Saurav Kumar: Education
Saurav Kumar: Education
Saurav Kumar: Education
• Road Management Software : ROMDAS*** (Road Management Data Acquistion Software),
ROMDAS DATA VIEW Software, Mobile Mapping Software (HORUS)
• Software for pavement analysis : IIT PAVE, KGPBACK
• Project Management Software : Primavera
• Simulating software : ANSYS workbench, ANSYS mechanical, Altair Hyperworks, CFD, ANSYS
APDL, Plaxis
• Structural Software : AutoCAD, Revit, Etabs
• Tools : MS-Office, MS Word, MS Excel and Powerpoint
• Techniques : Numerical Analysis**, Probability and Statistics(Normal Distribution)**
• Programming Language: Python*
• Codes: Indian Standard Code, British Code and American Code.
1. Ttlengineering Private Ltd. November 2021- Present
NSV cum Pavement Engineer
- Data segregation, Data processing using KGP BACK software, IIT Pave software, Analysis and graph plot
using Excel Spreadsheet.
- Compilation of all the calculated data and its analysis in MS-Word.
1. Aadharshila infratech Pvt. Ltd. February 2021- September 2021
Quality control Engineer
- Data collection from field and lab testing of construction materials and Bridge structures using advanced
software such as Road management data acquistion software (ROMDAS), Non- Destructive testing such as
Ultrasonic Pulse velocity, Reboun Hammer.
- Data Processing using ROMDAS, data integration using dataview module, and data analysis using
- Compiling all the data in a report using Ms-word and Ms-powerpoint.
3. Eleation October 2020 - February 2021
Project Engineer
- Modal analysis, Harmonic response analysis, Computational fluid dynamics (External, internal and
mixed flow analysis), Contact analysis, Static and Transient analysis using ANSYS and HyperWorks based
on finite element analysis approach.
2. Design of Earth retaining structure and Earth supporting structure Aug 2019 – May 2020
Dr. Syed Mohammed Abbas, Professor, Dept. of Civil engineering
Objective of the Project- to design retaining structures using excel spreadsheet and validate that design
using software and manual calculation, since setting of spreadsheet is a simple form of computer
• Gate 2021- Qualified
• Jee Mains 2016- Qualified
• Attended two days NABL audit program at Aaadharshila Infratech Private Limited.
• Member of International Geosynthetic Society
** offered through NPTEL, * Offered through open sources, *** offered through Data Collection