Engineering Practice and Design 2 Module Code: ARC434

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College of Engineering

Department of Civil and

Architectural Engineering

Engineering Practice and Design 2

Module Code: ARC434

Module Assessment 1
Yusuf Buzaboon
Office 217
Phone Ext.
[email protected]

Task NO CILOs Percentage % Marks (60)

Task1: A1, B1, 50% 30
- Design of an open-end sustainable problem B2, D1
from the students’ discipline.
- Drawings of the design, and environmental
factors’ analysis (elevation, section, plan, etc.)
(A2 design sheet) hand drawing and make sun
Task2: A1, B1, 40% 24
Analysis of the sustainable factors applied in the B2, D1
design process phases.
(report including sketches)
Task3: A1, B1, 10% 6
Summary of the design process and sustainable B2, D1
factors applied.
(ppt presentation)
Total 100% 60
ASSESSMENT 1: An open-end sustainable problem


− Begin engagement with engineering design and practical work.

− Appreciate and understand and design processes within the context of sustainable
− Be able to think critically in the context of open-ended problems and solutions in
engineering using creativity and innovation tools.
− Be able to research information from a range of sources and reference accurately,
and to communicate effectively using written technical English, hand drawing and
CAD, and other IT tools.

The assessment is individual work; however, there will be groups’ discussions during
assessment preparation to practice participation at a professional team meeting.
You are required to design in the given site of ASU campus, car shades with sustainable
factors and principles applied.
The assessment has the 3 following tasks:
1- Design of an open-end sustainable problem from the students’ discipline
(A2 design sheet):
A2 design sheet must include explanation of the design problem. The drawings include
the design details with a proper scale, and the environmental factors’ analysis applied
in the design process. (elevation, section, plan, etc.) make sun analysis.
2- Analysis of the sustainable factors applied in the design process phases
(report including sketches).
The report must include design objectives, design constraints, functions, specifications,
and alternatives.
3- Summary of the design process and sustainable factors applied.
(ppt presentation)
The presentation must include learned lessons of the design process as part of a
continuing personal development

Submission Requirements
• Design Sheet
To present analysis, sketches, and drawings of the sustainable design: A2 sheet
• Report
To present analysis, sketches, and drawings: text of max 1000 +/- 10%
• Presentation
To present summary of learned lessons of the design process: ppt file of max 5 slides.
Design Problem’s Site
Submission Weighting, Date, Method
Weighing: 60% of the total course Grade
Date: Week 10 (16 March); and Method: Design sheet, Word/pdf file report, and ppt file
Turnitin: resubmissions allowed, separate “Late” inbox
Coursework is to be submitted to Turnitin. You will find a link to Turnitin from the
Assessments area in Moodle.
You will need to ensure that your assessment is uploaded as a single document, and in the
correct format (e.g. a Word document or PDF – the acceptable file formats are displayed
on the screen when you come to submit via Turnitin).
When submitting, please enter your student ID number in the “submission title” box. The
document itself should contain your student ID number in a header or footer; your name
should not be visible in the work.
Turnitin generates an Originality Report, and you are encouraged to make use of this
facility as a support tool to help you ensure the source material in your assignment is
correctly referenced before final submission. You will be able to submit revised drafts of
your work until the specified due date.
Only the final version of your coursework will be marked by your tutor. On the due date
and time, no further submissions or changes are possible.

Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme

Assessment criteria: Per the marking criteria grid, Appendix A
Marking scheme: Per the marking criteria grid, Appendix A.

Learning Outcomes
Assessment Requirements CILOs

Task 1 A1, B1, B2, D1

Task 2 A1, B1, B2, D1

Task 3 A1, B1, B2, D1

Appendix A
1. Rubrics and Marking Schemes for Report Research

• The study must be clearly structured and presented. Poor organisation and Some attention paid to Good structure, presentation
• The introduction must state an aim and explicitly identify the relevant structure. The structure and and coherently expressed.
arguments and areas to be addressed. Limited discussion. organisation/coherence Widely discussed.
• These areas, once identified must be followed up logically in the main Evidence of discussion.
body of the study.
• There must be a firm conclusion of the areas discussed.
CONTENT 35 0-13 14-24 25-35
• The contents must clearly relate to the area of study, and the learning Limited relevance to Addressed the aims of the area of Clearly relevant.
outcomes being tested, and demonstrate originality and creativity. the area of study and study with some originality and Original & creative.
• Knowledge and understanding must be applied to practice. practice. creativity. Application and integration of
Does not meet the Applied to practice. knowledge to practice.
theoretical learning Just meets all the theoretical Clearly meets all the
outcomes. learning outcomes. theoretical learning outcomes.
CLARITY OF EXPRESSION 15 0-4 5-10 11-15
• Areas must be clearly expressed, articulate and fluent, whether written or Vague, over simplistic, Communication clear. Articulate and fluent.
graphical, using appropriate technical terminology. unclear. Spelling and/or grammar needs Good spelling and grammar.
• Accurate spelling and grammar. Poor spelling and some improvement. Good calculations
• Accurate calculations and logic grammar. Calculations and logic and logic
Poor calculations needs some
and logic improvement
• There should be a clear critical analysis and synthesis of issues, which are Wholly or mainly Shows some critical thinking and Well integrated
well integrated and evaluated, as appropriate. descriptive. the beginnings of synthesis and Study with clear evidence of
evaluation. critical analysis/synthesis, and
evaluation relevant to the area
of study.
• All key sources must be cited, and a consistent and accurate use of the Main key sources not Most sources cited using an All key sources cited.
Harvard referencing system must be maintained. cited. accepted referencing system. Consistent and accurate use of
Limited or no use of an an accepted referencing
accepted referencing system.
Total mark 100
2. Rubrics and Marking Schemes for Group/Individual Presentations
Presentation Marking Rubric (Group)
16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
COMPREHENSION 20 Extensive knowledge of topic. Most showed a good Few members showed good Presenters didn’t understand topic.
Members showed complete understanding of topic. understanding of some parts of Majority of questions answered by only
understanding of assignment. All members able to answer topic. one member or majority of information
Accurately answered all most of audience questions. Only some members accurately incorrect.
questions posed. answered questions.
22-30 15-21 8-14 1-7
PRESENTATION 30 Regular/constant eye contact, Most members spoke to Members focused on only part of Minimal eye contact by more than one
SKILLS The audience was engaged, majority of audience; audience. member focusing on small part of
and presenters held the steady eye contact. Sporadic eye contact by more than audience.
audience’s attention. The audience was engaged one presenter. The audience was not engaged.
Appropriate speaking volume by the presentation. The audience was distracted. Majority of presenters spoke too quickly
& body language. Majority of presenters Speakers could be heard by only or quietly making it difficult to
spoke at a suitable volume. half of the audience. understand.
Some fidgeting by Body language was distracting. Inappropriate/disinterested body
member(s). language.
16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
CONTENT 20 The presentation was a concise The presentation was a The presentation was informative The presentation was a brief look at the
summary of the topic with all good summary of the topic. but several elements went topic but many questions were left
questions answered. Most important information unanswered. unanswered.
Comprehensive and complete covered; little irrelevant Much of the information Majority of information irrelevant and
coverage of information. info. irrelevant; coverage of some of significant points left out.
major points.
16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
PARTICIPATION/ 20 All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or tension
GROUP information, participated presenter. Members helped members with one minimally resulting from over-helping.
DYNAMICS equally, and helped each other each other. contributing. Multiple group members not
as needed. Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with some participating.
Extremely prepared and dependence on just reading off Evident lack of preparation/rehearsal.
rehearsed. slides. Dependence on slides.
8-10 6-7 3-5 1-2
REFERENCES 10 Outside sources are Source material is Source material is incorporated Source material is never incorporated or
incorporated logically, incorporated logically and but sometimes inappropriately or incorporated inappropriately or
insightfully, and elegantly; adequately; sources are unclearly; sources are only unclearly; documentation is inaccurate
sources are documented documented accurately for occasionally documented
accurately the most part accurately
Total 100
3. Rubrics and Marking Schemes for Model/Prototype
APPROPRIATE 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
(Drawings, Prototype, Clearly identifies a range of possible Applies selected technology to Uses selected technology inaccurately to
Other Medium) alternative technologies to create an perform the task with some perform task ineffectively and
understanding of the product and efficiency and effectiveness. inefficiently, while demonstrating only a
chooses the most appropriate to Displays understanding of the minimal understanding of purpose and
perform the task results results.
DEVELOPMENT 10 9-10 6-8 3-5 1-2
Detailed timeline of tasks, Students did some planning ahead Students just began working without
responsibilities and group pictures. of time to develop ideas. thinking out different possibilities.
CONSTRUCTION 40 31-40 21-30 11-20 1-
Detailed Drawings showing designs Students just began working Students left design details and with data
and dimensions of prototype with without thinking out different undone due to lack of work or time.
data. possibilities in the design of the
prototype with data.
AESTHETICS 10 8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2
Drawings and data are crisp and Drawings and data. or prototype, Drawings or prototype are unsightly and
clean with measurements labelled are clean and neat, but not messy.
properly. Prototype does not show particularly attractive to the eye.
glue marks or other evidence of
SCALE/PRECISION 20 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Drawings or prototype are made to Drawings or prototype were There was no attempt to make models or
scale with a legend provided. attempted to be made at scale, prototypes to scale.
with some issues.
Total mark 100

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