Permitation & Combination DPP
Permitation & Combination DPP
Permitation & Combination DPP
Q.1 In how many ways can clean & clouded (overcast) days occur in a week assuming that an entire
day is either clean or clouded.
Q.2 Four visitors A, B, C & D arrive at a town which has 5 hotels. In how many ways can they
disperse themselves among 5 hotels, if 4 hotels are used to accommodate them.
Q.3 If the letters of the word “VARUN” are written in all possible ways and then are arranged as in a
dictionary, then the rank of the word VARUN is :
(A) 98 (B) 99 (C) 100 (D) 101
Q.4 How many natural numbers are their from 1 to 1000 which have none of their digits repeated.
Q.5 A man has 3 jackets, 10 shirts, and 5 pairs of slacks. If an outfit consists of a jacket, a shirt, and a pair
of slacks, how many different outfits can the man make?
Q.6 There are 6 roads between A & B and 4 roads between B & C.
(i) In how many ways can one drive from A to C by way of B?
(ii) In how many ways can one drive from A to C and back to A, passing through B on both trips ?
(iii) In how many ways can one drive the circular trip described in (ii) without using the same road more than
Q.7 (i) How many car number plates can be made if each plate contains 2 different letters of English
alphabet, followed by 3 different digits.
(ii) Solve the problem, if the first digit cannot be 0. (Do not simplify)
Q.8 (i) Find the number of four letter word that can be formed from the letters of the word HISTORY.
(each letter to be used at most once)
(ii) How many of them contain only consonants?
(iii) How many of them begin & end in a consonant?
(iv) How many of them begin with a vowel?
(v) How many contain the letters Y?
(vi) How many begin with T & end in a vowel?
(vii) How many begin with T & also contain S?
(viii) How many contain both vowels?
Q.9 If repetitions are not permitted
(i) How many 3 digit numbers can be formed from the six digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 9 ?
(ii) How many of these are less than 400 ?
(iii) How many are even ?
(iv) How many are odd ?
(v) How many are multiples of 5 ?
Q.10 In how many ways can 5 letters be mailed if there are 3 different mailboxes available if each letter can be
mailed in any mailbox.
Q.11 Every telephone number consists of 7 digits. How many telephone numbers are there which do not
include any other digits but 2 , 3 , 5 & 7 ?
Q.12 (a) In how many ways can four passengers be accommodate in three railway carriages, if each
carriage can accommodate any number of passengers.
(b) In how many ways four persons can be accommodated in 3 different chairs if each person can
occupy only one chair.
Q.13 How many of the arrangements of the letter of the word “LOGARITHM” begin with a vowel and end
with a consonant?
Q.14 Number of natural numbers between 100 and 1000 such that at least one of their digits is 7, is
(A) 225 (B) 243 (C) 252 (D) none
Q.15 How many four digit numbers are there which are divisible by 2 .
Q.16 In a telephone system four different letter P, R, S, T and the four digits 3, 5, 7, 8 are used. Find the
maximum number of “telephone numbers” the system can have if each consists of a letter followed by a
four-digit number in which the digit may be repeated.
Q.17 Find the number of 5 lettered palindromes which can be formed using the letters from the English
Q.18 Number of ways in which 7 different colours in a rainbow can be arranged if green is always in the
Q.19 Two cards are drawn one at a time & without replacement from a pack of 52 cards. Determine the
number of ways in which the two cards can be drawn in a definite order.
Q.20 Numbers of words which can be formed using all the letters of the word "AKSHI", if each word begins
with vowel or terminates in vowel .
Q.21 A letter lock consists of three rings each marked with 10 different letters. Find the number of ways in
which it is possible to make an unsuccessful attempts to open the lock.
Q.22 How many 10 digit numbers can be made with odd digits so that no two consecutive digits are same.
Q.23 It is required to seat 5 men and 4 women in a row so that the women occupy the even places. How many
such arrangements are possible?
Q.24 If no two books are alike, in how many ways can 2 red, 3 green, and 4 blue books be arranged on a
shelf so that all the books of the same colour are together?
Q.25 How many natural numbers are there with the property that they can be expressed as the sum of the
cubes of two natural numbers in two different ways.
CLASS : XI (PQRS) Special DPP on Permutation and Combination DPP. NO.-2
Q.1 How many of the 900 three digit numbers have at least one even digit?
(A) 775 (B) 875 (C) 450 (D) 750
Q.2 The number of natual numbers from 1000 to 9999 (both inclusive) that do not have all 4 different digits is
(A) 4048 (B) 4464 (C) 4518 (D) 4536
What can you say about the number of even numbers under the same constraints?
Q.3 The number of different seven digit numbers that can be written using only three digits
1, 2 & 3 under the condition that the digit 2 occurs exactly twice in each number is :
(A) 672 (B) 640 (C) 512 (D) none
Q.4 Out of seven consonants and four vowels, the number of words of six letters, formed by taking four
consonants and two vowels is (Assume that each ordered group of letter is a word):
(A) 210 (B) 462 (C) 151200 (D) 332640
Q.5 All possible three digits even numbers which can be formed with the condition that if 5 is one of the digit,
then 7 is the next digit is :
(A) 5 (B) 325 (C) 345 (D) 365
Q.6 For some natural N , the number of positive integral ' x ' satisfying the equation ,
1 ! + 2 ! + 3 ! + ...... + (x !) = (N)2 is :
(A) none (B) one (C) two (D) infinite
Q.7 The number of six digit numbers that can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 so that digits do
not repeat and the terminal digits are even is :
(A) 144 (B) 72 (C) 288 (D) 720
Q.8 A new flag is to be designed with six vertical strips using some or all of the colours yellow, green, blue
and red. Then, the number of ways this can be done such that no two adjacent strips have the same
colour is
(A) 12 × 81 (B) 16 × 192 (C) 20 × 125 (D) 24 × 216
Q.9 In how many ways can 5 colours be selected out of 8 different colours including red, blue, and green
(a) if blue and green are always to be included,
(b) if red is always excluded,
(c) if red and blue are always included but green excluded?
Q.10 A 5 digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 without repetition. The
total number of ways this can be done is :
(A) 3125 (B) 600 (C) 240 (D) 216
Q.11 Number of 9 digits numbers divisible by nine using the digits from 0 to 9 if each digit is used atmost once
is K . 8 ! , then K has the value equal to ______ .
Q.12 Number of natural numbers less than 1000 and divisible by 5 can be formed with the ten digits, each digit
not occuring more than once in each number is ______ .
Q.3 Number of odd integers between 1000 and 8000 which have none of their digits repeated, is
(A) 1014 (B) 810 (C) 690 (D) 1736
Q.5 The number of ways in which 5 different books can be distributed among 10 people if each person can
get at most one book is :
(A) 252 (B) 105 (C) 510 (D) 10C5.5!
Q.6 The product of all odd positive integers less than 10000, is
(10000)! (10000)! (9999)! (10000)!
(A) (B) (C) (D) 5000
(5000!) 2 25000 25000 2 ·(5000)!
Q.7 The 9 horizontal and 9 vertical lines on an 8 × 8 chessboard form 'r' rectangles and 's' squares. The ratio
in its lowest terms is
1 17 4
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
6 108 27
Q.8 There are 720 permutations of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Suppose these permutations are arranged from
smallest to largest numerical values, beginning from 1 2 3 4 5 6 and ending with 6 5 4 3 2 1.
(a) What number falls on the 124th position? (b) What is the position of the number 321546?
Q.9 A student has to answer 10 out of 13 questions in an examination . The number of ways in which he can
answer if he must answer atleast 3 of the first five questions is :
(A) 276 (B) 267 (C) 80 (D) 1200
Q.10 The number of three digit numbers having only two consecutive digits identical is
(A) 153 (B) 162 (C) 180 (D) 161
Q.11 Number of 3 digit numbers in which the digit at hundreath's place is greater than the other two digit is
(A) 285 (B) 281 (C) 240 (D) 204
Q.12 Number of permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 taken all at a time are such that the digit
1 appearing somewhere to the left of 2
3 appearing to the left of 4 and
5 somewhere to the left of 6, is
(e.g. 815723946 would be one such permutation)
(A) 9 · 7! (B) 8! (C) 5! · 4! (D) 8! · 4!
Q.9 An English school and a Vernacular school are both under one superintendent . Suppose that the
superintendentship, the four teachership of English and Vernacular school each, are vacant, if there be
altogether 11 candidates for the appointments, 3 of whom apply exclusively for the superintendentship
and 2 exclusively for the appointment in the English school, the number of ways in which the different
appointments can be disposed of is :
(A) 4320 (B) 268 (C) 1080 (D) 25920
Q.10 A committee of 5 is to be chosen from a group of 9 people. Number of ways in which it can be formed
if two particular persons either serve together or not at all and two other particular persons refuse to
serve with each other, is
(A) 41 (B) 36 (C) 47 (D) 76
Q.11 A question paper on mathematics consists of twelve questions divided into three parts A, B and C, each
containing four questions . In how many ways can an examinee answer five questions, selecting atleast
one from each part .
(A) 624 (B) 208 (C) 2304 (D) none
Q.12 If m denotes the number of 5 digit numbers if each successive digits are in their descending order of
magnitude and n is the corresponding figure, when the digits are in their ascending order of magnitude
then (m – n) has the value
(A) 10C4 (B) 9C5 (C) 10C3 (D) 9C3
Q.2 Number of ways in which 7 green bottles and 8 blue bottles can be arranged in a row if exactly 1 pair of
green bottles is side by side, is (Assume all bottles to be alike except for the colour).
(A) 84 (B) 360 (C) 504 (D) 84
Q.3 In a certain algebraical exercise book there are 4 examples on arithmetical progressions, 5 examples on
permutation combination and 6 examples on binomial theorem . Number of ways a teacher can select
for his pupils atleast one but not more than 2 examples from each of these sets, is ______ .
Q.4 The kindergarten teacher has 25 kids in her class . She takes 5 of them at a time, to zoological garden as
often as she can, without taking the same 5 kids more than once. Find the number of visits, the teacher
makes to the garden and also the number of of visits every kid makes.
Q.5 There are n persons and m monkeys (m > n). Number of ways in which each person may become the
owner of one monkey is
(A) nm (B) mn (C) mPn (D) mn
Q.6 Seven different coins are to be divided amongst three persons . If no two of the persons receive the same
number of coins but each receives atleast one coin & none is left over, then the number of ways in which
the division may be made is :
(A) 420 (B) 630 (C) 710 (D) none
Q.7 Let there be 9 fixed points on the circumference of a circle . Each of these points is joined to every one
of the remaining 8 points by a straight line and the points are so positioned on the circumference that
atmost 2 straight lines meet in any interior point of the circle . The number of such interior intersection
points is :
(A) 126 (B) 351 (C) 756 (D) none of these
Q.8 The number of 5 digit numbers such that the sum of their digits is even is :
(A) 50000 (B) 45000 (C) 60000 (D) none
Q.9 A forecast is to be made of the results of five cricket matches, each of which can be win, a draw or a loss
for Indian team. Find
(i) the number of different possible forecasts
(ii) the number of forecasts containing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 errors respectively
Q.10 The number of ways in which 8 distinguishable apples can be distributed among 3 boys such that every
boy should get atleast 1 apple & atmost 4 apples is K · 7P3 where K has the value equal to
(A) 14 (B) 66 (C) 44 (D) 22
Q.12 A rack has 5 different pairs of shoes. The number of ways in which 4 shoes can be chosen from it so that
there will be no complete pair is
(A) 1920 (B) 200 (C) 110 (D) 80
Q.14 Number of ways in which the letters of the word W can be arranged if atleast one vowel is separated
from rest of the vowels
8!·161 8!·161 8!·161 8! 165
(A) 4!·4!·2! (B) 4 ·4!·2! (C) 4!·2! (D) 4!·2! · 4!
Q.15 If the number of arrangements of the letters of the word W if all the S's and P's are separated is (K) 4!·4!
then K equals
6 4 3
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D)
5 3 2
Q.16 In how many different ways a grandfather along with two of his grandsons and four grand daughters can
be seated in a line for a photograph so that he is always in the middle and the two grandsons are never
adjacent to each other.
CLASS : XI (PQRS) Special DPP on Permutation and Combination DPP. NO.-6
Q.1 Number of different ways in which 8 different books can be distributed among 3 students, if each student
receives atleast 2 books is ______.
Q.2 There are 10 seats in a double decker bus, 6 in the lower deck and 4 on the upper deck. Ten passengers
board the bus, of them 3 refuse to go to the upper deck and 2 insist on going up. The number of ways
in which the passengers can be accommodated is _____. (Assume all seats to be duly numbered)
Q.3 Find the number of permutations of the word "AUROBIND" in which vowels appear in an alphabetical
Q.4 The greatest possible number of points of intersection of 9 different straight lines & 9 different circles in
a plane is:
(A) 117 (B) 153 (C) 270 (D) none
Q.5 An old man while dialing a 7 digit telephone number remembers that the first four digits consists of one
1's, one 2's and two 3's. He also remembers that the fifth digit is either a 4 or 5 while has no memorising
of the sixth digit, he remembers that the seventh digit is 9 minus the sixth digit. Maximum number of
distinct trials he has to try to make sure that he dials the correct telephone number, is
(A) 360 (B) 240 (C) 216 (D) none
Q.6 If as many more words as possible be formed out of the letters of the word "DOGMATIC" then the
number of words in which the relative order of vowels and consonants remain unchanged is ______ .
Q.7 Number of ways in which 7 people can occupy six seats, 3 seats on each side in a first class railway
compartment if two specified persons are to be always included and occupy adjacent seats on the same
side, is (5 !) · k then k has the value equal to :
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) none
Q.8 Number of ways in which 9 different toys be distributed among 4 children belonging to different age
groups in such a way that distribution among the 3 elder children is even and the youngest one is to
receive one toy more, is :
(5!) 2 9! 9!
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
8 2 3!(2!)3
Q.9 In an election three districts are to be canvassed by 2, 3 & 5 men respectively . If 10 men volunteer, the
number of ways they can be alloted to the different districts is :
10 ! 10 ! 10 ! 10 !
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2! 3! 5! 2! 5! (2 !)2 5 ! (2 !)2 3 ! 5 !
Q.10 Let Pn denotes the number of ways in which three people can be selected out of ' n ' people sitting in
a row, if no two of them are consecutive. If , Pn + 1 Pn = 15 then the value of ' n ' is :
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10
Q.11 Number of ways in which 8 people can be arranged in a line if A and B must be next each other and C
must be somewhere behind D, is equal to
(A) 10080 (B) 5040 (C) 5050 (D) 10100
Q.13 Number of three digit number with atleast one 3 and at least one 2 is
(A) 58 (B) 56 (C) 54 (D) 52
Q.15 Number of ways in which they can be divided into 4 equal groups if the players P1, P2, P3 and P4 are in
different groups, is :
(11)! (11)! (11)! (11)!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
36 72 108 216
Q.16 Number of ways in which these 16 players can be divided into four equal groups, such that when the
best player is selected from each group, P6 is one among them, is (k) . The value of k is :
(A) 36 (B) 24 (C) 18 (D) 20
CLASS : XI (PQRS) Special DPP on Permutation and Combination DPP. NO.-7
Q.1 There are 10 red balls of different shades & 9 green balls of identical shades. Then the number of
arranging them in a row so that no two green balls are together is
(A) (10 !) . 11P9 (B) (10 !) . 11C9 (C) 10 ! (D) 10 ! 9 !
Q.2 Number of ways in which n distinct objects can be kept into two identical boxes so that no box remains
empty, is ______ .
Q.3 A shelf contains 20 different books of which 4 are in single volume and the others form sets of 8, 5 and
3 volumes respectively. Number of ways in which the books may be arranged on the shelf, if the
volumes of each set are together and in their due order is
(A) (B) 7! (C) 8! (D) 7 . 8!
8! 5! 3!
Q.4 If all the letters of the word "QUEUE" are arranged in all possible manner as they are in a dictionary,
then the rank of the word QUEUE is :
(A) 15th (B) 16th (C) 17th (D) 18th
Q.5 Number of rectangles in the grid shown which are not squares is
(A) 160 (B) 162
(C) 170 (D) 185
Q.6 All the five digit numbers in which each successive digit exceeds its predecessor are arranged in the
increasing order of their magnitude. The 97th number in the list does not contain the digit
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8
Q.7 The number of combination of 16 things, 8 of which are alike and the rest different, taken 8 at a time is _____.
Q.8 The number of different ways in which five 'dashes' and eight 'dots' can be arranged, using only seven of
these 13 'dashes' & 'dots' is :
(A) 1287 (B) 119 (C) 120 (D) 1235520
Q.9 In a certain college at the B.Sc. examination, 3 candidates obtained first class honours in each of the
following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Maths, no candidates obtaining honours in more than one subject;
Number of ways in which 9 scholarships of different value be awarded to the 9 candidates if due regard is
to be paid only to the places obtained by candidates in any one subject is __________.
Q.10 There are n identical red balls & m identical green balls . The number of different linear arrangements
consisting of "n red balls but not necessarily all the green balls" is xCy then
(A) x = m + n, y = m (B) x = m + n + 1, y = m (C) x = m + n + 1, y = m + 1 (D) x = m + n , y = n
Direction for Q.11 & Q.12
In how many ways the letters of the word “COMBINATORICS” can be arranged if
Q.11 All the vowels are always grouped together to form a contiguous block.
Q.12 All vowels and all consonants are alphabetically ordered.
Q.13 How many different arrangements are possible with the factor of the term a2b4c5 written at full length.
Q.14 Find the number of 4 digit numbers starting with 1 and having exactly two identical digits.
Q.15 Number of ways in which 5 A's and 6 B's can be arranged in a row which reads the same backwards
and forwards, is
Q.2 The number of ways in which 10 boys can take positions about a round table if two particular boys must
not be seated side by side is :
(A) 10 (9) ! (B) 9 (8) ! (C) 7 (8) ! (D) none
Q.3 In a unique hockey series between India & Pakistan, they decide to play on till a team wins 5 matches .
The number of ways in which the series can be won by India, if no match ends in a draw is :
(A) 126 (B) 252 (C) 225 (D) none
Q.5 Three vertices of a convex n sided polygon are selected. If the number of triangles that can be constructed
such that none of the sides of the triangle is also the side of the polygon is 30, then the polygon is a
(A) Heptagon (B) Octagon (C) Nonagon (D) Decagon
Q.6 A gentleman invites a party of m + n (m n) friends to a dinner & places m at one table T1 and n at
another table T2 , the table being round . If not all people shall have the same neighbour in any two
arrangement, then the number of ways in which he can arrange the guests, is
(m n) ! 1 ( m n) ! ( m n) !
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) none
4 mn 2 mn mn
Q.7 There are 12 guests at a dinner party . Supposing that the master and mistress of the house have fixed
seats opposite one another, and that there are two specified guests who must always, be placed next to
one another ; the number of ways in which the company can be placed, is:
(A) 20 . 10 ! (B) 22 . 10 ! (C) 44 . 10 ! (D) none
Q.8 Let Pn denotes the number of ways of selecting 3 people out of ' n ' sitting in a row , if no two of them
are consecutive and Qn is the corresponding figure when they are in a circle . If Pn Qn = 6 , then
' n ' is equal to :
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 12
Q.9 Define a 'good word' as a sequence of letters that consists only of the letters A, B and C and in which A
never immidiately followed by B, B is never immediately followed by C, and C is never immediately
followed by A. If the number of n-letter good words are 384, find the value of n.
Q.10 Six married couple are sitting in a room. Find the number of ways in which 4 people can be selected so that
(a) they do not form a couple (b) they form exactly one couple
(c) they form at least one couple (d) they form atmost one couple
Q.12 There are counters available in x different colours. The counters are all alike except for the colour. The
total number of arrangements consisting of y counters, assuming sufficient number of counters of each
colour, if no arrangement consists of all counters of the same colour is :
(A) xy x (B) xy y (C) yx x (D) yx y
The question given below contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason).
Question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the
correct alternative.
Q.14 Statement 1: The sum 40C0 · 60C10 + 40C1 · 60C9 + ......... + 40C10 · 60C0 equals 100C10.
Statement 2: Number of ways of selecting 10 students out of 40 boys and 60 girls is 100C10.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.2 Let m denote the number of ways in which 4 different books are distributed among 10 persons, each
receiving none or one only and let n denote the number of ways of distribution if the books are all alike.
Then :
(A) m = 4n (B) n = 4m (C) m = 24n (D) none
Q.3 The number of ways in which we can arrange n ladies & n gentlemen at a round table so that 2 ladies or
2 gentlemen may not sit next to one another is :
(A) (n 1) ! (n 2) ! (B) (n !) (n 1) !
(C) (n + 1) ! (n) ! (D) none
Q.4 There are six periods in each working day of a school. Number of ways in which 5 subjects can be
arranged if each subject is allotted at least one period and no period remains vacant is
(A) 210 (B) 1800 (C) 360 (D) 120
Q.5 The number of all possible selections of one or more questions from 10 given questions, each equestion
having an alternative is :
(A) 310 (B) 210 1 (C) 310 1 (D) 210
Q.6 A team of 8 students goes on an excursion, in two cars, of which one can seat 5 and the other only 4. If
internal arrangement inside the car does not matter then the number of ways in which they can travel, is
(A) 91 (B) 182 (C) 126 (D) 3920
Q.7 The number of divisors of the number 21600 is _____ and the sum of these divisors is ______.
Q.8 10 IIT & 2 PET students sit in a row. The number of ways in which exactly 3 IIT students sit between 2
PET student is ______ .
Q.9 The number of ways of choosing a committee of 2 women & 3 men from 5 women & 6 men, if Mr. A
refuses to serve on the committee if Mr. B is a member & Mr. B can only serve, if Miss C is the member
of the committee, is :
(A) 60 (B) 84 (C) 124 (D) none
Q.10 Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are to be seated at a circular table . The number of ways this can be
done if A must have either B or C on his right and B must have either C or D on his right is :
(A) 36 (B) 12 (C) 24 (D) 18
Q.12 Sameer has to make a telephone call to his friend Harish, Unfortunately he does not remember the 7 digit
phone number. But he remembers that the first three digits are 635 or 674, the number is odd and there
is exactly one 9 in the number. The maximum number of trials that Sameer has to make to be successful
(A) 10,000 (B) 3402 (C) 3200 (D) 5000
Q.13 Six people are going to sit in a row on a bench. A and B are adjacent, C does not want to sit adjacent
to D. E and F can sit anywhere. Number of ways in which these six people can be seated, is
(A) 200 (B) 144 (C) 120 (D) 56
Q.14 Given 11 points, of which 5 lie on one circle, other than these 5, no 4 lie on one circle . Then the
maximum number of circles that can be drawn so that each contains atleast three of the given points is :
(A) 216 (B) 156 (C) 172 (D) none
Q.15 One hundred management students who read at least one of the three business magazines are surveyed
to study the readership pattern. It is found that 80 read Business India, 50 read Business world, and 30
read Business Today. Five students read all the three magazines. How many read exactly two magazines?
(A) 50 (B) 10 (C) 95 (D) 25
Q.16 Find the number of 10 digit numbers using the digits 0, 1, 2, ....... 9 without repetition. How many of
these are divisible by 4.
Q.17 A four digit number is called a doublet if any of its digit is the same as only one neighbour. For example,
1221 is a doublet but 1222 is not. Number of such doublets are
(A) 2259 (B) 2268 (C) 2277 (D) 2349
CLASS : XI (PQRS) Special DPP on Permutation and Combination DPP. NO.-10
Choose the correct alternative (only one is correct):
Q.1 There are 100 different books in a shelf. Number of ways in which 3 books can be selected so that no
two of which are neighbours is
(A) 100C3 – 98 (B) 97C3 (C) 96C3 (D) 98C3
Q.2 Two classrooms A and B having capacity of 25 and (n–25) seats respectively.An denotes the number of
possible seating arrangements of room 'A', when 'n' students are to be seated in these rooms, starting
from room 'A' which is to be filled up full to its capacity.
If An – An–1 = 25! (49C25) then 'n' equals
(A) 50 (B) 48 (C) 49 (D) 51
Q.3 The sum of all numbers greater than 1000 formed by using digits 1, 3, 5, 7 no digit being repeated in any
number is :
(A) 72215 (B) 83911 (C) 106656 (D) 114712
Q.4 Number of positive integral solutions satisfying the equation (x1 + x2 + x3) (y1 + y2) = 77, is
(A) 150 (B) 270 (C) 420 (D) 1024
Q.5 Distinct 3 digit numbers are formed using only the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 with each digit used at most once
in each number thus formed. The sum of all possible numbers so formed is
(A) 6660 (B) 3330 (C) 2220 (D) none
Q.6 The streets of a city are arranged like the lines of a chess board . There are m streets running North to
South & 'n' streets running East to West . The number of ways in which a man can travel from NW to SE
corner going the shortest possible distance is :
( m n) ! ( m n 2) !
(A) m2 n 2 (B) (m 1)2 . (n 1)2 (C) (D)
m! . n! ( m 1) ! . ( n 1) !
Q.7 An ice cream parlour has ice creams in eight different varieties . Number of ways of choosing 3 ice
creams taking atleast two ice creams of the same variety, is :
(A) 56 (B) 64 (C) 100 (D) none
(Assume that ice creams of the same variety are identical & available in unlimited supply)
Q.8 There are 12 books on Algebra and Calculus in our library , the books of the same subject being
different. If the number of selections each of which consists of 3 books on each topic is greatest then the
number of books of Algebra and Calculus in the library are respectively:
(A) 3 and 9 (B) 4 and 8 (C) 5 and 7 (D) 6 and 6
Q.9 The sum of all the numbers formed from the digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 which are smaller than 10,000 if repetion
of digits is not allowed, is
(A) (28011)S (B) (28041)S (C) (28121)S (D) (29152)S
where S = (1+3+5+7+9)
n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 2n 1 2n 2 n . 1 . 3 . 5 ...... (2 n 3) (2 n 1)
(C) . . . ...... . (D)
1 2 3 4 n1 n n!
Q.17 Number of ways in which 3 numbers in A.P. can be selected from 1, 2, 3, ...... n is :
n n 2
n 1
(A) if n is even (B) if n is odd
2 4
n 12 n n 2
(C) if n is odd (D) if n is even
4 4
Q.18 If P(n, n) denotes the number of permutations of n different things taken all at a time then P(n, n) is also
identical to
(A) r! · P(n, n – r) (B) (n – r) · P(n, r) (C) n · P(n – 1, n – 1) (D) P(n, n – 1)
where 0 r n
Q.23 How many ways are there to seat n married couples (n 3) around a table such that men and women
alternate and each women is not adjacent to her husband.
Q.24 10 identical ball are distributed in 5 different boxes kept in a row and labled A, B, C, D and E. Find the
number of ways in which the ball can be distributed in the boxes if no two adjacent boxes remain empty.
Q.25 The number of non negative integral solution of the inequation x + y + z + w 7 is ____ .
Q.26 On the normal chess board as shown, I1 & I2 are two insects which starts moving towards each
other. Each insect moving with the same constant speed. Insect I1 can move only to the right or
upward along the lines while the insect I2 can move only to the left or downward along the lines of the
chess board. Prove that the total number of ways the two insects can meet at same point during their
trip is equal to
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Q.27 How many numbers gretater than 1000 can be formed from the digits 112340 taken 4 at a time.
Q.28 Tom has 15 ping-pong balls each uniquely numbered from 1 to 15. He also has a red box, a blue box,
and a green box.
(a) How many ways can Tom place the 15 distinct balls into the three boxes so that no box is empty?
(b) Suppose now that Tom has placed 5 ping-pong balls in each box. How many ways can he choose
5 balls from the three boxes so that he chooses at least one from each box?
Q.29 Find the number of ways in which 12 identical coins can be distributed in 6 different purses, if not more
than 3 & not less than 1 coin goes in each purse.
Q.30 A drawer is fitted with n compartments and each compartment contains n counter, no two of which
marked alike. Number of combinations which can be made with these counters if no two out of the same
compartment enter into any combination, is ______ .
Q.31 In how many ways it is possible to select six letters, including at least one vowel from the letters of the
word "F L A B E L L I F O R M ". (It is a picnic spot in U.S.A.)
Q.1 128 Q.2 120 Q.3 C Q.4 738 Q.5 150
Q.6 (i) 24; (ii) 576; (iii) 360 Q.7 (i) 468000 ; (ii) 421200
Q.8 (i) 840, (ii) 120, (iii) 400, (iv) 240, (v) 480, (vi) 40, (vii) 60, (viii) 240
Q.9 (i) 120, (ii) 40, (iii) 40, (iv) 80, (v) 20
Q.1 A Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 C Q.5 D Q.6 C Q.7 D
Q.8 A Q.9 (a) 20, (b) 21, (c) 10 Q.10 D Q.11 K = 17 Q.12 154
Q.1 967680 Q.2 (a) 60 (b) 107 Q.3 D Q.4 r=8 Q.5 D Q.6 D
Q.7 B Q.8 (a) 213564, (b) 267th Q.9 A Q.10 B Q.11 A
Q.12 A
Q.1 (x 1)x 1 Q.2 C Q.3 A Q.4 C Q.5 C Q.6 64800
Q.1 A Q.2 C Q.3 3150 Q.4 25C
5 24C4 Q.5 C Q.6 B
Q.7 A Q.8 B Q.9 (i) 243 ; (ii) 1, 10, 40, 80, 80, 32 Q.10 D Q.11 378
Q.12 D Q.13 C Q.14 B Q.15 B Q.16 528
Q.1 2940 Q.2 172800 Q.3 8C ·4! Q.4 C Q.5 B
Q.16 D
Q.1 B Q.2 2n 1 1 Q.3 C Q.4 C Q.5 A
Q.1 D Q.2 C Q.3 A Q.4 B Q.5 C Q.6 A Q.7 A
Q.8 C Q.9 n=8 Q.10 240, 240, 255, 480 Q.11 C Q.12 A Q.13 C
Q.1 D Q.2 C Q.3 B Q.4 B Q.5 C Q.6 C
Q.7 72, 78120 Q.8 16 · 10! or 10C · 3! · 2! · 8! Q.9 C
Q.1 D Q.2 A Q.3 C Q.4 C Q.5 A Q.6 D Q.7 B
Q.21 (A) T; (B) R; (C) P; (D) Q; (E) S Q.22 3003 Q.23 n!(n – 1)! – 2(n – 1)!