Design Optimization of Structural Concrete Beams Using ANN Algorithm

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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Kerbala University/College of Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Design Optimization of Structural Concrete Beams Using

ANN Algorithm.

A Thesis Submitted to the Civil Engineering Department /College of Engineering

Kerbala University/ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering-Infrastructure Engineering


Laith Ali Salem

(B.Sc. in Civil Engineering-2017)

Supervised by:

Assist prof. Dr.

2020 A.D. 1441 A.H.

Chapter one Introduction
1.1 General
Optimum design of structures has been the subject of many studies within the field
of structural engineering. A designer’s goal is to improve an “optimal solution” for the
structural design under specific consideration. An optimal solution usually implies the most
economic structure without impairing the functional purposes the structure is supposed to
serve, (Rafiq, 1995). The total cost of the concrete structure is the sum of the costs of its
constituent materials; these constituent materials are at least: concrete, steel and
framework, (Sarma and Adeli, 1998).
In this thesis, the study on the optimum design of structural concrete beam is to be
carried out according to ACI 318-14 Code and with the using of Artificial Neural Network
algorithm optimization technique.
As there are an infinite number of possible beam dimensions, reinforcement ratios
and prestressing forces that yield the same moment of resistance, it becomes difficult to
achieve the least-cost design by conventional iterative methods, (Barakat, 2004). It was
shown that even for a simple and well-defined RC structure of a small garage, the designs
proposed by experienced design engineers can be very different (Bürge and Schneider,
1994). In this case an optimization can help designers to choose the best design or at least,
a good one between different possible designs.

1.2 Design optimization of RC structures

There are many features of reinforced concrete structures which make design
optimization of these structures clearly different from other structures. The cost of
reinforced concrete structures is influenced by many items such as the cost of concrete and
the reinforcement. As a result, in case of reinforced concrete structures, the minimum
weight design is not necessarily lead up to the minimum cost design. actually, for
reinforced concrete structures the optimum cost design is a compromise between the
consumption of concrete, reinforcement which minimizes the overall cost and satisfies the
requirements of the design.

There are many characteristic need to be determined in the design optimization for
any reinforced concrete structure including the cross-sectional dimensions and the details
of the reinforcement for the selected element.

Therefore, the number of parameters, that need to be optimized for a reinforced

concrete structure can be larger than that for a steel structure. Also cracking and durability
requirements are two characteristic properties of RC structures; these increase the number
of design constraints of the optimization problem of RC structures. (Sahab, 2002).

Chapter one Introduction

1.3 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

1.3.1 Introduction

The Brain is A massively parallel information processing system. Our brains are a huge
network of processing elements. A typical brain contains a network of 10 billion neurons.
An artificial neural network (ANN) is an information-processing system that has certain
performance characteristics in common with biological neural network.
Neural networks have recently been broadly used in civil engineering applications due to
their versatile capability as a simulator for the complex behavior of many problems.

1.3.2 Artificial Neural Network tasks

The are many useful tasks for ANN in engineering application which can reduce time and
effort. These tasks can be Can be summarized as follows:
1. Classification.
2. Prediction.
3. Approximation.
4. Optimization.

1.3.3 The principle of Artificial neural network

1- Firstly, we will create a neural network and design learning algorithm.

2- Based on different purpose, we preparing different datasets to train the neural
3- After training stage, the neural network could complete different tasks

1.3.4 Architecture of neural network

ANN is composed of three types of layers:

1- input layers.
2- hidden layers.
3- output layers.

The typical hidden layers consist of three components:

1- Weights.
2- Bias.
3- Activation function.

Chapter one Introduction

Figure (1.1) Hidden layers of ANN

1.4 Aims and objectives

The main objective of this study is to develop design optimization models using an
optimization technique which can be achieved by using ANN algorithm for any structural
concrete beam. The following objectives are defined to achieve the research goal:

• Develop computer models to make the design process automatically for reinforced
concrete beams according to ACI 318-14 Code.
• Develop Artificial Neural Network (ANN) optimization models using MATLAB software.

1.5 Methodology
• See previous relevant research
• create a neural network and design learning algorithm.
• preparing different datasets to train the neural network.
• Join the GA optimization models with the developed computer design models to
perform the design optimization process.
• Check accuracy of the developed optimization models using numerical example for
reinforced concrete simple beams.
• Compare the design results obtained from the ANN optimization process with those
obtained from hand calculation.

Chapter one Introduction

1.6 Thesis outline

The thesis includes 6 chapters. A brief description of the chapters’ contents is

presented below:

Chapter 1 highlights the need for research in the field of design optimization of concrete
structures. The characteristic features of design optimization of structures are studied. The
aims and objectives of the project are described. At the end, the structure of the thesis is

Chapter 2 Literature review presents the work done by various researchers in the field of
concrete structure includes a review of optimization researches done in this area.

In chapter 3, the design procedure of RC beams according to ACI 318-14 is discussed. The
design stages and requirements are presented.

Chapter 4 gives results of designing optimization by ANN.

Chapter 5 gives the major conclusions made in the study and the future scope of the

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