ECD Chapter 15 Active Filters
ECD Chapter 15 Active Filters
ECD Chapter 15 Active Filters
Key Words: Passive and Active Filters, Low-pass filter, Pole, Damping factor, Roll-off,
High-pass filter, Band-pass filter, Band-stop filter
Basic Filter Responses
A Passive filter is a circuit that passes certain frequencies and rejects all
The pass band is the range of frequencies allowed through the filter.
The critical frequency defines the end (or ends) of the passband and
is normally specified at the point where the response drops -3dB (70.7%)
from the passband response.
Following the pass band is a region called the transition region that
leads into a region called the stop band.
Gain Gain Gain Gain
f f f f
BW = fc
Basic Low-Pass Filters
o The ideal response is not attainable by any practical filter.
o Actual filter responses depend on the number of poles.
o Pole is a term used with filters to describe the number of RC circuits
contained in the filter.
o This basic RC filter has a single pole, and it rolls off at -
20db/decade beyond the critical frequency.
o This roll-off allows too much unwanted frequencies through the filter
Basic Low-Pass Filters
o Actual filters do not have a perfectly flat response up to the cutoff
oWith combination of op-amps, the filters can be designed with higher
o In general, the more poles the filter uses, the steeper its transition
region will be. The exact response depends on the type of filter and the
number of pole.
Basic High-Pass Filters
The high-pass filter passes all frequencies above a
critical frequency and rejects all others. The simplest high-
pass filter is a Passive RC circuit with the output taken
across R.
Basic Band-Pass Filters
A band-pass filter passes all frequencies between two critical
frequencies. The bandwidth is defined as the difference between
the two critical frequencies fc1 and fc2. The simplest band-pass filter
is an RLC circuit.
Bandwidth B.W= fc2 – fc1
R Vout
Vs C L
Basic Band-Pass Filters
Ex 15-1
Basic Band-Stop Filters
A band-stop filter rejects frequencies between two critical
frequencies, the bandwidth is measured between the critical
frequencies. The simplest band-stop filter is an RLC circuit. The
band stop filter also known as notch, band-reject, or band-
elimination filter.
Vs R
Filter Response Characteristics
Ideal Vs Real Filters
In comparison to ideal low pass filters, the real
RC or RLC filters lack the following
fc1 f0 fc2
Gain (dB)
fc1 f0 fc2
Filter Response Characteristics
Active filters include one or more op-amps in the design.
One of the three characteristic can be achieved with
active filters:
1. Flat band pass with Butterworth
Chebyshev: rapid roll-off characteristic
2. Sharp roll-off rate with Chebyshev
Active Filters
General Active Filter
For RA = RB = R and CA = CB = C
Ex 15-3
Cascaded Low Pass Active Filters
Ex 15-4
A Single Pole Active High Pass Filter
A Single Pole Active High Pass Filter
Sallen-Key Active High Pass Filter
Two Pole Filter
Sallen-Key Configuration
For RA = RB = R and CA = CB = C
Ex 15-5
Cascading High Pass Active Filter
Band Pass Active Filter
Cascading Low Pass and High
Pass Filter (4 Poles Filter)
Sallen-Key Configuration
Band Pass Active Filter
Band Pass Active Filter
Band Pass Active Filter
Ex 15-6
Band Pass Active Filter
Band Pass Active Filter
Ex 15-7
Band Pass Active Filter
Band Stop Active Filter
Band Stop Active Filter
Ex 15-8