Electronic Data Interchange EDI
Electronic Data Interchange EDI
Electronic Data Interchange EDI
Electronic Data Interchange EDI – is the exchange of business documents between any
two trading partners in a standard or structured, machine readable form. EDI is used to
electronically transfer documents such as purchase orders, invoice, shipping bills, and
communicate with one another. A Specified format is set by both the parties to facilitate
transmission of information. Traders use Electronic Data Interchange EDI to exchange
financial information in electronic form. Electronic Fund Transfer facility provided by
banks is an example of Electronic Data Interchange EDI. EDI helps to eliminate paper
system, reduces data entry task and improves business cycle.
EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. EDI is an electronic way of transferring
business documents in an organization internally, between its various departments or
externally with suppliers, customers, or any subsidiaries. In EDI, paper documents are
replaced with electronic documents such as word documents, spreadsheets, etc.
EDI Documents
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 1
Translator and Mapper – A translator is used to convert the raw data into
meaningful information according to specifications provided by a mapper. A
mapper is used to create conversion specification. It compiles the specification and
then gives instructions to the translator on how to convert the data.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 2
Retail Sector – In the retail sector profit margins usually depend upon
efficient inventory management. EDI provides a structured way to maintain
and replenish goods stocked at a retail outlet. Retailers use a common
model stock for each shop location and the point of sale stock position is
updated continuously and data in fed via EDI enabled SCM (supply chain
management) network. The EDI software monitors all the logistics and
makes updates in the original stock.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 3
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 4
Business documents – These are any of the documents that are typically
exchanged between businesses. The most common documents exchanged
via EDI are purchase orders, invoices and advance ship notices. But there
are many, many others such as bill of lading, customs documents,
inventory documents, shipping status documents and payment documents.
There are several EDI standards in use today, including ANSI, EDIFACT,
TRADACOMS and ebXML. And, for each standard there are many deferent
versions, e.g., ANSI 5010 or EDIFACT version D12, Release A. When two
businesses decide to exchange EDI documents, they must agree on the specific EDI
standard and version.
Businesses typically use an EDI translator – either as in-house software or via an
EDI service provider – to translate the EDI format so the data can be used by their
internal applications and thus enable straight through processing of documents.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 5
Features of EDI
To maximize the strategic value and ROI of your EDI software investment, you need a
solution that maximizes automation, minimizes manual intervention and can smoothly
and cost-effectively meet your changing business needs. That makes the following
features paramount:
Robust, proven integration with your business system. EDI is among the
highest-value integrations in your accounting systems environment because
this eliminates time-consuming, error-prone manual effort that would
otherwise be necessary to get orders, invoices and other EDI data in and out
of the accounting system. Integrating EDI with a business system streamlines
your order processing workflow for improved productivity and
responsiveness to customers, while saving time and money. The more trading
partners you have, the more operational costs you’ll save through EDI and
ERP integration. Conversely, an EDI system that does not integrate becomes
a cost of doing business that offers little value-add.
A simple, seamless user experience. Business users in departments like
customer service and shipping need to process EDI transactions efficiently
and accurately, without having to become EDI experts. You should be able to
manage EDI ―by exception‖ so that transactions are automated unless
exceptions occur. You should also be able to automatically schedule everyday
tasks like importing and exporting EDI documents to and from your
accounting system. More automation means faster processing and less
errors—which, for suppliers and distributors, means happier customers and
fewer chargeback’s.
Scalability and configurability for your specific needs. Look for an EDI
software provider that allows you to implement only the features you need
now, with the option to add more capabilities (e.g., support for remote
warehouse/3PL documents) on-demand in the future. Configurability to your
specific accounting/ERP environment and business processes without
customizations that could complicate your upgrades is also crucial. You want
a proven, turnkey implementation and upgrade path that minimizes risk as
your accounting and ERP environment changes.
Lowest total cost of ownership. A low initial cost doesn’t mean that TCO
will be low also. Monthly network charges can vary widely, for example.
Likewise, many providers charge for updating trading partner mapping
specifications, which change all the time. What about monthly maintenance
fees? These costs can add up fast as a business grows. Are these included in
the support contract or are they extra?
Easy on boarding of new trading partners. Growing companies need to
onboard new EDI trading partners quickly and smoothly. Make sure an EDI
provider offers prebuilt templates and rules to make on boarding and
compliance with major retailers and other partners quick and painless. Make
sure also that it’s easy to create partner-specific business rules.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 6
Reduction in data entry errors. - Chances of errors are much less while
using a computer for data entry.
Shorter processing life cycle - Orders can be processed as soon as they are
entered into the system. It reduces the processing time of the transfer
Electronic form of data - It is quite easy to transfer or share the data, as it is
present in electronic format.
Reduction in paperwork - As a lot of paper documents are replaced with
electronic documents, there is a huge reduction in paperwork.
Cost Effective - As time is saved and orders are processed very effectively,
EDI proves to be highly cost effective.
Standard Means of communication - EDI enforces standards on the content
of data and its format which leads to clearer communication.
Expedite transmission -Information is transmitted from one organization to
another organization efficiently and swiftly.
Automated Data entry-Data is entered automatically by EDI software. For
instance, when purchase order (PO) from one company is received by another
company. Sales order (SO) is automatically generated at other company’s
system with the help of EDI software.
Receipt verification-Receipt verification can easily be done with help of EDI
software. No human intervention is involved so there are minimal chances of
error or delay.
Data Validation-Data validation is automatically done.
Availability of free software-Free software’s are available depending upon
the EDI format chosen. For example- In TRADACOMS EDI format, Price
Information file and order files are available for free.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 7
Drawbacks of EDI
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Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 9
Reduced Lead Time/Quick Response: EDI can provide a direct reduction in the
ordering/shipping time cycle. This benefits both customer and supplier.
Administrative and Clerical Costs: One of the major goals in creating EDI was to reduce
the great volume of business paperwork and many of the clerical tasks involved in
handling the processing of paper documents. Many users have realized substantial
productivity improvements and/or direct cost savings in their office operations by reducing
or eliminating the costs.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 10
EDI Com is simply a contraction of EDI communications and is often used when
discussing the means of exchanging EDI data with your trading partners. When a
business implements EDI the focus is always on the transactions, but eventually the means
of exchanging these transactions must be discussed. This is where EDI com comes into
play. There are a number of means of implementing EDI com ranging from traditional
EDI com strategies based on EDI VANs to more modern, direct EDI com methodologies
like AS2 communications. Regardless of how you implement EDI com your business will
need to ensure that the EDI com methodology you select is compatible with the VAN or
trading partners you do business with. There are a number of EDI com strategies that
your business can implement.
There are two kinds of communication reconciliation in the case of EDI implementation
through a service provider.
One is between the company and the provider and involves the company’s own file
The other between the service provider and the company’s partner, according to
the Communication Datasheet described above.
During the use of EDI communication protocols with often unknown names pop up
frequently. All of them primarily serve data transmission, but this function can be
complemented by further identification and security functions.
Applicability Statement (AS2): uses the same signing, encryption, and MDN
conventions used in the original AS1 protocol.
AS2 messages are usually sent across the internet using the HTTP or HTTPS
AS2 has been widely deployed as a point to point connectivity method.
AS2 offers many advantages over standard HTTP, including increased
verification, and security achieved through the use of receipts and digital
AS2 transactions and acknowledgements also occur in real-time, increasing
the efficiency of document exchanges.
The U.S Company Wal-Mart was one of the first companies to help drive the
adoption of AS2 across the retail sector.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 11
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 12
It is also different from Secure FTP, the practice of tunnelling FTP through an
SSH connection
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): is a network protocol that provides file
access, file transfer and file management functionality over any reliable data
It was designed as an extension to the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) version
2.0 to provide secure file transfer capability, but it is also intended to be
usable with other protocols as well.
SFTP can be used in a number of different applications such as secure transfer
over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and transfer of management information
within VPN applications.
This protocol assumes that it is run over a secure channel, such as SSH, that
the server has already authenticated the client and that the identity of the
client user is available to the protocol.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): is used to request and transmit files,
especially web pages and web page components, over the internet or other computer
In HTTP, web browsers typically act as clients, while an application running
on the computer hosting the web site acts as a server.
HTTP is typically implemented across TCP/IP however it can be
implemented on top of any other protocol on the internet, or on other
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): is a combination of the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide encryption and secure
identification of the server.
HTTPS connections are often used for payment type transactions across the
internet and for the exchange of sensitive information between corporate
business systems.
Eb XML Messaging Service (EBMS): offers a secure and reliable SOAP/Web
Services based packaging, routing and transport protocol as defined by the ebXML
The ebMS is an open standard and as such is communication protocol neutral
although the most common underlying protocols are HTTP and SMTP.
ebMS essentially offers a way to exchange ebXML based B2B documents
between different business applications using SOAP/Web services.
Department of MCA & MSC-IT, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi Page| 13