Table of Content: CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 3

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................3

1.1 The Background of Research..............................................................................3

1.2 The Problem of Research...................................................................................5
1.3 The Object of Research......................................................................................6
1.4 The Significance of Reserch................................................................................6
1.5 Scope and Limitation..........................................................................................6
1.6 The Hypothesis of Research...............................................................................6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..............................7

2.1 Writing.....................................................................................................................7
2.1.1Defenition Of Writing.........................................................................................7
2.1.2 Purpose of Writing............................................................................................8
2.1.3 Process of Writing.............................................................................................8
2.2 Genre of Text..........................................................................................................10
2.2.1 Defenition of Genre.........................................................................................10
2.2.2 Types of Genre................................................................................................10
2.2 News Item (NI) text................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Definition of News Item (NI) text.....................................................................12
2.3.2 Tips of Reporting.............................................................................................13
Table 2.1 Generic structure of news item................................................................13
2.3.3 Lexicogrammatical Features............................................................................14
2.4 Word Webbing(WW) Technique............................................................................14
2.4.1 Definition of Word Webbing(WW) Technique................................................14
2.4.4 The Steps to Use Word Webbing Technique in Teaching News Item.......20


3.1 Research Design.....................................................................................................25

3.2 Population and Sample..........................................................................................26
3.2.1 The Population of Research.............................................................................26
3.2.2 The Sample of Research..................................................................................27
3.4 Technique of Collecting The Data..........................................................................29
3.5 The Scoring of The Test..........................................................................................29
3.5.1 Technique of Analyzing Data...........................................................................30

1.1 The Background of Research

Learning English is very important and people all over the world decide to
study it as a second language. Many countries include English as a second
language in their school syllabus and children start learning English at a young
age. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and
tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a
multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad. That
is why, it is important for the people to master English.
Writing has purpose to communicate the writer’s idea, thought, and feeling
through the written language form. Students do not know how to compose texts
independently. They tend to write as much as they can and the sentences do not
seem relevant together into the topic provided. Then, the students did not
understand how to identify the generic structures and the linguistic features of a
text and how to write it. The students are lack of vocabularies, and still have low
knowledge in grammar and text genres. It makes them difficult to express their
ideas and thoughts in text form. According to Harmer (2004), many students fail
in writing because the anxieties they have about their handwriting and they have
nothing to say.
In Indonesia, English has been taught from kindergarten until university level
right now. Teaching English in Indonesia becomes more important because
English as international language. In every level of school in Indonesia, most of
students think that English is difficult to learn such as difficult words, how to
speak well and understand of every word because English as a foreign language.
To be more interesting, then the teachers must be creative to find out many
methods in order to explain the subject, so that it can be understood by the
students. Language is a means of communication. Here, English is considered as a
foreign language. the purpose of language learning is to be able to use language
for communication.
According Bygate, Martin (1987) the process of language teaching usually has
covered four skills. They are, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is
one of four skills that must be learned by the students. In the teaching and learning
process, the teacher must be creative to find some methods that make the students
bored. The teachers need cooperative learning to make the students easy to
understand the materials.
Writing as one of the language skills is important in academic life. When the
student’s writing skill is good, students will be able to perform specific writing
assignment such as essay questions on an examination and writing paper. Written
language is getting more essential today. It should be mastered in order to be
literate. But, Indonesian students of Junior High School commonly have only little
enthusiasm for their writing tasks. Every time they have writing tasks, they feel it
is difficult to do. So, it is crucial for them to master this skill.
According to Stone (1990 :21), Word Webbing (WW) technique is a powerful
tool in concept development. Each team has a large sheet of butcher paper or chart
paper. Here, the researcher uses WW technique in News Item(NI) text.
Sometimes, the students feel difficult to write NI text and to express their idea.
The writer hopes that by using WW technique, it will be easy for students to
explore their ideas in writing NI text. Students write simultaneously on a piece of
chart paper, drawing concept, supporting elements, and bridges representing the
relation of ideas in a concept. The teacher and students brainstorm ideas and write
key words on the blackboard. Tentative connections are made between some of
the words, and these connections are discussed. As the reading of the text
proceeds. New connections are made and additional important words added to the
web. Word webs help students to organize their thought and link new ideas with
what they already known. The final chart serves as useful aid for students when
they begin to write a summary for the topic studied. It makes the information
more clearly, as illustration or gives variation in the fact that maybe will be means
of communication to send message more concrete to the students. Therefore, it
will be easier for students to understand. The books and the teacher gives
motivation about material before the lesson is started. The teacher always
combines listening, reading, speaking, and writing on each meeting. The students
need brainstorming before starting the lesson to express their idea in writing
easily. So, the students not confused about what they should write and how is the
By using WW Technique, the researcher hopes that students will be able to
write NI text. Hopefully, this Technique will help students to remind story and to
create their own story. Kagan S. and Kagan M. (2001) explain that WW technique
is aimed at making the students have a chance to write well with the guiding of
their teacher and work in a small group. Moreover, the WW technique can
motivate the students to write and to stimulate their ideas and also they can build
the connections and establish the associations between the students experience
and the new information that can make the students write a NI text well. Based on
the problem above, the researcher decides that it is necessary to conduct
classroom action research at this school to make the students interested in writing
and help them to explore their ideas easily. By using WW technique, the writer
hopes that this method able to improve student’s in writing comprehension,
especially in writing NI text. Based on the description above, the writer is
interested in conducting a research title “The Implementation of Word Webbing
Technique To Improve Students Writing comprehension at SMP Swasta GKPS 3
Pematangsiantar In The Academic Year 2021/2022’’.

1.2 The Problem of Research

Based on the background of the research, the problem of research is : “How is
the implementation of WW technique improve students’ writing ability at SMP
Swasta GKPS 3 Pematangsiantar in the academic year 2021/2022?
1.3 The Object of Research
1. To find out how is the implementation of WW technique improve
students’ writing ability at SMP Swasta GKPS 3 Pematangsiantar.

1.4 The Significance of Reserch

The result of this research expected to be useful for:

a. The students
The result of the study will make the students easier to write and improve their
skill in writing. They think that skills in writing actually useful for their daily
b. English Teacher
The result of the study can be used as guidance in teaching writing and the
teacher can help the students writing more easily.
c. Other Researchers
The result of this study can be used as reference for the other researcher to
improve their skill.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope in this study is teaching writing using WW technique improve
students’ writing ability at SMP Swasta GKPS 3 Pematangsiantar.

1.6 The Hypothesis of Research

The action hypothesis that proposed in this research are:
1. Ha: The implementation of WW technique improves students’ writing
ability at SMP Swasta GKPS 3 Pematangsintar.
2. Ho: The implementation of WW technique does not improve students’
writing ability at SMP Swasta GKPS 3 Pematangsintar.

2.1 Writing
2.1.1Defenition Of Writing
Allen Michael (2003:9) stated that “writing is an activity which can seriously
damage your health”. It can consume huge amounts of time and energy, and it can
lead to frustration, rage, and bitterness. The overall purpose of this book is
therefore to protect and preserve the sanity of anyone who is unfortunate enough
to be afflicted with the ambition to write. It is related to Kane (1988:17) who
stated that “writing is a simply process of putting words on paper”, it has three
steps: thinking about it, doing it, and doing it again as often as possible. The
meaning of first steps that is “thinking about it” told what topic you should to
explore, how about the subject that you want to introduce in your writing, and the
sentences that you want to develop or devising the strategies of organization and
style. The second steps “doing it” is usually called “drifting”, actually when you
think about the topic, you are already beginning to select words and construct the
sentences. The third step “doing it again” means revising, when you do it,
unconsciously you have discovered new ideas to make your writing text better. If
that sounds mysterious, it’s because writing is a complex activity.
Based on the related theories above, the researcher concludes that writing is
the process of transferring ideas on paper, it is done continually through practice.
In relation to this study, writing means a process of communication that convey
idea or opinion in the writing form which is done by students and having the
purpose to help the students to establish, to entertain, to inform and to explain a
particular register.
2.1.2 Purpose of Writing
In writing, writers have to know well about their work that will be shared.
Delivering meaning in writing is the relationship between the researchers and
readers to understand what the meaning of text is. According to Fulwiler(1997:
26), stated the purpose of writing:
1) Writing to Communicate
It is easiest to describe writing as communication because this is the
use to which school writing is most obviously put. In school they put
most of their emphasis on writing clear, correct, concise, objective prose.
They taught you to use thesis statements, topic sentences, outlines,
footnotes, transitions.
2) Writing to Imagine
Another kindof highly structured language often called imaginative
or creative. Poetry, fiction, drama, essay, and song are the genres usually
associated with imaginative language. This kind of language tries to do
something different from communicative language something to do with
art, beauty, play, emotion, and personal expression something difficult to
define or measure, but often easy to recognize.
3) Writing to Explore
You’ve written this way if you have kept a diary or journal, jotted
notes to yourself or letters to a close friend, or begun a paper with rough
drafts that you want to show nobody else.

2.1.3 Process of Writing

Based on Harmer,Jeremy.(2004:4) writing process is the stages to

produce something. There are four as the following:
1) Planning
In this stage, the researcher considers three aspects of planning.
First aspect is purpose. The researcher gives attention of information
that he or she selects. Second, the researcher has to know for whom
he or she writes. The writing influences for thinking of audience.
Third, the researcher pays attention on the content structure while
writing. He or she has to design the organization well including
facts, ideas, or opinions.
2) Drafting
In this stage, the researcher should have final writing before it is
going to be edited. Correcting is done in the next stages after
3) Editing
In this stage, the researcher reflects and revises the final writing after
it was edited. This stage is helped by editor (reader) who gives
opinions and suggestions of final writing.
4) Final draft
Final draft is the last process of writing. It is the result of writing
process through three previous stages.
The other theory is from Zemach and Rumisek (2003: 3). He divides
writing steps into six steps. They are:
1) Choose a topic
Before you write, your teacher gives you a specific assignment or
some ideas of what to write about. If not, choose your topic yourself.
2) Gathers idea
When you have a topic, think about what you will write about the
3) Organize
Decide which of the ideas you want to use and where you want to use
4) Write
Write your paragraph or essay from start to finish. Use your notes
about your ideas and organization.
5) Review structure and content
Check what you have written. Read your writing silently to yourself
or aloud, perhaps to your friend.
6) Make final corrections
Check that you have corrected the errors you discovered in steps five
and six and make any other changes you want to make. Now your text
is finished.

2.2 Genre of Text

2.2.1 Defenition of Genre

Knapp,Peter & Watkins (2005:17) states “Genre, text and grammar model
of written language proposed here is primarily concerned with ‘what’s going on’
in writing. Genre is the important one in writing, because genre can guide the
students or someone who wants to start writing.” Genre is kind of text which
describe the general of text. Generally, the writing text can be divided into
Narrative, descriptive, news item and expository and argumentative text.“Genre is
an organizing concept for our cultural practices or place occasion,function,
behavior, and interactional structures.” Knapp,Peter& Megan (2005:21). Every
genre has a number of characteristic and it has the specific purpose which make it
is different from the other genre.

2.2.2 Types of Genre

According to Winda Gerot and Peter Wignell (1994:190-221) there are 14

genre of text.They are :

1. Narrative text
A narrative paragraph tells a story, either fiction or non fiction,of some
events events. Its purpose is to present a view of the world that entertains
or informs readers or listeners.
2. Recount text
A recount is a writing text to document and to tell a series of events in a
chronological way so that it entertains or informs a reader.
3.Report text
A report describes the way thing are with reference to a range of natural,
man-made and social phenomena in our environment.
4.Description text
Description is kind of paragraph used to describe particular person, place
or thing.
5.Exposition text
An exposition is used to argue for or againts a social issues.
6.Explanation text
An explanation is used to describe or explain process or activity
7.Discussion text
A discussion is applied to present points of view about an issue at least
from two sides namely protagonist and antagonist.
8.Procedure text
Procedure is a text which gives instruction.
9.Spoof text
Spoof is kind of genre used to retell an event with a humorous twist.
10.Hortatory Explanation text
Hortatory explanation text is a text to persuade the reader or listener that
something should or should not be the case.

11.Analytical Exposition text

Analytical exposition is a text to persuade the reader or listener that
something in the case.
12.News Item text
News item is a text to inform the readers, listeners or viewers about events
of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
13.Reviews text
Reviews text is a text to critique an art work or event for a public
14.Commentary text
Commentary text is to explain the processes involved in the formation,
(evolutaion) of a socio cultural phenomenon as though a natural

Every genre has a number of characteristic and it has the specific purpose
which make it is different from other genre. In this study, the writer only focuses
on the genre of NI text.
2.2 News Item (NI) text

2.3.1 Definition of News Item (NI) text

NI text is a type of written text that has the main function or

communicative. The purpose is to inform readers or listeners about event of the
day that are considered newsworthy or important. a NI text tries to answer the 5W
and 1H questions; What, Who, When, Where, Why, and How relating to the
newsworthy. NI text gives the reader information related the news or tragedy that
happen in a day.

2.3.2 Tips of Reporting

We read a "NI text" to find out specific information about an event reported
in the news. Every "NI text" has to have the answers to the five WH questions:
1. What - What happened exactly?
2. Who - Who are the people and groups involved in the event?
3. When - When did the event take place?
4. Where - Where did the event take place?
5. Why - Why did it happen? (The reasons behind the event)

Table 2.1 Generic structure of news item

Text element Function

Headline or Title Point of report or news that is
written in one sentence shortly or
incomplete sentence (reduce
clause), and eye catching.
Summary of event or Main Event/ Tells the event in a summary
Newsworthy Events form. It is expressed in past
sentence form: past tense, past
perfect tense, past continuous
Elaboration or background of events Elaborates what happened,
explains what caused the incident.
In a text, it can consist of some
background events.
Source Comments by participants,
witnesses, authorities, and experts
involved in the event.

2.3.3 Lexicogrammatical Features

Every text has different characteristic. NI text also has several
language features, which are as follows:
a. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
b. Use of material process to retell the event (in the text below, many
material processes are nominalized )
c. Use projecting verbal process in sources stage
d. Focus on circumstances (in the text below, mostly with Qualifiers).
Based on those explanation above, researcher choose NI text to be discussed
because we always find it everyday. It can be from news, magazine, or television.
In daily-life we always find news. We often find it in a newspaper because the
passage often tells the readers about great, important ,interesting ,tragic,
entertaining or fresh incident or events that all people should know about it. NI
text is easy to find and it gives students information of actual event.

2.4 Word Webbing(WW) Technique

2.4.1 Definition of Word Webbing(WW) Technique

WW technique is a way to help students to think more creative to associate

idea or words more easily. WW technique is a mind mapping of words, which is
formed by webs and links. (Kagan,S & Kagan M 2001: 25) said that graphic
organizing technique that build connections between similar words or ideas are
referred to by a variety of names including clustering and web maps. Webbing
works best to show a lot of words or ideas keep them connected, such as when
you are brainstorming ideas in a planning meeting.

WW technique can be categorized as a certain kind of cooperative learning

activities. Cooperative learning is an approach to teach that makes maximum use
of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the
classroom. (Richards and Theodore, 2001:192).
WW is technique that students write simultaneously on piece of chart
paper, drawing man concepts, supporting elements, and bridges representing in
the relation of ideas in a concept. The use of WW technique in teaching learning
is to analysis of concepts into components, understanding multiple relations
among ideas, diffrentiating concepts (Kagan,S & Kagan M 1989:14). WW is
technique of graphic organizer strategy that provides a visual of how ideas
connect to a topic. The team members add core concepts anovals around the topic.
Then, the WW technique has a free for all adding and making bridges between
The students can create a good team and build a new information together
in the learning process. The WW technique as cooperative learning has defined as
a small group of learnes working together as a team to solve a problem, complete
a task, or accomplish a common goal.

From those statement, it can be concluded that WW technique is one of

cooperative learning techniques in which each student in a group works and
makes a visual of how ideas connect to a topic then making briges to connect
between one ideas to another ideas.

WW technique belongs to cooperative learning and it has several

characteristic, which are as follows:
a) Topic may be different for each group
b) Students identify subtopic for each group member
c) Steering committee may coordinate the work of the class as a whole
d) Student research the information using resources such as library
reference, interviews, visual media
e) Students synthesize their information for a group presentation: oral and
or written each group member plays part in the presentation
f) Each group present to the whole class
g) This method places greater emphasis on individualization and students’
interest. Each student’s assignment is unique
h) Students need plenty of previous experience with more structured group
work for this to be effective

The concepts of WW tecnique is that students write simultaneously on piece

of chart paper, drawing main concepts, supporting elements, and bridges
representing in the relation of ideas in a concept. The use of WW technique
teaching learning is to analysis of concepts into components, understanding
multiple relations among ideas, differentiating concepts.
In this strategy, the main topic is written in the center of the paper in a
rectangle. The team members’ Round Table add core concepts in ovals around the
main topic. Then the team has a free-for-all adding details and making bridges
between ideas. This is a quick way to explore background knowledge, summarize
main points, or to check if students have the connections between ideas that you
are seeking. In groups of four, students write simultaneously on a piece of paper
or chart paper, drawing main ideas, supporting elements, and bridges representing
the relation of ideas in a concept. Giving each student a different colour marker
encourages more involvement. The chart paper allows the “Big Picture” to be
taped up on the walls and more connections made, possibly adding more
information throughout the week. In the simple sentences, the general concepts of
WW technique can divide into three steps:
a) Write the topic in the center of the paper.
b) Round Robin to create core concepts around the topic
c) Free-for-all to complete the word web

Example of Word Webbing

Large Sleep

Yard House mm
Play Cook

Sources : http:www.youthlearn.Org/learning/teaching/webbing.html)

2.4.2 Advantages of Word Webbing Technique

Although students in their personal lives write on their own, the students
can take adventages of presence of others to make writing a cooperative activity.
WW technique as a part of cooperative learning has adventages in teaching
learning process. The general adventages of WW technique is to motivate and
make students interecting with other students because students has to work
together doing activities. WW technique has several adventages especially for

According to Killen (1998: 87) some adventages of using coopereative

learning are stated below:
a) Cooperative learning teaches students to be less reliant on the teacher and
more reliant on their own ability to think, to seek information to other
source and to learn for other students
b) Cooperative learning encourages students to verbalize their ideas and to
compare them with the ideas and feeling of other students
c) Cooperative learning help students to learn respect for one another’s
strengths and imitations and to accept these differences
d) Working in cooperative learning teams help empower students to take
greater responsibility for their own learning and for their learning of
e) Cooperative learning is an effective strategy for having students achieve
a wide range of academic and social outcomes including enhanced
achievement, improved self-esteem, positive interpersonal relationship
with other students, improved time management skill, and positive
attitudes toward school
f) Cooperative learning have students work together result in much more
learning then occurs when students work alone, competitively, or
g) Cooperative learning activity can lead to students to being frustrated less
often, getting confused less often, feeling more intellectually challenged,
feeling more actively involved in learning and looking forward to class
more often .
The interaction that occurs during cooperative learning activity help to
motivate students and stimulate their thinking, and view education as life-long
process rather than short-term training.

The basic advantage of group is to interct with other students, According to

Harmer (2002:117), the advantages of group are:
a) Like pair work, it dramatically increases the amount of talking for
individual students
b) Unlike pair work, because there are more than two people in the group,
personal relationships are usually less problematic; there is also a greater
chance of different opinions and varied contributions than in pair work
c) It encourages broader skills of cooperation and negotiation than pair
work, and yet is more private than work in front of whole class
d) It promotes learner autonomy by allowing students to make their own
decisions in the group without being told what to do by the teacher
e) Although we do not wish any individuals in groups to be completely
passive, nevertheless some students can choose their level of
participation more readily than in whole-class or pair work situation.

Kagan,S & Kagan M (2009) explained that WW technique was aimed at

making the students have chance to write well with the guiding of their teacher
and working in a small group. Moreover, the team word webbing can motivate the
students to write and to stimulate their ideas and also they can build the
connections and establish the associations between the students’ experience and
the new information that can make the students write a NI text well.

Based on advantages above, it can be concluded that the advantages of WW

technique as follows:
a) WW technique makes students have a chance to write well with the
guiding of their teacher and work in a small group
b) WW technique can motivate students to write
c) WW technique can stimulate the students’ idea in writing students
usually have the blank ideas when they are thought the material. In this
technique, students make word webbing to stimulate their brains. Then,
get some ideas in writing from it.
d) WW technique can build the connections and establish the associations
between the students experience and the new information that can make
the students write a NI text well
e) WW technique makes students interact with other member of group. So,
it can build positive relationship among students

2.4.3 Word Webbing Technique In Teaching Writing

Teaching writing in this case, teachers teach as usual but with a
technique.This technique make interested students in writing. Students will enjoy
writing learning. The main function of team is as cooperative learning. WW
technique starts with a large piece of paper and several color makers. This
technique helps the students who understand how ideas connect with each other
and recognize how information is obtained. New knowledge or information is
added to prior knowledge easily by WW technique. First, the teacher writes main
topic in center of the board or paper, then, the students write the subtopics on the
paper with different color markers. They add some ideas and relate them to
subtopics or the main topic.
WW technique is in a group, make a word web together. In making WW
technique, need a blank and large paper, then a different color pens. The
procedures of team word webbing according to Jacques Haenen and Tuithof
a) In a group, individually, or with the whole class, make WW technique
together. When WW technique in a group, the materials need are a large
piece of paper, a felt-tipped pen with its own particular colour
b) One students draws a circle in the middle of the paper and in it writes
down the discussion main topic/theme
c) Each students in turn adds a concept related to it
d) If necessary, this round can be repeated in order to add more concepts to
the main topic, after which a distinction can be made between the more
and the less important concepts
e) Each student draws connecting lines between the concepts/ideas
f) Eventually, there is discussion about the word web; because each
students uses a differently coloured pen, each contribution has been made
visible during the process

2.4.4 The Steps to Use Word Webbing Technique in Teaching News Item

To teach writing by using WW technique, the teacher and the students have to
know the role in this technique. The steps of using WW technique in teaching NI
text are follows:

a) Students are devided into some groups consisted of 4-6 students.

b) Each group get one blank paper and some colored pens.
c) Teacher shows a news of NI text and asks several questions related to the
news, like what the news tell about, where the news happened.
d) After having discussion about the story, the teacher guides the students to
make WW technique based on the story disscussed. One student in each
group starts making WW technique by drawing a circle in the middle of
the paper and write the title of NI text as the main topic/idea.
e) Each member of group in turns continues the WW technique by using
different pen. Each member draw another shape of chart then adds the
concept or supporting idea by writing word, phrases, or sentences related
to the title as main topic/idea.
f) The other member of each group should contribute actively in adding
supporting elements to connect each other.
While making the WW technique, teacher only walks around and guides
the group when there is difficulty and mistake in making WW technique.
g) After finishing the WW technique, each group continues the activity by
writing sentences based on the WW technique they made.
h) Each group arranges and develops the sentences into a good of short NI
text essay.
i) The representative of some groups presents their work in front of class.

2.4.5 The Previous Study

The researcherr found the related study for this research. The first study is from
Agustini and Agnes which entitled “Improving Students’Vocabulary Achievement
Through Word Webbing Technique “. This study attempts to Improving Students’
Vocabulary achievement Trough Word Webbing Technique. The objective of the
study is to discover whether the use of word webbing technique could
significantly improving students’ vocabulary.This study conduct by applying
Classroom Action Research which was carried out in two cycles in six meetings.
The subject of this study of SMPN 4 Takengon, Aceh Tengah which consisted of
40 students. The quantitative data were collected by using observation sheet,
questionnaire sheet and diary field. Based on the vocabulary test score, students’
score kept improving in every test. The mean of students’ score cycle (80) was
higher than the firstt cycle (67,75) and orientation test (55.25). based on
observation sheet, questionnaire sheet and diary field, it was found that teaching
learning process ran well. The students were more active and more enthusiastic
during the teaching learning process in the second cycle than the first one. The
result of the research showed that is use of word webbing technique significantly
improving students’ vocabulary.

The second study is from Reisi and Saniei (2016:1) which entitled “The
Contribution of Word Webbing to Project-based Learning in Teaching
Vocabulary: A Comparative Study in an EFL Context”. This study was an attempt
to investigate the effect of applying word web strategy with and without project
based learning (PBL) on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. Ninety female EFL
learners from a high school in Tehran were the participants of this study. They
were at intermediate level of language proficiency and in three intact classes of 30
members. The three classes were randomly assigned as one control and two
experimental groups. The homogeneity of three intact groups in terms of general
language proficiency and knowledge of vocabulary was determined by comparing
their mean scores after performing on a PET and a pretest of vocabulary
respectively. After that, the participants received 12- session treatment, including
teaching vocabulary using word web (WW) strategy without PBL for one
experimental group, and using WW with PBL for another while the control group
received the usual instruction of the teacher for the same new words without WW
and PBL. At the end of the treatment, the teacher- made vocabulary posttest was
administered to the study groups. To test the hypotheses of the study with respect
to the violation of the normality assumption, Kruskal-Wallis test was run on
participants’ scores. The results showed that the participants in both experimental
groups significantly outperformed the participants in the control group in terms of
vocabulary learning. The results also showed that the students who received WW
with PBL outperformed those who received it without PBL.

The third study is form Diana and Ahmad (2014:1) English Education,
Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya which entitled Word
Webbing Technique In Efl Writing Class This article discusses the significant
difference of students’ achievement in writing skill before and after using word
webbing technique in writing class. This research conducted to answer the
following research questions: Is there any difference in vocabulary mastery,
grammatical accuracy, and paragraph organization quality of the students’
writing before and after treatment? This research uses pre-experimental method
with one class as the subject of the research. The population of this research is the
tenth graders of SMA Sejahtera Surabaya in academic year 2014/2015. Class X-3
was chosen as the class taught writing recount text using word webbing technique.
The instruments used to collect the data were pre-test and post test. The writer
analyzed the writing results using Paired Sample T-test (SPSS). The scoring focus
on the students’ results in writing recount text and use English Second Language
(ESL) Composition Profile Scoring Rubric adapted from Jacob (1981). Before
administering the pre-test and post test, the writerr administering the try out to the
other class, i.e. X-4. It is based on the validity. In this research, the writer used
content validity which matched the basic competence 4.15 in curriculum 2013.
After measuring the validity, the writer measured the reliability of the test using
inter-rater reliability and analyzed the try out results using Kappa in SPSS. The
finding of the research shows that there is significant difference in students’
vocabulary mastery, grammatical accuracy, and paragraph organization in
writing skill. The significant difference could be proved from the mean score in
post test was higher than the mean score in pre-test. It is proven that word
webbing technique increase students’ writing achievement.

According to all the previous study we can conclude that word webbing is an
exciting tool that can be useful to everyone,no matter what their situation is.
Iniatially one might take time to comfortable use it, it’s worth the time and
effort,because it can become a great time saver in long run. Adventages are not
just limited to retrieving obtained information , each person using their creativity
and imagination,can come up with new and interesting ways to apply it.

3.1 Research Design

This research is conducting by using Quantitative research. According to
Ary, Detal (2010:22), “Quantitative research used objective measurement to
gather numeric data that are used to answer questions or test predetermined
hypotheses”. Quantitative research are classified as experimental or non
experimental, where an experimental design based on Ary, Detal (2010:301), is
the general plan for carrying out a study with an active independent variable. The
design is important because it determines the study’s internal validity, which is
the ability to reach valid conclusions about the effect of the experimental
treatment on the dependent variable. It means that experimental design is a
research design that is used to find the influence of one variable to another. This
researcher also include as true experimental research design because quasi
experimental designs are similar to randomized experimental designs in that they
involve manipulation of an independent variable but differ in that subjects are not
randomly assignment to treatment groups. Because the quasi-experimental design
does not provide full control, it is extremely important that writers be aware of the
threats to both internal and external validity and considered these factors in the
interpretation. The researcher used pre-test and post-test group design with the
researcher design can be presented in the table as:

Table 3.1 Research Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Experimental group O1 X O2

Control group O3 X O4

E = Experimental class
C = Control class
O1 = Pre-test to experiment class and control class
O2 = Post- test to experimental and control class

X = Experimental class using WW technique

In this research the topic will be given to test their writing is a NI text with
four meetings for each group class (experimental and control group class) and the
first the students will be given the pre-test with purpose to know their ability in
writing of news item before treatment and the post-test will be given in the
treatment by using the WW technique. The pre-test and post-test will be
conducted for control and experimental class.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 The Population of Research

Population is all data that concerns use in a scope and time that we specify.
Based on Arikunto (2010:130) ,population is the subject of research. The
population of this Research is the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta GKPS 3
Pematangsiantar in the academic year 2021/2022. The seventh grade of SMP
GKPS 3 Pematangsiantar has four classes which consist of 120 students.

Table 3.2 Population

Class Number of Students
VII 1 30
VII 2 30
VII 3 30
VII 4 30
Total 120

3.2.2 The Sample of Research

Arikunto (2010:148) says that if the population is more than 100,”its possible
to 10% - 15% or 20 % - 25% or more as sample and when the population is less
than 100 all population should be taken as sample”. The population is more than
100 so the researcher can takes 20%. This research is designed into true-
experimental design by using two groups learning so that researcher determines
the sample of the research by means of cluster sampling technique with two
groups of experimental group and control group. So, to determine experimental
group and control group from those four classes, the researcher makes lottery. The
lottery is conducted by giving 4 rolling pieces of papers where contained 2 letter
E and 2 letter C, after that researcher giving again 30 pieces of papers to chairman
where only 6 papers contained. Each chairman fetches one rolling-piece of paper.
Chairman who gets rolling piece of paper contained letter E will be called as
experimental group while chairman who gets letter C will be called as control
group. The population of this research are 120 students. So, 20% from 120
students are 24 students contained in two groups. Hence, there are two groups
used in this research; experimental group which has 12 students and control group
which has 12 students too so that the total sample of this research 24 students. The
sample of this research is describe as following:

Table 3.3 Sample

Class Population
Experimental Control

VIIE1 30 6 -
VIIE2 30 6 -

VIIC1 30 - 6

VIIC2 30 - 6

Total 120 12 12

3.2.3 The Instrument of Research

The instrument in this reserach are test (pre-test and post-test).In collecting
the data,the researcher give the test to the students to writing NI text using WW

3.3 The Data and Source Data

3.3.1 The Data

The data of the research were taken from score of post-test and pre-test
from the students to write NI text through WW technique.

3.3.2 The Source of Data

The source of data is the student or the this Research,the
researcher takes the data from the primer namely: the seventh grade of SMP
GKPS 3 Pematangsiantar and the sample for the research are 24 students.

3.4 Technique of Collecting The Data

There are some techniques that the researcher will use to collecting the
data, they are:
1.Pre -Test
In pre-test the researcher give them a test that is written NI text without
using WW technique. And after get the score of pre-test the researcher has find
students score is low, after that the researcher applied the treatment until four
2.Post- Test
After explaining the material, both of the classes are given the same test to
know the result of the treatment. It’s called as post-test, the post-test is the same
four both classes which had been taught the students about writing NI text with
WW techniqueand without WW technique.

3.5 The Scoring of The Test

To determine the level or score of the test, the researcher uses the test
specification theory that creates by Heaton (1988:146). The criteria of the score
can be seen in the table below :

Table 3.4 Composition for Scoring Writing Heaton (1988:146)

Composition Kinds
Test Items Criteria Score
Test of Test
Writing 1. Topic Sentence E
news item Content 1. Supporting Sentence 30 S
2. Concluding Sentence S
1. Headline A
Organization 2. Event 20 Y
3. Source
Vocabulary Affective Word 20 T
1. Tenses E
Language Use 2. Action Verb 25 S
3. Pronouns
1. Spelling
Mechanics 2. Punctuation 5
3. Capitalization

Total Score 100

Based on the explanation above, the writer make a criteria to evaluate the
students’ result :
Table 3.5 Criteria to Evaluate The Students
Criteria of Mastery Level of Mastery
81-100 Excellent
71-80 Very Good
61-70 Good
50-60 Fair

3.5.1 Technique of Analyzing Data

In technique of analyzing data, the researcher uses quantitative data. The

researcher calculating the frequency and normality of the test by using SPSS
version 21.0
There are several steps must we do in program SPSS 21.0:
1. Frequency
In this table we can see how much the students can reach the KKM
2. Statistic table
In this table we can see a lot of data, for example mean. We can measure
and check the students’ ability in reading text, the researcher uses mean formula.
It uses the formulate measure by Arikunto (2010:272). The formula to measure
the score is:

Where :
X = The average of students score
∑Ⅹ = The sum of item score
N = The number of the student
3. Test of Normality
Test of normality aims to determine whether the distribution of responses
has a normal distribution or not. Test of normality was using Kolmogorov
Smirnov formula.
a. The interpretation of the test of normality can be concluded as follows:
If the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is greater than the rate of 5%
Alpha (Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)>0.05) it can be concluded that the data
derived from populations that are normally distributed.
b. If the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is smaller than the Alpha level of
5% (Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed)<0.05) it can be concluded that the data
derived from the population distribution is not normal.
4. Test of Homogeneity
Test of homogeneity aims to determine whether the sample taken from the
population have the same variance or do not show any significant differences
from each other. Interpretation of the results of the homogeneity test is by looking
at the value of Sig. (2-tailed).
The interpretation can be concluded as follows:
a. If the significances is less than 0.05 (Sig. (2-tailed)<0.05), the variants
differ significantly (not homogeneous).
b. If the significance is greater than 0.05 (Sig. (2-tailed)>0.05), the
variants are significantly similar (homogeneous).

5. Test of Hypothesis
To analyze the posttest scores between control and experimental group, the
researchers use Paired-sample T test. The purposes of this test are to find out that
the mind mapping is effect significantly on students writing ability or not. We can
see that on tcount is bigger than ttable or lower than ttable at the significance level a =
0.05. There are two condition: First, if tcount is bigger than ttable , it’s mean that Ha
is accepted and Ho is rejected. Second, if tcount is lower than ttable , it’s mean that Ho
is accepted and Ha is rejected. In this process on SPSS Statistics, the researchers
entered two variables data: the post-test scores of control and experimental class.
To process the data, the researchers were using SPSS Program.


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