a
Figure 14.14 Bluetooth Technology direct path from the source to the receiver.

Infrared technology is a type of
wireless communication technology to
transfer data between two infrared enabled
Line of Sight
Location A Location B

Figure 14.15 Line of Sight

Wi-Fi Bluetooth is designed to
connect two devices directly
Wi-Fi is a low-cost wireless
together by pairing them so
communication technology. A WiFi setup
they can communicate, usually
consists of a wireless router which serves a
for the purposes of relaying information
communication hub, linking portable device
(like sound or instructions) from one
with an internet connection. This network
device to the other. The distance to which
facilitates connection of many devices
they will be able to connect is only short,
depending on the router configuration.
usually several feet, while the range of
These networks are limited in range due to
Wi-Fi is greater.
the low power transmission, allowing the
user to connect only in the close proximity. Wi-Fi is generally used to connect
many devices to one central device,
typically a Wi-Fi enabled router, most
often for the purposes of accessing the
Internet. Wi-Fi is considered more stable
and performs better when connecting for
longer periods of time and transferring
larger amounts of data.

Radio link

• A radio link is a wireless connection

Figure 14.16 wifi (also called wireless Point-to-Point
connection) between two nodes, or
radio units, in a data network. • Microwaves are also able to penetrate
rain, fog and snow, which means bad
• Each radio unit consists of a transceiver weather doesn’t disrupt transmission.
(a device that can both send and receive
communication) and a highly directive Satellite link
antenna. The antenna only emits or
receives power in the direction it is • Satellite communication is one of the
pointing. wireless technologies, used to transfer
the signals from the transmitter to a
• The two radio units are mounted and receiver with the help of satellites.
are directed towards each other with no
obstacles, such as buildings, in between • It is widely spread all over the world
them that can hinder or disturb the allowing users to stay connected virtually
transmission. anywhere on the Earth.

• As the connection is very directive it • The Satellites used in this mode of

enables very high signal to noise ratio communication, communicate directly
and thereby high data rates. with the orbiting satellites via radio
• The primary downside is that radio links
require direct so called line-of-sight for • The process of satellite communication
optimum performance. Compared to begins at an earth station. Here an
fibre the connection is less stable as bad installation is designed to transmit and
weather can interrupt the connection, in receive signals from a satellite in orbit
particular at higher frequencies. around the earth.

• The transmission system from the earth

Microwave Link
station to the satellite through a channel
• Microwave is a line-of-sight wireless is called the uplink. The system from the
communication technology that uses satellite to the earth station through the
high frequency beams of radio waves to channel is called the downlink.
provide high speed wireless connections
that can send and receive voice, video
Identify the ways of pairing a
and data information.
mobile phone with other one using
• One of the reasons microwave links are Bluetooth technology.
so adaptable is that they are broadband.
14.6. Network devices
• They require no equipment or facilities
between the two terminal points, so Network devices are components
installing a microwave link is often faster used to connect computers or other
and less costly than a cable connection. electronic devices together so that they can
share files or resources.

14.6.1. Hub

It is a common connection point for devices in a network. It joins together the

workstations, printers, and servers on a network to communicate with each other. Each hub
has a number of ports that connect it to the other devices via a network cable. A hub connects
all the devices on its ports together. When data arrives at one port, it is sent to the other ports
so that all the devices can see all the information, commonly called packets.

Figure 14.17 Hub


A switch is a hardware device that filters and forwards network packets. A network
switch also connects computers to each other, like a hub. When a switch receives a packet of
data, it determines what computer or device the packet is intended for and sends it to that
computer only. It does not broadcast the packet to all computers as a hub. For this reason
alone, switches are usually preferred over a hub.

Figure 14.18 Switch


Repeaters remove the unwanted noise in an incoming signal. It increases a signal's

strength, so it can be transmitted and received over a greater distance without loss in quality.
Network repeaters receive and retransmit incoming electrical, wireless or optical signals.

Whenever a repeater receives a signal through one of its ports, it repeats or sends the
incoming signal onto the other port. Its main use is to amplify and regenerate signals.


Weak inbound Strong outbound

digital signal digital signal

Figure 14.19 Repeater


A network gateway joins two networks so the devices on one network can communicate
with the devices on another network. Gateways serve as the entry and exit point of a network.
For basic Internet connections at home, the gateway is the Internet Service Provider that gives
you access to the entire Internet.
A gateway is often associated with a router. Routers can be gateways because a router
can control the path through which information is sent in and out.
The default gateway is the machine IP number that you need to access to get to the rest
of the network or the Internet.

Web server



Figure 14.20 Gateway

14.7. Identifying computers and users over a network

14.7.1. Basic concept of domain name
• A domain name is a unique name that identifies a website. Each website has a domain
name that serves as an address, which is used to access the website. For example, "google.
com" is a domain name.

• Whenever you visit a website, the domain MAC Address
name appears in the address bar of the
web browser. Some domain names are • MAC stands for "Media Access Control".
preceded by "www" (which is not part of • A MAC address is a hardware
the domain name), while others omit the identification number that uniquely
"www" prefix. identifies each device on a network.
• All domain names have a domain suffix, IP address
such as .com, .net, or .org. The domain
suffix helps identify the type of website • IP stands for "Internet Protocol." An
the domain name represents. There are IP address, is a unique address that
only a limited number of such domains. identifies a device on the Internet or a
For example: local network.

• gov - Government agencies A valid IP address must be in

the form of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
• edu - Educational institutions where xxx is a number from
0-255. IPv6 is the sixth revision
• org - Organizations (nonprofit)
to the Internet Protocol and the successor
• mil - Military to IPv4. It functions similarly to IPv4 in
that it provides the unique, numerical IP
• com - commercial business addresses necessary for Internet-enabled
devices to communicate. it utilizes 128-
• net - Network organizations
bit addresses. IPv4 uses 32 bits for its
• ca - Canada Internet addresses.

• th - Thailand
Domain names are relatively cheap Write down the IP address of the
to register, though they must be renewed PCs used in your computer laboratory.
every year or every few years. Anyone can
register a domain name, so you can purchase 14.8. Wireless/Mobile Communication
a unique domain name for your blog or
website. Wireless communications is a type of
data communication that is performed and
When you access a website, delivered wirelessly. This is a broad term
the domain name is actually that incorporates all procedures and forms
translated to an IP address, of connecting and communicating between
which defines the server where two or more devices using a wireless
the website is located. This translation signal through wireless communication
is performed dynamically by a service technologies and devices.
called DNS.

14.8.1. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a second generation (2G) standard for
mobile networks.

PSTN Internet



Figure 14.21 GSM Block Diagram

In the early 1980s, a group was formed CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
by the European Telecommunications CDMA (Code-Division Multiple
Standards Institute (ETSI) to develop a digital Access) refers to a protocol used in second-
mobile communication system. Aptly named generation (2G) and third-generation (3G)
Groupe Speciale Mobile (GSM), its main task wireless communications. Code Division
Multiple Access (CDMA) is a sort of
was to develop a single, consistent network for
multiplexing that facilitates various signals
all of Europe and come up with a better and
to occupy a single transmission channel. It
more efficient technical solution for wireless optimizes the use of available bandwidth.
communication. This technology is commonly used in ultra-
high-frequency (UHF) cellular telephone
systems, bands ranging between the 800-
The GSM standard operates
MHz and 1.9-GHz.
on three different carrier
frequencies: the 900 MHz GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
band, which was used by the
original GSM system; the 1800 MHz General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
band, which was added to support the is a packet-switching communications
swelling number of subscribers and the protocol for cellular networks. Mobile
1900 MHz frequency, which is used phones that have the GPRS technology can
mainly in the U.S be used to receive data and information,
such as web pages and email. GPRS is an
"always on" technology which means that
the mobile phone is always ready to receive
Other features supported by GPRS
All 4G service is called
in clu d e:
4G or 4G LTE(Long Term
Evolution), the underlying
• Short Message Service (SMS) – It is technology is not the same
a special-purpose communication with every carrier. Some
protocol designed for text messaging use WiMax technology for their 4G
network, while Verizon Wireless uses a
technology called Long Term Evolution,
• Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) or LTE(Long Term Evolution).
– It is an extension to SMS to enable
transmission of videos in addition to text
14.9. Internet Applications

• Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 14.9.1. SMS

– It is a specialized communication
SMS stands for Short Message Service.
protocol for mobile browsers.
It is commonly referred to as "text messaging,".
It is a service for sending short messages of up
WLL (Wireless Local Loop) to 160 characters (224 characters if using a 5-bit
mode) to mobile devices, including cellular
WLL is a system that connects phones, smartphones and PDAs.
subscribers to the local telephone station Voice Mail System (VMS) and answering
wirelessly. Wireless local loop is used Machine
for wireless communication links which Voice mail system can be thought as
deliver plain old telephone services or a message box for phone user to store voice
broadband services to customers. This messages and retrieve it through telephone.
is an ideal application which provides User can divert all his calls to his voice mail
telephone services remotely and is mostly system when he wishes so.
used in developing countries where cable
infrastructure is either expensive or speed is
not fast. This wireless link can be a part of
the connection between the subscribers and

This system is based on radio

networks which provide services like
telephone in remote areas. Different types
of wireless local loop include Broadband
Wireless Access, Radio in the Loop, Fixed
Radio Access and Fixed Wireless Access. Figure 14.22 Voice Mail System

Main difference between answer

machine and voice mail system is that voice
mail system is a centralized system where E-Mail
voice mail boxes are managed for many users, E-mail (electronic mail) is the
while answering machine is an independent exchange of computer-stored messages by
individual system connected to a telephone telecommunication. E-mail messages are
line. Many telephone instrument comes usually encoded in ASCII text. However, you
with built-in answering machine. can also send non-text files, such as graphic
Messages stored in answering machine images and sound files, as attachments sent
is played back on the answering machine in binary streams. E-mail is one of the first
equipment, cannot be accessed remotely. But uses of the Internet and is still the most
voice mail messages can be accessed, listened popular one. A large percentage of the total
and managed from anywhere in the world traffic over the Internet is e-mail. E-mail can
through telephone line. also be exchanged between online service
provider users and in networks other than
Answering machine is usually suitable
the Internet, both public and private.
for home use for single line, while voice mail
system is more suitable for office use where Chat
there are multiple telephone connections as
Chat is a text-based communication
well as extensions through EPABX.
that is live or in real-time. For example, when
talking to someone in chat any typed text is
EPABX Machine received by other participants immediately.
A typical voice mail system
operation: Video Conferencing
1. A dials B.
2 B is unable to attend the call. So call A video conference is a live, visual
from A gets diverted to voice mail box connection between two or more people
of B. residing in separate locations for the purpose
3. Caller A hears a greetings from B of communication. At its simplest, video
welcoming him to mailbox of B conferencing provides transmission of static
and asks A to leave/record his voice
message after a beep. images and text between two locations. It
4. Once caller A speaks to record his voice provides transmission of full-motion video
message for B, he gets option to hear images and high-quality audio between
what he has recorded or hang up. multiple locations.
5 Next time whenever B lifts his phone,
he gets to hear a message that he has For example, a point-to-point (two-
an unheard voice message that can be person) video conferencing system works
heard by pressing some key. much like a video telephone. Each participant
6. If B is out of town, B can dial his
has a video camera, microphone and speakers
voice mail box number ( a predefined
number connected to voice mail mounted on his or her computer. As the two
system) to check if new voice mail has participants speak to one another, their voices
arrived. Then he can browse through are carried over the network and delivered
his voice mails, listens them, delete to the other's speakers and whatever images
appear in front of the video camera appear in
a window on the other participant's monitor.

Multipoint videoconferencing allows A firewall is a network security
three or more participants to sit in a virtual system, either hardware- or software-based,
conference room and communicate as if they that uses rules to control incoming and
were sitting right next to each other. outgoing network traffic. A firewall acts as
a barrier between a trusted network and an
14.10. Network Security Concepts untrusted network.
14.10.1.Cyber Law
Cookies are small files which are
Cyber law is the part of the overall stored on a user's computer. They are
legal system that deals with the Internet, designed to hold a modest amount of data
cyberspace, and their respective legal issues. specific to a particular client and website,
Cyber law covers a fairly broad area including and can be accessed either by the web server
freedom of expression, access to and usage of or the client computer.
the Internet and online privacy. Cyber law has Hacking
been referred to as the Law of the Internet. Computer hacking refers to the
practice of modifying or altering computer
software and hardware to accomplish a goal
that is considered to be outside of the creator's
original objective. Those individuals who
engage in computer hacking activities are
typically referred to as “hackers.”
A cracker is someone who breaks
into someone else's computer system,
often on a network; bypasses passwords
or licenses in computer programs; or
in other ways intentionally breaches
Figure 14.23 Cisco Hardware Firewall
computer security.

Points to Remember:

• A computer network is an interconnection of various computers

• ARPANET was established by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in
• World Wide Web was created by Timothy Berners Lee in 1989 at CERN in Geneva.
• Web page is a document available on World Wide Web
• Web Browser is an application software that allows us to view and explore information
on the web
• Web server is a computer where the web content is stored. Basically web server is
used to host the web sites
• Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer networks.

• Network Topology is the schematic description of a network arrangement, connecting
various nodes (sender and receiver) through lines of connection.
• A personal area network, or PAN, is a computer network that enables communication
between computer devices
• A Local Area Network is a privately owned computer network covering a small
Networks geographical area, like a home, office, or groups of buildings e.g. a school
• MANs are usually owned by large organizations to interconnect its various branches
across a city.
• Computers connected to a Wide Area Networks are often connected through public
• A fibre-optic cable is made of glass or plastic and transmits signals in the form of
• The term wireless refers to the communication or transmission of information over a
distance without requiring wires, cables or any other electrical conductors.
• Bluetooth is used to connect different electronic devices wirelessly to a system for
transferring and sharing data.
• Infrared technology is a type of wireless communication technology to transfer data
between two infrared enabled devices through infrared radiation.
• A WiFi setup consists of a wireless router which serves a communication hub, linking
portable device with an internet connection.
• Hub is a common connection point for devices in a network.
• A switch is a hardware device that filters and forwards network packets.
• Repeaters remove the unwanted noise in an incoming signal.
• Gateways serve as the entry and exit point of a network.
• A domain name is a unique name that identifies a website.
• MAC stands for "Media Access Control" Address.
• IP stands for "Internet Protocol." An IP address, is a unique address that identifies a
device on the Internet or a local network.
• Wireless communications is a type of data communication that is performed and
delivered wirelessly.
• The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a second generation (2G)
standard for mobile networks.
• CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) refers to a protocol used in second-
generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) wireless communications.
• General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet-switching communications protocol
for cellular networks.
• WLL is a system that connects subscribers to the local telephone station wirelessly.
• Voice mail system can be thought as a message box for phone user to store voice

messages and retrieve it through telephone.
• A video conference is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing
in separate locations for the purpose of communication.
• Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace,
and their respective legal issues.
• A firewall is a network security system, either hardware- or software-based, that uses
rules to control incoming and outgoing network traffic.
• Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer.
• A cracker is someone who breaks into someone else's computer system

Student Activity
1. Identify the type of network in your computer lab.
2. Analyse the type of wired technologies in the computer lab.
3. Prepare a report on the types of cables used in your school. (Include the image of the
cables in the report)
4. How will you change your computer’s IPv4 address? Write the steps.
5. Identify 10 domain names of famous educational websites.

Teacher Activity
1. The teacher should make the students to go to the lab for explaining the following
a. Network Topologies
b. Types of Networks
c. Wired Technologies
d. Wireless Technologies
e. Network devices
2. The teacher can prepare a PPT for the same and explain the concepts.
3. The teacher can make use of real objects like types of cables, network devices to
explain those concepts.
4. The teacher should demonstrate how to set/change the IPv4 address.


Part I
Answer the correct answer
1. Which one of the following is not used in media access control?
A) ethernet B) digital subscriber line
C) fiber distributed data interface D) none of the mentioned
2. Which is the first network used to exchange information?
3. Which of the following type of network contains Bluetooth as its example?
A) personal area network B) local area network
C) virtual private network D) none of the mentioned
4. Identify the device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing
information included in the packet.
A) bridge B) firewall C) router D) all of the mentioned
5. Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the
manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resources
between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choose the
most correct answer.
A) Modem B) Cable C) Hub D) Router
6. Identify the data communication system within a building or campus.
A) LAN B) WAN C) MAN D) None of the mentioned
7. Identify the twisted pair cable in which metal casing improves penetration of noise or
A) insulated twisted pair cable B) Shielded twisted pair cable
C) Unshielded twisted pair cable D) Both A & B
8. ASCII stands for ------------------------------
A) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
B) American Scientific Code for International Interchange
C) American Standard Code for Intelligence Interchange
D) American Scientific Code for Information Interchange
9. Read the statements and identify the correct option.
Statement A: Voice mail system is a centralized system where voice mail boxes are
managed for many users.
Statement B: voice mail messages can be accessed, listened and managed from anywhere
in the world through telephone line.
A) Statement A is correct B) Statement B is correct
C) Both the statements are correct D) None of them

10. Identify the network security system that uses rules to control incoming and outgoing
network traffic.
A) Firewall B) Cookies C) Hacking D) Crackers

Part II
Answer to all the questions (2 Marks)
1. Define Computer network.
2. What is electronic commerce?
3. What is spamming?
4. What do you understand by the term node in computer networks?
5. Differentiate 3G and 4G communication.

Part III
Answer to all the questions (3 Marks)
1. Differentiate Web page, Web browser and a Web Server.
2. Switches are usually preferred over a hub. Why?
3. Write short notes on the following: a) Hub b) Switch c) Gateway
4. Draw an outline for the following: a) Coaxial Cable b) Fiber Optic Cable
5. Write the specific functions of a) Subscriber Channel (SC) b) Straight-Tip (ST) c)
MT-RJ connector

Part IV
Answer to all the questions (5 Marks)
1. Define Topology. Explain different topologies using schematic diagram.
2. Explain the types of computer networks based on its size, distance and the structure.
3. Define wired technology. Explain the common types of bounded media in the data
4. Mention the types of wireless technologies we are using. Write in brief on each of them.
5. Explain the applications of internet.

Web links
1. http://www.studytonight.com/computer-networks/types-of-networks
2. http://ecomputernotes.com/computernetworkingnotes/computer-network/how-many-
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/internet_technologies/web_pages.htm
4. https://edurev.in/studytube/Chapter-8-COMMUNICATION-AND-ETWORK-
5. https://www.kv1armapur.org/admin/downloads/778624158xii-computer-networking-
6. https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-3g-service-577592
7. https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-4g-wireless-577577


Routers are small electronic devices that join multiple computer

networks together via wired or wireless connections.
The World Wide Web is an information space where documents
World Wide Web (www) and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators

Military network was the name given to a network that split off from
ARPANET in 1983 to create an internetwork designated for use by the
U.S. Department of Defense. MILNET later became part of the DoD
Defense Network (DDN).

The National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) was a program

NSFNET of coordinated, evolving projects sponsored by the National Science
Foundation (NSF).

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring

HTTP files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files)
on the World Wide Web.

MT-RJ stands for Mechanical Transfer Registered Jack. MT-RJ is a

MTRJ Connector fiber-optic Cable Connector that is very popular for small form factor
devices due to its small size.
A registered jack (RJ) is a standardized physical network interface for
connecting telecommunications or data equipment. RJ 45 is an 8-pin/8-
RJ 45 Connector
position plug or jack and is commonly used to connect computers onto
Ethernet-based local area networks (LAN).
GSM (Global System for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is a standard developed
Mobile Communication) by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
Wireless communication, is the transfer of information or power between
wireless communication. two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The
most common wireless technologies use radio waves.
CDMA (Code Division Code-division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used
Multiple Access) by various radio communication technologies.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented mobile data
GPRS (General Packet Radio
service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system
for mobile communications(GSM).

Unit III Web Page Development using
Introduction to Internet and Email

Learning Objectives Let us call this company Sri Mother

International Ltd. Imagine the amount
To know the of information such as sales, inventory,
• Necessity of Internet etc. required by the management of the
in Commerce company to make everyday decisions. To get
this information they will need to call their
• Types of Network available local offices. Their local offices will need
to mail or fax printed reports or even send
• Services available in Internet
media (floppies!) through the postal service.
• Applications of Internet By the time the mail is received, the data is
already days old. Even if reports are faxed,
• Difference between Internet, Intranet it will be a cumbersome task to consolidate
and extranet all reports. This task also increases chance of
• Difference between Webpage and human error since large numbers of reports
Website are manually collated. This is just one part of
the equation. You also need to consider the
• Difference between Static and Dynamic information required by the local offices.
Webpage They also need various data from the head
office and other offices around the world.
• Difference between Browser and Search
engine Now consider the same company,
• Do’s and don’t of safe Surfing on Internet but in the present time with all their offices
interconnected. They would use a single
15.1 Necessity of Internet application around the world that takes
advantage of their global network. The data
It is important to understand what a from all offices would be instantly stored
network is and the importance of network. at the central location and with a single
Simply put, a network is a collection of click, the management team can see data
interconnected devices (such as computers, from around the world in any format they
printers, etc.). To understand the importance like. This data would also be real-time. This
of networks, let us look at how things worked means that they see it, as its happening. Since
before networks were created. For this, the data is centralized, any office location
consider a large multinational company that can see data pertaining to any location.
sells food products in a time when networks
did not exist. As you can see, the cost, time and
effort involved in transferring data was
much higher without networks. So networks decrease cost, time, and effort and thereby
increase productivity. They also help in resource optimization by helping to share resources. A
simple example of resource sharing is a printer, shared between many different computers in a
typical office.
Several networks, small and big all over the world, are connected together to form a
Global network called the internet. The internet uses TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol ) to transmit data via various types of media. .The internet protocol (IP)
addressing system is used to keep track of the millions of users. Each computer on net is
called as host. The internet is the most cost-effective method of communications in the world.
Examples of few services available are:
Marketing /

Internet Internet
The World

The World

Intranet Suppliers, Customers

Suppliers, Customers

IT - Dept. Company


Figure 15.1

The Internet works by using a protocol called TCP/IP. TCP/IP allows one computer to
talk to another computer via the Internet through compiling packets of data and sending
them to right location.

An Intranet is a website used by

An extranet is a private network that organizations to provide a place
uses Internet technology and the public where employees can access company
telecommunication system to securely share information (eg policies, procedures, staff,
part of a business's information or operations directory, department info), tools (quick
with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, links to common apps, forms etc.) and
or other businesses. (collaborate (to social sharing tools similar

• Email
• Web-enabled audio/video conferencing services
• Online movies and gaming
• Data transfer/file-sharing, often through File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• Instant messaging
• Internet forums
• Social networking
• Online shopping
• Financial services
15.2.1 Domain Name
It is a name or an identity which become a online identity and can be access by the web
browser when connected to internet.
Table: 15.1

Generic Domain Name Description

.com Commercial Organisation

.gov Government institution
,org Non-profit Organisation
.net Network Support Group
.edu Educational Institution

The heart of intranets and the internet is called as the Domain Name
System(DNS), the way computers can contact each other and do things such
as exchange electronic mail or display Web pages. The Internet Protocol (IP)
uses this Internet address information and the DNS to deliver mail and other
information from computer to computer

Table: 15.2
Country Level Domain Name Description
.in India
.au Australia
.us United States of America
.jp Japan
.ru Russia
.sg Singapore
15.2.2 What is URL?
Every server on the internet
has an IP number, a unique number
consisting of four parts separated by
dots. The IP number is the server’s
Figure 15.2
At times the number keeps
changing hence it is harder for people to remember number than to remember word
combinations. So, addresses are given “word-based” addresses called URL. The URL and the
IP number are one and the same.

A URL is an address that shows where a particular page can be found on the World
Wide Web. URL is an abbreviation for 'Uniform Resource Locator (URL)'.

15.2.3 Who Governs the Internet?

ICANN was created on September 18,
One of the most frequently 1998, and incorporated on September
asked questions about the internet 30, 1998, in the US State of California.
is, “ Who runs it?” The truth is that It is headquartered in the Playa Vista
no centralized management of the neighborhood of Los Angeles.
internet exists.

The internet as a whole does not have a single controller. But the internet society,
which is a voluntary membership organization, takes the responsibility to promote global
information exchange through the internet technology. Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers( ICANN) administers the domain name registration. It helps to avoid a
name which is already registered.
15.3.4 What is W3C?
W3C stands for "World Wide Web Consortium." The W3C is an international
community that includes a full-time staff, industry experts, and several member organizations.
These groups work together to develop standards for the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international organization committed
to improving the web. It is made up of several hundred member organizations from a variety
of related IT industries. W3C sets standards for the World Wide Web (WWW) to facilitate
better communication ability and cooperation among all web stakeholders. It was established
in 1994 by the creator of the WWW, Tim Berners-Lee.
15.3 Types of Internet Service

Here are some common types of Internet service.

Radio frequency bands are used in place of telephone or cable networks. One of the
greatest advantages of wireless Internet connections is the "always-on" connection that can be
accessed from any location that falls within network coverage. Wireless connections are made
possible through the use of a modem, which picks up Internet signals and sends them to other
Many cell phone and smartphone providers offer voice plans with Internet access.
Mobile Internet connections provide good speeds and allow you to access the Internet.
Hotspots are sites that offer Internet access over a wireless local area network (WLAN)
by way of a router that then connects to an Internet service provider. Hotspots utilize Wi-
Fi technology, which allows electronic devices to connect to the Internet or exchange data
wirelessly through radio waves. Hotspots can be phone-based or free-standing, commercial or
free to the public.
This high-speed Internet connection is provided through either cable or telephone
companies. One of the fastest options available, broadband Internet uses multiple data
channels to send large quantities of information. The term broadband is shorthand for broad
bandwidth. Broadband Internet connections such as DSL and cable are considered high-
bandwidth connections. Although many DSL connections can be considered broadband, not
all broadband connections are DSL.
DSL, which stands for Digital Subscriber Line, uses existing 2-wire copper telephone line
connected to one's home so service is delivered at the same time as landline telephone service.
Customers can still place calls while surfing the Internet.
Cable Internet connection is a form of broadband access. Through use of a cable modem,
users can access the Internet over cable TV lines. Cable modems can provide extremely fast
access to the Internet.
In certain areas where broadband connection is not yet offered, a satellite Internet option may
be available. Similar to wireless access, satellite connection utilizes a modem.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) allows users to send data, voice and video
content over digital telephone lines or standard telephone wires. The installation of an ISDN
adapter is required at both ends of the transmission—on the part of the user as well as the
Internet access provider.

Dongles / Data Card

Today, many dongles provide wireless capabilities. For example, USB Wi-Fi adapters
are often called dongles. Since most computers now have built-in Wi-Fi chips, mobi data
adapters, such as 3G and 4G dongles, are more prevalent. These types of dongles allows to
connect to the Internet even when Wi-Fi is not available.

Comparison between Data Card and Dongle

Dongle Data Card

Refers to any removable component used It is a removable electronic card which
for enabling extra security. USB Dongles is used for storing for data. Types of
can be divided into datacard are
• WiFi Dongles • Expansion Card
• BlueTooth Dongle • Memory Card or Flash Card
• Memory Dongle • Identification Card

15.3.1 Internet Connection and Access Methods

There are several ways or methods of connecting to the Internet.
There are two access methods direct and Indirect and these can be either fixed or
mobile. Indirect Access
This is most common Indirect Access Direct Access
method used in home and office Public-Wifi
networks. Dial up-(old method
The device e.g. computer
connects to a network using
Ethernet or WiFi and the network Wthernet or Wi-Fi
connects to the Internet using network
Asymmetric digital subscriber
ADSL, Fibre or
lineADSL( cable or fibre.) 3G/4G
15.3. 1.2 Direct Access
Internet Connection Methods
This is most common
method used when travelling. Figure 15.3
The device e.g. smart phone
connects directly to the Internet using 3G/4G mobile networks or public Wi-Fi.
There are two ways to look for the information on the web.
1. If the URL of the website is known, enter it on the address bar.
2. If is the URL is not known, then “Search Engines” will help us to get the information.
A search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the
World Wide Web.
Examples of popular search engines are Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Hotbot, Google and
1. A browser is used to access websites and web pages whereas a search engine isused to
search for particular information.
2. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and are the most popular web browsers while
Google and Yahoo are the most popular search engines.
3. A browser is used to access the Internet whereas in order to open a search engine you need
a browser.
The list of content returned via a search engine to a user is known as a search engine
results page (SERP).
15.4 Internet Applications

1. Internet telephony using VoIP (Voice-over-Internet Protocol) Example Skype

2. Job search :-Nowadays, many people search for their jobs online using naukri.
com,monster.com, recuritmentindia.com etc as it is quicker .

3. Online Shopping :-The internet has also facilitated the introduction of a new market
concept consisting of virtual shops. For example amazon.com

4. Stock market updates :- Selling or buying shares sitting on computer through internet.
Several websites like ndtvprofit.com, moneypore.com, provide
information regarding investment
5. Travel :- One can use internet to gather information about various tourist
place .it can be used for booking Holiday tours. Some of the web
sites providing this service are goibibo.com, makemytrip.com,
6. Research :-Research papers are present online which helps in the researcher
doing a literature review
7. Video conferencing :- It enables direct face-to-face communication across networks
via web cameras, microphones, and other communication tools.
8. e –commerce :- e–commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and
selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data,
Largest e-commerce companies in India are Flipkart, Snapdeal,
Amazon India, Paytm.
9. Online payments :- The rising boom of online payments in India has given way to
many new entrants in the industry such as Paytm etc who are
majorly wallet driven payment companies.

10. Social Networking :- 
Social networking is the use of internet-based social media
programs to make connections with friends, family etc. Examples
of social networking includes Facebook
11. Voicemail :-Voicemail is a system of sending messages over the phone.
12. Chatting :-On the Internet, chatting is talking to other people who are using
the Internet at the same time you are.
13. e-banking :-e-banking (Online banking) , also known as internet banking, it
is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank
or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial
transactions through the financial institution's website. The
online banking system will typically connect to or be part of the
core banking system operated by a bank and is in contrast to
branch banking which was the traditional way customers accessed
banking services.
14. e-learning :-e-Learning are courses that are specifically delivered via the internet
to somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is
teaching. It is not a course delivered via a DVD or CD-ROM, video
tape or over a television channel
e-learning is utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside
of a traditional classroom. It is a program delivered completely online. E-learning is interactive
in that you can also communicate with teachers, professors or other students in a class. There
is always a teacher/ professor interacting/ communicating, grading participation, giving
assignments and conducting tests.

15. E-governance :- Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information

and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services.
Benefits of E-governance
• Reduced corruption
• High transparency
• Increased convenience
• Reduction in overall cost.
• Expanded reach of government
15.5 Email

Electronic mail or email is

information stored on a computer The first mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in
that is exchanged between two 1971 as a test e-mailmessage containing the
users over telecommunications. text like “QWERTYUIOP”
Email is a message that may
contain text, files, images or any other attachments sent through a network to a specified
individual or group of individuals
Figure 15.4
15.5.1 Structure of email
Click the Compose button and then writing an e-mail contents
When sending an e-mail message, several fields are required to be filled:
• The To field is where you type the e-mail address of the person who is the recipient of your
• The From field should contain your e-mail address.
• If you are replying to a message, the To and From fields are automatically filled out; if it's a
new message, you'll need to enter them manually.
• The Subject should consist of a few words describing the e-mail's contents. The Subject lets
the recipient see what the e-mail is about, without opening and reading the full e-mail. This
field is optional.
• The CC (Carbon Copy) field allows you to specify recipients who are not direct addressees
(listed in the "To" field). This field is optional.
• The BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field is similar to CC, except the recipients are secret.
Each BCC recipient will receive the e-mail, but will not see who else received a copy. The
addressees (anyone listed in the "To" field) remain visible to all recipients. This field is
• Finally, the Message Body is the location you type your main message. It often contains
your signature at the bottom; similar to a hand-written letter.
15.5.2 Advantages of email
Some of the main advantages of email are listed below.

• Free delivery - Sending an e-mail is virtually free, outside the cost of Internet service.
There is no need to buy a postage stamp to send a letter.
• Global delivery - E-mail can be sent to nearly anywhere around the world, to any country.
• Instant delivery - An e-mail can be instantly sent and received by the recipient over the
• File attachment - An e-mail can include one or more file attachments, allowing a person
to send documents, pictures, or other files with an e-mail.
• Long-term storage - E-mails are stored electronically, which allows for storage and archival
over long periods of time.
• Environmentally friendly - Sending an e-mail does not require paper ( Paperless )),
cardboard, or packing tape, conserving paper resources.
15.5.3 What is sent in an email
In addition to text messages being sent over e-mail, it is also possible to attach a file or
other data in an e-mail. For example, an attachment could be a picture, PDF,word processor
document,, or any file stored on the computer.
15.6 Internet Threat
It’s a dangerous world out there in the World Wide Web. Just as your mother may
have told you to never talk to strangers, the same advice holds true for the virtual world. You
may know to be wary of giving strangers your business bank account details. But can you
be sure the website you’re logging into is that of your bank and not a forgery created by a
cybercriminal?Cybercriminals use many different methods to lure you into parting with your
confidential personal or business information. Hence you ought to be aware of the issues and
be extra vigilant when online and offline..
Computer virus: A computer virus is a small piece of software that can spread from one
infected computer to another. The virus could corrupt, steal, or delete data on your computer—
Malware: Malware is short for “malicious software.” Malware is used to mean a “variety of
forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code.” Malware could be computer
viruses, worms, Trojan horses, dishonest spyware, and malicious rootkits—all of which are
defined below.
Trojan horse: Users can infect their computers with Trojan horse software simply by
downloading an application they thought was legitimate but was in fact malicious.
Malicious spyware: Malicious spyware is used to describe the Trojan application that was
created by cybercriminals to spy on their victims.
Computer worm: A computer worm is a software program that can copy itself from one
computer to another, without human interaction.
Botnet: A botnet is a group of computers connected to the Internet that have been compromised
by a hacker using a computer virus or Trojan horse. An individual computer in the group is
known as a “zombie“ computer.
Spam: Spam in the security context is primarily used to describe email spam. Unwanted
messages in your email inbox. Spam, or electronic junk mail, is a nuisance as it can clutter
your mailbox as well as potentially take up space on your mail server.
Phishing: Phishing scams are fraudulent attempts by cybercriminals to obtain private
information. Phishing scams often appear in the guise of email messages designed to appear
as though they are from legitimate sources. For example, the message would try to lure you
into giving your personal information by pretending that your bank or email service provider
is updating its website and that you must click on the link in the email to verify your account
information and password details.
Rootkit: A rootkit is a collection of tools that are used to obtain administrator-level access to
a computer or a network of computers. A rootkit could be installed on your computer by a
cybercriminal exploiting a vulnerability or security hole in a legitimate application on your PC
and may contain spyware that monitors and records keystrokes.
15.7. Browsers

Looking for information on the internet is called surfing or browsing. To browse the
internet, a software called the web browser or browser is used.
E-commerce, social media, and many other things we take for granted today would
be impossible without internet browsers.Web browsers translates HTML documents of the
website and allows to view it on the screen.
15.8.1 Familiar Internet Browser
1. Google Chrome is a freeware familiar web browser developed by Google Inc. It is best for
its speed, simplicity, security, privacy and customization features. Google Chrome supports
on Android 4.0 or higher, iOS 6.0 or higher, Mac OSX 10.6 or higher and Windows (XP sp2
or higher) and Linux system.
2. Mozila Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed by Mozilla Foundationand
Mozilla Corporation. FireFox is default browser in Ubuntu . It supports Windows, Mac
OS X, Linux and Android system.
3. Internet Explorer commonly known as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Windows Internet
Explorer is the first or default browser for a Windows PC. It is developed by Microsoft.
4. Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and comes with OS X and iOS. Some
version of safari browser also supports in Windows Operating System. Exclusively used in
Apple Mac system.
15.8 Web Page Vs Web Site


A website is a collection of webpages. For example if there is a company that owns

sricompany.com then this website will have several Webpages like Home, About Us, Contact
Us, Testimonials, Products, Services, FAQ’s, and others. The first page of the website is called a
Home Page. All of these pages together make up a Website.
Web Pages
A webpage is apage of a Website. A web page can be accessed by a URL in a browser and
that page can be copied and or send to a friend for review whereas websites are collections of
multiple page that must be navigated to view other content
A webpage is a page of a Website. Every page has a unique address called the Uniform
Resource Locator (URL). The URL locates the pages on the internet.
Difference between Webpage and Website
Webpage Website
Consists of a Single document displayed by A collection of multiple documents
a browser displayable by a browser
Shares a unique domain name Has its own unique domain name
Makes up a website Contains one or more webpages
15.9 Static and Dynamic Web Pages
Web pages are classified as Static and Dynamic Webpages
Web pages are called Static websites as they remain the same whenever it is visited.
Examples of static Websites are website owned by Small business organizations, School
websites etc.
Websites that displays marks of Public Examinations and Entrance Examinations
changes when different register numbers are given. Such websites are called as Dynamic
Websites. Eg,. Websites of Government and Entrance Exams.
Comparison of Static and Dynamic Web Pages
Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page
The content and layout may change during
The content and layout of a web page is fixed
run time
Databases is used to generate dynamic
Static Web pages never use databases
content through queries
Static web pages directly run on the Dynamic web pages runs on the server
browser and do not require any server side side application programs and displays
application program the results
Dynamic web page development requires
Static Web pages are easy to develop
programming skills
15.10 Safe Surfing on Internet
As a great reminder that Internet security is something that needs constant vigilance.
It’s also a great reminder that a lot of things can happen on the Internet if you don’t properly
take precautions against them. With that in mind, be sure to have a safe and happy Safer
Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day (SID) 2018 iscelebrated around the world in February of every year
with a theme of "Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you".
Following is the do’s and don’t of safe Surfing on Internet
1. Don’t give out your personal information – Don’t put personal details such as your home
address, telephone numbers or parent’s work address online as cybercriminals can use this
information to create a fake profile with your details
2. What goes online, stays online – Use privacy settings to make sure only your friends and
family can see photos you post. Avoid posting holiday plans as criminals have been known
to track your movements
3. Check your security and privacy settings – Make sure your social network privacy settings
are secured so only your friends can see your personal information and use your privacy
settings to restrict who can see your posts, videos and photos
4. Password safety – Sharing your password with your parents is a sensible idea, but avoid
sharing your password with your friends, even if they promise they won’t tell anyone! Also,
when setting your password, make sure it isn’t something people may guess such as your
pet’s name. Use a mixture of letters, numbers and upper and lower case characters
5. Always protect your mobile device – Make sure your mobile phone is pin-protected so all
your personal information stored on it is safe. Download a security app which allows you
to remotely wipe any personal data, should your mobile be lost or stolen
6. Don’t talk to strangers online or offline – Don’t meet up with strangers and let your parents
know if a stranger has tried to get in contact with you online.
7. Listen to the adults who know – Adults will always be worried about you. Help set their
mind at rest and avoid chatting online with strangers.
8. Be wary of unsecured or unknown websites – When shopping online, use reputable and
known retailers.
9. Be careful what links you click on – Avoid clicking links in an email, Instant Message or on
your social network unless you are sure the message is from someone you know.
Now that we have come to the end of this chapter, the next chapter introduces you to
create a web page using html tags.

Points to Remember:

• The different type of network are LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN, CAN and WLAN
• Two things required for TCP/IP needed are
a) Message to transmit
b) Means to reliably transmit the message
• Each computer on net is called as host
• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ( ICANN) administers the
domain registration to avoid name already registered.
• W3C stands for world wide web consortium.
• Hotspots are sites that offer internet access over wireless local network.
• Video conferencing enables direct face-to-face communication across networks via
web cameras, microphones, and other communication tools.
• E–commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and
services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the
• Social networking is the use of internet-based social media programs to make
connections with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients.
• Voicemail is a system of sending messages over the phone.
• Email is short for 'electronic mail' similar to a letter, it is sent via the internet to a
• An internet browser, also known as a web browser, is a software program that you can
use to access the internet and view web pages on your computer.
• A website is a collection of webpages.
• Dongle refers to removable component used for enabling software protection. E.g.
• A webpage is a page of a Website.
• E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over
the Internet.
• Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and
communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services.


Choose the correct answer:
1. What is the expansion of WLAN?
a)Wireless Local Area Network b) Wired local Area Network
c) Wireless Local Area Netware d) Wireless Area Netbande

2. Range of Campus Network is

a) 10 KM b) 5 KM c) 25 KM d) 20 KM

3. Each computer on net is called

a) host b) server c) workstation d) node

4. The internet is governed by


5. Expansion of W3C
a) World Wide Web Consortium b) Wide World Web Consortium
c) World Web Wide Consortium d) World Wide Web Consortum

6. W3C was established in 1994 by

a) Tim Berners-Lee b) Tim Burnard Lee
c) Kim Berners d) Kim Bernard Lee

7. Hotspot uses which type of network services?

a) LAN b) PAN c) WLAN d) CAN

8. USB WiFi adapters are often called as

a) Data Card b) Pen Drive c) Dongles d) Memory Card

9. Looking for information on the internet is called

a) Surfing b) Searching c) Finding d) glancing

10. Safari web browser was developed by

a) Google b) Apple c) Microsoft d) Linux Corpn.

11. How many types of websites are available?

a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6

PART –II 2. Write a note on Hotspot internet service.
Answer to the following questions (2 3. Differentiate Data Card and Dongles.
Marks): 4. Write a note on two access methods of
1. Name the two important protocols for connecting to internet.
internet? 5. Differentiate browser and a search engine
2. What is a network? with suitable examples.
3. What is the role of ICANN ? 6. Differentiate Website and Webpage.
4. What is a search engine? 7. What is the difference between Static and
5. What is a browser? dynamic web page.
6. What are the components of url 8. What are Advantages of email.
addressing ?
7. What is a website? PART IV
8. What is CC and BCC in an email? Answer to the following questions (5
9. What is a Static web Page? Marks):
10. What is a Dynamic web page? 1. Explain any five types of internet services.
11. What are the benefits of e-governance? 2. Explain any five internet applications
12. What is Phishing ? with suitable examples.
PART-III 3. Write a note on any five Internet browsers
other than that given in the book.an
Answer to the following questions (3 4. Explain the do’s and don’t of safe surfing
Marks): on internet.
1. What is TCP/IP ?
Student Activity
Explain the different types of network.
Mention a few internet services you know.
Mention a few Internet Applications other than that is given in the textbook
List some browsers not given in the text book
Teacher Activity
Students is taught to develop Static and Dynamic Websites as workshop.


Acronym Description
VSNL Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
Host A host is a computer connected to a computer network

ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WWW World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee Creator of WWW
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
URL Uniform Resource Locator
A sbmall device able to be connected to and used with a computer,
allowing access to wireless broadband or use of protected software.
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
A browseris software that is used to access the internet Eg. Chrome,
A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate
Search Engine
information on WWW. Eg. Google
The list of content returned via a search engine to a user is known as
a search engine results page.
Phishing scams are fraudulent attempts by cybercriminals to obtain
private information
WebSite Collection of Webpages
WebPage It is page of Website.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
Voice mail System of sending messages over the phone.
Electronic Commerce, Buying and selling goods and services over an
electronic network.
Electronic governance. Application of information and communication
technology for delivering government services.
Several networks, small and big all over the world, are connected
together to form a Global network called the internet.
It is a website used by organizations to provide a place where
employees can access company related information.
It is a private network using internet technology to share part of
business information with suppliers partners and customers.

1. Mastering HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing – Laura Lemay, Rafe Colburn, Jennifer
Kyrnin – BPB Publications.

Tamil Computing

16.1 Introduction
“ பிறநாட்டு நல்லறிஞர் சாத்திரங்கள்

தமிழ்மொழியிற் பெயர்த்தல் வேண்டும்;

இறவாத புகழுடைய புதுநூல்கள்

தமிழ்மொழியில் இயற்றல் வேண்டும்;

மறைவாக நமக்குள்ளே பழங்கதைகள்

ச�ொல்வதில�ோர் மகிமை இல்லை;

திறமான புலமையெனில் வெளிநாட்டோர்;

அதை வணக்கஞ் செய்தல் வேண்டும்.”

- மகாகவி பாரதி

Human civilization developed with 16.2 Tamil in Internet

the innovation of computer in the twentieth
century. Computer development began as a We know that the internet today
early calculating tool and has now become plays a vital role in every man's life. Internet
a essential ingredient for gigantic growth is the best information technological
for the existence of human life without device, through which we get know only
computers. infotmation.
In 2017 a study conducted by KPMG
It is true that any language will be
a Singapore based organization along with
outdated when it does not have the ability
google, reported that, Tamil topped the list,
to adapt itself to the changing technologies.
among the most widely used languages in
Tamil is the living language for thousands of
India, where 42% are using the Internet in
years. Development of modern technologies,
does not affect the growth of classical
Tamil as it is ready to adopt the growing
technological changes. Tamil is not just a
language, it is our identity, our life and our
“எங்கள் வாழ்வும், எங்கள் வளமும் மங்காத
தமிழென்று சங்கே முழங்கு” – புரட்சி கவி.
As per study, by 2021, 74% of people in India will access internet using Tamil and it will be in
the top usage of Internet in India.

These statistical data will be useful to improve internet services in Tamil.

16.3 Search Engines in Tamil

The “Search Engines” are used to

உள்ளீட்டுக் கருவிகள்
search any information from the cyber space.
Although there are many search engines, but
only a few of them are frequently in use. In
the top ten search engines, Google, Bing and
Yahoo take first three places respectively.
Figure 16.1(b) Google Search Engine
Google and Bing provide searching facilities
in Tamil, which means you can search
everything through Tamil. A Google search
engine gives you an inbuilt Tamil virtual

உள்ளீட்டுக் கருவிகள்

Figure 16.2 Searching in Tamil

Figure 16.1(a) Google Search Engine

16.4 e – Governance:

Getting Government services

through internet is known as e-Governance.
Govt. of Tamilnadu has been giving
its services through Internet. One can
communicate with Govt. of Tamilnadu
from any corner of the state. One can get
important announcements, government
orders, and government welfare schemes
from the web portal of Govt. of. Tamilnadu. Figure 16.3 Official Website of Govt. of

E-Governance through Tamil Web Address

Official Website of Govt. of Tamilnadu http://www.tn.gov.in/ta
Department of Agricultural Engineering http://www.aed.tn.gov.in/
Department of Environment http://www.environment.tn.nic.in/
Directorate of Govt. Examinations http://www.dge.tn.nic.in/
Tamilnadu Health Department http://www.tnhealth.org/
Tamilnadu Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Department
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
Backward, Most Backward and Minorities
Welfare Department
Tamilnadu Forest Department https://www.forests.tn.gov.in/
Hindu Religious and Charitable
Endowments Department.
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/tamilversion/index.
(TNPSC) html
Official Website of Govt. of Srilanka https://www.gov.lk/index.php

Outside India, Government of services provide thousands of Tamil Books

Srilanka provides all their services through as ebooks mostly at free of cost. It is the most
the official website in Tamil. useful service to Tamil people who live far
away from their home land.
16.5 e-Library

E-Libraries are portal or website

of collection of e-books. Tamil e-Library

Tamil e-Library Website address
Tamilnadu School Education
and Teacher Education Training http://www.textbooksonline.tn.nic.in/
Textbooks and Resource Books
Tamil Virtual Academy http://www.tamilvu.org/library/libindex.htm
Connemara Public Library
Tamil Digital Library http://tamildigitallibrary.in/
Chennai Library http://www.chennailibrary.com/
Project Madurai
Old Books and Manuscripts
Noolaham http://www.noolaham.org/wiki/index.php/
Anna Centenary Libraray http://www.annacentenarylibrary.org/

16.6 Tamil Typing and Interface software

Tamil is mostly used to type
documents in word processors and search
information on the internet. Typing Tamil
using Tamil interface software is a familiar Figure 16.4 eKalappai Opening screen
one among the different methods of typing.
This is the simplest method of typing Tamil 16.7 Tamil Office Automation
in both Computer and Smart phones. Applications
16.6.1 Familiar Tamil Keyboard Interface:
• NHM Writer, E-Kalappai and Lippikar Famous Office automation software
– are familiar Tamil keyboard interfaces like Microsoft Office, Open Office etc.,
software that is used for Tamil typing provides complete Tamil interface facility.
which works on Tamil Unicode, using These softwares are downloadable and
phonetics. installed in your computer. After installation,
your office automation software environment
• Sellinam and Ponmadal – are familiar
will completely change to Tamil. Menu bars,
Tamil keyboard layouts that works on
names of icons, dialog boxes will be shown
Android operating system in Smart in Tamil. Moreover, you can save files with
phone using phonetics. Tamil names and create folders with Tamil

Tamil language. This encoding scheme
was registered in IANA (Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority) a unit of ICANN.
ISCII (Indian Script Code for Information
This is one of the encoding schemes
Figure 16.5 Libra Office Writer
specially designed for Indian languages
Environments in Tamil
including Tamil. It was unified with Unicode.
Apart from that Tamil Libra Office,
Tamil Open Office, Azhagi Unicode Editor,
Ponmozhi, Menthamiz, Kamban, Vani Unicode is an encoding system,
designed to handle various world languages,
are office automation software working
including Tamil. Its first version 1.0.0 was
exclusively for Tamil. You can use these
introduced in October 1991. Unicode is the
applications to work completely in Tamil.
best suitable to handle Tamil.
16.8 Tamil Translation Applications
16.11 Tamil Operating System
Thamizpori (தமிழ்பொறி) is a Tamil
tranlation application having more than An operating system is needed to
30000 Tamil words equalent to English access electronic systems such as computer
words. Using this application, we can and smart phone. Microsoft Windows is
translate small english sentences into Tamil. very popular operating system for personal
Google also gives an online translation computers.
facility. Windows Tamil Environment
16.9 Tamil Programming Language interface should be downloaded and
Programming languages to develop installed from the internet. It displays all
software in computers and smart phones are window elements such as Taskbar, desktop
available only in English. Based on Python elements, names of icons, commands in
programming language, the first Tamil Tamil.
programming language “Ezhil” (எழில்) is .12 Organisation and projects to develop
designed. Tamil
16.10 Tamil Information Interchange Tamil Virtual Academy:
Coding Systems
TSCII (Tamil Script Code for Information With the objectives of spreading
Interchange) Tamil to the entire world through internet,
Tamil Virtual University was established
Computers handle data and
information as binary system. Computers on 17th February 2001 by the Govt. of
use ASCII encoding system to handle data Tamilnadu. Now, this organisation functions
and information. The ASCII encoding with the name of “Tamil Virtual Academy”.
system is applicable only for handling It offers different courses in Tamil language,
English language. Therefore, TSCII (Tamil Culture, heritage etc., from kindergarten to
Script Code for Information Interchange) under graduation level.
is the first coding system to handle our Website: http://www.tamilvu.org/index.php
Tamil Language Council, Singapore form as per TSCII encoding. Since 2004
With the objectives we have started releasing etexts in Tamil
of promoting the awareness unicode as well.
and greater use of Tamil Web Site: http://www.projectmadurai.org/
among the Singaporeans, in
2001 the council of Tamil Tamil Wikipedia:
Language was formed by the ministry of Wikipedia is a open source
Information Communications and Arts, encyclopedia. Any person can write an
Govt. of Singapre. The council is called as article about any subject. There are more
“வளர்தமிழ் இயக்கம்”. than 1 lakh articles in Tamil Wikipedia.
Website: http://tamil.org.sg/ta Web Site: https://ta.wikipedia.org/
Madurai Project In order to make Tamil as a living
Project Madurai is an open and language, it is the duty of every Tamilian to
voluntary initiative to collect and publish involve Tamil in development of technology.
free electronic editions of ancient tamil Those who forgotten their values, the will be
literary classics. This means either typing-in considered as “Nomads”. If we learn about
or scanning old books and archiving the text how many great technologies we have to add
Tamil as a symbol of our race. It is our duty
is one of the most readily accessible formats
to combine our world's first language and
for use on all popular computer platforms. language for more than five thousand years
Since its launch in 1998, Project with growing technology.
Madurai etexts released are in Tamil script
Points to Remember:
• Tamil topped the list of the most widely used regional languages in India by the end of
2016, among 42% are using the Internet.
• Google and Bing provide searching facilities in Tamil.
• Getting Government services through internet is known as e-Governance.
• Tamil e-Library services provide thousands of Tamil Books as ebooks mostly at free of
• Thamizpori (தமிழ்பொறி) is a Tamil tranlation application having more than 30000
Tamil words equalent to English words.
• The first Tamil programming language is “Ezhil” (எழில்)
• Unicode is an encoding system, designed to handle various world languages, including
• Among the various encoding scheme, Unicode is the suitable to handle Tamil.
• Windows Tamil Environment interface should be downloading and install from

Answer to the following questions
1. List of the search engines supporting Tamil.
2. What are the keyboard layouts used in Android?
3. Write a short note about Tamil Programming Language.
4. What is TSCII?
5. Write a short note on Tamil Virtual Academy.
List of Authors and Reviewers
Domain Experts Reviewers
Mrs. Sasikala k Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi 
Associate Professor, Dept of Computer Science, Queen Mary’s College, Professor, Dept of Info Sci and Tech, College of Engineering, Guindy,
Chennai Anna University, Chennai

Mrs. Bagyalakshmi P Mr. Munivel E

Asst. Professor and Head of the Department, Dept of Computer Scientist/Engineer ‘C’ IT Group (Information Security), NIELIT
Applications, Queen Mary’s College, Chennai Calicut (MeitY, Govt. of India), NIT Campus, Calicut - KL (IN).

Dr. Chitra Babu

Professor and Head of the Department, Dept of Computer Science and
Engineering, SSN College of Engineering , Chennai Mr. Kannan K
Post Graduate Teacher, Chennai Girls Hr Sec School,
Dr. Radha P
Rotler street , Chennai
Assistant Professor, Dept of Information Technology,
Govt. Arts & Science College (A), Coimbatore Mr. Ramakrishnan V G
Post Graduate Teacher, Karnataka Sangha Hr Sec School,
Dr. Nester Jeyakumar M
T Nagar, Chennai
Associate Professor and Head Of the Department,
Dept of Computer Science, Loyola College, Chennai Mrs. Bindhu Mohandas
Post Graduate Teacher, Vijayanta Model Hr Sec School,
Dr. Srinivasan N
H.V.F Estate , Avadi, Chennai
Professor, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering,
Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai Mr. Gowrisankar N.V
Post Graduate Teacher, Chennai Girls Hr Sec School,
Dr. Chandra Mohan B
Nungambakkam, Chennai
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Mr. Sreenivasan R
Post Graduate Teacher, Santhome Hr Sec School, Mylapore, Chennai
Mr. Sethuraman R
Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, Mr. Lenin K
Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai Post Graduate Teacher, Chennai Girls Hr Sec School, Saidapet, Chennai
Mr. Sankar K Miss. Sangeetha A
Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science, Post Graduate Teacher, Govt. Hr Sec School, Rajanthangal,
RKM Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai Thiruvannamalai Dt

Dr. Valarmathi K E
Post Graduate Teacher, Velammal Vidhyashram, Surapet, Chennai

Experts Co-ordinator Mrs. Gajalakshmi R

Post Graduate Teacher, Jaigopal Garodia Hindu Vidyalaya Hr Sec School,
Mr. Ravikumar Arumugam West Mambalam, Chennai
Deputy Director,
State Council of Educational Research and Training, Chennai Dr. (Mrs). Vidhya H.
Post Graduate Teacher,
DAV Boys Senior Seconary School, Gopalapuram, Chennai.

Art and Design Team Academic Coordinators

Mrs. Tamil Selvi R
- Daniel A B.T. Assistant,
- Mathan Raj R Government High School, Poonampalayam, Trichy District
- Prasanth C

QC - Arun Kamaraj P This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.
- Jerald Wilson C Elegant Maplitho paper.
Printed by offset at:
Ramesh Munisamy


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