Dated, Imphal the 29" Jann, 2018
The following Plinth Area Rates, based on Manipur Schedule Rates for State Works,
2027 for Permanent and Sei Permanent buildings for residential and non-residential
buildings in Manipur may be adopted in the preparation of preliminary estimates. The
il be as per Annexure, specifications shall be as per Annexurect, Il, IV
service charges si
V, Vi and Vilas per the categories of the building.
. | Permanent Building Plinth Area Rates [Unit [Remarks |
| | Ground Floor | tnterme Top Floor
L | Hirer | —————
Residential 7
| [Gategoryi. {Rs 38,243.00 [_- Rs, 28.180.00 | sqm | Annex IL
Cetegory 2. As. 43,558.00 | Rs. 18,794.00 | Rs. 23,372.00 | sqm | Annexill
| Feategorys. Rs, 66,143.00 [ Rs. 23,021.00 | Rs. 24,594.00 | sqm | Annex. IV
| | Non-Residential "| Rs. 92,866.00 | fis 10,794.00 | Rs, 25,172.00 | sqm AnneGV
| | (Office & |
| | institutional |
|_| buiteing) :
12 Se ‘anent
| | Butiging
| [Residentiat KS. 21,622.00 sqm | AnnexVi
| | Non-Residentiat Rs. 13,962.00 yT sqm | Annex-Vit
This supersedes all previous memorandums in this regard, ee
/ , (Kh. Temba Singh)
. Chief Engineer
} PWD, Manipur
Endt. No. SSW/Plinth Area/2011-12/ Imphal, the thJan., 2018
’ Copy to eal :
_<(stlthe Principal Secretary (Finance), Govi. of Manipur
cic 28t 209 the Commissioner (Works), Govt. of Manipur
fe 9.8: The Chief Engineer (Building), PWN, Manipur
4, All Addl. Chief Engineers, PWO, Manipur
5. , All Superintending Engineers, PWO, Manipur
6. All Execuitiva Engineers PWD, Manipur “4
Ww ~
* (th. Temba singh)
Chief Engineer
PWO, Manipur.
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# For the pupose cf Valuation of Private Buildings 10% Contractor Prot sal be deduced fm the Pith Area Rate
+ inh Area Rats are excusveo 1% GST, 1% Latour Cess & Agony charges but inclusive of Royal Ta
#No extra for lead are applicable
inh Area Petes are appcaie ov eve Pinta of he bung I
The Plinth Area Rete shall pny te nevmal ceniione and narmal lay oi PRS any US BET
| ‘aquired cu to nature of layout involving fling, clin or bringing services trom era distances, |
|__| then action provision shou be made.
| 2 | Costof HT sub-stafon equipments, LT daibuion system OG ce, punps, arcondioaia Saat
|| other spevicieed mubs the aestietc extemal aghong wit metal hale lamp for facade lighting, |
|_| aistessable fre alam system, rsing mains, UPS, avaton obetucton fights, external seni |
| connections, elrege water coder, IOMS, CCT, acess conto system fr secury,clerWaler |
| ean system soar Eantn et, re at ined in th Plinth Ares Rata an emo chal be taken
2s per actual based on funcfonaltty of to proposed bling
4 Cost of buk services water supoly & sewage dsposa are not cuded WT Fn area Rais,
|_| eta provision denending upon st condons maybe made forte,
5 The stot prong gre Luin wae vesing ae be ken Sf SS
|The prousion or folowing are nofincided in Pin Area Rat:
{a} Heavier Foundaton suc es Ratt & Fle Foundalons :
| [Fie launa gre Alam sone
| o) Lis, StostLighing & Ext signboard dette Snape
[5a Water Tanks, Sto water ora & Horteutures Oneraton
[Rules for woking out Pintn Area rom Plan mey be adopted as lad Gown by GPHID Memo
| NoS4COMi, Ute Oct 983, New Det |
‘#The Plinth Area Rate (PAR) 2017 are any for purpose of prepaning the. 'Preiiminary Estimate, The estimate prepared on
i of PAs meant im anh ey expense an uerk oth Adina Na yDeparenvOrgerseeoe
‘Actual cost of Construction may be vary significantly depending upon the cients detailed requirement, ste conditions, detailed
panning &cesgn of vanes stucres, ling & serves, level of campeon nthe tndeny proms ck,