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Syllabus: Courses of Study

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University, Bikaner


Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)





Bachelor in Computer Application
The Number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks
required for a pass are shown against each subject separately. It will be necessary for a candidate to
pass in the theory part as well as practical part of a subject/ paper, separately. Award of Division to
Successful candidates at the end of final year examination as per university norms
Admission rule to the course will be as par Government / University policy declared from time
to time.
Teaching and Examination scheme for
Bachelor in Computer Application

Paper Paper Name Lect/ Tuto/ Exam Max Min. Pass

Code week week Hours Marks Marks
Compulsory Papers
Paper 1 General English 3 100
Paper 2 General Hindi ` 3 100
Paper 3 Environmental studies 2 100
Paper 4 Elementary Computer Application 2 100
Theory Papers
BCA-101 Mathematics for Computer Science 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-102 Database Management 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-103 Programming in C++ 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-104 Computer Networks 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-105 Computer Fundamentals 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-106 Fundamentals of Computer 3 1 3 70 25
Total of Theory Papers 420
Papers Paper
BCA-107 SQL Lab & Mini Project 3 3 60 22
BCA-108 C++ Lab & Mini Project 3 3 60 22
BCA-109 Computer Fundamentals Lab & 3 3 60 22
Mini Project
Total of Practical Papers 180
Grand Total(Theory + Practical) 600

Teaching and Examination scheme for

Bachelor in Computer Application

Paper Code Paper Name Lec/ Tuto/ Exam Max Min. Pass.
week week Hours Marks Marks
Theory Papers
BCA-201 Computer Organization 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-202 Operating System 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-203 Java 3 1 3 70 25


BCA-204 Internet Programming 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-205(A) Cloud Computing 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-205(B) Data Mining 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-206(A) Python 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-206(B) C# 3 1 3 70 25
Total of Theory Papers 420
Practical Papers
BCA-207 Java Lab & Mini Project 3 3 60 22
BCA-208 Internet Programming 3 3 60 22
Lab & Mini Project
BCA-209 Python/C# Lab & Mini 3 3 60 22
Total of Practical Papers 180
Grand Total(Theory + Practical) 600

Teaching and Examination scheme for

Bachelor in Computer Application

Paper Code Paper Name Lec/ Tuto/ Exam Max Min.

week week Hours Marks Pass
Theory Papers
BCA-301 Software Engineering 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-302 Data Structure 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-303 PHP 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-304(A) Search Engine 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-304(B) Android Programming 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-305(A) Cyber Security 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-305(B) Internet of Things 3 1 3 70 25
BCA-306 Project 3 1 3 70 25
Total of Theory 420
Paper Name(Practical)
BCA-307 Data Structure Lab 3 3 60 22
BCA-308 PHP Lab 3 3 60 22
BCA-309 Android/ SEO Lab 3 3 60 22
Total of Practical 180
Grand Total(Theory+ Practical) 600
1. At least 3 hrs theory and 3 hrs practical slot should be assigned per week for each paper.
Instructions for Paper setters
2. The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively


3. Each practical exam is to be conducted by two examiners one External and one Internal. External
examiner should be senior lecturer from jurisdiction of MGS University. External Examiner will
prepare question paper of Practical Examination. Students have to perform exercise on computer.
Exercise must be written in answer books in proper documentation.
4. Marks distribution for Practical of 60 marks is as under-
Part I & Part II Part III

Three Exercises of 5 marks each 30 marks 30 Marks

for Part I & II (Logic 04, Execution 04, Documentation 2)
for Part III (Logic 04, Execution 04, Documentation 2)

Viva Voce 10 Marks 15 Marks

Laboratory Exercise File 10 Marks 15 Marks
Mini Project 10 marks

5. The student has to select one of the topics given in the syllabus for mini project.
6. Marks distribution for Project of 70 marks is as under
a) Project/Dissertation 40 Marks
b) Presentation 15 Marks
c) External Viva Voce 15 Marks Duration: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-101: Mathematics for Computer Science
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Note:Non-Scientific Calculator is allowed to be used in examination.

Matrices: Basic Definitions, matrix operations- addition, multiplication, transpose, Adjoint and
inverse. Determination of a square matrix (up to 3X3 matrix)
Statements (Propositions), Logical Operations, Truth Table, Tautologies, Contradiction, Logical
Equivalence, Algebra of Propositions, Conditional and bi-conditional Statement, Argument, Logical
Implication, Propositional Functions, Quantifiers, Negation of Quantifiers Statements, Normal.
Integers: Properties of integers, order and inequalities, Absolute value, Mathematical Induction,
Division Algorithm, Divisibility, Primes, Greatest Common Divisor(GCD),Euclidean Algorithm,
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, congruence Relation.
Sets: Introduction, Sets and their representations, empty set, Finite & infinite sets, equal sets, subsets,
power sets, universal sets, complements of a set. Cartesian products of sets.
Relations: Types of relations, reflective, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. Functions:
one to one and onto functions, composite functions, inverse of a function, Binary operations,
recursively defined functions.

Suggested Readings:

1. Mathematics Volume I By R.D. Sharma (Dhanpat Rai Publication)

2. Mathematics Volume II By R.D. Sharma (Dhanpat Rai Publication)


3. Engineering Mathematics Volume I By S.S. sastry (Prentice-Hall of India)
4. Discrete mathematics Schaum’s Series By Seymour LipSchutz, Marc Lipson (Tata McGraw
5. Discrete mathematics By Vinay Kumar (BPB)
6. Discrete mathematical Structure By Dr. K.C. Jain, Dr. M.L. Rawat.
7. NCERT Mathematics Textbook for class XI and XII

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-102: Database Management
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consis0ts of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Introduction: Characteristics of database approach, Advantages, Database system architecture,
Overview of different types of Data Models and data independence, Schemas and instances, Database
languages and interfaces; E-R Model : Entities, Attributes, keys, Relationships, Roles, Dependencies,
E-R Diagram.
Unit II
Introduction to Relational model, Constraints: Domain ,Key, Entity integrity, Referential integrity;
Keys: Primary, Super, Candidate, Foreign; Relational algebra: select, project, union, intersection,
cross product, different types of join operations.
Unit III
SQL: Data Types, statements: select, insert, update, delete, create, alter, drop; views, SQL algebraic
operations; Stored procedures: Advantages, Variables, creating and calling procedures, if and case
statements, loops, Functions, Triggers.
Unit IV
Normalization: Definition, Functional dependencies and inference rules, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF;
Transactions processing: Definition, desirable properties of transactions, serial and non-serial
schedules, concept of serializability, conflict-serializable schedules.
Unit V
Concurrency Control: Two-phase locking techniques, dealing with Deadlock and starvation, deadlock
prevention protocols, basic timestamp ordering algorithm; Overview of database recovery techniques;
concept of data warehousing.
Suggested Readings:
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems,Ramez A. Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe,5th Ed(Pearson)
2. Database System Concepts By Korth, Silberschatz, Sudarshan (Mcgraw Hill)
3. An Introduction to Database Systems By Bipin C. Desai (Galgotia Publication.)
4. SQL, PL/SQL Programming By Ivan Bayross (BPB)
5. Commercial Application Development Using Oracle Developer 2000 By Ivan Bayross (BPB)

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-103: Programming in C++
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit I


Object Oriented System: Difference Between Procedural and Object Oriented Languages, Object
Oriented Paradigm, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Benefits and Application
of Oops. Introductionto C++: Character Set, Token, Constants, Variables and Data Types,
Enumeration Types, Operators, Expressions, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Input, Output,
Conditional Statements, Scope of Variables, Type Conversion.
Unit II
Iteration,Break, Continue, goto; Pointers: Introduction, implementation advantage and disadvantage.
Functions - Standard and User-Defined Function, Recursive Function, Passing By Value And
Reference, Function Overloading Pointer and Function: Function Returning Pointer, Passing pointer
as argument, Reference and Functions. Structures and Pointers. Containers.
Unit III
Array: introduction, advantage, One, Two and Multidimensional, Passing Array to a Function, Array
and Pointers : Pointer to One and Two Dimensional Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, array containers, Array
of Pointers, pointers using String Processing.Class: Introduction to Class and Object, Declaring
Members and Methods in a class, declaring objects.
Unit IV
Functions and objects, Inline Function, Friend Functions and Its Usage, Abstract Class, Function
Overriding. Constructor and Destructor- Needs and Its Usage, Types of Constructors, Destructor,
Static Data Members and Methods. Inheritance - Need of Inheritance, Types of Inheritance and its
Unit V
Operator Overloading: Need and Rules of Operator Overloading, Overloading Through Member
Function and Friend Function. Compile Time and Run Time Polymorphism- Virtual Function and
virtual class. Exception Handling. Templates, Additional features of C++11, C++14 and C++17.

1. Object Oriented Programming With C++ by E. Balagurusamy (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
2. C++ The Complete Reference by Herbert Sehildt (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
3. Object Oriented Programming With C++ by Schaum Series (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
4. C++11 for Programmers (Deitel Developer) by Paul J. Deitel (Author), Harvey M. Deitel,
Prentice Hall; 2nd edition
5. Professional C++ by Marc Gregoire, Nicholas A. Solter and Scott J.Kleper (Goodreads
6. A Tour of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup, 2018
7. C++17 in Detail by Bartłomiej Filipek

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-104 Computer Networks
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.

Unit - I
Data Communication and Networking: Overview, Network Types, LAN Technologies, Topologies,
Models- OSI Model, TCP/IP Stack

Unit - II
Physical Layer: Introduction, Digital Transmission, modes, digital to digital, analog to digital,
Analog Transmission, digital to analog, analog to analog, Transmission media, Wireless
Transmission, Switching techniques: Circuit Switching, Packet switching, Message switching.


Unit - III
Data Link Layer: Introduction, Data Link Control: Line Discipline- Enq/Ack, Poll/Select, Flow
Control : Stop And Wait, Sliding Window, Error Control : ARQ, Stop and Wait ARQ, Sliding
Window ARQ.
Unit - IV
Network Layer: Introduction, Network Addressing, Routing, Internetworking, Tunneling, Packet
Fragmentation, Network Layer Protocols, ARP, ICMP, IPv4, IPv6
Unit V
Transport Layer: Introduction, Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol
Application Layer: Introduction, Client-Server Model, Application Protocols.
Suggested Readings:
1. Computer Forensics by Marie- Helen Maras
2. Data Communication and Networking By Forozan (Tata McGraw Hill)
3. Data Communication And Computer Networks By Dr. Madhulika Jain, Satish Jain (BPB)
4. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, Pearson Education, 2008.
5. Rajneesh Agrawal and Bharat Bhushan Tiwari, “Data Communication and Computer
Networks”, Vikas Publishing house Ltd. , 2005.
6. A. S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education.
7. A. Leon-Gracia and I. Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-105 Computer Fundamentals

Instructions for Paper setters

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit I
Basics: Block Diagram, characteristics, generations of computers, classification of computers; Binary
number system, Limitations of Computers, Primary and secondary memory, Input and output
devices; Computer languages: Machine language, assembly language, higher level language, 4GL.
Introduction to Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler, System Softwares, Application Softwares.
Unit II

Operating System: Features of Windows, Linux, Macintosh, Android. Open source softwares: concept
and examples.
Word Processing software: different formats for saving a word document, creating, editing documents
and related operations, formatting features and related operations, spelling and grammar checker,
headers and footers, creating and managing tables; printing, macros, mail merge, equation editor.
Unit III

Spreadsheet Software: Workbook, worksheets, datatypes, operators, cell formats, freeze panes, editing
features, formatting features, creating formulas, using formulas, cell references.
Presentation Graphics Software: Templates, views, formatting slide, slides with graphs, animation,
using special features, presenting slide shows.
Unit IV
Overview of LaTeX; Google docs- usage and creating a document, Google sheets- usage and creating
a sheet, Google slides- usage and creating slides, Google forms- usage and creating a form, Google
sites- usage and creating a simple site.
Unit V


Computer Problem Solving: Algorithms, Efficiency and analysis of algorithms, Writing algorithms
for simple problems like factorial computation, generation of Fibonacci sequence and checking for
prime number; Examples of unsolved problems in Computer Science.
Suggested Readings:
1. P.K Sinha, “Computer Fundamentals”, 2004
2. Rajaraman, Fundamentals of Computers, Fourth edition, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Limited, 2006
3. Peter Norton, “Introduction to Computers”,4th Edition, TMH Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.
4. R.G. Dromey,”How to solve it by Computers”, Pearson Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Dorothy House, “Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Just for Beginners, 2015
Web resources:
1. https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/getting-started-guide/
2. https://www.coursera.org/learn/creative-problem-solving
3. http://web.mit.edu/rsi/www/pdfs/new-latex.pdf
4. https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/
5. https://support.google.com/docs/?hl=en#topic=1382883
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsolved_problems_in_computer_science
7. https://www.claymath.org/millennium-problems

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-106 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Instructions for Paper setters

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from
each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Algorithm; Generalized Algorithms; Avoiding infinite loops in Algorithms-By Counting, by using
sentinel value; Different ways of Representing an Algorithm-As a Program, As a Flowchart, As a
Pseudo Code; Need for Planning a program before coding, Program Planning Tools- Flow Charts,
Structure Charts, Pseudo codes
Unit II
Programming Techniques: Top down, Bottom up, Modular, Structured, Features, Merits, Demerits
and their Comparative study. Importance of use of indentation in programming; structured
Programming concepts- Need of careful use of “GoTo Statement”; Sequence Logic, selection logic,
logic and iteration Logic, functions
Unit III
Programming Language: Types –Machine, Assembly and High –level Languages; Scripting and
Natural Languages; Their relative advantages and Limitations; High Level Programming Language
Tools- Compiler, Linker, Interpreter, Intermediate Language Compiler and Interpreter, Editor
Unit IV
Overview of some popular High Level Languages- FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, C, C++,
JAVA, LISP, PROLOG, PYTHON; Characteristics of a Good Programming Language; Selecting a
Language out of many available languages for coding an Application; Subprograms.

Unit IV
Testing and Debugging: Difference; Types of Program errors ; Testing a Program; Debugging a
program for Syntax Errors; Debugging a program Logic Errors; Concepts of APIs and Libraries.
Program Documentation: Need for Documenting Programs and Software; Forms of Documentation-
Comments, System Manual, User Manual; Documentation Standards and Notations
Suggested Readings-
1. Fundamentals of Programming languages by Ellis Holowits, Springer
2. Fundamentals of Programming languages by Tolani, Pearson


3. Programming Languages: Principles and paradigms by Maurizio Gabbrielli and Simone Martini,
4. Programming Language Concepts by Ghezzi, Milano, Jazayeri, Wien, John Wiley & Sons
BCA-107 SQL (Mini Project)
Design a database your College Alumni Association
Draw an ER Diagram for a Library Management System
Design a database for a Hospital Management System
4. Create a table “Users” with username and passwords. Display username with its password
strength(weal/average/good). Password strength should be calculated by following criteria-
- For each uppercase letter, lower case letter, number and special symbol, weight = +1
- If password starts with a symbol other than a letter, weight = -1
- Password with length <8, weight = +2, password length >8, weight = -2

BCA-108 C++(Mini Project)

1. Design your Marks sheet
2. Design Employees database using structure
3. Create your own library for Array functions
4. Design a simple calculator using templates
5. Program for reading from and writing to a random file.

BCA 109 Computer Fundamentals (Mini Project)

1. Supppose you are the student head of your class. Create a Google form to gather the scholastic
information from the students for placements. Your form should also accept CV (pdf file) from
2. Build a website of your college using Google sites.
3. Buildyour resume in LaTeX (document preparation system). Hint- You may use
www.overleaf.com to create your resume.
4. Build a presentation to show the achivements of your college, to be presented on the annual
function of your college.
5. Buildyour resume in Libre Writer and generate the PDF file to be mailed to a company.
6. Build your resume in Microsoft Doc and generate the PDF file to be mailed to a company.
7. Create a spreadsheet to generate the list of students to be admitteed for a highly demanding
program. You may take necessary assumptions about the eligibility and you may generate the list on
scholastic performance of students at different levels.
8. Build a presentation showing the skills your learned in this course (Computer Fundamentals).


Teaching and Examination scheme for
Bachelor in Computer Application
Part-II Exam. – 2022

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-201 Computer Organization
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Note: Non-Scientific Calculator is allowed to be used in examination.
Unit I
Components of a Computer: Processor, Memory, Input-Output Unit, Difference between
Organization and Architecture, Hardware Software Interaction. Number System: Concept of
Bit and Byte, types and conversion. Complements: 1’s complement, 2’s complement.
Binary Arithmetic: Addition, overflow, subtraction.
Unit II
Logic gates: Boolean Algebra, Map Simplification. Combinational circuits: Half Adder,
Full Adder, Decoders, Multiplexers. Sequential circuits: Flip Flops- SR, JK, D, T Flip-Flop.
Unit III
Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization,
Instruction Formats, Addressing Mode, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control.
Unit IV
Input Output Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer,
Modes of Data Transfer, Direct Memory Access, I/O Processor.
Unit V
Memory Organization: Types and capacity of Memory, Memory Hierarchy, Cache
Memory, Virtual Memory.
Suggested Readings-
1. Computer System Architecture, By M. Morris Mano (Pearson, Prentice Hall)
2. Carter Nicholas, “Computer Architecture”, Schaun outline Sevies , Tata McGraw-
3. J.P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture & Organization”, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Digital Computer Electronics By Malvino Leach, Jerald A. Brown(McGraw Hill)

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-202 Operating System
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Introduction to Operating System, layered Structure, Functions, Types; Process: Concept,
Process States, PCB; Threads, System calls; Process Scheduling: types of schedulers, context


Unit II
CPU Scheduling, Pre-Emptive Scheduling, Scheduling Criteria- CPU Utilization,
Throughput, Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time; Scheduling Algorithms-
FCFS, SJF, Priority Scheduling, Round Robin Scheduling, MLQ Scheduling.

Unit III
Synchronization: Critical Section Problem, Requirements for a solution to the critical section
problem; Semaphores. Deadlock: Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance, Banker’s
Algorithm, Recovery from Deadlock.
Unit IV
Memory Management: Physical and virtual address space, Paging, Overview of
Segmentation;Virtual Memory Management: Concept,Page Replacement technique- FIFO.
Linux: features of Linux, steps of Installation, Shell and kernel, Directory structure.

Unit V
Linux: Users and groups,file permissions, commands- ls, cat, cd, pwd, chmod, mkdir, rm,
rmdir, mv, cp, man, apt, cal, uname, history etc. ; Installing packages; Shell scripts: writing
and executing a shell script,shell variables, read and expr, decision making (if else), for and
while loops.
Suggested Readings:
1. Operating System Principals By Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin (John Wiley
And Sons Inc.)
2. Operating System Concepts And Design By Milan Milen Kovic (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
3. Modern Operating System Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
4. Linux in easy steps, Mike McGrath, in easy steps limited
5. Unix concepts and apllications , TMH, Sumitabha Das
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-203 Java
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I

Introduction to java: evolution, features, comparison with C and C++; Java program
structure; tokens, keywords, constants, variables, data types, type casting, statements,
Operators and Expression; Conditional Statements and Loop Statements.
Unit II
Class: syntax, instance variable, class variables, methods, constructors, overloading of
constructors and methods. Arrays, Strings and Vectors.
Unit - III
Inheritance: types of inheritance, use of super, method overriding, final class, abstract class,
wrapper classes. Interface, Packages and visibility controls.
Unit - IV
Errors and Exceptions: Types of errors, Exception classes, Exception handling in java, use
of try, catch, finally, throw and throws. Taking user input, Command line arguments.
Multithreaded Programming: Creating Threads, Life cycle of thread, Thread priority,
Thread synchronization, Inter-thread communication, Implementing the Runable Interface;


Unit - V
Swings : Classes, Working With JFrame Windows, Working With Graphics, Working With
Colour, Adding And Removing Controls, Responding To Controls, Labels, Buttons,
Checkbox, Checkbox Group, Choice Control, Lists, Text Field, Text Area. Menus, Dialog
Box, Handling Events.
1. The Complete reference Java Ninth Edition By Herbert Schildt (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Core Java Volume I--Fundamentals (9th Edition) by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell,
Prentice Hall
3. Java: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition: A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
4. Programming in JAVA By E. Balagurusamy (TMH)
5. JAVA 2 programming Black Book By Steven Holzner et al. (Dreamtech Press)
6. Horstmann, Cay S. and Gary Cornell, “Core Java 2: Fundamentals Vol. 1”, Pearson
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-204 Internet Programming
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Internet Basics: Evolution of Internet, Basic internet terms and applications. ISP, Anatomy of
an e-mail Message, basic of sending and receiving, E-mail Protocol; Mailing List-
Subscribing, Unsubscribing.
Unit II
Introduction to World Wide Web and its work, Web Browsers, Search Engine, Downloading,
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), URL, Web Servers, FTP, Web publishing- Domain
Name Registration, Space on Host Server for Web Site, Maintain and Updating.
Unit III
HTML: Elements of HTML & Syntax, Comments, Headings, Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags,
Backgrounds, Formatting tags, Images, Hyperlinks, div tag, List Type and its Tags, Table
Layout, div, Use of Forms in Web Pages.
Unit IV
CSS:Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, Types of Style Sheets (Inline, Internal and
External), using Id andClasses, CSS properties: Background Properties, Box Model
Properties, Margin, Padding, List Properties, Border Properties
Unit V
Java Script: Introduction to Client Side Scripting, Introduction to Java Script, Comments,
Variables in JS, Global Variables, Data types, Operators in JS, Conditions Statements (If, If
Else, Switch), Java Script Loops (For Loop, While Loop, Do While Loop), JS Popup Boxes
(Alert, Prompt, Confirm), JS Events, JS Arrays, JS Objects.
Suggested Readings:

1. Thomas A. Powell , “HTML: The Complete Reference”, Osborne/McGraw-Hill

2. Deitel, Deitel and Nieto : Internet & WWW. How to program, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education Asia.


3. Bayross, "Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development Using HTML,
DHTML, Java Script, Perl CGI," Third Edition, BPB Publications.
4. Internet and Web Page Designing By V.K Jain (BPB)
5. Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML , java
script, Perl CGI By Ivan Bayross (BPB)

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-205 (A) Cloud Computing
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Introduction to Client – Server Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Distributed Computing,
Collaborative Computing, Cloud Computing
Unit II
Functioning of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Storage, Cloud Services –
SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, DaaS and VDI etc.

Unit II
Cloud as Web-Based Application, Cloud Service Development: Pros and Cons, Types,
Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, Web Services, On-Demand computing
Discovering Cloud Services, Development Services and Tools, overview of major Cloud
Service providers- Amazon Ec2, Google App Engine, IBM Clouds, Eucalyptus etc.
Unit III
Application of Cloud Computing for Centralizing Email communications, collaborating on
Schedules, Calendars, To-Do Lists, Contact Lists. Cloud for the Community, Group Projects
and Events; Cloud Computing for the Corporation. Cloud Computing for Schedules and Task
Management, Exploring Online Scheduling Applications and Online Planning and Task
Unit IV
Cloud Computing Collaborating on Event Management, Contact Management and
Collaborating on Project Management. Cloud Collaborating on Word Processing, Databases,
Storing and Sharing Files; Evaluating Web Mail Services, Evaluating Web Conference Tools;
Cloud computing and Social Networks, Groupware, Blogs and Wikis.

Unit V
Data privacy and security Issues and other risks in Cloud Computing
Suggested Readings-
1. Cloud Computing Concepts Technology and Architecture by Thomas Erl, Prentice
2. Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigm by Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg,
Andrzej Goscinski, Wiley Publications
3. CloudComputingTheoryAndPractice by Dan C. Marinescu, Morgan Kaufman
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-205(B) Data Mining


Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Note: Scientific Calculator is allowed to be used in examination.
Unit I
Data mining Introduction: Definition, Data mining tasks, Data mining as a step of Knowledge
discovery process, Applications of Data mining; Data objects and types of attributes,
Recalling mean, median ,mode and weighted arithmetic mean.
Unit II
Data quality , overview of data preprocessing. Classification analysis- definition, Overview
of various classification techniques; Decision tree induction- working, examples ,specifying
attribute test conditions.
Unit III
Evaluating the performance of a classifier- Holdout method, Random subsampling , cross-
validation, Bootstrap; Association analysis: support, confidence, association rules ,Frequent
Item sets.
Unit IV
Frequent itemset generation - Apriori principle , Apriori algorithm and examples, FP growth
algorithm and examples.

Unit V
Cluster analysis: Definition , overview of basic clustering methods, Density based methods-
Suggested Readings:
1. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3rd edition, Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber
2. Introduction to Data Mining, Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Pearson
3. Data Mining: A Tutorial Based Primer, Richard Roiger, Michael Geatz, Pearson Education
4. Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, G.K. Gupta, PHI 2006
5. Insight into Data mining: Theory and Practice, Soman K. P., DiwakarShyam, Ajay V., PHI
6. Data Mining:: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Data Management Systems) by Witten, Frank, Hall
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-206 (A) Python
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Basics: Python Interpreter, writing code in Jupyter Notebook, Indentation,
comments, importing a module, binary operators, standard scalar data
types, type casting, if-else statements, loops(while, for), pass, range, ternary
Unit II


Data Structures and Sequences: Tuples, Lists and slicing, Built-in Sequence
functions, Dictionary, Sets; List, Set, and Dict Comprehensions. Functions:
Namespaces, Scope, and Local Functions; Returning Multiple Values.
Unit III
Functions: Anonymous (Lambda) Functions, Partial Argument Application,
Generators. Objects and Methods in Python. NumPy: creating N-dimensional
arrays, arithmetic with NumPy arrays, basic indexing and slicing,
Psuedorandom number generation.
Unit IV
Pandas: Overview of Series and DataFrames, reading data from csv file,
DataFrame operations- working with data using functions like head, tail ,
info, shape, reshape, columns, isnull, dropna, mean, sum, describe,
value_counts, corr, loc, iloc, apply.
Unit V
Matplotlib- plotting basic figures, subplots, line plots, bar plots, histograms,
scatter plots. Overview of Scikit-learn, SciPy, networkx. Basic Errors and
Exception handling. Basic File Handling. Applications of python.
Suggested Readings:
1. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and Ipython, by Wes
McKinney, O’Reilly Media, 2017
2. Python All-in-One for Dummies, by John Shovic and Alan Simpson, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2019
3. Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, Mark
Summerfield, Pearson.
4. Swaroop, C. H. (2003). A Byte of Python. Python Tutorial.
5. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python. By John V. Guttag,
MIT Press.
6. Learning Python , Mark Lutz, David Ascher, O’Reilly
7. T. Budd, Exploring Python, TMH, 1st Ed, 2011
Web Resources:
8. https://www.learnpython.org/
9. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106212/
10. http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/thinkpython.pdf
11. Python tutorial: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-206 (B) C#
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit - I
What is C#, C++ vs C#, Java vs C#, History, Features, Environment, Program Structure,
basic syntax, Variables, Constants, Data Types, Type Conversion, Operators, Keywords,
Control Statement, if-else, switch, For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop, Break, Continue,
Goto, Comments, Arrays, Multidimensional Array, Jagged Arrays
Unit - II


Object Class, Object and Class, attributes, Constructor, Destructor, this, static, static class,
static constructor, Struct, Enum
Unit - III
Inheritance, Aggregation, Polymorphism, Member Overloading, Method Overriding, Sealed,
Abstract, Interface, partial class
Unit - IV
Namespace, Strings, Exception Handling, File IO, Serialization, Collections, List<T>,
Stack<T>, Queue<T>, LinkedList<T>, generics, nullable type
Unit - V
Properties, indexers, Delegates and events, Reflection, Multithreading
Suggested Readings-
• Beginning C# Object Oriented Programming by Syed Shanu (C# Corner)
• Beginning C# 6 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 by Benjamin Perkins, Jacob
Vibe Hammer, Jon D. Reid (Wrox)
• C# 6.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference 6th Edition by Joseph Albahari and
Ben Albahari
• Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework (Expert's Voice in .NET) 6th Edition by
Andrew Troelsen
• Programming C# for Beginners (Mahesh Chand)
BCA-207 Java (Mini Project)
1. Design Digital clock using applet
2. Design Calculator using AWT with basic functionality on +,-,*,/ and =.
3. Design Indian Flag using Applet.
4. Design analog clock using applet
5. Design program to display fibonacci series in AWT Frame.
BCA- 208 Internet Programming (Mini Project)
1. Create a form in html to registration for membership on website(only HTML).
2. Change the look of the form created in question 1 by using CSS.
3. Implement validation in the form created in question 1 by using javascript.
4. Design your marksheet by using table tag.
5. Design 5 basic page website of your college.
BCA-209 Python (Mini Project)
1. Build a Python Website Blocker. When we surf the internet, many unwanted websites keep
showing up. You can build a program that blocks certain websites from opening. This
program is beneficial for students who want to study without any social media distractions.

2. Build a Random Password Generator. Creating a strong password and remembering it is a

tedious task. You can build a program that intakes some words from the user and then
generates a random password using those words. The user can remember the password with
the help of the words he gave as an input.
3. Build a Contact Book. This is an excellent python project idea for beginners. Everyone
uses a contact book to save contact details, including name, address, phone number, and even
email address. This is a command-line project where you will design a contact book
application that users can use to save and find contact details. The application should also
allow users to update contact information, delete contacts, and list saved contacts. The
SQLite database is the ideal platform for saving contacts.
4. Simulate a simple lottery game that involves four players using Python. At the end of
game, amount left with each player should be displayed. You may take appropriate


5. Build an email Slicer. This is a convenient program that has a lot of use in the future. The
program helps get you the username and domain name from an email address. You can even
customize the application and send a message to the host with this information.
BCA-209 C# (Mini Project)
1. Write a program in C# Sharp to count a total number of alphabets, digits and special
characters in a string.
2. Write a program in C# Sharp to count a total number of duplicate elements in an array.
3. Design program to implement Stack in c#.
4. Write a constructor destructor program in which you make 3 constructors. One is for
default constructors with default message, next is parameterized constructor which accept a
stringvalue and last one is also parameterized constructor which accept two numerical value
and shows add of them. Initialize all constructors and shows output.
5. Write a program using Virtual and Override keyword that does the following tasks.
A virtual function Engine() that has basic properties of engine like Power of engine, RPM, no
of Cylinder etc. This function
Teaching and Examination scheme for
Bachelor in Computer Application
Part-III Exam. – 2023
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-301 Software Engineering
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Note: Scientific Calculator is allowed to be used in examination.
Unit I
Software Engineering: Software, Software Process, Process Characteristics, Software
Process Model- Linear Sequential Model, Prototyping Model, Spiral Model. Software
Quality, McCall’s Quality Factors. Software Requirement Analysis and Specification
(SRS): Need, Characteristics and Components.

Unit II
Cost Estimation: COCOMO Model, Designing Concepts: Design Principles, Module level
concepts- Cohesion and Coupling, Design notations and specifications, Verification, Metrics.
Unit III
Object Oriented Design: Concepts, Design Notation and Specification, Design
methodology, metrics. Debugging Process: Information Gathering, Fault Isolation, Fault
Confirmation, Documentation, Fixing fault isolation.
Unit IV
Testing: Testing Fundamental, Functional Testing (Black Box), Structural Testing (White
Box), Alpha And Beta Testing, Testing Object Oriented Programs, Testing Process:
Comparison of Different Testing, Level of Testing. Project management for special classes of
software projects: Using CASE tools, CBSE.
Unit – V
UML: An overview of UML- UML notations, UML Class diagrams- association,
multiplicity, generalization, aggregation, interfaces.

Suggested Readings:


1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman(McGraw
2. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering By PankajJalote, (Narosa
Publishing House)
3. Object-Oriented SoftwareEngineering: Practical Software Development using UML
and Java By Timothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Laganière (McGraw Hill)
4. Object-Oriented Software EngineeringUsing UML, Patterns, and Java By Bernd
Bruegge& Allen H. Dutoit(Prentice Hall)

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-302 Data Structure
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Primitive and Composite Data Types, Time and Space Complexity of Algorithms, Stack and
Primitive Operation on Stack.Applications- Infix, Postfix, Prefix and Recursion. Queues,
Primitive Operations on Queues, Circular Queue, De Queue and Priority Queue.
Unit II
Basic Operation on Linked List, Circular Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Linked
Representation of Stack and Queue, Application of Linked List.
Unit III
Trees: Basic Terminology, Binary Trees, Tree Representation as Array and Linked List,
Basic Operation on Binary Tree, Traversal of Binary Tree – In Order, Preorder, Post Order,
Application of Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, B-Tree and Height Balance Tree.
Unit IV
Sequential Search, Binary Search, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Bubble Sort,
Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting Methods.
Unit V
Hash Table, Collision Resolution Techniques. Introduction to Graphs, Definition,
Terminology, Directed, Undirected, Weighted Graph, Representation of Graphs, Graph
Traversal – Depth First and Breadth First, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees,
Shortest Path Algorithm.

Suggested Readings -
1. Expert Data Strutcture with ‘C’ By R.B Patel (Khana Book Publishing Co.(P))
2. Data structure By Lipschutz (Tata McGraw Hill)
3. Data Structure By YashvantKanitkar (BPB)
4. An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, By Jean-Paul tremblay, Paul
G.Sarerson (Tata McGraw Hill)
5. Data Structure Using C and C++ By Yedidyahlangsam, Moshe J.Augenstein, Arora
M. Tenenbaum (Prentice- Hall India)


Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
Instructions for Paper setters

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions

from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit - I
PHP: Versions of PHP, Installation of PHP, Php.ini basics. Testing Installation. Building
Blocks of PHP: Variables, data types, Operators & Expressions, Constants, Switching, Flow,
Loops, Code Blocks and Browser Output.

Unit - II
Functions: Meaning, Calling, Defining a function. Return value from user defined function.
Saving state with ‘static’ function. Arrays: Creating arrays, Array related functions.Working
with String, Date & Time: Formatting String with PHP, Using Date and time Functions
with PHP.

Unit - III
Forms: Creating simple input Form. Accessing Form input with user defined arrays, HTML
and PHP Code on a single page. Redirecting User. Working with File Upload. Uploading &

Unit- IV
State management: Using query string(URL rewriting), Using Hidden field, Using
cookies, Using session. String matching with regular expression: What is regular
expression, Pattern matching in Php, Replacing text, Splitting a string with a Regular
Expression. Email: Sending Email, Headers, Reviewing SMTP, PHP Mailer, Building

Unit - V
Connecting to the MYSQL: Selecting a database, Adding data to a table, Displaying
returned data on Web pages, Inserting data, Deleting data, Entering and updating data,
Executing multiple queries.
Suggested Readings :
2. Deitel, Deitel and Nieto : Internet & WWW. How to program, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education Asia.
3. Teach Yourself PHP, MYSQL &Apache ByMeloni, Pearson Education.
4. Open Source Development with LAMP: Using Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl & PHP
By James Lee, Pearson Education.
5. PHP: A Beginner’s Guide ByVaswani, Vikram Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
Web Resources:
1. http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-stored-procedure-tutorial.aspx


Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-304(A) Search Engine Optimization

Instructions for Paper setters

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit – I
Basics for SEO: What is Domain, Basic Knowledge of World Wide Web, Difference
between Portal and Search Engines, What is SEO, Types of SEO Techniques, Black hat
techniques, White Hat techniques, How Search Engine works.

Unit - II
SEO Research & Analysis: Market Research, Keyword Research and Analysis, Keyword
opportunity, Competitors Website Analysis, SWOT Analysis of Website, How to Choose
Best Keywords, Tools available for Keyword Research. Website Design SEO Guidelines:
Content Research, Content Guidelines, Content Optimization, Design & Layout, XML
Sitemap / URL List Sitemap.

Unit - III
On-page Optimization: The Page Title, Meta Descriptions & Meta Keywords, Headings,
Bold Text, Domain Names & Suggestions, Canonical Tag, Meta Tags, Images and Alt Text,
Internal Link Building, The Sitemap, Invisible Text, Server and Hosting Check, Robots Meta
Tag, Doorway Pages, 301 Redirects, 404 Error, Duplicate content.

Unit – IV
Off-page Optimization: Page Rank, Link Popularity, Link Building in Detail, Directory
Submission, Social Bookmark Submission, Blog Submission, Articles, Links Exchange,
Reciprocal Linking, Posting to Forums, Submission to Search Engine, RSS Feeds
Submissions, Press Release Submissions, Forum Link Building, Competitor Link Analysis.

Unit - V
Analytics: Google Analytics, Installing Google Analytics, How to Study Google Analytics,
Interpreting Bars & Figures, How Google Analytics can Help SEO, Advanced Reporting,
Webmaster Central & Bing/Yahoo, Open Site Explorer, Website Analysis using various SEO
Tools available. SEO Tools: Keyword Density Analyzer Tools, Google Tools, Yahoo / Bing
Tools, Rich Snippet Text Tools, Comparison Tools, Link Popularity Tools, Search Engines
Tools, Site Tools, Miscellaneous Tools. SEO Reporting: Google analysis, Tracking and
Reporting, Reports Submission, Securing Ranks

Suggested readings -
• The Art of SEO (Theory in Practice) - Eric Enge, Stephen Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola,
and Rand Fishkin (O’REILLY)
• Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies by Bruce Clay
• SEO Step-by-Step by Caimin Jones


Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-304(B) Android Programming

Instructions for Paper setters

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit I
Introduction: What is Android?, Android Architecture, Setting Android Environment,
Android SDK Manager & required Packages, Using Android Studio, Android Virtual
Device(AVD), Creating First Android Application, Package Structure
Unit II
Introduction to Gradle, Running the Application, Views, Layouts and more. Introduction to
Views: TextView, EditText View, RadioButton and CheckBox View, Button View,
ImageView and ImageButton View, Toast, Notifications.
Unit III
Introduction to Layouts/ViewGroups: Linear Layout, Relative Layout, Tabular Layout,
Hierarchical Layout Arrangements, Adapter and Adapter View, Using ListView and
GridView, SQLite Database.
Unit IV
Spinner in Android, Working with Spinners, Margin and Padding, Working with EditText and
TextView, RadioGroup, RadioButton and CheckBox, AutoCompleteTextView in Android, Android Core and
Unit V
Location Based Services: Sending Email, Sending SMS, Phone Calls
Activity in Android, Intents in Android, Introduction to Fragments, Working with Fragments
Suggested Readings:
• Android Programming for Beginners by John Horton Publisher: Packt Publishing
• Learn Java for Android Development (2nd edition) by Jeff Friesen Publisher: Apress
• Android application development for java programmers. By James C. Sheusi.
Publisher: Cengage Learning, 2013.
• Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, Fourth Edition by Jerome F.
DiMarzio Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
• Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Kristin Marsicano , Chris
Stewart , Bill Phillips Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-305 (A) Cyber Security
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I


Cyber Security: definition, cybercrime and information security, cybercriminals,
classification of cybercrime, cybercrime Era. Cyber offences: categories of cybercrime, how
criminals plan the attack, cyberstalking, cybercafe and cybercrime, botnets and cybercrime,
Cloud Computing and cybercrime.

Unit II
Tools and methods used in cybercrime: phishing and Identity theft; methods of phishing,
spear phishing, types of phishing scams, phishing toolkits, and spy phishing, Personally
Identifiable Information, types and techniques of ID theft, password cracking, keyloggers and
spywares, backdoors, steganography, DoS and DoS attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow.

Unit III
Cybercrime on mobile and wireless devices: Security challenges posed by mobile devices,
attacks on wireless networks, credit card frauds mobile and wireless era. Authentication
security service, attacks on mobile phones; mobile phone theft, mobile virus, mishing,
vishing, smishing, hacking Bluetooth.

Unit IV
Cybercrime and Cyber Security: Cyber Law, The Indian IT Act, Digital Signatures and IT
Act, Cyber security and organizational implications, Cyber crisis management, Anti-
Cybercrime Strategies, Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism. cybercrime and Indian ITA 2000.
Unit V
Computer forensics: introduction, computer forensics and digital evidence, digital forensics
life cycle, computer forensics and steganography, Relevance of the OSI 7 Layer model to
computer forensics, Anti forensics.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cyber Security by Nina Godbole & sunit Belapure
2. Computer Forensics by Marie- Helen Maras

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Minimum Marks: 25
BCA-305 (B) Internet of Things
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of
syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively

Unit I
Introduction: Definition Characteristics, Architecture, Logical Design, protocols. Types of
IOTs. M2M and IOT: Difference, SDN and NFV for IOT.
Unit II
IOT System Management: Need, SNMP, Requirements. IOT platform design methodology.
IOT logical design
Unit III
IOT Devices: Building blocks, exemplary device: Raspberry PI Interfaces. Other IOT
devices. Introduction to WAMP, Django, SkyNet

Unit IV


Introduction to Apache Hadoop, Map reduce programming model, Hadoop Yarn, Apache
Oozie, Apache Spark, Apache Strom
Unit V

Tools for IOT: Chef, Puppet, NETCONF-YANG, IOT code generator

Suggested Readings:
1. Designing the Internet of Things , Adrian McEwen (Author), Hakim Cassimally
2. Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach) , Vijay Madisetti , Arshdeep Bahga
3. From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things : Introduction to a New Age
of Intelligence by Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stamatis
Karnouskos, Stefan Avesand, David Boyle, Academic Press, 2014
4. Rethinking of Internet of Things by Francis daCosta, Apress
5. Adrian McEwen, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley Publishers, 2013

BCA-306 PROJECT(based on a Case Study)

Practical Training and Project Work:

1. Project Work may be done individually or in groups(maximum three) in case of

bigger projects. However if project is done in group each student must be given a
responsibility for a distinct module and care should be taken to monitor the individual
2. Project Work can be carried out in the college or outside with prior permission of
3. The Student must submit a synopsis of the project report to the college for approval.
The Project guide can accept the project or suggest modification for resubmission.
Only on acceptance of draft project report the student should make the final copies.
4. The project report should be hand written.
Submission Copy:
The Student should submit spiral bound copy of the project report.
Format of the Project:
(a) Paper:
The Report shall be typed on White Paper of A4 size.
(b) Final Submission:
The Report to be submitted must be original.
(c) Typing:
Font:- Times New Roman
Heading:- 16 pt., Bold
Subheading:- 14 pt, Bold
Content:- 12 pt.
Line Spacing:- 1.5 line.
Typing Side :-One Side
Font Color:- Black.
(d) Margins:
The typing must be done in the following margin:
Left : 0.75”
Right: 0.75”
Top: 1”
Bottom: 1”
Left Gutter: 0.5”


(e) Binding:
The report shall be Spiral Bound.
(f) Title Cover:
The Title cover should contain the following details:
Top: Project Title in block capitals of 16pt.
Centre: Name of project developer’s and Guide name.
Bottom: Name of the university, Year of submission all in block capitals of 14pt
letters on separate lines with proper spacing and centering.
(g) Blank sheets:
At the beginning and end of the report, two white blank papers should be provided,
one for the Purpose of Binding and other to be left blank.
(h) Content:
I). Acknowledgement
II). Institute/College/Organization certificate where the project is being developed.
III). Table of contents
IV). A brief overview of project
V). Profiles of problem assigned
VI). Study of Existing System
VII). System Requirement
VIII). Project plan
o Team Structure
o Development Schedule
o Programming language and Development Tools
IX). Requirement Specification
X). Design
o Detailed DFD’s and Structure Diagram
o Data structure, Database and File Specification
X). Project Legacy
o Current Status of project
o Remaining Areas of concern
o Technical and Managerial Lessons Learnt
o Future Recommendations
XI). Nomenclature and Abbreviations.
XII). Bibliography
XIII). Source Code.


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