Orthodox Prayers of Old England

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s P R AY E R S s

A Western Rite
for Orthodox Christians

Third E dition
Copyright 1999 St. H ilarion Press


The Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia
of Western Europe & The Americas

I S B N 0 - 9 2 3 8 6 4 -17-2
Psalms from ‘The Psalter According to the Seventy,’
permission of Holy Transfiguration Monastery

Join your right thumb, index finger, & middle finger; fold the other
two into the palm,1 & touch your forehead, abdomen, right
shoulder, & left shoulder, then bow slightly, saying all the while:

I n the name of the O Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit. Amen.
LORD’S PRAYER — Mt. 6:9-13; Lk. 11:2-4

O ur Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy

kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil.2 Amen.

R ejoice, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art

thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb. Amen.

I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived
by the Holy Spirit, (bow deeply:) born of the Virgin Mary, (rise:)
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven, sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and
the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the
communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
flesh, and life everlasting. Amen.4
Bless yourself, then bow, rising again at “As it was in the beginning.”

G lory be to the O Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, and now and always,5 and unto the
ages of ages. Amen.

1 The three signify the Trinity; the two, ‘deliver us from the evil one.’
the Divine and human natures of Christ. 3 or, ‘Hail, Mary,’ from ‘Ave Maria’
2 or, ‘forgive us our trespasses as we 4 Baptismal creed of Orthodox Rome
forgive them that trespass against us,’ or 5 or, ‘both now and ever’

Note: Domestic prayers can be spoken or chanted. If you live with other Orthodox, join
with them for morning and evening prayers. It is usual to take the prayers by turns—only
one person saying each prayer—the head of the house taking any versicles (=) and collects.

When you awake, lift your mind to God our Creator, & bless yourself, saying:

I n the name of the O Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Raise your hands & eyes to heaven, saying the Hymn ‘Veni Creátor’:

O come, Creator Spirit, come,

Visit the minds of Thy people:
Fill with Thy celestial grace,
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst create.
Bow profoundly, then rise to continue:

Thou Who art called the Paraclete,

The gift of God, of the Most High,
Living fountain, fire, charity,
The soul’s anointing from above.
Thou Who art sevenfold in gift,
The finger Thou of God’s right hand,
Solemn promise of the Father,
Giving to tongues the gift of speech.
Enkindle light in every sense,
And pour Thy love into our hearts,
Our bodily infirmities
With might perpetual strengthening.
Drive far away the enemy,
And Thine abiding peace bestow;
So lead, Thyself preceding us,
That we may flee from every harm.
The Father may we know through Thee,
And through Thee may we know the Son:
Thee, Spirit sent from the Father,
May we believe throughout all time.

O Praise to the Father, with the Son,

And to the Holy Paraclete,
And may the Son send upon us
The gifts of the Holy Spirit. + Amen.
= Thou wilt send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
+ And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. (Ps. 103:31)
Let us pray.
Collect: O God, Who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the
enlightenment of the Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to be wise
in what is right, and to rejoice for ever in His consolation. O Through
Christ our Lord. + Amen.

O ur Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy

kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the
Holy Spirit, (bow:) born of the Virgin Mary, (rise:) suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the
third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, sitteth
on the right hand of God the Father almighty; from thence He shall come
to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy
Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the flesh, and life everlasting. Amen.

J esus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us; (deep bow:) Thou
that didst humble Thyself to be born of a Virgin, have mercy on us.
Cross yourself with holy water & bow (or prostrate) before the Cross:

W e worship O Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, for by Thy holy

Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. (cross yourself & bow:)
We bow down O before Thy Cross, O Lord; we call to mind Thy glorious
Passion. Have mercy on us, Thou that didst suffer for us.
Cross yourself & make a prostration—touching your forehead to the floor:

R ejoice, Holy O Cross, worthy tree, whose precious strength held

aloft the Price paid for the world. (cross yourself & bow:)

Rejoice, O O Cross, who wert consecrated by the Body of Christ, and

adorned with His limbs as with pearls. (cross yourself & bow:)
Rejoice, O O Cross, wood triumphing over the world, our true safety!
Among the trees none is thy peer in bough, blossom, or bud. O Christian
medicine, save the sound; heal the sick.
Cross yourself & bow (prostrate) before the Cross, then turn to the icon of Our Lady.

H oly Theotókos, Ever-Virgin, blessed, joyous, glorious, and noble,

untouched and spotless, chaste and undefiled Mary, immaculate,
chosen, and beloved of God, possessing holiness unequalled, and worthy
of every praise, who art an intercessor for the transgressions of the whole
world, hearken, hearken, hearken to us, Holy Mary. Pray and intercede
for us, and do not disdain to help us. For we trust and know surely that
any thing thou wishest to ask, thou canst ask of thy Son our Lord Jesus
Christ, the almighty God, the King of all ages, O Who liveth with the
Father and Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. + Amen.
Reverence & kiss the icon of Our Lady, then turn to the icon(s) of your Patron(s):

I entreat and beseech (you), Saint(s) N. (& N.), in the name of the Lord,
that (ye would) deign to have me in (your) prayers, so that the enemy
and adversary may not at any time have power to harm me.
I have sinned, Lord, before Thee and before Thine Angels. Deal with me
in Thy mercy, O Lord. Heal me, and I shall be healed, for Thou art my
healing and salvation, and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple.
O Honour and power be Thine, for ages of ages. + Amen.
Reverence & kiss all the icons.

O Holy Angel of God, minister of the heavenly dominion, to whom

almighty God hath assigned my care: by His majesty and loving-
kindness, I humbly beseech thee to preserve my soul and my body and all
my senses from harmful, vain, and impure thoughts, and from the
illusions of the wicked spirits, from pollution of mind and body, and from
the wiles of my visible and invisible enemies seeking after my soul: and be
a watchful protector to me, whithersoever I go, by day and by night,
every hour and minute, and keep me in clean deeds, and strengthen me
in the fear and love of Jesus Christ by thy holy prayers: and after this
wretched and fallen life lead my soul to eternal joy, where it may exult
with God and all the Saints without end. O Our Lord Jesus Christ

bestowing it, to Whom is honour and glory, unto the ages of ages. +
Strike your breast with your right hand:

What human power cannot do, in Thy name, Lord, be done.

And, if you wish, you may also say the following prayers.



O Lord Jesus Christ, as I rise in the morning, be attentive unto me

and govern mine actions and my words and my thoughts, that I may
pass the whole day within Thy will. Grant me Thy fear, O Lord,
compunction of heart, lowliness of mind, a pure conscience, that I may
scorn the world, ponder heaven, hate sins, and love righteousness. Take
from my heart the cares of the world, wrench from me, O Lord, the
appetite for gluttony, the desire for fornication, the love of money, the
plague of irritability, the sadness of this world, listlessness, empty joy,
worldly pride. Plant in me, O Lord, the virtues: an abstaining body’s
self-containment, chastity, humility, and unfeigned brotherly love.
Guard my mouth, Lord, that I may not speak vanities, not tell worldly
tales nor detract others in their absence, that I may not curse my parents
who are (yet alive), that I may not answer cursing with cursing, but
rather with blessing. O Lord, let Thy praise be continually in my mouth.
Guard mine eyes, O Christ, that they may not see what is evil to lust after
it, not the delicacies of this world nor the goods of my neighbour, but let
me say in the spirit of David, “Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord, for
He it is that will draw my feet out of the snare” (Ps 24:16), and again, “Unto
Thee have I lifted up mine eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven” (Ps
122:1). Guard mine ears lest they listen to slander and lies, or idle talk, but
let them be opened every day to listen to the word of God, Who heareth
and reigneth unto ages of ages. + Amen.

L et us walk in the good things of the light of this day,

In the power of the most high God, greatest God,
In the good pleasure of Christ,
In the light of the Holy Spirit,
In the faith of the Patriarchs,
In the justice of the Prophets,
In the peace of the Apostles,
In the joy of the Angels,

In the splendours of the Saints, In restraint of the tongue,

(Ps. 109:4) In an abundance of peace,
In the toils of the Monks, (Ps. 71:7)
In the power of the righteous, In praises of the Trinity,
In the martyrdom of the Martyrs, In sharp thinking,
In the chastity of the Virgins, In deeds ever good,
In the wisdom of God, In the spiritual models,
In much patience, In Divine words,
In abstinence of the flesh, In blessings,

In these things lieth the path of all who labour for Christ, Who leadeth
His Saints after their departure into everlasting joy, that I may hear the
voice of the Angels praising God and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy! (Is 6:3)
Placing your confidence not in yourself but in the Lord, begin the labours of the day.

When offering incense in your home, such as for morning or evening prayers, say:

L et my prayer be set forth unto Thee, O Lord, as incense in Thy sight,

the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. Set, O Lord, a
watch before my mouth, and a door of enclosure round about my lips.
Incline not my heart unto words of evil, to make excuse with excuses in
sins. For unto Thee, O Lord, O Lord, are mine eyes; in Thee have I
hoped. O Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. (Ps. 140)



Fall upon your knees, and think what you have done this day that displeases the Lord
our God, and cry for forgiveness to the Saviour:

I confess to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, all my sins, all that I have done
from mine infancy till now, in knowledge and in ignorance. And
with my whole heart I ask forgiveness for what things soever I have
done against Thy will to-day, sleeping and waking, in words, in deeds,
in thoughts, by the darts of the Devil and the desire of my flesh,

praying that Thy wrath fall not upon me, but Thy grace look down
upon me for ever. O Who livest and reignest with God the Father in
the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
O Lord, if it be that I have done a good thing, I thank Thee, for by Thy
grace it hath been done.
Kyrieléyson. Xristeléyson. Kyrieléyson. Our Father... (until:)
= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil.
= Save Thy servants and Thy handmaidens.
+ O my God, that hope in Thee. (Ps 85:3)
Let us pray. Collect: O God, Whose property is ever to have mercy and
to spare, receive our supplication: that those whom the chain of
transgressions bindeth, the compassion of Thy loving-kindness may
absolve, O through Christ our Lord. + Amen.
Sign the ground with your right thumb, bend & kiss the cross, stand aright, & say:

V isit this dwelling-place, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and drive all

the snares of the enemy far from hence. May Thy holy Angels,
dwelling therein, preserve us in peace, and may Thy blessing be upon
us for ever. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all
the ages of ages. + Amen.

R ejoice, O Theotókos, undefiled Virgin!

Rejoice, for thou hast received joy from the Angel!
Rejoice, for thou hast begotten the brightness of the eternal Light!
Rejoice, O Mother; rejoice, O holy Theotókos!
O Virgin, thou alone art a mother without nuptial union. Thee
praiseth every thing created by thy Son. O Mother of the Light, be a
loving intercessor in our behalf.

I entreat and beseech you, Saints N. & N., in the name of the Lord, that
ye would deign to have me in your prayers, so that the enemy and
adversary may not at any time have power to harm me. I have sinned,
Lord, before Thee and before Thine Angels. Deal with me in Thy mercy,
O Lord. Heal me, and I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and
salvation, and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. O Honour
and power be Thine, for ages of ages. + Amen.


I believe that thou art the holy Angel appointed by God almighty to
guard me, wherefore I entreat, and by Him Who gave thee this rank
I humbly implore, that thou wouldst at all times and in all places guard
me, the weak, unworthy, and wretched sinner, throughout this life;
wouldst protect and defend me from all evils; and when God
commandeth my soul to pass from this place, suffer not the demons to
have any power over it. But receive it gently from my body, and bring it
with sweetness to the bosom of Abraham, God our Creator and Saviour
bidding and helping thee, O He that is blessed unto ages of ages.
+ Amen.

I nto Thy hands, O Lord, and into the hands of Thy holy ones, I commit
this night my spirit and my body, my brothers and sisters, my friends,
my cousins, my kin, my benefactors, and all Christian people: keep us
this night, O Lord, by the intercessions and prayers of the blessed Virgin
Mary and of all the Saints, from sins, and from the enemy’s snares, and
from sudden death and the torments of hell. Enkindle my heart with the
Holy Spirit and with Thy holy grace: and make me to be more obedient
to Thy commandments, and let me never be separated from Thee.
+ Amen.
Make three crosses on your forehead, saying:

C hrist O doth conquer, Christ O doth reign, Christ O doth rule the
Then sign yourself as usual, saying:

= Behold the O Cross of the Lord; flee, bands of enemies.

+ The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed,
alleluya. (omit “alleluya” from Septuagesima Sunday to Pascha)
As you turn to each direction, make the sign of the Cross towards it:

East: The Cross O putteth every evil thing to flight.

South: The Cross O restoreth all.
West: By this sign of the O Cross let every thing wicked flee
North: And by the same sign O let every good thing be preserved.
Bless yourself, saying:

O In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sprinkle holy water upon your bed & sign it with the sign of the Holy Cross, saying:
O In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Say also the following prayer, if you wish:

M ay He that on the ship took His sleep with peaceful heart

And, rising, commanded the wind and sea
Grant my heart to keep watch for Him,
Though now my limbs repose from wearying and toilsome works.
O Lamb of God, Who hast taken away all transgressions,
O Meek One, guard my sleep against the enemy.
If you are fearful at night, say the Prayer for Nightly Fears on p. 365.



Note: A younger person in the family should be the reader and the father, or mother, or
eldest present should be the leader. If any clergy or monastic is present, (he) leads the
blessing. Domestic table blessings can be chanted or spoken.

All stand.
Reader: Bless.
Leader: The Lord bless. May the Word of God the Father bless those
things brought and laid here, in the name of the Father O and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. + Amen.

All stand.

= For such refreshment, let us bless the Lord.

+ Thanks be to God.
= May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
+ Amen.


All stand.
Reader: Bless. Leader: The Lord bless. Reader:

he eyes of all look to Thee with hope ¶ and Thou gavest them their
T food in due season.
Thou openest Thy hand ¶ and fillest every living thing with Thy
favour. (Ps 144:16-17)
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
Kyrieléyson. Xristeléyson. Kyrieléyson. Our Father... (silently, until:)
= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil. Leader: Let us pray. Collect:
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we accept from Thy
generous hand. O Through Christ our Lord. + Amen. 1 Jn. 4:16:—

Reader: God is charity, and he that abideth in charity abideth in God, and
God in him. May God be in us, and let us abide in Him. + Amen.

All stand.
= The God of peace and love abide with us always; but Thou, O
Lord, be merciful unto us. (Jude 1:2)
+ Thanks be to God. Reader:
et all Thy works, O Lord, give praise to Thee ¶ and let Thy righteous
L ones bless Thee. (Ps 144:10)
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
= We give Thee thanks, O almighty God, for all Thy good gifts, Who
livest and reignest, God through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
All sing the antiphon: By thy Child a Mother, in childbirth a Virgin, be glad
and rejoice, O sacred Mother of the Lord.
= May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace. + Amen.

Reader: Bless.
Leader: The Lord bless. May He give grace to the living; mercy to the
departed; to the Church and realm, peace; and to us, life eternal.
+ Amen.
All stand.
Reader: Bless.
Leader: The Lord bless. May He sanctify this supper Who bestoweth
upon us all things, in the name of the O Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. + Amen.

All stand.
= Blessed is God in His gifts.
+ And holy in all His works.
= Our help is in the name of the Lord.
+ Who hath made heaven and the earth. (Ps. 123:9)
= Blessed be the name of the Lord.
+ From henceforth and for evermore. (Ps. 112:3)
Leader: Vouchsafe, O Lord God, to recompense those that do good to us
for Thy holy name’s sake with life eternal. + Amen.
= Let us bless the Lord. + Thanks be to God.

May the Son of God bless our drink, in the name of the Father O and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Reader: Bless.
Leader: The Lord bless. May the Word of God the Father bless those
things brought and laid here, in the name of the Father O and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. + Amen.


Cross yourself thrice, saying each time:

O O Lord, in the multitude of Thy mercy shall I go into Thy house.
O I shall worship toward Thy holy temple and confess Thy name.
O O Lord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness because of mine
enemies; make straight my way before Thee. (cf Pss. 5, 137)

Bless yourself with holy water, saying:

O The blessed water be health and life for me. Grant me, O Lord, by this
creature of water’s sprinkling, health of mind, soundness of body,
guarding of salvation, surety of hope, and strengthening of faith, now
and in the time to come. Amen.
And then reverence the icons in the church as is customary (see p. vii).


Make the same reverences as on entering, saying the prayer of St. Richard of Verdun:

L et us worship God; let us entreat the Holy Trinity, and those called
holy because of God, that He may give us peace and wholeness,
grant true repentance to sinners, true harmony to those in conflict, peace
to the living, and repose to the departed.



First, go to confession; attend Vespers the evening prior, and Matins that morning if possible;
fast from all food and liquid from the middle of the preceding night; make peace with all
your neighbours; condemn no-one; and say with all heedfulness the prayers below.


O Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son of God, Who art and Who
wast with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, in one essence, in
Whom alone there is true remission of all sins, and by Whom life and
eternal salvation are bestowed, Who didst justify the publican confessing
his sins, and didst hear the humble woman of Canaan as she cried to
Thee, and who didst look upon Peter when he denied Thee, and didst
accept him when he wept bitterly, and didst grant forgiveness, as well as

= Return, O Lord; how long?

+ And be Thou entreated concerning Thy servants. (Ps. 89:16)
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1)
Let us pray. Collect:

O Lord, stretch forth to Thy servants and handmaidens the right

hand of Thy heavenly aid: that they may seek Thee with their whole
heart, and that what they request worthily they may obtain. O Through
our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.


Righteous Cassiodorus grouped the Seven Penitential Psalms together in the 6th
century. They are chanted every day during Lent and at home the faithful often
pray them, in this manner:
From the passion of anger, O Lord, deliver us.

Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger ¶ nor chasten me in Thy wrath.

O Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak ¶ heal me, O Lord, for
my bones are troubled.
And my soul is troubled greatly ¶ but Thou, O Lord, how long?
Turn to me again, O Lord, deliver my soul ¶ save me for Thy mercy’s
For in death there is none that is mindful of Thee ¶ and in hades who
will confess Thee?
I toiled in my groaning ¶ every night I will wash my bed; with tears
will I water my couch.
Through wrath is mine eye become troubled ¶ I have grown old among
all mine enemies.
Depart from me, all ye that work vanity ¶ for the Lord hath heard the
voice of my weeping.
The Lord hath heard my supplication ¶ the Lord hath received my
Let all mine enemies be greatly put to shame and be troubled ¶ let
them be turned back, and speedily be greatly put to shame.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always: and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.

From the passion of pride & vainglory, O Lord, deliver us.

lessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven ¶ and whose sins are
B covered.
Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not sin ¶ and in
whose mouth there is no guile.
Because I kept silence, my bones are waxed old ¶ through my crying
all the day long.
For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me ¶ I was reduced to
misery whilst the thorn stuck fast in me.
Mine iniquity have I acknowledged, and my sin have I not hid.
I said: I will confess mine iniquities before the Lord against myself ¶
and Thou forgavest the ungodliness of my heart.
For this shall every one that is holy pray unto Thee ¶ in a seasonable
Moreover, in a flood of many waters ¶ shall they not come nigh unto him.
Thou art my refuge from the affliction which surroundeth me ¶ O my
Rejoicing, deliver me from them which have encircled me.
(the Lord:) I will instruct thee and teach thee in this way which thou
shalt go ¶ I will fix Mine eyes upon thee.
Be ye not as the horse or as the mule ¶ which have no understanding.
Whose jaws thou must hold with bit and bridle ¶ lest they come nigh
unto thee.
Many are the scourges of the sinner ¶ but mercy shall encircle him
that hopeth in the Lord.
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous ¶ and glory, all ye that
are upright of heart.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages
of ages. Amen.
From the passion of gluttony, O Lord, deliver us.

Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger ¶ nor chasten me in Thy wrath.

O For Thine arrows are fastened in me ¶ and Thou hast laid Thy hand
heavily upon me.
There is no healing in my flesh in the face of Thy wrath ¶ and there is
no peace in my bones in the face of my sins.
For mine iniquities are risen higher than my head ¶ as a heavy burden
have they pressed heavily upon me.
My bruises are become noisome and corrupt ¶ in the face of my folly.
I have been wretched and utterly bowed down until the end ¶

all the day long I went with downcast face.

For my loins are filled with mockings ¶ and there is no healing in my
I am afflicted and humbled exceedingly ¶ I have roared from the
groaning of my heart.
O Lord, before Thee is all my desire ¶ and my groaning is not hid
from Thee.
My heart is troubled, my strength hath failed me ¶ and the light of
mine eyes, even this is not with me.
My friends and my neighbours ¶ drew nigh over against me and stood.
And my nearest of kin stood afar off ¶ and they that sought after my
soul used violence.
And they that sought evils for me spake vain things ¶ and craftinesses
all the day long did they meditate.
But as for me, like a deaf man I heard them not ¶ and was as a
speechless man that openeth not his mouth.
And I became as a man that heareth not ¶ and that hath in his mouth
no reproofs.
For in Thee have I hoped, O Lord ¶ Thou wilt hearken unto me, O
Lord my God.
For I said: Let never mine enemies rejoice over me ¶ yea, when my
feet were shaken, those men spake boastful words against me.
For I am ready for scourges ¶ and my sorrow is continually before me.
For I will declare mine iniquity ¶ and I will take heed concerning my sin.
But mine enemies live and are made stronger than I ¶ and they that
hated me unjustly are multiplied.
They that render me evil for good slandered me ¶ because I pursued
Forsake me not, O Lord ¶ my God, depart not from me.
Be attentive unto my help ¶ O Lord of my salvation.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
From the passion of lust and impurity, O Lord, deliver us.

ave mercy on me, O God ¶ according to Thy great mercy.

H And according to the multitude of Thy compassions ¶ blot out my
Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity ¶ and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know mine iniquity ¶ and my sin is ever before me.
Against Thee only have I sinned and done this evil before Thee ¶
that Thou mightest be justified in Thy words, and prevail when

Thou art judged.

For behold, I was conceived in iniquities ¶ and in sins did my mother
bear me.
For behold, Thou hast loved truth ¶ the hidden and secret things of
Thy wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean ¶ Thou
shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.
Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness ¶ the bones that be
humbled, they shall rejoice.
Turn Thy face away from my sins ¶ and blot out all mine iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God ¶ and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Thy presence ¶ and take not Thy Holy Spirit
from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation ¶ and with Thy governing
Spirit establish me.
I shall teach transgressors Thy ways ¶ and the ungodly shall turn back
unto Thee.
Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation ¶
my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness.
O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips ¶ and my mouth shall declare Thy
For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had given it ¶ with whole-burnt
offerings Thou shalt not be pleased.
A sacrifice unto God is a broken spirit ¶ a heart that is broken and
humbled God will not despise.
Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto Sion ¶ and let the walls
of Jerusalem be builded.
Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with
oblation and whole-burnt offerings ¶ then shall they offer bullocks
upon Thine altar.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
From the passion of greed, O Lord, deliver us.

Lord, hear my prayer ¶ and let my cry come unto Thee.

O Turn not Thy face away from me ¶ in the day when I am afflicted,
incline Thine ear unto me.
In the day when I call upon Thee ¶ quickly hearken unto me.
For my days are vanished like smoke ¶ and my bones consumed like
wood for the burning.
I am smitten like grass, and withered is my heart ¶ for I forgot to eat

my bread.
By reason of the voice of my groaning ¶ my bone hath cleaved unto my
I am become like a pelican of the wilderness ¶ I am like an owl in a
ruined house.
I have watched, and am like a sparrow ¶ that sitteth alone upon the
The whole day long mine enemies reproached me ¶ and they that
praised me made an oath against me.
For before the face of Thy wrath and Thine anger ¶ I ate ashes like
And my drink I mingled with weeping ¶ for after uplifting me, Thou
hast dashed me down.
My days like a shadow have declined ¶ and I like grass am withered.
But Thou, O Lord, for ever abidest ¶ and Thy remembrance is unto
generation and generation.
Thou shalt rise up and have pity upon Sion ¶ for it is time to have
compassion on her; yea, the time is come.
For Thy servants have taken pleasure in her stones ¶ and they shall
feel pity for her dust.
And the nations shall fear Thy name, O Lord ¶ and all the kings of the
earth Thy glory.
For the Lord shall build up Sion ¶ and He shall be seen in His glory.
He hath regarded the prayer of the humble ¶ and hath not despised
their supplication.
Let this be written for another generation ¶ and the people that is
being created shall praise the Lord.
For He hath looked out from His holy height ¶ the Lord from heaven
hath looked upon the earth,
To hear the groaning of them that be in fetters ¶ to loose the sons of
the slain,
To declare in Sion the name of the Lord ¶ and His praise in Jerusalem,
When the peoples are gathered together ¶ and the kings to serve the Lord.
He answered Him in the way of his strength ¶ The fewness of my days
declare unto me.
Take me not away at the half of my days ¶ in generations and
generations are Thy years.
In the beginning, O Lord, Thou didst lay the foundation of the earth ¶
and the heavens are the works of Thy hands.
They shall perish, but Thou abidest ¶ and all like a garment shall grow
And as a vesture shalt Thou fold them, and they shall be changed ¶

but Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail.
The sons of Thy servants shall have their dwelling ¶ and their seed for
ever shall be guided aright.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
From the passion of envy, O Lord, deliver us.

ut of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord ¶ O Lord, hear

O my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive ¶ to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord ¶ O Lord, who shall stand?
For with Thee there is forgiveness ¶ for Thy name’s sake have I
patiently waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath waited patiently for Thy word ¶ my soul hath hoped in
the Lord.
From the morning watch until night ¶ from the morning watch let
Israël hope in the Lord.
For with the Lord there is mercy ¶ and with Him is plenteous
And He shall redeem Israël ¶ out of all his iniquities.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
From the passion of accidia—that is, sloth—O Lord, deliver us.

Lord, hear my prayer ¶ give ear unto my supplication in Thy

O truth; hearken unto me in Thy righteousness.
And enter not into judgment with Thy servant ¶ for in Thy sight shall
no man living be justified.
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ¶ he hath humbled my life
down to the earth.
He hath sat me in darkness as those that have been long dead ¶ and
my spirit within me is become despondent; within me my heart is
I remembered days of old, I meditated on all Thy works ¶ I pondered
on the creations of Thy hands.
I stretched forth my hands unto Thee ¶ my soul thirsteth after Thee
like a waterless land.
Quickly hear me, O Lord ¶ my spirit hath fainted away.
Turn not Thy face away from me ¶ lest I be like unto them that go

down into the pit.

Cause me to hear Thy mercy in the morning ¶ for in Thee have I put
my hope.
Cause me to know, O Lord, the way wherein I should walk ¶ for unto
Thee have I lifted up my soul.
Rescue me from mine enemies, O Lord; unto Thee have I fled for
refuge ¶ teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God.
Thy good Spirit shall lead me in the land of uprightness ¶ for Thy
name’s sake, O Lord, shalt Thou quicken me.
In Thy righteousness shalt Thou bring my soul out of affliction ¶ and
in Thy mercy shalt Thou utterly destroy mine enemies.
And Thou shalt cut off all them that afflict my soul ¶ for I am Thy
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: Remember not, O Lord, our offences, nor those of our fathers,
neither take Thou vengeance of our sins.


that is, the Fifteen Odes of Ascent

Each of these fifteen especial Psalms was sung on one of the 15 “gradus,” or steps,
of the first and second Temples in Jerusalem—in an ascending fashion.

Pray the first five Psalms for the salvation of your soul & for those who do good to you
and befriend you.
nto the Lord in mine affliction have I cried ¶ and He heard me.
U O Lord, deliver my soul from unrighteous lips ¶ and from a crafty
What shall be given unto thee ¶ and what shall be added unto thee for
thy crafty tongue?
The arrows of the mighty one ¶ sharpened with coals of the desert.
Woe is me, for my sojourning is prolonged ¶ I have tented with the
tentings of Kedar; my soul hath long been a sojourner.
With them that hate peace I was peaceable ¶ when I spake unto them,
they warred against me without a cause.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains ¶ from whence cometh
I my help.
My help cometh from the Lord ¶ Who hath made heaven and the
Give not thy foot unto moving ¶ and may He not slumber that keepeth
Behold, He shall not slumber nor shall He sleep ¶ He that keepeth
The Lord shall keep thee ¶ the Lord is thy shelter at thy right hand.
The sun shall not burn thee by day ¶ nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall keep thee from all evil ¶ the Lord shall guard thy soul.
The Lord shall keep thy coming in and thy going out ¶ from
henceforth and for evermore.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
was glad because of them that said unto me ¶ Let us go into the
I house of the Lord.
Our feet have stood ¶ in thy courts, O Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is builded as a city ¶ which its dwellers share in concord.
For there the tribes went up, the tribes of the Lord ¶ as a testimony
for Israël, to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
For there are set thrones unto judgment ¶ thrones over the house of
Ask now for the things which are for the peace of Jerusalem ¶ and for
the prosperity of them that love thee.
Let peace be now in thy strength ¶ and prosperity in thy palaces.
For the sake of my brethren and my neighbours ¶ I spake peace
concerning thee.
Because of the house of the Lord our God ¶ I have sought good things
for thee.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
nto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes ¶ unto Thee that dwellest in
U heaven.
Behold, as the eyes of servants ¶ look unto the hands of their masters.

As the eyes of the handmaid look unto the hands of her mistress ¶ so
do our eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take pity on us.
Have mercy on us, O Lord; have mercy on us ¶ for greatly are we
filled with abasement.
Greatly hath our soul been filled therewith ¶ let reproach come upon
them that prosper, and abasement on the proud.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
ad it not been that the Lord was with us, let Israel now say ¶ had
H it not been that the Lord was with us,
When men rose up against us ¶ then had they swallowed us up alive.
When their wrath raged against us ¶ then had the water overwhelmed us.
Our soul hath passed through a torrent ¶ then had our soul passed
through the water that is irresistible.
Blessed be the Lord Who hath not given us ¶ to be a prey to their
Our soul like a sparrow was delivered ¶ out of the snare of the
The snare is broken ¶ and we are delivered.
Our help is in the name of the Lord ¶ Who hath made heaven and the
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
Kyrieléyson. Xristeléyson. Kyrieléyson. Our Father... (silently, till:)
= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil.
= Save Thy servants and Thy handmaidens.
+ O my God, that hope in Thee. (Ps. 85:3)
Let us pray. Collect:

O God, Whose property is ever to have mercy and to spare, receive

our supplication, that those whom the chain of transgressions
bindeth, the compassion of Thy loving-kindness may absolve. O
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Say the next five Psalms for the peace of Holy Church, since at all times, in some
place, she is being torn by persecution from the evil one.
hey that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion ¶ he that
T dwelleth at Jerusalem, nevermore shall he be shaken.
Mountains are round about her, and the Lord is round about His
people ¶ from henceforth and for evermore.
For the Lord will not permit the rod of sinners to be upon the lot of
the righteous ¶ lest the righteous stretch forth their hands unto
Do good, O Lord, unto them that are good ¶ and unto the upright of
But them that turn aside unto crooked ways shall the Lord lead away
with the workers of iniquity ¶ peace be upon Israël.
O Glory be... As it was...
hen the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion ¶ we became as
W men that are comforted.
Then was our mouth filled with joy ¶ and our tongue with rejoicing.
Then shall they say among the nations ¶ The Lord hath done great
things unto them.
The Lord hath done great things among us ¶ and we are become glad.
Turn again, O Lord, our captivity ¶ like streams in the south.
They that sow with tears ¶ shall reap with rejoicing.
In their going they went, and they wept ¶ as they cast their seeds.
But in their coming shall they come with rejoicing ¶ bearing their
O Glory be... As it was...
xcept the Lord build the house ¶ in vain do they labour that build it.
E Except the Lord guard the city ¶ in vain doth he watch that guardeth
It is vain for you to rise at dawn ¶ Ye that eat the bread of sorrow,
rouse yourselves after resting.
When He hath given sleep to His beloved ¶ lo, sons are the heritage of
the Lord, the reward of the fruit of the womb.
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man ¶ so are the sons of them
that were outcasts.
Blessed is he that shall fulfil his desires with them ¶ they shall not be
put to shame when they speak to their enemies in the gates.

O Glory be... | As it was...

lessed are all they that fear the Lord ¶ that walk in His ways.
B Thou shalt eat the fruit of thy labours ¶ blessed art thou, and well
shall it be with thee.
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine ¶ on the sides of thy house.
Thy sons like young olive trees ¶ round about thy table.
Behold, so shall the man be blessed ¶ that feareth the Lord.
The Lord bless thee out of Sion ¶ and mayest thou see the good things
of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
And mayest thou see thy children’s children ¶ peace be upon Israël.
O Glory be... | As it was...
any a time have they warred against me from my youth ¶ let
M Israel now say.
Many a time have they warred against me from my youth ¶ and yet
they have not prevailed against me.
The sinners wrought upon my back ¶ they lengthened out their
The Lord is righteous; He hath cut asunder the necks of sinners ¶ let
them be put to shame and turned back, all they that hate Sion.
Let them be as the grass upon the housetops ¶ which before it is
plucked up is withered away.
Wherefore the reaper filleth not his hand ¶ nor he that gathereth
sheaves his bosom.
Nor have they that passed by said: The blessing of the Lord come
upon you ¶ We have blessed you in the name of the Lord.
O Glory be... | As it was...

Kyrieléyson. Xristeléyson. Kyrieléyson. Our Father... (silently till:)

= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil.
= Let peace be now in Thy strength.
+ And prosperity in Thy palaces. (Ps. 121:8)
Let us pray. Collect:

B e pleased, O Lord, to accept the prayers of Thy Church, that, all

adversities and errors destroyed, she may serve Thee in steadfast
freedom. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Say the next five Psalms for the souls of all Orthodox Christians departed this life.

ut of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord ¶ O Lord, hear my
O voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive ¶ to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord ¶ O Lord, who shall stand?
For with Thee there is forgiveness ¶ for Thy name’s sake have I
patiently waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath waited patiently for Thy word ¶ my soul hath hoped in
the Lord.
From the morning watch until night ¶ from the morning watch, let
Israël hope in the Lord.
For with the Lord there is mercy ¶ and with Him is plenteous
And He shall redeem Israël ¶ out of all his iniquities. no Glory be, but:
O Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord ¶ and let light perpetual shine
upon them.

Lord, my heart is not exalted ¶ nor are mine eyes become lofty.
O Nor have I walked in things too great ¶ or too marvellous for me.
If I were not humble-minded ¶ but exalted my soul,
As one weaned from his mother, ¶ so wouldst Thou requite my soul.
Let Israël hope in the Lord ¶ from henceforth and for evermore.
O Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord ¶ and let light perpetual shine
upon them.

emember, O Lord, David ¶ and all his meekness.

R How he made an oath unto the Lord ¶ and vowed unto the God
of Jacob:
I shall not go into the dwelling of my house ¶ I shall not ascend upon
the bed of my couch:
I shall not give sleep to mine eyes ¶ nor slumber to mine eyelids:
Nor rest to my temples, until I find a place for the Lord ¶ a habitation
for the God of Jacob.
Lo, we have heard of it in Ephratha ¶ we have found it in the plains of
the wood.
Let us go forth into His tabernacles ¶ let us worship at the place where
His feet have stood.
Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest ¶ Thou and the ark of Thy holiness.

Thy priests shall be clothed with righteousness ¶ and thy righteous

shall rejoice.
For the sake of David Thy servant ¶ turn not Thy face away from
Thine anointed one.
The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David, and He will not annul it ¶
Of the fruit of thy loins will I set upon thy throne.
If thy sons keep My covenant ¶ and these testimonies which I will teach
Their sons also ¶ shall sit for ever on thy throne.
For the Lord hath elected Sion ¶ He hath chosen her to be a habitation
for Himself.
This is my rest for ever and ever ¶ here will I dwell, for I have chosen her.
Blessing, I will bless her pursuit ¶ her beggars will I satisfy with bread.
Her priests will I clothe with salvation ¶ and her saints with rejoicing
shall rejoice.
There will I make to spring forth a horn for David ¶ I have prepared a
lamp for My Christ.
His enemies will I clothe with shame ¶ but upon Him shall My
sanctification flourish.
O Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord ¶ and let light perpetual shine
upon them.
ehold now, what is so good or so joyous ¶ as for brethren to dwell
B together in unity?
It is like the oil of myrrh upon the head ¶ which runneth down upon
the beard, upon the beard of Aaron:
Which runneth down to the fringe of his raiment ¶ it is like the dew of
Aermon, which cometh down upon the mountains of Sion.
For there the Lord commanded the blessing ¶ life for evermore.
O Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord ¶ and let light perpetual shine
upon them.
ehold now, bless ye the Lord ¶ all ye servants of the Lord.
B Ye that stand in the house of the Lord ¶ in the courts of the house of
our God.
In the nights lift up your hands unto the holies ¶ and bless the Lord.
The Lord bless thee out of Sion ¶ He that made heaven and the earth.
O Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord ¶ and let light perpetual shine
upon them.
Kyrieléyson. Xristeléyson. Kyrieléyson.
Our Father... (silently till:)

= And lead us not into temptation.

+ But deliver us from evil.
= From the gate of hell.
+ Deliver their souls, O Lord.
Let us pray. Collect:

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant the souls
of all the faithful departed the remission of all their sins, that by our
pious supplications the forgiveness which they have always desired they
may obtain. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Monte Cassino, 8th c.

Note: From Pascha to Trinity, we add “alleluya” to the end of every antiphon, versicle-
response, and responsory of this Office.

Vespers of Our Lady

O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:

= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.

+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)
Psalms 121, 122, 123, 124, & 125 are done—see pp. 38-40.

antiphon: After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate; O

Theotókos, intercede in our behalf.
Leader: Blessed art thou, Mary, that hast borne the Lord, the Creator of
the world: thou didst beget Him that made thee, and thou remainest a
virgin for ever. All: Thanks be to God.

= And lead us not into temptation.

+ But deliver us from evil.
= From the gate of hell.
+ Deliver their souls, O Lord.
Let us pray. Collect:

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant the souls
of all the faithful departed the remission of all their sins, that by our
pious supplications the forgiveness which they have always desired they
may obtain. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Monte Cassino, 8th c.

Note: From Pascha to Trinity, we add “alleluya” to the end of every antiphon, versicle-
response, and responsory of this Office.

Vespers of Our Lady

O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:

= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.

+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)
Psalms 121, 122, 123, 124, & 125 are done—see pp. 38-40.

antiphon: After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate; O

Theotókos, intercede in our behalf.
Leader: Blessed art thou, Mary, that hast borne the Lord, the Creator of
the world: thou didst beget Him that made thee, and thou remainest a
virgin for ever. All: Thanks be to God.

HYMN OF ST. GALL (10th c.)

tar of the sea, ave, Consenting to be thine,
Gracious Mother of God, Accept our prayer through thee.
And Virgin for ever,
Joyous door to Heaven. Unsurpassed Virgin,
Meek among all others,
Thou, taking that ave Make us, once freed from sin,
From the mouth of Gabriel, Meek, and chaste of body.
Make us steadfast in peace,
Changing Eva’s title. Grant us life unblemished,
Clear a path of safety;
Loose the chains of sinners, That we, seeing Jesus,
Offer light to the blind, May rejoice for ever.
Drive away our evils,
O Praise to God the Father,
Ask all good things for us.
Glory to the High Christ,
Show thyself a mother; And the Holy Spirit:
May He, born for our sakes, To these Three, one honour. Amen.

= Grace hath been poured forth on thy lips.

+ Wherefore God hath blessed thee for ever. (Ps. 44:4)


called the Magnificat — Luke 1:46-55

y soul doth magnify the Lord ¶ and my spirit hath rejoiced in God
M my Saviour.
For He hath looked upon the lowliness of His handmaiden ¶ for
behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For the Mighty One hath done great things to me ¶ and holy is His
And His mercy is on them that fear Him ¶ unto generation and
He hath showed strength with His arm ¶ He hath scattered the proud
in the imagination of their heart.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat ¶ and exalted them of
low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things ¶ and the rich He hath sent
empty away.
He hath holpen His servant Israël ¶ in remembrance of His mercy.
As He spake to our fathers ¶ to Abraham and his seed for ever.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.

1 Ave, pronounced “ah-vay,” Latin for “hail!” Eva, or Eve, is “ave” backwards—the Mother
of God reversed the harm done by our first parent Eve.

As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: Holy Mary, help the wretched, assist the faint of heart, refresh
them that weep, pray for the people, intervene for the clergy, and
intercede for women consecrated to God.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1) Leader: Let us pray.

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, continual

health of mind and body, and by the intercession of the glorious,
blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and enjoy gladness everlasting. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)

Compline of Our Lady
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... 1

Make the sign of the Cross over your heart, saying:

= Turn O us back, O God of our salvation.
+ And turn away Thine anger from us. (Ps. 84:4)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

ow long, O Lord, wilt Thou utterly forget me ¶ how long wilt Thou
H turn Thy face away from me?
How long shall I take counsel in my soul ¶ with grievings in my heart
by day and by night?
1 These are not repeated if Compline follows Vespers immediately; likewise for all Hours.

How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? ¶ Look upon me, hear
me, O Lord my God.
Enlighten mine eyes, lest at any time I sleep unto death ¶ lest at any
time mine enemy say: I have prevailed against him.
They that afflict me will rejoice if I am shaken ¶ but as for me, I have
hoped in Thy mercy.
My heart will rejoice in Thy salvation; I will sing unto the Lord, Who
is my benefactor ¶ and I will chant unto the name of the Lord Most
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.

J udge me, O God, and give judgment in my cause, against a nation that
is not holy ¶ from a man unjust and crafty deliver me.
For Thou, O God, art my strength ¶ wherefore hast Thou cast me off,
and wherefore go I with downcast face whilst mine enemy afflicteth
O send out Thy light and Thy truth ¶ they have guided me along the
way, and have brought me unto Thy holy mountain, and unto Thy
And I shall go in unto the altar of God ¶ unto God Who giveth
gladness to my youth; I will give praise unto Thee, O God, my
God, with the harp.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul ¶ and why dost thou disquiet me?
Hope in God, for I will give thanks unto Him ¶ He is the salvation of
my countenance, and my God.
O Glory be... | As it was...
any a time have they warred against me from my youth ¶ let Israël
M now say.
Many a time have they warred against me from my youth ¶ and yet
they have not prevailed against me.
The sinners wrought upon my back ¶ they lengthened out their
The Lord is righteous; He hath cut asunder the necks of sinners ¶ let
them be put to shame and turned back, all they that hate Sion.
Let them be as the grass upon the housetops ¶ which before it is
plucked up is withered away.
Wherefore the reaper filleth not his hand ¶ nor he that gathereth
sheaves his bosom.
Nor have they that passed by said: The blessing of the Lord come

upon you ¶ we have blessed you in the name of the Lord.

O Glory be... As it was...
Lord, my heart is not exalted ¶ nor are mine eyes become lofty.
O Nor have I walked in things too great ¶ or too marvellous for me.
If I were not humble-minded ¶ but exalted my soul.
As one weaned from his mother ¶ so wouldst Thou requite my soul.
Let Israël hope in the Lord ¶ from henceforth and for evermore.
O Glory be... | As it was...

antiphon: With rejoicing let us celebrate the remembrance of blessed

Mary, that she may intercede for us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Leader: I gave a sweet smell like cinnamon and aromatical balm; I yielded
a sweet odour like the best myrrh. (Ecclus. 24:20) All: Thanks be to God.
HYMN OF ST. GALL (10th c.)

U nsurpassèd Virgin,
Meek among all others,
Make us, once freed from sin,
That we, seeing Jesus,
May rejoice for ever.
O Praise to God the Father,
Meek, and chaste of body.
Glory to the High Christ,
Grant us life unblemished, And the Holy Spirit—
Clear a path of safety; To these Three, one honour. Amen.

= He chose her, and fore-chose her.

+ And made her to dwell in His tabernacle.
called the Nunc Dimittis — Luke 2:29-32

ow lettest Thou Thy servant depart ¶ in peace, O Master,

N according to Thy word.
For mine eyes have seen ¶ Thy salvation.
Which Thou hast prepared ¶ before the face of all peoples.
A light of revelation for the nations ¶ and the glory of Thy people
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: We glorify thee, O Theotókos, for that Christ hath been
born of thee; save all of us who glorify thee.
= O Lord, hear my prayer. + And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1)

Leader: Let us pray. Collect:

O God, Who didst will that Thy Word should take flesh in the womb
of blessed and Ever-Virgin Mary, at the tidings of an Angel: grant
Thy suppliants that we who believe she is truly the Birth-giver of God
may be aided by her intercessions before Thee. O Through Christ our
Lord. Amen. Then we all sing:

R ejoice, Queen of mercy, rejoice, our life, sweetness and hope. To

thee do we cry, banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our
sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Come then, O our
advocate, turn those thy merciful eyes towards us. And, after this exile,
show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving,
O sweet Mary. The leader sings each verse:
= Virgin Mother of the Church, door to glory eternal, be to us a place
of refuge in the presence of the Father and the Son. + O clement one.
= O clement Virgin, loving Virgin, sweet Virgin, O Mary, hearken to
the supplications of all them that cry aloud to thee in piety.
+ O loving one.
= Pour forth supplications to Thy Son, crucified, wounded, and
scourged, pierced with thorns, and given gall to drink, for our sakes.
+ O sweet one.
= Glorious Mother of God, whose Son appeareth as the Father, pray for
all of us that practice the remembrance of thee. + O Mary.
= Blot out the faults of the wretched, wipe away the impurities of
sinners; grant us, through thy prayers, the life of the blessed.
+ O meek one.
= That the King of merciful love might loose us from our sins out of love
for His Mother, and bring us to the realm of brilliant light. + O
clement, O loving, O sweet, O meek one: Mary, we greet thee.
= Rejoice, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. (Lk. 1:28,42)
+ Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy
womb. Leader: Let us pray. Collect:

A lmighty, everlasting God, Who by the coöperation of the Holy

Spirit didst in a wondrous manner prepare the body and soul of the
glorious Virgin and Mother, Mary, that she might deserve to become a
fit dwelling place for Thy Son: grant that as we rejoice in her commemo-
ration we may be delivered by her loving intercession from besetting
evils, and from the death that doth not die. O Through the same Christ
our Lord. + Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)

Matins of Our Lady

O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... 1

Make the sign of the Cross over your lips, saying:

= O Lord, O Thou shalt open my lips.
+ And my mouth shall declare Thy praise. (Ps. 50:17)

With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

All do the Invitatorium: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace. | The Lord is with thee.
Leader: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us shout with jubilation unto
God our Saviour: let us come before His countenance with thanksgiving,
and with psalms let us shout in jubilation unto Him.
All: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.

Leader: For the Lord is a great God and a great King over all the earth.
For the Lord will not cast off His people, for in His hand are all the ends
of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His.
All: The Lord is with thee.

Leader: For the sea is His, and He made it, and the dry land His hands
have fashioned. O come, let us worship and fall down before Him, and
let us weep before the Lord Who made us. For He is our God, and we are
the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.
All: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.

Leader: Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the
provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness. For your fathers
tempted Me; they proved Me and saw My works.

1 These prayers are not repeated if Matins follows Compline immediately.


All: The Lord is with thee.

Leader: Forty years long was I grieved with that generation, and I said:
They do always err in their hearts. And they have not known My ways,
so I sware in Mine anger: They shall not enter into My rest.
All: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Leader: Glory O be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
All: The Lord is with thee. Rejoice, Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.


T he womb of Mary sustaineth

The threefold universe’s
His Mother by this Gift was blest,
For the ark of her womb
Whom land and sea and high The heav’nly One, her Creator,
heavens Who holdeth the earth in His
Revere and worship and hand.
She by whose womb was brought
The moon, the sun, the universe forth Him
Obey Him for eternity, Who is Desired of all nations,
And—showered with His Called blest by heaven’s
heav’nly grace— messenger,
A Maiden’s womb containeth She blossomed by the Holy
Him. Ghost.
Of this the ages stand in awe: O O Master, glory be to Thee
An Angel praiseth fruitfulness, (For from a Virgin Thou wert
A Maid conceived by the Spirit born)
And gaveth birth with trusting With Father and Holy Spirit,
heart. Unto the ages without end. Amen.

Lord, our Lord, how wonderful ¶ is Thy name in all the earth.
O For Thy magnificence is lifted ¶ high above the heavens.
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou perfected praise,
because of Thine enemies ¶ to destroy the enemy and avenger.
For I will behold the heavens, the works of Thy fingers ¶ the moon
and the stars, which Thou hast founded.
What is man, that Thou art mindful of him ¶ or the son of man, that
Thou visitest him?

Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels; with glory and
honour hast Thou crowned him ¶ and Thou hast set him over the
works of Thy hands.
All things hast Thou subjected under his feet, sheep and all oxen ¶ yea,
and the beasts of the field,
The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea ¶ the things that pass
through the paths of the sea.
O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful ¶ is Thy name in all the earth!
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
he heavens declare the glory of God ¶ and the firmament proclaimeth
T the work of His hands.
Day unto day poureth forth speech ¶ and night unto night proclaimeth
There are no tongues nor words ¶ in which their voices are not heard.
Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth ¶ and their words unto
the ends of the world.
In the sun hath He set His tabernacle ¶ and He, like a bridegroom
coming forth from his chamber,
Will rejoice like a giant to run his course ¶ from the outermost border
of heaven is His going forth,
And His goal is unto the outermost part of heaven ¶ and there shall no
man hide himself from His heat.
The law of the Lord is blameless, converting souls ¶ the testimony of
the Lord is trustworthy, bringing wisdom to infants.
The statutes of the Lord are upright, gladdening the heart ¶ the
commandment of the Lord is far-shining, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever and ever ¶ the
judgments of the Lord are true, altogether justified,
More to be desired than gold and much precious stone ¶ and sweeter
than honey and the honeycomb.
Yea, for Thy servant keepeth them ¶ in keeping them there is much
As for transgressions, who will understand them? ¶ From my secret
sins cleanse me, and from those of others spare Thy servant.
If they have not dominion over me, then blameless shall I be ¶ and I
shall be cleansed from great sin.
And the sayings of my mouth shall be unto Thy good pleasure ¶ and
the meditation of my heart shall be before Thee for ever,
O Lord, my helper ¶ and redeemer.

O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
he earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof ¶ the world, and all that
T dwell therein.
He hath founded it upon the seas ¶ and upon the rivers hath He
prepared it.
Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord ¶ or who shall stand
in His holy place?
He that is innocent in hands and pure in heart, who hath not received
his soul in vain ¶ and hath not sworn deceitfully to his neighbour.
Such a one shall receive a blessing from the Lord ¶ and mercy from
God his Saviour.
This is the generation of them that seek the Lord ¶ of them that seek
the face of the God of Jacob.
Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting
gates ¶ and the King of Glory shall enter in.
Who is this King of Glory? ¶ The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord,
mighty in war.
Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting
gates ¶ and the King of Glory shall enter in.
Who is this King of Glory? ¶ The Lord of hosts, He is the King of
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of
thy womb.
= Holy Theotókos, Ever-Virgin Mary.
+ Intercede for us with the Lord our God.
Our Father... (silently, till:)
= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil.
Reader of the lesson: Grant, O Lord, to bless.
Leader: May the loving Virgin of virgins intercede for us with the Lord.
All: Amen.
Now the reader begins to sing the first lesson:

O Holy Mary, Virgin of virgins, Mother and Daughter of the King of

kings, and of all things, extend thy consolation to us, that through
thee we may be worthy to possess the reward of a heavenly kingdom, and
to reign with God’s chosen ones unto eternity. But Thou, O Lord, be
merciful unto us.
All: Holy and immaculate virginity, with what praises I could extol thee,
I do not know. For Him Whom the heavens cannot contain thou hast laid
upon thy lap. = (Reader:) Blessed art thou among women, and blessed
is the Fruit of thy womb (Lk 1:28,42). All: For Him Whom the heavens
cannot contain thou hast laid upon thy lap.
Reader: Grant, O Lord, to bless.
Leader: May the Virgin Mary pray with tender soul in our behalf. All:
Amen. Reader:

O Holy Mary, most loving of them that love, intercede in our behalf,
O most holy among them that are holy: that through thee, glorious
Virgin, He may accept our entreaties Who, born for us of thee, is King
above the highest heaven: so that our sinnings might be blotted out by His
charity. But Thou, O Lord, be merciful unto us.
All: Blessed art thou, Mary, who hast borne the Lord, the Creator of the
world. Thou didst beget Him that made thee, and thou remainest a virgin
for ever. = (Reader:) Rejoice, Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee
(Lk. 1:28) . All: Thou didst beget Him that made thee, and thou remainest
a virgin for ever.
Reader: Grant, O Lord, to bless.
Leader: May the Holy Theotókos be our helper. All: Amen. Reader:

H oly Birth-giver of God, who hast justly deserved to conceive Him

Whom the whole world cannot contain, wash away our faults by thy
loving intercession, that, redeemed, we may be worthy through thee to
ascend the Throne of ever-enduring glory, where thou abidest with Thy
Son, without the passage of time. But Thou, O Lord, be merciful unto us.
All: The Angels praise thee, Holy Theotókos, that didst not know man,
and yet didst carry the Lord within thy womb. By giving thy consent,
thou conceivedst our Lord, so that thou shalt be called blessed among all
women (cf Lk. 1:28).

= (Reader:) For Him thou didst beget, and Him thou didst lay in a
manger, Whom the multitude of Angels worshippeth. All: So that thou
shalt be called blessed among all women. = (Reader:) Glory O be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. All: So that thou shalt be
called blessed among all women.
Omitted in Advent and from Septuagesima Sunday to Pascha. Music on p. 77.

T hee, O God, we praise; Thee we confess to be the Lord. Thee, the

Father eternal, all the earth doth worship. To Thee all the Angels, to
Thee the heavens and all the Powers, to Thee the Cherubim and
Seraphim, cry aloud with voice unceasing: Holy, Holy, (bow:) Holy is the
Lord God of Sabaoth. (rise:) Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of
Thy glory. Thee the glorious quire of Apostles, Thee the throng of
Prophets worthy of praise, Thee the host of Martyrs in robes of white,
praise. Thee, throughout all the earth, the Holy Church confesseth:
Father, of boundless majesty; Thy true and only Son, Who is to be
worshipped; also the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit.
Thou, O Christ, art the King of Glory. Thou art the everlasting Son
of the Father. Thou, taking it upon Thee to deliver man, (bow:) didst not
abhor the womb of the Virgin. (rise:) Thou, having conquered the sting
of death, hast opened the kingdom of heaven to them that believe. Thou
sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father. We believe that
Thou shalt come to be our Judge. We therefore beseech Thee: help Thy
servants (bow:) whom Thou, by Thy precious blood, hast redeemèd.
(rise:) Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints in glory everlasting. O
Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Shepherd them, and
bear them up unto eternity. (Ps. 27:12)
Day after day we bless Thee. And we praise Thy name for ever: and
unto the ages of ages. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day to preserve us without
sin. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us. (Ps. 122:4) Let Thy
mercy, O Lord, be upon us: according as we have hoped in Thee. (Ps.
32:22) In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; let me not be put to shame for ever.
(Ps. 30:1)
The last part of Matins, called Lauds, begins straightaway:
= Pray for us, O Holy Theotókos.
+ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)

Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:

O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)
Say or chant Psalms 92, 99, 62, 66, the Canticle of the Three Youths, & Psalms 148,
149, & 150 (all of which appear on pp. 80-84). Afterwards, continue:

antiphon: O marvellous exchange! The Creator of the human race, taking

a living body, hath deigned to be born of a Virgin; and coming forth a
man, without seed, He hath bestowed His Divinity upon us.
Leader: Virgin Mary, rejoice for ever, thou that hast been worthy to bear
Christ, the Maker of heaven and earth; for from thy womb thou hast
brought forth the Saviour of the world. All: Thanks be to God.

O glorious woman, glorified,

Exalted high above the
Thou lofty entrance of the King,
Thou door resplendent with His
From holy breasts thou gavest Redeemèd nations, clap your
suck hands,
To thine omniscient Creator. For through the Virgin life is
What tearful Eva took from us
Thou by thy sweet Son dost O O Master, glory be to Thee
restore. (For from a Virgin Thou wert
Thou art become the gate of born)
heav’n, With Father and Holy Spirit,
That weeping stars might enter in. Unto the ages without end. Amen.

= He chose her, yea, He fore-chose her.

+ And made her to dwell in His tabernacle.
called the Benedíctus — Luke 1:68-79

lessed be the Lord God of Israel ¶ for He hath visited and wrought
B redemption for His people.
And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us ¶ in the house of His
servant David.

As He spake by the mouth of His holy ones ¶ the prophets of old.

That we should be saved from our enemies ¶ and from the hand of all
that hate us.
To deal mercifully with our fathers ¶ and to remember His holy
The oath which He sware to our father Abraham ¶ that He would
grant unto us.
That we be delivered out of the hand of our enemies ¶ that we might
serve Him without fear.
In holiness and righteousness before Him ¶ all the days of our life.
And thou, O child, shalt be called the prophet of the Most High ¶ for
thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, to prepare His ways.
To give knowledge of salvation unto His people ¶ by the remission of
their sins.
Through the bowels of mercy of our God ¶ whereby the Dayspring
from on high hath visited us.
To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death ¶
to guide our feet into the way of peace.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: O glorious Theotókos, Ever-Virgin Mary, who hast been
worthy to bear the Lord of all, and alone as a virgin to give suck to the
King of Angels: we beseech thee to remember us, loving one, and entreat
Christ in our behalf, that sustained by thy patronage we may be worthy
to arrive at the heavenly realms.
= Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.
+ And Thy salvation do Thou give unto us. (Ps. 84:8) Leader:
Let us pray. Collect:

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to rejoice in

perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession
of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and have the fruition of eternal joy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
= Let us bless the Lord.
+ Thanks be to God.
Add some Commemorations from those on the facing page, then continue p. 190.


Of the Holy Spirit
antiphon: Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and
enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
= Thou wilt send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
+ And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. (Ps. 103:31)
Let us pray. Collect: O God, Who hast taught the hearts of the faithful
by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to be
wise in what is right, and to rejoice for ever in His consolation. O
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Of the Most Holy Trinity
antiphon: Deliver us, save us, make us righteous, O Blessèd Trinity.
= Blessed be the name of the Lord.
+ From henceforth and for evermore. (Ps. 112:3)

Let us pray. Collect: O almighty, everlasting God, Who hast given us Thy
servants grace by confessing the true Faith, to acknowledge the glory of
the eternal Trinity, and in the might of Thy majesty to worship the Unity:
we beseech Thee that by our steadfastness in this Faith we may be
defended for ever from all adversities. O In which Trinity Thou livest
and reignest, one God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Of the Holy Cross
antiphon: But as for us, it behooveth us to glory in the Cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
= Let all the earth worship Thee and chant unto Thee, O God.
+ Let them chant unto Thy name. (Ps. 65:4)
Let us pray. Collect: O God, Who hast ascended the Holy Cross and
illumined the darkness of the world: be pleased to illumine, visit, and
strengthen our hearts and bodies by the power of the Holy Cross. O Who
livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Of All Saints
antiphon: O all ye Saints and elect of God, be mindful of us before God,
that assisted by your prayers we may be worthy to be united with you.
= Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous.
+ And glory, all ye that are upright of heart. (Ps. 31:16)

Let us pray. Collect: We beseech Thee, O Lord, that being pleased by the
intercession of all Thy Saints, Thou wouldst both bestow upon us
forgiveness of our transgressions and grant us Thine everlasting healing.
O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Peace
antiphon: Grant peace, O Lord, in our days: for there is none other who
may do battle for us except Thee, O our God.
= O Lord, let peace be now in Thy strength.
+ And prosperity in Thy palaces. (Ps. 121:8)
Let us pray. Collect: O God, from Whom holy desires, right counsels,
and righteous deeds proceed, give Thy servants that peace which the
world cannot give, both that our hearts may be given over to Thy
commandments, and that once the fear of our enemies is lifted, the times
may—by Thy protection—be peaceful. O Through Christ our Lord.
= Let us bless the Lord. + Thanks be to God. Leader, the Collect:

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant the souls
of Thy servants and handmaidens N. & N. the remission of all their
sins: that by our compassionate prayers they may obtain the forgiveness
they always desired. O Who livest and reignest, God through all the ages
of ages. Amen.
= May they rest in peace. + Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice Mary... (p. 1)
= May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of
God, rest in peace. + Amen.

First Hour of Our Lady
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:

O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

O come, Creator Spirit, come,

Visit the minds of Thy
Upon Thyself our body’s form,
Being born of the pure Virgin,
O Author of our salvation.
Fill with Thy celestial grace,
O O Master, glory be to Thee
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst
(For from a Virgin Thou wert
Remember that Thou once didst With Father and Holy Spirit,
take Unto the ages without end. Amen.

God, in Thy name save me ¶ and in Thy strength do Thou judge me.
O O God, hearken unto my prayer ¶ give ear unto the words of my
For strangers are risen up against me, and mighty men have sought
after my soul ¶ and have not set God before themselves.
For behold, God helpeth me ¶ and the Lord is the protector of my soul.
He will bring evils upon mine enemies ¶ utterly destroy them by Thy
Willingly shall I sacrifice unto Thee ¶ I will confess Thy name, O
Lord, for it is good.
For out of every affliction hast Thou delivered me ¶ and mine eye hath
looked down upon mine enemies.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
praise the Lord, all ye nations ¶ praise Him, all ye peoples.
O For He hath made His mercy to prevail over us ¶ and the truth of the
Lord abideth for ever.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good ¶ for His mercy
O endureth for ever.

Let the house of Israël now say that He is good ¶ for His mercy
endureth for ever.
Let the house of Aaron now say that He is good ¶ for His mercy
endureth for ever.
Let all that fear the Lord now say that He is good ¶ for His mercy
endureth for ever.
Out of mine affliction I called upon the Lord, and He heard me ¶ and
brought me into a broad place.
The Lord is my helper ¶ and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
The Lord is my helper ¶ and I shall look down upon mine enemies.
It is better to trust in the Lord ¶ than to trust in man.
It is better to hope in the Lord ¶ than to hope in princes.
All the nations compassed me round about ¶ and by the name of the
Lord I warded them off.
Surrounding me they compassed me ¶ and by the name of the Lord I
warded them off.
They compassed me about like unto bees around a honeycomb, and
they burst into flame like a fire among the thorns ¶ and by the
name of the Lord I warded them off.
I was pushed and overturned that I might fall ¶ and the Lord was
quick to help me.
The Lord is my strength and my song ¶ and He is become my
The voice of rejoicing and salvation ¶ is in the tents of the righteous.
The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength, the right hand of
the Lord hath exalted me ¶ the right hand of the Lord hath wrought
I shall not die, but live ¶ and I shall tell of the works of the Lord.
With chastisement hath the Lord chastened me ¶ but He hath not
given me over unto death.
Open unto me the gates of righteousness; I will enter therein and give
thanks unto the Lord ¶ this is the gate of the Lord, the righteous
shall enter in thereat.
I will give thanks unto Thee, for Thou hast heard me ¶ and art become
my salvation.
The stone which the builders rejected ¶ the same is become the head of
the corner.
This is the Lord’s doing ¶ and it is marvellous in our eyes.
This is the day which the Lord hath made ¶ let us rejoice and be glad
O Lord, save now; O Lord, send now prosperity ¶ blessed is he that
cometh in the name of the Lord.

We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord ¶ God is the Lord,
and hath appeared unto us.
Ordain a feast with thick boughs ¶ even unto the horns of the altar.
Thou art my God, and I will confess Thee ¶ Thou art my God, and I
will exalt Thee.
I will give thanks unto Thee, for Thou hast heard me ¶ and Thou art
become my salvation.
O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good ¶ for His mercy endureth
for ever.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: O marvellous exchange! The Creator of the human race, taking
a living body, hath deigned to be born of a Virgin: and coming forth
without seed, as a Man, He hath bestowed His Divinity upon us.
Leader: In all these I sought rest, and I shall abide in the inheritance of
the Lord. Then the Creator of all things commanded and said to me, and
He that made me rested in my tabernacle (Ecclus. 24:11). All: Thanks be to
Leader: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.
All: Rejoice, Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee. (Lk. 1:28)
Leader: = Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy
womb. (Lk. 1:28, 42)
All: The Lord is with thee.
Leader: = Glory O be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
All: Rejoice Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.
= Holy Theotokos, Ever-Virgin Mary.
+ Intercede for us with the Lord our God.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1) Leader: Let us pray.

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to rejoice in

perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession
of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and have the fruition of eternal joy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)


Third Hour of Our Lady

O In the name...1 Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

O come, Creator Spirit, come,

Visit the minds of Thy
Upon Thyself our body’s form,
Being born of the pure Virgin,
O Author of our salvation.
Fill with Thy celestial grace,
O O Master, glory be to Thee
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst
(For from a Virgin Thou wert
Remember that Thou once didst With Father and Holy Spirit,
take Unto the ages without end. Amen.
nto the Lord in mine affliction have I cried ¶ and He heard me.
U O Lord, deliver my soul from unrighteous lips ¶ and from a crafty
What shall be given unto thee ¶ and what shall be added unto thee for
thy crafty tongue?
The arrows of the mighty one ¶ sharpened with coals of the desert.
Woe is me, for my sojourning is prolonged ¶ I have tented with the
tentings of Kedar; my soul hath long been a sojourner.
With them that hate peace I was peaceable ¶ when I spake unto them,
they warred against me without a cause.
O Glory be... As it was... (p. 1)

have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains ¶ from whence cometh
I my help.
My help cometh from the Lord ¶ Who hath made heaven and the
1 These prayers are not repeated if the Third Hour follows the First Hour immediately.

Give not thy foot unto moving ¶ and may He not slumber that keepeth
Behold, He shall not slumber nor shall He sleep ¶ He that keepeth
The Lord shall keep thee ¶ the Lord is thy shelter at thy right hand.
The sun shall not burn thee by day ¶ nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall keep thee from all evil ¶ the Lord shall guard thy soul.
The Lord shall keep thy coming in and thy going out ¶ from
henceforth and for evermore.
O Glory be... | As it was...
was glad because of them that said unto me ¶ Let us go into the house
I of the Lord.
Our feet have stood ¶ in thy courts, O Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is builded as a city ¶ which its dwellers share in concord.
For there the tribes went up, the tribes of the Lord ¶ as a testimony
for Israël, to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
For there are set thrones unto judgment ¶ thrones over the house of
Ask now for the things which are for the peace of Jerusalem ¶ and for
the prosperity of them that love thee.
Let peace be now in thy strength ¶ and prosperity in thy palaces.
For the sake of my brethren and my neighbours ¶ I spake peace
concerning thee.
Because of the house of the Lord our God ¶ I have sought good things
for thee.
O Glory be... As it was... (p. 1)

antiphon: When Thou wert born inexpressibly of a Virgin, then the

Scriptures were fulfilled (Judges 6:36-40). Thou hast come down like rain
upon the fleece, bringing salvation unto all mankind. We give Thee
praise, O our God.
Leader: From the beginning and before the world was I created, and unto
the world to come I shall not cease to be, and in the holy dwelling place
I have ministered before Him. (Wisdom, in Ecclus. 24:14) All: Thanks be to
Leader: Holy Theotókos, Ever-Virgin Mary.
All: Holy Theotókos, Ever-Virgin Mary.
Leader: = Intercede for us with the Lord our God.

All: Ever-Virgin Mary.

Leader: = Glory O be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
All: Holy Theotókos, Ever-Virgin Mary.
= After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate.
+ O Theotókos, intercede in our behalf.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1) Leader: Let us pray.

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to rejoice in

perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession
of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and have the fruition of eternal joy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)

Sixth Hour of Our Lady
O In the name...1 Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

O come, Creator Spirit, come,

Visit the minds of Thy
O Mary, that art full of grace,
O Mother of the Gracious One,
Protect us from the enemy;
Fill with Thy celestial grace, Receive us at the hour of death.
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst
O O Master, glory be to Thee
create. (To God the Son:)
(For from a Virgin Thou wert
Remember that Thou once didst born)
take With Father and Holy Spirit,
Upon Thyself our body’s form, Unto the ages without end. Amen.
Being born of the pure Virgin,
O Author of our salvation. 1 Not repeated if Hour follows Third Hour.

nto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes ¶ unto Thee that dwellest in
U heaven.
Behold, as the eyes of servants ¶ look unto the hands of their masters.
As the eyes of the handmaid look unto the hands of her mistress ¶ so
do our eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take pity on us.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us ¶ for greatly are we
filled with abasement.
Greatly hath our soul been filled therewith ¶ let reproach come upon
them that prosper, and abasement on the proud.
O Glory be... | As it was...

ad it not been that the Lord was with us, let Israël now say ¶ had it
H not been that the Lord was with us,
When men rose up against us ¶ then had they swallowed us up alive.
When their wrath raged against us ¶ then had the water overwhelmed
Our soul hath passed through a torrent ¶ then had our soul passed
through the water that is irresistible.
Blessed be the Lord Who hath not given us ¶ to be a prey to their
Our soul like a sparrow was delivered ¶ out of the snare of the
The snare is broken ¶ and we are delivered.
Our help is in the name of the Lord ¶ Who hath made heaven and the
O Glory be... | As it was... (p. 1)

hey that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion ¶ he that
T dwelleth at Jerusalem, nevermore shall he be shaken.
Mountains are round about her, and the Lord is round about His
people ¶ from henceforth and for evermore.
For the Lord will not permit the rod of sinners to be upon the lot of
the righteous ¶ lest the righteous stretch forth their hands unto
Do good, O Lord, unto them that are good ¶ and unto the upright of
But them that turn aside unto crooked ways shall the Lord lead away
with the workers of iniquity ¶ peace be upon Israël.
O Glory be... | As it was... (p. 1)

antiphon: We have recognised, in the bush which Moses saw preserved

unburning, thy praiseworthy virginity. O Theotókos, intercede in our
behalf. (see Exod. 3:1-5)
Leader: And so was I established in Sion, and in the holy city likewise I
rested, and my power was in Jerusalem. (Ecclus. 24:15) All: Thanks be to
Leader: After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate.
All: After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate.
Leader: = O Theotókos, intercede in our behalf.
All: Thou didst remain inviolate.
Leader: = Glory O be to the Father & to the Son & to the Holy Spirit.
All: After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remain inviolate.
= Thou art become comely and pleasing.
+ In thy delights, Holy Theotókos.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1) Leader: Let us pray.

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to rejoice in

perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession
of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and have the fruition of eternal joy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)

Ninth Hour of Our Lady
O In the name...1 Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)

With your three fingers joined, cross yourself on the forehead with your thumb:
= O God, O be attentive unto helping me.
+ O Lord, make haste to help me. (Ps. 69:1)
Making the sign of the Cross as usual, say:
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Alleluya.
(From Septuagesima to Pascha, in lieu of ‘alleluya’ is sung, ‘Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King
of eternal glory.’)

1 These prayers are not repeated if the Ninth Hour follows the Sixth Hour immediately.


O come, Creator Spirit, come,

Visit the minds of Thy
O Mary, that art full of grace,
O Mother of the Gracious One,
Protect us from the enemy;
Fill with Thy celestial grace, Receive us at the hour of
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst death.
create. (To God the Son:)
O O Master, glory be to Thee
Remember that Thou once didst (For from a Virgin Thou wert
take born)
Upon Thyself our body’s form, With Father and Holy Spirit,
Being born of the pure Virgin, Unto the ages without end.
O Author of our salvation. Amen.

hen the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion ¶ we became as men
W that are comforted.
Then was our mouth filled with joy ¶ and our tongue with rejoicing.
Then shall they say among the nations ¶ The Lord hath done great
things unto them.
The Lord hath done great things among us ¶ and we are become glad.
Turn again, O Lord, our captivity ¶ like streams in the south.
They that sow with tears ¶ shall reap with rejoicing.
In their going they went, and they wept ¶ as they cast their seeds.
But in their coming shall they come with rejoicing ¶ bearing their
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
xcept the Lord build the house ¶ in vain do they labour that build it.
E Except the Lord guard the city ¶ in vain doth he watch that guardeth
It is vain for you to rise at dawn ¶ Ye that eat the bread of sorrow,
rouse yourselves after resting,
When He hath given sleep to His beloved ¶ lo, sons are the heritage of
the Lord, the reward of the fruit of the womb.
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man ¶ so are the sons of them
that were outcasts.
Blessed is he that shall fulfil his desires with them ¶ they shall not be
put to shame when they speak to their enemies in the gates.
O Glory be... | As it was... (p. 1)

lessed are all they that fear the Lord ¶ that walk in His ways.
B Thou shalt eat the fruit of thy labours ¶ blessed art thou, and well
shall it be with thee.
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine ¶ on the sides of thy house,
Thy sons like young olive trees ¶ round about thy table.
Behold, so shall the man be blessed ¶ that feareth the Lord.
The Lord bless thee out of Sion ¶ and mayest thou see the good things
of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
And mayest thou see thy children’s children ¶ peace be upon Israël.
O Glory be to the Father and to the Son ¶ and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always ¶ and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
antiphon: The root of Jesse hath blossomed, a star is risen out of Jacob,
a Virgin hath brought forth the Saviour. We give Thee praise, O our
God! (Is. 11:10, Rom. 15:12, Num. 24:17, Is. 7:14)
Leader: And I took root in an honourable people, and in the portion of my
God, His inheritance, and mine abode is in the full assembly of saints.
(Ecclus. 24:16) All: Thanks be to God.

Leader: Thou art become comely and pleasing.
All: Thou art become comely and pleasing.
Leader: = In thy delights, Holy Theotókos.
All: And pleasing.
Leader: = Glory O be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
All: Thou art become comely and pleasing.
= Make me worthy to praise thee, O sanctified Virgin.
+ Give me strength against mine enemies.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1)
Let us pray. Collect:

G rant us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, to rejoice in

perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession
of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, that we be delivered from present sorrow,
and have the fruition of eternal joy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)


Repentance is a change of heart, with contrition for one’s sins and a firm resolve to
make amends and keep oneself from sin. Repentance is more than being sorry; it
(1) hope in God’s forgiveness,
(2) remorse (being sorry),
(3) confessing sins aloud,
(4) doing the penance—if any—and
(5) giving up the sin.
A good confession is:
(1) true (no sins omitted);
(2) well-prepared;
(3) contrite (with remorse and without excuses); and
(4) resolute (with a firm resolve not to repeat the sins).
Ponder on your life and take note of how you have sinned against the Lord, others,
and yourself. Ponder also what good you could have done, but did not (we will be
judged for that, too). It may help to write your sins down, to make for a quick and
thorough confession.

How to Confess Rightly

Soberly, simply, clearly, briefly. Take full responsibility for choices you have
made. Explain any particular harm caused by the sin, and be ready to state how
often you fell into the sin. Explain if a sin was really much worse because of the
motive (for example, done out of hatred vs. done out of habit). Thoughts and
feelings may be confessed generally, but ones that come back again and again to
trouble you explain in more detail.
Do not implicate anyone else, and do not excuse your sins. It is quite acceptable to
say, “Father, I’m not sure what my sins are; can you help me?” It is not a good
idea to shrug and say, “Well, Father, I try to be good.” We all try to be good;
when we do not succeed, we say how in confession.
If you take Holy Communion monthly, confess monthly. If weekly, confess weekly.
Always confess in the Lenten seasons of the year, and each year, be especially sure
to confess on a Shrove Day (the Sat., Sun., Mon, or Tues. before Ash Wednesday).

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS — Exod. 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-21

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.
Do I believe in God? In His Church? His Gospel? Have I been ashamed to confess
the truth or make the sign of the Cross? Which do I care more for, the salvation of
my soul, or academics, arts, sciences, sports, “fun,” intellectual pursuits, ambitions,
or financial “security”? Have I made contact with fortune-telling, tarot cards, or
anything “new age” or occult? Do I love my neighbour for God’s sake, forgiving and
bearing with him? Have I been arrogant? Unpleasant? Cruel? Manipulative? Stubborn
to have my way? Have I been humble? Teachable? Have I dominated conversations
without really listening? When scolded, have I owned up to my faults, or did I make
a fuss? Do I feel worthy before God? Do I pray, at least mornings, evenings, and at
meals? During prayer did my mind wander? Did I rush through the words without
actually praying them, at home or in church? Do I read the Scriptures? Have I read or
viewed spiritually harmful things? Have I asked God’s help with everything? Thanked
Him for everything? Accepted His Providence? Or have I murmured against God?
Have I forgotten to hope in Him, grown despondent? Is there a sin I am not willing
to give up? Have I attributed my abilities, achievements, and advantages to myself,
or God? Been vain about my looks, speech, status, etc.?

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Have I cursed using God’s holy name? Spoken God’s name other than with reverence?
Do I say, “Oh my God,” “Oh, Jesus,” etc.? Have I mentioned anything to do with
faith carelessly or irreverently? Have I behaved irreverently in church or with clergy
or monastics? Laughed or chattered in church? Have I made a show of my piety?
Have I used Orthodox teachings or traditions to intimidate others? To justify myself?
Did I do my penance from my last confession? Am I repentant for my sins, with
resolve not to repeat them? Have I concealed anything, because of false shame?

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
On Sundays and great Feasts, do I attend Liturgy (Mass)? Vespers or Vigil? Do I
usually arrive on time? Do I leave early? Do I participate in services prayerfully,
stand and cross myself attentively, or simply daydream? Did I pay close heed to the
Scripture readings? Have I influenced others away from services or prayer? If truly
unable to attend services, have I prayed extra on these days and kept them quiet
and sacred? Did I attend services at non-Orthodox churches? Pray along with non-
Orthodox people? Break the church fasts? Have I dressed immodestly going to
church, e.g., worn short pants or skirts, not worn a dress and scarf (for women),
worn a T-shirt bearing a secular message, or worn anything to gain attention, etc.?

Honour thy father and mother.
Do I show sincere respect to my parents, to clergy, to teachers and supervisors? If
a child or a minor, have I obeyed my parents in all except sin? Do I pray for my
parents and superiors? Forgive them? Offend them by rudeness or contradiction?

Thou shalt not kill.
Have I killed another? Wanted to? Hastened his death? Engaged in, encouraged, or
failed to discourage an abortion? Have I thought about suicide? Despaired? Have I
been angry at another? Hit him? Pushed him? Slapped him? Yelled at him? Given
him the cold shoulder? Nourished resentments? Been quarrelsome? Have I
discouraged or offended another? Been a bad example? Tempted anyone? Been
cruel to any person or to an animal? Have I harmed myself? Have I been angry in
general? Lost patience? Been irritable? Overbearing? Inconsiderate? Small-minded?
Have I forgiven offenses? Asked forgiveness for mine? Am I at peace with others?
Have I helped the needy as I should? Have I neglected anyone in my care? Have I
attended the sick or elderly as duty required?

Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Have I committed adultery, or anything sexual outside marriage, such as fornication,
masturbation, unnatural acts? Have I filled my mind and senses with fantasies,
pornography, etc.? Have I flirted? Have I broken marriage or monastic vows in
thought, word, or deed? Have I sinned by impure glances? Relished impure jokes,
stories, or shows? Tempted others by immodest dress or suggestive language?

Thou shalt not steal.
Have I stolen? Taken or used others’ things without asking? Failed to restore things
loaned to me? Taken things from my employer, for my own use? Have I given of
myself, or have I been stingy, selfish? Have I supported the church and its work
financially? Did I do my duties, or have I been lazy? Do I waste my time or
talents? Do I have a weakness for alcohol, marijuana, drugs, television? Have I
wasted money? Spent it selfishly? Been picky about my food? Betrayed anyone’s
trust? Have I found something valuable and kept it without trying to find the owner?

Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Have I slandered others? Deceived others? Gossiped, delighted in gossip, or
encouraged others to gossip? Maliciously so? Have I told lies? Have I tended to
focus more on the faults of others than on their good points? Engaged in idle talk,
chatter, overbearing speech, or grumbling whispers?

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife.
Have I been envious of others’ relationships? Been unhappy to see others esteemed
more than me? Been sad things were going well for others? Delighted in their
misfortunes? Have I been grateful to God for the good people in my life? Have I
craved admiration from others? Been unpleasantly competitive?

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods.
Have I wanted to be rich? To own more than I need? To give orders? Did I have
greedy or envious dreams, thoughts, feelings? Have I overeaten, becoming inactive
and unhealthy? Have I grumbled at my lot in life? Have I blamed God when He has
permitted hardships for my spiritual growth? Been gloomy that others prospered
but I barely make it through life? Been envious of others’ virtues? Delighted at
their hardships or sins? Have I grumbled at my lot in life? Am I truly thankful to
God for all that I do have? Have I been tempted, thinking that I need a lot of money
so as to do more good deeds?

Thou Shalt...
Have I given clothing to those needing it? Drink to the thirsty? Food to the hungry?
Visits, letters, or phone calls to prisoners and sick folks? Shelter to the homeless?
Burial to the dead?
Have I given good advice to those needing it? Shared good knowledge with those
unaware? Given a discreet and humble corrective word to those going astray?
Comforted those in sorrow? Forgiven my enemies? Been patient to those who
corrected me, and grateful for their assistance? Have I prayed for those in need of
prayers, both the living and the dead?
Finally, is there something that might or might not be a sin? — If so, ask the Priest.
Is there something that lies heavy on my heart?


When you arrive in church, make the usual reverences (p. 12) and then stand
before the icon of Christ to say the following prayers.

M ay the intercession of the Holy Theotókos Mary, of Archangel

Michael, of Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, Saint
Peter, Saint Paul, Saint George, Saint Christopher, Saint Martin, Saint
Nicholas, Saint Katherine, Saint Barbara, and of Saint Margaret be with
and assist me. And pray for me, all Saints and elect of God, that I may
be counted worthy to inherit with you the kingdom of God.
O God the Father bless me, He that created the world out of nothing.
O God the Son preserve me, He that repaired the lost human race
with His own Blood.
O The Holy Spirit enlighten me, and may the compassionate pouring-
out of Him save me always.
O May the All-Holy Trinity deliver me from all evil, preserve and
strengthen me in good, and bring me to eternal life. Amen.

O God, my God, almighty One, before Thee I fall down in humble

adoration. Thou art King of kings and Lord of lords; Thou art
judge of all the ages; Thou art the redeemer of our souls. Thou art the
deliverer of those with faith; Thou art the hope of those that toil; Thou
art the comfort of those that sorrow; Thou art the path to those that
stray; Thou art the teacher of the nations; Thou art the creator of all
created things. Thou art the lover of all good; Thou art the ruler of all
the virtues; Thou art the joy of Thy Saints; Thou art everlasting life;
Thou art joy in the truth; Thou art exultation in the eternal homeland;
Thou art Light of Light; Thou art the wellspring of holiness; Thou art
the glory of God the Father on high. Thou art the Saviour of the world;
Thou art the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Thou sittest at the right hand of
God the Father; Thou reignest upon Thy throne for ever.
I ask Thee for remission of all sins, O my God Jesus Christ, Who
desirest that none perish, but all be saved and come to the knowledge of
the truth. Thou, O God, hast said with Thy pure and holy mouth: In
whatsoever day the sinner turneth again, ‘living, he shall live, and shall
not die.’ (Ezec. 18:21) I turn again to Thee, and with all my heart I will cry
to Thee, my God, and to Thee I now wish to confess all my sins. My debts
are multiplied upon me, for my sins have no number. I confess to Thee,

O Lord my God, for I have sinned against heaven and against the earth
and before Thee and before Thine Angels.
I have sinned by neglecting Thy commandments and my work. I have
sinned by vainglory, boasts, and elation of heart. I have sinned by envy
and ill will. I have sinned by speaking ill of others and by greed. I have
sinned by pride and by malice. I have sinned by fornication and by
gluttony. I have sinned by false witness and by hating others. I have
sinned by dishonesty and stealing. I have sinned by blasphemy and by
carnal hopes. I have sinned by drunkenness and by idle chatter. I have
sinned by contentions and by quarrels. I have sinned by swearing and by
irritability. I have sinned by earthly and vanishing joy. I have sinned by
the delighting of my mind. I have sinned by depression and by
murmuring. I have sinned with mine eyes and with mine ears. I have
sinned with my nose and with my mouth. I have sinned with my hands
and with my feet. I have sinned with my tongue and throat. I have sinned
with my neck and chest. I have sinned in my heart and in thoughts. I have
sinned with my bones and flesh. I have sinned with my marrow and loins.
I have sinned with my soul and with my whole body.
If Thine avenging justice were now upon me, seeing that my sins have
been so very greatly multiplied in myself, how could I bear Thy
judgment? But I have Thee as my High Priest. I confess my sins to Thee,
my God, for Thou art the sinless One. I beseech Thee, Lord God, by Thy
Passion and by the sign and wood of Thy salvation-bearing Cross, and by
the shedding of Thy holy Blood, that Thou wouldst grant me remission
of all my sins. I ask Thee, O Lord my God, Jesus Christ, that Thou
wouldst not deal with me according to my deserts but according to Thy
great mercy. Judge me, Lord, according to the judgment of Thy
forgiveness and Thy mercy. I implore Thee, mine almighty God, that
Thou wouldst plant Thy love and fear in me. For Thy name’s sake, raise
up in me repentance and weeping for my sins. Help me and grant me the
remembrance of Thy commandments. O God, blot out mine iniquity
from Thy sight, and turn not Thy countenance away from my prayer.
Cast me not away from Thy presence. (cf. Ps. 50) Forsake me not; O my
God, depart not from me, (Ps. 37:23) but strengthen me in Thy will. Teach
me what I should do, what I should speak, and what I should be silent
about. O Lord my God, defend me from all mine enemies, visible and
invisible. O Lord my God, defend me from the darts of the Devil and
against the angel of hell suggesting many evils to me and teaching me how
to do them. Forsake me not, O Lord my God, forsake me not, Thy lonely
and miserable servant, but help me, O Lord my God, and perfect Thy
teaching in me. Teach me to do Thy will, (Ps. 142:10) for Thou art my
Teacher and my God, Who reignest unto ages of ages. Amen.


B efore Thine eyes, O Lord, I whose conscience is guilty stand witness.

I do not dare to ask for what I am unworthy to receive. For Thou,
Lord, knowest all that happeneth with us. We blush for shame to confess
what we were fearless to allow ourselves to do. We serve Thee only with
words, and lie in our heart; and what we say we want, we prove by our
actions that we refuse. Spare us who confess to Thee, Lord; forgive our
sins; have mercy on those who beseech Thee; and because mine
understanding regarding Thy Most Holy Mysteries is weak, grant, O
Lord, that Thou Who dost not accept from us the words of a stony heart
mayest impart forgiveness to us of Thyself, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

F or my sins, O Lord, I ask forgiveness from Thee, for very many are
my sins, and numberless my transgressions. I have transgressed with
predictability, daily, by day and by night. I walk against the
commandment of God which I ought to keep, for full am I of
drunkenness, vainglory, dishonesty, perjury, theft, fornication,
defilement, lust, pride, accidia, and envy, for I am sinful and unfaithful,
wicked of heart, and hateful. I beat against every commandment which
I ought to keep from day to day. But, O Father in heaven, I ask for Thy
pity and Thy mercy, that Thou never allow me to depart from the light
of this life before Thou grant me, a sinner, such repentance that it will
free me from hell and bring me into Thy holy mercy. Amen.


M y dearly beloved (child), if (thou wishest) to arrive at the vision of God, it is wholly
necessary that (thou) be clean of thought and pure of conscience, for in the Gospel
Christ saith, ‘Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.’1 So if (thou desirest) a
clean heart and sound conscience, confess each of (thy) sins, because, as the Apostle saith,
‘With the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.’ 2 Declare every single one of (thy) sins,
therefore, that God may conceal them on the day of judgment from many thousands. But
if thou hide or conceal them now, then on the day of judgment they shall be revealed in the
sight of everyone, making thee ashamed.3 Arise, my (son), from the pit of misery and the
mire of sin4 by confessing. Let the path of reproaches restore (thee) to (thy) first state.
Arise, then, so that washed by tears of compunction (thou mayst) be worthy to eat the Bread
of Life,5 that is, the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Son of God, Jesus
Christ, the Redeemer of all the faithful, grant (thee) this. Amen.

When it is your turn, stand with lowered eyes next to the Priest, before the holy Altar
or the icon of Christ. Begin by making the sign of the Cross over your breast, saying:

1 Mt. 5:8 2 Rom. 10:10 3 1 Cor. 11:31 4 Ps. 39:3 5 Jn. 6:35 6 Jn. 6:53


G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H
Holy Psalter (p. 344) | Repentance (p. 344) | Intercession (p. 345) |
Departed (p. 352) | Time of Trouble (p. 352) | Study (p. 356) | Travel
(p. 356) | Good Death (p. 357) | Fasting (p. 360) | Virtues & Blessings
(p. 360) | Good Gifts (p. 365) | Animals (p. 367)

G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H

T he Psalter of the Holy Bible, the Book of the Psalms of King David, has always
been the principal Prayer Book of Christian people. Refer to the Domestic Psalter
for a complete printing of all the Psalms, and the Psalms to be said for specific needs.


O Lord, God almighty, be merciful to me a sinner, for Thou only art

immortal and without sin, O Lord our God. Thou art blessed that
blessest all. Thou art holy that hallowest all. Forgive me Thine unworthy
servant, I beseech Thee, for I am a sinner. I have sinned exceedingly
before Thee and before Thine Angels, but grant me forgiveness of
transgressions, and strengthen Thy Holy Church in the Orthodox Faith,
and teach me to do Thy will, for Thou, O Lord, art our God, O Who
livest and reignest unto ages of ages. Amen.

R eceive my confession and prayer, only hope of my salvation, O Lord

my God: I who have been lost through sight, hearing, taste, smell,
and touch; through gluttony, drunkenness, fornication, lust, pollution,
and delights; through meanness, despondency, negligence, omission,
anger, ambition, malice, hatred, envy, detraction, perjury, falsity,
deceit, vainglory, levity, and pride, in every thought and word and deed,
and who have been slain by all my senses. I therefore beseech Thee, Thou
that makest the wicked righteous and the dead alive: quicken me and
raise me up again. That which Thou hatest in me, remove from me
without delay. In Thy mercy, bow down towards me. Put every sinful
habit within me to death, and quicken my soul unto Thee, so that I may
be worthy to serve Thee rightly and to be heard by Thee mercifully, O
Jesus Christ, O Who with Thy co-eternal Father and the Holy Spirit
livest and reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

1. Prayers for Those in the Church • For Those in Paganism
• Prayer of a Pastor • Prayer for a Living Friend
• Prayers for Pastors & Archpastors • Prayer for God’s Guidance
• Prayer for the Faithful (2) • Prayer for One Sick or Afflicted
• Prayer for a Monastery • Prayers for the Sick
• Prayer for Unity • Prayer for Taking Medicine
• Prayer for Catechumens • Prayer for a Pregnant Woman
2. Prayers for Family & Friends 3. Prayer for Benefactors
• General Prayer 4. Prayers for Prisoners
• For Those in Heresy / Schism 5. For All Living & Dead
• For Those in Judaism 6. For the Departed

1. Prayers For Those in the Church


O God, O Good One, Who scornest not the groaning of the sorrowful,
and hearkenest to the sincerity of the broken-hearted, O God, O
Good One, Who wishest to be prayed to that Thou mayest have mercy:
hearken to me imploring Thy mercy for Thy servants and handmaidens
N. & N. And mayest Thou be a loving Guide to them who are set upon
the path of righteousness, lovingly console them, lovingly strengthen
them as they have need. Direct them, lest they turn aside from the path
of righteousness, lest they fail in the way of life of piety. Offer them the
hand of Thy help, and if they grow faint and their enemies deceive them,
never let them mock at them, saying: Where is their God? (Ps 78:11) O
Lord, O Good One, Who waxest wroth with the sinner and desirest to
hear him say: I have sinned: Look kindly upon those not yet firmly
established in Thy path. I have sinned against them; make them more
often to turn back unto Thee, and offer them Thy Divine healing, that
they may be able to love only Thee, and praise Thee and serve Thee in
everything, lest at any time they be estranged from the glorious city of
Jerusalem. But once the burden of the flesh is dissolved, let them enjoy
in heavenly places the blessed gift of life eternal. Amen.

O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all the faithful, mercifully regard
Thy servant our (Patriarch or Chief Hierarch), N., whom Thou hast
willed to appoint as the foremost shepherd of Thy Church: grant unto
him, we beseech, to profit those over whom he is set by both word and
example, that together with the flock entrusted to him he may attain unto
life everlasting. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


O Lord, we beseech Thee to govern Thy servant, our (Arch)Bishop

N., and by the intercession of blessed Mary the Mother of God, and
of all Thy Saints, multiply in him the gifts of Thy grace, that he may be
delivered from all evil, and that lacking not in temporal aid, he may
rejoice in the teachings of life eternal. O Through Christ our Lord.

M ay the strength of God guide us,

May the power of God preserve us,
May the wisdom of God instruct us,
May the hand of God protect us,
May the way of God direct us,
May the shield of God defend us,
May the Angels of God guard us,
Against the snares of the evil one.
May Christ be with us! May Christ be before us! May Christ be in
us, Christ be over all! May Thy Grace, Lord, always be ours, this day,
and, O Lord, for evermore. Amen.

O Father, give perfection to beginners, understanding to little ones,

and help to those that are running their course. Give sorrow to the
negligent, fervour to the lukewarm, and a good consummation to the
perfect. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the
ages of ages. Amen.

O God, Who dost prepare a dwelling in heaven for those that

renounce the world: enlarge the temporal dwelling of the
congregation of the Holy N. (their patron) with the good things of heaven,
that they may be bound with the bond of brotherly love, keep the
precepts of abstinence with one heart and mind, with sobriety, with
simplicity and stillness, and may they come to know grace, given them in
abundance. Let their lives be in harmony with their names, and let their
profession be visible in their deeds. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God the Father, Source of everything Divine, Who art good

surpassing all goodness and just surpassing all justice, in Whom is
tranquility, as well as peace and harmony, heal Thou our divisions and
restore us to the unity of love, which is akin to Thy Divine nature. Let the
bond of charity and the ties of Divine affection make us one in the Spirit,

by Thy peace which maketh all things peaceable. This we beseech

through the grace, mercy, and compassion of Thine only-begotten Son,
our O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, hearken to our

prayers for our Catechumens N. & N., that Thou, O our God and
Lord, mayest open the ears of their hearts, and the door of Thy mercy,
that, having received the remission of all their sins through the laver of
regeneration, they also may be found in Christ Jesus our Lord. O
almighty, everlasting God, Who unceasingly dost fructify Thy Church
with new sons and daughters, increase the faith and understanding of our
Catechumens N. & N., that, having been born again in the font of
Baptism, they may be added to the children Thou hast adopted. O
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.
2. Prayers For Family & Friends

O Master, O Lord God almighty, Who hast made all things

wondrously, and hast created all by Thine arrangement, and Who
hast commanded the state of childbirth to be from the union of man and
woman, and hast commanded us to show consideration and love for
father and mother, hearken to me, merciful God, crying to Thee for my
father N., and for my mother N. (for Thou hast been pleased in Thy
providence to make provision for me the very lowly through them both)
that Thou wouldst protect, and defend from all evil, my brothers and
sisters, and all my family, who are united to me a sinner from the
consanguinity of the flesh, both the living and the departed, whose names
and justice are known to Thee, O Lord and God of all: and wouldst
dispose them upon the path of salvation, and wouldst not permit them to
finish their days before Thou forgive their sins, through a genuine
confession, and a genuine amendment of all their misdeeds, that Thou
mayest make them, once they have laid aside the flesh, worthy of
heavenly communion. Hear me, O most gentle God, although I am very
wretched, praying to Thee for the souls of Thy servants and
handmaidens, N. and N., who have given us their alms, and whose names
are written with us, and who have commended themselves to our
prayers, so that Thou wouldst of Thy mercy bring Thy good gifts upon
them, and be pleased to gather them that place where those who please
Thee are, O O Saviour of the world, Who with God the Father and the
Holy Spirit livest and reignest unto ages of ages. Amen.


O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, hearken to our

prayers for the heretics and schismatics, N. & N., that Thou, O our
God and Lord, mayest rescue them from all errors, and be pleased to
summon them once again to their holy mother, the Catholic and
Apostolic Church. O almighty, everlasting God, Who savest all men, and
wishest no one to perish: look down upon those souls which have been
deceived by the trickery of the Devil, that laying aside all heretical
distortions, the hearts of the erring may come to their senses, and return
to the unity of Thy truth. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, hearken to our

prayers for the unbelieving Jews, N.N., that Thou, O our God and
Lord, mayest take away the veil from their hearts, that they also may
come to know Christ Jesus our Lord. O almighty, everlasting God, Who
dost not reject from Thy mercy even the unbelief of the Jews, hearken to
the prayers which we bring before Thee for the blindness of that people,
that having come to know the light of Thy truth, which is Christ, they
may be delivered from their darkness. O Through the same our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, hearken to our

prayers for the pagans, N. & N., that Thou, O almighty God,
mayest take away the iniquity from their hearts, that forsaking their
idols, they may be converted to the living and true God, and His only Son,
Jesus Christ our God and Lord, with Whom He liveth and reigneth,
together with the Holy Spirit. O almighty, everlasting God, Who
unceasingly seekest not the death of sinners, but their life: mercifully
receive our prayer, and deliver N. & N. from the worship of idols, and
gather them into Thy Holy Church, to the praise and glory of Thy name.
O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.

O God, Who justifiest the wicked and desirest not the death of
sinners: we humbly entreat Thy majesty that Thou mercifully
protect Thy (servant) N., confiding in Thy mercy, with heavenly aid, and
preserve (him) by continual protection, that (he) may continually serve

Thee, and by no temptations be separated from Thee. O Through our

Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

A lmighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy (servant) N.,
and of Thy mercy direct (him) into the way of eternal salvation, that
by Thy gift (he) may desire what is pleasing unto Thee, and perform it
with (his) whole heart. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A lmighty, everlasting God, eternal salvation of believers, hearken

unto us for the sake of Thy (servant) N., for whom we implore the
aid of Thy mercy: that, (his) health having been returned to (him), (he)
may render Thee thanks among Thy congregation. O Through our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, Who strengthenest

the fragility of the human estate by pouring out the good pleasure
of Thy might, so that our bodies and limbs might be invigourated by the
healthful cures of Thy loving-kindness: graciously bow Thyself down
over Thy (servant) N., that with every necessity of bodily infirmity taken
away from (him), there may be restored in (him) the perfect grace of (his)
original soundness. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through
all the ages of ages. Amen.

O almighty, everlasting God, preserver of souls, Who dost chastise

those whom Thou lovest, and awakenest to amendment those whom
Thou receivest lovingly: we call upon Thee, O Lord, that Thou mayest be
pleased to bestow Thy healing upon the soul of Thy (servant) N., who in
(his) body suffereth the weakness of its members, the violence of its
belabouring, the stings of its infirmities. Grant (him), Thy grace, O
Lord, that in the hour of (his) departure from the body, (his) soul may be
worthy of being presented to Thee by the hands of Thy holy Angels
without the blemish of sin, since it was Thou that gavest the soul to (him).
O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.


O Christ, Son of the living God, by the touch of Whose garment’s hem
the woman was made whole from an issue of blood by her faith:
grant, I beseech Thee, through the righteousness of Thy holy
Protomartyr Stephen, who first rendered Thee the recompense of his
death for having died for our sakes, that by this medicine every
pestilence-bearing bodily fluid may be driven out of my body, that once
my senses are made clear I may be enabled to persevere entirely in Thy
service. Amen.

O God, Who didst consecrate the most blessed Virgin and mother
Mary in her conceiving and childbirth, and didst deliver Jonas the
Prophet from the belly of the fish by Thy mighty power: protect Thy
pregnant handmaiden N., and visit her with Thy salvation, that in joy she
may bring to light the child enclosed within her, and that it may arrive
at the grace of the saving laver. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

B lessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the
ungodly ¶ nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the
But his will is rather in the law of the Lord ¶ and in His law will he
meditate day and night.
And he shall be like the tree which is planted by the streams of the
waters ¶ which shall bring forth its fruit in its season.
And its leaf shall not fall ¶ and all things whatsoever he may do shall
Not so are the ungodly, not so ¶ but rather they are like the chaff
which the wind doth hurl away from the face of the earth.
For this reason shall the ungodly not stand up in judgment ¶ nor
sinners in the council of the righteous.
For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous ¶ and the way of the
ungodly shall perish.
O Glory be... | As it was... (p. 1)
Mary brought O forth Christ. O Anna brought forth Mary. O Elizabeth
brought forth John. O Cecilia brought forth Remigius. O So may
almighty God grant me (thee) to bring forth joyfully at the season of
perfect maturity. Amen.
For the Service of Churching, see p. 224.

3. Prayer For Benefactors

O Lord, almighty God, O mighty and eternal Physician, Who in Thy

mercy hast promised pardon and remission of sins and healing for
their souls to Thy faithful by their distribution of alms: hear me, O kind
and gentle One, for the sake of all Thy faithful who have given us their
alms, or who by faith in Thy majesty have commended themselves to our
prayers, both the living and the departed, the sound and the infirm, and
may my prayers come into the ears of Thy mercy, for I pour them out in
Thy presence for their salvation. Look not upon my sins, O Lord, but
upon the faith of N. & N., who bestowed temporal goods upon us, having
faith in Thy name, that Thou, O God, Who repayest all good deeds,
wouldst be pleased to repay them greater things for lesser, and for
earthly things, everlasting rewards, O O Saviour of the world, Who
livest and reignest unto the ages of ages. Amen.

4. Prayers For Prisoners

O God of forgiveness, God of all comfort, Thee we humbly entreat

that Thou wouldst mercifully absolve Thy (servant) N. from all the
chains of (his) sins: and from those for which (he) is held prisoner with
the fetters of his enemies—the blessed Theotókos Mary interceding, and
the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and John—mayst Thou receive
(him) repentant, with Thy fatherly love, and bring (him) to joys eternal.
O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

M ost gracious Father, bless with Thine especial care all

penitentiaries and homes of refuge. Look with pity on those that
are housed there. Guide and protect those that have returned to the
world. Grant all of them true contrition for their past sins, and
strengthen them in their good resolutions. Lead them from grace to
grace, so that by the help of the Holy Spirit they may persevere in the
ways of obedience and humility, and in the struggle against evil thoughts
and desires. Grant the Holy Spirit to those engaged in teaching and
training them, that they might have a right judgment with respect to
those entrusted to them. May they labour for love of Thee with deep
humility and singleness of purpose, purity of heart and life, and genuine
zeal for Thy glory and the salvation of souls. Give them faith and charity
to sustain them in disappointment; love and patience towards those
under them; and, in due time, crown their work with an eternal
recompense. Amen.

5. For All, Living & Dead

A lmighty, everlasting God, Who rulest quick and dead alike, and hast
mercy on those whom Thou foreknowest by their faith and works to
be Thine hereafter: we humbly beseech Thee on behalf of those for whom
we have decided to pour forth our supplications; and whom either this
present world yet retaineth in the flesh, N. & N., or the future world hath
received, they having laid aside their mortal bodies, N. & N., that
through Thy mercy they may be found worthy to obtain forgiveness for
all their sins and joys eternal. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
6. Prayers For the Departed
The complete services of prayer for those departed begin on p. 285.


O God, Who hast commanded us to honour our father and mother:

graciously have mercy upon the souls of my father, N. and mother,
N., and forgive all their sins, and make me to see them in the joy of
brightness everlasting. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through
all the ages of ages. Amen.

M ost loving God, receive the soul of Thy servant N. in the bosom of
Abraham Thy patriarch, and join it unto all the Saints and elect:
but lest the guilt of the flesh injure it with suffering, let the compassion
of Thy tender mercy avail it unto forgiveness. O Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
According to the Western Orthodox tradition, alms should be given to the needy
for the welfare of the departed, especially throughout the year after their death.

1. Against Evil Thoughts 7. Deliverance from Pagans
2. Against Temptations of the Flesh 8. In Wartime
3. For Chastity 9. For Peace & Reconciliation
4. Thunderstorms & Tornadoes 10. For the Holy Land
5. Lightning 11. Against Gossips
6. Destroyers of the Church 12. In Afflictions


A lmighty and gentlest God, behold our prayers mercifully, and free
our hearts from the temptation of wicked thoughts, that we may

deserve to be made a fitting dwelling-place for the Holy Spirit. O

Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of
ages. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, save us from the mouth of the lion most rageful,
who roaring goeth about seeking whom he may devour from the
unity of Thy Church. But do Thou, O most mighty lion of the tribe of
Juda, crush the opposing evil of his power, and preserve the bodies and
purify the minds of us who have been delivered from his fiery assault. O
Who liveth and reigneth with God the Father in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

S et our reins and our heart aflame with the fire of the Holy Spirit, O
Lord, that we may serve Thee with a chaste body and please Thee
with a pure heart. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
See also the Prayer of St. Augustine, for Chastity, p. 362.


W e beseech Thee, O Lord, that spiritual wickedness may be driven

away from this house, and that the fierceness of ærial tempests
might depart. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A lmighty, everlasting God, spare them that are afraid, and be

merciful to Thy suppliants, that after the perilous fires of the clouds
and the force of the storms, the threat of their power might become an
occasion for Thy praise. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A lmighty and most merciful God, with Whom is no unrighteousness,

grant unto us that they who invade and lay waste the goods of Thy
holy places may be swiftly corrected and chastised. O Through Christ
our Lord. Amen.

O everlasting Trinity, one God, in Whose power it is to put down the

mighty and exalt them of low degree: we humbly beseech Thy mercy
in this holy ordinance, that Thou wouldst afford Thy help to Thy whole
Church, and as Thou didst deliver the children of Israël out of the hands
of the Egyptians, so deliver Thy Christian people from the oppression of
pagans, and give victory unto Thy servants, that the estate of Thy

Church may be raised on high, and the infidels cast down to hades by
faith; so that Christians may rejoice in Thine inheritance, and that the
Catholic Church may ever give thanks for the protection of Thy right
hand in all things. O Who livest and reignest, God through all the ages
of ages. Amen.

O God, Ruler of all kingdoms and kings, Who both healest us by

smiting us and preservest us by forgiving us: stretch forth Thy
mercy over us, that we may use for our healing and correction the peace
and quietness established by Thy power. O Through Christ our Lord.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, Who dost glorify the
powers which are obedient to Thee, mercifully receive, we beseech
Thee, our prayers, that those who ask for the protection of Thy right
hand may be overpowered by no adverse force. And may the invited
defence of Thy mighty power shield Thy faithful people, that being ever
devout with heartfelt affection for Thee, they may both be freed from the
infestation of their enemies and persevere in Thy grace without ceasing.
O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.

A lmighty, everlasting God, Who resistest the proud and givest grace
to the humble, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may not—being
puffed up—provoke Thine indignation, but—being subdued—may lay
hold upon the gifts of Thy gracious mercy. O Through Christ our Lord.

O God, bestower of peace and lover of charity, grant Thy servants

true concord with Thy will, that we may be freed from all the
temptations that assault us. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

B e pleased, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to accept the prayers of Thy

Church, that all adversities and errors destroyed, she may serve
Thee in steadfast freedom. And grant Thy peace in our times. O
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God Who with wonderful providence orderest all things: we

humbly beseech Thee that, delivering out of the hands of the
enemies of the Cross the land which Thine only-begotten Son consecrated
with His own Blood, Thou wouldst restore it unto Christian worship,

mercifully directing the longings of the faithful, who plead for its
liberation, into the way of eternal salvation. Through the same Christ
our Lord. Amen.

G rant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may care nothing for the
reproaches of reprobate minds, but, trampling on the same sort of
depravity, we pray that Thou wouldst not suffer us to be threatened by
unjust injuries, nor entangled in captious flattery, but rather love that
which Thou dost command. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord, if before Thine eyes we compare the sins which we have

committed and the afflictions which we have sustained, what we
suffer is less; greater still is what we deserve. We comprehend the penalty
for sin, and do not fly from the stubbornness of sinning. Under thy
scourges our weak nature is broken, and our iniquity continueth
unchanged. Our sick intellect is tormented, but our stiff neck is not
bowed. Our soul sigheth in its grief, and yet doth not, in fact, amend. If
Thou waitest for us, we are not corrected, but if Thou punishest us, we
are less hardened. In being rebuked, we confess what we have done, but
when Thou visitest us, we forget what we wept for. If Thou layest Thy
hand upon us, we promise to do many a thing, and even though Thou
hangest a sword over us, we do not do what we promised. If Thou
brandish it, we cry out for Thee to spare us; if Thou sparest us, again we
provoke Thee to brandish it. If hardships come, we ask for time to
repent; as soon as mercy hath arrived, we abuse the patience which
spared us. The plague brought upon us is allayed in severity, and already
the ungrateful mind cannot remember what it was suffering. If Thou
shouldst hear us quickly, we become haughty from the mercy; if slowly,
we murmur from impatience. O Lord, we desire Thee to continue acting
but we are fearless to neglect what Thou commandest. O Lord, Thou hast
guilty people who are confessing; spare us, for merciful art Thou. We
know that if Thou wilt not forgive us, Thou wilt not rightly punish us. But
with Thee there is great compassion and mercy super-abounding. Grant
what we ask for without deserving it, for Thou hast made us out of
nothing, who are asking Thee. On us who cry out to Thee, Lord, have
mercy! Let the faithful and tearful words move Thy mercy, and may that
tender compassion (which is our only hope) not reckon what we have
done in offences, when it regardeth what we are asking. Yea, though it
is a great misery for us to be sinful, greater is the compassion Thou hast
that we are miserable. With Thine assistance, we prostrate ourselves
before Thee, laying down both the evils of our transgressing and our

travails, and by entreating Thee we expect from Thee the mercy which
we rejected by sinning. Let that prayer which Thou art besought to
receive be imparted to these people for forgiveness’ sake, for Thou
knowest they have no confidence in their own righteousness. Lift us up,
O Lord our God, and bring us relief by Thy mercy, that in the commu-
nion of salvation and the joy of charity—although what we desire for
ourselves is to be saved by Thy gift—we may also rejoice for the faith and
peace of all nations. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through
all the ages of ages. Amen.

O God, Who in Wisdom—that is, Thy co-eternal Son—madest all

things (Ps 103:26), grant me Thy servant a mind ready for instruction,
I beseech Thee, that I may both progress in exterior studies and be
worthy to become learned in eternal teachings. O Through the same our
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

T he triumphant O Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: behold, the sign of

the Lord, of the life-giving Cross: flee, bands of enemies. O In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, Who by the guidance of a star didst lead the three Kings of the
East, Jaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, to the manger of the Lord,
lead me to the places whither I purpose to go without any hindrance of
adversity: and do Thou that didst lead them forward by the tidings of an
Angel lead me back by Thine assistance. O Through the same Christ our
Lord. Amen.

O Angel who art my guardian through the mercy of heaven, safe-

guard, defend, and shepherd me who am entrusted to thee. O
blessed Angel, messenger of our God, guide my deeds to please our most
high God.

M ay the imperial Majesty bless me; the royal Divinity protect me; the
everlasting Godhead preserve me; the glorious Unity cherish me;
the limitless Trinity defend me; the measureless Good guide me. May the
might of the Father rule me; the wisdom of the Son quicken me; the
power of the Holy Spirit enlighten me, God the Alpha and Omega,1 and
so may this blessing be my safety and protection now and for ever. Amen.
1 Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and therefore they
signify ‘beginning’ and ‘end.’ See Apocalypse (Revelation) 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13.


N ow I ask for the greatest help of God the Father to be with me. I
implore the aid of Jesus Christ Who is born of the Virgin Mary. I
rely upon the bulwark of the Holy Spirit as well, at all times, here or
abroad. May Christ take from me all dangers, and the darts of demons.
Let enemies not capture me, nor robbers, nor thieves, nor plunderers of
the world. Let not the waves of the sea harm me, nor rivers, nor waters,
nor any spirits. That in darkness, or winds, or rivers, or in the strong and
propitious winds of the sea, I may be set free from all dangers. Christ
Who is with me will conquer the dangerous and pestilential beasts of the
earth and waters. He will conquer the deadly weapons of the air; He will
conquer all lightnings of thunder. He will conquer any poison of
serpents, He will conquer the savage poisons of the world, that all these
things which I have named may not harm me, nor my companions.
Whole am I, whole are my companions, without loss we shall make our
way unharmed. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God through
all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, I implore Thine

immeasurable mercy with very humble prayers, that Thou wouldst
vouchsafe to direct the journey of Thy (servants) N.N., with (their)
possessions, in prosperity, and wouldst preserve (them) amidst the
changes and chances of (their) journey and of this life, that being upheld
by the bulwark of Thine Angels, armed with the intercession of the
Saints, defended from all hostile forces by Thy compassion, having
attained Thy protection and (their) returning homeward with joy, (they)
may both partake in the prayers of the righteous, and make merry in the
remission of (their) sins. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.


I have consecrated my entire self to Thee, and taking me by Thy right

hand Thou hast led me with Thy counsel. But in my human frailty I
have sinned both in word and deed may times against Thee, Who alone
art pure and sinless. Therefore, accept my prayer together with the tears
I offer Thee through Thy Saints, the victors in the arena. Purify me, Thy

poor handmaid, so that my passage may be hastened when I depart for

Thee. Amen.

O Lord God, Father almighty, Who hast promised rewards to the

righteous and forgiveness to them that do wrong, Who neither
desirest the death of sinners nor rejoicest in the loss of them that are
dying: I humbly entreat Thee that Thou wouldst give me Thy (servant)
N., by the righteousness of the All-Holy Theotokos Mary, and that of all
Thy Saints and elect, remission of all my sins, and wouldst lead me to that
repentance by which Thou didst rescue David, and hadst regard to Peter
as he wept, and didst cleanse Mary Magdalene. Lord Jesus Christ, cast
out of my heart the things that displease Thee, and pour upon me such
love that I may be able to love and fear Thee perfectly, so that I may
neither think about nor set my hope upon anything unless I know that it
pleaseth Thee, Lord. I entreat thee, most-blessed Virgin Mary, temple of
the Lord, sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. I entreat you also, holy
Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and you holy Angels
assigned as our guardians, together with the nine orders of Angels, that
ye intercede for me, and you, Peter, Paul, Andrew, John, and all the
Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, and all the Saints and God’s
elect, that ye would condescend to pray for me, when I will be presented
for judgment before the tribunal of the eternal King. I commend to Thee,
O all-loving Jesus Christ, all those who love me and who take care of me,
and who offer me works of mercy, and all my debtors and neighbours,
and even for mine enemies I ask: that Thou wouldst turn them towards
peace, and grant them to repent truly. I entreat Thee, Lord Jesus Christ,
that Thou wouldst mercifully number, and command to be visited, all
those who make remembrance of me, and have commended themselves
to mine unworthy prayers, and expended upon me their charity and
kindness, as well as those who are close to me by blood-ties or intimacy,
both those who remain in the body and those who are covered with burial
earth, that those who serve faithfully may be defended from all
adversities, and that Thou wouldst absolve me from all punishments, and
lead me into ever-unending rest. And this I very greatly implore: that
when the day of my death arriveth, Thou Who judgest against accusers
wouldst Thyself be my defender, O Thou that art blessed unto ages of
ages. Amen.

O Lord, hear my prayer, for I know now that my time is at hand.

Grant me, O Lord, wisdom and understanding, and illumine me, as
Thou didst illumine Mary with the Holy Spirit. I entreat Thee, O Lord,
that Thou illumine my heart with the Holy Spirit, for my sins are

altogether countless. Grant me, O Lord, that I may be worthy to blot

them out by faith and charity and by Thy wondrous name, and in what
day soever I call upon Thee, be pleased to hear me, as Thou didst hear
Tobias and Sara. Pour tears upon me, as Thou didst pour water over the
earth, for my heart is hard as a rock. Lord, I have sinned exceedingly in
my life and all mine iniquities I acknowledge. I ask Thee, Lord, I cry to
Thee with a mighty roar: stretch Thou forth Thy right hand and deliver
me from mine adversary, as Thou didst deliver the three youths, Sidrac,
Misaac, and Abdenago, from the furnace of burning fire. Now also, O
Lord God, heavenly King, grant me wisdom, self-restraint, faith, hope,
charity, truth, and humility, that I may be worthy to advance and
persevere in good works. O Lord, make my heart desire what good thing
soever I have uttered and have thought to utter, what good thing soever
I have heard of in all my years. I entreat Thee, Lord, I praise Thee, I
worship Thee, I magnify Thee, I glorify Thee, I bless Thee with all Thy
Saints. I beseech Thee to send all Thy holy Angels, Archangels,
Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists, Martyrs and Confessors
and Virgins, to mine aid. I pray and supplicate, Lord, that Thou hear me
and grant me a path of truth, that I may be found worthy to be saved.
Lord, I have sinned greatly against others, and how much more against
Thee, my God? For I have sinned so much that there is no counting the
evils I have perpetrated from my youth up. And do Thou, O Lord, King
of eternal glory, Who wast pleased to redeem me by Thy precious Blood,
and didst place Thyself on the Tree for me, not because I deserved it, but
because of Thy great mercy, have mercy on me, that I may not enter that
most terrible place which is for ever without refreshment, without
sweetness, and without light, and will last for ever, for in death there is
none that is mindful of Thee, and in hades who will confess Thee? (Ps 6:6)
Have mercy on me, and hear me trusting in Thee, as Thou didst hear
Mary Magdalene and Martha beseeching Thee to go to the sepulchre to
raise up Lazarus. Blot out all mine iniquities which I have commited
from the beginning of my life to this day. Now I supplicate Thee, O Lord
Jesus Christ, Who art merciful and compassionate, grant, we beseech
Thee, to all that call upon Thee, a good end and good perseverance. And
I beg Thee, O Lord, and humbly pray Thee, that Thou wouldst listen to
my prayer. O Who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and
reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Trinity, I pray, preserve the unspotted piety of my faith, even

until the departure of my breath. Grant me this word of my
conscience, that what I professed in this symbol of my rebirth when I was

baptized in the O Father and Son and Holy Spirit I may ever attain,
namely, that I may worship Thee, our Father, and Thy Son together with
Thee, and may be worthy of Thy Holy Spirit, Who is from Thee through
Thine only-begotten Son. For He is a reliable witness to me for this faith,
saying, “Father, all My things are Thine, and Thine are Mine.” (Jn 17:10)
My God is Jesus Christ, O abiding in Thee, and from Thee, and with
Thee, God for ever, Who is blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.


O Lord, give our fastings a saving effect, we beseech Thee, that the
bodily chastisement we have taken up may redound to the
quickening of our souls. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, grant that together

with our body’s abstinence, our mind may also turn away from
lawless thoughts. And that which we refuse in fleshly feastings of a
worldly appeal, may we cut off in the evil designs of our human will, that
by means of mature fasting we may make ourselves worthy to partake
piously and savingly of the Holy Things which are for the holy. O
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, we humbly beseech

Thee that we may be helped by the intercessions of Saint(s) N. (&
N.), whose feast we precede with prayer and fasting. Mayst Thou cause
us to celebrate (his) approaching solemn feast in such wise that we may
be found worthy to stand on Thy right hand in the day of judgment, and
to receive the things of heaven. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

1. For the Kingdom, p. 361 6. For True Peace, p. 363
2. For True Love, p. 362 7. For the Virtues, p. 363
3. For Faith, Hope, Charity, 362 8. For Spiritual Life, p. 364
4. For Chastity, p. 362 9. For the Holy Spirit, p. 364
5. For Wisdom, p. 362 10. For Courage at Nightly, p. 365


O God the Father almighty, O Master of heaven and earth, lead

me by the mercy of Thy compassion, I entreat Thee, where
thousands of Angels are forever resplendent, praising the King of
kings with boundless glory ...
Where the four and twenty purity, the palm of royal glory
elders lie prostrate, praising of the kingdom.
the Lamb of God in sight of Where the multitudes of Saints,
the Throne. singing to the Lord, are
Where the four mystical rejoicing with unshakable
creatures are, all full of eyes, peace in the land of the living.
so wondrous and great. Where happiness is.
Where the twice two rivers flow, Where security is.
watered by the one dew of Where health is for ever.
their fountain. Where purity of mind is.
Where the Patriarchs who were Where there is no sorrow.
first to believe in God are Where there is no turmoil of
reigning with Him mind or anger, nor the pain
unendingly, citizens of the city of those that toil.
of God. Where no one is hungry, where
Where the pure Prophets, full of no one is thirsty.
the Holy Spirit, are praising Where fire doth not burn us.
Christ together, in the clear Where no one perisheth.
witness of His true light. Where the elderly doth not
Where Holy Mary and the holy remain so.
Virgins are delighting in the Where the youth flourisheth.
rewards of life on thrones
Where damage doth not cause
Where Peter and Paul, with
Where no poor man weepeth.
Christ’s Apostles, are reigning
Where endless peace is.
with the King, sitting upon
Where joy is.
their thrones.
Where no troubles are.
Where the multitudes of
Innocents are following the Where life is genuine.
Lamb and blooming with the Where no bitter death is.
gentle flower of virginity. Where the things of God are for
Where Christ’s Martyrs, clad in ever.
robes of white, singing unto Where evils do not harm.
Christ, are in possession of Where love is steadfast.
the palm of life. Where the Where joy is true.
holy Virgins possess great Where there is a pure drink,

full of eternal life. Where the King of kings is.

Where the glorious name of Where the choirs of the heavens
Christ is reigning upon the are.
Throne. Where the Light of Light is.
Where there is good order for Where the living Fountain
everything. shineth to the uttermost part
Where there is health for all. of heaven.
Where unity is. Where the voice of praise
Where Divinity is. resoundeth to the Lord our
Where Trinity is. King.
Where true Truth is. Where there is no darkness.
Where Divine power is. Where there is the kingdom of
Where the God of gods is. kingdoms, unto the ages of
Where the Lord of lords is. ages. Amen.


O Lord, grant us immortal love, which will enkindle our lamps but
not consume them, so that they may shine in us and bring light to
our neighbours. Most dear Saviour, enkindle Thou our lamps, that they
may shine forever in Thy temple. May we receive unquenchable light
from Thee, that our darkness may be illuminated and the world’s
darkness be diminished. Amen.

O almighty and everlasting God, Who with Thy finger writest in the
hearts of believers the righteousness of Thy law, bestow upon us
growth in faith, hope, and charity; and so that we may obtain that which
Thou dost promise, make us to love that which Thou dost command. O
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

M y most gracious Master, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, King
of virgins, lover of chastity and purity, extinguish by the dew of
Thy heavenly blessing all the fury of burning lust in my body, that an
unbroken estate of chastity may abide in me, soul and body. Put to death
in my members all stings of the flesh and all lustful associations. And give
me true and perfect chastity, with Thine other gifts which please Thee in
truth, that I may be able to offer Thee the sacrifice of praise daily with
a chaste body and a pure heart. O Who livest and reignest, God through
all ages of ages. Amen.

O God, Who by the Wisdom Co-eternal with Thyself didst create man
when he did not exist, and when he was lost didst mercifully renew

him: grant, we beseech Thee, that with His inspiration in our souls, we
may love Thee with our whole soul, and follow Thee with our whole
heart. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

G rant peace, O Lord, in our days, for there is none that fighteth for
us except Thou, O our God. Ps. 121:7:
= Let peace be now in Thy strength. + And prosperity in Thy palaces.

L et us pray. O God, from Whom holy desires, right counsels, and

righteous deeds proceed, give Thy servants that peace which the
world cannot give, both that our hearts may be given over to Thy
commandments, and that once the fear of our enemies is lifted, the times
may—by Thy protection—be peaceful. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to create me in Thine image,

and to redeem me with Thy precious Blood, Who in the womb of my
mother didst knit my members together, and didst bring me out into the
light of this life: I pray Thy sweetest mercy that Thou vouchsafe to
illumine me with Thy heavenly light, and show me the paths to Paradise,
and bring me into the haven of everlasting salvation. O most merciful
Lord, vouchsafe to kindle the fire of Thy love in me, to burn up my sins
and kindle me to long after Thee for ever, and may the Holy Spirit dwell
in my heart, to teach me to do Thy will. O Lord, O most compassionate
Father, soften my hard and stony heart. Grant me compunction of heart,
that for the guilt of my sins I may pour out an abundance of tears before
Thy mercy. Grant me, O Lord, the tears of Mary, who anointed Thy feet
with ointment, watered them with her tears, and wiped them with her
hair. Grant me the faith of the robber who when placed upon the cross
confessed Thee, saying: Remember me, O Lord, when Thou comest in
Thy kingdom (Lk 23:42), and was found worthy to hear, “Amen I say to
thee, that shalt be with Me this day in Paradise” (:43). Give me, O
almighty God, that on that day when Thou commandest my soul to be
separated from my body, I may be found worthy to hear a gentle
sentence, and may Holy Angels bring my soul to the joys of the righteous.
But may the evil angels depart from me in sorrow. Let my prayer be set
forth unto Thee, O Lord, as incense in Thy sight. (Ps. 140:1) Hearken, O
Lord, unto my voice, wherewith I cried: Have mercy on me and hearken
unto me. (Ps. 26:13) O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come unto
Thee. Amen. (Ps. 101:1)


O Lord God, destroy and uproot whatsoever the adversary hath

planted within me, that once mine iniquities are destroyed, Thou
mayest place understanding and a good work upon my mouth and within
my heart; that I may serve only Thee in my work and will, and may
understand Thy commandments, and seek after Thee. Give me
recollection. Give me charity. Give me purity. Give me faith. Give every
thing which Thou knowest to be conducive to the productiveness of my
life. O Lord, work in me a good thing, and grant me what Thou knowest
to be fitting, O O Thou that hast dominion unto the ages. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst pass from this world to Thy Father,
and lovedst them that were in the world (Jn 13:1): make me to cross
over, in my soul, from earthly things to heavenly, to scorn all transitory
things, and to hope for heavenly things alone, and to be kindled with the
Spirit-imparting flame of Thy love. And Thou, O God, Who didst
humble Thyself to wash the feet of Thy holy Apostles with Thy very most
holy hands, purify my heart, pouring the radiance of the Holy Spirit
therein, that I may be enabled truly to love Thee in all things and above
all things, O our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, grant us a measure of Thy Spirit. Help us to obey

Thy teaching, soothe anger, cultivate compassion, overcome
desires, increase love, cast off sorrow, shun vainglory, renounce
revenge, and to be unafraid of death. May we ever entrust our spirit to
the everlasting God O Who with Thee and the Holy Spirit liveth and
reigneth unto the ages of ages. Amen.

H oly Spirit, powerful Consoler, sacred Bond of the Father and the
Son, Hope of the afflicted, descend into my heart and establish in it
Thy loving dominion. Enkindle in my tepid soul the fire of Thy love so
that I may be wholly subject to Thee. We believe that when Thou dwellest
in us, Thou also dost prepare a dwelling for the Father and the Son.
Deign, therefore, to come to me, Consoler of abandoned souls, and
Protector of the needy. Help the afflicted, strengthen the weak, and
support the wavering. Come and purify me. Let no evil desire take
possession of me. Thou lovest the humble and resistest the proud. Come
to me, O glory of the living, and hope of the dying. Lead me by Thy
grace, that I may be pleasing to Thee for ever. Amen.


O God our Father, Who inspirest us to pray, and dost bestow that for
which Thou art besought (for when we pray to Thee, our life is
bettered): hearken unto me, trembling in this darkness, and extend me
Thy right hand. Stretch forth Thy light unto me; summon me out of
errors; and, led by Thee, I shall come to myself, and unto Thee. Amen.

1. For Rain
2. For the Crops
3. For God’s Protection—the Breastplate Prayers (next page)

O God, in Whom we live, move, and have our being, grant us

seasonable rain: that, sufficiently assisted by Thy support in this
life, we may with greater confidence aspire after things everlasting. O
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, we beseech Thy

mercy that the ruined fields may be irrigated by fecund showers,
that the burnings of summer heat may be allayed in their regard, and the
burning of great diseases be quenched. And so that we may be worthy of
these things, do Thou by Thy generosity loosen the sins which war against
us. O Thou Who rainest upon the just and the unjust: once our offences
have also been unbound, mayest Thou endow us with the gifts we have
awaited from the clouds, and whereby health and nourishment may be
granted us. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the
ages of ages. Amen.
Say over the fields: Grow and multiply, and fill the earth. O In the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (3x) Our Father... (3x)
Make a prostration, trace a cross upon the ground, bend and kiss it, then stand aright.
This do thrice. Then say:

E astwards I stand, for mercies I pray. I pray to our great Lord, I pray
to our mighty Lord, I pray Him Who is the holy Guardian of the
kingdom of heaven, of earth, and of the skies, and entreat the true and
holy Mary, and heaven’s might and high hall, that I may pray steadfastly
that the Lord may call forth these plants for our use in this world, ...

that He may fill this land with firm belief, and beautify this meadow of
Here the Litany of Saints (p. 151) may be sung. Then sing: Sanctus, Sanctus,
Sanctus, etc. (p. 100). And sing aloud, with arms stretched out in the form of the
Cross, the Benedícite (p. 85) and the Magníficat (p. 22).
Our Father... (3x)
Give alms to the poor also, and then, when you first put the plough to the earth, say:

O earth, who broughtest forth man, mayest thou grow in the good
favour of God, with food a-plenty for the needs of men.
Grow and multiply, and fill the earth. O In the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (3x) Our Father... (3x)

O God, be merciful to me a sinner, and be my guardian all the days

of my life. O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, have
mercy on me and send the Archangel Michael to mine aid, who may
protect and defend me from all mine enemies, visible and invisible. Saint
Michael the Archangel, defend me in battle, that I may not perish in the
dread judgment. O Archangel of Christ Michael, by the grace of which
thou hast been found worthy, I entreat thee through our Lord Jesus
Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, that thou wouldst rescue me today
and at all times, from all dangers of body and soul. Holy Michael, Holy
Gabriel, Holy Raphael, and all holy Angels and Archangels, come to
mine assistance. I beseech you, all ye heavenly Powers, that by the
highest power, which is of God, ye would be an assistance for me your
servant, that no enemy may be able to harm me, neither sleeping nor
waking, not on the road, not at table, not at home, not outside the home,
not in fire, not in water, not in any type of sudden death. Behold the O
Cross of the Lord; flee, bands of enemies; the Lion of the tribe of Juda,
of the lineage of David, the root of Jesse, hath prevailed, alleluya. O
Saviour of the world, save me, Thou that by Thy Cross and Blood hast
redeemed me, help me, O my God. O Agios. O Agios. O Agios. Cross
of Christ, save me. O Cross of Christ, defend me. O Cross of Christ,
protect me from all danger of soul and body. O In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our Father... (p. 1)

L ord Jesus Christ, be with me, that Thou mayest defend me; be within
me, that Thou mayest refresh me; be round about me, that Thou
mayest preserve me; be before me, that Thou mayest guard me; be

beneath me that Thou mayest lift me up; be above me, that Thou, with
Thy generous right hand, mayest bless me. O Single and Threefold,
mayest thou preserve me unendingly. In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. O O holy Michael, be my
breastplate. O O holy Gabriel, be my helmet. O O holy Raphael, be my
shield. O O holy Uriel, be my defender. O O holy Cherubim, be my
health. O O holy Seraphim, be my truthfulness. And may all the holy
Angels and Archangels keep, protect, and defend me, and lead me into
life everlasting. Amen.

1. For Animal Friends | 2. For Sick Animals | 3. Against Infestation


O God, grant us a deeper sense of companionship with all living

things, our little brothers and sisters to whom Thou hast given this
earth as home, in common with us. We recall with remorse that in the
past we have acted high-handedly and cruelly in exercising our domain
over them. Thus the voice of the earth, which should have risen to Thee
in song, is become a groan of travail. May we understand that all these
creatures live not only for us, but for themselves and for Thee, and that
they love the sweetness of life even as we do, and serve Thee better in their
way than we do in ours. Amen.

O God, Who hast supplied consolations to the labours of man also by

the speechless animals: humbly do we beseech Thee, that Thou
wouldst not cause them to perish from our enjoying them, for without
them our human condition cannot be sustained. O Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.

O Lord, we beseech Thee, graciously hearken to our prayers, that we

who are justly punished for our sins and must bear the punishment
of this plague, may be freed from it for the glory of Thy name. By Thy
power may these injurious animals be driven off, so that they will do no
harm to any one and will leave our fields and meadows unharmed, and
so that the things sprouting and growing in these fields may honour Thy
majesty and be useful in our necessities. O almighty, everlasting God,
Thou Giver of all good things, Who hast mercy on all sinners, in Whose
name every knee in heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth is bent,
grant to us sinners by Thy grace that which we ask trusting in Thy mercy.

May we be freed from the plague of these (rodents, worms, snails,

mosquitos, lice, etc.) by Thy mighty hand, and may we joyously give
thanks to Thy majesty.

I adjure you, (mice, worms, snails, locusts, etc.), in the name of God,
the almighty Father, of Jesus Christ, His only Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, that ye go out from these fields and pastures and remain no more
in them, but depart for places where ye can harm no one. In the name of
God, the Almighty, of all the court of heaven, and of the Holy Church of
God, I declare you accursed whithersoever you go, so that you will
become fewer day by day. May no part of you be found here again, unless
it be for the well-being of man. May He graciously grant this, Who will
come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Amen.

O In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Officium & the other “choir parts”—Graduale, Alleluya, & Offerenda—are
sung in a straight tone:

W e have received, O God, Thy mercy, in the midst of Thy temple.

According to Thy name, O God, so is Thy praise also unto the ends
of the earth. Thy right hand is full of righteousness. (Ps. 47:10,11) ||
= Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ¶ in the city of our God,
in His holy mountain. (:1) | We have received... | O Glory be... As it
was... | We have received...
Kyrieléyson (3x). Xristeléyson (3x). Kyrieléyson (3x).


Sung in a straight tone; omitted during Advent, Fore-Lent, and Lent

G lory be to God in the highest. | And on earth peace to men of good will. |
We praise Thee. | We bless Thee. | (bow:) We worship Thee. | We
glorify Thee. | We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory. | O Lord God,
Heavenly King, God the Father almighty. | O Lord, the only-begotten Son,
Jesus Christ. | O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, | that takest
away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us. | That takest away the sins of
the world: (bow:) receive our prayer. | That sittest at the right hand of the
Father: have mercy upon us. | For Thou only art holy. | Thou only art the
Lord. | Thou only art most high. (bow:) O Jesus Christ, | with the Holy
Spirit, in the glory of O God the Father. Amen.

Leader: = O Lord, hear my prayer. + And let my cry come unto Thee.

Leader: Let us pray. O God, of Whose mercy there is no counting, and

Whose goodness is an unfathomable treasure, we give thanks to Thy most
merciful majesty for the gifts bestowed upon us, beseeching Thy kindness
at all times, that Thou Who grantest their petitions to those that ask
Thee, forsaking them not, wouldst prepare them for rewards to come. O
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.
+ Amen.
Lesson: A reading from the Book of Wisdom. O Lord my God, Thou hast exalted
my dwelling place upon the earth, and I have prayed for death to pass away. I called
upon the Lord, the Father of my Lord, that He would not leave me in the day of my
trouble, and in the time of the proud without help. I will praise Thy name continu-
ally, and will praise it with thanksgiving, and my prayer was heard. And Thou hast
saved me from destruction, and hast delivered me from the evil time. Therefore I
will give thanks, and speak praise unto Thy name ¶ O Lord my God. (Ecclus. 51:13-17)
Graduale: I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be
in my mouth. || = In the Lord shall my soul be praised; let the meek
hear and be glad. | I will bless... (Ps. 33:1-2)
Alleluya: Alleluya, alleluya. || = O give thanks unto the Lord and call
upon His name; declare among the nations His works. (Ps. 104:1) |
Gospel: At that time, as Jesus was going to Jerusalem, He passed through the
midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as He entered into a certain town, there met
Him ten men that were lepers, who stood afar off; and lifted up their voice, saying:
Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Whom when He saw, He said: Go, show yourselves
to the priests. And it came to pass, as they went, they were made clean. And one of
them, when he saw that he was made clean, went back, with a loud voice glorifying
God. And he fell on his face before His feet, giving thanks: and this was a Samari-
tan. And Jesus answering, said: Were not ten made clean? And where are the nine?
There is no one found to return and give glory to God, but this stranger. And He
said to him: Arise, go thy way ¶ for thy faith hath made thee whole. (Lk 17:11-19)

Offerenda: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all that He hath done
for thee, Who fulfilleth thy desire with good things; thy youth shall be
renewed as the eagle’s. (Ps. 102:2,5) || = Who is gracious unto all thine
iniquities; Who redeemeth thy life from corruption; Who crowneth thee
with mercy and compassion. (:3,4) | Bless the Lord... | = His righteous-
ness is upon sons of sons, upon them that keep His testament, and
remember His commandments to do them. The Lord in heaven hath
prepared His throne and His kingdom ruleth over all. (:17,18) | Bless the
Lord... | = Compassionate and merciful is the Lord, long-suffering and
plenteous in mercy. (:8) | Bless the Lord...

PREFACE / SANCTUS — Done Only if a Priest Leads

Priest: It is truly meet and just, right and availing to salvation, that we should
always and in all places give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father almighty,
everlasting God. And at every season to praise Thee greatly and to bless Thee,
for in Thee we live, and move, and have our being. And there is no season,
and there is no moment through which we pass, which is empty of the good
gifts of Thy loving-kindness, for the recollection to us of Thy saving works
and gifts beautifieth the seasons of this present life. Wherefore, either in the
renewed happiness of past joy, or recognising the season of good that shall
endure, we offer unwearying thanks to Thy majesty, through Christ our Lord.
By Whom Angels praise Thy majesty, Dominions worship, the Powers tremble.
The heavens, and the heavenly Virtues, and the blessed Seraphim, concelebrate
in one exultation. With whom command our voices also to have entrance, we
beseech Thee, humbly confessing Thee, and saying:

H oly, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sábaoth. Heaven and earth are
full of Thy glory. Osanna in the highest. O Blessed is He that
cometh in the name of the Lord. Osanna in the highest. (Is. 6:3, Mt. 21:9)

All: Our Father, Who art in heaven... (sung as at Liturgy, p. 104)

Leader: = O Lord, hear my prayer. + And let my cry come unto Thee.

Leader: Let us pray. We beseech Thee, O almighty God, that showing

gratitude to Thee for the gifts we have received, we may partake of
blessings still greater. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through
all the ages of ages. + Amen.
Leader: Let us bless the Lord. + Thanks be to God.
O In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
All make a reverence “before and behind”—bowing east, then to one another.


W e call upon Thee, we praise Thee, O Lord God, Father almighty,

of Whom all paternity in heaven and on earth is named. Be present
and assist us wretched ones that believe and trust in Thee, and confess
our iniquity, and that presume because of Thy mercy, O most gracious
Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.

We worship Thee, only-begotten Son of God, begotten and born of

the Father before all ages, and one God with the Father, by Whom all
things were created and have their being; deign to create us anew and
summon us anew, and restore Thy likeness in us, for we are become
unlike Thee, and exceedingly like wild beasts.
We worship Thee, O Holy Spirit the Paraclete, Who art the third
Person in the Trinity, that breathest into and sanctifiest all spirits,
bestower of all grace and virtue. Vouchsafe to breathe upon us, enlighten
us, and make us righteous, for without Thee we can do nothing good, O
Fountain of all grace and virtue.
We worship Thee, Holy and Undivided Trinity, Father and Son and
Holy Spirit, Whom we believe and confess art one in Trinity and Trinity
in Unity. Grant us and all that need Thy mercy to walk in the light of this
faith and persevere therein, that we may be worthy to attain to the
knowledge and vision of Thee, Thou that art the life of the Angels, and
of all the saints. Amen.
(use with the St. Hilarion Calendar)

H oly Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, have mercy on us lowly

sinners, and pardon all our sins which we have done before Thine
Angels in Thy sight, through the supplications and entreaties and
invokings of Thy Saints whose patronage of this church we reverence,
and whose names we now recite, and whose feast days are celebrated
today: N. & N. and of all Thy Saints. Merciful Holy Trinity, deliver us,
with all our brothers and sisters, with all those dear to us and our
parents, from all evil past, present, and to come. Amen.

H ail, Lord Jesus Christ, Word of the Father, Son of the Virgin,
Lamb of God, salvation of the world, sacrifice most holy, the
Word made flesh, well of kind compassion.
Hail, Jesus Christ, praise of the Angels, glory of the Saints, vision of
peace, unimpaired Divinity, true man, flower and fruit of Thy
Virgin Mother.
Hail, Jesus Christ, brightness of the Father of peace, door to heaven,
living Bread, Virgin’s childing, vessel of purity.
O Lord Jesus Christ, O Light, origin of heaven, true joy of the world,
Bread of the Angels, jubilation of the heart, O King and
Bridegroom of virginity.
O Lord Jesus Christ, path of sweetness, height of truth, our reward,
genuine charity, wellspring of love, our peace, sweetness, rest, and
everlasting life.


1. The Theotókos 5. Holy Martyrs
2. Holy Angels of the Lord 6. Holy Confessors
3. Patriarchs & Prophets 7. Holy Women of the Lord
4. Holy Apostles

1. The Theotókos

O f peerless grace, alone without precedent a mother and a virgin, O

Mary, whom the Lord so preserved unspotted in soul and body that
thou couldst worthily be the one from whom the Son of God took unto
Himself a body, the price of our redemption: I beseech thee, O most
merciful Lady, by whose childing the whole world is brought to
salvation, intercede for me, a poor and very evil sinner, who bear the
stench of all iniquities, so that, in view of mine actions, I am worthy of
naught else but to endure eternal punishment. But by thy prayers and
intercessions, O most radiant Virgin, may I be saved and attain the
endless kingdom of the heavens, Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord giving the
command, He that with God His co-eternal Father O and the Holy Spirit
liveth and reigneth, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O holy and unspotted Virgin Mary, solace and restoration of life for
all the faithful, from whom the Author of our salvation humbled
Himself to become incarnate, I plead to thee with humble sighs and I
beseech thy most pious supplication, that it may intercede for me, the
hapless and disgraceful one, to thine own Son, so that He may blot out
and wipe away whatsoever in my deeds is wicked or opposed to the health
of my soul, and may plant and strengthen whatsoever is useful and
profitable, lest the arch-cruel adversary of the human race rejoice in my
destruction. But by thy help may he be cast out and made sorrowful, and
may thy holy prayers establish me in the unceasing grace of Christ, in
such wise that I may persevere undefiled in soul and body alike, be
humble and meek, upheld by the radiantly-shining gifts of faith, hope,
and charity, so obeying all the commandments of Christ that when the
last day and inheritance shall come upon me, I may be found worthy to
be numbered amongst the assemblage of blessed spirits that ceaselessly
wait upon Thee, thee interceding, O meekest one, Queen of heaven and
earth, and Christ thy Son commanding it, He that with His co-eternal
Father O and the life-giving Pnefmatos* liveth and is glorified, one
almighty God, throughout all the ends of the earth. Amen. * Greek: ‘Spirit’

O holy and glorious Theotókos and Ever-Virgin Mary, thou wert

found worthy to bring forth into the world its Saviour: hear me and

have mercy on me, now and ever. For the honour of thy holy and all-
surpassing virginity, I humbly entreat thee to be my deliverer and helper
with God the almighty. I pray thee that He Who is the merciful Shepherd
and Prince of peace may cleanse me from the stains of my sins, and rescue
me from the darkness of hell and bring me to life everlasting. Yea, O
most pure Virgin, may He that came into this world through thee and
saved the human race with His own Blood, and destroyed the gates of
hades, and opened the portals of the heavenly kingdom, be pleased to
save and preserve me in this world by His mercy, and after the close of
this fallen life bestow upon me some portion of eternal happiness in the
communion of His Saints. Amen.

O Virgin of virgins, the Theotókos, Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus

Christ, Queen of the Angels and of all the world, prophecy of
eternal life, radiance of the heavens, who art seen to have no predecessor
like unto thee, neither one that could come after thee: By the precious
Blood of thine only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, which He shed
as the price of our salvation, and by His holy and venerable and salvific
Cross, at which thou deignedst to stand when He was nailed upon it for
the salvation of the human race, He that is the Creator of the world, and
in the midst of death’s pains, which He as Son of God freely willed to
suffer on the Cross for our sakes, commended thee to His holy disciple
John, saying, “Behold thy mother,” (Jn. 19:27) do thou help us, and by His
glorious Resurrection help me a wretched and sinful (wo)man,
belaboured with the weakness of my body and my soul, by thy holy
righteousness and thy glorious prayers, as also in all mine afflictions and
hardships and all my necessities, in this world and in the next. To Him be
praise and glory and honour, Who created me a poor sinner, Whom
thou, O most sacred and most pure and most holy and most blessed of all
women, O Virgin Theotókos Mary, didst bring forth out of thy holy and
undefiled and virginal womb to be the Saviour and Redeemer of the
world. And by His dear name and the name of His majesty, wherewith
the God of all ages is called upon and believed in by all faithful
Christians, and by His most holy love: intercede in our behalf, both for
our government (‘king’), and for thy servant, and for our brothers and
sisters as well, who have commended themselves to my prayers, and for
all those who are in tribulation and in imprisonment, and for all
Christian folk, and for the souls of all the faithful departed, in the
presence of God, for He is the life of the world and our redemption and
our salvation, and all our joy, and our refuge in every affliction and
hardship which have encircled us, and all our consolation—He that
humbled Himself to be born from thee, the only-begotten Son of the

highest Father, our Lord Jesus Christ. To our crucified Lord God let
there be praise and dominion, honour and power and glory and
thanksgiving, unto ages everlasting. Amen.

H oly Mother of Christ, Mary, be the helper of me thy servant, that

through thy most holy intercessions I may be found worthy to attain
the joys of heaven. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, Who
liveth and reigneth with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

R ejoice, O Mother of our Saviour, vessel of purity containing the

Pure One!
Rejoice, joyous and blessed Lady, the Father’s Virgin made fruitful!
Rejoice, holy temple of God, providing the pattern for us all!
Rejoice, O thou readied for thy God, enduring for ever spotless!
Rejoice, gentle comforter, our mighty mediatress upon the way!
Rejoice, adornment of thy King, and garment of thy Creator!
Rejoice, thou by whose conceiving was deceived the enemy deceiving!
Rejoice, pattern of uprightness, and throne of Divinity highest!
Rejoice, consolation of the soul, and alleviation for our fall!

R ejoice, Holy Mother of Christ, for He is also thine own Father!

Rejoice, field full of flowers, bathed in the dew of the Spirit!
Rejoice, star who carried the Sun, having as child the King of heaven!
Rejoice, sweet fountain of the gardens, and sure hope of all the fallen!
Rejoice, O bride of the King most high, for the Law is severed and
Rejoice, thou that inspirest all with reverence, and art the ideal for us
Rejoice, store-house of sanctity, and lily of chaste purity!
Rejoice, thou in whom Life abode, house planted on the mountain!
Rejoice, fruit-bearing vine, wiping the tears of mourning for our
Rejoice, thou through whom He was begotten Who is worshipped in
the heavens!

R ejoice, O portal of the highest Light, the highest King’s pure

Rejoice, through whom salvation is bestowed, and all flesh restored!
Rejoice, O mother and fount of Life, for the hermits prostrate before
Rejoice, unburning bush, not lit by flesh’s furnace! (Exod 3:4)
Rejoice, thou pure and fine, like unto manna but not earthly!

Rejoice, thou rod of Jesse, whose Flower we know as our Saviour!

Rejoice, gate kept ever closed by the hand of the Mighty One, even as
His root budded!
Rejoice, Virgin before childing, abiding in virginity after child!
Rejoice, O tree, by whose Fruit the world fasteth from sorrow!

R ejoice, O costly jewel, crimson rose which hath no thorn!

Rejoice, O boast of maidens, honour and strength of womenfolk!
Rejoice, beautiful as the moon, one peerless for the one true God!
Rejoice, for thou hast strangled death, and restored us to new life!
Rejoice, thou by whom every pain is lifted, every glory is bestowed!
Rejoice, thou enemy of enmity, friend and follower of peace!
Rejoice, compassionate star of the sea, granting safety to the mariner!
Rejoice, for by thee there is rest for the weary, new light and
dayspring for the world!
Rejoice, thou gate of Paradise, which, if I abandon, woe to me!

R ejoice, O peerless Virgin, thou that art called Mary!

Thou art a breath of air for Adam, setting our first mother free!
Rejoice, O thou placed in the heavens, raised on high above the
Rejoice, O highest ranked of queens, bearing Him Who is Life for our
Rejoice, O thou whose godly Son was sacrificed for us!
Rejoice, O thou whose mighty Son hath burst the bars of bitter death!
Rejoice, O harp who wipest away weeping, but givest gladness to the
Rejoice, O jewel exceeding bright, who joinest things of earth to
things of heaven!
Rejoice, O full of holiness; with charity thou art smitten!

2. Holy Angels of the Lord

O angelic citizen of the heavenly court, who art assigned by God to

preserve my fragile life in the mercy of God! I give thee thanks for
thy trusty guardianship, by which thou hast been pleased to guard me
every day and night, throughout the hours and seconds of my life. Thou
art most sweet and most pleasing, my lord, and as for me, I shall follow
and embrace thy most pure holiness at all times. O white and fadeless lily
of the heavenly Paradise, the upper firmament’s refulgent star, O living
jewel in the diadem of the eternal King! My lord, forgive me what sin

soever I have ever committed in thy sight, and grant me forgiveness from
our Lord for all my transgressions. Drive away mine enemies that lay
snares for me, help me in every peril of soul and body. Help my thoughts,
my desires, mine intentions, my words, actions, and prayers, that they
may be acceptable in the sight of the Lord, as an incense of sweetness. I
commend to thee, in the day of my death, my whole life. Be with me and
help me, together with thy chosen companions. And obtain for me from
the Lord that my departure may be happy, and reasoning, and upright.
Yea, do thou receive my humble soul and present it unto life eternal. Amen.

I believe that thou art the holy Angel appointed by God almighty to
guard me, wherefore I entreat, and by Him Who gave thee this rank
I humbly implore, that thou wouldst at all times and in all places guard
me, the weak, unworthy, and wretched sinner, throughout this life;
wouldst protect and defend me from all evils; and when God
commandeth my soul to pass from this place, suffer not the demons to
have any power over it. But receive it gently from my body, and bring it
with sweetness to the bosom of Abraham, God our Creator and Saviour
bidding and helping thee, O He that is blessed unto ages of ages. +

R ejoice, O Michael, chieftain of the Archangels on high, by the

providence of God!
Rejoice, O leader of souls to Paradise for their salvation, by the
exalted compassion of God!
Rejoice, for thou hast overthrown the dragon and hast hurled him
down, from heaven to hell!
Rejoice, for so thou didst wage war when thou didst conquer Lucifer
with salvific might!
Rejoice, for the hosts of heaven, which are hundreds of thousands and
even more—
Rejoice, —for they sing with thee the praise of God, and exult in the
likeness of the blessed.
Therefore, make us to praise Him for ever with thee, and to reign
with thee through ages of ages. Amen.
= Pray for us, blessed Michael, God’s Archangel.
+ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

L et us pray. O God, Who wondrously didst beautify Mount Gargano

by Thy blessed Archangel Michael, when Thou didst will the demon
to take flight from that mountain-top in the shape of a poisonous serpent:
grant, we beseech Thee, that by the prayers of Thy blessed Archangel

Michael, we may be found worthy to become companions of the heavenly

citizens. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Holy Michael, who art heaven’s governor, and Gabriel, delivering

true annunciations of the Word, with Raphael—O ye that are
native-born to life—convey us to the midst of the worshippers in
Paradise. Through you are fulfilled all the commands which the Father
giveth, and which His co-equal Wisdom and the Spirit give, abiding in
Their single Essence. For His sake ye complete your ministrations, ye
thousands of thousands sacred unto God. For to Paradise our King is
leading His hundredth sheep, the tenth drachma—us begotten by the
Word. Therefore, pray for us, that after Michaels’ radiant battles, our
incense may be acceptable to God round about His golden altar, so that
we, in celestial glory, may chant together with you, ‘Alleluya!’
Seealso the Breastplate Prayers on pp. 366 and 367.

3. Patriarchs & Prophets

R ejoice, O Baptist John, who shinedst forth as holy in thy mother’s

Rejoice, O flute-player of God, who, unlike the truthless sophist, didst
show us the Messias!
Rejoice, O heavenly barrister, who wert worthy to become a lawyer of
the law of the Most High!
Rejoice, O combatant in the arena, who as a true evangelist didst
leave all things behind thee!
Rejoice, O ecclesiarch of holiness, who hast shined forth with virtues
above all who tread this path!
By the prayers of John the Baptist Thy forerunner, O Jesus Christ,
release us from the chains of sin. Amen.
= There was a man sent from God. + Whose name was John. (Jn. 1:6)

L et us pray. O blessed Baptizer of Christ and herald of our Redeemer,

John, stretch forth to us the hand of thy mercy, and help us in all our
necessities and straits, and be our whole-hearted intercessor with the
mercy of the most high Judge, so that we may be found worthy of being
freed from all affliction and narrow straits, from danger and sin-
darkness, by thine interceding prayers, and may He bring us to the light
of heavenly joy. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth

and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all
the ages of ages. Amen.

H oly John, chosen Baptizer of thy God, thou wert the Lord’s
forerunner and glorious Martyr. Thou art the Angel of God who art
gone before the face of the Lord to prepare His way in the wilderness. (Mt.
11:10) Thou didst manifest the Lamb of God, our Master and Saviour,
Who taketh away the sins of the world. (Jn. 1:29) And therefore hast thou
been found worthy to be called by Him “more than a prophet.” (Lk. 7:26)
For thou wert worthy to baptize in Jordan’s river Him Who is the
Saviour of the world. Be for me a strong protection from all my seen and
unseen foes, and defend me, that in the hour of my death I may not suffer
the fearsome darkness of hades, but may be worthy to attain unto the
company of the elect of God, by the gift of Him O to Whom be honour
and glory unto ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy John the Baptist, who wast worthy to baptize the Saviour of
the world with thy hands in the river Jordan, be a merciful
intercessor for me with the merciful God our Redeemer, that He may
deliver me from the darkness of sins, and bring me into the light of
heavenly grace, He that taketh away the sins of the world and hath
promised that the kingdom of heaven draweth nigh, O to Whom is
honour and glory through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O holy Baptist John, who wert of the spirit and power of Elias, given
to us by the Father, a very trusty forerunner of the Lord’s coming,
baptism, and preaching, so that no greater hath arisen among those born
of women (our Redeemer Himself bearing witness, Whom when thou
wert baptizing the people thou didst point out as the Lamb Who taketh
away the sins of the world): intercede for me that by the salvation-
bringing laver I may be found worthy in time to come of receiving His
redemption, with those that are pure and unspotted. Amen.

O Holy John the Baptist, who preparest the hearts of the faithful lest
God find in them aught wicked or lustful, we ask thee that by
continual prayer thou wouldst take care to absolve our misdeeds and
transgressions: that He may ever look upon His own, and be well-pleased
with them, and, seeing them faithful, may make His abode in them. And
be pleased to clothe us with the fleece of the Lamb which thou, with thy
finger, didst manifest to take away the world’s transgressions. That we
may be worthy in white garments, in company with the Angels, to follow
Him through the radiant gates,
O friend of Christ John! (3x)

4. Holy Apostles
St. Peter | St. John | St. Andrew | All Apostles

H oly Peter, chief of the Apostles, be merciful to me, for God gave thee
the power thou hast over heaven and the earth. Therefore, grant me
that I may be enrolled by thee in the kingdom of heaven, for thou art its
key-bearer. (Mt. 16:19) Intercede for me that God may give me rest in His
heavenly court, and that thou not dismiss my soul to destruction at any
time. But I beseech thee that thou wouldst receive it in the last day, and
with groanings I ask and weeping I entreat, that thou come to mine
assistance, and on that day place me in some pasture thereof, that I may
be able to rejoice in the glorious vision of thee, and in the countenance of
the Lord, where I shall behold with joy His all-pure Divinity. Amen.

O Holy Apostle Peter, I prostrate myself and beg thee that thou help
me the unworthy with thy prayers, and I bend my knees before thee
because of my terrible sins. Do Thou be pleased always to receive me in
a kindly spirit, for I do acknowledge my misdeeds and ask forgiveness
from God. I ask thee to help me who lie in danger, for the ungodly enemy
keepeth watch for me to deceive me with his tricks. But may thy holy
prayer deny him an entrance. Be a help for me against his onslaught, lest
my soul, detained by the godless one, depart from its established path. He
keepeth vigil to do me harm; but do thou help me by praying, so that the
adversary may not be able to harm thy servant. May he, the perfidious
one, be saddened; but do thou, the joyful man, rejoice with me. Drive off
the adversary with thy prayers. O Most High, O glory to Thee Who art
merciful in Thy Saints, and rulest for ever in the Trinity, as Lord. Amen.

O blessed Peter, mountain-peak of the Apostles, and first-ranked,

and keeper of the keys to the kingdom of heaven, against which the
gates of hell shall not prevail, O rock of the Church, O shepherd of
Christ’s sheep, mighty in strength, wondrous in joy, having the power of
binding and loosing in heaven and on the earth, whose footsteps the sea
obeyed, whose very shadow made whole as many of the sick as it touched:
I beseech thee by His right hand which raised thee up over the waters,
uplift me from the tempest of my sins, and by those tears which thou didst
pour out unto the Lord, loose the chains of my misdeeds, and rescue me
from the hand of all mine adversaries. Also help me, good shepherd, to
obey Christ Jesus and thee in this life so that by thine interceding prayer
I may be able after the course of a good life to reach the recompenses of

everlasting joy, where thou, O doorkeeper and pastor, hast victory unto
ages of ages. Amen.

R ejoice, O father on the path of righteousness, most joyous of

Evangelists, star resplendent with the beams of the Sun!
Rejoice, for thou hast remained a flowering virgin, enticed to forsake
marriage by the voice of Christ!
Rejoice, for thou art radiant with uniqueness in knowing hidden
mysteries and in charity more full!
Rejoice, whilst the Son entrusteth His mother unto thee, as a peerless
virgin blossom!
Rejoice, O thou who without pain of death wert translated like a
martyr from this warfare into joy!
Whither, by thy watchful prayer, may the Son Who is eternal as the
Father, our heavenly King, bring us. Amen.
= Exceedingly honourable is the blessed Evangelist John.
+ Who at the Supper rested on the bosom of the Lord. (Jn. 21:20)

L et us pray. Thy Church, O Lord, do Thou graciously illumine, we

beseech Thee, that being enlightened by the teachings of Thy blessed
Apostle and Evangelist John, she may attain unto the good things of
eternity. O Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

O John, O virgin greatly loved by Jesus Christ, thou, being still upon
the earth, didst behold the glory of the Son of God. Thou, though
broken by flames and prison, didst rejoice to give testimony unto Christ.
And thou dost raise the dead to life and conquer deadly poison by the
name of Jesus. To thee who wert wordless in silence, the highest Father
hath revealed His Word. Commend us before the presence of God by thy
fervent prayers at all times,
O John, beloved of Christ (3x).

O holy Andrew, intercede for me that I may escape the unremitting

flames of hard punishment. Now, beloved one, I ask thee morning
and night, that I may not sleep in the death of a chained soul. O Holy
Andrew, intercede for me that the enemy may not prevail exceedingly
against me, for I am empty earth and ashes. O holy Andrew, forsake me
not to perish with the ungodly. O holy man, be pleased to heal me at last.
O Andrew the holy, be my help and ruler now, that heaven’s King and
Creator may be my defence. O Andrew the holy, I now trust in thee,

great soldier of Christ, for I am weak, a poor man and of no account. O

Andrew the holy, O brother of Peter, truly wondrous son, mighty lamp
of the law, brilliance of the highest Sun, O Andrew the holy, companion
of Christ, kindly repay those who are destitute. Thou art mighty in
deeds; thou art mighty in words. O Andrew the holy, thou true fisher of
the human race, nourish me with the gentle word of the radiant Gospel.
O Andrew the holy, thou art a manful victor, thou a mighty warrior,
thou art my helper, thou art my healer. O Andrew the holy, thou at last
wilt sit upon an exalted throne, thou wilt shine gloriously with the King
of kingdoms. O Andrew the holy, thou wilt be a radiant dweller of the
wondrous city; thou wilt reign with the King of kings without end. O
Andrew the holy, intercede for me that I may escape the unremitting
flames of hard punishment. Amen.

O glorious light of all the churches, more resplendent than the sun! O
true and most exalted star of the Apostles, Holy Paul, who didst
diffuse the brightness of the everlasting King upon the darkness of the
Gentiles; who, set upon the earth, didst seek the hidden things of the
heavens, and didst foresee that which it is not lawful for man to utter:
condescend to lead us thy suppliants thither, after the conclusion of this
flesh, for thou hast caused us to know the light of truth.
= Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth.
+ And their words unto the ends of the world. (Ps. 18:5)

L et us pray. O God, Who hast taught the whole world by the

preaching of Thy blessed Apostle Paul: grant us, we beseech Thee,
that we who reverence his conversion may draw near to Thee by his
example. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O lights of the world, most blessed Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip,
Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, Thaddæus, Matthias, Barnabas, Luke,
Mark, with all the disciples of my Lord Jesus Christ, both men and
women: pray for me, that the Lord may take me from the world, as He
took you, and may grant me to follow His footsteps, even, at last, into
your company. Amen.

M ost holy Apostles of my Lord Jesus Christ, O most blessed Peter,

Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Simon, Thaddæus, Matthias, Barnabas, Luke, and Mark,
with all the disciples of my Lord Jesus Christ: pray for me, that the Lord

may withdraw me from the world, as he drew you, and may grant me to
follow His footsteps and finally to be amongst your company.

5. Holy Martyrs
St. Stephen | St. Laurence | St. Alban | St. Edmund | St. Panteleimon

T o thee, O Protomartyr, all the quarters of the world yield up their

praise, for thou, running first of all men unto the glorious victories
of martyrdom, full of grace most holy, art found worthy to follow the
footsteps of the Lord, and to behold Him in the glory of the Father, and
to cast out the transgressions of those that cast at thee their stones,
entreating for their forgiveness. O holy one of God, precious Proto-
martyr Stephen, pour forth thy prayers for all who reverence thee, that
the Lord, being moved to mercy by thy supplication, may unite unto the
citizens of heaven us who are cleansed of our sins. Amen.

G rant to us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to imitate what we hold in

honour, that we may learn to love our enemies, forasmuch as we
celebrate the natality of him who knew to pray even for his persecutors
to our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, O Who liveth and reigneth with Thee
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Holy Laurence, thou David, thou great-martyr, thou mighty

warrior and judgment-seat of the Emperor, thou didst set at
nought the blood-stained hands of thy tormentors. Thou didst scorn the
emblems of the Caesar, and laugh the judge’s threats to scorn. In vain it
is the headsman rendeth thy fingernails, it is in vain the pyre’s burning
thy gridiron doth enfold. The impious man, the City’s prefect, grieveth,
conquered by a broiled fish—the food of Christ. (Jn. 21:9) Thou,
honeycomb of the Lord, rejoicest, living with Him, rising again with
Him, filled to the full with Christ. O Laurence, wreathed with laurel
amongst warriors, O unconquerable David of the everlasting King, ever
entreat with Him to pardon us, His lowest servants. Amen.

O Father Alban, leaving earthly things behind thee, with glory didst
thou ascend to the diadems of the heavens. We now request of thee,
our patron, with prayer steadfastly made, O thou who art our true glory:
Loose the sins of thy servants by thy prayers.
Pray for the English nation, and her everlasting peace (3x).

And secure for us, who humbly beg thee, the true joys of life, where there
resoundeth, without ceasing, ‘alleluya.’

O Royal Martyr Edmund, despising and trampling on the glory of

fallen life, living righteously and meekly from thine infancy, thou
didst cleave devotedly in all things unto Christ. Having conquered by
faith the insanity of the faithless, thou didst triumph and wert borne aloft
to heaven. By thy kind prayers, O Edmund, man of joy, cause us to reap
the fruit of everlasting life. Amen.

H oly Panteleimon, martyr of Christ, thou didst so well perform in

military rank that thou didst excel all, and didst at length obtain
unto the eremitical life. And thou didst restore the man sick of dropsy to
health. Sent upon the rack, thou didst forfeit thy fingernails. Thy ribs
were seared with torches. Thou didst reveal thyself willingly, yielding thy
neck to the sword. Shedding milk for blood, so didst thou finish this life.
Take away from the so sorrowful people all illness, thou that hast been
found worthy of the realms of heavenly glory.
= O holy Panteleimon, pray for us.
+ That we be delivered from all illnesses.

L et us pray. O God, Who regardest the prayers of the humble, and

dost not disdain their petitions, be present to the prayers of Thy
people, O selfsame Author of loving-kindness, and grant that we who
make commemoration of Thy blessed martyr Panteleimon may be
effectually delivered from all sorts of illnesses, and, guided by Thee, may
be counted worthy to approach joys everlasting. Through Thee, O Jesus
Christ, King of glory. O Who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit
livest and reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

6. Holy Confessors
St. Nicholas | St. Dunstan | St. Benedict | St. Martin | St. Gregory | St. Augus-
tine | St. Augustine | St. John Maximovitch | General Prayers

O Holy Nicholas, most blessed master and father, the Lord granted
thee to be a patron, He granted thee to be a shepherd, He made thee
an intercessor. Thou art blessed, thou art meek, thou art merciful, thou
art a man of peace, filled with every happiness. Thou hast desired Christ;

thou art with Christ in the company of all the Saints. And I, a wretched
and weak sinner, have sinned in all sinful habits; I have sinned in my
wishes, living wickedly. Help me before the Lord Jesus Christ with all the
Saints, that I may have amendment and remission of sins, that I may be
able to attain the mercy of the Lord and forgiveness for my wrongdoings
therein, and may be able to enter the kingdom of heaven, that I may not
be lost for ever, not come into the second death, neither into the land of
oblivion and wickedness. And the sins which I have wickedly committed,
who am a wretched and weak sinner, do thou blot out, interceding for me
unto our Lord Jesus Christ, O Who liveth and reigneth with God the
Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.

H oly Father Nicholas, most gloriously radiant athlete by reason of thy

heavenly virtue, have mercy on me thy (servant) N., I entreat thee,
as thou hast had compassion; for thou hast not only helped sailors in
danger of the sea, and in the very gravest danger, when they cried out to
thee and asked with a pure heart for the help of thy vouchsafing, but thou
didst appear very gloriously, and didst answer, “Behold, here I am.”
Therefore, be here with me a very wretched one, and all those here with
me, for whom I dare to pour out my prayers. Release me from the very
heavy burden of mine iniquity, as thou didst relieve the disgraceful need
of the three virgins, and of their father, they who by the command of
their father had determined to lead a life of prostitution when forced by
the poverty of their life, as thou didst deliver them from such a crime by
the money which thou, like a thief, didst cast by night through a window
of their house. And as thou madest them pure vessels for the Lord, who
had already settled upon a diabolic plan, therefore, O father, make the
world pure of all iniquity, and to be freed from the chain of the Devil.
Through Him O Who liveth and reigneth with God the Father in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.


O illustrious confessor of Christ, O candlestick and teacher of the

nation of English-born, O good shepherd Dunstan, nourisher of all
Albion, who art the healer of diverse infirmities of those who visit thy
tomb, we now ask thee steadfastly, through the holy righteousness which
is granted thee from Him enthroned on high, that thou wouldst ask God
steadfastly in thy holy prayers to deliver this country from her enemies,
and free us from the chain of sin, and bring us to eternal life. Amen.


O most resplendent father and guide of monks, Benedict the beloved

of God, not less in thy virtue than any of the Saints in the whole
world, who when thou wert worthy to please Christ in accord with the
prophecy of thy name, didst establish a holy and blessed law for
monastics: help me to obtain the remission of sins. O compassionate
shepherd of thy holy sheepfold, deliver me a sick sheep from the jaws of
the wolves of hell. My daily negligences do thou wipe away by thy holy
prayers. My soul do thou convert to loving thy precepts. Make my life a
righteous one. Direct aright my deeds. Purify my thoughts. Preserve my
soul. Defend my body. And help me to advance daily in thy precepts, and
to love thee, O most gentle father, with all my heart, and scorn every
thing which is contrary to God, and to live in the present in such wise as
to escape eternal torments. And may I be worthy to attain to that place
where thou reignest with Christ without end. Amen.

O holy and most blessed master and father, Benedict, the Lord gave
us thee for a patron, gave thee for a shepherd, gave thee for an
intercessor. Thou art a blessed pauper. Thou art meek; thou art
merciful; thou lovest peace, and art filled with all blessedness. Thou didst
long for Christ; thou art with Christ, in the company of the blessed
Apostles Peter and Paul and Andrew, together with the other Apostles,
Martyrs, Confessors, and Virgins. And I, a wretched and weak
(wo)man, have sinned in thy precincts, and I have sinned in thy house,
living badly. Help me, together with the holy Apostles, Martyrs,
Confessors, and Virgins, that I may able to attain to the mercy of God,
and the remission of my sins, and may be worthy to enter the kingdom
of heaven, that I may not perish for ever, may I not deserve this in the
second death, neither in the land of oblivion, because of the vices and sins
which I, a wretched and weak (wo)man, wickedly have committed.

I beseech thee, most blessed Benedict, beloved of God: intercede for thy
servant N., and all this thy holy congregation, and for all those that do
battle under thy headship, as also for all Christian people. Intercede also
for me thy wretched servant, that the Lord may cleanse my heart, my
mouth, and my deeds from all sinful ways. Grant me to keep all that He
hath commanded, and to keep to the path of thy holy Rule, which I
pledged to observe.

W e all beseech thee, O Martin, that thou who didst manifest wonders
on this earth mayest also, from heaven, by thy supplication, pour

the grace of Christ on us unceasingly. Amen.


O most blessed Confessor and Priest of our Lord, Gregory, pray for
me, I beseech thee, to the Lord thy God, that all sinful ways having
been cast out of me, He may grant me to please Him in all things, and may
give me the peace belonging to Him and to all His servants. Amen.

O noblest of the teachers of the Church of God, and mightiest pillar

of faith, and reverend light of the world, and wondrous pattern of
virtue, Augustine, commend to Christ God in my behalf the supplications
which I now offer to thee, and commending them, defend me at all times
with Thy fatherly tenderness. By thy holy intercession, confirm me in
good deeds; protect me from every enemy; make me steadfast in faith;
strengthen me in hope, edify me in holy charity. By thine intercession,
drive far from me all which is evil, and add to me that which is expedient
for me. And after my flesh’s passing, commend my spirit unto God, that
through thee, O holiest Confessor, I may attain to life eternal. Amen.

W e pray thee, holy hierarch Augustine, with our voice raised up on

high, that thou wouldst favour us, lest the ancient foe invade the
sheepfolds assigned thee by the Lord. But by means of thy mighty,
righteous prayers, give the nod, that He may spare our wretchedness,
and grant us His forgiveness by the grace which is on high. Amen.

E ntreat thou the Holy Trinity for us, O holy John, herald of
incorruption. Help us to avoid the scandals of these dark and evil
times, and keep us in the fullness of Divine grace, that amidst hymn-
chanting choirs of the Angels, we may lift to heaven our unceasing

R ejoice, O most beautiful flower, O glorious hierarch of Christ, N.!

Thou didst follow the footsteps of Christ with devoted faith; thou
hast obtained the kingdom of the eternal King. For thou rejoicest in the
supernal dwelling, possessing the thrones of life. I beseech and entreat
thee that thy holy prayers may help my fragile life.
O blessed, O holy N., help me! O blessed, O holy N., intercede in my
behalf, that I may be worthy to possess the holy, life-giving temples of the
heavens, beholding in happiness the joys which are complete. Amen.


I beseech you, O most blessed confessors and teachers of Christ,

Cyprian, Basil, Gregory, Athanasius, Eusebius, Ambrose, Martin,
Augustine, Jerome, Germanus, Leo, John, and Isidore: vouchsafe to
intercede for me, a sinner, that the Lord may grant me to keep to what
you taught, and cause me to rejoice amidst your company. Amen.

7. Holy Women of the Lord
St. Anna | St. Mary Magdalene | St. Katherine | St. Margaret |
St. Barbara | St. Cecilia | St. Winifred | General Prayers

R ejoice, O joyful Anna, who didst conceive a daughter from whom

the Saviour of the world was to be born!
Rejoice, O joyful Anna, mother of a mighty child; from thee the
shining star of the highest Sun proceeded forth!
Rejoice, O joyful Anna who bare Mary, for she as virgin brought
forth God and is mother of the Messias!
Rejoice, O joyful Anna, for thou alone wast worthy to be the mother
of the virgin mother of Christ Jesus!
Rejoice, O joyful Anna, rejoice unceasingly; offer for us the
supplications of the Queen of heaven!
= Pray for us, blessed Anna.
+ That we may be cleansed from all evils in this life.

L et us pray. O God, Whose good pleasure it was to give the blessed

Anna such favour that she might be found worthy to bear within her
womb the Virgin Mary, Thine all-glorious Mother: grant, we beseech
Thee, by the intercessory prayers of Thy beloved mother and most
beloved daughter, Mary, a plenteousness of great mercy, so that by her
very holy intercession Thou mayest defend us from every danger of body
and soul, and grant us health in this life and bring us into the joys of the
heavens. O Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

R ejoice, O godly Magdalene, hope of salvation, spring of life, and

confidence for those sunk low in sins!
Rejoice, O thou sweet advocate, the pattern given us lowly sinners for
resurrecting and repenting after sins!
Rejoice, O joyful woman, pleasing to thy God, whose sins were

pardoned by His peerless grace!

Rejoice, O washer of the feet of Christ, for worthy wast thou to
receive from Him high pledges of His love!
Rejoice, O worthy lady, for thou wast first to be delighted by the sight
of Thy Redeemer, when He rose again in glory!
Rejoice, for thou, when seventy years of age, wert borne aloft from
wretchedness unto the heights of heaven!
Rejoice, O thou that now art raised on high and gloriest with Christ
within His palace in the heavens!
Cause us to repent here, in such wise that after death we may attain
the joys of His true light. Amen.
= Many sins were forgiven her. + Because she loved much. (Lk. 7:47)

L et us pray. O God, Who madest the repentance of Mary Magdalene

pleasing and welcome to Thee, so that Thou wouldst not only forgive
her sins but also bathe her inner heart in light in order to take pity on her
frailty: grant us, we beseech Thee, so worthily to lament the wicked deeds
we have committed that we may be able to attain Thy holy forgiveness,
and experience Thy tender-heartedness, with Thy whole relenting
mercy. O Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Mary, compassionate mother, thou art called star of the sea, for the
righteousness of thine actions. O Mary of Magdala, replete with
praise, do thou hearken to our prayers, and in kindness reconcile us in
the presence of Christ: that the Fountain of highest mercy, He Who
washed thee of thy sins, may wash us His servants, who also are thine,
with the forgiveness which He bestoweth. Let all things say, amen.

R ejoice, O virgin Katherine, who by the law of God didst save the
sages from their doubts!
Rejoice, O thou for whom the blackest prison was filled with light,
and redolent with sweet fragrance!
Rejoice, beholding the destruction of the [torture] wheels, for a
judgment of the people!
Rejoice, O lady who wert scourged, and after prayers beheaded,
gushing milk in place of blood!
Rejoice, Sinai, whither thou art carried, where thou art reverenced in
all ages, with the streaming forth of oil!
O thou who after Mary art blessed, entreat for us a path to heaven,
up to its lofty summit!
And when we appear before thee, grant that we rejoice with thee,

in the light of heaven.

= Pray for us, blessed virgin Katherine.
+ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

L et us pray. O God, Who gavest the Law to Moses on the summit of

Mount Sinai, and in that same spot didst place the body of Thy
blessed virgin and martyr Katherine, in a wondrous manner, by the
hands of Thy holy Angels: grant us, we beseech Thee, that by her prayers
and intercession we may be able to arrive at the mountain which is
Christ. O Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all
the ages of ages. Amen.

R ejoice, O virgin Margaret, who didst drive thy nurse’s flock into
the pastures, joyful one!
Rejoice, despiser of the boasting of the world, strong in faith and
blossoming with modesty like an athlete!
Rejoice, O thou who, shut in prison, didst gain victory over beasts,
sealed with the Cross’ sign!
Rejoice, O scourged with rods and strengthened by a dove, scorning
the ruler’s threats!
Rejoice, O thou that didst rejoice in prayer, when for Christ’s sake
thou didst forfeit thy head, gaining joys on high!
Pray now, rejoicing virgin, that our words may become well-pleasing
to God, in that fatherland. Amen.
antiphon: Remembering the worthy memory of blessed Margaret, and
reverencing her, we pray, Lord Jesus Christ, that by her prayers and
supplications we may secure eternal fellowship with Thine Angels,
through Thy gift.
= Pray for us, blessed virgin Margaret.
+ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

L et us pray. O Lord, we beseech Thee, mercifully attend unto our

supplication, and kindly hearken to our prayers, and impart to us
Thy mercy, that by the interceding prayer of Thy holy virgin and martyr
Margaret, no matter the necessity from out of which we cry to Thee, we
may receive the gracious-flowing benefactions of Thy comfort. O
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.


R ejoice, O Barbara, royal maiden, kept safe with Christ from ruin,
in the lily of thy purity!
Rejoice, O mighty in God’s teachings, surpassingly instructed by the
tutelage of Christ!
Rejoice, O virgin filled with faith, for, having finished martyrdom,
thou hast inherited delights in heaven!
Rejoice, for God hath taken care to give thy sepulture the assistance
of the locusts!
Rejoice, for our assemblage singeth sweetly and is joyful; grant that
thou be not unmindful of me in everlasting joy. Amen.
Hail, the Threefold’s morning star! O Barbara, who after Mary art
the flower of virgins, O true intercessor between God and men,
cruelly slain by thine own father, delighting in the joy of heaven,
intercede for us unendingly. Amen.
= Pray for us, blessed virgin Barbara.
+ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

L et us pray. O God Who by martyrdom’s scarlet blood-shedding didst

place the very blessed virgin Barbara in Thy kingdom’s bridal
chamber: mercifully grant that those who in humblest piety rejoice
together for her everlasting radiance, may through her obtain the
forgiveness of all their sins from Thee. O Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

H oly Cecilia, venerable Virgin of Christ, amongst the martyrs

surpassing great, and amidst the Angels and Archangels glorious,
who also didst follow the footsteps of the heavenly Lamb whithersoever
He went, accompany me with thine eternal praises and thy holy prayers;
strengthen my sinful soul; bolster my weakness; put my sinful habits to
death; give life to my understanding. May thine intercession guide my
life, make my deeds righteous, amend my ways, order my thoughts and
words, and change all evil within me into good. Grant this, O Virgin of
God; grant me help in my need every day. Every day defend me a sinner;
every day commend me to Christ. And on the day of my soul’s departure
come to its aid, and guard it against the powers of darkness and from
every evil attack. Commend it to God’s holy Angels, and may they bear
it to the judgment-seat of Christ, and there, by thy righteous and
interceding prayers, may both light and rest eternal be granted me.


O Holy Winifred, virgin flourishing as the rose, comely bride of Him

Who is the Lamb, as the precious martyr of Christ hast thou richly
blossomed. O our glorious Lady, calm for us the billows of the sea, lest
we become the ready prey of the enemy. O compassionate one, afford us
thy protection. Amen.

O Holy N., joyful Virgin, who didst endure all things mightily, pray
tenderly to God in my behalf, since for His glory’s sake thou didst
not disdain to die: that I at length might rejoice greatly in the high-
heavenly court, in endless peace. And may I, together with thee, O thou
glorious Virgin, praise the Lord exceedingly in the glory that is His.

O holy and venerable N., by thy holy assistance didst thou refresh
those whom tribulation had crushed. O thou that art chaste and
wise, and worthy of our confidence, may it be thy good pleasure to obtain
for us, by thy prayers, everlasting joys. Amen.

8. All Saints

I entreat and beseech you, Saints N. & N., in the name of the Lord, that
ye would deign to have me in your prayers, so that the enemy and
adversary may not at any time have power to harm me. I have sinned,
Lord, before Thee and before Thine Angels. Deal with me in Thy mercy,
O Lord. Heal me, and I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and
salvation, and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. O Honour
and power be Thine, for ages of ages. Amen.

G rant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that the intercession of the

Holy Theotokos and Virgin Mary and of all the holy ones, of the
heavenly Powers and of the blessed Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles,
Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors and Virgins and all Thine elect, and
especially Saints N. & N. (here read all the Saints for the day from the St.
Hilarion Calendar) may everywhere fill us with joy, that as we call their
righteous deeds to mind we may experience their protection. O Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.



L ord Jesus Christ, Who didst come into this world from the bosom of
the Father, for sinners’ sake, that Thou mightest redeem us from the
sin of Adam (for I know and believe that Thy will was to dwell upon earth
not for the righteous but for sinners), hear me, O Lord God, a sinner and
blameworthy and unworthy and careless and a debtor. To Thee I confess
all the wicked deeds which I have done in this world. For my words and
deeds, as for my thoughts, for all of them, I ask forgiveness. I have
strayed, I have sinned, but I have not denied Thee, for I know and believe
that Thou art a merciful Father. Pardon me, Christ. I praise Thee; I
magnify Thee, Holy Trinity. I give thanks to Thee amidst all my diseases,
for I have hope in none other but Thee, O God. I flee for refuge to the
door of the church of Christ, and, prostrate before the face of Thy Saints,
I ask forgiveness. I entreat and supplicate Thee, O Lord, that Thou deign
to grant me Thy forgiveness, because of Thy mercy and Thy tender
compassions, at mine end and at that hour when my soul will depart from
my body. Grant me, Lord, right understanding, right mind, right faith,
right belief. Hear me, O Lord almighty, that Thou deign to grant me this:
to condescend to deliver my soul from the nethermost hades. O God,
deliver Thou me from fire inextinguishable. O God, deliver Thou me
from the punishment of hell. O God, deliver Thou me from the undying
worms. O God, deliver Thou me from the primal being of Satan. O God,
deliver Thou me from eternal torment. O God, deliver Thou me from
eternal damnation and shame. O God, deliver Thou me from the
torments of the ungodly. O God, deliver Thou me from everlasting
distress. O God, deliver Thou my soul from the exterior darkness, for I
trust in Thee, for I am the work of Thy hands; despise me not. I ask Holy
Mary, I ask the four and twenty elders, I beseech all Thy holy Patriarchs
and Prophets, I entreat all Thy holy Angels, I humbly entreat all Thy
holy Apostles and Martyrs and Confessors, I call upon all Thy holy and
chosen ones for my departing, and for that fearsome hour when my soul,
being caught up, will depart from my body. I beg thee, holy Archangel
Michael, who hast received the power to take our souls in thy hands, that
thou deign to take my soul from my body. Deliver it from the power of
hell and from the way of darkness, that the lion and dragon may not be
near, he that is wont to seize the souls of sinners and bring them to their
eternal torments. I entreat thee, holy Apostle Peter, who didst receive the
keys to the kingdom of heaven, that thou deign to open the gates of
Paradise to me. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Holy Mary, I pour out
my prayers to Thee, that my soul may have mercy and compassion (for
I hope and trust in Thee, O Christ, Redeemer of the world, when my sun
will be setting) so that I may not be cast away from Thy presence, since

I am not worthy of a crown or to find forgiveness unless Thou be my

helper, O gentle Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, O Who with God the
Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God through all
the ages of ages. Amen.

O Master, O Lord God almighty, Who art one Trinity, the Father in
the Son, and the Son in the Father, with the Holy Spirit, Who art
ever in all and wast before all, and shalt be through all, God blessed unto
the ages, I commit my life into the hands of Thy strength, that Thou
mayest guard it by day and by night, by the hours and the minutes. Have
mercy on me, O God of the Angels; guide me, O King of the Archangels;
preserve me by the prayers of Thy Patriarchs, by the righteousness of
Thy Prophets, by the intercessions of Thine Apostles, by the victories of
Thy Martyrs, by the faith of Thy Confessors, by the purity of Thy
Virgins and of all the Saints Who have pleased Thee from the beginning
of the world.
May holy Michael the Archangel of Christ pray for me with all the
sanctified hosts of Angels and Archangels. May holy Enoch pray for me,
who walked with God and was translated out of the world. May holy Noë
pray for me, whom the Lord saved from the Flood because of his
righteousness. May the faithful Abraham intercede for me, who first
believed God, and his faith was counted unto him for righteousness. May
the righteous Isaac intercede for me, who was obedient to his father even
unto death, serving as an example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who was
offered up by His Father for the salvation of the world. May holy Abel,
who was first crowned with martyrdom, entreat for me, and joyful
Jacob, who saw Angels of our God and Lord coming to help him. May
blessed Joseph pray for me, who solved the king’s dreams and
interpreted them and was freed from prison. May holy Job pray for me,
the great and mighty one, who in all the things which befell him sinned
in nothing with his lips. May holy Moses pray for me, with whom the
Lord spake face to face. May Jesus, son of Nun, pray for me, whom Thou
didst choose, O Lord, as Thy servant after Moses. May the holy Prophet
Samuel pray for me, who blessed and anointed kings over Israël. May
holy David come to mine aid, whom Thou didst choose as a king
according to Thy heart, O Lord. May the holy Prophet Elias supplicate
for me, whom Thou didst raise aloft in the fiery chariot even unto the
skies. May holy Elisaeus pray for me, who raised a dead man after his
death. May the holy Isaias pray for me, whose lips were cleansed by fire
from heaven. May the holy Prophet Jeremias be with me and help me,
whom Thou didst sanctify in his mother’s womb. May the holy Prophet

Ezechiel pray for me, who saw God’s wondrous visions. May the chosen
Daniel, desirable unto God, entreat for me, who solved the king’s dreams
and interpreted them, and was twice delivered from the lions’ den. May
the three Youths pray for me, whom Thou didst deliver from the fire,
Ananias, Azarias, and Misaël, and the fourteen Prophets, Oseë, Amos,
Micheas, Joel, Abdias, Habacuc, Jonas, Nahum, Sophonias, Aggeus,
Zacharias, Malachias, Esdras, and Samuel. May the all-holy Mary pray
for me, Virgin and Mother of our Lord God Jesus Christ, with all holy
Virgins and Widows. May holy John the Baptist help me with the army
of all the Saints. I beseech thee, holy Cross, by Thy power and the sign
of our Lord’s Passion, that thou deliver me from mine enemies. Deliver
me, O Lord God of Israël, out of all mine afflictions. All these I call upon
to help me; may all the holy Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ help me,
Peter, Paul, Andrew, John, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew and
Thomas, Simon and Thaddeus, Barnabas and Matthias, and may all Thy
holy Martyrs intercede for me. Drive from me, O Lord, the desire of
gluttony, and grant me the virtue of abstinence. Chase from me the spirit
of fornication, and grant me the ardour of purity. Extinguish avarice
within me, and grant me voluntary poverty. Force irritability from me,
and light a great sweetness and love for God and my neighbour within
me. Cut from me, O Lord, the world’s sadness, and increase for me the
spirit’s joy. Drive out from me boasting of the mind, and bestow on me
compunction of heart. Shatter my pride, and perfect in me true humility.
I am an unworthy and unhappy man; who will deliver me from the body
of the death of this sin, if not the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? For I
am a sinner, and my sins are innumerable, and I am not worthy to be
called Thy servant, O Lord. Raise up in me the weeping of repentance,
and soften my hard and stony heart, and kindle in me the fire of Thy fear,
O Lord, for I am dead ashes. Deliver my soul, O Lord, from all the snares
of the enemy, and preserve me in Thy will; teach me to do Thy will, for
Thou art my God. O To Thee be honour and glory, through all ages of
ages. Amen.

F irst of all, with steadfast prayers I humbly beseech the loftiest and
glorious majesty of God, the radiant gentleness of the Holy and
Indivisible Trinity, that He may be pleased to hear me, a wretched and
unworthy clump of earth. I entreat God the almighty Father, Who
created heaven and the earth, the sea and all that is therein, Who is in all
and over all, God blessed unto the ages, that He may forgive me all my
sins and evil deeds which I have done from the cradle of my youth until
the hour of my present age, in deeds, in words, in seeing, in laughing, in
walking, in listening, in touching, and in smelling, voluntary or

involuntary, known and unknown, in spirit or in body, what I

transgressing have committed. So also do I ask the eternal Son of God,
almighty God Who is and Who was and Who is to come to judge the living
and the dead and the world by fire. Mourning and sorrowing, I ask the
merciful King and Saviour of the world, to Whom every knee is bent, of
those in heaven and on the earth and beneath the earth, and Whom every
tongue confesseth that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father, amen, that He pardon the sins of my youth and mine ignorances,
and according to His mercy may the Lord remember me. Humbly,
repeating it twice and thrice, do I adjure the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,
almighty God, Who enlighteneth every man coming into this world, that
He would comfort me for ever and keep me unharmed evermore, and
that the Holy Spirit would vouchsafe to grant me His gifts, the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and fortitude, the spirit
of knowledge and of piety, the spirit of the fear of our Lord Jesus Christ,
O Who liveth and reigneth unto ages of ages. Amen.
Again and again, therefore, repeatedly asking the Holy Unity of the
Trinity to help me, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Whom
there is a single nature and a single substance, a single majesty and the
same glory, enduring without end unto the ages of ages: that He may be
pleased to defend me from the besetting present dangers of my sins, and
from defilements of the flesh and spirit, and from the infesting enemies
of soul and body. Deliver me and preserve me, and make me a
communicant of eternal life, without their deadly stumbling-block.
I entreat the holy and glorious Archangel Michael who hath received
power to guard souls, that he vouchsafe to accept my soul when it leaveth
my body, and lead it into the pleasantness of Paradise, and there place it
in the repose of the joyous spirits. And Gabriel I entreat, the Archangel,
the minister of the most high Throne of God, and also with him the nine
orders of Angels and hosts of Archangels, who are the Angels,
Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominions, Thrones,
Cherubim and Seraphim: intercede for me ye that sing praises to the
everlasting God every day before the Throne of His glory, saying without
ceasing: O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Sabaoth. Heaven and earth
are full of Thy glory. Osánna in the highest. Blessed is He that cometh in
the name of the Lord. Osánna in the highest. (Is. 6:3, Mt. 21:9)
May all the Holy Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ help me, may the
Patriarchs and Prophets pray for me; I entreat blessed Peter, chieftain of
the Apostles, who holdeth the keys to the kingdom of heaven, to help me,
and Paul the Apostles and Teacher of the Gentiles, Andrew and James,
John and Phillip, Bartholomew and Thomas, Matthew and James,

Simon and Thaddeus, Matthias and Barnabas.

I will call upon all of them to help me. Holy Ever-Virgin Mary,
blessed and glorious Theotókos, intercede for me, with all the most holy
Virgins together, that thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord may be pleased to
keep me. Assist me, blessed John the Baptist and Forerunner of the
Lord, together with the holy choir of the Innocents, and with all the
Saints and Martyrs together whose blood hath been shed, from the
righteous Abel until the present day, who for ever stand in the presence
of the Lamb, clad in robes of white, and with palms in their hands. Yea,
they shall cry out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation to our God Who
sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb.’ (Apoc., or Rev., 7:10)
Holy Hierarch Gregory, and all ye holy Priests of our holy Lord Jesus
Christ, and O ye lofty Confessors of God, pray for me. O blessed and
glorious Levite Stephen, and all holy Deacons, and ministers of the
Church of God, intercede in my behalf.
O Holy Paul the Anchorite, and blessed Anthony, with all Anchorites
and Monks and Clergy, make intercession for me. O blessed Helen and
Anna and all faithful Widows, implore in my behalf, that I may be found
worthy to possess eternal life in the heavens. Beseech in my behalf also,
all perfected men and women. Thou only, O God, knowest the
righteousness of each one of them. By all of their righteous and
interceding prayers, grant, we beseech Thee, that in all things we may be
defended by the help of Thy protection, O through Christ our Lord.

O almighty Holy Trinity, O God Whom I worship, Whom I love,

Whom I confess, hear my lowly prayer. Visit my heart. Blot out my
sins, for there is no counting them.
And because there is nothing in me of good whereby I can be saved,
intercede for me first of all, O Holy Mary, Ever-Virgin, intercede, that
by thee I may for ever be found worthy to be heard and to be saved. Come
to mine aid also, O venerable Michael, commander of the Angels, with all
the soldiers of the heavenly armies. Do thou also, O beloved of God,
Patriarch Abraham, who didst offer thy son Isaac to God like an icon of
God the Father, wherefore all the tribes of the earth are blessed in thee:
pray for me with all the Patriarchs, that I may offer my soul to Christ
every day. Be with me and help me also, David, the prophet and king and
psalmist, who when yet a boy didst fell the giant Goliath with a stone, and
with all the holy Prophets, drive from me our eternal foe. O no less
glorious Peter, chieftain of the Apostles, by the excellence of thy glory
with the other Apostles who are the luminaries of the world, who, sitting

upon their twelve thrones will judge the world: Help me, that on the day
of judgment I may not perish with the ungodly. And, holy choir of the
Innocents, slain for the sake of Christ’s infancy, from beneath the throne
of the lordly Lamb intercede for me unceasingly. O radiant and through
all ages glorious, holy Stephen with all the rose-red warriors of the
Martyrs: cleanse me from every sin by your holy intercession. Pray for
me, O precious patron of monastics, Benedict, beloved of God, and thou,
glorious lantern of the Church and Priest of Christ, Judoc, with thy most
radiant companion the surpassing great Grimbald, and with all the holy
Confessors who bud forth with splendour as that of the lilies: make
righteous my mind, and my ways, and words, and deeds, by your
prayers. O ye holy Hermits, at all times come unto mine aid. And
furthermore, O gentle battle-rank of Virgins, meek and blameless, help
me every day with greater mercy, as ye have greater joy in the love of the
eternal King, your Bridegroom. All Saints together, and chosen ones of
God, set me free from the chains of my sins, and when it is the time, make
me rejoice together with you in everlasting happiness, to the praise of
Him Who hath given, to all of you, immortal crowns unto ages of ages.
When You Are Sick | Protection From Enemies

T hee alone I follow, Lord Jesus, Who healest my wounds. For what
shall separate me from the love of God which is in Thee? Shall
tribulation, or distress, or famine? I am held fast as though by nails, and
fettered by the bonds of charity. Remove from me, O Lord Jesus, with
Thy mighty sword, the corruption of my sins. Secure me in the bonds of
Thy love; cut away what is corrupt in me. Come quickly and make an end
of my many, my hidden and secret afflictions. Open the wound, lest the
evil humour spread. With Thy new washing, cleanse in me all that is
stained. Listen to me, ye earthly men who in your sins bring forth
drunken thoughts: I have found a Physician. He dwelleth in heaven and
imparteth His healing on earth. He alone can heal my pains Who Himself
hath none. He alone Who knoweth what is hidden can take away the grief
of my heart and the fear of my soul, Jesus Christ.
Christ is grace! Christ is life! Christ is resurrection! Amen.

I pray to Thee, almighty Jesus Christ, Who didst place Thy pure hands
upon the Cross for us, and redeem us by Thy precious Blood:

send upon me sense and understanding that I may have genuine

repentance and may have good perseverance all the days of my life. I
beseech Thee, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by Thy holy Cross,
that Thou forgive me my evil deeds. For Thy happy Cross’ sake, preserve
my head. For Thy blessed Cross’ sake, preserve mine eyes. For Thy
venerable Cross’ sake, preserve my mouth. For Thy beloved Cross’ sake,
preserve my hands. For Thy holy Cross’ sake, preserve my vital organs.
For Thy glorious Cross’ sake, preserve my knees. For Thine honourable
Cross’ sake, preserve my feet and all my limbs from all snares of the
enemy. For the sake of the Cross consecrated by Thy Body, preserve my
soul and deliver it on the last day from all mine adversaries. For the holy
nails’ sake which were nailed into Thy Body, grant me Thy mercy and
eternal life, O Jesus Christ, and let Thy visitation preserve my spirit.
Holy God, make me holy! Mighty God, strengthen me! Immortal God,
have mercy on me!

O Lord God almighty, Who art threefold and one, Who art in all
things at all times and wast before all things and shalt be in all things
for ever, God blessed unto the ages: I commit my life into the hands of
Thy mighty power, that Thou mayest safeguard it by day and by night,
by hour and second. Hearken to me, O Lord, through the prayers of the
Patriarchs, through the supplications of the Prophets, through the
entreaties of the Apostles, through the crowns of the Martyrs, through
the faith of the Confessors, through the purity of the Virgins, through the
intercession of all the Saints who have pleased Thee from the beginning
of the world, that Thou keep me from all dangers of soul and body, and
bring me to eternal life. O Who livest and reignest with God the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Lord God, the almighty Father and Son and Holy Spirit, grant me,
Thy (servant) N., victory against all mine enemies, that they may
not be able to withstand, harm, or contradict me, but let their strength
and purpose be guided towards the good. And mayest Thou, O Lord, be
our fortitude and my refuge and the shield of my defence, and a fire
inextinguishable, and an immoveable tower of strength, so that all mine
adversaries and enemies may be scattered. O God of Abraham, God of
Isaac, and God of Jacob, O God of all that live rightly, free me, Thy
(servant) N., from all my sins and from hardships and turbulence, from
necessities and dangers, and grant me fortitude and perseverance in
good, and an upright and sweet-sounding speech to be in my mouth, that
all my words and my countenance and my deeds, may be pleasing to all
men who see and hear me, that I may find grace and help in all my

petitions. The Prophet crieth out, and the Apostle saith: Christ saveth all
those who trust in Him. Christ doth conquer, Christ doth reign; may
Christ deign to command me to be a victor to all mine adversaries, so that
I will not fear what man shall do unto me. (Ps. 55:12) O God, in Thy name
save me (Ps. 53:2) from all enemies visible and invisible, and set me free,
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Whose will it was to be hung
upon the Cross, and Who didst allow Thyself to be pierced with the
spear, and Who hast redeemed me with Thy precious Blood, and didst
deliver the three youths from the furnace of fire, and didst preserve
Susanna from false accusation, and didst rescue Daniel from the lions’
den. So also, as throughout these verses, save me Thy (servant) N. from
every evil work present and to come. Amen.
O In the name... Our Father... Rejoice, Mary... (p. 1)
Also see the Breastplate Prayers, p. 366.

Read St. Luke 23:33-34 and read the repose of St. Stephen in Acts 7:54-59.

G rant to us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to imitate what we hold in

honour, that we may learn to love our enemies, forasmuch as we
celebrate the memory of Holy Protomartyr Stephen, who knew to pray
even for his persecutors to our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, O Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all
the ages of ages. Amen.

O Master Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who whilst hanging on
the Cross didst speak in behalf of sinners to Thy Father, “Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do,” (Lk. 23:34) praying, that is
to say, for those that crucified Thee: I beseech Thee by this Thy very most
holy word, that Thou wouldst forgive the sins of those that have done me
wrong, and wouldst give them what Thou knowest to be for their
salvation. Through Thee, Jesus Christ, King of glory, Saviour of the
world, O Who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and
reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

H earken, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to the prayers of Thy suppliants,

and spare them that confess their sins to Thee, that Thou mayest

graciously bestow upon us forgiveness and peace alike. O Through our

Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

Of St. Jerome | Short Prayer | Of St. Martin | Of St. Ephraim | For Tears

G rant me, O Lord, compunction of heart, and give tears to mine eyes,
that I may weep day and night, with humility and purity of charity
of heart, for all the days of my negligence. Let my prayer draw near to
Thy presence. If Thou be angry with me, O Lord, what helper will I seek,
or who will have mercy on my weaknesses? Remember, O Lord, that
Thou didst call the woman of Canaan and the publican to repentance,
and didst accept Peter as he wept. Mayest Thou likewise vouchsafe to
accept my prayers, O merciful God. Save me, Saviour of the world, O
Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I bend my knees before Thee, I believe with my

heart in Thee, I confess all my sins to Thee. Have mercy on me, a
very wretched sinner. Amen.

O God of glory, Who art single and true, Who art unequalled and
righteous, in Whom are all things, under Whom are all things, by
Whom all things were made! Hear me praying, as Thou didst hear the
three youths from the furnace of burning fire. Hear me praying, as Thou
didst hear Jonas from the belly of the whale. Hear me praying, as Thou
didst hear Susanna and didst free her from the hand of wicked witnesses.
Hear me praying, as Thou didst hear Peter upon the sea, and Paul in his
chains. Spare my soul; spare my deeds; spare all of our transgressions,
O Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.

O my Lord, God, and Saviour, why hast Thou forsaken me? Have
mercy on me, for Thou alone lovest all. Save me a sinner, for Thou
alone art without sin. Deliver me from the mire of my sins, that I may not
be sunk in them for ever. Free me from the mouth of mine enemy, for
behold, as a roaring lion he wisheth to devour me. Stir up Thy power,

and come, that Thou mayest save me, flash forth Thy lightnings (Ps. 143:8).
Scatter the power of the enemy, O most kind Lover of mankind. O God,
I adjure Thee by Thy compassions not to place me with the goats at Thy
left hand, with those that have exasperated Thee. Do not tell me, “I know
thee not,” (Mt. 25:12) but because of Thy plenteous mercy grant me
compunction of heart and weeping without ceasing, and sanctify me, that
I may become the temple of Thy grace. Through Thee, Christ Jesus,
Saviour of the world, O Who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit
livest and reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

A lmighty and merciful God, Who for Thy thirsting people broughtest
a spring of living water out of the rock, (Num. 20:11) draw forth from
our stony hearts tears of compunction, that we may be able to bewail our
sins, and that we may be found worthy to obtain forgiveness for them, by
Thy mercy. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

W ith what weeping shall I begin to weep for my evil deeds; with what
tears shall I bewail my wickedness; with what weepings shall I
mourn my miseries? My sins have taken from me the sense to mourn. O
tears! where have you hidden yourselves? Where are you, fountains of
tears? Where are you, O waves of remorse? Where are you,
lamentations? Whither art thou fled, weeping? Whither hast thou
withdrawn thyself, mourning? Return, I beg you, in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Return, march onward, and fill mine eyes with tears.
Be renewed, O fountains of tears; besprinkle me with weepings; flow
upon my face; water my jawbones; moisten my cheeks. Grant me an
anxious and bitter remorse. For I am unhappy and a wretch, one worthy
of tears and needing mercy, most miserable of all men and most
wretched. I see my foulness and I acknowledge my sin. I know that I am
a sinner, and I behold how evil I am. I reproach myself as being unjust,
I accuse myself of being ungodly. I ask Thee to forgive me, O Lord, I
confess mine iniquity. For I have fallen more severely than all others; I
have plunged into more evil than all others, I have made myself abject,
more than all others, by sin; I have succumbed to delight of the flesh
more than others. I have surpassed all carnal men by the foulness of my
lust, I have conquered the evil deeds of all the impious by my heinous
deeds, so that the torments of Tartarus scarcely suffice for my wicked
deeds. For there is no sin worse than my sin, there is no iniquity worse
than mine iniquity. And now, O God of deepest compassion, because I
make known to Thee my transgressions, and take no refuge in my
righteousness, I beseech Thy mercy, I beg Thy mercy, I implore Thy

compassion, I pray to Thy kindness: Blot out my sins; wash my terrible

crimes. Cleanse the impurities of my sins; purify the disgrace of my
wrongdoings, wipe away the stains of my transgressions, wash away the
stains of mine iniquities. Do not delay my cleansing, O God. I offer my
whole self to Thee to be healed; may my soul receive health. Grant
healing to my sound. O God, bestow a healing remedy to my sufferings,
and after my torments make my wound whole. I am injured, and seek a
Physician. I am sick; I ask for medicine. My flesh is consumed, and my
beauty is wasted away. My bones are withered, my limbs are wasted
away. I have drawn nigh to corruption; the shadow of death hath taken
ahold of me. Darkness hath covered me; the thick darkness of hell hath
wrapped me about. The horror of darkness hath oppressed me. Teach
me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. O Honour to Thee, and glory,
and might, and power, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The most common prayers of repentance are the Seven Psalms, p. 162, and Psalm
50 is the most commonly chanted of them all (p. 164).


T he O Cross of Christ be with me. It is the O Cross before which I bow

down, for ever. The O Cross of Christ is true safety. The O Cross of
Christ surpasseth every sword. The O Cross of Christ dissolveth the
chains of death. The O Cross of Christ, unconquerable by weapons. The
O Cross of Christ, immovable standard. The O Cross of Christ be to me
the way of virtues, and strength; by God’s O Cross I shall go in the way.
The O Cross of Christ openeth the way to every good. The O Cross of
Christ putteth every evil thing to flight. The O Cross of Christ hath
borne eternal punishment away. O O Cross of Christ, save me, and
mayst thou be above me, before me, and behind me, for the ancient
enemy fleeth wheresoever he seeth thee. O the height of the O Cross,
which height never toucheth, and its profundity, which depth never
reacheth: yea, height of the O Cross which breadth never encompasseth!
Deliver me thy (servant) N. from all demonic wiles and wicked thoughts
that remain within me. O Thou, O Devil, flee away from me, that I may
know thee not. And as thou art cut off from heaven, so may the Holy
Spirit cut thee off from me. And as thou art foreign to all happiness, so
mayest thou be foreign to me. And as thou never desirest God, so mayest
thou never desire to approach me. Flee, O Devil, from me, the (servant)
of God, at the sign of the Holy O Cross. Behold the O Cross of the Lord,
flee, bands of enemies; the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David,

hath prevailed, (Apoc. 5:5) alleluya. And may the blessing of almighty God,
the O Father and the O Son and the O Holy Spirit, and the Cross of
Christ, come down upon me, and remain with me for ever. Amen.

O Lord, God almighty, King of kings and Lord of lords, in Whose

hand is every victory and every waging of war is crushed, grant me
that Thy hand may strengthen my heart. Grant that in Thy mighty power
I may be able to deal manfully and well, with my hands and my powers,
so that mine enemies may fall down before my face and may collapse, as
Goliath collapsed before the face of Thy servant David, (1 Kgs 17:50) and
as the people of Pharao before Moses in the Red Sea, (Exod. 15:4) and as
the Philistines before the people of Israël fell down, (1 Kgs. 7:11-13) and
Amalech before Moses (Exod. 7:13) and the Chanaanites before Josuë fell,
(Jos. 24:11) so let mine enemies fall under my feet. May they come to me by
one way and flee from me by seven, and may God crush their weapons
and shatter their swords, and as wax before the presence of fire may they
melt away in my presence, (Ps. 67:3) that all peoples of the earth may know
that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is called upon over me, and let
Thy name be made very great amongst mine adversaries, O Lord, O
Lord God of Israël!
See also the Entreaty to the Holy Angels of God on p. 375.

Kneel briefly, cross the ground with your thumb, kiss the cross, rise, & say:

O God, be attentive unto helping me. O Lord, make haste to help

me. Say this thrice, with three prostrations, then add:
O Glory be... Our Father... (p. 1)
Make the sign of the cross upon your forehead, eyes, & all your members. Then, taking
the Holy Bible into your hands, say:

(turned to the east:) May Matthew and Isaias intercede for me.
(turned to the south:) May Mark and Jeremias intercede for me.
(turned to the west:) May Luke and Ezechiel intercede for me.
(turned to the north:) May John and Daniel preserve me.
Turned east again, say the verses of Pope St. Leo III & the Lord’s Prayer:

T he O Cross is my refuge; the O Cross is my certain safety; the O

Cross of the Lord is with me; before the O Cross I bow me humbly

down. Our Father... (p. 1)

= O Lord, hear my prayer. + And let my cry come unto Thee. (Ps. 101:1)

L et us pray. Grant us understanding, O Lord, that we may know Thy

testimonies. Open our perception and the eyes of our heart, as Thou
didst open the perception of the Apostles, that we may be able to
understand the Holy Scriptures. O Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Read at least several pages from the Gospels & a page or two from the other books,
& read more if you can.

Gen. Genesis 2 Par. 2nd Phil. Philippians
Exod. Exodus Paralipomenon Jer. Jeremias
Lev. Leviticus 1 Mach. 1st Macchabees Col. Colossians
Num. Numbers 2 Mach. 2nd 1 Thess. 1st
Deut. Deuteronomy Macchabees Thessalonians
Jos. Josue 3 Mach. 3rd 2 Thess. 2nd
Jud. Judges Macchabees Thessalonians
Wis. Wisdom Prov. Proverbs 1 Tim. 1st Timothy
1 Kgs. 1st Kings 1 Esd. 1st Esdras 2 Tim. 2nd Timothy
Ecclus. Ecclesiasticus 2 Esd. 2nd Esdras Heb. Hebrews
Mt. Matthew 3 Esd. 3rd Esdras Lam. Lamentations
Mk. Mark 4 Esd. 4th Esdras Ezec. Ezechiel
Lk. Luke Est. Esther Jms. James
Jn. John (Gospel) Rom. Romans 1 Pet. 1st Peter
Tob. Tobias 1 Cor. 1st Corinthians 2 Pet. 2nd Peter
Judt. Judith 2 Cor. 2nd Corinthians 1 Jn. 1st John (epistle)
2 Kgs. 2nd Kings Eccl. Ecclesiastes 2 Jn. 2nd John (epistle)
3 Kgs. 3rd Kings Cant. Canticle of 3 Jn. 3rd John (epistle)
4 Kgs. 4th Kings Canticles Dan. Daniel
1 Par. 1st Is. Isaias Apoc. Apocalypse
Paralipomenon Gal. Galatians Mal. Malachias
Eph. Ephesians Zach. Zacharias


T he Douay-Rheims is the best easily available translation for Orthodox use, as

most other versions show significant variation from the content and sense found
in the authoritative Byzantine and Vulgate texts—particularly as regards the Old
Testament. (There are also English translations of the Septuagint, but they are rare.)
The Book of Psalms is not included in the schedule below because it is assigned for
weekly recitation (schedule of Psalms to be prayed through the week is on p. 410).


Including the Deuterocanonical Books of Scripture Preserved in the Orthodox Church

Date Old Test. New Test. Date Old Test. New Test.
(The numbers below are entire chapters.) Feb. 8 Exod. 27-28 Mk. 10
Jan. 1 Genesis 1-2 John 1 Feb. 9 Exod. 29-30 Mk. 11
Jan. 2 Gen. 3-4 Matthew 1 Feb. 10 Exod. 31-32 Mk. 12
Jan. 3 Gen. 5-6 Mt. 2 Feb. 11 Exod. 33-34 Mk. 13
Jan. 4 Gen. 7-8 Mt. 3 Feb. 12 Exod. 35-36 Mk. 14
Jan. 5 Gen. 9-10 Mt. 4 Feb. 13 Exod. 37-38 Mk. 15
Jan. 6 Gen. 11-12 Mt. 5 Feb. 14 Exod. 39-40 Mk. 16
Jan. 7 Gen. 13-14 Mt. 6 Feb. 15 Leviticus 1-2 Luke 1
Jan. 8 Gen. 15-16 Mt. 7 Feb. 16 Lev. 3-4 Lk. 2
Jan. 9 Gen. 17-18 Mt. 8 Feb. 17 Lev. 5-6 Lk. 3
Jan. 10 Gen. 19-20 Mt. 9 Feb. 18 Lev. 7-8 Lk. 4
Jan. 11 Gen. 21-22 Mt. 10 Feb. 19 Lev. 9-10 Lk. 5
Jan. 12 Gen. 23-24 Mt. 11 Feb. 20 Lev. 11-12 Lk. 6
Jan. 13 Gen. 25-26 Mt. 12 Feb. 21 Lev. 13-14 Lk. 7
Jan. 14 Gen. 27-28 Mt. 13 Feb. 22 Lev. 15-16 Lk. 8
Jan. 15 Gen. 29-30 Mt. 14 Feb. 23 Lev. 17-18 Lk. 9
Jan. 16 Gen. 31-32 Mt. 15 Feb. 24 Lev. 19-20 Lk. 10
Jan. 17 Gen. 33-34 Mt. 16 Feb. 25 Lev. 21-22 Lk. 11
Jan. 18 Gen. 35-36 Mt. 17 Feb. 26 Lev. 23-24 Lk. 12
Jan. 19 Gen. 37-38 Mt. 18 Feb. 27 Lev. 25-26 Lk. 13
Jan. 20 Gen. 39-40 Mt. 19 Feb. 28 Lev. 27 Lk. 14-15
Jan. 21 Gen. 41-42 Mt. 20 Mar. 1 Numbers 1-2 Lk. 16
Jan. 22 Gen. 43-44 Mt. 21 Mar. 2 Num. 3-4 Lk. 17
Jan. 23 Gen. 45-46 Mt. 22 Mar. 3 Num. 5-6 Lk. 18
Jan. 24 Gen. 47-48 Mt. 23 Mar. 4 Num. 7-8 Lk. 19
Jan. 25 Gen. 49-50 Mt. 24 Mar. 5 Num. 9-10 Lk. 20
Jan. 26 Exod. 1-2 Mt. 25 Mar. 6 Num. 11-12 Lk. 21
Jan. 27 Exod. 3-4 Mt. 26 Mar. 7 Num. 13-14 Lk. 22
Jan. 28 Exod. 5-6 Mt. 27 Mar. 8 Num. 15-16 Lk. 23
Jan. 29 Exod. 7-8 Mt. 28 Mar. 9 Num. 17-18 Lk. 24
Jan. 30 Exod. 9-10 Mark 1 Mar. 10 Num. 19-20 John 2
Jan. 31 Exod. 11-12 Mk. 2 Mar. 11 Num. 21-22 Jn. 3
Feb. 1 Exod. 13-14 Mk. 3 Mar. 12 Num. 23-24 Jn. 4
Feb. 2 Exod. 15-16 Mk. 4 Mar. 13 Num. 25-26 Jn. 5
Feb. 3 Exod. 17-18 Mk. 5 Mar. 14 Num. 27-28 Jn. 6
Feb. 4 Exod. 19-20 Mk. 6 Mar. 15 Num. 29-30 Jn. 7
Feb. 5 Exod. 21-22 Mk. 7 Mar. 16 Num. 31-32 Jn. 8
Feb. 6 Exod. 23-24 Mk. 8 Mar. 17 Num. 33-34 Jn. 9
Feb. 7 Exod. 25-26 Mk. 9 Mar. 18 Num. 35-36 Jn. 10

Date Old Testament New Test. Date Old Test. Old Test.
Mar. 19 Deuteronomy 1-2 Jn. 11 Apr. 28 Ruth 1-2 Wis. 3-4
Mar. 20 Deut. 3-4 Jn. 12 Apr. 29 Ruth 3-4 Wis. 5-6
Mar. 21 Deut. 5-6 Jn. 13 Apr. 30 1 Kings 1-2 Wis. 7-8
Mar. 22 Deut. 7-8 Jn. 14 (1 Kings = 1 Samuel in KJV)
Mar. 23 Deut. 9-10 Jn. 15
Mar. 24 Deut. 11-12 Jn. 16 May 1 1 Kgs. 3-5 Wis. 9-10
Mar. 25 Deut. 13-14 Jn. 17 May 2 1 Kgs. 6-8 Wis. 11-12
Mar. 26 Deut. 15-16 Jn. 18 May 3 1 Kgs. 9-10 Wis. 13-14
Mar. 27 Deut. 17-18 Jn. 19 May 4 1 Kgs. 11-13 Wis. 15-16
Mar. 28 Deut. 19-20 Jn. 20 May 5 1 Kgs. 14 Wis. 17-18
Mar. 29 Deut. 21-22 Jn. 21 May 6 1 Kgs. 15-16 Wis. 19
Mar. 30 Deut. 23-24 Acts 1 May 7 1 Kgs. 17 Ecclus. 1-2
Mar. 31 Deut. 25-26 Acts 2 (Ecclesiasticus is in the origi-
nal KJV but not later editions)
Apr. 1 Deut. 27-28 Acts 3
Apr. 2 Deut. 29-30 Acts 4 May 8 1 Kgs. 18-19 Ecclus. 3-4
Apr. 3 Deut. 31-32 Acts 5 May 9 1 Kgs. 20-21 Ecclus. 5-6
Apr. 4 Deut. 33-34 Acts 6 May 10 1 Kgs. 22-23 Ecclus. 7-8
Apr. 5 Josue 1-2 Acts 7 May 11 1 Kgs. 24-25 Ecclus. 9-10
Apr. 6 Jos. 3-4 Acts 8 May 12 1 Kgs. 26-27 Ecclus. 11-12
Apr. 7 Jos. 5-6 Acts 9 May 13 1 Kgs. 28-29 Ecclus. 13-14
Apr. 8 Jos. 7-8 Acts 10 May 14 1 Kgs. 30-31 Ecclus. 15-16
Apr. 9 Jos. 9-10 Acts 11 May 15 2 Kings 1-2 Ecclus. 17-18
Apr. 10 Jos. 11-12 Acts 12 (2 Kings = 2 Samuel in KJV)
Apr. 11 Jos. 13-14 Acts 13 May 16 2 Kgs. 3-4 Ecclus. 19-20
Apr. 12 Jos. 15-16 Acts 14 May 17 2 Kgs. 5-6 Ecclus. 21-22
Apr. 13 Jos. 17-18 Acts 15 May 18 2 Kgs. 7-8 Ecclus. 23-24
Apr. 14 Jos. 19-20 Acts 16 May 19 2 Kgs. 9-10 Ecclus. 25-26
Apr. 15 Jos. 21-22 Acts 17 May 20 2 Kgs. 11-12 Ecclus. 27-28
Apr. 16 Jos. 23-24 Acts 18 May 21 2 Kgs. 13-14 Ecclus. 29-30
Apr. 17 Judges 1-2 Acts 19 May 22 2 Kgs. 15-16 Ecclus. 31-32
Apr. 18 Jud. 3-4 Acts 20 May 23 2 Kgs. 17-18 Ecclus. 33-34
Apr. 19 Jud. 5-6 Acts 21 May 24 2 Kgs. 19-20 Ecclus. 35-36
Apr. 20 Jud. 7-8 Acts 22 May 25 2 Kgs. 21-22 Ecclus. 37-38
Apr. 21 Jud. 9-10 Acts 23 May 26 2 Kgs. 23-24 Ecclus. 39-40
Apr. 22 Jud. 11-12 Acts 24 May 27 3 Kings 1-2 Ecclus. 41-42
Apr. 23 Jud. 13-14 Acts 25 (3 Kings = 1 Kings in KJV)
Apr. 24 Jud. 15-16 Acts 26 May 28 3 Kgs. 3-4 Ecclus. 43-44
Apr. 25 Jud. 17-18 Acts 27 May 29 3 Kgs. 5-6 Ecclus. 45-46
Apr. 26 Jud. 19-20 Acts 28 May 30 3 Kgs. 7-8 Ecclus. 47-48
Date Old Test. Old Test. May 31 3 Kgs. 9-10 Ecclus. 49-51
Apr. 27 Jud. 21 Wisdom 1-2 June 1 3 Kgs. 11-12 Tobias 1-2
(Wisdom of Sirach is in the original King (Tobias is in the original KJV
James Version-KJV, but not later editions) but not in later editions)

Date Old Testament Old Test. (2 Paralipomenon = 2 Chronicles KJV)

June 2 3 Kgs. 13-14 Tob. 3-4 Date Old Testament Old / New
June 3 3 Kgs. 15-16 Tob. 5-6 July 5 2 Par. 3-4 2 Mach. 5
June 4 3 Kgs. 17-18 Tob. 7-9 July 6 2 Par. 5-6 2 Mach. 6
June 5 3 Kgs. 19-20 Tob. 10-11 July 7 2 Par. 7-8 2 Mach. 7
June 6 3 Kgs. 21-22 Tob. 12-14 July 8 2 Par. 9-10 2 Mach. 8
June 7 4 Kings 1-2 Judith 1-2 July 9 2 Par. 11-12 2 Mach. 9
(Judith is in the original KJV July 10 2 Par. 13-14 2 Mach. 10
but not in later editions) July 11 2 Par. 15-16 2 Mach. 11
(4 Kings = 2 Kings in KJV) July 12 2 Par. 17-18 2 Mach. 12
July 13 2 Par. 19-20 2 Mach. 13
June 8 4 Kgs. 3-4 Judt. 3-4
July 14 2 Par. 21-22 2 Mach. 14
June 9 4 Kgs. 5-6 Judt. 5-6
July 15 2 Par. 23-24 2 Mach. 15
June 10 4 Kgs. 7-8 Judt. 7-8
& 3 Mach.
June 11 4 Kgs. 9-10 Judt. 9-10
July 16 2 Par. 25-26 Proverbs 1
June 12 4 Kgs. 11-12 Judt. 11-12
July 17 2 Par. 27-28 Prov. 2
June 13 4 Kgs. 13-14 Judt. 13-14
July 18 2 Par. 29-30 Prov. 3
June 14 4 Kgs. 15-16 Judt. 15-16
July 19 2 Par. 31-32 Prov. 4
June 15 4 Kgs. 17-18 1 Mach. 1
July 20 2 Par. 33-34 Prov. 5
(1 Machabees is in the origi- July 21 2 Par. 35-36 Prov. 6
nal KJV but not later editions) July 22 1 Esdras 1-2 Prov. 7
June 16 4 Kgs. 19-20 1 Mach. 2 July 23 1 Esd. 3-4 Prov. 8
June 17 4 Kgs. 21-22 1 Mach. 3 July 24 1 Esd. 5-6 Prov. 9
June 18 4 Kgs. 23-24 1 Mach. 4 July 25 1 Esd. 7-8 Prov. 10
June 19 4 Kgs. 25 1 Mach. 5 July 26 1 Esd. 9-10 Prov. 11
June 20 1 Paralipom. 1 1 Mach. 6 July 27 2 Esdras 1-2 Prov. 12
(1Paralipomenon = 1 Chro- (2 Esdras = Nehemias KJV)
nicles in KJV) July 28 2 Esd. 3-4 Prov. 13
June 21 1 Par. 2-3 1 Mach. 7 July 29 2 Esd. 5-6 Prov. 14
June 22 1 Par. 4-5 1 Mach. 8 July 30 2 Esd. 7-8 Prov. 15
June 23 1 Par. 6 1 Mach. 9 July 31 2 Esd. 9 Prov. 16
June 24 1 Par. 7-8 1 Mach. 10 Aug. 1 2 Esd. 10-11 Prov. 17
June 25 1 Par. 9-10 1 Mach. 11 Aug. 2 2 Esd. 12-13 Prov. 18
June 26 1 Par. 11-12 1 Mach. 12 Aug. 3 Esther 1-2 Prov. 19 &
June 27 1 Par. 13-15 1 Mach. 13 3rd Esdras
June 28 1 Par. 16-17 1 Mach. 14 Aug. 4 Est. 3-4 Prov. 20 &
June 29 1 Par. 18-21 1 Mach. 15 4th Esdras
June 30 1 Par. 22-23 1 Mach. 16 Aug. 5 Est. 5-6 Prov. 21
July 1 1 Par. 24-25 2 Mach. 1 Aug. 6 Est. 7-8 Prov. 22
Aug. 7 Est. 9-10 Prov. 23
(2 Machabees is in the origi- Aug. 8 Est. 11-12 Prov. 24
nal KJV but not later editions) Aug. 9 Est. 13-14 Prov. 25
July 2 1 Par. 26-27 2 Mach. 2 Aug. 10 Est. 15-16 Prov. 26
July 3 1 Par. 28-29 2 Mach. 3 Aug. 11 Job 1-2 Romans 1
July 4 2 Paralipom 1-2 2 Mach. 4 Aug. 12 Job 3-4 Rom. 2

Date Old Testament New Test. Date Old Testament New Test.
Aug. 13 Job 5-6 Rom. 3 Sept. 21 Is. 25-27 2 Cor. 11
Aug. 14 Job 7-8 Rom. 4 Sept. 22 Is. 28-29 2 Cor. 12
Aug. 15 Job 9-10 Rom. 5 Sept. 23 Is. 30-31 2 Cor. 13
Aug. 16 Job 11-12 Rom. 6 Sept. 24 Is. 32-33 Galatians 1
Aug. 17 Job 13-14 Rom. 7 Sept. 25 Is. 34-35 Gal. 2
Aug. 18 Job 15-16 Rom. 8 Sept. 26 Is. 36-37 Gal. 3
Aug. 19 Job 17-18 Rom. 9 Sept. 27 Is. 38-40 Gal. 4
Aug. 20 Job 19-20 Rom. 10 Sept. 28 Is. 41-42 Gal. 5
Aug. 21 Job 21-22 Rom. 11 Sept. 29 Is. 43-44 Gal. 6
Aug. 22 Job 23-24 Rom. 12 Sept. 30 Is. 45-47 Ephesians 1
Aug. 23 Job 25-27 Rom. 13
Aug. 24 Job 28-29 Rom. 14 Oct. 1 Is. 48-49 Eph. 2
Aug. 25 Job 30-31 Rom. 15 Oct. 2 Is. 50-52 Eph. 3
Aug. 26 Job 32-33 Rom. 16 Oct. 3 Is. 53-55 Eph. 4
Aug. 27 Job 34-35 1 Corin- Oct. 4 Is. 56-58 Eph. 5
thians 1 Oct. 5 Is. 59-60 Eph. 6
Aug. 28 Job 36-37 1 Cor. 2 Oct. 6 Is. 61-63 Philippians 1
Aug. 29 Job 38-39 1 Cor. 3 Oct. 7 Is. 64-66 Phil. 2
Aug. 30 Job 40-41 1 Cor. 4 Oct. 8 Jeremias 1-2 Phil. 3
Aug. 31 Job 42 1 Cor. 5 Oct. 9 Jer. 3-4 Phil. 4
Oct. 10 Jer. 5-6 Colossians 1
Sept. 1 Ecclesiastes 1-2 1 Cor. 6 Oct. 11 Jer. 7-8 Col. 2
Sept. 2 Eccl. 3-4 1 Cor. 7 Oct. 12 Jer. 9-10 Col. 3
Sept. 3 Eccl. 5-6 1 Cor. 8-9 Oct. 13 Jer. 11-12 Col. 4
Sept. 4 Eccl. 7-8 1 Cor. 10 Oct. 14 Jer. 13-14 1 Thessalo-
Sept. 5 Eccl. 9-10 1 Cor. 11 nians 1
Sept. 6 Eccl. 11-12 1 Cor. 12 Oct. 15 Jer. 15-16 1 Thess. 2
Sept. 7 Canticle of Oct. 16 Jer. 17-18 1 Thess. 3
Canticles 1-2 1 Cor. 13 Oct. 17 Jer. 19-20 1 Thess. 4
(Canticle of Canticles = Oct. 18 Jer. 21-22 1 Thess. 5
Song of Solomon in KJV) Oct. 19 Jer. 23-24 2 Thessalo-
nians 1
Sept. 8 Cant. 3-4 1 Cor. 14
Oct. 20 Jer. 25-26 2 Thess. 2
Sept. 9 Cant. 5-6 1 Cor. 15
Oct. 21 Jer. 27-28 2 Thess. 3
Sept. 10 Cant. 7-8 1 Cor. 16
Oct. 22 Jer. 29-30 1 Timothy 1
Sept. 11 Isaias 1-2 2 Corin-
Oct. 23 Jer. 31 1 Tim. 2
thians 1
Oct. 24 Jer. 32 1 Tim. 3
Sept. 12 Is. 3-5 2 Cor. 2
Oct. 25 Jer. 33-34 1 Tim. 4
Sept. 13 Is. 6-8 2 Cor. 3
Oct. 26 Jer. 35-36 1 Tim. 5
Sept. 14 Is. 9-11 2 Cor. 4
Oct. 27 Jer. 37-38 1 Tim. 6
Sept. 15 Is. 12-13 2 Cor. 5
Oct. 28 Jer. 39-40 2 Timothy 1
Sept. 16 Is. 14-15 2 Cor. 6
Oct. 29 Jer. 41-43 2 Tim. 2
Sept. 17 Is. 16-17 2 Cor. 7
Oct. 30 Jer. 44-45 2 Tim. 3
Sept. 18 Is. 18-19 2 Cor. 8
Oct. 31 Jer. 46-47 2 Tim. 4
Sept. 19 Is. 20-22 2 Cor. 9
Sept. 20 Is. 23-24 2 Cor. 10 Nov. 1 Jer. 48 Titus 1

Date Old Testament New Test. Date Old Testament New Test.
Nov. 2 Jer. 49 Titus 2 Dec. 8 Dan. 9-10 Jude (all)
Nov. 3 Jer. 50 Titus 3 Dec. 9 Dan. 11-12 Apoc. 1
Nov. 4 Jer. 51 Philemon (Apocalypse = called
(all) Revelation in KJV)
Nov. 5 Jer. 52 Hebrews 1
Dec. 10 Dan. 13 Apoc. 2
Nov. 6 Lamentations 1 Heb. 2
Dec. 11 Dan. 14 Apoc. 3
Nov. 7 Lam. 2 Heb. 3
Dec. 12 Oseë 1-3 Apoc. 4
Nov. 8 Lam. 3 Heb. 4
Nov. 9 Lam. 4 Heb. 5 (Oseë = Hosea in KJV)
Nov. 10 Lam. 5 Heb. 6 Dec. 13 Oseë 4-6 Apoc. 5
Nov. 11 Ezechiel 1-2 Heb. 7 Dec. 14 Oseë 7-9 Apoc. 6
Nov. 12 Ezec. 3-4 Heb. 8 Dec. 15 Oseë 10-14 Apoc. 7
Nov. 13 Ezec. 5-7 Heb. 9 Dec. 16 Joel 1-3 Apoc. 8
Nov. 14 Ezec. 8-10 Heb. 10 Dec. 17 Amos 1-3 Apoc. 9
Nov. 15 Ezec. 11-12 Heb. 11 Dec. 18 Amos 4-6 Apoc. 10
Nov. 16 Ezec. 13-14 Heb. 12 Dec. 19 Amos 7-9 Apoc. 11
Nov. 17 Ezec. 15-16 Heb. 13 Dec. 20 Abdias and
Nov. 18 Ezec. 17-18 James 1 Jonas (all) Apoc. 12
Nov. 19 Ezec. 19-20 Jms. 2
(Abdias = Obadiah in KJV)
Nov. 20 Ezec. 21-22 Jms. 3
Nov. 21 Ezec. 23-24 Jms. 4 Dec. 21 Micheas 1-3 Apoc. 13
Nov. 22 Ezec. 25-26 Jms. 5 (Micheas = Micah in KJV)
Nov. 23 Ezec. 27-28 1 Peter 1
Dec. 22 Micheas 4-7 Apoc. 14
Nov. 24 Ezec. 29-30 1 Pet. 2
Dec. 23 Nahum 1-3 Apoc. 15
Nov. 25 Ezec. 31-32 1 Pet. 3
Dec. 24 Habacuc 1-3 Apoc. 16
Nov. 26 Ezec. 33-34 1 Pet. 4
Dec. 25 Sophonias 1-3 Apoc. 17
Nov. 27 Ezec. 35-36 1 Pet. 5
Nov. 28 Ezec. 37-38 2 Peter 1 (Sophonias=Zephaniah KJV)
Nov. 29 Ezec. 39-40 2 Pet. 2 Dec. 26 Aggeus 1-2 Apoc. 18
Nov. 30 Ezec. 41-42 2 Pet. 3
(Aggeus = Haggai in KJV)
Dec. 1 Ezec. 43-44 1 John 1
Dec. 27 Zacharias 1-3 Apoc. 19
Dec. 2 Ezec. 45-46 1 Jn. 2
Dec. 3 Ezec. 47-48 1 Jn. 3 (Zacharias=Zechariah KJV)
Dec. 4 Daniel 1-2 1 Jn. 4 Dec. 28 Zac. 4-7 Apoc. 20
Dec. 5 Dan. 3-4 1 Jn. 5 Dec. 29 Zac. 8-10 Apoc. 21
Dec. 6 Dan. 5-6 2 John (all) Dec. 30 Zac. 11-14 Apoc. 22
Dec. 7 Dan. 7-8 3 John (all) Dec. 31 Malachi(as) 1-4


The Jewish Massoretic Psalm numbering, adopted for the King James Bible, differs
from the numbering in the ancient Christian texts (Septuagint and Vulgate) thus:
Orthodox Christian Text Massoretic Text
Psalms 1-8 ...................... same
Psalm 9 .......................... Psalms 9 and 10
Psalms 10-145 ................. Psalms 11-146
Psalms 146 and 147 ........... Psalm 147
Psalms 148-150 ................ same

Orthodox Psalm Numbering is given. MATINS
MATINS 94. Glory be. Nocturn: 26. 27. Glory
94. Glory be. First Nocturn: 1. 2. 3. 6. be. 28. 29. Glory be. 30. 31. Glory be.
Glory be. 7. 8. 9. 10. Glory be. 11. 12. 32. 33. Glory be. 34. 35. Glory be.
13. 14. Glory be. Second Nocturn: 15. 36. 37. Glory be. Lauds: 50. Glory be.
Glory be. 16. Glory be. 17. Glory be. 5. Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. Cant. of
Third Nocturn: 18. Glory be. 19. Glory Isaias (Is. 12:1-6). Glory be. 148. 149.
be. 20. Glory be. Lauds: 92. Glory be. 150. Glory be. Cant. of Zacharias (Lk
99. Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. Cant. of 1:68-79). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
Three Youths (Dan. 3:57-88, p. 82).
148. 149. 150. Glory be. Cant. of
HOURS: Just as on Sunday.
Zacharias (Lk. 1:68-79). Glory be.
21. 22. Glory be. 23. 24. Glory be. TUESDAY PSALMS &
25. 53. Glory be. 117. 118a. Glory be. CANTICLES
118b. Glory be. Symbol (Creed) of St. MATINS
Athanasius. 94. Glory be. Nocturn: 38. 39. Glory
THIRD HOUR be. 40. 41. Glory be. 43. 44. Glory be.
45. 46. Glory be. 47. 48. Glory be. 49.
118c. Glory be. 118d. Glory be. 118e.
51. Glory be. Lauds: 50. Glory be. 42.
Glory be.
Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. Cant. of
Ezechias (Is. 38:10-20). Glory be. 148.
118f. Glory be. 118g. Glory be. 118h.
149. 150. Glory be. Cant. of Zacharias
Glory be.
(Lk 1:68-79). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
118i. Glory be. 118j. Glory be. 118k. FIRST, THIRD, SIXTH, & NINTH
Glory be. HOURS: Just as on Sunday.

WEDNESDAY PSALMS & HOURS: Just as on Sunday.

CANTICLES ___________
94. Glory be. Nocturn: 52. 54. Glory CANTICLES
be. 55. 56. Glory be. 57. 58. Glory be.
59. 60. Glory be. 61. 63. Glory be. MATINS
65. 67. Glory be. Lauds: 50. Glory be. 94. Glory be. Nocturn: 97. 98. Glory
64. Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. Cant. be. 99. 100. Glory be. 101. 102. Glory
of Anna (1 Kgs 2:1-10). Glory be. 148. be. 103. 104. Glory be. 105. 106. Glory
149. 150. Glory be. Cant. of Zacharias be. 107. 108. Glory be. Lauds: 50.
(Lk 1:68-79). Glory be. 50. Glory be. Glory be. 91. Glory be. 62. 66. Glory
be. Second Cant. of Moses (Deut 32:1-
FIRST, THIRD, SIXTH, & NINTH 43). Glory be. 148. 149. 150. Glory
HOURS: Just as on Sunday. be. Cant. of Zacharias (Lk 1:68-79).
___________ Glory be. 50. Glory be.
CANTICLES HOURS: Just as on Sunday.
MATINS ___________
94. Glory be. Nocturn: 68. 69. Glory
be. 70. 71. Glory be. 72. 73. Glory be.
74. 75. Glory be. 76. 77. Glory be. 109. Glory be. 110. Glory be. 111.
78. 79. Glory be. Lauds: 50. Glory be. Glory be. 112. Glory be. 113. Glory
89. Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. First be. Cant. of St. Mary (Lk. 1:46-55).
Cant. of Moses (Exod 15:1-19). Glory ___________
be. 148. 149. 150. Glory be. Cant. of
Zacharias (Lk 1:68-79). Glory be. 50. MONDAY VESPERS
Glory be. 114. Glory be. 115. Glory be. 116.
Glory be. 119. Glory be. 120. Glory
be. Cant. of the Mother of God (Lk.
HOURS: Just as on Sunday.
1:46-55). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
121. Glory be. 122. Glory be. 123.
Glory be. 124. Glory be. 125. Glory
94. Glory be. Nocturn: 80. 81. Glory be. Cant. of the Mother of God (Lk.
be. 82. 83. Glory be. 84. 85. Glory be. 1:46-55). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
86. 87. Glory be. 88. 93. Glory be. 95. ___________
96. Glory be. Lauds: 50. Glory be. 142.
Glory be. 62. 66. Glory be. Cant. of WEDNESDAY VESPERS
Habacuc (Hab. 3:2-19). Glory be. 148.
126. Glory be. 127. Glory be. 128.
149. 150. Glory be. Cant. of Zacharias
Glory be. 129. Glory be. 130. Glory
(Lk 1:68-79). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
be. Cant. of the Mother of God (Lk.
FIRST, THIRD, SIXTH, & NINTH 1:46-55). Glory be. 50. Glory be.

THURSDAY VESPERS Glory be. 140. Glory be. 141. Glory

131. Glory be. 132. Glory be. 134. be. Cant. of the Mother of God (Lk.
Glory be. 135. Glory be. 136. Glory 1:46-55). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
be. Cant. of the Mother of God (Lk. ___________
1:46-55). Glory be. 50. Glory be.
143. Glory be. 144. Glory be. 145. Glory
FRIDAY VESPERS be. 146. Glory be. 147. Glory be. Cant. of
137. Glory be. 138. Glory be. 139. St. Mary (Lk. 1:46-55). Glory be.

How to Make Singing Breads
also called Altar-Breads, or Obleys, or Prosphora

T o make the bread that becomes the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ (part of it
is blessed at the end of the Liturgy), obtain the purest ground wheat-flour,
white, but without additives, conditioners, etc. Make the work area spotless and
turn off the television and radio. Wash your hands, cross yourself saying, “In the
name of the Father,” etc., and keep reverence to God. While working, say what
prayers you know. If two or more are making breads, one should sing the Seven
Psalms, p. 162, and Gradual Psalms, p. 168, and the Hours of Our Lady, p. 175.
4 cups of purest warm water 1 teaspoon salt
1 package yeast cookie cutter with 3 inch diameter
4 pounds of finest wheat flour
In a large bowl, dissolve yeast and salt in warm water. Gradually mix in enough
flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto floured board and knead well for 20 to
30 minutes, adding more flour as necessary, until dough becomes smooth and
elastic. Place in bowl. Cover bowl with warm towel. Let rise for 30-45 minutes.
Take out of bowl. Knead well; add flour as necessary, so that dough is smooth and
elastic. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough with a heavy rolling pin to a
uniform ¼ inch thickness. Cut out in even circles with cookie cutter, with a diameter
of about 3" each. Place on lightly floured pan using no oil of any kind. Press the
iconographic bread stamp firmly into the centre of each circle. With a chopstick,
matchstick or thick toothpick, prick the four corners of the stamp and the very
centre of the stamp (these marks represent the wounds of Christ). Bake in preheated
350 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool.
With your breads bring also to the church a list of names for the Priest to com-
memorate in prayer (list Orthodox and non-Orthodox separately as different prayers
are used). And upon entering the church with the breads, softly sing this prayer:

R eceive, O Holy Trinity, these oblations which I a sinful (wo)man

offer for myself a sinful (wo)man and for all Christian people,

G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H
There follow the ancient tones blessed by the Holy Fathers of the West to be sung in
the churches of God. Psalm tones only are given, with a single ending & neum. The
remaining matter, including the Tone of Pilgrimage, is found in the Book of Tones.

G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H G: H

Elements of a Psalm Tone

Intonation Sung only once—at the very beginning of each psalm (or
cluster of psalms which is being sung under a single antiphon).
Mediation Occurs every verse, at the midway stop ¶
Ending Occurs every verse, at the end of the verse.
Final Neum Added to antiphons and chants as shown in the service books.

Intonation Mediation Ending

1 Bcfcvgcvhcvhcz hczhczvzhcv hcz hcz gcvhb.v z [v v hcz hcz hcz gcvz fczvgz cz 5b$#@bmv ]z
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit.
(Mediation not shown) Ending Final Neum

Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvgcvfczzgcz 5b$#@bmc}v czzwabFgbygb6b%$#bfgÍdbmvz ghgzdfdzesbmc}v

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A- men.

2 Xcdcfcvhcvhcz hczhczvzhcv hcz jcz ¦cvhb.v z [v v hcz hcz hcz hcvz gczvdcz fb,cv]zv
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit. z
Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvhcvgczvzdczvfb,c}v cfbGhb%$#bmvbvfbghÎfb,v z6b%$#bmvz fbghÎfb,v }v
As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A- men.

3 Vcdcvfczvhcvhcz hcz jczvz¦cvzhcz ¦cz zgcv hb.v z [v vhcz hcz hcz hcvz fczvzhcz tfbfb,v z]z
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the1 Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit.

Vchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvhcvfczvzhctfbfb,v z}v vzvq=dbFgbhjhb6b%$#brÌsM,vz Fgb6b%#@bdfdbzrdbeËabnvz}z

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A-men.
1 The accent falls on the ‘ti,’ but if the accent is three syllables from the end, on that ‘do.’
4 Bchcgcvhcvhcz hczhczvzgcv hcz jcz ¦cvhb.v z [v v zhcz hcz gcz hcvz jczvzgcz dbmcv]zv
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit.

Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczgcvhcvjczvgz cz dbmc}v cvv Dfb5b5b$#bFgb5b$@!bSfbtfbrdbmv v}vz

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A- men.

5 Vcscfcvhcvhcz hczhczvzhcv hcz jcz ¦cvhb.v z [v v zhcz hcz hcz jcvz gczvzhcz fb,cv]zv
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the Son ¶ and to the Hó- ly Spí- rit.

Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvjz cvgczvhz cz fb,c}v cvvSdbGhbuhb.v 5b$#bFgb6b%#brdbesbmv v}v

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ág- es. A- men.

6 Bcfcvgcvhcvhcz hczhczvzhcv hcz hcz gcvhb.v z [v v hcz hcz hcz fcvz Ghczvzgcz fb,cv]z
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit.

Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvfcvGhcz gz cz fb,v v }v cÌfRb@!bnvz Fgbygzbygbtfb,v v}v

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A- men.

7 Vcgcvhczvjcvjcz jc zlczvzkcvz¨cz jcz §cv kb/v z [v vjcz jcz jcz kcvz jczvzhcz Gjb<.cz]z
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the1 Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spi- rit.

Vcjczjcvjcv vjcvjczjcvjczjczjcvzkcvjczvzhcGjb<.vzvz z}v v v zDfbhjÏgb6b$#brÌsbM,v z fÎhgbuhbyÍdbmcz}z

As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A-men.

8 Vcdcfcvhcvhcz hczhczvzhcv hcz jcz ¦cvhb.v z [v v hcz hcz hcz gcvz hczvzfcz dbmcv]zv
Glo- ry be to the Fa-ther and tó the Son ¶ and to the Ho- ly Spí- rit. z
Bchczhcvhcv vhcvhczhcvhczhczhcvgcvhczvzfz cz dbmc}vz cvzDfbHjb^%b6b$#brÌsbM,v z Fhb%$btfbrdbmcz}z
As it was... un- to the ag- es of ag- es. A- men.

The hollow notes represent pitches, following the accented note and syllable, which are not
sung unless needed to cover an extra syllable occurring after the accent.


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