Risk Assessment Plan For Detour
Risk Assessment Plan For Detour
Risk Assessment Plan For Detour
All authorities, bodies and organizations responsible for all types of roads to
which the public have access, are strongly recommended to make compliance
with the requirements of RC ROAD DEPARTMENT and Moroor (traffic police) a
condition of contract in the case of works carried out on their behalf.
All signing must confirm to the Moroor (traffic Police) and RC road Department
and RC industrial Security Department.
The developer shall submit a program me of works, stating the start date and
duration of the works along with a traffic management layout required prior to
approval being given for commencement of works on the highway.
The installation of foul and surface water sewers within the highway will require
careful consideration of the Traffic Management Plan so as to prevent the need
for a road closures and to minimize disruption to local traffic, emergency services
and bus services.
• Ensure that the correct procedures have been followed for works that
involve the need for prior consultation, consent or agreement (e.g. highway
closures, working in the vicinity of railways and/or tramways, etc.);
• Ensure before you start that a site specific risk assessment has been
carried out, paying particular attention to the requirements of highway
users, including pedestrians and vulnerable users such as disabled
people. If circumstances change, you should consider whether the risk
assessment needs revising;
• Ensure before you start that the works site layout has been planned,
necessary equipment has been identified and that you know how you will
set the site out;
• Understand and implement pre-planned site safety requirements before
starting the works;
• Sign, light, guard and maintain your works safely at all times;
• Ensure that your works remain compliant and safe as works progress or
following any alteration;
• Ensure that the safety of yourself and others who pass near or through the
• Consult your supervisor, manager or other competent person immediately
if you are unsure about any requirements contained in your work
instruction; and
• Ensure that the work team understands all key safety issues and the local
site risk assessment related to the activity.
Risk Assessment
A risk assessment must be carried out for all works before work begins. The risk
assessment must take account of road layout and speed of traffic, the works to
be undertaken, location, duration and restoration of work site to original state.
The risk assessment or method statement may identify additional signing, lighting
and guarding that is needed to ensure the safety of road users and operatives.
These are some of the things you should consider when making your
assessment of on-site risks before starting.
Look at pedestrians
• Consider both safe routes and the standards of fencing/barriers needed to
protect pedestrians from risks from inside the work space.
• Is there a high level of pedestrian traffic? – consider users of pushchairs,
wheelchairs and mobility scooters.
• Are there significant numbers of people with reduced mobility or walking
difficulties (who may have problems with steps, cable protectors, or
uneven surfaces), or blind and partially sighted people? – consider any
nearby hospitals, surgeries, residential homes etc.
• Are there many children around? – consider nearby schools, parks,
playgrounds etc.
• Will pedestrian crossings or school crossing points be affected?
• Are there other pedestrian risks, such as people leaving pubs/clubs, sports
matches or events?
• Use the signing, lighting and guarding that is necessary for the risks, not
just the equipment you happen to have available at the time. Work must
not start until you have the right equipment set up correctly. For
emergency works, full signing, lighting and guarding must be provided as
quickly as possible.
• Ensure the works team are given a formal briefing on all key safety issues
and local site risk assessment related to the activity.
• If you have any concerns, contact your supervisor, manager or other
competent person.
The Risk Assessment must not be generic. It should always be specific to the
Name & contact details has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice
Statement of general policy Responsibility of: Action/Arrangements (What are you going to do?)
Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by Name & Contact details As Senior Manager for company name Health and Safety, oversee the implementation of
managing the health and safety risks associated with the control measures to ensure the risks are kept as low as reasonably practicable.
road closure.
Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate Name & Contact details
training, to ensure pedestrian access to enable safe access
to the temporary bus stops.
Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, Name & Contact details .
provide and maintain plant, equipment and
machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of
You should review your policy if you think it might no longer be valid, eg if
circumstances change.
Title: Road Detour Location: T8 Tama Road Area
Description of works: Construction of Detour Road and Installation of U-turn area at T-8 tama road.
Summary of significant hazards identified: E.g. Vehicle access, Road Visibility, Work during hours of darkness, Highway Lighting, Vehicle
What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to Action by who? Action by Done
how? control this risk? when?
Motorist impact with Workforce and Pedestrians All works to be set out and maintained None No further N/A N/A
temporary TM & conflict with traffic. by approved contractor in accordance action
associated workforce. required.
with TSM Chapter 8 (Traffic signs,
Pedestrian access e.g.
lighting and guarding)
Slips, trips and falls.
Young people, parents and Pedestrian & traffic Road closure significantly reduces the Dynamic Safety Assessment of Name N/A N/A
carers accessing the conflict. through traffic flow. Vehicles parked on route through site is undertaken
primary school. Vehicles the highway form a natural traffic prior to school dropping off and
Parking & Turning near calming feature. Vehicles speeds appear collection times.
pedestrians. to be low & controlled.
Diversion routes and Pedestrian & traffic Provide additional temporary Name Date
potential for increased conflict. signing to heighten driver
awareness to the likelihood of
speeds and traffic on an
pedestrians in the carriageway.
unfamiliar route increased
risk of vehicle / pedestrian
Time of year i.e. Term Pedestrian & traffic Advocating the use of High visibility Undertake a road safety initiative Name Date
time, hours of darkness conflict. clothing / torches. with school to promote road
and potential for inclement safety awareness and the benefit
weather and reduced high visibility clothing / torches.
Increased risk of vehicle /
pedestrian conflict.
Absence of street lighting. Pedestrian & traffic Advocating the use of High visibility Undertake a road safety initiative Name Date
conflict. clothing / torches. to promote road safety
awareness and the benefit high
visibility clothing / torches.
Pedestrians and cyclists Pedestrians Signing, Lighting and Guarding to Regular safety inspections and Name Date
(inc. Young people) conform to requirements of Chapter 8 tidy site conditions.
negotiating TM works.
of the Traffic Signs Manual.
Slips, trips, falls or
inappropriate access to
work area.
Service strike Operative • Stats plans issued to principle Name: Date
• CAT survey carried out prior to
commencement of road
• Competent work force –
Suitable and sufficient training
and supervision.
Risk Assessment
Operations (e.g. cutting, Operatives and the public. Comprehensive set of risk assessments Name: Date
Excavations etc) that may and safe systems of work covering
present a secondary hazard
operations required to carry out various
to the public (e.g. Dust,
Fall, Fumes, Noise civil engineering operations likely to be
etc) associated with this scheme.
Insufficient safety Sub-contractors and Safety systems include sharing of Name: Date
information and control of visitors relevant information, induction /
site visitors, subcontractors training, PPE etc. for site visitors,
etc. contractors etc.
You should review your risk assessment if you think it might no longer be valid (eg following an accident in the workplace or if there are any
significant changes to hazards, such as new work equipment or work activities)
Facility / Job
Department: Location : Specify Activity to be assessed :- Assessment team member Signature